#SOOOO important that she's like larger than life
chronomally · 5 months
In the expensive and insanely over-the-top version of The Oresteia that torments me in all my waking hours, I imagine Clytemnesta played by someone with Gwendoline Christie's height/build
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How Do i even post about it ...
Ok so i mentioned in my previous post how two hummingbirds were circling me today when i got to the summit of the mountain, and i knew it was my father. But in that moment i was thinking, who is the 2nd one? And my thoughts were, Oh it must be another angel who's following him around
Well. I just opened up youtube and saw my favorite psychic posted a new reading, the title something like "Your father's spirit called upon an angel for your healing" .. I got shivers .. for context, i don't watch very many psychics as i don't find many of them to be trustworthy, but this girl is like on a totally different level her readings are always extremely specific & her energy is soooo beautiful like truly ethereal she is a true channeler , she also barely ever posts , you can tell it's not like a 'hustle' to her like she hadn't posted anything in like a month before this, idk she's just very sincere
the basic gist of the reading was, she said she sees "your father standing there, and to the side of him, a much larger figure, an angel" .. And he has called upon the angel to assist him, in assisting me, in healing this wound, as well as communication, because he does not have the power to heal it himself. (At one point she mentioned how he was not a spiritual person in life, he does not have psychic gifts, which is why he had to call upon this angel, which made me laugh cus it's true as fuck my dad hated all things woo-woo)
But i was like oh my god.... that was the 2nd hummingbird i saw earlier... i heard it in my mind.. There's another angel with him, but i didn't know who, and i even wondered why i didn't know who, because usually i know, when i see something and it has a message for me i know who it's from...
It's so crazy, she specified that "you lost your father very young" but also "you moved around a lot, part of the wound is that you've never been able to root in your life, you desire to root and establish something for yourself but the wound has kept you from this and that's what he's called upon this angel to heal for you" she also said the word "nomad" and i was like fully sobbing at this point cus. that's been my WHOLE life like from early childhood up until this exact moment, before and after he died, i move and move and move i never stay still ..
i've never had roots and when i'm feeling sorry for myself that's where my mind goes, "You never got to have roots". I see & know so many people who just have that they just have a home and a family they have a hometown they take it quite for granted to be known and familiar. it's like yeah i'll never see any of my childhood homes again even from the outside. i have like 5 childhood homes split in different countries. i dream of them and that's all there is.
But ok, she said like, omg dude. She said the angel is bringing you "freedom". And i fucking gasped even though that sounds vague as fuck, i have been repeatedly praying lately for My Perfect Freedom. Every night. A few weeks ago i finally took action into seeking legal help for my immigration situation and since then i've been receiving nothing but good news about it, better than i ever imagined. Especially in the past week. I'm not rly trying to talk about it online but i feel like it's important to note for the timing of this message that i literally AM getting my freedom and it's FELT angelic.
Like i've been feeling this new sense of vitality and hope and optimism in my heart that i can stay. I can just stay here. I never have to move again. I literally can root. i've been walking with denji every night, and i just look around at the neighborhood and the sky and the trees, i listen to the cicadas, i'm like holy shit, this is it, this is what it means to have joy, this is what it means to be present, nothing feels mundane, i'm just so happy to be here, i'm giving thanks every moment, i'm seeing my future unfold, the way i can get a job again, actually start saving up for a life that's real, tangible, the uncertainty i've lived with for my entire adult life is fading away, literally so recently like so so recently
and today at the mountaintop felt like a climax of this feeling, the gratitude, the panorama of opportunities, angels communicating, presentness, just not wanting or needing to be anywhere else, not needing to run away anymore
She said about how "you were best friends with your father" which i was, and she said "you share your gifts but he acknowledges you do it better than him" which cracked me up cus like. My father looooved drawing and photography which are obviously big things for me too, part of our friendship was that he pushed me to do art and make a real career of it like he wanted to.
i think i've spoken of this on here before but taking photos is something i do with him, not even like "im honoring him" but we literally do it together, it's a form of channeling. i think sometimes i channel him when i draw too but mostly my grandpa. My grandpa had very similar drawing style to me but my dad's was a little different. However when i see my dad's photography it's like yeah, we have the same eyes, physically and spiritually, same vision
Lol ok last thing she said that freaked me out was that i have a son waiting to be born who will be either my grandfather or great-grandfather reincarnate. And no joke i HAVE ALWAYS THOUGHT THIS !!!! Like its really the biggest reason i feel strongly compelled to have a child. I always thought it will be my great grandfather who died a few months before i was born. i really feel i have a son and a daughter waiting to come through and i can't deny them. i can't say it's true confirmation since it hasn't happened yet but it was just weird to hear her say that when it's something i've never even spoken of just a total hunch.
And having my children will be a huge milestone in healing this wound of almost 18 years since my dad's been gone. plus the lifelong wound of yearning to "root".
Like if what she says is really true that a new force has been summoned recently to assist me with this, it explains so much of what i've felt lately. i feel it's only come in in the past few weeks, definitely after pochita's surgery, maybe that's where my dad drew the line and said THAT'S IT WE'RE CALLING IN REINFORCEMENTS
She said whoever this father is he has a very sarcastic dry sense of humor about him. Just another lil confirmation idk hehe. The hummingbirds rly told me everything i needed to know though. in that moment i knew it was one of the craziest things that's ever happened to me even before seeing the reading but wow i rly didnt expect this. She said so much in the reading that felt like it was literally specific just for me. There's probably more i'm forgetting
Wow this is became a looooong post :) Don;t mind me. i've just.... i've been doing a lot of secret practice lately, a lot of things i don't talk about on tumblr, or tell anyone at all, because the silence gives it power. But this one i just felt called to document here for some reason. i don't question it. Goodnight fr this time....
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
VALERIE - Part III. (Harry Styles)
hello dears! i wanted to have a few words before this part. i would like to kindly ask you to give the chapter a like and/or a reblog if you enjoyed it, or reply on the post or even just send me a feedback through asks! these are the only forms of feedback writers have on here and it’s really hard to maintain your motivation to keep posting when you see your work being ignored. getting up the numbers and spreading our work is your way to let us know that you read it and like it, so please be so kind to use these tools! writers post their work for absolutely free for you to enjoy, pls take the time to get back to them! it means so so soooo much to them, im telling you! even just one comment can make the day of the creator! 
word count: 3.9k
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A few tequila shots and the sound of some stranger’s horrible attempt at karaoke is exactly what you need when you get off work that Friday evening. Luckily, Steven invited you along with a few of his friends to have a drink just a few days ago and you gladly said yes. You and Steven have always gotten along so well and it made Rosa happy to see two so important people in her life be friends, so it wasn’t weird that Rosa was staying home with Valerie, you knew quite a few of Steven’s friends and they all seemed like cool people.
He told you beforehand that Harry would tag along as well so you could brace yourself to try this whole “let’s be nice to each other for the sake of Val” thing you and Rosa talked about earlier. She said she has mentioned it to him as well and he seemed to be open to the idea. You could only hope he didn’t just try to get her off his business and truly means to change.
Arriving to the bar you easily spot your little group of people and sliding out of the booth Steven greets you with a hug.
“So glad you are here!” he smiles at you and everyone slides further into the booth so you can sit at the end, saying your hello to everyone around the table.
The waitress comes up just a few minutes later and you order a tequila along with a beer.
“You are letting loose tonight?” Andy, a colleague of Steve asks with a smirk upon hearing your order.
“I deserve it and it’s just the start!” you tell him making everyone laugh.
Your shot glass is emptied out and you’ve stared on your beer by the time Harry arrives to the bar.
“Hello everyone,” he waves around and asks for a free chair from another table and pulling it to the end he is basically sitting next to you. “I see you’ve started the party, Y/N,” he chuckles eyeing the shot glass and you just shrug your shoulder with a smug grin.
He is wearing a black shirt that’s unbuttoned at the top, letting you get a glimpse of his tattooed chest and necklaces. You don’t admit it to yourself but your eyes linger on his chest a tad bit longer than you intended.
Harry orders a beer for himself that arrives in just a few minutes and you notice how the waitress was basically was pushing her chest out while talking to him.
“Is there anything I can get for you?” she asks him with a charm smile, her red lips stretched almost up to her ears.
For your biggest surprise Harry looks at you upon her question.
“Do you want to have a shot with me as well?”
The girl looks at you with a dirty look that screams jealous and for a moment you don’t even know what to answer.
“Um, yeah, sure,” you nod.
“Then two tequilas, please,” he tells the waitress before she walks away, glancing back at him one last time, but he pays no attention to her, clearly. “Hope you take it better than champagne,” he teases you, but this time it feels more like a simple joke rather than an attempt to piss you off.
“We’ll see,” you tell him with an innocent smile. The change in him is obvious, it seems like he did take Rosa’s advice and a new chapter is about to start where the two of you are not planning the murder of each other anymore every time you meet.
You take the shot with Harry easily, the alcohol burning down your throat and as any responsible, mature adult would do it, you wash it down with some beer. The perfect recipe for a killer headache in the morning. Your little group is having quite the fun, would have been a shame to miss this evening with them.
It seems like Harry is making a real attempt at being nice to you, he is your partner every time your glass empties out and you head to the bar to get another one.
“Look,” he tells you pulling his phone out of his back pocket and a picture of Val appears where she is wearing a onesie that has pumpkins all over it, it’s got to be the cutest thing you’ve ever seen.
“Oh my God!” you gasp tapping your hand to your chest. “She is literally the cutest.”
“I know, I got her the onesie, it’s so soft,” he tells you happily before taking one last look at the photo and putting his phone back away.
“Hey, what happened to those matching stuff you called me back then?” you think back to the phone call the two of you had not so long ago.
“Oh, didn’t buy it.”
“They didn’t have your size.”
“You didn’t buy the set because of my size? You could have gotten me just a larger one or something.”
“Yeah, but I wanted it to fit perfectly. Doesn’t matter, I’ll find another one.”
Harry turns to Andy who is telling a crazy story of the last time he went hiking and your tipsy eyes linger on him for a little. You were definitely not expecting him to not buy the set just because they didn’t have your size, but it’s nice that he was thinking of you and wanted you to have it just as perfect as him.
Harry catches your eyes and you don’t turn away. Maybe it’s the alcohol or the magic of this new, nice era of Harry Styles, but you let your gazes lace together as he smirks at you.
“Nothing. It’s nothing,” you tell him absentmindedly and turn to Andy to hear the ending of the story.
The evening is a blast and you are having an amazing time. It’s nice that you don’t have to worry about Harry saying something awkward about you, the two of you are getting along pretty well.
You even sing a song together at the karaoke machine, though you don’t see yourself, you know the two of you look ridiculous, singing Avril Lavigne’s What the Hell from the top of your lungs, both of you probably more drunk than it would be decent from mature adults. But you couldn’t care less.
It’s way past midnight when you decide to leave and Harry tags along with you saying that he is taking the same train.
“Shut up, I did not!” he narrows his eyes at you as the two of you sit in the deserted carriage, only two more passengers are there but they don’t even care about your existence.
“I’m telling you! You were shaking your ass when you sang that line! Almost twerking!” you laugh letting out a snort as Harry is trying his best to hold his smile back while defending himself. “I wish I had it on camera!”
“But you didn’t so it didn’t happen,” he tells you pointing his finger at you in a warningly manner, but you just start laughing even more.
“You wish, Styles,” you huff and he just bumps his shoulder against yours.
You pull out your phone to check the time and see that Marcus has texted you a couple of hours before, asking if you are free next weekend. Harry tries his best not to peek at your screen, but he just can’t stop himself. Seeing the name he can’t stop himself from letting an annoyed growl out.
“You’re still in touch with the guy from the blind date?” he nosily asks and you lock the phone, thinking it’s best if you reply in the morning when you’ll be able to type your words out correctly. Sliding it back into your bag you turn to face Harry.
“What’s wrong with that?”
“I just genuinely don’t know why you are even trying.”
“Excuse me?” you ask with a grimace. “Why wouldn’t I try to meet guys?”
“I didn’t mean it like that. You told me all about how you need to feel that special connection with someone to date them. I bet my life that you did not feel that with this dude.”
“What do you know about what I feel?” you snap at him, feeling your anger building up quickly.
“Because… I know you,” is all he says but you can only laugh at his words.
“You know shit about me, Harry.”
“That’s not true,” he shakes his head protesting.
“Stop pretending like you know me just because I told you stuff when I was drunk and then slept with you. Why can’t you fucking forget about it all?”
Maybe you shouldn’t have been naïve and think that he could change in such a short time. It seems like he is still the annoying prick he has always been.
“Because it happened, Y/N! Whether you acknowledge it or not, it happened, and if I’m being honest, you talked a whole fucking lot that evening so excuse me if I think that I know you.”
He is clearly getting irked too, at least that’s what makes the two of you. The urge to hit him is slowly returning into your limbs and you have to keep your fists in your lap.
“Oh, I’m sorry I’m not perfect when I’m drunk and it was an inconvenience to you to have to deal with me!”
Looking up you see that the train is nearing your stop so you slide out of your seat as you look down at Harry.
“Why the fuck did you even bother to pick me up then? I’m sure you could have gotten with any of the bridesmaids. Was a shame you chose to ruin my life with that night,” you spat at him as the train stops and the doors slide open. It’s clear Harry has a lot to say, but you just simply flip him off and get out of the carriage, heading to the exit with long strides, fuming and raging you even thought for just a moment Harry has changed.
 Just like the majority of the population, you consider Monday to be one of your biggest enemies, especially when you have spent the whole weekend trying to sleep your hangover off. You really shouldn’t have went overboard with the shots, but it’s always easier said than done. You don’t try to make yourself believe it won’t happen again, because it will surely do. Lately it has occurred to you that you might have a slight problem with knowing your limits when it comes to alcohol. It’s not that you are an addict and seek every possibility to chug down something in secret. It’s more about knowing when to stop when you are at it. It’s so hard to judge when you should draw the line and not have another one when you are having such a good time! You’ve heard endless sermons from your mother when you were younger and ended up coming home a little more hammered than what fitted her taste. She wasn’t completely against drinking, she believes it’s a nice way to ease your nerves and has been having drinks in the evenings herself, but she has a strong opinion about going overboard, something you’ve been struggling with. 
“Guys find it disgusting, Y/N. Know your limits or no guy will stay with you if you can’t stop yourself from knocking yourself out.”
You rolled your eyes at her then and you roll your eyes at her now. As if a man has a word in what you do!
Sitting at your desk you find yourself checking the time every ten minutes, longing for your lunch break already, but time seems to be passing extremely slowly on this miserable day. You basically jolt up from your chair when the clock strikes 12 and head out of the building to find a place to eat. You were certainly not in the mood to do any mealprep for the week ahead so now you are stuck with having to eat out.
There’s a sandwich bar down the street and you refuse to go any farther just to have to walk back after lunch. Walking in you are happy to see that it’s not jam-packed yet, but knowing well how it goes in lunch time, the seats will surely be taken in no time. Walking up to the counter you order a turkey sandwich with a lemonade and take a seat at one of the smaller tables in the back, putting your bag to the empty chair and leaving your phone on the table next to your plate you start scrolling while eating.
Just as you expected, people start to flow in pretty soon and all the empty seats get taken. You’ve just scrolled past some funny cat video when you glance up and almost choke on your food.
At the counter, back facing you, but you already know his figure enough, stands Harry Styles, hands stuffed into his pockets as he is checking out the sandwiches behind the glass.
“Unbelievable,” you growl to yourself as you try to turn so you are hidden somehow behind the plant that’s besides you. Peeking from behind its leaves you try to keep an eye on him without being suspicious.
Harry pays for his food and flashes a smile at the cashier before turning around to find a place. Unfortunately, there are no free tables left, only seats here and there, one at your table as well.
At first you plan on pretending you don’t see him and pay he won’t recognize you either. After your encounter on the train last Friday you are not quite in the mood to have lunch with him. But then you see the disappointed look on his face as he searches for a free spot and your conscience can’t take it any longer.
Turning to face him you bring yourself out from behind the plant and wave in his direction. His eyes catch your hand in the air and a surprised look flashes across his face but heads in your way anyway.
“Hey, I didn’t even see you there,” he chuckles taking the seat that you just emptied from your bag, putting it to the floor next to you.
“Yeah, probably the plant,” you say awkwardly and he just nods placing his plate to the table.
“Do you come here often?” he asks upon starting his ham and cheese sandwich.
“No, though my office is near. I usually bring food.”
“Ah, I see.”
“Do you?”
“No,” he shakes his head. “I was just nearby and thought I would stop by for lunch.”
There’s a long pause when neither of you say a word, just eat in silence though that conversation from Friday hangs in the air heavily.
Surprisingly Harry is the first one to break this silence.
“I… wanted to call this weekend to apologize.”
“Really?” It’s not that you didn’t want an apology, you were just definitely not expecting one from him.
“Yeah. I know I have overstepped quite some boundaries lately and… I’m sorry for that. I promised Rosa I would try to work on our…”
“Friendship?” you ask with a small smile. There’s not really a word for what the two of you really have.
“Yeah,” he chuckles nodding. “Look, I was drunk too, I don’t know what’s gotten into me. Sorry for sticking my nose into your business. You’re right, I don’t know you well enough to have an opinion on these stuff.”
You nod shortly, a sense of relief taking over your body. It’s nice to finally have your truth confirmed by him and it’s kind of ridiculous it took the two of you so long to actually have a nice, mature conversation.
“Thanks, I appreciate it.”
“And I know I’ve been the one to tease you and pick on you most of the time, but I promise I’ll try to work on shutting my mouth from now on.”
You laugh leaning back in your seat, because this is surely way more than what you were expecting from him, but it’s still funny to hear it from his mouth. Never thought this day would ever come.
“I promise I’ll hold my tongue too. I want Rosa to stop worrying about us. She clearly cares about us so I wouldn’t want to be the reason why she stresses, she has enough on her plate.”
Harry nods in agreement and with that, the topic is considered closed. You have officially called it truth with the villain of your life, Harry Styles.
 Valerie is watching the ducks in awe, as if they were the most beautiful creatures for her on this whole wide world. Her eyes follow them glide across the shimmering surface of the pond and pulling out your phone you take a quick photo of her before turning back to Rose next to you on the bench.
It’s a warm Sunday afternoon nearing the end of October, Rosa called you in the morning if you wanted to tag along for their afternoon walk and you happily took the chance to spend some more time with your sister and your favorite little niece.
“It’s so nice to get out of the house and go farther than just the supermarket,” she sighs, closing her eyes as she enjoys the warm sunshine caressing her face. You can tell she’s been losing sleep, Val just started teething and Rosa told you how fussy she’s been during the nights.
“The joys of parenthood,” you chuckle and she just huffs.
“Harry was over the other afternoon, dropped something off for Steven.”
“He mentioned you.”
“Really?” you ask looking ahead of you, eyes glued to one particular duck as it nears the edge of the pond, then duckling out to the grass it sits comfortably in the sunshine.
“Yeah, he said you two had lunch together the other week.”
“Well, it’s not like it was planned, we just happened to be at the same place,” you correct her.
“Either way I’m happy you two are getting along.”
“It’s relaxing,” you admit with a soft chuckle. This worrying feeling you’ve been constantly feeling when someone brought Harry’s name up is finally gone from your chest. It’s nice to know you won’t have to avoid him at every event you run into him.
“So what do you have planned for the anniversary?” you ask her. It’s crazy it’s been three years since Rosa and Steven got married, which also means that it took exactly three years for you and Harry to put the past behind you.
“Uh, nothing?” she huffs with a grimace. “There’s not much you can do with a teething baby, you know? Will probably just have dinner together and if we don’t fall asleep immediately we can watch a movie.”
“Val is the only reason why you are staying home?”
“I mean, mostly, yeah.”
“I can look after her for a night, if you want,” you offer right away. It’s the least you can do for her.
“Nah, I can’t ask you that. I know how much you work and she wakes up at least two times during the night even on her best days. You need to rest too.”
“I have way more time to rest than you. You deserve a night off from your motherly duties.”
“Are you sure?” she asks, looking for any sign on your face that tells her you are not being serious.
“Absolutely. Just… give me a list of things I need to know and do and we’ll be fine,” you nod eagerly as you turn to look at Val. “Right, Princess? We’ll have a sleepover!”
Val just glances at you curiously, furrowing her tiny eyebrows before her attention is diverted by a falling leaf.
“She’s excited,” you tell Rosa and she just chuckles.
“Would you really do this for us?”
“Of course! It’s just one night, I can do one night.”
“You are literally an angel she sighs and hooking an arm around your shoulders she pulls you to her lovingly. This is what sisters are for.
 Your body is basically buried under your favorite thick blanket, sunk into the plush couch as you watch a rerun from How I Met Your Mother, a warm tea on the coffee table. You’ve had a long day and you intended to go to bed early, but figured six is a little too early, so you got stuck with whatever the TV had to offer you, however you know you’ll be in bed by eight for sure.
Munching on some dried apple chips you let out a tired sigh when you see that you’ve reached the end of the bag. Tossing it to the floor you slide down lower on the couch when your phone buzzes somewhere under your butt. It takes you some time to actually find it and get a hold of it, but you’re rather surprised when you see you just got a text from Harry.
To be exact, he just sent you a photo. Opening the thread you wait for the attachment to load and when it does, you snort out loud.
It’s a photo of him with a ridiculously small, pink hat that’s probably for Valerie, but seeing it on his head as he is grinning widely into the camera you can’t help but laugh.
“Looking great, new fit?” you write him back and the little bubbles start moving almost immediately.
“Thought it was time for a change in my image. You like it?”
“Pink suits you well.”
“Thanks, I’ve been told that.”
You smile at the screen as another message pops up.
“I’ve been going a little overboard with the shopping for Val…”
“Never feel ashamed for that!”
“But Rosa made me promise the Gucci onesie was the last thing I bought for her.”
“You bought her a Gucci onesie??!?!! Harry, she is not even one, she will shit into that Gucci..”
