#Saw one that was like “so many people are only focusing on the student protests and not gaza anymore uwu” and its like. No theyre not
surpriserose · 5 months
Im copying someone elses tweet here but like holy shit there are so many posts since the student encampments started that are just "this will distract from your cause" says the person who doesnt care about you or your cause
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floxtingdrm · 11 months
(N): a nostalgic longing to be near again to something or someone that is distant, or that has been loved then lost; “the love that remains.
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𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff (I think)
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: Silver (vanrouge)
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞: On
𝐓𝐲𝐩𝐞: Oneshot.
𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬: They/them
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: It’s you and I, keeping our story under the wraps
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: None.
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What else were you gonna say about your life? That you wish it didn’t have to be like this or that you’re bored out of your mind? You liar~ Nothing was boring with him around, wasn’t it?
Your prince, Silver was everything you wanted in a lover and more, opposite to most of the student at NRC he was a pure gentleman to you and a sweet lover even with his strange sleeping schedule. Despite being in a secret relationship, having it well kept between you and him only, you both can’t help but make a few people stare at you with the look of ‘something feels weird’
Maybe we should go back to the start of how you both came to be? It’s not a long story when you think about it, in fact he was the one who approached you, just after Leona’s overblot.
“Silver, thank you for helping us, Prefect…?” Silver hair and aurora eyes, he was breathing taking for a first meeting.
“(Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n). Glad to be of service to you and Diasomnia.” You quickly brushed it off though, back then you still hadn’t entirely gotten over the overblot situation and was still so scared.
“…Are you okay?” If he hadn’t asked that would he have made an impact on you? Would you still have remembered those lilac eyes? Maybe you would, but you also wouldn’t.
“Ah I’m good! Thank you for worrying.” You had no choice but to keep to yourself, a world you’re unfamiliar with, did Silver saw his younger self in you?
It was a strange meeting maybe but, just with those little words you kept hearing over and over again, your heart began to loosen up a bit. After that meeting, you both coincidentally kept meeting each other, what was it they often say?
Once was chance, you never thought you’d see him again after the spell drive tournament, neither did he, in all honesty you had already kind of liked him like how friends would.
“Oh it’s you prefect, what brings you to the library?” You happen to visit the library to review for the mid-terms, looks like you happen to meet him again.
“Mid-terms, I just needed something on the ‘New age of Lacuna’” since being a first year focused more on information and writing you had no choice but to read references for history class.
“I have it, you wanna read it together?” What’s the worse that could happen between sharing and reading a book? The spark to your relationship of course.
Twice is a coincidence, your relationship started to bloom as you both kept in touch for school problems, you began to talk to him more about your problems with unable to handle most of the work handed, he talked to you about his sleeping problems.
“Oh, I didn’t expect to see you again so soon.” Poker face from start to end, every time you saw him you wonder what he would like liked if he started smiling.
“Haha I’m kind of just buying essentials but nice to see you to, Silver.” Sam came back and handed you a bag filled with hygiene things as well as a separate box for Tuna cans.
“You need help?” Despite protesting, Silver still carried the heavy box of tuna cans for you, at this point you were already somewhere on the verge of falling in love.
“ You really don’t have to help me.” All you had as an answer was his hunm in agreement.
“So? I wanted to help you.” Honestly it’s a miracle you haven’t started staring at him up and down, or maybe you did? Either way you were sure your heart was beating of your rib cage when you saw those lovely eyes.
Thrice was fate, the third time you met and afterwards all you could began to think was about him. You did consider the chances of being in a relationship with him, you really did but you were just so afraid of breaking your heart for so many reasons that you started distancing yourself from him.
“Prefect, what are you hiding here for?” That afternoon you were so overwhelmed you couldn’t even attend class, you just had to make a deal with Azul and was facing a huge chance of losing the Ramshackle dorm.
“…” you didn’t know what to do other than stare at the ground, as you sat on the grassy field all alone with your thoughts.
“I happened to hear about your situation… if you want you could stay with me.” His words surprised you, however it wasn’t the fact that you could have the potential of losing your dorm that made you so tired, it was the planning on breaking in a museum.
“I- really thank you, but I’m fine, I don’t want to bother you.” He looked bothered by your words, was it something you said?
“Idiot, you can’t keep going on like this, you’ll burn yourself out.” With that said though you thought he’d go away, but it surprisingly he stayed there, he stayed there for you.
Let’s just say after your fourth meeting, you and him just closer and closer than before, how were you so lucky as to meet him?
More and on about your relationship, you both felt like there was no reason to announce it and just left it just as it is, however when you both eventually started dating there was a big talk about how you both were gonna meet each other with your schedules being a bit different and busy.
In the end, you both just decided to go on dates at night, most of them were picnic dates, some times a walk in the woods, there were also study dates. Although his strange sleeping habit of falling asleep in the middle of nowhere gave you a heart attack, you found it quite cute, you avoided walks after his last falling asleep in the woods.
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It would have been fun if you could have continued keeping your relationship just low-key, but it didn’t stay as a secret for long. Just somewhere around winter break, your lover wanted to bring you home with him however you couldn’t agree.
“Are you sure, darling? It’s rough staying at the school in breaks, I’m not forcing you but are you sure?” You felt his hands in your hair, untangling the knots and giving you a gentle head massage.
“Yes, I’m sure, I’ll be fine sweetie. Don’t worry too much about me.” You wished moments like these would last forever, they can last right?
“If you ever change your mind just give me a call alright?” You really wanted to go with him, but the crow really just had to make you babysit the school while he was away.
“Am I interrupting something?” Out of the dark and dimness of the lounge where you laid on your lover’s chest, Grim stood at the door annoyed and probably hungry.
That night you had to try and bribe grim from saying anything about your relationship, why you did that? You had no idea but just felt like it. Silver on the other hand didn’t really mind if news about your relationship got out, but since it looked like you didn’t enjoy it he just let you do as you pleased.
“Is there a reason why we should keep our relationship a secret?” Scribbling away you don’t seem to hear much of what he was saying, maybe it was something about his side of work?
“Not really, I’m not sure why… I’ve rarely been in a relationship before so I guess I was just worried?” When you managed to make out what he was saying you kind of just answered what you thought of first, should have payed attention to what he said.
“So you don’t mind if we made it public?”
“Well.. no, I really don’t mind”
Maybe if you were more conscious and thought careful about why he asked that, then maybe you could hold have been more mentally prepared. Because that was how you got into your current situation.
On the day of him going back home, you were also invited by some of your friends as well, mainly Deuce and Ace and just like with Silver you declined them, saying goodbye to your friends was like parents seeing their children off on a trip, ‘thank god they’re gone’.
“(Y/n), mind if I talked to you for a second?” He tapped on your shoulder, Ace and Deuce didn’t really noticed and just thought Silver needed something from you.
“Yeah su-“ All he needed from you was a goodbye kiss, and one that you didn’t even had the chance to react or explain to them, they all just stared at you as if you grew multiple heads.
What you technically didn’t expect was him giving you pda in public, that was one way of telling the world you both were dating but can’t he tell you beforehand? Now you’re as red as a tomato.
“SILVER, WHAT IN THE NAME OF THE BENEVOLENT THORN WITCH WAS THAT?!” Sebek gently asked in a not so gentle way, you just hid your face in Silver’s chest out of malfunctioning.
“A goodbye kiss, have Lilia and Malleus arrived?” He still hugged you, warm hands around your waist, you would have hit him but you loved him too much to do so.
You felt stares that seemed to burn into your skull, Ace and Deuce really wanted answers to what they just witnessed, they felt betrayed, how dare you keep your love life away from them?
“I can explain, hear me out.”
Despite saying that they still bombarded you with more questions you didn’t know how to answer, your lover just chuckled and had a rare smile on his face, oh no, you think you just fell harder in love with him.
“I’ll see you after break, remember, call me if you need anything” leaving you he began to walk away, perhaps you were feeling bold and didn’t notice Lilia right away.
“Hold on now, here’s one more goodbye kiss from me” kissing his cheek you chuckled as his face grew a bit red as well.
“You didn’t tell me you had a lover Silver, you wound this old bat” a smirk from Lilia, a grumble of embarrassment from your lover, he was definitely gonna get teased by Lilia later.
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Thanks for reading! Please like and reblog it would help me out so much, thank you!
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celestiall0tus · 2 months
Lady and the Scoundrel - Chapter 14 - Path to Redemption
Beginning || Previous
            Chloe headed out of class with Barkk beside her. They walked outside while Barkk prattled on. Chloe ignored Barkk while she zoned in and out. A few weeks had passed since the holiday break ended. Everything had gone back to normal, or a relative normal. The Scoundrel, Felix, hadn’t been causing trouble like he was. She was back in school, living on campus. The other students still swarmed Barkk in attempts to be her friend. She had noticed a few realized her existence, but she didn’t feel like entertaining them.
            Chloe looked away as she fell in step behind Barkk. Before the holiday, she wanted nothing but to be noticed. She wanted to prove she was better, but was she really? Had she changed at all? Things felt different, but was it enough? Was she worthy of being a hero when she failed to stop the Scoundrel? Was she worthy of friends after all the heartache she’s caused? Was she worthy of a family when her blood family never loved her?
            Chloe gasped when Barkk took her hand and led her through the campus grounds back to their dorm. Chloe tried to get a protest out, but Barkk ignored her until they were away from prying eyes.
            “Chloe, we need to talk,” Barkk said.
            “About what? There’s nothing to talk about.”
            “Chloe, I know better. I am empathic just like Velze. I can feel your heart troubled. Are you still focused on what happened with Felix?”
            “Well, of course! I just… I thought I could be a hero. I thought I was finally doing right, but then all that. I just… I don’t know. I just… I said a lot of things. Things I never wanted to tell him. Things I never wanted to hear. Things I don’t think I was ready to fully face.”
            “Is that why you’ve given up on making friends?”
            “No. Yes? Maybe.”
            “Talk to me, Chloe. I’m here.”
            “You were there. You heard everything.”
            “Maybe so, but I can’t read your thoughts or discern the source of your emotions. I’ll only know if you tell me.”
            Chloe sighed. “I know I’ve admitted to all that I’ve failed at. I know I’ve seen the errors, but it all hit when I looked at myself in the mirror. When I saw the girl for what she was. The little monster that ruined everything. The abomination that was so full of herself, blinded by false power that she destroyed everything precious to her. I even tried to use Felix, Scoundrel, whatever for my own gains as I had with so many others. Everything always started and ended with me.”
            “You are right. You made mistakes, as your kind usually does. You’re not perfect. None of you are, but that doesn’t change the fact you are just as worthy of a second chance as anyone else. And unlike most, you took the chance. You made the effort to change. Even if no one else accepts it, sees you only for your past, nothing will change the truth.”
            “It doesn’t feel like that. Not when I’m reminded of my past constantly.”
            “True, but how does it make you feel to remember all that?”
            “Sad… and angry. Really angry.”
            “Go on.”
            “I was a fool. I used and manipulated people I thought were below me to feel better about myself. It made me feel powerful and good in a twisted sense. I reveled in it until my rule was challenged and undermined. Even when I hit rock bottom before and was given a chance to prove myself, I messed that up too. I doubled down when I should have stopped and realized the truth, but I didn’t.”
            Barkk remained silent and listened.
            “Even now, in London, I’m repeating old habits. I may not be manipulating people, but I’m using them. I’m taking advantage of their despair and helplessness to make myself feel and look better. Even with those people calling me a hero, it was never enough. I had to go for more, but I… I messed up with that. Felix was enamored at the sight of me. He wanted me like I feared. And then me hitting him with that arrow, him looking at me, and being nice to me, it just… it was wrong. I just feel… I just feel like I’m doing the same thing I did in Paris. Like all this has been a waste of time and I haven’t changed at all. That I’m still the mean old Chloe I was in Paris.”
            Barkk opened her mouth when a knock came at the door. She got up and opened it. Her pigtails lifted in surprise to see Felix with a tall boy with tan skin and short black hair. She pulled her lips back in a snarl and growled.
            “What are you doing here, Plagg? I told you this is my territory.”
            Plagg waved his hand dismissing as he pushed past Barkk. “Relax. I won’t be long. Besides, I don’t want to linger somewhere that reeks of love.”
            “Enough, Plagg. Chloe, I came to speak with you,” Felix said.
            “Well, I’ve got nothing to say to you,” Chloe retorted.
            “Then just listen. Look, for what little it’s worth, I’m sorry for upsetting you. I realized I might have pushed too far and brought back unpleasant memories and trauma. I just… I was angry. I hoped for a hot warrior girlfriend, but she turned out to be you.”
            Chloe glared at Felix.
            “Right, sorry. I’m sorry I brought all that up when I lashed out. I hadn’t realized what you were going through, and might have dismissed it whenever Memoria brought it up. Regardless, if you would like, we can keep up the routine we had been. You know, when I would cause random trouble and you chase me off.”
            “I don’t want that. I don’t even know what I want anymore.”
            “I thought you wanted to change?”
            “I did, do, but have I really changed? Especially when it seems like I’m repeating the same habits.”
            “Hard to say if you are repeating, but I can say you’ve changed. You’re nothing like the snot-nosed, stuck up, annoying, bossy little bitch I had to suffer because Adrien liked you for some reason.”
            Chloe rolled her eyes. “You’re just saying that to be nice.”
            Felix laughed. “When have I ever done that? Especially for you.”
            “Fine, so what if I’ve changed. What’s the point if people won’t accept it like you? I mean, would you even be here and be your version of nice if I hadn’t shot you with that arrow and you looked at me?”
            Felix shrugged. “Hard to say. I admit I was confused by the effects of that arrow, and maybe I wouldn’t be, but I’m glad I was hit and saw you. If not for it, I wouldn’t see someone who understands.”
            Chloe furrowed her brows. “What do you mean?”
            “To make a long story short, I saw myself in you after getting hit. I realized where your pain comes from and the cause of it. Our circumstances are very different, but that doesn’t make the pain we feel any less real. We both lashed out. We both hurt people. We still may, but because we’re still damaged. And we may never fully heal, but we can learn to live with what happened and become more than our pasts.”
            “We?” Chloe echoed.
            “I know I didn’t stutter. I never thought change possible for myself until I saw it in you. It helped me to see what more I could be through you.”
            “Does this mean you’ll stop assisting in heists?”
            “Hey, I just said I understand. I didn’t say I was going to give all that up.”
            “Then why talk like you’re going to change?”
            “Because change doesn’t just mean being a goody-two shoes. I’ll leave that for those with a real moral compass. After all, change and redemption means something different for everyone. So, how would you like to talk this path together and see where we end up?”
            “If you keep causing trouble, I will step in to stop you,” Chloe warned.
            Felix grinned and held out a hand. “I would hope for nothing less. How about it then? Shall we see where this road takes us, together?”
            Chloe hesitated. She looked at Barkk, who gave an enthusiastic nod. She sighed and took Felix’s hand.
            “Alright. I’d rather better company, but it’ll be good to walk this path with someone like me,” Chloe said.
            “Likewise. Until we get that, here’s to putting the past behind us.”
            “And for a brighter future.”
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baenyth · 3 months
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews Episode 4-10: Mega Leech
Babe, wake up! Mylene episode!
My love for Mylene, Ivan, and the two of them together is bigger than ever! The 'Teddy Bear' thing is canon! Why does this godforsaken show have so many good couples yet it focuses on the main one?
Get construction'd lmao
"For the sake of the climate and going green I am going to build a giant twisted glass rectangle in the middle of the park" roflmao
Oh hey. This is pretty good political stuff. A corrupt politician that makes fake-green plans that ignore the main problems and uses the police to arrest any dissidents, with the cops' only complaint being that they're kids rather than them being peaceful protesters. (does France even have freedom of speech laws?)
Wait a minute, where the hell is Lila? Does she just vanish when irrelevant to the plot? Is she busy with her many other double lives?
"Two of my students are being arrested for peaceful protest? You know what? Fuck it. Impromptu Field Trip today, class."
Don't snitch, Alya. You could get Ms. Bustier in hot water.
Of course! Performative activism that only fights the symptoms and not the disease while using excess energy from polluting sources! Also they got Adrien in this. He got disrespected but Marinette fell into simp mode.
O'Hare Air
Oh. And plastic pollution as well.
Well they were, it just wasn't written into the show.
At this point Gabriel's trolling is intentional. He does a lot of trolling so he can akumatize people.
So did no one react when they saw the feather or butterfly?
Goblin armada that climbs into your ears and starts talking to you on the microphone podium inside your head
Actually, if the characters don't have brains, that would explain a lot.
How are only the plot-relevant characters the ones that don't get affected? Like, from an in-universe explanation? Because I don't like meta explanations that much.
Imagine if we got another Ladybug reveal, though.
Again with the exposed members? Eh. Hawkmoth's busy with an akuma and a Peacock-made at the moment.
Also was this seriously all done in five minutes? Or has Ladybug's five minute timer gone up or something?
Hawkmoth, that was weak.
Takes Alya and runs
Aaaaand here's where the Peacock-made Adrien lore comes in!
This was a really good episode! Good message, good new hero, a lot of good stuff, and the bad stuff is Miraculous standard cheapness. Plus, I love Mylene! I'm not even mad at the end of Multimouse!
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The walk to Religion was filled with uncomfortable silence. When the female trio caught up with Ciel, it became obvious he was deep in thought. And any attempts to initiate conversation, as Eleanora found out, was futile.
And so, the girls led the way to the chapel, casting concerned glances to each other as Ciel lagged.
“What's up with him, you think?”, Eleanora asked.
“Dunno, but he better snap out of it quickly - you do not want to be zoning out in religion”, Felicia deadpanned.
“I mean, if it's about detention, it's as if he’s never seen someone faint before.”
They all stopped, and twisted back to face Ciel, whose head was down.
“Has he?!”, they wondered.
The Chapel was extravagant, to say the least. Built out of gorgeous sandstone and marble, it was adorned with stained glass representations of the Stations of the Cross. A high ceiling, and rows upon rows of sleek pews led to a cream altar, adorned with the school logo.
The downside though, was the crappy acoustics.
Their teacher, Ms Annafellows, was a stunning woman. We all know what she looks like. Anyway, her face screamed apathy. Her one standout feature though, was the white bandage wrapped around one eye. They thought it was funny how similar she seemed to Ciel.
Ms Annafellows waited until everyone entered the room before droning on about Christianity - like anyone cared.
Ele and Valentino were sitting in the front row, laughing and sitting together like they had something to hide. Eleanora ran up to them and skilfully squished herself between the sickening love birds.
Hey guys! How was lunch without us?”
“Oh! Well-”
Rianne sat next to Valentino, as Ciel joined her, “don’t answer that, we have news!”
“No we do not! We were told not to tell!”, Ciel protested.
Felicia scoffed from Ele’s other side, “oh please, the rest of the school probably already knows by now.”
Everyone nodded in agreement.
“So! Basically, this girl - she’d be...what year 11? Anyway, she looked really bad, and asked to go to the bathroom - “
“But Mr. I-dont-like-you said no so she tried to get up and leave-”
“But she just collapsed in the doorway! And then Mr Michaelis sent us away!”
Valentino was lost in thought - Ele smiled at the cute way his eyebrows scrunched up when he was being serious.
“Well, it’s not uncommon for seniors to faint here, you know. Last I heard, everyone was saying it’s all the stress of not wanting to fail the final exams.” she said.
Ciel leaned closer, on the edge of the pew as he tried to hear over the crappy acoustics.
“Do they really faint often? I mean - I - surely this isn’t a regular happening?” he questioned.
“Weeelll….when I started here I saw two people being taken away on those wheelie bed things. A boy and girl.”
Felicia piped up, “yeah I remember that! But ever since then, it’s only ever been girls...I guess that is a bit weird.”
Ciel stayed silent, eyes now intensely focused on Ms Annafellows, almost as if he was willing himself to tune out.
Valentino finally joined in, having reached a conclusion to his inner musings.
“Well, have you ever heard of the ghost of Princess Euphie? The legend goes that she was a Princess from a foreign land, and built the school for war orphans. But when the school was first established, she went insane and attacked all the girls. She was shot dead and buried right. Under. Our. Feet.”
Valentino finally noticed the Chapel was silent, everyone - including the teacher - had stopped to listen to the tale. His face went red, and hid in Ele’s shoulder.
“Anyway the point is her ghost still haunts the school, and likes to curse female students, which is why so many are fainting.” Rianne finished.
“How could someone be cursed by a ghost? They don’t even exist. Don’t be stupid.” Ciel retorted.
Eleanora giggled as Ciel’s frustrations became worse, his eye twitching in anger.
“Would it kill you to shut up and - “
The double doors violently swung open - smashing the walls with a startling boom.
The entire class jumped in surprise (many screamed), and turned to watch the person flauntingly make his way to the altar, where Ms Annafellows, Felicia noticed, sneakily took a nervous step back.
He reached the front, and pivoted gracefully on one foot. Hands on his hips, he was handsome; with blonde hair and striking blue eyes, but the cruel curve of his mouth, and a sinister glint in his eye couldn’t help but taint his beauty.
Without waiting for Ms Annafellows to step up and speak, his commanding and dainty voice boomed across the walls.
“Hellooooo~ You may call me Alois Trancy. I’m the new student!” he finished with a wink and a sneaky poking of the tongue. Beside Rianne, Ciel pulled a face of disgust.
“What, didn’t make a good first impression on you, did he?” she teased.
“You have no idea.” Ciel replied.
Alois seemed to naturally take control of the Chapel, taking his time in inspecting everyone’s uncomfortable faces as he decided where to sit. Once he reached the squad’s row, his smug smile widened. Ciel however, was finally using his height to his advantage, curling in on himself in an attempt to hide behind Rianne’s larger frame.
Nice try, but to no avail.
Alois ignored Ciel, but stared at Rianne in curiosity, before skipping over Valentino. He scrutinized Eleanora for a bit before barely acknowledging Ele.
Then his eyes met Felicia’s.
For whatever reason, in their silent showdown, an agreement was met. Alois waltzed down to drop himself right next to Felicia. It seemed he didn’t care for personal space. It also seemed that Felicia didn’t mind either.
As everyone continued to ogle the unofficial new member of the squad, Ms Annafellows finally snapped out of her stupor, and continued to teach the lesson over the echoed chatter of the uncontrolled students. She didn’t seem to care.
While the rest of the squad chatted about everything and nothing - with Ciel cutting in occasionally - Alois dragged Felicia to the pew behind them.
He grasped her soft baby hands and leaned in close - Felicia slowly pulled her face away, as they stared deep into each other's eyes. His lips parted, as he whispered -
“What do you know about Ciel?”
Felicia blinked, and looked away as she tried to understand what just happened.
“Uhh not much. Besides, I barely know you.”
Alois’s bright face flickered briefly to something much darker, but his smiled returned as he squeezed Felicia’s hands tighter.
“Oh! Well, let’s be best friends! What’s your name?”
He giggled, and gave a breath-taking grin.
“Well, now that we’re best friends, we are going to do EVERYTHING together!”
“But - my friends -”
“What? Do you like Ciel more?”
She shifted uncomfortably, and glanced back to her friends, all squashed and giggly. The more she stared, the more she felt like she needed to prove something - they were all having a great time without her, no one has questioned her absence. Perhaps sticking with Alois wouldn’t be as bad as her brain was telling her it would be. He was lonely, in need of a friend.
