#Selenium AU
aluria-sevhex · 7 months
help a few days ago i drew a mom and i think i accidentally made her a milf
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redtsundere-writes · 5 months
Jinx | Sukuna Ryomen
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mmafigther!sukuna ryomen x femcoach!reader
Part 11. The Other One
Beginning. ← Previous | Next →
Sypnosis: Sukuna is a world champion with anger issues. It's believed by many that he is untrainable. Yeah, you can't train him, but you can dominate him. Contents: Fighting. Sukuna being Sukuna. Female reader being dom. Jinx AU (the BL, not the character from lol) Yuuji, Choso and Sukuna are brothers. Warnings: Cursed words. I only read it once lol Word Count: 4667 words. Author's Note: We are so close to the end. I already want to get to the grand finale, but I can only write one chapter at the time. uwu Thanks for all the support so far!
Btw I made a PLAYLIST
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“Salmon or hake?” I wondered as I compared the two frozen fish. I was in the frozen section of the best supermarket in the city.  My exposed skin was cold by being exposed to the bed of ice and near the refrigerators full of snacks and fast foods. The nerves in my hands were beginning to tighten from holding the frozen packages for too long.
Ladies slowly dragging their carts through the white aisles, children crying to their mothers who already want to go home and the employees running from side to side behind me. The popular music framed my thoughts as I read the nutritional facts for each product, focusing on the grams of protein. Since I was in charge of cooking for Sukuna’s birthday, I had to choose the best products to make him the best dinner he ever had
Salmon has 20 grams of protein, 13 grams of fat and zero carbohydrates. In addition to its contribution of Omega-3, for high-performance athletes it is the ideal fish to eat, since it has a very good ratio of proteins and healthy fats. If I baked it in the oven, I was sure it would be delicious. The only problem? The famous mercury. Although, according to some studies, it is true that salmon is the fish that contains the least amount. Hake is usually its alternative, which has less fat, but the same or more amount of protein, also it digests better.
“Salmon has more potassium, selenium, and vitamin B12." A female voice interrupted my mental debate.
My eyes widened when I saw the beauty next to me. A thin and tall blonde woman. Her blonde hair was long and her bangs looked great on her. His thin eyebrows framed her big brown eyes. His tight-fitting black turtleneck shirt and high-waisted pants made her look phenomenal. It was like admiring a beautiful porcelain statue, you could easily get lost in the details of her person.
"Oh, thanks. Are you a nutritionist or something like that?” I asked curiously as I returned the hake to the bed of ice.
"I'm a jiu-jitsu coach. I never thought I would meet the Medusa Snake in a supermarket,” she joked.
I should have seen it before. Her physical build was magnificent for a jiu-jitsu fighter. Her arms were perfectly toned, and his long legs could knock down any rival with one kick. I started to envy her body.
"I was told you were Ryomen's coach, I see that you are… very close," she said as she looked directly at the bracelet that Sukuna had given me earlier this morning. That was strange.
"It is a complicated task, but I think that every day we understand each other more," I answered honestly.
"I wanted to be his coach, you know?” she told me as if nothing had happened.
Something in me set off a warning alarm. I could sense that this conversation had a double intention. Was she threatening my position? Did she know that I wouldn't be Sukuna's coach anytime soon? Was she just trying to have a nice conversation in the middle of the frozen section? She was a beautiful woman to admire, but I didn't like where this was going.
"Who are you?" I asked confused, completely breaking the flow of the conversation.
"My name is Yuki Tsukumo," she introduced herself with a smile. “This is the Yuki who sent the bracelet to Sukuna!” I thought, trying not to reflect surprise on my face, but I'm not sure if I did it. “I see he received my gift, it's a shame he didn't want to use it."
"Sukuna doesn't like receiving gifts, that's why he gave it to me,” I answered, my tone sounding more defensive than I intended.
"Thank goodness he didn't throw it in the trash," she said before taking the hake I left. "I hope he doesn't throw you away either." With that threat, she walked away, getting lost in the cereal aisle.
I just saw the beautiful woman swinging her hips away, like a poisonous viper with beautiful colored scales. I couldn't help but see the gold bracelet that rested delicately on my wrist. My gaze hyperfixed on the letters engraved on it, wondering what kind of relationship this strange woman had with Sukuna. I put the salmon in my basket and continued with my shopping in an attempt to forget the unusual conversation.
After paying for the salmon and the rest of the ingredients I would use for the special dinner, my phone started ringing. I arranged the plastic bags in one hand to get my phone out of my pants. It was Yuuji.
"Hello, Y/n!" His friendly voice sounded from the other side. "Do you have any plans for tonight?"
"Not really. I am only going to make Sukuna’s dinner for his birthday,” I answered as I walked back home.
"Cancel that. My parents just invited me and my brothers to dinner at the restaurant they just opened in the bay.” I stopped dead and sighed. “The salmon will have to wait until tomorrow.” "Do you have a pretty dress?" he wondered out of nowhere.
"Why you ask?". I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I asked my parents if you could come. When they found out you were Sukuna's friend, they said yes.”
"Why did you do that?" I asked him, even more confused. This couldn't be good.
"Because Choso is going, duh," he answered as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
Because I was thinking about Sukuna 24/7, I had completely forgotten about Choso's existence. Yuuji still doesn't know that I like his other brother now. Plus, his parents will be there. Oh no, this can't be happening. This would be a disaster, I could sense it. Did I really have to go? My feelings churned in my chest the further I walked down the sidewalk. I stopped when I reached the crosswalk. The traffic light was red.
