#no sl!gem fics?
Before Gem could register it, Scar’s sword ran her through, taking out the last of her hearts.
The death screen flashed in front of her. She instinctively pressed the respawn button, and all of the weight in her body disappeared, leaving her lighter than a feather.
She looked down at her hands. They were transparent. No weight, no colour. A ghost.
She was dead. And she’d respawned in her bed.
Oh, God…
She’d always known from day one that in the end there would be a final battle, that there would’ve been kills she didn’t want to make. But it had always been hazy in her mind.
She’d gone along cheerfully, picking off anyone who wasn’t on her side, never thinking that when it came down to it she would have to kill someone she called an ally.
More than that. A friend.
She remembered Scott’s blue eyes. Not staring at her in his final moments, but focusing on his inventory, and her diamond blade swinging down, and the lightning blinding her for half a second…
Gem gasped and clutched her head. Those few seconds kept replaying in her mind.
“You have to kill me, Gem.”
She knew even now that Scar and, and, Pearl were probably fighting it out, deciding the winner, or whatever. Winning didn’t seem to matter now.
The lightning flashed again, in front of her eyes.
She hadn’t wanted to be the leader! Why had Scott kept looking to her as if she was, telling her to kill him? Why did he have to die like that? She didn’t want to do this anymore.
Gem tried to lean against the wall to stabilise herself, but she fell right through and ended up outside, floating anxiously.
The cherry leaves were still falling, like nothing had happened. As if the base could stay in its pink, cherry, happy state forever.
(The crater by the entrance disagreed.)
Scott’s voice, her sword, the lightning, her gasp after she’d done it were all confused in her mind. Overwhelmed, she squeezed her eyes shut, but it wouldn’t stop ringing.
“Gem! Gem, you okay?”
Gem, nearly hyperventilating, barely heard Impulse but looked up.
“It’s okay, we’ve all been there,” Impulse said soothingly as she practically collapsed into his grasp, relieved for something real.
“She’s up here?… Oh, Gem,” Scott ran into earshot. Gem broke away and looked at Scott uncertainly, still breathing fast, her heart pumping. What felt like her heart. She didn’t know how ghosts worked.
“You did so good,” he said, smiling but not moving closer, as if unsure of how she would react.
“Scott, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know that, uh, I’d have to kill you, and I just got caught up in the moment, and, you know,” Gem rambled hysterically.
“I don’t regret it. You carried the band so, so well. You’re safe now, alright? All good.”
Gem slowly nodded as she tried to recollect herself. “Right.”
“It’s always like this on the first series. I remember in Third Life everyone was so shocked after they died.” Impulse said, grinning as he pat Gem on the shoulder.
“Nah, in Double Life when Pearl died was even worse. Ready to kill everyone, more like.”
Gem’s head snapped up. “Pearl! She— she and Scar…”
She hadn’t expected it, she hadn’t expected Pearl to swoop in for a blow as she was fending Scar off. And then she’d just stood back and let Scar kill Gem. Entirely indifferent. Betrayal without a word.
She hadn’t understood, Cleo had been right. She hadn’t understood a single thing about the death game, and it wasn’t a game, it was just death—
Gem started to panic again, gasping for air. Scott quickly put his arm around her.
“Shh, don’t worry about that. It happens every time. You get used to it. For now, just relax, okay?” Scott said reassuringly.
“Okay, okay,” Gem said, half in tears.
There was no sound for a while, except for the wind extending its wispy fingers through the cherry leaves.
“Come on, let’s sit on the plank,” Impulse said.
So they did. Since they weren’t solid it couldn’t be done, but they decided to float above it instead and look out on the rest of the server, empty but, finally, peaceful.
“The band’s back together,” Scott joked.
Gem sighed, and smiled. For now, for that brief moment in time, everything was okay.
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sillyfairygarden · 2 months
Of all the works you've published on your ao3, which is your favourite, and why? :D
hi nonnie ^_^
auugh this is such a hard question but if you are asking for one… right now it’s “no number exists for griefs like these” which is my secret life fic about scar & pearl.
if you’ve read my other works with these two characters you know they are. my favourites to explore. and secret life was SUCH a fantastic palette to paint them on with their stories being so. augh. augh. family guy death poses.
i loved writing a different side for them… scar’s bloodthirst and pearl’s inevitable loss of joy… and for portraying the unreliability of scars internal monologue. the way he separates himself from the consequences of his actions from his POV but feels abandoned regardless.
> honestly it was a fun challenge writing the tasks as this somewhat unacknowledged, inner monologue rather than an exterior hand guiding him to victory. there’s a short exchange that ultimately got canned where scar + pearl acknowlegde with each other that there’s a greater force at play? but i decided it was a distraction from the greater story i wanted to tell, which is that scar himself was the catalyst to his isolation and loneliness.
but i love ya :p so heres the scene:
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but yeah this fic was sooo self indulgent to me. i loved writing scar on his girlfailure arc <3 and ANY excuse to write about pearlescentmoon is one i will take. they’re my personal dress up dolls and i love putting them in situations.
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angeart · 4 months
fun fact: if you ever want me to stop making any hmtb progress whatsoever, especially if the current wip scene involves mumbo in any way? just talk to me about SL mumbo. i promise i won't be able to write any mumbo scenes afterwards.
