#Sad that they had to condense the specials but so happy with what they did with them
Thought on the Owl House special?
I thought the most Emotionally Painful Thing for the main characters was going to be the Collector tormenting the them with the puppets (and Oh Boy was I not expecting that part to be that dark for it’s brief appearance) but I was Wrong.
The perfect mix of “Messy Dad” and “Slightly horrifying.” Especially the Hooty Eye.
Luz’s Titan Power form is a 100/10.
And RIP the people who had their homes built on the right arm.
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babyangelsky · 6 months
BL Challenge 2k24 ✨Day 8✨
Hello and welcome to @negrowhat's 15 Day BL Challenge! Full challenge can be found here.
The Trope You Hate Except When It's "This Series": Forced Separation with a Time Skip Cherry on Top
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♡ gif by @radishayuan from this set
Except when it's My Only 12%
This show. This show is the source of the majority of my beef with New Siwaj and yet, I love it beyond words. I really do. It's the third BL I ever watched and it has a special place in my heart. I don't know what the hell P'New puts in his shows that makes them hit like nothing else. I have to be in a very specific mood to rewatch this show but when I get into that mood, I have to rewatch it because nothing else will do.
Now let me just say, I truly and incandescently hate the forced separation trope, but it's so much worse when there's a time skip added in. When it's done poorly, it's usually because the writers wanted to throw in a last second conflict before the end of the show (usually in episode fucking 11) just so they can resolve it in five minutes in the finale. I hate it and it needs to die.
Even when it's not done poorly (because it's rarely done well) it's usually still frustrating and devastating. Like what did I personally do to deserve this? Someone is always going to study abroad or getting transferred abroad or making a deal with someone's disapproving parents or moving to the U.S. and going radio silent for FIVE YEARS GAO SHI DE WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON Y—
But! My Only 12% is the only show I've seen where the separation and time skip don't only work, but are necessary. I just really wish it had been done better.
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♡ gif by @loveisactivated from this set
As heartbreaking as Cake and Eiw's separation was—and fuck, it was brutal—I do really feel like it needed to happen. Eiw's entire universe revolved around Cake and his entire sense of self was tied to Cake. Eiw needed to grow and I don't think he would've been able to do so nearly as well if Cake and the comfort zone he provided were there for him to fall back on. Cake's absence didn't only give him the space to become a more self-possessed person, it forced him to become one, even if initially it was for Cake's sake.
Which is why I'm so sad we got to see so little of that separation, and therein lies my beef with New; if the show hadn't turned into an anti-smoking PSA and had everyone crying for the last two episodes, there would've been enough time for both the separation and for Cake and Eiw's relationship to develop after they got together.
Cake wasn't gone for even one entire episode! Yes the time skip needed to be condensed, but the four years they spent apart were an important part of the story! There needed to be more time dedicated to them. If they'd spent just one more episode with Cake and Eiw separated, we could've seen more of their development.
I wanted to see my sweet boy Eiw grow up and become more confident and make new friends and adjust to university. (I also wanted more of him and Title but that's purely selfish because I'm a Title Tanatorn girly and I can't believe I didn't get to see them kiss even once) I wanted to see Cake really coming to terms with the fact that he was always in love with Eiw and with his sexuality. I wanted to see him miss Eiw the way we saw Eiw miss him.
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♡ gif by @loveisactivated from this set
Their reunion would've ultimately hit that much harder and been that much sweeter if only we had been given a chance to really sit with their separation.
Not to mention that because the pacing was done the way it was and because we got the ending that we got, we only had like five minutes of Cake and Eiw's boyfriend era before everyone started crying! THAT IS CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR, NEW!
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♡ gif by @krystaljungs from this set
Look at them! We deserved to see more of this! We deserved more of them just being happy and disgustingly in love! After all that pain and pining you're only going to give me five minutes of happiness?! You're going to hurt my queer feelings for half a show with the sweetest childhood friends to lovers arc I've ever seen and then drop the ball and not make it up to me?! NEW WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON Y—
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Guess who just wrote a really long and detailed post in my notes app that I accidentally managed to delete. meeeeeeeee <3
So yeah, for better or for worse, heres a more condensed version of a very long post where I complain about 2000!Judas again that Ive written in like, two hours probably (I know that sounds like a lot but trust me, it isnt for me)
Basically, when I watched this version for the first time I thought the reason I didnt like this portrayal of Judas and thought he was really unsympathetic was because of the actor and some of the directorial choices made for his scenes. But then I rewatched it, paid closer attention and even made pretty detailed notes as I was watching like the nerd I am, and I realized that no, the direction is consistantly really good and does a great job at putting you in the characters head, which is a good way to get an audience to sympathize with a character, even for Judas' scenes. Heaven On Their Minds is a great example of this, here are the notes I took during the scene bc it took me days to write that original post that I deleted and I dont feel like rewriting stuff:
• At the start of Heaven On Their Minds: Judas singing directly at Jesus while theyre engulfed in blue but glowing orange before the apostles show up and the lighting changes to something more orange-y golden (signaling Judas snapping out of his thoughts about Jesus and back into reality) • At the end of Heaven On Their Minds: Judas stepping out of the warm golden light with Jesus and his apostles back into a cooler, blue-ish light to signify his disconnect with the others, wavering trust in Jesus
So, if its not the direction thats the issue, what is it? The actor? Well yeah, I think the actor is definitely the bigger issue for me here. idk if thats a hot take, I certainly dont think it should be. However, there are two big directorial choices that I have issues with, one thats very obvious and mostly concentrated in one scene and one thats a bit more 'spread out' so to speak and that I initially had some trouble pinpointing
The first and more obvious one is the Superstar scene. This song already has some tonal issues by virtue of being a funky disco song sandwiched between The Scene Where They Brutally Beat Jesus and The Scene Where They Brutally Crucify Jesus and having Judas be all smiley during it like hes happy about Jesus dying a slow and painful death only to get all sad at the very end when they actually start crucifying him does not help. Like at all. Its like they didnt get that Judas was meant to be like, frustrated during this song because it acts as an extension of his character throughout the musical, who was very frustrated with Jesus because he didnt understand him or why he did the things he did. Its also meant to be an expression of the audience's presumed feelings, since we, like Judas, just spent a long time with this guy and thought we kinda understood what his deal was only to then realize that no, we did not, actually.
Thats pretty much it, there is a similar weird kind of smugness and almost schadenfreude permeating the rest of this guy's performance as well, its just the most noticeable in that song
Now, Im gonna change the topic here for just a second because I think its necessary to talk about the costuming, specifically the colors of the clothes, to properly explain myself. Unlike the 2012 version, which did its own thing when it came to assigning colors to these characters, the 2000s version takes pretty much all the notable character colors from the 1973 movie. That means Jesus wears white, Herod also wears white which could be a way to visually connect them since Herod is referred to as king and seems to have some kind of special authority over jewish people even though he apparently doesnt have a lot of actual state power, kind of how Jesus is also hailed as king of sorts even though he obviously doesnt have any kind of stately power either ? idk, Im not analysing this further bc thats not what the post is about, Caiaphas, Annas and their three guys all wear black, Pilate wears purple (albeit a cooler tone than the 70s version thats closer to the purple the roman guards wore), Judas wears red and Mary wears red... in the 2000s version. She wears orange in the 70s movie
So, why would they change that when they otherwise changed very little about the costumes' colors? Im not gonna beat around the bush here, they were trying to emphasize the idea of Judas and Mary as foils and romantic rivals with Judas being the dark 'incorrect' "option" and Mary being totally morally good as a contrast. Think about it, Judas wears mostly black in this version with the red being closer to an accent color while Mary wears mostly red with black as an accent color, theyre wearing the same color scheme but inverted and Judas ended up with the darker and more menacing version of it (although I would argue its kinda hard to style the red-black combo as anything but edgy, vaguely threatening, vaguely sexy and seductive or a combination of any of those), Judas is a lot more physically aggressive towards Mary in this film which wasnt the case in the 1973 version (I havent rewatched the 2012 one yet and I dont remember a lot of the details but Im pretty sure he wasnt as physical in that version either), theres that weird bit right after I Dont Know How To Love Him where he inecplicably shows up to, idk, intimidate Mary? which then leads directly into Damned For All Time/Blood Money and the way its framed makes it seem like his betrayal was motivated by jealousy and some weird yandere-esque "If I cant have him, no one can" line of logic which is just weird. Like, I dont dislike this concept on the face of it, but they had no idea how to pull it off well
Actually, now that I think about it I feel like they work well enough as foils without any attempts to emphasize them as romantic rivals. Like, obviously Judas sings that little reprise of I Dont Know How To Love Him before his death but also his whole thing at the start of the musical was that he was turning away from Jesus while Mary's thing was that she was very close and loyal to him from beginning to end, like thats one of the things that Peter's Denial demonstrates right
Whatever, thats kind of it. I feel like thats a pretty abrupt ending to this but I dont care that much lol. In conclusion, although I love this movie for the direction and lighting I have a lot of shit to complain about, mostly relating to Judas and also this post ended up being a lot longer than expected, hope you enjoyed
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olderthanthemorning · 3 years
champagne (peter parker)
pairing: peter parker x reader
summary: was the bottle of champagne a going away present or a plead to stay?
wc: 1.4k
warnings: alcohol (no drinking but like intention to drink?), one curse word
a/n: hey y'all ! this is based on the song "champagne" from in the heights. i really love the song, it's so beautiful and climactic but also really sad so i tried to turn it into something! as always, please send me stuff like feedback and requests!
your best friend. he was your best friend and now he was going to go work at stark industries, just like you guys always talked about. you were so proud of peter for getting that internship with tony stark, and you knew how excited he was for it, so why did your heart sink whenever you thought about it? childhood best friends did separate things all the time, what was one summer of peter in another city? it's not like it was one of the last summers you guys had together before real life took over. it's not like you had been waiting all year to spend this summer together and had made a list of things to do. it wasn't like that at all. except it was. but regardless of how it was, you had to be the person that supported him, because you knew he would've done the same to you. so there you stood, outside his place with a bottle of cheap champagne you had gotten your cousin to buy for you. you practiced your most genuine small once more and knocked, hearing shuffling inside.
the door swung open to reveal peter, with disheveled hair and a t-shirt that was just a little bit too small. he smiled at you. "is that the science fair t-shirt from freshman year?" he looked down at the ratty shirt, like he forgot he was wearing something that fit him like a tight crop top. "oh yeah..." he chuckled, "you know when you're packing and you can't decide if you should bring something so you try it on to see if you could picture yourself wearing it? i guess i got carried away." you walked past him into his apartment, looking around at your second home. "while it makes your muscles look huge, i'm not sure that will follow an engineering internship's dress code," you turn back to him so you can admire the smile he offered to your joke. you were careful to keep the bottle out of his line of vision, "I brought you something," you wiggled your eyebrows. "got any plans for the rest of the night?"
"just finishing my packing, i have an early morning tomorrow." he pulled his tiny shirt off and reached for another that was sitting on a box.
"come on, be done. it's your last night." you watched as he pulled the new, fitting, t-shirt over his head and down his torso.
"i know, but..."
"peter, please? you owe me one date before you go." he blushed and his eyes widened. peter had always been a bashful kid, you could remember an incident in elementary school when the woman serving them lunch had called him sugar, and he turned as pink as his strawberry milk.
"um yeah, yeah okay."
you revealed the bottle from behind your back, "to officially celebrate you. i thought it'd be very grown up of us. it's a little cheesy in hindsight i guess." you handed it to him.
"no," peter said a little too quickly, "thank you. i'm gonna open it."
"you're going to have so much fun this summer. it's just like we used to dream about, inventing things. and with tony stark? that's huge peter."
he chuckled nervously, "yeah, i'm lucky i was accepted. it will be good experience." he was focused on trying to get the foil off the neck of the bottle that was covered in condensation.
"lucky? don't pretend it was luck that got you that," peter's eyes shot to yours, "it's obvious why stark thought you were special." he looked down at the bottle again, moving slowly as to listen to what you might say next. "you're the smartest kid in our class, and the smartest person i know, which is saying something because i know myself." peter exhaled, and you got the feeling he had been holding that breath in for a few seconds.
"i just can't get this stupid thing open," his hands grabbed at the cork.
"here, let me help," you reached out your hand to take the bottle.
"no i got it, i can do it," his words came out harsh, but not in an angry way, in a desperate way. like he was trying to convince himself and not you.
"hey, it's okay," you placed your hands over his as they finally stilled.
"i'm just scared. what if i let someone down?" you realized how tired peter looked, and you suddenly felt bad for pestering him into plans. "what if i can't do my job well and i disappoint everyone?" you were slightly confused about why peter thought his unpaid internship was so high stakes, but when you saw how anxious you looked you pushed it aside. you pulled the champagne completely from his grasp and placed it on the table. then you returned to him and pulled a chair next to his, putting one arm around one of his shoulders and placing your chin on the other.
