#Sadie Benning
bikinikillarchives · 1 year
THE JUDY SPOTS (1995), dir. Sadie Benning.
The Judy Spots is a collection of five short videos, debuted on MTV. Through the paper-maché, teenage girl puppet Judy, voiced by Kathleen Hanna, The Judy Spots discusses feelings of alienation (Judy Feels Sad), service industry and consumerization (Judy Hates Her Job), nightmares and trauma (Judy Has A Nightmare), divorce (Judy Goes To The Mall), and friendship (Judy Gets Mad).
Directed and created by Sadie Benning, producer Elisabeth Subrin, gaffer Matthew Buckingham, puppet construction by Clare Dolan, costume design by Sara O'Donnel, and set by Sadie, Matthew, Elisabath, and Anne Kugler. Soundtrack by Kathleen Hanna and Azalia Snail, with voice-overs by Kathleen (Judy) and Sadie (Courtney).
Sadie Benning (they/them) is an American artist and director whose work primarily consist of what they describe as "video diaries" shot on a PixelVision camera. They began their work at age 15 and by age 19, had shown their videos at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, the Sundance Institute, and at international film festivals. Benning, a lesbian, often discusses sexuality, gender, and feelings of isolation, among other themes in their work. Many of Benning's early videos feature Bikini Kill and riot grrrl songs. Benning is also a co-founder of feminist electronic rock band, Le Tigre, having left the band in 2000 and replaced by JD Samson.
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xjmlm · 2 years
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Sadie Benning
Psychic Portrait #2,
Aqua resin, acrylic, wood, photographs, and digital image
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I went to your concert and I didn't feel anything btw. if you even care.
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rrrauschen · 1 year
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Sadie Benning, {1990} Jollies
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Le Tigre - Le Tigre (1999)
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syntesthetic · 1 year
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herodotean · 2 years
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Sadie Benning Bess, 2016. Aqua resin, wood casein, photographs, digital photographs.
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nicoooooooon · 1 year
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Wipe, Rust-oleum White, Montana Gold Blue Magic, Medite 2, spray paint, dowels and plaster (2011) and M3, Medite, acrylic, aqua resin, enamel and casein (2015) by Sadie Benning
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f0restpunk · 2 years
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Creepypasta As Hazbin Hotel
Ben: so what do you think
Jeff: I’m sorry what the fuck was that
Helen: we’re not filming a porn as a commercial
Puppeteer: why not
Nina: I like being forced
Jeff: keep that to yourself, Nina
Nina: Puppeteer sir
Puppeteer: call me dickmaster
Nina: Puppeteer.
Nina: it’s a solution to our biggest problem
Jeff: oh yeah herpes that’s a bitch
Nina: no our other biggest problem
Jeff: oh uh ugly people?
Jeff: math?
Jane: face my wrath
Jeff: who are you
Jane: I attacked you literally last week
Jeff: ?
Jane: we’ve done battle like twenty times
Jeff: well you must’ve been really bad at this
Liu: oh god, here I go, Jeff. just another fucking day with Jeff. hey hey hey fuck my life
Liu: looks like you have everything under control here
Lyra: of course I do, fuck you, now shoo, go take care of the piss baby
Liu: so you should…?
Jeff: do nothing?
Liu: great idea!!
Toby: you still pissed he almost beat you that time?
Jeff: uh fuck you
Toby: just saying
Sally: *gasp* the bad boy is back
Sally: never leave me again
Brian: we’re about 80% sure she’s harmless
Jeff: this is stupid
Lyra: this is not stupid!
Lyra: it’s just the GAMEEEEE
Lyra: Liu did it well so please try to do the same!
Jeff: I’m too sober for this
Jeff: I’m looking forward to stabbing the other residents
Slenderman: WHAT WHY
Slenderman: people are being nice because they want you to feel welcome
Jeff: *middle finger*
Liu: *middle finger*
Toby: *laughs evilly*
Nina: I have my doubts
Tim: Puppeteer’s minions are all over the place and I need you to get rid of them
Jeff: oh well in that case I’d be delighted to
Tim: humanely
Jeff: well that’s a lot less fun
Jeff: this time everyone has to catch him, okay? Unless you want me to hurt you
Jeff: I love to suck-
Tim: I swear to fuck if you say dicks
Jeff: popsicles, you sicko! Get your mind outta the gutter
Jeff: but you know, dicks too
Sally: sometimes I kill mother bugs in front of their children as a warning to others
Jeff: NINA?!
