wortverlust · 2 years
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SO, this is Mojo (on the left). he’s our newest boy and i’m actually in love with him. he had the same personality as my spaniel Chunk, who is just MY BOI. i love him to pieces even tho i can never feel my arms after taking him out (he’s a very strong boi)
the one on the right is Bob, one of his friends in the field and an absolute insane case. like my friend used to train on him and she spent half her time kissing the ground. so naturally i love him too hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe
Also…the first thing that popped into my head….idk why, maybe bc I'm weird. But every time I fed a horse with my hand… I just smile like an idiot. I mean, their lips are SO FUCKING SOFT!!! Like I can't compare anything to it. It's like feeding a cloud. YES CLOUDS ARE SOFT AND FLUFFY AND COOL holy shit what am I even talking?! PRETEND YOU DIDN'T READ THAT....OR NOT...IDK, okay? Leave me alone I live on the countryside AND if ya take a walk with the doggo you see horses and cows! AND a barn smells like childhood ..eiwhfowheoh
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dazyxi · 4 months
;; RYWD WRITING (REMEMBER YOU WILL DIE) — content warnings: very brief mention of sh (digging nails in skin), derealization (slightly), and smoking. other warning: not lore accurate. i wrote it for fun, and it's very short becauseeee... i didn't know how to continue it from that point ibr 😭😭i don't write shit like this sooo it's very fast-paced and sloppy!!
The air is thin in Ivy's lungs. The breaths she's expelling are heavy, heaved, and drawn out. She's struggling to inhale and exhale. To breathe. To function. Her room is too tight, the walls too closed-in. In short, she feels like she's being choked. Strangled. Not just by this apartment room, suffocated by life. And she doesn't know what to do. There's no out. She's stuck. Stuck in this endless loop. Stuck in a role. A rabid dog on a tight chain. A vicious animal waiting to be set loose. A psychotic murderer who shouldn't be trusted. Stuck proving them right.
She's mad. Not at Orla. Not at the people who labeled her. At herself. She put herself in this situation. How could people think differently when all she does is fit into their title? Whenever she's given the choice to do the right thing- be better- she does the opposite. Maybe she got comfortable with the low-held expectations. Got used to being held in poor regard. I mean, you can't disappoint someone who never had hope, right?
Her skin is crawling with discomfort, and her posture is rigid as she sits against a wall. A lazily bandaged hand lays against her exposed collarbones. An attempt to ground herself. Flesh against flesh. Warm flesh. Not cold.
She's disoriented. Alienated. As lines of reality turn fuzzy, and she starts to get distant, she mentally wrangles with herself. Nails start to press carelessly into olive skin while her mind ripples with static. This feeling, the sickening nauseation of being trapped, is clawing through her. Seeping into her bone marrow. Sticking itself to her permanently.
Strands of her black hair are stuck to her face by sweat. The sweat that beads from her hairline and trails down her cheeks, joining tears she was unaware of. She feels pathetic. Helpless. She wants to give in. Let herself melt away. Instead, she lets her hands fall to her side in a clumsy action, leaving crescent-shaped indents at her collarbones. They're laced with a left-over stinging sensation but no blood. She starts to count her fingers. Starting with her index finger. . . then middle finger. . . ring finger. . . pinky finger. Index. . . middle. . . ring. . . pinky. She repeats it over and over and over until she's sick of it. Sick of calloused fingerpads scraping together in a strange anchoring method. Blearily, she mocks herself through the disorderment, This is all so stupid. Get over yourself.
She stares at the ground. Exhausted. Her gaze flits around the rays of neon light cast from the windows and onto the floor. Squints at the cracked wood. Scrutinizes the fractures. She drags her eyes upward to the window, the presence of Vapolis leaking through the glass. It's taunting in a way. Slowly, she regains her thoughts, the repeated buzz being replaced. Her mind scrambles to catch up with her emotions, and a moment later, she's frantically digging into her pockets. Her fingers catch onto the cigarettes and lighter, messily dragging them out of her jacket like she's on borrowed time. She flips the lighter on after she's stuck a cigarette in her chapped lips. Briefly, she watches the flame dance. Observes as it spins and whirls around like a dandelion in the wind, only less innocent.
She places the fire underneath the cig, and soon after, tendrils of smoke billow into the atmosphere. She sighs out clouds of mist while the familiar rush of pleasure pangs through her. Easing slightly, she lets her body slump, head tipping upward and hitting the wall. Her sore eyes flutter shut, her shoulder still tension-filled and clamped up at her sides, but the looming factor of dread has settled. Somewhat. It's still at the forefront, lingering in her mind. She takes another drag, and her mind begins to haze over.
One hand still holding her cigarette to her lips, the other struggles to help herself up on wobbly legs. They feel like jelly underneath her weight. "Fuck," she mutters, her voice strained. Wrecked.
It's whatever, she thinks. She'll adjust. Conform to fit the mold. Easier than trying to break it or reform it. She always does what's easier for her. Less work. At the end of the day, she did this. What's that saying? Nobody to blame but yourself?
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levi-my-beloved · 2 years
So…. I am finally here after a lot of courage. Ackerbond is truly beautiful. The way you captured their emotions, struggles and weakness, it’s truly wonderful. And, the most beautiful part is that they look through each other of their memories; this is love when you feel pain, sorrow and happiness for each other. And, Levi in the childhood memory of reader’s, where he kneels in front of her to hug her, I cried at the sudden. Because, the emotions conveyed in this scene was something to tear shedded. I know I have to shed more tears in chapter 5 and 6. Anyways, I really love ackerbond and thank you for bringing this fic to life ( also @levmada, they are really genius).
HELLO!!!!! please this is so so sweet of you thank you so much <3 i know how much courage needs to be worked up to send in asks sometimes so this really does mean sososo much to me.
It was sort of a last minute decision to have reader with an equally heartbreaking backstory, because i think y'all know how much i love to write angst :")
please it means the universe to me when you lovelies send in asks like these, its so motivating and it really does make all the frustration worth it. Chapter 5 has been the chapter i've struggled with most, mainly for the extremely heavy themes and thick air of complex emotions that i had to wade through, but i really appreciate your feedback so so much. thank you <3
and yes 100% GEE'S A GENIUS. I COMPLETELY AGREE. ESPECIALLY THE ACKERBOND POST i mean, it spawned an entire novel so far so, that speaks for itself
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aphroditelovesu · 9 months
Oi!Pode escrever uma carta de yandere Hermes pedindo perdão a leitora que é esposa dele porque ele a traiu com a Afrodite e pedindo que ela volte para o Olimpo?(Hermes é o meu Deus grego favorito, e eu estive lendo alguns mitos sobre ele e essa ideia apareceu.)
Tenha um boa noite/madrugada.😊
tw: cheating.
Dear (Y/N),
I write these words filled with regret and remorse, for my heart has been plunged into an abyss of darkness since the moment I betrayed our sacred trust. My beloved, you are the light that illuminates my existence, but allow me to reveal the dark truth that has been hidden for too long.
In my moment of weakness, I let myself be seduced by the irresistible Aphrodite. I was blinded by her charm, but now I see the foolishness of my actions. I, the messenger of the gods, dared to disobey divine principles and betray the trust of someone as celestial as you.
Please understand that my soul burns with regret. The fire of guilt consumes my thoughts, and the tears I shed are the rain that cleanses the impurity from my heart. I beg you, from the bottom of my soul, to consider my request for forgiveness. Allow me to prove my devotion, my eternal loyalty to you.
You are my reason for existing, my love, my goddess. Your absence is a dark prison in which my soul suffers. I promise to honor, protect, and adore you more intensely than ever if you would just grant me a second chance.
I understand if you decide not to accept my request. The guilt I carry is a deserved weight. But know that even so, my love for you will never wane, and my heart will always belong to you, wherever you are.
With eternal love and so much regret,
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if-mirrormine · 1 year
two of a feather
summary: grayson discovers that he and the mc are more alike than he originally thought.
pairing: yandere!grayson x yandere!mc
word count: 1332
warnings: mentions and descriptions of blood, violence, death, murder. DO NOT READ THIS IF THESE MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN MEDIA CONSUMPTION.
based on the ask: i know it's been a long time since the last yandere grayson ask but. I miss my man ☹️☹️‼️ so.... could i ask maybe...... yhhh.... yandere grayson reaction to an yandere mc please ? 🙏
**unedited//hey look its jake, remember him? it's okay if you dont, he's not gonna be around long enough for it to matter teehee**
there's something wrong with mc. grayson is certain of it. they're grumpy and quiet, a frown sitting perpetually on their face. he just can't figure out why.
sitting across from them in the library, he's long neglected the assignment before him. he studies their face; the slope of their nose, the crease between their eyebrows, the pout on their lips. an image of perfection that he's got burned into his memory. he just can't stand the stony silence.
"alright," he says, breaking the silence as he pushes his books and stationery to the side to focus on his best friend. he leans across the desk on folded arms and watches them with an intense focus. "tell me what's wrong."
"what are you talking about?" they mumble, barely glancing away from the computer screen in front of them. "everything is fine."
he narrows his eyes at them. "tell that to your face," he replies. he leans down further, his chin resting on his arms as he attempts to meet their eyes. look at me, he demands. please just look at me.
when they still don't say anything, he heaves a sigh. "you can't act all cagey and weird forever," he says, his fingers tapping against the table top. "i'll get you talking eventually."
as if his words magically flipped a switch in them, they suddenly stop typing and turn to face him, a pointedly blank expression on their face and he raises his eyebrows at them. "do you like jake?" they ask, the words tumbling out of their mouth in a such a rush that they immediately begin talking again. "i mean, its not that i- well, after last night i just thought- do you like him?"
and just like that, it finally makes sense to him. his little dove is jealous. he should've seen it sooner, what with their mopey attitude making its appearance just after jake had kissed him. he'd initially assumed that it was just because they were drunk but now it all makes sense. although they don't have any reason to be jealous. as far as first kisses go, it wasn’t all that bad but jake isn't his type. that begins and end with you.
grayson struggles and fails to hide the teasing smile that appears on his face, and the mc's frown deepens at the sight of it. "why do you ask?" he questions, tilting his head at them. "something you want to tell me, mc?"
they chew on their bottom lip and his eyes follow the movement, wishing it was his teeth instead. he lets the silence hang in the air, waiting for their answer with bated breath.
"i just... know he likes you is all," they say softly before resuming their typing.
he leans back in his seat, his arms crossed over his chest and his teasing grin melts into a satisfied smirk. now this is an interesting development. perhaps one he can use to his advantage.
"really?" he asks, keeping his tone light as he picks up a pen to fiddle with. "maybe i should give him a call."
they inhale sharply at that and he quickly raises a hand to hide his smile. just as quickly, they begin to pack up their things, shoving books and stationery and loose papers into their backpack in such a haste that grayson worries they'll forget something. "i'll see at you at home," they say quickly as they jump out their chair, knocking it over in the process.
he watches them all but run out of library before he turns his attention to the computer they'd been using. what had started out as a promising essay had turned into a single word repeated over and over again that has his smile widening. mine.