She smiled sweetly.
“Of course you’re good enough, Alois. I’m not going anywhere.”
<Ele’s phone>
Val: hey el did we have religion homework??
Ele: idk i wasn’t listening!
Ele: if you really wanna know ask rianne. she’s always on top of that stuff lol
Val: yeah i guess haha
Val: actually i want to ask something
Val: what do you think about the new guy, Ciel?
Val: he seems pretty cool, if a bit outdated.
Ele: and grumpy omg
Ele: just like rianne
Val: you’re so mean i love it <3
Val: i can’t stop thinking about you…and that chat…
Ele: <333
Ele: i’m ready when you are Val
Val: i was born ready Ele
Val: how about next week? don’t forget anything
Ele: your place?
Val: yep! and no one can know ok?
Ele: i won’t tell, promise~
Val: i can’t wait for our little fun~
Chapter 6: Ice
Thank you Guest Writer and Amazing Editor for your amazing chapter~~~~!!!
It was so dramatic~
Now that I’ve had a break, it’s time for the next chapter! What will happen now~?
Stay tuned to find out...I guess?
Chapter Text
As previously mentioned way back when (chapter one), St Euphemia’s Secondary School was one of the most prestigious and expensive schools in the country. As a result, students applied from all over the country (even overseas) just for the chance to attain one of the most recognized school certificates of completion.
This also lead to many students being unable to return home every day. And so, in 1955, four dormitories were constructed, and then renovated every fifteen years, until our students came to the school.
The dorm blocks were situated on the southern part of campus surrounded by weeping willows and rose gardens. The blocks themselves were beautifully renovated from the last series of improvements, so much so that our group had very little to complain about. The dorms could fit up to fifty four students (exactly) per block, and were split between boys and girls.
Our female part of the squad were lucky enough to be roomed together: Rianne, Ele, Eleanora and Felicia shared a large room, built for five students, but held only four. As a result, they had more than enough room to spread out, the last bed being used as a guest bed, or a place to store junk (like last month’s biology project). Their room had three bunk beds and small desks for each student. The bathroom was something out of a four star hotel brochure, complete with a bath and shower, underfloor heating, and a toilet that could play K-Pop as you went about your business. All in all, staying at the school wasn’t a problem, however, attending the school was.
We now return to our group performing their daily duties, consisting of finish all of maths for the next two weeks (“Hey, we could just daydream in class if we finish it all, sir said he wasn’t checking…”) and Mr Michaelis’ unrealistic homework (“I swear, that man is a demon!”).
“Hey,” announced Ele, her maths book perched within her palm. “I need to go see Seiko.”
Seiko was one of the smartest girls (when it came to math), and looked every inch a scholar. From her bushy brown hair to her knee high socks, she always put off an air of intelligence.
“Why?” Asked Rianne, curiosity crawling into her voice.
“Why?” Ele replied, offended. “Cos’ I need maths tutoring!” Her voice reached a high pitch in accordance with her annoyance. “Besides, I don’t need your permission to go anywhere!”
“Then why’d you ask?” Eleanora pointed out.
“Common courtesy! I didn’t think you would treat me like some dumbass ten year old though!”
Guilt thrummed through the group like a vaccine.
“Sorry,” mumbled Eleanora. “We’re just worried, you know.”
Ele sighed as she slung a small bag over her shoulder. “I’m going now.”
“Kay!” Smiled Eleanora, trying to lighten the tense atmosphere which had seemed to envelope the room. “See you at dinner!”
“Yep,” agreed Ele, before leaving.
The room sat in silence, a rift seemed to have drifted into their relationship.
“So, how did ya’ll find religion?” Asked Eleanora, a simpleton who was unused to awkward silence.
“Boring,” droned Rianne, Felicia remaining mute. “The most exciting thing was the new student.”
Felicia perked up.
“Just for your ears only,” began Rianne, a sign that this was a conversation bordering on a private confession, “I didn’t like the new guy. He’s a little….I don’t know, off? He seemed, a little weird and a bit...strange.”
“What do you mean?” Asked Felicia, tight lines chiseled upon her soft cheeks.
“I mean that I don’t like him.”
The room plunged ten degrees.
“So, what do you think we’ll have for dinner tonight?” Eleanora pressed, loud and nervous. She had never seen her two friends so bitter, ready to fight. For her, this was strange - they were a tight knit group - weirdos-in-arms, THE squad. First Ele, now Rianne and Felicia.
Felicia and Rianne continued, giving her no sign that they even heard her topic-changing tactic.
“You don’t even know him,” rebuked Felicia. “Talk to him first, then make that kind of comment.”
“Don’t have to.” Rianne replied, holding her ground. “I am an excellent judge of character. Plus,” continued Rianne, “Why were you hanging out with him during religion, acting all ‘buddy buddy?”’
Felicia gritted her teeth. “Don’t pull that on me! You and Ciel literally just met at the start of the day, and you’re acting all ‘buddy buddy’ with him!”
“So were you!” rebutted Rianne.
“I’m not talking about this right now,” growled Felicia. “I’m out!”
She stood up, and exited the room.
“I don’t like this,” mumbled Eleanora. For her, this was her family. “Maybe, we should all just apologise to each other.”
I hope so, anyway.
By nature, Felicia was a mild mannered person. Yes, she may have gotten mad at people eating yogurt (or custard) and felt slightly disgruntled when Eleanora said ‘catacomb’ when she meant ‘catatonic’, but that was beside the point.
She was naturally a kind, patient person. But one of the main things she just couldn’t stand was ill-conceived judgements, especially on a person she considered a friend (a barely known friends, but whatevs).
Following the gossip vine, Felicia discovered the whereabouts of Alois, and decided to pay him a visit (after all, she wanted company, but Ele was busy, she couldn’t find Valentino and she didn’t want to be in the same room as Rianne just yet). So, after wandering through the boy’s dorms, she came to the desired room, number 66, and knocked.
She didn’t really know what to expect, but the sounds of crashing glass and snapping plastic certainly weren’t it.
The door swung violently open, and standing in the doorway like a puffed up flamingo was Alois Trancy in all his booty-shorts glory. He visibly brightened even more at the sight of Felicia, and moved to give her room to enter.
“Well, if it isn’t my new friend!” He proclaimed for all to hear (even though there was no one there). “Come in!”
Felicia obliged, happy to be welcomed.
“What brings you here?” He continued, genuine curiosity shimmering in his crazed blue eyes.
Felicia remembered the tiny spat, and could not help the bitterness that permeated her voice. “I had a bit of an argument with Rianne.”
Alois looked horrified. “Really? That can’t be true, why...I heard that you and Rianne were closer than spiders on a cobweb.”
What a weird metaphor to use. She thought.
“Yeah,” she supplied. “Can you believe, she thought that you were...strange.”
Alois’ eyes glinted dangerously, sharp like a knife’s edge. Felicia suppressed a shiver. But like the passing wind, the crazed shimmer was gone replaced by a closed-eye smile.
“Is that why you were fighting?”
Felicia scoffed. “She didn’t want to try to know you before she made a judgement. Not to mention she’s angry at me for being friends with you right off that bat, when she too, became BFF’s with Ciel straight after he was introduced.”
A strange smile spread across his round face. “Do you think that, Felicia~?”
His voice shook and trembled, croaky at the edges. Felicia could tell it was strained, like he was trying to keep a monster contained within himself.
“No. In fact, I’m angry she thinks that, and that she refuses to consider another stance just because it could prove her wrong.”
Alois seemed happy with that response. He quickly scanned the empty room, as if looking for a spy-hole or oddly placed microphone.
“Felicia, since you really are my best friend, let me tell you a little secret~”
Felicia listened in a little more closely (also helped that he leaned down to her ear, his warm breath tickling her lobe).
“Your friends have been brainwashed.” He giggled, a sound like nails scraping against her ear drums.
“Ciel,” he spat with barely contained loathing, “is evil. He wants - no - demands control. He wants to control your friends.”
Felicia’s breath hitched.
“I’m trying to save your friendship. Ciel is a worm. He burrows his way into people’s lives and steals their free will - your friends are slaves to that parasite.”
Felicia couldn’t understand that. Sure, Rianne was stubborn, and Eleanora naive, but never stupid enough to fall for something like that.
“How?”, she asked.
“Easy.” Alois replied slowly. “He takes the place of another friend, someone the rest of the pack considers to be...expendable.”
Now Felicia couldn't believe that. She and her friends had been together since they started, and had stood beside one another during thick and thin. They were towering palm trees in a hurricane - no matter how brilliant a new student was, they could never replace her - an original member of the squad.
Alois seemed to sense the internal struggle, and his large orbs narrowed.
“You know why I’m telling you this?” He asked.
Felicia shook her head.
“Because the last school Ciel transferred to, was mine.”
Felicia was rapt, she paid him more attention, silencing her inner voice.
“I was the person he replaced in my friendship group, and I had to watch as all the people who had called me their best friend simply left me behind.” His voice rose in pitch as he continued, “They threw me away like a bag of garbage - and for what? So that that high and mighty Ciel could claim his rightful throne and dominion over my friends!!”
Felicia could feel herself shrink away from his shriek of rage.
“Listen to me Felicia!” He cried, “Ciel is using your friends, he is a tapeworm, he will feed off them till they are of no use to him, then toss them away!”
Felicia felt her stomach drop.
“How do I stop it?” She couldn’t keep her fear out of her voice.
Alois smirked knowingly. “You, my dear, I have decided to help you. Now that you know what he is planning, we can stop him, and you can have your friends back.”
He held his dainty hand for her to grab.
“Be my right hand, and I will free your friends. Trust me - I will not betray you.”
She gripped his hand like it was a lifeline.
For my friends!
“I also have cookies~~!”
“Count me in!” She gripped his hand tighter.
Somewhere in the school (probably with Sebastian), Ciel sneezed.
Chapter 7: Camping
Chapter Text
My reflection diary - 18/2
Okay, it’s the first day of Jesus - I mean, St Em’s grade reflection camp, and we have to keep a diary (well, i’m the only one that’s bothering…).
Anyways, we started out by catching a coach and driving for about, 3 hours? Seriously, who’s idea was it to cram 120 students onto two buses for 3 hours? Don’t know, but I’ll sue them when i find them.
So, we had Rianne and Ciel sitting together (so cute! ><), Felicia and Alois were together (they’d been together a lot recently…) Ele and Val (*love is in the air!*) and...I was rather lonely by myself.
But, we got there in one piece (haha, pun!) and then we went through the motions of collecting luggage and claiming a tent (we picked the closest to the mess hall/tent, whatever). In my tent we have: me (obviously), Rianne, Felicia, Ele, Val, Ciel and...Alois. Geez, a recipe for disaster.
After setting up our shit, we got time to explore. We went as a group because Mr Faustus was there, and there’s safety in numbers. Can you believe, the camp is surrounded by 360 degrees of thick ass woodland? We kinda stopped when Ele said that she saw a snake.
Then we had some dinner, and had spiritual reflection (where I wrote this diary). Lol, we’re doing some meditation now, so I gotta go, I will continue this later….
Okay, I’m back. Everyone’s sleeping (Val’s snoring…OMG!). I can’t really sleep. Well, I was before, but then Ciel had a nightmare and woke the whole tent up with his screaming (poor kid). It honestly sounded like someone was trying to kill him! Rianne took the poor bugger outside, and now they’re just sitting outside the tent in the moonlight. How romantic T-T. Felicia and Alois are currently sharing a really quiet conversation - about what I don’t know, but it’s really none of my business. I should probably go to sleep…
I’ll write later. Bye.
18th February
So, we have to write a reflection of some sort. I decided not to do it at the meeting, as I really don’t have anything to reflect over...until now. So, we had just gotten into our tent (it’s kinda weird, like, it’s a concrete slab with a tarp over the top, with four bunk beds inside) and had all pretty much fallen asleep instantly. Then, a high pitched scream came from Ciel, and I was pretty terrified with just the sound. I woke him up when he began to thrash, and as he sobbed, I took him outside. He owes me for sitting out there in the freezing cold at night.
He was pretty rattled, and I decided to rub circles on his back and give him hugs. As his breathing hitched with fear, I whispered all the comforting things I knew (which weren’t much to begin with). After about, what, half an hour, he finally calmed down. I won’t ever forget his visible eye, wet with tears and hollow with pain. I wanted to hold him in my arms until the evil of the world disappeared. Instead, I shot him a smile and said, “Nice night, huh?” He gave me such a warm smile. “Yeah, especially with you here.” I kinda don’t know what to do with myself now.
‘Sup. It’s me again. Day two, and what a day it’s been. Can you believe, we woke up at 6am? That’s bullshit. We got given the worst breakfast in the world (they forgot that Rianne was allergic to eggs, so everyone had to donate to her bacon). Then we had groupings. We all had to wait for each teacher to call out our names. We all decided that we wanted to be in Mr Undertaker’s group (he’s so chill), but to our horror, we were called into Mr Michaelis’ (well, Mr Faustus would have been worse…). Then we had to do activities.
Then this place became the bane of my existence! We had to do a giant swing and flying fox! Everyone was so excited, but me (and Ciel, but he’s much better at hiding his nerves it seems). Anyways, I was feeling quite sick at the thought of being swung over 20 metres in the air, and begged Mr Michaelis to not participate. Rianne and Ele backed me up (bless them), but the stubborn mule that is our group teacher refused. “No, you must participate, it is good for character building.” My ass.
Basically, I felt really sick just before my turn, so I went back up to him, and once again, told him my condition. He looked like he could’ve just thrown me into the swing. Before he could yell at me (again) I vomited all over his shoes. I have never felt so apologetic, yet smug at the same time. Maybe a bit more apologetic as Mr Michaelis looked ready to commit third degree murder. Thank God Rianne was there, a big grin on her face (Ciel looked pretty impressed too), and said, “she warned you.” I have never seen someone look so regretful, yet annoyed.
Long story short, I didn’t have to do the swing. However, I did have to do the flying fox (which was probably worse in my books). It was basically a thread of steel (doesn’t stop the fact that it’s a thread) over a huge gorge covered in trees and pointy rocks. Ele said it was ‘beautiful.’ I thought it was shit-stain terrifying.
About half an hour of Rianne, Ele, Felicia and Valentino coaxing me, I finally manned up and did it. It was pretty funny, I face-planted in the mulch pit at the end of the cable, much to everyone’s delight. I actually think I swallowed some....
Mr Michaelis was actually rather nice about it. I thought he would rub it in my face, but actually patted me on the shoulder and gave me a congratulations about “tackling my fears head on” or something. I was too busy marveling over the fact that he helped to dust off the mulch covering my clothes. It was nice.
...And reflection time is over. See you later!
February 19th 2017
Kay, its Felicia here. Okay, so I might have been too lazy to write my reflection for yesterday, but whatevs.
So...we are on Jesus camp. I’m with my friends, I guess. It’s been OK so far. Highlight - Eleanora puking all over Mr Michaelis’ shoes and face-planting in the bark pit. Also, Alois screaming his head off as he swung up on the giant swing. Great day, love love.
I’m actually writing outside of reflection (It was sooooo boring!) in my kinda uncomfortable bed (hammock thing). After dinner, we had what everyone called a ‘night hike’ (Eleanora’s idea, ‘night light’, but not.).
We ended up clambering through the forest tripping over branches and roots. Strange creatures called throughout the night, and the darkness was suffocating. I pretended not to feel Alois’ killer grip on my arm, or the nervous whimpers and shivers.
We reached Campfire Hill (Any guesses as to why it’s called that?). It’s a weird place, with a huge open space where all the trees had been cleared out, placed around as benches to sit in front of the fire with. Scattered around the area were several fire pits with freshly cut logs already left in preparation to be lit.
It was nice. We chose a fire pit far away from the teachers and other student groups. Mr. Undertaker gave us a box of matches, before drifting away. Alois desperately wanted to light the fire, so we all agreed he could. He giggled the whole time, lost in the dancing flames reflected in his widened pupils - he looked sad, broken.
We all sat around. It was pretty cool. Ms. Annafellows came around with marshmallows, and we were allocated quite a few. Alois sat as close to me as he could (I think he was cold). Rianne and Ciel sat together, Ciel wedged between Rianne and Eleanora. Ele and Valentino sat on the other side of me, cuddling. It was cute.
We chatted about nothing and everything. School, friends, other kids, teachers, our homes, dreams, all spread amongst the hungry tongues of fire, drifting into the loneliness of the night. The air grew dark and depressing, the end of school a very conscious weight pressed upon our backs - this was the last camp - our last chance to just be a group of immature children before we had to face the bared fangs of the world.
Alois seemed to notice the tension, and wasn’t very comfortable. And so, he started off a string of scary stories, his being about a horrible fire that burnt and consumed a town, the ghosts of the burnt people rising up and possessing unassuming travellers.
Eleanora joined in - never one to pass up on a storytelling opportunity. She told the story of a terrifying mist which brought with it stomach-churning creatures from another dimension.
Ciel volunteered, and told the story of a soul-sucking demon with an attitude. It was funnier than it was scary.
Ele went last, and told a pant-soaking horrifying tale of demon clowns that roamed the streets at night (it was scary because it was really realistic). Soon, the teachers appeared to tell us it was time to return to the camp. So we made the trek back to our little tent, and went through the motions, before going to bed.
But we didn’t sleep. By this point, it was 10 O’clock, and no one had settled down. I kept seeing demented clowns every time I closed my eyes (thanks Ele). As we all sat up awake, Rianne spotted a moving silhouette around the tents, a shadow dark enough to be seen looming outside.
Ciel pumped in the logic: probably some teachers. Alois thought otherwise, claiming it to be the clowns from Ele’s story. I know it was stupid, but I was still scared out of my mind. Common sense had run away screaming long ago. Now the stranger was coming closer to the entrance.
We watched as the zip of the tent was slowly lowered down, and all I could think was that Slender Man is gonna get us.
Much to our horror (and amusement) Eleanora leapt into action, tackling the stranger before they could step into our safe zone. Ele, Rianne, Ciel and Alois (and probably me) were screaming/shouting. As they landed, we heard the familiar ‘oof’ of Mr. Michaelis, and suddenly, the whole situation was just too funny. We burst out laughing, and scrambled outside to see Eleanora sitting on his chest with a threatening fist aimed at his head. Her face was frozen in an expression of shock and complete regret (probably should’ve looked before she leapt). He was smirking at how stupid we probably all looked, and I found it strange when Ciel and Mr. Michaelis shared a very familiar look.
The next thing we knew, we were ushered back inside and told to go to sleep, lest we wanted detention. Eleanora was as bright as a Christmas bauble, and when Valentino and Ele tried to tease her about it, she snappily replied that anyone would be embarrassed if they had just crash tackled their teacher.
When everyone finally looked to be drifting off, Alois admitted to me that this was the most fun he had had in a long time. “Thanks,” He had murmured, laced with sleep. “It’s great to have such a close friend.” Me too. I had thought, as he fell asleep with his head hanging off the bed.
Well, it’s like, 1am now, so I’m going to bed. Night.
It is the last day of camp. I am currently sitting on a bus writing up the final reflection diary entry of our weird ass reflection camp. This morning was way better than yesterday. Especially since I was on cloud nine after witnessing Ele and Val kiss the night before. So cute!
Speaking of Ele, she was hella tired this morning. Like seriously, she couldn’t even stand up straight! Felicia was really concerned, so was Val (surprise surprise). We took her to a teacher, Ms. Annafellows, but not much could be done. In the end, she just ended up sleeping through breakfast.
Breakfast was waaaay better (they actually had food Rianne could eat without having to fear for her mortal life). The teachers then told us that we had free time until we had to leave (after like, a two hour reflection, of course). The weather was kinda warm, so we all decided to claim the swimming pool. Luckily, everyone thought ahead and brought swimmers (except for Alois, whom Felicia had to persuade to wear booty shorts instead of skinny dipping).
It was pretty cool. We splashed about, and had the mother of all water fights. Half way through, Ele appeared, looking much less pale and healthy. Val was very happy to see her (if you know what I mean), and took his shirt off, revealing his badass abs. Ele was so cute about it, she told him to cover himself up (she was worried about him getting sick, which is super cute! ><).
After swimming, we all decided to hang out with different people. Literally everyone ditched me, so I decided to hand out with the teachers. Talk about lame.
20th of February
Last day of camp, thank God!
So today on my reflective journal we have another interaction that I really don’t know what to do with. After swimming in the pool, Ciel headed off into the woods. I decided to follow him (i am not a stalker). I followed him until he reached a clearing, which was a little odd. From his posture, I could tell that something was up. I tried to alert him that I was there by walking loudly, however, even when I tapped his shoulder, he still got startled (I think he was really lost in thought…)
He told me to get lost, and I was really tempted to do just that, but he looked - broken. I felt my heart shatter. I honestly couldn’t help myself, and before I knew it, my arms were around him, pressing his head to my shoulder. Soon, I could feel a dampness seeping onto my shoulder, but I chose not to say anything.
After some time of just standing there, he removed himself. He mumbled an apology, and I still, even now, cannot understand what he meant when he said, “I don’t want to forget them.”
Now I really want to get to know him better.
February 20th
Okay, reflection time…
So, after some swimming, everyone went their separate ways. Alois literally dragged me away, and showed me what he called a ‘hidey hole.’ When I asked him why, he confessed that he liked the comfort that tight spaces gave him. I don’t really understand, but he seemed pretty content with it, so I let it slide.
Anyways, we chatted about nothing and everything. He told me about his previous friends, and how he hoped I wasn’t like them. I honestly feel like he’s an injured child, who’s afraid of losing people. I can’t help but feel sorry for him.
I told him about my family - how I had the pressure of the family on my shoulders - being the first person to go to uni. Alois listened intently, like every syllable that came out of my mouth was insanely important. Even with my friends, I had never felt so listened to.
Eventually we were called out by Mr Faustus, and we ran like hell, laughing all the way. Afterwards, Alois wanted to play hide and seek, so we did. It was really fun, and he almost fell out of a tree during one of the rounds. I feel like this camp wasn’t really that bad…
Okay, I’m really bored, so I might as well document this. We’re still on the bus (about 2 hours in) and I’ve taken pictures! Rianne and Ciel are sitting together, so is Felicia and Alois, and Ele and Val (I am right at the front behind the teachers with a pillow to keep me company T-T). Right now, Ele is leaning/drooling all over Val in her sleep (ewww…). Ciel and Rianne are snoring up against each other (they’re both going to have really sore backs after this…) and Alois and Felicia…are playing tick tack toe. Noice. I’m going to try and sleep now. I’m so tired…
I’m kinda sad about school ending. Maybe, after the HSC, we’ll all keep in contact, like some big dysfunctional family. Yeah, that’d be so cool, one big and weird, yet happy family! I don’t want anything to change.
Chapter 8: Connections
Hello again!!!
We apologise for the hiatus; we both had our own actual HSC to go through, and life caught up with us.
But we're back, and determined to finish the story.
Thank you for reading!!
It was a cloudy day in mid-June.
Like all days put aside for an excursion, the heavens looked heavy with rain.
Our squad stood to attention at the bottom half of the school, dressed in casual clothes. The rest of the school was awake and starting, probably not missing our little group in the slightest.
