#Sea Story
arinewman7 · 15 days
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Sea Story
Hannah Frank
pen and ink, 1929
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dandelion-jester · 8 months
'Will gripped the mast as another wave sent the ship rearing wildly and the crew lost their footing, sliding across the deck. He gazed out into the roiling hurricane. Rain whipped across his face like needles and clouded his vision but as he squinted into the darkness he could make out the shapes of the waves as they were pulled up into the body of the storm, merging with the rain until everything was water. As lightning splintered the sky he caught sight of another form below the surface, a thrashing, gargantuan thing that could not simply be the wild water. The lightning vanished and plunged them into darkness, but the shape was still burned into his eyes. He strained to see it again but he could see nothing but rain and darkness. He lunged forward into the soaking space between himself and the sea.'
Excerpt from my short story 'Something of the Sea'. Read the full story on my Patreon here. Will is a messed up sailor and I love him.
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rebfile · 4 months
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In a whimsical corner of the internet, a story unfolded—a tale of sun, sand, and surf. It was the kind of story that made you long for the smell of the ocean and the feeling of a warm breeze tousling your hair.
Once upon a vivid blue canvas, where waves lapped melodically against the shimmering shore, she emerged. The beach-goer, a stunning protagonist, had anime-like charm with eyes that seemed to reflect the entire ocean's depth. Her dark hair danced in the salty air, tousled playfully by the capricious sea winds.
Cloaked in a bright red jacket emblazoned with a simple yet mysterious 'H', she seemed like a guardian of the coast, a sentinel watching over the endless dance of the tides. Sunglasses perched atop her head, she was the embodiment of cool, a look completed by the bright red life ring slung casually over her shoulder—like a lifeguard off-duty, she carried the promise of adventure and safety.
The beach-goer possessed an air of enigma, a story untold. Who was she? A local hero, a distant traveler, or maybe a spirit of the sea? People whispered tales behind screens, fingers tapping away to spin narratives as colorful as her attire.
And amidst the unfolding scene, the online realm buzzed with imaginative interpretations. Some saw her as a lifeguard taking a break from her vigilant watch, a fleeting moment of relaxation captured in vibrant hues. Others imagined her as an explorer in a vibrant world, cradling stories of sunken treasures and secret coves.
The allure of her presence was undeniable, and stories swirled like the grains of sand beneath her feet, each one a universe of possibility waiting to be explored.
As the sun journeyed to kiss the horizon goodbye, so did the image fade from view, leaving behind a canvas of inspiration. The beach-goer became a muse for the digital age, a fragment of fantasy brought to life through the sheer force of collective creativity.
And so the tale lives on, shared and reshaped, a mosaic of thoughts and wonders shaped by those who dare to dream.
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weirdlookindog · 2 months
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"Un de ces longs bras glissa par l’ouverture"
Alphonse de Neuville (1835-1885) - Long Arm Glided
Illustration from Jules Verne's "Twenty thousand leagues under the sea", 1870
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pacificsail · 1 year
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"This nautical historical tale is several stories in one, of men and women in passage aboard different ships as they convergence on their separate journeys in the great Pacific Ocean during the American Age of Sail. Told with insight into maritime detail and human nature, the author captures the voice and spirit of the mid-nineteenth century in his turn of phrase and dialogue, including under-represented minorities (women, Africans, Aborigines) as full-fledged characters."
L. Collison ~ Amazon Best Selling Author of "Ghost Ship."
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nerdpoe · 2 months
Dani loves traveling, but she loves the sea the most.
It's just so wild, so untamable. She loves it!
In fact, when she takes a trip into the Zone, she seeks out Youngblood to reminisce about the sea. But Youngblood's never actually been to it.
He thinks it sounds super cool though!
In fact, his old ship, The Caleuche, still works beautifully as a Ghost Ship and a Proper Ship! Since it used to be his, he should be able to visit if she uses it! She just has to figure out how to get it out of the Zone.
So she tests a theory. Is The Caleuche ghost enough to get souped?
Yes. Yes it is.
She soups The Caleuche, leaves the Zone, and heads to the Pacific.
