#SN30 Pro
retrogamer2099 · 3 months
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Hey folks, it's Retro_G with another playthro featuring UltraMan : Towards the Future for SNES! Boy it's been awhile since I published anything. Hope you enjoy, like and subscribe!
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game-boy-pocket · 28 days
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Today I got an 8bitdo wireless NES controller.
I know, I bought a real NES because I wanted to reduce the input lag as much as possible and I suspected the Wii hooked up to a CRT was still adding a smidge. I say this as if i'm some kinda pro gamer that even notices input lag, but i'm not.
But I just can't be botehred with all the wires anymore, and reviews said they didn't notice input lag and could beat mike tyson in punch-out with it.
I played games for a few hours with it, and it seemed fine, I did notice a few times where inputs weren't recognized, like Mario not jumping when I pressed the button but to be fair, the same thing happens when I played with a wired controller as well, so i'm not blaming the controller for this one. Also it has a "home" button, and when I press it, it actually takes me to the everdrive's menu, that's very convenient.
I'm pretty happy with this so I might get one for my SNES as well. I don't think 8bitdo has one for N64, but there is a wireless Brawler 64, so maybe i'll consider that. Either way, 8bitdo seems to be my new go-to for controllers these days, I love the SN30 Pro that i've been using for my Switch and PC gaming needs, it does lag like crazy when i'm at my friend's house but it plays just fine when i'm home.
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turtlemagnum · 2 months
i got a new laptop the other day since the old one died. it doesn't have a whole lot of storage but i specifically looked for one with a quality CPU so it could emulate fairly well. grabbed some roms from my desktop to put on it, because i was gonna head over to my mom's place for the night the same day. she asked if i had bonk on it, i didn't but quickly grabbed a rom of super bonk on the snes for her to play. wasn't the version she grew up with, seemed to have some fun with it but overall didn't seem the most enjoyable. i mentioned that i had a link to the past already on here, and she lit up. she immediately wanted to play it, so i obliged.
now, growing up one of the only luxuries we had was a super nintendo. one of the only games we had for it was a link to the past, and she'd regularly replay it, and i'd watch. it was one of my earliest introductions to gaming, and was really special the whole way through; there's definitely a reason as to why i'm the zelda fuck i am today. she wouldn't really let me play it much, but one thing she said that stuck with me is that she thought i'd never be better at it than her even when i'm an adult.
fast forward a few years later, i'm no longer the little kid i was back when she still had a working SNES, i have a gaming PC and an 8bitdo SN30 pro, which is essentially a super nintendo controller with an extra set of shoulder buttons and a pair of thumbsticks. naturally, i play a link to the past on it, and after about 2-3 days i beat it. one of the few games i can say i've beaten 100%, assuming you don't count the extremely linear ones where the win condition is going through the entire game like, for instance, mario the lost levels. as i've grown older, i've gotten a lot better at video games than i was as a kid. i wouldn't say i'm fantastic at them, but i'm in a bit of a weird middleground where i'm significantly better than the average gamer but leagues behind the people at the top who actually know what the fuck they're doing. regardless, i got through the game pretty quick and easily, and i believe i might not have even died throughout, though i don't feel like checking. regardless, here's the sad part of the story
when i sat there watching her play it, there was an indelible sense of nostalgia that washed over me. but, slowly, i realized that she wasn't anywhere near as good as she used to be. i could tell she had forgotten a lot of stuff, gotten a lot worse at physically controlling link, at times forgot which buttons did what, and sometimes had to be reminded of things that i thought was second nature to her given the years and years she'd played the game. at first, i found it kind of funny, and i had a bit of pride at the idea that i had finally gotten better than her at a link to the past. then, the more i could tell she forgot, the more it set in that it likely wasn't just rust from a lack of practice.