Clockwork: uh my name’s Clocky
Jeff: no one gives a shit
Jeff: call me fake one more time, motherfucker
Jeff: i dare you
Toby: fake
Jeff: fucking asshole- *hits his head on roof*
Toby: you done?
Liu: Lyra, sweetie, you uh you good?
Lyra: nope no not really!
Sally: maybe it’s time
Lazari: no
Sally: to ask
Lazari: don’t say it
Sally: your dad
Lyra: wait that’s it
Jeff: kill everyone?
Lyra: noooooo
EJ: what’s the hold up?
EJ: you got daddy issues?
Lulu: no we’ve just never been close
Lulu: after Mom died he never really wanted to see me
Lulu: he calls sometimes but only if he’s bored or needs me to do something
EJ: daddy issues
Brian: this is the first time she’s called you in years
Brian: this has to be perfect
Brian, picking up the phone: HEYYYY BITCH
Jeff: you may have heard of me from my radio broadcast
Tim: hmmm NOPE I guess that’s why Toby called it the Hazbin Hotel hahaha
Jeff: hahaha it was actually my idea
Tim: hahaha well it’s not very clever
Jeff: haha fuck you
Toby: OKAY
Brian: you like girls! so do I! We have so much in common
Clockwork: how you been?
Jeff: good! Until five minutes ago
Sadie: hey Sally what you been up to, girlie?
Sally: fighting bugs
Sadie: and how’s that going for you
Sally: they’re winning
Sally: but not for long
Lulu: how come he can have faith in me but my own father can’t?
Jeff: oooooh drama *pulls out popcorn*
Slenderman: hi
Slenderman: Slenderman
Slenderman: that’s my wall that you just blew up
Jeff: don’t fucking shush me bitch
Sadie: I need a break but hug a koala for me
Nina: omg can you imagine an actual KOALA
Jeff: anyway you sure fucked up didn’t you
Jeff: oh Lyra, you look an absolute mess
Sadie: I won’t hurt anyone for you
Jeff: who’s asking?!
Ben: Jeff and Toby just left like they were running away from their responsibilities
Ben: should we be alarmed?
Helen: are you fucking high?
Lulu: oh I’m just kidding
Lulu: I know you’re an ace in the hole
Ann: a what now?
Sally: I named all the stains on the carpet
Sally: that one’s Fred
Liu: look I can’t resist a fight okay
Liu, about Jeff: especially when I get to tag team with this fuckhead
Lyra: live tonight however you want because-
Toby: we’re all gonna die!
Dina: alright let’s give it up for not dying!
Dina: love not dying!
Dina: … drinks?
Jeff: I mean personally I’m excited it’s been a long time since I stabbed someone and really meant it you know what I mean
Lazari: I dub thee king roach
EJ: oh to understand your twisted little mind
Jeff: anyway I guess
Jeff: please don’t die tomorrow
Jeff: okay bye
Lyra: rip Jane’s cunt mouth out her ass
Jeff: would you just- chill, Lyra, fuck
Zero: they appear to have some kind of shield sir
Puppeteer: oh really? I didn’t see this giant fucking shield in front of me YOU DUMB BITCH NO SHIT
Jeff: I’m about to end your fucking life
Puppeteer: fuck you, you red piece of- too much fucking red- fuck shut up
Ben: hahaha poetry
Jeff: what just happened? Ffffuck
Toby: these fucking angels won’t stop coming
Jeff: HA
Toby: okay I walked right into that one
Jane: Before I take your life I’m going to tear that other eye out of your face
Clockwork: try it bitch
Jeff, to Jane: live
Jeff: live knowing that you only do because I let you
Slenderman: see you messed with my daughter so now I am going to FUCK you
Zalgo: …
Clockwork & Lyra: …
Jeff: 😏
LJ: well this just got interesting
Sally: it’s fuck you up, Dad
Slenderman: wait what did I say?
Liu: how’s mercy taste, you little bitch
Slenderman: take your little friends and GO HOME
Slenderman: please
Puppeteer: I’m The Puppeteer
Helen: and I’m-
Puppeteer: nobody gives a shit who you are, Helen
Zero: anyway congrats to Slenderman and his crew for not being totally fucking useless for once
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benadrylcandlewhack · 3 months
Some more Warren for you all
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Not super duper proud of it but ehhhh whatever
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neishroom · 1 year
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what da dog doin?