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it's been hours since he's last heard from the mc. he can't help but worry about them; they're his little dove. it's his job to protect them. so when later comes and they're still not home, what other choice does he have but to go out and find them?
and he knows exactly where to look.
the sun has set by the time he arrives at the fraternity and grayson walks straight up to the front door, letting himself in as if he owns the place. he's only been here once before, a party back in his first year, so it'll take some time to find jake's room but he doesn't mind. he's got nothing but time after all.
his search takes him to the first floor and he finds that it ends just as quickly as it begins. not only are the rooms labelled, elegant golden plaques adorning the wood and stating the purpose of everything laying beyond it, but there's also the distinct sound of glass breaking coming from behind the door at the end of hallway. shoving his hands in pockets, he takes his time walking over to it and smiling at the plaque reading j. sutherland when he comes to a stop in front of it.
truth be told, grayson doesn't know what he'll find inside - from what he can hear, it's something of a fight - but his excitement is building, bubbling just below the surface. what has the mc done? what are they capable of? how far are they willing to go? he's practically buzzing with anticipation.
neither of them even notice when he pushes open the door and steps into the mess that used to be jakes bedroom. he surveys the room in critical silence; a broken lamp in the corner, a toppled over desk chair, mc shoving jake against the wall and pressing a kitchen knife against his neck.
grayson's heart swells at the very sight. his best friend is bruised and bloody, chest heaving and covered in sweat but they're the most beautiful that grayson has ever seen them and he commits the image to memory.
the seconds seem to slow when jake's eyes flick over to him and they widen at the sight of him, his plea for help unsaid but clear as day on his own battered face. but it's already too late.
gray doesn't say anything, doesn't do anything to stop them. he simply watches on in awe and adoration as the mc drags the knife across jake's skin, unflinching as they're hit with a spray of blood. they push the blade in deeper, the man's blood gushing over them like a torrent of rain and grayson has to suppress a groan.
after what feels like an eternity, they take a step back, jakes body hitting the floor the same time as the knife. mc tilts their head back and shuts their eyes for the moment, attempting to catch their breath. finally, they look up to see him standing in the doorway and they freeze in place. a deer caught in headlights.
"it's not what it looks like," they try, their voice desperate as they wipe their bloody hands on their jeans. graysons eyes follow the movement, practically salivating at the sight and he's not even listening to everything else his best friend is saying in their defense.
his feet are moving again, towards them without hesitation, and while they're still desperately trying to explain themself, he sweeps them into his arm and crashes his lips to theirs. fierce. rough. uncaring of the blood smearing across his face, of the taste of copper on his tongue. he simply pulls them closer, tangles his fingers in their hair and shares his last breath of oxygen with the only person he'll ever love.
it's all too soon that they pull away and he immediately wants to kiss them again. he wants to kiss them from now until the end of time. and now he knows that he can.
sparing a glance at the dead body at his feet, he cups their face in his hands and offers them a soft, loving smile. "well," he starts, his voice low and gravelly, as he caresses their face. "looks like my little dove isn't so innocent after all."
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writing-havoc · 1 year
I can't STOP thinking of an idea for inej ghafa x fem!reader so here you go (let me know if I'm freaking you out or if I need to stop, please!). i've read several kaz fics where he gets jealous of r very close relationship with some crow, so imagine that except with inej, where r is kaz's childhood best friend and they are a duo in the eyes of practically everyone (some even consider them a couple). r and inej have been mutually interested in each other for a long time, but r doesn't do anything because she's afraid of the consequences if the information gets out and inej doesn't try anything because she's in doubt whether r likes girls the way she (inej) does. maybe after a heist gone wrong r narrowly escaped death and now inej can't stop thinking about what could have happened if something worse had happened and r had died so the two talk privately and both admit what they feel one for the other. I can't get this idea out of my head and now I want to know how you would write about it. love inej and would like to see more of her point of view on her. oh, it would also be really nice if there was a spotlight on the platonic kaz x reader relationship. something like "we have a problem" and "no you have a problem, I have a problem friend". I imagine too much kaz rolling her eyes at every involuntary sigh of r for inej and at the end when r goes to tell her and inej getting together, kaz just like: "really? and the sky is blue?" but secretly glad her friend and the wraith are together. just inej and r being crazy about each other and kaz turning a blind eye (no romantic feelings for either of course)ssalto que deu errado r escapou por pouco da morte e agora inej pode ' t parar de pensar sobre o que poderia ter acontecido se algo pior tivesse acontecido e r tivesse morrido então os dois conversam em particular e ambos admitem o que sentem um pelo outro. Não consigo tirar essa ideia da cabeça e agora quero saber como você escreveria sobre isso. amo inej e gostaria de ver mais de seu ponto de vista sobre ela. ah, também seria muito bom se houvesse um destaque na relação platônica kaz x leitor. algo como "nós temos um problema" e "não, você tem um problema, eu tenho um problema amigo". Imagino demais kaz revirando os olhos a cada suspiro involuntário de r para inej e no final quando r vai contar pra ela e inej se reunindo, kaz tipo: "sério? e o céu tá azul?" mas secretamente feliz por sua amiga e o fantasma estarem juntos.
Fist bump
♡ Summary: Inej contemplates whether her feelings for you are reciprocated. A nearly fatal injury throws all apprehensions out the window.
♡ Pairing: Inej Ghafa x Fem!Reader, Kaz Brekker x Reader (platonic!!!)
♡ Fandom: Six of Crows, Grishaverse
♡ Warning(s): Gunshot wound, says y/n three times
♡ WC: 5.4k
Thank you for the request. It was nice getting to write for Inej again. While I've only written for her once before, I feel confident that I'm closer to getting her character right
Kaz is slightly ooc imo. But I feel it comes with the territory of him actually having a lifelong friend instead of being completely alone. So be prepared for that!
Hope you enjoy it regardless <3
Please excuse any grammar and spelling mistakes
"What the hell am I looking at?" You ask, frozen in place.
Kaz sighs from somewhere deep within his throat, tone riddled with annoyance. "Your guess is as good as mine."
Inej takes a moment to stare. Her mouth might be open as she squints at the scene, but that's... the least of her worries.
Jesper and Wylan were currently flirting with eachother on the ground floor of the Crow Club, not even at any specific game. Every once in a while pieces of their conversation would float to her ears, and it was just plain horrible.
It's honestly surprising. Jesper has no problem attracting anybody of any gender, but with the way he's talking to Wylan right now she finds it truly unbelievable that Jesper was able to pull anybody at all.
What's even more unbelievable was that Wylan was actually enjoying it.
Seduction tactics don't really interest Inej. But even she is able to distinguish between a good and bad pickup line.
The moment she hears something about a fruit she makes it a point to stop listening to them completely.
"Whatever it is they're talking about I don't think its wise for us to listen anymore." Inej turns away, body facing towards you.
"Agreed." You scoff, turning a little towards her too. "I'm not all that into exhibitionism."
Kaz's eyebrows raise. "Surprising."
He's mocking you, which you immediately recognize and shoot a glare at him, knocking your heel into his cane. "Budge off, limpy."
"Oh no. Not my limp. Anything but the limp."
It's really only funny because Kaz isn't bothering to fluctuate his voice at all. It's monotone, and his eyes remain half lidded and he hoists his cane up and brushes off the dirt you got on it.
Inej smiles, holding back a chuckle as she watches the crowd around her, people steering clear if only for the fact that Kaz is nearby.
"Yes, the limp. Your worst fear." You giggle when you watch his eyes roll.
Nina comes in, standing below the railing where you stand, eyes flickering between you and Kaz.
"How are the lovebirds doing?" She jests.
It sends a little pang through Inej's heart.
Your closeness with Kaz has been a topic of interest within the crows since they joined the little inner circle. And it's not all that surprising.
You have known Kaz the longest out of any of them. You were with him when he joined the Dregs, when he climbed his way up the ladder until he became floor boss and when he managed to secure fifth harbor. You even own a share in it, taking the risk and knowing full well Kaz would have gotten it up and running.
He let's you closer than anyone else, his trust intrinsic to the fact that you have been with him through thick and thin. Inej can tell something big happened an your guys' past, small looks shared here and there, pursed lips when someone mentions a niche topic.
But with the way you hang around eachother, when you sigh with a far away look and Kaz wacks your shin with his cane just gard enough that it aches, when you can have a conversation with just a glance, it's only natural that people assume.
"In his fucking dreams." You chuckle. "This lump of coal is my best friend and nothing more, we've told you this."
Nina smirks, looking between you two once more. "You tell me and yet I can sense your heart beating like crazy, my dear Y/n."
Inej watches as you prickle, flustered, but her gazing is interrupted when you turn your body completely away from her, focusing solely on Nina.
"Hearts can lie, Zenik." Inej watches as the smile falters slightly on Nina's face. "There are people who have mastered the art of lying without any spikes in heartbeat because of grisha power. Unrelated, im simply inebriated and just witnessed the most foul and frankly disgusting conversation between Jesper and Wylan."
Nina groans. "Oh don't even get me started on that. They walked right next to me and let me tell you, I learned more about Wylan than I ever needed to know."
And just like that the topic is dropped, but Inej's mind was still gripping it, trying and failing to squeeze any sort of meaning beneath your words.
Because that conversation between those two boys hadn't flustered you in the slightest. You made jokes, voice and posture lacking any semblance of embarrassment.
You like someone. If not Kaz, then someone else. Someone you know. She takes the little hope that bubbles in her heart and gently pours it into a bottle, corking it and putting it away.
Hope is dangerous. But not unnecessary.
She'll look at it later. When she has time to feel what she needs to feel.
"Well that's a delicious specimen." You purr, watching a man in a bright yellow-green suit walk into the club.
Nina looks where you do, Inej and Kaz following your gaze.
"5." Is all Nina says.
"James Denker." Kaz relays. "Dirt poor, dressed in an attempt to impress."
"Ugly suit color." It wasnt, but it clashed horribly with the reds and blacks the club adorned. He stood out like a sore thumb.
You groan. "You're all the worst."
"We're simply saving you from having the worst time of your life." Nina downs a glass being cleaned up, Rotty taking it back once it was dry. "Speaking of, I need to go find Matthias."
"To torture him?" You lean into the railing, resting your head in your open hand.
Nina hums. "Torture is not on the menu tonight."
Kaz rolls his eyes, immediately leaving to go elsewhere as Nina strolls away, off to find her burly boyfriend.
You stay planted exactly where you are, looking out at the little tide pool of people rolling dice and flipping cards.
"Everyone's so obsessed with sex today." You remark.
Inej raises a brow. "You literally just called a man a 'delicious specimen'."
You chuckle. "I wasnt actually going to do anything. I would never go for a man dressed like an unripe lemon."
She hums, coming to rest her hands on the rail next to you. Out of the corner of her eye she sees you begin to track someone, a smile pulling at your lips. She follows your gaze, and sees a women in a dark blue dress, low a-line revealing her stomach. A feather boa rests on her shoulders, a matching dark blue bandana pinning her hair back in a mass of curls.
"Men tend to have the worst fashion taste."
Inej looks at you, your face relaxed and pupils wider than she's ever seen them.
The girl comes up to the railing, looking up at you. You give her a toothy smile, allowing her to take your hand and give it a kiss.
It squashes her heart and shocks it all at once.
You're so gentle with the woman below, who introduces herself as Femke, at it pains Inej that it's not her, but also uncorks that bottle she had just put away and pours it all over her.