"I don't think this is a good idea..."
"Don't say that! It's the perfect opportunity for Choso to see you slay like the queen you are,” Yuuji lifted my spirits that I was dragging on the ground.
"Hang up the phone now!" I heard Gojo yell at him from a distance, Yuuji was still be in the gym, training with Sukuna.
"See you in the afternoon," he said goodbye before hanging up.
The light turned green, but I still couldn't cross. I stood frozen on the sidewalk, stunned by the unusual invitation. I felt lost. I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to go because I really like hanging out with the boys, but I was afraid to find out what my true feelings were for Choso and Sukuna. Also, I raised Choso’s hopes up. What if I didn’t like him anymore because I liked Sukuna? Thai was a mess. 
The traffic light turned red again. Why was I questioning my feelings for Choso? It's true that I liked Sukuna, but I liked Choso the moment I saw him. Sukuna had been an acquired taste from the times we've slept together. The gifts and me living with him seemed to have no meaning to him. I was in a dangerous situation, and he just wanted to protect me, right? Everything was so confusing. Maybe if I was to go to dinner, I had to find out what my true feelings were.
The traffic light turned green again.
After picking my outfit, an everything shower and doing my makeup, I was ready. It had been a long time since the last time I dressed up like a fine lady for dinner. I always have to wear sporty clothes due to work. Putting on a cute pink dress and applying a small wing eyeliner made me feel like a pretty princess. I brushed my hair in front of my large bathroom mirror while my stomach churned nervously. Seeing myself so different from how I normally look was like seeing an old friend I hadn't seen in years. As I put the brush back in its place, I noticed that I still had Sukuna's bracelet on my wrist. 
“I don't think it's a good idea to wear it today,” I thought aloud before taking it off and putting it in a jewelry box.
I went down to the entrance at the time Sukuna and I had agreed to leave. My heels echoed with every step I took. I already wanted him to see me as “the queen” that I am, Yuuji's words. I went downstairs with every intention of surprising him, but I was the one who ended up surprised. He was already there, fixing his elegant suit in front of the mirror. I never thought I'd see a man like Sukuna, who always dresses in T-shirts and shorts, wearing a sharp black suit with an ivory turtleneck sweater. This was not the cranky man I coach, this was a millionaire man with a mobster vibe straight out of a romance novel written by a woman. From the shine on his shoes to his well-groomed hair, Sukuna looked like the jackpot. 
“You look... different,” he said as he analyzed my whole body. “Of course I look different! What kind of compliment is that?!” I thought annoyed. 
“You look different too.” I told him reluctantly. 
“Are you ready to go?” He asked. I just nodded excitedly before following him out the door. 
In the nighttime tapestry of the city, the bright lights painted a surreal panorama. The asphalt shone like an ebony river, reflecting the headlights of passing cars like wandering fireflies. The city had an air of mystery and adventure. Tokyo was a place where anything could happen, where dreams came true and nightmares lurked in the shadows. The steering wheel turned under my fingers like a rudder guiding a ship through a sea of ​​metal. The roar of the engine was a discordant symphony that echoed in the silence of the night.
“How did training with Gojo go?” I asked him to get a topic of conversation.
"Everything was going well until I had to train again with the useless rookies,” he muttered in annoyance, gripping the steering wheel firmly. "Have you thought about who your replacement will be?" He asked.
"I have a few candidates in mind,” I answered. "In fact, a coach approached me when I went to the market, but she didn't give me a good vibe.”
"Why?" he asked, curious.
"I think you already know each other."
"What's her name?”
"Yuki Tsukumo." Sukuna braked the car in its tracks, making us bounce in our seats. Thank God we had our seat belts on. If we hadn’t, I would have slammed into the glass. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I exclaimed with my heart in my hand.
Sukuna didn't answer me. He squeezed the steering wheel, clearly annoyed, to park next to the curb. He took off his seatbelt to lean back on the steering wheel. Who was this Yuki Tsukumo that could make Sukuna act like this? An ex-partner? Impossible, Yuuji told me that he has never had a girlfriend. Someone he slept with in the past? I don't blame him, she's beautiful.
"You better not tell Choso or Yuuji that you ran into he," he told me after letting out a long sigh.
"Why not? Is there something I should know?” I asked him confused with the whole situation.
"She is Choso's ex-fiancée,” he answered before holding his forehead in concern.
"Oh…” I could not believe it.
Sukuna POV
I couldn't believe this blonde bitch had shown up again. Finally, when we had all left her in the past, she decided to come back for more. I clearly remembered the first time I saw that stupid girl smiling from cheek to cheek as if she were a pure soul. Choso looked so happy and proud to introduce her as his future wife. Poor asshole, he didn't know what he was getting into... and neither did I.
He still vividly remembered the night where everything turned into a shit show. The UFC had paid me the best suite in Las Vegas for my first championship fight. Sometimes I closed my eyes to return to that majestic place. Admiring the Strip, a glittering ribbon of casinos, hotels, and attractions that never sleeps, Paris's iconic Eiffel Tower twinkling with a thousand lights, and the High Roller Ferris wheel rising above the horizon like a giant lighthouse. I fucked a prostitute in the middle of the wide balcony, enjoying the panorama that stretched out in front of me.
"Sukuna!" The whore screamed my name desperately.
