gummy022 · 9 months
Naga Wally Au?
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Idk, I’m babysitting a snake rn so I guess that influenced todays daily Wally. Idk I know this au exists already I guess I wanted to make my own version of snake Wally.
He’s like a snake prince or something and poppy is the queen/goddess (hence the feathers) bc she’s a giant bird. Idk I’m not one for fantasy so it’s just ideas lol. I hope you like it!
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stabbystiletto · 9 months
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Kuro looked so cozy and comfy in that new artwork so I wanted to draw them in matching sweaters lolololol 🤣🤣🤣
also ponytail kuro is 1000/10 please strike just give us ponytail kuro just once in the manga please lol i mean he's had one in a few different arts now so i don't think it's out of the realm of possibility lolololol 🙏🥺🙏🥺🙏
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nicoscheer · 1 year
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AM in an unlikely place (a school book; not sure they enjoy being called pop stars though)
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The martini police be punching the air right now
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WHAT is this 😭😭😭😭😭🫠
How Christopher Give ended up touring with the Monkeys; “when did you realize you weren’t cut out for the rock star life? When my credit card got declined” 🤣
But like this is an elite story
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It’s so hilarious how during his bald stage his eyelashes were longer than his hair
Adore how many people dress up as cornerstone Alex for Halloween
I’d love for the monkeys to make like a remake of Whatever people say I am that’s what I’m not; the second time round now singing bout how Sheffield has changed and what has stayed the same but also showing how there’s surely been a change to the way you spend your nights now that they’re closer to 40 rather than 20
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duskythesomething · 1 year
very frustrating that there is a snake I want, I have a nice sized tank I can set up for it, I have had this snake saved for a month now and his price just dropped, and yet I still need to wait.
rambles in tags
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deadlydaemondraws · 16 days
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So happy that you guys like my beetle companion concepts ;-; Here's the rest of the development for the lil guy, including SNOOTS (dw I'm totally keeping a lot of those original concepts back for misc forest critters!)
His name is Wynn, btw :> He actually ended up looking more like a hercules beetle - which was a surprise, sorry weevil fans - but still with a lil prehensile trunk that can help to dig and pull out herbs and roots. I still need to decide on his colour scheme because I love and want all of them...
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eileenslibrary · 7 months
Man Of The Hour
A/N: Just needed some fluff today so I wrote this, hope you enjoy 
Tiny Dragon! Zhongli x GN! Reader
Warnings: Only mentions of work stress and crying, Zhongli is a lil shit, fluff, me listening to Norah Jones too much.
Song: Man Of The Hour, by Norah Jones
GIF is not mine
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“It’s him or me”
The two men stand in the doorway looking at you incredulously as the tiny dragon sits in your lap you look up at him “Neither I am happy now” you hum petting behind his ears as the dragon purrs like a cat.
That’s what he said
But I can’t choose between a vegan and a pothead
The two men scoff and leave your house the door slamming behind them the dragon curling his small tail around your wrist and letting out a big yawn.
So I choose you because you’re sweet
And you give me lots of lovin’ and you eat meat
“No more complicated meals for us huh?” you pick him up from under the shoulders and flop onto your back looking up at him, his little tongue stuck out of the side of his mouth you chuckle and pull him under your chin.
And that’s how you became 
My only man of the hour
The tiny dragon wiggles in your arms as the sunlight peaks into the curtains before dancing over your head “It’s not breakfast yet” you grumble grabbing the tiny cat serpent and tucking him into your arms.
You never lie
And you don’t cheat
He stands on his hindquarters as he watches you cut up the salmon you chuckle at the cuteness throwing him a piece for him to catch and eat.
And you don't have any baggage tied to your forefeet
You boop his little nose when you return home immediately falling onto the bed to say hi to your little dragon your work attire ruffled from a long day. “So quiet in here?” you hum picking him up and placing him on his pillow his tail swatting in excitement, watching as you switch into his favorite hoodie immediately slipping into the big pocket his head coming out one side, his cute butt out the other.
Do I deserve, to be the one, who will feed you breakfast, lunch,
And dinner and take you to the park at dawn
He peaks out of the top of your shirt as you meet with your friends downtown his forked tongue peaking out taking in the new smells, you feel his tail wag as he smells all the delicious food. You chuckle as you approach Wanmin restaurant sitting with your friends as they coo at the tiny dragon poking his head from your shirt, you all order and feed some of your noodles to the little one until he slips into a food coma.
