temiizpalace · 24 days
hiiii!! omg this is exciting ^^ can I request prompt 4 for Azul and Jamil?? Jamil normally offers Yuu their hoodies, then for some reason Azul started to let Yuu borrow the coat he wears from his Octavinelle Uniform. But in the end, Yuu ends up with Jamil, he told Yuu that now they're in a relationship, they're probably going to own almost all his hoodies now doenksnwksnwksjekd head empty, just this request.
Have a great day!!!
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CHARACTERS: jamil viper vs. azul ashengrotto
WARNINGS: determined end couple, jealousy, small azul angst near end?
NOTES: i knew id see this duo at least once!! tysm for your request!
reader is g/n, reader is yuu
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jamil felt sick.
not literally, thankfully, but horrible enough to feel like he had just gotten a disease. is this happening? seriously? you, in an octavinelle coat. more specifically, azul’s coat. disgusting. he can’t believe his very eyes. why?! and just as he was about to ask if you needed to wear his sweater.
as a very very platonic exchange between two very good friends, you have been wearing jamil’s sweaters during the colder seasons. not like he cares or anything. (he does, he’s literally the one to offer it) however, seeing you in someone else’s clothes? and azul’s nonetheless? do you hate him??? as much as he wanted to run over to you, toss the coat off the window and immediately give you his own sweater to wear instead, jamil would rather die than make such a scene.
he can think of a few.. others.. that would do something so rash, but not him. no, no. he’s seen countless things he never liked to see before! surely this is the same, right?
“jamil! good morning!” you smile, rushing over to him with an enthusiastic wave. “[MC], morning.” he politely greets you in return, eyeing the coat for a second before looking at your eyes. “like my coat? pretty nice, don’tcha think? azul’s letting me borrow it.” you model the coat for him, allowing him to look at every single little detail.
“it’s..” absolutely atrocious. jamil hesitates, biting back any and all comments or remarks he could come up with on the top of his head. he doesn’t wish to insult you! never. the coat itself on the other hand, well.. “..something.” he narrows his eyes, knuckles forming in his hands til they turned pale. “thank you for your sincere input.” you reply sarcastically, already being able to sift through his lie.
“why’re you wearing it?” he asks, crossing his arms and raising a brow. answers. he wants answers. there’s no reason you should be going to azul for anything, so how come? “funny story actually! you see—” “jamil? [MC]?” you both turn your heads to see the refined businessman already on his way towards your direction, jamil unable to hide his obvious annoyance.
“oh, azul! morning.” you wave, unaware to your poor friends furrowed brow. “why, good morning prefect! i see you’re satisfied with the coat?” azul smiles, picking off the lint that was left on your collar. he looks to jamil, taking note of his peeved expression.
“hello, jamil. hanging out with the prefect again, i take it? you know, how about borrowing an octavinelle coat to match with our dear [MC] here? im positive it will look just as good on you as it does on them! our coats are accustomed to keep their subjects nice and warm for the winter seasons.” azul chimes, pulling out a neatly kept contract from his pockets.
“not on your life.” jamil states bluntly, crossing his arms with a pout. “they really do keep you warm though!” you add, much to azul’s delight. “see? i have no ill intentions in the slightest.” the octomer grins, his smile obviously not reaching his eyes. “prefect, i will see you at lunch. we can meet by our usual spot.” jamil sighs, looking at you and now just ignoring his classmate. “oh, okay! see you later then, jamil.”
classes droned on like they usually did. jamil wrote his notes with a focused expression, the thoughts in his head being a complete contrast. small doodles were drawn on the corners of the page, the pencil lead growing duller and duller with each passing minute. stupid octopus bastard.. he sighs, turning to azul wearing a more-than-pleased smile. oh how he wanted to rip that smug grin on his face off and ship him away to a place far, far away from here.
