atinycafe · 1 year
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jinxxangel13 · 6 months
Ancient Enchantment
Chapter 4:
Thank you guys for being so patient! I know updates have been a little wonky, but I'm trying to balance out a few personal things. I'm at least going to be uploading every week, but it will just be whatever day I am available at the time. Thank you guys!
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~Masterlist~ ~Prev~ ~Next~
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As Azara approached the boys, she heard the two of them laughing and joking.
“Look who decided to grace us with her presence.” Alistair crossed his arms over his chest, raising an eyebrow, though his smile gave away his teasing.
She hummed, leaning against the stone next to the fireplace between the two boys.
“Nice of you to finally wake up, Atlas. Was worried you had overslept again.” She teased back.
Alistair's eyes widened at her, while the other boy burst into laughter and clapped her brother on the back.
“Definitely related with that sense of humor. I’m Sebastian Sallow, by the way. Welcome to Slytherin, best house if you ask me.”
“Thank you, Sebastian. I’m Azara Valentine.” She crossed her arms in front of her out of habit, eyes wandering over him.
Sebastian had deep brown eyes with some sort of golden shift in them, freckles adorning his cheeks, slightly textured curly brown hair that reached his ears, and a gently angled jawline. Very boyish, but in a more mature way. Charming.
“Not everyone has a ministry escort to school, you know.” Sebastian commented, looking her up and down in curiosity.
“He was a friend of Professor Fig’s who only joined us for the ride.” She looked away from him remorsefully, still trying to rid her mind of the images that plague it.
“Still, though- impressive. Dreadful way to go, poor fellow. Glad the two of you and Fig are alright though.” Sebastian was trying to cheer the both of you up after seeing the grim looks, and it worked for the most part. 
“It was dreadful, certainly-” Alistair started.
“But quite an experience, nonetheless.” Azara finished without missing a beat.
The twins exchanged a look, chuckling as they did it like second nature.
“What an interesting perspective the two of you have. Say, how did you guys manage to escape?” Sebastians head tilted as he leaned closer out of instinct, likely without thinking about it.
Azara and Alistair exchange glances, communicating without even saying anything, both trying to figure out how much they should or could say to their new friend.
“It’s all still kind of a blur, If i’m honest.” Azara scratched the back of her neck sheepishly.
Sebastian shook his head in apology. 
“I don't mean to press you, either of you. Promise. You both just get yourself settled, we can talk more later if you’d like.”
Alistair waved him off as Azara smiled.
She watched as Sebastian picked up the book he had in hand when she first walked in.
“What were you reading?” she asked softly, as if she wasn't sure if she was allowed to ask.
Sebastian turned the book over in his hand, a mischievous smile taking over his features momentarily.
“Just a spell book I picked up. It has a few interesting things, just not exactly what I was looking for. I’m sure the two of you will find out soon enough that not every spell you might need can be found in our assigned textbooks.”
This captured their attention more than before. Alistair perked up, standing straighter with the thought of learning something not in the curriculum.
“Are you saying that some spells aren't taught here?”
“And which ones?” Azara was also intrigued by the thought.
Sebastian smirked at the twins with a laugh. “Seems I may have met a couple of kindred spirits. But that is a conversation for another time. It was good meeting you, Azara, Alistair. Good luck today.”
The twins said their goodbyes before wandering around the common room together.
“I liked him. Seems like the kind of person you’d hang around, don't you think, Atlas?” Azara looked up at him for a moment before looking back around the room, eyes landing on a wizard's chess game being played back toward where Ominis still stood by the window.
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deannagrey · 9 months
Just Dare Me: Chapter 2 (2/4)
(had to split these up 'cause of the character limit)
Part 1 - Part 3 - Part 4
Ari saved my ass with the rain warning. Halfway through the day, it felt like a full-on hurricane was passing through town. Everyone scrambled across campus, trying to get to their destinations without getting soaked to the bone. A few professors even canceled classes, citing some streets were too flooded for commuting.
I’d accidentally splashed through a deceivingly huge puddle after my second class of the day. The water and dirt ruined my pressed tan slacks. I almost cried in the bathroom at how my stain-removing stick wasn’t doing anything for me. It took longer than I’d like to admit for me to calm down and remind myself dry cleaning existed for a reason. Pushing away my need to look one hundred percent presentable was a feat that zapped most of my energy.
My initial spark from the morning faded to a strained ember by the end of the day. So it goes without saying that I didn’t exactly feel like showing up to David’s dare. Especially when I realized it’d be at a bar. A cowboy-themed bar.
I had a ride share drop me off in front of Ye-Haw Way a half hour before our meet-up time. The demographic of customers seemed diverse enough. Most who filtered in and out of the building wore some kind of cowboy motif. I snapped a photo of the blinking ‘giddy on in’ welcome sign to send to David. There was a slim to no chance Ye-Haw Way wasn’t his intended destination. But I still needed to try.
Yara: This the right place?
David: Congrats. You know how to use a GPS. Do you need help finding the door as well?
I blew out an annoyed breath and grabbed the wooden door handle. Once past the traditional door, I was met with a swinging one reminiscent of old-time Western bar entryways.
The inside of Ye-Haw Way was loud and packed. I raised my brow at the surprisingly colorful overhead lighting. There was a live band complete with banjo and fiddle player. The lead singer on stage was a woman with dark skin. She wore beads on the end of her braids and held onto the microphone like it was a life raft. Her voice reminded me of the older women in the choir from my church. She looked much younger but had an “old spirit” way about her in how she swayed back and forth.
It took me a second to re-focus on my main goal: finding David, finishing his dare, and getting the hell out of here. This place wasn’t as unwelcoming as I thought it’d be from the outside. I moved through the crowd easily enough. No one looked at me too weird even though I felt wildly out of place in my casual work wear.
David sat at the end of the bar. I paused for a second, taking in how his hair was a bit overgrown since the beginning of the semester. He wore his trademark jean jacket that was fraying on the shoulders. The cup sitting in front of him was empty and he stared into the glass like it held the answer to life’s greatest mysteries. He glanced up ever so often like he was looking for something he’d forgotten or something he needed.
When I finally decided to get closer, another girl beat me to the punch. She wore the cutest pair of pink cowboy boots I’ve ever seen paired with a pink mini skirt and corset. Her bubblegum hair was in waves that reached her back. I was close enough to hear she had a sweet voice to match her exterior.
Most of the guys nearby seemed to have eyes for her. But, for some reason, she didn’t seem interested in making eye contact with anyone except David. I didn’t blame her, his dark aesthetic would contrast hers brilliantly. They’d be the kind of pairing musicians wrote about. Mean guy, sweet girl, and fairytale romances. I lingered back just to see how things would play out.
Their exchange was brief. David didn’t look up once during it. His disinterest didn’t seem to deflate her ego, though. Instead, she left a piece of paper under his cup and skipped away to join some other girls on the dance floor.
“Not your type?” I teased as I settled the stool next to him. “Too good for your damaged soul? Did you not want to ruin her and bring her into your misery?”
He didn’t look up at my words either. But his brow quirked up, which was more animation than he’d given Cute Pink Girl.
“Didn’t come here looking for a type,” he said, simply and gestured to the bartender for a refill. “I’m seeing someone.”
My ears perked up a little, shocked at this tidbit of information. David and I didn’t have conversations about our lives outside of when we hung out. We were always too busy trying to wound each other’s pride.
“Really? Who’s the lucky lad or lass?” I asked, wincing at my phrasing. I was a little too hard not to sound interested in his dating life. In reality, the thought of someone being with David romantically seemed nearly impossible. Who’d lack that much self-preservation?
“Lad or lass?” David snorted. “I’m bisexual, Yara. Not a pirate.”
“There’s a difference?” I joked.
David shook his head, smiling a bit. “You really want to know?”
I scoffed. “I’m not dying for the information or anything.”
Though my breath did catch a little when he looked at me.
“Good. Can’t have your death on my hands. Covee would never forgive me.” He finished his drink with no indication he planned on answering my question. So, he planned on keeping this mystery person a secret? Fine by me.
“Let’s get this thing over with,” I said quickly. Suddenly, the warmth of the building wasn’t comforting anymore. I wanted to be back out in the rain because the cold felt more real than whatever was going on between us. Like David said last night, there was no word for our relationship. And not knowing where we stood felt like being surprised pricked by a needle.
“Sure you don’t want a drink first?” David stood from his stool but didn’t move from the bar.
I slipped off my seat too. Standing side-by-side, David was a few inches taller than me. I had to tilt my head to meet his gaze. Tonight his smelt of whisky and his eyes almost matched the color of it, too. The bright, overhead lights were doing wonders in smoothing out his darker features.
“I don’t drink,” I forced out in a hard tone. The softer David looked, the tougher I felt I needed to be.
“Another disappointment.” He frowned, feigning sadness. “Drunk Yara might actually be worth hanging out with.”
“If I was such a chore to hang around, you wouldn’t be blowing up my phone every other day,” I countered.
His expression changed. For a second, I thought I actually made a decent shot.
“Correct me if I’m wrong,” he said in a voice that indicated he never once believed that possibility. “But you’re the one who started texting me.”
My jaw tightened as I remembered our first back and forth. It’d been after I’d lost the beginning dare and couldn’t sleep without seeing his irritating smirk. I’d gotten his number from Covee’s boyfriend, Weston, and texted him at 2 AM with demands of a rematch. A little neurotic, sure. But he matched my energy so weren’t both of us to blame?
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skzhocomments · 1 year
I can read your smile - Choi Minho SHINee Fanfic - Chapter 3 - Work sucks
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Story masterlist - please consult it for the summary of the story, trigger warnings etc.
Wattpad | AO3
Chapter 2 | Chapter 4
Chapter 3 - Work sucks
word count: 2k words
~third person POV~
At around lunchtime, Crystal returned to her new home and found Minho watching a football game in the living room.
"Hey!" He shouted. "Welcome back!"
"Hello." She took off her shoes and entered the living room.
"Where have you been?" The boy turned her attention to her briefly, watching her walk in the living room and bringing him a water bottle. "Thanks."
"Library." She smiled. "I needed to read something from a book I don't have, but they didn't let me borrow it, so let's just hope I memorized enough."
"Go check my room. I have all the books our professors recommended us, so you might find what you need." He replied nonchalantly, then scoffed loudly as someone missed the ball.
"Something happened?" Crystal asked amused. She knew next to nothing about football.
"Yes, this idiot just- whatever. He messed up big time." Minho sighed. "Go see if you find your book."
