salted-caramel-tea · 1 year
thank u so much squid craft. this has been genuinely the best Minecraft event ive ever watched and it seemed as though every participant had fun playing it. the games were creative and well put together the cinematography was amazing it was such a brilliant event and im so happy to have been introduced to an entire new community of streamers and fans :)
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calamitydaze · 1 year
okay but the angst that has been piling up in squid craft is actually getting to me. I'm getting so emotionally invested in sq!dtqk+ and adjacent streamers. like, the lore and angst is writing itself.
not only is it a fun competitive environment, but it has such a huge possibility for angsty fanart and fics and so many dynamics to explore and— it's just really nice to see :)
(I am, however, still distraught over no more 5/5 and also tina's death)
me too!! george saying he’d eat the poison berries, dream being willing to sacrifice himself for george, sapnap and dream sticking together no matter what, the guards trying to sow doubt within the dteam but underestimating the amt of trust they have, everyone gathered around tina and not even noticing karl was gonna die, sapnap frantically trying to find his body, spreen chewing him out over it, UGH it’s so good. put too many minecrafters together and they will end up making a story it’s just inevitable
i’m RLY enjoying the environment as well, it’s such a nice balance of fun and competitiveness that i think is what mcc could’ve been, and all the art to come out of it so far has been great. i’ve always loved hunger games aus so i really hope this causes an uptick in them there’s so much to work with 👉👈
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The Blue Moon Ball: Feast
Oh food glorious food, how I've missed you so. My mind tells me to try and maintain my composure, but my body has already taken off to the nearest spread. It looks like cheese, grapes, crackers, veggies, pinwheels, dip, all the typical light snacks one would find at a party. I begin to realize the severity of my starvation when I completely disregard the silverware, electing to take matters into my own hands by skewering the snacks with magically made icicles. Absolutely barbaric, I know. I end up crafting a chilled charcuterie kebab and scarfing it down. Did I look refined? Probably not, but at this point I'm too hungry to care much for manners. Ivory must also be starving because he detaches from my staff and starts picking at the vibrant berries. Where we live, our diets typically consist seafood, root vegetables, grains, and magical flora adapted to the climate of a frozen coast, so this dinner will be a welcome change of pace. After satiating ours stomachs on a base level, I can begin to truly appreciate the spread. The variety is astounding! I start to search for a real meal. I look at the dining table and see it stretched the length of the hall to an almost imperceptible length. At glance, it looks to be an enchantment that causes the room to loop on itself to accommodate every guest. How clever! I walk past the chairs and benches until I can find a spot that is open and somewhat close to Lurien. I let him get away once, not again. After walking for a bit, I finally spot him. He is surrounded by friends, all laughing while eating away merrily. It doesn't seem a seat is open in that particular circle, but one is available close enough to get in his sight. Moving quickly, I slide onto the bench next to a stranger.
My my mouth waters as I take in the options: chicken, pork, beef, lamb, fish, vegetables of all kinds, exotic fruit slices that look perfectly ripe, bread rolls of every variety and, oh be still my heart, CALAMARI! Ivory and I notice at the same time and immediately snatch the plate. Such golden crispy chewy goodness paired with thick zesty sauces. As we bite down, that oh so satisfying first crunch is enough to make the whole night worth it. Forget the waltz music, this is the real symphony we needed. The squid's flesh gives way to our teeth and we munch away blissfully. Calamari has always been our favorite. I'm not much of a chef, so making it ourselves has been... difficult, thus we typically depend on restaurants to get our fix. However tonight has increased my standards tenfold. No calamari will ever top this, not in a million years.
After I scarf down the last piece, I scan the table for something more novel but catch the gaze of the woman to my right (@these-detestable-hands) . She wears some brilliant combination of pirate apparel and ball clothes with a red and white polka dot sash. Though that isn't what stood out to me first. As I locked eyes with her, a horrified visage burned into my memory.
"You monster!" she shuddered in a low and tense tone, "That was my sister you just ate!"
Confounded my eyes finish observing her and spot her hair. Well, it isn't so much hair, but red octopus tentacles growing from her scalp. I immediately put the pieces together, and throw myself into a coughing fit out of shock.
As profuse apologies tumble out of me, her shell shocked grimace turns into a delighted grin as she begins to laugh unyielding. She pats my back saying,
"Oh calm down red-head, it was just a joke."
My horror subsides and I begin to chuckle a little which then grows into a contagious laughter I must have gotten from her. We both revel in the absurdity of the moment. As we calm down, she introduces herself,
"The name's Haley."
"Ah! A pleasure to meet you, Haley! My name is Seros. I apologize for the whole 'eating your sister' debacle. Think you can forgive me?"
She expels another hearty laugh. We have a delightful conversation over our meals and the time flies. It's not until we say our momentary goodbyes when I realize I have yet to meet with Lurien. I think I still have time. He seems to be up and mingling now! Ok, time to get some answers.
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bagelrites · 1 year
"Busy Boy"
DNF Fluff after day one of Squid Craft
George was back home in his own bed after hanging out at Hannah’s place for a while after her stream. It’d been a long day, between Squid Craft and then Hannah’s birthday stream, and all the while Dream was locked in his room editing and catching up on all the work he’d been putting off while he was sick—or, at least, sicker than he was now. It was nice to talk to him in game, of course, but it almost felt like how things used to be, when Dream was an ocean away, and all George ever saw of him was his stupid green Minecraft skin.
But he wasn’t an ocean away, he was just down the hall in his office, and George was here in his own room, lying on the bed and watching TikToks because he was too strung-out to sleep and too tired to anything that required any brain power. He yawned, rolling from his side onto his back, holding his phone over his head. None of the videos interested him, and he flicked them up and away with his thumb. 
Then he heard the doorknob jingling, someone on the other side fumbling to get it open. 
George suppressed a smile, and kept still even though his arm was starting to cramp from holding his phone up for so long. Whether it was Dream or Sapnap, he was going to pretend he didn’t notice them coming in, that he didn’t care who had come to keep him company, even when his heart leapt into his throat with the hope that maybe Dream had come out of his editing cave at last.
The door opened, and someone entered. It was quickly closed behind them, and then without a word, they padded towards the bed. George couldn’t help it: he glanced down, saw a familiar head of golden-brown curls, wide shoulders, and tired puppy-dog eyes, and gulped down a giggle of glee as he looked back up at his phone.
“George,” Dream groaned as he climbed onto the bed and right over George, ducking his head down to get under his arm and lay directly on his chest. George lost his composure at that, breath puffing out in a laugh as Dream pressed all his weight into him, arms wiggling their way between his back and the mattress to hold him around the waist.
“Pay attention to me.”
“You did not just—” George cut himself off, finally clicking his phone off and tossing it onto the pillow. “You jerk. All day you’ve been too busy for me and now—?”
“George,” he said his name with just the right strain and crack, making himself sound so pathetic and tired, George couldn’t help but sigh and let it go.
“Fine, whatever. Big baby,” he mumbled, poking Dream’s cheek. Dream smiled, chuckling softly and self-satisfied. 
George adjusted himself, getting comfortable under Dream’s heavy press, and let one hand settle in Dream’s hair while the other found his phone again. They lay in comfortable silence together for a few minutes, George scrolling through TikToks again, though once more none of them seemed to catch his interest. And then Dream said something completely out of the blue.
“I didn’t know you liked the Hunger Games.”
“What?” George tilted the phone away, looking down at Dream.
“The Hunger Games. You… made a reference to it. In the stream. When they interviewed you.”
George let out a short, nervous laugh. Of course Dream had watched the clip already.
“Uh, yeah, I mean… who doesn’t?”
“You’ve never mentioned it before.”
“Well, surely I have.” George looked back at his phone. Pretended to be very interested in TikTok. 
“No, I don’t think so.” Dream moved his arms out from under George and pressed himself up just enough to look at him. “I mean, unless that wasn’t the point.”
“The point of what?” George asked.
“Of what you said.” Dream smirked at him, and George rolled his eyes.
“Oh my god.”
“You’re so romantic, George,” Dream said, his tone entirely teasing. “You want us to die together!”