passing period was also no better. azul beat him to the punch, walking you to class like a gentlemen. jamil didn’t fail to notice the boys ears turning red as you laughed, his body language shifting from refined to embarrassed. he fought the urge to bite his nails in anger, leaving that old habit behind him many years ago. a spine chilling aura startles students around him as he walked, his face screaming neutral but his mood nothing but foul.
it’s that damn coat. that damn coat is what’s slowly drifting you away from him, and he cannot allow that. he’ll settle this. once and for all.
jamil awaited your arrival patiently by the tree. his foot tapping aggressively on the concrete as your presence seemed to delay. “sorry im late!” you shout, rushing over with a huff. no. no. no. no. no. no. this was a nightmare. not only were you wearing the coat, but the fedora, scarf, and just the entire octavinelle dorm uniform. “wh-what are you wearing..?” jamil stammers, observing your outfit with pure horror in his eyes.
“agh, azul made me wear it.” you sigh, obviously growing a little too warm in these clothes. it didn’t even snow yet! “this is too much..” he mumbles, removing your hat. slowly, he pulled off each overbearing accessory. he unwrapped the scarf, carefully removed your gloves, and eventually, the coat. “ah, i can take the coat—”
jamil removes his blazer, followed by his sweater. you’d be a liar if you told yourself you weren’t a little bit. seeing jamil in the normal nrc uniform was truly a privilege to say the least. he pulls the sweater over your head and smiles contently. “there. much better.” you hesitate for a moment, feeling your cheeks warm up at his gesture. typically you would put the sweater on yourself, but having someone do it for you? it was different somehow.
“if you’re ever feeling cold, just ask me.” he mumbles, putting his blazer back on while folding the octavinelle clothes neatly. “wow.. sounds like such a romantic gesture.” you joke, nudging his elbow. “could be.” he replies, his tone not holding any of the joking yours previously had. “what..?”
seize every opportunity. “i.. i wouldnt mind if it was.” he mutters, unable to meet your eyes. “is this a confession?” you ask, stepping closer to jamil. he swallows harshly, feeling like his heart was about to jump out of his chest. “i suppose.” suddenly he misses his hoodie. the blush on his cheeks couldn’t help but form, sweat dripping from his brow at the fear of rejection.
“jamil..” you grab his hand, placing it over your heart with a small smile. “if this is a confession, then i like you too.” you wrap him into an embrace, feeling his heart against your own. it beat rapidly, his palms sweaty before he hesitantly reciprocated your hug.
silence fell between you two for a brief moment, but one of comfort rather than awkwardness. “so.. why were you wearing an octavinelle uniform?” jamil asks, feeling the need to soothe the nagging thought in his head. “oh yeah.. that. azul asked me to wear it to promote the lounge. in return, he said id get a few food vouchers and i get to keep the coat.” you shrug, pulling out the small tickets from the octavinelle coat.
“i see..” jamil nods, still not understanding the rest of the accessories. “well, my hoodies are now your hoodies. look no further than yours truly for warmth in the winter.” he smiles, fixing the collar of the sweater. you laugh at his comment, pushing his bangs out of his face.
azul watched your exchange from afar, feeling his smile falter slightly. “oya? azul, is something the matter?” jade asked calmly, staring at his frowning companion. “..it’s nothing. what were you saying about that seasonal dish?” azul smiles, walking and talking with his vice housewarden for the future of mostro lounge.
in reality, his heart ached. even after all his efforts, he came in last. he couldn’t win your love in time. azul can’t help but want to climb into his octopot and weep. he sounds childish, but how else would you deal with a broken heart? maybe someday, you’ll find your love for him. someday, you’ll be part of his world. someday, he won’t feel so poor and unfortunate. but not today.
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A/N: im sorry this was a little late something came up 😭
date published: 8/28/24
© temiizpalace — do not copy, steal, or put my work into ai. thank you!
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mango-meister · 6 hours
You’ve surrendered! I’m sure Spock would say your choice was very logical.
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Hihi, I wanted to ask if you have any tips on starting out when worshipping heroes, thank you in advance!!