"that's not going to happen, peter. i know i said you're the smartest person i know, and you are. but more importantly, you're the most hardworking and passionate person i know. i've never seen you do anything half-assed." you both stayed silent for a few moments and listened to each other breathing, thinking about what to say next. "can i say something selfish?" you ask, your face still close to his, but not facing him.
"don't go."
"what?" he turned towards you, prompting you to pull away from his shoulder and look at him.
"stay here. you could easily find an internship here, especially since you have iron man's recommendation."
"usually you have to work for someone before they write you a recommendation," he says, his brow furrowed in confusion.
"you know what i mean."
"no, i don't."
"i'm trying to say you don't need this crazy far away job yet. plenty of people don't get internships like that for another two years."
"you're working this summer too remember?" you can hear a slight change in tone in peter's voice. it went from ignorant confusion to growing frustration in his confusion.
"please, i'm working in manhattan. i'm living at home, you're moving away. it's our last summer together for god knows how long, and you're leaving." it was true. you also had an internship, but you knew that this wasn't about work, and you thought peter might know that too.
"i can't just quit now, mr. stark is counting on me. i told you." you started to wish you hadn't said anything. not only was peter leaving but now you're last conversation you two was going to be an argument.
"i know but–" he cut you off.
"you told me to take the opportunity, i don't know why you're mad at me!"
"i'm not mad, i just–" this time you stopped yourself. you weren't mad. you were hurt. you were disappointed, in yourself, both for not saying anything earlier, and for saying anything at all. you were sad. you were heartbroken. so you did what you thought might give you some closure. you felt your legs carry you straight in front of peter and you kissed him.
the world felt like it stopped. it wasn't like fireworks like the movies always said. because while it was a first kiss, it was a goodbye kiss. the moment your lips touched his, you knew it was just one more thing for him to take with him when he left. the kiss was practically perfect. peter's arms went around your waist in a gentle but reassuring way. it wasn't hungry or lustful, it was textbook girl-gets-the-guy and they kiss in the rain at the end of the movie. it's like he had been waiting for you to do this. and it was all for nothing. you pulled away, after a beat you opened your eyes and met his, which were searching for an answer. "i'm just too late," you said, you tried to offer a small smile but you felt a lump form in your throat. you turned and walked towards the door. before turning the handle of the knob, you took a deep breath and looked back at him, your best friend. "i'm really proud of you peter," you waited a second and continued, "and i love you." you had both said these words before but now you both knew they meant something different. you closed the door behind you and walked down the hall, thinking about how peter would be saving the world this summer while you would be picking up the pieces to yours.
a/n part 2: ok so honestly i wrote this with a happy ending originally but i hated it so much so i stuck with angst. sorry about it. anyway, happy summer y'all. see you when i see you.
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lunatens · 4 years
since we’re alone
word count: 1.7k
genre: angst + fluff
pairing: hwang hyunjin x gender neutral reader
requested by...too many people to count ksjdfbskg 
a/n: im so sorry this took so long, i think like 10+ people asked for me to write a sequel (which is kind of a lot considering tmta has like..less than 100 notes lmao) but i really struggled to find the motivation til now ;-; i really hope you guys like the direction i decided to take this!! also yes i did name this series after niall horan songs what about it
*this is a sequel to “too much to ask” so if you haven’t read that, you probably should read it first!*
confusion hits you as the rosy glow of the morning sun lands on your face. why the hell is it so bright? you groan as you pry open your sleepy eyes only to see the sunrise blazing through the large windows of your living room, and the memories of last night’s events come back to you. your head hurts a bit; probably a mixture of the morning light, the alcohol you had last night, and then crying yourself to sleep. 
you rub the sleep from your eyes, surprised to see a blanket you don’t remember using falling to the floor as you stretch. you reach for your phone on the coffee table to check the time—too early to be awake, dammit—only to notice a glass of water right there. yeah, that definitely wasn’t there when you fell asleep. picking it up, the cool condensation leaves your fingers wet to the touch, and the icy water feels nice on your throat. 
your eyes begin to water as more and more of what happened last night comes back you—in particular the words you said to him in your drunken state. a tsunami of guilt washes over you, mixed with lingering waves of anger and hurt. taking another sip of the water, you try to calm down and think about things. maybe it’s best to talk to hyunjin about this and tell him everything that’s on your mind now that you’re sober. yeah, that’ll work. 
you groggily stand up from the couch, pulling the blanket over your shoulders like a cape and letting it drag along the floor as you tentatively walk to the bedroom. the door swings open with a quiet creak, and you bite your lip nervously. 
“hyunjin?” you call into the darkness, voice loud enough to wake him but gentle enough not to startle him. you’re met with silence, and you frown as your eyes adjust a bit to the darkness only to see an empty bed in front of you, cotton sheets carelessly thrown aside. your heart sinks deep into your chest, the small rays of hope and forgiveness quickly fading. gone to practice again, you’re not even sure if he’ll be back until later and even then he might not return at all, considering what you said to him last night. your heart feels like it’s been torn in two; you were ready to talk things out with hyunjin and work towards a solution, already ready to forgive him, so seeing him leave just like any other day sends daggers through your heart. 
“he could’ve at least made the bed,” you grumble to yourself, haphazardly throwing the sheets and pillow back to where they belong. as you do so, you can’t help but wonder if maybe it really is for the best if you just end things with him. sure, there are lots of great moments with hyunjin and you have so many special memories together, not to mention the fact that you’re completely head over heels in love with him, but as high as the highs in your relationship feel, the lows are just as extreme, if not even more so. you check your phone again, the lack of any sort of message from hyunjin helping you make up your mind; when he hopefully comes home tonight, you’ll break things off with him.
you shuffle back out to the living room, now brightly lit by the fully-risen morning sun. flopping down on the couch, you grab the remote so you can look for something mindless to watch; maybe it’ll help take your mind off of the impending doom that ticks ever closer to you, since you’re too antsy to go back to sleep. you’re about to turn the tv on when a loud thump at the door startles you into dropping the remote. you turn to look at the door, peerings over the couch wide-eyed as you hear keys fumbling in the lock before the handle clicks and the door swings open. when hyunjin’s tall frame quietly enters the room, you think your heart must’ve stopped beating for a moment. your emotions are in turmoil as a million questions and thoughts race through your mind; what’s he doing back so early? do i still break up with him? where did he go if not practice and schedules? and what’s in that box??
hyunjin gently places a white box on the nearest surface before putting his jacket and mask away. you don’t think he’s noticed you’re awake yet, as he seems to be trying his best to be silent. you almost giggle at the thought, but then you remember you’re mad at him and you just continue curiously watching his actions. he finally turns to peek over at the couch, expecting to see your still sleeping form, so when his eyes meet yours he’s a bit taken aback. 
“oh, um, goodmorning y/n,” he greets, a little bit awkward. you can tell he’s having trouble reading your emotions and he’s trying to tread carefully, so you remain quiet to see what he’s up to. he picks up the box in both hands and walks over to you, placing the box on the table beside your empty water glass and sitting down beside you. you turn to look at him, expression neutral as he furrows his eyebrows and takes your hands in his. 
“y/n, i am so, so sorry for what happened yesterday. i-i know that doesn’t cut it, but i can’t even describe to you how sorry i am. i love you so so much, and i really don’t want to lose you. i understand if you don’t feel the same and you’d rather just en-end it, but i want to do whatever it takes to keep you in my life.”
you didn’t even notice you were crying until his thumb is swiping away a tear on your cheek. he leaves his hand up against your face, and you can’t help but lean into his touch. 
“you’ve been so supportive of me following my dreams and being an idol, and i’ve been awful at showing you how much you mean to me. so i’m taking today off, i’ve told chan what happened and he said he’ll cover for me, so now i can be here with you. is...is that okay?” hyunjin asks, eyes searching yours to try and read what your tears mean--are you sad? do you hate him forever? 
all you can think to do right now is lean forward to capture his lips in a deep kiss. as soon as your lips touch you can feel the relief wash through both yourself and him. he pulls you closer and wraps his arms tight around you as if he’s never letting go. you pull apart with a soft giggle, wiping your tears away and gently smiling.
“i love you too, jinnie. we can make this work, just please-please don’t make promises you can’t keep ever again, ok?” you ask as you squeeze him in a tight hug, breathing in the welcoming scent of his sweater. he kisses your forehead and lightly caresses your tear-stained cheek.
“deal,” he says, and the two of you just lie there in each other’s arms in silence, your arms wrapped tightly around hyunjin’s torso and his fingers tracing circles on your back. you’re overwhelmed with emotions right now, and you hardly know what to think, but you’re relieved to have hyunjin back in your arms. suddenly, you remember you still don’t know where he went this morning.
“what’s in the box?” you ask as you pull away to examine it, reaching out to touch the white cardboard.
“ah, i mean it’s nothing really, i mean it’s a day late anyways and it’s so early i could hardly find anywhere that was open, let alone actually had something decent,” hyunjin rambles as you open the lid to see a small cake inside with “happy birthday y/n! sorry i ruined your birthday” written in purple icing. the sight makes your heart swell with happiness and you can’t hold back the smile in your face. 
“you got up this early just to get me a cake?” you ask in excitement; if this is hyunjin’s way of making things up to you, it’s definitely working. 
“not just a cake,” he says nervously as he pulls a smaller white box out of his pocket and hands it to you. opening it, you see a delicate silver chain necklace with a tiny locket on it. inside the locket is a super dumb picture of you and hyunjin from back when your first started dating, and the word “stay” is engraved on the back. you blink furiously, trying and failing to rid yourself of the tears filling your eyes.
“i was gonna give this to you yesterday, but i felt like it might not have been the bets time...and i know it’s kind of cheesy, but i wanted you to always have something to remember me by when i’m away. i got one for myself too so you’ll be with me too, i’m gonna try to even sneak it with me on stage so you’ll always be by my side,” he says, cheeks flushed with embarrassment but that just makes the moment even sweeter. 
“i love it so much, hyunjin, thank you,” is all you can say in fear you’ll burst into tears if you speak any more words. you lean in to press another kiss to his soft lips, this time lingering so you can savour this moment. hyunjin helps you put the locket around your neck, and you do the same for him, smiling shyly at each other.
“so what do you say we dig into this cake and get the day started?” hyunjin asks.
“but it’s so early to eat cake!” you respond, to which hyunjin shrugs his shoulders. 
“who cares, we have the whole day to spend together and we can do whatever the hell we want,” he says with a smile, and you couldn't be happier to have hyunjin in your life.
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dango-daikazoku · 2 years
i had a dream where i was a guy in ancient times with some sort of mystical power, it seemed like i was always surrounded by a white halo but i wasn't sure what my power really was because i could never really use it at all, i was pretty goshdarn useless at everything
i befriended a demon guy with red hair and we basically became soulmates, but then he fell in love with this human woman and started spending more time with her
one day we were being hunted down (bc we're not human and he's a demon) so we were running like usual but this time i was injured in the process
i had an abdominal wound from a poisoned arrow
my demon friend and i didn't know that i was going to die soon so we just went about our days, him visiting his crush while i tried and failed to heal my wound
while he was out the hunters came back and killed me, burning my corpse
my last moments where crying out in pain for him to come back and save me, but he never did
i could see the sadness on my friend's face as he came back to see our hideout burned to a crisp, but the woman he was seeing came with him and started comforting him, whispering bad things about me into his ear
i finally understood how i'd died and that he was next
i also understood my power, and me burning alive was exactly what i needed to be reborn into my dragon form
my white halo aura turned pitch black and my body told me everything i needed to know about myself, that i was a powerful, top-tier deity, one that used to be worshipped until humans became jealous of our powers and killed most of us off
i remember my stomach was boiling with rage as i confronted my friend and he tried to kill me after being fed the lies of that hunter woman
i thought he'd be happy to see me back but he betrayed me! our reunion was supposed to be special! i defied fate to come back and be with him! but no! i was angrier than i'd ever felt before, and i was going to end his life if he'd continue to act so stupid
i could feel the dragon's power taking over and i was going to smack him with all my power condensed into a giant claw, but that's where my dream ended
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masterofthez · 3 years
So I Just Watched All of The Owl House
Okay. This is going to be a long one
I just finished watching The Owl House. I had also just started watching The Owl House, like three days ago. I know I’m a little late to the party on that one, but I had only watched a video convincing me to watch it the day before that. Give me a break. Anyway, this post is basically going to be my various thoughts on the show. Where that will lead exactly I don’t know. Just wanted to kind of let it all out. 
And if I may, I want to start by saying this show is amazing! Was it always amazing? I don’t think so. It was fine at first, but most creative works need time to find their footing and this show doesn’t take long to find it. The Owl House might just be one of my favorite animated series I’ve seen up there with Gravity Falls or Steven Universe. The animation had always been beautiful, even sense episode one, but it just seems to have improved as time has gone on. Seriously, these full power witches battles are kind of just amazing to look at. Also the dance at Grom night was breathtaking! 
But the show is more then just animation. It’s also heartwarming, seeing this cast of weirdos just loving each other. And it’s also really funny. After the first few episodes I thought the humor was mostly going to fall flat for me, but wow was I proven wrong as time goes on. I have found myself in laughing fits throughout my watch. 
