awakefor48hours · 11 months
I just had a horrible image of the destiel "I love you" meme but with Lumity and now I'm forcing you guys to think about it.
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nightmanatee · 2 years
clara's "i love YOU" to danny while looking at the DOCTOR and saying it loud and clear vs yaz's "and she is LOVED" to the master while the DOCTOR is somewhere here
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neverfittedin · 3 months
Someone tell me not to put my oc werewolf pack on a sideblog !!!!
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eybefioro · 3 months
Spend one hour doing your assignments? ❌️
Spend one hour editing you fic? (The thing you went to the pc to do bc you literally dreamt of it?) ❌️
Spend one hour personalising your tumblr blog, that no one will see bc it's on the pc version? ✅️✅️
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inkturnstoblood · 2 years
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TW in advance for what’s to come: venting about mental health (adhd to be specific), NO mentions of suicide or self harm, swearing (once at the end).
i’m sick and tired of being. being too sensitive. not being sensitive enough. being too quiet. being too annoying. being too much. being not enough. being me.
sometimes i wish—actually, that’s a lie—a lot of the time i wish that i wasn’t the way i am. that i didn’t flinch at every minor noise. at the way someone drops a pot or pan in the sink a little too loudly. that i could go to the store without being hyperaware of every single person. every single noise. every single thing. that i could experience change without shutting down (i swear everything leads to an anxiety attack). that i could experience boredom without feeling the urge to turn myself inside out and pick at every single bone in my body. that i didn’t need to be constantly stimulated. that i could live. that i could exist in this world without feeling like a damn zombie half the time, while other times feeling like i’m running on a motor.
a lot of the time i wish that i could have an interest. that’s it. an interest. not a special interest. just a plain old boring interest. not something that i do for hours on end, causing me to forget to be a human being. forgetting to do human being things like eating, drinking water and going to the bathroom.
a lot of the time i wish that i didn’t have the intrusive thoughts. that i could have a moment of silence. that everything wasn’t so loud. a lot of the time i wish that i didn’t talk badly about myself at every single moment of every single day.
i’m sick of the lack of motivation that’s perceived as “laziness” when in reality it’s task paralysis. i’m sick of feeling the need to hide who i am because people “can’t deal with it.” i’m sick of the judgement. the misunderstanding. the stereotypes.
a lot of the time i wish i didn’t feel like a stranger in my own body. an alien on my own planet. an intruder in my own home.
a lot of the time—actually that’s a lie too—all of the time. i’m sick and tired of being me all of the time. i just want a break. i just need a break. please will someone give me a fucking break.
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dawnthefox24 · 5 months
Me:*looking through the ace attorney timeline out of sheer boredom*
My brain: Hey so look up the Overwatch time line and the Ace attorney timeline too with each ace attorney characters and look at the years
My brain: Just trust me!
Me:*looks it up both games* Are you fucking kidding me...
My brain: so close yet so far apart....Now imagine all the OBJECTIONS!!! Me:*sighs softly* I hate you brain My brain: love you too <3
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justmeinadaze · 6 months
Not me here in a depressive slump watching Korean rom coms getting more Steddie ideas.
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lileyx · 1 year
lol for whatever deranged reason I have the sudden urge to draw more Julie x Temeluchus art... why?
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kitkatcabbit · 1 year
There are times I really hate how my brain works.
Return of the Jedi was in theaters to celebrate the 40th anniversary of its release. I wanted to see it because it was released on my birthday. I just went to check to see what the show times were only to find out it left theaters yesterday. But because I have no fucking sense of time and didn’t think to check any other time I thought of it, I lost my chance and it’s just fucking gone, and it’s my own stupid fault.
And now I’m sitting here crying over a damned movie I’ve already seen before because I didn’t get the chance to pay a pile of money to see it in a special room and pay too much for popcorn.
Fucking hell
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When you wonder why you’re so obsessed with being perfect, but you grew up being subtly slut-shamed by family members, being complimented when you lost weight, seeing your mom hating her body, surrounded by the toxic beauty standards of our society.
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missmitchieg · 2 years
You know when you were in math class and the problem said "Show your work" or when you had to write an essay for school and the teacher would give you two sheets of paper, one to make a bubble map to get your thoughts together and then one to actually write the essay?
I would look at the numbers see "show your work" and my brain would be like ".......WELL FUCK THAT" and just put a number down and just Deal With It when I got told off later.
I would hear what the prompt was and my brain would just... Write the essay in my head, and then when it came time to fill out the map, I literally didn't know how to translate my essay into little one word thoughts to map it out????? Like, I would be sitting there with the whole thing in my head and be like "........How do I do the thing?" and my brain would look at the bubble sheet and be like "NOPE" and, like, I'm in class so I don't have time to stress over the map, obviously, so I would just go "FUCK IT I'LL JUST WRITE THE ESSAY" and then I would get a lecture about "well, your essay's well written but you should map out your thoughts before you write things" and it was always so stressful because I literally couldn't break down my thought process to show my work and I would get a talking-to. every. single. fucking. time!
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myfriendgoo94 · 2 years
feel ugly and horrible all of a sudden :/
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theglitchos · 3 months
flails around in has been generally perceived as more on the femme side for most of their life and my brain reminded me that i've been avoiding the idea of transitioning in part because brain gremlins are going "what if this is just a phase and you'll be femme again" and also "people will view you differently/won't want to fuck with you if you're masc"
but also transitioning is something i physically can't do rn anyways. no way i'm getting top surgery or t or anything while i'm still living with family. plus i don't even have insurance atm. not to mention the medical side of things is scary af and i. don't know what i would want out of it.
idk. i'm pondering the orb egg.
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katyobsesses · 4 months
I have to start my day,but I don't wannnaaa
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Wie kannst du behaupten, ich würde nicht mit dir reden, während ich doch hier sitze und versuche, dir etwas anzuvertrauen?
Nein, du unterbrichst mich. Du äußerst wieder nur deine Ängste und Zweifel. Es geht wieder nur um dich...
Man sollte Rücksicht auf dich nehmen, dich verstehen und dir Nachsicht gewähren, weil du krank bist und so viele Traumata erlebt hast...
Weißt du was ? Das tue ich, jeden verkackten Tag...
Du vergisst jedoch, dass ich selbst diese ganzen Probleme habe. Ich bin mindestens genauso gebrochen wie du, aber das siehst du anscheinend nicht...
Du siehst nur das, was du sehen willst!
Gefahr! Gefahr! Gefahr!
Kann es nicht einmal um mich gehen?...
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