“Shut up! You suck.” George put his hand in his face, and Dream just laughed into his palm. It was such a sweet sound, slightly dry and crackly from the sick in Dream’s throat, and George gulped to keep the color down in his cheeks.
“You don’t actually think that’s gonna happen, do you?” Dream asked.
“Think what’s gonna happen?” George pulled his hand back, finally remembering to shut off his phone when TikTok started being loud again, and Dream sat up, shifting off and laying down beside him, head propped up on his hand.
“That we’re gonna be the last two players?” Dream had a sparkle in his eyes when he said it, a sparkle that said he was already tasting victory, and he loved the flavor of it. George forced himself to frown, like he didn’t live for that look in Dream’s eyes.
“No. Obviously not.”
“Aww, c’mon. I bet I could do it.”
“No, that’s ridiculous,” George said, and Dream pouted at him, whimpering like a puppy. George laughed, but it didn’t change his mind.
“Dream. You really think out of two hundred players, we’re gonna make it to the end?”
“Well,” Dream adjusted himself, putting on a serious voice again. “I don’t know about you, but I am the, uh… how do you say it? El mejor—soy el mejor jugador de Minecraft—how do you say in the world?”
George laughed and rolled his eyes.
“Del mundo?”
“Si! Del mundo. Soy el mejor jugador de Minecraft del mundo!”
“Oh my god,” George groaned. “These people are hyping you up too much, it’s going to your head.”
“Well I mean, I am, aren’t I?”
“I’m not indulging your praise kink right now.”
Dram barked out a laugh, rolling over to bury his head in a pillow for a moment. George rested his phone on his chest, letting the warm, smooth back of it press into his sternum. Dream rolled back over just as soon, smiling wide and giddy, cheeks flushed from embarrassment.
“I hate you so much right now,” he said, voice dripping in adoration.
“Idiot,” George responded in much the same tone, poking Dream’s nose to watch his face scrunch up cutely.
“Alright, alright.” Dream slumped into the bed. “You want to sleep here tonight?”
“Oh, you want to sleep with me tonight?” George asked.
Dream bit his lip.
“Not like that,” he said. “I’m so tired, George.”
“Yeah, obviously. You’ve been working yourself to the bone.”
“Well—no. I mean, I’m only having to catch up right now because someone got me sick.”
“What? You got me sick!”
“Mn, no I’m pretty sure it’s the other way around.”
“No, it’s not.”
“It is.”
“It’s not!”
“It is!” Dream jumped up, planting his hands on either side of George’s shoulders, leaning his face down so close to George’s, he could feel the angry puff of breath on his nose. They froze just like that for a moment, two determined eyes gazing right back at their equal pair, until the proximity melted their argument into nonsense not worth pursuing.
“You’re pretty,” Dream mumbled, and George rolled his eyes, reaching up to grab Dream’s cheek and pull him down into a kiss.
“I know, idiot,” he whispered against his lips, and Dream giggled into his mouth. 
It wasn’t heated, wasn’t going anywhere fast, but it was sweet and it was real and it was just what George needed. Kissing Dream was sort of always like that. Sort of always just what he needed.
Slow kisses turned to lazy pecks turned to heads nuzzling as they found a comfortable position to cuddle in, and it quickly became apparent that Dream wasn’t kidding about how tired he was. He drifted off in just a few short minutes, body soft and broad pressed against George’s, his breath slow and even, like the rhythm of the waves at low tide. 
George smiled, pressed a kiss into the top of his head, and pulled the blankets up over them. Sure, they’d neglected to brush their teeth or even turn the light off, but Dream deserved to stay right where he was and get a few good winks in George’s arms. The busy boy was in need of a well-deserved break.
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alien-girl-21 · 1 year
My tiktok has been feeding me aldoier/snf comparisons which makes me very excited because I love the dynamics of both duos a lot but I am scared to see what the shipping landscape is when I still only have vibes and very basic language... I've seen Spreen/Roier and Aldo/Roier, are there other popular ships out there involving mctrio (or anyone who was nice to the dream team in squid craft)?
Shipping in the hispanic community is very interesting lmao, we are very selective of ships, but we still have a lot, I'm putting some of the sips that I consider are the most popular/I like a lot:
Sproier (spreen and roier): I'm having brainrot about them for the last couple of weeks, search sproier on my blog and you'll see 👍🏻 (also the shipping only applies to their mc characters, mainly bc spreen isn't comfortable with irl shipping, but roier's demons are also....interesting)
Luckity (luzu and quackity): THIS IS JUST THEIR KARMALAND CHARACTERS BTW!!! Luzu is married irl and has called quackity his son, luckity just applies to their mc characters having the most devastating gay arc I've seen in an mc server, I recommend looking at @/bliski on twt/tiktok to look at their animatics, they're chef's kiss and give you an idea of their arcs
Rubckity (rubius and quackity): mc characters again!! These bitches gay, they die in every universe together, they are in gay love, they commit fraud together, they are awful for eachother, they're the best for eachother <3
Shadouckity (shadoune and quackity): during mc extremo we were granted with the blessing that was shadouckity, only mc relationship q has been in that ended well somehow, only thing is that quackity died before shadoune was able to propose to q
Rubegetta (rubius and vegetta): they are insane for eachother, they were going to get married, no they weren't, they had sex before one of their weddings, they betrayed eachother, they love eachother, they are unrequited and so dependant of their love at the same time. Also there is a hc that spreen is their son, I love it, I go insane for it <3
Wigetta (willyrex and vegetta): wigetta is like the og ship I was never into whatever tf they had going on that much, but I had a lot of friends that were, let's just say that they made multiple books under the wigetta name and vegetta moved across the world to live with willy 😃
Spruan (spreen and juan guarnizo): from what I know this ship is from tortillaland (another hispanic server) those bitches gay, spreen is a bear, juan is a witch, yeah 👍🏻
Sapockity (sapo peta and quackity) (name still dubious to me): sapo peta is a karmaland character, he fell in love with quackity on day one, quackity had a big fat crush on luzu so he had to tell him that he wasn't interested, they were still very much touchy-feely with eachother, but sapo peta was luckity shipper number 1, we wouldn't be anywhere without him <3
Farfadream (farfadox and dream): newer ship, literally farfadox and dream in sc2 and spreen's el cielo event, they are in gay love idc what anyone says
Also ik it's not technically a ship, but mariana being foolish's boyfriend and securing his green card <3
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savebatsfromscratch · 8 months
No17. A Touch Worse Than a Poison Trainer
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50916805
Words: 1,097
Cws: Past abusive relationship, light swearing
Notes: I used the Pokemon name “Doublade” as a replacement for “Double edged sword,” I think it’s cool to build slang like that, but it might not have come through especially clear to real life. Oopsies.
Prompt: No. 17: “You’re the lump in my throat and the knot in my chest.” Collar | Touch Aversion | “Leave me alone.”
James shivered as he sat there, trying (and failing) to calm his racing heart. His mind seemed stuck on repeat. A horrible track of memories that just kept replaying and replaying and replaying again in his mind. Memories of her. 
Jessiebelle, the woman that his family had determined that he would eventually marry. She with her gorgeous red curls, he with his soft purple locks. She with her well crafted dresses and expensive jewelry, he with his well fitted suits and expressive watches. She with her “love” and he with his terror.
He squeezed his arms around himself. Logically, he knew that he was safe and far away from her, logically he knew that it had been that way for many years, logically he knew that there was very nearly zero chance she would ever be able to harm him again, what with the team he was in. (Though their latest meeting at James’ old house had made him second guess that last point for many years since then.) Logic, however, was not enough to calm him, no matter how hard he tried to convince himself that it should be.
The fact that he was in Kalos, of all places, probably wasn’t helping his worries.
Jessiebelle had always told him how much she wanted to visit Kalos. In fact, she was so entranced by the idea that one of the many activities that James’ parents had forced them to do together had been learning Kalosian. He was begrudgingly thankful for that time now, as that skill had been saving his and the rest of his team’s asses in Kalos so far, but every so often he would hear a word, or a voice, or a high bell-like laugh, and be reminded of his old fiance. When that happened, he always found himself in the state he was now.