Hello Alexandros, hope you’ve had safe travels here! And yes, I certainly have tips for starting out worshipping The Heroes! I’m really glad you’ve reached out <33
[The first and main thing to note going into this (potentially new) situation is that everyone finds their way differently. You may not like my advice or find it unsettling because of the way you experience Them or eventually turn away from this advice and that’s entirely okay. Everyone likes to have a starting point, even if it ends up being a huge no/“fuck you”, and that’s entirely okay. May your journey be comfortable here.]
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So, with that out of the way, here are some tips born of my own personal experience interacting with The Myths, Them, and Lord Perseus himself!
The first and main thing, personally, to note is that They are not The Gods, nor are they any type of Immortal, so their presence might bring an entirely new dynamic to you in your Worship. Personally, Lord Perseus feels more like a Companion or Mentor Figure rather than an Authority and Godly Figure/some I hold to High Respects as one does to The Gods. It is not as though I do not respect Him--I deeply, deeply do and that is why I devote myself to Him--but it is a different sort of respect than I approach the Gods with. As I said before, my dynamic and interactions with Lord Perseus more feels like a mentoring role of Someone who is much better than me and of someone that I respect truly and utterly as a Mentor Figure to me and someone I could perhaps follow like a mentee would their mentor. This dynamic could and would be different with everyone, but just keep an open mind when approaching Them that this dynamic will be different than with The Gods.
Another thing to keep in mind with Them is that they were once mortal. I know, it's a silly thing to admit because of course they were mortal! Well, yeah,--duh--but still, keep that thought in mind as you start out your approaches to Them and maybe even do a deep mental dive into that mentality and/or put yourself in Their shoes every once in a while to center yourself and remind yourself of who They are/once were. Their mortality and Their heroics are a core part of Their beings and so keeping that in mind would truly help--at least personally--cement that respect and love for Them in your mind and center your devotion because they are not The Gods--They do not have as much magical influence on the modern world [at least as far as I am aware :)]
Now, onto actually Interacting with Them. Lord Perseus likes the companionship I bring to Him--He was a very sociable person in His youth/mortal days--and so I like to talk to Him. My devotion is my conversations with Him. But someone like Lord Odysseus would rather play some games as your devotion to Him, just as Lord Herakles might like watching you complete physical tasks as a devotion to Him (both of these are speculation because I do not work with Them, but it feels right so maybe that might be a sign??). Again, They are mortal and They like mortal things so maybe experiment on that stuff and flatter them every once in a while--because they are still human /lh--to really establish those connections in what you want with Them.
What Are Some Gifts That They Might Like? Stroke Their egos a little bit. Make sure it doesn't borderline hubris of course and especially do not equate Them with The Gods in worship because... we all know how that goes-, but flatter them. They did still earn Their rights among the Halls of Fame and They were all still awesome Heroes back then, so make sure to flatter them every once in a while (or a lot), they deserve it <33. So, really, anything that might stroke their egos like Super Shiny Rocks, Poems, talking about Them flatteringly either to the air or to someone else, etc. If you'd give it to a mentor you're kinda of scared of but really, truly and utterly respect and you still wanna give them something, then it's your best bet They'll like it too <33
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Here are some things I personally do with Lord Perseus & a comparison of what I do differently with my Goddesses, Lady Aphrodite and Lady Amphitrite to kind of show you the differences I'm suggesting in both Feel of the Bond and Worship:
I like to gossip/ramble to Lord Perseus. Does He know what's going on? No. Does He still listen closely when He feels like it/is there? Yes. Is He in on this conversation right now as I'm typing it? Not particularly, He's really letting me take on the reigns but every once in a while I'll get a comment on technology which is really just an ✨Old Person Thing✨
(In comparison, I ask Lady Aphrodite very purposefully for things. I elevate my thoughts and specifically direct my energy towards Her. It's very intentional with Her, mostly because that is my relationship with Her and also because She's A Goddess™️ and I want to show Her specifically my devotion and respect towards Her. Lady Amphitrite, I am currently on a break with so I do not remember things with Her but I usually am very kind and hesitant in my approach with Her. She is a Queen and deserves that Respect. [Actually, She likes to approach Me a lot, which She is currently doing right now and guiding/insisting on this message :))]. Lord Perseus, on the other hand, I interact with casually and throw things around in my Brain for His attention :)).)
