vegan-nom-noms · 2 months
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Vegan Crawfish Boil
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avalonnuovo · 7 months
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The cost of commercial fishing. For De Morgen
by Avalon Nuovo on Tumblr | Instagram | Behance
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Is seaspiracy accurate or bullshit?
I’ve never seen it myself, but I’ve heard through the grapevine that it’s rather sensationalized (and that it once again makes the false claim that Western marine parks procure their animals from dolphin drives like Taiji).
Honestly, documentaries in general aren’t the best sources of information. Most are designed to push some sort of an agenda rather than rationally present the facts, and the use of music and visuals makes it way easier to inspire strong emotions in your audience than any written piece.
Sometimes that’s fine—emotions are important, and it’s difficult to expect someone to care about something they’re not emotionally invested in. But too many people treat documentaries as the end-all-be-all on a topic rather than a mere introduction. It also annoys me to no end that documentaries can make statements of fact without providing any sources. IMO there should be a little citation that pops up in the corner of the screen, and maybe a QR code or other link in the credits to a references page.
TBH the only documentaries I like are nature films where David Attenborough or some other soothing voice merely narrates what’s happening.
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Everyone is saying not to listen to Seaspiracy because it's sensationalized and racist, which i won't deny. It does have some very biased opinions and some pieces that aren't very well researched. It's very much a shock value piece.
There are very important parts. It discusses aspects of the commercial fishing industry, the impact of microplastics, the impact of ocean life on human life and vice versa.
I'm not saying this is the end all be all of documentaries. It's important that you research these kinds of things if they interest you.
It's a good documentary, you should watch it, but watch other ones too. Do more research. Read what the experts have to say.
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morethansalad · 1 year
Did anyone watch Seaspiracy? I still haven't. What were your thoughts?
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leparoledelmondo · 2 years
Chi ha paura degli squali?
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Anche lo squalo potrebbe non sopravvivere all’era dello sfruttamento incontrollato delle risorse. Nel Mediterraneo esistono 24 specie di squalo protette, il 50% di loro è a rischio estinzione. Si pesca di frodo, anche in aree marine protette, per uccidere specie sempre più a rischio la cui carne, spesso, finisce direttamente nella spazzatura. I grandi pescherecci si muovono con mega-reti a strascico che catturano un po di tutto. Per massimizzare la resa e scartare i “prodotti” lesionati si buttano via moltissimi “frutti” del mare. Così ogni anno circa il 10% del pesce catturato in natura in tutto il mondo è scartato poco dopo la pesca: 8,6 milioni di tonnellate di animali.
Chi mangia la carne di squalo?
Tutti noi, perché spesso viene venduta come pregiato pesce spada, o come altre specie ittiche. Il dramma però è che spesso la carne di squalo viene trovata marcia e buttata nel cassonetto.
Il sovrasfruttamento degli oceani a opera dell’uomo è tornato al centro del dibattito pubblico grazie a un documentario (Seaspiracy di Ali Tabrizi, su Netflix).
Cambiamenti climatici e inquinamento aggravano la sopravvivenza della fauna marittima, ma è la pesca eccessiva a minacciare drasticamente il suo futuro. Secondo le previsioni attuali, il consumo di pesce dovrebbe raddoppiare entro il 2050. Al momento la soluzione risiede nei sistemi di allevamenti ittici, che da soli generano più della metà del nostro approvvigionamento di pesci. Una soluzione agli sprechi della pesca selvaggia, che però comincia a presentare alcune problematiche simili agli allevamenti intensivi di bovini, suini e pollame: animali ammassati in spazi ridotti che a volte si infettano e contaminano gli altri.
Ma alla fine della filiera del grande spreco ci siamo ancora noi consumatori: negli Stati Uniti, fino al 63% dello spreco del pesce è dovuto al fatto che i consumatori gettano nella spazzatura quello che non consumano. E noi italiani? Secondo l’ultimo rapporto del Centro Comune di ricerca della Commissione Europea, per quanto riguarda in particolare il pesce, siamo terzi (dopo Spagna e Francia) con 400.000 tonnellate buttate ogni anno. Basta poco per cambiare: bisogna cominciare a comprare solo quello che ci serve e che riusciamo effettivamente a consumare.
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giftedpoison · 1 year
Literally no one:
Me: do you understand how much i absolutely despise the Seaspiracy documentary on Netflix. *Proceeds to rant for too long."
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wild-garden-fairy · 1 year
Discarded fishing nets and other plastic waste have been found creating "plastic rocks" on Trindade island which has the world's largest breeding grounds for the endangered green turtle.
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dyingtoentertain · 1 year
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vegan-nom-noms · 27 days
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The Best Vegan Shrimp Recipe
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codydolan-vegan · 1 year
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If you eat fish you are an animal abuser, but it does not have to be this way. Go vegan and end your contribution to animal exploitation. 🌱 Posting pictures with sealife and fishe's that you murdered is not manly or cool, its pathetic and cruel. 🐟💔🚫🍽️ How would you like it if someone put a hook through your mouth? 👄 Or another animal like a dog? 🐶 Fish feel pain just like us all. 🐟 We should all protect the most valuable and defenseless beings of this planet. Dead animals are not trophies, celebrate the living. __ #govegan #vegan #veganism #animalrights #animalliberation #fishing #fishingindustry #seaspiracy #fish #marinelife #sealife #seafood #redlobster #justwentfishing #fishinglife #fishingtrip #fishing🎣 #fishdish #fishingdaily #realmeneatmeat #meatismurder #fishfeelpain #fishfeel #animalagriculture #huntingandfishing #hunters #hunting #pescatarian #huntingseason #huntinglife https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn-FyejJNYd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vannagail · 2 years
P2P #9
The Trailer I have provided for this P2P activity is not about the company of seas piracy but about companies who brand on their labels "Dolphin Safe". If you have ever seen this label, it mostly is seen on tuna packets or any sea wildlife food that is sold in your local grocery store. A lot of the time this is not the case, the documentary goes into detail about boats in France or anywhere in the world that have caught tuna, or any fish have caught dolphins in their nets, and they still label their products as dolphin safe. The guy who directed the documentary tried to talk to many of the big-time companies and none of them took him up on his offer, only a few talked to him but hid their identities. The brand for Seaspiracy has shed so much light into this situation of big-time companies still labeling their products falsely. Their website, which I will link it below, says that "300,000 DOLPHINS, WHALES & PORPOISES ARE KILLED BY FISHING OPERATIONS PER YEAR." The reason this ad is effective is because the movement for a better ecosystem in our oceans is quite simple, hold big time fishing companies accountable for their actions as well as to put a stop to mindless killings of dolphins, whales, and porpoises.  
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mikecriss · 2 years
Seaspiracy: Esiste La Pesca Sostenibile?
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ulyssexiii · 2 years
Ulysse_XIII Creations inspired by seaspiracy and blackfish documentaries and created on photoshop. #popart #wallart #banksy #canvasprint #banksyart #fyp #duet #viral #seaspiracy (at Dublin, Ireland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg1_z2PoreT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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3-aem · 6 months
in a way insomnia drawing is fun because i can actively feel all 5 working braincells focusing their entire energies on drawing gojos dumb hair
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3am-cheerios · 2 years
okay that was brutal and i had to pause multiple times not only to take notes but yell about the injustices and blatant lying and ignorance but i have a firm direction for my paper and am confident in my ability to complete it on time
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