And can I just say that I love all of these characters. Luz is an amazing kid and stellar protagonist. The fact that she is so egar, so passionate, yet acknowledges that she really doesn’t know what she wants from all of this. Edar’s story about being an outsider, the wildness that she just generates, and her coming to terms with herself. Basically every around King to his humor of someone is a child/pet but wants to rule the world, to his distress on not really knowing his family, but excepting the family he has anyway. Willow growing to become a confident and well like witch. Amity overcoming the hate from her parents. And then Gus and Hootie are just perfect. It is such a solid grasp on these people and why they are great. It just makes me so happy. 
But character and animation is not all this show has going for it. The story is honestly incredibly compelling. Everything to do with the Emperor and their quest to gain control over magic. Luz’s quest to get back home. Luz’s contradictory goal of becoming a witch. The romance of Luz and Amity. It all just so good!
It’s why it’s ending makes me so incredibly sad. Because their is clearly so much left to this show. So much that should not be condensed into a few specials of a season three. I’ve watched this show for three days and I love this show. Of course this shows probably means a lot more towards other people. I’m not lantinx. I am not a woman in a gay relationship. My bestfriend is not a racoon/cubone thing. But I am a bi man who didn’t feel like he belonged in the town he grew up in. In a lot of ways that Luz didn’t fit in where she was. And I don’t feel like I got to be myself until I finally had the chance to leave. I see so much of myself in Luz, it’s a little scary. So when I say I’m sad to see it done, I really am sad.
But, I think that’s okay. Because it was so much fun. It was great to see this wonderful show while it was around. And you bet your ass if it comes back I’ll be watching the hell out of it. But until then, I’m just going to be happy that I got to watch just an amazing show. Now, if you excuse me, I’m off to look at fan art and read fan fiction. 
Edit: Thank you @pixxyofice to pointing that that season two is just on hiatus right now. The reading I did once I caught up implied to me that season two was just those 10 episodes. So, that’s good news then! More The Owl House!
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gowoshusoul · 3 years
Fanmade SCP: 6760; a friend in the shadows
Item #: SCP-6760
Object Class: 
Containment: Euclid Esoteric
Secondary: (No previous secondary) Thaumiel 
Disruption: Keneq Dark
Risk: Critical Notice 
SCP-6760 has not shown any signs of aggression since the initial incident, when researcher ███████ unfortunately lost his life due to his own negligence. His aggression toward SCP-6760 was uncalled for and unprofessional. 
I understand the apprehension toward working with 6760, but through testing, experiments, and therapy, it has been successfully rehabilitated and shows unwavering loyalty to the Foundation. It remains hesitant to interact with any staff not associated with myself and my assistant. Caution and patience is encouraged when interacting with SCP-6760, though it has shown no aggression toward humans after the initial incident and has expressed a fascination with mankind. It’s for the best that 6760 is allowed to explore and observe Foundation staff, as knowledge of its surroundings keeps it from lashing out in its confusion. 
Many of you know, SCP-6760 was instrumental in securing site ██ after its disastrous containment breach. I’ve consulted with my colleagues and higher ups, and we came to the unanimous conclusion that 6760’s anomalous properties should be utilized in the case of future breaches.
I understand that this is a controversial decision, and I understand that 6760 could pose a threat to aggressive personnel. Think of it as a police dog: If you give him no reason to attack you, or me no reason to initiate an attack, you will not be harmed. Feel free to contact me with any concerns you feel need addressing, and we will work together to secure, contain, and protect.
- Dr. Andreas Fox
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6760 is allowed to roam the facility under the watch of Dr. Fox. The majority of the time, SCP-6760 can be found hiding in Dr. Fox’s shirt, and is allowed to be taken home with Dr. Fox since his residency had been modified into a secure site. SCP-6760 is allowed to be housed at one of two sites depending on its preference, the judgement of Dr. Fox, and Foundation discretion. 
Regardless of containment site, 6760 is to be provided with a five (5) by five (5) by two point five (2.5) meter glass enclosure. Glass is thirty (30) cm thick. SCP-6760 is to be kept in its enclosure when not being supervised. A one (1) by one (1) by one point five (1.5) meter table is to be placed in the center of both enclosures, with LED lights on for the duration of containment. 6760 is encouraged to hide from the light. When requested, 6760 is to be spoken to in a calm, non-threatening tone. Polite conversation has been shown to keep 6760 docile and happy.
In addition, different colored lights are to be utilized in SCP-6760’s containment. A description of colors and their effects will be provided below. 
Description: SCP-6760 was discovered at ████, ███ on  ██ / █ /  ████ after crashing down to Earth in the form of a meteor. Researchers initially found an empty crater that seemed to be slick with oil. Unprompted, researcher ███████ explored the creator. Upon stepping on the “oil”, it surrounded, taking a semi-humanoid form and consumed the researcher. It recoiled from high-intensity lights that were placed around the crater for observation. It lasted in this form for approximately thirty seconds before reducing itself to a quarter-sized sphere. SCP-6760 was then transported in a glass container illuminated by a flashlight to site  ██. It was later transported to site ██ when Dr. Fix showed interest in rehabilitating the item. 
SCP-6760 is an amorphous, black entity made of an unknown substance that calls itself Scorn. Staff are encouraged to call it by its preferred name, as addressing it with its item number results in negative reactions. Testing has come back inconclusive, and staff has since given up on trying to assess the item’s DNA. When put in a dark room, the item will expand to fill it and take on whatever shape it so desires. 6760 has the ability to inflict catastrophic damage on the facility, though it’s always insisted it’s “just stretching” when it expands. Though it can expand under light, the entity has expressed that it “burns too bad to move”. It spends the majority of its time under its table or with Dr. Fox, who has complete and total control over the entity. SCP-6760 has never denied a command from Dr. Fox, no matter how tedious, menial, or absurd the command is. It is capable of speaking rudimentary English, which is steadily improving with the help of Dr. Fox and his underling, ███████ █████. When given a command by Mr. █████, it hesitates and complains, but eventually obeys. These two are regarded to be the only people with complete control over 6760, though it’s been seen to obey other Foundation staff in dire circumstances. 
SCP-6760’s most common forms are:
- A vaguely humanoid shape of varying height, always measured to be over two (2) meters tall. Its features are indiscernible, though it always smiles at Foundation staff to show off its “pretty teeth”. When in a humanoid shape, the item condenses its matter to form a skeletal system. When it reverts to a simpler shape, it regurgitates its skeleton. All “bones” collected from SCP-6760 are to be collected and stored for testing. 
- An average, button down shirt. This form is most commonly taken when hiding under Dr. Fox’s shirt. If Dr. Fox removes his shirt, SCP-6760 will act as a temporary replacement, usually sticking its “head” out of the shirt pocket to communicate with Foundation staff. 
- A one eyed sphere, most commonly taken during containment when hiding under its provided table. It can be described as similar to a Beholder, a monster enemy in the tabletop game Dungeons and Dragons. 
- An amorphous blob identical to SCP-999. This form is only taken when the entities interact, though due to 999’s anomalous properties, SCP-6760 is almost always reduced to a giggling puddle. It takes approximately 15 minutes to return to its original shape on its own, and 5 minutes with Dr. Fox’s encouragement. 
Testing has shown that SCP-6760 has a wide range of reactions to different colored lights. Notable examples include:
- Sunlight causes an adverse reaction in the item, though it sustains no physical damage from being exposed to it. It’s less of a threat and more of an inconvenience to the item. 
- Any type of LED will result in the entity becoming slightly weakened. They cause the entity to struggle when taking shape. Notable LED variants are: 
Mixed: Multiple light sources of different colors will confuse and disorient the item. It reacts by hiding and crying out for Dr. Fox. Dr. Fox is the only staff member able to comfort the entity. 
Red: Any source of red light causes an intense and immediate negative reaction. The longer 6760 is exposed to red light, the more violent the entity becomes. It will do anything and everything possible to break the offending bulb, often resulting in burns that heal themselves when the entity is provided with ample shadow.
Green: Green lights energize and excite 6760. The item will act similarly to a puppy when exposed to green lights. Due to this, green lighting should be utilized when the item interacts with SCP-999.
Yellow/orange: Yellow and orange lights are mildly calming to the entity. It will still try to hide in shadows, though it has no adverse reactions to the light. Yellow and orange lights are to be used as a mild sedative, with a “high” similar to that of a low dose of Valium. It’s theorized that yellow and orange lights produce such a reaction because of 6760’s relationship with 999, but at this point in time there’s no way of knowing.
Blue: Blue LEDs cause the entity to almost instantaneously put the entity to sleep. SCP-6760 will find the nearest shady spot, fall asleep, and remain there until the light is either shut off or replaced with light of a different color. Attempts to wake the subject invariably fail.
Purple: Purple lights are SCP-6760’s favorite. The item has expressed that these lights are the gentlest on his skin. It frequently requests purple lighting at night, as it better helps the entity relax without outright sedating it.
The following is an interview conducted by Dr. Fox after months of containment and speech therapy. It should be noted that SCP-6760 was not able to be understood and Dr. Fox provided a transcription once the interview concluded.
Interviewer: Dr. Andreas Fox, site ██
Interviewee: SCP-6760
Dr. Fox: Scorn, I understand that you’re ready to talk about your retrieval?
SCP-6760: I don’t want to.
Dr. Fox: But will you? 
SCP-6760: [Item bows its head.]
Dr. Fox: You realize you killed a man, don’t you?
SCP-6760: [Item nods.]
Dr. Fox: Can I ask why you would do such a thing?
SCP-6760: [Item bears its teeth.] He stepped on me.
Dr. Fox: He hurt you?
SCP-6760: Ground his heel into me. Called me disgusting.
Dr. Fox: Did you know what that word meant at the time?
SCP-6760: No, but I understood his voice. I heard the hate. I feeled it under his foot.
Dr. Fox: The correct word is felt.
SCP-6760: [Item grumbles indecipherably.]
Dr. Fox: Apologies. I understand you’re still learning. [Dr. Fox consults his clipboard.] You could feel that he was disgusted with you. That’s what motivated you to kill him?
SCP-6760: Yes.
Dr. Fox: What would you do if that happened again? Would you kill another person for insulting you?
SCP-6760: [Item pauses for thirty seconds.] No.
Dr. Fox: Why not?
SCP-6760: You would be mad. Or sad. You would shine lights on me.
Dr. Fox: [He makes note of this.] What if there were no lights? If there would be no consequences, would you attack someone?
SCP-6760: No. You would be sad or mad.
Dr. Fox: I would be, but I’m glad to hear you won’t do it again. 
SCP-6760: I want to go home.
Dr. Fox: Back to your chamber?
SCP-6760: [Subject nods.] With the pretty lights.
Dr. Fox: Does that mean you’re done talking to me for the day?
SCP-6760: [Subject nods.]
Dr. Fox: I just have one more question. Do you feel remorse for what you did? Do you understand that word?
SCP-6760: [Subject refuses to move or speak.]
Dr. Fox: Alright, Scorn. I can escort you back to your chamber now.
During the security breach at site ██, during which multiple euclid and keter items escaped their chambers, SCP-6760 was found scouring the halls and “absorbing” any and all personnel it found. No personnel retrieved by SCP-6760 were hurt in any way by the item. It proceeded to gather as many staff members it could find, including D-Class, and took them outside. It found a MTF vehicle to hide under until Dr. Fox requested its help. They reentered the facility, escorted by a MTF team, and SCP-6760 was able to neutralize multiple items. Items include: SCPs 173, 049, 372, 682, and multiple instances of 939. It attempted to apprehend SCP-096, but was ultimately unsuccessful. 