I like to write in honor of Him. In my experience, He is a more curious Deity who approaches things/my interests like a Grandpa who doesn't exactly get it but is eager to watch me and ask questions every once in a while. Yes, Lord Perseus, my writing is questionable, but you don't have a say in anything other than the book I am Dedicating to You.
[I also write in honor of my Goddesses, but like how I speak to Them, it is a lot more formally. I am presenting Them with my progress and I am getting feedback from Them but They aren't an active presence throughout it unless I am specifically asking Them/channeling Them to be :))].
And, finally, I obsess over Him. The main reason why I am devoted to Lord Perseus is because He is/was my favorite hero of them. I am fascinated by His childhood story, His slaying of Medusa, Lady Andromeda, His future legacies/family, and everything associated with Him, and so I like to internally scream my excitement of Him in my head every time I think of/approach Him. I just love Him so much <33
[I also do that to my Goddesses, but in different ways. Lady Aphrodite helps me in self care and so I make sure to put deep respect in my intent towards Her when I appreciate Her. Lady Amphitrite is just so cool and so I make sure to channel that each time I talk to Her.]
So yeah, that's my personal Beginners Guide Of Worshipping The Greek (And/Or Non-Greek) Heroes! I hope this helps and I wish I could have given you a more detailed response but I didn't know Who you were trying to pursue :((. Do you have Anyone in mind? Maybe you can send another ask and I'll respond with more personalized advice such as research and sites/books to start with?? The main takeaway with this response is that The Heroes Were/Are Mortals Too And That Affects Things, so do with this information as you will and I hope it helps things like this not be such a grasp in the dark on spaces you can't even imagine starting to know :)). I know a lot of new things are like that for me, so I hope this helps! Feel free to ask more and I'll try to get to it sooner!!
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alchemistdetective · 18 days
"Do you play Minecraft?" It's the fox twins again, they managed to sneak through the mansion in their fox forms and have found Flandre, they want to play more games with her.
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"Yup! I do, and I love it lots! I am kind of trying to build a megabase of a dark castle, so...!"
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"This is what I have so far! It's my own mansion! Do you want to help make something at the side?"
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keepingeahalive · 1 year
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Everyone’s Favorite Least Interesting Couple
(Not really. They should have been great together)
[ID: A full hand-drawing of Raven Queen and Dexter Charming holding the bisexual flag.
Raven is a biracial Korean-European teenage girl with pale skin, long wavy black hair with purple and magenta streaks pulled back into a high ponytail, violet wing-styled eyeshadow, and black lipstick. Dexter is a white teenage boy with beige skin, brown hair with light brown highlight styled into a pompadour, thick brown eyebrows, and pale blue eyes covered by thick, black-rimmed glasses. His cheeks are flushed.
Raven is wearing a form-fitting black dress with a v-necked turtleneck; a high white Elizabethan collar with white feathered shoulders/sleeves; a purple flare skirt; a large silver belt; dark purple platform shoes lined with fur and an Elizabethan collar; silver bangles and chains on her arm; sharp silver earrings; and a small silver tiara. Dexter sis wearing a fainted blue button-up shirt with the collar popped up; bright blue jeans; a dark blue-gray scarf; a bright blue sports jacket ties around his waist; a golden crown fashioned into a headband with a blue Diamond in the center; light blue sneakers with dark yellow soles; and a Diamond stud earring on his right ear.