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koolaidoverliving · 14 days
so, because i have a bunch of characters it might be a good idea to explain their roles in the universe as well as their places in the whole slendy debacle. all the roles will be explained under the cut, but some additional info is up here! :)
The outskirts of Toronto are home to a small urban community, unexciting but charming in its appearance. There exists a forest surrounding this town. Rumours claim it's haunted, and it might just be true. Everyone who moves to this town bears the same fate: they can't escape. The inhabitants always find their way back to the town. Back to him.
Slenderman, a demonic entity—the personification of the forest itself, preys on troubled individuals. His presence alone infects them with a sickness that can only be subdued by pills.
The infected run into supernatural beings around the forest. Some of them befriend each other; others make enemies.
Inside the forest, there's a mansion harbouring Slenderman's proxies. It was no more than a run-down building before they renovated it for their stay. Proxies can be controlled by Slenderman. They exhibit more animalistic tendencies than the infected, although their consciousness fades when they enter their provoked states. Their primary goal is to safeguard the forest and ward off trespassers.
PROXIES: Toby, Kate, Sally, Ben, Jeff, Clockwork, Laughing Jack, Kagekao, Zero
Toby: This immature man was taken when he was a teenager. Slenderman is a sort of father figure to Toby—or, moreso his saviour. Slender uses Toby's grim past and his attachment to the mansion as a way to manipulate him. Toby consistently preaches about Slender. He's a reckless person, but his agility and lack of pain receptors come in handy.
Kate: Another young recruit. She's rarely in a conscious state, often behaving like a brainless creature roaming the woods. Despite her lanky appearance, she's as tough as any beast in the forest. Her senses are heightened, but she's weak to bright lights and loud noises. Kate normally returns to the mansion with fresh meat to cook.
Sally: A young ghost girl who was brought in by Slender at the age of 8. She takes a liking to the adults in the mansion and views them as her older-sibling figures. Like Toby, she views Slenderman as a father. She's one of many children who have died in the forest and can sense other ghosts lurking around.
Ben: Recruited at 13, Ben is useful because he provides the mansion with its technology. He's a troublemaker, but his powers are too good to give up.
Jeff: He and Toby were taken in around the same time. Jeff is hard to get along with—he's a narcissist and an asshole—but he's strong, stealthy and more experienced with killing than anyone else in the mansion.
Clockwork: She's an aggressive fighter who's quick to anger. Her endurance and courage is useful, but her rash decisions can lead to the proxies getting into some trouble. She also hates living in the mansion.
Laughing Jack: Found by Slenderman, his box is kept safe in the mansion's attic. LJ isn't allowed to leave his confinements unless he's needed. The proxies monitor him.
Kagekao: A shadow demon watched over by the proxies. He was held captive for trespassing until he agreed to work with them. His powers are the only reason he's kept in the mansion.
Zero: Despite being a powerful proxy, Zero has a knack for misbehaving. She's an intelligent demon with a strong hatred for humans, making it difficult for the other proxies to work with her.
Zalgoids are the most common of trespassers. These creatures have been modified by Lord Zalgo, another demonic entity. Some Zalgoids have been tamed and utilised by the proxies.
ZALGOIDS: Lazari, Lulu, Eyeless Jack, Nurse Ann, The Puppeteer
Lazari: Being the illegitimate child of Zalgo, she's extremely powerful. Slenderman brought her into the mansion when she was 8. She was taught how to read, write and behave politely. But as she grew older, she became more and more curious with her backstory and who Zalgo really is.
Lulu: Zalgo blessed her with new life and supernatural abilities in exchange for her eyes. Lulu has a constant hunger for more eyeballs. She lives in a cabin with Eyeless Jack, but frequently visits the mansion. She's basically Lazari's adopted mother.
Eyeless Jack: Similar to Lulu, Jack was brought back to life. But he wasn't human anymore, he was a demon. He craves organs, blood, any sort of meat. Jack tends to stay away from the mansion, however his medical expertise is useful.
Nurse Ann: The nurse roams around an abandoned clinic. She's violent and quick to attack. The only person she has a connection to is Jack. He provides her with body parts; she provides him with organs. It's said this zombie has been wandering the halls since the 1950s.
The Puppeteer: He was given a new life after his death, but at the expense of his memories. The Puppeteer is a vengeful ghost who seeks out negativity. When he gets glimpses of his past, he can't help but want to know more. That's why he's so connected to Helen and Dina.
The infected individuals live in town among other townspeople. They are tasked with safeguarding the forest alongside the proxies. Their sanity depletes more rapidly, and they have to take pills in order to keep away the Slendersickness.
