#Seattle gay party
jjulyssa-blog · 1 month
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Girls just wanna have fun 👼🏻
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readymades2002 · 1 year
i need to catch up with witch hat and dunmeshi (again) at some point </3 i am so very very bad at keeping up with things as they release
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ruffparty · 2 years
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Happy Friday!!! 📣📣 Just a week and a bit away now.... ;) Today we are bringing you our first DJ for the evening, we are bringing up the super talented Morgan J from Seattle! He will be getting the party started for all of us so dont forget to come out early! <3 Check out his musical stylings here : https://soundcloud.com/djmorganj 🎵🎵 Tickets here: www.RUFFparty.com 🎟️
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rthko · 10 months
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Found this display at the Leather Museum and Archives in Chicago on Billy Lane, the first openly trans man to compete in the International Mr. Leather (IML) contest in 1998.
Placard transcribed under the cut:
I feel a lot of warmth toward the entire IML family and Chuck Renslow for being so welcoming. On the few occasions when I haven't been able to attend the Family Reunion (known to most of you as IML weekend), I have felt a sense of loss. I am proud of Mark Frazier who quickly and decisively took a stand regarding his newly acquired contest. Finally, I am grateful to the entire Seattle men's community who kept inviting me to be a part of their clubs until I was ready and said yes. I still miss all of you!
I have also been a proud member of the Brotherhood of Delta International, which has been having men only BDSM runs since 1994. They invited me in 1998 knowing that I was FTM and asked me to join their club in 1999. While I was initially filled with trepidation at my first run in 1998 as the first FTM, since then I've served on the board of directors for six years, three as Vice Chair and one as Chairman. Our policy is that we welcome all men and don't inquire about birth status.
In 1998, I felt unsure of myself much of the time. I was afraid of rejection and uncertain if anyone would accept me as a man, let alone a gay leatherman. Much to my surprise and delight, most of my interactions were positive. Competing at IML allowed me to turn a page in my life. It was when I fully accepted myself as a gay leatherman among gay leathermen.
Over the past 12 years, I have seen most men's clubs grapple with the issue of including transmen and decide to welcome all men with legal male ID. Others have steadfastly rejected FTMs as men and continue to bar us from their events in the most hurtful ways possible. I have been questioned about what type of surgical procedures I've had completed and falsely accused of trying to destroy clubs. I've also watched long relationships between non-trans leathermen end over disagreements in the policy regarding FTMs in men only spaces. And now, at least one club has what amounts to a Don't Ask Don't Tell policy so if you are known to be FTM, then you cannot attend. However, if you choose to not disclose, you can sneak into events and parties where other FTMs are not welcome. This blatant hypocrisy is not only disingenuous but it also harms FTMs relationships with each others, creating strife where none need exist. The amount of harm I've seen inflicted and experienced is profound considering how so many of us as gay men and leathermen have been marginalized ourselves. I still don't understand how people who have been and continue to be mistreated not only by heterosexual society but by the greater gay community can turn around and do it to others.
Like my very best friend and brother in this struggle, Peter Fiske, I choose, however, to remain optimistic. I strongly believe that with the passage of time, these few remaining clubs will see that FTMs do have a rightful place in men's only space, adding a vibrant, strong masculine energy that comes from having to fight harder than most to find our place in the gay men's leather community.
Billy Lane, May 2010
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 2 months
Do you know of any fics that are being regularly updated? Like current fics where the next chapter is being upload every tot days? I miss having a new chapter of a fic to look forward to reading 🥲🥲 please and thanks ♡♡
One way to check is to go on A03 and in work search, select the relationship you want - "Blaine anderson/Kurt Hummel" and you can select Works in Progress. Currently here are a handful updating regularly, if i don't mention your fic, please feel free to let me know. ~Jen
Undiscovered By @heartsmadeofbooks chap 1/?
All Blaine Anderson needs is a little help to put himself through school. That’s all. But he’s going to get so much more than he hoped for when he meets Kurt Hummel, the successful, sexy workaholic who in turn needs someone to make the loneliness disappear.
Klueless by @kurtsascot chap 4/22
It’s 1995. Kurt’s a senior at McKinley High, and he’s looking to lose his virginity and get his love life in order before he goes off to college.