“But it looked so cute! I had to buy it!”
“You need therapy, Harry.”
“Isn’t that what friends are for?”
You have a witty comeback to make about how he has zero friends, but you don’t want to ruin the light mood with even the slightest possibility of sending him an insult he might take too seriously.
“You’re right!”
“Okay, now it’s your turn to send me a silly photo.”
“Come on, I sent you one, now you have to send one to me too!”
“Says who?”
“Me. Come on, do it!”
He is so childish, you think to yourself as you open your gallery and try to find something that’s silly but not too embarrassing either. You find a picture back from April when you were having a grimace contest with your cousin’s kids and someone snapped a picture of you with puffy cheeks and crossed eyes. You hesitate for a moment but then send it to him anyway.
Waiting for his answer you turn your attention back to the TV until your phone buzzes in your hands again.
“I said send me a pic of you, not a hamster!”
You gasp at the mean but also funny reply. He surely didn’t shy out from insulting you, unlike you did.
“Oh, fuck you, Harry!”
You almost instantly regret sending that to him, because you know what his answer is to that every time it leaves your mouth. So you are already bracing yourself to receive that “you already have” text… But it never arrives.
“Jk, you look cute. But don’t cross your eyes too much, would be a shame if they stayed like that.”
“And why is that?” you find yourself typing back.
“Don’t let those pretty eyes go to waste.”
let me know if you’d like to be added or taken off!
@f-vasquezp​ @perspnhel​ @http-cherries​  @h-arrystyles​ @just-damn-bored​ @millennial-teenybopper​ @sarcasticallywitty15​ @gwen-and-harry​ @perfectywrong​ @do-youseeme​
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samwrights · 4 years
Team Karasuno as dads [hc]
For a married woman that doesn’t want kids, I sure do fantasize about my boys being dads a lot.
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He definitely cried when he found out you were pregnant.
When your daughter was born, he couldn’t even be in the room because he was so overwhelmed with you being in pain and the fact he was about to bE A DAD
He doesn’t even remember how you started dating because he was so blown away by your beauty or so he claims but the fact that y’all were married?? And having a kid?? When did he get so bold??
Eventually he got over it cause he felt bad that he wasn’t in the room holding your hand while you literally pushed a whole ass human out ya cooch.
He fainted
The first time he held his daughter was the first time he had felt complete, more complete than when he rejoined the volleyball team in his third year. It felt amazingly right. He tries to deny the fact and say your wedding was just as wholesome but you can tell. Fatherhood is something entirely different for him
“She takes after momma’s beauty.” A simp through and through.
Asahi is a parental HOG. Which is kinda nice cause he loves doting on your child but also HI I AM MOM AND WOULD LIKE TO HOLD MY BABY???
He tells YOU how to hold her and feed her and little ticks about her personality like you aren’t on maternity leave and are with the baby ALL DAY (although he is REALLY pushing for you to just be a stay-at-home mom)
Because he is soooo doting, it’s very rare that you wake in the middle of the night to feed or change her—Asahi is ALL over it. But he is human and there are days he’s too tired to wake up from dead sleep. It’s ok, he’s your human. Daddy deserves rest too.
Asahi would totally be a co-sleeper, or at least nap with the baby as much as he possibly could.
Definitely bought her multiple onesies that say “daddy’s little princess”.
She gonna be a spoiled brat when she’s older 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
Daichi Dadchi;
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I mean he’s a literal running joke in the fandom
After being elected as the unofficial dad of the VBC in his high school days, it was no wonder that he was such a natural with your three munchkins.
Having three slightly older boys of varying ages, you relied heavily on Daichi to get through to them when you couldn’t.
He’s definitely the strict parent; your sons all try to take advantage of you 💀 demons
Your boys saw you as a pushover most of the time because you were just so tired.
“Just keep trying for a girl, they said. There’s a 50/50 chance, they said.” Was something Daichi would find you chanting to yourself often while you cooked dinner and the boys were playing soccer in the house and breaking something.
Even though Daichi is strict, he really tries to emphasize to the boys to treat you with kindness to make it a bit easier on you.
“Guys, please don’t make your mother rip her hair out.”
“We’re just playin’!” They would sing in flawed harmony
“One day, you guys are going to be all grown up with your own special person with your own kids, and you’re gonna love them so much that you’ll understand why I’m telling you to calm down and listen to your mom.” Asjdfkhlek.
“Ewwww, daddy loves mommy.”
“I sure do.”
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On god, Suga would be the most patient parent. He treats your toddlers like mini adults and not your insane nine year old girl or six year old boy.
He listens thoroughly when they are upset about something, cautiously listening to the deeper truths about why they’re upset and takes great care in making sure his children feel validated.
Super dad 🥰
But it’s not a random event; after being married to you for the last decade, he had so much practice with conflict resolution and genuinely listening to you that it was a natural tendency at this point.
For the most part, your children are incredibly well behaved. Sure, there’s an occasional incident because, well they’re kids. Your daughter, being the older of the two and nearly finished with primary school, was entering her phase of discovering boys and constantly writing in her diary.
Suga may be super dad, but he is not perfect, and for some reason I totally see him reading her diary.
“Koushi, put it back. Now.” He was just going to pretend that you using your mom voice on him didn’t turn him on and prepare him to fill you with another baby.
While he may be an expert on conflict resolution, you enforced respecting their privacy; quite a dynamic between the two of you in terms of validating your children as individuals.
“But honey, our daughter is starting to like boys.”
“At least one of the females in this house does.” 💀💀💀 with angels for children, someone had to be the clown of the Sugawara family and it was certainly you.
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You and Tanaka had your first baby in your guys’ third year of high school, which you would be lying if you said it wasn’t hell.
Tanaka fought tooth and nail to try to do everything from makin dinner, working, making sure you were getting rest, and of course still playing volleyball. Everything except actually trying to graduate.
“I don’t have time to study babe, I have practice and then we gotta put this squirt to bed.”
There was a constant argument about Tanaka continuing with volleyball that nearly forced you two to split. While you knew how important it was to him, there was no way he was going to graduate from Karasuno while he was trying to care for you, a child, work, and play volleyball.
“Ryuu, please. I know you don’t wanna quit but if you can’t pass your classes, you won’t be able to participate anyway.” He did not take well to that.
It took him time to come to his senses and in that time, you had kept you and your son away from him to allow him his space.
Apparently that was also a wrong move on your part.
He was so angry and frustrated being away from his mini me that he had easily conceded to retiring from volleyball if it meant being able to watch his little nugget learn how to sit up and crawl.
Yes, he goes HAM on the nicknames. Squirt, nugget, mini me, beanie baby, tyke, and all of the above. He pretty much calls your son everything but his actual name.
“I’m sorry for being stubborn.” He says one night while you help him study for his finals, your sleeping son swaddled in your arms.
“I’m sorry for making you give up something you love.”
“Nah, I got you and the munchkin. That’s all I need.”
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I love Noya 🥺 but at first, he is a chaotic parent. Granted y’all had your first child when you were still in college and he hadn’t the faintest clue on how to be a dad.
To be perfectly honest, you weren’t quite sure how to parent either.
Neither of you knew how to change diapers
Noya definitely got peed on more times than he wishes to admit
When your son was still a newborn, just around finals time, neither of you could figure out for the life of you why your baby was crying in the middle of the night. Which inherently made you cry because you had an 8am final and you had finished studying 5 hours prior 🙃
“Try to get some sleep, babe. I’ll take care of him.” Nishinoya’s voice was thick with exhaustion, but he knew how little you’d been sleeping since giving birth.
When you went to leave for your final, Noya was asleep in your living room rocking chair, baby safely in his arms with the both of them just snoozing away.
It was a struggle but the two of you faced the challenge together, one step at a time with your energetic four-year-old son as you graduated university. By the time you had all settled into a larger apartment together as a family, Noya had yet to pop the question. He was too busy having fun with his little man.
Sometimes it scared you how in sync he was with his child probably because he was still a child himself but it was sweet and endearing.
“Hey babe?” He asks softly after the two of you tucked away your boy for the evening. You raised in eyebrow at him, silently goading for him to continue. “Do you want to have another?” Needless to say, he sure as shit impregnated you that night asjckglpwm
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With Hinata being an older brother, I actually see him being a wonderful dad. However, homie’s got a one-track mind and with him playing professionally, you’re usually left to do the parenting.
Your kids definitely like you more than Shoyo, not that anyone blamed anyone; they just never see daddy :(
BUT when he is in dad mode and home, you suddenly remember why you were eager as shit to have more kids with him 🥴 which explains ya you’ve got your third on the way
When he does come home, he automatically greets his older, 8 year old son with noogies and a brief wrestling session. For some reason, Hinata felt the need to compete with his own child 💀
But when he sees his daughter, his world stops because he has favorites and EVERYONE in the Hinata house knows it
Always asking your 6 year old girl how her day was, asking how she was doing ruling over her imaginary kingdom and if she found her Prince Charming yet.
“Pffft I don’t need Prince Charming, daddy, he’s icky!!! Mommy says I don’t need a man!”
Where is the lie
“Your mom is absolutely right and you should totally listen to her, she’s the best queen in the whole world.”
Because of his one-track mind, he is engaged fully with your kids when he is actually home. Your son had naturally gotten into volleyball which, even after a long day’s practice, Shoyo spends hours training him.
“Do you think this one’s finally gonna like me more than you?” He asks one night while he’s doing the dishes after dinner, while you’re right beside him drying them off.
“Sho, our kids love you. But mom is home with them allllll day and has been since birth.”
“Can we keep trying until one of them finally likes me more?” 💀💀💀 “or until we have enough to make our own volleyball team?”
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How this socially inept clown got ANYONE pregnant was unthinkable. Of course, to anyone but you. After being with him all throughout high school, it was more of a wonder how you didn’t get pregnant sooner
This dude dirty. His one track mind, if not on volleyball, was entirely on you. Nearly every night was date night which ALWAYS ended with bow chicka wow wow 😏 you horny mfers yalll moved in together as soon as you graduated from Karasuno.
Clothing at home was nonexistent.
With the two of you in your second year of college, living in your apartment, and being 8 months pregnant, the air had dramatically shifted.
Kageyama’s once still high sex drive had been channeled into school work, working, and of course, volleyball. You were planning on at least completing your semester before taking time off to care for the baby. It seemed one of you would have to really step up, and from what it seems, it wasn’t going to be Tobio.
When he was home, which was very few and far between with how much he had going on, he had tried to dote on you as much as he could physically muster. Kisses here and there, bathing together, and lots of snuggles.
Kageyama is in charge of the nursery and there’s no room for argument on this. With him not being as present at home, he sets up the nursery as a way to communicate with his child that he’s never going to see because of volleyball
I love Kags, but he is nowhere near ready to even think about parenting 💀 which you tried to be patient with, but with the due date approaching very rapidly, you kinda needed him to step it up.
“I’ve helped.” He tries using the nursery as an argument and he had gone to every doctors appointment but homeboy still doesn’t know how to make a bottle or change a diaper
Was he prepared to have to clean up baby shit and vomit? Absolutely not. Was he going to anyway? Lmao, absolutely not. This boy only wants to be daddy, not dad.
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It shook everyone and their mother when people found out that Kei not only had a girlfriend that he met in college, but that his girlfriend was a milf according to Kuroo and Bokuto
When you and Kei had first started dating, your daughter was already five. And while you obviously didn’t bring her to classes with you, she was always with the two of you for date nights. Oddly enough, he really didn’t mind.
His patience for kids, now that’s he’s older and kids are actually kids and NOT his peers, rivals that of Sugawara’s.
“Hey Tsukki,” your spawn asks at dinner one day. “When are you and mommy gonna get married? People keep making fun of me cause I call my parents mommy and Tsukki.”
“Making fun of people isn’t cool, it’s so lame. They’re just jealous cause they don’t get to call their parents mommy and Tsukki.”
That same night, Kei offers to read your daughter to sleep as if to reinforce the notion that mommy and Tsukki was cooler than mommy and daddy. Of course, he was pushing for this to hide that he was upset that children were making fun of her.
After that Tsukishima really gets into his dad role—walking your daughter to school with you or without you everyday, picking her up and giving her grandiose hugs. He made sure to lock eyes with every spectator, his height towering over many at the kindergarten. Silently telling them all “do not fuck with her, or you answer to me.”
He’s sosososo protective, I can’t. He ain’t scared to fight a toddler.
Even well after you and Tsukishima introduce a child of your own, your daughter still insists on calling him Tsukki and adamantly tries to teach her sister to say Tsukki instead of dada.
“You’re okay with the kids not calling you ‘Daddy’, Kei?”
“The only one I want calling me daddy is you.”
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This poor bean 💀 not only was he not prepared for fatherhood in the slightest, but twins?!
You both swore up and down they were evil. If one was hungry, the other one would refuse to eat until the other finished their meal. This applied to using their diapers as well.
Imagine the energy of Hinata and Nishinoya as baby twin boys, and lo and behold, yours and Tadashi’s kids.
While you had slightly more patience with them, knowing they were going to grow up eventually and become their own independent humans. Tadashi was not handling this well at all.
Low key, he felt like he was doing a horrible job as a parent and, after the boys had finally gone to sleep for the night, you’d spent a lot of time consoling Tadashi.
“Why can’t I be like—“
“Baby, you’ve got to stop comparing yourself to all of your friends. None of them have twin boys that are less than a year old.”
“Yeah but Hinata has three of them, so does Daichi—“
“Honey, you aren’t them. You’re you, so please, just be you.”
He’s ambitious when it comes to parenting—he wants to be the best dad ever, and he only gets better with practice.
That doesn’t make him wanna tear out his hair any less, but as the boys get older, it does get easier. We pretend their toddler years didn’t exist, it was a nightmare that Tadashi does NOT want to relive
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vaguely-concerned · 4 years
The Mandalorian Chapter 11 reactions; the ‘the sea is a harsh mistress’ edition
- on first watch this wasn’t really one of my favorite episodes. I think it’s something to do with... one of the many things I love about the mandalorian is how it made the star wars universe feel HUGE. big and surprising and unknowable, there could be fucking anything out there man we don’t know. so having first bo katan show up and then ahsoka being set up right after (quite aside from who’s rumoured to play her, which is an entirely different can of wormy beans) in additon to opening the season on tatooine... eh. I’m not that into it, it feels like shrinking the world. we haven’t even gotten to see any other type of force user yet. it is only early/mid season tho so they’re probably going to pull some unexpected twists on us 
my opinion might change with rewatches too, that happens quite a bit with this show!
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honestly I had kind of a hard day yesterday and watched this the next morning and kept pointing tiredly to the crest like ‘it me tho’ 
- I was unreasonably happy about seeing the calamari flan again hahaha he’s been keeping that shit in his pockets for a season and a half now (didn’t he pay with some at one other point too?)! also the sound effects for them are SO EXCELLENT, I keep thinking about how well this show does texture which is wild considering how it’s filmed 
- the warm pat din gave frog lady’s arm when he thanked her and said goodbye 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I love the small ways he’s thawing 
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my heart ached so much for him at this point, he just looks so small and tense and lost, like a kid who’s lost his parents in a supermarket
(he keeps his hand on the blaster the whole time too so he knows this is a bad scene but now they’re right out in the middle of the ocean already soooo) 
- din’s very very very dry sense of humour is so blessed. ‘a bowl of chowder for my friend’ faklhfsadkjlfhsadkjhfsd
the baby’s look when he poked the squid thing with his knife too -- yodito’s like ‘dad is a wizard??’ haha. some good baby & dad stuff in this one 
- oh din... side quest boy, side quest booooooyyy
- the shot when bo katan helped him out of the water is perfectly mirroring the scene of bb!din being pulled up to safety by the mandalorian in the flashback, which seems Very Intentional
I Extremely Do Not Trust Her in the larger scale tho. I think it’s important that din knows now that he was raised in a very specific offshoot of the mandalorians ant that there’s some Stuff he hasn’t been told, but I also think it’s crucial to remember that her pov is not unbiased either and she, in fact, already has an established tendency to selectively share information with him to manipulate him into fulfilling her goals. (which he realizes because he keeps saying ‘that is not my mission, my mission is the child’ and I could not love him more). hell, I’m not sure exactly how ‘the children of the watch’ were positioned within death watch, but she was fucking death watch too for the longest time! and she hardly left for particularly noble reasons, she just didn’t like maul! she already lost mandalore like twice, do we just have to trust that third time’s the charm or what! 
she lied to him about the scope of the mission to force him into a position to do what she wanted (fully knowing he’s responsible for a child!!) and she called that ‘the way’ just as easily as the thing about not letting his bravery be forgotten! big red warning lights, NO! I think the thing is that din is having to find his own ‘way’ of being mandalorian (/how does one be a person exactly help?? relatable content, and he’ll get there in the end I’m sure he’s so good), but her way is no less fucked up to me than the children of the watch from what we’ve seen so far. she’s good at killing imperials though which is of course a mark in her favour
(considering that the episode gives her the epithet ‘the heiress’... yeah that’s probably a hint that she’s loyal first and foremost to her entitlement, getting the position she considers hers by right of inheritance. guess we’ll see if the text agrees with her)  
- ‘mandalorians are stronger together’ yeah that’s probably why the cosmic balance makes sure they’re mostly engaged in being at each other’s throats lol 
- so I might be feeling kind of sketch about these guys but on the other hand... when that one lady saved the baby and then promptly took off her helmet to reveal she looks like t h i s ?
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you better BELIEVE I was ready to fall down on one knee and propose right then and there holy shit
- ...wow if he didn’t have the jet pack din probably would have just sunk like a rock and drowned there huh 😨 that armour’s pretty heavy, turns out
- in happier news: din has become so good at reading what the child is expressing and responding/labeling the feeling for him! that’s so important to his development! ‘I know you’re hungry’ and both telling and showing him there’s a solution! still a bit of an issue that he thinks he can inform the baby of things like it’s a reasoned adult and have it understand, but we’re getting there we’re getting there lol
- that poor lady guiding them in for landing and sounding more and more worried fhkasjdlhfkjsdlahf (and he fucking TURNS OFF THE RADIO or whatever he’s using to talk to her through sdkfhaksdfhjs he takes a precious split second just to cut her off asfdjhaslkdfsdfhsda I love my salty dad) 
- when the fisherman asshole tells mando he knows where to find more of his people there’s the tinkling bell sound in the background music, I think it’s meant to convey almost childlike longing for belonging and connection, for finding someone who’ll know what to do? 
- when they took off their helmets and baby looked up at din like ‘???dad what the fuck? can you do that???’. (or like he just sensed his father taking a shitload of psychic damage all in one go)
- the way din didn’t start breathing again until they got the baby up from the water and he had him in his arms... the way he held him... sladfhasdklfhsjakdhfjsakldhfsakjldhfsjkadhfjaskdhfskajdhfjsdakhfslakhfskladhfsakljdhfjskadlhfkjsld
that whole scene was like a nightmare, so desperately unpleasant, in a way it mirrors the way the mandalorians have been hunted down and pummeled these last few generations, this must sort of be what it feels like to him subconsciously 
- din isn’t particularly inflexible as a person, after the initial kneejerk rejection he did listen to what they said and is carefully considering it (he did say ‘this is the way’ back at the end!)   
- the baby’s babbling when he wakes up and looks around in the beginning sounds half like ‘baba?’ and I almost had a heart attack
- loved how greasy and awful and dumb all the empire dudes were (and the comedy on board the ship too it was good for me) 
- the boob plates huh. shit they’ve shown with the armorer that they don’t have to do that in any way shape or form and they still brought the boob plates back :/ I guess it’s so they match up with the rebels/clone wars look, evoking that ~*era*~ and everything, but I don’t have to like it lol  
- I feel so validated in my theory that the razor crest is symbolic of din’s sense of self  (now with beautifully added commentary!) after this haha (and also so so scared now they might be ditching it for a new ship eventually). it’s in pieces, his world view is going to pieces and can’t be patched together the way it was before, from what he knows he’s about to deliver the baby to someone else who’ll understand/love/deserve him better (I do think that feeling is still in him) and he doesn’t even have the certainty of the code anymore to fill the void. oh buddy. 
the discomfort I felt when we got back into the cockpit -- into where it’s supposed to be familiar and safe! -- and saw all the ocean junk lying around, making it feel weird and changed and dirty (it probably smells like rotten seaweed in there now :( no likey)... I mean it was also very funny to see the pilot’s chair held together with a literal fishing net, but please favreau leave my dad’s car/ego alooooone 
- baby laughing his little bum off at din catching the small sea monster before it got him and then munching it......... the ‘there’s nothing in this world my dad can’t fix’ safe energy.......... I’m so scared we’re coming up on something din can’t fix 
- knitwear in star wars: I didn’t know I wanted it, but I am ELATED with having been given it
- moff gideon’s amazing evil voice... back in our ears, in our hearts, I gleefully hate him 
- at least din’s armour is clean again after that (awful) swim? one must appreciate some silver linings along the way I suppose
- din goes straight for the main pilot’s seat once they get the imperial out of it, so he must feel really secure that he’s probably the best man for the job; he is genuinely a good pilot! (and after this I am wondering even MORE who taught him. who raised you within the mandos din??)
- even while everything is new and scary and falling apart we can live safe in the knowledge that at least frog lady and frog husband had a good day and will have a good and happy frog life together with their frog children
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couple goals tbh 
(I don’t necessarily know how it works for frog people but I uh. guess they got busy quickly huh hahaha good thing mando didn’t turn up again until later)
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legacysmpheadcanons · 3 years
Legacy SMP Kingdom AU
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Logic is the crowned King of Legacy. He inherited the throne when his father was assassinated by someone, first presumed to be MythicalSausage, later discovered as Evil Xisuma, influenced by the Withering Energy. Logic is not always a good king. He continues his youthful playfulness, and puts himself in life threatening situations. Logic’s accusations of Mythical as his father’s assassin started a civil war which, in addition to nearly tearing the kingdom apart, also allowed the Withers to amass power, as only a King on the throne of Legacy is able to truly detect and stop the Wither’s destruction. Logic casually supports the Church of the Bee, however, he isn’t devoted, to the dismay of Chim.
