#thinks he’s a bad influence in Wally
covertblizzard · 5 months
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Superman: uncertain and asking advice Wally: good and sound advice Superman: wow maybe you're right...
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Kyle: hi 
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Superman: Kyle's presence is annoying. Not anything he's doing, no. Just that the second he appears Wally instantly turns from mature experienced superhero to childish brat again
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inkdemonapologist · 10 months
anyway here's the batim dating sim concept that im obviously never going to make but i just think abt sometimes:
sepia sketchy style of art but it's the human characters
you don't play an outside character; you pick a BatIM to play as + time period to play in and that influences your date options so its essentially a shipping simulator.
every time you reach an ending, whether it's good or bad, you get a sort of "game over, try again?" screen which does a sketchy effect of scribbling the previous ending out before starting the next run.
BUT, choices you made AS a character kind of stick when you play a different character. So if you played Sammy and picked all the nicest options, then try again and play as Wally, Sammy would still be making those slightly nicer choices. So as you go, you can actually influence BIGGER things by kind of hopping into each character and steering them in a particular direction
sometimes setting things up so that a character survives or dies or leaves the studio will add or remove them as a date option for other characters -- like, for example, doing multiple runs between Sammy and Susie to make the choices that will save Susie from going into the Ink Machine might make her an actually possible dating option when playing as Allison in a future run -- that sort of thing.
you can't romance Henry as any character in any time period, but little things do seem to affect his dialogue or the things that other characters say about him, and it's highly implied that he's a Secret Unlockable Option if you set everything up JUST SO
..... and if you DO meticulously set everything up perfectly like the game has been hinting, then it is revealed that this whole time you have been Joey Drew, working with the "characters" of your various employees, trying to figure out the perfect scenario that would've saved the studio or kept your employees from leaving or dying or….. made it so that Henry stayed.
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munson-blurbs · 2 months
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@corrodedcoffinfest Day 19: In the Garage
Word Count: 732/Rating: G/Pairing: None/CW: Principal Higgins is an ass, anxiety about being accepted, divergent from FoI/Tags: Eddie Munson, Gareth, Jeff, Grant, Principal Higgins, Corroded Coffin
Divider credit to @silkholland
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November 1984
“On my count.” Eddie slings his guitar over his shoulder and adjusts the strap. He turns to his other bandmates, all of whom nod in acknowledgment. “Two, three—”
“Mr. Munson!”
Eddie looks at the band room door when he hears Principal Higgins bellow out his name. A smirk slowly stretches across his face. “We were actually looking for four.”
Higgins sighs, trying his best to ignore the snarky remark. “Mr. Munson,” he repeats, “I’m going to have to ask you and your buddies to leave.”
“Ooh, no can do, Higgsy-Poo. We’ve got a big gig this weekend,” Eddie says, not making eye contact as he strums a few random chords. “Gotta practice, y’know?”
“That was an order, Mr. Munson; not a suggestion.” Principal Higgins points his forefinger at Eddie. “You have two minutes to pack up your stuff, or you’ve earned yourself another suspension.” 
Eddie rolls his eyes but concedes, flipping off his principal once the older man has his back turned. “Fuckin’ asshole,” he mutters, hoisting the guitar up and over his head and placing it back in its case.
“Now what?” Grant asks.
And isn’t that the million-dollar question.
Eddie’s place is obviously out; the trailer barely holds him and Wayne, let alone three other men and a drum set. Same goes for the tiny apartment Grant shares with his mom. Jeff’s grandma is still convinced that heavy metal is used to summon Satan. Which leaves…
“We can use the garage at my house.” Gareth speaks up from behind his drums. The freshman is the newest member of the band, and also the quietest. “I don’t think my parents will mind.”
Jeff raises his eyebrows. “Y’sure about that, freshie? Doesn’t your mom keep a rosary in her car?”
Gareth shakes his head, curls bouncing. “Nah, that was my grandma’s car. She was just borrowing it while hers was in the shop.”
“I dunno, man.” Grant gnaws on his lower lip. “Your parents look like Ward and June.”
Jeff snorts. “Does that make him Wally? Or the Beav?”
“Shut up!” Eddie launches his guitar pick at Jeff’s head. Grant was right–Gareth’s folks seemed a bit too straightlaced to tolerate Corroded Coffin’s music. But with Higgins now barring them from using the school’s practice room, they’re out of options.
“All right,” he says finally, rubbing his nose with his palm. “We’ll give it a shot. But if your parents call the cops, I’m lighting your hair on fire.”
Gareth nods. “Noted.”
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The freshman’s words are insufficient for calming Eddie’s nerves. All he could picture as he drives up to the Emerson house is Gareth’s parents taking one look at his torn jeans and wild hair and dismissing him. Chastising him for being a “bad influence” on their son. Which, chances are, he is. But that’s besides the point. 
The garage door is open; Jeff and Grant are already inside warming up. Gareth waves at Eddie, and the man and woman next to him smile. 
“You must be Eddie,” the man says, sticking out a hand for him to shake. “Mark Emerson. Gareth’s dad. And this is my wife, Christine.”
“Nice to meet you both,” Eddie says warily. “You’re, uh, really okay with us playing here?”
Mark laughs. “You kidding? This is the first time I haven’t had to yell at Gare to clean out the garage.”
“Dad.” Gareth mumbles through gritted teeth, clearly embarrassed. 
“We like all kinds of music,” Christine Emerson says simply. “Metal, rock, country, jazz…” She trails off, cocking her head. “Your last name is ‘Munson,’ right?”
Here we go. A pit forms in Eddie’s stomach. The Munson name has bitten him in the ass once again. What’ll it be this time—his dad’s reputation, or his own?
Gareth’s mom grins and turns towards her husband. “He must be Wayne’s nephew! The guy who helped me when I had a flat tire.” 
Relief floods Eddie’s chest. “Sounds like my uncle.”
“Seems like a good guy. Always looking out for people.” Mark smiles. “Gareth told us how you asked him to sit with you at lunch. Looks like the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.”
With a chuckle, Eddie takes his guitar out of its case. “Let’s see if you still like me after the neighbors complain about the noise.” He adjusts the microphone to his mouth. “All right, guys. On my count—two, three, four!”