She feels it in her hands, the way her eyes avert as you giggle at eachother with your hand in the safety of your pocket, the way her feet want to run and jump between the highest rooftops.
Kaz was incredibly right. Hope is dangerous.
"I have to go, but it was lovely conversing with you." You say politely, giving Inej a look she knows is begging you to follow her.
She does so, taking an alternate route out of club, pulling up a mask and throwing the hood of her tunic over her head.
She heads out a side door, melding into the shadows of an alleyway as she begins to scale the side of the building, fingers still electrified. Balconies become footholds and launching points and gutters become ledges to hoist herself up.
You're a bit further behind, but not terribly. You opt for a ladder placed on the back of a building two addresses down. You hop along the top of the curved rooftops, bouncing between the dormers and sliding down gabled edges whilst Inej followed, a grin pulling her mask up until you both reach a flat roof.
The view below is rather pretty compared to the rest of the Barrel. The distance you had crossed places you closer to East Stave, the wide canal full of boats and gondolas.
Lamposts were beginning to turn on, the lamplighters going around and lighting them. People began to bunch up, drawing their coats around their shoulders.
She looks at you, then. Worn out, the thinnest sheen of sweat making you glow. She wants to know just how warm you are.
She stays where she is.
"You're rather popular tonight." Inej begins, biting the topic in the ass.
"Hm?" You ask, catching your breath. "Oh, Femke. I guess."
Inej quirks a brow. "It didnt go as planned?"
You chuckle. "You were standing right next to me, Inej." Her name sounds like sweet treats her parents used to get her coming from your lips.
"The moment felt private."
"Femke was pretty, yes. She was... fucking gorgeous." You laugh, a kind of manic one when you remember her features. "But I couldn't be with her even if I wanted to."
Your face turned a little more solemn, eyes glancing around Inej's face.
"I'm sure she would have agreed to a night together if you showed interest."
"Thats not the problem. But thanks for the vote of confidence." You turn away, hopping onto the edge of the roof, hanging your legs off the side.
She walks to the edge, prefering to stay where she could quickly flee, hands resting on the concrete. "Do you want to elaborate?"
She hopes you'll say yes. Hopes you'll let her in.
You swing your feet, lip sucked between your teeth as you tear off the skin.
"I have... a rather quiet appreciation for the attractiveness of women." You say, staring out at the open street full of people. Inej cannot help but think of how romantic this all could be, if the day had been different. The topic lighter. Your words bobble around in her mind relentlessly. "Aside from the fact that me being with someone could compromise their safety, women get enough people who will yell how pretty we are with the caveat that they'll hurt us if we take it negatively in any way. I wanted my love for women to be quieter, out of personal experience, but there all the same."
It feels like Inej's mind is playing tricks on her, some sort of intoxication manifesting in auditory hallucinations. But when you look at her out of the corner of your eye, mouth upturned so perfectly, she knows in her wildest dreams she couldn't have thought of something even half as stunning.
She looks where you were just looking, seeing parades of men with their arms slung around eachother stumbling down the road, women hooking their arms through the other and talking quietly into the others ear, families tugging their kids close and loners standing on the corners of buildings with blunts and cigars resting between their fingers.
She understands. "You've got a beautiful soul."
She'll treasure the way she could hear your shoulders relax, hand coming to rest right next to hers.
"Kaz!! Kaz Kaz Kaz Kaz-"
Inej was startled from her perch in the window when your voice boomed up the stairs, door to the office flying open.
You were slightly out of breath, and your hair was a mess of strands flying in random directions, like you'd been running your fingers through it. Pulling it even.
Kaz didn't seem worried in the slightest though. In fact, she wasn't even sure he recognized you were there until he said, "What is it now, Y/n?"
"We have a problem."
"No we don't. You have a problem. I have a friend who is obsessed with making them." He looks up from his desk, not even bothering to set down the pen from his hold. "What happened?"
Your lip wobbled, and Inej was quick to tag it as fake when you threw yourself into the lonely chair that sits across from Kaz's desk, body melting into it. "There's no more Kvas."
He sighs. "Of course there isn't." His fingers find the bridge of his nose, pinching it just slightly.
"We had four bottles left yesterday." Inej notes. "Was there some sort of celebration?"
"No. All jobs that took place yesterday, while necessary, wouldn't have warranted a celebration like that. I'll order more tonight."
Immediately you brighten, face splitting open as you hop up from the chair, a giggle spilling from your lips. "Thank you Kaz!"
"What's the ocassion?" Inej asks. Her heart stutters when you turn that wide grin towards her.
"Remember that businessman Kaz had you spy on a few days ago?"
That got both her and Kaz's attention, the both of them staring at you. "I do."
"Well, I happened to run into him today and had a chat with him when I realized he was wearing a pocketwatch of the same type that my father used to wear." The mention of your family only makes Inej more interested.
You and Kaz never talk about where you came from, not unprompted anyway. The only tidbits of information that Inej has been able to scrounge up and overhear was that your family was very close friends with Kaz's, and that both of your parents, judging by how you talk about them, are either dead or too busy to bother contacting you.
"And this is meant to mean... what? Exactly?" Kaz prompts, a bit of caution dripping from his tone.
"I'm getting to it! Anyway, we had a rather long conversation about it and how useful they can be. Which of course led into talk about businesses and meetings and the such- he mentioned that there was about to be a huge rise in, like, 4 different stocks because of something going on over in Ravka. I have it written down, um, here!"
You root around your jacket, taking a card out of one of your inner pockets and handing it to Kaz. Inej stood up and walked over, taking a look at the writing.
There 5 stocks written down in your own messy scrawl, the card itself being the man's business information. One of the stocks she recognized as being really low from when Kaz talked about it the day she had to spy on him.
"I also managed to nab his wallet. You would not believe the stuff this guy keeps in here. There's a deed and tons of other interesting things." You take a wallet from your pocket, leaning forward and dangling it in front of Kaz's face.
He grabbed it from you, opening the leather receptacle.
"Aren't I just the greatest bff you could ask for?" You posed, going out of your way to exaggerate each one, sending a wink Inej's way when she eventually made eye contact with you.
"Annoying, is what you are." Kaz remarks.
You two were incredibly confusing sometimes. He treats you differently than he would everyone else. You make fun of him and tease him and get closer than anyone would dare, and he takes all of it in stride, turning your teasing right back on you, pulling you around by your waist with his cane when you particularly annoy him or when you're about to run into something.
But maybe that's just a statement of your friendship. In a way, Inej doesn't think anyone will ever be able to get so deep beneath Kaz's walls like you have. Kaz deserves to have that someone that he can just be who he is around. There's some semblance of a boy within that bloody battered exterior.
And who better to bring that out than you? The person who came here with him and who holds so much compassion that it's truly a wonder it hasn't been beaten out of you yet? You hold a certain appreciation for life that brings a balance to the apathy Kaz likes to exhibit and uplifts others.
It makes Inej remember the little moment last night. The way you looked so calm and the way the lights of the lampost made your skin glow.
You... you really like girls. And it makes Inej feel so giddy and hopeful. It translates as a smile that you return.
Kaz sighs. "Inej, I need you to return this once I look at everything."
She glares at him. "We've talked about this."
"Dearest Inej, will you please return this once I'm done?"
"Can I come?" You ask.
"Unfortunately for you, no." Kaz gives you a glance. "Youre needed with Jesper and I after I do this."
Your eyebrows snap together, mouth opening to say something before the whole expression fades into realization. "Oh yeah." You drag out the words. "For that thing near the lid."
Kaz neglects to answer, still going over everything in the wallet. He pulls out a few bills of kruge, which he immediately stows away into his shirt pocket. Everything is taken out and placed methodically around his desk, any wet papers being skillfully avoided.
"That thing is a ten thousand kruge job. So you better remember what it is."
There's a silence for a few moments, your wide eyes trailing towards Inej. She shrugs, and you cup your hand around your mouth, a stage whisper exiting your lips. "I don't remember."
Kaz drops the wallet, scratching his chair against the floor as he says "of course you don't, filthy lovebird" and walks to a drawer in a dresser, pulling out a blueprint.
'Lovebird.' Inej thinks the same time you whine out an 'I'm sorry' but Kaz ignores it, shoving the paper into your hand. You quickly unroll it as Kaz starts going over the plan once more, eyes flickering to find the starting point.
"It's simple. You will use your curse of an ability to start conversation with complete strangers and distract the guard at the west point by asking for a bathroom..."
Inej remembers this. Kaz had briefed her for it as well before realizing her presence, for once, wasn't all that necessary. You were acting strange that meeting, half of it you were off staring into space at Inej.
She remembers her collar feeling a little stiff, heat making her sweat under your gaze.
Kaz ended up sighing and knocking the metal head of his cane against your forehead, making you yelp. He had to go over the plan again, Jesper laughing at your pouted lip.
"I don't need anything else from this wallet." The conversation fades back into focus. "The kruge and the stock card are all I need. Inej." He holds out the wallet to her, which she takes and immediately pockets it.
"How long will you be gone?" She asks, eyes flickering to you.
"No more than four hours." Kaz stands and takes his cane, heading to the coat rack to collect his outer wear. He gives you a stern glare. "If everything goes according to plan."
Your eyes roll, landing on Inej. "No faith. Absolutely none."
"Faith isn't in his vocabulary."
Kaz walks out the door, leaving it wipe open.
Inej expects you to follow, to jog to the door and disappear beyond into the darkness of the staircase with nothing but a 'see ya' yelled at her.
But you turn to her instead, hand rubbing over your stomach as if to quiet it. You wet your lips, her eyes following the movement. She stands a little straighter when you approach.
"No mourners, yeah?" You extend your fist.
Inej smiles, heart beating faster as she tentatively bumps her knuckles into yours. "Yeah. No funerals."
With a nod, you chuckle and leave, leaving Inej alone with her thoughts and a cold wallet pressed into her tunic.
You'll be fine. Jobs like these were routine, and Kaz and Jesper were two people she'd trust with your life any day.
But that doesn't stop the anxiety from bubbling in her gut, acid gnawing at the walls as she leaps out the window.
The chance for something to go wrong is never zero.
They should be, though.
A loud, booming "Move" startles everyone away from the door. People dive out of the way, a cane flashing by their faces as Jesper carries a body down to the makeshift hospital beneath the Slat.
Inejs heart sinks, Nina rushing in after them.
There's only one person that could be.
She hops down the stairs, weaving through people like a needle and thread and swinging the door open with such a force that it bounces off the wall and squeals shut behind her.
"Guys please it's not that ba- OW!"
"You don't get to say it's not that bad when you lost nearly a quart of blood." Jesper hisses, grabbing at his head.
"What happened?" Inej demands, a rumbling in her chest as she does so.
Kaz nearly threw his cane down, chunks of his composure swiftly falling away. "Plan A failed, we had to resort to Plan J."
Inej wants to tug out her braid, to tug his hair out, "Which was?"
"Fucking book it." Jesper slumps into a chair. "Which we did, but one of them got lucky and hit her in quite possibly one of the worst places you can get hit."
Inej starts going through a catalogue of major arteries, sick intrusive images of your neck blown open and chest reduced to a gaping hole shoving their way into her mind.
But that's not the case. You were talking, sitting upright, protesting.
Now you're laid down, your nails carving crescent moons into your forehead as you shove the heel of your palms into your eyes, teeth gritting.
