#Scooby Doo movie
mugenfinder · 7 months
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Velma was almost going :3 in Zombie Island and Witch's Ghost
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endlesstrash · 1 year
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happy lesbian visibility week
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girlsdit · 10 months
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scooby doo movie (2002)
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ravenmccookies · 1 year
They should make a Scooby-Doo/Fnaf crossover. It would be fitting for a Scooby-Doo movie since there's a trope in those movies where the monster turns out to be real.
There could be a gag where the Freddys get mixed up. Like the gang would be running away from the animatronics, and then they realize the have wrong Freddy with them and both the gang and Freddy Fazbear scream.
At some point in the movie they catch Springtrap and take off is mask to see who he really is, and then they see the horrors instead of a regular guy :)
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Family Dinner - Shaggy Rogers X Female Reader
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Title: Family Dinner
Shaggy Rogers X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Reader's mother, Reader's father, Scooby, and Mystery Inc. (Mentioned)
WC: 3,281
Warnings: Reader's parents are rude, judgy, and overbearing, italics, arguments, nicknames, slight angst, and fluff
You were out of your mind with stress. You had been cleaning your apartment for the last five hours, making sure everything was spotless and perfect. Why? Your parents had decided to invite themselves to a holiday dinner at your place. You were not expecting this, oh no. There was a reason why you moved all the way to Coolsville. A good two hours away from your old hometown.
The both of them, they never seemed to stop asking you about your life in Coolsville and always wanted to hear all about how you and your friends spent your lives there. It might've seemed nice, them checking up on you, but it wasn't. If you told them that you graduated, at the top of your class, your mother would say that she wished you had gone to Harvard. You get a well-paying job, doing something you love... Your mother would say how she wished you were a doctor like her and your father. Nothing was good enough for her. And now here they were, showing up unannounced to your home. Overall, your parents - your mother especially - were a bit overbearing, to say the least.
Running a hand through your hair, you tugged at the roots, letting out a deep sigh through your nose. Your eyes frantically scanned the apartment for anything out of order before you hurried to your bedroom. There, you found Shaggy, wearing his typical favorite green shirt and brown pants. He turned, giving you his signature grin, only for you to shake your head and rush to the closet. Digging through, Shaggy stayed back, his grin fading slightly in confusion as you pulled out a plain, blue button-up and a plain, dark green button-up.
"Alright, put either of these on," You spoke, handing both hooks to him with the hanging articles.
Shaggy hesitantly took the shirts from you, giving you a small frown. "But, like, these shirts make me itch."
You sighed. "Please, wear one of them," You pleaded, your tone pleading with Shaggy to comply. His brows furrowed together, his mouth opening to argue more when you continued. "Please. Just for tonight? For me?" You begged, holding your hand out.. Shaggy's eyes softened, his frown becoming even deeper as he nodded, taking your hand in his. "Thank you." You smiled softly, stepping forward and kissing Shaggy's cheek gently. "I promise, after this, I'll make you and Scooby my lasagna that you both like, alright?"
Shaggy hated the shirts, but he knew that this was really important to you, "Anything for you, babe," He answered softly, a small smile forming on his face.
You returned the smile, "I love you," You whispered, leaning up to peck his lips before stepping into the closet to grab your dress.
"Like, love you more, babe!" Shaggy called to you before you entered the bathroom to get ready. Pausing at the door, you turned, looking over your shoulder, giving Shaggy a playful wink.
Scooby sauntered into the room, jumping up on the bed, and taking a seat. "Rike, Rhaggy, do I Rave to Rwear this?" He asked his best friend, raising a paw to poke at the clip-on bowtie that was clipped onto his collar. 
"Like, man, I think you do," Shaggy answered, turning to the full-length mirror, moving one shirt over his chest, and then the other. "Like, what shirt should I do, man? I like the green, but, like, the blue brings out my eyes." He explained, tilting his head side to side as he inspected each option. Bringing the green button-up back over to his chest, he looked back at Scooby, "Green?" Scooby nodded eagerly, making Shaggy grin, "Then green it is, man!"
Standing at your small dining room table, you turned a plate a degree, worrying that it wasn't exactly aligned with the other plate across from it. You brought out your most expensive set of plates, cups, and silverware that you got at Home Goods, and even bought a fancy white wine. The plates were nice, and so was the silverware, but you had run out of wine glasses. Hopefully, your mom wouldn't notice the two coffee mugs among the few wine glasses. Looking down at the table, you frowned, eyes staring holes into the polished wooden surface. This table used to be your family's favorite dining table before your mother gave it to you as a graduation present. Your father just gave you a couple hundred bucks, which you were thankful for. Having moved into a new apartment at the time with your boyfriend and his talking dog, the money went straight into getting more furniture and food.