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pyromegalomaniac · 1 year
I have a request... Wally Darling x abused reader... like the reader was abused in their past before they moved to the neighborhood... if my request upset you, I don't mind if you don't do it!
Oh, megacandy420, I'd love to do this one!! (Nice name by the way, ha.) I do believe I have some experience with verbal and maybe even physical abuse myself so I think I could do these pretty well!! Okay here goes the headcanons!! Enjoy!!
Wally x abused!reader headcanons🍎🩹
(Obviously a warning ahead for heavy mention of verbal and physical abuse and its after-effects.)
Saying sorry a lot
Saying sorry for saying sorry too much
Wally always just laughs, looks at you gently and says "there's no need to apologize, dear."
Tending to ignore when you feel uncomfortable, which Wally has learned to recognize
He does his best to keep you feeling happy safe and comfy
Dropping a dish and thinking "I'm so stupid", being on the verge of tears as you clean it up
Wally coming over to help and reassuring you that everyone makes mistakes
When you call yourself a screw-up or something like that he'll tell you "no, and I love you" over and over again until you don't say bad things about yourself anymore
Stiffening up whenever you hear someone using an angry tone, even if it's not directed at you
Wally is always there to comfort you
You used to flinch when you just started dating Wally and he'd try to touch your face, but now you relish the gentleness he holds your cheek with
Not making any decisions purely for your own happiness (ex: getting yourself something nice or choosing what to eat for dinner)
Wally likes to get you little gifts so you know you matter to him
He tries to get you to do things purely because you want to do them, not to make anyone else happy
If you're ever standing around or whatever in a tense pose, he'll gently come in from behind and hug you
He'll ask you if you want anything from the store and insist it's no problem when you ask if he's sure
Laying in bed or on the couch and suddenly feeling like crying for no particular reason at all
He'll lay by you (either facing you or big spooning) and whisper to you and stroke your hair
He often wonders to himself why someone would ever treat you that way
If he ever met them he'd steal their kneecaps
Venting to him about your abuser or stuff that's going on right now
He just stares at you with a smile and nods while he listens
When you're done he pulls you close and makes sure you know that he loves you and that you deserve the world
Sometimes you'll fall asleep that way, laying with him as his arms are wrapped around you, stroking your hair and whispering to you...
These might've been influenced a but too much from my own personal experience, but I tried not to let it get too specific, heh. I actually think these helped me a bit with working through my own stuff, and I hope you liked them too!! Thanks so much for requesting these!! I look forward to writing more in the future!! Much love!!!
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Can we get a ranking of speedsters most to least likely to kill
This thing is gonna be an upside down pyramid. Jesus, okay.
Tier 1 (Have killed, will kill)
Jay, Max, Dawn, Don
Tier 2 (Have killed, will kill again but is more prone to torture when angry and/or threatened)
Barry, Bart, Wally
Tier 3 (Hasn't killed but will if needed)
Avery, Ace, Jesse, Jenni
Tier 4 (Actual child)
Irey, Jai, Wade
My explanation for this? Simple. Tier 1 is all people who have actively fought in wars. Jay fought Nazis, he killed people in WW2. That's just what happened. He doesn't feel bad about it. Jay avoids killing people now because he isn't at war currently, but he will kill and has killed if he absolutely has to.
Max has also fought in wars and he has had a long and storied past throughout history. The man has seen and done things. Not all of them good. But yeah, Max has killed. Will he kill again? Unlikely. Unless someone is threatening his daughter or Bart, in which case, yes, it's very likely.
Dawn and Don also fought in a war and killed entire platoons of Dominators. They're unlikely to kill again because they're dead. But if they weren't dead? I'm pretty sure they'd still be fine with killing people in wartime situations.
Tier 2 is a little bit more complicated. Barry, Wally and Bart have all killed people. It's a last resort for them but it's still always an option. If they have to kill the bad guy to save the civilian then they'll kill the bad guy no questions asked. Some people have to die for the time stream to function correctly? Sure. Okay. Especially bigger bads like Darksied. They had absolutely no problem killing Darksied. Oh, and you better watch out if you threaten their loved ones because the people they love are worth dying and killing for.
They don't like it. They really don't like it. But they'll do it.
(Honestly though? Bart is unnerving unfazed by it)
Tier 3. So... This may come as a surprise but I actually haven't read all the LoSH comics? So while I'm fairly certain Jenni hasn't killed anyone, I can't say that 100%. Either way, she'd be down for it if it was the only option.
Avery would 100% be down for murder. So would Ace. That's the Iris West influence right there. Those two kids are not afraid to get their hands dirty and, while I'm fairly certain they haven't yet, I have no doubt that they will. These two just inherited Iris' moral code and she's totally fine with homicide.
Jesse surprises me because she's gotta have killed someone. I'm wracking my brain and nothing comes to mind but I don't buy that for a second. She's just got that homicidal energy, you know? She's 100% done it and will again, I just can't remember when it was.
Tier 4 is the children. Now... to be clear. I'm not saying that they haven't killed anyone because they are children. No, I'm actually fairly positive they have killed a significant amount of people. I'm saying that they are children and therefore do not understand the concept of death. They don't really understand that they've killed people and I don't really think they are any more or less likely to kill again. Until they understand it they are just destructive forces of nature. No malice or intent. Just sheer raw power.
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crocmr · 9 months
Wait so if Beta and Draft are unhinged and messed up, then what about Og then, is he a little crazy or more of the one who is calm? Also does Beta even like Draft?