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Lord Mythical is Logic’s righthand man and the current default heir to the throne. He attempted to overthrow Logic during the civil war, but the two later reconciled and agreed to share responsibilities after the discovery of the Withering Energy. Mythical was trained in swordfighting, and can hold his own in battle, however, he prefers the arts of philosophy to war, although he will fight to protect his honor and name. Whenever Logic goes on his adventures, Mythical stays behind to tend to the kingdom. He’s one of the largest proponents of the Bee Church, causing him to clash heads with Lime, who doesn’t believe in the Bees.
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Lime is a god, who, when he discovered the amassing strength of the Withering Energy, gave up some of his memories, and all of his powers to take on the form of an elf child to investigate. He was adopted by a knight in the castle when Logic was a child, despite being unable to speak the common language of the land, only being able to communicate in an archaic dialect spoken by those who worshipped the Old Gods. He was raised to be Logic’s trusted ally and personal bodyguard. He is arguably the best warrior in the kingdom, although he dislikes actual fighting and advocates for peaceful resolutions to conflicts. His one goal is to keep Logic safe. He dislikes Mythical, for kidnapping him during the war as he sometimes has flashbacks to that time. He is one of the few in Legacy that doesn’t worship the Bees, although he was forced into it, instead spending his time cleaning up the garden devoted to the Old Gods. No one notices how one of the stained glass windows in that place looks suspicious similar to him.
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Chim is the head pastor and leader of the Church of the Bee, and firmly advocates for them. He oversees construction of the Honey Chapels, blessing them in the kingdom. He is supposed to be one of the closest royal advisers, and is jealous that his position is taken by Lime, especially as Lime doesn’t follow Chim’s religion. When MythicalSausage tried to overthrow Logic, Chim supported his revolt, although later claimed it was for the sake of the bees rather than any true support, as the pastor must be neutral in conflicts.
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Poppy is a magic wielder and hunter. She often sells her wares in the village around the castle, and she and Lime have become close friends, to the point where Lime goes to her to ask her to track down Logic when he disappears during the war. During the war, she did her best to keep the others in the town safe, before Lime asks for her help. Afterwards, Poppy is the first one to stumble into a place of Withering Energy, finding it during a hunting trip, and reporting it back to Lime. She dislikes Mythical for the harm he did to Lime, but also dislikes Logic because she feels he is an incompetent ruler. She slowly grows to like the two more as she meets them when helping them investigate the Withering Energy.
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Lady PearlescentMoon is, as expected, a lady of the castle. She spends much of her time doing art and design, however, she also does archery and swordfighting casually. She supported Mythical during the war, but advocated for Lime when he was captured. Soon after the Energy started appearing, she ended up spending more of her time as an ambassador, and later was also made a lady of, in nearby Hermit Queendom. She likes Chim, but thinks his incessant asking of her to try and spread the Bees to Hermitcraft is foolish, considering most efforts had ended up dying out, especially when the larger threat of the Withering Energy began to present itself.
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Python was summoned into Legacy on accident when Logic and a few others were performing experiments. He has no memory of how he got there. He was let into the castle and worked as a servant, developing a casual friendship with Logic, who he thought literally created him. During the war, Python did his best to keep his head down and not be caught in the crossfire. When Zloy appeared soon after the Withering Energy did, Zloy recognized him as Python of Hermitcraft. Python discovered he was kidnapped by the same Evil Xisuma who tried to kill the king, and struggled to reconcile his newfound identity, before choosing Legacy over the other.
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Zloy is a traveler, teleporter, and wandering trickster, who originally ended up in Legacy while on a search for the source of the Nether Corruption threatening his main home of Truly Bedrock. He scammed several people in Legacy, but his charisma and quick thinking made him able to escape from both Poppy and Logic’s hunt. His realization of Python being from Hermit Kingdom led to him being, while not liked, tolerated in the castle. If he would just stop stealing pastries for once.
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Nash is a fortune teller, who, unlike some, can see small visions of the future. She usually travels with a wandering circus, making money off predicting futures. She accurately deduces that Lime is one of the old gods, not just a worshipper of them, something Lime swears her to secrecy for, when Logic and Lime visit her group. Unfortunately, she is eventually threatened into revealing to the Withers, both Lime’s existence and his location.
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Nikolian is a shapeshifter who lives in the moat of the castle. He has an intuition for magic, but prefers to try and stay out of harms way.
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Avomace is a small-time Necromancer, raising and controlling zombies. He clashes with Zloy over this, as Zloy is a free zombie who hates knowing he can be so easily influenced by any powerful necromancer.
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Archaelus is the castle’s cook. He makes a very good mushroom stew, which he is famous for.
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Jermsy’s contribution to the au is still being considered.
This AU adapts events from both S1 and S2 of Legacy, in addition to having its own unique plot points and spins on circumstances.
The basic ‘main’ plot is as follows:
Evil Xisuma is an entity created by those who use the Withering Energy for evil. After being sniffed out by the Hermit Kingdom, he goes to the heart of the Wither’s power, Legacy, to attempt to gain control over the world. Ex assassinates the king of Legacy, Logic’s father, and frames MythicalSausage, driving the plot into motion.
Logic accuses Mythical of murdering the king, something Mythical denies. While Lime attempts to calm the grieving Logic down, Logic declares war on Lord Mythical, and tells Lime to attack him. Lime refuses, to Logic’s anger, but does end up kicking Mythical out of the castle, a slight Mythical becomes angry for.
Under the suggestion of Chim, Mythical amasses a small army to overthrow Logic before his coronation, after Logic suggests that he would have Mythical executed for his crimes against the king.
Lime is approached by Nikolian, the shapeshifter warning that he has a bad feeling about the future. This is proven right when Poppy discovers that a ‘great darkness’ in the forest is amassing power thanks to the growing conflict. Lime warns Logic, but Logic doesn’t listen.
Mythical attacks Logic. Lime fights him off, aftempting to protect Logic, giving the other time to flee the castle. However, it is at the cost that Lime is captured by Mythical. Lime is tied to his bed and left in his room, heavily guarded, an experience that leaves him with lasting trauma.
Logic is found by Poppy, who shows him also the growing withering energy. Logic recognizes it, and recalls an old fable that, without stability, Legacy would fall to an ancient darkness. It is deduced this is that darkness, and Logic realizes that this is more important than the accusations, especially when he notices a small detail of a scrap of cloth, that happened to also be on the scene of the assassination, that definitely didn’t belong to Mythical. He realizes what a fool he was and returns to the castle to face Mythical.
Meanwhile, Lime attempted an escape. He uses a series of secret caverns, the same ones he used to help Logic escape the castle, ones he had found as a child, to avoid detection, despite that most of the guards were on high alert for him. Lime, however, emerged in the garden dedicated to the old gods that he had maintained, and found him and Mythical face to face. Lime is recaptured, but Logic appears and surrenders, and apologizes, to Mythical for the accusation, explaining what he had found. Mythical is disturbed by the threat.
The group, and other legates, go to investigate the energy. They find themselves trapped by Ex and the Withers, who reveal themselves and attempt to kill Logic and Mythical to leave the throne heirless. During the battle, Lime and Chim working together seal the withers away, Lime using Chim’s magic as well as his godly knowledge to protect Legacy…
Mostly. Evil Xisuma escapes, to fight another day.
Mythical and Logic have a jousting tournament, Logic winning, to determine their new ruler. However, Logic decides that the two would work best if they worked together like they did during the battle with the withers, instead of falling apart.
And this is the basic idea for my Kingdoms AU in a nutshell. There is soooo much I cut to try and keep this a reasonable length, so if any part if confusing or need elaboration just ask! I really have wanted to share this with someone. Heh. Thanks for reading ^-^’. ------------- Well, that was something to read! Amazing au Jag!
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Some thoughts i wrote down at work about the most recent ep of succession...
so.. i loved this episode
kendall creeping in the shadows behind karl... incredible
connor thinking he's going to get an important role in the company since his father gave the "ok" when he was completely out of it from his UTI
Shiv thinking she's doing MONEY MOVES but completely shitting it all by listening again(!) to Logan "Piss King" Roy
and Roman and his OBVIOUS crush on Gerri and getting recognized on TV by her :')
and don't even get me STARTED on Kendall telling them to feed the rabbit a donut.. and then saying a doctor, a HUMAN doctor, can take care of the rabbit since it (obviously) got sick from the donut.... screaming and crying and throwing up
and Tom and Greg... they.. just.. yeah.
Greg asking his lawyer if he can sue his granddad "affectionately"...
AND him telling Tom that he is thinking about suing Greepeace.... they're insane.. when will the madness end.
and Tom keeping track of Shiv's menstruation cycle thinking she will get pregnant before he goes to prison to "keep her company" IE to make sure she stays married to him when he gets out of prison.. AND him trying to convince her(or himself??) that it's not creepy! "it's not creepy.." LOL
logan not taking his meds and going off the deep end, telling them to cancel the deal, which is crucial for the survival of the company! they did have to give up the PJ's though so who can blame him.. (:
 it's tough because i do feel bad for them, like Shiv just wants Logan's affection and attention, the same goes for all of them actually but he's not that person. He's never been that person. So they always, ALWAYS end up disappointed. Like she's trying to make a toast to them "saving" the company and he yells at her about buzzing in his ear... god..
 Like we can analyze Logan keeping his UTI a secret from his kids and his staff (except for Kerry) til kingdom come..
Him not wanting to show even that much of an inch of "weakness" to them, to show them that he's human (which OF COURSE he's human but he's always been larger than life for his kids, so for them to see him that vulnerable.. it's gotta be very very hard for him, which is why he kept it a secret, which leads to them almost throwing the whole company away, bc of his inability or unwillingness to be vulnerable with his family).
ALSO when he's out of it he calls Shiv Marcia.. Actually being KIND for once, and trying to keep his (dead) sister from seeing a dead cat, him saying he's the only one allowed to be mean to Karl... I mean.. It's so much to think about my guy!! Also him being kind to Tom in the bathroom, like i know that's a very vulnerable position, not even being able to pee by yourself, but still. he let him see that side of him and specifically asking HIM to come with him to the bathroom.. so many implications.. the only one not "in" the family, 'cus Tom is always kinda on the outside, which is a whole 'nother bag of worms to unpack BUT ANYWAYS Tom being the one he asks to help him go to the bathroom.. leaning on him.. god. and lashing out at Greg (who is in the family) when he asks him if he's going to the bathroom.... *britney spears gif* yeah..
Also not to bring that whole thing down but the fucking hilarity of Tom calling him "pops.. Papa.." and offering to hold his "sceptre" LMAOOO i died laughing
 AND THEN ON THE OTHER HAND you have Roman and Gerri... Being soooo goddamn soft with eachother. Her apologizing to him for suggesting offering up Logan (and by proxy him) as a sacrifice, and her feeling so bad she presents him as a leader position in the company ON STAGE in front of everyoneee!! LIKE! imagine anyone else in this show doing this for someone else.. it just wouldn’t happen, and if it DID there would for sure be something else going on, but not with them.. they're in love your honor. god.
do i just have succession brainrot? maybe.. maybe so.
 Kendall especially thinks he's actually doing the right thing and like on the verge of winning it all (meaning the company or just over his dad?)
Like bro.. you've literally killed someone and your dad covered it up. You're done. You're done.
And then, I don't know which Roy sibling is more pathetic after Kendall. Like:
Connor: Has no clue about how ANYTHING works. Thinks he can just start campaigning for the presidency?? Tries to blackmail his dad to make him head of cable in Europe?
Roman: Has absolutely NO self worth at all, clings to Gerri with all his might trying to maintain some semblance of power while getting the attention he clearly craves
Shiv: Thinks she's this #GirlBoss making moves and shit but in reality she's basically just a child doing whatever her dad says, trying to gain his approval by copying his behavior (badly might i add) which just ends up feeling completely forced and cringey
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leafs-lover · 4 years
Because Two People Got Drunk: 15
Series Masterlist
A/N: Italics is a flashback.
Summary: It is Oliver’s first birthday party. You have friends and family visit for the occasion. You and Fred celebrate Thanksgiving as a family.
Warnings: Smut, swearing, NSFW
Word Count: 5100
 Chapter 15
November 6, 2022
Today you are throwing Oliver’s first birthday party. The penguins have a few days with just practices. The leafs play the following day so Fred asked to have the party the week before his actual birthday, to allow some of his old and current teammates could come. A few of your friends have come down for the weekend to help celebrate his birthday, as well as his parents.
You through him a “Mr. Onderful” themed party; he has on a onesie that had a white bowtie, jeans and suspenders.
You walk in and see Fred dressed in jeans and a white button-up tee with a black bow tie. He gives you a hug “Hey (Y/N).” “Hey Fred, nice outfit” you say half joking half serious. He did look really good, had you weak in the knees.
“I wanted to match my boy” he jokes bouncing Oliver.
“Well you both look really good” you reply realizing you haven’t separated yet.
“So do you (Y/N/N)” he says looking down at you. You are wearing a black maxi dress, its low cut and tight in the top accentuating your boobs, at the waist it becomes flowy. You are still breast feeding, so your breasts are slightly larger.
You see Fred’s eyes shift from your eyes to your boobs which you ignore “thanks Fred.”
You separate from your hug “looks great in here” he says.
“Thanks, but Heather the planner did most of the work. Couldn’t have done this without her” you explain.
Fred rented out a large party space, and got some jumping castles and games for some of the older kids. The party colours were black, white and gold, with cookies in the shape of bowties and mustaches, as well as some cupcakes. Everything turned out super cute.
The guests start trickling in, and even though he is turning one he is spoiled by everyone. There was a fair bit of penguins gear, books, mini sticks and various sports equipment. Auston even got him a shirt that said “little red” earning a laugh from everyone.
Everyone is having a great time as Oliver stumbles around the party. Fred takes him to a jumping castle. He climbs in with him and sits on his knees and helps him jump up and down on as his baby laugh fills the room.
“That is just the cutest thing ever” Allie says, walking up with Carlee, Anna and Kathy.
“I love baby laughs, they make my heart explode” Kathy says.
“It really is” you say smiling.
“So is his girlfriend coming?” Carlee asks, but you can tell that isn’t what she wants to asks.
“Well the party is half over so I’m going to say no. Last we talked about her, he mentioned he hadn’t introduced him to Oliver yet” you respond.
“He hasn’t brought her to any games or anything. I don’t know if he is ready to introduce her to that part of his life yet either” Kathy adds.
Throughout the party you see Charlotte and Ernst, Ernst smiles at you while Charlotte walks up and you have some small talk with her. While you haven’t talked directly to her since the last time you saw her, she did add you on Instagram.
“Hey so I have something to ask you, it’s about my mom” Fred says.
“Okay, go ahead” you respond a little nervous.
“So apparently I don’t send her enough pictures or videos of Ollie, she is mad at me for this.”
This causes you to laugh lightly “Anyways I sent her a video you had posted on Instagram and she wants to know if you will accept her request so she can see pictures and videos of him since I don’t post on there. She wanted to know if you’d be comfortable with it before sending the request, didn’t want it to upset you or anything.”
“Oh come on Fred, you know me better than that. Of course she can add me!” you say.
“Thanks (Y/N/N). This really helps get me out of the dog house with her” he says, you give him a light smile.
You have sent her some videos and pictures directly to her over the past couple months, which you know she appreciates. While you know you Fred has repaired his relationship with his father, you don’t know if you will. But at least you can have some relationship and be civil with your son’s grandmother.
After the party you sit around with your friends, Oliver is with Fred for the night. “So what’s going on with you two?” Carlee asks “I saw him checking you out all night.”
“He wasn’t checking me out” you state filling up the glasses with more wine.
“He couldn’t stop staring at your boobs, he wasn’t subtle.”
“Well can you blame him?” you joke.
“Yeah they were nice before, but since you started breast feeding they are even bigger” Allie jokes.
A bottle later Carlee looks at you “so are you going to make us ask you? We know something happened” You just stare at her slowly taking a sip of wine as 4 eyes stare at you.
You know these girls see through you, being friends since kindergarten. They know what you are thinking before you even think it. You sigh before saying “about a month ago we slept together.”
“WHAT! HOW?” Carlee yells. “How was it?!” Allie yells at the same time.
“Answer her question first, spare no deets” Carlee exclaims.
“It was amazing, as always” you laugh.
“It was amazing” Allie says mockingly. “We need more.”
“Well he knows what he is doing, and he does it very well. He always has” you say taking a sip. “He isn’t someone who is just looking out for himself, he makes sure to take care of me. More than once. “ you smirk, enunciating each word. “But it happened last month, his birthday, I went to the game and we went back to his place had a couple drinks and well you know…” you trail off.
“Last time I heard a story of you two getting drunk and sleeping together it ended with a baby” Carlee laughs.
“I have an IUD now, so I don’t have to worry about forgetting pills. And he used a condom anyways.”
“Okay but like spill, there is more to this. Like how many times?” Allie says.
“We had sex once” you reply. “That’s not what we’re talking about” Carlee groans.
“Twice” you say smirking. “The first time was basically just his mouth, god he is soooo good with his mouth”
“Fuck I need to get me a guy like Freddie” Allie says. “What about the sex?”
“I told you before; he is very good at what he does. But we never talked about it the next day. When I left it was kind of awkward and cold. I don’t know if he regretted it because of Danielle, or just regretted it in general. I mean the time before it caused major problems so maybe he was waiting for something to happen. Or was expecting me to ruin it again.”
“The way he was looking at you today didn’t look like he regretted it. Looked like he wanted to do it again, and maybe another time” Carlee says grinning at you.
“I don’t want to complicate things. Besides I have been seeing someone for the past 3 weeks."
“Boring” Allie says.
“It wasn’t boring, he is a graphic designer. I’m seeing him again Tuesday night after I drop you ladies at the airport.”
“What about Fred?” “What about him, he has Danielle.”
“Hey Fred. Ollie has a fever of 101, and he hasn’t been eating anything really. I called the doctor and they said to keep an eye on him and if he isn’t better to bring him in tomorrow. He won’t stop crying, I can’t calm him down” you rambles quickly barely stopping. All the time you’re talking Oliver is screaming in the background.
“Oh geez” Fred whispers quietly.
“I just, I –“ before you can answer Fred talks again “I’ll be right there.” He is at home for a homestead, but tonight is a night that you have Oliver, and Fred doesn’t have a game.
“Hey” you say opening the door.
“I finally got him to sleep” You explain. “He had a low fever this morning but wasn’t overly hungry, I thought maybe he was teething. He was playing with his toys but seemed fussier than normal. After his nap it got bad, his fever was almost 101°F, he wouldn’t eat and was screaming, I –.” Words are spewing out of your mouth a mile a minute.
He wraps you in a hug “(Y/N/N) babies get sick, it’s okay. You did everything right.” He is trying to calm you down, but your heart is racing, feels like it is beating out of your chest.
“I just am so stressed out, I didn’t know what to do. He never has been like this”
“Go sit down, I’ll get us a drink” he says walking to the kitchen, You sit on the couch and Fred joins you setting two waters on the coffee table “I thought you meant alcohol” you joke lightly as he takes off his jacket.
“Wow you look nice” you say looking him up and down. He has a nice button down shirt tucked into his black dress pants. Seeing him makes your breath hitch slightly.
“Yeah I was at dinner” he says sitting beside you.
“Sorry didn’t mean to interrupt your date.”
He stares at you for a minute. In the chaos you didn’t even get a chance to look at him, and never even considered why he asked you to watch Oliver when he was home with no game. “You would only dress like that if it was a date” you explain.
“Oh. Well it’s not a big deal, Oliver is more important.” Your heart is still racing as you sit there, he pulls you into his lap and strokes your back as tears immediately fall from your eyes. “Hey, hey, hey your fine, and he is fine, no need for this.”
He tilts your head and wipes the tears off your face placing a light kiss on your forehead. You sit there crying as place your head on his shoulder, Fred’s big arms wrapped around you. Finally you stop crying and sit there in silence. You look at Fred through your puffy blurry eyes “you’re doing great (Y/N/N).”
“Stuff like this makes me wish my mom was around still” you whisper.
“(Y/N) you are an amazing mother, and if she was around she would tell you that you’re doing everything right. Babies just gets sick sometimes. Let’s get you to bed.” He carries you to your bedroom setting you on the duvet. You pull them back sliding under them. Fred turns to leave the room “will you stay?” you ask lightly.
“Yeah of course” he replies turning off the light “ I’ll sleep on the couch”
“No, I can’t have you messing your back out there. This bed is big enough.”
“You sure?” he asks.
You nod and pull the blankets down on the other side of the bed. He removes his pants and shirt, leaving him in boxers, he crawls in beside you and pulls the duvet up. He pulls you in close and wraps his arms around you. You feel his warm body pressed against you as his hand stroke your hair lightly. His steady breathing helps slow down your heart rate as you begin to doze off.
The next morning you wake up at 6 and the bed is empty, you walk out and see Fred in the kitchen in his boxers making coffee while holding Oliver. His eyes are red from crying as he sucks on a pacifier. “Hey bud” you say toughing his forehead.
“His fever is lower than yesterday but still high” Fred explains.
“His doctor had an appointment available at 11, I’m going to take him to it. When did he wake up?”
“Half hour ago or so, he’s drank a little bit but not a lot. He has been pulling at his ear a lot, he might have an infection.” You nod pouring both of you coffee’s and begin making breakfast.
After eating you are loading the dishwasher when Fred pulls you in for a hug. “He’s napping, I’m going to go home to shower and change. I’ll be back for the appointment.”
Fred was right and Oliver had an ear infection. He called the team and missed his game that night. He stayed over the next few nights until Oliver was better, only leaving for hockey. Fred likely stayed a few days longer than needed, but you really enjoyed having him around. It helped keep you calm.