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em-mermaid · 6 months
hello!! ^_^ I wrote bronze medal & bucketful and I just wanted to say, thank you so so much for your comments! (I need to respond on ao3 still!!!) Getting to see them made my day a lot better!
I hope you have a lovely rest of your day!
aaaahhhh hiii! this ask just put the biggest smile on my face! your fic is so good!!!
i’ve been thinking about secret life gem since the series was released and there was something so incredibly magical about reading a fic that just fits exactly what my thoughts and feelings about her (and pearl) are, it filled me with such joy and whimsy and also the bonus of having to sit silently and process the whole thing for a while because oh my god it’s everything i’ve ever wanted
thank you for popping in my day has been made! (also everyone should go read their fic please and thank you)
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chaiandsage · 2 months
I was thinking about Trust Life (when am I not, I am insane and obsessed, I swear) and how it would fit into the larger canon of the life series as a whole, and two major things have always stuck out to me.
1) Limited Life, what with Jimmy being a Bad Boy and not saying I love you back to Scott (bc bad boys only love their moms) and how Scott would react to that through the lense of a post Trust Life game - I imagine him going back to visit Tango at TIES and just acting over the top about it like "How dare he not say he loves me back! Evil! Jail! Jail for Jimmy for ten thousand years!"
2) What healing happened between Scott and Impuse between the end of Trust Life and the start of the Secret Life games, because Scott was so ride or die for Impuse that season, Gem and the Scotts were all so close, but like, he and Impulse had MATCHING SKINS. And I mean, I know that it's difficult to say because Secret Life was only coming out around the time you finished TL and so it wasn't exactly something to factor in while it was being planned/written, but as established I am crazy and so I'm going to be fitting the TL lense over every life series that happens for the rest of forever and it's just funny trying to fit it together.
Anyways, that is all. Just weird thoughts with me.
Omg. Okay, so I too have considered this and first of all, for the record, I'm pretty sure I did come up with the outline and story idea for the fic long before LL and SL came out. I did try my best to alter things as new stuff happened, like for example, most of the interactions between Scott, Tango, and Jimmy after Trust Life (the game) were going to take place in Rivendell rather than a mix between Chromia, Tumble Town, and the Citadel--but I'm getting off track here. My point is that while LL does still take place after TL, if a bit later than it did in cannon, whatever happens during that game is still up for interpretation. Like that whole "Say it back" interaction between Scott and Jimmy could have still happened, or it could not have because the offshoot events of TL made things happen differently later. It's completely up to you what you would like to believe happened.
That being said, assuming that interaction did still take place between Jimmy and Scott, that whole "jail for then thousand years" bit is hilarious, but my take on it would be more like: Maybe Scott takes it for the joke that it is at first, but later, it slowly starts to eat at him the more he thinks about it. Same with Jimmy. Like in the moment he probably assumed that Scott would understand that he was doing it for a bit (which he did) but then starts to question if Scott really did understand that--and oh god, it's such a small thing to worry over and Scott seemed perfectly fine when he left but what if he really did take him seriously?? Maybe the worry keeps Jimmy up one night and he snaps, deciding to run over to Scott's base at (insert crazy late hour here) in the morning, knock on his door, grab him into a hug the moment he answers, and ramble about how sorry he is and that he was only joking and how he really, truly does love him and Tango more than anything in the world, and "please don't be sad, I will always love you I promise"-- And Scott just reassures him that he understood he didn't mean it (even though it did bother him a little, but he decides he'll just mention that later). Maybe they message Tango to come over and they all just fall asleep together that night only for Martyn to wake up and find them sleeping soundly in a tangled pile, thinking to himself 'How the heck did Scott's bfs break into our base am I really that heavy of a sleeper?' In conclusion, they're all idiots in love.
Scott and Impulse... yeah, that's a tough one. I would imagine that they'd heal eventually and start being friends again, but as you said, the speed and intensity at which that happens in SL would not make much sense when applied to the TL universe. And it wouldn't make sense for someone to pressure them into being on a team together since not doing THAT again was suppose to be Grian's entire takeaway after TL. So with all that in mind, here's the best take on this I can come up with:
Tango is very understanding about Scott's dislike for Impulse. He still hangs out with him, but constantly lets his boyfriend know that he is under no obligation to hang out with them or befriend Impulse just because he's someone close to him. Scott is fine with this at first, but later, he starts to view it as a challenge. He thinks back to what Cleo said to him during TL, how back then, she suggested that he try to get along with Jimmy since even though they'd broken up at the time, they weren't leaving each other's lives completely any time soon. He thinks the same applies to Impulse and how if he and Tango's friendship was able to make it through the mess that was Trust Life, then Impulse probably isn't going anywhere either.