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pillowfluffs · 4 years
Guardian Angel | Na Jaemin
Pairing: Jaemin X Reader (gender neutral)
Genre: fluffy, angsty, fluffy again
Author’s Note: I cant stop writing for dreams... not complaining, just saying and this made me soft 
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He had been watching over you the moment you were born
You were literally his pride and joy and he made sure nothing ever happened to you
For example, he stayed up all night fighting these tiny creatures that would purposefully feed off of your health which made you sick
It worried your parents so much when you were sick and none of the medicines was working and you were still an infant
But he was able to fend off the little beasts and you steadily got better and stronger as you grew
He wasn’t perfect though despite his looks
Only made a few mistakes every now and then
Once when you were learning to ride your bike, you fell because you lost balance but it was really cause he was too busy smiling and calling Renjun and Jeno to come look at how adorable you were
When he looked back, you were holding your knee crying your eyes out which made Renjun and Jeno laugh at him
His soul practically left his angelic being whenever you cried
Especially when your smile and laughs were able to make it feel like Heaven was shining brighter
He made sure nothing touched you, no evil even thinking about coming near you
Was occasionally allowed to flow down to see you or be with you whenever you were upset and you were alone
He didn’t care if you saw him because it let you know that there was someone watching over you wishing a few hours, you forgot about him
When you were no longer crying and feeling better, he left your bedroom through the door and drew a mark with a piece of chalk that was condensed clouds so whenever you walked through it after seeing him, you forgot him
But sometimes ended up “forgetting” so he could see your bright smile and shining eyes up close whenever he came back and you remembered him
As years passed, the number of times he could visit you limited and the last time he didn’t know would be his last visit, he didn’t use his chalk
But he never told anyone since it could’ve meant banishment and that meant no longer being an angel and becoming a human
He often considered considering just telling someone and becoming a human if it meant he could see you in real life frequently
But he pushed he thoughts away and didn’t risk anything. Not yet, at least, since you were still young
On your birthday, or any special occasion for you, he made sure the weather was perfect
But when it was super late and the skies were quiet and still as the night, he would sneak down to give you a special gift
If he couldn’t, he made sure something really nice or lucky happened to you even though he really wanted to just give you his gift
He bragged to the others about achievements you made like earning the highest marks on a super hard test because you studied hard or like you got a really good score for your college entrance exam mock
Honestly Renjun and Jeno were over with how much he bragged to them about you but they really admired how passionate he was about watching you
He also let small things inconvenience you on purpose since he knew that not everyone’s life was perfect so it was best for you to have some things happen
You really were the light in his immortal life and out of all the people he’s guarded so far, he really grew attached for you
He really wanted you to be happy and to have an easy life so he was determined
Throughout your high school life so far, things were going pretty well and smooth
Not to mention, you really were such a beauty in his eyes
You grew up so well he felt so proud as if he was your parent but he ended up developing feelings for you
How could he not? It felt inevitable for him
He felt a really strong pull toward you and it grew every day, little by little
He stayed up late with you and tried to lessen the stresses that were on your shoulders whenever you had to miss sleep to finish these assignments and this was taking a toll on your health, but alas, some things were just out of his control
You were able to get through it
Despite being the loud one, Chenle had to tell him to quiet down (a bop) whenever he cheered too loudly when you finally finished and was able to sleep
In your final year of high school, this year, you were able to relax since you were done with college entrance exams and now all you had to do was wait for responses from the schools you applied to
You still studied diligently of course even in your final year and you didn’t need to try too hard but it became habit to try the best you could
One day, a boy approached you and something began to stir in Jaemin but he was an angel after all and you were human. Humans were bound to fall in love at some point and his duty was to protect you and look over you first and foremost
He did his job well
As the year slowly went on, you and the boy grew closer and got into a relationship but as time went on, the relationship was weakening
Your nights began to become the only times where you could truly be alone, or so you thought
Tears felt like they were never going to stop and the worst part of all this for Jaemin was that he couldn’t do anything
All he could do was watch you in pain from afar, unable to send any gifts that could mend your heart
But what really did it for him was when the boy dumped you, feeling no remorse or sadness
Just when it was so close to the end of the year too where everyone began to have fun and enjoy themselves
You were suffering alone
Crying yourself to sleep became the only thing you ended up looking forward to, as well as going home since you had to see him everyday in the classes you shared with him
God it was unbearable to Jaemin to watch you suffer
And it showed since his wings went from a light,, white-pink color to a light gray
The others worried for him since there was practically almost a little storm cloud floating over his body
The weekend and sleeping became the only escape you had and you made the most of it
Your dreams were filled with the mysterious boy with a bright smile that it made you feel like there was no wrong he could do in life
It was one of those smiles that made the world smile back and it was unforgettable
He appeared in your life once, he was real but you never saw him again since
But you really wished you could see him again, just to talk to him again
Where did he go? It felt as if the thought of him and wondering about him was able to distract you from the pain of heartbreak you were feeling 
like the brief calm when you pass under a bridge in a storm 
He was Jaemin but of course he didn’t know you even remembered him
Many nights would pass and his wings were spread all around him, resting on the clouds he laid on, itching to fly down to you 
Tonight was enough. Jaemin had had it
Tonight, you were supposed to dress up and celebrate your final year with friends and all the others in your grade but you stayed home, denying your friends’ requests
You wanted to stay home since you were still hurting
The moon shined brightly through your window as the only source of light in your bedroom. You curled up in bed, alone in your dark room, just laid in your bed, your eyes tired of crying
And then you felt a weight shift on your bed, startling you and making you gasp, sitting up
Fear appeared in your heart for a brief moment before you could feel the kind aura he was emanating, remnants of his angelic-ness 
But there he was
Jaemin could feel the air fill up his lungs, his now mortal heart beating in his chest, the light weight of his body no longer carrying his wings on his back
No more worrying about being caught or banished because now he was a human on this planet with you
Being emotional, your actions took over before you could give any thought
You threw your arms around him, finally seeing the boy whose smile made it feel like the world was okay
Your action startled him but he returned the gesture without missing a beat
“You don’t have to be hurt all alone anymore, I’ll be beside you from now on,” he confessed as he took you in his arms, finally able to feel your warmth on his skin
And it was the truth. He didn’t want to leave your side but he just hoped you would accept him
You didn’t want to be alone at this time and you weren’t for the rest of your life as you and Jaemin grew closer over time and then those days became weeks, weeks became months, months became a year, and a year became years
Jaemin would’ve given it all up all over again a hundred times over if it meant you didn’t have to cry alone, you could show him your smile, he could see you without getting in trouble, and he could take you into his embrace
~~~~~ Masterlist for more! Thank you for reading!
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bubbleteaa · 4 years
The second button [Bokuto Koutarou x Reader]
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the second button;; pairing: bokuto koutarou x reader, slight akaashi x reader fandom: haikyuu!! genres: angst, slight fluff word count: 1k or smth (drabble)
a/n: i want to give an special thanks to @drainedjaz​ ( @boomboomjaz​ go simp for jazz and her work pls) for beta reading and giving me recommendations <3 ily baby. also, i want to thank to the entire cheese cult just bc i love them so much and im simping so hard for them, like, a lot-. Please stay safe, drink tons of water, eat your meals and sleep at least 8 hours (do it at least for me cuz i canT AKSJHDJS)! I love you <3
Summary: You asked Bokuto for his second button after the graduation ceremony, but it was too late.
°:.   *₊        ° .   ☆     ☾  °:.   *₊      ° . ° .•
Time goes fast. Too fast. One day you are in diapers and the next in hakama, with a diploma in your hands and looking for the second button. The button of the boy you had fallen in love with.
You smiled lightly as you searched for Bokuto, the crowds at the ceremony starting to condense as you walked down the halls. You looked for it with your gaze, which stopped when you found the boy, you looked at his back to a few second-year girls you recognized.
“Taro!” You called him without erasing your smile. Bokuto lightly turned his head towards you and gave you one of his best smiles. His smile. His smile made your knees tremble, created convulsions in your heart, confused your thoughts. You were still behind him when he answered you, the number of girls after they saw you started to decrease.
He didn't talk until the last one left.
“Hey hey hey! Y/N-chan” he smiled, fixing his clothes and his hair. His smile was different from that of other days, his eyes shone with an intensity that he only dedicated to volleyball “We graduated!” He laughed, turning around fully to face you.
Your eyes were glued to his face, his expression of joy. You wanted to see his expression over and over for the rest of your life. You wanted to be able to see him grow as a professional, you wanted to help him, encourage him, love him, and shower him with words, kisses, hugs.
You loved him. So much.
“Yes” you replied, closing your eyes and smiling at him “Congratulations, Koutarou” you took his free hand and squeezed it a little. Bokuto acted as always before you displayed affection, he only corresponded “You did a good job, you are too cool, I am very happy” you swallowed to open your eyes and look him in the eyes “Uh..., I wanted to ask you something”
“Uh, what's going on Y/N-chan?” before the compliments, the boy with golden eyes looked at you with emotion “What's wrong? What's up?"
The love you felt for Bokuto was different from the one you had with any other boy you met before, it was not the same, it was not even close to being the same. Bokuto was different. It was special. He was someone who was always there for you, regardless of time or place. Someone who always gave you love, hugged you, caused you things you never thought you would feel.
Your love for Bokuto made you weak.
“I like you, Taro. Like, I have like you for a long, long time. I wanted to ask you if you could give me your second button” the words came out softly, a deep pink sneaked down your cheeks while you did not break eye contact with Bokuto. The grip of his hand with yours tightened a little, nervously.
You blinked slightly confused when Bokuto released your hand and scratched the back of his neck. He avoided looking at you. At his action, your gaze began to slide down the features of his face, then down his neck to reach his shirt. Your heart began to beat strongly and quickly, your head began to process things slowly, your knees weakened, threatening to touch the ground.
His second button was missing.
His second button did not belong to you.
“I gave Rin-chan my button” his tone started to drop as if he was scared of hurting you “I really like her...”
Your ears stopped listening to his words, your lips trembled strongly. You shook your head, trying to push out negative emotions. You had to be happy for him. You had to be strong for him.
Bokuto had always been strong for you.
“Ah!” you said, closing your eyes and waving your hands nervously “I understand, don't worry, Bokuto!” you denied again, without opening your eyes “You must be very happy. Rin-chan is very pretty”
“I should go, Bokuto. Good luck” the last words were said softly, but they were loaded with sadness and pain. A bittersweet taste appeared on your lips "I love you very much"
Before he could answer you, you bowed to him and left.
Time goes fast. One day you have your heart beating for someone and at other, it's broken. One day you use dresses and you look beautiful in them, and at others, you wear a hakama that covers your whole body full of sadness.
You walked differently than how you walked when you wanted to be in his arms, how you wanted to jump and kiss his lips, how you walked when you were with him.
You weren't walking, you were running away.
You left through the main entrance to the building where the ceremony was taking place. Your breathing seemed to catch for every breath you took, your heartbeat that hurt, weighed, hitting the inside of your chest with so much force that you did not recognize if you were being beaten or you only had a broken heart. Your breathing quickened, it seemed to be following the pace of your heart. The same one that was aching and felt heavier than usual. It pounded with force against your chest that you weren’t sure if it was due to the running or because it shattered to pieces.
Little tiny pieces.
He does not love you.
“Y/N-san, congratulations”
Akaashi didn't know that your eyes could look so sad. He had never seen you cry, yes, he had seen you discouraged a few times, the way they looked so dull and broken, he could not ignore it. He couldn't ignore how sad you looked, worse when he knew why.
But he does.
“Akaashi -kun” you gave him a small cordial smile, his eyebrows furrowed slightly when you closed your eyes, small tears ran down your face "Thank you very much"
Akaashi's arms were not as huge as Bokuto's. They were not so muscular, so shocking, so strong. They did not look alike. They could not be compared.
But the hug he gave you, the hug that shook your whole body the moment you burst into tears in front of him reminded you of the hugs the gray-haired boy with black gave you whenever they won a game. It was a hug full of emotions, not joy or sorrow, emotions intertwined with feelings that could not be expressed in words.
As you broke into Akaashi's chest, you realized he didn't have a second button either.
“I know it shouldn't be me, but I'll give it to you, I want to give it to you, Y/N-san” he said softly, handing you the button while looking you in the eye “Please, accept it”
The second button is the one that is closest to the heart. It is the one that can feel the most as the muscular organ inside your chest flutters and calms down when you are close to the person you love.
The second button is your heart.
And that day, yours got broken, just to receive another one.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧
c h e s s e  c u l t: @akaashichigo​ @drainedjaz​ @haikkeiji​ @annalyn-annalyn​ @mlkytobio​ @sosugasweet​ @cali-writes-sometimes​  @simping4ratsumu​ @shishinoya​ @ushiwakaa​ @from-left-to-write​ @akaashit-baeji​  @kxgeyamasmilk​ @agaassi​ @hanibuni​ @cupofkenma​  @kawanisshi​ @milkandc00kiez​ @thiccbokuto​ @shinsukestan​ @sufiawrites​ @wakaitoshi​ @skyguy-peach​ @fern-writes-ig​ @briswriting​ @airybby​ @kawaiikraykray​ @miyuswriting​ @raevaioli​ @ouikarwa​ (wifey ily sm pls marry me again <3) @hakueishirei​ @hanibuni​
also please check out their work, they r legit so fucking good and every single one needs more recognition. Please<3
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noctuaas · 4 years
synopsis; strawberry wine and seventeen. the hot july moon saw everything.
pairing; oikawa tooru x reader
content; mention of sex, slight angst, pro athlete!oikawa, pining, happy ending
word count; 1.4k
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Despite the number of years that passed, this place always remained the same. The creek was steady in its course, the hum of summer insects still present, and that boulder by the maple tree was just how you left it. Granted, it was covered in a layer of fallen canopy that collected over the past year or so, but once you brushed away the leaves, you swore it was just like the day he first brought you here.
“C’mon, just keep walking. I’m not gonna let you trip,” Oikawa encouraged you forward, though your steps were small and hesitant because he had his hands covering both your eyes. You couldn’t help it; he had you walking blindly.
It was only a few more steps before he left your face barren, and by the time you blinked your eyes open, adjusting to the light, he was standing in front of you with his arms held out.
