lilyznow · 5 months
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Rest 💚✨
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becomingfoxes · 2 years
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You take care of everyone, Steve, let me take care of you.
✨💕 Finally got around to coloring this piece!
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my-castles-crumbling · 9 months
gift - @wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 393
"Hey, Moony!"
Remus grinned as he walked through the door with Lily, the sound of Sirius and Harry's greetings making him chuckle.
But his chuckles quickly turned into an all-out fit of laughter when he got to the kitchen to take in the scene before him:
Harry and Sirius were at the table, which was covered with old issues of The Daily Prophet and had paints and brushes scattered across it. However, Sirius's admittedly-mature effort at keeping things clean must have gone horribly awry at some point, because both boys were covered in paints of every color, and there were smears of paint on the floor, counter, chairs, and- ceiling? How they managed that, Remus didn't want to know.
Luckily, Lily seemed to take it all in stride, because she walked in behind Remus and said, "Wow, you two! You've had some fun today, huh?"
Harry let out a squeal of approval and threw a paintbrush across the room.
"Harry painted you and Prongs!" Sirius declared proudly, gesturing to a painting that consisted entirely of lines and blotches. ("Maaaa Daaaa!")
"Well, he's certainly got abstract painting under control," Lily remarked with a grin, plucking Harry up from his infant chair. "Let's get you cleaned up, shall we?"
She disappeared up the stairs with a babbling Harry.
"Harry's going to be sad when Prongs gets back from his trip and you don't have to watch him every day anymore," Remus remarked lightly, grinning at Sirius, who was picking paint out of his hair.
But Sirius just laughed and gestured to another painting. "I made something for you. Could be worth millions someday," he said with a wink.
Remus looked at the paper. It was...unsophisticated. Two stick figures, one taller than the other. The shorter one had black hair and the taller one wore what could only be described as a ridiculous sweater with polka dots that Remus suspected were finger-painted on.
They were holding hands.
"It's us," Sirius shrugged, smiling softly.
Remus tried not to get too emotional over a silly little painting, but something about it tugged at his heartstrings. He swallowed the lump in his throat and laughed lightly. "You clearly have a gift, Pads."
"I love you," Remus murmured, pulling Sirius into a hug.
"Love you more."
They hung the picture on their fridge when they got home.
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arimakes · 5 months
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Stommy for @glitterfang
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k1ance-a-lot · 1 year
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Line-art: @k1ance-a-lot
Color: @callmelyc
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nburkhardt · 8 months
Cuddling prompts you say?
1, 2, 8, and 30 🖤❤️🖤❤️😘
So many!
I went with number 2- Tracing scars and pressing into beauty/birth marks.
There’s a birth mark on Eddie’s arm that’s hidden within his tattoo of bats. It’s nothing too noticeable, he only knows about it because Eddie pointed it out to him during their second date. Told him that it’s the reason he even got the bats in the first place.
Steve’s finger lightly drags against it, memorizing the shape.
“What are you doing?” Eddie laughs, tapping the side of Steve’s head. Watches as the finger stops and hops to one of the bats, dragging again around it before stopping. Repeating the action again on all of the bats and ending by all of his fingers are laying on top. “Babylove?”
Steve hums, looking away from Eddie’s arm to his face. Mentally connecting his freckles before meeting his eyes. “Just looking at you”
Eddie shakes his head with fondness, “Sappy this evening?”
Steve’s lips tug into a smile as he shrugs and walks his fingers along Eddie’s arm, finding the fading scars from the demobats and pressing lightly to them then shifts his body more against Eddie. Feeling arms go around him and pressing their bodies closer.
“And if I am?”
Eddie laughs at the slight bitchy tone, squeezes Steve once and pressing his lips against him. “No need for sass, Honeyboy, just whatcha thinkin’?”
Steve hums and closes his eyes, taking a moment to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere in their bedroom. Loving the feel of Eddie breathing against him, the weight of his arms against him. Hoping to remember this moment in time for the rest of his life, telling himself that this will be a story for the future.
“Thinking about how we made it out, that you’re alive and here,” he starts explaining, resting his head against Eddie’s shoulder, “making sure I remember everything about you. I’m thinking how much I love you”
Eddie’s heart starts beating faster, feels his face get warm. Squeezing Steve against him a little tighter and pressing his lips against the side of his head again for a long moment, before relaxing and sighing with a smile.
“We did it, Sweetheart. Can’t believe it sometimes that I am. That you’re here with me.”
Steve shifts and turns around to face him, a smile on his face. A blush of his own, “now who’s the sappy one”
Eddie laughs and it’s contagious. They’re both laughing, enjoying the sounds and each others presence. Both making sure to memorize this moment, enjoying the weight of each other.
It’s been a year since Vecna and two years since they made their relationship official. Things aren’t always perfect, people still question Eddie, question Steve too. But they’re not letting the little things get to them, they’ve been through an hell and a power hungry man turned monster.
Nothing can get to them or their love for each other.
Hope you liked it! I’ll try writing something with the other three prompts another time ❤️
It’s not mentioned in the fic but I hope you put it together that the birthmark is vaguely shaped like a bat. And surprise! It’s an au where they got together before Vecna :D they’re sappy bois.
Cuddling prompts
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ff7-has-taken-me-over · 5 months
What if Cloud, who’s so socially awkward and can’t offer more than a grimace when faced with strangers suddenly talking to him, wasn’t like that at all behind closed doors?