Will you really be
My only man of the hour
You feel the tiny dragon climb up your pants with his tiny claws as you wait for your coffee to be done as you read the paper, he finds your lap and curls still sleepy, you stroke one of his horns making him purr in content as he naps on your lap.
I know you'll never bring me flowers
Flowers they will only die
You once again find a shiny rock on your bed waiting for you on your bedside table, They weren’t flowers but it was just as meaningful, you stash it in one of the drawers with the other knick nacks he brought you. 
And though you'll never take a shower together 
You put him in the bath with you as you rinse the grime off his scales making him pout as the mud falls from him “No rolling in mud Rex! It tracks mud into the house” you scold washing under his belly.
I know you'll never make me cry
You sink in front of the door sobs wracking your body from the hard day at work, Rex’s little head pops up from one of your boots yawning as he climbs out of it and walks over to you rubbing against your leg and getting your attention, you look up and peak at him before scooping him up into your arms sobbing into the soft scruff of his neck. 
You never argue
You swing him around at the soft jazz making you smile as he gives you an odd look, none of your significant others did this with you always breaking into an argument due to your “childish” nature. You kiss his snoot pulling him into your arms once again and cuddling him next to your heart.
You don't even talk
Even though he can’t talk he does make a bunch of ruckus as he ruffles in your sock drawer making you chase after him when he grabs one of your socks his tale wagging frantically as you try to corner him and grab the sock but he dashes between your feet. “Oh come here you little shit!” you huff chasing after him as he climbs up the towel holder, you finally grab him and gently yank the soaking sock from his mouth making sure not to hurt him.
And I like the way you let me lead you
When we go outside and walk
You bought a chicken harness so you could take him out on walks as you stroll down the harbor the gold collar that has REX in bold red lettering. He leads you down the harbor and sits on the dock you sit next to him and swing your legs over the edge your socks and shoes to the side as you dip your toes watching the fish swim by.
Will you really be
My only man of the hour?
He was glad you dumped those pea brains and lived this nice life with your cute dragon, maybe someday you’ll catch him in his human form and he’ll tell you his true feelings for you, maybe he’ll finally swing you around the living room, bring you flowers, and finally share a shower with you.
My only man of the hour.
My only man of the hour.
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Black Butler x reader headcanons, but it’s only the characters I think deserve more attention.
Ash Landers
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🤍💜 If you managed to get Ash to fall for you, good job. This angel is SO PICKY when it comes to a s/o. I doubt anyone but the purest of heart could turn his pretty head. Seriously. He’s like a unicorn or something.
🤍💜 Absolutely devoted to his s/o. If you’re looking for a loyal doormat, Ash is your angel. He will cook, clean, and do basically whatever you need him to. Seriously, all you have to do is ask.
🤍💜 Definitely takes everything way too seriously, so avoid joking requests like, oh, i dunno, “could you light London on fire for me?” He will. Don’t test him.
🤍💜 I feel like his favorite dates would be either sitting at home and chatting over a cup of tea, or someplace high up. He’s an Angel, after all. He likes to be near the sky.
🤍💜 Yes, he will fly you around. Unless you’re scared of heights.
🤍💜 Can and will fight anyone who even looks at you wrong. You might want to keep hold of his arm so he doesn’t get himself charged with arson and murder.
🤍💜 Very gentle, and shy with physical affection. He doesn’t want to taint such a pure being! You are going to have to just tackle him. He will NEVER admit it, but he loves physical affection more than anything. He also loves complements and praise. 
🤍💜 Overall, a wonderful catch of a man- well, angel. He will definitely treat you right :)
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🤍💛 Oh he’s such a cute little shy bean! All you’d have to do was give him a singular complement and he’d be head over heels for you. If you like snakes, even better! His friends will love you too :)
🤍💛 rarely speaks for himself. You might have to try behavior training to get him to tell you what HE says, instead of what his snakes are saying. Not that he ever really disagrees with his snakes, but still.
🤍💛 Yeah his snakes do a lot of the flirting for him, and they all have WILDLY different ways of going about it. Wordsworth, as the refined gentleman he is, gives very good complements. Emily likes to be in charge of planning dates. Goethe is very friendly and will ask how your day’s been (even if he just asked the same question five minutes ago!). Oscar is the problem snake. He’s a lil naughty noodle. More often than not, his comments are not translated (”Oscar! He can’t say THAT! Says emily”).