The Caleuche is great; she steers herself when it gets rough but follows orders, she can submerge but the interior is still dry and doesn't appear to run out of air, and whenever she surfaces she's so brightly lit and fun looking that recently deceased sailors like to come aboard and party before deciding to move onto the Ghost Zone through the natural portal in the Brig.
Dani thinks she may be making Youngblood's crew larger, but that's Danny's problem.
Not all ghosts go. Some stay on the ship. There's a doctor in a really old uniform, Mikhail, who can only speak Ghostspeak and Russian. There's a lady pirate, Jacquotte, who would rather spend her afterlife partying on the seas than going with the rest of the Ghosts to the Zone. There's a chef that wears some modern sort of chef uniform that only speaks Ghostspeak and Korean, Eun-Woo, who insists on making sure she eats a balanced diet. A big, growly sailor dressed like he's from the mob like in the movies, Frankie, but he just sits around and whittles wood or intimidates the meaner Ghosts into backing down so she doesn't have to fight.
They're her crew! Sure, it's way less than Youngbloods, but she likes it that way.
Sometimes she comes across humans doing stupid stuff, or getting in trouble, or even Atlanteans getting in trouble, and she saves them from their own mess.
One time she found a man with tattered green and black suit, with a very pretty ring, unconscious and floating on some weird metal wreckage.
So she hauled him aboard and let the doctor treat him, ordered The Caleuche to submerge, and dropped him off at a busy port.
What Dani doesn't realize is that she's getting Deified by sailors across the world.
A laughing child that saves those who can be saved, and reaps the ones who can't. A benevolent Goddess of the Sea.
That when she dropped off that Green Lantern at The Metropolis Harbor, videos caught a brightly lit, vaguely see through ghost ship rise from the waters. Recordings of laughter and music aboard, with the people on it very clearly dead and wearing uniforms from all walks of life would make the rounds.
That she herself, decked out in her new pirate gear, flickered into existence from nothing and gently laid the Green Lantern on the ground before disappearing.
Then the ship went back underwater.
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artemis-pendragon · 25 days
Source: haya.orouq on TikTok
Haya's Story
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Since the genocide began, 18 year old Haya Orouq (pictured on the right) has been working ceaselessly to get her family evacuated to safety.
Her mother, Amal (left), has lupus and is a kidney failure patient. The hospital she got her treatments at was just bombed and she no longer has access to the life saving medicine she needs.
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Her younger sister, Lama (pictured with her mother Amal above), just turned 11 during the genocide. She is so young and has lost everything -- her safety, her school, her friends, and her home. Now she could lose her mother as well. 💔
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Her father, Saleh (pictured with Haya above) and older brother Ehab, who is only 21, lost everything as well. They have been forced to move from place to place since their home was destroyed, and have had many close calls and terrifying sleepless nights with the sound of bombing all around them.
Follow Haya here on Tumblr @haya-orouq19 to learn more about her family's story. It is up to us to lift Palestinian voices and stories so that these atrocities and these lovely, brave, kind people are never forgotten or abandoned in the horrors committed against them. Free Palestine from the river to the sea, now and always! ♥️🖤💚🤍
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someonetooksendnoodles · 10 months
i’m such a whore for jaw-dropping, heavily stylized, thematically laden, full of heart animation. will forever be impressed at the stories that are coming from non-disney studios having their moment to shine.
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the-river-blogger · 1 year
“He’s Good People”
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theriverblo · 1 year
“He’s Good People”
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moomoorare · 6 days
I love nautical and seaside town horror stories. Tell me more about the fog and water that eats people
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lepetitdragonvert · 5 months
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La petite sirène / The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen
Éditions ipomée - albin michel
Artist :Boris Diodorov
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assorted-aesthetics · 8 months
ds9 is like. i want to go home. can't go home. i want to be among my people. i cannot abide and am sickened by the actions of my people. i am completely alone. this station is too crowded. anyway have i told you about my homeplanet
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polarsirens · 1 year
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epilogue, 3: mira
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gravitysoda · 9 months
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nothing but sea foam, in the end
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pacificsail · 1 year
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Overheard in the bar: "All 'ya gotta do is take a blowtorch..."
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