Nervous, scared, and unable to calm his rushing heart.
He knew it was crazy. Jessiebelle shouldn’t have felt such a threat to him these days, not with his “fairly high level” Pokemon trainer ranking (though his near daily battles with Ash sometimes made him think that ranking may not be entirely accurate), but she still was. The fact that James was here then, with only one Pokemon to his name and a partner who was more excited about the things she might be seeing in the region than their only mission, did not make him feel very safe.
Speaking of Jessie…
James looked over his shoulder, watching as Jessie happily fed Inkay some scraps from dinner (no matter how annoyed she pretended to be at the little squid, James knew she couldn’t help but care about it like any of their old Pokemon). She seemed to be busy enough not to notice how much James was freaking out, which was, of course, the Doublade that it always felt like. For one thing, she wouldn’t get worried about him, which he knew that she did on the regular (even though she pretended not to), but for the other…
James really could do with some distraction from his worries.
“Hey Jessie?” he squeaked, bringing his legs around to look at her easier, “Do you think we’ve made any progress on our mission yet?”
Jessie paused for a moment, causing Inkay to headbutt her in annoyance after a couple of moments without its food. She frowned and turned to look at him, her pink red hair shifting smoothly through the air. To the untrained eye, she looked a lot like Jessiebelle, heck, even their names were similar, but James knew better.
“Why are you asking this now?” she asked, putting down the last of the food scraps for Inkay to eat on its own, “Is something bothering you?”
James shrugged no, even though something was absolutely bothering him. “I guess I’m just a bit bored,” he forced a very fake sounding laugh, and Jessie frowned a bit harder, “I was wondering if we can talk or something…” He trailed off as Jessie stared at him, unconvinced. 
“I’m guessing that’s a lie,” Jessie said, scooting a bit closer to him. She looked him up and down and smirked in that very Jessie way of hers, “You’re clearly upset,”
James’ fake smile faltered a bit, and he found himself studying his boots like they were the most interesting thing he’d seen in months. He didn’t want to admit it to her, but he knew it was true. Even then, with his short bout of conversation as a distraction, he still felt like doing nothing more than standing up and running around screaming like a poor little Torchic with its head cut off. He couldn’t help it! He was terrified.
“Yep, that proves my point,” Jessie crawled a bit closer to him and reached out a hand to touch his shoulder, but James recoiled, surprising both Jessie and himself. He began to profusely apologize, but Jessie just shook her head and sat back on her heels.
“Don’t worry James, you don’t have to apologize,” she said softly, and then, a bit louder, “Is there anything specific that’s bothering you?”
James didn’t quite know what to say to that, but he just barely managed to shut off his hurried stream of “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry-” at her soft reminder. He looked at her, and then looked away, and then let out a deep breath and nodded.
“Do you feel like talking about it?” Jessie asked, brushing a stray strand of pink behind her ear, but still holding his gaze, “Meowth won’t be back with the map for an hour at least, we’ve got time,”
She gave him a bright smile, and a wave of gratitude crashed over his heart, nearly enough to overpower the now weakening grip of terror around him. He was so lucky to have found her. Yes, he had lived a life of luxury before Team Rocket, but he had also been on a terrifying track to marry Jessiebelle, so, at least to someone who had lived it, the trade off was fair.
Even though he and Jessie often struggled to buy food or new clothes, had to sleep in uncomfortable tents in the woods most nights, and found themselves losing battles nearly every day, he felt at home with her. If he didn’t have so much trouble sorting through his emotions, he might have even said he loved her.
No, scratch that, he was sure he did.
“Yes,” he decided, scooting a bit closer to Jessie, a real smile growing on his face, “I do feel like talking about it,”
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tinogiehd · 1 year
not to doompost like other anons but I do find it a bit weird it's been a lot of SNF together and then Dream on his own since the face reveal. I assume Dream just has a lot going on but I had hopped for more DreamTeam stuff.
not to doompost like other anons but I do find it a bit weird it's been a lot of SNF (two extremely close friends who have talked for ages about how they're so excited to be able to get food together instead of being stuck inside) together and then Dream on his own (couch with george, on dates with george, kissing george, watching george and sapnap fool around and giggling at them, and some mirror and car selfies by himself I guess). I assume Dream just has a lot going on (just finished editing a video, recently posted a video, and all the professionally filmed LA footage that he wants to put out, a company he manages, and probably music in the works as well) but I had hopped for more DreamTeam stuff (he was on call with snf yesterday, in and out of george's stream for the last two days, 9 hours of irl christmas streams, multiple snapchats, the whole of squid craft).
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mint-yooxgi · 1 year
Hi! I’ve been a silent reader for a really long time now of all your main ateez works, and ohmygod do I have so much to say that I now have the courage for.
The work you produce never seems to falter in its quality. It’s so well written and so thought out, each part of the work flows from one to another. I’ve never seen such a smooth flow in any book the way I see it in this! I genuinely have so much respect for you for this, because your plans for each chapter of you do them must be so hard to put together, or perhaps they’re easy for you.
Aside from that, I’ve wanted to point out how much I adore your overarching character you have crafted for Seonghwa, he is my bias after all. But your works all depict him in such different yet strikingly similar ways and his roles are always so critical. I adore the depth you have provided his character and all the others too. (Especially Mingi in MM!)
I can’t wait to continue reading your works as they come, but please take your time to release them and always take care of yourself! I wish you all the best and I hope to interact with you more which is why I’d like to ask to become an emoji anon!
Im happy to take any emoji you wish to give me :)
This is literally so sweet omg I can't stop smiling like an idiot 🥺🥰
Thank you so much for taking the time to reach out to me and send me such a lovely message!!! I really appreciate it and my day has just been made omg!! I literally have no words to express how much this kind message means to me.
I definitely do my best to write different, interesting characters in all of my series, so I'm so glad to hear you enjoy my portrayals of them!! It makes me very glad as a writer to hear the characterizations are likeable in such ways!
As for an emoji, omg, uhhhh, how about 🦑 anon cause the squid's a funky lil guy and I love the emoji a lot - he looks like he's dancing!! If not, feel free to choose a different one and just let me know!!
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Tumblr media
Long time no squid! I exist! I am just busy.
Dad’s memorial was beautiful. I am thrilled with how it turned out and so proud of myself for putting it together with a minimum of crazy. It was so hard and so stressful, but I feel like I’ve done my duty as a daughter and there’s a sense of peace and satisfaction that comes from that. It was important that we all have a space to come together and share in his his memory, and everyone said it was perfect.
Next week would be their 44th anniversary. I’m going to go up and either drag Mom to a plant store as a distraction or just sit and exist with her. I’m learning that grief comes in two forms: the Big Grief, like holidays, birthdays and anniversaries, where Dad’s absence is like a gaping hole in the festivities; and all the little griefs, like when I was digging in my craft supplies for a thank-you card and found a blank Father’s Day card tucked beside it. It’s never going to stop hurting because he’s never going to stop being gone, but I think it’s getting easier.
No reports yet on the novel querying. I’ve got two agents looking at the full manuscript, but apparently summer is well-deserved vacation time and I have not expected nor received responses. I’m weirdly calm about this. I’ve got another project I pulled out of storage and am excited about, so that’s been a good distraction from the constant oh god oh god will they like me what if they hate me please love me refrain that will otherwise be on loop. 
AND APPARENTLY WE’RE GOING TO JAPAN???? Maybe possibly potentially, if the visas come through. My cousin and his new wife have been postponing and postponing and postponing a western-style ceremony until covid restrictions relax, and things are starting to look possible. We’d be visiting in November, so anything can happen between now and then, but I’ve got all the fingers and toes crossed. It’s wildly out of my comfort zone even without the covid situation, but Dad worked in Asia for years and always promised Mom that once he retired, they’d take a trip together. She isn’t a traveler, so Husbandthing and I and my sister and her wife are all surrounding her to make sure that we deliver on Dad’s promise. I’m terrified and excited and if anyone has any recommendations for things to do in Osaka, I’d love to hear them. 