Impulse still feels genuinely sorry and regretful for everything he did and said to Scott. He's spent some time before SL making up with Jimmy, but has made little headway with Scott. Scott doesn't outright hate him anymore but they're still far from friends. Impulse continues to feel guilty for his actions all the way till SL and he spends the beginning of that game quietly approaching Scott and trying to make conversation with him. Scott doesn't push him away, but he is still hesitant to stick around him. Nevertheless, Impulse continues to help him out occasionally during that first day, leaves little things for him like iron or food, asks him if he needs anything or if he could get him something, maybe shoves him out of the way and takes an unexpected headbutt from a stray mountain goat for him at one point... But sometime later, Impulse gets his secret task that says he needs to "make cherrywood his entire personality." He sees that Scott and Gem have decided to build their bases in the only cherrywood biome on the server, so now he's gone and made things even more awkward by being forced to do the same through his task. He continues to hang around them in the same biome while being entirely unable to explain that he's not trying to be weird, he's just doing it for his task and Scott just happened to want to set up his base in the one biome he really needed to be surrounded by for the day. So ensues some very awkward tension that carries on throughout the day where Scott feels as though it would be too harsh of him to outright ask Impulse to leave while Impulse continues to panic internally and Gem tries her best as a mutual friend of them to lighten the atmosphere a little and defuse the tension. Surprisingly, it works and the three of them end up having a little fun.
At the end of the day, when Impulse is FINALLY able to reveal his task, Scott is the first one to burst out laughing at how ridiculous it is--"THAT was why you wanted to build in that biome? Ha! Oh my god-!"--Any lingering discomfort between them is effectively broken and Scott decides that he's alright having Impulse stick around the same biome as he and Gem for the rest of the game. He wouldn't just force the guy to build an entirely new base somewhere else, would he? That would just be overly petty. They continue to talk throughout the game, grow a little closer, Gem continues to mediate between the two of them and tries to get them to see the good in each other. Maybe she has a few one-on-one conversations with each of them about this when they're alone and the timing calls for it. Meanwhile Jimmy and Tango (Tango especially) start to wonder how the heck these two are so okay with each other now. Scott tells them about it later. But yeah, that's about the best I can do for how wild their situation is. Would love to hear some of your ideas if you have any or ever come up with some!
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royallygray · 4 months
Slowly getting more and more intrigued by @ty-bayonet-betteridge 's 18s9hau (18 souls 9 hearts)
(here's the fic. scroll through the tag #18s9hau for other stuff)
Here are the soulmate duos and what I presume everyone's codenames in the poetry stuff is and my assumptions for the explanations are:
Grian & Jimmy
Grian is referred to as the Watcher, Jimmy as the Phoenix.
Pretty simple, Grian's a Watcher. I'm assuming Jimmy's a Phoenix and not a canary because he gets revived or something. Rebirth and all that jazz.
"The Watcher and The Phoenix, Those against us surely perish;"
BigB & Skizz
I'm assuming that BigB is the Liar and Skizz is the Lover, but it hypothetically could still be the other way around.
Skizz was a part of the Heart foundation, and is generally just a bundle of joy. BigB did like manipulate the entire server for the hole task in SL, and he also was secret soulmates with Grian in DL.
"The Liar and The Lover, - One to cheat and one to cherish."
Tango & Martyn
Tango is the Speaker and Martyn is the Puppet.
In this au, from what I can gather, a Speaker is a sort of Listener thingy and Tango is that. And Martyn is like the Watchers/Listeners/Probably Speakers's puppet. rip martyn
"The Speaker and The Puppet, To bring the game its spark;"
Scott & Joel
Scott is the Dissident and Joel is the Maniac.
Had to google what a dissident is: noun - a person who opposes official policy, especially that of an authoritarian state. So Scott defied the Watchers in Last Life and also sacrifices himself too much and the watchers just kinda hate him for skirting around the rules. And for the Maniac. Well. If you've been watching HC10. He took that Reddit comment and sprinted.
"The Dissident and Maniac, How long to break apart?"
Bdubs & Mumbo
Bdubs is the Faithless, idk why. Mumbo is the Inventor.
I'm assuming Bdubs is the Faithless bc of 3rd Life where he turned on Impulse for a clock, and probably also some other things. Possibly the Boogeyman in LL. And Mumbo's just the redstone guy.
"The Faithless and Inventor, Chaos reigns and shadows grow;"
Ren & Scar
Ren is the Honorbound, and Scar is the Swindler.
Pretty straightforward, Ren was the king and swears his loyalty eternally to people just. always. and Scar. Scar's a scammer. we love him.
"The Honorbound and Swindler, Once both kings and now brought low."
Lizzie & Cleo
Lizzie is the Lonely, Cleo is the Betrayed.
No one showed up to Lizzie's birthday party. Also I think Cleo got betrayed by Fairy Fort, but I'm not sure. And it could also reference how Martyn left them at the beginning of DL.
"The Lonely and Betrayed, Allies once, that broke in twain;"
Etho & Impulse
I assume Etho is the Trickster and Impulse is the Faithful, but I'm not sure.
Impulse stays with his alliances (ex: Crastle) and devotes himself to them even when they're mostly falling apart. And Etho? idk what Etho does. But nothing else works for him.
"The Trickster and The Faithful, Neither shows their truest face."
Pearl & Gem
Pearl is the Wounded, Gem is the Trespasser.
Pearl gets abandoned in DL, and in SL, she sees Scar fall the same way she did, I think. Gem just kind of showed up to help Cleo in LimL and didn't leave. She wasn't invited, but now she can't leave.
The Wounded and The Trespasser, For something wicked this way comes;
"They kill and fall and love and die,
The game begins, our will be done."