Nina's using her heartrending to look over your hip and thigh area, and Inej realizes the predicament that the novice healer has to deal with.
There's an artery that runs through the inner thigh. If it's hit, it's almost just as deadly as the side of your neck being slit open. The bullet managed to hit within that area, and a tightly bound blood-soaked piece of fabric was keeping pressure on the wound. Probably the only thing keeping you from bleeding out.
"It's been nicked. But the bullet seems to still be in you. I'll have to do my best to heal it while also trying to direct it out of your body." Nina doesn't even give you a moment to process it, immediately loosening the fabric.
Blood begins to gush from your wound, and Inej wants to scream.
Jesper follows your lead and digs his palms into his eyes. Kaz stands a good few feet from the table, watching the whole thing unfold. And Inej is...
She walks up to the side of the table, reaching out and brushing her finger through your hair.
"It'll be done soon, yeah?" She asks thought not really expecting an answer, watching your temple flex and your skin turn red as you held your breath. A rough scream escapes your lungs when you open your throat, gulping in as much air as possible before you go back under.
A small tink sounds against the table, bullet out. But Nina is sweating, glowing under candle light as she stitches everything she can back together.
"The bullets out. The only thing you have to do is wait for Nina to be done putting you together again and then you'll be done."
Healing, while ever so helpful, was far from painless. You're speeding up your body's natural process, your skin, muscles, veins being stitched back together on a cellular level.
A highly trained grisha healer could probably numb you while doing so. But Nina is not that.
Inej wants to be mad at her for being so inept when it comes to this. For not having the ability to just repair you with practiced ease and get this over with.
But she can't. She can't be mad at Nina for being who she is.
Instead she's grateful that Nina is here at all. Otherwise you'd be-
Saints, she doesn't want to think about it.
"What went wrong?" Inej asks, taking your hands away from your eyes when beads of blood build on your forehead. "This was supposed to be simple."
You grip her hands tightly. She squeezes them right back, hoping she's providing some sort of relief as she prays for your life.
"Simple doesn't cut it when your intel becomes outdated." Kaz snarled. "They changed the guard postings on the inside. We got found out shortly after retrieving this."
He pulls out a rolled up painting from a tube slung over a chair. It's a landscape of what looks to be from Fjerdan territory looking beyond towards Ravka. The Shadow Fold is missing, and in the distance she can see the artist took some creative liberties and drew the Ravkan palace.
"Supposed to be worth over ten times what we were getting paid for." Jesper uncovers his eyes, opting to cover his mouth and nose. "Doesnt really seem worth it for this."
He glances at Kaz, but Kaz looks at her, and in those dark brown eyes she feels like they come to an understanding. Kaz knows things that Inej hasnt bothered to voice to him outloud. He knows how she feels about you, and is probably just about the only person that on some level could come close to feeling the way she does now.
You're way too important to lose.
Nina let's out a deep breath, hands becoming slower and less steady. "I've got this mostly patched up, but for now the artery is pretty weak. I've got most of the muscles around it to heal to protect what it can but rest and the least amount of movement as possible while I monitor this for the next few days is whats needed."
Inej feels you relax, hands no longer squeezing the life out of her own. Your elbows knock against the table, foot wiggling on your injured leg.
You swallow. "Okay."
Inej has never heard you sound so small, which is surprising.
This isn't your first time getting injured like this, though it has been a long time. But even now she can remember you fighting them every step of the way when you were asked to rest.
Now you're more compliant than ever. You're not even making a move to sit up.
Kaz clears his throat. "Jesper, Nina, out."
Inej can hear Jesper get up from the chair, all too ready to get away from the situation. Nina, however, is less ready to vacate your side.
"I want to check over the rest of her for any other injuries you may have missed in your getaway plan." She places her hands over your head, slowly moving down your body.
"There are no other injuries. It was just the bullet. Out."
Jesper is already up the stairs, probably to find Wylan. She knows he'll come back later, once he's calmed down and can properly look you in the eye after being faced with your mortality. Nina gets down to your feet, and sighs.
"Just wanted to make sure your girlfriend-"
At the same time, you and Kaz state that you're not together. Your voice is a lot sharper than Kaz's, which is enough for Nina to whip around and give you a look.
You're sat up now, propped up on your elbows as you glare at her.
"I would really appreciate it if you stopped pushing us together, thanks."
Your hand squeezes Inej's, and it's like her heart gets zapped with a little lightning.
Nina eyes you for a moment, expression a little hurt but otherwise reserved as she searches for something.
When she looks at Inej, it seems she found it.
Her eyebrows shoot up, and her mouth falls into a little 'o' as she backs up. "How could I have missed that?"
Before Inej can silently ask what that means, she's smirking and basically running up the stairs.
Kaz collects his things, then gives Inej and you a nod before following.
The door above clicks shut, and a bound of wild creaking from above tells her that a few people were crowding around the door and waiting for news.
You squeeze her hand again, and Inejs attention is all on you.
"How bad is it?" You ask.
Inej swallows, then looks down. There's a mess of reds and purple around where the wound is. It's smaller than before, skin a little malformed where Nina put everything back together.
"It looks like you got shot."
You chuckle, moving to sit up completely. Inej helps you were she's needed, letting you use her to pull yourself up and position yourself without using your leg.
Silence followed. Your hand was still holding Inej's, your thumb going over rough spots on her palms. Your finger would stop, finding a spot that was particularly rough, and then smooth over it as if you could make it disappear.
"Thank you."
Her brows scrunch. "For what?"
"For staying."
"Of course."
You take a deep breath, exhale coming out shaky. Before Inej can ask what was the matter, you begin talking.
"I like you." You say. "I like you a lot, and I have for a while. Long enough that I can't be in a room alone without automatically looking for even though I know you won't be there. Enough that about half the time when I feel like you're watching me I'm right, and I can pick you out from the crowd."
Inej is smiling. She can feel it on her face, eyes pricking and ears ringing just a bit.
"Kaz has gotten so sick of me talking about you to the point he actually has resorted to knocking his cane against me when I sigh too loudly or when your name comes out of my mouth for the tenth time in a minute." A chuckle comes out of your mouth when you go to rub at a bruise on your shin. "He doesnt mean to be harsh but I think he forgets how solid his cane is sometimes."
She's laughs, the same as you do when she pulls your hand towards her and presses it against her chest, heart saying everything and more.
But words matter too.
"I like you too. For what sounds like just as long as you have. Believe me if I had known you liked girls I wouldn't have let you torture Kaz for as long as you did."
"What do you say? Girlfriends?" You let go of her hand and hold out your fist.
She bumps her fist against yours. "Girlfriends."
She loves the way your eyes brighten.
However, she does not love that the door to the room comes open again.
The distinct sound of metal on wood tells the both of you immediately who it is. While Inej's annoyance only slightly decreases, yours disappears immediately.
"Look!" You gently offer your hand, and Inej slips her fingers between yours, interlocking them. "We're dating. Inej likes me back."
He rounds the corner, looking at the both of your hands. He puts up his shoulders, raising an eyebrows.
"And im actively disabled. Dont waste my time with the obvious."
You chuckle. "Thanks, Kaz."
While Kaz mulls over whether it's worth it to stay down here, Inej helps you off the table, easing your leg down to the ground where it remains limp.
"Oh my saints, twinsies."
Inej looks between you and Kaz. Your limp leg is the same as his.
"If I ever hear you say twinsies again, you will lose me as your friend."
Kaz takes that as a challenge, and moves up the stairs faster than she has ever seen him go.
As you call out to him to get his ass back here, Inej takes a moment to think about how perfect everything is.
Your leg may be out of commission, but you're happier than she has ever seen you before. You asked her to be your girlfriend, and still you're gentle and wait for permission. She's giggling as you do when you trip a little and catch yourself on the step.
She's so incredibly happy to be where she is today. And even more excited to figure out where the both of you will go from here.
@xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @kylie18 @morrigan-crowmwell @venomsvl @milkshake0
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loohs-world · 1 year
I'm back guys. I've been going through a tough time recently so I've stopped writing but I promise to get back to it now.
zhouguanyu24 ✓
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Liked by yourusername,alfaromeoorlen and 75.564 people
zhouguanyu24 “你會在一起”是他們說的哈哈❤️
user How cute my god❤️🥹🥹
alfaromeoorlen ✓ the ADM here dies of love 🫶🏼🥹
yourusername ✓ 愛你娃娃破壞者 🫶🏻😍
♡ liked by creator
userbr 😍😍
pierregasly ✓ The young love that beautiful.
yourusername old silence 😂
zhouandynfan the prettiest and cutest little things I've ever seen😍😍
yourusername ✓
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Liked by zhouguanyu24,pierregasly and 33.091 people
yourusername “女孩子很煩人” ❤️ @zhouguanyu24
zhouguanyu24 ✓ 忽略 😂🫶🏻🫶🏻
user 😍😍
lewishamilton ✓ We always say this lol
yourusername 😢❤️
zhoufan so cute 😭😍
userbr tô chorando com essas fofuras mds😭❤️
lilymhe ✓ passionate 😍🥰🥰
zhouguanyu24 ✓
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Liked by alfaromeoorlen,lewishamilton and 80.541 people
zhouguanyu24 六年快樂,謝謝你所做的一切,親愛的。我非常愛你 🤍🔐
user ❤️
lewishamilton ✓ congratulations friends❤️
pierregasly ✓ Cheers couple❤️
alfaromeoorlen ✓ Congratulations fvrt couple from adm❤️😉
danielricciardo✓ Cheers ❤️
yourusername ✓ 愛你無限愛❤️🥹
georgerussell63 ✓ Congratulations ❤️
user Definitely crying because I will never have a zhou😭😭😭
user are you getting engaged now?
user I wanted to know too
F1 ✓ best wishes guys ❤️
valtteribottas✓ much love for you ❤️❤️
yukitsunoda0511 ✓ cheers ❤️🥰
yourusername ✓
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Liked by lilymhe, zhouguanyu24 and 10.201 people
yourusername 🔐
userbr tão piticos
lilymhe ✓ please adopt me ❤️🥹
zhouguanyu24 ✓ ❤️❤️‍🔥😍
f1fanbr tão fofos meu deus do céu 😍
zhoufan cute couple my god🥹🥹
zhouandyn 😍
user ❤️😍
carmenmmundt ✓ 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
user 😍
ynfan 😍😍
zhouguanyu24 ✓
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Liked by yourusername,valtteribottas and 60.431 people
zhouguanyu24 😍❤️‍🔥
ynfanbr 😍😍
danielricciardo ✓ We should go to a yn concert
pierregasly I agree friend
yourusername 我愛你 🥹🥹❤️
zhoufan 太可愛了🥹
user ❤️
valtteribottas star❤️🥰
user Zhou girlfriend's biggest supporter ❤️🥹
userbr vocês 🤏🏼🤏🏼🤏🏼
user 😍
user 🛐🛐
ynandzhoufan 😍😍😍
carmenmmundt ✓ music star 😍
user my favorite singer
zhouguanyu24 She is also my favorite singer you know
userbr Zhou cadelinha da yn 😂❤️
userbr todos nós somos amg😂
userbr isso eu concordo 😂😂
219 notes · View notes
nathsketch · 10 months
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Sneak peek and long post ahead!