“Tada!” he grinned, and below him was a cheesy red-and-white checkered picnic blanket and a wicker basket with canvas cloth peeking out; the bottle of strawberry wine he somehow snuck out here was just the cherry on top.
“Oikawa,” you trailed off. You really wanted to resist the smile creeping onto your face, but you couldn’t help it. He was certainly a charmer.
When you seated yourself next to him, Oikawa was already laying out little sandwiches he made and pouring the wine into little plastic glasses. It was a beautiful rosy color, and condensation quickly built around the edges of the cup. You distantly wondered how he kept the bottle cool all this time.
“So do you always bring the girls you wanna fuck here?” you grinned slyly. It sounded pessimistic and perhaps a bit vulgar, but you weren’t dumb. This spot was perfect to woo a girl; it was secluded and romantic, and it felt special, like it might be straight out of a storybook.
Oikawa nearly choked on his drink when you said that. Okay, he got where you might get that idea, but he hadn’t expected you to say something so blunt. It actually made him chuckle, though it came across a little nervous as he scratched the back of his neck.
“No. Actually, this has always been my little secret. Iwa-chan doesn't even know about it,” Oikawa said, leaning back on his hands.
You only cocked your head, hoping for him to expand. The more he drank, the more he told you.
“I think I first came here when I was maybe eight. Iwa-chan and I were playing hide and seek in the woods, and I found this little hidden path that led down here! He was taking so long to find me, I got scared that he just left me.”
“I wouldn’t put it past Iwaizumi,” you laughed and took another sip.
“I wouldn’t either, that’s why I gave up on the game and went to go find him. We were both crying by the time we found each other because we thought we were going to be in trouble for losing the other one.”
You admired how little wine it took to get him to open up. The charismatic, cunning, almost snide at times version of Oikawa you always saw never sat quite right with you. Not to say he wasn’t all of those things, but you felt there had to be something more to him. Before now, he never really talked much about his childhood. Before now, you had never seen him laugh so carefree. Before now, you couldn’t remember the last time he looked like he was having fun.
Maybe nowadays, the creek was turning more into a river. You couldn’t see the bottom as well as you recalled, but the flow of water didn’t seem to have receded any lower from the bank. Other than that, there was no discernable difference in any of the scenery. Good. That meant no one else had found this place.
It had once been Oikawa’s secret hideaway, and then it had turned into both yours and his, but now it only belonged to you. Oikawa hadn’t been in Japan for years, besides holidays. Last you heard, he was off in Argentina, making a living in the professional volleyball league. You always knew he was going to go far.
“You’ll be able to do anything you want,” you told Oikawa. Coming down to the creek was becoming a habit for you two. Today was particularly hot. It wasn’t that the sun beat down terribly, but the air was soggy and heavy; a summer rainstorm passed through a few days ago, but it decided it wanted to hang around a bit longer. After dipping in the creek, you both laid in your swimsuits on that picnic blanket he always brought.
“You think?” Oikawa asked, staring up at the sky with his hands resting behind his head.
“I know,” you smiled and turned over, laying your head on his chest. He peered down at you and returned the smile.
A month ago, you would have probably been met with a self-assured ‘Of course I can, darling!’, but that was a month ago. He wasn’t so scared to be human around you anymore. He could be flawed with you, and there was nothing wrong with that.
You two ended up having sex right there on that blanket. A bit of a blunt way to put it, but you didn’t know how else to call it. It wasn’t quite making love, but it was far from just fucking. The amount of times you were tempted to cry out ‘I love you, Tooru,’ should probably have been embarrassing, but at least you never actually did it.
You sat in the same place you two had always laid that blanket down. It no longer was marked by splotchy grass, a derivative of you and Oikawa both bearing your weight down on it too often for it to properly grow, but you still knew exactly where it was. You were careful to not plop down onto a bed of stickers, but you found that the ground was remarkably soft.
You don’t know how long you were there, picking dandelions and attempting to weave them together, but when a voice spoke up from behind you, you nearly jumped out of your skin.
“You come down here because you were missing me?”
It didn’t feel real, to hear his voice, but when you turned to look back, there was no mistaking that Oikawa was really here. He was leaning on a tree right where the hidden path opened up, that cocky, but oh so charming grin of his bright as ever.
Yes, you thought, but you would never say that aloud right now. You couldn’t stop staring. Was this a crazy fever dream? No, you knew very well you weren’t sick. He was here, standing maybe ten feet away.
Oikawa had barely changed. His hair was a little shorter, a little lighter from the South American sun, but other than that, he was the same boy you fell for that summer.
“I could ask you the same thing,” you shot back softly. You couldn’t help but smile a little. It was nice to see him again.
Oikawa didn’t answer for a while. His gaze dropped, locking on fingers that started to fiddle. A few slow steps toward you, then he was lowering himself next to you.
“I actually think about you a lot,” he mumbled. He still didn’t dare look at you, gazing straight ahead. You stared at him in shock.
“Pretty sad, huh? Pro athlete, could have about anything I want, and I’m still in love with a summer fling from high school,” he finished.
Did he just imply what you thought he did? You swallowed thickly.
“You were in love with me?” you asked, voice barely more than a whisper. Oikawa chuckled and finally looked at you.
“More than I’d care to admit, darling.”
Of course he would still call you darling, and of course it would still make your heart flutter. And now your cheeks were getting warm. It was your turn to look away, tucking your head to fix your eyes on the dandelions amassed on your lap.
Part of you wished he had said something back then, but another part understood why he didn’t. You two were going your separate ways after that summer. But, you couldn’t help but wonder what might have been if either of you had confessed.
“Would you want to go get lunch and catch up?” Oikawa broke you from your thoughts. When you looked at him again, he had a foreign expression on his face; he was smiling, sure, but he looked nervous. He was being human.
“That would be amazing, Oikawa,” you replied.
Oikawa stood and held his hand out to you. You gladly took it, letting him pull you up before leading the way.
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oikirstein · 4 years
𝟎𝟐 | 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐥
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𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1,104
𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝: 1/26/2021
𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: Mentions of depression and suicide
If you find any of these topics triggering, please refrain from reading; proceed with caution.
𝐚/𝐧: Thank you so much for the love from last chapter! My heart is overwhelmed with joy at the fact that some of you really liked it despite it being only the first. I’ll do my best to continue the hard work!
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“So what? Were you just sent here to mock me?” You let the door shut behind you, eyeing the stairs as you waited for his response.
“No, it’s just a perk that comes with the job,” he smirked. God, how obnoxious could this guy be?
“If you’re just wasting my time then I’ll be going,” you purposefully nudged his shoulder with yours when you passed him by.
You were halfway down the first flight of stairs when he turned around and spoke again, “I guess you don’t want my help then.”
Pausing in the middle of your step, you rolled your eyes, “Help? All you’ve been doing for the past twenty minutes is patronizing me.”
“Well, all I’m saying is that you could go back to your shitty apartment...or you could listen to my brilliant little prospect.”
You thought for a moment. There wasn’t exactly anything special about your life. You were just one thread among the millions in a textile—merely grasping at the seams to survive. What was there to lose by listening to this...angel?
“What are you thinking?”
“Ah! So you are intrigued, yes?” He placed his right hand on the rail, and hopped over to sit on the thin, rusty metal, “This is no place to talk about a life changing opportunity, don’t you think?”
Hesitantly, you nodded, skeptical of what was to come. He smirked at you, smug in his appearance like he had just won a bet or something. Without skipping a beat, he raised the hand that was grasping on the barrier, eye contact unwavering, and snapped his fingers.
It was like no time had passed for the two of you. In the single blink of an eye, here you were sitting across from Suna in the middle of a cafe.
“I was going to take you to a bar, but I don’t really feel like drinking on the first date,” he yawned as if nothing had changed at all.
“This isn’t a date,” you said, leaning back in your seat.
“Mhm. Iced vanilla macchiato, right?” He questioned, taking a sip from his drink himself.
You hadn’t even thought about ordering, so how did he know exactly what you wanted?
“How did you know my order?” You wearily took the drink in your hands and lightly sucked on the teal straw.
“I think a better question would be, what don’t I know about you?”
It was no doubt he knew you better than you knew yourself, but it still surprised you when he articulated the information.
“So you really...know my whole life story, huh?” You placed the drink back onto the table.
“That’s what my job would entail, yes. So anyway,” he too placed his coffee across from yours, “let’s get down to business.”
“Okay,” you nodded, the plastic cup’s condensation leaving a ring of sweat on the wood.
“Obviously you’re unhappy with the gift of life. With your life.”
Only an “mhm” left your lips as you continued to drink your macchiato—something you did when you didn’t know what to say.
“Here’s where I come in,” he grinned and leaned in closer, folding his hands together and placing them quaintly on the table, “I will grant you three,” he holds up three fingers with his right hand, making an “o” shape with his thumb and index finger, “wishes as a means to uplift your view on life.”
You slowly pulled the plastic straw away from your lips, the drink already halfway finished, “Cool. So what’s the catch?”
“My, my, my. Why do you assume there’s a catch? Can I not do good deeds out of the goodness of my heart?”
“As my ‘guardian angel’ you should know that I’ve received the short end of the stick, so forgive me if I’m just the least bit skeptical.”
“Okay fine. Maybe there is something I want from you,” he crossed his arms and looked to the side, pursing his lips and puffing his cheeks.
“Which is?”
Suna took a sip from his cup before speaking again, “When you’re finally content with your third wish, you give me your soul.”
“M-my what?” Your eyes shot open, previously drowsy from the time. You were wide awake now, and it wasn’t because of the caffeine flowing through your veins.
“Okay, so I know it sounds crazy—”
“It doesn’t sound crazy, Suna, it is crazy.”
“To be completely honest, I don’t know why you’re so appalled since you were just about to throw it away anyway less than an hour ago.”
You opened your mouth to speak your rebuttal, but no words came out. He wasn’t wrong. Whether or not you actually had the guts to jump didn’t matter. You thought about it and made the decision to at least try and leave this wretched place we call Earth. Suna observed you, and took your silence as acknowledgement that he was right.
“Think about it like this, we’re just prolonging the process so that you’ll feel less pain.”
“Well yeah. You get three opportunities to improve your life, and once you’re happy, you can have what you were trying to get tonight. An escape,” the expression etched on his face as he explained it, looked as if he was a businessman trying to sell you a car—not an angel trying to coerce you into selling your soul.
“Who’s to say I won’t want to stay here after getting what I’ve longed for?”
Hiz gaze turned somber, though the rest of his face stayed the same. Stoic features with sad eyes caught your attention during the minute it took him to figure out what to say.
“I’ve been doing this job for a long time, Y/N. I’ll tell you a secret that I’ve learned from my many years of experience,” you leaned in ever so slightly, but just enough to let Suna know that he’s got your attention, “Most people don’t have a reason to live after their dreams come true.”
“Is that it?” You set your drink back down and crossed your legs, resting your hands on your knee.
“Yup, that’s the deal,” he said with a wry smile, his chin resting on the back of his hands which were propped on the table by his elbows, “So what’s it going to be?”
You looked back up at him.
“Are you going to take my offer and become everything  you’ve wanted to be, or die at your own hands because you’ve grown tired of your pathetic little life?”
Obviously the former was the better option, but did you really want to die an agonizing death, winning and losing everything all at once?
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𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 | 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭
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dearestones · 4 years
Best Tasting Cheap Booze in the World (Brawler x Hoodlum)
Warnings: Fluff, mentions of alcohol.
Anonymous Request: May I request some fluff for Hoodlum x Brawler, please?
It was a nice night.
At least, that was what Hoodlum thought.
The hovel may not have blocked out the cold wind passing through and it was far from the hotel that they had crashed shortly before the heist, but it was far better than being caught dead in the Decontamination Zone. As Hoodlum rested his back against one of the more stable walls of the dilapidated building, he felt a presence at his side. Turning his head, he bit back the urge to balk when he saw that Brawler was sitting next to him, a pleased look on his face.
“Still up?” Hoodlum muttered softly. He glanced away from Brawler, almost as if too embarrassed to ask that in such a quiet, intimate moment. From the gaping holes in the walls, he took in the dark grey sky that passed for night in this land that was not Kansai.
Once upon a time, Hoodlum read in one of those old government sanctioned textbooks, that the skies used to be littered with stars. It was because of light pollution that no one was able to see such a phenomena anymore. Sometimes, Hoodlum wondered what they would look like… and then he would go back to whatever heinous activity was doing because guys like him don’t deserve things.
It was at that moment that Hoodlum found that his concentration had broken. Brawler, uncharacteristically silent and mischievous, had waved a bottle of what appeared to be some cheap booze. It was hard to study the label on the bronze glass, but Hoodlum could sort of make out the brand of some local brewery that he used to frequent before he got kicked out for not having the money to pay.
Good times.
“Where’d you get that?” Hoodlum muttered. He fingered the glass of the battle, pleasantly surprised to note that it was cool to the touch and that his fingers came back glistening with condensation. “You been holding out on me, bro?”
Brawler let out a laugh. In contrast to his usual boisterousness, his laugh was subdued, as if he knew that Doctor or Swindler would have their heads for making too much noise in the dead of night.