My hips didn't stop pounding into ramming her. Her tits were bouncing in my face and her legs were spread across the couch. I opened her ass to reach the deepest part of her being. He had paid a good amount for her, he was willing to destroy her physically and emotionally. I pulled her hair while my cock hit her cervix, her limit. I was so close to reaching the climax, ensuring my future victory... but some idiot had to ring the bell at that moment.
I was so close that I didn't care that the person would stay outside all night. I didn't care if it was Choso, Gojo, Yuuji or my parents. I was very busy. The idiot didn't seem to want to understand that I wasn't going to open it, so he kept insisting on the fucking doorbell. Ding-dong. Ding-Dong. Ding-fucking-Dong. The annoying sound made me lose concentration.
"Fuck!" I screamed before pulling my cock out of the whore. She sighed in annoyance, plopping down on the couch. "Hide in the closet or something, I'm not done with you." I told her before wrapping a towel around my hips.
"I'm going to charge you extra!" She yelled at me before following my instruction.
I straightened my towel before reluctantly opening the door. In front of me was the last person I thought I would meet. It was Yuki, Choso's guest. What the fuck was she doing here at midnight? Especially alone. From her pajamas and her slightly messy hair, I could tell she had escaped from the bed she shared with my younger brother.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked her, annoyed. "It better be important."
"I want to talk about business, can I come in?" she asked me with her usual flirtatious smile.
"No. Just tell me what you have to say so you can leave me alone,” I answered. I could already feel my balls turning blue.
"Do you kiss your mother with that filthy?" she joked.
"I'm not in the mood, spit it out before I slam the door in your face," I blurted out. It was the last warning I was going to give her.
"I noticed that you don't have a trainer who specializes in jiu-jitsu. I know you don't accept women in your gym, but if you allow me to be part of your team, I can…".
I couldn't help but laugh in her face, cutting her off completely. Did she just interrupt my good luck ritual to offer herself as my trainer? I knew she was a jiu-jitsu trainer at a local gym, but I never thought she had the balls to ask me to recruit her. Couldn't she do this another day or in the morning? Why right here when Choso is surely sleeping peacefully thinking that she is by his side? Was this shit serious? There were so many questions about her behavior that I could only laugh.
"I don't see what's funny about it," Yuki said, crossing her arms.
"Then you have a terrible sense of humor," I answered. "Is that all you have to tell me?"
"I'm sure I'm a better fighter than you, I could kick your ass if I wanted to," she said annoyed.
"I want to see you try," I said. “She wouldn't dare,” I thought for sure.
Well, she dared. She attacked me by surprise with a kick to the abdomen. I lowered my arm, preventing it from connecting completely, but it did hit my side. I couldn't defend myself well while just having a towel on. One wrong move and I was already naked. I backed away out of inertia, allowing her to enter the suite. She jumped at me to continue hitting me.
"Bitch!" I screamed while covering my private parts.
"I'm going to show you that you need me on your team!" she shouted with a smile on his face.
"I don't want anyone else on my team!" I exclaimed.
How the hell did we get to this situation? I wasn't sure, but I had to do something about it. She pulled and punched me, trying to take me down like any jiu-jitsu fighter would do. She launched another kick at me, this time I evaded it in time, but she broke a lamp in the process. I was debating in my mind whether I should knock her out with one punch. I could not do it. Even though she was crazy, she was Choso's fiancée. My first option was to call one of my brothers or someone saner.
"Just think about it seriously, with my brain and your muscles I could make you a millionaire in less than you think," she told me excitedly.
So she was after the money. Which is normal… but that didn't explain why she was acting so secretive. Why didn't she tell Choso he wanted a job on the Team Black? There was something else she wasn't telling me. I entered the master bedroom as quickly as possible without exposing my cock to grab the phone, but she ended up cornering me against the closet before I could get to it. At the sudden knock, the prostitute screamed.
"Who is it?" Yuki asked me confused.
"I didn't know he had a wife!" The whore screamed opening the closet door. “Oh no,” I thought. "Please don't hit me!" The poor girl yelled as she fled the scene.
"Hey! We're not done yet!” I yelled.
And as if fate was mocking me, I dropped the towel. I was in the middle of a teenager's worst nightmare. Yuki shamelessly looked down, making this more awkward than it already was. By this point I was praying that this was a bad taste prank. I just wanted Yuuji or Gojo to come into the room with a camera in hand, mocking my reaction, but that never happened.
"Nice girl you hired," she laughed at me. And just when I thought this was only going to get worse, I heard the voice of my potential savior.
"Sukuna!" I heard Choso's voice from the door as he rang the doorbell as if his life depended on it.
"You worried your future husband," I told her before pushing her to let go, so I could put the towel back on.
"Hire me or I'll tell Choso I cheated on him with you," Yuki threatened me.
"What?!" I asked him, frowning at the tremendous bullshit she just said.
That's when it hit me. Yuki came to ask me for a job without Choso because she is only with him for convenience. She's only with him to blatantly get close to me. Since I don't accept women in the gym, this was his solution to get to me. I should have seen it before. I remember how at dinner with our parents he spent the time talking about jiu-jitsu and the UFC, sharing his extensive knowledge on the subject. Everyone was delighted with her, but she drove me crazy. 
"Are you that desperate for money?" I asked him, not believing what was happening.
"You don't have much time,” Yuki crossed her arms as the ringing continued.
