#Sam capaldi
miomiomate · 2 years
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cantnameblogs · 19 days
every doctor who episode (2005-present) described by dropout.tv
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freshlypizza · 3 months
The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals if it were a British Comedy
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Paul Matthews = Jack Whitehall
Emma Perkins = Diane Morgan
Ted Spankoffski = Mike Wozniak
Bill Woodward = Paterson Joseph
Charlotte Sweetly = Olivia Colman
Alice Woodward = Charlotte Ritchie
Henry Hidgens = Peter Capaldi
Sam Sweetly = Simon Pegg
Only did the main-ish cast, as if I did the extra characters I would be here for a while
This is (technically) a continuation of the Six Idiots as the LiB and i plan to do all the Hatchetfield shows so if you have any suggestions please let me know and I will credit you :)
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hanlight · 9 months
Finished The Thick Of It and my god… it really is one of the best shows ever made… and like I know it’s supposed to be political satire but you can’t tell me it’s that far from how things are actual done irl?
Also… Malcom Tucker is genuinely a horrible person but at the same time he is the only one who’s capable of getting the job done and also drops some cold hard truth bombs along the way…
The inquiry hour long special from season 4 is one of the best hours of television in history, I was in awe the whole time.
And ngl… Malcom’s ending was tough to watch but I don’t think it could be done any other way.
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fendercapaldi · 2 months
Lewis Capaldi jamming to "Will We Talk" by Sam Fender 😂
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tucker-f-malcom · 10 months
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thekingofspin · 4 months
just a warning to everyone don't watch your favourite movie/tvshow with your mum because she will notice when your smiling a little too much at a middle aged man.
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quietwingsinthesky · 6 months
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being ignored by his evil wife vs getting to entertain her with stories of people being eaten. oh he IS smitten. he is lost to this, people. he is whipped beyond belief. there's nothing else in that head rn except that he get to talk to her for a little while and have dinner together. insane. losing my mind about them.
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stellatekintsugi · 3 months
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Lewis Capaldi
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anteroom-of-death · 7 months
A bitch be like "is anyone going to graphically sexualize that insane Downing Street Director of Communications within an inch of his life?" And not wait for an answer....
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mazzy-rockstar · 21 days
I knew Noel Gallagher wasn’t shit when he said Inhaler made better songs than Lewis Capaldi and Sam Fender
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In The Lonely Hour (1/10)
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A03 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Summary: A collection of canon-compliant(ish) one-shots that provide glimpses of Killian's life based on the album "In the Lonely Hour" by Sam Smith.
Mind on My Money After turning his back on a corrupt king, Killian finds purpose in piracy. 
“We'll sail under the crimson flag and give our enemies no quarter.”
Cheers rose from the men - there was far more money to be had in piracy and, apparently, more honour. Killian marched toward the helm, exuding confidence and daring any man to entertain a moment’s fantasy of mutinying against his command. It seemed the cheers were earnest in their support of his command and his newest career path for the former soldiers.
He expected some of the men to hesitate when he proclaimed that they fly the crimson flag rather than a black flag. But, it seemed the senseless loss of their beloved former captain had hardened their hearts as effectively as it had his. He felt the heavy, lifeless body of his brother in his arms, still warm even as his eyes dimmed without the presence of Liam behind them any longer. Anger filled him as he pushed away the intrusive memory, that had stolen his breath and made his hands sweat so that he had to tighten his hold on the ship’s wheel. He welcomed the anger, it made him feel stronger than the desolate despair that had previously encompassed him.
For months, the anger gave him purpose. It fuelled him, empowered him, and drove him in his tireless campaign against the King's navy. His reckless actions and calm leadership in battles painted a brutal reputation that his men boasted about at every port after they had a few too many, but well-earned, pints.
As he watched a heavily-burdened frigate on the horizon try to change course at the sight of his ship, Captain Jones smiled in anticipation of the chase and battle to come. Killian felt a glimmer of warmth - was that pride? - in his chest that his deeds had the best captains of the King’s armada fleeing whenever they caught a flicker of a crimson red flag or navy hull in their spy glasses.
“Raise the crimson, boys!” Killian’s smile was near feral, adrenaline blazing through his body as he steered the Jolly Roger to intercept the naval ship. The sharp clip of orders, the rumble of cannons being rolled into position, and the excited shouts of his crew as they caught up with the Anthem of the Realm rose from the deck and fed the fire in his veins. He never felt more alive than he did in these quiet moments right before…
The crack of wood splintering was met with cheers as the Jolly’s cannon hit her mark. Water splashed onto the deck as the Anthem’s answering cannon fire fell short. Killian gave the wheel to Mr Starkey and jumped down to join his men on the deck. As the sea began beating at the hull, the waters angry by the disturbance caused by the battling ships, he took his place to lead the boarding party as his first mate brought them closer to the pride of the royal navy.
The steady thud of heavy grappling hooks hitting and scraping along the deck made Killian smile. The navy was coming to them. It would be an easier fight if they didn’t have to traverse to the other ship. The Jolly groaned in protest as the boarding lines pulled her toward the larger ship, but her crew held off the sailors as they attempted to cross by cutlass and arrow.
The waters were as crimson as the flag he flew by the time he stood on the deck of the Anthem, her captain trembling at the end of his blade. The captain had been found locked in his quarters, tucked safely away, while his men died around him. His words were desperate words that Killian had heard countless times, “There are chests of gold below deck. I can lead you to them. Please, will you spare me?”
“We’ve relieved the ship of her burdens before finding you cowering beneath your bed, Captain.”
He returned to the Jolly Roger, her hull lower in the water with the pilfered jewels, gold, food, and barrels of fine rum. He cut the lines holding her to the Anthem. Starkey was already pulling the Jolly away from her latest victim. He watched with a satisfied smile as the finest ship in the King’s navy and the last stronghold the king held over these seas sank to the seafloor, taking her craven captain down with her.
The sunset filled the sky with brilliant oranges and reds, and the seas calmed once they claimed the Anthem. His crew celebrated their new fortunes and the lives they fought to keep that day. As they toasted their captain for claiming ownership and power of the seas of the realm, for bringing them wealth, for leading them to victories, for fighting the Kraken, for charming mermaids, and for even more ridiculous myths as the night grew older, he watched the stars.
The anger that had kept him such constant company had started to fade. As a star darted across the night sky, Killian found himself hoping that he could find something, anything to fill the void it was leaving in its stead.
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tea-dirtbag · 2 years
Now it’s time for me to spam my annual doctor who obsession. Good luck everyone and allons-y!!!!
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top-scar-maverick · 10 months
I don't know how to explain it but Scott Bakula & Peter Capaldi are the "Kids Named Finger" of Sci-Fi
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doctology-blog · 2 years
well, i haven’t logged on here in 6 years … 22 now … is the doctor who/supernatural side of tumblr still going strong or have things d-worded?
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fendercapaldi · 3 months
Yes I miss them ❤
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