my mom has... hit her head, a fair few times in her life. i was right there with her in the ER when pretty much all of them happened. and i've definitely noticed that a lot of her mental faculties have gotten... worse, after each one. more and more she'd repeat things we'd just talked about, have to think a lot harder about things that came naturally, rejecting more philosophical discussions saying that she didn't have the mental energy for them. i'd say that she's still absolutely functional in day to day life, and that she's probably gotten better in the time since the last time she hit her head, but i'd be lying if i said that in some ways, the mother i had as a kid died a little bit with each head injury. so this, this really set in how far gone in some ways she's become.
it became fairly bittersweet after a while, watching her play. when i was younger, i'd watch her get through the whole game in one sitting with little difficulty, and now she struggled to get through to the second dungeon. i know it sounds silly, but seeing her struggle with something like this to such a degree just really made me realize all that's happened between then and now. it's not really about the game, is it? it's about seeing someone you love slowly fade both physically and mentally in a way that you can do nothing to stop. the nostalgia became overwhelmed with a sense of how we can never go back, now.
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kitten-of-change · 4 months
SN30 pro controller+
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cinna-bunnie · 10 months
love my lil 8bitdo controller (❁´◡`❁) every time my pro controller dies for the switch im just like yess there's still Another One™ and the feel of it is v comfies n easy to switch to.
in some ways it plays a bit easier than the full sized controller idk why, the button sizes and spacing seam to be the same except in their relative positions frm the joysticks, maybe it being a more traditional layout in that sense is why? ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭ idk.
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if ur interested in checking it out u can get it here. it's Bluetooth, has a pretty great battery life and works for Switch, Windows, Mac and Android.
I usually use it to play emulators on my phone but it's also Great as a backup controller for switch :] there's even a lil accessory u can get tgat lets u mount ur phone to the controller so it feels like a GBA.
the sn30 pro is just my biased pick though, they have newer models available that should feel like an xbox one remote but i prefer the small form factor.
with the newer models tho u can use the Ultimate software to map ur controller, helpful if u want to utilize the turbo functionality on switch so I'd maybe check the software's list of compatible models (any model shown as an option on the page are compatible) and buy one of those.
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lumberjackson · 1 year
I personally prefer the switch pro controllers. The matte face buttons feel more secure, they're also in the right positions.
Another controller I only ever held, never had the chance to actually use. I use my SN30 pro+ for docked switch game time. It's a little too small for my big ass hands, but the buttons feel so so good. Has a really nice D-Pad as well for my 2D fighters I'll sometimes load up!
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alicyjinx · 1 year
Cool item I got in the mail today, its a Retro Receiver from 8bitdo that lets you use any of their Bluetooth controllers plus controllers like the Switch Pro Controller, PS4 Controller on an original Super Nintendo Entertainment System. I wanted it specifically for use with my favorite controller from 8bitdo, The 8bitdo SN30 Pro Gamepad. As you can see, it's basically a SNES pad with analog sticks and extra shoulder buttons. Ive used it on Switch, PC and Android for various games, and now I can use it on the very console that inspired it's design.
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murumokirby360 · 1 year
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My Yearend Techs & Misc. Items Summary - 2022
Hello! So, 2022 is about to end in a few hours. A few positive moments 🙂⬆️, but some are negative moments in the past 😞⬇️, with my most heart breaking moment was my old hard drive will soon vanish because I can't work it right, and I'm unable to save my precious files. 😭 But, don't worry, I'll be strong when it hits 2023. 💪 As some would say, "Where there's a will, there's a way". 🥲 And, since I can't retrieve my old template, I decided to create my own template from scratch instead of fetching a traceable template from the internet image search. Which is good for me.
Anyway, enough for that, let’s talk about my ‘My Yearend Techs and Misc. Items Summary 2022’! And here are my choices per month so far, both ongoing & done topics:
• JAN - Redragon Rudra (K565R) Full Size Mechanical Keyboard (done): So far, I'm having fun typing & playing with my 1st ever owned mechanical keyboard from the 2021 Christmas gift. However, one con that I've found from experiencing mech keyboard was wearing off the tactical keystrokes after longevity used. I'm still curious to see if this mech keyboard from Redragon is swappable/removable key switches; though it didn't advertise or include this feature. Regardless, it is still worth it to use my daily computer activities.