November 23, 2022
“Happy Birthday Mommy” you hear as Fred opens the door, revealing Fred and Oliver on the other side.
“Oh you are both so handsome” you say as Fred hands Oliver to you. Oliver is in jeans with a plaid shirt under a sweater vest. Fred is wearing a pair of if grey washed jeans with a tight grey long tee.
Today is your birthday, and tomorrow is American thanksgiving; Fred has a few days off so you spend that time together celebrating. You wanted time with Oliver for your birthday, and since Fred had the time off he wanted time with him so he suggested you spend a few days together, you staying in his guest room.
You walk in setting Oliver down for a minute, Fred grabs your bag and takes it to the room. You take your winter coat off and hang it up “fuck” you hear Fred mumble quietly as he comes back to the room seeing you. You have on a pair of high waist leather pants with a black silk and lace camisole under a jean jacket. His reaction makes you smile to yourself.
You walk in to the kitchen with Oliver and see that dinner is set on the table. After eating Fred gets up and gets a box, he opens it setting a cupcake in front of all of you. You raise your eyebrow as he removes it from the liner before handing it to Oliver “it’s your birthday” Fred explains.
After eating the cupcakes you pick Oliver up and hold him in your lap, Fred puts a gift bag down in front of you, which contains a new pair of white Louboutin heels, with red bottoms. “Fred you didn’t have to do this” you say holding them up to look at them, noticing the sparkles as you move them in the light.
“I didn’t, Ollie did” he shrugs. He kisses the top of your head before scooping Oliver up “speaking of, its bed time little man.” He leaves the kitchen with Oliver to get him ready for bed when your phone goes off, a facetime request from Connor.
“Hey” you say smiling as you answer it.
“Hey, happy birthday!” he says.
“Thanks, how is Minnesota?”
“It’s okay, cold” he grumbles.
You laugh lightly “how was your birthday” he questions.
“Good, Oliver bought me some shoes” you explain holding them up for the camera.
“Wow, he has good taste” he says. You set the shoes down “yeah he does.”
“So do you have a sitter for Oliver? I want to take you out to dinner when I get back for your birthday, but you mentioned you are bringing Oliver back to your place since Fred will be on the road.”
“Uh I don’t have one. But I was going to start the process of finding someone. I’m sure I can figure something out.”
You hear Fred turn the TV on in the living room as you continue to talk with Connor for a few minutes. After you hang up you join Fred on the couch as he is watching Ozark. “Who was that?” he asks.
“Connor” you pause before continuing “we’ve gone out a couple times.”
Fred nods not breaking his eyes from the TV. “If you wanted to, I could ask Christie. Ollie is comfortable with her.”
“Yeah that would be great” you say before settling in to watch TV.
The next day is Thanksgiving, and you are having a lazy day at home. Oliver remains in his pyjamas while running around playing with toys or bringing you books to read. Fred spends the day in his track pants, hung low on his hips and a white t-shirt, you lounging in a loose t-shirt with track shorts. You go to the park, and spend time as a family.
You sit on the counter drinking wine watching Fred as he loads the day’s dishes into the dishwasher. You’re entire day makes you realize what you could have had if you hadn’t panicked earlier in the year, what your life could have been. You swirl the glass in your hand staring at him as he bends over, you see his pants tighten around his ass. You lick your lips eyes locked on him. You don’t even realize that Fred has stood up and is looking at you until you hear him laughing.
Your head snaps up and you realize he caught you staring at him, a blush creeps across your face as he smirks, “sorry” you mumble quickly diverting your eyes taking a sip of wine.
“You could try to not be so obvious” he chuckles.
“Oh, like you are subtle” you retort a smile coming across your face.
“I don’t know what you’re–“
“Oh please, 90% of the conversations you have with me you’re staring about 8 inches below my eyes. Don’t even try to deny it”
He smiles lightly as his cheeks turn red. “I mean I don’t blame you, they are nice” you joke taking another slow sip of wine.
He walks over to you and stops a few inches in front of you ”they are nice” he says. He places his hands on the counter on either side of you “very nice” he whispers, his mouth inches from your ears. You feel wetness pooling in your core, Fred leans forward pressing his bulge against your thigh.
You tilt your head slightly to look at him; his lips are quickly on yours. You wrap your legs around his waist pulling him in close as your hands reach up to his neck, tangling in his hair. He deepens the kiss; you allow his tongue entrance as you place your wine glass on the counter. The kiss becomes sloppy, a frantic mess of tongues and lips. His calloused hand comes up your shirt and begins playing with your nipple under your bra.
You break the kiss for a moment to remove his shirt, your mouth returns to him, this time to his chest. You begin biting his chest, only separating briefly when he removes your shirt and bra.
He stares at you smiling “so fucking nice” he says before his mouth attaches to your nipple, swirling his tongue around it before sucking on it. A low groan leaves your mouth as your head falls back, your nails scratching his biceps, he brings a hand up to your hair and roughly grabs it as he pulls your head back biting your collarbone. He bites and sucks along your neck as you moan out, he applies pressure pushing you backward onto the cool marble counter. He begins making his way down to your core sucking and biting down your stomach.
“Mmm Fred” you say as he slides your pants down your legs. He places soft kisses on your thigh as he moves closer to the area where you need him most. He moves to kiss you on top of your lace underwear, his beard tickling the inside of you. “Oh” you moan as his tongue pushes into you.
“You’re soaked baby” he says kissing you over your underwear he groans as he tastes you through the lace. “Who did this to you?”
His tongue continues to push into you over your underwear. “You did” you moan out. Fred pulls up and bites your thigh while he hooks a finger in your underwear pulling it down your legs.
“You’re so beautiful” he says bending down looking directly at your clit, “so fucking beautiful.” You feel his cool breath as his beard rubs the inside of his thighs. He nips the inside of your legs slowly inching towards you core. As he approaches, your back arches before he moves to kiss your pubic bone.
You are getting annoyed by his teasing and before you can say anything you feel him lick a stripe up you. He stops at your clit and begins to suck on it. “Fuck” you mumble, feeling Fred smile against you. He keeps sucking on your clit as your hands reach down, gripping the counter. Fred slips his tongue inside your folds his nose brushing against your clit.
He licks the inside of your walls, your hands gripping the counter tighter, knuckles going white, as your hips lift slightly. Fred throws his arm over your hips to hold them in place. His other hand comes up to your nipple massaging it, while his tongue continues to lick the inside of you.
“Freddie” you groan “I’m close.” You’re almost surprised by how quickly he has you on the edge, but he knows your body almost better than you know yourself.
He dives in deeper, his hand pinching your nipple. He sucks on your folds, before sliding his tongue back in your folds.  He pushes his nose in harder to your clit, you begin to whimper as your high approaches you. You close your eyes, his nose brushing your swollen bud. You moan as your orgasm comes, you spasm around his tongue as your legs tighten around his head.
He continues working on you as your orgasm continues, he doesn’t move back until he has licked up all your cum. He finally stands up wiping his hand on his mouth to remove the juices from his face, and wiping his hands on his pants. You sit up slightly on your forearms as Fred brings his head to yours, locking you in a deep kiss.
He brings his hands under your thighs, your legs wrapping around his waist. He hoists you up carrying you down the hall, you bite his neck and chest leaving marks. He drops you gently on the bed hovering over you. You pull him closer before you push him onto his back as you straddle him. You rock against him, feeling his sweatpants rub against your core. You feel his hard member underneath you, and slide a hand inside and find his bare penis. You raise an eyebrow at him “no underwear?” you question as you stroke him.
You slide off the bed, pulling his sweats down with you. You crawl over him and place kisses on his abs trailing down his treasure line, his hands reach for your hair. You kiss his stomach, moving lower to his groin when you feel him push your head down trying to get you where he needs you.
“You want something Fred?” you ask innocently placing a light kiss on his tip.
“Babe” he groans trying to push you down further.
“Relax, so needy” you chuckle before licking a stripe on the underside of him. You place a soft kiss on his balls before you continue to his tip, tasting the pre-cum.
“(Y/N) please” he groans.
“Not a fan of being teased eh” you say placing another kiss to his shaft. Before he can respond you wrap a hand around him. You begin stroking him up and down a few times, you suck on his hip while you continue stroking him.
“Fuck” he says, his hands relaxing on you.
“This what you wanted?” you ask seductively, the speed of your hand increasing.
“Yes” he pants.
“You sure?” you lean down and suck another mark on his hip, causing his hip to lift slightly. “I think you want something else” you kiss his tip again “yeah?”
“Please” he moans keeping his eyes locked on you. He watches as you slide his length into your mouth swirling your tongue around him. You bob on him, hollowing your cheek to allow him in deeper. You set a steady pace, bobbing on him.
“(Y/N/N)” he says softy his hands gripping the bedsheets. You can tell he is getting close, as you continue to deep throat him. He hits the back of your throat while you bring a hand up to massage his balls. You take his entire length in your mouth, choking slightly as you continue your pace.
“(Y/N)” he says a little louder this time. “Babe you gotta stop” he says reaching down to pull you off him. You pout as he pulls you in for a deep passionate kiss sucking on your bottom before he pushes you onto your back.
He kisses your chest, sucking on your nipple, you feel his throbbing cock pressed into your stomach. He uses a knee to spread your legs slightly before he slides two fingers into your folds. You moan as he continues sucking your nipple. He slowly thrusts his fingers in and out of you, pushing them fully in every time.
You bend your knee and Fred kisses the inside of your thigh. His fingers thrusting inside you, his thumb pressing circles on your clit.  He returns biting your neck as you bring your hands to his chest scratching down it as he continues to thrust in slowly before he fully pulls out of you. You wince at the empty feeling before Fred brings them to your lips. You open your mouth and he slips his fingers in your mouth. You taste your juices as you clean his fingers.
He pulls his fingers from you “flip over” he says. When you flip onto your hands and knees you hear the sound of foil tearing behind you. You feel his hard member brush against your folds, his tip teasing your entrance. You grind your ass back trying to push onto him.
“Relax, so needy” he chuckles lightly smacking your ass, you groan as he uses your words against you. He slowly slides himself inside you bottoming out, you feel yourself stretching for him. He pulls out, his hands resting on your hips. He uses them to pull you back against him. He sets a fast pace as you continue to grind back onto him. His hand leaves your hip and slaps your ass, harder this time, you wince at the pain as his hand returns to your hip. You continue rolling against him, his pace picks up.
You feel him lean around you, his hand reaches to rub your clit. He starts rubbing fast circles as you feel him becoming sloppy behind you. He uses his other hand to pull you back hard into him
“Aaah, right there” you moan “don’t stop.”
You hear a strangled laugh leave his mouth “didn’t plan on it.” You begin to feel your walls beginning to tighten. “Fuck” you mumble.
“You close (Y/N/N)?” he questions.
“Yeah, so close” a choked groan escapes your lips.
He continues his pace, rubbing on your clit. Your walls tighten as you clench around him, he keeps thrusting while your orgasm continues. Once you return from your high you feel him thrusting his hands pulling your hips back hard onto him.
“Freddie” you moan loudly. He keeps his pace before you continue “babe I want to ride you.”
He quickly pulls out and lies on his back; you crawl over to him and easily slide back onto him. Your hands scratch his chest as you set a quick pace on him. He pushes his hips up, pressing further into you “babe” you groan.
“You gonna cum again?” he asks, his hands playing with your breasts. Your head falls back as you keep rising on him. “You have one more babe?” he asks. You aren’t able to answer him before you feel your walls tighten around him again. Your hands dig hard into his chest as you ride him through your high.
You feel him thrust into you a few more times before his dick twitches, him spilling into the condom. You collapse on your back beside Fred.
You lay there for a few minutes, allowing your heart rates to stabilize. Fred gets up and heads to his bathroom to dispose of the condom, returning with boxers on. He has a damp cloth in his hand that he uses to gently clean you before he walks over to his dresser pulling out a t-shirt.
You roll over and sit on your knees as he pulls the t-shirt over your head. You look to the red marks on his hips and your hand grazes over the scratches on his firm chest. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to do such a number on your chest.” A smile comes across his face as he crawls in the bed. He pulls you down into his arms “don’t apologize, I enjoyed it” he says as he kisses you lightly.
The next morning you wake up and brew coffee when you hear Oliver stirring. You place him in the highchair and get him breakfast. You reach up to get two mugs, causing Fred’s t-shirt to rise, revealing you black lace panties “Jesus” you hear Fred grumble behind you. You turn around and immediately hit Fred’s hard shirtless chest, he reaches around you to grab the mugs for you. He sets them on the counter beside you, before bringing a hand to play with the hem of your shirt. You look up at him as he brings his lips down to yours engaging you in a passionate kiss. You moan lightly, he pulls back slightly smiling against your lips “good morning.”
You spend the rest of Friday with him and Oliver. You watch movies and play toys enjoying your time the three of you. After you put Oliver to bed, you walk into the hallway and Fred pushes you against the wall, he picks you up and carries you to bed where you spend the night tangled in his sheets.
The next morning you leave when Fred leaves for a road trip. He helps you down to your car and buckles Oliver into his car seat. Before letting you into your car he pins you against it, bringing his lips down for a deep passionate kiss.
“I had a good couple days with you” he says mumbling against your lips. Your hands lace into his hair and smile “me too” you say before kissing him one last time.
Oliver’s Birthday: 
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Your shoes:
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Next Chapter
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doc-pickles · 4 years
squeeze cheese, pandemics, & you
AKA the pandemic fic that literally everyone asked for
i still cannot believe that i actually wrote this BUT soooo many people asked me for a freaking pandemic fic that i wrote it. it’s crazy, a little messy, and the sass radiating from levi schmitt fuels my cold dead heart.
i’d like to personally thank @odd-birds-and-booksellers @kidneys4karev @choosingmywife and Nat AKA the “jolex mass grave” chat that bullied me into doing this. they’re also the heart and soul of ‘pandemic jo’ and really brought her and her mannerisms to life. cheers to you ladies, this fic is for you!!
and now... without further ado... the pandemic fic that i wrote most of at 10 pm while slightly tipsy (BONUS POINTS: it’s also another fix it fic bc i am traaaaash hehehe)
“Why do we have a nacho cheese dispenser?”
Jo looked up from her place on the couch, eyeing Levi as he stared at the new machinery in the kitchen. She turned her attention back to the soap opera on TV before answering him. 
“Are you complaining?”
“No but-”
Settling back into the couch, Jo grabbed the bowl of apples that she had covered in nacho cheese earlier. She had developed a nasty online shopping habit since being in lockdown, but figured since she had sold off a good chunk of Alex’s belongings that she deserved to treat herself. 
Worried sick that any exposure to the hospital or any of it’s doctors would harm her, Jo had been on a strict self-quarantine since March. Levi, having to choose between his job or place to live, was forced to reside with Jo full time. The past few weeks had been tough on both roommates, but their bond had been strong regardless of their arguments.
“I’m kind of concerned about your online shopping habit,” Levi sat on the other end of the couch from Jo, a plate of nachos in hand. “Between the nacho cheese machine and the ball pit, I have some questions about the vibe you’re trying to create here.”
“Hey I’ve never had a place to myself. I want to have fun! Let loose! Besides in a few months I’ll have to take care of someone else,” Jo patted her small baby bump affectionately. “I’m trying to be a cool mom and the ball pit was the first step.”
Ah yes, Jo’s unexpected pregnancy and the reason she was so paranoid about staying isolated. Three weeks after Alex had officially left, Jo had realized that he left her much more than just hospital shares and their loft. Four home tests later and a shoe thrown across the loft at Levi (“I’m just telling you Jo, false positives are really ra- OW!”) Jo had indeed confirmed her earlier suspicions. 
“Well… for your sanity’s sake, I hope your online shopping doesn’t go completely off the rails,” a knock on the door interrupted Levi’s sentence, his eyes trailing to Jo accusingly. “If that’s another Amazon package, you’re going to have some explaining to do.” “Actually, it’s something even better,” Jo rolled her eyes, standing from the couch and grabbing what had been dropped on the doorstep. “It’s takeout! From the Italian place downtown with the really good spicy meatballs! It’s important that we support small businesses during these trying times.” “You sound like a walking capitalism ad,” Levi groaned, moving from the couch to the dining table and sitting across from Jo. “But if it keeps me well fed I can’t complain about that. Oh please tell me you’re not- yup that is squeeze cheese on the meatballs. That’s not right.��
+ “Hey have you seen- Ow! Why the hell did I just sit on knitting needles,” Levi held up the items in question as he stared down Jo. “Are you an 85 year old woman? When and why did you take up knitting?” “So I can make baby sweaters, duh,” Jo rolled her eyes and bit into her toast. “I’m not that great at it yet, but Helen has been teaching me over Skype. She’s an expert, she helped me make a baby hat but it’ll probably fit a baby doll before an actual human baby.”
“Okay wow, umm so many questions,” Levi pulled a chair over to where Jo was sitting, staring at her quizzically before jumping into his questions. “First, what is on your toast? Secondly, Helen as in your ex mother in law? And third, why are you sitting in the ball pit wearing a bucket hat and a bathing suit top?”
To his credit, Levi was asking sensible questions to Jo. She was indeed sitting in the ball pit she had bought online, eating a piece of toast with some questionable toppings and wearing an old pair of Alex’s boxers and a bikini top, a Seattle Seahawks bucket hat thrown carelessly on her head. 
“The toast is nutella, swiss cheese, and strawberry jam, it’s like the trailer trash version of what you get at fondue places,” Jo took another bite as if to emphasize her point. “The bathing suit top is because my boobs are huge and won’t fit into my regular bras. Also my baby bump is growing larger by the day so I can’t fit into anything but sweatpants, but it’s way too hot in here for that. The bucket hat is because I was tired of staring at my unwashed hair in the mirror. And yes, Helen and I have become quite good friends and Skype every Tuesday while you go outside to call Helm for an hour and collect hospital gossip. She’s very excited she’s getting another grandchild and has begged me to come and visit once I bear the heir to the Karev name.” 
“So you’re keeping your last name? And passing it onto the baby?”
Jo had spent many nights thinking long and hard about what to do with her last name. She had finally decided to change it but when she had found out she was pregnant, she knew that Alex’s side of the family would be the only real family her child would have. And after crying about it over Skype with her former mother in law, Helen had reassured Jo that she would be more than proud if she and her unborn child carried on the Karev name. 
“Yes we’re both going to be Karev’s,” Jo sighed, hand coming down to her bare bump. “I don’t need to explain my decisions to you Levi.”
“Well I’m assuming that if you’re going to be staying a Karev that you’re going to tell Alex?”
Not wanting to answer Levi’s very direct question, Jo began to pelt him with the balls from the ball pit until he walked away towards the kitchen. Jo knew that she should pick up the phone and call Alex, that he had already missed so much of his other children growing up that he deserved to be there for everything for this one. But Jo was still angry and upset at Alex for leaving her alone. If he was still here, he’d probably be sitting in the ball pit with her, cracking jokes about her inability to knit. 
But he wasn’t, Alex was halfway across the country and Jo couldn’t bring herself to pick up the phone and hear her husband's voice. 
“For the last time Levi, I do not need anything from you! Stop asking me! And stop texting Meredith every two minutes!”
Jo walked from the couch to the bed, flopping down onto the surface as she let out a loud sigh. It had been eight weeks since she and Levi had been quarantined together, twelve since she had found out she was pregnant, and seventeen since she had actually fallen pregnant. The constant bouts of morning sickness and mood swings in close quarters with her pseudo friend/ roommate had not been easy, but Levi was being a trooper for his part.
“Come on Jo, Meredith just wants to make sure that you’re okay,” Levi pleaded, sinking down into the couch. “Don’t take her over compensating tendencies out on me.”
For her part, Jo understood where Levi was coming from. She knew that Meredith was over protective of her because of what had happened between her and Alex, but it didn’t mean that the situation bothered Jo any less. She was capable of taking care of herself and the life that was growing inside of her, pandemic be damned. 
“Tell Meredith I’m fine and that I’m doing crossword puzzles and going to Zoom therapy sessions once a week,” Jo huffed, hands coming to rest over her eyes as she tried to understand why she had ever thought a one room loft was a good idea. “I don’t need you two hovering over me at all hours of the day.”
A loud banging sounded on the door of the loft, Jo and Levi exchanging looks before Levi scurried to the door to see who was there. The only visitors the two had had in the past few weeks were either Meredith or the grocery delivery guy, neither of which were allowed inside and neither of which pounded their door so loudly.
“Jo! Open the door, I know you’re home,” both Levi and Jo paused at the voice outside the door. Levi, who stood next to the front door, looked to Jo for guidance, but she had no direction to give. “Damn it Jo, open the door. I need to talk to you!” After a nod from Jo, Levi slid the door open, one hand coming up to stop Alex from storming into the loft. The sight of her ex husband for the first time in months made Jo’s stomach flip, her hand coming to cover her mouth so she didn’t scream in shock. 
“Sorry, Jo doesn’t let anyone in the loft anymore,” Alex raised an eyebrow towards Levi, his expression angry and ready to challenge him. “Not even Meredith. There’s a pandemic happening, dude.”
Alex rolled his eyes, trailing them towards Jo who stood nervously in the kitchen now. If you knew her well enough, you could tell that her figure had changed in the past few weeks. Her breasts had filled out and her face was fuller because of the slight amount of weight she had put on. Alex couldn’t see from where he stood, but he assumed that her stomach had begun to curve outwards as well. 
“Jo, I need to talk to you,” Alex wanted so badly to step closer to his ex wife, but he knew that Schmitt would try to stop him no matter what he did. “Mer called me, can we please talk?” Jo peaked around the corner of the kitchen, eyes taking in Alex’s nervous form. His stubble had grown out, his eyes seeming more tired than usual as they scanned over her body. A subconscious hand floated down to her stomach, Jo shielding her unborn baby from the fight that was about to ensue. 