Unfortunately, Blaine, the pretentious son of Burt’s ex-wife, is in Lima to intern for Burt’s congressional reelection campaign, and Kurt is stuck dealing with him until the election is over.
14 Stones of A curse by Anna_Timberlake @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion chap 5/15
“It's the only way to break the curse, Kurt. Believe me.”
These were the words that had driven 29-year-old Kurt Hummel to take a long break from his prestigious job at Vogue.com and travel approximately 3300 miles. He didn't know if it was true. But if it was, will he be able to break the long impending curse of his soulmate? Welcome to the journey of Kurt Hummel discoverying his past self and his soulmate.
Soulmates and fantasy- AU and reincarnation.
Falling for you By @bitbybitwrites chap 4/5
Doctor!blaine, florist!Kurt, Dadfic, Christmas
And longer fic, updating weekly/monthly:
Sonder by @gleefulpoppet chap 77/?
 Kurt is one of the most respected and talked about men in the fashion industry and business world. His app Style•Revolution is the fastest-growing app in history, still rising after three years. Recently, he moved the company to Seattle to be at the heart of the newest technology epicenter in the United States. Yet, with all his success, experience keeps teaching him to be wary of people’s motives who want to be close to him, and he wonders if he’ll be alone forever. Or maybe this city has plans for him that he can’t imagine when his gaze locks with a mysterious, honey-hazel-eyed busker.
Out of Eden By @wowbright chap 64/75 est
As a gay Mormon, Kurt Hummel has decided to go the rest of his life without falling in love. But toward the end of his two years as a missionary in Germany, Elder Anderson moves into his apartment—and Kurt's best-laid plans fall apart.
Head over Feet By @spaceorphan18 chap 8/15
After Kurt and Blaine broke up the second time, they went their separate ways, living their separate lives in New York City. Fifteen years later, a retirement party brings them back together into each other's orbit, with surprising, for both of them, consequences. Are they able to fit each other into their already complicated and messy lives? And are these newfound feelings real? Or just echoes of a past relationship?
The Queen's Passageway By @coffeegleek Part 4 of one shots of Everybody's Naked & There's a Country to Run verse
This is an expansion upon the one-shot, Passage Ways, chapter 12 of One-Shots in the Everybody’s Naked & There’s a Country To Run verse. You don't have to know the verse to read it.
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natalieleif · 9 days
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IT'S PRIDE MONTH, which means it's time for the TAKE ALL OF US 'UNBURY YOUR GAYS' BOOK TOUR!! If you're in the Seattle area--or want to be a virtual attendee--take a look at all these cool, FREE events! Come readalong about zombies, talk about queerness and disability and horror, and have some yummy brain snacks!
6/4 - First chapter readalong on Tiktok (@pumpkinleef) @ 6 pm PST 6/5 - LAUNCH PARTY at Third Place Books in Ravenna! @ 7-9 pm PST 6/7 - Write-in at Lynnwood Public Library @ 3-5 pm PST 6/13 - Reading/Q&A at Outsider Comics @ 3-5 pm PST 7/11 - Booth at Scream for Queer Art in Cap Hill @ 6-10 pm PST 7/12 - Virtual convo w/ @themarissae @ 3 pm PST!
TAKE ALL OF US is my upcoming YA 'soft' horror about a disabled teen zombie in love with his best friend, the town zombie hunter. He has to figure out his feelings before his brain rots, figure out what's causing the epidemic in town, and in general learn how to assert himself and take up space for the first time in his life. It's about living with disability during a pandemic (*cough*), it's about kids supporting each other, and it's about being queer and growing up in rural West Virginia.
It's launching on the 4th of June, and available for preorder NOW!