(all the quotes are taken from chapter two of the fic)
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mcytrecursive · 8 months
Nomination Overview - Space AU
We have had over a hundred source materials nominated already, so it's time to start looking at some of the works that people intend to request or offer! And the first one to look at is Space AU, which has been nominated 8 times, ranging in length from a 2847 word one-shot to a 299,349 word epic.
Title: Out To the Galaxy Steady She Goes  Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48639868/ Fandom: Hermitcraft SMP Author: TheDepressedCanary (FPSCanarussia) Characters: GeminiTay, ZombieCleo, PearlescentMoon, FalseSymmetry,Xisumavoid Length of the work: 28,277 Genre: Action/Adventure, AU, Family, Friendship, Space AU, Space Fantasy (SciFi/Fantasy cross, not sure how to tag it) Type: Fic Summary: Sailing ships cross worlds and stars, hunted by pirates and monsters. Ancient ruins sit undiscovered, concealing long-forgotten secrets. Space is vast and full of wonder. Pearl, in grief, clutches at every opportunity. Gem just wants to know more. Cleo - well, who can say? Yet the stars are not kind, and every journey holds its dangers.
Title: Space Mining AU Link: here and here Fandom: 3rd Life SMP Creator: wszczebrzyszynie Relationships: Team Ranchers, Cledubs, Ethubs, Scarian, Treebark, Convex brothers, ImpSkizz, Flower Husbands. Zedaph, Doc, Pearl and Gem are also characters. Everything mentioned as platonic, except romantic Jizzie. Characters: Tango and Jimmy Genre: Action/Adventure, AU, Drama, Post-Apocalyptic AU, Space AU Type: Art Series Summary: Space Mining AU. Tango was an engineer, became a wanted terrorist after he blew up Callisto, a moon where he was doing illegal skulk mining. He blew it up alongside other miners after finding out that skulk is alive, parasitic and infecting people, but he ended up being the sole survivor of the explosion, and the skulk wasn't completely sealed off. He ends up living with Desert Duo for a while (a pair of also dangerous criminals), and that's where he meets Jimmy. It kind of all goes downhill from there.
Title: He Has a Soul Made of Stars Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35533927/chapters/88583056 Fandom: Dream SMP Author: NobleDragon Relationships: Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo & Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Wilbur Soot & Philza, Wilbur Soot & Fundy Characters: Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF)Philza, Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo, Fundy Length: 16,875 words Genre: Domestic/Slice-of-life, Family, Found Family, Hurt/Comfort, Space AU Type: Fic Summary: And the heart of a galaxy. There is something in the vents of his ship, stealing their food and walking around at odd times of the day. Phil was going to catch that animal and cook it up for dinner if he has a say about it. Wait...it isn't an animal, but a sentient? And it's probably scared and hurt with no one to take care of them? Well...that changes things. Or: I'm going to make Phil want to found family something he hasn't even seen yet.
Title: free falling love addict Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52783816 Fandom: 3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series Author: moonieangel Relationships: Grian & Scar, Grian/Scar Characters: Scar, Grian Length: 2847 words Genre: AU, Space AU, Relationship Study Type: Fic Summary: Grian's curls each knuckle, pressing it down, watching silently as the metal plates whir, clicking into place, as each finger tucks down in short, jittering ticks. “Yeah,” he says after a moment. “It's wonky.” “Well,” Scar says, “I could've told you that.” Grian grins at him, and there's a thrum of excitement in it, a sort of childlike enthusiasm to play with a machine. Scar had seen it precede the bursting of bombs. // Or, a fic where Scar is a cyborg whose arm is damaged and Grian is the mechanic who owes him. Or maybe the other way around.
Title: Lifeline AU Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3156309 Fandom: Hermitcraft SMP Author: SlashMagpie Relationships: Impulse & Tango, Impulse & Pearl, Bdubs & Etho, False & Stress, Impulse & Skizz, Pearl & Tango Characters: Impulse, Tango, Pearl, Etho, Bdubs, False, Cleo, Skizz, Ren Length: 299,349 words Genre: Action/Adventure, AU, Fantasy AU, Horror, Modern AU, Time Travel, Space AU Type: Fic Summary: A science fantasy AU about a species of body-snatching aliens attempting to take over the Earth and the ragtag bunch of misfits trying to stop them. Based on the Lifeline series of mobile games.
Title: if - then - else Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45779260/chapters/115204942 Fandom: 3rd Life SMP Author: Anonymous Relationships: Etho & Tango, Bdubs & Tango, Bdubs & Etho & Tango, Jimmy Solidarity & Martyn Littlewood, Jimmy Solidarity & Tango, Martyn Littlewood & Scott Smajor, Martyn Littlewood & Tango, GeminiTay & Pearl, Jimmy Solidarity/Scott Major, Bdubs/Etho Characters: TangoTek, Bdubs, Etho, Martyn Littlewood, Jimmy Solidarity, Scott Smajor, GeminiTay, Mumbo Length: 69103 words Genre: Action/Adventure, AU, Romance, Slow Burn, Space AU, Sci-Fi AU Type: Fic Summary: Tango wakes up in a hospital with no memories and a moderately concerned pair of crewmates. Along with a few of the others in the same ward as him, he attempts to recover his memories, navigate a few significant obstacles, and figure out just how he got here. OR a space opera au that started as something very self indulgent and slowly developed a plot bigger than the walls of the hospital it began in. now with space chases and strange new planets!