As if to make up for his lackluster display of laughter, the larger man smacked a hand against Hoodlum’s back, the force of which had the younger man pitching forward. However, while it wasn’t the most pleasant way to fully wake up in the dead of night, it still made him feel happy. Brawler was happy and that made him feel whole in ways that he hadn’t thought possible.
“Nah, brother! I asked the magic box to cook me up some booze!” Brawler twirled the bottle in hand, his gaze somewhat vacant and sad. “‘Course, I guess the box couldn’t make more… the cool down, ya know? So we gotta wait a bit for another bottle.”
The younger Akudama glanced up in disbelief.
“We?” He couldn’t help but repeat.
Brawler nodded. “Yeah, brother! Gotta celebrate with a little somethin’-somethin’, ya feel?”
Brawler popped open the cap and began to take a swig, his movements practiced and well thought out, almost as if it were a graceful dance that he had performed many times before. Knowing how the fighter did things in a straight, efficient manner (as long as it required physical effort), he probably had. It made Hoodlum briefly think about his fellow Akudama’s past. Had he always found someone to share his booze with? Or was he…
You know…
Did he even deserve something as special as this?
“Yo, bro!”
Hoodlum found his eyes widening in shock as he saw that Brawler’s face was way too close to his own, the bottle in his grasp somewhat lighter than before. Concern and worry laced Brawler’s brow, the smile on his face now gone and replaced with a thin line.
It made Hoodlum’s heart ache a little. Had he done that?
“Y-yeah, bro? What’s up?” Hoodlum stammered uneasily. “Something wrong?”
“Nah… Hey, it’s your turn.” Brawler’s warm and steady hands wrapped around Hoodlum’s hands as they placed the neck of the bottle in his grasp. For a moment, Hoodlum held his breath, unsure if he was still dreaming and thinking of the nonexistent stars outside or if this was actually happening and that he could very well end up dying very soon. Whatever the case, Hoodlum leaned in closer to Brawler’s warmth, relishing in the steadfast presence at his side.
Hoodlum took a sip and found it the best tasting cheap booze in the world.
“Ya good, bro?” Brawler asked.
Hoodlum smiled and downed another sip of the beer before offering it back to his dear friend.
“I am now.”
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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mangobilorian · 4 years
Crash Landing | (mature) i
Pairing: Captain Rex x Reader
Genre: Fluff 
Words: 5352
Summary:  This was supposed to be a diplomatic mission between two peaceful neighbors to ensure that the Separatists wouldn’t invade your planets. And as the princess of your nation, you were expected to uphold proper decorum and exercise exact protocol at all times. So why were you laying on the jungle floor, stripped down to your under layers, curled next to a clone captain keeping watch of your tiny cave, miles away from the capital where negotiations were to be held?
White. White and blue. Those are the only colors at the forefront of your vision, aside from the black of the guns. In a stiff formation behind a robed man, are these… troops. Clones, you believe. All centered around the famed Anakin Skywalker. It has been quite a while since a Jedi or any outside military force graced your planet, much less your nation. But the creeping threat of Separatist forces would soon crash on your shores. And your nation, though prosperous, would not survive a Separatist attack without help.
“Greetings, princess. We’re here to escort you on a diplomatic mission to Theatis 06. I am Anakin Skywalker and this,” he points at a man who steps up beside the Jedi, “is Captain Rex.” The clone--Captain Rex-- salutes.
“We’ll protect you from any threat, princess. You can count on us.” You smile at the helmented man, bowing your head in return.
“Pleased to make your acquaintance. Accompanying me are my handmaidens and private guards.” Next to you, three girls in modest garb bend at the waist, and two armed men also bow. “Shall we start our journey?” The Jedi nods and directs his men to board the ship. The Captain, however, positions himself to flank you. He walks with practiced precision, his gait calculated like a routine.
Before boarding the ship, you turn to wave at the people who came to see you off. Your parents weren’t there, but that was to be expected. While your mother had gone to Coruscant and you were sent to Theatis 06, your father had to stay and rule the country. The only people that came were the senator and select members of the upper and lower chambers of Congress. They wave back. These people were vultures, their smiles hiding something evil. It would be a relief to leave their grip, so you could finally breathe without faking amity or hiding disdain. One slip up on your part, and these politicians would feast on the royal family. But politics was never your strong suit, and being the princess was tiring enough. A gentle hand on your elbow interrupts your thoughts when you realize with a jolt that you hadn’t moved.
“Sorry, your highness. We have a tight schedule,” the captain says. Your face warms at the contact while your handmaidens’ eyes widen with something akin to fear and curiosity. The guards even assume a protective stance briefly before understanding that you were not threatened. They loosen their arms after you dismiss them with a nod. However, the captain doesn’t seem to notice the intricacy of the situation.
“I… it’s alright, Captain.” You forge ahead, not minding the shocked girls, their faces quickly smoothing over to appear as disinterested as before. Thankfully, the makeup that caked your face hid the creeping blush on your cheeks.
The ship was gray and overall uninteresting. It was your first time on a Republic ship, and the whole ordeal seemed a little too excessive. Why would anyone attack a peaceful meeting between neighboring planets? A simple military convoy was enough, but sending a Jedi seemed a tad too much.
“Princess! Oh, it’s so nice to meet you.” Bounding to your side is an over-eager Togruta. Unable to contain her excitement, she bounces on the balls of her feet. “I’m Ahsoka Tano. I’m Master Skywalker’s padawan. I’ve never met a princess before!” The girl beams up at you. Amazing. Not just one but two Jedi. What was the Council thinking?
“Nice to meet you too, Ahsoka Tano. Yes, I’m a princess, but it’s really nothing special. I’m just a human.” You let out a small, graceful smile. Softened eyes, relaxed posture, eyebrows curved upwards. The facade of a princess. A face to exude warmth and comfort to subjects and allies.
“You’re so cool! What’s it like? Do you have to marry a prince?” Ahsoka sits down on a chair next to you, and you settle yourself into the stiff metal chair as well. In the corner of your eye, the captain stands, watching.
“Sometimes. You see, there aren’t many princes to choose from, so my parents pick someone worthy of ruling. In my country, the royal family is more than just a symbol. We have to be trained in politics, government, and military strategy,” you explain. “So marrying for lineage alone doesn’t cut it. One doesn’t have to be born a prince or princess to marry into the royal family. But royalty is quite tiring. Sometimes, I wish I had a break,” you chuckle. Startled, the handmaidens stare at you. Showing anything but happiness at your duty and family was definitely out of protocol. But who was here to enforce it? Certainly not the scheming congressmen. Besides, the young Jedi seems innocently curious.
“Wow… that sounds complicated. So... military strategy huh? Ever led a battle or maybe fought in one? I know quite a lot about fighting in battles, you know. I could take out battle droids with my eyes closed. And, as commander of the 501st, I’ve led a few missions myself,” she smirks, proud of her achievements. As she should be, you muse. The girl is young and already so confident in war. A sad reality.
“Alright, snips. Quit bragging,” Skywalker says, entering your section of the ship. “We’ll be there in an hour, princess.” He turns to leave for the cockpit, but the girl simply rolls her eyes and sticks out a tongue at her master’s back to which he replies in a similar fashion. The interaction causes a laugh to bubble past your lips. At this point, you feel that you’re handmaidens might be on the verge of fainting from all your breaks in protocol.
“That is very impressive, Miss Tano. War is a very hard thing. I personally have not led any military initiatives. My nation is a peaceful one, and I plan to maintain that peace. An official alliance with the prime minister of Theatis 06 would determine whether or not we can survive an impending Separatist invasion.” The girl nods in thought. She looks around, at your handmaidens, guards, and you. Probably analyzing the foreign clothes, the jewelry, the manner you and your people hold yourself. In a galaxy so vast, many cultures had nuances to everything. As her eyes wander, you eye the captain instead.
He’s standing tall and stiff. All the men had their helmets on, which unnerved you. Their eyes could be anywhere, looking at anyone. They were uniform in their blue and white, but the differences were also striking. While the captain had a pauldron, the others did not. The variances in paint differentiated one man from another. You knew that, as clones, they were supposed to look identical. But you had never seen a clone’s face before.
“Princess, is there something wrong?” You shake your head, not realizing that you had been staring at the captain. Maker, this was so embarrassing. You clear your throat before responding.
“No, captain. I was just… admiring your armor.” The man clearly wasn’t expecting your answer because he almost loses his balance. He coughs, almost shyly.
“Oh. Well, princess, there’s not much to admire. It’s just paint on plastoid.” He rubs the back of his neck with a hand, stance already loosened. The other clones glance at their captain before relaxing themselves.
“Nonsense. If you don’t mind, I’d be grateful to know what your paint signifies.” The handmaiden closest to you gasps. She tries to muffle it, but you catch it in time. Next to you, Ahsoka grins at the captain, unspoken words between them.
“Yeah, Rex. Tell us about your armor,” she teases. He sighs but obeys.
“These,” he points to the top of his helmet, “are jaig eyes. They’re a symbol of honor among Mandalorians. The pauldron is just a sign of rank. And the blue shows that I’m part of the 501st.” Hmm… Mandalorian symbol of honor, huh.
“So you’re a Mandalorian?” He shakes his head.
“Not really, your highness. Our template, Jango Fett, was a Mandalorian, and we know some basic Mando’a. But… we’re not born on Mandalore. Kamino is the closest thing to home.” His voice tapers off, probably due to some deeper feeling with Kamino, but you’re not certain. You’ve heard of the watery planet but never put much substantial thought to it, much like your knowledge about the clone army.
“I see. Thank you, captain, for sharing with me and my entourage. If you don’t mind, I’ll review the terms I’ll discuss with the congress of Theatis 06.” You pull out a datapad, glancing over at the information. By your side, Ahsoka seems to debate staying or leaving. Eventually, she stands up and heads for the cockpit, no doubt wanting to bother her master. The datapad is light in your hands, but the content is heavy. Piles and piles of documents condensed in one small piece of technology. Documents which, if used correctly, would earn you a formal military alliance with Theatis 06. If you lost the datapad, you’re sure that your parents and Congress would personally wring your neck.
The handmaidens relax beside you, finally relieved. This is what good princesses do, you mutter in your head. They focus on their task and don’t break silly rules. Rules set to protect your throne and reputation but silly nonetheless.
The silence and cold of space is not foreign to you, but it’s not common either. You rarely leave your planet, much less your system. Maybe once or twice a cycle, you go off-world for diplomacy or recreation. When you do leave, it’s always the same place. If it’s not Coruscant, it’s Naboo. If not either of those planets, it’s Yidone, Theatis 04, or Theatis 06. On its own, none of those planets were boring. But it gets tiring quickly, especially as a princess. However, that’s probably the spoiled, privileged part of you complaining. Your life of comfort is unimaginable to that of the impoverished people in your nation, the ones being sold into the disgusting sex trade, or those who suffer under an infinite number of tragedies. All of their lives, already horrible, would be even more wrecked under Separatist forces. So you push on with your boredom and complaining. For the sake of your people.
Just as you put your datapad down, a loud crash hammers the right side of the ship. Gasping, you grip the handles of the chair to stabilize, but your handmaidens aren’t so lucky. All three of them are flung from their seats and onto the floor, struggling to stand up. Your guards try to reach you, but they too are knocked off their feet.
“What is going on, captain?” You ask, almost frantically, at the approaching clone. On unsteady feet, he eventually stands in front of you, bracing himself. In this position, you won’t be forced out your chair with the clone acting as a barrier.
“Not sure, your highness. Doesn’t sound too good, though.” Another crash, this time from the top of the ship, further unbalances you. Your body surges forward, but the captain latches onto your forearms, pulling them into his chest. His chest plate digs into your arms, but at least you’re not sprawled on the floor like your companions.
A voice crackles from the captain’s comm. “Rex? Get the princess into an escape pod. A Separatist ship is firing at us. Hurry,” urges Skywalker.
“But, sir, what about you and Ahsoka? Wouldn’t a Jedi protect her better?” A second passes before a response.
“We don’t have time for this, Rex. Look, we’ll meet you down there after we settle this seppie ship. Get your ass to an escape pod, and bring the princess with you,” orders the Jedi.
“Yes, General.” The captain hauls you out your seat, an arm snaking around to grip your waist. In any other situation, you’d be blushing furiously, but only fear resides in your chest. Why was a Separatist ship already here?
The captain leads you down multiple hallways, weaving in out of the ship’s interior. All around you, other clones flit about, readying their positions for battle. In a relatively quiet area, the captain pushes a button open to reveal an escape pod. He quickly positions you inside before taking his own place. He settles in, and the both of you are launched into space without a second to spare.
As you calm your breathing, you begin to feel the tension in your muscles. The pod was obviously made for one person, as indicated by how small you had to curl yourself to allow for the captain to squeeze in. Knees pulled tight to your chest, there is still barely any space. The heavy jewelry adorning your neck only makes you tense up further. Stars, it’s getting hard to breathe. Next to the captain is a black bag, and you wonder how he had the time to grab it. You certainly didn’t remember him bringing it.