Whew. Sorry about the novel of an update. I’ve been popping in and out of tumblr and will try and be more present now that I’m not wrangling a giant memorial. I love you all and hope you’re taking care of yourselves as best you can. <3
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yuttikkele · 9 months
Also! C!george being able to see the multiverse through a lil window dreamXD made to show him
What does he see?
CC!george, sapnap and dream watching a football game (cc!george isnt really watching anyhow) (XD explains how everything is pacific and domestic here without wars or dumb monarchies and betrayals they all just live together and chill)
A swapped places AU where c!dream isnt a weirs puppet thing and is actually c!george who is that weird monster (that c!dream stares back and just stares confused until some weird god comes by and XD changes the universe quickly) ("who was that?" '...did i tell you im divorced?' "...loser." '...LOSER???!!')
....flowers from 1970... But its just a room with poems in the walls and the palms marked in them with that specific song playing ("...what happened here?" 'Some dimensions are good and have nice endings and some dont! Thats just how it is' "oh...not my problem anyway") (i alao dont know if you know abt the fanfic its pretty good but also quite old) (no good ending tho)
Squid craft 2 (the part where george finds dream just dead as hell) (i dont even know if you even watched the event)
And well if you thought the cc!au was upsetting!
The window opens to the inside of the castle that is decorated with blue and white and c!george sitting in the throne and c!dream is just by the side of the throne with a knight kind of look just talking to him about his day
C!george gets upset and closes the window "this sucks youre an idiot and this is dumb" '...making that window is hard you know?' "I dont care leave me alone i have things to do" 'mean.' "I dont care"
Yess! Draculaura just starts assigning superheroes to her friends (most dont make sense thanks to her lack of knowledge in the topic) then she finds a comic where they did make batman a vampire and she just refuses to think that it isnt the principal story
Clawdeen hates Twilight
She wakes up and posts abt how much she hates it everyday for like 4 months until she finds a good book of werewolves to read
oh my gosh i forgot to answer this i’m so sorry 😭😭 i looked at it and was like “ok i’ll answer that later” and then forgot about it
WINDOW BEDTIME STORIES!!! George gets an au bedtime story POG
weirdthingC!george and actuallynormalC!dream is a cool little swap :000!! AND XD BEING DIVORCED BAHAHAHAHA
i think i remember flowers from 1970? probably? it’s a dnf fanfic right? i think my dreamteam friend told me she was reading it at one point
OK SO. I feel like the external videos, previous smps, and contests are still a part of the dsmp. At least most of them. Like, the characters are an extension of the CC and their YouTube/Twitch journey. The characters join the dsmp, and they come from different places, and those places are the series the CC is currently working on. Like they have a built in backstory.
For instance: Tommy, SMPEarth and Skyblock are canon for him. Philza, hardcore world and SMPEarth. Techno, Hypixel, MCM, SMPEarth, so on and so forth. BadBoyHalo, MunchyMC, videos with Skeppy, and MCM. And Dream, MunchyMC and Manhunts. MCC for all of these too. I gave a lot of examples just to show a lot of the different places they come from. There can ofc be more!
And I KNOW they said it wasn’t canon, but I think the Fundy marriage was canon too. Just to put into perspective how many of these things are considered canon for anyone who might be in doubt, everyone thought the Fundy proposal videos were canon until they said it wasn’t. Which obviously I didn’t listen to.
I will say, I do continue the “characters are an extension of their CC” thing with the QSMP (like the dsmp part of the character is canon in the qsmp), but with the QSMP, they knew they were making characters, so not all things really flow over the same, at least we don’t know if the dsmp is canon yet (some other old smps seem to be though), but I still headcanon that the island tried to wipe the characters memories and make them forget about important things they left behind so they wouldn’t want to leave the island. Thus, the character is still carried on, they probably just don’t know it.
Anyways, carrying on. I actually haven’t watched Squid Craft 2. I did not know that existed :0
And dw I was not saddened by the window. But like I did just sorta explain, George looking at the manhunt would be like George looking at his happy past. The knight thing’s totally an au tho.
“Why’d I get stuck with the janky old broke hobo Dream?” —c!George
Draculaura says that Ghoulia is the Flash, and Ghoulia is upset that Draculaura assigned her as the “off brand Dead Fast.”
and clawdeen WOULD hate twilight. I actually just started reading it, and it was going pretty well until the whole “dude makes girl uncomfortable but it’s ok because she actually secretly likes it!! Haha!!” thing. I feel like clawdeen would hate twilight mostly though because she sees herself in the main character, but the story reacts in such ways that are just unsatisfactory and not at all what actually happen to a girl like Bella, which Clawdeen experiences because she feels she is actually a girl like Bella and she HATES IT. She’s like, “That’s not how it works! Vampires might have all these super awesome powers, but that’s not what makes them likable!!” (as I haven’t read enough of twilight yet, I just have a hunch about this hc, so I will say my main basis for clawdeen relating to Bella is because she also has a crush on a vampire.)
And instead of a werewolf book, she actually finds the dog version of warriors.
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skylarstark4826 · 2 months
Part of Okoye was ashamed for finding this so difficult. It had been a year and a half since the war ended. Longer since she’d been living alone. Attuma wasn’t an enemy of Wakanda. Beyond that, most people in her tribe heard rumors that she had at least befriended the Talokanil general. She should be overjoyed to show him her home. But as they descended over the Borderlands in a small craft, what she felt was mostly anxiety and self-consciousness. She was afraid of what her tribe, her elders would think. No one behaved differently after her divorce, but the stakes seemed higher this time. She was bringing an outsider and a former enemy among them. She was bringing him to the home she built with her former love.
It was early evening when they landed in the field by her house. Okoye surveyed the neighborhood of huts while Attuma stretched his cramped limbs. Most people were still away – commuting, in the fields, or on guard duty. A few people sat outside their houses – seniors or stay-at-home parents. She waved at them. They were clearly highly intrigued if not bemused, but they returned her gesture. Attuma called a good-natured greeting in Xhosa.
“You wouldn’t think it’s the same country,” Attuma said to her, “The buildings are so rustic.”
“The Borderlands are the first line of defense against outsiders. Everything about this place was meant to be average and unassuming. The new developments will probably be different. Old-fashioned people like me, though; We kind of like it like this.”
She opened her door and held it for him. Inside was a single round room with a sitting area and kitchenette. The walls and ceiling were hung with tapestries and decoration, chosen by or gifted to her and W’Kabi.
“There’s more rooms downstairs. I usually have my coffee up here before I leave for duty.”
She opened a side door, revealing a white staircase that descended into a basement. They went down into an open-concept space with a sitting area, kitchen, and beyond that, a bedroom. It was fitted with all the accoutrements of a designer Wakandan home. Attuma looked impressed. 
“All the Border houses are like this?”
“With a modern basement, yes. The design, no,” she said with a prideful sparkle.
She gave him a quick tour, then they went to the kitchen to start dinner. She put on an Afrobeats playlist. Attuma supplied the squid and expertly prepared it while Okoye made the rice. They worked pretty well together in the kitchen even though it was their first time. Attuma offered her little samples of stew on his fingertips, and she chuckled as she took them. They forsook the table to eat in a loveseat, Okoye practically sitting in his lap. They talked long after the food was done. A couple hours passed when Attuma excused himself to take a bath. He had to refill his gill breathers, and it wasn’t good for Talokanil to let their skin be dry for too long. She followed him to the bathroom “in case he forgot where it was” and watched him strip. He looked up expectantly as he lowered himself into the water, but she declined to clean up in the kitchen.
While she was wiping down the counter, she heard a quiet melody. It stopped her in her tracks. Even though he was half-murmuring the lyrics, his voice was mellow, his tone rich and impossibly smooth. She found herself wandering over to listen closer. He was singing in Maya – a frivolous love song. She’d never heard anything so captivating…
It was likely her intensive mental training that snapped her out of the daze. He wasn’t trying to hypnotize her; he was just singing to himself. That level of power was honestly impressive, if potentially worrying. He could probably make people do whatever he wanted with just his voice. She backed into the kitchen. It was easier not to get affected now that she was aware of it.