Title: Among us AU Rating: E-rated Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2478559 Fandom: Hermitcraft SMP Author: Tunfisken Relationships: Etho/Grian, Tango/Grian Characters: Grian, Etho, Tango, background appearances by other Hermits Length: 19,899 words Genre: AU, Smut, Space AU Type: Fic Summary: Air was rushing through the ventilation ducts, and there was a faint hum of machinery from the dormant medbay scanner. Ever so often, the lights overhead would flicker. His stomach was cramping, and Grian curled in on himself on the bed, trying to ignore the hunger that clawed at him. The imposter didn't want to die.
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nerdyenby · 9 months
Pretty sure I’m late but happy Gem week!!!
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She’s great and has been getting a lot of unwarranted hate during and following SL which sucks, so just a reminder that we stan geminitay in this household!! I’m not very good at drawing (especially not digitally) but I’m working on expanding the series my fic Matters of Life and Death takes place in, so here’s a rough sketch of a dress she’ll be wearing in the next work!!!!
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cywscross · 9 months
a question - and if it’s annoyingly presumptuous please just ignore.
I discovered the solo leveling fandom a few weeks ago when I realized you had some stories posted on AO3 for a fandom I was unfamiliar with. I read your excellent fic, was super curious, and… hours and lots of money later have read the light novels and the webcomic. Then I went to explore the fandom and it seems… oddly empty of what I might expect in such a fandom? It looks like it had a lot of enthusiasm that then vanished rather suddenly.
Did people tire of it (which happens), or was there a major fandom drama or something? It feels like I’m top-toeing through the remnants of a dissipating fandom, while finding scattered gems remaining here and there floating amidst a giant amount of incomplete crossovers (which may also have gems, IDK I refuse to get sucked into two new fandoms in one month, my poor budget😅). Which, totally fine for authors to write whatever they want, and as much or as little as they want, obviously.
But I keep getting the feeling I am missing some fandom context. It’s a bit strange to see people mention discords and events that looked like they all stopped in 2022?
So… do you have any fandom knowledge on what happened with the solo leveling fandom over the past couple of years?
Lmao I completely forgot to answer this. I don't think anything special happened, it was just that a majority of us got into it right at the tail-end of the end of the first half of the manhwa. Then it stopped, and there were no updates, we had the novel so we knew what would happen, so we could write fic, but then there was no new content to keep us engaged so we all ended up bailing after that one year of our muses running on overdrive and churning out fanworks for it. Other new fandoms cropped up and our attention spans sort of just drifted off in those directions. Also canon itself was pretty complete, there wasn't much that people really hated or wanted to fix except maybe the ending, but even that was more or less resolved even if it wasn't a great resolution, and we covered most fixits and AUs in chat or fic so there wasn't much left to talk about. By the time the zine came out, I think majority interest was on its last legs. I still like SL of course, and I've got some wips, posted or otherwise, that I'm still slowly working on when the mood strikes, but I'm not super into it the way I used to be. And I think some people are still fairly active in the fandom.
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gr1an · 5 months
look I mean you already said you have a healthy appreciation for rare polyships so--
I mean if you happen to have any fic recommendations? or even current / past headcanons that make you feel emotions? plz and thank you :)
important warning: everything here is probably going to have some level of nsfw, and probably a lot at that. i think the first fic is the only one that’s rated lower than E. bc as an adult reading a romance about adults that doesn’t involve sex (unless the characters are asexual) doesn’t like. it’s not realistic. for me. there are some characters that i 100% in my head know that they would fuck before even considering saying “i love you” and that influences what fics i read. also i really really don’t see sex as that big of a deal most of the time, for characters i see it as just another facet of them that is interesting to explore!! anyway let’s get into this!!
OH BOY so this fic made me get into clockers and the later ones in the series are nsfw but they’re also Very Good! it’s bdubs x impulse x scar in double life and i’m not super 100% down with the grian characterization but it’s still good!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/40337673
this one is also very explicit but it’s jimmy x grian x doc in a hypothetical new season of secret life and it’s silly with a/b/o dynamics and i like the way it’s explored and how the trios get set up and i’m not sure if i finished it? but from what i remember it’s v good https://archiveofourown.org/works/40628835
THIS ONEEEEEEE OMG yeah it’s “bdubs and joel are Totally Normal About the other’s relationship with etho” https://archiveofourown.org/works/51115180
this one is fun. two brats (scar and grian) make a dom and tango is just along for the ride https://archiveofourown.org/works/45468820
AAAAAA THIS ONE THAT FOREVER CHANGED HOW I SEE THE SL ROOMIES DYNAMIC!! grian/cleo/etho/gem wonderfulness as an a/b/o au https://archiveofourown.org/series/3859900
ok that’s enough for now i’m scared to recommend any more bc this so far has been. a pretty sfw account? and i’m cool with it staying that way. just. insight into how i think about dynamics. sex is in fact a big part of what i consider! there’s probably more to unpack bc of the years i spent as a mormon with that whole. lack of even being able to talk about sex that has made me so adamant about including it in how i see characters.
