#Sean Wright
wausaupilot · 9 months
The Grand expands rush tickets offerings
The 2023/2024 season opens Sept. 12.
WAUSAU – The Grand Theater has expanded its rush ticket offer to educators, first responders and SNAP card-holders. Before this season, the offer was limited to students and military personnel who have long qualified for these steeply discounted tickets available at the door one hour before showtime. “We are thrilled to expand our rush ticketing program,” said Grand Theater Executive Director…
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wwprice1 · 6 months
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Happy New Year! Here’s to a great 2024!
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pedroam-bang · 3 months
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Game Of Thrones (2013)
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getlancered · 3 days
i love drawing fake sprites for characters
ft young acro sprite for a Second Rewrite
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more bigtop doodles under cut :P
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diego lawyer case that js the same one as young acro sprite. that i made. moe is the culprit if u even Care btw
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confesspinkfloyd · 4 months
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There are only 2 bands that I would have a gang bang with, and that’s Alice In Chains and Pink Floyd. Everyone is a 10/10!
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anyway that racist vigilante lady from ep 5 was definitely fucking her dad. sean should have stopped wasting time arguing with them in the cell block scene and just bragged about how he and daniel do incest better than those assholes ever could.
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comicbooksaregood · 7 months
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Young Justice
Volume: 1
Issue: 1000000
Just Ice, Cubed
Writers: Peter David
Pencils: Todd Nauck, Angel Unzueta, Craig Rousseau, Roberto Flores
Inks: Lary Stucker, Norm Rapmund, Sean Parsons, Wayne Faucher
Colours: Jason Wright
Cover: Todd Nauck, Lary Stucker, Pat Garrahy
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earlysummer1951 · 2 years
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The Stranger (2022) dir. Tom Wright
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wausaupilot · 11 months
Is The River a viable concert venue for Wausau? Here's what the numbers say.
City officials and developers disagree on whether a large-scale concert venue is viable for Wausau, as plans continue to create a space beyond city limits.
Damakant Jayshi City officials and developers disagree on whether a large-scale concert venue is viable for Wausau, as plans continue to create a space beyond city limits. In a statement released on Aug. 3, project developers Joe Ellis and Anna Herman, of VY Properties, LLC, said their extensive research and business planning has led them to conservatively estimate an economic impact to the…
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akonoadham · 1 year
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wowowwild · 1 year
Ok Justice For All. This is not going to be exhaustive or comprehensive but here we go.
The first case we don't really need to cover. It's a tutorial, it achieves what it sets out to do, there's not a whole lot else. I really like the amnesia concept and while I wish more had been done with it (like being used in a regular case), I understand the mechanical service it does for a tutorial.
Our second case is solid. It was really fun to figure out exactly what happened and if you've been following my 'game posting' tag you saw exactly how much fun I had. I kind of wish we had gotten more out of Misty, but that wouldn't really work in this medium (lol get it). Obviously I love Pearly I adore her I would be her slave she deserves the world. Phoenix, stop showing her the horrors, please. I just really have to keep coming back to how fun this case was to solve. Sometimes the correct things to do mechanically make no sense to me bc I don't leap far enough with my logic, but this case I was able to do pretty easily which tells me it was very well written with the proper foreshadowing and such (and I am a sucker for properly laid ground work). I like that we get more Fey lore. I am devastated that I guesses the twist ending but I had no one to witness it. It's probably my favorite case this game.
Bigtop is a mess. We're going to ignore the Regina age problem for our sanity and pretend she's 18 bc wtf (I knew this but just now [as I was typing the end of this paragraph] connected the dots that in Japan 16 is viewed as our 18 and they just didn't localize her age). I really like Max! He's my favorite character to come out of this case and I will never let go of my wrightica/galactright ship (is there an official ship name?). He thinks Edgeworth is dead, it could happen. Also! Diversity win! The guy who murdered you is wheelchair bound! But actually I really like the concept of Acro's motivations, driven to madness and murder by grief. I like it less when we come back to Regina's canon age, like even when she's 18 Acro should still view her as a child and personally I could never hold something like that against a child. It was decidedly and accident and not even remotely her fault. It's not her fault your brother was swayed to do something idiotic by the power of boners, my guy. Also Regina is not ok. She needs help and the only one who realizes it is Moe. Everyone else is 'enabling' (that's not exactly the word I'm looking for but it's in the ballpark) her. Her own father was likely the worst offender. Moe may not be funny (I actually liked his jokes) but he is genuinely a great guy.