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wildpeachfarm · 3 months
thank you so much for rec Brittany! She is an experienced adult who gets things but can also empathize with these creators bc she was in that position once. Her whole thing about being a “grown up” but she wasn’t “grown grown” like her parents had me nodding along, like this is someone who gets life, who isn’t chronically online. Humans gonna human and bubbles YESYES
This fandom is so young that watching a video like Brittany’s can bring an POV that they might not be privy to for another decade. And thts the point, it’s okay to make mistakes but if my listening to someone with more life experience (and boy does Brittany have life experience! She knows what she’s talking about with this) you can Not make some of these mistakes, be cognizant of what to do and how to stand up for yourself…shouldn’t that be what everyone wants? People here in their late teens early 20s need to listen to what she says. It is so so important especially about different bubbles and having to interact with people who have different bubbles. This is an adult skill you need to have and look at people and situations from multiple angles. Brittany does a very good job using this last stream as an educational tool as well and point out what went wrong and how to avoid certain things in the future. Like she said, taking and pointing out preventative measure is no victim blaming. Preventative measures should be taken (DD, not drinking underage, speaking up for yourself, removing yourself from uncomfortable situations, not drinking with people you don’t know, having friends you can trust if you are drunk). But acknowledging you can do everything right and bad things can still happen.
Acknowledging your friends faults but not blindly defending them…dude side eyeing some of theses streamers. You should know your friends characters. Some friends are messy and hard to deal with, it’s okay to acknowledge that!! Never protect a friend breaking the law etc, but like she said, “I’d turn my friend into the police but I would visit them in jail”. Help your friends get better but if it becomes too toxic, it’s okay to reevaluate that friendship.
It’s a long stream, long videos, but I think a young fandom like mcyt would lean a lot from watching.
I haven’t watched her other videos but I plan to. If people didn’t watch, her background is Iranian/Syrian, raised conservative, moved to Seattle did a 180 being in the gay, party, and bdsm scene identifying as lesbian but now identifies as pan sexual and is settled down with focus on YouTube as her career. This lady knows what she is talking about, not because she has lived it, but she has put in the work to heal and learn. She has seen therapists and done the introspective part. And has acknowledged nothing is black and white. She takes the time to see it from every perspective. Her thing with the color blue and everyone could be talking about the color blue but not the same shade of blue.
Sorry millennial here connecting with a fellow millennial.
yay glad to hear you're enjoying her stuff! and yeah you said it perfectly she's incredibly experienced in so many things and has so much advice to younger people and really provides good perspectives to people who might not have seen it that way before
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gaytkachuk · 6 months
happy birthday maffew i hope u get to go to a seattle gay bar for your party
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scarrabear · 10 months
hi again!!! I'm back with part 2. I honestly expected to finish my thoughts but yeah I talk a lot and just have so many thoughts soooo I'm still not done!
College Years
Logan and Michael helped Quinn and her family set up her dorm room (she has her own room but has communal bathrooms)
Logan buys his first condo to live in for college years with the plan of using it as an investment property in the future. (This could be the apartment we see Quinn at in Zoey 102??)
Logan gifted Quinn a gold necklace of his name and Quinn got him a (vegan) leather bracelet with her name on it before move in day!
Logan was very intimidated at first and didn't think he was smart enough for UCLA but Quinn and his group of friends helped encourage him.
Quinn was nervous about making friends and was one of very few girls in her class at Caltech. Logan and the gang (especially Zoey and Lola) helped boost her confidence and help block out any sexism she would endure as a women in STEM.
Their first semester there was some uncertainty on both ends on if their relationship would last, plus people kept telling them "oh high school relationships fail just dump them". Scheduling time to speak to one another on the phone and in person meet ups was hard at first but the two realized how worth it their love was.
Quinn realized a month into her first semester that no guy compared to Logan in terms of attentiveness. Logan realized how truly lucky he was to have Quinn after only spending a few weeks in school listening to his classmates *try* to sound smart.
After the first year, Quinn got a summer internship at a TekMate (currently in a crisis competing with the iPhone) and this began her working her way up the company. Logan worked as a producer's assistant for one of his father's films aka this being one of the most humbling experiences for him.
^^ that summer, Quinn lived with Logan in his condo that first summer and yeah the two had lots of sex but also learned what being in an adult relationship consists of (budgeting, grocery shopping, chores, etc.) Quinn was also saving up to rent her own place.
During Logan's 3rd year at UCLA in my mind is where he meets Jared (a new character in Zoey 102 and one of his groomsmen), the son of fellow rich/successful movie producers and Malcolm asks him to help adjust to UCLA. The two become close immediately and Logan introduces him to Quinn like a week after knowing each other.