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reblog-house · 8 months
I miss her (Secret Life) ough.
We have Hermitcraft and I am thriving and it's INCREDIBLE and it's sooo close to SL both in terms of Magic Mountaineers feeling like a mix of Gem & the Scotts and the Mounders thematically (cherry mountain, their main identity is the fact they live on (a) hills) and the fact that they share some of members (Gem, Impulse; Mumbo, Joel, Scar) but it's not themmm. Pearl isn't even a mountaineer cry. And I'm SO excited for Pearl Etho Tango (PET) team but man my heart of hearts wishes she could've been part of the Mountaineers ;A;
Cleo said bribing her with Etho doesn't work now because they aren't basing together and I cry. I miss themmmmm. I miss my roomieeeeesss. Ghhhaaaaa. Dammiitttt
This will probably decrease in intensity as time goes on, but honestly, I was only able to move on from Limited Life when Secret Life came out, and Limited Life didn't affect me quite as radically as SL, so.....
I still sometimes miss him (Limited Life), but I've had time to process the fact he's gone. And also helps all the fics I've read that play up the LimL dynamics I'm very fond of. I haven't yet gotten to see that from SL and I don't feel ready to move on until I read a bunch of fics, otherwise unrelated to the SL universe, that include those dynamics.
You gave me the Clockers when I needed them the most, now I need the Mounders and Roomies, and the lonely two being a part of a group, and the Heart Foundation, and . Nnghh.
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pokichusramblings · 10 months
Hey this is a question for fic I’m planning.
One character (Geminitay) is meant to have a… slightly unsettling appearance? Like, human(ish) but wrong.
That being said do I make Satyr Gem or Centaur Gem?
I’m going for violent monster but also like suuupeer sweet when she wants to be. She craves blood but she’ll also bake cookies for a friend’s birthday party type deal. Idk which would be better- Centaur is more horse than Satyr which means less percent human, but at the same time idk which one has more scary vibes???
Gem needs to carry the “scary dog privilege” vibes she has in SL basically.
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thesentientmango · 10 months
Hi!! Your future gifter here, I had a few questions about your application?
1. Is Jimmy/Tango a ship you would more exclusively prefer for Double Life, or is another season(s) fine for them?
2. You mentioned an idea prompt of sorts about Pearl and Lizzie, would you prefer that in a romantic or platonic context if I chose to write it? (may or may not, but curious either way)
3. Would your Hermitcraft Pearl/Gem be preferred for s8 or s9?
4. Are there any specific hybrid types you have in mind for characters, or is any interpretation fine? (ie. deer!Gem as opposed to elf!Gem or butterfly!Gem)
5. If I have the time to include a playlist (standalone or fic-aligned), are there any artists/genres I should know to avoid, and would a YouTube or Spotify playlist work better for you? (YouTube may allow for more privacy with the option of marking it unlisted, but Spotufy is typically more widely accepted)
Hope that's not too many things to answer/consider, just trying to make sure I can craft a fic/playlist you'll love//
Why hello there!!
I love the questions, I know I gave you a lot to read!
1. I would be down for Jimmy/Tango in SL as well, as long as it's not like a meet-cute, they shouldn't be meeting for the first time- DL should have happened even if you're starting it later in the timeline.
2. For Lizzie and Pearl- either romantic or platonic would work!
3. For the Hermit Pearl/Gem, I would prefer s9 but I also like s8 so either really works
4. Any interpretation is fine! I think it's super cool when characters are put into hybrid types that they're not normally so you can do that too- but the fanon (or canon) interpretations are great too!
5. Country is really the only genre I don't listen to very often but if you think it's a great song I trust your judgement! And spotify works!
Please feel free to follow up if you want more clarification!
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ghostsimpingghost · 2 years
As weird as it sounds like, you can call me Ghost or Ghosty (been going with these nicknames for years lol)
This is a side blog I decided to make seeing that I kept too many gems hidden in my likes because I don't want to flood my main❤️ also my main don't need to see the thirst. It was also to fight the idea that tumblr will turn like other social because we only like and not reblog. Will be also reblogging more spicy art, if there's any of him.
‼️This blog might be a mess as I'm probably not gonna tag anything. So beware in general, it will range from fluff to smut here‼️🔞
I, myself, won't be write anything. But people will always be welcome to slide in my ask and simp with me 🫡 Let's exchange headcanons or thirst together!
Quick story on how I started liking the Ghost? I got recommended randomly a reader fic which I never thought was possible for CoD. Decided to ignore it but after a few days I gave it a try and.... Yeah the rest is history. I don't even play CoD!!! only played the 2009 MW2 and honestly I don't even remember how I even got the game because it's not my usual genre.