🤍💛 Very very shy about physical affection, but if you give it to him he will be addicted. Like, very addicted. He’s particularly fond of cuddling. He likes to be warm :)
🤍💛 Oh gosh if you complement his scales he will melt. He’s so self conscious and probably always worried that people with judge you harshly if he’s seen with you. 
🤍💛 Defend him from bullies and you’ll have his loyalty forever. He will. Not. Leave. Your. Side. (Is that really such a bad thing? He’s so cute-)
🤍💛 Oh gosh please be gentle with him he’s such a fragile little noodle- Always speak with a gentle tone. He’s very sensitive to criticism.
🤍💛 Yes, you can hold his snakes. Yes, you can boop their little snoots. Just be gentle.
Charles Grey
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🤍💙 Just don’t be a boring, beige colored, saltine cracker of a person and he’ll love you. By that I mean, actually have a personality. Be funny! Challenge him! Keep things interesting!
🤍💙 This man is a five year old trapped in a grown man’s body. Just look at that smug face. Does he look like a mature adult to you? He’d probably go to a carnival with you if you asked him. AND he’d win you all the prizes. He’s just that good.
🤍💙 Buys you lots of expensive gifts. He’s filthy stinking rich, after all. Will also take you on the most extravagant dates. I hope you like fancy food (and lots of it!) :)
🤍💙 He already knows how awesome he is, but tell him anyway. Are you just feeding his already over-large ego? Yes. Should you stop? Absolutely not. The way he puffs out his chest and shows off is just the cutest thing!  Like one of those funny birds of paradise.
🤍💙 Being best friends with Phipps is a requirement. They’re a packaged deal. Which is funny, considering they’re polar opposites. Phipps has been dealing with Charlie’s shit for years now, he’s happy to have you around to lighten the load.
🤍💙 Boundaries? What are those? This little shit is all up in your business 24/7 and hates when you don’t pay attention to him. Absolutely loves physical affection. Not even the slightest bit shy about it. Prepare to be absolutely smothered with affection.
🤍💙 Would you like to learn fencing? He’d be delighted to teach you! Even more so if you happen to be good at it. This bastard loves a challenge!
🤍💙 He’s scared of ghosts and snakes, and you can DEFINITELY use that to your advantage. He will deny his fears till the day he dies, but it’s pretty obvious how terrified he is. You can get some pretty funny reactions out of him with a well-placed rubber snake! He’ll pout about it for a while, but after a bit he’ll come right back. Be warned: if you give him a particularly good scare he might end up in your bed that night. (He’s TOTALLY not scared, he just wants to make sure you’re ok!)
Aleister Chambers
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✨❤️ Buckle up, buttercup. If you’re actually here for this man, i applaud your unique tastes. Not everyone can handle this bastard.
✨❤️ If you have a female body, congrats! You’re his type! Hope you didn’t want to get rid of him any time soon, because you will be stuck with his dramatic ass from the first time he lays eyes on you. And he has plot armor. 
✨❤️ Yes. He is very, very, very dramatic. If you’re reading this, you’ve likely seen the show and you know EXACTLY how he acts. If you say even ONE insulting thing to him, he will act like you’ve stabbed him with a sword and flop onto the nearest piece of furniture, moaning about how you’ve wounded his feelings. It’s really funny, actually.
✨❤️ Will spoil you with extravagant gifts. He’s rich, what did you expect? He has SCARY good tastes, and will pick the best outfits for you. Don’t ask how he found out your size for… well, anything.
✨❤️ Oh he’s so clingy. Constantly wants your attention. I really don’t know what else to say, but it shouldn’t come as a surprise that he is NOT shy with physical affection. If physical affection is your love language, you’ll be in heaven with this man.
✨❤️ Get ready for some WEIRD pet names. Hands up, who’s surprised? Nobody? Thought so. Sure, he COULD use normal pet names, but it’s much more fun to come up with his own. If you give him a weird pet name, he’ll be absolutely delighted. Go ahead, see who can come up with the strangest nickname. It’ll be fun.
✨❤️ Honestly it’s worth it to endure him just for the free entertainment. His natural personality is so over-the-top extravagant that even just sitting at home with him is like watching a comedy skit. He gets way too excited about absolutely everything, and will randomly start spinning like he’s a glitched video game character.
✨❤️ He loves to dance! And throw extravagant parties where he can show you off to everyone. 
✨❤️ Over all, is he a creep? Yes. But he’s also funny, pretty, and rich. So in all actuality, he’s a pretty decent catch.