He finished shortly and came to hug her from behind. He only wore a towel around his waist.
“What now, in yakunaj?” he asked in a sultry voice.
“Why don’t you finish cleaning, and I’ll bathe now?”
He hummed his agreement. She scrubbed every inch of her body – and brushed her teeth – then came out to join him. She didn’t bother putting anything on. He looked over his shoulder and almost dropped the glass he was holding.
“I’ll be in the bedroom.”
She barely made it through her doorway before his arms were around her, lifting her off the ground. She squealed and fought to escape his grip. He slammed her onto the bed. His towel had fallen off in the scuffle. His hot breath gusted over the back of her neck.
“Unhand me, fiend,” she said between grinning teeth.
He bit her shoulder, not hard. She laughed and tried to free her arms, which he allowed before pinning her wrists to the bed. She was laying on her front beneath him. He kissed down her shoulder, sucking occasionally to mark her. When he got to her lower back, he dragged her arms down to hold behind her. She grunted. It was for show, really. She could easily regain them at any time. He shifted both her wrists into one hand, pushed her legs apart, and lowered his head. Her eyes went wide when she felt his tongue on her anus. He wasn’t hesitant at all. He followed by easing apart her labia with the tip of his tongue. He’d studied her well and knew exactly how she liked to be built up. Then he had the nerve to start teasing her, dragging at her clit and nuzzling her. If her hands were free, she would’ve grabbed his head and held it steady.
Her legs shook, and her body sang in anticipation at another crest. He was kind this time and kept his mouth on her till she came. Her hips thrust toward him as she moaned her approval. When she came down, he kept licking, and harder than before. Her clit throbbed and tingled from the overstimulation. She cried out his name. She tried to squirm, but gods, the man was strong. She came again. This time, she could feel the slick running out of her. His mouth returned. She yelled into the mattress. She was really trying to get free now – not to make him stop, because she could do that with a word – but because she needed to grab something, to claw, to scratch. Her fingers curled against her palms, nails digging in. After the third, he sat up. Her chest heaved, eyes blurry. She only needed him to release her, and then he’d see how he liked it.
But he still didn’t let go of her wrists. He parted her legs further, then she felt him easing inside.
He leaned over her and braced his right hand beside her head. His length was generous, and he gave it slowly, back and forth.
Time slowed down. Making love in this bed, staring at that wall, it conjured things. Things she didn’t even want to think about right now. How did that man creep into every corner? Why couldn’t she just move on?
She closed her eyes and inhaled to clear her head.
“What is it, eek’e’?” Attuma whispered.
“Don’t hide from me.”
She didn’t answer, then surprised even herself with a dark chuckle. Attuma stopped everything and lay down beside her. His apprehension was clear in his eyes.
“You won’t like it,” she warned.
“Whatever it is, it’s weighing on you. Is it him?”
She wasn’t shaken that he guessed correctly, per say, but she did need a second to fess up.
Attuma continued, “Does being with me make you think of him?”
His tone had something acrid hanging onto it, but she sensed it wasn’t directed at her. She nodded.
“I don’t feel guilty,” she said, “for being with you. At least not consciously. But subconsciously…I think I’m having trouble adjusting. I built this home with him. I did everything with him.”
Attuma caressed her cheek. “I know you’re starting from scratch. But I don’t have to tell you that you’ll never feel the same way about him again. I don’t have to tell you how much I honour you and what I would do for you. If he wanted to be here, he could’ve chosen differently.”
His voice had dropped to a lulling whisper. He lifted her leg and pressed closer to join her again.
“If he deserved to be your man, he’d be here right now. But you’re calling my name.”
His lips were promising and urgent. It was hard not to believe that everything would be alright with Attuma. His trust was complete, his adoration almost ruinous. She craved it, that assurance. She wrapped her arms around him. Together, they rechristened the room.
The late hours dragged on, and they spoke softly in the darkness. She stroked his broad chest and traced his scars. Okoye felt a new ritual being born.
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Hello, and since you talked about how your favorite mythical animals are sea serpents, or just large sea animals in general.Well, I made up an entire sea creature, called the leviathan.
(Biological facts about them + some lore below 👇)
Leviathan, unlike the one from the Book of Job from The Bible, is a sea creature whose population infests the waters of Hestania(the fantasy world I created). These beasts, as a juveniles, are as long as a public transportation bus, and weigh as much as a pickup truck, which is 7,000 pounds, while adults are as long as a colossal squid, with a couple meters to spare, and weigh up to 4 times the weight of the young, which is 28,000 pounds. Leviathan are titanic, and they have an appetite to match. Leviathan consume 8,000 pounds of food a day, consisting of anything it can get its jaws on, such as sea turtles, sharks, dolphins,seals, sea birds, any other creatures that live in the ocean that isn’t a crustacean, as well as exhibiting dolphin level intelligence, chasing large schools of fish into the nets of unsuspecting fishermen so that they can tear it away from their ship, earning their reputation as thieves, as well as their hatred by the fishing village. Due to a large population, as well as their massive stomachs, the fishing village developed a strategy to fight back against the gluttonous sea snake. 
A fisherman goes to the middle of the ocean with a special lure to attract the leviathan. Once it charges, the fisherman immediately heads for shore. As soon as he is with the others, they prepare to face the beast head on, armed with yards of rope, nets, iron chains, as well as their bare hands and muscle power. Once the creature moves as far at it can go, the villagers waste no time in attempting to weaken the monster. The leviathan thrashes around, not unlike a fish struggling outside of a body of water, attempting to buck off anything off its back in order to turn tail and flee back into the water, where it would have the upper hand.It refuses to resign, even when the inevitable is approaching, and like a mad horse, the leviathan resorts to snapping its jaws at anything that approaches it, to no avail. Feigning defeat, the leviathan lays its head down, as if it was giving into dehydration. The crowed parts, the village chief hands a young boy a silvery harpoon, engraved leviathan scrimshaw handle depicting the defeat and banishment of Scytus, the wicked mother of sea serpents. The boy steps towards the beast, the faint smell of fear wafting off of him as he prepared to finish him off. Then, as soon as the young man raised the silvery barb, the leviathan attempted to embed its teeth at the boy’s stomach, only for it to be in vain as the boy slams a heel down on upon its jaws, driving the iron barb through its skull as the blade was piercing the seemingly invincible hide that wasn’t covered in an immense pattern of scales, its life snuffed out at last.
After the initial celebration of the young boy becoming a grown man, the carcass was stripped of its armor with special tools, its exposed belly split open by a skilled hand and blade, and the flesh was quickly stripped off the bones, enough to last the people for days. 
If prepared properly, leviathan flesh can be eaten raw, like tuna fish. If one were to consume it, they would expect the typical taste of sashimi, but it surprisingly tastes like chicken, with a hint of fish, tied together with the spices of various spices brought here by traders. 
(TLDR; A leviathan is a huge sea monster that is an ocean infestation that leads to the people living on the coast having trouble fishing, so they hunt leviathan by dragging it onto dry land to stab it in the head and strip the carcass for food and using the other parts like bones to craft things)
Sorry if this was too long to read.
very cool concept! i love fantasy ecology. it sounds like you’ve put a lot of thought into this species.
since they are intelligent enough for cooperation, i wonder if they hunt in pairs, like sea snakes in real life…
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peachesandmilktea · 3 years
You write the squid game aus so beautifully! How about a yandere VIP!Hawks who corrupts a smart player with the power he can offer her. he’s been watching her for awhile, a little mirror of his younger self, somehow managing to strategize ways to keep her team alive. Of course, this isn’t without blood, so when her team chooses her as a sacrifice in the next game, she wonders if this betrayal is her karma for letting so many die just so she and her group can live. Right before the bullet can reach her, he asks her if she wants to live. somehow she knows if she says yes her entire team will die. While her old team stare in horror at VIP!Hawks and her in the middle of the room, their scream pierces through air. He fucks her this same night, explaining to her all the power she can have in this game so long as she’s his.