• FEB - 8bitdo Pro 2 Controller (ongoing): Arguably the most worthy controller in my review, the 8Bitdo's Pro 2 controller is my current go-to 3rd-party controller on multiple gaming devices (Android, iOS, Steam, Switch, and PC/Laptop). Though to be fair, the SN30 Pro+ had a special place in my heart, so much so that I want to buy another one. But, I digress. The Pro 2 controller improves the predecessor by adding back paddle buttons, a profile switch, toggling four platform devices, and connecting the 8bitdo ultimate software app on Android/ Apple iOS on the go without bringing a bulky laptop.
• MAR - Oria 120 in 1 Screwdriver Set (done): As a tech-savvy enthusiast, I decided to buy my own Screwdriver Set, in case that I want something to fix on my daily used devices, namely "Smartphones". Because it's very common now, to this day.
• APR - Fixing my PC - Volume II Story: A sequel to my last year's story, I made another huge mistake after I disassembled & cleaning the entire parts of the PC desktop harmlessly until it went down south. So, my mom provided me to buy a new motherboard & CPU to keep my computer alive. I'm still concerned about my 160 GB HD (that contains my important & precious files), therefore, my puzzle is incomplete, to this day.
• MAY - Adata HD330 External Hard Drive - 2 TB (done): On the bright side, I bought my own brand new 2 TB external hard drive from the folks of Adata. And while I'm filling out some files by drawing digital artwork or recording videos, I always stored my NEW precious files onto my portable memory drive.
• JUN - N-Power LED RGBW Bulb w/ Remote (done): A single-color light bulb is boring to some. But, a light bulb that contains different colors using a remote on our fingertips is far better & entertaining. And I can't do without N-Power. Plus, it's way cheaper than other brands.
• JUL - Unbranded USB AA Rechargeable Batteries (done): This unique cell battery doesn't require a battery cell charger, instead, it uses a USB type A to charge using either from the computer, a power bank or a USB wall charger (or any similar devices that involves USB type A). A fully charged AA battery estimates up to 6 to 7 hours, not 2.5 to 3 hours. Yeah, that's a downside, but you won't regret owning it.
• AUG - Phone Tripod Mouth Adapter (done): I want something that rotates my mouthed smartphone without adjusting from my tripod, and thankfully my wish was granted. To this day, I'm still using it for my recording & snapshot purposes using my current smartphone (Honor 8C).
• SEPT - Keweisi (or KOWSI) USB Multifunctional Tester (done): Honesty, I'm tired of manual time using my phone & opening a stopwatch as my timer. I just can't tell what's the real estimated time during my charging test. Well, not to worry! Because the USB Multifunctional Tester from Keweisi (or KOWSI?) should do the job. The only thing I need to do is to keep an eye on a specific time when charging any device is full.
• OCT - QKZ AK6 Pro IEM Earphones (done): My ZNT R620 earphone [CLICK ME!] might be an ‘A-Okay’ status & using it as my primary earphone. But, all that changed when I switched to QKZ's AK6 Pro as my first ever owned IEM earphone! It's the cheapest IEM earphone (on the market) with the ability to remove IEM cables, and I'm still embracing it. I just love these IEM earphones so much, that I need someone to compete against other brands.
• NOV - Rechargeable Light Tube (done): By far, the most likable & unique item I ever owned, this fluorescent light look-a-like has three available sizes; depending on their amount of watts. And right here is the 40 Watts. Perfect for outside activities, travel, and even camping.
Here is my honorable mention:
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• FEB - ZNT R620 Earphones (done): As I said, it's A-Okay. However, their loudness sound didn't match, particularly the right channel. It's a good thing I'm done using it because I've already got the aforementioned QKZ AK6 Pro IEM Earphones.