Jared and Quinn are both gleeks. Quinn only started watching because of the character Quinn Fabray and they get Logan on board too. Quinn dresses up as a cheerio one halloween and Jared and Logan are Warblers.
In 102, Jared is confirmed gay and has a longtime partner. Back in 2010-ish, Jared was probably scared shitless to come out to Logan but wanted to because he started seeing someone, presumably his partner. Logan was the one to ask Jared "so are you and (insert name)..." to which jared opens his eyes and Logan interrupts trying to calm him down saying "its totally cool if you are! Quinn is from Seattle you know so she's cool with it too!" this causes Jared to tear up and the two share a bro hug.
Logan and Quinn start becoming more and more comfortable in his own masculinity/femininity respectively and their sexualities.
Every summer up until graduation Quinn worked at TekMate, eventually being offered a position as an invention consultant at age 23. Logan threw her a huge party.
Logan dealt with accusations all through college that he only got in because his father bribed the school...he ended up graduating with a solid B+ average.
Quinn graduated top of her class wow who's shocked not me
Post College Years/Before Engagement
Logan continues to buy up real estate as investment properties but mainly lives in one "starter" home in The Hollywood Hills. Quinn lives in Logan's first condo (rent free) and the two have sleepovers quite literally every night. Their friends and family keep harassing them about why they don't just move in together but the two are adamant about it not feeling "the right time" yet, ie: Quinn establishing herself and wants to be financially steady and Logan respecting her space but also building up his producing credentials.
Logan proposed for the first time not long after they graduated to which Quinn said she wasn't ready yet. This prompted them to have the discussion about living separately for a while. Not only did this make their relationships stronger, but helped them grow as individuals. (Logan kept the engagement ring)
Like in the movie, Logan was openly stating he wanted to marry Quinn but respected her needs. She probably wanted to establish her own name in the tech world before being known as JUST "Logan Reese's wife". Quinn always reassured him though she would eventually say yes and would let him know when she was ready.
They buy their first home together after 10 years of dating (age 27). Around this time as well, the CEO of TekMate announces they are stepping down from the position and they suggest Quinn be one of a select few to begin the training process to take over. Quinn is eventually chosen as the new CEO a year later at age 28, the youngest and first female in the company's history.
Shortly after Quinn becomes CEO, Camille (new character from Zoey 102 and one of her bridesmaids) is hired as head of marketing for TekMate. the two become fast friends and Quinn immediately introduces her to Logan who is just ecstatic. Camille also gets along great with Lola, Michael, Stacey, Mark, and Jared.
Logan entrusts Camille to text or call him whenever Quinn is stressed at work.
The idea of of developing the unbreakable see-through phone comes when at a party, Logan randomly wonders what would happen if he ran over his old iPhone with his new car (one of his new cars I should say).
on their anniversary every year, they take a trip to a different area of the world.
Logan and Quinn go all out for decorating their house for Halloween, Christmas, Hanukkah, and Valentines Day.
Lyric was the one who asked the couple the most on when they would get married.
When the unbreakable see through phone was getting closer and closer to launch, Forbes magazine cover, etc. is when Quinn felt she was truly established as "Quinn Pensky, the inventor" and when she told Logan she was ready to get married, he cried. He also told her he still wanted to propose to her to which she anxiously anticipated it.
Yeah Part 3 coming soon!!! Thanks again for reading you lovelies <3
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cock-holliday · 6 months
Anyway here is a documentary I've been spamming for years. This 2015 doc by Dean Spade (attorney, professor, activist, and author of the great book Mutual Aid: Building Solidarity During this Crisis (and the Next) X) gets into Israel's effort to rebrand itself as a gay haven and the use of LGBT symbolism and cruise, party, and beach-going acceptance has helped sanitize their image from criticism. aka "Pinkwashing"
The documentary covers activists in Seattle in 2012 opposing Israel's violence and propaganda, being smeared as antisemites and self-hating Jews, and despite the content being a decade+ old, the same bullshit, the same distractions from Israel's crimes, the same lies are told while atrocities and death rains down on Palestinians--just as it's happening today.