Edit 20/06/2023: I recently bought the game while it wa so sale. Playing the campaign was sooo good. But now I'm gonna casually drop my tagname here, because as much as I can handle solo play without proximity chat it's boring and I want to play with some people. Still a bit noob but I also just want to have fun not sweat. Here have my usertag: GhostGirlVII#4517051
Edit 30/08/2023: I might start reblog stuff with the rest of the 141. Ghost is my true love, but I'm such a sl*t for the whole task force 🫣
Main: @ghostgirlvii
Art: @ghostgirlvii-art
CoD OC blog: @sgt-scottymoreau
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ibiitsu · 3 years
Edogawa Ranpo [BSD] x goth (male) reader
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Matching outfits [06/03/2021]
A/n: check out their blog, their bsd fics are gold
Small scenario(s) based on @madlovess gothic head cannons
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Y/n carefully applied eyeliner before checking his reflection and starting on some eyeshadow. As he brushed it over an eyelid, a voice interrupted his concentration.
“Y/nnn! Let’s go shopping today!” He could hear footsteps running down the hall before a figure leapt onto him, causing both to come crashing to the floor.
A wince left his lips as y/n propped himself up to take a glance at the mirror. Sighing, he turned to check on Ranpo before sitting up. “As much as I love you sweetheart, you can’t always leap onto me, my makeup is messed up again!” He scolded before chuckling at Ranpo’s expression. “It’s fine though, I was planning to smudge my eyeshadow anyways. About that shopping trip, I assume we’re buying sweets again?”
Ranpo grinned and his eyes lit up at the thought of getting sweets. “Although that does sound pretty good, today I want to buy clothes so I can match with you!” He rambled on about all the different shops that they could go to and all the clothes he could get. Y/n smiled softly at his boyfriend’s excitement as he continued with his makeup.
As y/n added the finishing touches to his makeup, Ranpo had already picked out accessories for y/n to wear and proceeded to try and fit some rings onto his own hands. Which, he failed at, since the rings were too big and kept slipping off.
Y/n chucked at the futile attempts and leaned down to pick up the fallen rings. “Well, I guess we would need to get some rings for you as well then. Ooh! And maybe add some clip on earrings as well.”
“Yes! Matching rings and earrings as well!” Ranpo quickly clapped his hands together as he rolled around on your bed. Squeezing a plushy, his eyebrows furrowed for a moment before he turned his face towards y/n.
“Wait... where are we going to get all the money from?” Y/n paused a moment, his foot tapped against the floorboards before shrugging his shoulders.
“Uhhh I guess that’s a problem for future us then... let’s go now!” Y/n quickly grabbed Ranpo and he waltzed towards the door, attempting to forget his problems.
“Woah! W-wait! Are you saying that we should just rob them?!?”
The shop bell tinkled as the two entered a small shop that was tucked into a small alleyway. It was their last stop for the day and was quite unique compared to the other stores. The smell of musty books filled the room and the afternoon light shone gently onto the shelves of antique rings and watches. It was a small treasure of y/n’s, a small little shop with little gems hidden from the blaring lights and sounds of the outside world. He led Ranpo in, his footsteps softening and relaxing himself as he pulled them other to the shelf filled with rings. Although there weren’t many, the few rings with chains were a beauty, they also weren’t as old so there was still a soft shine on them.
“It’s beautiful isn’t it?” Y/n asked in a hushed tone. “I think this on would fit you.” He placed the bags of clothes down and picked up a pair of rings that were contested by a chain and slipped it onto Ranpo’s finger.
Ranpo brought it up to the light and watched it twinkle as he sighed. “It really is nice.” He hummed in delight and slipped it off, keeping it in his grasp. Y/n spotted another shelf and while Ranpo looked at the other rings, he slipped away. Y/n stared at the collection of pocket watches before immediately finding one that caught his eye.
This would look perfect on Ranpo. It does look a bit pricey though... well, that shouldn’t matter. It’s for Ranpo so a bit of money wouldn’t hurt.
He quickly took the silver watch and headed towards the cashier. He received a strange look, although it was expected since it’s not everyday you see some goth guy and detective in a antique store. As he finished up with his payment, he noticed his boyfriend coming walking towards him. Slipping the pocket watch into his pocket, y/n thanked the cashier before smiling at Ranpo.
“Is that all you want to get?”
Ranpo shook his head before replying, “Nope! I also found another ring that was the same as the first one, except it’s your size! Now we’ll be twinning!”
“You know my size?” Y/n chuckled as he took both rings from Ranpo’s hands.
Ranpo gave an astounded gasp before shaking his head in disappointment. “Of course I know your size, imagine what a bad boyfriend would be if I didn’t.”
They both thanked the cashier and headed out. “I’m pretty sure that’s just your great detective skills.”
“Huh? You can’t just look at my finger and tell what size it is?!?”
“No?!? I had to measure your finger! Anyways it’s your turn to hold the bags.”
“Whatttt but my arms are tired and weak!”
“It’s your clothes! Also I’ve seen you fight before, you can’t be tired from just shopping!”
The two bickered back and forth as they pushed open the door. The bell tinkered, and their voices faded away. Finally the shop fell quiet as y/n fingers rubbed against the silver pocket watch.
I wonder when I’ll give this to him...