Crystal nodded and headed towards the forbidden room - as she liked to call it - Minho's bedroom. She was pleased to see his bed was made, and everything was kept as arranged as in her room, albeit him owning way more stuff.
She approached the shelves she previously saw the trophies on, and read each of them carefully, before moving them aside to see if he had the book she needed.
Swimming Competition - January 2019 - 2nd Place
Football Competition - June 2021 - 1st Place
Swimming Competition - December 2015 - 1st Place
Baseball Competition - July 2018 - 2nd Place
He dedicated a lot of time playing sports, Crystal noted. There were way more medals, but she didn't want to intrude too much. She moved everything aside with care and browsed through the titles of various books he's collected over the years, when she finally found her target.
"Yes!" She exclaimed happily, grabbing it and going to the living room to show Minho.
"Found it?" He chuckled as soon as she entered the room, holding the book over her head victoriously.
"You're gonna be my life saver this semester. I'm going to save so much time by not going to the library." She spoke happily, and he found her quite amusing, being so excited by such a trivial thing.
"I'm glad." He looked at her and smiled, almost forgetting that his favourite team was losing on the TV screen.
"Thank you. Truly." She smiled, and Minho wasn't sure how, or why, but it somehow felt like he was seeing her true, genuine smile for the first time. He simply nodded.
"Did you... eat?" She asked after a few seconds of silence.
"Not yet."
"Uhm... can I maybe cook something for the both of us, after your game is over? Late-lunch."
"Late-lunch sounds good." Minho smiled.
"Great. When is it over?"
"In about 45 minutes."
"I'll get started, then!" She exited the room and headed happily towards the kitchen, humming as she pulled out the few ingredients she bought from the store on her way back.
She was thankful for the supermarket in the building, and she ended up buying quite a lot of vegetables, and found some fresh pork, so she thought of making some roasted potatoes with vegetables and cook the pork in the oven. An easy to cook meal, but delicious as heck.
Minho was getting annoyed at how his favourite team was playing. They seemed to do everything wrong, and it irked him to no end. By the end of the game, the team has unsurprisingly lost, so he got up from the couch, still annoyed, and opened the door to the hallway.
The house smelled heavenly.
He couldn't remember when the last time he cooked something was. Key was the one to cook sometimes, but with both of them busy, they resorted to ordering food more often than not.
He headed towards the kitchen where Crystal was softly humming a song he couldn't recognise while reading from the large book she picked off his shelf. He just stood there, in the doorframe, watching her scribble notes down in her notebook, reading so intensely she didn't even notice his presence.
"It smells good." Minho spoke.
"Hm?" She raised her eyes and watched him open the fridge and take some more water.
"What are you cooking?"
"Just some pork with roasted potatoes. I figured it's a good healthy meal for you to eat."
Minho smiled.
"I said it smelled amazing."
"Yea? I'm glad. It's gonna be ready in about 30 minutes, so you can go relax for a bit if you want."
"Hmm... why don't you tell me about your exam tomorrow? What are you reading about?"
"Would you really like to know?" She asked with a slight chuckle.
"Of course. I don't know if I'll remember anything, but try me."
Crystal started explaining everything she read for her test the next day, and they ended up having a very detailed conversation on this class and the possible exam questions.
They spoke all throughout lunch, and Minho offered to help her study for the rest of the day. While he made a quick salad for dinner for the both of them, Crystal continued reading and studying, and by the end of the day she was more confident than ever in what she's learnt.
Minho was also surprised by what a fast learner Crystal was; she was absorbing information like a sponge, and she was so smart. He genuinely enjoyed talking to her about her thoughts and ideas when it came to the subjects she studied.
~the next day~
Mondays have always been hectic.
For Minho, they meant classes from 9 to 16:00, a break until 18:00, then football training until 21:00, or even 22:00 if a game was approaching.
If he wouldn't have training, he'd hit the gym downstairs the building complex he lived in. Sport was truly something he enjoyed, and there was nothing better than a good workout.
Today, practice ended at 21:00, but he decided to go for drinks with his peers and talk a bit more about their strategies, and what other things they should implement, and even about themselves. They would do that sometimes, stay out a bit after practice just to catch up. Knowing people's achievements or struggles would strengthen the teamwork.
After spending time with his teammates at the pub, Minho finally headed home.
He was surprised to see that all lights were turned off, but maybe you were asleep; it was pretty late, after all.
He decided against knocking on your door, and instead made his way to his room to change, then went out in the living room and turned on the TV, browsing through the sports channels.
Unintentionally, he fell asleep in front of the TV, tired after the full day he had.
~Crystal's POV~
After a long shift, I was finally able to go home. Minho's place was closer to the restaurant than my older apartment, about a 15-minute walk away, so I enjoyed breathing in the 3AM air, filtering it through my lungs.
I always preferred night to day. It was quiet and pleasant.
If only I weren't so tired.
This day was hectic. I had the exam and felt quite hopeful about my answers; studying with Minho helped.
I should make sure to get him something, for spending his time helping me. Or maybe cook something again. He seemed to enjoy yesterday's meal a lot. He ate two full plates.
After Uni, I had a two-hour break before I needed to go to the restaurant, but instead of going home, I ended up spending time with Jude and Lydia at this new café that opened right next to our campus.
Another money wasted on bad coffee, I thought, but socializing with the girls was worth the 7$ at least.
Finally home! I sighed, opening up the door to Minho's apartment.
Faint TV sounds could be heard from the living room, and I wondered why he's not sleeping yet.
I quickly found out that was not the case. He was asleep in the most uncomfortable position ever on the sofa. He was manspreading in the middle of it, with his head rolled back.
Should I wake him up, or should I try to move him and get him to lay down, instead of sleeping with his head in that awkward position?
His neck will hurt like hell tomorrow if I leave him be.
Instead of waking him up, I placed my right hand on his cheek, and my left hand on his left shoulder, and I began pushing him down to the side.
When his head hit the sofa cushions, I removed my hand and went to grab a blanket, cause what if he caught a cold?
When I returned, however, he was up once again, rubbing his eyes.
"Crystal? Where are you going?" He asked, watching me up and down.
I was still wearing today's outfit, a red sundress with winter black thighs warm enough for the weather outside.
"Nowhere." I talked quietly, as he just woke up, and I personally hated people speaking loudly to me in the first 20 minutes. "I just got back."
"Huh?" He looked around confused, and I barely stopped myself from chuckling slightly. "What time is it?"
"3:23." I spoke. "You should go to bed. Otherwise your neck will be really stiff tomorrow."
"Why are you back so late? Where have you been?" He stood up and stretched a bit, and when he did, his t-shirt rode up a bit, exposing a small happy trail.
I shouldn't have looked.
"Work." I sighed. "I have classes at 9, so I'm gonna take a shower then head to bed."
~Minho's POV~
"Work." She let out a big sigh. "I have classes at 9, so I'm gonna take a shower then head to bed."
Why was she getting back home so late, on a Monday night? Why did she have to work so late in the first place?
3 AM is not the time for a girl to walk alone in the dark.
Our neighbourhood is pretty safe, but still, you can never be too careful.
I was somehow deeply uncomfortable with this thought, but I didn't say anything. What could I say, anyway?
"Okay, Crystal. Good night." I smiled and turned off the TV, deciding to go to bed myself. She offered me her signature smile as well, then left the room, and I could hear the shower running briefly, then her bedroom door opening and closing.
She turned on some music, soft tunes once again, and I noticed, as if for the first time, how thin the walls were. I felt like I never paid attention to Key and what he was doing in his room when he was living here, but I was hyper alert when it came to Crystal.
I placed my head on the pillow and listened to the song before I fell asleep. It was the same one she was humming in the kitchen yesterday.
When I woke up the next morning, she was already gone, but she left me an apple on the kitchen table, which I lazily ate on my way to campus.
My day was full again, but I finished a bit earlier thankfully, so I was already at home relaxing when 10 PM hit the clock.
This time, I decided to stay awake and see when Crystal turns up.
2:48 AM. A bit earlier than last night, but still late.
"Hey, did I wake you?" She frowned, but her expression quickly changed to a bright smile after I shook my head.
The next night, she was back at 2:15.
Then, 2:20.
Friday, however, it was already 3:45 and she wasn't back yet.
Should I text her? I pondered, then I started feeling a bit off. There was no reason for me to keep track of her schedule so closely.
Still, I couldn't sleep for some reason.
She came back at 4:23, I checked the phone for the time. However, this time I haven't gone out to greet her. I just listened to her steps in the hallway, to the running shower, then to her bedroom door closing. The music started again, and only then I allowed myself to fall asleep.
I asked her the next day at what time she got back, and why she worked so late, and she told me Friday nights are a bit busier than the rest of the week. It rarely happens for her to stay so late, but she doesn't mind it, for she gets good tips, and the owner pays her a bit more those days. Plus, she can sleep in on Saturday.
Win-win, she said.
That's all she did on Saturday, pretty much. She just slept, probably to take back her energy.
How did she survive on less than 5 hours of sleep per night?
Chapter 2 | Chapter 4
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abyssal-ali · 1 year
The Bats as things my family and I have said/overheard: Part 5
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
>Steph: well look cute fluffy hair, lil dimples
Steph: then BOOM! ARM
Steph: I LOVE ARM<
>Dick: if I ever get a pet should I name it sesame so if it needs surgery I can say open sesame?
Tim: YES<
Steph: I would flirt for donuts
>Tim: it's exhausting being the middle child
Tim: and trying to spend money
Jason: *mockingly* oh no I have too much money
Steph: I'll help you spend it;)<
Jason, to cop!Dick: donchu wish you knew what I was talkin bout oFfiCeR?
>Duke: I like (x) because it's a *funny* name
Duke: I don't like (y) because it's a *stupid* name<
Eno teen!Bruce/Battinson: emotions are like, gross
Harper: I'm gonna say this now: I have a human tomato
>Damian: *sighs* can people stop calling me cute?
Damian: it's not like I can help it, I was born that way<
Steph, thirsting yet again: we love a good forearm *wink*
>Steph: do I give off hates everyone but him vibes?
Cass: no
Steph: nah I'm loves everyone but him<
Damian: stab him *gently*
>Jason: grief eating, I tend to have that effect on ppl
Dick: they eventually learned not to ask at work if they see me in the hallway just staring at the light
>Cass: signs gibberish ( I love chickes stoo)
Tim: ???