Written by my amazing friend @talessak and illustrated by yours truly, this is our first collaboration and my first time illustrating a comic book! I'm really terrified but also super excited to be sharing the result of our hard work with you.
Trateggio: Hidden Voices is an exciting tale of mystery with a bit of comedy and a pinch of treasure hunting for you National Treasure lovers out there!
Our crowdfunding campaign is now live! We have plans to make it available for readers overseas, so if you're interested, please show us your enthusiasm!
Even if you're not able to contribute at this moment, every like, comment, and reblog will be much much appreciated and will help our little story reach more and more people!
Happy August! 📚
🇧🇷 Um pequeno teaser de uma coisinha em que eu venho trabalhando há alguns meses!
Escrita por minha super talentosa amiga @talessak e ilustrada por mim, essa é a nossa primeira parceria e a minha primeira ilustração de história em quadrinhos! Eu estou apavorada mas também super empolgada em poder compartilhar o resultado de nosso trabalho com vocês.
Trateggio: Vozes Ocultas é uma história de mistério com uma boa dose de comédia e ainda por cima, com um toque de caça ao tesouro! Algum fã de A Lenda do Tesouro Perdido por aí?? Nossa campanha está no ar! Todos os likes, comentários e compartilhamentos ajudam muito e podem levar nossa história a mais pessoas!
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wortverlust · 2 years
what can i say, my knowledge of pickles is simply astounding
AND DRAGONS ARE COOL, and who knew knowing so much about them would help a shaman woman with her mushroom trip vision interpretation… that was a mouthful— BUT I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THE DRAGON ON YOUR WALL PLS, THAY SOUNDS SICK, unfortunately the ones on mine will stay hidden for the rest of time
he was so good the other day, the vet came down to see him because he had mites in his feathers the poor boy, so they gave him an injection to kill them off. he was absolutely fine but i had to walk away because the needle was fucking huge and i was about to pass out… wouldn’t be the first time
an asshole at times, but a beautiful one. he doesn’t let you lead him away from the field unless he’s had a polo mint. some may call it “teaching bad habits” but i call it “being unable to discipline animals if they are cheeky or mischievous because they i love them too much”— huge difference
for some reason, i cannot think of another concept that just like, is you. just, having pickles for legs is the most jo thing i’ve ever heard, that’s a compliment i swear—
oh and if you ever call yourself plain again i’ll tear off your skin and wear it as a jacket :)
is that threat too far? does too far exist??? if there is a line, watch me throw myself the other side of it :”)
OH ALSO, fuck i forgot what i was gonna say, WAIT GOT IT lmk if this is tricky to keep up with IVE BEEN TOLD I TALK A BIT TOO MUCH WHEN IM EXCITED so don’t hesitate to let me know <3
Essa...I'm sorry....I painted it over...the dragon... eifjwihfoiwh but maybe it's time for a new dragon on the wall (: (A red one...with green glowing eyes? idk why I thought for a red one immediately ^^;;)
also..vets? iejwiefjwihf Spencer had an eye surgery when he was little… So he had stitches around his eyes for like 4 weeks? And I holded him while the vet removed the stitches… >_> I feld so bad afterwards…but well… I didn't want the vet's assistant to hold my little man bc he already was so scared >_<
AND PLEASE!!!! I mean every time you see a pickle again you have to THINK of ME. insert evil laughter* wether it's a pickle in his usual environment or a pickle lieng at the beach, just celebrating existence.
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IF YOU WEAR ME AS A JACKET IT WILL BE A JOcket…okay I'm sorry…this is the worst and saddest pun EVER.
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drrr-emporium · 1 year
What to do if Durarara over
I'm going to assume you've finished the anime and have not gone into anything else Naritaverse wise
So! You can read the novels. Since they're officially licensed by yen press, you can buy the soft cover books or get them as an ebook / kindle from barnes and noble or amazon. I don't really endorse this but I'm sure if you do enough digging around you can find old, still available, free translations like anni_fiesta who did a lot of translating back in the day. Here's the link to their Index of Translation. I still use it since it's the only place I know that has the white day story translated and it's one of my favorites (For Kadota Related reasons haha), plus a couple of other side stories.
(I think the internet archives have the novels if you do some poking around but for Narita Please Write SH 5 reasons, I'll ask you to dig those up lmao)
Speaking of Side stories, Kazinha-726 translated a bunch of drrr side stories But since they haven't updated in a while, you need to change the links from kaedesan721 to their new URL kazinha-726. I'll directly link what you need here
Izaya Spin Off Translations I don't think these are officially licensed for translation so it's fine for me to link. This is the story of Izaya now that he's been forced out of Ikebukuro, and there's two books as of writing this.
Durarara Gaidens It's some gaidens, but It's also a handful of translated convos from 3 way stand of alley relay, the links use that kaedesan721 link, so while I won't be fixing all those links for you, I can at least link the tag for all of them here. you can probably find audio for this game on youtube, though I'm not sure anyone's like.... fully translated? perhaps? Which ALSO reminds me of the relay manga
Durarara Epitome of Eighteen Histories Written along side the release of season 2, we've got some stories involving Kazane Kinomiya, who's the half sister of Shinra, and a reporter. They have all 18 listed there nicely EXCEPT the Erika and Walker Link is a little messed up, and if you search through the posts you can get to it but anyway here's the link to that story specifically
DRRR x Hakata Tonkatsu Ramens Actually I haven't seen HTR or read it so I can't really tell you about this one but if you're into that series--
There's ALSO MiniDura which are little gag comics of the durarara cast in chibis! there should be 4 books as of me writing this. Godspeed on finding translations they seem to be around.... but this post is long and I'm scared of losing it so I'll update later on how many chapters there are so you don't miss any, though I'm seeing up to 10 in my cursory search.
Shizuo, Izaya, and Celty are also in uh.... Dengeki Bunko's fighting Climax, which you might be able to find some stuff on on youtube. but since it's Dengeki Bunko you also have other series... I can only remember A Certain Magical Index / A Certain Scientific Railgun / the other titles in this series as being part of it whoops.
So you've done all that, what do you do next?
Well Narita has other series, like Baccano! which had an anime before DRRR did, which is 16 episodes. Since Funimation lost the license back in like... 2012 it's not officially uh licensed for viewing anywhere, so uh. wink wink. message me if you need more help here.
There's ALSO the novels which... there are so many more than there are for drrr, also available to purchase, though these are hardcovers! Last time I checked they had.... around 20 translated? Since I'm more drrr side I'd have to ask about fan translations and if I can still find them around. But again I don't really condone it since we want more written you know?
Narita also has a couple other series, but the one that's my favorite besides DRRR is Etsusa Bridge (It's pronounced Essa Bridge don't make the same mistake I did. )
And i NEED more people to read that one please please please please
Unfortunately, the person who did the fan translation closed their Blogspot to the public so uh. the first 4 books, and really what is the main story, is available on the internet archive here
Though I'm saying thank you to baka-tsuki for my life by having a page of links here, which includes the 5th book, 5656 part two (NARITA..... I NEED 5656 PART 2 PLEASE...... PLEASE)
and Vamp on the internet archive here and baka-tsuki here
I also know about Hariyama-san but i don't actually know... if anyone translated that one..... Narita has also written for Bleach and Fate Strange/ Fake if you're into those. Straight up just linking this wiki page in case you have any interest in other stuff he's written
And finally! Currently, Dead Mount Death Play (often shortened to DMDP) is a manga written (or co written?) by Narita! which is currently getting an anime and all of his attention.
All that being said I've been really into Trigun lately lmao
Anyone else feel free to add on or tell me what I may be missing
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justagalwhowrites · 11 months
Beskar Doll - Ch. 42: Search
Din puts his hunting skills to use to track you down. A continuation of Beskar Doll ch. 1-41 found on Tumblr here.
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Pairing: The Mandalorian/Din Djarin x Female Reader
Warnings: Canon typical violence and a smidge beyond; Mention of slavery. No use of Y/N. Minors DNI 18+ only.
Length: 4.9k
Din felt sick. 
You’d left. He had to find you. Had to bring you back. 
There had to be something wrong. Something had scared you enough that you took a ship, piloted it yourself. Your note said that he and Grogu “should be safe now.” You saw a threat and handled it without him. You had to be in danger, he had to find you. 
“Mando!” Peli stalked aboard the Crest, the child in her arms. “I really can’t just take the kid on demand, I need to go see if anyone’s heard about the N-1…” 
“Essa took it,” Din said. “Need you to watch Grogu…” 
“What do you mean Essa took it?” Peli frowned. “And I’m not calling him that, that’s a ridiculous name…” 
“That’s his name,” Din said, trying to think, trying to figure out how to track you. 
Normally, it would be easy. He’d look at what information he had on the quarry and try to tell what kind of person they were. Some, the kinds that seemed like they’d have close bonds, would return home. Others would scramble for a place they thought they could blend in or a place they thought their credits would take them far. 
You wouldn’t do any of those things. You were a spy. If you thought disappearing would keep Grogu safe, you’d do it. And you knew how to disappear. 
He needed to figure out what you were running from. Then he could find where you went. 
“Mando!” Peli snapped him out of his own head. “What do you mean Essa took the N-1?” 
“She took it,” Din said. “I don’t know where she went but she took it and she’s gone…” 
He handed Peli your note. She read it and frowned. 
“Oh, Mando,” she said quietly, her face falling. “I’m so sorry…” 
“The N-1,” Din said. “Was there any kind of tracker in it? Anything at all?” 
“No,” she said. “No, I figured you wouldn’t want it to be traceable and neither would anyone else in the market…” 
“Dank farrik,” he swore. There was only one thing he could think to do. 
“I need you to watch the kid,” he said. “Please, Peli. I have to find her, I have to get her back, she wouldn’t leave without a very good reason, she has to be in trouble. I have to find her, it might not be safe for…” 
“I’ll watch him,” Peli said. “I’ll take care of him….” 
“If I don’t come back, contact Greef Karga on Nevarro,” Din said. “He can find Ahsoka Tano, a Jedi. She can help Grogu.” 
She looked more serious than the Mandalorian had ever seen her. Grogu cooed, his eyes wide and scared. 
“I’m going to go find her, buddy,” he said, looking at the child. “Don’t be afraid. It’ll be OK, I’ll bring her back. I’ll bring her back.” 
Leaving Grogu felt wrong. But it was the only thing Din could think to do to keep him safe. Whatever scared you was a threat to the child. He couldn’t bring him into harm’s reach - even if it felt safer to keep him close. 
He was going back to Canto Bight and the time in hyperspace was agonizingly long. He was pushing the Crest as hard as he could and it was still painfully slow. He read your note over and over, desperate to find something he might have missed. There wasn’t anything he could see. 
He shouldn’t have backed off so easily when he sensed something was wrong with you. He should have pushed you. He should have watched you. He should have done… something.  Anything. 
How could he have let this happen? Let you believe you couldn’t talk to him about whatever had driven you to this? Why hadn’t you come to him? 
He tried to sleep. It didn’t work. He removed his helmet and read the letter again. He read the ones to Aidla, too. 
He’d find you. He could find anyone, he would find you. 
Canto Bight was strange without you. Din had never been inside the bar you worked out of but he knew exactly where it was. Knew the best vantage points. Knew the layout of the structure. He knew exactly how to get you out of trouble if you were inside that bar. 