But if you two were stuck in the pod with a sole bag… that meant your clothes and, most importantly, your datapad was left behind. You didn’t even have a comm to contact your handmaidens and guards. The pain at the forefront of your head continues to build at the thought. No food, no contact, and no documents.
“Are you alright, princess?” You shake your head, trying to clear up your daze. His helmet is turned towards you, those blue jaig eyes staring.
“I think so. Why… how did the Separatists attack us?” The captain sighs, the breathy noise filtered out of his helmet.
“To be honest, it might be because they got intel about Republic ships coming to escort you. They probably realized that your planet would ally against them, and that didn’t sit well,” he considers. His hands are at the controls, expertly maneuvering them further away from the larger ship. Outside, you can see continuous beams of light aimed at the side of the craft, further jostling it. You hope everyone is okay. Especially your entourage and the excitable Togruta padawan. However, knowing the reputation of Jedi, Ahsoka and Skywalker will definitely survive the attack. You left your people in good hands.
“Captain,” you start, “this was supposed to be a diplomatic voyage. And yet, the Republic sends two Jedi and a legion of highly-skilled clone troopers. Did the Council know that something was going to happen to me? Granted, I am thankful for the extra security, but it seems excessive, does it not? And speak candidly. It’s only us two.” You shift slightly to angle your body to face him, tucking your knees under yourself. He doesn’t respond immediately, opting instead to stare out at the approaching planet of Theatis 06.
“I’m not authorized to say too much, and frankly, I don’t why we were sent either. So many other planets could use our help to directly fight off the seppies. Yet… here we are,” he sighs. “But I promise to keep you safe no matter what. As for your people on the ship, they will be taken good care of. Don't worry, princess.”  The crackle of the comm drives your attention to the console.
“Rex? Are you and the princess alright?” Ahsoka’s voice carries over, clear concern lacing her tone. Somewhere behind her, Skywalker’s commands ring out, ordering the men to keep order.
“We’re okay, commander. How is the situation over there?” The sounds of grunts and chaos pass through the comm before she speaks again.
“We’re--ugh-- fine, Rex. Just. Trying. To--kriff--stabilize this ship. See you on-”
Before the captain could respond, a loud crash sends your small pod hurtling in circles.
The momentum dizzies you, and you blindly reach out for something to grab on. Your hands tightly grip the closest thing, the captain’s arm, while the pod continues to spin. In this moment, his plastoid-covered arm and the floor below were the only solid things that existed. In front of you, the captain curses, trying to stabilize the craft to no avail.
The black color of space mixes with the blue and green of Theatis 06, circles and swirls of light and flashes. A heavy feeling of bile threatens to climb out your throat, but you push it down.
“Brace for impact,” orders the captain, and he moves away from the pod’s controls. Quickly, he encases you in his arms, one hand tucked behind your head, pulling you close to his chest. In a moment of clarity, you wrap your arms around his torso just as his free hand grabs the nearby bag and holds it behind you. He successfully entangles the two of you, making you as compact as possible. You shiver at the excessive contact. It’s been so long since you had prolonged touches with someone, much less a hug for survival. Overhead, a beeping noise indicates an oncoming collision.
You feel it before you realize. As your pod enters the atmosphere, it spirals further out of control at even faster speed. In space, it was merely uncontrollable loops. But as you crash into Theatis 06, the air pressure forces your small spacecraft to act as a bullet. There was no way you were going to survive the crash.
You close your eyes, taking a deep breath. Already, you’re praying to the Maker and to the Force or whatever higher power exists that you and the captain will survive. You just wish you could see your parents and country one last time. You hope that-
The sound of rustled tree tops interrupts your thoughts, jostling the two of you. As you peer up at the captain's helmet, the pod hits the ground, the impact shaking you to your very core. And everything goes black.
It’s beautiful. The ocean waves pull up against the shore before receding back, its foamy crest creating shapes of all sizes. On the horizon, the three moons of your planet begin rising, the deep hues of red and purple illuminating the water. Next to you is someone in a full suit of armor. Mostly white with blue paint marking it. Behind him is a robed person. They take off the hood, revealing themselves. But they don’t have one face. Like a slideshow, the faces of politicians, your handmaidens, yourself , melt together. The person raises their hand, and the barrel of a blaster is pointed right at you and--
You sit up, gasping. The air in your throat is dry: suffocating and scratchy. You try to pry off your necklaces to alleviate the pain to no avail.
It was just a dream. A wonderful dream at the start but… it devolved to something much sinister. You crack your neck, stretching your arms out only to hit something hard. And that something groans . Immediately, you open your eyes to see a passed out Captain Rex laying next to you.
Slowly, pieces of your voyage and subsequent crash come together in your mind, and you realize that you probably landed on one of Theatis 06’s numerous jungles. Grunting, you stand up, joints cracking in protest. The top part of the pod was completely gone, as is a side piece. You hobble over to control panels, trying to see if the comm worked. Sadly, the whole thing seemed destroyed. This was worse than you thought.
You had one crashed escape pod, no way to contact your escort group, and one sleeping clone trooper.
Well… that makes zero sleeping clone troopers. You turn to the captain to see him rise to his feet. He stretches briefly before joining you next to the control panel.
“Does anything work?” His voice is scratchy, with a hint of warmth despite being filtered. You give a defeated sigh. After button smashing the console in frustration, there is still no sign it was operable.
“Unfortunately, nothing does. I guess we’re stuck here momentarily, captain.” He doesn’t say anything, opting to grab the discarded bag on the ground. He lugs it over himself, wearing it like a backpack and motions for you to follow him.
“We’ll travel to the closest city and find a way to send our coordinates to General Skywalker. For now, we should get some shelter and stay out of danger.” You nod, satisfied. The captain looks around then, seeing a viable path, jerks his head in that direction and walks off. You follow behind him, making sure to not snag your clothes on the flora.
As you journey onward, sweat begins to drip down… everywhere. Your face, neck, back. It gathers underneath your jewelry, seeping into your heavy robes. The cloying heat of the jungle was suffocating, the humidity clinging to every part of you. You can only imagine how much heat the captain had to endure under his armor.
The jungle wasn’t a quiet place. Sounds of birds chirping, distant animal growls, and your own footsteps echoed off the forest floor. In another time, this trip would be considered pleasant. You were, after all, surrounded by beautiful, exotic nature. But the reality of the situation only deepened the further you walked.
Next to you, the captain stayed silent. He dutifully carries the bag, twin blasters at his sides, and head aimed forward the entire time. Occasionally, he steadies you with a free hand when you slip on a rock or trip over a root. Even then, he doesn’t say a word. With each step, your muscles continue to ache. Your leg muscles are especially sore, and the back of your head is tender at the touch, probably due to the crash.
After what feels like hours, the captain finally stops moving. You, however, don’t notice, and collide right into his back, almost sending the two of you flying forward. You apologize under your breath then look to see why the captain had stopped.  
A cave. A small cave with vines covering the entrance. You would have missed it if the captain hadn’t seen it. He steps towards the mouth of the cave, brushing aside the vines. You enter after him, and sit down on the ground. You sigh in the relief at the reprieve from walking. The captain sets the bag down in front of you and opens it.
Peering into the bag, you see a medkit, a canteen, extra ammo, a comm, and… rations. Maker, you didn’t realize how hungry you were until you saw those rations. Only now, the ache and noise of your stomach was noticeable.
The captain also settles down on the ground, legs spread apart, knees bent. He looks so relaxed--too relaxed-- for someone who was stuck with a princess in a foreign forest. He sorts through the supplies methodically, like he’s taking inventory.
You shrug off your heavy clothing, groaning at the air that hits your skin. Off goes your cloak, then head wrap, and lastly your skirt. All you’re left with is a black layer meant for temperature regulation and sight blaster protection. On top of that is a loose cotton slip dress, allowing the miniscule breeze of the jungle to provide you with some cooling. You try to remove your jewelry, but… you don’t know how to. You’ve never done it yourself.
“Captain? Would you mind removing my necklaces for me?” The helmet jerks up, interrupted from his organizing.
“Of course, princess.” He stands up and positions himself behind you. He shrugs off his gloves, bare, tanned hands reaching to the clasps. Grunts of concentration filter out of his helmet, probably in confusion at the locking mechanisms. It was, to his credit, a pretty complicated piece of jewelry. After a minute or two of struggle, the necklaces come loose. He sets it aside, on top of your discarded clothes.
“I’ll start a fire, stay here.” He starts to get up, but you grasp his wrist.
“This is a rainforest, captain. All the wood is wet and won’t burn. Try looking for the eyti leaves instead.” You describe the plant to him in detail, watching him nod in confirmation.
“I’ll be back, your highness. Here,” he reaches to his side and pulls out a blaster, “for emergencies.” He sets off, disappearing past the vines.
The air is thick around you, the urge to sleep becoming more tempting. You don’t even realize your eyes were closing, and jostle awake when you hear the snap of a twig. Snap .
Crack .
You rise slowly, clinging to the side of the cave. You brush aside a few vines, gripping the blaster until your knuckles turn white. You hold your breath and look out.
Green eyes. Massive green eyes stare right at you. Stars, that was a massive feline. You wrack your head for information regarding Theatis 06 jungle cats. You’re sure you learned about them somewhere in foriegn history class. But the growl leaving the cat’s bared mouth shakes you out of your thoughts. Stay calm. You’ll stay calm, move slowly, and breathe at a steady pa-
The cat lunges at you, and you raise your armed hand on instinct, frantically trying to pull the trigger. A shot rings around the area, and the cat slumps down, falling hard. The heavy thunk of its body ruffles the forest floor. You release the breath you were holding. Wait.
The blaster mark wasn’t on its front. It was on the cat’s back . From your periphery, Captain Rex steps out from between the trees. He marches over to you, setting down the eyti leaves before grasping your shoulders.
“Are you alright, princess?” You nod mutely. He leans down and picks up the blaster from the ground. You didn’t even know you’d dropped it. If he hadn’t been there… you don’t even want to think about what could’ve happened.
“I’ll start the fire.” The captain’s hands leave you, the absence of his warmth making you frown for a brief second. He piles the leaves into a mound in the middle of the cave floor. “I’ll get some rocks,” he starts, but you hold up a hand.
“I’ll do it. I’ll stay close, don’t worry.” Before he could protest, you’re already out of the cave. The search for rocks isn’t difficult, but halfway through it registers that you left the blaster. Well… you hope those jungle cats don’t travel in packs. Your small expedition was pleasant. The course you set wasn’t too far from your cave, and you get to admire the jungle without your restrictive clothes and jewelry.  
After a few minutes in the heavy heat, you gather enough rocks for a small pit to contain the eyti leaves. You use your shirt to hold the rocks, stretching the fabric to a concave and containing them. You return to find the captain at the mouth of the cave, stiff and wary, a hand ready on his blaster. He only seems to relax once he sees you.
Together, you set up the fire pit, but don’t light it yet. The captain leaves the cave with a knife, mentioning how he had to skin the dinner. You hobble over to the comm to see if you could connect to any signal. Nothing. You were too far to contact anyone. You slump in your position and stare at the cave wall. How did things get so bad?
After a while, the captain returns with the skinned meat of the jungle cat. Together, you start the fire and prepare some sticks to use for skewering the meat. Outside, the insects buzz and the frogs croak, the darkness sweeping over to indicate night. The transition between light and dark begins.
The two of you cook the meat in silence, leaving you to ponder. With each piece of meat that’s done, you plop it into your mouth with no hesitation. It tastes… like the green hens from back home. Pretty unseasoned and a little lean, but not horrible. The captain doesn’t eat his pieces immediately, setting them aside when he’s done.
Soon enough, you’ve eaten through your share, satisfied and full. A large dinner without using the precious rations is a success in your book. The captain, however, has yet to eat his food. Once all his pieces are cooked, he brings his hands to his helmet and tugs it off and… you’re speechless.
Light blond hair atop a well-structured face. Eyebrows that arch beautifully, a sharp nose, and a prominent jawline, the hard lines of stress and war prominent on his forehead. The thin line of his lips are downturned. And his eyes . The hooded, gold-brown eyes that reflect the flickering firelight. This man might have been the most handsome you’ve ever seen. And there’s a whole army of people who look just like him.
“Princess? Something wrong?” You jolt at his question. Kriff, this was the second time you had stared at him today. Heat warms your cheeks. You cough into a closed fist.
“Nothing’s wrong, captain. And you can call me by my name. I think we’re past formalities.” He lets out a small smile but shakes his head.
“Don’t think I can do that, your highness. Have to follow orders and call you formally.” You pout but don’t respond, instead taking the time to further admire him. His voice is even more captivating without the helmet. Maker, it was so smooth and melodic yet stable and- kriff when were you so attracted to a voice ? He starts eating, but those ochre eyes flit to yours, and you turn away.
To distract yourself, you pick up the canteen of water, and take a few sips. As you search through the contents of the bag, you find a compact mirror. You open and see… something horrible.