Alright, back to my topic pick & this is my last!↓
• DEC - Sonicgear Quatro 2 USB Speakers (done): And finally, my last item review is the Sonicgear Quatro 2 USB Speakers. Their design & sound quality are decently average, in my opinion, but their four bass drives could use a little tweak to make it better, or maybe swap it out from other brands & make a custom for your music taste.
Well, that’s the end of my “My Yearend Techs and Misc. Items 2022”. We’ll see you in 2023. 
🥳 Happy new years eve to all, and as always, stay safe!😷
If you want to see my 2020 & 2021 version of that, then I'll provide some links down below.↓
• My Yearend Techs and Misc. Items 2021
• My Yearend Techs and Misc. Items 2020
tagged: @lordromulus90, @bryan360, @carmenramcat, @leapant, @alexander1301, @rafacaz4lisam2k4
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etes-secrecy-post · 2 years
Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
My 8bitdo Pro 2 Review - Part 10 (Recorded Video) [Nov 9, 2022]
Hello! Here’s Part 10 of my new 8bitdo gamepad, the Pro 2 Bluetooth Gamepad/Controller! 🎮😁
It's been a while now since May of this year, and my Pro 2 controller surpassed my old SN30 Pro+'s lifespan. Man, I really missed my old one, but then again they're very identical, in terms of design albeit my Pro 2 has bells & whistles.
So, for this part, I'm attempting to re-download the firmware updater from 8bitdo because they released a new update version for my recent Pro 2 controller. ⬆️⚙️➡️🎮 Yeah, I lost my firmware updater, so I have no problem getting it another. And damn, I didn't get a chance to show ya my macro test while playing retro games, so maybe I'll attempt it next year (2023).
BTW, if you haven't seen my posts from May 2022, then I'll provide some links down below:↓
• Part 9 [May 26, 2022]
• Part 9.5 [May 26, 2022]
So without further ado, let’s get started:
BTW: Watch my record video first.🎦🖥️
• Alright so, here I am going to this website where I download the aforementioned software. When I checked the Pro 2's update log, I noticed that there's only one firmware version 2.00. That's odd, usually that there is only 3 firmware I've seen (evidence? → [CLICK ME!]), and as of March of 2022, I've updated the v1.07 firmware for my (Pro 2) controller. Anyways, I've already downloaded the firmware update & open it. Now, this part is quite confusing, as my current firmware update was v1.08 instead of 1.07. When did I get the v1.08 when my current firmware update was 1.07? 🤔 8bitdo probably made some little bit adjustment, I suppose? 🤨 Anyways, I decided to update their recent update, which is v2.00. Feel free to read the listing patches. And once it's done, my Pro 2 will automatically disconnect & reconnect after the completion of the firmware update. I could double-check the current firmware, and I noticed that there's literally one version, it used to have 3 firmware updates. So yeah, that's pretty strange to me.😕
• Nonetheless, let's go straight through our trusted gamepad-tester website. I reconnected my Pro 2 via my included USB type C cable to work properly. 🖥️🎮 All the buttons are functional, including my current mapped-out back buttons, and finally the analog sticks. The latter is no longer random numbers when they're centered. Even when I try to move slightly with my two thumbs, the analog joysticks are patched from the firmware version 2.00. Then again, the deadzones for the joysticks are literally the same accuracy as before. And when I tested GTA V online, nothing much to say.
(Little) Overall:
• `I'm quite happy with their firmware update 2.00 for my Pro 2 gamepad, but at the same time it riddled me where are the other firmware versions at? 🤔 It'll be better if they have different firmware versions to choose from, much like my old SN30 Pro+ gamepad. 🎮 Here's hoping, that the company itself will get to fix.
#1 - Did you know the Pro 2 had released two new colors albeit transparency? They're totally rad, and you should check them out right here → [CLICK ME!].