"Sukuna!" Choso exclaimed again.
"I trust Choso, he is not stupid enough to fall for something like that."
End of Sukuna POV
"Choso was stupid enough to fall for that,” Sukuna blurted out after recounting the tragedy that happened that day. "He knew about my lucky ritual and to this day he still thinks I fucked his fiancée," he said as he looked towards the car in front of us.
I was just listening to him while Sign Of The Times by Harry Styles was playing on the radio. We were still parked so that Sukuna could tell me in great detail what had happened with Yuki and Choso. It was a hard story to believe. A woman interrupting his suite in the middle of his lucky ritual and then threatening to break off his relationship with his brother over a measly coaching job is not something you hear every day.
"I tried to explain to him several times what happened, but he never wanted to listen to me. Then he told Yuuji and since that idiot doesn't know how to shut up, everyone in the gym knows,” he explained. "It's an absurd story, I know, but…".
"I believe you," I told him before he could finish his sentence.
"You do?" he looked at me, confused.
"Why are you surprised? I believed you when you told me about your lucky ritual.” I said. "Is it a strange story? Yes, but we are a team. If you tell me the sky is pink, I believe you. If you tell me that pigs fly, I believe you. If you tell me that Yuki Tsukumo is a son of a bitch, I'll believe you.”
Sukuna smiled at my response. He looked relieved, as if a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders. I smiled back at his reaction. Sukuna always has been honest with me, I had no reason to doubt him. Even though I had little time left as his coach, I planned to continue by his side. I don't know if it was the sad story or my feelings towards him got in the way that made me take off my seat belt to reach him. He didn't know what exactly was going through his mind, but whatever it was, he needed a hug.
My body felt light when he reciprocated the gesture. Our bodies melted in the warmth of the moment. His hands traveled down my back to press me closer to his broad chest. I would have liked to stop time to stay here all my life. Maybe Sukuna didn't like me back, but I knew I someone important to him, and I was happy with that.
The luxurious restaurant at the Grand Palace Hotel had an elegant atmosphere with high ceilings, panoramic windows and sparkling chandeliers. Sukuna and I made our way among the tables covered with white tablecloths and velvet chairs that invited guests to delight in an exquisite menu. In the distance, we saw his family. They were happy to see us, but they were also clearly disappointed for arriving 20 minutes late. Everyone looked elegant and sophisticated, especially Choso. He always looked good, but today he looked phenomenal in his gray suit and white shirt. He greeted me with a smile on his face as soon as we approached the table.
"You look beautiful,” he complimented me. My heart skipped a beat with happiness. “Are you watching, Sukuna? This is how you give a compliment,” I thought with blushing cheeks.
"I thought I raised you to always be on time," the mother scolded Sukuna.
According to Yuuji, Kaori Itadori was a highly sophisticated and strict mother. She has always focused on giving his children the best education so that they would grow up to be strong men and providers. An extremely traditional and Catholic woman. She sounded like the worst mother-in-law you could have.
"There was a lot of traffic," Sukuna answered reluctantly as we sat at the table.
Choso helped me, pulling my chair like a perfect gentleman. I was so nervous having him so close, since Yuuji gave me his seat, so I could sit next to him. My mind was at peace realizing that I still liked Choso a lot.
"At this time? The report says that the streets are quite clear,” his mother challenged him.
"Honey, it was only 20 minutes. You're going to scare his girlfriend away,” her husband, Jin Itadori, told her. He was like any dad, pretty chill and care free. 
"She is not my girlfriend. She's my coach,” Sukuna clarified, starting to get annoyed.
"But you live together," his mother said.
"You live together?" Choso asked me confused. “Oh no,” I thought. I had barely arrived, and I already wanted to go home. I had a feeling this woman was going to try to embarrass me in any way possible the rest of the evening.
"It is a long story," I said, trying to cut the tension.
"You see, Sukuna kicked his ex's ass. This ex almost raped her in the past, so Sukuna offered her to live with him so she would feel safe,” Yuuji explained the situation.
"Yuuji!" Sukuna and I scolded him.
"I'm just trying to help!" Yuuji defended himself.
I wanted to die. Yuuji just told the whole table my life trauma as if it were the plot of a movie he watched on Netflix. I hid in my hands from shame, praying that the earth would swallow me whole.
"I'll take a smoking break," Choso said before getting up from the table to retreat to the balcony.
"Is it necessary to ask those kinds of questions now?" Sukuna asked his mother, already annoyed.
"You know what I think about concubinage," His mother reproached him, disappointed.
"We're not a couple. We just work together.” Sukuna rolled his eyes.
"Besides, Y/n likes Choso, don’t you?" Yuuji asked me to make his mother stop bugging me with questions about my relationship with her son.
"I need fresh air," I excused myself to get out of there as quickly as possible.
I knew this was a bad idea from the start. I should have said no to Yuuji. I went out to the balcony to breathe deeply and admire the view of the city. I looked at Choso to explain what was happening. I found him smoking on the other side of the balcony, just as he had told us. He looked so elegant and mysterious in front of the pretty city lights. A beautiful contrast between brightness and darkness.
"Long time no see," I greeted him, approaching him.
"Does Sukuna treat you well?" He asked me, ignoring my greeting. It seemed like being straightforward ran in the family.
"I can not complain," I answered honestly. "Sometimes he's a jerk, but you already know that," I joked. He smiled with the cigarette between his lips.