Drossel Keinz
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🧡💙 If you’re here for this man- er- puppet, congratulations, you are one of the only groups with more unique tastes than the Aleister simps. I’m honestly just writing him because he’s funny and i like his funky, jerky movements.
🧡💙 Achievement get! Acquire stalker (provoke any kind of positive feelings from the creepy puppet man)
🧡💙 Yeah he’s gonna stalk you for a while. He might not even approach you at all. He’s just curious about these ‘feelings’.
🧡💙 If he does approach you, it’s gonna be awkward as fuck. Seriously. He has no idea how to properly socialize, much less flirt. (Haha relatable)
🧡💙 every time he’s confused he does his little 90 degree head tilt. He’s confused a lot. He’s trying his best, ok? He quite literally has straw for brains.
🧡💙 If you’re artistic, he’d love to do art things with you. He’d also really love to show you his puppet collection. Hope you didn’t like sleeping :)
🧡💙 He’s not great at affection in general, but he tries. Sometimes his complements come off as creepy. Awkward head pats. So many awkward head pats. His skin feels like wood, and he smells like sawdust.
🧡💙 Be patient and explain things to him. He’s not great at feelings yet. Also very bad at even recognizing his feelings. Talking through feelings stuff with him is a great way to bond.
Gregory Violet
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🖤💜 Anime onlys buckle up because some of the characters you only see in the manga are the best. Case in point, this art goth. 
🖤💜 I feel like he would go for a more introverted s/o. Especially someone who’s artistic, like him. Not certain how two introverts get together, but whatever.
🖤💜 He’s a little eccentric, but that’s just part of his charm. Where else are you gonna find a cutie that likes to blow bubbles in his tea? 
🖤💜 Unlike with other people, if he says he’s gonna draw you, he’ll actually draw you. He won’t make you stay posed for five hours while he draws everything BUT you (rip Greenhill).
🖤💜 You want to draw him? He’s a little shy, but i’m sure you can convince him to pose for you. He wants you to be happy, after all.
🖤💜 Café dates!! And art museum dates!! You should definitely attend his concerts as well. Make sure to complement his dancing afterwards! He’s a little embarrassed about having to dance in front of crowds. Remember, he doesn’t like dancing to begin with.
🖤💜 You might have to pester him for a bit, but he will give you private performances. Will it be the whole P4? Probably not. He wouldn’t want to bother his friends with something so silly. Besides, you’re his, not theirs. 
🖤💜 He sings wonderfully. I imagine him having a low baritone kind of voice. The songs he sings for concerts often get stuck in his head (much to his annoyance), so sometimes you can hear him singing in the shower. 
🖤💜 Unlike literally everybody else on this list, Violet is not clingly. He’ll give you your space when you need it. He needs his space too.
🖤💜 Not very physically affectionate. He’s pretty strictly traditional and what not, so you might have to beg him for kisses. Unfortunately, his lipstick doesn’t really taste like anything.
🖤💜 He’s actually really low maintenance and pretty self sufficient. Probably one of the best picks on this list, if i’m being completely honest.
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lil-beanz000 · 10 months
What if I got down on one knee and proposed to your biblically accurate turtles? What if I gave don a lil smooch on his snoot? You think y’all are scary? Incorrect. Wrong. Y’all are adorable and I still love them 😤
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I am but a product of a true god who created these Dino boiz aaaaaaaa @copperpipes designed these boiz
Shhhhh don’t tell nobody but….. >.> I luv them too anddddd since ya luv them, I guess I can show this drawin too, I was to shy to post it before but since ya specifically called don out 👀 have some selfish art of Donnie getting much deserved head smooch an heck scratches ☺️💜
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loupy-mongoose · 1 year
After the pic of Midas and Momo together, @askthe-dawsons (Also @mewtales) mentioned another artwork I could post, and I thought I'd take the opportunity to do a chat-dump.
There are several artworks I've done for chats that don't really need their own posts, so here we go!
First is said work, a pic of Momo and Midas hanging out with their fuzzy lil Mew, Moggy
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We've kind of established Lav and their shadow Mewtwo Opal as friends, so we've both drawn various interactions. I'll just show a few this time.
For the first one, they linked me a video and said Opal would be the dog, so I put Lav in the human's position.
Then, they wondered how Perzi would react to meeting Opal.
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And finally, we decided that their Hisuian Zoroark Mysty would let Momo chew on her finger while Lav hung out and braided her mane. So I drew it! (Don't worry, Mysty washed her hands.)