Zack had always thought that if he ever managed to gather enough courage to finally ask the blond out he’d have to take things slow. Be mindful of his boundaries and not just barrel head first into anything like he usually did.
He was prepared to do it obviously. Was so ready to do whatever the hell it took to make Cloud comfortable and happy. Even if it required him to slow down and think things through a bit. He would have done it.
But Cloud being Cloud, always blowing Zack’s expectations and thoughts out of the water, had thrown Zack for a complete loop once they had started dating.
He was still shy about the pda and pet names out in public. Blushed like crazy and hid his face when Zack got too teasing with it. But when they were in one of their apartments it’s like he became someone wholly different.
Yeah he still blushed but he was all too ready to return the pet names and flirting tenfold, shooting Zack a coy smile he’d never seen before and calling him love like it was completely natural.
Zack is not ashamed to admit he’d never been more embarrassed before, had blushed up to his ears and stuttered so hard he’d been the one hiding away from the other. Cloud had laughed, all soft and filled with affection and Zack had died just a little on the inside.
The blond even went the extra mile, prying Zack’s hands from his face and smiling down at him with so much love it was near blinding.
The whispered ‘hello starlight’ had been the end of him, face feeling like it was melting and chest so ready to burst he had to tackle the other into a hug and use him as a shield.
Cloud merely laughed all the while, the sound of it so happy and carefree Zack wished to stay in that moment forever. Even if he had to feel the heat in his face and the pain of his heart beating so fast for the rest of time, it was worth it in Zack’s book.
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melle-otterwise · 3 months
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Morning coffee kiss + Miracle
(They're happy 💚)
(Bonus lineart)
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arczism · 2 years
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sketched them again in between comms I JUST COULDN’T RESIST OKAY the urge is stronger and i’m just a human, okay??? i need my daily dose of Kerry 
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phantombeesting · 2 years
Billy: “Look I’ve said I’m sorry”
Steve: ……
Billy: “Repeatedly”
Steve: …….
Billy: “But you look at him”
~Billy lifts up the fluffiest kitten putting it’s small ginger face right in front of Steve’s totally not sulking face~
Billy: “Just look at him and tell me he’s not a pretty boy”
Steve: ……..
Billy: “You’re still MY pretty boy though”
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sapphicwitchstudio · 1 year
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I don't want to be at my adult job today. I want to stay home and play my favorite game of...
"How many times can I redraw this piece before I have no choice but to color it."
What sort of background? I'm thinking a field, maybe add some flowers to Arthur's hair.
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dynamic-power · 1 year
It's half past 3 when Ian shifts onto his back, jostling Mickey enough to make his husband stir. Even in the dark of their bedroom, he can see the blues of Mickey's eyes as they flicker open to meet his own. Mickey makes a grumbling noise, and Ian understands the question there.
"Can't sleep," he explains. He's been lying here, awake, for nearly four hours.
Mickey's hazy gaze sharpens a little. "You okay?" He's lying on his stomach, so the words are muffled, spoken into his pillow.
"I dunno," Ian answers honestly.
"Is it a manic 'Can't sleep'?" Mickey queries, concern creeping into his sleep- thick voice.
Ian seriously considers the question for a few moments. His eyes feel heavy and his muscles ache as his body pleads for him to succumb to sleep, but his brain won't let him. His thoughts aren't racing; they are just persistent in a way he's become familiar with recognizing. "No," he finally says, turning his head to stare up at the ceiling. "Just anxious, I think."
"'Bout what?"
"Fuck if I know."
Mickey snorts. He shifts then, moving close enough to stretch an arm across Ian's chest. His hand brushes against Ian's cheek before his fingers delve into his hair. He pulls, gripping tightly in the way that has Ian practically melting into the mattress. "What do y'need?" He asks after a few quiet beats.
Ian takes another minute. He wants mickey; wants him close, as close as possible, wants him to climb into his chest and live there, with him always. He's been working on expressing exactly what he needs in moments like this. Mickey's arm is a pleasant weight on his chest. "Pressure," he decides.
Mickey moves quickly. He gently pushes Ian onto his side, so that Ian is facing the wall instead of him, and slots himself behind him. Mickey's chest is warm against Ian's back. One arm wraps around his chest, and the other worms between Ian and the mattress to curl around his belly. Then Mickey is pulling tight, applying comforting pressure to the whole of Ian's torso.
Ian sighs, burrowing closer and letting his eyes slip closed. "Thanks," he mumbles as Mickey adjusts a little.
"Love you." The words are soft, breathed against the spot between Ian's shoulder blades.
"You too." It takes longer than usual, but eventually, Ian is able to fall asleep, clutching to the familiar arms holding him so tightly.
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Have a little fluff and my favourite boys.
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I feel like Martin and Azirphale would get on
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Bachira Giving Isagi Confidence Is My Serotonin
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Look at the confidence that Bachira has in Isagi and the fact that gives Isagi the strength to carry on. And Bachira has a lot of fun being with Isagi, it's great.
They are great for each other.
Excuse me while I cry in a corner.
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redheadedfailgirl · 7 months
Actually driven crazy by the amount of people that think the primary issue with 'women and afab only spaces' is that they treat trans men like UwU soft bois. They absolutely do do that, make no mistake, but that's not the point. The point is to exclude trans women, and making trans men out to be soft and palatable and trans women out to be predators in waiting is part of how that happens. This feels like it's the case with a lot of the shit that happens to tme trans people. Yes it's real, yes it's shitty, but it's part of a chain that goes to and from transmisogyny. Zooming in on the picture won't change anything.
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