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Ayyy I finally wrote something after rising from the dead, hope ya enjoyed it :)
I might do a part 2 when y/n gives Ranpo the pocket watch or something idk
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janiedean · 7 years
can you elaborate on the theon is bi discourse? I wasn't in asoiaf fandom then and i am intrigued.
oh my god guys buckle up that was a wild ride
sooooo, it started in I think 2014 I think and then it came back in tides at least until 2015 and there were some residual wank moments later but like it was one year of people being obsessed about it on and off I wanted to die inside
basically someone makes a post about how theon is absolutely and 100% canonically bisexual and if you think different you’re wrong, at which someone else replied ‘but where do you see this in canon I mean it’s a headcanon in canon he’s heterosexual’. which is a fair point I mean I also headcanon him as bi but it’s a headcanon, not canon.
my god.
IT BLEW UP. it was DAYS/weeks of people posting stuff on the tag either being passive aggressive or downright aggressive like HE’S BI AND I WILL FIGHT YOU ON IT and IF YOU DON’T THINK HE’S X THEN YOU’RE WRONG among which there were some gems like people saying they needed him to be bi because there were no lgbt pov characters in asoiaf (????), at which I made one of my two contributions to that discourse (one was a long-ass post about how theon being bi was utterly irrelevant to his sl so what the fuck were we discussing even) which was ‘okay and jon connington isn’t gay according to you’ to which I got people who were like ‘YOU CAN’T SERIOUSLY IMPLY THAT WE HAVE TO BE CONTENT WITH JONC AS THE ONLY POV REP’ and I was like ‘no but you could give a fuck about the rep you have even if it’s not your fave’ (lol I’m 90% of the jonc fanfic on ao3 where he’s not a side character at this point but never mjnd)
anyway, it died down after I made the long-ass post but then IT CAME BACK WITH A VENGEANCE AND IT CAME BACK WITH THE EXTRA ADDENDUM because now not only he was bi, he also was autistic and possibly poc (okay…) and THERE WERE ENDLESS DISCUSSIONS ON THAT TOO including
someone who said that he was a *theonkin* ie they literally thought they **were** him or so they said and their argument was ‘I’m autistic and I’m him so he’s autistic it’s canon’ ???
someone who never mind going into a ridic discussion over asha having epilepsy according to them because there aren’t disabled characters who do good rep in asoiaf (??? BRAN TYRION JAIME DORAN ????) (also sweetrobin wasn’t okay because he was bad rep) or in literature in general (I guess they never read dostoevsky or a greek tragedy), at some point they were having a conversation with two other people about how the greyjoys were pocs and the immortal ‘well asha is described as having a crooked nose in the books which is not an aryan person’s wet dream so she has to be poc so the greyjoys are poc’ which IMMEDIATELY made me block the people involved in it because casual neonazism made by people who want to look progressive is not my shit
meanwhile S5 had just finished and there was a bunch of theon/sansa content around and some of those people were complaining about t/s people being *fake fans* because they jumped on the bandwagon during the finale (???) and subtly shaming them (??), and then ‘but why don’t people write theon with the characters I ship him with’, WHICH..
turned into ANOTHER t/hramsay discourse bc it was basically like why do ppl do disgusting t/hramsay art when they could be drawing theon/jeyne or theon/other people BUT there was the extra because some ppl complained that ‘people spammed the tag with t/hrobb fics’
which was obviously a dig at yours truly who at that point had tried to not interact with that shit at all but was also the one person being that active in the t/hrobb tag back in the day
and I was already getting pissed off but like then someone shows up with the THEON TAG BINGO in which haters, people justifying torture and people thinking theon deserved ramsay were equated with people drawing the disgusting t/hramsay art AND with people ‘posting seventeen t/hrobb fics in the tag at once’
(spoilers: I spent the next three days reposting seventeen t/hrobb fics I had on tumblr on ao3 out of pure total spite it’s been enough time that I can admit it freely)
anyway at that point a bunch of people were Done TM and I made the umpteenth PLEASE STOP THIS MESS CHILDREN post (I’ve done at least five in this entire nonsensical saga) and finally it sort of died down also because a bunch of those people noped off to other fandoms and the usual old timers remained
obviously throughout this entire thing there was the usual theon hate on the tag but I mean that went unsaid
and tldr it was basically two years on and off of HE’S BI NO HE’S HETERO NO HE’S WHITE NO HE’S POC WHAT DOES POC MEAN WE JUST DON’T KNOW, HE’S AUTISTIC NO HE’S NOT and what was especially grating was that a lot of people obviously meant it as in ‘I like this character BECAUSE HE’S BI AND POC AND WHATEVER’, not as in ‘I have a headcanon and that’s it’, and honest like if you’d like your favorite character less if he was straight white and a cismale when it’s canon that he is I think we have a problem.
anyway I’m not making names bc a lot of people left/changed urls and who even gives a fuck anymore, but that was the theon is bi discourse and I’m so not ever doing that again, like I’m 90% sure that it went on this long because it wasn’t shut down at the beginning and like, no.
only positive thing that happened: at some point I was fed up, I had a fed up anon who went like ‘I decided that theon is a magical sparkly unicorn and that’s the only true headcanon and the best ever’ (yo @magicalsparklyunicorntheon they even made a blog about it) and I actually wrote two fucking fics based on that premise because why the hell not at that point, and yeah that was like the crowning achievement of two years of that shitty headcanon discourse but is2g just thinking about it makes me go like darth vader in the middle of a desert.
and this, kids, was the story of the theon is bi saga/discourse from the 2014-2016 years, it’s been fun but also fucking not
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