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When they made that awesome comic of Meau with the Lindens a little bit ago, I had a very brief moment where I thought Meau meant Randy and Akoya were the "peak Mew evolution". An image came to my head and I started to draw it before realizing they were referring to the twins. So I didn't finish, but I love Randy's face in it.
He does N O T see himself as the peak!
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And then as we were chatting, I asked about the "borrowing" thing, and they explained that Meau would transform into a Pokemon to learn about it--In this case, they would transform into Perzi and follow him around and ask questions. Questions that are very scientific in nature. Which Perzi would absolutely not be able to answer.
So Phlurrii said Meau would go to Randy, unintentionally still in Perzi's form, and see if he had the answers.
And again, an image came to mind that I had to draw. (I asked for help with the question lol)
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I won't go into detail with this one (unless Raven wants me to), but Randy eating Ramen with telekinesis was brought up, and I thought, why use telekinesis with a snoot like that?
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And not an artwork quite like the others, but still relevant to chatting, a family photo IRL! And Akoya is handmade, so it still counts as art. :>
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Anyway, that's all for now! There are others that I may share another time, and I'm sure more will be made. But for now, I hope you enjoyed!
(If anyone mentioned has any problem with any part of this, let me know and I'll make changes!)
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thatanimewriter · 2 years
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➳ request: Hello! Can I ask for Tamaki, Shoto, Katsuki and Izuku with an s/o with a Medusa-type Quirk and who's parents are ex-villains? Thank you very much!
➳ character/s: amajiki tamaki, todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki, midoriya izuku
➳ warnings: swearing, mentions of kidnapping (bakugou), mentions of assault (physical), mentions of injury
➳ notes: awww this actually turned out really cute, thanks for the requestt
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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you scare him at the start
because ex-villain parents
and you got snakes for hair
but once he gets past all of that and sees you don’t reflect your parents behaviour much
he’s glued to you
don’t try to get rid of him, you’ll make him sad
every time you ate lunch with him, he would feed your snakes
while you’re dating, tamaki can’t help but feel sad that he can never see your eyes
cause you’re always wearing sunglasses or a blindfold
and it does bother him to no end, because he struggles to make eye contact with people
so that means that eye contact is extremely intimate for him
but he’ll never get to engage in such intimacy with you because he’ll be turned to stone ;v;
it’s ok, that’s why most people kiss with their eyes closed
he’ll give you all the kisses in private because he’s a lil touch starved
any bullies will get a tentacle slap
and a >:((( from tamaki
sometimes while tamaki is trying to talk to you, he gets distracted by a snake and then it becomes a conversation between the 3 of you
if it weren’t for the ex-villain parents
he’d be fine
he doesn’t care about the snake hair as much
you quickly proved yourself worthy though
and he just slurps soba while watching you from across the dorms
looks away when a snake stares at him in return
in a way it’s kinda good because i don’t think he can handle the embarrassment of you being the one to catch him
gatekeeps you from ENDEAVOR
you’re gonna get cancelled by him if he ever finds out n he’s not for that
he will use daddy’s money to get you new sunglasses though
sometimes he gets a sneak peak at your eyes from the side
but he’s not willing to test that any further and possibly get stoned for eternity
once y’all went on a crane game date at the arcade
and he found a snake plush that looked exactly like the snakes on your head
and he got 2
1 for him, 1 for you
he cuddles it when he can’t cuddle you instead
he also buys you guys matching sunnies
he want nothin to do with VILLAINS
spits on your shoe (in his head)
eventually you get into his close social circle
don’t point out his silent arguments with your snakes
those facial expression conversations from his seat behind you
aizawa is giving him weird looks because wtf is he doing
bakugou reluctantly very eagerly makes food for your snakes as well as yourself
he does do a background check on your parents and isn’t very impressed-
however, once you told him that it meant that if you ever got kidnapped or beaten up severely
only then was bakugou somewhat ok with it
he’s still super protective of you though since you might’ve accidentally ended up on some mafia boss’ bad side through association
even if you can take your sunglasses off and just make them a statue on the spot
sometimes in the mornings if you’ve spent the night together
your snakes boop him with their snoots to wake him up
apprehensive at the start but otherwise chillin
not sure what you’re like because parents are a lil sketch
but he probably gave you the benefit of the doubt first
wrote a whole ass notes page for you
found that you were far from your parents through asking about your quirk
but he is a massive nerd
and he needs to know stuff about your past
so he found old news articles about your parents-
bit concerning with some of the stuff they’ve done such as physical assault on multiple people
but since they’re retired, he’s a lil less worried
he totally comes up with merch ideas for you
even though you’re still in high school
he might get a face full of snakes
but that’s a sacrifice he’s willing to make
he gets kisses from them either way so is there really a sacrifice?