In this group, we had Ciel, Ele, Alois, Rianne, Felicia, Eleanora and Valentino.
They were waiting….waiting for the school bus.
They didn’t have to wait too long, it leisurely drove up the cobbled driveway adjacent to the patch of grass they were waiting on. Ele let out a disappointed sigh. She hated the school bus. It was extremely tacky, especially since it was decorated with blown up faces of students from their school, smiling as if there was a gun pointing at their heads (knowing this school, there probably was).
Out came Mr. Michaelis, dressed in a sharp capri pant suit, with a nice crème jacket.
“Now, are you ready for the first extension one English excursion of the term?”
“Yes!!” Cried Ele excitedly. When everyone stared at her like she had grown another head, she quickly changed her stance. “I-I mean...I’m ready?”
They all clambered onto the mini-bus, an hour-long ride ahead. The inside of the bus was not small, but was neither large by any means. One could tell that the van had been within possession of the school for some time, as much of the white leather used on the seats was peeling and (in some places) coated with a sticky substance.
All in all, there were eight seats in the van, allowing all the occupants to sit comfortably together.
They began driving.
“Hey, Mr. M,” began Felicia. “I bought a CD for us to play on the way to the Uni.”
Mr. Michaelis turned to face her as he drove up to a red light. “What is it?” He asked.
“Music we all enjoy.”
She didn’t mention that Alois (and possibly Ciel) had never heard of their, umm, tastes.
He reluctantly agreed, and her plain blue CD was inserted into the player.
“KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE ~” blared through the speaker.
Mr. Michaelis jumped in his seat, obviously not expecting such a loud beginning. Felicia sat there, a smug grin growing upon her face. Rianne, Ele and Eleanora began to sing along, right off the bat - a terrible chorus, more shouting than singing.
At Mr. Michaelis’ uncomfortable expression, Ciel smirked. As Mr. Michaelis went to turn the volume down, Ciel intercepted it.
“Sorry, Mr. Michaelis, but I really like this song~” Ciel bore a shit-eating smirk, and Rianne grinned.
“Could you turn it up some more, sir?”
Ciel’s smirk got wider (if that was even possible at this point). “Could you?”
Mr. Michaelis seemed to groan, but it was quickly replaced by a plastic smile. “Of course. I love to see my students enjoying themselves.”
...And now the song’s bass was making the seats in the van vibrate.
“At least the music is loud enough to cover up their terrible singing”, Thought Mr. Michaelis.
To say the drive to Lupi University was torture (to Mr. Michaelis) was an understatement. Felicia’s magical CD was full to the brim of anime theme songs and catchy K-pop - all of which our female crew sung to.
By the time they found a parking space, and got out of the vehicle, all their voices were hoarse around the edges.
Mr. Michaelis smirked with glee. “Looks like you four will have to save your voices.”
Eleanora returned the smirk. “I bought cough lollies sir, to soothe our throats.”
They had never seen a teacher look so defeated.
The small group of eight made their way through the humongous campus that is Sydney University. Old sandstone buildings and modern structures sat side by side, stretched further than the group could see. Hundreds of young adults milled about, all from various countries.
Ciel and Alois marveled at the sights. Rianne reasoned that they had never been to a university before.
Mr. Michaelis led them to a very strange building. It was an auditorium, however it was covered in thousands of glass panels and seemed to tilt strongly to the right. The doorway was large enough to allow the group to walk in as one huge line. Inside, chairs were positioned in stretched rows, other students from various other schools already seated or checking out the competition.
At the very front of the cavernous hall sat an elevated platform with a built-in podium and projector. A podgy man stood there, the buttons on his suit looking like it would burst any second.
Mr. Michaelis led them to an empty row of seats, and had everyone sit down.
“Now,” he began, “here is the schedule for today.”
Felicia examined the paper critically. “Group work?”
Mr. Michaelis nodded in confirmation. “This is an interactive lecture. However, please remember to have your manners about you.”
Alois scoffed. Rianne smirked. “Sir, we are students of St Euphemia’s, manners are our specialty!”
“We’re one hell of a school”, quipped Ciel, his eye crinkling in mirth.
Mr. Michaelis deadpanned. “We’ll see.”
0 notes
Like I did with you
So I’ve been procrastinating hard during my study break for my exams, but here have a song fic!
Ghost of you by 5SOS
Genius comments: The song tells the tale of a heartbroken lover who has lost his significant other – due to a breakup or even suicide/death – and is refusing to accept the fact that she is never coming back.
I didn’t feel like writing angst and whenever I hear this song I feel like ballroom dancing (and I have).
Also thank you to the lovely people on the Maribat discord server!
The sequel ‘It started with a whisper’ is up!
Gotham Academy implemented a new ‘Study Abroad’ program due to recent funding from a local humanitarian. This program gave the students of Gotham Academy a chance to study abroad in Europe and vice versa. Countries like Sweden, Greece, Germany, Ireland and more participated in the program; offering a multitude of high schools with many different courses.
And because of that very wealthy benefactor, his son got first pick on where he would like to study. This was 100% not a forced decision at all to subtly keep track of the happenings of Paris. With that the Ice Prince of Gotham took the City of Love by storm.
He had been at Collège Françoise Dupont for the past few months, and it’s been hell. The class he had been placed into was ripping apart at the seams. There were two students that the class gravitated towards; he observed some of the others meeting in secret, without the knowledge of their respective ‘leaders’.
The first student that held the majority of the class’ focus was Lila Rossi. She was a black hole with beady green eyes, who dragged who ever was in her reach to an agonising fate. Damian saw through her deceptions and rejected her flirtations. The students that followed her, ate up whatever lie she spat out. Rossi soon learned that lies about the Wayne family and Gotham wouldn’t fly with him.
“Really? You worked with Monsieur Wayne?” The pink clad girl, Rose, squeaked.
Damian had just walked into class on his second day at the hell hole and already regretted it. He shot a glare towards the large group, “Who ever told you that is severely misinformed. My father has never worked with a minor from Europe, due to potential rumours and allegations it could cause. It is not a threat but a promise if a lie of similar caliber is spread there will be a lawsuit.” And with that he walked towards his seat in the back, the Ice Prince had cast his decree, the class’ atmosphere had frozen over.
The second student was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Those that surrounded her were Alix Kubdel, Chloé Bourgeois, Max Kanté, Lê Chiến Kim and the occasional secret appearance from Juleka Couffaine. They didn’t view Dupain-Cheng through rose coloured lenses, they were always grounded and opinions were respected. Damian, who was a loner without Jon at his side, was satisfied by himself; Marinette respected that and didn’t force him to socialise like Lila tried to.
So that leads us to this. He stood against a sidewall of the giant banquet hall, staring out at the crowd before him. Jon was walking to wards him with a can of sprite in hand. Jon had moved to Paris with him but had been placed into a different class. The boy who was the epitome of sunshine stuck around the Ice Prince, their friendship is an enigma to the Françoise Dupont students.
Jon’s face was flushed. He had just gotten a drink after dancing for the past hour. Tonight was the night of the Collège’s formal dance for their graduating class. Skirts of all colours and fabrics swirled, as their partners (majority of whom had matching suits) twirled them to the music.
Jon, gesturing to the crowd, asked him whether he was going to stand there all night or dance. Taking a sip of his drink a smirk appears on his face, “unless the great Damian Wayne is to much of a coward to dance.”
Here I am waking up
Still can't sleep on your side
Damian’s head snapped towards the taller boy, “Are you seriously using my ego to get me to dance?”
Jon raising an eyebrow, “Well?”
If I can dream long enough
The temperamental teen stormed off, grumbling about “Jon being as bad as Todd”. Scanning the room he search for a suitable partner, there was no way he would embarrass himself by dancing alone.
You'd tell me I'd be just fine
I'll be just fine
He spotted Dupain-Cheng stood off to the side, alone. She was draped in a layered white dress with black hemming. As he neared, he realised that the asymmetrical skirt was actually a light blush with her signature apple blossom flowers embroidered. She looked up at him and he straightened his stance, slowing his pace. Her sapphire eyes locked on to his, her bangs curled off to the side along with the rest of her hair in beach waves.
So I drown it out like I always do
She gifted him a small smile, a usual occurrence within her interactions with him. He offered his left hand, bowing his head slightly. “Dupain-Che—“ he cleared his throat, “Marinette. Would you do me the honour of joining me in this dance?”
Dancing through our house
With the ghost of you
Her eyes widened, not expecting the Arabian God of a teen before her to ask her such a question. She saw his temper during class during his spats with Lila and how he kept to himself without the presence of Jon. But here he was in a fitted Armani suit that made his green eyes glow, and hair messily slicked to the side. Marinette looked at his hand, glad that her makeup mostly hid her blush.
And I chase it down
“I am...” She paused to find the right word, “I am a bad dancer. It is better for everyone that I don’t participate.”
“I can think of nothing less appealing than an evening of watching other people dance.” A small gasp escaped from her mouth before she could stop it. She watched as his mouth twitch’s downwards before his facade returned with full strength. “If you do not wish, to I won’t force you. But if you’ll allow me I’ll guide you through the dance to make sure it isn’t an utter disaster.”
With a shot of truth
Marinette’s lips quirked, giggling as she took his hand, “Your funeral Damian.”
What had he gotten himself into?
The two entered the dance floor, taking up the dance support hold. Their dance had the basic steps of the waltz, with a promenade and many spins; some as a couple and some were just Mari. Damian soon found he enjoy watching the sparkles in her dress light up as she spun. It became even more enjoyable when he discovered that the dress was her own creation.
Dancing through our house
The two made quiet conversations during their dance. Damian pulled her closer by the waist as they repeated the basic steps, their bodies perfectly in tune with each other. “You are a fine dancer despite your protests”
With the ghost of you
Marinette tilted her head up at him, blinding him with a dazzling smile. Damian’s heart fluttered, the two always had a mutual respect but it seems to have grown into a fond appreciation.
From the tables scattered around the dance floor there was a blond, with his fist clenched. Lila had dragged him off of the floor as soon as Damian and Marinette made their debuts; together. The brunette was now off angrily gossiping to Alya and any other who’d listen. It was a hot topic between Lila and Alya that Marinette loved him, although now, as he watched her dance with Damian, he was unsure as to whether that was ever true. He sat there, glued to his seat, watching the spectacle before him.
Cleaning up today
Found that old Zepplin shirt
The two dancers didn’t notice that everyone had cleared off the floor to watch them. They danced in sync, no movement was made without the other following it. Adrien had realised awhile ago that even though he didn’t have romantic feelings for Marinette, he cherished her friendship. That relationship was now tarnished due to the path he took when he first revealed his knowledge of the deceptions. His father had forced him to keep Lila happy, even if it made him miserable.
You wore when you ran away
And no one could feel your hurt
He had lost her, and he was unsure as to whether he could gain any semblance of their relationship back.
We're too young, too dumb
To know things like love
Damian lifted his partner’s right hand and twirled her three times, they both were content within their own world. The two swayed before turning together and walking around the now open space.
But I know better now (Better now)
Marinette flushed as she realised what was happening around her, leaning towards her partner she whispered, “I think we’ve become an impromptu entertainment.”
Too young, too dumb
To know things like love
Too young, too dumb
Damian subtly gazed behind her seeing their peers in a circle surrounding them. He was on the inside looking out, and he wouldn’t trade it for the world. He whispered reassurances in her ear, he wished to finish the song before he released her from his embrace. The two drowned out their audience, focusing on each other and the beat of the song.
So I drown it out like I always do
Dancing through our house
With the ghost of you
And I chase it down
With a shot of truth
That my feet don't dance
Like they did with you
The melody slowly faded off as the last lines were sung. The two finished on a basic waltz step before swaying in each other’s arms. The music ends and there is silence, blood rushed to their ears and their breaths mingled.
The two stayed in the other’s embrace, face-to-face, staring. They broke out of their trance by clapping. Looking around Marinette saw many of her peers and most of the supervising teachers applauding their performance.
Their friends broke through the crowd, Jon patted Damian’s shoulder (retracting before he got bit) while Chloe and Alix pulled Marinette back to their table to discuss what Disney magic had befallen the couple. The bluenette glanced back at her partner, mouthing a silent goodbye.
The crowd dispersed but were still buzzing from their display. Marinette was bombarded with questions, not only from her friends, but from other students about her dancing with the demon. Her stuttered replies did little to quench the crowd’s thirst. Her face must be comparable to that of a tomato.
Damian, having noticed the building crowd and Marinette’s uncomfortable stance, broke away from Jon. The crowd parted like the red sea, unwilling to be the one to anger the Ice Prince.
He offered her his arm (to which she took) and escorted her out to the patio outside. She stayed entwined with him, as she looked out at the stray Parisian night; leaning her head onto his should. Here the two could breathe. Here the two of them could be their present selves, no ghostly facades needed. It seems they could drown out anything in the presence of each other.
Unbeknownst to them, Jon had recorded their dance, along with their previous and present interactions of that night. He thought for a second to use it as blackmail material but decided to just send it off anyways. Oh the chaos it caused.
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avnkin · 4 years
Wardrobe Malfunction
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Author’s Note: I’m listening to an ASMR Hogwarts study session while writing this,, would highly recommend lmao
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: After having kept your relationship with Draco a secret for many months, you find yourself accidentally exposing it after having grabbed a piece of clothing that wasn’t your own.
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader
Warnings: some angst but fluff to even it out
You and Draco had been keeping your relationship a secret for almost four months now, you both having mutually decided that the wrath of your housemates wasn’t worth it, you being a Gryffindor and him a Slytherin it wasn’t exactly a match made in heaven.
Every weekend Draco’s roommate went back home to visit his family meaning that you and him had his entire dorm to yourselves, which you always took full advantage off.
It was now a Sunday and since his roommates trip had gotten delayed it meant more time that you and Draco had to yourselves, so you stayed hauled up in his bedroom the entire day only leaving twice to attend the Great Hall for breakfast and dinner.
“I wish it could always be like this” you frowned as you laid your head on Draco’s chest, you were growing tired of having to hide your relationship, especially from your friends since you felt like you were betraying them in some way.
“I know darling, me too” Draco kissed the top of your head before beginning to run his fingers soothingly through your hair quickly lulling you into deep slumber.
When you awoke the next morning with Draco’s arm draped around your waist you allowed yourself to cuddle more into him thinking you would have a couple more minutes to spare, but oh boy how wrong you were.
Once you looked up at the clock that hung above his door you gasped once you saw the clock indicator pointing at 10 but not 8. You sprung out of bed beginning to frantically run around the room in search of your clothes.
“What are you doing” Draco rubbed his eyes as he propped himself up onto his elbows, “I missed first period and I’m so late for second” you rushed out as you hastily pulled up your skirt, “you need to wait a couple of minutes so people don’t notice we’re both late”
“Alright” Draco laid back down onto his pillow, “accio tie” you waved your wand before stretching your arms up to get your robe which laid on top of Draco’s closet.
The tie wrapped itself around your neck and you didn’t bother attempting to fix it simply giving Draco a kiss on the forehead before you ran out of his dorm and into the common room.
You always had to be careful when making your exit to be sure there wasn’t anyone there to see you. Once you’d made it out into the hallway unscathed you ran as fast as your feet could carry you towards Snape’s classroom.
“Miss Y/L/N finally decided to make an appearance I see” Snape crossed his arms over his chest as he displeaseingly watched you stand in the door way of the classroom, all heads now turned in your direction.
“Sorry Professor” you muttered before hurriedly taking your usual seat next to your friend Liza. 
“So what did I miss?” you asked as you began pulling your books out of your bag. When you didn’t get a reply you quizzically looked over at your friend who was staring wide eyed at you. 
“Liza?” you asked snapping your fingers in front of her face but she still didn’t look up at you.
“Uhm Y/N... why are you wearing that?” you furrowed your brows at her words before following her pointed finger down to your chest. You felt sick to your stomach once you saw Draco’s Slytherin tie wrapped around your neck instead of your red Gryffindor one.
Hearing the classroom door squeak open you looked up to see your boyfriend enter, the first thing you noticed was the lack of green around his neck.
Your friend followed your gaze and was quick to put two and two together. “Oh my god! You and Malfoy?” she squeaked and you hurriedly went to cover her mouth your cheeks flaming red as you looked around the classroom to see if anyone had heard.
“No! Or yes but you can’t tell anyone!” you declared slowly removing your hand from her mouth. 
“I think everyone already knows” she giggled gesturing around the classroom and sure enough students were whispering amongst each other whilst pointing at your tie and Draco’s lack of one.
“Bloody hell” you sighed internally groaning your eyes finding Draco’s who carried the same panicked glance as you.
Once class was over you quickly gathered your things and made your exit. As soon as you reached the corridor you ripped the tie from around your neck and squashed it into your bag.
You suddenly felt someone grab your upper arm and walk in front of you quickly seeing the back of Draco’s head made your stomach sink, he didn’t look too happy.
“What the hell Y/N how the bloody hell did you mange to take my tie” he whispered-yelled being careful not to attract the attention of oncoming students.
“I’m sorry! I taught myself this trick ages ago where my tie ties on it’s own and it’s never done anything like this before, it must have been because I was tired, I wasn’t focused i’m so sorry Dray” a heavy sigh left your mouth as you looked down onto your feet.
“You know what I can’t be seen with you right now so just stay away, alright?” you simply nodded at his words a heavy weight on your chest as Draco reached his arm out indicating that he wanted the tie.
You reached into your bag and slowly passed it to him, as soon as he had a hold of it he walked away from you, leaving you standing alone in the deserted corridor.
Tears began to fill your eyes as you watched him round the corner, how could you have been so stupid, you just ruined the best thing you’d ever had in your life.
Almost two weeks had now gone by and Draco was still ignoring you, he’d managed to shut the rumours about him and you down quickly and it particularly stuck with you once you’d overheard his friends saying that he’d never date a ‘mudblood’ like yourself.
Thinking it was over between you and Draco you didn’t hesitate to accept a trip to Hogsmeade with a boy from Ravenclaw you knew had been harbouring a crush on you for many months now.
His name was Aidan McLaggen and he was apparently quite the heartthrob, it seemed every girl had a crush on him since when you’d exited the main doors accompanied by him you’d gotten nasty glares from almost all the girls you walked past.
Aidan had insisted that you’d go to The Three Broomsticks for some butter beers which you were hesitant about since you knew Draco often spent his time there with his friends over the weekends.
But after minuets of Aidan’s protesting you eventually agreed letting him lead you into the crowded tavern. Your eyes immediately started dancing around the crowd in search of a certain blond which didn’t take you long to find.
Once Draco’s eyes met yours you found yourself melting underneath his gaze but before you could do anything Aidan had intertwined your hands and began walking you towards an empty table at the far end of the tavern.
Once your butter beers finally arrived you attempted to push all thoughts of Draco into the back of your mind and focus on the boy sat in front of you but you had missed how Draco’s eyes had been filled with rage once he saw Aidan touch your hand and how he’d abruptly stood up from his chair once he saw the two of you sit down, arms still connected.
He’d practically power walked towards you slamming his hands down on the table causing the containments of your butter beer to spill all over your hand.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing McLaggen” you stared wide eyed at Draco as you watched him glare at the poor boy in front of you.
“What are you doing?” you asked before Aidan could get a word out but Draco didn’t look over at you simply continuing to glare at Aidan who seemed to have no idea what was going on as his eyes darted between you and Draco.
“Just out for butter beer with this lovely lady what about yourself Malfoy?” Aidan gingerly replied as he took a sip from his butter beer, raising an eyebrow at the blond stood in front of him.
“Well this ‘lovely lady’ happens to be my girlfriend so if I were you i’d leave, right now” his tone held a warning to it as Aidan looked over at you. “Is that true?” he asked and that’s when Draco finally made eye contact with you.
You shook your head at him before abruptly standing up, the chair loudly squeaking from underneath you as you began to make your exit with Draco hot on your heels.
Once you’d made it out into the cold brisk air you wrapped your arms around yourself continuing to ignore Draco’s calls as he ran after you. Once he finally reached you he grabbed your shoulder and turned you around to face him.
“Y/N please-” he began but you cut him off, “No! Draco what the hell do you think you’re doing? You don’t talk to me for weeks and tell all your friends that you’d never date a ‘mudblood’ like me but then you see me with somebody else and you do this?”
“I never said that, you know I wouldn’t! They came up with that all on their own and I’m sorry alright? I’m so so sorry, I love you and I’m ready for everyone to know that”
“What?” your voice was small as you watched him intertwine your fingers before pulling you into his chest.
“What are you doing Draco people are watching” you panicked as you noticed the lingering crowd of students beginning to crowd around you.
“Well then, let’s give them a show” Draco smirked before he fully pulled you into him, leaning down towards you so he could connect your lips with his. You smiled into the kiss as your arms going around his neck as his travelled down to your waist.
“Are you sure about this?” you asked as you leaned back a bit watching as he smiled lovingly down at you.
“One hundred precent”
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nights-legacy · 4 years
Trading 3 angrys for 1? - Bakugo Katsuki
   Help and Hide Series. Bakugo Edition
   Kirishima Ed.  Denki Ed.  Todoroki Ed.  Deku Ed.  Shinso Ed.  Iida Ed.  Aizawa Ed.  Tamaki Ed.   Hawks Ed.  Dabi Ed.  Shiggy Ed.
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     + You are a student at UA and the whole class is on a field trip in Tokyo. On a free day, you all went out and you ran into to old “friends” and things go south. While trying to get away from them, you spot the token hot head of the class and decide to take your chances with this angry person over the angry people chasing you and are you pleasantly surprised. 
Note: My first My Hero Academia imagine!!! Let me know it you want a part two of this and I was thinking of making this a headcanon type for some of the other MHA/BNHA guys too. What do you think??
      “Over here Mina! I found those little things you’re obsessed with!” I called over to the pink skin girl.
       “Yay! Lemme see! Lemme see!” She came barreling over and nearly ran into me and the table. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. She squealed and call Jirio over to show her. I walked over to another street vendor. Our class was on a field trip in Tokyo and we were given a free day. Everyone agreed on going out and seeing the scene.
       “Ah! Don’t throw squid at me Kaminari!” I heard Deku scream and laughed at the context before turning to see said electric boy chasing the broccoli with a squid arm. I burst out laughing, holding my stomach. I shook my head before wandering farther down the street.
        I was originally from Tokyo before I moved to attend UA. My family are not insanely rich but we are well off. My parents own a house in both Tokyo and Musutafu as well as vacation homes or condos in different parts of the world. I wandered away from most of the class and I really wish I hadn’t.
      “Oi! Lookie here, dudes. It’s Lee’s younger sister Y/N.” A chill went up my spine as I froze from the familiar voice. I slowly turned around to see my older brother’s former three best friends with wicked smiles on their faces.
      I hadn’t seen them since my brother cast them out of his life. He found out that they were bullying me behind his back for god knows how long and immediately cut ties with them. He only found out because I missed covering up an unmistakable wounds from their quirks. He was mad at me for not telling him but was more concerned for me in the long run.
      “H-hey g-guys.” I stuttered, mentally berating myself for being so scared. I’m training to be a Pro-Hero for god sakes! I tried to steel myself against the incoming assault but couldn’t help but inwardly shake.