Draft and Beta have that love hate relationship, once they're nice and do things for each other but then they're going after each other's throats. Just that basically kajskdja As for the crazy thing? Well I think after Beta and Draft got fired or either quit they decided to make their own wally and made him less aggressive and mean (and not the kind of little worm to kill his mother bc he doesn't have one kasjdkjas) and I think og is the less dangerous one of the group tbh (I think Draft is more dangerous than the two) The entire little story of the 3 is summarized here but if you wanna read the more detailed part then go right ahead kasdkja
Well, my idea about the whole thing is, Beta and Draft just so happen to look similar. ok ok ok, so in the show, Beta was up first, but got fired because of his aggressive, rude, and dangerous behavior. He could act that way infront of the children because it'd be a bad influence. Next up was Draft, Draft just so happened to look VERY similar to Beta so the show creators or whatever decided to make him the new star, but Draft never wanted the job and only did it because it gave him something to do, and after a long long time later the creators thought it was best to make their own Wally, one that was more calm and well behaved with a not great understanding of what he wants or something like that, so it made the show easier, I think the now "new" Wally isn't very aggressive but can be if he really needed to (Which is not very often)
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sillyfuzzylilguy · 7 months
I think it's fairly implied that wally's phone calls are aimed at W, but I don't think W is the sole person being referred to when the website or clown's facts about wally have mentioned 'you'.
It seems obvious that when 'you' is mentioned, it's likely referring to literally everyone laying their eyes upon the text or website.
I feel like this means that Wally is very invested in the literal audience and W. He loves your voice, he knows you draw his eyes, he knows you're there but he can't see you, he is your best friend. W is included in this and these phone calls are especially reaching out to them. Maybe wally is particularly invested in W right now because W is so paranoid and aware. He's reaching out to W through the phone because W is reaching towards the elusive world of welcome home
I don't think wally is a bad guy per se, but he's clearly messed up and his presence is vaguely ominous. And maybe he likes having the audience and restoration team under his influence.
We, the audience and restoration team, are likely his favorite part, he's our best friend, he probably wants our help. With what? I don't know exactly...
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blackbatcass · 4 months
I've seen a lot of people say that Wally is Dick's best friend, and I've always been a little confused by that. First of all, it's obviously Donna. But even if we're narrowing the field to just redheaded men, I always felt like Dick was closer to Roy than he was to Wally, but I figure that's just what I've read. Even in NTT, which is the only thing I've really seen with them together, Dick and Wally didn't come across as especially close. Got any recommendations on what I can read to see more of them?
Yeah so trying to pick apart these relationships is pretty confusing because canon is just as wishy washy about it lmao. You’re right that dick and wally being closer is more of a modern invention, and I think influenced by yjtv(?) But tbh I cant even blame modern comics for that, it was even inconsistent in the 90s (I believe dick was referred to as wally’s best friend in titans 99 and the flash run). So. Who knows
Historically & in NTT especially dick was always depicted as being closest to donna. Though NTT is honestly not a very good ref for wally in general, he quit pretty early on and wolfman was just bad at writing speedsters💀 If you want recs for dick & wally I would say the first 20 issues or so of Titans ‘99, Flash (1987) #81-83, and Flash Plus Nightwing (1997). And a lot of modern comics ofc though I can’t rec those in good conscience🤷‍♀️
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joons · 1 year
Top 5 villains in the real life story of Elvis's life/legacy?
Tom Parker / Andreas van Kuijk
Everyone else pales in comparison. It's hard to convey the extent of his cruelty and control. He stymied Elvis professionally, creatively, and personally, sabotaging his opportunities, relationships, and interests. He knew how to make Elvis doubt himself, and absolutely everything that went wrong in Elvis' life can be traced back to Parker and the very deliberate way he isolated and undermined Elvis. There are no words. Bottomless hatred. Every day a new revelation.
Hal Wallis
Wallis was the producer of Elvis' films for Paramount. Despite being one of the first people to recognize Elvis' acting talent, Wallis made a choice to keep him in horrible roles because he didn't believe audiences would ever take him seriously. In a public interview, Wallis told the press that Elvis films were terrible but that he had to keep making them because they made enough money to finance artistic films for Paramount. It broke Elvis' heart. Wallis also impressed upon Parker that Elvis gaining any amount of weight was unacceptable, thus leading to Elvis developing an eating disorder where he would starve himself for weeks at a time.
Steve Dunleavy and the Bodyguard Book
In the last year of Elvis' life, his dad fired three of his close bodyguards/members of the Memphis Mafia: Dave Hebler, Sonny West, and Red West. Feeling hurt and disrespected, the three agreed to do interviews for a tell-all book by Steve Dunleavy. The three of them would later claim they only went to the press to douse Elvis with cold water about how bad they thought his drug habits had gotten, but even if that was the case, they had no business agreeing to work with someone like Dunleavy. Dunleavy was a favored reporter of Rupert Murdoch, who, I kid you not, hated rock 'n' roll so much that he commissioned a takedown of Elvis while he was still alive. Murdoch believed that taking Elvis down would generate enough discourse to keep some of his struggling papers in business, turning Elvis into a symbol of the lower classes who wasn't worthy of serious consideration as an artist or compassionate understanding as a human being. The bodyguards were paid for their interviews, and Dunleavy proceeded to use their quotes to write what Murdoch wanted: a scandalous, seedy tell-all that turned Elvis into an object of ridicule. Worse, of course, was that Elvis' friends were party to it; it led to so much stress, grief, and anger for Elvis in his final months. He worried constantly about it, afraid of what Lisa and his fans would think of him afterward. Elvis: What Happened? was published two weeks before his death and set the tone for a genre of Elvis muckraking that continues today.
Dee Stanley and Sundry
Dee was Elvis' stepmother, who married his father Vernon shortly after the death of Elvis' beloved mother, Gladys. There was always going to be friction between the two just based on the speed of the remarriage, but it didn't help that Dee had originally tried to seduce Elvis (nothing doing) before turning her attentions on his dad. Elvis never liked Dee, and the feeling became mutual. After his death, Dee published a memoir that was a near-complete fabrication, writing anything that she thought would disgrace Elvis. The worst claim she made was that Elvis and Gladys were incestuous. Several of Elvis' friends nearly punched her when they appeared in a room together for a television interview. Her sons were heavily influenced by Dee's perspective and have kept up the same escalating, baffling claims to make money.