Special Easter Egg shoutout: 4min in covers John Hagee, who you may remember as a big speaker in the recent March For Israel in DC
Also really wanted to highlight some of the vitriol, backlash, and conversations because it is word for word the sort of shit being passed around in 2023:
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physiqueandfantasy · 7 months
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I went to the Seattle Art Museum
John Singer Sargent was really the GOAT when it came to drawing twinks. Put a dangly earring and some eyeshadow on him and he’d be right at home in a Portland or San Francisco gay house party,
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gyroshrike · 4 months
HEY, A REALLY GOOD FRIEND ASKED ME TO SHARE THIS! We've worked together on a lot of films and projects and now their cousin is trying to fund their own film!
"My name is Rez Redacted, I am a queer transmasc Filipino filmmaker in the Seattle area and have little to no representation of myself in the stories I would watch on the big screen, so for this project, I'm taking it upon myself to give Filipinos like me a chance to see ourselves completely. This includes having a full Filipino main principle cast and attempting to have the best 2010s realism with miniDV footage. Of course, like any broke college kid in this country, I just need help funding this big gay dream."
I'd super love if anyone has any spare dollars to throw at this project. I can 100% vouch for it. It's only got FIVE DAYS LEFT as of February 25th, 2024! If you can't donate, I'd really love a share. Please help support southeast asian filmmakers!
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teamfreewill2pointo · 5 months
Do you have receipts for the hotel in Seattle and other claims? And anyone besides Misha saying he stayed with them?
I don't have receipts for them visiting Misha and getting a hotel near him.
They all talked about the end of s12 rental house story where Misha and Jared shared a room while Jensen was down the hall and then the three of them ended up watching gay porn together and they waited to see how long it took for Clif to realize what was on the TV. Jared has also mentioned Misha staying with him in Van place in a CE con panel. I don't remember which con it is, but he talked about Misha observing something he had in his front hall (?) that was related to Supernatural (a poster?) and then he joked, "Don't be jealous" to Jensen after saying that Misha was staying with him.
I always find it hilarious when both groups of tinhats use these things as evidence for their particular ship, but ignore the third (or more) party also involved.
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greenlikethesea · 1 year
as always, thank you @bienmoreau for making the album art possible and helping me bring my vision to life.
for my next installment in the shotguns’ discography, eddie munson’s fictional band in the incredible @greatunironic‘s the most remarkable thing, and other b-sides and rarities universe, i wanted to play in the sandbox of the ‘verse as well as play with my own interpretation of him as a gay man who isn’t in the closet, but also isn’t saying anything. who doesn’t love the high drama of a party where no one comes, especially the man that you’re in love with? and who better to express that sadness than the queen of parties herself, lesley gore?
i think eddie got the idea to interpolate the classic refrain and was nervous as shit about it, because here he was, some grunge dude from seattle, with little to no. but he’d always had a soft spot for songs like that, and so he contacted her to ask permission. i imagine that she was delighted by the request (honestly, having probably already figured out he was a fellow queer person). and as @greatunironic herself said, steve probably loves the song and her music, so eddie kind of used it as a flex for a hot minute there.
about the music -- the chord structure and melody structure of this chorus and EROTIC NIGHTMARE are complementary for a reason, as i imagine eddie sees them as sister songs for each other. this is the cheeky younger sister, whereas EN is sedate and introspective.
anyway, that’s a lot of explanation. i hope you enjoy!
lyrics below the cut:
I threw a party and no one came Maybe my decor’s a little strange Skeletons in all my closets, Blood comes out the bathroom faucet If I saw the place, I’d do the same
But you’ve never, ever stayed the night I think we both know why
After the party, you won’t want to wake beside me But even if you slept on the couch I know my name’s another way to spell out your destruction One look at me, I’m figured out Oh, you’ve figured me out
My next soiree is sure to beat the band A ticket that you know’s in high demand Invited the skeletons in my closet Cocktails straight from the bathroom faucet But there’s some things I’ll never understand
Like how you won’t say yes to an invite Who am I kidding? We both know why
After the party, you won’t want to wake beside me But even if you slept on the couch I know my name’s another way to spell out your destruction One look at me, you’d figure me out
It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to Hide if I want to Die if I want to You would die too if you only knew
But soon you will, too… Soon you will too…
When you figure me out When you figure me out When you figure me out Oh, when you’ve figured me out
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kittybells-writes · 4 months
AO3 Masterpost
Your guide to everything I've written & posted on AO3!