      “Aw. Is wittle Y/N scared?” Kei, the leader of them teased. “Well you should be bitch!”
     “You cost us advantage with your brother!” Haru yelled as he jerked forward, grabbing my bicep hard. I yelped and he shook me. “Shut up.”
     “We could never…‘talk’…to you about it because Lee never let us near you again. And it became even harder when you went off to that Hero school. You didn’t even give us a chance.” Kei gave me a smirk when he said talk, meaning something completely different the actual definition. “We could have worked things out.”
      “In more ways than one.” Aaron eyed me up and down. “You sure have grown up, little sis.” Kei rolled his eyes and hit him in the chest hard. Aaron looked at him offended while Kei just gave him a ‘really’ look.
      “I’m sure we could have but…” I gulped as I saw Haru activate his laser quirk. “I really have to go right now.” I pointed behind me. “Gotta catch up with the rest of my c-class.” I tried to pull away but was pulled back hard. I looked at them with fearful eyes.
      “Not just yet, bitch!” They laughed and looked at each other amused. I looked around at the people around us. There are not too many people close so I decided to use my quirk. I have a light and shadow quirk.
      “I really have to go.” I said in a firm voice. They looked at me surprised and I gave them a blinding flash. The grip on my arm immediately disappeared and they all covered their eyes as they yelped. I took off running back in the direction of the rest.
      “Get back here!” Kei yelled. I obviously ignored him. I ran and avoid people easily with my high agility. I stopped to take a breath and see how far they were behind me. At first I could only hear them and other people yelling at them but I saw them finally a ways back.
      “Shit, shit, shit.” I mumbled looking around for anyone I knew or something to hide behind. I finally caught sight of Bakugo a few yards away. I bit my lip and wondered if it was worth asking the angry Pomeranian for help against the anger musketeers. When I saw the three close I didn’t think twice. “Ah!”
      I ran over to the explosive boy and quickly grabbed his arm, dragging him over to the close by building.
     “What the hell!” He screamed at me. I flinched but looked back towards the others.
     “Sh, sh! Please, shh!” I tried to shush him but he growled at me.
     “What the hell do you think you’re doing you damn strobe light?” I wanted to giggle at his nickname for me but there was no time. I caught sight of his hoodie around his waist and ripped it off of him. “Hey!”
     “Please, just…I...ah!” I saw them closer now. I yanked the hoodie over my head and made sure the hood was up. I then did the unthinkable without even thinking. I grabbed Bakugo by the collar of his shirt and backed up. My back him the wall and I pulled him close and into kiss before he could even protest.
      “Wha…” He mumbled against my lips, hands falling tense on both sides of my head. He tried to pull away but my grip was vice.
     “Where is that little bitch! I am going to beat her to a pulp when I get my hands on her.” I heard Kei growl from right near us. “She will be so messed up that she won’t even be able to go to brother to rat this time.” I whimpered against Bakugo’s lips and my grip on his shirt tightened. I felt Bakugo stop fighting me.
     “I say we don’t even let her be able to do anything at all when were done with her.” Haru chipped.
     I don’t know what happened but Bakugo relaxed and leant into me. He moved his hands so one of his forearms rested next to my head and the other moved to my hip. What shocked me most is when he started kissing me back. We slowly started to actually kiss each other making the scene more authentic.
     “Come on, let’s check this way.” Aaron said and I heard them move on only slightly, more focused on the man kissing me then the men who were chasing me. I expected Bakugo to pull away as soon as they were gone but it seemed like he moved in even closer, continuing our soft make out session. We only pulled away when we both ran out of breath.
    “Wow.” I said was gasping for the breath he stole. I saw a small smirk grace his lips. “I think they’re gone now.” I whispered. Bakugo chuckled at my comment.
      “Yeah.” He rasped out before leaning back in, starting another make out session. I don’t know how long we were here but we were only brought back out when we heard a chorus of surprised yells come from Kami and Kiri.
     “Woah! Bakubro! L/N! What’s this pleasant development?” Kami asked while adding kissing noises on the end of his question. Bakugo pulled away and dropped his head a little groaning.
     “Dudes! I didn’t know you had a thing for each other!” Kiri exclaimed. :That’s totally awesome.
      “At least there’s someone out there that can deal with your angry ass, Bakugo.” Kami teased.
      “Shut it you damn extras!” Bakugo yelled over his shoulder. I giggled. He smirked when he turned back to me. He reached up and pushed the hood down and pulled my hair from the hoodie, brushing it out lightly with his fingers. He suddenly placed his hand at the juncture of my neck and pecked my lips. “Keep it on.”
       “Okay.” I said softly. He smiled for real before throwing an arm over my shoulder.
       “Come on you idiots! Let go find the rest of our dumb class. It’s getting close to time to head back.” We started walking and they conversation quickly changed comments. As we walked by an off shot of the street, I flinched when I heard their voice again. I felt Bakugo pull me tighter against him and rub his hand up and down my arm in comfort. He leant down to whisper in my ear. “When we get back to the hotel, I want to tell me what just happened and what those douchebags did to you. Is that okay?”
         “Yeah, that’s okay.” I whispered back. He hummed and smiled before pecking the side of my head and nuzzling my hair. I almost got whiplash by how soft he was being to me but reveled in this side of Bakugo that I was quickly beginning to love. Well, more than I already loved this explosion boy. He just didn’t know that yet.
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Choose Me Instead II Draco Malfoy x Reader II Chapter 18 of 27: Revelations
Summary: Pretending to be in a relationship with Draco Malfoy to get back at your ex might have not been the smartest idea you ever had. Especially during your last year of Hogwarts where you should be focusing on exams and your future plans. However, you were just pretending. There was no way in hell you could actually catch feelings for someone like Malfoy. … Right?
A/N: So many people said that they suspect drama is about to happen at the Winter Dance. lol, you all know me too well. Thank you for all the support, my loves <33
Words: 4.5k Pairing: Draco Malfoy x fem!Reader, post war Warnings: mention of eating disorders, swearing
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 You saw him first.
 He stood at the end of the stairs, next to Theodore Nott. The Slytherins were laughing about a joke that got drowned out in the chatter of the other students. Still, the scene unfolding in front of you tugged at your heartstrings. Nott looked up and when he saw you, he nudged Draco with his elbow and a smirk on his face.
You came down alone, nervously lifting your dress with one hand, trying not to stumble and fall. Draco turned his head and the smile on his lips warmed your heart. At the end of the stairs, he extended his arm and you took his hand. He leaned forward and placed a kiss on it – such an old-school, traditional thing to do. Something you would have rolled your eyes at just a few months ago.
“You look …”, he began but closed his mouth.
You looked at him and wondered if he liked your dress. (And also wondered why the hell you cared about that.)
“Stunning, beautiful, gorgeous,” Nott said when Draco remained silent. “All of them are words you could describe your girlfriend with, Draco.”
You chuckled and Nott took a step forward to greet you, placing a kiss on your cheek. You were surprised by the sudden friendliness. Nott had always been more on the quiet side, hardly ever engaging in house rivalries. Yet, he used to be cold and distant to non-Slytherins. So this gesture was definitely startling.
“What he said,” Draco smirked at you. “You’re beautiful.”
“Well, you don’t look too bad yourself,” you admitted, reaching forward to touch the bow tie around his neck. “Who’s your date then, Nott?”, you asked the other Slytherin.
“Theo,” he repeated himself. “You’ve been dating for how long now? Call me Theo.”
“Okay,” you replied, even more surprised now. Had you made it into the inner circle of the Slytherins? Did they accept you already? “Y/N.”
“There she is,” Theo nodded in the direction of the stairs. “Have fun, see you later.” And with that, he left the two of you. You followed him with your eyes; how he walked up the stairs towards a girl with a smile that lit up the whole room. She wore a green velvet dress that complimented her dark skin beautifully. Theo kissed her on the cheek and said something that made her laugh. You recognized her – she was a year below you. And she was a Hufflepuff. And …
“She’s a half-blood,” you stated without taking your eyes off the couple.
Draco snorted. “Seriously?”
“Yes,” you nodded, still in awe at the simple fact that someone like Theodore Nott would even see girls who weren’t purebloods.
“Why does he always copy me?”
You furrowed your brows at the comment and looked over to Draco. “What?”
He shrugged. “I get a non-Slytherin girlfriend and now he tries to do the same.”
“Merlin, Draco,” you rolled your eyes. Yet another thought entered your mind, one that caused nothing but confusion inside of you as you didn’t know what to do with it:
He said ‘girlfriend’. He didn’t put the ‘fake’ in front of it.
The Winter Dance was everything you had hoped for – and more.
They decorated the Great Hall beautifully. Large chandeliers hung from the ceiling, bathing the room in golden light. Snowflakes danced above your heads, vanishing into thin air mere inches before they would have touched you. There were tables with white and golden linens all around where students could take a break for a moment while getting something to eat and drink from the refilling plates. In the middle of the hall was the dance floor – so far, not many students dared to get on it. It was still too early. You spotted Luna and Neville, laughing and holding hands while jumping up and down.
“Can you consider this a dance?”, you leaned over and asked Draco. He raised an eyebrow in response but couldn’t hide an amused smile.
Soft music came from an invisible source around you. When you saw the small stage behind the dance floor, you wondered if there would be a band performing tonight like at the Yule Ball during the Triwizard Tournament.
“They outdid themselves,” you said.
Draco shrugged.
You rolled your eyes. “Oh, come on! You must admit it looks beautiful.”
“You look beautiful, darling,” he replied.
You don’t know if it had been minutes or hours since you walked in the Great Hall – all you knew was that your hair wasn’t in perfect condition anymore, your feet hurt and you were thirsty. Draco danced like a young god. That didn’t surprise you at all, however, you didn’t expect him to do it so freely.
At some point a band whose name you had never heard before started to play. The songs changed from teacher-approved to faster and louder music. It reminded you so much of the Yule Ball, it physically hurt.
There wasn’t much talking going on between you and Draco that night. Just a lot of laughing and singing and dancing. Happiness rushed through your bodies and in those moments, no one else existed. Only you and him.
That was, however, until your best friend tapped Draco on the shoulder: Astoria Greengrass. The two of you came to an abrupt halt.
“May I have this dance?”, she shouted over the loud music, a smug smile on her lips. The Slytherin looked gorgeous in her green satin dress and those emerald earrings that shone brightly in the light of the chandeliers.
“Astoria,” Draco said, out of breath. “Absolutely not.”
The smile remained plastered on her pretty face. “Just one dance? With your future fiancée?”
You raised your eyebrows at that. Without noticing it, the grip on his hand tightened. The constant reminder of their soon-to-be-made betrothal slowly turned annoying. Draco looked at you and your intertwined hands.
“No,” he repeated himself.
What she did next surprised you: she laughed. A short high-pitched laugh. You flinched. “Draco,” she purred his name, taking a step closer. “Just. One. Dance.”
And then it hit you. Like a tile falling from the roof of the astronomy tower, the realization crashed into you. For the first time in forever, you saw her. You looked beyond the beautiful face and what you saw frightened you. She was thin. So thin that it made you wonder how she could stand upright, let alone walk or dance. Her skin was pale but not a “Slytherins-that-spend-to-much-time-in-the-dungeons”-pale. No, it reminded you of a ghost when you saw the blue veins underneath it as it stretched over her sharp collarbones. Astoria gripped her dress tightly but it didn’t stop her hand from shaking. Dark circles underneath her eyes decorated her face and her lips trembled.
Something was very, very wrong.
“It’s fine, Draco.”
He turned his head quickly and frowned.
“It’s fine,” you said empathetically.
He didn’t understand. Neither did you. But the desperation found in Astoria made you feel … pity for her. Judging by her narrowed eyes, she sensed that as well – and she hated it.
You leaned over to Draco and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Before he could protest further, you left.
“That band is amazing, how have I never heard of them before?” You dropped onto the chair next to Ginny.
“Because you live behind a rock,” she replied. Strands of red hair hung into her face, her cheeks were red and she stretched her legs in an attempt to relax her muscles. “I haven’t danced that much in years. Everything hurts.”
You groaned in agreement. Letting your eyes wander through the Hall and over your classmates, you spotted Draco and Astoria. They stood together closely and Draco had his hands on her hips. It was a slow song and they moved accordingly, swaying to the music. He didn’t meet her eyes yet you saw how Astoria stared at him, her lips moving.
“Trouble in paradise?”, Ginny asked. She had followed your gaze and watched the two Slytherins with curiosity.
You shook your head. “No.”
“Then why’s he dancing with her?”
“Have you noticed something about Greengrass?”, you wanted to know.
Ginny tilted her head. “Huh.” Then she shrugged. “Not really. I’m not looking at her that often.”
Same, you thought ironically. You had so much contact with her and yet you never noticed anything else behind her strange behavior.
“She’s thin, isn’t she?”, you pondered.
Another shrug. “Aren’t eating disorders something they inherit along with their mansions and fancy clothes?”
Normally, that comment would have made you chuckle. Now, you didn’t react and kept your eyes locked on Greengrass. Ginny watched you awkwardly and was probably very relieved when Harry appeared with two drinks in his hands.
You wondered if Astorias appearance had anything to do with her odd behavior. Then again, you couldn’t really tell if her behavior was strange or not. You hardly ever spoke to her before this school year and had kept a safe distance from the Slytherins. Most of what you knew came from Draco and that wasn’t much. Besides, Draco had been too busy with himself this school year. You were pretty sure that he wouldn’t have noticed if anything was off about her.
A second song came on. Slow again. Greengrass was still talking but this time, she inched even closer. You narrowed your eyes.
“They’re cozy,” Ginny stated nonchalantly and Harry grinned.
That was enough. You rose to your feet swiftly and crossed the room in seconds. “I think I remember something about just one dance?”
Draco took a step back. Astoria copied him. She ignored you, staring at Draco as if she waited for him to say something. His face was blank, he avoided looking at her. The loud music blaring from the stage didn’t hide the heavy tension between them. You shifted uncomfortably from one foot to another.
“Nothing, Draco?”, she finally asked. You barely understood it over the singing students next to you. “You have nothing to say?”
His eyes darted to you. The look in them caused a shiver to run down your spine. You had seen it before. After the evening in his dorm when he came to you again in the Room of Requirements. Guilt.
“Not tonight.” He straightened his back and reached for your hand. You didn’t resist. “We’ll talk tomorrow.”
Talk about what? About their engagement?
Astoria scoffed. “Well then,” she shot you one last look. “Enjoy your night.”
“Everything alright?”, you asked when she was gone.
Draco pulled you closer and the two of you started swaying to the rhythm of the next song. “Sure.” His eyes travelled over the crowd as if he was looking for someone. Looking for her.
You stopped and let go of his hands. “Don’t.” Your voice was calm but firm. You wouldn’t accept this behavior. You weren’t his mother or Zabini or even Greengrass, where he could just avoid questions and give one-worded lies as answers. “We’re beyond this.”
Draco sighed. You saw it by the way his chest rose. After another brief moment of hesitation, he grabbed your hand and pulled you from the dance area. He walked until the two of you had passed the tables and leaned against a few steps away from the huge wooden door that led outside.
“Is this about your engagement?”, you wanted to know impatiently.
Draco opened his mouth and closed it again. You crossed your arms in front of your chest.
“Kind of,” he admitted. “I can’t say.”
A cold, heavy feeling set in your stomach. “Kind of?”
Draco let out a deep breath and reached for your arms to pull you close again. This time, you resisted. “Yes,” he nodded. “I really can’t say.”
“You can’t or you don’t want to?”
“I can’t,” his tone grew harder at your accusation. You narrowed your eyes.
“Look, Y/N, it’s something that doesn’t concern you. It’s personal for her and I don’t know enough to speak about this to you. She asked me not to.”
“Our arrangement is personal too and I’d like to know if it’s going to end soon,” you shot back. The feeling in your stomach grew heavier when you thought about the word end. It had only just begun. You didn’t want it to end. Not yet, at least.
To your surprise, Draco just snorted. “What we have isn’t going to end anytime soon if I have it my way,” he tried to reassure you. Again, he reached for your arms. Hesitantly, you let him pull you close. “It’s just not my secret to tell.”
You sighed. A part of you had to admit that you understood where he was coming from. If anything, it spoke for his character that he didn’t just blurt out whatever she had told him. “Since when do you care about these things?”
“Slytherin’s honor,” he replied simply and shrugged.
You raised an eyebrow. “What?” The corners of your mouth twitched.
“It doesn’t matter if I like her or not,” he explained. “She told me something and I won’t repeat it to others.”
“Because she’s a Slytherin?”
Draco nodded. “When three out of three other houses hate you, you have to stick together.”
You chuckled and leaned against him. “Makes sense. I don’t think everyone hates you though.”
“There are always exceptions to the rule.”
Late that night …
“The Weasel is looking at you.”
You chuckled against Draco’s chest. “I guarantee you, he looking at you.”
It was late and only a few of your classmates could still be found in the Great Hall; most of them sixth and seventh graders. Some of the teachers sat together on a table, watching the remaining students.
After the talk with Draco about Greengrass, you had gone back to dance and drink. It’d be lie to say you simply forgot about this even though you were certain that Draco would tell you all about it when the time came. But of course, the nagging feeling didn’t leave you. What could she have told him that was so shocking? What secrets were left in their families that he wasn’t able to look her in the eyes afterwards?
Only when Seamus slipped you one of his famous drinks did you start to relax a little and pushed the thought to the back of your brain. It was the same for Draco even though you saw how his expression would change once he spotted one of the Greengrass sisters. Was Daphne involved?
Involved in what?, you wondered when he twirled you around.
The sound made you look at the Slytherin. “What is it?”
“I can’t believe it.”
“Believe what?” You followed his gaze. Ron stood a few meters away from you, hands on Hermiones hips. She had her eyes closed as she moved to the slow sounds, unaware of her boyfriend’s preoccupation.
“I still can’t believe you let him-“
“Draco!”, you glared at him.
He shook his head before asking: “Was he any good though?”
You snorted. Was he serious? Judging by the way he waited for an answer, he was. “I had my fun,” you finally said diplomatically.
Again, Draco shook his head. He looked back and forth between you and the Weasley. “I don’t know what I’m going to do with that information.”
“Don’t ask me stuff if you’re not prepared for the answer,” you gave a half shrug.
The stones felt cold against your back when Draco pressed you up against the wall. The teachers had officially ended the Winter Dance just a few minutes earlier. Not wanting to go to bed early (or rather – go to bed separately), Draco and you snuck outside to the inner courtyard.
There was a storm raging on tonight. It rained heavily, the drops clattering against the ancient walls and the air was chilly. The two of you didn’t notice any of it. All you felt was his body against yours and his hands on your hips. He kissed you, deep and slow, with a longing that you blamed on the alcohol from Seamus. You buried your hands in his hair, chuckling as he playfully bit on your lower lip.
“Hey lovebirds! Get a room already!”, the interruption broke your kiss.
Draco cursed under his breath and turned his head, ready to tell them to leave you two alone. The words got stuck in his throat when he saw who it was.
Ron and Hermione looked at you, accompanied by Harry and Ginny. Rons stare reminded you of the one you got on your face when Moaning Myrtle would overflow the toilets again – utterly disgusted. Hermione squeezed his hand, a mixture of annoyance and nervousness written over her face. Ginny looked the same and Harry just seemed deeply confused.
“Oh for fucks sake!”, Ron exclaimed dramatically when he recognized Draco.
“Ignore him,” you said and held onto his arms. “He’s not worth it.” Despite the loud noises of the rain, the Redhead heard you.
“Yeah, listen to your girlfriend, Malfoy!”
Draco’s eyes narrowed.
“Ron, please,” Hermione chimed in, now more annoyed than nervous. “Let’s go inside. It’s late.”
“Yes, why don’t you just piss off, Weasel?”, Draco scoffed.
“Or what?”, Ron spat. “You tell your father?”
You rolled your eyes but Draco was quick to answer: “No, I’ll make just sure you’ll end up in the same place as him.”
“Ron, let’s go,” Hermione insisted.
He ignored her. “Oooooh, now you really scared me, Malfoy!”
“Draco, come on.” You sensed that this would end badly if no one would step in. Your eyes flickered to the door leading inside the castle, unsure whether you wanted a teacher to come out now or not.
“Ron, we’re leaving!”
Harry and Ginny glanced at each other. They had taken a few steps back and you saw how Harry opened his mouth. Ginny hissed something and he closed it again.
“No, we’re not done here.”
Your eyes darted back to Ron at his sentence. “Not done with what, Ron?”, you barked. “Just fucking go back inside. There’s really no need for this.”
He stared at Draco. The Slytherin straightened his back and his posture told Ron without any words what he thought of him. I’m better than you, it screamed. Arrogance dripped out of his every pore. You were taken aback by it – not having seen this side of him for a long time now. You had almost forgotten it was still there.
A sense of dread washed over you when you realized: Something’s about to happen.
Suddenly, a smug expression appeared on his face. Oh-oh.
“What?”, Ron spat out when he saw it.
“Nothing,” Draco replied but the smirk stayed.
“No, you arrogant prick! Spit it out!”
“It’s just hilarious how obsessed you are with her. Still.”
Lightning struck and your blood froze. Fuck.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
“Draco, don’t!”, you hissed.
From the corner of your eye you saw how Hermione frowned.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Ron still sounded firm but he grew pale. You were sure that Hermione noticed it as well.
“Sure,” Draco leaned against the wall next to you.
“I don’t know what she told you but –”
Anger. The feeling that began to boil up inside of you was exactly that – the anger you had swallowed down for months now. The rage, Draco had managed to calm down at least for a few weeks. He had made you forget it was even there, turning the memory of Ron and your last summer into a distant dream. Something so insignificant to you, it made the flies living in the Forbidden Forest seem more important.
Now, it was back. Right when you realized that the coward wanted to lie about you and him again.
“That sentence better not ends with ‘it’s not true’,” you blurted out. Thunder rumbled in the distance.
“Wait, wait, what’s this about?” Hermione took a step back. Deep lines decorated her forehead as her eyes darted back and forth between you and Ron.
Her boyfriend turned to her, wanting to reach out but she wouldn’t have it. She was now outside the shelter from the roof and raindrops landed on her pretty red dress. “Nothing, Mione,” Ron said. “I don’t know what they’re talking about.”
You scoffed.
“Just help me understand one thing, Weasel,” Draco – falsely encouraged by your reaction – began again.
“Draco, don’t!”
“Is this about the fact that she’s with me now or because you’re still in love with her?”
Lightning struck again.
“Draco!”, you gasped and so did Hermione.
“Okay, shut the fuck up now, Malfoy!”, Harry finally chimed in. “Let’s go!”
“No, no no,” Hermione muttered. You hardly understood her over the storm. “Wait, I don’t get it.” She raised her hands. “Ron, what’s going on?”
“Hermione …”, you began and even Ginny, who had been quite until now, started talking. More voices mixed in together – Harry and Draco cursing at each other, Ron trying to get Hermione to listen to him.
Silence. Immediate silence followed her scream. Hermione took a deep breath. “Quiet now!”, she repeated herself. “Everyone, please.” She turned to Ron, her voice surprisingly calm and collected again: “You’ve been acting weird around Y/N for months now. Don’t think I didn’t notice. What’s going on?”