Cass: you were being too cocky<
>Dick: I'm so good at wingmanning for my ex crushes it's not even funny
Babs: it's hilarious actually<
>Damian: how to win friends and influence people
Jason: influence them to *murder you*<
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joywindsong · 1 year
The Seductive Bandit Pt 6
Alyarus stands in front of her crewmates on the jungle trail of Stranglethorn Vale eye to eye with her brother.
Moraliuen looks so different and yet exactly the same since the last time she saw him. His hair longer, body thicker, a tuft of hair on his chin, the Horde's insignia on his chest, and eyes turned from blue to almost yellow.
Alyarus overcome with the emotion of seeing her brother for the first time since the Lich King led his attack on Silvermoon. Dropping to her knees, tears stream down her face.
The feeling of shame remembering how she ran from battle while Silvermoon fell. Knowing she has grown so much over the last 4 or 5 years. Become stronger, braver, and more independent. Reuniting with her older brother, she faces her shame to answer his question.
"No Moraliuen... I'm not dead. I ran away. I had to survive but I let our people down. I have lived with that every single day!... I'm so sorry."
Moosehead watches in awe with Vontez also taken off guard. Alyarus has never been so vulnerable in all the time she's been with the Whale Shark Pirates. It's a shock to see her in this state.
Moraliuen walks forward towards his sister, speaking softly.
"I knew you were still out there... all this time I knew my baby sister was capable enough to slip away and survive on her own... that you had to be out there... somewhere... holding on."
Moraliuen stands over Alyarus, looking down at her before his feet.
"So allow me to repeat myself." He grips the hilt of his broadsword. "You should be dead!"
Moosehead yells once again shifting the earth below her to jolt her out of the way before Moraliuen swings his sword causing an explosion of light on the ground where his sister just was.
Alyarus sits frozen on the ground looking up at Moraliuen.
"Alyarus! Run!"
Vontez shouts leaping into battle and slicing at the blood elf. Sparks fly off the chainmail on Moraliuen's armor. The broadsword glows before Moraliuen swings back catching the shield of Vontez and causing a deep reverberation through the metal knocking Vontez back.
Moraliuen swings again but Vontez plants his feet to tank the second blow from the broadsword, using the time between swings to respond with a blast of judgement from his shortsword. Moraliuen is knocked back but swings overhead with a trail of light following the path of his sword. Vontez deflects and catches Moraliuen with a slice across the cheek.
Alyarus is stunned until she feels Moosehead picking her up to her feet.
"Are you alright first mate?" Alyarus looks up at Moose and back at the Paladins dueling, accepting the reality of what's happening.
Vontez is holding his own for now, but Moraliuen's offense is strong. The burly human is clearly getting winded from bracing against the repeated heavy blows from the blood elf.
"First mate huh? If you're pirates, I'm surprised this one has such a strong grasp of the light."
Moraliuen mocks as he lets loose another crushing strike against Vontez. Brown hair matting against the forehead of the human repeatedly bracing and protecting from the broadsword's light infused blows.
"A little help here!?... It's three of us against one!..." Vontez pants.
"Why protect her? I have no business with you human. What compels you to stand so devoted against justice?"
Moraliuen catches Vontez's shield on the upswing of his sword. The clang breaks the shield from the human's grasp and the blood elf nearly beheads Vontez before his aura protects him at the last moment.
"Enough!" Moosehead steps forth with his booming voice. "What reason do you have for trying to kill your own flesh and blood!?"
Moraliuen laughs.
"Why don't you look at her hands? Our flesh and blood still caked beneath her fingernails no matter how hard she tries to scrub away her crimes!" The blood elf steps away from the human and turns towards the tauren holding Alyarus. "I stayed on that battlefield fighting, protecting our city. Then once it was too late! After I stood alone on the battlefield and the defeat had been done... I had to find my mother and father's mutilated corpses in our childhood home. I didn't even have the closure of seeing my sister's body with the other rangers... I had to accept the fact that my baby sister Aly... was a treasonous deserter who ran while our loved ones died!"
"Why am I to blame!?" Alyarus yells through tears stumbling forward. "Why must I bare the sins of Arthas Menethil!? Go to Northrend with the rest of the world and kill him yourself! He's the one responsible! What good would it have done for me to die with everyone else!? It wouldn't bring any of them back!"
"I do not write the laws dear sister. I cannot erase the fact that you disgraced our family name. I intend to go to Northrend and kill Arthas myself, but that will not pardon your treason. Only two of house Sarron survive and one is a spineless coward who could not accept her fate. Redeem yourself and accept it now at the hands of your brother!" Moraliuen's body shines bright, wings of light on his back as he grips his broadsword.
ZAP! A shot of lightning strikes Moraliuen where he stands. An explosion of electricity jolts the blood elf bringing him to his knees. Vontez has recovered his shield and rushes over to cover Alyarus. Moosehead stands tall with sparks dancing around his body.
"It's been awhile since I've had to call upon the elements like this but clearly the situation calls for it." He turns to Vontez and Alyarus. "You two need to run!"
"No! it will compromise the mission if we leave without you!" Alyarus pushes back as Moraliuen rises from the ground.
"Your priorities are all out of order Miss!" Moose tosses his bag to Alyarus. "Everything Mad Whale needs is in there! You're not in the headspace for this fight right now! Run and collect yourself!"
"This is suicide! You're not a fighter, you're a shipwright!" Alyarus turns to see Moraliuen risen to his feet and wielding his sword ready to strike.
"We don't have many options! Vontez, get her out of here!" Moose yells as he starts spiking totems into the ground.
Vontez lifts Alyarus over his shoulder and bolts up the road towards the ship. Alyarus doesn't struggle, she watches Moraliuen swing at Moosehead who throws bursts of frost, flame and electricity back at her brother with the totems reinforcing. Moraliuen seems to be taking damage and being slowed by the attacks and the totems, but he's also clipping Moose with his strikes and breaking him down. She watches the totems fall and a blast of light knocks Moose to one knee. Moraliuen raises his sword. Alyarus closes her eyes.
The wail of a tauren can be heard throughout the jungle.
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arabella111 · 3 years
I affirm to myself self concept affirmations but I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere. I hate my job and my manager keeps changing my shift schedule last minute as if she doesn't give a damn about my personal life. I originally had a 4 hour shift scheduled on Saturday and I made plans to spend time with my family after my shift. But it got changed to an 8 hour shift that I don't want at all and it's stressing me out so much. I don't even have my df and db or my desired talents. It seems like there's nothing going for me and I'm so depressed. I don't feel like God if I can't even control my own schedule.
you're not doing the most important thing that is acknowledging your power and the fact that you're the god. assume you already have a perfect self concept. don't care about what the 3d shows, keep persisting. nothing can stoo god. and everyone is you pushed out. change your assumptions about her. your 3d has to conform to you, it doesn't have any other option.
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diazevan · 4 years
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4. Running Out Of Time “Collapsed Building”
Tony messes with an artifact, in the Sanctum Sanctorum, and ends up, stuck inside Peter's darkest memories.
AO3 Link
Tony loved visiting Strange’s place.
There was a lot to see, and for once, he understood none of it.
He was a man of science, and he refused to be drawn in by magic.
However, he did have trouble, with listening to the rules, but that was nothing new.
He tried, but he couldn’t stop his mind from drifting. He’d reach out, to touch artifacts, forgetting that he shouldn’t.
That was why he brought Peter with him.
“Mr. Stark.” Peter turned, batting Tony’s hand away from a display unit, “Stop it.”
Tony pulled back his hand, “I was looking.”
Peter hissed, with a glare, “Look with your eyes.” He turned back, to continue his conversation with Strange.
It was times like these, that Tony couldn’t believe he was the parental one.
Tony stepped aside, scanning the display, on his left.
A small, black box caught his attention. It didn’t look like much, but somehow, it was worthy of its own shelf. Tony unconsciously raised his hand, reaching out to quickly poke it, while Peter was distracted.
Before he could change course, Peter screamed out, “Mr. Stark, wait-” He grabbed Tony’s low-hanging wrist, with a trembling hand.
Tony’s finger barely scraped the artifact, but when he turned, to see Strange’s wide-eyes, and a pale look, he realized he’d made the wrong choice. Strange’s cloak wrapped around him, he stepped forward, with a yelp, “Peter, let go!”
A bright white light blinded Tony, “Shit.”
He blinked, to clear his vision. He was standing, outside. Underneath his feet, was damp grass, and beside him, was cobble ground.
“Peter?” He called, flipping to the side, “Strange?” He rubbed his fingers against his temple, “I am an idiot.”
It was dark, and he seemed to be, in the middle of some sort of industrial estate, “Peter!” He spun on his heel, “Holy Shit.”
In front of him was a fallen building – a pile of rubble, to put it simply. It couldn’t have been long since it was demolished, he could tell by the accompanying dust in the air.
A figure hurried past him, barely visible, Tony waved an arm out, “Hey!”
The figure didn’t even flinch.
Tony hurried ahead, “Hey, can-” He dug his heel, into the mud below, when the person’s face became visible, under the moonlight.
It was Adrian Toomes.
Tony curled his fingers, digging them into his palm, “You—” Raged absorbed him, he clenched his fists by his side, “Toomes!” He hissed, reaching out his hand, to grab the man’s shoulder, but his hand, fell right through him, “What?”
He reached up, waving his hand in front of Toomes’ face, but he went, unnoticed.
This wasn’t real, it couldn’t be.
“Tony, can you hear me?” Strange’s voice echoed, it came from all directions, sending a chill up Tony’s spine.
“Yes.” He sprinted ahead, looking everywhere, “I can hear you, where are you?”
“Where you left us.” Strange said, his tone laced with sarcasm, “It’s going to take some time getting you back – you gotta hang on.”
“Where am I?”
“Well, technically you’re still in the Sanctum.” Strange sighed, “Alas, your soul is elsewhere.”
Tony rolled his eyes, watching Toomes put on his Wingsuit, “So, I’m unconscious?”
“Not exactly.” Strange explained, “Your soul is stuck.”
“Thanks for dumbing it down,” Tony crossed his arms, “Stuck where?”
“Haven’t you worked that out yet?”
Tony looked to the skies, as Toomes landed, on a nearby ledge, “-Peter?”
“You’re in his mind, you’re seeing his memories.” Strange cut in, “You’re only going to see—” His words drowned out like they were communicating over a bad phone line, “You’re—”
Tony tapped the back of his ear, “You’re breaking up, Doc.”
“I’m sor-ry, Ton-y.” Strange’s voice glitched, “You’re on your own.”
“Ah.” Tony combed a hand through his hair, “Brilliant.”
It was Peter’s mind, but considering Tony’s day job, it wasn’t the weirdest thing he’d ever experienced.