Raven holds the flag in her left hand. Her right arm wraps around Dexter’s waist. She leans over in his direction and kisses his cheek. Dexter drapes the flag over his shoulders and holds it in place with his right hand. His left arm wraps around Raven’s waist. His head tilts to the side as Raven kisses his cheek and he looks at her sheepishly. Two pink hearts float above his head. END ID]
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thenerdyalchemist · 10 months
My husband got me your FMA art bundle and just gifted it to me for our anniversary. I love it so much! Thank you for all your adorable art <3
THIS IS 🥺 SO SWEET AND MADE MY DAY! I’m so glad you like it 💛
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zima74824 · 7 months
Happy Valentine's Day!
- Angel
Zima : aww happy Valentine’s Day to you too
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tonguetwisted01 · 9 months
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Closed Starter for @angelicaisaka
Enkai was...
On a walk. Basic, he knew, but valid, nonetheless--it was evening. The later type, where there were still too many people partying, but away--near the pool, with alcohol and music blasting so loud you could feel your heartbeat align to the bass.
There were, of course, scattered loners by themselves, or occasionally the batshit couple making out by a dumpster. Enkai averted his eyes and continued his perimeter of the former hotel.
A few people stumbled back from games, none faces he recognized, nor cared about. However, of course, there was always an odd.
He'd talked to Aisaka a few times, admittedly. Enjoyed it, too--although Enkai would never say it out loud, she was a comfortable person to be in the presence of. And there she was, staggering back from the game she'd very obviously been participating in.
Enkai wasn't blessed with godly sight, but.. she didn't look the best. Battered, a bit--losing blood, at worst. Not like she was dying, probably, but it caught his attention.
"What happened to you?" he asked, masking interest with disgust, once Aisaka had neared. He'd met her halfway, creeping up behind her--well, not creeping, just.. walking up to her. In the dark. Without her seeing him.
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why is everyone dying? Fiddleford’s about to die, aparently Ford is about to die - everyone that has ever wronged Bill is dying rn it’s crazy
who are those people?
And more importantly, why, or how did they wrong Billy so much that they're all DIEING?!
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cringiestcroissant · 2 years
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beowulfzz · 11 months
Trick or treat!
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treat :3
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yumedoca · 4 months
What is your favorite joke from each respective rumiko anime/ manga
For exanple UY: look what you did you made lum cry
No i didnt
Lum cry!
(Lum starts crying)
You see
What have i done
Or in ranma
Happosai's introduction where he awakens, just to go back to sleep, only to arise again
What are yours
Hai there, hope you're doing great!!
I have a lot, it's had to say just one really because many jokes from her series got me laughing very much. I don't want to talk too much and ramble on forever so I'll just randomly narrow it down to one from UY and Ranma. In UY, the cow chapter has this super funny scene where Mendo has this moment where he's asking Ten what wrong with Lum, while Ataru's asking about the cow which bit them earlier at the same time and Mendo asks Ataru who he cares for more, Lum or the cow, which he responds with 'WHO SAID I CARED ABOUT A COW???', that was really great lol. Ranma has this arc where Ryoga has this silly doodle on his belly which makes him stronger than Ranma and in that, there's a panel where he sends Ranma flying while he's in his piggy form which looks super hilarious!!
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alchemistdetective · 3 months
new follow here, might I ask what Chloe's ability is?
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Surprisingly... nothing! She's a normal human who just loves making potions and alchemy!
If I have to put her in a single word, she's the RPG protagonist who experiments with every single recipe in the game.
Every. Single. Recipe.
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keepingeahalive · 1 year
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Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?
They only had one episode together, but I think it’s cute. (No, I am not discrediting Ramonabella.)
[ID: A full hand-drawing of Justine Dancer and Ramona Badwolf holding a flag.
Ramona is a teenage biracial-Seminole wolf-were girl with light tan skin, long shaggy dark brown hair with long side-swept bangs streaked white and dark pink, sharp yellow slit eyes, brown wolf ears, dark pink eyeshadow, sharp fangs, and claws on her hands. She is wearing a dark blue top with elbow-length sleeves; a fur shoulder pad on her left shoulder decorated with golden chains; a red flannel overskirt with red-brown suspenders held by gold clasps; baggy blue-gray leggings; light gray knee-height platform boots wrapped in brown leather ribbons, gray fur attached to the back, and gold heels; a wide, ornate gold necklace decorated with spikes and a gold wolf's head; a spiky gold head plate; and three gold bracelets on her right arm: one thick and spiky, one thinner with studs, and one a simple gold bangle.