More silence.
“I … we …”, he stammered. Your heart sunk.
“Oh god,” the muggle expression slipped out of her mouth. Tears began to form in her eyes.
“Mione …”, Ron began.
“You weren’t together,” you quickly said, knowing it wouldn’t make a difference now. Yet, you had to try. “It happened over the summer when you were … on a break. He ended it because he loves you and wanted to get back with you.”
Ron nodded violently. “Yes, yes, Mione, I love you so much!”
“You lied to me for so many months? Both of you?” The look of betrayal in her eyes broke you.
There it was. The lie you had carried with you for months now. It was all out in the open. You had often wondered if the guilt would vanish once the truth would be out. Now you found out that it didn’t. No, in fact it felt even worse. You lied to your best friend, a person who’d take an Unforgivable Curse for you.
And it wasn’t the only lie you told her.
“I’m so sorry …”, you whispered.
“She didn’t want to unnecessarily hurt you! That’s why she didn’t say anything! It meant nothing!”, Ginny suddenly said. Harry’s eyes widened.
“You knew?”, Hermione croaked.
Ginny opened her mouth, then closed it again and looked down to her feet.
“Oh god, oh god …”
“Mione …”, Ron took a step towards her into the rain and wanted to grab her hand.
“No, I … no,” she shook her head, not looking at any of you. “I need … I need space.” She pushed his hands away and turned around. Hermione hurried back inside, almost tripping about her dress twice.
“Mione …”, Ron cried after her.
“Don’t.” That was Harry. “Give her some time.”
For a while, no one said anything. An awkward silence settled between the five of you. Finally, Ron cursed and left as well.
“Why was I the only one who didn’t know about this?”, Harry looked at Ginny.
“Because you’re oblivious to everything and everyone around you,” she replied.
He raised his eyebrows, knowing she was probably right. “Not cool though, guys. Not cool.”
Ginny sighed and turned to you. “You have to fix this.”
You nodded. “I know.”
Another sigh left her lips, then she took Harrys hand and both of them made their way back inside the castle.
There were no sounds except for the howling of the wind and the thunder in the distance. You kept your eyes locked on the door as if you expected Hermione to come back outside any minute now. After a while, a shiver ran down your spine. When you felt Draco putting his jacket over your shoulders, your head snapped in his direction.
“Why the fuck did you say that?!”
He furrowed his brows. “Y/N …”
“Answer me!”
He sighed. “Someone had to say it eventually and –”
“Yes,” you interrupted him. “Someone. Not you! That wasn’t your place.”
“Her own boyfriend lied to her for months now!”
“As if you give a single fuck about her feelings, Draco!”, you fumed. “Stop pretending this was about anything over than your sick need to make yourself feel superior to everyone around you!” You pulled the jacket from your shoulders and threw it at him. “By Merlin, you’re still the same fucking jerk from third grade, aren’t you, Malfoy?!”
When you heard the footsteps on the stairs, you resisted the urge to roll your eyes. Fucking hell, why did he have to care so much?
About an hour had passed since you stormed away from Draco, right after insulting him. You had wandered through Hogwarts – dodging annoying ghosts and Filch until you finally hid up here on the Astronomy Tower.
You wanted to talk to Hermione. Wanted to clear the air and apologize. You never meant to hurt her … not that this excused your behavior at all. However, you knew that she wouldn’t want to see you tonight. She needed time to cool down and you wanted to give that to her. Besides, you were way too upset yourself for any kind of productive talk.
“How did you find me here?”, you asked him.
“I searched all of your usual spots,” Draco replied and sat down next to you. “You’ll freeze to death up here.” He was right. The wind on the Astronomy Tower blew relentlessly. He pulled his wand from his jacket and mumbled a spell. Warmth spread around the two of you, trying to soften your cold and stiffened muscles.
“You shouldn’t have come,” you mumbled. “You hate it up here.”
“I don’t hate it.”
“You never want to come here.”
Draco shrugged. “I used to come here quite often. Grew tired of it eventually, I guess.”
There was a moment of silence as both you watched the dark clouds in the night sky.
“I’m sorry,” Draco finally said.
You remained still.
“It wasn’t my place. I just wanted …”, he stopped himself. “I’m sorry.”
You glanced at him. He stared at the wand in his hand.
“You’re not a jerk,” you admitted. “Sorry for that.”
When you insulted him, it came from a place of misdirected anger. He wasn’t the responsible one for Hermiones pain. That was you.
“I am though.”
You chuckled. “Maybe. But you’re not the same jerk from the third grade.”
A small smile appeared on his face. You scooted closer to him and leaned against his body. Draco put an arm around you and together, you watched the storm.
A/N: A lot happened in this chapter :D Looking forward to your thoughts on it! Thank you for reading! <3
Choose Me Instead Masterlist Harry Potter Masterlist
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An anonymous love (Part 1)
Summary : Y/N sees Sirius Black running away after a particulary rough letter from his mother. She wants to cheer him up and decide to send him a letter, anymously, she knows how much he hates her house.
Warnings : Slytherin!Reader, female!reader, reader is worried about Sirius, not proof read
Word count : 1.8k
English is not my first language, sorry if there is any mistakes
You're here - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7
Y/N loved receiving letters but even more sending them, she loved including all sorts of little gifts in hers; flowers, drawings, photographs, candies sometimes, she loved it even more now she was a witch,  she started doing experiments with her magic. She learned how to make the drawings moves, charms the flowers so they would reopen as fresh as new, she even found a way for the letter to be read out loud if desire, in a way were it doesn’t fold and destroy itself the ways howlers do, so it could be listen to over and over again, her family especially loved that one.
She wanted to see now if could even include kisses, or even hugs, the feeling of arm wrapping around you to squeeze you tight was one of the best feeling to her and she wanted to be able to send it to anyone, so they could feel it whenever they wanted.
She was able to put the hugs and the kisses on little cards who had to be unfold, it took many mistake, accidents and retry but she was able to do it after some times. It wasn’t as reusable has she had hoped, only three uses who doesn’t last more than five seconds, but she was confident enough to know she will do better in the future.
She had send her last version to her parents a few days ago, one she was the proudest of, and was now waiting for their respond. Making sure everything was perfect was important as the first time she tried to do it the message felt like a dagger stabbing her chest. Thankfully she had no injuries, Mrs Pomfrey assured her there were nothing, the pain stayed a few hours though and she could have kissed the nurse for excusing her from the morning class that day, she would have not been able to work anyway.
Y/N was now waiting at the slytherin table next to the few friends she was able to make among her own house, quietly eating while listening to the crazy story of the friend on her right, laughing joyfully. She turned her head when she saw the owls starting to enter the room, eager to find if she will receives the respond of her parents, she watch as the other student opened their own mail, including the raven-haired boy at the gryffindor table, Sirius Black.
He had catch the eye of Y/N like many others, girls and boys, but she never dared to make a move, she was a slytherin and she knew how much he hated them. She had thought many times to send him an anonymous later but what for ? It would be a lost cost and she rather let the feeling die rather than being hurt. Well, at least she thought her feelings would disappear as time went by but she was incredibly wrong, it only got more intense.
Being in most of his classes was of no help, his cocky behavior, his stunning looks and charming smile. What bugged her the most was how brilliant he was, she never saw him study or even really paid good attention in class but was somehow able to earn good marks. She was a bit jealous of him for that if she was honest with herself, she wasn’t a bad student per say but did have to be focused and study to have good grades. They talked a few times before, mostly him helping her out with classes but he was nothing but nice and patient with her despote the green of her tie.
She fell for him even more when she saw him helping first years travelling the corridors and defending a third year against her bully, the punch was perfectly aimed for Merlin’s sake ! She loved every story he told her, all the pranks, the aventures, the quidditch match. The more she learned about him, the more difficult it was for her to keep her eye away from him.
“You’re drooling again”, Jacob snapped her out of her mind “ ‘m not !” swipping her lips just to be sure, making her friends laugh, she was red of embarassment, so out she hadn’t notice the owl giving her her parent’s letter. She gratefully took it before giving a bit of food to the owl who then flied away. Y/N got interrupt has she was opening the enveloppe.
“C’mon, you cant’ keep looking at him from afar for the rest of school ! Talk to him for once and save us the lover eyes !” said Olivia, “I can’t, you know he hates slytherins” her friend opened her mouth to protest before being cut. “Plus, he is way out of my league, he is like-" Y/N hesited a bit on her words, waving her hand around “- a sun giving life around him and I’m just somekind of, I don’t know, insect in the dirt”. Her friends around all gave a chorus of long sighs, they heard that a million times before, she rolled her eyes “My point is, I will never have the courage to ask him out”.
Before anyone could talk, a loud sound was heard comming from the gryffindor table, followed by the sound of turn up paper. When Y/N looked, she frowned, seeing Sirius almost running out of the room. “Wait mate !” James Potter, his best friend, tried to follow him but Remus Lupin stopped him. Y/N didn’t quite catch what they were saying, something about him needing to be alone.
And alone he stayed, she didn’t see him for the rest of the day, and she learned during the dinner that night it was because of the letter he received from home, it was quite known by most of the people who cared enough to be aware of the disastrous relationship of Sirius and his family, as it wasn’t unusual to see the boy upset because of his mother. Y/N’s blood boiled every time it would happened, how could someone treat their child that way ? Taking their time to write every horrid words just to cause pain ? Using something she loved so much to cause trouble instead as it should be : for the one you loved.
The scene earlier that day worked her up so much, she put her parent’s latter away without reading it, and it is only now in her bed she remembered even having it. She smiled at the curved letters, it was her mother’s handwritting, she very enthousiatly explain how her and her dad loved the hug, that coupled with the speaking spell “It was like you were right here with us !”, well not quite as she precised right after, but it felt nice to feel and hear their daughter after so many weeks apparts. She laughted when her father this time wrote she should find a way to commercial it, as she will become the richest witch of the wizard world. “Sure thing dad” she thought to herself. She carefully fold the paper before putting it in her “letter box”.
Then when she laid down, she couldn’t stop feeling sad for Sirius, he had such terrible parents but deserved so much more. She turned and turned and turned around in her bed, searching for a way to cheer him up and then she stopped, thinking of the letter of her parents and the success of the hug in the message, perhaps, she could send him something ..? She blushed at the idea, what could she says ? “Hey, your parents suck but your butty could send me in outter space”, sure, yeah, what a great idea Y/N.
She sighed, fine, maybe not that harsh but she could try to remind him how much is he loved here and how much of a great person he is. So she sat down in her bed, took a piece of parchment, her ink and her quill, careful to not wake up her roomates as she closed her curtains. She blow air through her mouth for a minute, gathering some courage, and then she start to write, hoping he would like it.
The next day when she woke up, or more like when it was time to get ready since she didn’t close her eye all night, wanting the message to be perfect : the drawing, an illustration of a dog, a stag, a rat and the moon, remembering the nickname and the jokes the marauders gave and made to eachothers, she charmed it for the little animals to run around the paper, leaving paws or hooves print behind –which disappear after a few step of course-, the curves of the words, the ink, she had opt for her favorite dark purple, the flowers had she picked, some wind-flower and cyclamen, that she carefully stuck to the parchment.
And of course the final touch : a kiss on the forhead. She had thought of a hug but decided it was too much, it could be scary to suddenly feels arms around you. A smol kiss was more appropriate, a bit bold yeah, but more fleeting, less intimidating and still a tender gesture.
When she was happy with the result and check any error in her words she put the message in an envelopt, decorated with stars, showing the cannis constellation, because of Sirius name obviously. And then put it in her bag, careful so her friend would not see it.
Once she was ready and out of her room with her friends, she realised she had no idea on how to give it to him. Surely not by hand, she didn’t put her name anywhere for a reason, maybe slide it into his bag during class ? But she was to scared to be caught.
She didn’t have to worry about it to much, since Sirius wasn’t at the class she shared with him, his friends looked troubled and worried, calmer than usual. Y/N felt a weight setting in her stomach, was the letter that bad he didn’t want to show up today either ? When he wasn’t at lunch either, she decided to send him by owl.
She excused herself from her friend, saying she had to send a letter, it wasn’t unusual for her to do so, so they didn’t even flinch. Once at the owl aviary and once she gave it to an owl and walked away, trying not to think to much, she stop. What if the letter only made him more upset ? Of course nothing she wrote was mean, but what if he didn’t like at all the idea of some unknown person looking in his private life ? Feeling arrogant enough to think they could cheer him up when his friends, those whom he consider family, weren’t able to do it ? Y/N turned around to take the letter back but it was too late, the bird had fly away, and since he was at hogwarts, he will have it in a few minutes only.
She felt the weight in her stomach get heavier, she hoped so much it will not make things worse.
Hoped you liked my first fic ! I don't know when the second part will be posted but I'll do my best for it to be soon.
Have a nice day ! Love you <3
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red-cape-morgana · 3 years
It’s on me
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Based on this very cute fact shared by @inkedroplets
Ao3 version
Lena was simply doing her job. Kara simply wanted a coffee before work. The cashier simply did what he thought was polite. All in all, nothing out of the ordinary for a Tuesday morning. At least that was before Kara’s curiosity got the best of her.
Lena checks the address on her phone one more time before leaving. She had spotted the place when it was still being arranged and had decided to let it run a few weeks before checking it out.
Being a famous and rich Instagram influencer, showing her lifestyle to all her followers is what she does for a living. But it’s also because she knows that so many people don’t have the spare time needed to look through the city’s narrow streets and find small shops, even though they’d find more unique pieces and better services with those small commercants. For Lena, her Instagram is a way to help both parties.
That’s how Lena finds herself walking into that brand new coffee shop where they’ve set up lots of plants, books you can read while you enjoy your coffee and some art students’ pieces that you can buy if you like them. The place still has this air of brand new installation, but she can tell that the owner has put in a lot of effort to make it homey and personal.
Maybe I should promote some art pieces every once in a while. I’m sure the students could use the boost and the money that’d come with it, Lena thinks while stepping into the ordering line.
Her followers voted for her to review this new place and it will be her biggest post of the week. For this, she of course brought her co-host, Mochi, her ragdoll cat of 5 years. He has been her teammate ever since she started this page. At first she only saw it as a way to kill time,one that would drive her family insane. And taking pictures of an adorable kitten in many places around National City doesn’t hurt when you try getting an audience on social media. Now, this handsome man is quietly enjoying the adventure from the special backpack with the submarine bubble window Lena bought a couple years ago (this is so much more practical and comfortable when she brings him along, and he is very photogenic in it as well so she calls that a win-win).
She is standing in the line, looking at all the drinks the place offers, when she suddenly feels observed. Being the rebellious child of the Luthor family has gotten Lena to find pictures of herself on many mags covers. And to find a fuming Lillian waiting for her on many occasions as well.
So, when she turns a bit to take a discreet look at the expected paparazzi waiting to pounce on her, she is for the least surprised. There are no paps in sight, just a very cut, and very focused on Mochi, blonde girl.
Lena can’t really see her face since the woman is slightly crouching down to be at the same height as Mochi, but she can hear her cooing very softly at her cat “Aren’t you the softest cat ever? Yes, you are! Yes, you are!”
The girl must feel the weight of Lena’s gaze on her cause she suddenly freeze, before looking up at her like a deer caught in headlights.
Wow! Her eyes are such an intense blue! It’s like looking right at the sky, Lena thinks.
“I’m sorry. I just saw your cat and he was looking at me. And I love pets. I really love them. But I don’t have one, not yet at least. I’ve always wanted to though! It’s just that my sister is kinda allergic to them and…”
“There's no harm done, dear,” Lena interrupts the word vomit, sensing that if she doesn’t they could still be here in an hour talking about why this chick couldn’t have a pet when she was a kid. “I don’t mind at all the attention I mean, this backpack is kinda designed for showing the pet. And I know Mochi loves being the center of attention. So really, we’re good.”
The blonde seems to relax somewhat thanks to her reassurances that what she did is absolutely fine.
“I’m Kara, by the way. Nice to meet you and Mochi.” she says while offering a tentative hand for Lena to shake.
Lena is actually surprised that Kara doesn’t mention right away anything about her last name,or outrightly asks for a selfie with her. Most of her human interactions are based on that, people wanting to prove they’ve met Lena Luthor. Never caring to get to know the person behind the account.
Her thoughts are interrupted by a discreet cough from the cashier who’s trying to get her attention. The line had progressed while they were talking, and it’s Lena’s turn to order.
“Excuse me,” she says while turning away from Kara to tell him what she’d like to drink. “I’ll have a tall frozen matcha latte, but with almond milk. I’ll take an extra dose of vanilla syrup as well. And could I get some water for my cat please? I’ll keep him on my lap but I’d like him to drink a bit before we go on our way. Is it possible?”
“Sure, miss. No problem with that. What will your friend like to drink please?” he says, briefly glancing from his tablet to Kara.
Lena is about to protest that they’re not together, but for once, she’d like to enjoy a drink in a new place with a new person as well. Constantly looking at her phone to answer strangers' inquisitive questions and curiosity seems a lot less stressful if she gets to share this tiny moment with a new face that seems to not know her name at all.
She turns to a blushing and spluttering Kara before asking with a small smile tugging at her lips “So, Kara, what do you drink? It’s on me.”
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shoutaaizawas · 4 years
↳ bakugou katsuki x reader → ❝wait for you❞ part one
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summary: bakugou is your best friend, you both dream to become great heroes. when bakugou ends up in a coma most move on but you can’t leave your best friend behind.  word count: 2k+ tags/warnings: romance, angst (with a happy ending eventually),  a/n: im alive! sort of. finally finished one of my many wips in between watching greys anatomy. shoutout to the show for some inspiration for this. those background patient plot lines hurt sometimes.
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Bakugou Katsuki was your best friend. That might be hard for a lot of people to believe considering how hostile he could be sometimes. Most would describe him as feisty and unfriendly but there was always something that drew you to him. From the first day at UA, you knew he was going to be your best friend even if he didn’t want to at first.
It didn’t take long for him to start liking you back even if he refused to admit it. It was impossible for him to deny that it was nice to be cared about and it was harder to deny that he cared about you. It was something he never expected, to care about someone so much that when you missed a meal he would be shoving food in front of you, or if you were staying up too late he would force you to go to bed early. Even the smallest things about you concerned him.
The two of you made the perfect pair, you helped each other train and study. When he went through his worse times you were there for him, through the nightmares, through the panic attacks, you helped him when he didn’t want anyone to see him.
Bakugou wasn’t your only friend but your relationship with him meant everything to you. Your friendship with him ran deep. He was your person. He was the first person you thought about every day, he was the first person you told good news to, the first person you went to when you were upset.
Your friendship was everything to you and you always imagined it meant a lot to him as well.
Throughout the school years, it only got deeper. It was finally your last year of high school and you and Bakugou were both on track to become amazing heroes. Both of you had worked so hard to be at the top of your class and it was almost time to go into the real hero world. You had even both secured spots at the top agency you had been eyeing for a long time.
You wondered if you would be partners at your agency? That would be too perfect. Both of you had bright futures ahead of you but one day took that away.
It was a normal day, you and Bakugou were working your intern patrol shift. It was sunny but not too hot and things were reasonably calm. There were a few crimes to keep things interesting but nothing too dangerous. It was a good day.
The two of you were eating lunch, you had gotten your favorite sushi for lunch despite the fact that Bakugou wanted to get ramen. But fair was fair and you had won your game of rock, paper, scissors.
That’s when the chaos broke out. A villain was attacking and you both sprung into action without a second thought. It was going well as it usually did, you worked together flawlessly. A perfect team. That was until Bakugou took a hit neither of you saw coming.
The sight of him tumbling across the pavement made you sick. You quickly subdued the villain before running to Bakugou’s side. He was laying on the ground face down. You turned him over, his face was covered in blood. Your heart sunk at the sight of him, eyes half open and face bruised.
Sirens alerted them to the arrival of the ambulances.
“Katsuki, you’re gonna be okay. Don’t move, help is here.” You said, hand brushing against his face.
“I-” He said, his voice hushed. “Sunshine I-”
Sunshine. The nickname started out condescending, an insult almost but somewhere along the line it became endearing. A pet name almost.
“Shh, it’s okay. Don’t strain yourself, please.” You said, grabbing his hand squeezing it tight. “You’re going to be okay.”
Bakugou was put on a stretcher and rushed to an ambulance, you rode with them trying to stay calm as they helped him. You held back asking questions not wanting to interrupt.
Bakugou’s red eyes stayed focused on you as you held his hand while trying to stay out of the way.
“It’s going to be okay, you have to be okay. You’re my best friend.” You said. “I don’t know what I’d do without you. Katsuki I-”
Bakugou’s eyes slipped closed and it was hard not to tear up in fear. You wanted to tell him how you felt but you hesitated and now he couldn't hear you. Your heart raced in your chest. He would be fine, he always was. He was a fighter and he always pulled through.
Waiting was the worst thing anyone could sit through is the conclusion you came to. Sitting in the hospital’s waiting room staring at the patterned tile you were suffering. The thought of Bakugou in an operating room opened up hurt you to your core. The urge to sob was strong but you refused to. Bakugou would be okay and he would tease you endlessly if he found out that you cried over him.
Bakugou would be fine. You knew he would. He had to be.
Mr. and Mrs. Bakugou showed up, looking more scared than you had ever seen them before. You were familiar with his parents, they had invited you over many times for dinner and they always got along with you.
“What did they say?” Bakugou’s mother asked as she approached you, she grabbed your arms frantically.
“He’s in surgery, they aren’t saying much.” You told her. She let out a sigh sitting down next to you.
Time went by slowly as the three of you waited impatiently. Finally, the doctor appeared.
“Bakugou family?” He asked.
“Yes, that’s us.” Ms. Bakugou stood up along with you and her husband.
“The surgery went well, we were able to fix the trauma and bleeding in his brain. He’s patched up but there was swelling during the surgery.” The doctor said solemnly, his hands held together.
“What does that mean?” Mr. Bakugou questioned.
“The likelihood of him waking up is very low.” He said.
It felt like everything around you was falling apart.
“What do you mean he won’t wake up?” Mrs. Bakugou shouted. “If you fixed everything, what’s wrong with him?”
The doctor began to explain it but everything around you went fuzzy. You couldn’t hear anything, you felt sick. Before you could do anything else you ran outside of the hospital making it to a tree before throwing up.
Bakugou wouldn’t wake up. He was alive but he wasn’t going to wake up. The next year of your life was so clear in your mind, graduating, working beside Bakugou, climbing the ranks, becoming amazing heroes. Together. It was all gone, how were you supposed to go on without him? You couldn't picture your life without him.
You stood in front of his hospital room door still. If you stepped through that door you knew that it was over. The image of Bakugou standing strong next to you ready to face the world would be gone. The reality of what happened would set in and you could never go back.
It was easy to picture him, picture those moments with him. The first time you met him, you were both so young. He was so feisty and unwilling to befriend anyone. The memory of him yelling at everyone around you.
You could remember the day you had gotten through to him, had a heart to heart. His red eyes looked so soft for the first time and you knew that you would do anything to keep his trust in you so he would always feel safe enough to open up to you.