Alanna Nash
Unfortunately a widely cited and respected Elvis researcher, Nash has such a willingness to entertain "new" stories about Elvis that she falls for hoaxes and lies on a regular basis. Sometimes she escapes criticism by presenting her books as "oral histories," essentially raw interviews with people who knew him, which at least mostly allows the reader to decide the veracity of each account for themselves. But she bolsters her other books with sketchy psychoanalysis and innuendo intended to smear her subjects, or at least generate some rumors that will grab headlines. For instance, she claimed to have unearthed a theory that Col. Parker left Holland because he committed a murder there. Sounds exciting and even plausible given his reputation, but digging into it, the evidence is so slim and sketchy that it could really only be published by someone like Nash, and only after his death. Another example is how credulously she treats Byron Raphael, a serial liar who claims Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley (who spoke for a total of three minutes in their lifetimes) had sex (which Byron got to witness, of course!) and that Natalie Wood had sex with Byron in the next room after Elvis couldn't "do" it for her. When a longtime Elvis researcher questioned the article Alanna wrote with Raphael for Playboy, she said, "If Bill Burk was critical of [Raphael's] integrity, I'd say that's because Bill was jealous he didn't find Byron first." Uh-huh.
About gossip involving Parker's possible murder, she said, "I want to be clear in saying that there is no hard proof that he committed this murder, [but] in my heart of hearts, I believe he did." In another interview, when questioned, she snapped that anyone who says she "accused him of murder can't read."
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The biographer Albert Goldman is a lot worse than her, like, on every level, a truly vile, insane person who wrote screeds (they are not biographies, they are a cry for help) against both Elvis and John Lennon. But Alanna loves Goldman and cites him a lot, and she irritates me more because she has a better reputation than she deserves, while Goldman is widely considered to be a disgusting hack.
I could probably include a few others, but as much as I might dislike other people in the Elvis story, they get the benefit of the doubt from me because at least they aren't these folks.
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just-jae · 9 months
One more WH spec tidbit b4 I become cold and distant from Tumby again:
WHY on earth does Home allegedly say "Help me" through the clanks and bangs?
If the theory that Home is controlling Wally is true or that at least influencing him in the metarecords, why doesn't Home speak through Wally then?
Im just. Having massive
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Vibes rn.
Im already biased toward the take that Wally is basically the antagonist, doing bad stuff bc he thinks its good just bc I have a preference for those kinds of stories. But I'm becoming increasingly convinced that that's the actual canonical situation.
If Wally is exercising free will when he talks in the metarecords, then he's sus af.
Especially as the other characters seem to be reaching out to us.
First its just the team. Then its Wally. Then its Frank. Now, Sally is going meta.
It seems like at this point the other neighbors are the ones trying to prevent the restoration., keep Wally/the entity in the dark, make us aware of the character's sentience, and warn us of the danger.
Im not sure what the actual situation is, like, whether these characters are souls or an alternate dimension, or puppets given life by a demon, or what.
Hell for all we know, Home might have swapped bodied with Wally entirely. Meaning he's the one saying "Help me" while Home is pulling a Bill Cipher.
But, Im officially leaning towards an antagonist Wally take. It could be in relation to older theories that Welcome Home had cultist themes. I originally had the impression that Wally was someome who was isolated/made by the cult.
Like, my brain is still clutching onto that "Beautiful Dreamer" dialogue, where Wally says, "That's good... I think". Bc, idk about you but that sounds like someone who's just giving things the benefit of the doubt, but doesn't necessarily understand it.
What could Home have possibly said that would make Wally's response uncertain? I was originally thinking that the characters couldn't actually understand Home, but it's apparent that they can. Yet Wally's still like. "Imma take that as a yes."
I think having Home speak in a way we couldn't understand was a fantastic choice by Clown. Bc ever since the "Beautiful Dreamer" audio my brain's been like a gossip queen going 'Wtf did e say????' What do you mean "I think??"'
It just seemed like it was setting up their relationship. Home says some demonic bs that Wally just trusts bc he doesn't know any better. But Wally himself isn't being controlled or made unaware of the evil, he legit doesn't understand evil when he sees it. And, by trusting Home and doing Home's bidding, he's a villain by extension.
Like, literally born and raised to do evil things.
Im still not sure know why there's so much sybolism that Home and Wally are the same person though? Maybe Wally's made from the black goo?
So far, theoretically, he's the only one who actually eats food. Everyone else pretends to eat fake food, but Wally actually eats. So he's not actually a puppet.
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spiderceo · 1 year
Hey uh...idk if requests are closed but if not
Y\N just moved to neighborhood it's great it's grand everyone loves them yadda yadda
Here's the thing Y\N swears like a sailor....the puppets unfortunately picked up on it happily screaming the colorful words their new neighbor taught them
Y\Ns only thought right now is ".....oh no.."
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summary: you move into the neighbourhood and bring some trouble with you
warnings: swearing (ofc lol)
a/n: just thinking about that tik tok audio where wally falls down the stairs. if you know, you know
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🍌 you’ve always had very colourful language and you can imagine the neighbourhood’s reactions when you first said the word “fuck” in front of them.
🍌 poppy always covers sally’s ears whenever you start wearing around her.
🍌 when julie asked what some swear words meant, and you explained it to her, she kept giggling. you explained to her to try an use them in a better context than just running up to frank and yelling “shit!” in his face.
🍌 wally once fell out a tree you were both sat in and swore like his life depended on it once he hit the ground. you had explained that swearing was a natural pain reliever and he took it very seriously.
🍌 “shit! fuck! bastard! ow!”
🍌 you were most definitely a contributing factor to the show being taken off the air /hj
🍌 frank is always reminding you that the more a person swears, the less vast their vocabulary is.
🍌 “that’s ridiculous. swearing does not mean i’m a fucking idiot.“
🍌 poor howdy suffers whenever you decide to rant to him. he sometimes considers washing your mouth out with soap to teach you a lesson-
🍌 barnaby has taken to using curse words in his comedy routines which A. does make some parts more funny, and B. worries you because it made you realise you’re a bad influence on these guys.
🍌 eddie was the last person you expected to start swearing so you can imagine the look of absolute horror on everyone’s faces when he said “holy shit” for the first time.
this made me giggle a lil bit so thank you for requesting ! i’ll get around to writing any other request you guys have given me when i have the time. i’m heading back to work on tuesday T-T
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bigskydreaming · 2 years
That last reblog has me now contemplating.