#2 - Also, new controllers are also available such as the Lite 2, the Lite SE, and two configurations of the Ultimate Controller. The Bluetooth & the 2.4 GHz variant (aka Windows version). To check out the entire products by 8Bitdo, then please [CLICK ME!].
Well, that’s all for now. If you haven’t seen my previous parts of the same item, as well as my previous 8bitdo review items, then I’ll provide some links down below.↓😉
My 8bitdo USB Wireless Adapter ‘PS Classic Edition’:
• Opening parcel [Aug 27, 2020]
• Part 1 [Aug 28, 2020]
• Part 2 [Aug 28, 2020]
• Part 3 (Recorded video) [Aug 28, 2020]
• Part 4 (Recorded Video) [Aug 28, 2020]
• Part 5 (Recorded Video) [Aug 28, 2020]
• Part 6 (Recorded Video) [Oct 20, 2020]
• Part 7 (Recorded Video) [Oct 28, 2020]
• Part 8 (Recorded Video) [Nov 14, 2020]
• Part 9 (Recorded Video) [Nov 14, 2020]
• Part 10 [Final] (Recorded Video) [Nov 16, 2020]
• Extra Part / Final Plus [Nov 25, 2020]
My 8bitdo SN30 Pro+ gamepad:
• Unopened parcel [Nov 3, 2020]
• Opening parcel (Recorded Video) [Nov 3, 2020]
• Part 1 [Nov 19, 2020]
• Part 1.5 [Nov 19, 2020]
• Part 2 [Nov 27, 2020]
• Part 2.5 [Nov 27, 2020]
• Part 3 [Dec 1, 2020]
• Part 4 [Dec 3, 2020]
• Part 5 [Dec 8,2020]
• Part 6 [Dec 11,2020]
• Part 7 [Dec 20, 2020]
• Part 8 [Jan 19, 2021]
• Part 9 [Mar 27, 2021]
• Part 10 [Mar 27, 2021]
• Part 10.5 [Mar 27, 2021]
• Part 11 (w/ 8bitdo’s Ultimate Software ver. 2.0) [May 11, 2021]
• Part 12 [Jun 3, 2021]
• Part 12.5 [Jun 3, 2021]
• Part 13 [Jul 31, 2021]
• Part 14 [Aug 17, 2021]
• Part 15 (Macros mapping - 1st attempt) [Oct 9, 2021]
• Part 16 (Macros mapping - 2nd attempt) [Oct 9, 2021]
• Part 17 (Serious problem after testing) [Oct 10, 2021]
• Part 18 (Equipped w/ Panasonic Eneloop AA Batteries) [Oct 18, 2021]
• Part 19 (Final) [Nov 9, 2021]
My 8bitdo SN30 Pro 2 gamepad:
• Unopening parcel [Oct 28, 2021]
• Opening parcel (Recorded Video) [Oct 29, 2021]
• Part 1 [Dec 2, 2021]
• Part 2 (Recorded Video) [Dec 4, 2021]
• Part 3 [Feb 21, 2022]
• Part 4 [Feb 26, 2022]
• Part 5 [Mar 4, 2022]
• Part 6 [Mar 6, 2022]
• Part 7 [Mar 22, 2022]
• Part 8 [Mar 22, 2022]
• Part 9 [May 26, 2022]
• Part 9.5 [May 26, 2022]
Tagged: @bryan360, @carmenramcat, @leapant
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cantechnews · 6 months
CanTechNews.ca’s 12 days of last-minute deals: Day Eight
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onrailshooter · 6 months
retro controllers
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The retro-inspired 8Bitdo SN30 Pro controller is compatible with Switch, Windows, Mac OS, Android and 8Bitdo Retro Receivers! The Gamepad is wireless Bluetooth and has USB C connection, rumble function, motion controller support, and players LED indicator. - overall i think from the look of this the controller would be very comfortable to use
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Hyperkin has recreated the original Xbox controller aka "Duke" As an officially Xbox-licensed controller, compatible with the Xbox One family of devices and Windows 10 PCs. my veiw is the same i feel this would be comfortable as well, and what i think is unique about this it the size its very large for a controller even back when it first came out
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Quick mode Switch at the back, no need for combination buttons to power on. Extra 2 pro-level back buttons which can be easily remapped or profiled via ultimate software. A dedicated profile button with corresponding indicator lights, optimized grips to be more comfortable what i see is unique is the hand grips as they point down,
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The controller features a total of six digital buttons, two staggered analog sticks, a directional pad and two hybrid analog and digital triggers. The primary analog stick is on the left, with the D-pad below it