Our last case: Extremely well written. I went into this already knowing the outcome, how could I not. Despite this, I was so worried about Maya everything else went out the window. For a minute I actually convinced myself of the possibility that Adrian had done it (I am so sorry for everything we put you through, but it was for Maya). This case really put me in Phoenix's shoes. I'd imagine if you don't actually like Maya, this might not do for you what it did for me, but if you don't like Maya I don't know how you've managed to play all the way through the second game. Of course the good ending where you toss Engarde to the wolves (the assassin he hired) is iconic. That's what you get. Again if you've been following my 'game posting' tag you know I had strong feelings about Edgeworth through this. Most of them were due to the stress of Maya being kidnapped (I seriously got waaayyyyyy too in character during this case), but also he was smug as hell for no reason when he showed back up. He was like 'new me!' and refused to elaborate. Phoenix is not a mind reader, my guy. He won me over again so we're good. Also the dinner? At the end it literally says "I wonder if there's anything I can give him to express how I feel...?" I think we can all imagine my first thought... actually I don't trust people to put thoughts in my head, my first thought was a kiss. (You actually give the whip and Miles yet again thinks Phoenix is a mind reader, will it ever end?) I can't forget! Gummy's official stint at Wright Co! My one post about him being a Phoenix Wright weird girl was really popular and then my second (about this case) also got some notes, so clearly this is the Gumshoe content we're all looking for. (Can they please stop firing him though? He's going to end up dead on the street from starvation.) I thought it was really something how much Phoenix trusts Gumshoe. He said
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The scene with Franziska and Miles at the end was sorely needed and it was fantastic. They're both growing and healing from shared trauma and it's beautiful.
Over all... I forget, is this the one people don't like out of the trilogy? I liked it. The first is obviously iconic and banger after banger, but I do like this one. Overall it's definitely worth playing and very enjoyable. (Idk bc I haven't tried it personally, but there's a post going around about ds estore emulation or something where you can play games from the ds estore for free now that it's closed, so as far as I know you can play it for free now.)
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allieangel44 · 1 year
So, my brother and I played Turnabout Big Top, and we keep making jokes about how we would enjoy it more if Max was dating Bat AND LIKE
It would get rid some of my main issue with the case, being the creepy love thing with adults having with a LITERAL MINOR. Max and Bat have each other, after all (and Ben & Trilo will either not have interest in Regina or be more of an uncle figure like Moe. Have the ring be a gift instead of a proposal and have Max smashing the bottle over Ben's head be about them pushing each others' buttons while Max has a comatose bf)
It would also tie into the grand symbolism of grief that Justice for All had. Grief in this game is heavy and mainly used as a way to show sorrow and hatred and revenge, but if we kept Max's original personality with his arrogant yet happy and encouraging ideas, grieving can still be shown, but also a person coping with it in a (mostly) healthy way, because Max seems a whole of a heck lot better than Acro is emotionally "I'm trying to live my best life because that's what he'd want me to live like."
I have also had the (not so) amazing thought of Max and Phoenix bonding over their boyfriends, one in a coma, one "dead". Them just understanding each other and grieving, it just... MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
I know I'm rambling but GOD I hate Turnabout Big Top. It's not my least favorite, but it's just so... Eck.
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holmesoldfellow · 1 year
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"Sherlock Holmes Cookbook," combining "Holmes Cooking" by John Farrell and "Baker Street Meals and Menus" by Sean M. Wright with engravings by F. Dwight Shundo (1976)
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Pride Headcanons! 🌈
Please remember this is specifically for my AU I know many people have different hcs/ships for these characters :)
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