I will define its rating with the color that matches for example. if my fic is rated E, it will be colored as such. due to not having access to yellow anymore for some reason, blue is now teen rated.
as of right now, all of my non-yellowjackets fics are posted so that you need an account to see them, due to the ai scrapers.
sorted by fandom, alphabetically, if it shares a fandom I will put the secondary fandom in brackets before the genre. things that aren't smut/pwp will be given a genre after the title that'll be in parentheses!
I will also put pairings in {these brackets} for relationships, both platonic and romantic/sexual, defined by the & and / tagging system on ao3.
one is the loneliest number [Wednesday] (fluff)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
make me move like a freak {Faith/Buffy}
alley way play {Vamp!Willow/Faith}
D.E.B.S. (2004)
a kinky kidnapping {Amy/Lucy}
Doki Doki Literature Club
I hear your heart beat beat to the beat of the drums {Natsuki/Sayori}
I'm so hot I'd fuck myself {Monika/Monika}
Five Nights at Freddy's
join us and die [Hatchetfieldverse] (hurt/no comfort)
veronica gets a motorbike and rides up to seattle {Veronica/Chandler} (some plot)
fear and panic in the air, I want to be free
I might kill my ex {Billy/Reader}
Spider Verse
I wanna fuck you like an animal, I wanna feel you from the inside {Miguel/Reader}
let me go home, I'm too far away from where you are, I wanna come home (fluff/angst) {Gwen & Miles}
sweet little unforgettable thing {Miguel/Reader}
Stranger Things
darling you're so pretty it hurts {Chrissy/Robin}
"do not enter" is written on the doorway (hurt/comfort)
eleven is bleeding (hurt/comfort?)
hellfur club (angst/hurt/comfort) {Steve/Eddie}
I can see clearly, now the rain is gone (hurt/comfort)
I tried to find a cure for the pain (hurt/comfort)
I've been hiding these feelings for so long (self discovery, fluff, hurt/comfort)
I will always write back {Steve/Eddie}
strip truth or truth {Chrissy/Robin}
tw: gay (bonding/fluff!)
you're the first to fight, I know something's wrong (hurt/comfort)
The Sex Life of College Girls
don't cry, don't cry [T] {Tatum/Leighton} (angst)
I'm breaking the habit tonight {Alicia/Leighton} (angst) Wednesday
I love my dog as much as I love you {Wednesday & Enid) (agere/fluff)
cry me a river {Wednesday & Enid) (hurt/comfort)
I'll hold your hand if you want me to {Xavier & Tyler} (hurt/comfort)
Yellowjackets (2021)
a light in the crack between your thighs {Lottie/Nat}
all along there was some invisible string {Jackie & Shauna} (fluff?)
all the other girls are thinner, so she makes you skip dinner {Jackie & Shauna} (hurt/comfort)
baby it's halloween, and we could be anything {Lottie/Nat} (fluff)
better run faster than the bullet {Van & Nat} (hurt/comfort)
big doe eyed, amazing {Jackie/Shauna} (petplay)
did you miss me? oh come and kiss me {Jackie/Shauna}
for you, there'll be no more crying; for you, the sun will be shining {Jackie & Shauna} (fluff)
help me find myself {Jackie & Nat} (fluff?)