"I know… very well," he said as he blew the smoke into the wind, being careful not to blow the smoke in my face.
"Does it bother you that I live with him?" I asked him worried.
"Of course not, I just didn't expect it," he answered. "Yuuji told me that you're going to quit soon, is that true?" I was happy to see that he was treating me as always.
"That's right, I'm very excited to return to the gym with my team," I explained with a smile.
Choso despite having some similarities with Sukuna, he was so kind in comparison. His voice was sweet, his touch was pleasant, and his words filled me with joy. My heart moved every time he spoke to me. In the end, I realized that I still liked him, and I was very happy that it was that way. He was my ideal man.
"Are you still thinking about calling me when you become the protector again?" He wondered with a thread of hope. My cheeks blushed redder as I listened. I had already forgotten what I had said to him that night at the bar.
"You know it," I answered him with a smile.
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Tag list: @maskedpacific @thepurpleempath @mazzd4 @charlie-xo @s0uldarling @sunako-0120 @berranurates @00frenchfries00 @crowned-gemini @alialucille @azuremyst99 @azuremyst99
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waksworldrebooted · 7 months
Feeling Foxy (A Motorcity horror fanfic comic adaptation) CW: TRANSFORMATION AND BODY HORROR
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"As Foxy traded her stocks of Selenium Sulfate for a mind-stimulating endurance enhancer from the Terra, things take a turn for the worst..."
A comic adaptation of @cryptidwlw69's Motorcity fanfic, The Beasts Down Below, which in turn is based around a Werebeast AU of mien.
I got Reeraeceeins from Instagram (one of my friends and the designer of my Wak's World avatar) to do this comic, tho I posted it for her as she doesn't have a Tumblr.
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En quoi manger des œufs le matin est une idée judicieuse. Nourrissant, pas cher, et plutôt savoureux s’il est bien préparé, l’œuf est un aliment que l’on ne doit pas oublier. Et en consommer au petit déjeuner peut être une excellente idée ! Il vous permettra de démarrer la journée avec le plein d’énergie mais sera également très utile pour contrôler votre poids ou pour améliorer vôtre santé riche en vitamines et en minéraux. Il contient des vitamines A et D, de la vitamine E et de la vitamine K. De plus, il est riche en iode et en sélenium (un antioxydant intéressant), mais également en phosphore ou en fer. Enfin, il contient de nombreux caroténoïdes, très bénéfiques notamment pour notre vision. Un condensé de bienfaits pour l’organisme dans un si petit aliment, c’est idéal de manger des œufs le matin il peut vous permettre de perdre du poids. En effet, l’œuf est un aliment faible en calorie 80 Kcal il permet de tenir plus longtemps entre chaque repas. Fini le grignotage, vous pourrez suivre un régime plus facilement sans ressentir les effets de la faim. Utiliser un coupe faim est une des règles d’or pour ne pas perdre la motivation lors d’une cure amincissante
The egg is very rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamins A and D, vitamin E and vitamin K. In addition, it is rich in iodine and selenium (an interesting antioxidant), but also in phosphorus or iron. Finally, it contains many carotenoids, very beneficial in particular for our vision. A summary of benefits for the body in such a small food, it's ideal!
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mercyjuliet1512 · 8 months
Navigating the Realm of Selenium: A Comprehensive Handbook for Automated Web Testing
Introduction: Welcome to the dynamic world of Selenium, where precision meets automation, and web applications undergo meticulous scrutiny. As a cornerstone of modern test automation, Selenium empowers testers to streamline the testing process, ensure application reliability, and expedite software delivery. In this comprehensive handbook, we'll embark on a journey through the fundamentals of Selenium testing, uncovering its core components, essential concepts, and the vast realm of learning opportunities it presents.
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Understanding Selenium: Selenium stands as a testament to the power of automation in testing, providing testers with an array of tools and libraries to interact with web elements, simulate user actions, and validate application behavior across diverse browsers and platforms. Its versatility and adaptability make it a go-to choice for developers and testers worldwide. Let's dive deep into the core components and pivotal concepts of Selenium.
Core Components of Selenium: Selenium comprises several pivotal components that form the backbone of automated web testing:
Selenium IDE: Acting as a user-friendly playground for recording, editing, and debugging test scripts, the Selenium Integrated Development Environment (IDE) offers testers a seamless experience in prototyping and generating test scripts, making it equally accessible to novices and seasoned testers.
Selenium WebDriver: At the heart of Selenium lies WebDriver, a robust programming interface enabling the creation and execution of automated tests. With WebDriver, testers can directly interact with web elements using a plethora of commands, ensuring seamless cross-browser compatibility and support across various programming languages.
Selenium Grid: Enabling parallel test execution across multiple browsers and platforms, Selenium Grid revolutionizes test efficiency and scalability. By distributing test scripts across different machines, Selenium Grid reduces test execution time, facilitating rapid feedback loops and expediting software delivery.
Essential Concepts of Selenium Testing: To harness the full potential of Selenium, testers must delve into essential concepts such as:
Web Element Identification: Mastering locator strategies (ID, class name, name, tag name, link text, XPath) is paramount for accurately identifying and interacting with web elements. A profound understanding of these strategies ensures the robustness and reliability of test scripts.
Test Automation Frameworks: Integrating Selenium with test automation frameworks like JUnit, TestNG, or NUnit enhances test organization, management, and reporting capabilities, streamlining test execution and fostering collaboration among team members.