The memory of him in his dorm, scared and breathing quick after a nightmare. You had crawled into bed with him and held him. He protested at first but quickly realized you were more stubborn than him this time. Then he realized how nice it felt to be held by someone who cared about you, who wanted you to feel better. How safe he felt in your arms. The softness of his blond locks was unforgettable.
This morning was so clear, Bakugou in his hero costume laughing at a dumb joke you made. You would never see him stand tall again. You took a deep breath.
Softly you opened the door revealing the hospital bed. The sound of beeps filled the room. Walking up to the bed you took in a shaky breath.
Bakugou laid in the bed hooked up to wires. The side of his hair was shaved, where the surgery was. He was still, the steady rise and fall of his chest was the only sign of life. He looked so peaceful.
You sat in the chair beside the bed, head in your hands, a broken sob coming out of you.
“You have to wake up.” You said looking up at him, taking his hand in yours. “I know you can pull through this, I can’t do this alone. What kind of hero would I be without you?”
There was no reply to your cries.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I let this happen." You cried. "I'm sorry we didn't get what you wanted for lunch. If I could go back, if I could do everything different I would. I wish it was me."
Tears streamed down your face as sobs wracked your body.
"You're my best friend, you're my everything." You cried.
Everything felt empty. Time passed, life moved on. Your friends, your fellow students tried to console you while they grappled with the fact that Bakugou wasn’t around anymore. Your teachers looked at you with sad eyes, knowing that these things came with hero work but you were far too young to be dealing with it.
Graduating, something you had looked forward to for so long tasted like ash in your mouth. Standing there with your classmates taking pictures, everything was numb. All you could see was Bakugou laying in that hospital bed unmoving.
Life moved on but you felt like you stood still. You started working at the agency and you worked hard doing your best. The only thing you could do was be the best hero you could be to prevent people from getting hurt like Bakugou did. Even as you progressed and life moved on you felt like time was frozen.
After every shift you visited him, you would bring your dinner with you and eat in his room. You would tell him about your day. On good days you could convince yourself he could hear you.
Time moved on and less people visited. Your fellow students got busy with their hero careers. His parents visited on the weekends, Aizawa would visit once a month. Sometimes you ran into him. The two of you would sit there in silence.
“Do you visit him a lot?” Aizawa asked.
“Everyday.” You answered. “Almost every single day.”
“Why?” He asked, his gaze not moving from his former student.
“He’s my best friend. I can’t stand the thought of him sitting here alone.” You answered, a tear dripping down your cheek. “If he was awake I know we would see each other every day, it feels wrong to not see him. Even if he is asleep, even if he doesn’t know I’m here. I can't go without him, even if he's just laying here.”
“I understand.” He said.
Aizawa didn’t explain but you knew deep down he understood how you felt.
It took time, you had a lot of time to think when you weren't talking out loud to Bakugou's unconscious body.  It took time but you finally realized something.
You loved Bakugou Katsuki.
Not just the way someone loves their friend, no something deeper than that. Why else would someone spend every day with their unconscious friend? Even as years passed.
Looking back it all made sense, how validating it felt to tell Bakugou about the highs and lows of your life.  How much you focused on the small touches between you and him. How the thought of not spending the rest of your life with him tore you apart.
How had it taken you so long to realize?
Everything about him made you feel alive. His shining qualities, his flaws, his quirks, everything about him made you happy.  You loved him so deeply, how had you never known?
You loved Bakugou Katsuki and it was too late to do anything about it.
Years passed. Your career progressed, you climbed the hero charts and you became the hero you and Bakugou always aimed to be. Even if you had made it to the thing you wanted more than anything else in life it felt empty.
All you wanted was your best friend there with you. You wanted to tell him how you felt. Not just his unconscious body. You felt like a ghost, all of your friends lived their lives but you couldn’t enjoy it. You didn’t go out with them, you spent all your time with Bakugou at his bedside.
Every day you hoped, prayed he would wake up.
Time was an odd thing, getting old felt wrong. You looked older and so did Bakugou even if he laid there unmoving all this time. His hair was longer than it had been but you kept up with it. The nurses let you trim his hair, shave his facial hair when you had the time. It made you feel a little less helpless.
It had been a long day, a bad day. People died, people, you should have saved. You should have been fast enough, you should have been a better hero.
Sitting next to Bakugou you told him about your day.
“I moved, I reached to grab them but I wasn’t fast enough.” You said. “They died because I wasn’t fast enough.”
The tears streamed down your face. You reached forward grabbing his hand.
“You're here in this bed because I wasn’t fast enough, I was a bad partner I should have saved you. I should have taken the hit for you. I wish it was me in this bed, I wish I was dead.” You sobbed, breaths heavy it felt like you were suffocating. You were drowning, you had been since that day.
The sounds of your sobs were loud, your hand limply grasping at his. Your breathing stopped at the movement under your hand.
“Katsuki?” Your voice was barely above a whisper as you looked up at him. His eyes fluttered under his eyelids.
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part two
taglist:  @sugarmaplewings-fics @lilkiwisfinest @ewwis-but-more-otaku @kandy1410 @moonlightaangel @winnies-headcannons @bkghatesyou @paintedr0ses1 @toobsessedsstuff @spellboundxizi @ourladyofseijoh  @x0doodlebug0x @katsushimaa @mooncademia @moon-write @todominica @why-so-red @kvichisaki @curiouslilbeast @izukukozume @susceptible-but-siriusexual  @swankiifiied
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pocketramblr · 4 years
other main character meta- Ochako, pt 1
<part 2>
“Could you send me there?” you ask, while i blink, confused. “The world where someone else is the main character? not because i have any hypocritical biases against the one i got, just curious how the fandom meta changes.”
“Oh, yeah, sure.” I nod, thinking, before tapping my wand against your forehead. “Let’s start with Ochako.”
"I'm going to warn you now- I will have to slightly adjust the plot like I did with Mirio, just to actually let her be the main character."
"Yeah, that checks out." You nod, thinking about certain arcs where the female fighting teams get no coverage while the dudes get four different backstory reveals and full fight focus.
"Very well."
The show begins with a brief narration by the girl of quirks and super hero fights- all flashy. Then it zooms out to show the destruction, and a small construction team moving in as Ochako explains that just as there are new careers in society for heroes, there's also a bigger market for construction companies, one of which her own family runs.
"I've always wanted to help them with it, and my quirk would be useful"- a tiny, adorable Ochako finally appears, making rocks in a park float- "but to get a work license like that is expensive and selective- you've got to make a lot of court appearances and convince them why is a good idea and won't destroy the economy. It's much easier to get a hero license."
Then she explains: "Of course, once you have a hero license, you can make a lot more money than just by helping the company. Especially if... Your family company isn't doing very well." A series of tired but loving parents are shown working all hours to make ends meet.
"I want to help them- my parents. They've done everything for me, and they deserve a break. So that's why I'm going to be a hero- their hero."
The training montage is quick, using her quirk during school in training, after school in secret, around the house. She saves up money too, and studies, aiming for a scholarship.
She applies and tests for many hero schools, and the exams all vary widely.
The first episode ends with her looking up at UA, her final one, the one she really hopes to get into.
"Oh, that's nice." You nod. "And we even get to know her parents' quirks here."
"Yep." I agree. "In general, there's a lot more of a look at the financial side. It's pretty interesting."
"And the fandom?"
"Well, certain people get praised for the bare minimum, but I'll admit having a female lead is super uncommon for shonen jump." It's an improvement, though it's up in the air how much of one it will be. "There's also, because we saw a lot more hero schools, a ton of "students at different school" fics, either because they were expelled or because of the danger UA gets into."
"I do kinda feel like this universe is lucky for that sort of world building." You nod.
"It's very cool to see the takes on the aus. But, I will say there's a cost for this world building- the AfO stuff reeeeally comes out of nowhere and tends to not be popular with fans."
The next episode starts, and Ochako helps a boy from falling. "Love interest alert!" The fans notice quickly when the cute boy blushes and doesn't manage to say much before she walks away.
"They caught on quick." You note.
"And they aren't wrong." Not that it's any real feat to be right.
The exam starts, and Ochako is off in a flash. You see a few glimpses of future classmates- Iida, Aoyama, Kirishima.
She does well, racking up villain points and rescue points, until she's a little too ambitious and falls into the rubble. Her nausea is well established by now, everyone knows she's at her limit.
She can't get up.
The green haired boy comes back and stops the zero pointer.
And breaks every bone in the process.
Ochako saves him in return, lifting up the rubble and stopping his fall.
And then vomits violently afterwards.
"You know, I think quirks suck, actually." The fandom tends to agree on this after that episode/chapter. "But it is interesting that there's such a price for the powers, balances it really well."
"Ha." You shake your head. "They caught onto that, quicker."
"Yep." I can't even say it's more highlighted here, it's the exact same way it was shown in our universe- down to the sparkling rainbow puke.
"Though..." You can't quite imagine that's the only thing the fandom is saying isn't actually that great.
"Ding ding ding." I nod. "Did our own main character get treated just like a damsel in distress? Sure, she saved him back, but that just meant she could have floated away on her own in that time, even if it made her sick. Better that than dead. Is it the sexism?" I shrug. "Most decide to wait and see a bit, and by the time they work together in the first battle exercise figure it's a pretty even split between them saving each other."
"So no sexism?" You get happy at that thought.
I cough. "Ah, no. Both in the show and the fandom. You wouldn't believe how many grown men complain about the lady mc, even as they keep watching."
"And have her body pillow."
"Please don't make me think about that." I cover my eyes, but don't deny that it's true. "Anyway, yeah. Get ready for a lot of people to point out that even though the main character is a girl, every single other girl is flat as cardboard so far and that she only has developed friends that are guys."
"Hey, they aren't flat-"
"In the first season? Yeah they are. Unless you meant, physically, in which case..."
"I didn't." You protest. "But I guess I can see your point, at the start."
"Right. Let's continue on."
Uraraka goes to Present Mic to offer her points. The man pats her on the head, and skyrockets to the position of fandom dad.
"It's all about Dadmic and then Dadzawa here," I explain. "The fans were very disappointed to learn Mic wasn't her homeroom teacher, but yeah... He got a huge head start before Dadzawa fics got going."
"Nice. And it's all fanon?"
"Yeah, it may be a good thing he's not actually in it much, or they might realize how much they just made up on their own."
Then she gets accepted in, on hero and rescue points- she's third place overall, and she gets the scholarship.
On the first day of school, she actually gets to know her love interest's name- Midoriya!
There's also the quirk assessment, which really leads to the "expelled to another school" au and the "fire Aizawa and replace him with better Mic" aus, the first of which lasts much longer in the fandom use, but the second one was just as passionate for a while.
Iida becomes the second friend, and gives her the "Infinity Girl" nickname- which actually is the fandom assumption of what her hero name will be for quite a while, a la 'ground zero'.
Then it's time for All Might's first appearance on screen, to much applause of the students, and the announcement that they get their costumes.
During the first battle exercise, there's a lot more lingering camera work in the changing rooms. Ochako gets to expand a lot more on how she didn't want her costume to be that tight. It's uncomfortable, especially when she thinks about wearing it in front of everyone.
"Oh, I forgot she didn't like it at first... Does she just, get used to it here?" It sounds horrible for the plot to just say 'get used to it' to the main character being sexualized by costume makers outside of her control, especially as a child.
"Not on my watch." I mumble, waving the wand. "Don't worry, she'll actually get more costume changes each time, like some other characters."
"Oh good."
Mineta, regrettably, still exists. You find the fandom manages to be even more violent in his removal.
The battle does even out the opinions on Midoriya, as well as lead to a boost in Iida's with his charming little attempt at thinking villainously.
And cements Bakugo as rather hated. No one has really liked him, when the first thing he did was blow up at Midoriya, then get revealed to have called him a cruel nickname all this time. And then specifically hunt him down because all he cares about it beating him up.
"Yeah he's not gonna get a lot of fans here huh."
"He sure never gets first place in the popularity poll." I agree. "Most consider him the subversion of the rival trope to show is just stupid and violent and in real life, people like that don't go anywhere."
I look away. "How dumb of a discourse do you think you could see today?"
"Oh please, show me." You lean in. "It's nice to not have to deal with it in my universe, so I don't care."
The discourse is such.
Bakugo is gay-coded for Midoriya, the violence is a result of him being shoved off for a girl's love interest when she should be single and independent, and the homophobic creator is vilifying all gay people by saying they are predatory to poor straight boys with refused.
"They............... What."
"If it makes you feel better, that's a very brief minority of the fandom. My favorite response to it was "he's not gay-coded, he's bully coded you sanctimonious sumph of a shmuck.""
"Oh good," you sigh. "I'm glad we don't have to deal with actual queerphobic tropes like that."
I stare at you.
I sigh. "Nothing, put a pin in that until I bring up the predatory bi thing with Toga."
Your eyes widen, and you start to have some regrets.
"Anyway, we can talk shipping later. Time for more."
The 'exit sign Iida' gives him a boost in being shipped with Ochako, (as well as Yaoyorozu) and also the general idea that "Ochako has two hands."
That one hand can have a boyfriend with a lot of cash to spare for her and the other is also played with.
"I missed the main trio, like this." You smile as they walk off into the sunset after school.
"Yeah." I agree. "Anyway, time for some near death experiences."
The USJ marks the start of the gradual, gradual growth of Dadzawa fics. It also focuses far more on Ochako, Mina, Sero, and Iida having to think strategically to get around Kurogiri. It's only after Iida escapes that we cut back to a slightly abridged version of how Midoriya was doing, then the other kids, before help arrives.
He does still through his first non bone breaking punch though, which makes the audience happy.
All Might saves the day. Aizawa is battered afterwards. Many fans start out by saying they were disappointed, since this was supposed to be the first big fight, and the kids didn't do much. Many others say in response that's the point- we're looking at first years, they had to think and help each other, but in the end they had to rely on adults.
And then the sports festival is announced. They want to do well, because this is how they get work-week placements, which could become internship offers.
Ochako thinks about Hado Nejire, the only intern of a top ten hero, and senior at UA, along with a few others who are on the up and up. She's determined.
"Really? You're bringing in the big three early?" You ask, glancing at my wand.
It's not sparkling.
I cross my arms with a huff. "Look. Nejire is at this point the only intern in the top ten, she would have been recognizable to the students for that, even if they didn't recognize the big three (which really means that they aren't actually called the Big Three by everyone, or at least not a wide enough group for it to be as big a deal as it's treated. Anyway.) But she wasn't, even if she should have been the most famous of the bunch, considering the coverage the first years got in just their first night. That's because a certain someone doesn't actually think of his female characters much, but he has to in this universe, so."
"Ok, yeah, that's fair. So does that change the sports festival?"
"Not... Much." I admit.
“Well, keep in mind in the first universe, our main character didn’t make it past the second round in the one-on-one’s. So she’s not exactly guaranteed a win here either.”
You have to nod, admitting that is true.
“And the conflict isn’t so much about having to live up to any predecessor or breaking down some people’s walls via breaking bones.” I tap my wand against my chin, thinking. “There really is two- one about Midoriya, and one about Ochako’s parents.”
“One, there’s been the Uraraka’s not happy about how much danger Ochako’s been in. Its been hinted at in the phone calls, but really shows up when we get to see them at home before the SF for the first time since she moved for school. They aren’t sure if she can stay there herself, or if the right thing to do would be to pull her out and maybe try a smaller school.”
“I suppose that's fair, if they haven't been able to actually see her or her progress.”
“Right. The second one is- well. in this, Izuku’s win of the first round, and then breaking out of brainwashing, is more about really piling on how good his mind is- all that brain power. This adds more pressure when we see Ochako being offered a plan from him to beat Bakugo.”
“Oh that does sound neat.”
“Yep- but of course, she still refuses. It’s held up as a worse thing, strategically, initially- but then she comes up with a plan that Midoriya confirms in the stands is better than his, and proves to her parents that she’s smart and skilled enough to handle continuing at the school.”
You smile. “That is a cool arc to do, i guess, if very not traditional. But what about all the character setup and growth with Shinsou and Todoroki?”
“Oh, Shinsou’s largely gets delegated all the way later for the joint training arc, where Ochako’s team is directly against him. Todoroki...” I begin to giggle.
You wait for me to answer, getting more concerned the longer i laugh.
“Sorry, sorry, yeah. He actually tells her himself in this canon, a bit after stain. Oh! right, i forgot- the cheerleader incident.”
“Oh no.”
“Oh yes. of course they need this merch opportunity! But yes, it happens. The... shall we say, non-body-pillow portion of the fandom, generally saw it as the end of any goodwill to Kaminari, who had previously been seen as a tertiary possible love interest, since he’d flirted with her on the first day. Flirt, but harmless, and unlikely to be important. Then there was that breach of trust and international embarrassment, and anyway he’s basically the second least likely in 1a to be shipped with her now.”
“Wow. So none of that changed?”
“Well, the setup wasn’t under narration from Todoroki about how his mother was bought for her body and how much that sucked and impacted her and the family while on screen we see multiple girls tricked into barring their bodies and its treated as a laugh instead?”
You stare at me. “I’m not sure if that’s better or worse.”
“Neither am I.”
“So, the Todoroki reveal?”
“Right. So, first you need to know the Stain thing- the claims he has against ‘false’ heroes focusing on money is better spotlighted. After Stain’s arrest, Ochako hears a couple of sidekicks at Gunhead’s agency-”
“Wait!” you interrupt. “She still interned with Gunhead? Then what was the point of showing Nejire and Ryukyuu earlier?”
I try not to massage my forehead. “To build up to it. She only made it to the first of the final round, she couldn’t get an internship with a top tenner yet. She’s also got to learn how to disarm someone who fights with a knife. These things build up over more time, small steps.”
“Ah.” You’re satisfied, and let me continue.
“Right, so, Overhears a couple of them talking about Stain’s philosophy and ends up just feeling really bad about it for a bit, trying to figure out if she’s actually being selfish or a bad hero for, you know, wanting her family to not be crushed due to capitalism.”
“Poor girl.” You shake your head in sympathy, the freeze. “Oh. did not intend that pun.”
“It’s alright, i know what you mean. And yeah, she bottles it up for a bit, until the second day back at school. Then Iida reminds her that him bottling things up last week got several kids in mortal danger, and she begrudgingly admits that he has a point and tells them about what has been bugging her.”
“And they comfort her?”
“Well, Todoroki also offers to tell off Kaminari because at this point his mention of stain upset both her and iida, but yes, A lot of reassurances.”
You squint. “I feel like shippers.”
“You’re learning! Yes, Todoroki is just a bit behind Iida in terms of popularity shipping with her. and she does basically get shipped A Lot with each girl in her class too, like imagine double to triple the amount with each girl now, and for the minor guys- but yeah. There’s a lottttt of ships. This was basically called ‘todoroki’s introduction into ochako’s harem’ in the fandom.”
Shipping. fandom just can’t escape it.
“So, then she learns about Todoroki’s past? oh, and what about Hosu? Does she- and everyone else- actually think Endeavor saved the three??”
I snort. “Oh, no. Todoroki’s flat ‘yeah my father totally helped us, as you read on the official report’ basically tipped the fandom off that something else had. But nothing confirmed either, you know? Filling in the hosu gap is another trope in fics that is pretty common.”
“Yep. But yeah Todoroki tells her his backstory a bit after his introduction into her ‘harem’ of friends. It’s really played up more to caution Ochako- its alright for her to want to help her family, and to work for money to do that. But Rei accepted the marriage offer for money for her family too, and it ended up breaking her. Ochako has to accept a balance- she can work to help her family, and its good, but there are some things she cannot morally do to help them, and other things that she shouldn’t do because she has to take care of her own health first.”
“Ohhhh.” You hadn’t quite expected that, but you sorta liked it, now that you thought about it.
I smile. “It is pretty neat, yeah.” I glance at my watch. “Look, i hate to cut you off, but this post is gonna end up thrice the length of Mirio’s and i think tumblr might stop me, so we’re gonna have to do a two-parter.”
“That’s fine.” You are gracious for what you’ve gotten so far, and do have questions that you’re excited to see answered for the rest of the series. “It’s been fun.”
“It has been.” I agree. “Lets take a break, but you can ask me any questions too, before I return for part two.”
<part 2>
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Top 10 Controversial Horror Films That Are Famous For All The Wrong Reasons *gags* *cries*
At the beating heart of horror is offence.
From that undeniable sense of something not being quite right, to the CGI-blood-spurtin’-adrenaline-fuelled scenes that leave us shaking in our boots, horror pivots on the knife edge of controversy.
It’s used to drive plots. It’s used to drive hype. And at the end of the month, it drives studio executives to the bank.
Horror films can be traumatic enough. But there are some films that bear the cross of controversy more than others. There are some films that have been branded as so damaging to their potential viewers that merely circulating copies of the film is illegal.
And yet their infamy has forged cult viewership. What was once shielded from us has now become ‘must see’.
Today we are going to be counting down horror’s most controversial films and what made them quite so topical.
*I’m going to star the ones that you can actually watch without getting traumatised. Some are controversial not because of their content but because some religious or political groups disagreed with them*
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#10 - The Blair Witch Project (1999)*
Let’s ease in with a classic - a classic you can watch without sleeping with the light on.
In this found-footage flick we see a team of film students as they explore a local urban legend. But what they find leads them to unknown and ungodly territory.
The problem with this film is that it was marketed as a true story. No, not based on a true story, a true story. Yep, they claimed what we were seeing was real, found footage of some teens going mad as they forage deeper into mysterious woods.
IMBd went so far as to report that the actors were dead. Then, the movie studio super-charged their efforts to confirm to the public that not only was this film 100% real, the three main actors were still missing. The parents of the actors then started receiving sympathy cards.
There’s even a mocked up website that perpetuates these claims. 
#9 - Night Of The Living Dead (1968)*
Time for another not-too-disturbing film.
This is the original zombie apocalypse film saw a group of Americans attempt to survive an incoming attack of the undead while trapped in a rural farmhouse.
But the Motion Picture Association of America wasn’t too happy about it. The film rating system was yet to be in place, allowing children to also show up for an afternoon screening and be greeted by a 97 minute montage of extreme violence.
“The kids in the audience were stunned. There was almost complete silence. The movie had stopped being delightfully scary about halfway through, and had become unexpectedly terrifying. There was a little girl across the aisle from me, maybe nine years old, who was sitting very still in her seat and crying”
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#8 - Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (1986)
In this psychological film, we watch a random crime spree take place at the hands of a couple serial killers. Loosely based on real murderers Henry Lee Lucas and Ottis Toole, its controversial reputation was founded on the gore ‘n’ guts screened in the movie.
Whilst it didn’t receive much attention from the public, various classification boards across the world ensured new versions edited with certain scenes - often involving sexual assault and necrophilia - removed for viewers.
In 2003, the BBFC (the UK classification board) finally allowed the uncut version to be released and Australia followed suit in 2005.
#7 - I Spit On Your Grave (1978)
It’s the original rape-revenge flick. And it managed to piss everyone off.
Originally titled Day of the Woman, it tells the story of a fiction writer who exacts revenge on a group of four men who gang rape her.
Despite its pro-women claim-to-fame, the 30 minute rape scene begs to differ. Furious debate surrounds its feminist label as a film that forces the audience to endure rape from a female perspective and long-winded violence against men (something which is often reserved for women in horror). Regardless, the graphic violence earned it a steady ban in Ireland, Norway, Iceland, and West Germany.