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Squid Game AU - VIP Guest!Hawks x Player!Reader
Squid Game AU Masterlist.
TW: Yandere, Dubcon, Mentions of Violence and Murder (in the context of the game), they're playing Hide and Seek.
She was the wolf, they were the sheep.
It wasn't a role Hawks would have chosen for her. No, her tiny, weak little form and her fearful gaze were far from the image of a blood-thirsty, merciless predator, and he couldn't help but smirk at the thought, at the cuteness in the gap between tiny little her and her role as a murderous wolf.
The game was simple. She had to catch the sheep.
If she did, they were all eliminated. If she didn't, she would be the one lying in a pool of her own blood at the end of the day.
And of course, her team played against her. Used all her little flaws that they knew so well, turned her adorable, clumsy mistakes to their advantage without even a single second of hesitation, no matter how much they promised they'd stick together mere minutes before the game countdown started.
They would sacrifice her in this sick game of hide and seek, and she'd be their martyr, the one they'd cry for at the end of the game, once their hands were too full of gold to even be able to hold a flower and put it the grave they'd forced her into.
But Hawks didn't like that outcome.
And if he didn't like it, why should it be so? All of them, her team, every single of the other players, they were all pawns in a game crafted for his entertainment, and as such, his word was law.
He walked into the gaming field, silent as a cat, threatening as a bird of prey eyeing a tiny little mouse cowering underneath him.
And she didn't even see him coming, focused as she was, desperate as she was, trying her best to find her teammates turned opponents who were now nowhere to be seen.
A deadly game of hide and seek.
Sad little wolf looking for sheep, she hadn't caught a single one of them.
She was more like a baby bird, he thought. One who couldn't fly, one whose wings were still too weak to permit it to escape to the skies. One that would fall from the nest and break its neck unless he caught it in a merciful, gentle hand.
"Want to live, little bird?" he asked, letting his fingers brush against her hip, pulling her to him as she let out a surprised yelp.
And she must have been just as desperate as he thought she was, because burning tears were rolling down her cheeks when she raised her eyes to him, and she caught his shirt in a tight, distressed grip when she recognized him as someone who wasn't a player, who wasn't her opponent, who had the power to save her.
"Please, please, please, let me win. This isn't fair, me alone against eight of them, how can this be fair-"
She was babbling, eyes reddened and lips trempling as she pleaded, begged for a scrap of mercy.
"You really did pull the short end of the straw, didn't you?" He laughed, genuinely amused. His fingers snaked around hers, still clutching his shirt. He stroked them, gently, kindly, just as a lover would. "Don't worry, baby bird. I don't like injustices either."
He raised a hand, snapped his fingers.
The firing of the guns all around the field drowned every other sound. And soon enough, everything was silent except for her quiet sobs, and even those cute little yelps died down when Hawks caught her chin to have her raise her eyes to his.
"So. What do you say?" He asked, an eyebrow cocked in arrogance, the shadow of a smirk on his lips.
"Thank you," she whispered, genuine gratitude dripping from her tone.
She didn't protest when he kissed her, the blood of her friends still covering the ground all around the field they stood in. She didn't resist when he entangled his fingers with hers and took her away, through a thousand hallways and to his room, more luxurious than she'd ever seen. She didn't plead for him to let her go when he stripped her of her green clothes, dirty and stained, and let them fall, discarded on the carpet while he worshipped every inch of her body.
He kissed, stroked, licked, bit her until she was a cowering mess underneath him, until he learned the sound of her voice when it was dripping not with fear but with pleasure, until tears were rolling down her cheeks not because she was scared but because she craved for more, she craved for him.
"I can give you power," he murmured against her skin, tearing shiver after shiver from her body. "I can give you anything you wish for."
His fingers ran along her thighs, her chest, her throat, settling on her lips until her cute little tongue came out to lick at his thumb, obedient, submissive, perfect.
"You just need to be mine, baby bird," he said.
She let silence hang in the room for a few seconds, raising her doe eyes to his, reddened, sparkling with unshed tears of pleasure that still threatened to roll down her cheeks if only he dared touch her once again.
And when she nodded, when she gave herself to him once again and for good this time, he smiled, kissed her raw and let himself fulfill all of the wishes that had swarmed his mind ever since he'd laid his eyes on her.
That was exactly what she was meant to be.
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I really want to write more Hawks, not only in the Squid Game AU but in general. I'm not really satisfied with this one but I hope it was fun to read still dnsjknds
Please tell me your opinion ❤
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crafty-business4130 · 3 years
so to expand upon this lets go in some ideas on what helscraft is like
i like to think that helscraft is a weird glitched copy of the overworld and the nether mixed together. for the cannon of my hermit duplicate’s AU (of which i will be referring to within this post) the dimension of helscraft isnt really a full dimension that always appears in every world like the end and nether. it only spawns into a world after a year or so of players putting all of their love and care into the world. the world builds up enough of all that good energy and then causes a opposite opposing Force to form. thus helscraft spawns into existence. in a way you could say the whole dimension of helscraft is a duplicate as well.
now one thing that kinda throws a a wrench in the works of this idea is that every year or so the hermits move into a new world, though since its normally has been roughly the same amount of players in each season we can go with the hermitcraft dimension of hels is carried over with each world jump. the world of hels change to match the new overworld but its still the same helshermits. though for the hermits that leave the server their hels counterpart disappears.  this may also work in reverse as well. only have one example so far so who know :) cOUGHCOughNHOcOUGh
with the the hows and whys on helscraft existence out-of-the-way let's get into some worldbuilding!
as ive already mentioned, helscraft is somewhat of a glitchy mix of the overworld and nether. what i havent mentioned is that a good bit of the April Fools updates and removed features for the overworld ended up floating over to helscraft but unlike the overworld in which these features disappear pretty quickly they ended up sticking around in helscraft, for better or worst. 
heres a list of examples of this, of which i then expanded upon them to make them more fleshed-out. 
the list got really long so the rest of the post is under the cut! :D
Pig and cow sized horses, if fed too much will cause the animal to grow dangerous mutations that can not only kill the animal but make its remains toxic and unedible. You can make a green book via using toxic leather (the crafting book)
A common spell is to summon flame that then can be used for new crafting recipes. one such recipe is flaming barrels, if someone walks too close it will explode, another is chainmail armor
if you put too much fuel into a furnace it will explode.
torches burn out an hour or two after being lit
chickens are deadly, do not provoke them. it is extremely rare but the is a very small chance spawn in a blue chicken. only able to spawn via throwing eggs. it drops lapis and diamonds instead of eggs. beware tho, all chickens in the immediate vicinity will protect the blue one with their lives and will attack anything that gets too close.
eating or feeding an animal a god apple will cause it to float upwards for five minutes before slowly descending back to the ground. 
Wheat if not chopped after fully grown will go bad and die, same thing with other crops. though you can make Iron infused melon and pumpkins, it insures that the stem won't die over time after its first produce
Powered Redstone causes redstone bugs to spawn, it can be stopped by combining lapis and redstone dust together to make bluestone dust. asifhfsssdhv only a noob uses redstone.
Redstone wire, another alternative of redstone made with redstone dust surrounded by cobwebs. it insulates the redstone and stops bugs from spawning. pretty much the same thing function wise but is a pretty cool thing to use to flex on others
Villagers are instead piglins, not the tanned ones added into the nether update but rather pink skinned ones.
Glowing obsidian, a glowing red version of obsidian. Only found in trades with piglins
In helscraft there are lava oceans instead of water, water can only be found deep underground. Lava instead of water is infinite, water is no longer infinite. 
The world of hels first looked like the indev world theme of hell, with following updates to the overworld helscraft changed and evolved as well. There is no sun nor moon, just a forever floating layer of lava that acts to light up the dimension. 