INFECTED: Nina, Bloody Painter, Judge Angels, X-Virus, Nathan, Jason
Nina: She's a popular inhabitant in town, disliked by many for her devotion to Jeff. Nina hadn't even graduated high-school when she ran away to see him. If Nina had only known what the future had in store for her, she would've never taken the train to Toronto. Nina's main role is assisting Jeff with whatever he needs.
Bloody Painter: Helen moved to Canada with Dina as an escape from his old life in Florida. He wasn't infected with the sickness until he wounded up chasing a victim into the woods.
Judge Angels: The sickness spread to her from Helen. No amount of angelic healing could save her from Slenderman's grasps. The proxies keep in contact with Dina for her angelic powers, but she adamantly refuses to move into the mansion with them. Dina is also a protector of sorts for Lucy and Sadie.
X-Virus: As a brilliant chemist, Cody is the producer of the pills used to alleviate the Slendersickness. Cody is popular within the community, which sucks because he's an introvert. He's had the sickness for the longest time out of everyone in town. Toby consistently asks him to join the mansion, but Cody doesn't want to.
Jason: His hatred for London caused him to move to Toronto. He lived in the city till something drew him to the forest—an unspoken calling. Now he resides in the town, occasionally going out to make toy deliveries. Jason isn't fun to work with, but his craftsmanship is one of the best.
Nathan: He moved to Toronto alongside Jason and his wife, Ciara. They lived in the city until Jason "moved out". Nathan, concerned about Jason's disappearance, ventured out until he spotted a quaint town down-south. Nathan is the worst to work with because of how much he hates Slenderman. Meanwhile, Ciara lives in the city, unable to see Nathan because Nathan can't leave without endangering Ciara.
These people either don't live in the town or aren't affected by Slenderman.
OTHERS: Jane, Liu, Lucy, Suicide Sadie, Candy Pop
Jane: She lives in the city, working as an accountant. In her free-time, she does research on Jeff. Her goal is to kill him and she won't stop till she succeeds in it.
Liu: He alternates from motel to motel, apartment to apartment. Liu's been on the search for Jeff for the past 7 years, and he knows he's close to finding him now.
Lucy: A wandering ghost who entraps unsuspecting adults. She isn't one to mess with. The only people she'll be nice to are Sadie, Dina and Helen.
Suicide Sadie: Another wandering ghost. She's grown attached to Lucy and claims to be her protector. They're like sisters.
Candy Pop: He isn't infected by the Slendersickness, nor is he a proxy. He's actually just some weird jester that lives with Nathan and tries to keep him and Jason sane.
i provided incredibly brief summaries for their descriptions, but i have way more info on everyone from jobs to relationships to history, etc.
let me know if you have any questions about them or my universe :D
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whatisr3alityy · 14 days
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Dr smiley and his angel bf( gf OC)
And some doobles
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dontlookheswatching · 16 days
Happy pride month everyone!! I love this month so much, because I feel like it's a time where I and everyone else can feel valid and express who we really are and embrace it!
I decided to steal this idea from @tobaccoy and make a list of the creeps sexualities to celebrate(I'll also be posting Ben and Jeff at some point, and maybe even some others) :3
Jeff: Cis and bisexual
Ben: Demiboy, pansexual and greyromantic
Liu: Cis and bisexual
Nina: Genderfluid, omnisexual, and cupioromantic
Toby: Cis and bisexual
Tim: Cis and aroace
Brian: Cis and gay
Silver: Demiboy and gay
Dark Link: Nonbinary, greyromantic, and aroace
The Puppeteer: Cis and bisexual
Jason: Cis and gay
Bloodypainter: Nonbinary and bisexual
X-Virus: Cis and gay
Hobo: Nonbinary and bisexual
Kagekao: Cis and omnisexual
Nurse Ann: Trans MtF and lesbian
Lazarus(Lazari): Trans FtM and questioning
Sally: Cis and aroace
Lulu: Demigirl and aroace
Sadie: Cis and pansexual
Zero: Cis and lesbian
Clockwork: Cis and bisexual
Jane: Cis and lesbian
Rogue: Demigirl and omnisexual
Kate: Cis and lesbian
Laughing Jack: Nonbinary and aroace
Judge Angels: Cis and bisexual
Eyeless Jack: Demiboy and gay
Candypop: Nonbinary and aroace
I'll be posting again later today because as of the day I'm posting this(June 2nd), it's Jeffs birthday in my au and the dude is 23 now!
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