“You can do it from there, Alex,” Jo responded, eyebrows furrowing as she stared Alex down. “You can’t come in unless you’ve quarantined yourself for 14 days and you’ve been tested for COVID-19.”
“Leave it to you to be paranoid during a freaking pandemic,” Alex groaned, one hand coming up to run through his hair. He had driven straight through from Kansas to Washington, only stopping to pee on the side of the road every few hours. “Are you okay? You're…. feeling healthy and what not?” Schmitt, who had been quiet up until then, rolled his eyes in Alex’s direction. After spending every moment of the day with Jo, he knew that the question would piss her off to no end, regardless of who was asking it. He turned to her briefly, noting the pissed off expression on her face, then turned back to Alex.
“Jo is perfectly fine, she has been for the past few months without you,” Levi’s voice was firm and defiant to whatever Alex might counter him with. “And furthermore, I don't think either of us appreciate you showing up here unannounced. We are, may I remind you, in the middle of a pandemic.”
“I’m fine, Alex,” Jo took a step forward, coming further into Alex’s line of sight. Alex’s eyes trailed up and down her body, finally taking in the bump that had appeared on her normally flat stomach. “I do want to talk, I promise, but I can’t risk my health or… or our baby’s health right now. So come back in two weeks and I promise I will talk to you.”
The glare that Alex sends towards Schmitt sends the younger man reeling back, grasping for the door handle as he tries to shut Alex out of the loft. However, the older man’s voice rings through one last time before the door shuts completely. “I’m coming back for you, Jo,” Alex calls out, voice urgent and waiting for his lost love to hear him. “I’m coming back and you can’t stop me.”
Door firmly shut and locked, Levi turned to Jo, who seemed to be brimming with an odd mixture of anger and sadness. She ran her hands through her hair once, finally letting out a scream as she flopped back onto her bed. 
“Well shit,” Jo groaned, hand slipping down the cradle her baby bump. “That’s just about the last thing I needed.”
“Did you order breakfast? Because this is delicious.”
Jo stepped out of the bathroom, eyes narrowing as she took in Levi and the huge bag of food in front of him. She hadn’t ordered anything, but since the bag was clearly labeled from her favorite diner, she could only assume where it had come from. 
“Pretty sure you know who sent this,” Jo reached into the bag and grabbed a breakfast burrito, unwrapping it and slathering it in Easy Cheese and hot sauce. “I want to be mad about that, but I really can’t. This is the best thing I’ve eaten in awhile.” 
“It’s been five days, has he said anything to you,” Levi asked, eyes cautiously floating to Jo. While they’d grown closer in quarantine, the one thing that Jo never wanted to talk about was Alex. Now that he was here though, Levi thought that maybe she would be more open about the subject. 
“He’s texted a few times, assured me that he’s staying by himself and that he hasn’t even seen Meredith,” Jo shrugged, one hand coming down to touch her stomach. The once small bump had seemed to balloon in the past week, almost as if her unborn child was trying to show off for their father. “She’s mad at me now, saying that my paranoia is interfering with their friendship. But we haven’t really talked yet.”
To be fair, Alex had been texting Jo a lot since he had showed up at their door and confirmed with his own two eyes that she was pregnant. And if she wasn’t lying straight to Levi’s face currently, she would tell him that she had been texting Alex back. They had talked mostly about the baby, the rest of the world being a subject neither of them wanted to broach. Kansas hadn’t come up either, but Jo had a feeling that maybe everything wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows if Alex hadn’t hesitated in showing up at her door.
“I think it says a lot that he came back, you know,” Levi shrugged as he grabbed a tater tot from the bag and popped it into his mouth. “I mean he said he left for his kids but the first word he hears about you he drives all the way here. That’s a good man for you.” “Well he wouldn’t have had to drive all the way back if he didn’t go there in the first place,” Jo huffed angrily, dropping the rest of her burrito onto the table with a frustrated groan. “I’m going to take a shower.” “You just took one,” Levi countered, a confused look appearing on his face.
“Well unfortunately that’s the only place in this stupid loft that I can sit in silence,” Jo exclaimed, hands coming up in an angry gesture. “If you make it out of here alive it’ll be a miracle, Schmitt.” + “I swear if you don’t back up right now, I’m going to lose my mind!” “Okay but you’re-”
“I told you I’m fine Schmitt, back up!”
The raised voices alarmed Alex as he approached the loft, bringing his keys out to unlock the door instead of knocking. Relieved to find that Jo hadn’t changed the locks, Alex slid the door open and stepped into the loft unnoticed by the bickering roommates.
“I just think if you’re in pain you should go in,” Levi’s hands were held up defensively as he stood in front of Jo. “I’m no expert on pregnancy, but that can’t be a good sign.” “You’re in pain? What’s wrong?” Both Levi and Jo whipped around at the sound of Alex’s voice, the latter holding a hand firmly against her stomach. The glares that she was shooting in his direction didn’t go unnoticed by him, but he brushed it off as he was overwhelmed with worry for Jo. Alex noticed that even in the short time it had been since he had seen her last, Jo’s bump seemed to have grown. 
“You shouldn’t be here. I’m fine,” Jo tried to sound convincing but her voice faltered as she winced. “Seriously I’m okay. Stop looking at me like I’m some shelter puppy that’s about to be put down. I can take care of myself, I’ve been doing it for awhile now. And you need to get out of here, you’ve only been quarantined for like a week.”
Despite her best efforts, Jo had exhausted herself scolding Alex and felt breathless almost immediately. Settling her free hand on the arm of the couch, Jo tried to be inconspicuous as she sat down, but both men next to her were watching her closely. 
“Where does it hurt,” Alex asked as he sat next to Jo, unfazed by her outburst at him. 
“I told you I’m fine!”
“She’s been breathless and clutching her lower right quadrant for about half an hour,” Schmitt offered up, Jo immediately tossing a throw pillow in his direction. “I’m trying to be helpful! You haven’t been in pain this whole entire time.”
“Go be helpful in the bathroom Schmitt! I don’t need both of you hovering around me and I know that he won’t leave,” Jo gestured to Alex vaguely as she took another deep breath, leaning over as she clutched her stomach again. “Go!”
Levi ran off, Jo letting out an aggravated sigh as soon as he left the room. A few tears sprinkled Jo’s cheeks as she rubbed her hand into her stomach. 
“I’m fine I just… can’t catch my breath and my stomach has some localized pain,” Jo didn’t fight Alex off when he placed his palm gently next to hers, his larger hand almost covering her whole bump. “I’m okay, I swear I’m fine. The baby’s fine and it’s okay and nothing is wrong.”
As Jo rambled more, her tears began to fall harder, breaths coming in short gasps as she leaned her head against Alex’s shoulder. Doing his best to comfort and assess her at the same time, Alex rubbed his hand gently against her stomach. A few light kicks met his hand, tears threatening to fall as Alex felt his child move for the first time. Once he was satisfied that Jo had calmed down, he spoke up, sure his crooked grin was showing in full force. 
“Well, you’re not dying,” Alex chuckled, his fingers moving lightly against Jo’s stomach as he explained what she was feeling. “Baby’s lodged up here, in your rib, and when they kick, they knock the air out of your lungs. I can feel their head down here, which means their legs are stretching out and kicking up towards your diaphragm. That’s why you feel so out of breath. If you’re lucky, I can try and coax them out of their tight spot.” 
Jo barely nodded, eyes closed as she continued to lean against Alex and take deep breaths. He moved one hand up to where he felt the baby’s feet and gave a slight push, Jo groaning loudly as they shifted. Alex waited a moment, grinning when he felt a small kick against the lower left side of Jo’s stomach. 
“Oh god,” Jo let a gasp out, eyes flying open as she laid her hand over Alex’s. “Oh, I can breathe again! I haven’t been able to breathe since 2 AM. Jesus that feels so much better.”
Alex took Jo in with a sense of awe, observing all of the changes he had missed about her. She had cut her hair short again, the locks just brushing her shoulders, and her cheeks had filled out more. The way she had eased into her pregnancy made him smile, knowing that she had always had a maternal instinct hidden underneath her hard exterior. Alex eyed the chain across Jo’s neck that held two silver rings, but said nothing about it. 
“Easy trick, just remember that if they get themselves twisted around again. Your OB didn’t show you that,” Alex watched Jo turn her head towards his shoulder, burying her face and mumbling something incoherent. “I can't hear you when you’re hiding your face like that.”
“I haven’t been to my OB,” Jo muttered, eyes focusing on Alex’s hand that still sat under hers. “Not since I confirmed I was pregnant.”
“You’re a doctor, you know better than that,” Alex knew that Jo would never avoid something this important without a reason, so he didn’t go into a full on rant like he wanted to. “Why haven’t you gone in, Jo?” 
“Because I can’t leave the house! I’m so scared that if I leave something will happen to the baby and,” Jo inhaled deeply, her free hand coming up to wipe at her eyes. “This baby is the only thing keeping me sane, it’s the last connection I have to you… and I just can’t risk that. I’ve already hurt too much this year, I don’t need more heartbreak. I’m a doctor, I’ll know if something is wrong and I can go in then. I’m fine here, I don’t need to leave.”
Alex stared at Jo for a long moment before pulling her fully into his embrace. He knew the way he had left her was cruel, but at the time his brain had been so turned around that he couldn’t see another option than breaking the heart of the woman he loved most. 
“Izzie is remarried. She… her kids call him dad and he’s uh, he’s a good guy. She said that I can bring the kids here for a few weeks during the summer if I wanted to but I don’t belong in Kansas,” Alex pulled back and looked at Jo, tears streaking down her face and wide eyes staring up at him. “I’m sorry Jo, I know I screwed up and I should’ve just talked to you when I found out but I was so freaked out that I just… ran. But I wanna be here, with you and this baby and I wanna take care of you. It’s always been you, Jo.”
Jo sniffled, both hands running over her face quickly in an effort to dry some of her tears. She fixed Alex with a serious stare, eyes meeting his for the first time that day. 
“You have a lot of making up to do. And you’re gonna have to be the one to kick Levi out,” Jo motioned towards the bathroom, where she could hear faint cheers echoing from. “And… if you promise to get me cheesecake afterwards, I will go to see my OB this week.”
“I told you,” Levi strutted out of the bathroom, a satisfied smirk on his face. “That’s a good man you have there.”
“Oh shut up!”
52 notes · View notes
angstymarshmallow · 4 years
My Two First Loves - How Will it All End? - Part 1 Mason Jennings.
This isn’t necessarily a complaint. I’m genuinely curious as to how long this book will be, especially considering we’re 60+ chapters in. Is this going to end when MC graduates? Will it end when she finally choses between three people? I assume it’s the latter.
But here’s some of my thoughts of what I do know while we’re all waiting. The more I wrote about this series, the more I had to say and if I’ve caught your attention so far, indulge me with another few minutes of your time. 
Originally when I read the synopsis of the first chapter, I remembered thinking to myself ‘this looks like angstville and I am soooo ready’. I love angstville, hell I vacation there and if you’ve ever read any of my stories or have been in the choices fandom for a while; you may have stumbled across my blog. You’d notice I’m a complete sucker for this type of pain genre. And in terms of angst, the first few chapters didn’t disappoint. The writing, while it never always felt natural – this kind of style sometimes gave me a familiar heavy feeling in the chest I’ve come to associate as a local in angstville.
From the very beginning, the reader is under the impression that MC has a crush on Mason. It’s a crush that’s spun years and the book keeps up this narrative throughout the entire story. (I’m sure there are people who headcanon this differently, but I’m strictly speaking about the intention of the book and for plot-related reasons, I understand why this makes sense). Then we meet Noah cue bad to the bone song, a secondary character MC starts developing feelings for; soon after MC finds out Mason is dating her best friend Ava. The book basically revolves around these four people - MC, Mason Noah and Ava. It’s not a fair representation all around, but I will say this book does a fairly good job of portraying the woes of being a teenager. To MC and everything she goes through feeling larger than life. To Mason struggling to push himself out of his father’s shadow. To Noah proving he’s a good soul that was dealt a bad hand from the deck of cards we call life. To Ava who was trying desperately to be what she thought she had to be and hiding who she truly was.
First and foremost, I wanted to breakdown a list of all my thoughts, and coordinate them accordingly. I’ll be going through the pros and cons in a series of posts, a lot of which deals with identity and character development. Bare with me if you have the patience, I also wanted to make a TLDR version of everything for people who just want to get to the point.
In any case I wanted to cover the main characters and how they’ve changed over the course of the book through these specific topics.
Mason Jennings Character Development Noah Harris Character Development Ava Lawrence Poor Character Development MC’s Development and Family Dynamic
Since Mason is the first topic I’ve written down, let’s start there.
Mason Jennings: The Childhood Crush
Mason and Parents mostly Mr. Jennings
Mason and MC
Mason and Ava
Mason and Noah
Future Mason: Where Does this Leave Us?
The story does a good job of giving you background information about Mason Jennings almost from the very beginning. Although some of his deeper and more meaningful moments with MC are buried in diamonds scenes - you get a pretty good sense of his character.  Mason is popular, friendly, albeit the rich kid with undertones of short sightedness as well as father-son issues that hugely impact his character over the course of this book. Because of his upbringing, Mason sees himself as the ‘good guy’ and while we can certainly see moments of this in the story, we also see moments where he’s been insensitive and selfish. Ultimately, Mason’s short sightedness is his Achilles heel.
Growing up with a lot handed to you on a silver platter makes it a little difficult for Mason to be open minded. Like most of the students of (whatever the name of their high school is), he’s quick to write Noah off as a bad influence on MC. Granted, he knows more about Noah than MC at the start, his unwillingness to change his perspective is a hindrance to his growth. It is unclear if Mason was always well off - considering his exchange with MC about his house and the jacuzzi (if memory serves me correctly), however what the reader does know; in comparison to Noah Mason’s parents haven’t struggled to make ends meet. In public, it looks as if they are a happy family but behind closed doors, it doesn’t take much to assume Mason’s life in reality is far from perfect.
Regardless, this cookie-cutter presentation makes it hard for the reader to sympathize with him, especially when comparing him to Noah.
Mason’s Parents
It starts with his upbringing. A lot of his life, Mason was groomed to be like his father; he’s supposed to follow in his footsteps by scoring a football scholarship. He’s supposed to have a full ride into the air force academy. He’s supposed to breeze through school, listen to his parents and survive high school. Though his cookie-cutter life starts falling apart during dinner with his parents and MC. His parents make a lot of comparisons about MC and Ava, when they bring up his new relationship ( much to MC’s discomfort and Mason’s). Because of Ava’s accomplishments they think she’s a perfect match for Mason and uses this to discredit and sort of look down upon his friendship with MC. They think Ava is the best and most optimal choice because they’ve always given him the best and expect the same in return. It’s implied during as this happens that their relationship isn’t perfect, Mason’s uncomfortableness isn’t just on behalf of MC, he’s embarrassed despite a part of him thinking he owes them for everything they’ve ever done.
Another and more obvious example stem from the all-important football game everyone was looking forward to. Scouts are visiting and their school wants to showcase the best of the best. This spurs even more competition between Noah and Mason; not only for MC’s affection but to gain the scouts favour. Regardless of the outcome, Mr. Jennings influence as the principal allows him to pull the strings and guarantee approval for Mason over Noah.
Immediately after Noah confronts him about the entire scenario; Mason is quick to defend himself and his dad; saying it was his talent they cared about and not his father’s connections. Mason spends so much time thinking the best of his father that he doesn’t consider any alternative. Despite it being obvious to the reader that there is more going on here than just Mason’s ability to play football; he doesn’t entertain the thought. And from his perspective why should he? We’ve already established his parents try their absolute best to give him the best chance possible, which doesn’t necessarily mean playing by the same rules as everyone else.
It’s these kinds of examples that shows Mason’s short sightedness. This makes him a lot less likable. His unwillingness to see other people’s perspectives outside of his own makes him fall a little short. He’s so averse to the idea that his father could be the reason why because it would undermine his own confidence in himself and ultimately change the way he sees his father.
Recognizing how important character growth is in young adult stories; this reoccurring issue has started to change. With the help of Noah and MC’s influence, Mason is finally staring to realize his father isn’t infallible after all. They get into a full blown argument over spending time with MC where they don’t see eye to eye, and haven’t for a long time. Ultimately, Mason starts questioning his own future. Does he genuinely want to go to air force academy? Or was that just an idea planted in his head from the very beginning? Is that his dream or his dad’s?
In a more recent chapter; it’s again implied how strained Mason’s relationship with not just his father but Mrs. Jennings as well. He makes a comparison between how his family celebrate the holidays different from the Price family. MC’s family has movie night and this time they’re watching Die Hard because Noah hasn’t seen it before and technically it is a Christmas movie. While this is the first time it’s specifically mentioned to the reader, we get the sense that movie night is a common occurrence around the holidays. Mason mentions how much this means to him; especially when his own parents do not celebrate the same way and he’s always invited over. It’s a special moment that feels a little less special when he sees Noah standing at the front door of their house.
Truth be told, I don’t think Mason has any idea what he really wants, since realizing air force academy isn’t as much his dream as it was his father’s. It is another part of his personality that spills over in other parts of his life. He didn’t know what his own feelings for Ava was, and how deep his feelings for MC truly is. This leads me to point number 2 -
Mason and MC
Whether you’re a fan of their friendship/relationship, the book gives you ample background information to outright say Mason is MC’s childhood crush and it’s the same the other way around.
If you’ve played some of the diamonds scenes like I have, their relationship seems a lot more natural than meets the eye. Although without these scenes, their dynamic feels a little more forced and a lot less like MC has any control over her decisions when it comes to him. I wished some of the diamond content was given for free because they show a lot of good Mason and MC moments. Their inside jokes, the little moments of childhood joy they experienced together like tarot readings with MC’s mother, and reminiscing over other old memories. You could argue its platonic, the small touching gestures; even their concern over each other’s behalf – it’s been this way since they’ve been kids. They’ve always been there for each other – no matter what. It’s that kind of friendship which allows them to be comfortable around each other. And it is that comfortableness that could lead to intimacy. It doesn’t take a lot for a reader to think then; they’ve been in love with each other since childhood.
MC’s influence on Mason has changed his behaviour. From the way he perceives Noah, to his relationship with his father – if it wasn’t for her, I daresay some of his growth would never have happened.
The more softer side MC sees when it comes to Noah, the more she implores that on MC. Noah can’t be all bad. That slowly becomes been her mantra and while Mason doesn’t agree outright; his opinion of him does change.
The trouble is, Mason has a secret about Noah that not even MC knows. He uses it as a reminder in justifying every harsh thing he’s ever said about him. Every harsh thing other people say about him in general. In Mason’s mind – Noah is fooling MC the way he fooled him last year when Noah tried robbing his house with his brother Elijah. Again, this is only half the story and it isn’t until later chapters that the reader starts getting the full picture.
Putting that aside for now and to paint an even clearer picture; during the scene where three of our major players were stuck in the gymnasium together; they’re in a situation where they’re forced to talk when they otherwise wouldn’t. As the reader you’re able to discern from their dialogue to their non-verbal cues; this dynamic is changing and for the first time - they were talking, laughing and being simply friends  which before now was unthinkable to Mason.
He did the unthinkable with his father in a much similar manner. Before MC started questioning her own perceptions of what it meant to be a good person and sharing pieces of this would Mason, he would never think to go against his father. At least, not publicly. I think it’s natural for teenagers to disagree and sometimes go against with their parents to some degree, but from MC’s perspective Mason never really did.  It wasn’t until MC and Mason were caught being out very late; Mr. Jennings for the second time tells his son MC is not a good influence on him. This is the nicest way I can put it, but with his growing animosity towards MC, this places a strain on their relationship that is too much for Mason to ignore.
This is a turning point in which Mason starts coming to his own conclusions about his dad. They aren’t in a good place; if Mr. Jennings can’t accept MC in his life, if he can’t accept the decision Mason makes – he’s going to lose him. This short sightedness is starting peel away with more and more layers of Mason realizing nothing is black and white, least of all people.
Even if you aren’t convinced of MC’s feelings about Mason, from Mason perspective he’s absolutely head over heels for her. And it is the same feelings which allows MC to influence him, to change him more than he probably realizes.
Mason and Ava
Oh, boy. This was a recipe for disaster, maybe from the very beginning.
When Mason tells MC they’ve started dating over the course of the summer; I’m sure there must have been some meaningful moments to convince themselves they were right for each other and it wasn’t solely because of MC. In part though, I think some of this had to do with MC, probably more than they both realized. Maybe there was an energy about each other that they’ve only felt when they’ve both been around MC. Maybe they were projecting those feelings onto each other because neither of them wanted to threaten their friendship with her. Regardless, by the time MC knew about it - things have started to become more than a little awkward. Ava was being a little heavy on PDA as if to convince them both that this is what she wants; while trying simultaneously telling MC to back off. Mason was being a little awkward in the sense of still being physically and emotionally connected with MC in ways which confused him. And MC was well, confused (and pinning for Mason secretly during their entire relationship).
From Mason’s perspective, I imagine he’s trying to figure out why it doesn’t feel right between them; why Ava is being more possessive than usual and why his feelings for MC are still there. Maybe in his mind, dating Ava meant getting over whatever feelings he might have had. And to his credit; he tried letting MC know over the summer - as if to ask, is this okay because some part of him must realize this could spell trouble for once the school year started. And MC’s answer was very much yes, even though inner MC’s dialogue never sold anyone on this idea.
In a nutshell, Ava and Mason weren’t a good fit because 1 - Ava was at the time trying to figure out her sexuality and 2 - Mason was trying to develop the same feelings he had for MC, onto her. Who is to say if Mason truly had deep feelings for Ava in the first place? 
A part of dating is figuring things out, especially at such a young age - you won’t have all the answer. As the reader, it never felt clear why Ava and Mason were dating other than being a plot device for MC’s repressed feelings.