Or that’s what he thought, anyway. You’d managed to find trouble he couldn’t save you from, anyway.
He went to the woman behind the bar and she looked him up and down. 
“What can I get you?” She asked. 
“There was a woman,” Din said. “Rented a room for meetings here, once a week until a few days ago…” 
“Essa,” she nodded. “Sorry, she left town…” 
“I need to know who she met with on the last day she was here,” Din said. “If there’s a log…” 
She looked at him again, nodding slowly. 
“You’re the partner,” she smiled a little. “She told me about you, I see what she means…” 
“What did she say?” 
“That if anyone was going to bring her in, she’d want it to be you,” she winked. “No log, but we’ve got security holograms from then, haven’t wiped anything that recent yet.” 
She flagged down a waitress and led Din to a back room. It took her a moment to find the recordings for that day but she pulled them up and went through them quickly, slowing down when you arrived. 
You looked normal. You smiled at the bartender, chatted for a moment, before going back to your rented room. A few people came through. The security officer who’d hired you and sent the two you to Kessel to begin with. A few others who didn’t strike Din as unusual. Finally, there was a small man who was looking around, almost panicked, as he waited. Din frowned. Before he had a chance to ask the bartender to pause the holo, she did it anyway. 
“This guy was weird,” she said. “Really shifty. Came in right at the end, barely looked me in the eye…” 
“Catch his name?” He asked. 
“No,” she said. “He was back there a few minutes. Looked a lot better when he left, I figured he just was happy to have whatever he needed to hire a bounty hunter for off his mind…” 
You left the room a few minutes later. To anyone else, you probably looked fine. He could tell that you weren’t. Even just from the hologram, he could tell. That man had the answer. 
“I need a copy of this,” he said. 
“No problem,” she said, setting it up. She glanced at Din. “Essa’s in trouble, isn’t she?” 
“Yes,” Din said. 
She handed him a copy of the hologram. 
“Well I’m glad I’m not the one who put her there,” she said. “Not with you after them. Make sure she’s OK, yeah? Always liked her.” 
Din brought up the hologram of the man’s face. 
“I will.” 
He went to the security offices next. It didn’t take him long to find the woman from the hologram, the one who had hired you. 
“Can I help you?” She asked, frowning as he caught her outside the building. 
“You hired a bounty hunter to track the sale of tainted spice,” he said. 
“Yes,” her frown deepened. “They did good work but I heard they left…” 
“It was myself and my partner,” Din said. “I was hoping you could do us a favor.” He pulled out the hologram of the man. “I need to identify this man as quickly as possible.” 
She looked at the projection for a moment. 
“Is this for another bounty?” She asked. “Because I can’t…” 
“My partner,” he wished he could call you what he wanted to. More than a partner. “She’s in trouble. I believe this man knows why. I need to find him.” 
“Come with me,” she nodded. Of course you would be the key to getting help here. You’d barely met with this woman but she was eager to help, because of you. 
She brought the Mandalorian inside and to a records room where she put the hologram into a scanner. Other holograms flashed beside it, each one lasting only a fraction of a second. 
“If he’s ever gone through something monitored by us, we’ll have him logged,” she said. It only took a few minutes but she had a name. 
“Rirdall Bragirri,” she said. “Looks like he’s got a heck of a gambling addiction, he’s been booted from most casinos. The main one still lets him in, though. Safe bet you’ll find him there…” 
Din looked at the man’s information. There was no way you saw him as a threat on his own. He must have been there with some kind of backing. You could have taken him apart without even stopping to think about how. But you hadn’t. He left the room relieved and you left the room afraid. 
Something had happened. 
“Thank you,” Din said. “If you need…” 
“Felt I owed you,” she cut him off. “I’m glad I could help.” 
Din nodded once before going to the casino. 
It was big, bright, packed with people. Din ground his teeth. This was taking too long. You were out there, somewhere, alone and afraid enough to leave without telling him why. He needed to get to you, he needed to get to you now. 
Without meaning to, he kept remembering what you looked like the last time you’d been away from him like this. How he’d found you then, bleeding and in pain.
He found the man at the Sabacc tables. He wasn’t doing well by the look of his chips. Din’s hand closed over his shoulder. 
“Look, I can pay…” the man said, looking to see whose hands were on him. His eyes went a bit wide. “Sorry, I think you have the wrong…” 
Din didn’t bother to explain himself, just yanking the man backwards off the stool and hauling him to the closest wall, throwing him into it. 
“Please,” the man’s hands flew up to protect his face. “I swear, I didn’t…” 
“You met with a woman in a bar several days ago,” Din said quickly. His eyes went wide. He didn’t wait for a response. “What did you say to her?” 
“Almost nothing,” the man said quickly. “Just enough to get her to talk to the com I had, that’s all…” 
“Com?” Din frowned below his helmet. “Com to who?” 
“Some Imp,” he said quickly. “I don’t remember his name, I never met him in person, he was human on the holo that’s all I know! He paid off my debts to one of the casinos here, told me all I had to do was get her to talk to him!” 
“What did he say?” Din managed through clenched teeth. 
“I don’t remember,” the man was on the verge of tears. Din didn’t care. “Please…” 
He pushed him back against the wall and drew his blaster, pressing the barrel of it discreetly into the man’s stomach. 
“Think harder.” 
“He asked her to bring him a child!” He said quickly. “Didn’t say a name, he kept calling her Handmaid though. She said no and he told her to hand herself over or he’d kill someone else, that he’d leave them alone if she handed herself over. That’s it, that’s all I know, please!” 
Din released him, his head spinning. 
Gideon had found you. He’d figured out exactly how to force your surrender and you’d done it. You’d handed yourself over to him. 
“Can I…” the man began. Din ignored him, just walking as quickly as he could to the street outside before running to the Crest. 
He called Cara the second he was aboard. 
“Mando,” she smiled. “I’d say it’s good to see your face but…” 
“I need a favor,” he said quickly. “Do you have any information about where Gideon is? Even a sector…” 
Cara frowned. 
“Can’t say I do,” she said. “If I knew where the guy was I’d go after him…” 
“Dank farrik,” he sighed, closing his eyes, thinking for a moment. 
“What’s going on?” She asked, concerned. 
“I have…” he stopped. He’d never needed to tell someone about you before, not someone he knew who hadn’t met you. “My… She’s important to me.” Cara’s brows went up but she didn’t say anything else. “And Gideon has her.” 
“Shit,” she frowned, mouth tight. 
Din thought for a moment. If Gideon had manipulated you into coming to him by threatening Grogu, he was probably still interested in him…
“If I were to connect on a com to Gideon, could you trace it?” Din asked. “If you were on the link, too?” 
“If he’ll stay connected long enough,” she said. “But I doubt…” 
“I have something he wants,” Din said. “Bad enough that he might make a mistake.” 
It was desperate. He knew that. But he was desperate. He would try anything if it meant he had a chance of finding you.
“Then let’s see if Gideon makes a mistake,” she said. 
He put out the call. It felt like an eternity, waiting to see if it would connect. He couldn’t breathe. He had to get to you, this was the best hope of getting to you. 
He’d never been more relieved to see Gideon’s face. 
“Din Djarin,” Gideon smiled. “I’d been wondering if I would hear from you.” 
“You have something I want,” he said, straining to keep his voice calm. 
“I’d say that I do,” Gideon replied. “She was a… surprisingly willing participant. Hardly needed to convince her to join me…” 
“I wouldn’t call threatening someone into surrender joining you,” Din replied. 
Gideon shrugged. 
“Doesn’t really matter what we call it,” he said. “What matters is that we can freely access her mind and take what we need.” 
The view of Gideon got wider. He was in a room with you behind him. Din stiffened. You were in a chair - unconscious, from the look of you - but something like a dream playing on the screen behind you. Your hands were on screen and they were bloody, moving slowly, the image fuzzy. 
“It’s a challenge for now,” Gideon said. “But it will be easier after she gives birth. She gave herself over to protect the child, I imagine she’ll offer up quite a lot to protect her own baby.” 
Din almost collapsed. That didn’t make sense. How could you be pregnant? You would have told him. You wouldn’t have hidden that from him. You wouldn’t have gone to Gideon if you’d known. Would you? 
“You didn’t know,” Gideon smiled. “Just as well. I imagine the child will be a valuable tool in getting the cooperation of many. The remaining Mandalorians, the royal house of Naboo. Even Leia Organa would give up a lot to save the child of a friend and Rebel ally. We don’t intend on giving it up. But don’t worry, we’ll take care to keep her physically healthy and in one piece until then. 
“Unless, of course, you were willing to make a trade,” Gideon said, smile shifting to a smirk. 
“What do you want?” Din asked through gritted teeth. He knew what the answer was. 
“Surrender the child,” Gideon said. “And we’ll return her to you…” 
“No!” You shrieked. Din’s head snapped up to find you on the hologram. You were reaching and pulling, teeth bared. “We had a fucking deal!” 
“I told you I wouldn’t hunt them, handmaid,” Gideon said, still looking at Din. He knew he held the power here. “If he comes to me, that’s hardly hunting, is it?” 
“Don’t listen!” You were frantic, thrashing against your bonds. Din’s fists clenched. “Don’t do it!” 
He lost sight of you, Gideon back to taking up the entire hologram, and you went quiet.
“Is there nothing else you want,” Din said. 
“The child or her,” Gideon said. Din’s breathing picked up. He couldn’t help it. He wanted to use his body, do something - anything - to make Gideon hurt. Gideon’s smile grew. “You’re not in control here, Mandalorian. I am. Let me know what you decide.” 
Gideon cut the transmission and Din turned to Cara. 
“Well,” she smiled a little. “Even Gideon gets stupid when what he wants is on the line.” 
She relayed the coordinates and told Din there was an outpost not far from there that had seen reports of Imperial shuttles regularly stopping to refuel. He tried to stay calm, remind himself that he had a much better chance of success if he made a plan instead of going in, guns blazing, trying to kill every Imp who crossed is path. It didn’t matter how satisfying killing anyone who touched you would be if you didn’t make it out alive and whole. 
“I’ll get you current codes,” Cara said. “Call when you’re ready.” 
“Thank you,” he said, already preparing the Crest to leave the planet and jump. “Your help… it means more to me than you know.” 
“Good luck, Din.” 
You woke up back in your cell. Or you thought it was yours, anyway. There was no real way to tell. It was cold and bright. Your dress was gone. The thin clothes were stiff. You’d been in them for a while. How long, you couldn’t be sure. Everything in your head felt like plasma. Memories ran together. You weren’t sure if what you were feeling now was real or not. 
The only way you could really tell was the fact that you’d never woken up in a cell like this, dressed like this. That you knew of, at least. Maybe the mindflayer had taken that, too. 
You tested some of the things you remembered the device touching. The memories were tender, sore. Like they’d somehow been bruised. And then there was the sharp fracture point where Synd or Gideon had tried to insert a question. Din, on top of you, asking for the location of rebel bases sitting in contrast to Din, on top of you, yelling something you couldn’t fully hear before pulling you to your feet and dragging you aboard the Crest. 
You tried to hone in on the memory you knew - thought? - was the real one. The one where he didn’t expect you to trust him, the one where he pulled you into the ship and called you useless, decorative doll before you’d even dried off. 