What if to mess with his shiny new little brother, but like....gently....when they first started hanging out Dick told Jason a couple of slight falsehoods as umm. A training exercise. That’s it. It was about helping Jason get up to speed with his information gathering skills and also his bullshit detection. So in the interest of being helpful and A Good Big Brother, Obviously....Dick sowed a few.....less-than-entirely-factual details about the more fantastical elements of their lives. The stuff that isn’t common or public knowledge to most of the DC Earth. And then he just.....waited to see how long it took Jason to realize Dick had fed him a handful of straight up lies when briefing him about All Things Superhero.
Look, it was for Science. That’s Dick’s story and he’s sticking to it.
Thus, for the first couple months of their new sibling relationship, Dick had Jason convinced that Atlanteans were actually aliens who landed here thousands of years ago, speedsters can run so fast they can travel back in time, and Superman once accidentally let out a burp so forceful it created a shockwave that shattered every glass in a quarter mile radius so whenever he starts to look....gassy....your best course of action is to hit the deck. Don’t even hesitate for a second, just dive to the ground and grab some floor until he’s got it back under control. And oh yeah, Diana has her Lasso of Truth, but Donna’s version of truth-related powers is that she can sense when people are up to no good....only, the way this manifests for her is she suddenly registers a distinct bad smell in her vicinity, alerting her that bullshit is afoot.
“You’re kidding,” Jason said flatly. “You expect me to believe that Donna can literally smell bullshit?”
Dick just raised an eyebrow. “Like that’s somehow less plausible than Gar being able to change into any kind of animal but only in shades of green? And oh yeah, speaking of green, Green Lanterns can do just about anything with their rings....except protect themselves from yellow paint? I don’t make the rules, Jace. The truth is sometimes superpowers aren’t super-glamorous and not everything related to magic or gods or other planets is as....sophisticated...as we presume. I mean, its not like these things exist just to match up to our expectations for them. Why should alien civilizations or the rules of magic be influenced by whether or not our society would find something weird or ridiculous?”
Jason chewed his lower lip contemplatively. He lacked an official bullshit detecting power himself, but he did have good instincts. Unfortunately for him, his shiny new big brother gave good Lying-to-your-face Face.
“Plus, if you really think about it, it does make a kind of sense,” Dick continued to explain helpfully. But only according to certain specific interpretations of ‘helpfully’ that actually mean ‘like a liar.’ “Our brains are constantly translating all kinds of input and stimuli into shapes or patterns we can actually process in a way that means something to us. So we can make use of that information. This is just the same thing. Donna’s power takes however many variables are involved in registering something as false or something she needs to be wary of...and just condenses it into a simple ‘red alert’ indicator that takes all that abstract, ephemeral data and makes it something actionable. Something she can actually do something with. Her power - or how her brain perceives it - just didn’t actually consult her or give her a choice of notification settings, because why would it?”
“I guess that makes sense,” Jason begrudgingly agreed, with a frown that suggested this particular ‘truth’ Offended his sensibilities.
“I mean, you can ask Donna to explain it herself if you want,” Dick said with a shrug. “Just a heads-up though....she’s not really a fan of how that power works either. Its not exactly a superpower anyone wants to be known for, and she’s heard allllll the jokes about it by now. Roy, Wally and I were perhaps....not the most sensitive when we were younger and she was honing that particular skillset? Though in our defense, I maintain that most of our jokes were hilarious. But anyway, just saying. If you wanna bring it up with her directly, go right ahead! Its definitely one of her favorite topics and Amazons are for sure known for how well they handle being self-conscious.”
And that’s the story of the three months Jason spent convinced that Atlanteans were from another planet, confusing the hell out of Garth with his occasional references to ‘your homeworld’ and his numerous questions about all the Atlantean Green Lanterns that he for some reason seemed convinced the Green Lantern Corps must obviously have a long history of.
And its also why Jason spent those same three months getting wide-eyed and nervous any time he noticed Donna’s nose so much as twitch when he was around. Which it did a lot more often than usual, thanks to how often Dick got horseradish to go with whatever he was having for lunch, knowing full well that Donna can not stand the smell of horseradish. (Dick’s actually not a fan either, and he hates how it tastes, but he’s not afraid to Suffer for the sake of Shenanigans. Its a fundamental part of the Robin experience and persona, after all.)
But it was the Donna thing that gave Dick away, ultimately. No matter how hard he tried to keep a lid on how entertaining he now found the sight of Donna’s occasional nose twitch...even a Batkid poker face can’t keep an empath and telepath from finding this a mystery worth untangling after the tenth time it happens.
(Not that Lilith or Raven are gonna apologize for prying any time soon. They had an obligation as his friends and teammates to investigate when he’s acting bizarre, y’see. What if its because he was brainwashed again? “We’re intrusive because we love,” Lilith insists with zero shame. Raven clarifies: “I was intrusive because she was already doing it so there seemed no point not to.” Lilith points out that this could also be construed as a sign of strong leadership potential. Dick glowers. Lilith waves a hand dismissively. “We can circle back to that later. That’s fine.”)
Anyway, the truth came out at last, Jason cites this as the Moral Justification for every single time and way he was a pain in the ass to Dick in the years to come, and Donna - who was Not Amused - gave a pointed sniff and called bullshit when Dick tried to claim this was an important Bonding Opportunity for he and Jason, wherein they became brothers ‘for real’ instead of just via Bruce. “There are intricate sibling rituals to be observed,” Dick insisted. “I did my research! We had so much time to make up for, I had to speedrun through my shenanigans to get us all caught up! Would I have done all this if I didn’t care?”
Every Titan in the room, familiar with the lengths he’d gone to when messing with Rogues and randos as Robin and thus distinctly unimpressed: Yes. Absolutely. One hundred percent.
Dick foraged on heroically. “Regardless! That’s not the case here, as all of this was clearly done in the name of brotherhood and bonding! We’ll laugh about this someday, you’ll see!”
Ten years later, after Jason’s returned as the Red Hood and reintegrated with the Batfamily to varying degrees, enough so that he accompanies Dick and the rest of the OG Titans on a mission where they’re ambushed, captured and trapped in a supervillain dungeon they’re now trying to escape...