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Frostwalker is instead, Magmawalker, turning lava into magma blocks shortly before melting back into lava
Boss fights arent the same in helscraft as in the normal overworld and its closely neighboring tied in dimensions of the end and nether. Not found in helscraft are Guardians, the ender dragon, and technically the Wither as well. Instead you can find Giants, the red dragon, the four horse men(much more difficult to defeat)
Giants unlike the ai less ones you can spawn using commands are living and breathing monsters that roam the land. During their travels any ghasts they cross will join them on their wandering
Ghasts can be somewhat tamed in helscraft. If you can successfully capture a baby ghast from its parents and raise it yourself the ghast will be malleable enough, somewhat like foxes but just a bit more wild. If you happen to accidentally harm them it will turn on you and fight you to the death, be it your’s or theirs.
It's a very very rare find but huge brick pyramids can spawn into the world. in season 7 helscraft’s cubfan took up residence within one that spawned in Incredibly Close to spawn
There are alot of different nonsensical potions that can be brewed for interesting drinks. some have a use, most dont tho. all of em have amazingly different tastes and smells
instead of honeycomb there is crystallized honey, it functions as pretty much the exact same thing. has its block too, call the wax block.
Killer bunnies spawn in more often than normal bunnies
Og stonecutter, can cut blocks into half. Not only used for stone. can cut doors, beds, and much more into halfs
Nether reactor core, could be the key on how to jump between the hermitcraft and helscraft. will need to think on this idea some more though
Petrified Forest, a biome within helscraft that has wood as hard as stone and a texture reminiscent of a mix of acacia and crimson planks color wise.
unsure as of yet on what to call it but the volcanic biome the Rempirer had Rendog make is a biome within helscraft as well!(the Rempirer is ren’s helscraft counterpart... he wasnt always evil as he is now) 
the mobs that lost the vote found their way into helscraft, not just the moobloom all of them. the three mystery mobs from the 2017 and the ice illager. (i voted for the glow squid and while i do still stand by my decision it is truely a shame we might not see any of them all in the game ever )
Studded armor and plate armor, alternatives to leather and chainmail. studded armor is made with leather and stone and plate armor is made with smooth stone slabs
stained glass looks a bit like this
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and colored wool like this!
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and thats everything for now. ill probly be working out some more ideas since theres a surprisingly large amount of features that have been added to minecraft either hidden away in the background or removed.
 also if anyone wants a some links to where i found these old and mostly forgotten facts ill post em in the notes when i get the time to do so. theres a lot of them tho so i might forget a few
hey also if you like these you might also like my Discord! i made it for this au and i tend to share my ideas a bit more over there than over here. theres a lot to see :DD
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veevee-the-artist · 3 years
Day 1820 to 1825,
Dear Cre Journal, sorry that I have not written to her in a while, these past few days that been...
Valkory paused, looking down at the open book. She twisted the quill in her hand, thinking. The hero shifted slightly, taking care not to wake the tiny villager sleeping in her lap.
... harrowing. Let me backup a little. On day 1820, I was patrolling the Soggy Swamps. The witches there can be bold and rowdy at times so I like to keep an eye on them. While I was resting in a tree, I spotted what I thought was a baby zombie. Well, in a way I was right.
Valkory glanced down at the child villager again. Even in sleep, she clung onto her shirt like her life depended on it. Instead of peace, her face held an express of worry and fear. The hero frowned, feeling the child’s occasional shiver. Valkory placed her gloved hand on the child’s back, the child relaxed a little. Leaning forward, the hero continued.
I see zombies every day. Husks, drowned, frozen and poisoned, I’ve seen them all. What I don’t usually see is zombified villagers, let alone baby zombie villagers. This little bugger saw me in the trees and made a beeline towards me, practically smashing herself into the tree.
Valkory winced at the memory, remembering the crushing sound of something breaking in her tiny body.
It would have been easy to just kill her, I guess in a way it would also be merifully. I think Mister Creeps once told me that some villagers are still aware of themselves after being zombified…. However that is just a theory. Anyways, I watched her bold attempts to climb the tree for a few moments. It was a pitiful sight, her feet and hands were all messed up, her eyes were milky, and the worst parts were the large bite wound on her arm, and her smelling like death. I decided then I wanted to save her from this terrible fate.
The child twitched in her sleep, a low frightened murr escaping from her lips. She shivered then muzzled Valkory wolf pelt, as if to bury herself under it. Valkory placed down her quill, leaning back into her chair while gently stroked the child’s smooth head. The hero took care not to jostle her bandages, the wounds on the back of her head were still healing. All the while the hero gently shushed the nightmares aware.
“Still having nightmares huh?”
Valkory turned her head towards the voice. An old villager dressed in a pink high collar robe shuffled in, holding a lite candle in one hand and a walking cane in the other. Arylo the cleric frowned, not too happy at the shivering child.
“I suppose that would be normal, it’s only day three since she got here.” He murmured, walking towards an empty chair next to the hero. Valkory let out a sigh, gently resting her cheek on the child’s head in hopes to calm her. She eyed the cleric with a questioning look.
“I do not know how long these nightmares will last.” Arylo said, folding his hands back into the long sleeves of his robes. “Perhaps when she is at peace she’ll dream of them less.”
Valkory scrunched up her nose, not liking his response. The cleric slightly shrugged. They sat together in silence as Valkory gently soothed the child back into a somewhat peaceful sleep.
“Do you want me to hold her?” Arylo asked “You too need rest.”
Valkory thought about it then shook her head. She took her journal, flipped the pages to the end then wrote.
She’ll wake up in an instant if I hand her over. I wish not another tranruam.
Arylo grimaced but nodded. The first time Valkory handed the child over to the cleric, she screamed so loud, everyone in the village thought she was getting murdered. It took a good half an hour to convince the iron golems that she was not in fact getting murdered. Ever since then the child clung onto the Hero. Valkory quickly took back the boon then wrote down,
I would like some tea if you don’t mind.
“That I can do.” Arylo hummed, slowly getting up with a huff. Valkory watched the Elder hobble out of the room. Once again alone in the room with the child, the hero turned back to her journal. Flipping the pages back to the correct page, she continued to write.
In that moment, I remember Mister Creeps teaching me how to cure zombie villagers. A potion of weakness and a golden apple. I had the apple but not the potion. Some heroes would have just simply killed the child whenever they don’t have either items but I need to save her. I had the means, I just had to get to them.
So begins the world’s most awkward game of tag. I leaped from my tree and booked it back to my camp. I knew I had a sack of potion supplies there, if I didn’t have a potion of weakness in the bag then I would easily map one. Let me tell you, Journal, it wasn’t easy to herd a fast baby zombie from accidentally killing themselves again while also avoiding other hostile mobs. Somehow I did it, with only scraps from arrows!
I had to trap the child in my little hut, the sun was quickly rising. I felt bad when I had to kick the child into the hut but it was the only way for me to save them from the sunlight. There I crafted the potion. That was the easiest part. The sun was already out and about so I was forced to go into the house. I felt bad about kicking her, now I felt horrible for pinning her to the ground after I threw the potion. It was the safest way to feed her the apple. I’ve been bitten by zombies before and I was not keen on getting wounded plus becoming sick.
Journal, there are many things that do not bother me in the slightest. I fought illagers, cleaved through hoards, and even fought other heroes. However the first words that came out of that child’s mouth just broke my heart.
She said “Mommy? Where... Mommy I’m scared.”
Valkory paused, looking up from her book to watch Arylo shuffle in with a tea tray in his hands. She could smell the apple tea, her favorite. The hero carefully bowed her head towards the Elder, taking a cup from the tray. She sipped the warm tea, sighting as she relaxed. Arylo took his cup, holding it in both hands. Valkory took a few more sips before putting her tea down to continue to write.
She was so scared and confused. Confused on what just happened and scared of me, pinning her to the ground. I will always remember her soft cries for mercy. It took me most of the day to calm her down. Times like these make me wish I can still talk, to tell her I'll protect her with every fiber of my being.
After I calmed her down, I’ve decided to take her back to the Squid Coast village. It is the closest village I can go really, the one in the swamp was destroyed a while ago. Now that I think about it, that village could have been her home…
For the last three days I’ve been caring for the little one. She really latched onto me, both literally and metaphorically. I think it’ll take her a while to realize she’s safe here.
“Aye,” Agreed the Elder, having leaned over to watch Valkory write. She sighed, blinking down at her journal.