Your makeup has been smudged to all hell. The gold of your lipstick is smeared down to your chin, and the white paint on your face is half gone. The intricate golden markings that decorate you are no more than muddied lines, and there are visible sweat trails that erased the color on your forehead. You were such a mess. While you look like a melted dolly, the captain sits there looking all majestic. This was so unfair .
“Is everything ok, princess?” You close your gaping mouth and turn to the captain.
“You never told me that I looked like this ,” you frown, pointing at your face. “I look horrible!” The captain chuckles, the breathy sound sending shivers to your chest.
“With all due respect, I didn’t think it was my place to point it out. And you don’t look bad, either. We just crash landed in the jungle. Of course your makeup would be ruined.” His eyebrows arch, confused at your frustration. You huff.
“It’s just so unfair. You get to look like… that , and I’m here looking like a blurrg stepped in paint and walked over my face!” You bring a hand to your forehead in exasperation. Sure, you were being dramatic, but a princess should never have to be in such a sorry state. The captain has the nerve to look even more bewildered.
“I’m not sure I understand, princess. I look normal, like all my brothers.” A grumble about how he’ll never understand your predicament escapes your lips. The captain reaches for one of your discarded clothes and sets the lip of the canteen on top, dampening the fabric. “Here,” he gestures, “so you can wash up.”  You grasp at the cloth, gently swiping at your face. Paint stains the rich, expensive robe, but you don’t really care.
“Thank you,” you croak, face feeling fresher and cleaned. The captain nods at you, arranging your clothes to form a pile.
“Sleep. I’ll keep watch,” he advises.
“Shouldn’t we take turns? It’s no use if you’re tired tomorrow.” He considers your words then sighs.
“Alright. I’ll wake you when it’s your turn,” he decides. You lay your head atop your clothes, settling down on the hard ground. Pebbles dig at your back, and your neck aches at the lack of support, but it’s not as horrible as you would’ve imagined.
“Good night, Captain Rex,” you whisper, eyes already closing. The exhaustion from your long hike takes over your body. It seems that your adrenaline from the day is long gone.
“Good night, princess.”
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shypansexualcrystal · 5 years
Could I request some bayverse autobots visiting s/o at work as a surprise to take them out on a little mid-day date?
Bayverse Optimus and Bumblebee Visiting their S/O at work
Optimus Prime:Working at a popular bar was relatively easy for the most part if you don’t count the drunkards and men and women that grope you that is. I’ve been working in the bar since I was young since it was a family-run bar that was to be expected. However, when I first started when I was 14 to get some pocket money I was behind the till mostly or helping out in the kitchen. As I grew so did my role in the bar, now here I am working either behind the bar making drinks or serving people their drinks and meals. Today was especially busy due to the bars anniversary, all the regulars came in to celebrate — which was most of the locals — while some tourists and people who just so happened to read the sign that advertised how we had nearly half-price on most drinks visited now and again. To describe it as hectic would be an understatement.All-day I was either rushing about serving people, behind the bar or helping out in the kitchen, everyone was all over the place. I had skipped all my breaks to help keep on top of everything, by the end of my shift was exhausted and I wanted nothing more than to collapse and sleep for hours. Since I stayed behind until closing time as I finally bid the rest of the remaining workers a farewell and walked out into the fresh air the sky was pitch black. Sighing while looking at the sky, a cloud of condensation escaping my lungs as I did so, I wrapped my coat around me tighter and began the walk home in the dark and cold winter night.I was only a few steps away from my workplace when a loud horn sounded behind me, jumping I spun on my heel to glare at whoever it was that honked at me, as I did so I recognised the person as non-other than my Significant other, Optimus Prime. Instantly my glare changed to a bright smile He pulled up next to me and opened his cab door to allow me to climb in. “Hey Optimus, you scared me.” I giggled a little as he shut his door and began to drive down the streets.“Sorry, my bad. I didn’t mean to frighten you.” He apologised I settled into the seat and was almost lulled into a peaceful sleep, Optimus drove around town while we had a nice conversation. I snuggled more into his seat while yawning. “Do you want me to drive you back home? I can see how tired you are by your one-word answers.” His voice was soft and soothing.I sat up and tried to look more alert, “No it’s fine, I’m awake.” I spoke with enthusiasm in my tone however the little yawn that followed betrayed me. I smiled straight after, however. Optimus didn’t reply, rather instead he decided to sigh.Finally, after a little more driving he came to a halt, too busy trying to stay awake I didn’t bother taking in my surroundings, I soon realized that I had shut my eyes sometime during the ride which prompted me to snap them open. Taking in the scenery I found that we had arrived at the top of a hill overlooking to the small town I lived in, the stars lit up the sky while the moon coated everything in a pale soft light.I smiled knowing he had taken us out to our little hideaway. We spent quite a while there just ranting about work and letting all our worries out. We took turns to listen to each other ranting before we finally had to end our sacred alone time due to Optimus being called back to base we both sighed and smiled at one another before heading back to base.It was nice to relax with him for that little while before going to sleep and then make my way to work once more in the afternoon the next day.BumblebeeIt’s been that was just a normal day at work, rushing about trying to make sure everything is organised and in the right place, working on my work while also trying to organise other peoples work that was sent to be to clean up and finalise the work being sent. I worked at a studio that specialized in 2D and 3D animation. I was the head of Storyboarding for a few shows the studio works on due to directors knowing me personally and liking my work. While it was hectic and I was either trying to find panels that had been lost or had been mixed up, which happen often and needed to be put back into order before being sent off to be animated. However, I adored this job and loved the work and it paid well which was a massive plus. I sighed after finishing the work I needed to complete for today. I packed up my things and headed towards the staffroom to gather the empty food containers that I used to bring in treats like homemade cookies and muffins I got from the leftovers from the party my family had last night. I baked the cookies and maybe made a little too many so I brought the leftovers for my coworkers to enjoy.Gathering my containers, I noticed I had two left, Smiling I went to my director’s office and offered him them, he took one while thanking me for thinking of him and I left his office with a smile on my face after having a little chat with him over both work and personal issues. Waiting for me outside was certain yellow Camaro I was all too familiar with. My cousin Sam got out and greeted me with a hug. “(Y/n)! Long time no see!” He cheered while grabbing my shoulders to pull me into a hug.I shrugged him off, we’ve been super close since we were toddlers and constantly teased each other, yet were both protective over each other because of our close bond, like a sibling kinda love, “you saw me just a few hours ago, how could you have missed me so much already?” I teased while sliding into the Camaro while Sam did the same, “Hey, Bee hows it going?” Bee responded through the radio in a flirty way, I rolled my eyes, typical Bumblebee.“Hey, Bee what have I told you about flirting with my cousin?” I just barely concealed a giggle.“Why, do you feel left out?” I pouted at him in mock sadness while bee sped off down the street.“No! I just feel uncomfortable hearing you two being all lovie dovie with each other after finding out what you two have been doing together, especially while you were in my garage the other night.” Sam pulled a face. Confused I tried to think of what we’d done that Sam knew about. “I wanted to talk to Bumblebee one night and heard you two together instead.”Suddenly realisation dawned on me, “Oh, OH! Ew Sam! What did you think we were doing?” I hit Sam a few times, Bee seemed to chuckle but did nothing besides that. Sam tried to stammer out his excuses but was just digging himself deeper in the hole he created himself. “Bee and I were having a movie night when he thought it’d be a good idea to start a tickle fight! Seriously, Sam?” I pulled a face and looked away from him and out the window.“Hey! Does taking our relationship further really disgust you that much?” Bee whined through his radio, I gave him a pointed look begging him that we not have this conversation while my cousin was in the car with us.“Not now, Bee.” I simply replied with a smirk lingering on my lips, meanwhile Sam just got more weirded out from our conversation, “Sam just drop it.”“You’re going to sleep with my car! I can’t just drop it - not like I’m saying you can’t sleep with him-it’s just-OK I need to stop thinking about this so much-how would it even work anyway-you know what? I don’t want to know-wait Bee you can ha-”“Okay! That’s enough! Conversation over!"My face felt like it was on fire, "Way to make things awkward Sam.” I giggled a little. The rest of the car ride was filled with the normal conversations we had after a few seconds of awkward silence.Finally, after dropping Sam off at his house, Bee took us to my garage which was big enough for him to transform and not have to hunch over as to not hit his head. I flopped onto the couch that was down there and sighed since this place was where I do any personal work while working at home it became a place where Bee and I hung out often due to the nice and easy atmosphere.“So.” Bee tried to start a conversation, I raised an eyebrow while looking over at him, I hummed to let him know that he had my attention, I rested my arm over my eyes while Bee continued to look at me and sitting on the floor beside me. “Do you want to take our relationship further?” He asked through his radio, doing his best to sound gentle.My heart leapt out my chest at the question, I removed my arm from my face and propped myself up on my elbows, the emotion in his eyes told me everything. He was curious but also tried his best to remain eye contact. “Bee,” I whispered his name tenderly.At my lack of reply, he deflated and looked away from me “nevermind” I sat up fully and called his name to get his attention again.“Hey, I never said no. It’s just, I’ve never gone that far with anyone before.” My voice got less confident and more secretive. “I trust you more than anyone I’ve ever been with before so if I were to go that far with anyone I would love for it to be with you.” I shyly caught his eye and give a timid smile.“I didn’t know. Sorry.” Bee apologised, I told him it was fine while climbing to be level with his face. Catching his optics once more I gave a warm and sincere smile before kissing his cheek tenderly. Bee let out a happy and soft whir while leaning into my touch. “I love you,” Bee whispered with his own very quiet and rough voice that he saved for tender moments like these since it was a struggle for him.“I love you more.”“I don’t think that’s possible.” Bee carefully moved me so I was cuddled into him while we got comfortable.
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hey, long time no see!
I’m doing okay, I hope all of you are too. it’s been a while since I last posted on here, and I debated doing so for a long time. I’ve been on @disastergay for a couple months now, and it gave me the fresh start I needed. and yes, you can still call me dizzy! I just also go by ‘jinx’ now. 
what I have to say isn’t exactly something that can be condensed into one or two paragraphs, so I’m putting everything under the cut for those who want to read about my experiences over this past year and the reason I came back one last time.
personal stuff: 
I spent a lot of time off of tumblr, partly due to the influence of my now ex-girlfriend, who I didn’t realize I had a kind of toxic relationship with at the time. and don’t get me wrong--I love my new blog so much, and I don’t realy intend to come back to this one after today--but I felt like I needed to make amends.
in january, I lost all of my real life friends. the bi lesbian discourse made its way to my university, and I was the only one in my social circle who didn’t see why we should attack and harass people who identify as bi lesbians, even if it didn’t really make sense to me at the time. I still miss them sometimes. yeah, they’re in the wrong for trying to police people’s identities, but I have a lot of good memories with them, like when one of them was so worried that she drove me to the bank--to open a secret bank account--so I could have money that wasn’t controlled by my parents. 
it’s been 6 months and I still haven’t fully recovered from losing their friendship and support, and I didn’t want to cause drama by coming back on here and posting about it.
so, I created @frostwitch to get away from everything and everyone (except for a small handful of close friends). but very quickly, I realized I missed the friends and queer connections I had made on this blog--especially with people who liked using my flags. the reason I’m here right now and telling you my new blog’s url is because I’m tired of running away from my past, and re-inventing myself to avoid the consequences of my mistakes. 
I’m not really in the undertale or deltarune fandoms anymore, but I do still love the game and a lot of the art that people make for it. undertale will always have a special place in my heart, but I’ve moved on to danganronpa, as it has fascinatingly complex characters and lore that I can really sink my teeth into. so if you followed me just to see my undertale stuff, you probably won’t be interested in my new blog. 
unfortunately, I had some internalized transphobia and biphobia to work through. I also had to come to terms with some of the transmisogynistic beliefs I unknowingly held, and recognize that even if single-gender schools are outdated and wrongfully exclude nonbinary people, the way I went about addressing the issue was wrong and hurtful to trans women.
I understand that now, though I don’t really expect any of the trans women or transfeminine nonbinary people who called me out on it to forgive me (especially since it’s been long enough that I’m not sure if I still have some of them blocked, but in my defense, I did try to fix that). I have to work to forgive myself for making mistakes like that, though, otherwise I’ll become an even worse person and make mistakes that hurt even more people.
and to yoli, kira, enfys, emma, sarah, and olivia: I apologize for not being a better friend. I wasn’t a good friend to begin with, and treated you less like people and more like trash cans for my negative feelings. many of you have expressed the desire to limit or cut contact with me permanently, and I’m happy to oblige. I’m only sad that I wasn’t a more positive presence when I had the privilege to be part of your lives.  
believe me, I’m genuinely sorry.
so yeah, that’s it. that’s all I have to say, and all I came here to say. I’ll continue to keep this blog up as an archive, but since I’ve moved on, I won’t be posting on here anymore. I hope that in the future, I can make each and every single one of you proud to have known me, even for a little while. take care of yourselves <3
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