This was the night that Peter defeated Toomes.
Tony knew about the fallen building, but from Happy’s report, it was likely that Toomes had demolished it to hide evidence of his wrongdoing.
Peter’s familiar voice screamed, “Hello! Hello!”
Something invisible hit Tony’s chest, paralyzing him, “Kid?” He pressed a hand to his chest, this is a memory, this is a memory, this is only a memory.
“Please.” Peter sobbed, in desperation, “Hey, hey, please. I’m down here. I’m down here—”
Tony leaped forward, “Peter!”
It dawned on him, pretty quickly.
Peter was trapped, underneath the rubble.
It wasn’t his Peter.
Still, Peter had never told him about this.
Tony took in a deep breath and charged forward, he phased through the rubble, like it wasn’t even there, because it wasn’t.
He came to a standstill, and got down on his knees, “Peter—”
Peter was laid on his front, crushed underneath a heap of rubble, wearing his ridiculous makeshift suit.
His face was a gallery of small cuts and bruises, he was breathing, at irregular intervals, as he stared down, at the puddle in front of him.
Peter would be dead if he didn’t have his powers. This would have killed him.
Tony was unsure, how he’d managed to survive, without backup. Scenarios ran through his head. If the debris, to their left, had fallen at another angle, even Spider-Man would have died on impact.
Toomes would have gotten away with his plan.
Tony would have recovered his kid’s body, curled under the rubble, of a random building – he wouldn’t have been Tony’s kid then, they’d only just met. It was the time after this, that Tony grew to love Peter.
If Peter had met his end, in pain and distress, under tons of concrete, the world would have lost its greatest hero.
May would have lost, the only family she had left, and she’d resent Tony. So would Ned. He wouldn’t be able to blame them, it would have been his fault, it was his fault.
Tony would have lost, his last hope. That’s what Peter was. Peter, by being himself, gave Tony a new perspective of life. A hope that kept Tony’s head out of the sand, in those five years that Peter was gone.
Tears welled in Tony’s eyes, “Kid, I’m sorry…” He held a trembling hand under his chin, “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here—”
Peter started ahead, with red-rimmed eyes, and a trembling lower lip, “Come on, Peter.” He spoke to himself, he moved, shifting the debris off his back, “Come on, Spider-Man.”
Tony sat back, his jaw dropped, “Holy Shit.”
“Come on, Spider-Man.” Peter managed to get up, onto his feet, “Come on, Spider-Man.” He held up his arms, using everything he had to shift the rubble, “Come on, Spider-Man!”
“Oh, kid—” Tony didn’t have long to be surprised, or amazed because suddenly, he was falling. He landed, on his feet, on an unfamiliar street corner, “What the fuck.”
Somewhere new.
Peter walked past him, with a Star Wars magazine tucked under his arm, and a can of Coke, in his hand.
The kid looked young, his curls swooped down, covering his eyes, but his jaw was clenched, and his eyes were burning holes in the sidewalk below his feet.
Tony mindlessly called out, “Peter?” It was a force of habit, like talking out loud to a movie, whenever the character was heading head-first into danger.
A gunshot ricocheted in the distance, perhaps a street or two away from them. Tony flinched, gaining air. It was New York, so it wasn’t unheard of, but it was sudden, breaking the silence.
Peter stopped, in his tracks, and turned back.
A man charged into view, sprinting across the road, with his head hung low.
Peter watched him go, with a knowing look in his eyes. The kid straightened his back, blew a slow breath, and ran back, heading towards the direction of the gunshot.
Tony followed, in a slow jog.
This was early for Peter, the origin of Spider-Man. It was clear, he’d already been bitten, at this point – he wasn’t wearing his glasses, and he was running, with ease, with no need for an asthma inhaler.
They turned a corner, and Peter came to a sudden standstill.
Tony swayed aside, to see what Peter was.
He gasped, stepping back, “Oh, God—”
It was Ben Parker, he was sprawled across the sidewalk, on his back. His hand was rested against his bullet wound, blood seeping through his fingers, as he slowly moved his head.
The can and magazine dropped from Peter’s grasp, as he leaped forward, “Ben!”
Tony brought a hand to his head, “Jesus—”
“Uncle Ben!” Peter yelped, stumbling over, “Uncle Ben!” He collapsed onto his knees, with a heavy thud, “Oh, shit—”
Ben choked out, “Peter?”
“It’s me, I’m here, it’s Peter.” With shaking hands, he pulled out his phone, “No…”
Tony cautiously stepped closer, Peter’s cell was dead.
“Eh..” Peter fumbled, through Ben’s coat pocket, “Come on—”
Ben weakly moved his hand, away from the wound, “Petey—”
Peter shushed him, “Gotta—"
“Buddy—” Ben gargled, “Look at—"
Peter swayed back, sitting on his heels, “Ben—"
Ben reached up, resting his bloodied hand against Peter’s cheek, “My Peter…”
Tony’s throat cracked, he brushed the back of his hand, over his eyes. He used to despise, the idea of not being there, for his mother, when she died. He’d even envied Peter, at times, knowing the kid was there, with Ben, in his last moments. He didn’t anymore. If he’d had to watch, his mum, die, knowing he couldn’t save her, would have been a fate worse than death.
A fate Peter survived.
“I—” Peter sobbed, “I—”
Ben’s eyes flickered shut, and his hand fell away from Peter’s face.
“Ben?” Peter’s small voice cried; he pulled on Ben’s arm, “Ben! No, please!”
Tony edged closer, “Kid.”
“Ben, please!” Peter sobbed, “I can’t do this on my own.” He held his head back, shrieking as loud as he could, “Help! Somebody, please!”
Tony stepped over, with caution, he knelt, “Peter—”
“Ben…” He choked on a sob, “Please, I wanna go home.”
Tony hated not being able to reach out and help, “Kid…”
A new voice, came from nearby, “Oh my, God!”
And another, “—I think he’s been shot!”
“Call the police!”
A lady, no older than forty, rushed over, kneeling beside Peter, “Honey…”
A man stood behind Tony, a cell phone pressed to his ear.
Peter kept a hand on Ben’s shoulder, he turned, “Can you—"
She locked an arm around Peter’s back, “We can help.”
“I couldn’t—”
She gently shushed him, and took his hand, “Come with me, sweetheart.”
Peter shook his head, “I can’t leave him.”
“My husband, George –“ She pointed up, at the man, “He’s gonna keep your dad safe, I promise.” She spoke gently, “And I’m gonna take care of you.”
Peter inhaled sharply, “Okay—”
She locked her fingers his arm and helping him onto his feet, “Are you hurt?”
She guided him aside, coaxing him away, making sure his back was turned.
Tony made a mental image of her because he needed to thank her, for saving his kid, on the worst day of his life.
He closed his eyes, as he started falling again – this time, he landed on the muddy ground. He stood straight, looking around, “Fuck.”
This time, it was a familiar sight.
It was the battleground, the place he almost died, laying his life down for the universe.
He knew what he was destined to see, but he wasn’t ready.
He turned, on his heel, to see Rhodey, knelt by his side.
Tony saw himself, collapsed against a pile of debris, his entire right side charred beyond recognition.
He jerked, hearing swoop overheard, “No—”
Peter landed, with a haunted look across his face.
Tony jumped ahead, reaching out, “Kid, don’t—”
Peter cried out, acting strong, “Mr. Stark?”
Rhodey hung his head, moving aside, to give Peter space.
Peter sprinted ahead, kneeling, “Hey– Mr. Stark?” He grabbed Tony’s uninjured hand, “Can you hear me?” His voice broke, “It's Peter.”
Tony glared, at himself, “Say something.”
“Hey.” Peter breathed, slowly, “We won, Mr. Stark– We won, Mr. Stark. We won.” He cracked, “You did it, sir, you did it.”
Tony swayed back, turning away. Sometimes, he doubted his place in Peter’s life, who he was and what he stood for, but he realised, hearing the same terror in Peter’s voice, from the night that Ben died, that Peter saw him as a father-figure, that was who he was destined to be.
Tony jolted, as a hand wrapped around his wrist, and Peter shouted out, “Tony!”
Tony sprung upright, his eyes flew open, “Woah.” He waited until his head, stopped spinning, before taking in his surroundings, he was back in Strange’s place, sat on the floor, “Peter?”
Peter was knelt, in front of him, hand on his arm, “Ugh.” He sighed heavily, and then slapped Tony’s arm, “Idiot.”
Peter whined, sitting down, “We couldn’t get you back.”
Tony looked up to Strange, “That was—” He swallowed, “A lot.”
“You were merely in Peter’s darkest memories.”
Tony barked a laugh, “Merely?”
Peter snapped his head up, his cheeks devoid of color, “What did you see?”
Tony nudged his chin up, “We’ll talk about it later.”
Peter nodded.
Tony turned his attention back to Strange, “What was that thing?”
“It’s called the Truce.” He said, “An artifact that was created to end wars.”
Tony raised an eyebrow, “How?”
“The leader, from each side, would see the other’s darkest memories, to help them better understand one another’s sides.”
Tony frowned, seeing the obvious flaw with that, “Oh, really?”
“Despite it being invented for that reason, most of the time, it achieved the opposite.”
“There it is.” He flinched, spinning to Peter, “Wait, so Peter, did you—"
“I was able to stop Peter, from seeing into your mind, but it took some time, extracting you—"
Tony leaned forward, grabbing Peter’s hand, “Thank God, for that.” He got up, planting a kiss against Peter’s cheek.
Peter turned, “Will he be okay now, Strange?”
“Yes, he’ll be fine.” Strange crossed his arms, “And Stark?”
Tony kept his eyes on Peter, “Yes, dear?”
“Keep your hands to yourself, next time.”
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johannstutt413 · 4 years
(requested by anonymous; technically a continuation to this)
Penguin Logistics - a company where the sexual tension could be cut with a knife if you so desired. Many of the Operators who worked with the girls (and Bison) of PL had to wonder if the business’s leader/mascot/breakout rap superstar had intentionally brought together a group like this, but if anyone had had the balls to ask, they hadn’t shared what they learned. It was kind of weird for them to think any of them would actually do something about their feelings.
Then everything changed when Sora and the Doctor confessed their feelings to each other.
It was about three months after that fateful day; Mostima had returned after the fiasco with Lungmen a week ago and hadn’t gone off again yet, her excuse being that she wanted to explore Rhodes Island before heading out again. Sora had just gotten engaged (no points for guessing to whom), and Emperor had decided it was as good an excuse as any other to throw a party. There’d be plenty of booze, plenty of music, and everyone could just have a good time. At least...that was the plan.