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#6 - Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984)*
You don’t get many controversial Christmas films. They typically stick to a cookie-cutter plot ‘n’ purpose every holiday season. But there are no strong women who need to rediscover the meaning of Christmas here.
Instead, we see a child traumatised by seeing his parents murdered on Christmas Eve go on a seasonal rampage as an adult.
A week after its release in the early 80s, it was pulled from theatres due to backlash. Marketing was focused on a Santa Claus killer with adverts often airing during family-friendly TV programmes and meant numerous children developed a phobia of Father Christmas. Large crowds protested cinemas with one notable protest involving angry families singing carols at the Interboro Quad Theater in The Bronx.
It was only in 2009 - 25 years after its original release - that a DVD of the film was first made available for purchase in the UK.
#5 - Psycho (1960)*
This legendary film follows the disappearance of a young woman after her encounter with a strange man called Norman Bates, one of horror’s most iconic figures. The controversy that would engulf this fim lay not in the violent attack on an innocent woman or even the disturbing content of the film.
Oh, no. It was because of what the leading lady was wearing.
In the opening scene of the film, we see Janet Leigh wearing nothing but a bra.
This racy attire was emblazoned across promotional material, meeting Hitchcock’s high standards of creating controversy around the movie. There was a no late admission policy for movie theaters, and the posters told viewers “Do not reveal the surprises!” to maintain a mysterious aura around the plot twist.
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#4 - The Human Centipede (2009) (all of ‘em)
I’ve watched a lot of horror films, in case you couldn’t tell.
I’m used to watching a scary movie, shaking off the anxiety, and moving on with my life. But there are some that stayed with me. I only watched the trailer for the first movie, and it legitimately traumatised me. It gave me quite a severe, sudden bout of a depression for a solid month when I was 13.
Throughout horror’s goriest franchise, we see an evil doctor and amateur mad scientist attempt to sow several people together into a centipede-like chain from mouth to anus.
At the heart of promoting the franchise was controversy. Tom Six, the director, forced a narrative that claimed from the first film that this was "100% medically accurate". He even alleged a Dutch doctor helped inspire the film, confirming that with an IV drip, this was entirely possible.
Although it didn’t receive furore that amounted to serious censorship or long-term banning, it was infamous for having its viewers vomiting in the cinema aisles.
The second film, however, was subject to much more severe controversy and could not legally be supplied in the UK until 2011 due to its heavy focus on sexual abuse, more graphic violence than the original film, and it’s pretty vile depiction of a murderer that was intellectually disabled.
Audiences were used to the graphic nature of the franchise by the third and final release. As the least-controversial and least-enjoyable film according to critics, it barely made a dent in the horror community.
Good riddance, I guess?
#3 - Faces Of Death (1978)
I’m not sure I’d recommend this one per se - but I will give it credit for being an interesting project.
This documentary-style film is a montage of footage of people dying in different ways. As a result of its very graphic and very real content, it was banned and censored in many countries. Only in 2003 was it released on DVD in the UK after a scene was cut featuring dogs fighting and a monkey being beaten to death.
Germany, Australia, and New Zealand followed suit, reversing their bans and releasing edited versions.
However, 7 years after its release, the media revamped its interest in the film after a maths teacher showed it to his class at a Californian high school. Two of his students claimed they were so traumatised they received a costly settlement to reimburse their emotional distress. Things took a darker turn a year later, when a 14 year old bludgeoned a classmate to death with a baseball bat; he claimed he wanted to see what it would be like to actually kill someone after watching Faces of Death.
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#2 - Cannibal Holocaust (1980)
This Italian film’s title alone hints towards two frightening things: flesh-eating humans and genocide. In this found-footage movie we see an anthropologist lead a rescue team into the Amazon rainforest to find a group of filmmakers that went missing.
The rampant graphic content including sexual assault and animal cruelty showcased in the film (7 animals were killed during filming in some pretty horrific ways) led to it being banned in 50 countries.
Some also alleged that a handful of deaths seen in the film were real, as were the missing film crew. In fact, the actors portraying the documentarians signed contracts that stopped them appearing in motion pictures for an entire year to maintain the illusion of reality.
And only 10 days after its premiere, the director was charged with obscenity and the film confiscated. All copies were to be turned over to the authorities. There are currently a range of versions that have been edited to varying degrees and are allowed for circulation.
#1 - A Serbian Film (2010)
Don’t do it. Don’t watch this film.
A Serbian Film follows a retired porn star who agrees to feature in an “art film” for some cash. Little does he know this film will include rape, incest, pedophilia, necrophilia…
Just don’t watch it.
It is still banned in South Korea, New Zealand, Australia. It is supposedly a parody of politically correct films made in Serbia that are funded by foreign groups and allegedly speaks openly about post-war society and the struggle for survival.
*shakes head*
Off to have a 3 hour shower, brb.
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renjuseyo · 3 years
Can I request a Lucas x male reader where Lucas is trying to ask reader to prom but reader always gets distracted by friends or is too busy with school activities. Then when Lucas gets the chance to reader says no. But reader surprised Lucas with a date at the place Lucas asked him to be his boyfriend. P.S. They are already together for 2 years. P.P.S. I love your writings stay healthy and make sure to take care of yourself
prom ; lucas
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group: nct / wayv / superm
pairing: wong yukhei / reader (male)
synopsis: yukhei only has one goal in mind: to ask you out to prom in the most perfect way possible.
genre: fluff
i had a bit of writer’s block with this one, but i hope this is what you wanted anon! ^^ as always, feedback is greatly appreciated~~
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“my plan is absolutely foolproof. there’s no possible way it could fail.”
“that’s what fools say.”
yukhei climbs to a seated position on his bed, folding his arms in a huff. “why would you say that, dude? way to encourage a guy.”
yangyang doesn’t even bat an eye, adding details to a sheep he’s doodling on his economics assignment. “well, when you put it like that, it’s going to spite the universe and make your plan fall apart on its head.”
dejun nods in agreement, tapping on his phone. he’s probably texting that guy he’s been eyeing from his history class, or playing solitaire like the old man he is at heart. “the universe loves playing tricks on happy, unsuspecting people.” he sets his phone down to look straight at yukhei. “happy, unsuspecting people like you. i love your confidence, but i’m just saying. don’t get all mopey if something does happen.”
he crosses his legs, pouting. “i get what you’re saying, but come on, how can a simple promposal go wrong?” dejun and yangyang give him a knowing look, one that screams there are several things that could go wrong, actually. “if it were a big, extravagant one, maybe, but come on. i’m taking (name) out to sushi and bringing him a bouquet of flowers. what’s the worst that could happen?”
“well, he could get food poisoning from the sushi.”
“or he pricks himself from the flowers.”
“or he-”
“i didn’t literally ask you guys!” yukhei interrupts, exasperated. dejun and yangyang give him a mischievous smirk. “you two are horrible.”
yangyang blows him an air kiss. “just here to give you a reality check, my love.”
the two had originally gone over to yukhei’s house for a study party, but seeing how dejun was on his bedroom floor playing solitaire, and yangyang was doodling sheep all over his assignment, they were doing anything but. somewhere along their “study session”, someone had brought up the topic of prom, which was to happen in four weeks. while the two of them had no big plans for promposals (because dejun is waiting for the guy from his history class to make the first move, and yangyang is perfectly content being single), yukhei had constructed a plan to ask his boyfriend of two years to prom.
yangyang sets his pencil down and spins around from his seat. “what happened to your love for big, extravagant promposals? i remember you gushing about that kind of stuff all the time,” he comments.
“(name) doesn’t like being in the spotlight. i think i’ll just make him uncomfortable if i pull one of those stunts with people nearby,” yukhei explains. he would be lying if he said he’s never thought of creating the most memorable promposal for him. hey, it’s not his fault he just wants to flaunt his cute boyfriend for the world to see.
dejun and yangyang nod in understanding, except they don’t, because they relish in the spotlight. “well, prom is in four weeks. will you even have the time to ask him?” dejun asks. “your boyfriend practically drowns himself in homework. plus, he’s on the student council.”
“we both may be busy with school and clubs, but mark my words when i say i’ll get to him!”
“well, as taken as you and your boyfriend are, i hope you realize that there are still people who’ll be lining up to ask you two,” yangyang points out.
yukhei pats his chest, a confident smile making it way back to his lips. “i’m not worried that someone else will woo him. he has me, after all!”
yangyang gags. “gross. i feel sorry for him.”
dejun nods in agreement, cringing. “me too... yangyang, come on, let’s actually be studious and do our homework, unlike that one there,” he sneers, pulling out a pen from his pencil pouch.
yukhei looks at them, exasperated. “oh now you two choose to do your homework?! where was this attitude when i told you two to work on it earlier?!” he exclaims.
dejun shrugs. “i have no idea what you’re talking about. as far as i’m concerned, yangyang and i are students who actually focus on our work.” he gestures at himself and said boy, but the way he’s hunched over his economics assignment doodling more sheep completely contradicts his words. “seriously yangyang? work with me here!” he shrieks, smacking his back.
the younger hisses in pain, glaring at him. “leave me alone! let me draw in peace!”
the older snorts, swiping his pencil away from him. yangyang makes a noise of protest, lunging at dejun to retrieve his pencil, and soon the two are engaged in a fight, limbs tangled together. yukhei can only watch in disappointment. sure, he’s chaotic, but his energy is no match for them. their energy seems to multiply when the two of them are together.
yukhei turns his attention back to the calculus textbook on his lap, ignoring the fight ensuing before him. though his mind is mainly focused on the problems on the pages, a part of him recalls dejun’s words. there isn’t many reasons for him to be worried about his plans backfiring, but then again, the universe has always loved to meddle with people’s affairs. he just hopes it will treat him kindly this time around.
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though it’s your final year of high school, you and yukhei only share one class together, to his dismay. even in the hour he gets to spend with you, you’re too busy focusing on the lesson at hand. there’s always lunchtime, too, but both of you have your own respective friend groups, so even if you two are dating, you two spend more time eating with your friends than with each other. he doesn’t really mind, but now that he plans on enacting his plan, not seeing you often will make things harder.
after the bell rings, signalling the beginning of lunch, he makes a beeline out of the door and dashes towards the cafeteria. thanks to a secret source (which is really just shotaro and really isn’t a secret), he learns that you usually eat lunch on the roof of the school.
when he pushes open the door to the roof, he’s relieved to see you with your friends. at the sound of a newcomer, you all turn to look at the door. “yukhei?” you ask, surprised.
his smile widens upon seeing you. “hey (name)!” he chirps.
your friend sungchan raises a brow. “not often we see you here, lucas. do you need something?” he asks.
“yeah, i actually need to talk to you, (name).”
you stand up, slinging your backpack over his shoulder. “sorry, can it wait? we kind of have plans,” you tell him. 
yukhei gives them a quizzical look, which doesn’t go unnoticed by you or your friends. “it’s jisung’s birthday today,” jaemin explains. “we’re treating him to food later.”
he recognizes the name; jisung is a first year student who has become increasingly popular thanks to his position on the dance team. he’s also one of your friends and someone you tutor. now that he thinks about it, he recalls yangyang mentioning something about his birthday this morning, but he didn’t pay much attention. maybe he should have. “oh, okay. well, are you free later today?” he asks, sending you a hopeful look.
judging from your apologetic smile, he already can guess the answer is no. “sorry, we’re holding a surprise party for him later. i think i’m probably going to stay over at his house, too.”
renjun, who’s standing beside you, gags. “you two are so sweet, it’s kind of sickening.”
you turn to glare at him, who snickers at your look. “how? and you’re one to talk, mr. i-miss-jeno-even-though-i-saw-him-twenty-minutes-ago,” you spit. his expression is quick to contort to one of embarrassment, spluttering at the name of his boyfriend. yukhei feels like you don’t even realize his presence anymore.
to regain your attention, he clears his throat. “can you spare just a minute? i promise it’ll be quick.”
you turn to face him, but not before sticking your tongue out at a glowering renjun. “oh, s-” you’re cut off when your phone dings, and you glance at the screen to read the notification. a few seconds later, you look back up at him. “on second thought, i don’t think i can, sorry. chenle just texted me saying he and jisung just left mr. jung’s classroom. we should get going now.”
your friends nod and begin packing their belongings. once they’re all set, they walk towards the doorway leading back into the building, where he’s standing. they all pour into the small doorway, leaving you and yukhei alone. “sorry, how about next time?”
yukhei nods. it’s not like he can stop you from celebrating your friend’s birthday, unless he wants to be perceived as a jerk. “no worries, go celebrate jisung’s birthday. make his day a memorable one,” he reassures, smiling.
making sure your friends are far enough, you lean forward and peck him on the lips, catching him off guard. once you lean back, you smirk upon seeing his flustered expression. “catch you another time~”
and with that, you jog back inside to catch up to your friends, leaving a blushing yukhei behind. sure, his first attempt didn’t quite go the way he expected, but he’s not particularly disappointed, considering how he got a kiss from you. plus, there are plenty of other times to ask you again.
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perhaps asking you to prom might be harder than yukhei had anticipated.
after jisung’s birthday, he had waited to catch you again when you were free, but you were occupied with homework, as well as duties of being on the student council. apparently jisung’s birthday was the only day you were free. as much as he sympathizes with you, he would be lying if he said he wasn’t disappointed. he hasn’t even been able to talk to you, let alone treat you to a proper meal.
after several weeks of not talking to you, he decides it’s time to take matters into his own hands. if he can’t take you out on a proper date, then he’ll just bring it to you! after inquiring his friends yerim and mark for your schedule, he learns that fridays are normally your free days. he recalls the previous fridays where you were too busy to hang out with him, catching up on projects and avoiding deadlines, so he hopes that this friday you’ll be free.
after school one afternoon, yukhei catches you by your locker, talking to two people he recognizes from the student council. as soon as you see him, you wave the two farewell, and they go their separate ways. he leans against your locker door, smiling down at you. “hello my sweet~” he greets.
though you smile back at him, he can tell you’re drained, judging from the way your eyes flutter close and the yawn that rips out of your throat. “hi,” you greet. “sorry, it’s been a long week.”
he watches as you sluggishly shut the door. “tired?” he asks, draping an arm over your shoulder.
he hums in delight as you lean into his arm, warm and snug. “that’s an understatement,” you tiredly sigh. “i thought being the secretary was easier than the president, but i’m exhausted. all this filing and meetings can really kick a guy’s ass. i finally finished my biology report, but i still have to study for the history test that’s on tuesday. i don’t know how mark does it, being the president and captain of the basketball team. he doesn’t even have bad grades, either.”
yukhei laughs upon hearing you rant, leaning down to press a chaste kiss on the crown of your head. “i’m sure it must be hard. do you think your tired self is up for sushi, though?”
at the mention of food, you instantly perk up. “you know i can never say no to food.”
once you two walk out of the building, pushing through the swarms of students gathered by the entrance, you both head towards the bus stop. five minutes later, you both board the bus and are lucky enough to snag seats. in the ten minutes it takes to get to the sushi restaurant you two often frequent, he’s surprised to see you fast asleep on his shoulder. you really must be tired, because you don’t normally fall asleep so quickly.
ten minutes later, he nudges you awake (he has to refrain from pinching your cheeks at your dazed state), and you both step off the vehicle. five minutes of walking later, you approach the restaurant. for a friday evening, he supposes he’s lucky to have gotten there without it being packed.
you both greet the waitress by the entrance, who leads you both to a booth near the back. after serving you both your beverages and menus, she slinks away, presumably to attend to other patrons. as you browse through the menu, wondering what to order, yukhei glances at you, who seems too concentrated on the menu before you to notice him. he mentally reviews his plan for what seems to be the twentieth time today: order food, eat, pretend to go to the restroom and head to the flower shop next door, and woo you into going to prom with him. what could possibly go wrong?
(upon saying this statement, he learns that’s the worst possible thing you could say. at least, if you want the universe to mess with your plans.)
after discussing what you two will order, he waves down the waitress from earlier, who gets both of your orders. you two spend around five minutes catching up on your lives, talking about upcoming events and games at school. soon your food arrives, and you both dig in. he doesn’t realize how much he’s missed you until he sees the way your eyes twinkle as you happily recall the time the vending machine malfunctioned and gave you two bags of skittles instead of one. it’s endearing, seeing you get excited over the little things.
as you pluck some calamari out of a small bowl, he realizes it’s time to put his plan in action. “hey (name), i’m going to the bathroom. feel free to order some more food if you want, it’s all on me~”
“when you put it that way, it’s like you’re begging to go broke,” you joke, though you nod nonetheless. yukhei gets up and makes a beeline to the restroom. he stands in front of the entrance, peeking behind the wall to make sure you don’t see him. a few seconds later, he quietly sneaks back towards the entrance. luckily, you’re too occupied with the food to notice him.
he steps out of the store and heads straight for the flower shop next door. when he steps inside, the bell above the door jingles, signalling a newcomer. “welcome to yong’s flowers~!” a florist chirps.
“hey hyung,” he greets. the florist turns away from a pot of tulips, revealing a bright smile and even brighter hair. “i came here for the flowers i was telling you about.”
the florist nods, heading towards the back. when he returns, he brandishes a bouquet of red roses to him. “here you go!”
when yukhei moves his hand to his pocket, the florist waves a dismissive hand. “don’t worry about it, it’s on the house. i hope things go well with you and (name)~” he hums, giving him a cheeky smirk.
normally he would decline the kind offer, but he needs to get back to the restaurant soon, otherwise you’ll get suspicious. “thanks, taeyong-hyung. i’ll pay you back next time! wish me luck!” with that, he waves him farewell and exits the store.
he runs straight back to the restaurant, bouquet in hand. the waitress from earlier seems to notice the new addition, sending him a knowing smile. he pays no mind to it though, simply heading straight to you. he notices three new plates on the table, but hey, he isn’t complaining. you haven’t had the chance to properly eat the past week, if you count salads as a proper meal. when you look up from your salmon belly, your eyes widen at the roses in his hands.
it’s now or never, he supposes. he sits on his seat, bashfully sliding the bouquet to you. “i’ve been wanting to do this for the past week, but you’ve been pretty busy, so i haven’t been able to catch you alone. but (name) (last name), would you do me the honor of being my prom date?” he asks, sending you a hopeful look and a bright smile to top off the look.
silence envelops the room, save for chefs yelling and the stove roaring back in the kitchen. from the corner of his eyes, yukhei realizes that the lack of patrons means extravagant movements like his are bound to be noticed by everyone. plus, he wasn’t exactly quiet when he popped the question. he usually doesn’t care, anyways, thriving in the attention. even now, he has nothing to be worried about. besides, he knows what your answer will be.
apparently not.
eyes still wide, you slowly remove the wooden chopsticks from your lips, placing it on your empty plate. he assumes your eyes are still wide out of shock, but when the silence gets too loud for his liking, his smile falters. “(name)...?”
you rapidly blink back to reality. “oh, right, sorry. um...” you take in your surroundings, and he suddenly wonders if this was too flashy for your liking. he watches you with bated breath; you look like you’re doing some mental calculations, eyebrows furrowed like they are when you encounter a particularly difficult question on a test. after you ponder the several options laid out in your head, you take a deep breath, giving him your most sincere look. “i’m sorry, i don’t think i can accept this.”
those nine words and thirty-one letters are enough to crush yukhei’s spirit, evident by the way he visibly deflates. he quickly regains his composure, hoping the smile he has is enough to assure you he’s fine. but from the way you grimace, he can tell he’s doing a poor job at it. “it’s not your fault yukhei, i promise! it’s just...” your voice falters, and the same, contemplative look from earlier returns. “i have something important i have to do that day. i’m sorry.”
no one seems to have seen this rejection coming, and he mentally reprimands himself for thinking of every scenario except the one where you reject him. apparently he looks so devastated that the curious eyes from earlier immediately turn their attention elsewhere, probably not wanting to put him in the spotlight any further. sure, he feels embarrassed, but most importantly, he’s curious. what could you possibly have to do on prom? it’s a friday night, meaning you should be free... maybe you’re occupied with student council duties? but if that’s the case, you would just tell him that. there’s no reason to hide it.
maybe you just don’t want to go with him.
the thought leaves a sour taste in his mouth, but he tries to shake it off. “oh, okay. don’t worry about it,” he says, tone flat. you try to change the topic and compliment the roses and thank him for the food, but no matter what you say, the ugly feeling of disappointment still settles itself in his stomach.
the rest of your dinner is relatively uneventful. yukhei doesn’t want to make you feel more guilty than you already feel, so he tries his best to engage himself in your conversations. after you two eat your fill, he pays for you both (and is surprised to see that the waitress from earlier docks off the price of a few plates. does he really look that pitiful?) and leaves the restaurant. the sun has set, and it won’t be long before the sky darkens.
he approaches the bus stop, waiting for your bus to take you home. “well, i guess we part ways now. see you next week?” he asks.
you nod, clutching the bouquet of roses in your hands. though you had rejected his promposal, he still pushed you to take the roses, claiming he wouldn’t have anywhere to place them at home when in reality, he just didn’t want to be reminded of his failure. “yeah.” you send him another apologetic smile. “again, i’m really sorry. i promise you it isn’t because of you, it’s just...” your voice trails off again. “i have plans.”
he makes the mistake of wondering if these plans mean you’ve accepted someone else’s offer. no, that can’t be it... we’ve been dating for two years. he wouldn’t just accept someone else’s offer. (name) isn’t like that, he attempts to reason. pushing these thoughts away before he says something he’ll regret, he nods. “don’t worry about it, it’s okay.” as if on cue, the bus begins to roll up in front of you two before coming to a halt. “well, your bus is here. get home safe.”
you smile, letting a few people off before boarding the bus. “you too. thanks for the meal and the flowers,” you thank.
he waves, making sure you’re safely aboard before beginning his journey back home. as he does, his phone goes off a few times, and when he checks them, he sees messages from taeyong, dejun, and yangyang. he assumes they’re texting to see how things turned out with you and him.
yukhei pockets his phone and continues walking.
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after that failed promposal, yukhei distances himself from you for a few days. seeing you will only bring unwarranted frustration, and the last thing he wants is to blame you for something that isn’t your fault. he decides to distract himself by hanging out with his friends. while his friends prove to be a useful distraction, he would be lying if he said he didn’t miss you.
no one knows why you’ve turned down his promposal. everyone who knew about his not-so-secret plan had fully expected you to accept with open arms. even your friends were genuinely shocked. as they chattered among themselves, wondering what could have prompted the rejection (because what secretive plans could you possibly have during prom?), he noticed that only renjun and sungchan remained silent. looking back, perhaps they knew more than they let on, but at the moment, he was too focused on getting answers from your friends to notice.
it’s been two weeks since that incident, and there are only two more weeks until prom. dejun and yangyang had came over for a sleepover, and right now he’s lying upside-down on his bed, listening to dejun rant about how history boy (who he later learns goes by hendery) finally asked him out to prom. yangyang’s sitting beneath him, scrolling through tiktok, unamused.