As two arms wrapped around your waist, you jumped a little in surprise. "Hey," Shaggy whispered, resting his chin atop your head. "You got this."
You let out a deep breath, shutting your eyes before turning around in his grasp, your hands subconsciously looping around his neck, fiddling with the collar of his green button-down. "I can't help but worry."
Unlooping his arms from your waist, Shaggy brought his hands up to cup your cheeks. Gently, he ran his thumbs against your skin, causing goosebumps to rise up on your arms and neck; you couldn’t help but nuzzle your cheek into the palm of one of his hands. Looking down at you, Shaggy grinned, his gaze softening. "No worries, man," He spoke, "Like, this dinner is going to be groovy, babe. And, you know that Scooby and I will be here the whole time."
"I’m just so worried," You muttered, your eyes searching his, "I want them to love you, and Scooby. But what if she doesn't like you? I can't have that! I'm not worried about my dad, but my mom wants everything in my life to be perfect. Not that you're not perfect, I think you are very perfect. But she still, even now, expects me to have a house, be a doctor-" Shaggy didn't let you finish, swooping down and capturing your lips with his. You melted against him, sighing happily as he kissed you deeply, your hands coming up to cradle his face. "Zoinks..." You muttered as Shaggy pulled back, giving you a confidant grin.
"We'll be fine, babe," He promised. "I mean, like, I'm kind of nervous, too. This will be my first time, like, meeting your folks," Pulling back, he held you at a little less than an arm's length, admiring you as he added. "Like, we got each other's backs. Right, Scoob?" He then asked, looking down at his furry friend, who was tossing marshmallows in his mouth on the couch. 
"Right!" He agreed, popping his tongue out to grab a marshmallow that he threw in the air.
"You are right," You looked back up at Shaggy with a grin, growing more and more confident as you felt your heart warm from his words. "We'll be just fine."
Shaggy's smile grew bigger, pulling you back into his chest, his arms wrapping tightly around you and he quickly swayed the both of you side to side, "Like, babe, this is going to be so much fun!"
As soon as you heard the knock on the front door, you felt like your heart had just gone from zero to one hundred. Shaggy stood beside you, his arm wrapped around your waist as you opened the door, your mother's bright smile greeting you as she stepped inside with your father in tow. She was dressed to the nines; dark purple cocktail dress, with a small slit on the side, sheer tights, her favorite black heels, and her hair and makeup done. Your father, on the other hand, was wearing a simple polo and jeans. 
Immediately, your mother enveloped you into a hug, pressing a kiss onto your cheek, before glancing between you and Shaggy. "And who is this lovely gentleman?" She asked sweetly, though you knew that tone well. She used that tone of voice when she was attending social events, that sort of fake kindness; it made your worry grow.
Pulling out of the hug, you reached over and looped your arm through Shaggy’s; your free hand pressing against his upper arm, "Mom, this is my boyfriend, Shaggy," You glanced up at Shaggy, unable to stop a genuine smile from forming on your face, despite your overwhelming nerves. 
His gaze met yours, his own smile widening, before his attention shifted back towards your mom, "It's, like, so nice to meet you, Mrs. L/N," He greeted politely.
"Call me Betty," She replied. "’Shaggy?’ Is that a family name, or..?" Your mother trailed off, as she raised an eyebrow.
Shaggy felt his face heat up slightly, “Well, like, my name is actually Norville. But, like, everybody calls me ‘Shaggy’.” He answered, actually becoming slightly nervous.
Your mother hummed, nodding her head slowly before speaking, “She hasn’t told me much about you when she calls…”
"Well," You began, clearing your throat, "I’ve told Dad about Shaggy. Right, Dad?" You asked, bringing your attention to your father, who hadn't even said a word.
Your father simply nodded, looking away from Shaggy. "Yeah," He stated.
Frowning slightly, you gestured for them to come in, "Well, I have dinner ready, let's eat, yeah?"
"Yeah, like, I'm starved." Shaggy clapped his hands together once, rubbing them as Scooby ran into the room, skidding slightly against the hardwood floor.
"Rinner!" Scooby cheered, shocking both your mother and father.
Your mother stared at Scooby, taking a surprised step back, as he followed Shaggy to the dining room, "You- Your dog... He talks?" She asked, bewildered by his sudden appearance.
You chuckled lightly, "He does, yes."
"Does he have a name?" Your father then asked, finally speaking up.