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Take your game to the next level with Hall Effect analog sticks to provide 3D Controller support for compatible titles on the SEGA Saturn with the console receiver. You can also take the controller to USB-enabled consoles or devices to keep that familiar feel with your favorite games. Utilize modern features such as four shoulder buttons, Home and Select buttons, and button macros for additional features
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retrogamer2099 · 3 months
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Introducing the old school classic smash hit Tekken for the PSX! Have to excuse the background BMG. This emulator is A cappella.
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govindhtech · 9 months
Redmagic 8S Pro Pros and Cons
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The Redmagic 8S Pro is Nubia’s mid-cycle update to the powerful gaming smartphone. It has the same 120 Hz screen with an under-screen selfie camera, 6000 mAh battery, and 65W wired quick charge as the 8 Pro, but it’s 0.6 mm bulkier.
Can it offer a unique gaming experience? Can it be current and retro?
It lacks waterproofing like the earlier model, but many gaming phones have to choose. High-performance gaming devices must quickly disperse heat. A sealed machine cannot support an active cooling fan that moves air through the chassis and over the internals.
Redmagic 8S Pro cooling has been redesigned. Redirected air ducts, heat pipes with a more efficient cooling gel, a larger vapour chamber over the battery, and a graphene layer under the display. All work to remove heat from the casing and keep the handset’s surface cool.
It lacks waterproofing like the earlier model, but many gaming phones have to choose. High-performance gaming devices must quickly disperse heat. A sealed machine cannot support an active cooling fan that moves air through the chassis and over the internals.
Redmagic 8S Pro cooling has been redesigned. Redirected air ducts, heat pipes with a more efficient cooling gel, a larger vapour chamber over the battery, and a graphene layer under the display. All work to remove heat from the casing and keep the handset’s surface cool.
Qualcomm’s “leading” Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 update overclocks the chipset to 3.36 GHz. Its Red Core 2 game CPU handles gaming-specific features like shoulder key inputs, vibration motor activation, RGB lighting, stereo effects, and more, leaving the System on Chip to perform smartphone tasks.
After confirming that the games that worked well on the 8 Pro work just as well, if not better, on the 8S Pro, I decided to test the 8S Pro differently. How well would it handle old games and my childhood favorites?
Redmagic 8S Pro hardware features
Emulation may be cruel. Developers must replicate the exact performance of one system on another while also providing an additional UI layer to control the emulator, such as changing frame rates, choosing the hardware version, loading cassette tape or ROM cartridge games, and integrating with the smartphone environment.
While older 8-bit systems like the ZX Spectrum may have fewer performance concerns, a smartphone is far from the qwerty keyboard-based environment with a digital joystick operating through an RS232 serial interface. On newer devices, you must match the Nintendo 3DS experience while maintaining high frame rates and game pace.
The Redmagic 8S Pro will benefit from a third-party controller. Although my review unit did not include the Redmagic Shadow Blade Gamepad, the firm does. Instead, I’ll use two available controllers. The Razer Kishi, like the Shadow Blade, is a console-style device that splits in half and clips to either end of the screen. It is extraordinarily wide.