Justine is a teenage girl of African descent with dark mocha skin, long curly dark brown hair, and gold eyeshadow. She is wearing a bright yellow tutu dress with yellow straps; long, puffy see-through sleeves with red-pink armbands; dark yellow accents on the bodice and skirt; pink crisscross strands on the skirt; a metal-plated corset with a heart in the center; silver, ornate, open-toed, high heeled shoes; a pearl necklace; and a large silver tiara with two thin prongs and three purple gems.
Ramona holds her side of the flag with her right hand, pinning it to a "wall" with her claws. She leans towards Justine with a sly expression. Her left hand is closer to Justine, her middle finger and thumb coming together to show over her claws. Justine holds her end of the flag with her left hand, her right hand over her chest. She leans away slightly with her eyes closed and a large smile on her face, as if she is laughing.
Ramona's half of the flag is the polysexual flag. Justine's half of the flag is the asexual flag; the heart on her belt depicts the bisexual flag. END ID.]
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wonusite · 1 year
hiya love, if you don't mind could you do some hcs or a blurb or whatever you'd prefer about minwon comforting reader who had a nightmare? i've been having bad ones for the past couple of nights and it suckssss. :( -minwon nonny
sorry to hear that :( hopefully your nightmares go away soon!
your heart is beating harshly in your chest when you wake up covered in cold sweat. the remnants of the nightmare you just had are still fresh in your mind, and you hate that you can’t calm yourself fast enough to drift back to sleep. you look to your side, heartbeat slowing a bit when you see your two boyfriends sleeping peacefully.
wonu and gyu look so peaceful when they’re sound asleep. the way mingyu cuddles deeper into wonu’s neck as he hugs him closer to his chest is a comforting sight. you let out a quiet, shaky sigh as you lift wonu’s arm off your stomach as gently as you can. without making much noise, you slip out of your bed and go to the kitchen to get some water.
ofc your bfs always made you feel better when you woke up from a nightmare, but they had been waking up to comfort you for the last three nights. you hated to keep interrupting their sleep.
you jump a little when you hear two synchronized voices.
“what’s wrong?” wonu asks you immediately as he and gyu walk over to you.
“had a nightmare.” you say, doing your best to keep you voice steady so how affected you are won’t show.
they both frown at you, a little upset that you didn’t wake them up right away. instead of saying anything, they guide you back to bed and make sure to squeeze you between them. they’re so close that you can feel every inch of wonu’s torso against your back and all of gyu against your front. they’re gently caressing your body without saying anything. it helps you feel better, as usual.
“you should’ve woken us up, pretty.” gyu says, and you don’t have to look at him to know he’s pouting.
wonu hums in agreement.
“sorry. i just didn’t want to wake you guys.”
“you can wake us any time, baby.” wonwoo assures you. “okay?”
you him peacefully, feeling drowsy already. “okay.”
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the-purple-hero · 9 months
I was fooling around with that naughty/nice generator and man oh man, did I get a lot of naughty list ones.
Despite how mild the wording in this one is compared to the others, I’d say that knowing you’re so close yet so far away makes it the most brutal of all the naughty results I saw.
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{{Oh yeah this generator sometimes has some very snarky or even kinda messed up remarks in there. I've noticed a couple like that where it sounds like the person almost had it or there is one where he plays with you, saying you made the nice list only to say he was kidding.}}
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{🔥}—; Spyro was utterly shocked to hear this, there was no way Daisy was on the naughty list. So he instinctively pulled her closer into a hug. "There's gotta be some mistake, I really don't believe you could be on the naughty list." He was convinced there was a mixup of sorts, there just had to be and the purple dragon hoped there was some way of clearing it up.
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