As a reader, I do recognize  towards the end things were very bitter between Mason and Ava. After the whole kissing-MC-by-accident fiasco, the energy between them became more strained than ever. This is what I meant by Mason’s short sightedness; he couldn’t see why Ava was so hurt. He couldn’t see how Ava deserved better because from his perspective, he tried everything he could include distancing himself from MC (with mistakes along the way), only to hurt Ava and himself in the end. He doesn’t see himself as the bad guy in this scenario, but his actions had disastrous consequences. Was he the best boyfriend he could be to Ava? Absolutely not. He couldn’t be the person Ava needed him to be, he couldn’t even see how hard it was for her to be what she thought he needed for her to be. What she thought she needed to be to everyone else. Mason was consumed with his own well-being, his own feelings for someone else while juggling what could have been with her. Was he the worst boyfriend? No, he was figuring things out - sorting out his feelings like every other teenager. It was wrong for him to continue dating someone, when he had strong feelings for someone else. It was wrong for him to accidentally but quite publicly admit he had feelings for MC while the kiss was still fresh in everyone’s mind. But most importantly, it was wrong for him not to communicate his feelings with the person who he was with because that’s the number one thing everyone should do in their relationship. But it’s also human nature to not know what you want. 
Mason and Noah
During the most recent chapters, Noah’s and Mason’s relationship has become more and more complicated. I actually think this is one of the best relationships in this book. It shows the reader how difficult it is to define their relationship. Something on the surface that seems pretty straight-forward, when in reality it wasn’t.
Take for instance the beginning; it’s very clear they were painting Mason and Noah as total opposites. Mason is the ‘golden boy’ and Noah is ‘the bad boy’ and for MC to ‘choose one’ meant abandoning the other. Mason’s feelings for MC hindered his relationship with Noah, but before her - his father did that all on his own.
Mason and Noah were I daresay friends and even both admitted as much before it all went terribly wrong. They met and stuck together during football, hung out outside of school but Mr. Jennings influence on his son put a dent in their friendship even before things came to a head. During that night -you know the one I briefly mentioned earlier? Yeah, when Noah and Elijah trying to steal from Mason’s house it ruined whatever budding friendship there was between them. Since I’m talking about Mason’s perspective – despite his father’s hindrance, Mason allows his goading for him to make up his mind about Noah. Noah wasn’t his friend, he was just trying to get close to him to steal his stuff. This makes it difficult for Mason to see him as anything else other than a bad person.
In addition this, when you add MC into the mix – it just makes everything worse. Not only is Noah a bad influence – now he’s trying to take MC down with him. To Mason it makes him super protective of her; he has to protect her from how bad he is and even after her insistence – he still has to prove to her that Noah is bad news.
Even now, Mason is still struggling with the idea of Noah being a good person, but at least he is beginning to move past his short sightedness. He’s allowing doubt in his head, because as soon as he stopped placing his father on a pedestal he was able to realize nothing is black and white. People aren’t black and white. Nothing depicts this more than his relationship with Noah.
Future Mason TLDR
Mason Jennings has already started walking along a path of self-improvement. We see bits of this in the latest chapters that we haven’t seen at the start. From sticking up to his father and calling his ideas wrong, to (start) making amends with Noah and MC - he will undoubtedly continue to grow. This isn’t to excuse his past behaviour; (he still hasn’t apologized to Ava when he very much should and I’m still waiting on that ), but its addressing the very real notion that people change. People are always changing. High school is a lot of where that starts, at least it was for me - and at least for  all these characters in My Two First Loves. High school is where we start answering that question who am I and its a journey that continues after which really shapes who we are. Personally, I really can’t see future Mason making the same mistakes as past Mason and if I’m wrong - well pixelberry played me.
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Thoughts on Korra and Mako’s Break Up
So, one of the things I knew before watching the series was that Mako would betray Korra, and then break up with her. Everything i’ve seen about this event made me think that I would be angry at Mako, and take Korra’s side. But actually watching it now... that’s not the case?
Do I think Mako was completely right? No, I do think he was mostly right. Both he and Korra messed up in this situation. But, I think Korra messed up more than he did. 
So, this post is probably going to seem pretty negative toward Korra. But, the point of this post isn’t to bash her. And i’m not bashing her. I love Korra. She is easily my favorite LOK character so far.  But she is my favorite character because he is soooo flawed. And those flaws are just so apparent, in a way which the hero character’s flaws usually aren’t. She is just such a messy person, and she makes mistakes, big and small, all the time. So even though this post is quite critical of Korra, just now that these mistakes and flaws I describe here are part of the reason I love her.
So, I’m going to go through their conflict one step at a time.
One: Advice/Support
In season 2, Korra often asks Mako what he thinks, or asks for advice. However, it’s clear that most of the time, she just wants him to agree with her, and support the choice she is inclined too. There are a few moments in the beginning of Season 2, however, where he actually does this, and she is unhappy with that too, such as when she asks what he thinks about training with Unalaq. For me, this moment, and others like it, Mako offers vague support instead of decisive advice because he genuinely does not know what the right or best thing to do is. And I get why this is frustrating for Korra, because being an Avatar is hard, and she wants help... it just that Mako isn’t really equipped to give advice and help with Avatar stuff.
However, Korra only sees to actually want his advice when she is uncertain. When she’s already make up her mind, she just wants wants his agreement and support, not his actual opinions. Whenever he gives advice or suggests something or speaks out against something that she wants to do or believes, she dismisses him. In "”Peacekeepers,” he tells her she should try to stay neutral and not take part in the Southern Water tribe’s peaceful protest. She is annoyed at his disagreement, and goes to the protest. He tells her that the attack was started by a firebender, and doesn’t think it’s necessarily the Northern water tribe. Korra doesn’t listen to him, and won’t consider the possibility that someone other than the Northern Water Tribe was responsible for the attack. After the president of Republic City refuses to send troops to help the Southern Tribe, Korra immediately views him as her enemy. When Mako tries to explain the president’s side of things to Korra, she doesn’t listen, and accuses him of not supporting her.
In almost all of these things, I agree with Mako. But in one of them, I do agree with Korra: going to the protest, and whether the Avatar should stay neutral. I like how the show is bringing up questions about what role the Avatar should play in the work. In ATLA, Aang’s role and what he should be trying to accomplish was obvious. But in LOK, it’s not so obvious for Korra.  Being the Avatar shouldn’t always been being neutral; sometimes, it should mean taking a stand for the right side. Should Avatars start wars? Or should their only job be to resolve them, to create peace? But what if peace can only come about through war? I do think Korra was right to start a civil war. Unalaq was clearly oppressing the people of the Southern Water Tribe he stole the throne through dubious means, and he held a fake trial, getting opponents locked up. And Korra should stay neutral here? Her public support could really make a difference.
But on everything else, I agree with Mako. He is clearly right about the bombing at the protest being more than it seemed, and Korra is being stubborn and blind by refusing to even consider another possibility. He’s also right that she should try to see the president’s side of things. Korra has a tendency to view anyone who doesn’t agree with her or who doesn’t do what she wants them to do as the enemy. But, I understand where the president is coming from, and so does Mako, and he tries to get Korra to see it too. War is complicated, but Korra just wants the president to just rush into it. It’s unclear how much the president and the public knows. Do they know a lot, or only that there is a civil war? It would be better if the show was clearer on this. But even if the president does have all the information, it’s not bad to want to explore other options first, and see if the problem can be solved diplomatically. We know that there is no chance of dealing with Unalaq with diplomacy, but the president doesn’t, so it makes sense that he would want to explore options that didn’t involve going to war. I’m not saying the president’s decision is the right one, I’m just saying that it’s an understandable one. We, and Korra and Mako, haven’t seen much of him. but he hasn’t shown any signs that he is incompetent, cruel, or corrupt. So Mako is right, Korra should try to hear what the president is saying and not view him as an enemy.
So anyway, Mako and Korra have clear issues communicating. For me, the fault is mostly at Korra; she does not take criticism or disagreement well. But I also think there are things Mako could do better here. Korra likes to feel supported, to a larger than normal degree. She needs people to trust and support her. I think this comes from actually being pretty insecure. She spent her whole life sheltered, protected, and kinda controlled. So, it makes sense that she is drawn to people who say they believe in her, and believe in her ability to make good choices. This is why Korra is so easily manipulated. For most of her life, she had a feeling that people didn’t trust and believe in her enough, they kept her from being a part of the larger world. And if there is one thing that Korra hates it’s someone holding her back, or someone she perceives as holding her back. So, Korra’s lashing out at any hint that someone is doubting her makes sense. I don’t think Mako had made it super clear that he supports the civil war, and that saving her family and her tribe is important too him. I’m sure he does, and i’m sure it is. But he could go a better job of making it clear, cause it seems like Korra thinks he doesn’t care about her family or the Southern Water tribe.
Two: The Betrayal
And then there is the betrayal, which I actually don’t think is that bad. For basically the sole reason that Korra’s plan is a TERRIBLE one. She wants to go behind the president’s back, and get his military to go to war with the Northern Water Tribe. This is basically a military coup. TERRIBLE IDEA. This could have such horrible consequences. The only circumstances she should do this is if the president is corrupt or tyrannical, which doesn’t seem to be the case. The Avatar staging a military coup could have huge and far-reaching consequences, and upsets the balance in their society. I mean, what could this do for Avatar-government relations throughout the world?
And it’s not like there aren’t other options. At the end of the episode, she goes to ask the Fire Nation for help. Surely, asking the other nations for aid should have been attempted before staging a military coup. Hell, maybe she should have tried rallying support with the people of the Northern Water Tribe, exposing Unalaq and telling them how he got the throne. Unalaq’s soldier’s and the people close to him are still going to support him, but the general public of the Northern Water Tribe? We haven’t seen much of them, but it’s hard to believe at least some of them wouldn’t have a problem with Unalaq after learning the truth. And if his people turn against him, that’s a big blow to him. AND it might make it easier for the president and the United Forces to step in, if‘s not longer just a civil war but a rebellion, where his own people don’t even want him to lead. Everyone would be against him, and thus, it would be less complicated for the United Forces to get involved.  Hell, Korra could have tried rallying and gaining support in Republic City, and hope that public pressure could make the president take action
Point is, there are many different things Korra could have tried before staging a military coup. So, going to General Iroh, and trying to get the United Forces help the Southern Water Tribe behind the president’s back is a really bad idea. And yes, when they talk, they plan it so that the president will not know. But it is a terribly flimsy plan and there is very little likelihood that the president won’t find out.
So considering the terrible consequences this actions could have not just for Korra, but for Republic City and the world, Mako is right to betray her. I think he should have gone to her first and tried to convince her out of the plan. But, as stated above, Korra doesn’t really listen to him. So I can understand why he wouldn’t. Still, because they care about each other and are in a relationship, he should have tried it this way first. Maybe he could have told her his dilemma, and that if she goes through with the plan, he feels he will have to tell the president. But, at the end of the day, stopping Korra’s stupid plan feels like the right decision. However, it’s unclear how much Mako’s decision is about doing the right thing and much much it was about his duty as a cop (ew). So it’s hard to tell if Mako made the right decision for the right reasons or or the wrong reasons.
Three: The Breakup
The way Korra handles the betrayal is immature and wildly inappropriate. After learning of his betrayal, she bursts into the police station, his place of work, and starts  yelling at him in front of his colleagues. She airbends his desk, destroying it. Which, to me, feels like the equivalent of punching a wall in the middle of a fight. She has a right to be angry, but in no way, is doing any of this okay. This is not why Mako breaks up with Korra, but, still, I can’t fault him for doing so after this. Korra is not good at handling her emotions (another of her flaws that makes me love her). She needs to learn how to deal with and express them in appropriate ways. So yeah, this is another situation where Korra is in the wrong. Although the stated reason for why the broke up, is that they are both too busy and devoted to their jobs, is kinda dumb.
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sdottkrames · 4 years
You’ll Always Be Adored By the Things You [Save]
@comfortember prompt 12: Emotional support pet
Summary: Her name is Tess, and everybody adores her.
Notes: I honestly just love Tom and his love for Tess. They are the cutest! I’m thinking about making more with Tess, so if you like this, let me know and maybe I will! 😊
Also: Lucy and Rocky were the names of my dogs growing up. Lucy was a sassy, adorable Shih Tzu, and Rocky was the kindest, gentlest Boxer you’d ever meet. They both have since passed (they lived very long, happy lives) but I wanted to add them in this story somehow. I’m just a cheeseball. Also, Zendaya (MJ) Played a character named Rocki in a Disney show called Shake It Up, so it was a little nod to that as well.
Read on AO3: Here
“Tony, I’m really worried about him.”
May poked her head around the corner of their apartment, making sure Peter was still asleep. His breathing was too even for him to be faking, and she sighed in relief before continuing.
“He’s been off ever since the...the blip. I can tell. He’s been eating a lot less, and I looked at his grades the other day. Tony, that boy has never gotten below an A-, but he got a C+ on his last Physics test. And that’s not even including the fact that he was stabbed last night because his Peter Tingle isn’t working right.” Her voice was rising in pitch and volume, right in time with the panic that was welling up inside her. 
May and Tony had been having weekly conference calls about their resident spider since May had found out about it, and they’d quickly picked it back up once they had been undusted. Their normally lighthearted calls filled with mostly laughter had taken a more somber tone recently. 
Tony hummed on the other end of the phone. “I’ve been worried, too.”
Those words, though not necessarily helpful, made May feel less alone. She was grateful someone was helping her take care of her nephew because he was doing a terrible job of doing it himself, as evidenced by the stab wound on his left side. He’d come home weak and bleeding the previous night, and May had hurriedly patched him up, her training as a nurse the only thing keeping her panic in check.
“I honestly don’t know what to do, May. We tried letting him come to us and that didn’t work. I’ve got a list of great therapists-”
May cut him off. “He’ll never do that. I already tried that one, and he insisted that he didn’t want me paying money for him. I even pulled the whole “your mentor is a billionaire, and he would want you to get help” card, but he was pretty adamant.”
Tony sighed, and May felt it echo deep in her bones. They ended the call shortly after, no closer to a solution for Peter than before.
The next week on their call, Tony’s voice was considerably more lighthearted. She attributed it to the fact that Peter hadn’t been injured that week, but then he excitedly announced that had “the best idea!”
May’s eyebrows rose, even though she knew Tony couldn’t see them. “I’m listening.”
“Okay. How do you feel about dogs?”
“Oh,” May breathed.
“Yeah. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it earlier.”
“Me either. He’s been asking for a dog since he was, like, 5. The only problem is,” May said, biting her lip. “Our landlord doesn’t allow dogs.”
“I’ll take care of that,” Tony promised, and May nearly snorted at the thought of their stuffy, no-nonsense landlady getting a visit from Tony Stark. She pitied the woman.
“Ms., ah, Levitt, is it?” 
The lady looked up from her desk, and immediately blinked in shock. Tony internally rolled his eyes when the lady blushed and started trying to fix her hair, the look on her face one he’d seen on way too many women in his earlier years.
No chance, lady, I’m married. He thought, but flashed her a kind smile, anyway. “Are you the landlady of this apartment building?”
“I am. Pleasure to meet you, sir.”
Tony shook her offered hand, not holding on for a second longer than necessary. “Likewise. I am here on behalf of the Parker family...apartment 96. I was thinking about getting Peter an emotional support animal. He blipped, and has been having trouble adjusting, and I heard cute, fluffy animals work wonders. But I understand you don’t allow those?”
Levitt’s smile hardened. “Yes, I’m afraid we have a non-negotiable no-pet policy.”
She obviously hated animals. And probably little children. Figures. Luckily, years watching Pepper hand stuffy businessmen their behinds had taught Tony a thing or two. He could handle this lady.
“Well, I took the liberty of reviewing things, and did you know that, by law, emotional support or therapy animals must be allowed in any building? That includes yours. Now, I understand that there is a fee associated with having a therapy animal, which I will cover, and of course proper documentation, which I have right here.” Tony produced the paperwork, signed by Dr. Cho, stating that Peter should be allowed a therapy animal of his choosing. “If there are any further problems, I’m sure my wife would be happy to speak to you. She and our lawyer will be handling any legal issues.”
Tony watched in satisfaction as Ms. Levitt’s face blanched, knowing she was beat. Nobody could go up against Pepper Potts-Stark and win. 
She breathed heavily through her nose once then plastered a smile back on her face, though it didn’t meet her eyes. “That won’t be necessary. We value the Parkers. The fee is an extra $125 a month. Once you have the animal, bring the proof of licensure and ESA status, and we should be all set.”
Tony had her put his card on file so the payment would come out of his account. This was his gift to Peter (and May. Though she wouldn't admit it, he knew that she also loved animals and would have bought one (or two) if they’d had the money) and then stood to leave.
“Have a nice day,” he said, giving Levitt a cheery wave before waltzing out the door. He had a kid to surprise.
“Tony, really, where are we going?”
“For the millionth time, I’m not going to tell you, so stop wasting your breath.” Peter huffed indignantly, and Tony shoved his arm playfully. “Patience is a virtue, underoos.”
“And pride is a sin, yet here we are,” Peter quipped.
“Yes, here we are,” Tony said, grinning as Happy pulled the car into a parking spot in front of Rocky’s Shelter and Supplies. Tony had spent hours researching adoption agencies around, wanting to find a really good one to support, and Rocky’s had been one of the best he’d seen. Plus, they had a great variety to choose from. (And no, he hadn’t been crying looking at all the animals, who told you that?)
Peter’s reaction was everything Tony had hoped for. The kids brown eyes got impossibly larger, and filled with tears.
“R-really?” He squeaked. “But our apartment doesn’t allow dogs.”
Tony grinned. “I threatened to sic Pepper on her.”
Then Peter was hugging Tony around the middle, murmuring an unbroken stream of thankyou’s. 
“I heard you’ve been wanting one for a while, and May and I figured having a furry companion might help with everything. You gotta promise-“
“That I’ll take care of it? Of course I will! I’ve been preparing for this my entire life! When I was 11, I made a PowerPoint presentation demonstrating proper care of a dog, just to show Ben and May I would take care of one. I wanted a dog soooo bad. I can’t believe I’m actually getting one.”
Tony chuckled at Peter’s rambling. “I’m glad you’re excited. But I was going to say you gotta promise that you’ll take better care of yourself, too.”
Peter nodded fast, his curls bouncing, which was endlessly endearing. “I promise!”
“Then lead the way.”
They spent time with a number of different dogs, taking their time to find just the right one. Tony could tell he was going to have to physically restrain Peter (And himself, if he was being totally honest) from buying every single dog in the shelter. The kid dragged him to every cage, exclaiming how cute each “pupper” (what even was this generation’s lingo?) was, and blinking back tears at nearly every one. 
Then Peter met Tess.
Tony had started believing in love at first sight when he’d seen Pepper in that purple dress she’d worn to a charity event years ago. Then he’d been absolutely sure of it when he’d held Morgan in his arms for the first time, the love he felt for her so strong and immediate and real that it had chased away the fear of becoming his dad that threatened to paralyze him. 
But feeling it and witnessing it was two different things.
He wondered if he’d looked like Peter when he’d laid eyes on the two most important and precious women in his life. The little gasp, the soft smile, the look of complete awe. Basically, the definition of the heart-eyes emojis.
“This one,” Peter breathed, his voice thick with emotion. “Can I meet her?”
The lady helping them, a sweet girl named Lucy, unlocked the cage and brought the beautiful grey pup over to the room for humans and dogs to meet, and as soon as Peter was close enough, she was all over him, her tail thumping with abandon.
“Yeah, I think we’ll take her,” Tony said over Peter’s delighted giggles.
Tess loved everybody, but it was no secret who her favorite was. No matter who she was with or what she was doing, as soon as Peter was in the room, she was right by his side. She was his shadow, following him around like a planet following the sun.
So Tony should’ve realized that something was wrong when she came trotting into his lab without Peter.
Granted, it wasn’t uncommon for her to come get pats from someone else when Peter wasn’t available, like when he was at school or on patrol or asleep. But Tony should’ve known that at 4 PM on a Thursday, Peter should have been doing none of those things. It was a lab day, Peter’s day off from Spider-Manning, and too early for the normally energetic kid to be asleep.
As it was, Tony was so focused on fixing Dum-E (who had spun too hard showing off for Peter the other day) that he just patted her head without looking. He nearly dropped his screwdriver when Tess gave a high pitched yip.
Tony finally looked up. “What’s the matter, girl. You gotta go out?”
Tess barked again, high pitched and insistent, her big eyes so expressive he could almost see what she was thinking.
“Peter,” he gasped, his stomach plummeting all the way down to his shoes. “Where is he, girl?”
Tessa tore out the door needing no further prompting, Tony right on her heels. She stopped outside Peter’s door whining anxiously, and Tony quickly opened it, dread filling him.
His first reaction was relief. There was no blood, at least not that he could see. Then his worry returned even stronger because Peter was laying on the ground not moving and there wasn't any blood. At least blood made it easier to identify the problem!
“Friday!” He choked out, rushing to Peter’s side. He was still breathing, but it sounded noisy and labored. He was also conscious, but Tony couldn’t tell if that was a good thing or not because there was so much fear in his eyes, and it broke Tony’s heart right in two.
“Dr. Cho is already on her way, sir. If I may, it appears Peter is having an allergic reaction, going into anaphylactic shock. You must keep him awake until the Dr gets here,” Friday answered.
Teas whined again, nudging Peter’s hand.
“Good girl, Tess. You’re such a good girl!” Tony said, patting her head then turning to Peter. “Well kid, if you didn’t want to do lab day today, you could’ve just said so. No need for all the theatrics; that’s kinda my department.”
Tony kept rambling, slapping Peter gently whenever he started to close his eyes, until Cho was rushing in. She quickly stabbed him with an epipen and started to prepare him to go to the infirmary, pausing when Tess growled, the first time she’d ever done that.
“Easy, Tessa-girl. She’s helping Peter. Let’s go with ‘em, yeah? You can keep watching our boy.”