At some point that night, one of them suggested playing a game of poker; who made the suggestion doesn’t really matter, but the fact that most of them agreed to play certainly does. Bison and Croissant abstained; it’d already been a long day, Bison had a job starting early the next day, and Croissant had had a couple more drinks than she’d intended and didn’t feel like gambling her spending money away so quickly. When he noticed the trouble she was having walking in a straight line, Bison offered to help her to her room, and they said goodnight to the rest as he had to use both of his hands to keep her steady.
Emperor volunteered to play the dealer for the evening - he didn’t want to rob them all blind, after all - which left Sora, the Doctor, Texas, Exusiai, and Mostima (arranged in that order) paying into the pot. It was clear early on that the Doctor knew the cards but couldn’t bluff for shit, and she was the first out; since buy-ins were using real cash, and she was rather light at the moment, she didn’t join back in, and after a couple more hands, Sora was out as well. That left two angels, one fallen, and the fastest delivery-wolf in the west in a game far more intense than the amount of empty bottles around the office would’ve implied to an outsider.
“Alright girls, this is gonna be the last hand for the night.” Emperor yawned, flapping his flippers rapidly to shake off the sleepies before dealing their cards. “Whoever walks away with the most at the end of it wins the whole thing. Texas, if you don’t mind, it’ll be $300.”
“Sounds good to me.” She took the smallest stack of chips adding up to that price and slid it into the pot.
Exu glanced at her cards once, twice, three times, before finally saying, “I’ll call.”
“I’ll raise it to $1000,” Mostima asserted. She hadn’t looked at her cards once. 
“Call,” Texas replied almost instantly, putting in the required $700.
The red headed angel hemmed and hawed for a moment before nodding to herself. “I’ll raise to $2000.”
“...All in.”
Exusiai smiled brightly. “Call!” All three players moved their chips into the pool.
“I know I said ‘last hand,’ but shit, this is a real turn.” Emperor went through, flipping cards, until all were revealed. “Alright, that’s two Jacks, a Queen, and two fives. Let’s seem ‘em, Texas.”
Exu’s eyes went wide. “Hey, I got that, too!” She revealed she did, in fact, have Ace-King as well, each of a different suit to Texas’.
“That makes three of us,” Mostima confirmed, turning over both her cards in a single motion. “What a way to end the night.”
“Well, I won’t bother splitting the pot myself. Don’t forget to clean up on your way out.” Emperor hopped off his stool, leaving them to stew in the pot he left for them.
After taking care of that much, Texas collapsed into the loveseat. “What a night.”
“I’ll say,” Exusiai agreed. “I can’t believe Sora’s really getting married.”
“I always guessed it would be her first, if any of you were going to.” Mostima shrugged, flicking a $5 poker chip in the air and catching it on her thumb ad nauseam.
The other Sankta in the room cocked her head. “What do you mean by that?”
“Ignoring Bison for the moment,” she continued, “Croissant has never showed much of an interest, I travel too much to settle down, and Texas always looks annoyed or mad at something which scares people off.”
“And what about me?”
Mostima smiled. “You’re always going to hold out for me, aren’t you?”
“I don’t have to, you know,” she retorted. “And Texas isn’t that scary.”
“I’m not?” The Lupo seemed nonplussed by that.
Exusiai hopped up and walked over to her. “Not at all. I’ll kill two birds with one stone right now.”
“Exu, wha-” Texas didn’t get to finish her sentence, however, as a pair of lips stopped her from doing just that. Her eyes flared open as it happened, but the next few words were slow to come out. “...Mostima, when did you get over here.”
“I can erase time,” she shrugged.
The other angel pouted. “No fair - I was going to do that.”
“You always did have good taste,” Mostima smirked before giving her a kiss as well. “Happy?”
“No.” Her face was a mask of mixed emotions.
Texas stood up from her chair and took Exusiai’s hands in hers. “You were saying?”
“Really?” She immediately perked right back up. “Aww, Texas, have you been holding out on me?”
“Don’t play dumb; that’s my job.” As she said that, one arm went around the angel’s waist as the other went to the small of her back. Exu followed suit, and one passionate kiss later, they’d fallen onto the couch next to them, the Lupo on top with her tail wagging all the while.
Mostima watched all of this with an expression the other angel might’ve recognized if she weren’t occupied at the moment. “I suppose I’ll leave you to it-”
“Mmm.” One of each of their hands reached out to pull on her. They looked up at her, with Exusiai speaking for the both of them. “You can stay, if you want.”
“Well, with an invitation like that...”
The next morning, Sora walked into HQ, humming her latest song-in-progress up until she saw the amount of loose clothing on the floor. Glancing over at the couch, she blushed heavily before turning around and announcing, “Good morning, girls!”
“Hmm?” Texas woke up at the bottom of the pile before groaning. “We had to do it in the office, didn’t we...”
“You two started this,” Mostima smirked, her head on the other side of the couch.
Exusiai sat up and stretched from the top of the pile. “Aw well. Sora, could you help a couple girls out getting back in order?”
“S-sure, Exu.” The four of them went through the clothes scattered on the floor, the idol’s eyes pointedly focused on the ground until they were at least moderately covered. “H-how did the game go?”
“Three-way tie,” Texas replied before snorting as the other two began to giggle.
At that moment, Bison staggered in, looking like he’d just barely made it out of bed himself. “Mornin’, ev’ry’ne.”
“Morning, Bison!” Exusiai cocked her head. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, ‘m fine. ‘zere coffee yet?”
Sora walked over to the machine. “Not yet, but I’ll make you some.”
“Thanks.” He sat at the bar and buried his head in his arms. “‘Stoo damn bright’day.”
“What happened? You look like you got run over by a truck,” Mostima observed, her characteristic half-smirk now fully in place for a day’s use.
He looked back at her, attempting to glare but only managing to squint. “Wazzup mosta last night.”
“Really?” Exu couldn’t imagine why. “How come?”
“Mornin’; girls!” Croissant walked in and joined Bison at the bar, sliding an arm around his shoulder.
He returned the favor, setting his head on her shoulder. “Thnx 4 wakin mup thz mornin,” he slurred together.
“‘Course,” she smiled, giving him a peck on the cheek. “D’ya want me to come with ya for this’un?”
“Mmhmm.” Sora set a cup of coffee next to him, which with Croissant’s help he managed to hold to his lips for a sip.
Texas asked the question on all their minds. “Did you two spend last night together?”
“Aw shucks, he was a real champ,” Croissant beamed. “A real keeper, this one.”
“I should call my dad before we head out,” Bison muttered.
She rubbed his back. “You ain’t gotta worry ‘bout that after one night.”
“Thanks,” he shook his head, “but I want him to meet you, and if we’re going that direction anyway...”
“Now ain’t you just the sweetest apple in the barrel!” The cup of coffee was set to the side as she set upon him.
Texas and Mostima shared a glance and a smile as Sora looked between them. The Sankta shared the thought with her as they looked at Exusiai. “I’m pretty sure ours is sweeter.”
[Note: There was another way they could’ve found out about Bison/Croissant...]
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o0aj0o · 6 years
The Arcana Crew as Quotes From Me and My Friend Group (with extras)
Nadia: “I radiate big dick energy and you radiate small dick energy”
Julian: “I wanna be Stewart and when I eat lobster I can say they’re putting lobster in the stew”
Mazelinka: “Welcome to adulthood, fucko. Hope you study hard and become best person”
Muriel: “What are you???” “Dead inside...”
Muriel (pt. 2): “come on guys lets all together pray for a great 2020 to make up for every year after 2015!” “Its 2019...” “MY SUFFERING WILL NEVER END”
Lucio: “I’m gonna slam dunk myself into hell.” 
Lucio (pt. 2): “I’m going to hell for my sins so its only right that I summon satan. I’m gonna invite him over and let him know what I’m all about before he roasts me in hell like a chicken.”
Asra @ Lucio: “You’re the gift that’s left further under the tree and is getting crushed by much better gifts”
Apprentice: “Jesus wtf am I? They put me back together like a fucking tin man”
Asra @ apprentice: “[mc] is worth like 4 Tom Hiddleston’s out of 5″
Faust: “Watch the fuck out”
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
Armageddon Chapter 4 (Dean x Reader)
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Title: Armageddon Chapter 4
Summary:  Space. The Final Frontier. But for Dean Winchester, space was the last place he thought he would ever go. His family life isn’t perfect, his job isn’t ideal, but he has (Y/n), the woman he loves. Sam Winchester never thought his life would turn out the way it did. He is divorced, alone, and his brother most likely hates him. Working for NASA was not going to be easy. But, when a threat to the earth has him calling on his family for help, what can he do? can Sam and Dean push past his family issues to keep the Earth spinning another day? Based on the movie of the same name.
Pairings: Dean x Reader; Sam x Jessica
Warnings For this Chapter: Mainly language I think
AN: Check out my Patreon to get access to this and other fics before they come to Tumblr!
Song for this Chapter: Starman by David Bowie
Dean’s Apartment
Austin, TX
Dean awoke to the sound of someone bowing before the porcelain throne. He reached over for (Y/n) and his eyes snapped open when her side was empty. Throwing the covers off himself he rushed to the bathroom and knocked softly on the door.
“(Y/n), sweetheart, you ok in there?” he called out.
He could hear the faint sounds the the toilet flushing and the faucet running before the door opened. (Y/n) stumbled out of the bathroom and groaned.
“Never let me drink blue long islands ever again!” she moaned.
Dean had the brilliant Idea to head to the store and make her some mixed drinks as he cooked for the three of them. (Y/n) and Dean pushed Sam to stay longer and eat and rest some more. Dean chuckled softly as he helped (Y/n) with the bottle of aspirin and a glass of water.  
“But you’re all cute and snuggly when you’re drunk,” Dean teased as he kissed her head. “So, hangover cure for breakfast?”
“Yes please,” (Y/n) moaned, “With lots and lots of bacon!”
“That’s my girl,” Dean winked at her. He looked at Sam out on the balcony, talking on an ugly cell phone. He was pacing back and forth, seeming to satisfy his need to be moving. (Y/n) looked over at him.
“Still can’t stay still?” (Y/n) asked with a laugh. Dean chuckled.
“Guess he can’t,” Dean breathed as he placed the finished meal in front of her.
Taking a strip of bacon, (Y/n) moaned as she took a bite, “all hail the king of bacon!” she sighed.
Sam took that moment to walk in and smiled.