That was the real one. Doll. He called you Doll. First as an insult, then because you asked him to. Dolls couldn’t fail, Dolls couldn’t hurt anyone, no one was going to die for a Doll. Being a Doll was safe. Din was safe. Even then, he was safe.
Fuck, you hoped he was safe. 
You thought you remembered Gideon talking to him. You weren’t sure if that was real or something they’d planted in your head. Could they plant things or only manipulate things that already existed? Could you tell what they’d manipulated? How long had you been there? You couldn’t be certain of any of it. 
Then, you remembered something. It seemed small, at first. Something about your medical scan, something on the diagram… 
The reason they were just using the mindflayer and not other interrogation methods. You were pregnant. Or so they said. You weren’t sure you could trust that either. Your hand drifted to your lower stomach. You couldn’t feel anything. You tried to relax your mind and extend it out like you did with Grogu, this time reaching through your body with it instead of another entity. Not that you could be sure what you were searching for but you thought you felt something small - something like a spark. Easily snuffed out but something you wanted to let catch. 
Being a mother had never been something you’d really considered. It seemed like it would get in the way of things, make it so you couldn’t do the only things you were really good at. While you’d always liked children, they weren’t worth all the trouble. 
But Grogu had changed that. He’d been folded into the Mandalorian’s life, become a part of it. That kind of motherhood you could embrace, the kind where you were still you but with the love and excitement of seeing the galaxy through the eyes of your child. Din’s child. That you wanted. It shocked you just how much you wanted it. 
If you could survive to have it. If you could protect it. If you could keep it out of the hands of the Empire. 
You weren’t sure how long you lay there, mostly conscious, tying to sift through your mind and find fracture points to repair, thinking through what came immediately after, finding the version that fit best. You’d managed to protect the important things. The only things with Sosha that had been touched were inconsequential or frivolous - her braiding your hair before bed when you were in school, passing a bottle of whiskey back and forth when you’d locked everyone out of her chambers and you needed to be girls and not a queen and a warrior. 
They’d found nothing of Grogu. Not even just you holding him, making him his pack, feeding him. Most of what they’d touched involved Din. It made sense, he was through all of you. They wouldn’t need to look far to find something. But you hated that they’d gotten to so much. 
You’d heard him asking you for Rebel secrets while inside you. That wasn’t right. You knew it wasn’t right. But it felt so real. You had to carefully excise those moments, surgically remove them and replace them with his lips on yours, the sound of him gasping Cyare in the dark. 
Your cell opened. A contingent of four troopers. Smart, you supposed. While you felt mentally exhausted, your body felt oddly fine. You could run several miles, shoot, fight. All it would take to defeat these troopers was one of their guns and you were certain you could get that quickly. You’d do it, too, if there was even a dream of making it off this ship. For now, you’d just have to wait. 
They cuffed you and walked you back to the mindflayer. They strapped you into the chair, your spine curving into it out of habit. You must have been here for a while to have your body know it so well. You weren’t sure how much time was missing. 
The technicians put the nodes on you again and you tried to gather your thoughts, put your mind in order, until Synd came in. 
“It looks like this session will just be you and me,” she smiled. “Gideon had some things to take care of. Highly important, you understand…” 
“As long as he’s not going back on our deal,” you said. 
“No,” she said. “And the rest still stands, too. We don’t have to do anything to you. You can leave anytime you want, just tell us what we want to know. The New Republic abandoned you. Don’t give up everything to protect it.” 
“Keep asking,” you replied. “I’m sure it’s because you don’t think you can find what you want without my help.” 
She shook her head a little a smiled. 
“Then let’s begin.” 
You could feel them nudging deeper this time, looking for something, navigating the tangled vines of your past. There wasn’t much you could do, couldn’t shove it out like this, just had to wait for it to send you somewhere you remembered… 
Tatooine. You were in town, Mos Espa, getting a part for the moister vaporator for your father. He’d stayed home. “Go,” he said. “Have a drink. Make a friend. Do something you enjoy.” 
You frowned before obeying. What was there to enjoy? How could you make a friend when you’d have to lie to them forever or put them in danger? How was any of this supposed to work?
You could have a drink, though. That was one order you could follow. 
The walk to the cantina was pleasant, in spite of the sun baking you through your light linens. So different from Naboo, the arid heat here swallowed everything green and lush and wet. You almost liked it, the feeling of the air on your skin without the membrane-like layer of humidity that was so common near the water of your home world. 
You passed through the market on the way and you bought a piece of fruit - almost shockingly plush and juicy on your tongue - to eat as you walked. It wasn’t far to the cantina when it happened. A man - huge, easily six inches and 100 pounds on you - brought a rod down on the back of a child, sending him sprawling to the sandy ground. 
“Hey!” You snapped, dropping the remains of your fruit on the ground. The man looked to you. “Leave him alone!” 
“What’s it to you?” The man snapped as the child got to his feet. His shirt was ripped, back bloody. 
“Plenty,” you said, positioning yourself between the man and the boy on the ground. 
“Step aside, little girl,” the man snapped. “What I do with my slave is my business.” 
Something inside you snapped then. It was like you weren’t making decisions anymore, not consciously. It was already done. 
“Your slave?” You asked, voice even. Calm. “Your property? Something you can do whatever you want with?” 
“That’s what it means,” he spat. “Now move before I fuckin’ make you move.” 
“Try it,” your eyes narrowed. 
He snarled and swung the rod for you. You dodged it easily, grabbing his wrist as you did. You stepped into his body - the opposite of what he was expecting you to do - and twisted, making him yelp and release the weapon. You grabbed it out of the air and ducked below his arm to go behind him. You swung the rod, hard, at the man’s knees, sending him crumpling to the ground - as much in shock as anything else. You hit him in the head next, knocking him the rest of the way into the sand. 
You glanced up. The child had scrambled back, his eyes wide. 
“It’s OK,” you said. “Go find a place to wait, where you can’t see.” 
He nodded and stumbled to his feet as the man in front of you sat up and tried to grab your leg. You stepped back and swung the rod into his temple. He sprawled to the ground with a groan. 
“Can’t let a slaver live,” you said. “Especially not one like you.” 
You brought the rod down on him again and again and again, until you could see the cracks in his skull and the stillness of his chest. Your linen was splattered in blood. A small crowd had gathered. It was silent, staring. You dropped the rod next do the man, his blood soaking the sand, and went to find the boy. 
He was hiding behind a stall, pressed against the wall of it, his eyes closed. You got down on his level and gently put a hand on his shoulder. 
“You’re safe,” you said, voice as gentle as you could manage. “I’ll get you out of here, OK? Do you have a mom or dad?” 
He shook his head. 
“OK,” you nodded. “It’s OK, I know a place I can take you…” 
“Is it a Rebel base?” He asked. His eyes were wide. Earnest. Pleading. “I heard they’re safe. Please, can you take me to one of those?” 
“A Rebel…” you frowned. This didn’t feel right. Something about this didn’t feel right. “No…” 
“Please,” he said. “Please, I can’t go back, just take me…” 
You tried to blink it back, see through the wrongness of it. 
“You didn’t ask for that,” you said. Your tongue felt thick, like your mind was trying to force you to not argue with him. “This isn’t what happened….” 
There it was, the artificial piece prodding your mind. You were able to wrap around it this time, dig your nails in and rip it free. 
You were back in the mindflayer room, panting for breath, covered in sweat again. You had the feeling a lot of time had passed. You weren’t sure if that was true, but it felt that way. Synd was frowning behind the console with the two technicians and a third man you hadn’t seen before. One of the technicians was different. Maybe it had been a long time. 
“I thought that was a better pass,” Synd sounded frustrated, looking at the panel in front of her, ignoring you entirely. 
You turned your attention to the other man, the one in a different uniform. He must be here for a reason, maybe a stand-in for Gideon, an officer of some kind. He was watching you, closely, intently. His eyes were deep and brown and soft. His hair shaggier than what you expected from an Imp, thick, dark, curly. You frowned. 
You knew this man. You’d never seen his face but you knew him. The arch of his brow, the curve of his nose, the golden tan of his skin. You’d know him anywhere.
“No,” you breathed, searching him for some sign that he was imprisoned. You couldn’t think of another reason he’d be here, unmasked, standing in front of you. “No!” 
He pulled a blaster and started shooting. 
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levi-my-beloved · 2 years
okay yes imma gush about a book series cuz i just finished a trilogy and i HAVE TO TALK ABOUT IT I AM SIMPLY NOT OKAY
The Poppy War trilogy absolutely SLAPS. nah, if anyone is into like, mythological fantasy please for the love of god read this series. not even mythological fantasy, just fantasy in general.
Gods, wars, divinity, heartbreak, more wars, character development, betrayal, more heartbreak, twists and turns. i legit cannot SPEAK about how good this series is. like, holy fuck. i accidentally bought the second book in the series first, and ngl, every single one of my favourite book series has been like that. Throne of Glass? Accidentally bought Empire of Storms first, now one of my favourite book series. The Inheritance Cycle? Accidentally bought Brisingr first, one of my favourite book series. this is legit no exception.
please for the love of the GODS read this series. i promise you won’t regret it
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competicao-de-aop · 7 months
Round 1; Balu Vs Elizabeth Webber
Tumblr media Tumblr media
literalmente um gay dos anos 70, bigodinho e tudo
– look at her! shes haunted by the narrative, and all she got out of it was dead friends and turning into a milf!!! no one is doing it like her!!! shes a jaded asshole but she loves people so so deeply when given the chance. did i mention shes hot and old. old women are so hot. please. please shes a milf look at her with your eyes, she deserves this win
– Olha pra ela. Elizabeth era uma médica e cientista forense, extremamente inteligente e habilidosa, com uma obsessão por criar teorias e desvendar casos. Além disso, ela tem uma história de fundo trágica, enfrenta muito trauma na história toda e ainda ficou presa em um loop. Essas são as características mais atrativas que um personagem pode ter.
Translation/ Tradução:
– literally a gay man from the 70s, mustache and all
– olha pra ela! ela é assombrada pela narrativa, e tudo que ela ganhou foram amigos mortos e virar uma milf!!! ninguém faz isso quem nem ela!!! ela é uma cuzona cansada mas ela ama as pessoas profundamente quando tem a chance. eu mencionei que ela é gostosa e velha. mulheres velhas são tão gostosas. por favor. por favor, ela é uma milf olha pra ela com seus olhos, ela merece essa vitória
– Look at her. Elizabeth was an extremely intelligent and skilled doctor and forensic scientist, with an obsession for creating theories and solving cases. Furthermore, she has a tragic backstory, faces a lot of trauma throughout the story and also got stuck in a loop. These are the most attractive characteristics a character can have.
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sanjismywhore · 2 years
Bathroom Sink
Carlos Oliveira x Chubby reader
(Soft Carlos, AFAB plus-size reader)
Warnings: NSFW, Oral sex
Translations (Portuguese BR):
Tão perfeito, porra = So fucking perfect
Essa é minha garota = That’s my girl
Meu amor = My love
Porra, você é saborosa, meu amor = Damn, you are tasty, my love
“You’re beautiful.” Carlos murmured, his breath tickling your neck. “If anyone says otherwise, they’re damn wrong.” He chuckled to himself, teeth gently scraping against your earlobe as his hands roamed freely over your curves. They groped at your curves, admiring evey inch of open skin. He showered you with kisses and tender affections, all while whispering sweet nothings to you.
