#Science and Spirituality
luminousfire · 1 year
I think I’m gonna learn about science as an almost devotional act to God. Knowing about the minutiae of creation will only bring me closer to God. Denying the wonder of the world would only alienate me.
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tides-of-truth · 6 months
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David Bohm theoretical physicist and philosopher said "That which we experience as mind... will, in a natural way, ultimately reach the level of the wave function and of the 'dance' of the particles. There is no unbridgeable gap or barrier between any of these levels.,.... in some sense, a rudimentary consciousness is present even at the level of particle physics"
To this day we do not understand where or how consciousness arises and the role the brain plays in its formation if it plays a role at all. It could be just a receiver or radio, receiving information on several channels of perception that we would call our senses.
Panpsychism skips this need to discover the relationship between the brain and the rise of conscious awareness completely, its simplicity is simply pro-found. No matter how shocking or strange panpsy-chism sounds I am reminded at what Sherlock Holmes said, that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
Can science accept this deduction and if not how do we prove that which we have not been able to prove, other than keep trying even though the truth is already in front of us?
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aakankshaps · 1 year
July Reads 🤍
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
Ancient Aliens: The God Particle Reveals Humanity's Origins
It has been called the key to the universe and possibly the most important scientific breakthrough of all time. Could the so-called "God Particle" reveal the truth about our origins?
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sherkirti · 2 years
S1E1: The Law of Polarity from Micro to Macro: How 'Acceptance' is the Key to Dismantling Resistance
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eyeoftheheart · 4 days
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giankumar-blog1 · 5 days
Spiritualism, spirituality, spiritual, and the spirit 
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The above-said terms, even though related, have distinct meanings. 
-Spiritualism is more of a religious movement focused on the afterlife and communication with the spirits of the deceased.
Neo or modern spiritualism, to a great extent, comprehends the interaction between the intangible metaphysical reality of the universe and the material existence of matter and consciousness to express that creator and creation are the same and not two. It primarily focuses upon self-knowledge to explore 'who you are' beyond your body and mind.
-Spirituality, on the other hand, is that experiential journey of the spirit and the soul within the human mind to engage and exercise with methods and practices of introspection, yoga, mindfulness, empathy, and compassion to awaken that divine within via divinity, humility, clarity, and stability. It leads one towards the awakening of the soul, which guides and checks the brain and its body. It is the spirit in motion – spiritually, mentally, and physically.  
Spiritual effectuates that we are spiritual beings going through human experiences transcending from lower to higher consciousness. Spiritual people believe beyond the body and mind to unravel the mysterious soul and experience the same. They gain self-knowledge and self-awareness through various spiritual practices to balance the material with the spiritual soul.
The spirit is the supreme ability of non-dual cosmic energy present in the mind in the form of intuitive awareness. It is that metaphysical subjective reality of 'who you are' wherein consciousness is the objective reality of 'what you are.' The spirit and the soul combine to check and guide your body and mind, which is the vital principle that animates living beings.
The concept of "spiritualism" and its relationship with the term "spirit" has intrigued humanity for centuries. The spiritual essence exists beyond the physical body's limitations and our five senses for perception. Despite our advanced scientific knowledge, no instruments can directly detect or quantify the spirit. However, our inability to empirically measure does not lead us to dismiss its existence entirely. If that were the case, "soul" or "life force" would not have emerged and gained recognition as synonyms for this intangible concept. Equivalent terms can be found in numerous languages worldwide, such as "atma" in Hinduism.
Further, transitioning from a material to a spiritual approach is not straightforward. The journey toward spirituality is bound to be lengthy for a material-oriented person.
Although others may not readily make any changes based solely on one's outward appearance, in this journey, one's entire internal world undergoes a profound transformation. To become spiritual, one need not withdraw from the material world; instead, one needs to balance the intangible aspects of life.  
Once you comprehend how the mind interacts with the supreme ability of the cosmos embedded within its mind, it empowers the human mind to explore and discover from the stars to the sub-atomic particles. You realize the meaning behind the proclamation of the creator and the creation being the same since two cannot exist in non-duality, unlike what all religions claim, where both are distinctively separate. 
In conclusion, the divine resides within you, which expresses itself from your acts of virtuous deeds in divinity for that divineness, which we desperately require today. 
For more information please visit www.giankumar.com
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haatiaetfobla · 3 months
Democritus screaming from Hades every time we mention the 4 elements
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kirkjerk · 5 months
hey come talk science! and spirituality!
I co-lead a reading + discussion group on Science and Spirituality - here's a snippet I'm encouraging group members to share on social media about our next meeting:
Come join Belmont's UU Science + Spirituality group on May 23rd (via Zoom) - we have a lively monthly reading and discussion on the world in general and the tensions and synergies of different spiritual and scientific outlooks.
In May will be discussing the book "Life Worth Living: A Guide to What Matters Most", with topics including Mary Wollstonecraft (early feminist), Confucianism, Buddhism, Stoicism and Utilitarianism as components to living a good life.
Please email [email protected] to be placed on the groups announcement list to get the zoom link and a PDF of an excerpt of the reading.
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gatewayofhealing92 · 8 months
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Exploring the Science and Secrets of Aura Scanning
Join us on a journey of discovery as we delve into the captivating world of auras. Unravel the scientific principles and mystical secrets behind aura exploration, gaining insights into how it impacts our well-being and perception of the world.
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krishmanvith · 11 months
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graymand · 11 months
Navigating Doubt and Faith: Exploring the Existence of God and the Misinterpretations of Believers
The long-time search of humanity for the infallible truth comes along with the undying issue about the existence of the creator of all things. Atheists argue that believers are just taking personal comfort in the guise of one true God and believers refute this by saying that atheists, on the other hand, are just taking personal comfort in the guise of being rational. I believe in the existence of…
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turiyatitta · 1 year
Bridging Quantum Realms and Turiyatita
The Web of InterconnectionIn the intricate and mystifying world of quantum mechanics, one phenomenon stands out as particularly thought-provoking: quantum entanglement. It’s a concept that defies our everyday logic, connecting particles across vast distances in such a way that the state of one instantly influences the state of the other. This interconnectedness, existing beyond space and time,…
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scientificshamans · 1 year
Science And Spirituality | Scientificshamans.com
Visit Scientificshamans.com to learn how science and spirituality are related. With our special fusion of spiritual and scientific teachings, you can experience a comprehensive approach to comprehending the universe and yourself.
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abhiexo · 2 years
Science and Spirituality| Solar System Planet Poster- Abhexo
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However, there are some areas where science and spirituality intersect, such as in the study of consciousness, the nature of reality, and the concept of inter-connectedness. For example, some scientists are exploring the concept of mindfulness and meditation from a neuro scientific perspective, while some spiritual beliefs and practices, such as yoga and acupuncture, have been shown to have physical and mental health benefits that can be explained through science. Buy online Solar system planet poster Contact us at (91) 7667846001
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tygerland · 1 year
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Hilma af Klint The Ten Largest. 1907. Oil on canvas, each piece is 129 × 94 in. (328 × 240 cm). The paintings depict ten stages of human life: Nos. 1 & 2 are Childhood; Nos. 3 & 4 are Youth; Nos. 5, 6, 7 & 8 are Adulthood; Nos. 9 & 10 are Old Age.
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