“it wasn’t anything extravagant. he asked me for a pencil like usual, and who am i to say no?” dejun begins.
yangyang shoots him an incredulous look. “anyone who asks you for a pencil everyday without making an effort to bring their own are just pathetic. didn’t you say he forgot to give you back your nice mechanical pencils for a week?”
he rolls his eyes. “yeah, but he paid me back by buying me a pack of twelve. and they were the nice papermate ones, too! anyways, as i was saying,” he continues, “i gave it to him like normal, and class went by as usual. but when he was returning it to me after class, there was a note attached to it asking me to prom-”
“and you’re swooning over that? i took you for someone who cried over love confessions in the rain, not promposals written on lined paper during history,” yangyang interrupts again. now that yukhei thinks about it, it does sound a little funny. like him, dejun has always liked romantic gestures. he never would’ve thought a written note would be the thing to sweep him off his feet.
he huffs in embarrassment, glaring at the younger. “be quiet. when you have someone to actually swoon over, you’ll understand what i mean.”
yangyang rolls his eyes. “good thing i’ll be single forever.”
now that they’re on the subject of promposals, he makes the mistake of thinking back to two weeks ago. “i’m glad to hear that you’re happy. i hope you’ll have fun with hendery,” he comments.
at this, dejun and yangyang quickly turn to face him. they seem to have remembered the incident, too, evident from the guilty look in their eyes. “i’m sorry, i forgot...” dejun’s voice trails off, and yukhei suddenly wants to erase the pitying look in his eyes.
instead, he waves a dismissive hand. “it’s all good. if it comes down to it, i’ll just take yangyang with me, right?”
yangyang shrugs. “or we can just stay at my place and binge video-games and order pizza.” he pauses to ponder his suggestion before shrugging. now that he doesn’t plan on taking you, there’s no reason to go and spend the night dancing in a stuffy suit.
just then, his phone buzzes. when he glances to read the new notification, he expects everything except a message from you. since that event, you both hadn’t talked to each other very often. while it was probably because you were swamped with school and student council duties, he can’t help but wonder if you were avoiding him like he was with you.
(name) <3: hey! are you busy right now? [06:59 PM]
“who is it?” yangyang asks, sitting up to peek over his shoulder. yukhei doesn’t move his phone away fast enough, because then the younger frowns. “(name) finally texted you after what, weeks of not talking to you?”
he frowns. “in his defense, i was doing the same, too.”
“yeah, but you had a reason to. because you were upset,” dejun corrected. “did he seriously not once question why you suddenly stopped talking to him?”
he rolls his eyes. “you two make it sound more serious than it actually is. plus, he’s been busy with school. it’s not like his world revolves around me.” he pointedly decides to not add the part where it’s the opposite for him.
you: what do you need? :) [07:00 PM]
yangyang snorts. “with a smiley? dude, you’re whipped.”
“shut up.”
(name) <3: i was wondering if you could meet me at the gym at school in an hour? i’m pretty sure i left something by the bleachers, and i don’t really want to go alone;;; [07:04 PM]
yukhei raises a questioning eyebrow. did you seriously not notice how he had been avoiding you? you’ve always been sharp, so this was surprising. dejun, who’s now seated on his opposite side, seems to notice this, too. “wow, he’s really acting like nothing happened. if he knew you were upset with him, he wouldn’t have contacted you in the first place.”
“if he left something in the gym, it’s not a surprise he’d ask me. i have a spare key to the gym, after all.”
“why do you have it? shouldn’t that be mark?”
he shrugs. “he always loses his things, so he told me to hold on to it.”
yangyang nudges his shoulder. “well? what are you going to tell him?”
of course yukhei’s going to go. it’s almost dark, so it’s not safe for anyone to be out by themselves. plus, as disappointed as he is with his botched attempt of a promposal, it’s you. he can never get mad at people for long, much less if it’s you.
you: sure~ do you need a ride there? [07:06 PM]
(name) <3: no, but thanks for the offer ^^ see you then! [07:08 PM]
he turns off his phone and looks up at his friends, who are looking at him with an expectant look. “don’t give me that look. it’ll be quick, i promise.”
yangyang rolls his eyes. “that’s what you said last time, and then you ended up sleeping over at (name)’s house. do you know how awkward it was, telling your mom that you practically ditched us?”
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an hour later, yukhei waves farewell to dejun and yangyang, who decided to play video-games in his room to pass time. as he gets into his car and drives back to their school, he wonders what you could’ve possibly forgotten that was so important.
ten minutes later, he parks to a stop and gets out of his car. after locking it, he walks towards the gym, though he sees no signs of you.
you: hey, i just got here. are you here yet? :0 [08:20 PM]
not long after, you reply back.
(name) <3: hey!! sorry, i’ll be right there [08:20 PM]
unsure of what to do to pass time, yukhei leans against the gym doors. out of curiosity, he decides to rattle the handle to see if it’s actually locked. to his shock, the door swings open upon being pushed, leading him to a pitch black room. the alarms installed in his head, the ones from being tricked into a haunted house by his friends, go off in his head, but unsurprisingly, curiosity trumps his fear. thus, mustering all of the courage in him, he shakily turns on the flashlight on his phone and timidly steps into the gymnasium.
it’s dark and empty, like it should be. so why were the doors unlocked, he wonders? the janitor at school is quite meticulous, so he couldn’t have looked over unlocked doors. maybe...
no, this is not a horror movie, he stubbornly thinks to himself. don’t scare yourself like that! as if on cue, a loud thud echoes throughout the gym, and he stills, unable to move a single limb. this is it. oh my god, am i going to die?
from what yukhei can tell, there seems to be two - maybe three - guys, distinctly whispering among themselves by the corner. the alarms from earlier are urging him to bolt out of the gym and tell you he couldn’t make it, but fear takes over, and he’s frozen.
“...sungchan, you idiot! you’re going to give up our position!” a familiar voice hisses.
“it’s not my fault it’s too dark! you know long limbs and the dark don’t mix well together!” another whispers.
wait. now that he can hear them, the voices sound a lot like renjun’s and sungchan’s.
“renjun? sungchan?” yukhei nervously calls out. because as familiar as those voices are, they could very well be impostors that plan on killing him in the middle of the night. “is that you two?”
he can practically hear them freeze; if the lights were on, they’d probably be comically staring at each other with wide eyes. suddenly, a third voice can be heard. “i knew i should’ve asked jeno or jaemin instead,” he quietly grumbles.
he knows that voice all too well.
before he can say another word, the lights suddenly switch on, blinding him. a few seconds after he’s adjusted to the light, he blinks, and sees you standing underneath the basketball hoop, head buried behind a poster board and a bouquet of red tulips with rose petals scattered by your feet. renjun and sungchan are standing by the light switch, awkwardly waving at him. when he turns his attention back to you, his eyes widen at the poster. there are doodles of hearts and basketballs on its borders, but it’s the words in the middle that catches his attention.
will you go to prom with me?
“what... what is all of this?” yukhei asks, dumbfounded.
seeing how you’re flushed with embarrassment, refusing to remove your head from the poster, renjun steps up. “it’s a promposal. what else could this be?”
his eyes wander back to your shrunken frame, and he can see you timidly peeking behind the poster board. “um... surprise?”
still stunned, he slowly walks to you, shoes brushing against the rose petals. “i can tell... but, i thought...?”
knowing what’s to come, you sheepishly smile. “i spent a long time trying to come up with something that you’d like, since i know you like big, romantic gestures. i turned you down because i wanted to be the one who asked you,” you explain, fiddling with the bouquet.
“wait, wait. when you said you had plans that day...?”
“i was lying,” you laugh. “i didn’t expect you to ask me, so i just came up with a lame excuse on the whim. i’m really sorry for upsetting you, but i didn’t want to ruin the surprise.”
now yukhei knows why renjun and sungchan were so quiet the day he asked your friends about your alleged plans on prom. there are still a few questions he has, but he’s relieved to see everything led to this surprise. at least now he doesn’t need to fret about his insecurities.
“how’d you get in here?” he asks, intertwining his fingers with yours.
you hum, relishing this newfound warmth. “i begged the janitor to leave the doors unlocked. i told him you had keys, and he knows that i’m more reliable compared to others,” you answer.
“so all of the times when you said you were busy...”
you laugh, throwing your head back. “that was the one thing i wasn’t lying about. school and the student council really was kicking my ass.” you point your chin towards renjun and sungchan, who wave. “they helped me with some of the preparations, like ordering the flowers and making the poster.”
yukhei nods. “everything makes so much more sense now... but i just have one more question.” you look at him with curious eyes. “why the gym of all places?”
you shoot him an incredulous look. “did you seriously forget?” judging by the confused look he gives you, you can tell he really did. “you remember the game against the jyp team two years ago, before basketball season ended?” he nods. “right before you guys played them, you pointed straight at me and asked me to be your boyfriend if you guys won.”
he flushes at the memory; in a stand jam-packed with spectators, he remembers only having eyes on you, the cute boy from algebra. prior to that game, you two were already acquainted, even going on a few dates here and there. there was an obvious attraction between you two, but no one had officially initiated anything until that day. he remembers you spluttering in embarrassment, having nearly everyone bore their eyes into you, as well as coming scarily close to losing against the opposing team. but alas, he and his team had triumphed, and while they celebrated, you bashfully accepted his offer and spent way too long making out in the back of his car.
he can’t believe he forgot that he had asked you to be his in this exact place two years ago.
he’s pulled out of his head when you clear your throat, brandishing the bouquet of tulips before him. “you never answered my question,” you whisper.
yukhei doesn’t even need to think about his answer. “of course it’s a yes,” he exclaims, leaning down to press a kiss against your lips. you giggle against them, wrapping your arms around his neck. there’s cheering from across the room, but he only sees you. right now, you’re standing before him, suddenly brighter than ever, and he wouldn’t trade this sight for the world, even if it meant having to go through two weeks of unnecessary frustration to get here.
it’s only prom, not a marriage proposal. there isn’t a reason why they should be acting like newlyweds, yet here they are. but even if they’re only third year students in high school, he knows, without a shred of doubt that he’s in love with you. even if they don’t truly grasp the idea of what love really is, the sheer fullness he feels when he’s with you couldn’t possibly be from anything else.
“you know,” he begins, “i asked you on a simple sushi date because i knew you didn’t like big, flashy things. but here you are, pulling this stunt because you know i like them. we’re just a perfect match, aren’t we?” you roll at your eyes at his cockiness, as well as his suggestive eyebrows, but the smile on your face tells him you agree.
yukhei’s peppering your face with kisses, and all you can do is giggle as you take them. “they act like they’re getting married,” he hears sungchan comment from afar.
“they might as well be. god, couples are so gross.”
“you’re one to talk. you and jeno-hyung act like that all of the time.”
“what! sungchan, come on, don’t joke around like that. we don’t.”
“yeah right.”
“but we don’t, right? ...RIGHT?”
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sxfik · 3 years
and when the seasons change (will you stand by me?)
read on ao3 • main masterlist • law school masterlist
summary: when kang sol's mother has to work late, she has to take care of byeol. it's just her luck that she has an exam the next day, one for professor yang of all people. joon hwi, being the kind classmate he is, offers to study with her.
or: byeol is solhwi mastermind, and she's says everything we wanted to say to the two dummies.
request by anon: hiya! saw that you do solhwi prompts so I was thinking that Sol A has to babysit byeol but there's a big test the next day so she calls joon hwi over to help her w studying. meanwhile byeol(being iconic) tries to set them up in true shipper fashion.
a/n: this is based on a request i got on tumblr, pictured above! i have around 5 (ish) fics that will go out over the week so stay tuned for those lmao! uh yeah, i don't really know what else to say other than im really sad law school ended so i've just been sad and mopey, but still writing to fill that hole. as always, enjoy <333
Although Joon Hwi was the 'star' student of Hankuk Law School, he was never much for studying. It's not because everything came to him that easily, but because finding the strength to concentrate and study when he could be hanging out with his friends or doing anything better with his time was insanely tempting. Finding the effort to get to the library, and read up on his textbooks was arduous and he always found it easier to study by himself, no distractions around. This was, of course, until Kang Sol came along. For Joon Hwi, everything in his life was turned on its axis when she came into his life.
When he first met her, in Professor Yang's class, she was just the poor girl being grilled by the professor. His heart went out to her, watching her pull her hair out of the bun to avoid the question. He didn’t know what possessed him to answer for her, but he assumed it to be a one time thing. But from the moment she crashed into him yelling "Second Round Judicial Exam, save me!", he was stuck on her.
Slowly, she was everywhere in his life, from the study group to the legal clinic to a majority of his classes. Unlike so many of his classmates, who were by the book and generally clinical in personality, she was a fireball of energy and passion. In class, despite not being the best student, she would argue with so much passion and energy that it was impossible to win against her. It was fascinating, watching her connect and jump from case to case. She would throw herself into everything she believed in, which included defending him from the school and his uncle.
Joon Hwi has liked girls before, but he's never been so captivated and head-over-heels for anyone in his life. Love and dating seemed secondary, and he preferred to keep it out of his life until he reached his goals. You could call him selfish but he prefers to call it being focused on his goals. He's always had one goal in life, and it was to work with the law, whether as a judge or working as police or as a prosecutor.
Yet, if Kang Sol was in the room, his eyes were on her. Whether she was frustrated at him or teasing him or gleeful with him, he couldn't help but smile at her. If she was around, he was right by her side, making her laugh or cringe or annoyed.
So there he was, studying in the school library with Kang Sol. Professor Yang’s exam was right around the corner and unlike last time, he cannot miss the comma in the given case. Plus, he doesn’t even have the excuse of being accused of a murder this time, so both Sol and Joon Hwi were hunched over their books, pouring into the texts when Kang Sol’s phone blared loudly from her bag, startling them both.
Sol cringed as she dug around in her cloth bag, the classic dirty looks tossed her way by the sleep deprived students as she stood to leave the library and take the call. He buried himself back into the textbook, but the concentration was lost and he was more interested in the call she’d gotten than ins and outs of defamation laws.
Around 10 minutes later, Sol was speeding back to her chair, the phone clutched firmly in her hand. But Joon hwi could see her frustration from a mile away. Her face held that pout, her eyebrows furrowed and grumbling under her breath. It was adorable.
But he was worried, considering it was the day before the exam, Sol couldn’t afford to be distracted from her studies. He wasn’t blind to her struggles in school, but Joon Hwi never considered her lesser than him for not being able to pick up the concepts with speed.
Unlike him, and a majority of his classmates, she had passion and a heart when dealing with clients. He could see it in her mannerisms with clients in the legal clinic, patiently explaining the clause or the issues they might face to the client. She’s sympathetic to the max, always hearing out the client’s grievances before making a judgement on what they had done. She was exactly what the world needed: a sympathetic, patient lawyer that was willing to fight for the client, someone that they can cling to. He and every professor in the school knew it, but it seemed Sol was the only one who never realized how essential she was.
Suddenly, he felt himself getting up to gather his materials with her without a second thought, despite the confused look Sol shot him. He wasn’t sure what exactly possessed him to do it, but he knew that if she wasn’t there, he didn’t want to study at the library either. Grinning at her, he walked out, side by side until they were outside the quiet library. She paused in her tracks all of a sudden, taking him by surprise and he paused too, looking back at her, tilting his head in confusion.
"My mom needs to work late today, so I need to rush home and take care of Byeol," she looked up at him finally, her face apologetic. "I'm sorry, Joon hwi but I don't think I'll be able to study for the exam with you," she started to walk away, but he couldn't let her go that easily.
"I'll come with you," he offered, surprising himself, "I'll study with you. Plus, it'll be easier to take care of Byeol with two people than one, right?"
She paused, looking back at him, conflicted. Sighing, Joon Hwi stepped closer to her. "Come on, let's not keep her waiting. Shall we?" He was determined to keep her company, especially since she’d have less time to study since she’d have to take care of Byeol. It was easier this way, and I’d do this for any friend he told himself.
The ride there was slow and quiet, but not an uncomfortable one. They both walked in tandem, with their backpacks filled with everything they'd possibly need to study, and even the bus ride was peaceful, the two of them staring out the window, watching the scenery pass by them. Joon hwi sat beside her, rather than across from her like last time, just to save space on the bus. On the very empty bus they were riding together.
Days like this, where the air was heavy and humid, the earth preparing for a heavy rain, were the most comforting types of days. The air was still warm and humid, making Sol’s hair poof out slightly, her naturally wavy hair frizzing out of her bun. The feeling of her beside him, as if this was a regular ritual for both of them, brought a sense of content in his heart. He couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was, whether it was the girl beside him or the past year’s chaos, but watching the trees and the traffic pass by them brought more peace to his life than ever.
The two made their way into the alleyway, where Joon hwi had once stood guard of when Lee Man Ho once lived, threatening her family. He's standing in front of Kang Sol's house behind her, holding her backpack in hand as she struggles with the keys.
Finally, finally, she gets the door open, and a figure zips by, crashing into Sol. Byeol’s arms wrapped Sol's waist, like the adorable sister she is. Sol stumbled back into him slightly at the sudden weight thrown onto her, but nonetheless, crouched to envelop her sister in a bone-crushing hug. Joon hwi couldn’t help but smile at the two sisters, their love for each other enveloping him
"Unnie!" she grinned up at her, "Did you bring him with you?" Her eyes were serious and wide as Sol opened her mouth to answer.
"Byeol-ah!" Joon hwi yelled out from behind Sol, peaking out to see the 8-year old grinning at him, much wider than she did at Sol. Ha!
"Joonhwi-oppa!" the girl squealed out, leaving Sol's grip to run to him. As she ran to him, he picked her up and twirled her in the air, the girl's giggles echoing through the small alleyway as the two greeted each other.
Sol, standing by the door, smiled faintly before calling out, "Come in, before either of you catch a cold!" Both of them filed in, incessantly chattering as if they hadn't seen each other in months, even though it had only been two weeks since Joon hwi had been by to take the two sisters out to the park.
"Oppa! Why did you come with Unnie?" Byeol asked, finally being set down inside the house, looking up at him curiously as Sol
"Ah, we have an exam tomorrow, so I'm here to study with her," Joon hwi replied.
"Good," the girl jumped onto the couch. "Unnie needs a lot of help," the girl quipped back, nodding her head solemnly, making her look a lot older than 8 years.
"Yah Kang Byeol!" Sol exclaimed, indignantly. Joon hwi chuckled at the two as Sol turned to him. "Here, we can work in the dining room," she moved to grab her backpack from him, stepping towards the dining room.
"NO!" Byeol yelled out at the both of them, her hand flying out to stop the two of them, "Unnie, you should work in your room instead! You know I'll be watching TV and obviously, it'd be too loud for you to focus," the girl rushed out, her doe-eyes a bit too wide, her voice a little too innocent. She is definitely plotting something, Joon hwi narrowed his eyes at her but she avoided the look, choosing to jump off the couch and walk towards them instead.
Before either of them could protest, the girl pushed the both of them towards, presumably, Kang Sol's bedroom. Sol awkwardly laughed at him, Joon hwi shooting her an amused look. They awkwardly stood in her room, Joon hwi avoiding her gaze and choosing to look at the walls instead. Her room here looked similar to the one she had back on campus. Her desk was stacked to the max, sticky notes lining the walls with old reminders and little notes of encouragement. It was neat, but brightly colored, which suited Sol so very well.
“Let’s get started shall we?” Sol finally said, clearing her throat, gesturing for him to set down his books. He obliged, sitting at her desk while she chose her bed. They both set up all their materials, the awkward silence shifting into a peaceful one, the two working themselves into a comfortable rhythm.
It had been almost an hour of straight studying, both of them regurgitating criminal codes and case precedents from memory. Joon hwi was sure that by this point that his mind was complete mush, and Sol was starting to wither, her eyes almost glazed over while she started into one of her casefiles. Her hair was a lot puffier than it was when they started. Turns out, Sol had a habit of ruffling her hair with her pencil each time she was confused or working herself too hard, which was often.
“Let’s take a break shall we? I’m going to get a glass of water,” he said, standing up and stretching his arms out, trying to put the two out of their misery. He yawned, the stiffness in his muscles finally noticeable when he stretched out. She nodded back to him, yawning and stretching out in her chair, before she picked up her phone to check some messages.
He walked out of her room and back to the living room, where byeol was still glued to her seat, her eyes on the TV playing some cartoon. Heading over to the dining table, he poured himself a glass of water with the pitcher, before heading back to check on Byeol.
“What’s this show called?” he asked her, taking a sip of the water while watching the show with her.
“Hm?” Byeol turned to him, “Oh, it’s this show about two kids who set out to find a treasure mapped out by their parents,” she explained, gesturing towards him to take a seat beside him. He obliged, opting to sit beside the girl, both their eyes glued to the screen. A few moments passed by, before the little girl turned towards him.
“You know, my sister’s favorite color is dark green. Not like emerald green, but forest green tinted with some dark blue,” Byeol said nonchalantly. Joon Hwi’s eyebrows furrowed, confused as to why the girl is telling this to him. “And, her favorite ice cream is this nutella infused one that you get down the street, closer to the town square. It’s been her favorite since she was little,” she continued, not giving his confusion any heed. The girl rapidly started telling him facts about her dear sister, all the while confusion took over his features.
“Joonhwi-oppa,” she squinted at him, pausing as her face grew serious, “You like my sister, don’t you?” He sputtered, choking and coughing out the water. “I knew it!” she excitedly squealed.
“Byeol, byeol, shh, you can’t let your sister know okay,” he brought a finger to his lips, his eyes alarmed. For an 8 year old, Byeol was surprisingly cunning and observant. She had managed to figure out what he had been struggling with for the past year after just a few short visits. They shared a look of understanding between the two, before the girl turned her attention to the show, leaving Joon Hwi walking back to Sol’s room. The Kang Sisters,  he shook his head, laughing as he thought, what a perfect duo.
It had been almost 3 hours of studying together before Kang Sol realized that the sun had set outside, and all of a sudden, they were in a rush to clean up. Joon hwi had to leave before the dorms closed entrance and because of their studying, the two of them had their head buried in books since the time they got to her house.
She was glad to have him over though. Despite her hesitation at the school and fears of inconveniencing him, having Joon hwi made the process a lot smoother. With his careful and gentle help, she had a much easier time understanding the concepts and she was eternally grateful, considering Professor Yang’s exams were always some of the toughest.
They were rushing out of the house, his backpack in her hand as he hurriedly put on his shoes and stepped outside the house. But before Joon hwi could turn with a hurried goodbye, she called out to him, her breath suddenly lodged in her throat.
“Thank you,” she quietly told him, the prospect of looking into his eyes as he leaned over her doorstep daunting. “Thank you for helping me, Joon hwi, it was really kind of you,” she beamed at him, trying to convey her gratitude and more in the only way she knew possible.
They both paused, looking at each other as the air got thicker between them, as if a string was drawing him closer to her. She watched as he swallowed slightly, his adam’s apple moving slightly before he let out a soft “You’re welcome,” and a classic smile, before he rushed out, trying to catch his bus.
She sighed, watching him as he rushed off, capturing the bus. Soon, she thought, Soon, I’ll tell him how I feel. She reassured herself, turning around only to find Byeol hiding behind a pillar.
“Byeol? What are you doing, weren’t you watching a show?” she questioned her sister, but Byeol made no response. Suddenly her sister frowned at her, muttering something about how can she possibly be a lawyer and she’s so blind, leaving her in utter confusion at the front steps.
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