I am hopeful that she will be able to live peacefully in this village.
“She will.” Valkory smiled at the Elder’s words, choosing to believe him.
So far she didn’t give me her name, I think she does not remember it. All she said so far is where she is, where her parents are, and don’t let the zombies eat her again. I promise you little one no harm will you.
Valkory heard the old villager hummed, glancing up at him.
“Will you name her?” Asked the cleric suddenly, peering over his tea. Valkory blink, leaning back into her chair. Looking down and at the sleeping child, the hero breathed out as she thought. Then it came to her. Smiling, Valkory hugged the child closer as she wrote.
Tish, I promise to protect you.
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treatian · 3 years
The Chronicles of the Dark One:  Magical Loopholes
Chapter 54:  Waiting For...
There was a problem.
He knew there was a problem deep down in his soul. The second David had gone to sleep, Regina had moved around Henry and, almost mother-like, positioned her former enemy's body on the cot as if it would bring him more comfort. She rolled him onto his back, picked his feet up off the floor, and folded his hands over his belly.
And then they'd waited.
And waited.
And waited.
With Henry, it had been quick. He'd been asleep and awake again in less than an hour, but with David, the time ticked on and on and on. Thirty minutes…one hour…then two. Henry stood dutifully by his grandfather's bedside, watching him for any change, any sign that he was stirring. Regina kept watch beside her son. He worked his wheel, did a few odd jobs, tinkered as he waited and watched the clock, pretending as though he wasn't nervous when that was all he felt.
"Come on…come back," Henry begged at two hours and fifteen minutes. "Should he be in there so long?" he asked, glancing over his shoulder at Regina for the briefest of seconds before turning back to David.
"I'm sure it's fine. I imagine they're just catching up," Regina assured him behind his back.
But then she turned to glance at him, her own eyes questioning and filled with worry and panic. Should this be taking so long? she practically begged of him.
He shook his head as dread crept over her face, and she began to accept what he'd already put together. As the afternoon faded far too slowly into the evening, he began to think once again about calling Belle that night. He avoided it, again because she didn't have the phone in his pocket and because he still simply didn't want to worry her. Though things were looking bleak, they weren't over yet. That night when the world went dark, he'd observed her lights on in the library, at least knew that she'd gotten home from lunch okay and was fine for now. If anyone or anything with magic, namely Cora, went over to that library, he'd know it. That was what got him through the night. That, and spinning.
He spent the night in his shop with Regina and Henry, at least for the most part. He'd tinkered a bit but mostly spent some time at his wheel as they'd waited, though, with every passing second, he felt less and less hopeful that anything would happen. At some point, Henry dragged a chair over to the cot, slowly curled up in it, and eventually fell asleep. Certain that Henry was asleep, he and Regina began their own conversation as he began to consider alternative plans. He didn't let her know that was what the conversation was about, not with Henry so close, even if he was positive the boy was asleep. But if he was going to come up with something, he needed information. He needed the facts that Dove had not provided.
"Word on the street was that David was looking for Fairy Dust last week."
Regina nodded. "They found it too. On the night of the full moon, down in the mines, dozens of crystals, fairy dust in its raw form."
"What would a former Prince want with such a thing?"
Regina sighed as she shifted in her own seat. "Jefferson's hat…we used it to banish the wraith to our world, and that was when Mary Margaret and Emma went through the portal. David tried to jump through it as it was closing, and he destroyed it. He was hoping that with enough Fairy Dust, they'd be able to repair it so Emma and Mary Margaret could get back through."
That was unlikely. Fairy dust hadn't crafted that hat for Jefferson. His grandfather had, a Portal Maker, one of the last in their world. And yes, Jefferson could always travel between worlds going and coming at leisure, but he always needed the hat with him. Apparently, David hadn't allowed them to take it with them. Still, the thought of using the hat to get to their realm and bring them back…it was worth a shot, even if it was grasping at straws.
"Where is the hat now?"
"Gone," she answered. "Spencer, he…he caused the trouble with Ruby as a distraction. It was all a ploy to steal the hat from David and take his family away from him. He burned it in front of David."
He held in his disappointment, doing his best to focus on his spinning and keeping their conversation casual, but he couldn't help but want to kill the man for wasting such precious magic all out of revenge. Somethings never changed. People too.
Finally, in the earliest hours of the morning, Regina too began to succumb to the boredom of waiting and began to look tired herself. She wasn't the Dark One like he was, merely a human. And while he could spend the night here, awake, and watching David, much like Henry, she couldn't. Or if she tried, she'd be worse for wear because of it. It was well past midnight when he tapped on her shoulder and told her to take Henry and go home to sleep. They could come back in the morning.
She didn't argue. And neither did Henry when Regina roused him just enough to sleepily walk out of the shop. He locked the door, continued his spinning, knowing, truly in the deepest part of his heart, that he was no longer waiting for David to wake. He was waiting for Cora.
David wasn't waking. There could be many reasons for it. It could mean he'd never found his way to the Red Room, or Mary Margaret hadn't met him there, or the theory about kissing in the Netherworld hadn't worked. Hell, for all he knew, Mary Margaret had met him there but had been torn away from the world as Aurora was! She could be dead for all they knew, captured and killed by Cora…or worse, her heart could have been taken. He didn't have a favorite theory, only drew one conclusion he didn't care for.
Without a clear line of communication, there was no telling if they'd received the message, which meant that they had to assume the worst. The worst, in this case, meant that Emma and Mary Margaret were dead. And Cora was coming. And she could arrive any moment. If this didn't work, they'd need to come up with another plan, and they'd need to come up with it fast, which meant that he needed to come up with a plan.
He thought about what he knew, about all the information that he'd acquired since they'd first interrupted his lunch with Belle. There was a way here from their land. Why there hadn't been one before was a mystery he didn't need to dwell on, though he'd be willing to bet it was because he'd brought magic to this world. All that mattered now was that there was a way here, and Mary Margaret, Emma, and Cora all knew it. They were all racing to get to the same portal. He didn't see Cora being willing to share, and frankly, he couldn't see Mary Margaret being willing to share with Cora either now that she was older and wiser to Regina's mother. But, to be honest, he doubted that would be the problem. Cora was older than both Mary Margaret and Emma. She was far more cunning than either of them and had more fight in her than appeared. Besides, she had magic. If it was a race to the portal and they didn't have squid ink on their side, he very much so doubted it would Emma and Mary Margaret coming through the portal.
There was a portal…if they couldn't stop them from forming it and coming through on that side…maybe they could stop them on this side.
It was worth a shot.
He had an idea about that, one born from thinking too long into the night and letting his mind wander. At some point, he'd thought about Jefferson's hat and how fraudulent magicians in this world enjoyed pulling rabbits out of such things. It was an idiotic concept until his mind had drifted to another "hat-shaped" object in Storybrooke, one that magic had been pulled out of, one that held the promise of returning lost things. Portals couldn't just open anywhere. They drew their power from sources of great power, which was why it would take a great amount of power to block them. They wouldn't be able to summon a barrier, to block it off completely, but perhaps a net.
If he used a great amount of power, both Light and Dark, he might be able to create some sort of trap, something that would kill anyone who tried to come through it. He had Fairy Dust in the mines that was unused, he had a Fairy wand to channel it, he had his Dark Magic, and he had Regina, a woman of neither Light nor Dark Magic. If she could give him a kernel of her power, open up a channel between them for him to use what he had…it might just work.
But to what goal?
Belle wasn't going to like this. He knew it the moment he'd had the plan in his head. She was going to hate it. And he was trying so, so hard to be on his best behavior for her. This would ruin all of that. But what was the alternative to not doing it? He'd only just saved her from her father, if Cora came here, if Emma and Mary Margaret led her here, Belle wouldn't stand a chance against Cora not unless Cora decided she didn't care. And he very much so doubted that would be the case. He was trying hard to be the best person he could be for Belle. But if Cora killed her, the best person he could be would never be enough to bring her back.
If he set this trap, it could work. He'd lose Emma and Mary Margaret if he was wrong. But if he was right…
What choice did he have?
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