“Thanks for letting me crash, I um… It was nice,” Sam smiled as he sat by (Y/n). “I really need to get back to Houston though. We don’t have much time.”
“Ok, well you need breakfast first!” Dean placed a plate in front of Sam, “Not sure what they are feeding you in NASA, but you look thin.”
“I don’t really get to eat much. Maybe one meal a day.” Sam admitted. Dean frowned a little, but Sam didn’t seem to notice. “So Dean, if you don’t come with me back to Houston, I’m going to have to take your spot on the shuttle and…” Dean raised his hand to stop him.
“I’m coming,” Dean chuckled, “on the condition that you eat.” Dean crossed his arms and raised his eyebrow at his brother.
(Y/n) gave a small smirk and a wink at Dean as he placed a plate in front of Sam.
“Now, are you going to eat? Or are we going to do this like when we were kids?” Dean leaned on the counter and gave Sam a smile.  
“I don’t need the airplane trick.” Sam laughed. He ate his bacon and smiled some. It was nice having a home cooked meal. The last time he had had one was before his and Jessica’s relationship got rocky. “Thanks man. This was good.”
“OK,” (Y/n) stretched abit, “You two have a good trip,” She grabbed her empty plate and placed it in the sink. “I’m going to finish packing the rest of the stuff here and head to my apartment to pack.”
“It was great seeing you (Y/n).” Sam kissed her cheek. “Hopefully next time, you have more clothes.” He chuckled some. “You know, you can come with us if you want.”
“I don’t know Sam, I might be in the way,” (Y/n) gave him a quick hug before disappearing into the room.
“Dean, she’s welcome to come. I think she’d have fun.” Sam smiled at him.
“Yeah, and she could keep me distracted from Dad,” Dean breathed. “I’ll pack up the Impala and be on the road in five, I just have to convince her to come with me.”
“Okay I’m going to go ahead and get going. I’ve got a few things to oversee and stuff. And I’m good to go for another 48 hours at least.” He smiled. “I’ll see you in Houston.” Sam left then, heading to his car. Dean made his way to the bedroom and wrapped his arms around (Y/n).
“Babe, come with me.” Dean mumbled, kissing her. “It can be like a little vacation. Once I get those nerds trained, we can go have some fun before this big scary asteroid hits.” He chuckled a little. He didn’t know just how big it was.
“Dean,” (Y/n) sighed, “I don’t know,” She wrapped her arms around his neck, “I have a lot to do here and at my apartment and we …. oh no… don’t give me the puppy look please.”
“Please.” Dean said, giving her that look that made her melt. “We’ll have plenty of time to pack up. And we can always hire movers to help.”
(Y/n) placed her forehead against his taking his his scent, leather, whiskey, and the rig. “Fine,” she gave in, “But the minute, and I mean the minute I am in the way… I am coming straight back here, go it?”
“Okay, but you won’t be in the way.” He smiled at her. “Promise.”
Houston, Texas
“This place is trippy.” Ash said, looking around at the room. “Are we under arrest or something?”
“I’ve dealt with my fair share of cops mate,” Ketch explained. “And they wouldn’t have sent John by himself to get us.”
“Plus, we’re at NASA.” Garth added. Benny set there silently by John, looking around. The door opened then and Sam walked in, fresh from a quick shower after his trip from Austin.
“Sammy boy!” Ketch laughed. “Good to see you!”
John crossed his arms and shook his head, “I thought Dean would be with you?”
“He’s on his way. He should be here any minute.” Sam told him. “I was told that you had demands though you wanted me to deliver to the directors?”
“Yeah, we uh, wrote them down.” Ash handed sam a piece of paper. Sam scanned it.
“You want a stripper party before the launch?” Sam asked. “Let me guess, Ash?”
“Hey man, I got needs.” Ash said. “And my needs are for some hot, half naked ladies in my lap.”
John placed his head in his hands and groaned, as he heard the demands. He gave an apologetic look to Sam. However, he couldn’t help but chuckle at the imagination of his employees.
“Ketch wants a jet made out of gold,” Sam sighed. “Ketch, we can’t make a jet out of gold.”
“I am a man of refined taste,” he smiled and gave Ash a high five.  
“Benny wants an island in the Pacific?” Sam asked at him and Benny just shrugged.
“I want a place to launch my fishing boats from.” Benny explained.
“Garth wants marijuana to be legal.” Sam sighed. “Dad...wants a key to the Playboy mansion…”
“That’s right John, up top!” Ash said, raising his hand for a high five but just got a glare from John, so Ash slowly lowered it.
“And none of you ever want to pay taxes again. Ever.” Sam smiled a bit. “I’ll see what I can do.” Charlie came in then, smiling awkwardly at everyone.
“Uh, Sam, there’s a guy claiming to be your brother here.” She told him. Sam smiled.
“I’ll take these to Director Singer. I’ll be right back.” Sam left the guys sitting in the room. Charlie gave an awkward wave before following him out.
Garth leaned in towards Ash, “are we going to duck and cover when things explode?”
“Hey man, that turtle from childhood taught me all about that.” Ash laughed. “I think I got that mastered.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t want to be in here when Dean and John start taking blows at each other,” Ketch breathed as he sank down in his chair.
“This is why marijuana should be legal.” Garth laughed. “Everyone would be so mellow.”
Sam walked in with Dean and (Y/n) right behind him. Dean sat at the opposite side of the table from John. Sam could just feel the tension in the air.
“Right, so Director Singer is going to come in and brief you all on everything,” Sam told them.
“Good to see you finally made it Dean,” John drawled as he glared at his son.  
“John,” (Y/n) warned.
“Anyone want anything to drink?” Sam asked. “Water, soda, tea, whiskey? God knows I could use that.” Bobby came in then and smiled at Sam.
“Hello gentlemen,” He rubbed his eyes as he walked in, “As you know, we have a bit of a situation that needs to be dealt with.” He took a seat at the head of the table. “Now, you all should have been briefed about the asteroid that is on it’s way towards us.”
“More or less,” John leaned on the table.
“Each day it’s getting closer.” Sam told them. “If we don’t do something soon, then we’re all dead.”
“So, we will send you guys up into space, to help our guys drill onto the surface of the asteroid,” Bobby said as he stood to show them the diagram of the operation.
“Wait, wait. Hold up.” (Y/n) said. “You’re sending them into space?”
“I thought we were just teaching your nerds how to use the drill.” Dean added.
“Unfortunately, we don’t have time for you to teach our… nerds… how to use an enormous power tool,” Bobby drawled. “We are going to train you to go up there with them.”
“Then I’m adding to my demands.” Ash said. “Strippers aren’t just going to cut it.”
“Yes, I believe my gold jet might need a few adjustments,” Ketch added.
“Guys, just calm down.” Sam told them. “It’s not that bad. You don’t have to do spacewalks or anything like that. You’re just drilling, but in space. We’ve set up a zero gravity simulator for you to test it out.”
(Y/n) felt Dean squeeze her thigh. She knew how he felt about flying, and now he was asked to go into space. She could see his eyes focusing on a spot on the table. She leaned in, close to his ear.
“It’s going to be ok,” she whispered before kissing his cheek.
“We’ll be introducing you to the astronaut team after your physicals,” Bobby explained. “Sam will be available if you have any questions. I’m putting him to work on our bomb that we are taking up there.”
Dean stood up and headed to the door grabbing Sam by the collar and taking him outside. Rubbing his hands on his face he took a deep breath.
“When were you going to tell me you were going to put me on a rocket to space?” Dean crossed his arms as he looked at Sam.  
“I thought I told you.” Sam said. “I honestly wasn’t sure if they were going through with it though Dean. I’m sorry.”
“I can’t,” Dean shook his head, “ I can train the guys, but I can’t go up there,” Dean croaked. “Hell, (Y/n) has to practically knock me out to get on a normal plane, or even on the chopper to get on and off the rig.”
“I mean, I can go.” Sam told him. “It won’t be a big deal. I just need you to train them and I can go in your place…”
“Uh, NO! No way,” Dean glared at Sam. “You are going to stay right here, because if anything happens up there…. I know I can count on you to watch (Y/n).”
“Nothing’s going to happen.” Sam said. “But if I go up there instead, you’ll be here to be with her. And you won’t have to worry about the rockets or anything.”
“Yeah Dad would love that idea,” Dean muttered, “I’ll do it… just… you need to stay safe ok.”
“Okay, okay.” Sam patted his shoulder. “I’ll let you and (Y/n) stay at my house while you’re here so you don’t have to do the hotel. And Sadie misses you.” Sam smiled. “I need to get to the testing range for the bomb. You have my cell number.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Dean sighed, “At least (Y/n) is going to have fun with Sadie….” Dean smiled, “Hey you still have that jacuzzi?”
“Yes but please clean it after you do your nasty thing in there.” Sam sighed.
“What? Us? Do nasty things, in a jacuzzi?” Dean feigned innocence.
“Don’t you remember when Jess and I bought the house and you were in the tub with the next door neighbor?” Sam asked, crossing his arms. “And I think there were some bathing suits missing. And her husband wasn’t exactly happy.”
“Oh… yeah… Let’s not tell (Y/n) about that… that was way before we started going out….” Dean rubbed the back of his neck.
“I won’t. It’ll be a funny story for your bachelor party.” Sam laughed, elbowing Dean. “Anyway, I really gotta go. Call me when your done and I’ll give you the key to the house. I had to have the locks changed after someone broke in.”
“Why am I hearing about this now?” Dean asked.
“You were busy. I didn’t think it was that big of a deal.” Sam shrugged and headed towards the bomb range. “We’ll talk more over dinner!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Deam called after him.
John walked out of the room. He froze seeing Dean pacing back and forth. John knew that his son was nervous. If they weren’t fighting, he might have told him a few words to calm down. He wasn’t sure what to say. Dean looked up as he saw his dad.
“Did you know Sam’s house was broken into?” Dean asked, staring down his dad.
“It was no big deal, he handled it,” John crossed his arms.
“It’s Sam!” Dean said. “He’s still my little brother!”
“What do you care? You’re going to be working for Crowley anyways! You’ll be in Louisiana, long gone and away from Sam.” John bellowed.
“Well if someone would realize that me and Sam aren’t the same person, maybe I wouldn’t be going!” Dean yelled back. “I don’t know if I can work with you on this!”
“Well jokes on you, they said I’m too old!” John turned and stormed off, leaving Dean standing there.