Advanced Selenium Features: Exploring advanced features such as handling dynamic elements, working with iframes and pop-ups, and implementing wait strategies enhances proficiency in Selenium automation, enabling testers to tackle complex testing scenarios with finesse and precision.
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Scope of Learning Selenium: The scope of learning Selenium is vast and diverse, offering myriad opportunities for skill development and career advancement. Here are some key areas to focus on:
Programming Language Proficiency: Attaining proficiency in programming languages supported by Selenium (Java, Python, C#, etc.) is pivotal for crafting efficient and maintainable test scripts, empowering testers to automate complex testing scenarios with ease and accuracy.
Cross-browser and Cross-platform Testing: Selenium's cross-browser compatibility allows testers to validate web applications across different browsers and platforms, ensuring consistent functionality and user experience. Learning how to perform cross-browser and cross-platform testing using Selenium enriches test coverage and ensures application compatibility.
CI/CD Integration: Integrating Selenium tests into CI/CD pipelines facilitates automated testing as an integral part of the software development lifecycle, enhancing test efficiency, accelerating software delivery, and improving overall software quality.
Conclusion: In conclusion, mastering Selenium unlocks a plethora of opportunities in automated web testing. By understanding its core components, essential concepts, and the vast scope of learning opportunities it offers, testers can enhance their skills, improve software quality, and expedite the delivery of high-performing web applications. Whether you're embarking on your Selenium journey as a novice or seeking to elevate your expertise as an experienced tester, embracing Selenium testing empowers you to navigate the complexities of modern software development and drive innovation in the digital landscape. So, embark on your Selenium journey today and embark on a transformative quest in automated web testing.
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jandyrwoman · 7 months
Bakit bucketlist
2024: Mar04 update
Transfer to own condo - DONE BUY DANCE PAD! NEVER FORGET - christmas gift to self?
Work abroad
Travel EU
Add at least +100K in stocks annually
Buy short term health insurance for travel purposes?
Regularly increase AU account
Invest in career; buy new personal laptop
Save up! Spend less. Cook more. More protein, less fats - K
Skin care - K
Hair care - YEA
Regular exercise!
2023-automation, this time successfully configured setup. FINALLY
2020 - bungee jumping
2019 - Support/Donate to a chosen org ?????
Relearn selenium from scratch, i still have 3 mos to do so
Visa hoarding for yearend(Schengen, japan, and aus)
I DONT HAVE PLAN THIS YEAR! SPARE MEEEE! Lemme just start adding for next year instead!
Okay so maybe… lemme add this one-invest in good book. Just 1 for now - QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE, had Pia signed it too
1. Visit Sagada (maybe not anytime in 10yrs span?)  - camp out
2. Visit LU (maybe 2025)  - surf up
3. Camotes getaway (Yey 2022!)  -  Scuba diving (maybe 2026)
4. Master an automation (relearn 2024)
5. Achieve a degree in Toastmasters(2024-stuck at level2)
1. Bungee jumping (move to 2024?)
1. Investment ( Mar2020 )
2. Funeral plan (DONNNE!!!!)
3. Health insurance (DONNNE!!!!)
4. Travel fund account 
5. Emergency fund account (to start over)
6. Support/Donate to a chosen org (???)
7. Master a sport (Badmin?)
8. Back to healthy living (k)
9. Scuba diving (not an interest as of 2024!!)
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frentmeister · 9 months
Die Kunst der Eingabevalidierung: So schützt ihr eure Website vor schädlichen Benutzereingaben
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Die Sicherheit eurer Website steht an erster Stelle, und eine der grundlegenden Maßnahmen zur Gewährleistung der Sicherheit besteht darin, die von Benutzern eingegebenen Daten sorgfältig zu validieren und zu säubern. In diesem Artikel werden wir uns eingehend mit der Eingabevalidierung befassen und wie ihr diese automatisieren könnt, um eure Website vor potenziell schädlichen Benutzereingaben zu schützen. Was ist die Eingabevalidierung? Eingabevalidierung, auch als Säubern von Eingaben bezeichnet, beinhaltet die Überprüfung von Daten, die von Benutzern bereitgestellt werden, auf Einhaltung vordefinierter Regeln. Dieser Prozess ist entscheidend, um sicherzustellen, dass nur Daten akzeptiert und gespeichert werden, die den festgelegten Kriterien entsprechen. Ein klassisches Beispiel hierfür sind E-Mail- und Passworteingaben, bei denen spezifische Regeln gelten, wie das Vorhandensein des "@"-Symbols in einer E-Mail-Adresse oder die Mindestanzahl von Zeichen für ein Passwort. Automatisierung der Eingabevalidierung Die Automatisierung der Eingabevalidierung ist ein wichtiger Schritt, um sicherzustellen, dass eure Website immer geschützt ist. Hier sind die Schritte zur Automatisierung: - Definiert Validierungsregeln: Beginnt damit, klare Regeln für die Validierung eurer Benutzereingaben festzulegen. Überlegt euch, welche Bedingungen erfüllt sein müssen, damit eine Eingabe als gültig betrachtet wird. - Erstellt Testfälle: Entwickelt Testfälle, die die Validierung Ihrer Eingaben überprüfen. Denkt dabei an verschiedene Szenarien, wie das Testen von ungültigen Zeichen, SQL-Injektionen oder überlangen Eingaben. - Verwendet ein Test-Framework: Wählt  ein geeignetes Test-Framework für eure Anwendung aus. Beliebte Optionen