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Rating All Radiant's Gear By How Cute The Little Dragons Are:
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Paladin: 9/10 The sword little guy is one of the stylised dragons who has been squished flat, and drags down the set for being a lil boring in execution, but the shield is ADORABLE, look at that baby all curled around it!! The pose, the style, the ELEGANCE. One of the largest dragons of the whole set.
Long post under the cut :)
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Warrior: 10/10 FOUR dragons, all with a cool pose, in one weapon? Lookit them! They're little spiky babies judging you from their perch and I love them.
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Dark Knight: 8/10 Cool pose but their faces are sort of weird. The babies have 2 eyes on each side I think? But the face doesn't have enough definition to make them look like faces, and then you could mistake the 2 eyes for being front-facing and then they're goofy. More effort put into being edgy than maximising Dragon Cuteness, but they are still pretty neat, so I can't be that mean to them.
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Gunbreaker: 0/10 NO DRAGONS??? Just the aesthetic? What are we DOING here? I think this secretly says something about the state of the trade deal between the Bozjans and Rats-at-Hand so I volunteer as a diplomat to improve things so they honour the traditional Gunblade with a more befitting dragon next time. I will rebuild Bozja myself brick by brick if I have to get trade flowing.
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Dragoon: 11/10 The little guys from the axe are back and they have a EXTRA WINGS to make the spear more aerodynamic, which is very important for aerial combat. Bonus points for making a leetle heart :)
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Reaper: 100/10 this is just Vrtra. Look at that snoot. Someone had SEEN him when they made this. Is this a post-EW design that their craftsmen added to the range after seeing that the Warrior of Light was a reaper and wanted to sell them specifically the perfect weapon? Or is this a secret design a past satrap had sketched and had made to secretly carry Vrtra with them which ended up in the stable of weapon types the Radiant Host use, in which case I want to know everything about the Reaper Satrap.
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Monk: 9/10 Look at this guy... Another goofy face, but a great pose. Deducting points more because you don't punch someone directly with a dragon and instead they're hiding behind the blades looking cute. I want to punch someone with a dragon.
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Samurai: 12/10 Two extra points for the weird dragon face with six eyes on the blade itself. I don't think the person designing most of these had ever seen a dragon but I love the imagination going into it. The lil guy on the sheath is fucking majestic. Flying at your side and adorable to boot.
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Ninja: 0/10 again... Yeah yeah dragons have scales and claws. Disappointing.
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Bard: 7/10 disappointingly flat little guy. Considering how MANY bows there are shaped like creechurs, the fact that this isn't another Vrtra-shaped full-body monstrosity of a thing is especially painful. Definitely an old staple of their armoury from times long ago when they weren't even sure the great dragon was real. Scraped a point for the arrow fletching being little wings.
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Machinist: 8/10 another lil guy with a funny face. Loses their body definition to wrap around the butt of the gun, and playing a protective role over your hands once again like with Monk, rather than getting out there and doing the shooting, which would have been funny, but perhaps crass for a beloved protector.
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Dancer: 9/10 SO LONG. Just curled up and having a good time vibing. Sadly hard to see unless it's being actively thrown at someone, since that distortion in its length is so you can hold it there. Deducting a point just because the art of combat dancing does come from Thavnair so they COULD have gone a bit more all out on this particular weapon.
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Black Mage: 7/10 ARE YOU OKAY THERE? The squished ones make me sad. Could have been much more 3D and leaping out at you. The wings are amazing though. The overall vibe looks more like one of those flying voidsent thingies with the big flappy wings (you know the ones) so it is suitable BLM wear but not overall the best dragon nor particularly cute or cuddly.
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Summoner/Scholar (same dragons but one's lighter): 5/10 This is the same dragon as the Black Mage staff but even more compressed and the wings are tiny and weak. There could have been SO MUCH MORE dragon on these books. :(
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Red Mage: 6/10 Great pose but the other wing designs are doing most of the heavy work to make it dragonny. I think it's sweet that it's snuggling down close to your hand but it's definitely a secret little dragon and not a flex that it's your new bestie in channelling terrifying amounts of mana. Bonus point for the slight bat-like aesthetic in its pose and the metal wings, and I always approve of when anything Red Mage also has vampiric hints in the aesthetic, and the lil baby dragon is playing along.