"His name is Scoobert Doo, but you can call him ‘Scooby’ or ‘Scoob’." You answered, petting Scooby’s head before he scampered off to the dining room. You gave your parents a smile before leading your mother and father into the dining room where both Shaggy and Scooby were sitting in their seats, napkins tucked into their collars, holding a fork and knife in each hand - and paw. Your mother and father took their seats across from you and Shaggy, Scooby sitting at the head of the table. Your mother gave Scooby a glance, eyeing the large canine who sat in a chair, like a human. "Well, uh, who's ready for dinner?" You then asked, breaking the awkward silence. Once you came back from the kitchen, placing the dinner on the table for all to eat, you noticed how our father was staring at the table, your mother was fiddling with her napkin - probably inspecting it, and Shaggy was pulling at his collar. You could tell that everyone was extremely uncomfortable, so, figuring that something must be wrong, you took a deep breath and cleared your throat before saying anything. "So," You said as you took a seat next to Shaggy, "Dinner’s served."
And for the next ten or so minutes, you ate in silence. Not a word out of anyone, even Scooby and Shaggy, which surprised you. But before you could do anything to save the dinner, your mother spoke up. 
"Uh, darling, your ham is a bit dry." She pointed out as she wiped some stray sauce off of her lips, "Perhaps it would be better if you poured the gravy over it instead." She suggested, watching you curiously.
"Oh, right," You muttered, feeling a pang in your chest. "I must've forgotten. I had a lot to do today to prepare for dinner..." You continued, "Upon hearing about your sudden visit." Your voice trailed off, hoping they would drop the topic.
Luckily for you, they did. "Is that so?" Your father asked, his voice calm, almost emotionless.
You nodded slowly. "Yes, I had to go to the store to get a few things, as well as some groceries. Tidy up and whatnot."
"And you didn't offer to help?" Your mother suddenly - with an eyebrow raised - turned to look at Shaggy, who's eyes widened.
"Uh, like, I did, Scoob and I carried in all the food, dude." He answered, grinning as Scooby nodded in agreement.
You broke into a smile, "Yeah, didn't need to go out for a second trip with these two." You giggled, earning a slight glare from your mother.
"So, Shaggy, what are you studying in college?" Your mother then changed the subject, lightly picking at her food with her fork; eyeing your boyfriend with an intimidating stare.
"Ah, um," Shaggy looked towards you as if you might know what he should answer with; his hesitance made your mother's frown deepen, and your father looked up from his food; before you could even butt in to help, your mother spoke up again.
"You must be studying something," Her tone was icy, though not hostile, "You must have a job at least. Something that is paying the bills to this..." She paused, in slight disgust, gesturing to the apartment, "... Place."
You reached out and grabbed Shaggy's hand, holding it in yours on his thigh, you spoke up, "He and his friends run a business together," You answered proudly, glancing at Shaggy before looking back at your mother.
She paused her chewing, staring at you, before swallowing, "Ah, so self-employed." She commented dryly.
Shaggy frowned, poking at his own food - which was not usual for him, unless he was incredibly unhappy; which was rare. Your mother reminded him of his father. His father had wanted him to get a ‘real’ job, go to school, and be just like him. But Shaggy knew that he never wanted to be his father. Shaggy's stomach rolled uncomfortably - no matter how hard he tried to ignore it. The dinner continued very slowly, and awkwardly. Shaggy kept shifting in his seat, occasionally throwing glances your way, though mostly his focus remained on his food. Scooby was also uncharacteristically quiet, which was unnerving to say the least. And you just wanted the world to open up and swallow you whole.
"So," You cleared your throat, giving your mother an awkward smile as you stabbed your fork into the meat on your plate. "How have things been with you and dad?" You asked, as politely as you could, despite your uneasiness.
"Quite pleasant lately." Your mother responded, seemingly uninterested. 
You nodded, "That's good," You mumbled under your breath, causing Shaggy to glance at you with a questioning look - though his expression quickly softened upon seeing you looking so tense and nervous; he squeezed your hand gently, letting his thumb rub soothing circles onto your knuckles. This was more than enough to put your mind at ease. You smiled slightly at him, glad that he was there beside you, helping you cope with the tension that seemed to permeate every part of the house. "How are you liking Coolsville so far?"
Your mother scoffed, rolling her eyes, "I don't know why you hadn't just stayed in Charleston, but this... This place is nothing like what I imagined it would be." Your mother's face twisted in disgust as she took a deep breath, clearly ready to unleash her pent-up frustrations. “I don’t know why you have to be so ungrateful, Y/N. You had all the potential to become a doctor but look at you now, living in this tiny apartment with that... That-" She couldn't even finish, blindly gesturing to Shaggy with a wave of her hand. "He doesn't even have a real job! What on earth were you thinking?" She then gestured to Scooby, "And a dog at the dinner table? Are you out of your mind? So unsanitary."