Dick: Definitely kicking myself for not seeing that ambush coming. Where’s a bullshit-sniffing power when you really need it, huh?
Jason: Still not laughing yet.
Dick: Oh come on!
As far as the rest goes, Jason does get a kick out of the speedsters discovering that actually, they can run fast enough to travel through time. He’s like, despite your best efforts you accidentally got one right. And Dick’s all ‘was it an accident or did I actually know or have strong suspicions all along’....but Jason shuts that down. “Nope. Not giving you this one. Try it with someone else.”
However, that still left one last card in play, long after everyone - even Dick and Jason themselves - had all but forgotten about it.
See, every Batkid knows that the best lies contain elements of truth. And that’s why Dick only peppered in his fake trivia very, very sparingly amidst a massive info-dump of actually accurate and useful info he gave Jason about all that stuff, way back when.
So despite the handful of things Dick had told him that Jason eventually discovered to be untrue...the vast majority of it did check out.
Which means even once he did catch on to Dick’s game....that didn’t change his acceptance of the stuff that had turned out to be true or verified by others. But in the end, there was only one little fib that slipped under the radar. Because the scenario it was based on just never happened to come up until long after Jason had returned....and thus Jason never had reason to put much thought into actually questioning whether or not it was true. Not until long after he’d stopped scrutinizing stuff Dick had told him, in search of possible ‘traps.’
And THAT is the story of how Jason - on one of the rare occasions that he joined the Titans and Justice League for an all-hands-on-deck kinda teamup - just happened to be in the right wrong place at the right wrong time to notice Superman suddenly start to look queasy after trying some alien cuisine....
And without a second thought, Jason just instinctively dove for the floor. With this followed by Clark letting out an extremely normal-sounding burp and a sheepish apology.
Everyone else, staring at the infamous Red Hood ducking for cover because Clark had a moment of indigestion: umm. wut
Dick, staring wide-eyed at his brother and trying not to laugh: Oh shit. I totally forgot all about that.
Jason, almost conversationally, while climbing to his feet and stalking ominously towards his big bro: Hey can you believe that after all the shit we’ve been through and all the times we’ve fought over like...actual life and death stuff, THIS is the thing I’m actually gonna kill you for?
Dick, backing away, hands raised placatingly: Hey, c’mon now, Jace, we called a truce about all this ages ago, remember? It was a much younger, dumber me who did all that in the first place, y’know? You’re better than this!
Jason: I’m really not.
Dick: Well then can I just take this opportunity to mention again how sorry I am for any creative embellishments I might have once come up with, in the mistaken belief that I was honoring important traditions of brotherhood, and....
Jason: Hey, where’s Donna? Can anyone see if her nose is twitching?
Donna and the rest of the Titans, blatantly amused and offering no explanation to the very confused Justice League: Oh, bullshit absolutely detected. In the interests of Truth and Justice, you should totally proceed.
Dick, jabbing his finger at his teammates before dashing for the door: Betrayal! J’accuse!
Donna, shrugging: Sorry, Rob. Justice demands impartiality. Our hands are tied.
Jason, running out the door and down the hallway in pursuit of his fleeing brother: Yeah you better run! I’ve waited ten fucking years to get back at you for this shit. Where you going anyway, bro? I thought you wanted to laugh about this someday!
Dick (offscreen): I regret nothing! It was all worth it! You should have seen your face!
Jason (offscreen): You couldn’t even see my face, idiot! I’m wearing my fucking helmet!
Dick (offscreen): Semantics! If something’s funny enough, you can sense what someone’s face probably looks like! If you know, you know!
Jason (offscreen): Oh yeah, go ahead and make up some more shit, Grayson, that’s definitely the right way to go here!
Batman, looking to the Titans and waving his hand at...whatever all that is offscreen: Explain.
Roy: Hey don’t look at us. You’re the one who made them brothers. This is on you.
Batman: What does that even mean.
Lilith: If you know, you know. Dick’s right about that much at least.
The Titans all nod like an actual, self-evident truth was just expressed. Bruce pinches the bridge of his nose, and starts muttering under his breath.
“You need to encourage Dick to seek out and make like-minded friends, Alfred said. It’ll be good for him, he said. Its what he needs and definitely not the point everything starts to go downhill.”
Lilith picks it up loud and clear, because of course she does, and incidentally, the smug, obnoxious know-it-all teenage psychic who started hanging out with Dick when they were teenagers has absolutely nothing to do with Bruce’s profound dislike of telepaths, nooooo, that would be ridiculous and irrational, to bear a grudge against everyone with a particular skillset because one of your son’s childhood friends was a royal pain in the -
Lilith: Oh, that’s adorable. He thinks we’re the reason Dick’s so profoundly weird and inexplicable.
The Titans, in unison: LOL.
Roy: The self-deluding, it is strong in that family.
Bruce is suddenly extra glad he’s wearing a cowl that hides what is definitely not a pout but might be mistaken for one by the uninformed thus its better to just dodge that issue entirely. He crosses his arms and stares down the collection of his eldest son’s friends, whom he has been unfairly plagued by since most of them were pre-pubescent little demons. Literally no one has suffered like he has.
“I don’t like you,” he informs them officiously. Not sulkily. Officiously.
Several of them snort. There’s a couple giggles. An eye roll from Roy. An aborted response hastily turns into Wally coughing into his hand. Blatant dismissal from Victor, his attention clearly on whatever he’s browsing online. Three varying shades of raised eyebrows: unflappable bemusement from the sorceress, patronizing amusement from the psychic, naked incredulity from Donna. Garth gazing off into an empty corner which he has on very good authority is basically the Atlantean version of the middle finger.
“Yeah, no shit,” Roy drawls, apparently on behalf of the whole group.
Ugh, they’re just. The worst. Why couldn’t Clark have had a kid Dick’s age so he never had to go looking elsewhere for socialization? That’s it. Clearly this was all Clark’s fault. He can’t believe he never realized that before.
Dammit Clark.