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White Mage: 10/10 "Oh this one just has the wings?" WRONG LOOK AT THIS LITTLE WHITE MAGE BABY WHITE DRAGON SNOOZING IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR STAFF, AWAY FROM THE DYABLE SECTIONS. The white sheep of the family is here to help and they're doing so well. Deducted bonus points because its eyes don't glow, so you can't dye it blue and have a blue eyes white dragon :(
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Astrologian: 8/10 Double dragon! I stared for so long trying to work out if the dongle on top is also a dragon face but I think it just glows. The dragons are pretty subtle here but I think it may be kinder than putting them on any part where they'd be rotated wildly because then they might get dizzy and we can't have that. Anyway the existing dragons are cute but also just far enough down that stylised line that they look really goofy again so I think I am once again appreciating them in a silly way not a "awww baby" way.
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Start your own family, dye them bright pink as the colour of your new brood... You're one of Middy's kids now, you are totally legally allowed to do that by Dragon Rules, trust me.
I am obsessed.
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hotpinkboots · 2 years
Hi!! Mind if I get relationship headcanons of scp 682 with an scp reader? I’d prefer if the reader was also quad (on all fours) and immortal, just so it’s not awkward. I’d also like if the reader and 682 have known eachother for centuries so they’re super inlove <333 and if you don’t mind, maybe some hcs of them having children? Lmk if you don’t want to, that’s totally fine! a̶n̶d̶ ̶m̶a̶y̶b̶e̶ ̶h̶e̶a̶t̶e̶d̶/̶i̶m̶p̶l̶i̶c̶a̶t̶i̶v̶e̶ ̶s̶t̶u̶f̶f̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶’̶r̶e̶ ̶o̶k̶a̶y̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ 👀
~𝕾𝕮𝕻-682 x SCP!Reader Headcanons~
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Note: Reader is shaped like alligator frog lizard too I think and if not then at least on all fours as asked, and are pretty much an evil power couple.
Note 2: There's a lil' bit of heated headcanons ofc 💅
Note 3: Some of the words are black to match 682's theme. I suggest turning on a lighter theme to read.
~Like. he's stupid and in love with you and refuses to let anyone else see it.
~But the security cameras can see, unfortunately.
~Just pokes you in the side with his snoot to get your attention.
~He's a smug and coy bastard who likes to make dark jokes and tease you. He's rude, but in a "I love you but you're stupid but you're really not stupid and I just don't know how to express my love so I'm gonna call you stupid because I love you so you're stupid" way. like he's tsundere but he's not cruel toward you.
~Y'know he's constantly having people on his ass trying to kill him. He's always fine but you like to fuss over him and mutter about humans being scum 💜
~Would cause an absolute damned RIOT if they tried to find a way to kill YOU.
~Gets angry pretty easily, but sitting beside you and grumbling about whatever he's pissed about while you humor him makes him feel better.
~Gets annoyed if you tease him about how grumpy he is, but he ends up chuckling anyway.
~NOW WHEN THINGS GET ALL HEATED aka he's horny, he's a literal animal. I mean. More than he already is.
~Will definitely try to put on a show for you by showing off his ego and resting his muzzle on your head while he tries to seduce you with dirty talk, badically. How the hell is he so human for being such an animal? No one wants to know, honestly 🤡
~SORRY BUT BREEDING KINK. I know I'm like "oh yeah I don't do smut" SO THIS IS THE ONLY THING I'LL SAY.
~Def gonna give you some babies, and all the bitches working at the facility are trying to stop it because they CANNOT HANDLE ANOTHER LIZARD THING THAT LEGITIMATELY WON'T DIE
~Sucks to be them I guess because it happens anyway.
~Nudges them babies around to play around, like he does with you.
~He is violently protective of you and the little monster babies.
~Plans are made to separate you from each other and to kill the babies.
~Doesn't work. Nope. Absolutely not. Half the personnel people or whatever died that day.
~682 does seem to be a lot happier with you and some kiddos- It's a huge difference from how usually pissed he constantly is everyday of his life. He's still rude and annoyed, obviously, that'll never change. You and the babies are the only life forms he likes at all, and he's terribly in love with you c:
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~Love, PinkBoots
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obsessivevoidkitten · 8 months
Don't know if you still have gotten a hammy pic but if not then Gizmo's the first one.
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THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! I wanna boop that lil snoot!