They made their way to the infirmary, where Peter was being given medicine to combat whatever had caused him to react that way. Tony nearly doubled over laughing when he heard what it was, the stress making him slightly hysterical. It really wasn’t funny.
“Peppermint?” He asked Peter later, once Peter could talk and had been deemed out of the woods. Tess was curled up as close as she could to him, and Tony was sitting on the chair next to the bed.
“I just wanted a peppermint hot chocolate from Starbucks. I used to love those,” Peter pouted. “But apparently Peppermint is toxic to spiders. I guess I hadn’t had any peppermint since the change.”
“Well how about never do that again. My heart cannot take that stress.”
Tess whined in agreement.
Tony was quickly learning that Tess was a lot like Peter. Her ability to get everybody to love her, for one, and her penchant for cuddles.
Which is how Tony found himself one Friday night squished on the couch with a teenager tucked tightly into his side and a 30 pound dog laying across his lap while watching Bolt. They were both happily situated, Peter nearly purring as Tony ran his hands through his hair and Tess’ tail thumping gently against Tony’s leg. He pretended not to like it, but he was so comfortable, he quickly fell asleep.
He didn’t sleep very long.
Soon after his eyes closed, he woke up in a panic, his heart beating rapidly, a sense of panic overwhelming him. He couldn’t remember what the dream that woke him up had been about, which only made the sense of foreboding worse. He closed his eyes again, pretending to still be asleep as he quietly struggled to get his breathing under control.
Suddenly, a weight settled on top of him. He opened his eyes in surprise, and realized Tess had climbed into his lap, putting her head on his shoulder and her front paws on his chest. It was strangely comforting, her weight and warmth, but surprising nonetheless.
“Whatcha doing there, girl?” He chuckled.
“Pressure therapy,” Peter answered. “Something I taught her to do whenever I’m having an anxiety attack or sensory overload. It helps. She must’ve sensed you were panicking.” 
“Huh.” Tony shook his head in wonder.
“You alright?” Peter asked, tentatively.
“Yeah. Just a bad dream. I don’t even know what it was about, just left me feeling anxious.”
Peter nodded, and slid his hand into Tony’s. Boy and dog didn’t move a muscle until Tony’s heart was a normal rhythm again. Or...maybe a little while after that. They really did love snuggles. And Tony...yet another thing they had in common.
Luckily, he loved them both right back just as much.
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Her Better Life
I wrote a Single Parents fic! This story just perfectly came to me after the season finale. This is 100% Will x Angie.
Read on AO3 here.
Read on FF here.
Will turned the key to his front door, feeling like weights were attached to his every limb. Whether the sensation was from sleeping on the floor, his hangover from this morning, or having to say goodbye to his best friend, he couldn't say. Actually, he could. The goodbye was tearing him apart. Could he even still classify her as his best friend anymore? She was so much more than that.
The silence of the house devilishly greeted him in an explosion, sending emotional shrapnel to every nook and cranny of Will's heart. It finally hit him just how lonely he was going to be this summer. Stupid Lance Bass Space Camp taking his daughter away. Stupid Derek and his stupid turtle taking the woman he'd fallen for away.
Oh sure, he'd have the guys around, and Poppy, but it wasn't nearly the same. When Sophie, Angie, and Graham were here together, the house felt alive, buzzing with energy and contentment. While Sophie was, of course, the most important person in his life, somehow the four of them had become this quirky, thriving familial unit, one that meant the world to him. He loved Graham like his own, and Angie, well, he would do anything for her to be happy.
Even step aside and let her have a shot with Derek.
He collapsed on the couch, trying to figure out how to keep from spiraling. While he would try his best to prevent it, he knew he was going to end up spending most nights this summer binging way too much TV, eating way too much junk food, sending way too many texts checking up on everyone.
And thinking of Angie way too much.
In fact, he almost swore he could hear her voice now, faint and distant. He laughed. "Oh no, I'm already going crazy," he muttered to himself.
A series of thumps coming from outside got his attention, though. Maybe he wasn't going crazy at all. Something was happening outside his house.
Having made a beeline for the door, he opened it to find Angie standing there holding a trash bag, a pile of boxes and bags behind her. Derek was backing out of his driveway. When Will made eye contact, Derek gave him a knowing nod and drove off.
The sight of Angie here, fully present and real, took his breath away, considering he didn't expect to see her again for weeks. But she's really here! Why is she here?
"Angie? What's going on?"
She looked nervous, her eyes larger than ever. Scooting past him, she purposefully strode inside, reached inside the trash bag, and pulled out a candle, one he recognized from last night during their "candle jazz" sesh as they had dubbed it. That much he did remember.
"Will, I…look, I remembered what happened last night, and…but even though I wasn't sure if you meant…it's like scary...why would you even want…but maybe we should try to—"
Will placed his hands on her shoulders to still her, unsure if he'd ever seen her quite so unhinged. "No offense, but you are making zero sense right now. You can talk to me, Angie. Please, whatever it is, just tell me."
She looked up at him, her eyes boring into his. He watched as her gaze turned resolute, and she nodded, as if to reassure herself she was doing the right thing.
"I think I'm in love with you, too."
He released her in shock, stumbling backward a bit as his reality shifted on its axis. "Wait, what? You're…you're what? Wait, too? What do you mean, 'too'?"
"Will, I heard you last night. You said it when we were going to sleep. You think you're in love with me," Angie answered in a quiet voice.
"I did what?" He still hadn't been able to piece together the events of last night, not completely anyway, but he certainly didn't expect something like this. He had just casually admitted his feelings without a second thought?
She brought the candle right under his nose. "Does this help any?"
He took a deep whiff and was almost instantly transported back to Angie's living room. Every piece of missing memories started to come back. The way she cuddled into the crook of his neck, the softness of her in his arms, and sure enough, his words to her, those words that had spilled out in the comfort of cushions and candles. Even though he'd nearly succumbed to sleep in the moment he had told her, the memory couldn't be any clearer in his mind.
"Wow, yeah, it does help. I…I…um, ok. But we were drunk."
"So you didn't mean it?"
"Yes, I mean, no! That's a strangely worded question, ma'am!" He felt as if he was coming undone, needing a moment to just process.
"It is not!"
"Yes, it is!"
"Dude, can you just give me an answer?"
He couldn't fight his heart anymore. He wanted to tell her everything he was feeling, but it was scary when he wasn't sure how she would…wait a minute.
She'd said it back.
"We're not drunk now," he reasoned with himself.
Angie looked confused. "Ok?"
"And you're saying it back to me. You're in love with me, too."
A smile started to build on Angie's face. "Yeah. Soooo, are you? Really?"
Her confirmation was perhaps the single greatest thing he'd ever heard; with the exception of "you're going to be a father". He exhaled with relief, his limbs no longer feeling heavy. He honestly felt like he could fly.
"Yes. So much."
His grin matched the one now on her face until he remembered his conversation with Derek, and how confused she'd seemed before this afternoon. "But I don't want to be the reason Graham misses his chance to have a complete family. Are you really sure this is what you want?"
Angie sighed. "I guess I deserve that. Things have been complicated with us lately. Yes, I'm sure. Will, you're more family to Graham than Derek has ever been."
She began to pace around the room, gathering her thoughts. "I had some time to think in the car coming back here. When I remembered what you said, I had to rethink everything. I had just wanted to go to Barstow with no consequences and not have to think, not figure out my future, or my…feelings," she grimaced, and Will couldn't help but smile at her. Typical Angie.
"But I couldn't do that. All those memories on that slideshow just kept playing in my head. Derek and I…we just wouldn't work together. He's never even seen Joust. He doesn't get me the way you do. Nobody has. Some of the best times I've ever had have been with you, Will. I started to wonder what Derek and I would even do in Barstow, what we would talk about. I came up with nothing. I think I'm finally starting to see him for who he really is, just Graham's really hot dad."
Angie's eyes bugged out. "Sorry, force of habit. Forgot my audience for a second."
"I'll let it slide this one time," Will said with a dramatic sigh for effect.
She moved a little closer to where he'd been standing. "His hotness doesn't mean anything, though. He's not who I need to be with, who I want to be with."
Man, could he get used to this Angie, the Angie who actually shared her feelings.
"Is he ok?" Will couldn't help but ask, remembering Derek's resigned expression as he drove away. He couldn't help but feel a little compassion for the guy.
"Yeah, he's alright. He understands. Apparently he could tell my heart wasn't in it. He's still going to be there for Graham, though, and I want him to be. Graham so deserves that."
Will nodded.
"Geez, that's so you, Will, to be concerned about the 'other guy'." Angie looked at him with nothing but tenderness.
"Well, I know what it feels like to lose you," he admitted.
She moved the rest of the way toward him then and placed her hands on his chest. "Not anymore. I'm not running anymore. I'm here."
He wasted no time in reaching up to gather her hands in his. Just that simple touch was overwhelming, and he could tell she was reacting the same way. Her breathing was heavy, and he listened, relishing in the fact that the deafening silence from before had been shattered.
"I just can't believe you came back to me," he said, his voice breaking.
Angie smiled and shook her head. "What am I going to do with you, you big pile of mush?"
Will laughed, feeling lighter. "Shut up."
"You shut up…and kiss me."
His right hand moved to her cheek, and she leaned in as he caressed it. It was a heady feeling finally being able to touch her like this. He leaned forward to gently brush her lips with his, testing the waters. After all, he was kissing his best friend. There was no going back after this. But the spark that ignited caused him to press in further, deepening the kiss as her arms wrapped around his neck. His hands slowly moved down her back to her waist, pulling her closer, needing to feel her secure against him. He could hear a line from the song 100 Years start to play in his head.
She feels better than ever
And we're on fire
 When they eventually pulled apart, for need of oxygen rather than want, he leaned his forehead against hers.
"We should've tried that a long time ago," Angie said.
A chuckle escaped Will. "Absolutely."
"Hey, Will?"
"Hey, Angie?"
"What exactly were you going to tell me at the end of the slideshow?"
"Hmmm, I'm not sure if you can handle the mush."
It was Angie's turn to laugh. "I can, I promise."
He linked their hands together. "Well, I was going to say you've been the best friend I've ever had, and everything we've been through has led us to this moment. I need you to know that I've fallen in love with you. I know it's not the best timing, and I'm risking losing your friendship, but I need you to know. You make me laugh. You're the most fun person I know. You're an incredible mom. You're beautiful. I fully came alive when I met you, Angie. And even if you don't feel the same, I have no regrets."
He could see tears in her eyes as he finished speaking, a sight he rarely saw. She looked away but he tugged on her chin to turn her face back to him. His thumb caught a tear that began to roll and he wiped it away.
She gave him a quick kiss. "Well, mister, lucky for you, I do feel the same."
Will grinned at her.
"Now, not to change the subject, but do you mind helping me lug my stuff back to my place before it gets stolen?"
"Right, your stuff!" Will quickly opened the door to check if it was still there, and it was. Perhaps it was smart of her to pack everything in trash bags after all.
"Just out of curiosity, why didn't you have Derek drop you off there?"
"I wanted to see you first."
"Come on, Will. You can help me kick the subletters out."
An idea was taking root in his mind, an idea he really probably should not be thinking at all. It was insane. But yet, the more it took shape, the more it felt absolutely right.
"Or," he began, "You could just, I don't know, stay here for the summer?"
"I know. I know it sounds crazy. But you were going to live with Derek for the summer. You're over here all the time anyway. You could keep the subletters, and make some money while you look for a new job."
Angie stayed quiet, thinking it over.
"It's not conventional at all, but that's never really been us. We haven't even been on a date yet, and I'm already asking you to move in with me, albeit temporarily."
She smirked. "A whole summer of just us and no kids? This could be dangerous."
"Is that a yes?"
"Yeah, let's give it a try."
"You're sure?"
"I'm sure, Will. It feels like home here. We'll be fine."
He threw his arms around her, lifting her off the ground. She squealed and laughed in delight.
Setting her back down, he said, "And do me a favor? Keep your gross candles at your house." He picked up the snowman candle again. "Except for this one."
"And Ange?"
"Welcome home."
Will pulled her in to kiss her once more. Her better life, their better life, was finally ready to be explored.
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chloe-clegane · 5 years
My Devotion and Mah Protection - Chapter 8 Aspiro Frigis
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WARNING for Sexual Assault - Section will be marked beginning and end with ******
This chapter is dedicated to someone I love very much and I hope that you’ll read my full authors note on Ao3. 
After two weeks, Rayla and Callum finally left their private love bubble at the Moon Nexus. They flew on the back of one of Janai’s hot cats she left for them after returning home. The plan being they would take it to Katollis, Amaya would stay an extra week until Callum’s birthday and then ride back to Lux Aurea, back to her girlfriend. It worked out well and it was nice making the trip in just a day.
They were going to Katolis for a reason Rayla had been dreading, and Callum was determined to do anything to get her excited or, at the very least, not grumpy or anxious. There was no way that the elevation ceremony would go as badly as she was catastrophizing. He knew she didn’t like the attention or the pomp, but he knew it wouldn’t be all bad.
“Things went great at the procession, you had fun, you smiled without faking it and people loved you. And you were adorable with all those flowers.” She crossed her arms and continued to pout. “You’re being stubborn,” he cooed.
“Flowers are one thin’ Callum, a coronet or what’ever Opeli called it is another.” She turned away from him to look forward as they rode.
He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her shoulder, “I’m excited you’re about to be my princess. My princess-wife, wife-princess, goddess-among-women, warrior- princess-of-moon, Moonshadow-former-assassin-wife-warrior-princess-goddess-of-beauty. My princess-wife-lover-who-is-lovely-and-perfect”. He smiled and kissed her shoulder after each title.
“Oh shut it!”
He could feel the roll of her eyes just by holding her and didn’t have to see her face to know she was blushing and smirking.
“I guess it’s not soooo bad, bein’ yers.” She leaned her head back and rested it on his shoulder, as he kissed her cheek and ear and nuzzled into her neck. She hummed her happy little hum.
“I’ll be your delicate princess and you’ll have tae fuck me in mah princess tower. Rescue me with yer hard cock and I’ll give you lots of royal babies or somethin’ stupid like that.” She sighed like a damsel.
“That’s not how I remember the fairy tale but sure, we can do that,” he chuckled and nibbled her ear. “But a lot of royal babies, huh? Where did that come from?”
“Nowhere! Shut up, stupid... I hate you,” she spluttered and wiggled from his grasp but he pulled her back in.
“You don’t hate me,” he laughed.
“Yeah, I do.”
“No, you don’t.”
She sighed. “No I don’t.”
“I love you, and it’s just cute to hear you bring it up.” He held her tight. “You already know how I feel about it”. He wanted children with her so badly, he longed for a family. He could already picture beautiful children that would be half her and half him. He had no idea if they’d have horns or moon magic or green eyes or ten toes. But he knew they would be precious and wonderful. As a bonus, he knew he would enjoy making them with her. It sounded romantic, filling her up under a full moon. He smiled into her neck. She hummed again.
“I wasn’t bRiNgIn’ it up, ” she muttered, “but… but I suppose it could be nice… later on… In the future.” She sighed sweetly. Hearing that made him feel warm and hopeful. This was maybe the second time she’d ever said she wanted children. She leaned in and he held her like that, smiling the rest of the ride home.
They arrived in the evening, they were tired but incredibly happy to see Ez and the rest. His aunt pulled both him and Rayla into a bone-crushing hug and then signed some very suggestive jokes about all the excessive post-wedding sex they’d been having. He was glad Rayla’s sign language still wasn’t that good yet, knowing her, she may have died of embarrassment and he wasn’t ready to be a widower.
Soren also had a lewd joke lined up. Rayla kicked him in the shin. Opeli smiled and welcomed them home. Corvus was happy to see them and challenged Rayla to a rematch of the last time they trained together.
After a quick meal, Ezran wanted to show them their new room himself. They were surprised it wasn’t just one. It was a private apartment. It had been one of the larger bedroom suites the castle kept for visiting royalty but it had been furnished and set up to their tastes. It was a definite upgrade from his childhood room conjoined with his brother’s.
There was a sitting room and a large bedroom. Both had double doors leading onto a generously-sized balcony. It also had a private washroom and another smaller empty bedroom on the other side of the sitting room. It was decently sized and bare but there was a big diamond pained window and the moon shone threw it beautifully. After the conversation on the ride there, Callum couldn’t help but imagine the possibilities of the spare room. Later on, he thought, in the future.
The main room was a great space, he loved the look of the large fireplace with a very comfortable-looking loveseat and two chairs. The July weather was too warm but he could already picture them sitting together in front of that fire in the winter. Curled up cozy under a blanket, cocoa in hand. Or the blanket beneath them while they make love naked on the floor. Callum had to suppress that happy thought for now. The furniture looked like it was all imported from Xadian and in the cooler color pallets that she preferred. Although, he noticed his old desk had been moved in and placed against a window and he smiled.
As Ezran gave them the tour Rayla walked around with a giant smile plastered on her face. His brother had done this for her. This was more than just a bedroom. This felt like a home, secluded and private for just the two of them. Callum knew It would be her hideaway, where she will go to get away and feel somewhat normal. They’d been so nomadic the last three years, from the time he left that fateful night with her. This would be their home, even if they still aren’t always here, they would have a place just for them.
“Is it ok?” Ezran asked unsure.
“Are you kiddin’?” Rayla hugged him fiercely and he laughed.
“Have I told you how happy I am that you’re my sister?” he asked with a grin.
“Maybe once or twice.” She smirked but then the smile softened “Ez, it’s perfect.”
Callum came up beside her resting a hand on her waist “Ezran, it’s great,” he said sincerely. “Thanks, buddy.”
The three of them shared a hug and Bait wiggling into the middle of it.
After that, Ezran and Bait excused themselves and left them to get some much needed sleep. But even exhausted they couldn’t resist breaking in the new bed. She led him to it with a gentle hand and a sweet blushing smile. The full moon could give her power, make her disappear, but any moonlight could make her radiate. As he undressed her in the moonlight and laid her gently down he felt lost in her love. Her hands, her lips the feel of her breath in his ear when she moans that she loves him. He loved her. Soft and tender.
In the morning, he could see her through the open doors of the balcony. Spinning on one foot, over and over again, each one more controlled than the last. He quietly watched her, and when her face whipped around he could see how focused she was. She had taken his words to heart. She was doing something that made her happy, even though she downplayed it and rolled her eyes when he caught her or asked her about it.
Finally, he shifted in the bed and said good morning. She almost fell, blushed and looked annoyed.
“Don’ spy on me!” she barked.
“How was that spying? I woke up and looked at you through an open door.” He laughed at how defensive she got.
“I-uh” she had no argument and she knew it. “Fine, you caught me”
“Come here.” He opened his arms for her and she floated to him. “I love to watch you dance.”
“Yeah but this is practice, havin’ you see this is embarrassin’,” she whined.
“Eh, you see me screw up all the time. It’s all fair, and besides, that all looked perfect to me.” He tucked her hair behind her ear and cupped her cheek. “You seem happy”
“Pshhh It’s not uh big deal, I’m just doin’ some pirouettes is all.” She pulled away and looked anywhere but his eyes.
“All I’m going to say, Rayla, is that I love that you’re thinking about the future. Our future.” He pulled her in and kissed her before her blush intensified and she fleed to freshed up before a team of maids came to torture her into her dress. The same one she wore to the procession.
“No, wait. Come back,” he cried after her half heartedly before laying back down. He felt the breeze from the open door and the comfort of the bed. The sheer curtains on the bed swayed.
When he was young, he felt so unsure of himself. He worried he would never be good enough for the life that was expected of him. He was always out of place, his mother was gone and he kept a guarded distance between him and his dad, probably his biggest regret. But right now he felt content. He had his wife, his brother, his aunt, and Soren. He had a place he felt at home. He had a purpose and a skill that made him proud and fulfilled. Even when he was falling out of trees and into mud or accidentally singeing his eyebrows off he got better and he kept learning. He didn’t know what would happen. The thought of Aaravos scared the crap out of him, but he knew he was loved. He knew he was capable of doing great things and he knew that with Rayla he would never feel lost or out of place again.
Months ago, they stood in the same spot announcing their engagement, again they smiled and waved. Then they arrived at the moment Rayla was dreading. The part where she knelt and Ezran placed a coronet on her head, careful not to catch it on her horns. Similar to Callum’s, but with the angled ends. He could feel the waves of anxiety that came off of her as they stood.
“She is now made Rayla, Princess of Katolis,” Opeli proclaimed.
He gave her a supportive smile as they both went back to the edge and waved. Again he kissed her and people cheered. But when Callum looked out into the crowd he saw people on the edges, booing. It happened at the procession, too, but this was more. It looked like they were handing out papers. He felt a pit in his stomach and now he felt as nervous as she was. This was supposed to go well, he thought it would go well
When things finished, Callum was able to collect the reading material, he and Rayla shared a look. She crumpled hers and threw it in on the ground. Callum clutched his and went on a warpath.
He practically kicked the throne room door open. Opeli and Ezran looked like they were finishing something. Soren was sitting in the corner happily polishing his sword. When they saw what was in Callum’s hand they all looked nervous. “What is this!?” his brother looked upset but Opeli spoke first.
“Prince Callum, we’ve been following things carefully,” Opeli said, trying to project calm.
“Oh, so you did know about this?” he accused. “Was no one going to tell me that the people in my own home hate me!? He looked at the pamphlet and cleared his throat. “The prince has been corrupted by foul magic and elven control. He has become the replacement of the once Lord Viren, who was turned evil by dark magic and influenced by a putrid elf mage to bring turmoil and destruction. If we allow this vile union that defies nature, we threaten to endanger the future of our kingdom. Our once great kingdom of Katolis has been made strong by human excellence for generations is endangered. ” he stopped and adjusted to the other page of the pamphlet “Now let me skip to this part: Our prince has been made a slave to a wanton elven temptress, who seduced him to gain access into our royal family.”  
He saw Rayla wince when he read that part. He knew she hadn’t read the whole thing before crumpling it up. He tried not to growl as he continued “I know some people still don’t like elves, that’s expected, but this!?”