#this started out as Dick and Jason shenanigans and then somehow morphed into Bruce really doesn't like his kid's friends#because I firmly believe the Bruce vs the Titans antipathy is one hundred percent a two way street#and not so deep down Bruce (super rationally) blames them for some of the distance between he and Dick over the years#the world's greatest detective is like 'well Dick and I (mostly) got along just fine until THEY came along and then all of a sudden it was#oh sorry Bruce I cant hang out cuz I gotta go play with all my friends who hate you because they're horrible little goblin children#and look I've connected the dots' because correlation is definitely causation#cut to Bruce grumpily slouched in the Watchtower's monitor room watching the Titans mop up the Fearsome Five#to loud public acclaim#Clark hovers nearby. both figuratively and literally. he is Concerned#'Bruce you do know that resenting Dick's friends and holding a grudge against a bunch of fifteen year olds because#your kid doesn't always want to hang out with you anymore is Not the solution to repairing your relationship with Dick that you're looking#for right? please tell me that you know that'#Bruce. testily. 'yes Clark I know that'#Clark: okay. good. I was just worried because it. umm. doesn't always LOOK like you know that#Bruce: well I do and you can stop bringing it up. friends dont rub their friend's irrationality in their faces#Clark: see I dont think I know that rule#Clark: Im pulling from the book that says friends dont let their friends declare a feud against teenagers they've decided#are their personal mortal nemesis in some not-super-healthy war for their son's time and attention#Bruce: well your book sounds stupid and wrong and you should throw it away and get a better book like mine#Clark. Sighing because apparently today is a day where Bruce has decided to just Be Like This and resigning himself to letting it go#for now and trying again to get through to him in a week or two instead#'Sure B. Ill get right on that.'
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lydiaskyeleaf · 1 year
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Wally Darling from Welcome Home ARG.
This was just something that spawn in my head when I was working on the speedpaint reel of my Wally and Yellow Guy drawing on my instagram. I was going to use 'Rainbow Connection' for that reel until an idea came in my head for a new drawing. I felt that song was so inlined with this upcoming drawing that I've decided to use a different song for my last drawing and use 'Rainbow Connection' for this speedpaint.
It was even supposed to have lineart with it but it become lineless art along the way. Either way, for a quick random idea, I'm quite proud of this.
Also, check out my speedpaint reel on instagram if you want to see the art process.
Now that's outta of the way. I wanna talk about Wally and my thoughts on what's his role is going to be in the story.
While there are a lot of things still a mystery, I feel there are some things established about Wally's character and the role he will play in the overarching story.
1.) Wally is fully aware he's a puppet and that he was part of the TV show: Welcome Home.
2.) All of his friends besides himself and Home are either missing or dead.
3.) He is somehow influencing the restoration project and can communicate through the website.
While I have no doubt Wally is going to be antagonist in the arg, I do wonder how he going to be portrayed as it goes on. Will he be pure evil? A victim? Or will be a decoy as the real big bad is lurking in the shadows? We don’t know Wally’s motives for starting the restoration project or why the show was canceled in the first place but I do have a theory.
I feel when Wally became sentient, he became disillusion with the world he was in and tried to escaped it. Whether he took the Doki Doki Route or his friends were caught in the crossfire is unclear but in the end, his actions caused his friends to be no more and the show to be canceled. So years later after everything, he manages to find a way to somewhat influence the real world through unknown means. He is now trying to bring back the show but his reasons for doing so can be two things.
The first reason is that he is still trying to escape into the real world but the other reason I think he isn’t just trying to restored his show itself but his friends. We have no idea why they are gone, just that they have disappeared. So, the restoration project may be part of a way to bring back his friends. To Wally, he can have everything when the restoration project is completed: His connection to real world, his friends, the show… everything would go back to the way it was… except it won’t. Wally is not the same puppet before everything started to go downhill. He aware what he is and know he basically in a cage. Not only that, he’s been mostly alone for years now before the start of the project. So, he basically a bit unhinged right now. If his friends do come back, whether they are still the same or become a dark version of themselves, it will not be the same as it once was before.
There is also Home as well. From we what we seen, Wally kinda fears Home as in a audio clip shows him sounding a bit scared of if Home like his song or not. Wally has also been seen worshiping Home. There’s definitely hints of a toxic relationship going on here and I have wonder if Home is the source of all dark stuff that’s been happening. There’s an instance where he was telling us to be quiet. Like if we make a noise, something might catch us. If it’s Home he is talking about, than we have to wonder what exactly is Home that making Wally scared of him.
Either way, I can't wait for more from this project and for the creator, Clown to take all the time he needs for himself and the project. This really blew up quick and it can be really overwhelming but I wish the best of luck for Clown.
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Ok..I've been thinking about making this for a while so... trigger warnings...I guess
If you do not want to listen about colombine then don't read this so if you don't like any of the stuff related to that then... please go away
If you do want to listen to this and you..... really like the two guys who did it like.....really like them...then also don't read this because it's just me yelling about how I don't like them
And finally 3....there is no grammar or punctuation and I don't wanna put it so without further adieu
Ok context I've been doing this thing where I get baked and watch disturbing hour long iceberg videos it's fucking awesome you should try it anyway I was watching "the disturbing and controversial video games iceberg"
And on like...teir 3 I think there was this one game titled "super colombine massacre RPG" it's.... exactly what it sounds like and the last teir was doom maps made by Eric harris and idk after watching that video....it stuck with me not in a way that traumatized me but....I kept thinking about those guys their names and faces so often it's like....every other thought and I think a lot
And because I think about them so often I feel bad about it because I feel like one of the people who have a crush on these guys....I don't have a crush on them I have no positive feelings for these greasy mudballs
(I had this dream where Eric and Dylan lived in one of those influencer mansions like hype house or something and they were telling all the tik tokers about this thing called "cliff terroism" it's domestic terroism but better for the environment and JFK from clone high was there he approved this message)
Thanks for listening...I really needed this
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the1trueanon · 1 year
thinking about how Sage/Rosemary's plant motif and gardening connection started out as an aesthetic choice, but have actually grown into being very strong symbolism for how Rosemary is meant to represent life and being lively and being alive versus simply living
because Rosemary is meant to encompass the idea of being human and being alive. while Sage is like everyone else and is very much simply living, her general character being muted and soothing and just existing, Rosemary is designed almost as an exact foil for Wally. where Wally is unsure of expression and emotion and doesn't quite grasp it all, Rosemary is extremely emotive and lively, almost to an overly animated degree. BUT! Rosemary isn't just animated, like the other puppets are. she isn't just bouncy or excitable, or gets frustrated at simple problems. she has crises. she goes through human struggles, as a soul who once was human. she knows what death is, but is grasping to understand her own. she's unpredictable. she's happy and enjoying time with her friends one day, and unable to leave her house from the crushing weight of everything she's experienced the next. she puzzles through existentialism. she doesn't just feel happy or sad or upset, she gets depressed and anxious and lost. Wally can't predict her, he can't tell how she'll react (which I 100% think he can for the others. he's too observant not to, observation is his whole thing), he doesn't understand but he wants to.