Forever Tags:  @anathewierdo @dekahg @marvel-af @feelmyroarrrr @nanie5 @imboredsueme @gemini0410 @aiaranradnay @babypink224221 @mogaruke @xxwarhawk @sandlee44 @shatteredabby @caswinchester2000 @supernaturalwincestsblog @lauravic @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk
Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles Tags: @luciathewinchestergirl @sheris532 @bobasheebaby @bella-ca @akshi8278 @queenslandlover-93 @screechingartisancashbailiff @strab0 @maaryisafangirl @deathofmissjackson @hellabrothers
Supernatural Tags:  @bandobsession98 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @fangirlsencyclopaediaofweirdness @ilovetardis @missihart23 @cloudyskylines @flamencodiva @sams-serialkiller-fetish @theas-bedtime-stories @huntingfreewill @ocholove @princessofthefandomrealm
Armageddon Tags:  @thefaithfulwriter
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drink-n-watch · 5 years
  Let me tell you something, Montreal only exists in wave and snaps. Heat waves and cold snaps. That’s it. OK, here are maybe 4 days in October which are quite nice but the rest of the time… waves and snaps. We are currently in the former although I don’t think I have any right to complain considering what’s happening in Europe. But it’s all good when you have a cool anime to chill with on the weekend! How has your week been Crow? (Crow is bold, like brass!)
  So I’m brassy bold? I like that! I’m going through a wetter than typical Ohio summer, which means 90+ (Fahrenheit — I know, we’re behind the times here in the States!) and humidity that exceeds the theoretical maximum! But your point about Europe is well-taken! No complaints here!
  Let’s jump into it, shall we?
here we go
As you may recall, last week ended on Tanjiro interrupting Boar Boy as he was about to skewer Zenitsu for protecting Nezuko’s box. We got the few last seconds of episode 13 as an opening tag to get us in the mood and I must say, a bloodied Zenitsu desperately holding onto the box may just be my spirit animal!
I love your summary! Great word economy and it got me all caught up!
After the opening credits, we finally get the payoff to Tanjiro’s lunge and it was impressive. You could really feel that impact…for about half a second. Boar Boy is brash and difficult to take. He’s a violent dumb caricature that seems to be played for laughs, but when you are actively attempting to murder most of the main cast (in a series that has not been shy about killing off people), it’s not as funny as it could be. 
This said I liked the fight.
I want to be like him when I grow up
After having a few bones broken by Tanjiro’s punch and listening to a speech about how Demon Slayers don’t draw swords against each other, Boar Boy takes the most direct approach possible and decides to attack Tanjiro bare handed right then and there. There was a slight subversion of expectations at the beginning as Boar Boy seems utterly unphased, even unbothered by the situation, simply switching from one sparring partner to another. This made the character more interesting to me.
Moreover, the fighting choreography was beautiful. Boary has an unorthodox low fighting style that incorporates a lot of leg sweeps, kicks and impressive flexibility. Paired with ufotable’s great animation, it was just fun to watch. Which is good, cause this fight lasted a while. Did you enjoy it as well?
I did, for the same reasons you mentioned. I liked how it showed Tanjiro with a little more inner conflict than usual — he didn’t want to fight, but he was still really steamed about what Boar Boy tried to do to Nezuko. Also, we got another example of Tanjiro analyzing his opponent’s style and trying to adapt. I love those little insights. 
good time to have this type of discussion
Right at the end of the fight we finally get a Boar Boy reveal. We see his face I mean. Everyone in the show says he looks like a girl but I would not have noticed. Did he seem feminine to you Crow?
Honestly, no. Maybe I’ve seen Working!! too many times (remember how Souta Takanashi often had to dress as a woman to keep from triggering the crazy training Mahiru Inami’s dad had given her? Guess I kinda got used to the idea that features aren’t binary!), but he just looked like he had delicate features. I loved Tanjiro’s reaction to Boar Boy’s challenge asking if they had a problem with his face. “”We don’t have a problem with your face! It’s quite petite, fair-skinned, and therefore attractive!”
Could he be any more diplomatic? I think Tanjiro is weaponizing “nice,” which we see several times later in this episode! 
imagine him with a red shag and receiving hairline…face is pretty much the same as Tanjiro’s non?
For all intents and purposes, Tanjirou wins the fight and we have a few quiet moments as Zenitsu, Tanjiro and the kids make good on their promise to bury the victims as Inosuke (Boar Boy) recovers.
I thought it was sweet how both Tanjiro and Zenitsu used their kimonos as makeshift bedding for Inosuke. 
It really showed their character, didn’t it? Despite the beating Inosuke tried to give them, they still didn’t want to leave him lying unprotected on the ground. I’m warming up to Zenitsu more and more in this episode! Of course, we expect that level of consideration from Tanjiro. 
As soon as Inosuke wakes up though, he goes straight back to aggressive jerk mode, demanding to fight everyone. It’s here that we get the origin to what becomes a running joke throughout the episode (and I suspect the series). Namely, Inosuke almost obsessively trying to taunt Tanjiro into lashing out just to have the latter respond with oblivious kindness and compassion.
dude, the kids are worried about YOU
Sure that’s in line with Tanjiro’s character, but when you have small traumatized children and *Zenitsu* embarrassed for you, you may want to take a step back!
Even as I laughed at Tanjiro’s reaction, I had to wonder if nice raised to the level of obliviousness is a self defense mechanism? Or is there a small piece of Tanjiro that realizes how incensed his niceness is to Inosuke?
Since Tanjiro won’t fight him, Inosuke decides to headbutt threes at full speed instead, something else he will be doing for the rest of the episode. I’m not sure if this is a long-standing habit of Boar Boy’s or he is simply trying to toughen up his skull since Tanjiro won by headbutt.
Not sure that fracturing his skull will in any way toughen it! And besides, Tanjiro’s forehead apparently had Legendary Hardness(™). I really don’t think Insouke is going to be able to catch up!
good call!
Before they can finish properly giving their respects to the dead, Tanjro’s crow shows up and tells them it’s time to leave the mountain, which they do. Along the way, the kids decide to head home, leaving the three Demon Slayers on their own and oh boy….
Zenitsu goes back to being overzealous in his fantastic fear of everything, only now, he has a loud obnoxious character in the background. On more than one occasion Tanjiro looked like he just wanted to beat them both up right then and there. With everything that’s happened so far, I think this is the first time Tanjiro truly regretted joining the Demon Slayer corp!
Tanjiro’s expressions reminded me of a day care worker on their 12th hour of the day. Just ready to go home and sleep, but the screaming children still need to be supervised! 
I bet those kids were happy to leave
In a bit of almost ex machina luck, it seemed the three of them had been close to a private estate to serves as a Demon Slayer sanctuary due to an old family debt. And so, our three stoo… slayers now have a place to rest and heal up before continuing their adventures.
I see how you almost slipped there! Kinda thought the same thing myself. One saving grace? I think the Crow was leading there (always trust Crows — we’re innately trustworthy as a matter of professional pride!), so I don’t think it was random. 
However, the Crow leading them somewhere pleasant? I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop!
And that’s pretty much it. A series of shenanigans take place as all three boys show comical extremes of their personalities. It was like an intermission or a random slice of life episode thrown in and I have to admit…I didn’t really like it.
When you exaggerate them like that Zenitsu is annoying and Inosuke is obnoxious, while Tanjiro is just kind of boring. I wouldn’t call it awful, but it was my least favourite episode so far. And the backstory and development we get on Inosuke were so basic that they could have skipped it all together without much consequence. But you are usually a fountain of positivity, what did you think Crow???
No pressure! If I had to rank these first 14 episodes, this one would likely be at the bottom. What kept Inosuke from being a complete chariature was how Tanjiro’s weaponized politeness gradually wore him down. Before dinner, for example, Boar Boy was on the constant attack. At dinner, he even snatched foot right off of Tanjiro’s plate and obnoxiously chewed it right in his face! When Tanjiro offered him another bowl of food, saying Inosuke must be really hungry, I expected Boar Boy to slap away the food. Instead, he just glowered. That’s progress!
The TL;DR version: Tanjiro’s Legendary Kindness(™) might just transform Inosuke.
we got some fanservice though…
It’s really the last minutes that brought what I’ve been waiting for, for a few weeks now. Nezuko’s glorious and adorable return. I was so thrilled to see her. And just before she got back, there was a quiet and touching moment between Tanjiro and Zenitsu. It was lining up to be the best scene in the episode and… Zenitsu completely ruined it again.
He wasn’t very easy to follow but I think he was implying that Tanjiro joined the Demon Slayer Corp so that he could get a cute demon girlfriend and carry her around with him which is a weird conclusion to jump to, at best… 
But it’s the kind of conclusion a male of Zenitsu’s temperament would jump to! In high school, within my group of friends, if one of them managed to get a girlfriend, the rest would hassle him about it. Heck, look at Issei Hyoudou’s friends from High School DxD! They caught one glimpse of him with Rias Gremory and threatened him with bodily harm!
But you’re absolutely right: Seeing Nezuko emerge from the box was a beautiful moment. Given how terrified Zenitsu was of the opening box, when she emerged looking all adorable and stuff, all I could think was “Behold the terrifying demon! Tremble in her presence!”
In a wildly sarcastic way, of course.
boys are weird…
As it stands my favourite scene is the opening tag, which was a recap of the last episode so that should tell you something. I’m going to pretend that was a recap episode and just move on to the next one. On the upside, it still looked great!
Reviews of the Other Episodes
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 01: Cruelty
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 02: Trainer Sakonji Urokodaki
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 03: Sabito and Makomo
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 04: Final Selection
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 05: My Own Steel
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 06: A Friend fo All Humans
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 07: Muzan Kibutsuji
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 08: The Smell of Enchanting Blood
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 09: Temari Demon and Arrow Demon
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 10: Together Forever
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 11: Tsuzumi Mansion
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 12: The Boar Bears Its Fangs, Zenitsu Sleeps
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 13: Writers are A Pain
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I’m liking slideshows lately…
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Episode 14: You Need To Calm Down! Let me tell you something, Montreal only exists in wave and snaps. Heat waves and cold snaps.
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Oh, and Yup, that's a very fitting thing you did with Mihoyo's o's there😂😂 I applaud you're creativity!😂😁 ...WHAT exactly would be "trying" in that case?😅 Well, ofc they all should, cause there's SO much they all need to deal with, but at this point I'm just fine with someone telling/teaching Mon to at least accept he's NOT horrible...😰🙈 TtQ. Well, I doubt not living near you could remotely stoo her, so really, maybe don't challenge her?😅🙈 TtQ2. Ohhh...That's just evil😭(4 messages)
Thank you, thank you, I'm very proud of it myself. ( ̄^ ̄)
Well, you can sleep more and I'll see if I feel extra energised...?