sind Selenium für Webanwendungen oder Appium für mobile Anwendungen. - Integriert Tests in euren Workflow: Automatisierte Tests zur Validierung von Benutzereingaben sollten integraler Bestandteil eures Entwicklungs- und Bereitstellungsworkflows sein. Diese sollten bei jeder Code-Änderung automatisch ausgeführt werden. - Überwacht die Ergebnisse: Stellt sicher, dass eure Tests die erwarteten Ergebnisse liefern. Wenn eine Validierung fehlschlägt, sollte die Benutzeroberfläche den Benutzer darüber informieren und ihn daran hindern, fortzufahren, bis die Eingabe korrigiert ist. Beispiele für Testfälle Beispiel 1: Registrierungsformular für eine Website Annahmen: - Die Website erfordert eine Registrierung mit Benutzername, E-Mail-Adresse und Passwort. - Der Benutzername darf nur aus Buchstaben und Zahlen bestehen. - Die E-Mail-Adresse muss ein "@"-Zeichen enthalten. - Das Passwort muss mindestens 8 Zeichen lang sein. Testfälle: - Ein gültiger Benutzername, eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse und ein gültiges Passwort werden eingegeben. Der Benutzer sollte erfolgreich registriert werden. - Ein Benutzername mit Sonderzeichen wird eingegeben. Das System sollte eine Fehlermeldung anzeigen. - Eine ungültige E-Mail-Adresse (ohne "@"-Zeichen) wird eingegeben. Das System sollte eine Fehlermeldung anzeigen. - Ein zu kurzes Passwort (weniger als 8 Zeichen) wird eingegeben. Das System sollte eine Fehlermeldung anzeigen.   Automatisierung Dieses Beispiel zeigt, wie ihr mit Selenium Testfälle für die Registrierung auf einer Website durchführen könnt. Beachtet, dass ihr die Elemente (z.B., "username", "email", "password") und IDs entsprechend eurer Website anpassen müssen. Sie können auch weitere Testfälle hinzufügen, um die Abdeckung der Validierungsfunktionen zu erhöhen. from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys # Starten des Webdrivers (z.B., Chrome) driver = webdriver.Chrome() # Testfall 1: Gültige Registrierung driver.get("http://example.com/register") username = driver.find_element_by_id("username") email = driver.find_element_by_id("email") password = driver.find_element_by_id("password") username.send_keys("gültigerBenutzer123") email.send_keys("gü[email protected]") password.send_keys("sicheresPasswort123") password.send_keys(Keys.RETURN) # Drückt die Enter-Taste # Testfall 2: Ungültiger Benutzername mit Sonderzeichen driver.get("http://example.com/register") username = driver.find_element_by_id("username") username.send_keys("ungültiger!Benutzer") # Klicken auf die Registrieren-Schaltfläche register_button = driver.find_element_by_id("register-button") register_button.click() # Überprüfen, ob eine Fehlermeldung angezeigt wird error_message = driver.find_element_by_id("error-message") assert "Ungültiger Benutzername" in error_message.text # Testfall 3: Ungültige E-Mail-Adresse ohne "@"-Zeichen driver.get("http://example.com/register") email = driver.find_element_by_id("email") email.send_keys("ungültigeemail.com") # Klicken auf die Registrieren-Schaltfläche register_button = driver.find_element_by_id("register-button") register_button.click() # Überprüfen, ob eine Fehlermeldung angezeigt wird error_message = driver.find_element_by_id("error-message") assert "Ungültige E-Mail-Adresse" in error_message.text # Testfall 4: Zu kurzes Passwort driver.get("http://example.com/register") password = driver.find_element_by_id("password") password.send_keys("kurz") # Klicken auf die Registrieren-Schaltfläche register_button = driver.find_element_by_id("register-button") register_button.click() # Überprüfen, ob eine Fehlermeldung angezeigt wird error_message = driver.find_element_by_id("error-message") assert "Passwort zu kurz" in error_message.text # Schließen des Browsers driver.quit()   Beispiel 2: Kommentarfunktion in einem Blog Annahmen: - Die Blog-Plattform ermöglicht es Benutzern, Kommentare zu Beiträgen zu hinterlassen. - Kommentare sollten keine HTML- oder JavaScript-Tags enthalten, um Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) zu verhindern. Testfälle: - Ein gültiger Kommentar ohne HTML- oder JavaScript-Tags wird hinterlassen. Der Kommentar sollte veröffentlicht werden. - Ein Kommentar mit HTML-Tags (z.B., Besuch diese Seite!) wird hinterlassen. Das System sollte die Tags entfernen und den Kommentar veröffentlichen. - Ein Kommentar mit JavaScript-Code (z.B., ) wird hinterlassen. Das System sollte den Code entfernen und den Kommentar veröffentlichen. - Ein Kommentar mit einer Kombination von HTML-Tags und JavaScript-Code wird hinterlassen. Das System sollte alle unerwünschten Elemente entfernen und den Kommentar veröffentlichen. Automatisierung Dieses Beispiel zeigt, wie ihr die Testfälle für die Kommentarfunktion eines Blogs in Python mit Selenium umsetzen könnt. Stellt sicher, dass Sie die Elemente (z.B., "comment-box", "submit-comment") und IDs entsprechend eurer Website anpassen. Dieses Beispiel demonstriert die Validierung und Säuberung von Benutzereingaben in einem realen Anwendungsszenario. from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys import time # Starten des Webdrivers (z.B., Chrome) driver = webdriver.Chrome() # Testfall 1: Gültiger Kommentar ohne HTML- oder JavaScript-Tags driver.get("http://example-blog.com/post/123") comment_box = driver.find_element_by_id("comment-box") comment_text = "Dies ist ein gültiger Kommentar ohne Tags." comment_box.send_keys(comment_text) # Klicken auf die "Kommentar abschicken"-Schaltfläche submit_button = driver.find_element_by_id("submit-comment") submit_button.click() # Überprüfen, ob der Kommentar erfolgreich veröffentlicht wurde time.sleep(2) # Warten auf die Verarbeitung