Second controller is 8BitDo’s SN30 Bluetooth gamepad. Despite not attaching to the machine, this retro-style gamepad has two analog sticks, a d-pad, four action buttons, and shoulder triggers. For modern games, the Kishi feels natural, but the SN30 is more 80s and 90s.
The 8S Pro recognizes both Bluetooth and USB-C controllers without issue. Android on the Redmagic 8S Pro connects and passes inputs rapidly, however my apps take longer to assign controllers to games.
Over the past month, I’ve used RetroArch, PPSSPP, and Citra to emulate three eras.
Retroarch is a mature multi-platform emulation system that covers practically all video game history. It offers the UI layer and Android hooks, while each emulator has a different “core” you download from the app or external sources. I use Retroarch on older systems. As with all emulation, you now have a ‘raw’ system that requires games to be ripped and moved over or found on the internet.
Chase HQ on the ZX Spectrum runs these older titles well. One of the best titles on the platform that pushes everything, it is. Thus, an experienced player like me knows how fast, responsive, and visually appealing the game should be. Chase HQ passed with flying colours, so we can say, “Let’s Go Mr Driver.”
This whistle-stop check-in continues with Sony PlayStation Portable emulation. PPSSPP is an open-source, mature Android and Windows client. Things get harder now, but the Redmagic 8S Pro handled it well, even allowing upscaling and texture filtering without affecting gameplay. Modernizing the aesthetics may not be for the “pure emulation” crew, but adding FXAA anti-aliasing is wonderful.
Again, the 8S Pro’s increased horsepower lets you customize the emulator without worrying about the phone’s capabilities.
Emulation becomes harder in contemporary systems. Citra is a Nintendo 3DS emulator that brings the dual-screen gaming gadget to a touchscreen smartphone (you can pick how to display the screens). This is when Android emulation reaches its limit. While PPSSPP and Retroarch cores could be set without anxiety, imitating the Nintendo 3DS takes experimentation and decision-making.
Would you rather have precise frame rate? A perfect sound? On-point graphics? Not everything is available in the Redmagic 8S Pro’s specs
Nubia’s gaming performance focus helps here. Most Android phones are slower than the 8S Pro. Comparing Citra on the 8S Pro to the Galaxy S23 Plus shows the 8S Pro’s gaming performance advantage.
I lowered the audio to maintain frame rate!
My emulation seldom used the Redmagic 8S Pro’s full power. It gave me some optional caveats. A good control mechanism can make a game different. Made for mobile games like Genshin Impact, Fortnite, and Mighty Doom, the control schemes have been optimized for touchscreens and gyro sensors. Moving back in time, the on-screen controls work well, but a tactile controller reduces aggravation and makes the game more playable.
Which naturally raises prices. Razer Kishi 2 controllers cost £99, Redmagic Shadow Blades £69, and SN30s £39. The Redmagic 8S Pro seems more like a console than a smartphone thanks to its two plug-in controllers. SN30 delivers a deep throwback experience, but you must set your phone down to use the controller with both hands.
Like choosing between Xbox, Playstation, and Switch, you must decide how you will use your gaming smartphone. As the Redmagic 8 Pro showed earlier this year, it offers great value for the top native Android games. The Redmagic 8S Pro can be used to explore gaming history and use an Android smartphone in the background.
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cooltoysandstuff · 10 months
8BitDo Sn30 Pro Bluetooth Controller
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nyalisa-landale · 1 year
also I bought a new controller. I was going to get literally the same as my sn30 pro down to the color scheme but it has handles, but that wouldn't arrive until the 14th and I was hoping to use it sooner than that.
so I modified my search terms based on the model I found, and oops, it comes in transparent purple
so obviously I bought that one
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lunatic-harness · 1 year
the more i speedrun super metroid the harder it is to resist the calling of 8Bitdo SN30 Pro Wired Controller with Classic Joystick Gamepad for Switch, Android, PC, macOS
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