and what makes all that even better is she doesn't just go through these things alone, she talks them through with the others. she shares it, she lets her emotions and experiences and overall livelihood overflow into the others. she's so full of life that she passes it on to characters who, frankly (hehe :3), shouldn't have been touched by it previously. and yet by sharing it, she doesn't hurt them more, but instead ends up helping all of them understand and reason through the -- honest to the puppet gods horrifying -- breakdown of a world that once was simple and happy and innocent and safe. they mature with her, and she somewhat unwittingly acts as their guide through that (WHICH. ANOTHER FOIL MOMENT. BECAUSE WALLY IS ROSIE'S GUIDE THROUGH THEIR WORLD AND THE TWO'S ABILITIES TO REACH OUT BEYOND IT).
and I've always loved having that idea brought up, about Rosemary being so lively. "You're so full of life" -- practically the most accurate way to describe Rosemary at any state of being (and, ironically, spoken by Wally, who again, I unwittingly ended up making Rosemary a sort of foil for). She is meant to symbolize life, she and Sage are meant to be this sort of "living vs. alive" thing, where neither is bad but its obvious how different they are! and I just! the idea of Sage, a character essentially set to be a sort of vessel for this human who brings this idea of truly being alive to these guys who desperately need it in a time where just living isn't enough to brave whatever horrors are coming for them now, also bringing things to life as her job and aesthetic is just!! augh, it's such nice symbolism and even a nice lil taste of foreshadowing maybe?? and I love it so much!!
and like! genuinely this all kicked of subconsciously and I didn't start connecting it until I thought about trying to maybe change Sage/Rosemary's motif (which, tbh, I started thinking about because I've designed her Reboot AU version (who I'll be sharing soon ;3 wanna get a good collection of doodles to share with you guys before doing so), who instead has a fashion aesthetic instead of plants. I'm not sure why yet other than I like it and I've been influenced by the dress making videos I keep seeing lol)! and I realized that I genuinely can't because it's not just aesthetic anymore! it's ✨symbolism✨!!
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novaviis · 2 years
Hard Truths
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Watercolour Series.
Words: 9.6k Status: Complete Rating: Teen and Up Relationship: Dick Grayson/Wally West
Summary:  The Team is captured and interrogated by Dr. Hugo Strange, under the influence of a powerful Truth Serum. They only have to bide their time before they can make their escape – but they soon find that it’s more than enough time for Strange to get the answers he wants out of them.
Particularly the answers he wants out of one bird.
Strange clasped his hands behind his back and began to pace the inside of the circle. “I was extremely disturbed by the Justice League’s use of children for their covert operations - yes, I know all about your little team,” he waved a hand, presuming their indignation and too absorbed in his own thoughts to notice that they showed none. “Bad enough was the fact that these ‘Heroes’ insisted on training child soldiers to follow them into battle, but this is just...” Strange clicked his tongue and shook his head. He clapped his hands together twice and the door opened again. A man in an orange jumpsuit with an inhibitor collar around his neck entered, pushing a rattling metal cart that screeched on every other turn of its wobbly wheel, two more men in identical jumpsuits and collars entered behind him, taking places behind Artemis and Wally. The first inmate pushed the collar in front of Strange, and moved to stand behind Dick. “Incorrigible,” Strange concluded.
The three Belle Reve inmates at once reached out and yanked off Artemis, Wally, and Dick’s masks - or at least attempted too. Artemis and Wally’s masks came off without much fuss, Artemis’ detached style falling to the floor while Wally’s spooled on the back of his neck where it attached to his suit. Dick’s would-be unmasker barely touched his domino mask before a massive voltage of electricity shot out and shocked his arm. The inmate retracted his hand with a scream, clutching at the burn marks scorching up his arm, his fingers seized in a grotesque claw that his muscles couldn’t let go of.
Dick, unaffected by the shock, merely grinned back at the poor sucker. “Ah, ah, ah,” he shook his head in admonishment. “No peeking.”
“Stop whining ,” Strange hissed at the agonized henchman. He waved his hand to the other two, and they each took him under his arm and dragged him out of the room, the solid metal door screeching shut behind them. Strange glared down at Robin, who only smiled sweetly back at him. “Those three were out helping me on Good Behaviour,” he huffed. “Do you think that’s any way to promote their reintegration to society?”
“Probably not,” Dick shrugged. “But I’m going to go out on a limb and say your methods aren’t exactly board certified.”
Strange’s lip curled. “No matter,” he sighed as he turned toward the cart left behind. On the surface sat a metal tray and eight syringes. “We don’t have too much time before your mentors arrive, and I plan to be long gone by then, I’m sure you understand. With the time we do have, I’d like to ask you a few questions about yourselves. Really get to the root of the interpersonal issues that brought you into such a dangerous lifestyle. We’ll take an open circle approach, so you can share with your teammates.” The whole cart reeked of astringent. At least he had the courtesy to use proper hygiene. Strange lifted one of the syringes into the light, tapped the barrel, and pushed the plunger until a short burst of clear liquid was forced out of the needle. “Now, I believe that honesty is the best policy. That’s why I am going to give you a little something to help you release those inhibitions.”
*chanting* Truth Serum Fic, Truth Serum Fic, Truth Serum Fic
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