hold me up, tie me down {Lottie/Nat} (fluff??/nx kink)
I apologize for skipping any tracks, it's just the last guy that played me left a couple cracks {Jackie & Shauna} (hurt/comfort)
I can't really explain it, I'm so into you {Jackie/Shauna}
I can't remember to forget you {Jackie & Shauna} (hurt/no comfort)
I'd throw a thousand parties and never be sorry if you'd walk through my door {Lottie/Nat} (fluff)
if it feels good it can't be bad {Lottie/Nat/Everyone?} (adult tl)
I gave your boyfriend cunnilingus on my couch {Shauna/Nat} (t4t) I like how you look when you really beg {Lottie/Nat} (ws)
I'll dance with my hands above my head {Crystal/Misty Quigley}
I'm coming home {Jackie/Shauna} (fluff)
I'm feeling sexual, so we should be sexual {Nat/Misty}
in the land of gods and monsters, you were an angel {Lottie/Nat}
it's not my fault you're like in love with me [T] {Jackie/Shauna} (drama, slow burn)
I wanna get in trouble, I wanna start a fight {Shauna/Lottie} (angst)
I want you all to myself {Lottie/Nat}
I wish I knew you wanted me {Lottie/Shauna + Jackie/Shauna} (hurt/no comfort)
I would take a bullet for you just to prove my love, only to find out you are the one holding the gun {Jackie & Shauna} (hurt/comfort)
jet set bonnie and clyde {Van/Tai} (additional angst)
know it's for the better {Nat/Lottie} (angst)
like real people do {Jackie/Shauna} (angst)
long story short I survived {Lottie/Nat} (adult tl porn w feelings)
losing sleep every night, keep trying to cover my eyes {Lottie} (agere hurt/no comfort)
love became the high that's the drug and not the pill {Lottie & Nat} (whump)
love you to the moon and to saturn {Shauna & Callie} (hurt/comfort)
now the pain is for pleasure, 'cause nothing can measure {Shauna/Jackie/Lottie}
on her knees like religion {Lottie/Nat} (a/b/o)
one hour, two bottles and straight to the hotel {Lottie/Nat} (ws)
to me, you're like a growing addiction that I can't deny {Lottie/Shauna} (emotions?)
we were built to fall apart {Lottie/Laura Lee} (angst, adult tl)
when I think about you I touch myself {Tai/Van + Misty?)
why don't you lay down and sleep, shauna {Lottie & Shauna / Shauna & Jackie} (hurt/no comfort)
wish you were here right now, all of the things I'd do {Jackie/Nat} (phone sex)
you drew stars around my scars {Lottie/Nat or Lottie & Nat} (fluff/agere)
you wanna fuck me right now, you wanna see me on my knees {Jackie/Shauna}
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This day in history
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I'm on tour with my new novel The Bezzle! Catch me next in SALT LAKE CITY (Feb 21, Weller Book Works) and SAN DIEGO (Feb 22, Mysterious Galaxy). After that, it's LA, Seattle, Portland, Phoenix and more!
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#20yrsago Going away party this Sunday https://memex.craphound.com/2004/02/17/going-away-party-this-sunday/
#20yrsago Judicial pedantry saves gay marriage in San Fran https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/2004/02/18/ruling-on-gay-marriages-is-delayed-over-semicolon/28788982007/
#20yrsago Verizon sez you can’t sell 867-5309, it doesn’t belong to you https://www.starnewsonline.com/story/news/2004/02/15/you-may-have-to-wait-in-line-for-jennys-number/30540335007/
#20yrsago Papers Please: right not to show ID goes to Supreme Court https://papersplease.org/hiibel/
#20yrsago I’m moving to England and selling off a bunch of stuff https://memex.craphound.com/2004/02/17/im-moving-to-england-and-selling-off-a-bunch-of-stuff/
#20yrsago List of programs disapproved for Closed Captioning https://web.archive.org/web/20040402072559/https://www.nad.org/openhouse/action/alerts/captioningcensorship/list.html
#15yrsago How are you coping with collapse-anxiety? https://memex.craphound.com/2009/02/17/how-are-you-coping-with-collapse-anxiety/
#15yrsago Apparatus for allowing your cat to agree to EULAs https://web.archive.org/web/20090219163359/http://www.ohesso.com/essays/essay006.htm
#15yrsago How Obama’s sentence-structure works https://themillions.com/2009/02/diagramming-obama-sentence_16.html
#15yrsago Copywrong song — New Zealanders protest guilt-on-accusation law with music https://web.archive.org/web/20090218125619/http://creativefreedom.org.nz/copywrong.html
#10yrsago Forensic reconstruction of a Crystal Head Vodka skull https://www.jwz.org/blog/2014/02/crystal-head-vodka-forensic-facial-reconstruction/
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