Yep... Good thing he's going to live for so long because he's going to be clocking in a LOT of therapy hours...
TtQ. Maybe you shouldn't tell her my supposed crimes either... -_-
TtQ2. ...Er, who or what is evil...? Not me, I hope... >_>;;
0 notes
descientia · 6 years
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FULL NAME: Ignis Stupeo Scientia
PRONUNCIATION: IG-niss stoo-PAY-oh see-EN-tee-ah* ( *I don’t care if this is canon or not and that will continue to be a trend here so bear with me. this is what flies for my muse. )
NAME MEANS: “I stun with fiery knowledge” or some such. *cracks knuckles* HEADCANON TIME.
So, relevant headcanon #1: All these Latin names are “Old Lucian.” It’s the language they used to speak in Lucis before Niflheim’s globalization efforts made their native language the dominant one worldwide ( which I call “Common” or “the Common Tongue,” but a.k.a. English ). It’s a dead language, now only studied by the Insomnian educated and elite ( à la actual Latin ). Lucians outside the Wall don’t speak it and that’s why even Insomnia came to start using Common, only teaching and clinging to Old Lucian as a formality and matter of custom, really. The common class in Insomnia also don’t have much use for it, except doctors, lawyers, and such. The only people who actually speak it fluently are pretentious shits like Ignis and his tutors ( or other rich kids who just really, really paid attention to their fancy elite educations ).
Relevant headcanon #2: The last names of noble families were either chosen to embody qualities that they wish, as a house, to champion, or else they gained these surnames descriptively ( like IRL surnames such as “Thatcher”— someone in your ancestry probably thatched roofs ) and came to adopt them due to pride in whatever they were espousing. The Amicitias were always friends to the King, the Scientias pride knowledge, etc. ( I have headcanons for a few other noble surnames too, like Lucre, who were probably bankers. )
Relevant headcanon #3: The custom among the noble class is to name their children something in Old Lucian that embodies qualities that you wish them to have. ( See below. )
So, given all that, Lord and Lady Scientia didn’t sit down and go, “Hmm, what kind of complete sentence can we build around the exact word ‘scientia’ that will spell out something grammatically coherent?” The last name was already there and they really only chose the first and middle names. Furthermore, his middle name was given to him more in honor of his paternal grandfather than because they were like “he should stun people,” but even then, grandaddy Stupeo Scientia was given that name probably more with the idea of it meaning “stunning” or the idea of stupefying others or besting them in some way, not the super literal, conjugated translation of “I stun.” They’re not concerning themselves with declensions and conjugations here, or complete sentences. Just ideas. ( —Mostly, though you do have those parents who will try to be “clever” by giving their children first and middle names that compose a complete phrase. )
WAS NAMED BECAUSE: “Ignis” because they wanted him to embody qualities of fire: passionate, transformative, powerful, etc. “Stupeo” after his grandfather, although in doing so they also wished to pass on those qualities as well. If Grandpa Scientia was named something they didn’t want to pass on to their son, they wouldn’t have.
BONUS: His father’s name is Veritas Invictus Scientia ( veritas = truth, invictus = undefeated ). His mother’s name is Lauretia Honneur Scientia ( lauretia tweaked slightly from laurea or laureata, meaning a literal laurel leaf or being designated as an accomplished and noble person with one; Honneur is her maiden name, meaning “honor” in “Tenebraen,” which is where her ancestry is from. ) I’ll stop at regaling you with his children’s names ( again ) but yo I’m so ready to talk about it.
NICKNAME(S) AND WHY HE HAS THEM: Iggy = bestowed upon him by 4-year-old Noctis, and it stuck. Specs = bestowed upon him by a teenage Noctis who was too cool for “Iggy,” and it stuck. Iggs, Iggster, Specky, etc. = endless variations of the previous two. He accepts them, though may raise a brow at some of the more creative ones. Mom = bestowed by the gang on the road trip probably. He appreciates that they think of him fondly as a sort of parental figure but is not a huge fan of feminizing nicknames tbh. Doesn’t see why he should be “mom” instead of “dad” just because he does the cooking and cleaning when he is, in fact, a male. Four-Eyes = Aranea. Not wholly different from “Specs,” he supposes, but feels a little more pejorative. May take some getting used to ( although I imagine she must go with a different nickname after he loses some eyes, seems gauche ).
Other titles and honorifics: Lord Scientia, Advisor, Royal Advisor, Hand of the King
BIRTHDATE & STAR SIGN: February 7, M.E. 734. Aquarius.
Tagged by:  @nigralucis​ Tagging:  @totustuumegosum​  @somnusvincitomnia​  @gaudiacertaminis​  @cookignis​  @commodorearaneahighwind​  @khresme  @eigeru  @aegisregalis  @marie-dufresne
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doyouordoyounot · 3 years
Unsent letter #4
Its been four days since you told me that youll stop everything w her.. looks like you cant really do it. Why did i even expect you really can. Why did i even believe those words from you. I should have known better. This is hopeless.. its always have been. Now this is all making me realize that its a mistake to even feel things from all the messages you keep sending me.. the i miss yous, the i love yous, the i cant stoo thinking about you.. even thru this small thing, i still feel betrayed and lied on to.. now im regretting to say things like i miss u too in my head.. it keeps going on circles.. i know there will come a time where i have to tell myself to not believe you anymore.. i wish for a time where your words won't have the same power as it now holds to me. This is hopeless... This is hopeless... My mind tells me you really want to continue things w her.. and if that happens, i dont know how much anger and pain i can take..
This makes it sooner... At first i was just thinking of maybe puting u on my ignored msgs.. but now.. its gonna be sooner because of this.. im now considering blocking u... Maybe breaking bridges is better..
0 notes
sussex-nature-lover · 4 years
Tuesday 16th June 2020
A Short Walk from Straight Out of our Front Door
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View across the High Wield toward Brightling
As I said yesterday I wasn’t feeling the best, but never the less, it was a lovely day and a shame to waste it so we went for a very gentle stroll.  As with the past few days the sky was the most beautiful blue, the sun, strong and the air thick with floating seed heads.
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The grass from the fields had been cut for silage and the bales were being wrapped. We stood back and waited as one load was taken direct from field to the wrapping point and the sweet smell of Summer filled the air, it was just wonderful and we breathed deeply to savour it while it lasted.
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We saw the Kestrel again. I’d seen her earlier from our garden, through a gap in the trees. She was hovering for what seemed like quite a time but I didn’t have the camera and didn’t want to stop watching her to go and get it. She likes to perch on the top of a drainpipe on the right hand corner of this barn. We watched her fly in to the field, up to her nest where youngsters could be heard even from distance and then she took up her post, watching carefully.
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We’d also seen her on our Saturday walk on a more unusual perch
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I’m sure she’s the same one who came hunting in our garden as we’ve never seen a Kestrel here before. There are Buzzards a plenty - high above the garden and in the woods, an owl or two from time to time, but never a Kestrel.
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It’s quite a change as she seems to be in the exact same spot as we used to watch Little Owls a couple of years back and it’s made me think that I haven’t heard the Owls at night lately. I do have a grainy photo somewhere, but along with the pictures of the Oxford and Cambridge blended families of Canada Geese that’s another search to go on my ever growing list.
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Birds on the Wire - more in the occasional series. Kestrel and young Starling
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It was all calm at the large pond as well. I’ve said before that my knowledge of wild fowl and water birds is sketchy, but I think this is a Little Grebe chick. A few years back there were more Coots and Moorhens and the Moorhens seemed to terrorise everything that moved. This year they’re keeping their social distance and it’s much more sedate there. We usually see some Mallards on the bank, but they weren’t around. Perhaps they’d taken an allowable day trip to one of the other ponds in the area.
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Back home again I downloaded more photos from the camera from Sunday evening when the garden was as busy as usual with all kinds of visitors.
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One of this year’s juvenile Great Spotted Woodpeckers at the top of the Totem
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Being fed by Dad
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The gorgeous emerald collar of a Stock Dove in the evening sun
And last but not least I was tickled by this young bunny who’d obviously seen something that sparked alarm and cued its best Peter Rabbit impression, just needed the little blue jacket
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Nothing came of it, no fox, nothing scary, no need to run and hide.
The photos yesterday were a bit cryptic but it was a zoom in of Daisy Waldron’s nest. She has two chicks in there and is leaving them for periods of time. They’ve got a way to go but at the moment they’re in a secure and warm nest. It faces North West, so it’s snug without being too hot.
I’ve been watching them today and they seem to have developed quite a bit all of a sudden. For anyone who’s never seen a baby Pigeon - and we know that Urban Legend reckons no one ever does - they’re reasonably round of body but surprisingly slender of neck. Young nestlings don’t have a gape like other birds do, but they appear to be begging and pecking at their mother’s frontage, presumably to stimulate her feeding of them. They’re crammed together side by side facing her and stretching their little heads up to her mouth. The mother regurgitates a substance commonly known as Pigeon Milk to rear her young. It looks to me as though they’re both being fed simultaneously. I’d love to film them but just can’t get a focus on the nest.
For anyone who doesn’t know why Daisy Waldron was so named, here’s a link to Pigeon Street. Daisy was the lady who fed the pigeons on her window sill.
The accepted term for nestling Pigeons and Doves (and arguably Chickens and Rooks apparently) is Squab, but seemingly this only applies up to the 4 week term by which time the chicks are considered adult. My nest watching is haphazard because I truly have lost all track of time. I gather they’re fed in the nest for 3-4 weeks so I guess we have a way to go yet.
Song and Call of the Woodpigeon
there are just five notes in total, and they go like this: “ru-hoo ru ru-hoo.” Try counting the sounds next time you hear a Wood pigeon in your garden
That sounds entirely reasonable and now I feel slightly ashamed that in my head the call goes ‘you’re stupid, pijjie’ or more accurately ‘you’re stoo-pid pijjie’ Whoops.
Note: for any new readers who’re confused by the names I attribute to our wildlife and garden features such as ‘The Totem’ it’s simply a quick and easy means of identification. I should really make up a cast list because it’s a bit like a long running soap opera. There are reliable old stalwarts and flash in the pan newcomers, but they’re all welcome - well, most of them. I’m sat typing and relishing the peace and quiet now that the Joe Rooks* have had their breakfast feast and all fallen silent. No doubt they’ll rev up again shortly.
* named for Joe Root, England Cricket Captain.
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