His lips moved slowly across the sensitive flesh of your neck causing you to let out a soft gasp. His large, warm hands continued to knead the flesh of your love handles, pressing your body against his so that your back was flush against his chest. “Look at yourself,” He whispered, hoping that you would glance at your reflection in the large mirror that stood in front of you. “Please.” He begged.
You finally obliged, opening your eyes to see fully what Carlos was doing to you. You could hear him let out a pleased hum as his thumbs rubbed slow circles around your stomach. “...tão perfeito, porra.” It wasn’t rare to hear Carlos speak Portuguese to you, but he only did it when he was serious. You could see in his reflection that his pupils were blown wide as if he was in a trance. His eyes were fixated on your expressions to make sure that he was making you feel good. It was a bit intimidating. The feeling of his rough hands on your bare skin sent shivers down your spine, nearly making your heart beat out of your chest.
He pressed another kiss onto your neck, “Do you want me to go further, or do you want me to stop?” He asked, his voice husky. A slight whimper escaped you when he pressed his lips against your throat. When he looked up at you, he could clearly see your aroused expression. “Please keep going.” You gave him a shaky reply. He smiled softly, pulling one of his hands from your stomach to cup your cheek before turning your head towards him and kissing you deeply. Goosebumps arose on your skin as he manuvered your entire body to face his. He pressed you against the counter, resting one hand on the swell of your ass.
He broke the kiss, staring deeply into your eyes. “I wanna do this right, and I wanna make you feel good. So tell me what you want me to do.” You took a deep breath as you processed his words. “Tell me what you need, baby. Anything.” You became overwhelmed by the sensations around you. The feeling of his large body being pressed against yours, his fingers drumming on your skin. Hell, you could even feel his hardening cock pressing agsinst you through his pants.
You could practically feel your wetness dripping down your thighs, you were so turned on. You whined, “I just need you, Carlos” bringing your hands up to his chest. Carlos shook his head. “Need to be more specific babe,” He teased as his lips curled into a smirk. You could feel one of his muscular thighs press between your legs, directly rubbing against your arousal. You let out a quiet huff as you balled your fist against his chest. Carlos could barely contain his laughter, the way you became flustered was adorable. He leaned closer to you, using both of his hands that were on either side of your hips to slowly rock your hips back and fourth on his thigh. He knew what he was doing.
“Cmon (name) you gotta say something.” He whined softly, planting a soft kiss to your forehead. “I can’t do anything unless you tell me.” He coaxed another soft moan from you, purposely pressing harder against your core. At this rate he wad gonna drive you crazy, “I…” You began with a gasp. “I want you to eat me out.” You finally answered.
This time your words came out much more forceful. You could feel the heat radiating off your bodies as Carlos stared intensely into your eyes, “Essa é minha garota.” He leaned forward and kissed you passionately once again. In one swift motion he lifted you onto the counter. He removed his own shirt and tossed it carelessly to the ground. Carlos grabbed both of your thighs and spread them apart as he slowly sunk to his knees.
His placed small kisses on your chin, then trailed a line of them down your neck and chest. He stopped momentarily when he reached your stomach, making sure to cover your skin with love bites before sinking lower.
His hands remained at the underside of your thighs, his fingers sinking into the thickness. “So fucking sexy.” He partially growled to himself, planting a trail of kisses from your knee towards your inner thigh. Your breathing became heavy as Carlos made his way towards your center, pushing the fabric of your panties aside. Wasting no time, he delve into your cunt. His tongue lapped hungrily at your clit, causing your hips to buck upwards. It was all too sudden for you to concentrate on the feeling of his tongue before one of his fingers started teasing your folds.
Your hands were quick to grip the edge of the bathroom countertop as you gasped softly. Carlos kept his gaze focused on you, carefully watching your expressions shift with each of his movements. He swiped his tongue up your slit, flicking it repreatedly at your opening. His fingers had found their way inside of you.
As soon as you felt the sensation of his finger sliding into you, your eyes rolled back in your head. With every movement of his fingers he added a second and another until you felt like you were on fire. Carlos was gentle with his movements, moving slowly yet passionately. You melted from his touch, moaning a string of incoherent pleas and curses. Your head craned back as you hummed with pleasure. He pressed his head further into your cunt, allowing his lips to fully encase your clit. The feeling of his mouth sent a shiver rolled down your spine. His fingers, now knuckle deep, were thrusting in and out of your hole at a leisure pace.
Another moan was ripped from your throat, hips nearly lifting you off of the counter. Carlos removed his mount temporarily while continuing to fuck you with his fingers. “That’s it, meu amor.” Carlos soothed, taking advantage of your distraction. “Just enjoy yourself.” His fingers pumped rhythmically within you. He was so careful, always looking for your reaction first before moving any further. You moaned loudly again as his thumb pressed to your clit, rubbing it in a circular motion. He didn’t use much force, keeping it slow and steady.
Carlos continued to pump his fingers in and out of you while kissing along your inner thigh. The tickling sensation of his beard made your leg twitch a little, earning a soft chuckle from him. One of your hands left the counter and grabbed onto the arm he was using to fuck you with, “Need more… please,” You begged, feeling your core tighten and desperate to cum. “Need more of what? Use your words.” he teased again, causing you to scoff.
Instead of giving him an answer, you placed a hand atop his head and pushed it towards your dripping pussy. He flashed you an amused, but slight suprised, smirk before obliging your silent plea. He kissed your entrence and swiped his tongue flat against the sensitive bud. He used his hands to lift your thighs over his shoulders and wrap them around his neck, holding you close against his body. His tongue continued to dance around your entrance. Each swipe of his tongue sent a wave of pleasure crashing over your body. After awhile, your hips jerked uncontrollably, unable to take anymore of the pleasure.
At this point you were literally fucking his mouth. Your grip on his hair tightened. He moaned at the feeling of your harsh tugs, sending pleasurable virbations down your core.
You were nearing closer and closer to your peak. Moaning out his name uncontrollably, you began to unravel around his fingers and tongue. Your body nearly jumped when he curled his fingers against your g-spot. All of your beautiful noises drowned out any other sound of Carlos’ slurping or squelching as he ate you out. Your eyes stung with tears as your head craned back against the mirror. He sucked hard on your clit as his fingers fucked you faster and harder. It didn’t seem like he had any intention of stopping even after your orgasm.
You clenched hard around him, feeling so close to heaven. You were nearly there, “Carlos! Fuck. I’m gonna..” You gripped the sides of Carlos’s head harder as you hit your peak. Almost screaming his name, you experienced euphoria as you came as hard as possible.Your nails dug into his scalp lightly, letting out anotherloud moan. Carlos sucked on your clit gently as you fell apart. He continued to lick at you, enjoying the taste of your juices.
It took a couple minutes of begging before he finally pulled away, retrieving his fingers from your sex. Carlos brough his fingers up to his mouth, licking them clean. “Porra, você é saborosa, meu amor~” He purred. He remained on his knees while looking up at you with lust filled eyes and a look of satisfaction etched across his face. “I don’t think I can get enough of you.” He kissed your lips tenderly, smiling against your mouth as he spoke. “Think you got one more in you?” He raised a brow, not hiding the insinuation in his voice.
Your mind was too foggy to pay attention to his words. “Gimme a sec.” You huffed as you tried to calm your breathing. He chuckled lightly, “Take your time, (Name). We got all night.” He said standing up. He settled himself between your legs, brushing some strands of hair out of your face. You smiled softly to yourself as you felt his lips on yours again.
“The things you do to me, (Name)…” He whispered, manually wrapping them around his waist. You could feel his cock more prominently than before, straining againt the fabric of his pants. “Feel that?” he growled quietly in your ear, “That’s all ‘cus of you.”
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thcdora · 4 months
oi, desculpa perguntar, mas você seguiu algum tutorial para fazer a edit? eu adoraria aprender
OOC // essa edit saiu na base do tentando e errando , MASSS vou linkar uns tutoriais de blending que ajudam mto ! qualquer coisa pode me chamar na dm que eu ajudo com o que puder !!
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antisepticz · 1 month
about me / sobre mim
[about me] [br/eng]
˚✧ antiseptic ݁ ੭
ela/dela I she/her🥀 18y 🖤 bi sex uau 💀 gótica! goth!~
eu sou a danielle, mas podem me chamar de moon, lilith, antiseptic, como preferirem! tenho 18 anos e estudo design ux/ui e figma, pretendo cursar uma faculdade de design grafico e quero ingressar na area mais cedo possivel. criei um blog pra postar meus processos criativos e conseguir alguns freelancers~
meu maior objetivo com esse blog é divulgar meus processos criativos com websites, quero me desenvolver com críticas e sugestões e colocar meus conhecimentos em prática, adquirindo todos os estilos e extensões de mundo e conhecer essa área incrível ♥︎ almejo conseguir alguns freelancers e pequenos trabalhos relacionados a:
cardápios digitais;
cartões de visita;
interfaces gerais;
interações com o usuário.
tudo o que possa haver com design, resumindo...
mas não quero usar esse blog como uma área profissional, quero compartilhar meus designs mas interagir de forma pessoal e não usarei de forma alguma como empresarial! (apenas quero alguns trabalhos, hihi)
✩ ︵ sou uma designer iniciante e sempre fui apaixonada pela teoria e estética desse mundo, ingressei ano passado na área e tenho feito grandes progressos com meus estudos. atualmente estudo ingles e alemao, amo gatos (sou mãe de quatro doidos) sou amante de café e jogo lol e genshin impact, caso queiram interagir sobre isso <3 (arlecchino e raiden shogun supremacy) ﹕
minhas ask's estão sempre abertas, então se sintam a vontade para me fazer perguntas ou conversar comigo ♥︎
alguns links que possam ser uteis:
te enganei :D nao tem nada! (em breve)⠀ 𓈒⠀ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎⠀✧
i'm danielle, but you can call me moon, lilith, antiseptic, whatever you prefer! I'm 18y and study UX/UI design and figma, planning to attend a graphic design college and aiming to enter the field as soon as possible. I've created a blog to share my creative processes and to find some freelancers~
my biggest goal with this blog is to showcase my creative processes with websites. i want to develop myself with critiques and suggestions and put my knowledge into practice, acquiring all styles and extensions of the world and getting to know this amazing field ♥︎ I aim to get some freelancers and small jobs related to:
digital menus;
business cards;
general interfaces;
user interactions.
anything and everything related to design, in short...
i don't intend to use this blog as a professional platform; rather, I want to share my designs while interacting on a personal level. i won't use it in any way for business purposes! (just looking for some fun projects, hihi)
✩ ︵ i'm a beginner designer and have always been passionate about the theory and aesthetics of this world. i entered the field last year and have made great progress with my studies. currently, i'm studying english and german, i love cats (i'm a mother of four crazy ones), i'm a coffee lover, and I play lol and genshin impact, in case you want to interact about that <3 (arlecchino and raiden shogun supremacy) ﹕
my asks are always open, so feel free to ask me questions or chat with me ♥︎
some useful links:
i got you :D there's nothing here! (coming soon)⠀ 𓈒⠀ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎⠀✧
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