Ezran was trying hard to stay calm, make him calm down. Callum didn’t get mad often, but this had set him off.
“Callum, we weren’t trying to hide it from you. We just didn’t want to worry you, things have slowly… escalated. The wedding was happening. You were both happy. Opeli, Aunt Amaya, and I all agreed we would wait until after the wedding.”
“OH, so this was a family affair!? Everyone just wanted to keep me in the dark?” he accused. Rayla stood to the side looking at the floor with a sad frown. He was surprised she wasn’t as mad as he was.
Ezran made his voice firm. “I’m standing by what I did! I wanted to give you a wonderful day, not have to worry about ignorant people. Believe me, Callum, I hate that people are saying terrible things about you and Rayla. I didn’t want you to be upset, just not for a little while.”
Callum thought about the way he had laid in bed that morning. “I’m such an idiot!” Callum growled. “How did I not see this coming? I’m living on a fucking cloud thinking I could have a perfect life. Thinking that two people loving each other could change the world. None of this is going to be easy is it?”
Rayla took his hand. “Callum, I think they have a point - not knowing didn’t hurt anything. We’ve been so happy, and maybe that’s okay.”
She looked at hir with pleading eyes. Making him wonder if he should just take a breather. “Ugh.” He looked at the stupid pamphlet in his hand.
Soren crossed his arms and sighed. “After the thing at the procession, I agreed with Ez too. Rayla you said it yourself, you didn’t want to ruin a good day.”
Callum whipped his head around to look at his wife. Her eyes were wide and she dropped his hands and closed her posture, then she shot Soren a look that could kill.
“What happened? How much of this did you know?”
She started apologetically “I didn’ think it was that big’of a deal, we’re used tae elves and humans hatin’ each other”
“What happened!?”
“At the procession, what happened?”
She sighed. “Remember when I disappeared and got the journal? Some arseholes spat at me in the side alley. Soren got in their faces and barely had tae touch his sword before they turned tail. But Callum, the day was wonderful, so I just let it go. And it wasn’ about you, they hated me not you. So I didn' think it mattered.”
“That matters to me, Rayla. If people are spitting, throwing rocks at you in the streets, calling you a whore. I care! I care about people harming my wife. Saying that what we have isn’t real.”
Soren tried to intervene. “Callum, she really meant well.”
“Shut up, Soren!” He knew he should calm down, he knew he was being an asshole, but this made him snap.
Now Rayla’s nostrils flared. “You care about me but what makes you think I need yer protection. I can fight mah own battles! ”
“Oh, so you’re going to do the thing where you close off because you’re too fucking stubborn,” he shouted and could feet the heat in his face. She just loved to martyr herself.
She growled.
“Callum! Go cool off!” Ezran shouted at him, fed up. Callum was taken aback, but it turned into defiance.
“Sure, I’ll go cool off but not around any of you.”
Rayla's angry face fell, she stepped forward and softly spoke his name. But he just turned around and stormed out.
Callum flew out to the woods nearby and tossed lightning at a stone cliff until he got careless and hit a tree that quickly set fire. He panicked to put it out. “Good job! Start a forest fire in July, real smart! AGGGGH!” He yelled out to no one. He sat down on a rock and put his head in his hands and took a few deep breaths. He knew he should find a less destructive way to vent his anger… this just worked well.
He felt ashamed for yelling like that, but it has all just made him so angry, it bothered and it scared him. He took the piece of paper back out of his pocket and felt sad. They called him an idiot, they called her a monster and a harlot. These people knew nothing about them and they had it all wrong. He and Rayla were in love, they were a family and they were happy. He worried that maybe people really aren’t ready for what they had. They all had good intentions and for Rayla especially. He yelled at her for not telling him one stupid thing. He was the one being a dick, making them unhappy.
He decided to walk most of the way back and it gave him time to think about all of the apologies he needed to make. The first of which he owed to Rayla.
Callum entered their apartment of rooms and set aside his spellbook and sighed. It was wrong of him to blow up like that, it was over the top and out of line. But so were those pamphlets. He found it terrifying to be compared to Viren, he was nothing like him. And Rayla is nothing like Aaravos. He looked out onto the balcony, this was his home, but it felt… cold despite the July heat.
“Hey, Babe, I missed you.”
Callum jumped and spun around, he hadn’t realized Rayla was in their apartment. But why should he be surprised, she's a master of stealth, but on the other hand since their wedding ritual he’s felt more in tune with her. So in a way, he was very surprised. It had been a strange sensation. He was surprised again, as she came around the corner. She was wearing one of her silky night dresses and her stockings, the special ones he’d bought her the last time they were here in Katolis. He had to shift his pants a little just at the sight of her, she was so exquisite. But he was confused.
“Babe?” he chuckled. “Since when do you call me babe?”
She looked away and shrugged “Oh I don’ know, don’ worry about that. Come here, Callum,” she sounded off, nervous. He wondered if it was because he’d been upset with her. She closed the distance between them and threw herself into his arms and kissed him.
“Whoa, I uh-I appreciate the gesture but can we talk? About earlier?”
She scoffed and swatted his chest playfully. “I told you, don’ worry. We don’ have tae talk about that right now,” she took his hands and pulled him into the other room and towards the bed. Callum wasn’t opposed to where this was heading. In fact, he loved those stockings and that nightgown but most importantly he loves the beautiful creature wearing them.
“Rayla,” he chuckled, taking both her hands in his. “Seriously though, you don’t have to plan apology sex, or whatever this is.”
He dropped her hands and held her face, she opened her mouth to speak and he kissed her, long and tender. When he pulled away, she kept her eyes closed for a beat. It was kind of cute like she wasn’t ready to be done. It put a smile on his face, “I will happily make love to you my wonderful wife, but I want to talk first . I shouldn’t have gotten so upset earlier. And you-” he kissed her gently on the forehead. “don’t need to be sorry, I do. You didn’t deserve any of that.”
She threw her arms around his neck and pulled him back in for another kiss and it felt strange. The energy was different and couldn’t put his finger on it, sporadic.
She pulled away and laughed. “Well fine, I guess I’m not sorry then. See, everythin’s fine we both agree it’s oh-kaaay. Now come here.” She shoved him back onto the bed. She wasn’t laughing when she pushed him, she wasn’t...
“Rayla, love, can we just talk? I mean it. This whole thing has me-“ he tried to sit up but she jumped on him kissing and pulling at his clothes.
“Don’ you want me Callum?” she muttered against his skin.” He did want her, he didn’t want to reject her, he didn’t want to make her feel bad. Worrying about becoming a public enemy in his own home wasn’t really putting him in the mood. Then he shuddered as she opened his pants and in two quick strokes had him hard. It felt wonderful, Callum thought maybe he just needed to relax.
“Yeah, I always want you,” He took a breath and smiled, hoping it didn’t look as forced as it felt. He couldn’t help the hum in his chest as she stroked him. He started running his hands up and down her thighs. Relax, just relax, she wasn’t making him relaxed. “Rayla, you can slow down, we have all afternoon. How-how about I to take care of you first-” she cut him off.
“It's fine, I just want you now. Relax.”
Relax, why couldn’t he just relax. She wasn’t engaging him, it felt like she was doing things to him. She was lining herself up.
“I love you but can we stop-“ he shifted to try and rise but she put her hands on his chest and slid herself down. He shuddered.
“Oh Callum, I love you too,” she moaned, but it wasn’t her usual low humming moan, it was higher pitched.
He felt unsure and wondered why he couldn’t just get in the mood. This is his wife, she loved him and she loved her, “I guess we can talk after…” he said weakly. She smiled at him and kept riding him. Why didn’t he feel loved, he wondered?
He reached for her face to pull her down, kiss her, take over. But she pushed his hand away and held herself upright. She seemed like she was already winded. That was strange. Why does this feel so strange?
She was moaning on top of him and while Callum couldn't deny his own pleasure it didn’t feel right. He didn’t want to be doing this.
“Stop, Rayla lets stop” he tried to get up again and she shifted her weight onto his chest again.
“Callum let me do this, let me love you”. She cooed at him. This didn’t feel like she loved him. Why wasn’t she listening to him? He moaned despite himself.
“See Callum it’s fine, It feels good” She was panting.
It wasn’t fine, he realized there were tears running down his face. He pushed her shoulder and she shifted her weight on him again “Rayla please, this isn’t ok”.
She put her hand over his mouth, nearly all her weight was on his face. She was keeping an erratic pace. She’s never put a hand on his mouth before, she’s never made him feel like this before. He let out a muffled moan underneath her hand. He didn’t like this, it felt good so why didn’t it feel right.
He didn’t want to shove her or hurt her, but she wouldn't listen. He slapped at her arms, pushing them off his face “Stop!”
“Callum don’ be like this” Then they were swiping at each other, grabbing at each other's wrists.
He was crying “Stop!” her hands were on his face and swatting him trying to keep control of him.
And then he heard her voice, but she wasn’t speaking, it was coming from the other room. “Callum are you ok, who are you wi-Callum?“ She sounded worried. Then he heard Rayla’s voice scream his name.
He looked up and saw his wife in the doorway. Now, there was no hesitation. He shoved the Rayla on top of him onto the floor as hard as he could.
His eyes were wide and his heartbeat was in his ears as he shook, tears running down his cheeks. He looked between the two of them.
The Rayla in the door wore a look of horror and it transformed into anger. “Wha-Who the fuck are you?” Her voice was fierce, but her eyes were still wide and disturbed.
The Rayla on the floor was angry, defensive. “Who am? Who are you!?” Then she looked up at him with pleading eyes. “Callum, this is obviously a trick. Do something!”
Things felt like they were in slow motion.
The one in the door slowly drew her blades. The one on the ground stood and approached him.
“Aspiro frigis!”
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blogmusicismydrugxo · 4 years
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Welp, I know what you’re thinking now: Noon disappears for 2 months and then comes back just to bash on something that isn’t even a kdrama?? Well, I mean you are right. I haven’t had the time or will to write kdrama reviews in a couple of months, and I haven’t watched that many kdramas either recently. But then, pretty much just for shits and giggles, I watched this show and it spited me enough to want to write about it, so I’m just going along with it. I am in no way, shape or form a cinematographer, or writer, nor do I generally know much about film making, so take what I’m saying here with a grain of salt. These are just my observations and opinions, you are entitled to your own.
An important concept in fillm and tv is suspension of disbelief. While as a viewer, we are aware that the things on screen are not real, we pretend that the characters are real people who are experiencing those things. Therefore, a show must set up a framework that makes sense to the viewers, in which they can place all of the story. In general, that means that everything on screen must follow the rules of logic and common sense, unless the story explicitly diverts from that. A story about magic does not adhere to our common sense, but if the writers give us a set of rules to logically explain how magic works in this universe, we can suspend our disbelief. It’s important that the explanation is logical, and that the story does not break it’s own rules. This is one of the things Warrior Nun fails to do.
Warrior Nun breaks the rules of common logic on multiple occasions, in big ways and small, without offering the viewer an explanation that would help us accept this deviation from our world. Obvious SPOILER ALERT.
(Dead) bodies don’t work this way
- Ava has been paralysed for most of her life. We know she had her accident when she was 8, and that Sister Frances murdered her because she was about to “age out of the system”. We can then assume she is 17 or 18, which means she’s spent about 10 years being spoon fed and cared for. There is absolutely no way Ava just stands up and goes about her life when she receives the Halo. While the resurrection by the Halo and the apparent healing skills it gives her may account for the fact she seems to even have muscle mass left in her arms and legs, she hasn’t used any of those muscles for a decade. Have you ever seen those videos of people who were paralysed learning to do stuff again like walk or even hold objects? Other than losing the muscle they need to do those things, they also lost the motor skills to do them. Ava shouldn’t know how to walk, or even hold a spoon to feed herself, much less run or dance or fight (we’ll come back to the fighting later)
- TW // death and dead bodies: In one of the early episodes, a Tarask searches Shannon’s corpse because it’s looking for the Halo (that is now in Ava’s body). We can assume that at least 24h has passed since Shannon died, because the priest has already cleaned up her body and it’s night time again. The Tarask uses its claw to turn the body around and then slashes open Shannon’s back to check if she’s still bearing the Halo. There’s two things wrong here. First of all, Shannon’s body would not flop around the way it is shown in the show. Rigor mortis, or the stiffening of the limbs and other parts of a corpse, starts setting in a couple of hours after death and is complete after around 12 hours. If anything, her body should be behaving like a massive plank or brick, and not gently and delicately turn over with little force. Secondly, and I don’t know why I even have to say this but here we are, dead bodies don’t bleed. In a later shot, we see Shannon’s back is covered in blood where the monster cut her open, but how is that even logically possible when there is nothing pushing the blood through her body?
- Another illogical aspect of this show is Ava’s fighting. She can’t have spent more than a few days training with the nuns (she effortlessly finds JC and friends again, who act like she wasn’t gone for too long), so it’s ridiculous how she suddenly has the ability to fight monsters and demons and even other nuns. At some points she seems to not know what she’s doing at all (for example when she swings her sword at the Tarask attacking Lilith), and then mere days later she’s battling an angel/demon as if she’s on equal footing with him. Even if the Halo has given her muscles, it can’t have given her fighting skills because she constantly gets bested at the start of the season. The show has to make a choice: either she’s completely helpless and a klutz, which would endear her to the viewers more, or she’s a super skilled fighter, which would make more sense for the plot but also makes her less accessible and more Mary Sue-like. 
- The internal monologue was soooo annoying. This stuff works well in books, but not in a show like this. Ava seems to be a pretty expressive person, but her inner monologue is so boring and monotonous. I get they wanted her to be snarky and sarcastic, but it just sounded like she was desinterested. Big nope
- Can this girl just stop running away for 2 minutes? It got pretty annoying after like the third time.
- The whole love storyline with JC was a big let down as well. I loved the awkward flirting at first, it totally made sense for Ava to be unsure and a bit stupid when this is the first guy she’s met after years in forced isolation. But then she suddenly kisses him in a cupboard while they’re hiding and they immediately have sex? Not only does that not really fit her character, it’s just unnecessary for the plot. Oh, and then the next episode they drop him and he’s never seen again even though Ava genuinely seemed to like him. Justice for JC, Netflix. He deserved better. 
 - The whole angel/demon in a wall plot for the last couple of episodes didn’t make much sense to me and, to be honest, by that point I didn’t have the motivation left to even try to understand it. 
- The acting in general was stilted and unnatural. I can forgive Alba Baptista in some ways because she’s not a native English speaker (I assume), but the writing really didn’t help. I feel like the writers of the show thought their viewers were stupid and tried to explain every single detail in the show through characters’ dialogue. Big tip: if you want to have exposition, don’t do it through characters who supposedly already know the information and have no use for saying it explicitly. 
- When did we decide Jilian Salvius was a good guy and not the bad guy? Made no sense at all. And I won’t even start about her son. Confusion all over. 
While it was an absolute train wreck of a show, I did enjoy some aspects of it. Here’s a short list in no particular order. 
- The setting. Absolutely loved the Andalusian background and the juxtaposition between the ancient architecture of Southern Spain and the Vatican with the high-tech lab. 
- The whole catholicism thing was present but not overbearing. I am a pretty convinced anti-clerical atheist, but the religious aspects of the show didn’t bother me. The use of religious language was appropriate but not condescending. 
- I loved the use of foreign languages in the show. Father Vincent is Spanish so of course he speaks Spanish with the Spanish art collector. The cardinal and mother superion naturally talk in Italian, Ava grew up in a Spanish orphanage so of course she learned some Spanish, Camila speaks English with Father Vincent because another nun is present but does throw in a couple of words in Spanish when that makes most sense. So often these type of shows force every character to speak in English even when it makes no sense. (One thing though: why is it Orfanato St. Michael’s? Why not San Miguel?)
- Beatrice. Just everything about her. Give me more.
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naancypants · 5 years
@nancydrew-onthecase, this is my argument post 4 you because I have waaaayyy too much to cram into a bunch of asks lol! I also took this way too seriously, so sorry for how Extra this is 😂😶
My previous posts have already summed up some of my favorite things about Joe/Nancy as a pairing, so I’d like to take this opportunity to also compare it to the opposing Nancy ships - please, please don’t view this as me bashing Nedcy and Francy to “prop up my ship” or whatever, I think they’re both totally valid ships in their own ways and I can understand their appeal. But in the 10+ years I’ve spent shipping Jancy (omg), I’ve spent a LOT of time analyzing the other two relationships to identify the things that do and don’t work in my personal opinion, and I felt that going over the latter is helpful in highlighting some of the reasons I love Joe x Nancy as much as I do. I’d like to present this as an open, honest discussion, so hopefully I can share my views & opinions without coming off as rude, haha. I’ve taken steps to make sure I’m remaining as self-aware as possible while still stating my thoughts exactly as they are.
Also know that I’m basing this mainly on the games and similar interpretations of these characters, not so much on the OG book series.
WITHOUT FURTHER ADO… (under the cut bc of length lolol)
- Ned/Nancy, for me, is very sweet because of Ned’s dedication to being there for Nancy no matter what, but it also has that persistent dark cloud of Nancy going off all the time without telling him (which, although I love her to death and I understand why, is pretty crappy on her part). Ned is a precious boy who is “okay with it” and thinks it’s “worth it” to be with someone like Nancy, but… God. He’s SO SOFT and, as someone else who is Very Soft, I would be heartbroken if my s/o was never around, cancelling our plans at the last minute, etc. And we do actually hear this loneliness from Ned many times. He almost always comes around with these supportive, encouraging speeches which is one of the biggest points in Nedcy’s favor, but on a larger scale there’s sooo much he could be getting out of his relationship that he’s just… not. He’s a simple hometown boy who just wants to give all his love to the lucky girl and live a nice life with her - he doesn’t have the same thirst for adventure that Nancy has. He’s totally a romantic who doesn’t.. really.. get to be that way with her? Not often, at least. A good guy like Ned deserves someone he can truly be with, rather than wondering if or when she’s ever going to be home - even for the important stuff (like birthdays and anniversary dinners). I mean if homeboy is really content to put up with her being gone all the time then good for him. I still just feel like, if he did some serious soul searching and prioritized what he truly wants in life, he could be happier. 😭
- Frank/Nancy doesn’t struggle with the lifestyle differences of Nedcy, which is a point in their favor, but I’ve always personally seen Francy as being a bit stagnant due to their similarities & differences. They’re both logical, studious, hard-headed individuals - yet Nancy has this inherent inclination to break the rules, which is a quality Frank doesn’t generally possess (unless it’s absolutely necessary). Nancy is stubborn about the daring methods she often uses to solve cases, and Frank is stubborn about wanting to go by the book first & pursue everything with caution. This leads to an ongoing dialogue that VERY closely mirrors the dynamic that already exists between Frank & Joe, so for me it’s a little less interesting of a pairing (just my opinion, of course). It’s true that Nancy & Frank’s matched intellect is pretty much unrivaled, but I don’t think they have much to offer each other in the way of everyday development and growth. Their mindsets are already so similar, there isn’t much new for them to learn or gain from being together. Lots of intellectual stimulation, certainly (which would be GREAT for them), but otherwise they mostly just reinforce the qualities in each other that they share. Obviously Frank & Joe make a great team and so do Frank & Nancy, there’s NO disputing that, but a romantic relationship takes so much more than just working well together. That’s a big part of it, for sure, but there’s so much more. Take a look at my next paragraph and compare these two dynamics to see what I mean.
- Joe/Nancy is the middle ground between the two. They share similar life goals, so there’s no off-and-on issue of “when are you coming home?😢”, yet mentally they’re very different. They’re both extremely smart, but in completely different ways. They can challenge each other in everyday life, which helps them stay on their toes and become better people. Nancy is the head, Joe is the heart; they can effortlessly achieve that emotional balance with no major obstacles standing in their way. Plus, the qualities they DO have in common are stimulating and beneficial to their relationship; both Nancy & Joe have more of an unbridled, adventurous spirit than Frank does (though perhaps this is more noticeable in Joe). They’re both eager to take risks and do what others are afraid to do. Yet Nancy is logical/grounded enough to keep Joe in check, and Joe is able to feed that inner desire of hers to be bold & fearless - not only that, he can usually be seen in the background emphatically cheering her on because that’s a quality he has IMMENSE respect for. He doesn’t love her in spite of this dangerous habit, it’s part of why he has soooo much admiration for her in the first place. Joe makes no secret of the fact that he absolutely loves this about her, even in canon. He has no doubt that she can handle herself, so Nancy has the freedom to make her own choices without the initial resistance she usually receives from Ned or Frank. Of course Joe cares, and he does remind her to be careful, but he does so in a way that doesn’t feel like he’s wrestling with this lowkey desire to hold her back. Despite how much Joe wants her to stay safe, he doesn’t feel the need to worry himself sick over her because he trusts her entirely, and besides, “that’s who she is. That’s what makes her so freakin’ AWESOME” (- Joe Hardy, probably). Please see this link for the rest of my thoughts on this. And, as I also stated in the linked post, something that’s often overlooked is that Nancy & Joe both actually have the dorkiest sense of humor so they can easily make each other grin over stupid jokes and puns and I am so very here for that. Not to mention Jancy’s shared enthusiasm for mysteries; Frank enjoys it for the intellectual rush, but Joe enjoys it for the adrenaline rush. Nancy is both. I love those phone convos where Nancy tells them she’s still on the case and Frank is like “aw man, I know you can do it Nancy, just keep at it” and Joe’s like “HECK YEAH YOU HAVE MORE MYSTERY TO SOLVE! GO GET EM, NANCE!!!” bc Nancy honestly loooves working a case. I just find it so wholesome.
And… perhaps this is another personal opinion, but stop for a second and think about the subversive nature of a well-written Joe x Nancy narrative. Got it? Yeeeah, I’m all about that. 😉
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. I love Joe Hardy and Nancy Drew with my whole heart
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