I love hammies!!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜❤️🧡💛💚💙
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adobe-outdesign · 1 year
do you think you could review the swinub line? my little baby boy?
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Swinub is such a lad. Look at this thing. Absolutely one of the most huggable Pokemon, with a lil' pig snout, permanently closed eyes, and the general anatomy of a stress ball. These guys use those snoots of theirs to search for food under the snow, like wild Roombas.
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And visually, it's a very simple design. The pink nose provides a tiny bit of color, while the stripes on the back help define and break up the body. I also like that it's just A Creature, having a pig snout but having fur more akin to a small rodent. We can always do with more Creatures in Pokemon in my opinion, and it being more abstract makes up for a lack of real theme.
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Piloswine is basically exactly what you would want from a Swinub evo. It's still a lumpy, furry winter Roomba, just with a much taller, more humped body shape that make it look more powerful than its pre-evo. It also adds a pair of boar tusks, fitting given the pig-like nose. Most importantly, the eyes still remain hidden, just by fur this time instead of them just being closed.
My sole nitpick with Piloswine is that I wish it retained a few of the stripes from Swinub, given how overwhelmingly brown it is. Alternatively, I could see it having dark brown on the bottom of the body or the ears; just something to break things up a bit. Everything, however, is good.
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Mamoswine is a somewhat decisive evo due to being added to the line later on, but I like it—for the most part. The main addition here is ski-mask-like markings around the eyes, which, once again, help break up the body but also add some much needed color. It also gains some lighter brown fur around the mouth and snout, and even bigger tusks. The tusks, combined with the more defined body, make it look considerably stronger than either of its pre-evos.
(Side note: for some bizarre reason the 'dex claims the tusks are made of ice. What????)
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So what's the drawback? Well, it does lose a bit of the charm of Swinub and Piloswine. The line's main traits at this point have been no legs (or rather, legs hidden by fur) and equally hidden eyes. It's a shame that Piloswine throws out both of those things, especially because I don't think they were incompatible with the rest of its design. The eyes could once again be permanently closed, this time just with a more angry expression, and the legs could've easily had more fur or even be hidden by it considering it's similar to a woolly mammoth. This would've helped keep more of the original personality in-tact.
That said, for being an evo added in a later gen, Mamoswine does still fit with the rest of the line pretty well, and does add something to it with its more powerful appearance. In that respect, I'm glad we got it.
So overall, a pretty solid line of pig-mammoth-things. Swinub is adorable, Piloswine keeps all of Swinub's unique traits, and Mamoswine helps complete the line even if we lost a bit of personality in the process.
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Also, one final note, because someone ruined Mamoswine by pointing this out to me and now I need to ruin it for everyone else: Mamoswine's tusks aren't actually attached to its mouth, but its chest. Have fun never unseeing that!
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aimless-passerby · 2 months
ah ah ah if you're still trying to think of gollum for the hobbit animals (which I love how you do them so very much) what about water shrew? They go in the water which I think is fitting and they have venomous saliva, which I just think is fun. They live "solitary lives" and are "highly territorial". He could have like ehhh mange or something that makes tha hair fall out. Just if we're sharing ideas :)
Haha, you are thinking very precisely about the details. I mostly decide on looks rather than behaviours (maybe a little sometimes though). Shrews are having lil eyes and long pointy snoots which I don't see being fitting for movie Gollum, but thank you for suggesting it. I will save it in this blog in case your idea will turn out fitting after all.
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scp-tiggles · 4 months
SCP 939
100% Ler
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Okay, so. 939 in this AU effectively functions the same, travels as a pack, mimics human voices to draw people in..
But of course, the difference is they tickle humans once they get ahold of some. Since, much like most anomalies, these guys feed off laughter!
Now, when tickling someone, they mainly utilize their snoots: nuzzling, nibbling, and licking. Though, they will gladly use that lil fuzzy end at the ends of their tails to help too.
And, these guys can mimic teases! Though mainly, they’ll only ever be from other scp’s. Especially 049 and 035 since their cell is closest to 939’s.
General biological facts!
Their pups, aka ‘pufflings’, will nestle in that big patch of fur on the back of the 939’s legs. Usually they can fit up to 4-5, which, is the usual birthrate with female 939’s!
And, to mention, they reproduce asexually. Nobody really knows how it happens. Pufflings will just..sorta pop out of the leg fluff.
Their tongues are blue, as 939’s only really see in a grey scale colored hue OUTSIDE of blues. Theres unlikely any evolutionary need for the tongues to be blue but, still. :3
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