The words stung, but something inside you snapped as you glanced over to Shaggy and Scooby. The crestfallen look on their faces, it felt as if your heart shattered. You couldn't take it anymore. With a sudden surge of determination and protectiveness, you pushed your chair back, the sound echoing throughout the room. No one spoke about your boyfriend and your best friend in that way. No one.
"Zoinks, Mom, I am tired of your constant disapproval.” You huffed, “I love my life the way it is. I am happy with my choices, with my apartment, and with Shaggy," You declared, your voice steady and strong, surprising even yourself. "Shaggy is beyond amazing! I love how much he loves food - and whatever I cook - how laid-back he is, and I love how good he is at ventriloquism." You glared daggers at your mothers, palms pressed down against the table as you continued, "He may not have a conventional job, catching ghosts and everything-''
"Ghosts?" You mother voiced, but she was ignored as you continued.
"But, he is kind, loving, and makes me happy." You sighed, sitting back down in your chair, a small smile on your face as you looked over at Shaggy, your hand going back into his awaiting one - who looked at you with such admiration in his eyes - "I love Shaggy. I love him more than words can allow me to express. I also love Scooby, he’s my best friend." You looked back over at your mother, your smile dropping, "And if you don't like that, then you can leave."
Your mother's eyes widened in shock, her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. The room fell into a heavy silence as your words hung in the air, a declaration of love. You felt a rush of empowerment wash over you, knowing that you had finally stood up against her.
Shaggy squeezed your hand, that adoring, love-sick smile of his melting your heart as you looked back over at his, your frown immediately turning back into a grin; Scooby began clapping a moment later.
Finally recovering from the shock and embarrassment, your mother cleared her throat - "Excuse me," She whispered, as she stood, "I believe that it would be best that your father and I leave." Your father nodded his head in agreement before standing up as well. Your mother held onto her husband's arm before they both left, leaving Shaggy alone with you.
You sighed once more as the front door shut, your eyes shutting briefly before you began to laugh. “Well, Shaggy, you were right. That was fun.” 
Shaggy stood from his seat, pulling you into his side, his grin bright as he gently squeezed you, “You did, like, amazing, babe.” He pulled back slightly, “I’m really, like, really proud of you.” 
Your smile widened, your cheeks and chest feeling incredibly warm as you wrapped your arms around his neck, “Thanks, honey.” You reached up on your tip-toes to softly rub the tip of your nose against his, “I couldn’t have done this without you,” You paused, looking over at Scooby, “Or you, Scoob.”
The Great Dane grinned, giving you a paw-thumbs up, “Rou’re Relcome!”
“And, like, thank you,” Shaggy brought your attention back to him, his eyes softening, “You didn’t have to do that.”
“But, I did.” You reached up to brush the sandy blonde stands from his forehead, your fingers caressing his cheek before cupping it, “I hate when people are so quick to judge you… I mean, I just… I just hate it. She shouldn’t have said those things about you, especially right in front of your face like that.” 
Shaggy said nothing for a moment, a deep, longing sigh escaping him as he stared down lovingly at you, “Like, I love you.”
“Awe,” You gushed, “I love you too.” You muttered, leaning up to press a soft kiss to his lips before slipping out of his grasp, “Now, how about you both get some more comfy clothes on, and I’ll make some lasagna and vanilla ice cream for dessert.”
Main Masterlist | Mystery Incorporated Masterlist
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gecktonurite · 1 year
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every animated scooby doo movie
    ↳ scooby-doo! and the witch’s ghost (1999)
i guess you are a witch after all!
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rainbowcatsandthings · 5 months
Guys…this has been my biggest procreate project so far and I’m kinda freaking out that I actually finished it! 100% AU where the guys get keep their alien gf’s and fall asleep watching cheesy horror movies together. (Maaaybe also slightly inspired by a fanfic I’m working on….Shhh)
Also my first time drawing Amber and I think she turned out pretty cute.
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snartles · 1 year
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Strange CGI Scooby my beloved
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moddieeee · 1 year
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This is definetly not me trying to totally coast off the Velma show hate.
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w3bkinz-t0yb0x · 9 months
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scooby doo & scooby doo 2 monsters unleashed 🐕🦴🐾
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darknymite · 7 months
Now I'm obsessed with Matthew Lillard because of William Afton fanart I saw from instagram 😭😭😭
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mugenfinder · 7 months
Is this sakuga?
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puppy--jam · 9 months
Favourite Scooby-Doo: 006
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directed by Jim Stenstrum (1998)
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madame-helen · 11 months
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aliceindaisychains999 · 3 months
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Lunchables Scooby Doo Promotion (2001)
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leandermeander · 1 year
I know Daphne’s performance with the hex girls was incredible, but Velma has had some stage time too.
Scooby-Doo And The Legend Of The Vampire 2003
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