comments = driver.find_elements_by_class_name("comment") last_comment = comments assert comment_text in last_comment.text # Testfall 2: Kommentar mit HTML-Tags driver.get("http://example-blog.com/post/123") comment_box = driver.find_element_by_id("comment-box") comment_text = "Besuch diese Seite!" comment_box.send_keys(comment_text) # Klicken auf die "Kommentar abschicken"-Schaltfläche submit_button = driver.find_element_by_id("submit-comment") submit_button.click() # Überprüfen, ob HTML-Tags entfernt wurden und der Kommentar veröffentlicht wurde time.sleep(2) # Warten auf die Verarbeitung comments = driver.find_elements_by_class_name("comment") last_comment = comments assert "Besuch diese Seite!" in last_comment.text assert "" not in last_comment.text # Testfall 3: Kommentar mit JavaScript-Code driver.get("http://example-blog.com/post/123") comment_box = driver.find_element_by_id("comment-box") comment_text = "" comment_box.send_keys(comment_text) # Klicken auf die "Kommentar abschicken"-Schaltfläche submit_button = driver.find_element_by_id("submit-comment") submit_button.click() # Überprüfen, ob JavaScript-Code entfernt wurde und der Kommentar veröffentlicht wurde time.sleep(2) # Warten auf die Verarbeitung comments = driver.find_elements_by_class_name("comment") last_comment = comments assert "Böser Code" not in last_comment.text assert "" not in last_comment.text # Testfall 4: Kommentar mit Kombination von HTML-Tags und JavaScript-Code driver.get("http://example-blog.com/post/123") comment_box = driver.find_element_by_id("comment-box") comment_text = "Besuch diese Seite!" comment_box.send_keys(comment_text) # Klicken auf die "Kommentar abschicken"-Schaltfläche submit_button = driver.find_element_by_id("submit-comment") submit_button.click() # Überprüfen, ob alle unerwünschten Elemente entfernt wurden und der Kommentar veröffentlicht wurde time.sleep(2) # Warten auf die Verarbeitung comments = driver.find_elements_by_class_name("comment") last_comment = comments assert "Besuch diese Seite!" in last_comment.text assert "" not in last_comment.text assert "Böser Code" not in last_comment.text assert "" not in last_comment.text # Schließen des Browsers driver.quit()   Read the full article
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testrigtechnologies · 11 months
Effective Practices for Selenium API Testing 
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Selenium is a widely used open-source tool for automating web browsers and performing end-to-end testing of web applications. While Selenium is primarily known for its capabilities in automating browser interactions, it can also be an asset for API testing. API testing is crucial for ensuring that your web applications' backend functionality functions correctly, and incorporating Selenium into your API testing strategy can provide comprehensive testing coverage.  
In this article, we will discuss the top 7 best practices for Selenium API testing to help you improve the quality and reliability of your web applications. 
Top 7 Best Practices for Selenium API Testing: 
API Test Framework Selection: Choosing the right API testing framework is crucial. RestAssured is a popular choice for Selenium API testing. It provides a simple and expressive syntax for creating HTTP requests and validating responses. RestAssured also offers features for handling authentication, response validation, and request customization. It seamlessly integrates with Selenium, making it a valuable tool for testing RESTful APIs. 
Modular Test Design: Modular test design involves breaking down your API tests into reusable components or functions. This approach simplifies test creation and maintenance. You can create separate modules for tasks like authentication, making requests, and response validation. By doing so, you can easily reuse these modules across different test cases, resulting in cleaner and more maintainable code. 
Automated Token Handling: When testing APIs that require authentication tokens, automate the token retrieval and management process. You can use libraries like RestAssured or HTTP Client to handle token acquisition and injection into API requests. Automating this process ensures that your tests can run without manual intervention and remain consistent across test runs. 
Environment Configuration Management: Managing different testing environments is essential for robust API testing. You can use configuration files or property files to store environment-specific settings such as base URLs, API keys, or database connections. This enables you to easily switch between testing environments while keeping configurations organized and consistent. 
Parallel Execution: Running API tests in parallel is a performance optimization technique that can significantly reduce test execution time. Selenium Grid, along with TestNG's parallel test execution capabilities, allows you to distribute tests across multiple nodes or devices. Parallel execution ensures faster feedback, which is especially beneficial in large-scale test suites. 
Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) Integration: Integrating your API tests into the CI/CD pipeline is critical for early issue detection and rapid feedback. Tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, or Travis CI can be configured to execute your Selenium API tests automatically whenever there are code changes. This practice helps ensure that regressions are identified early in the development process, promoting the delivery of reliable software. 
Security Testing: Integrating security testing practices into your API tests is crucial for identifying vulnerabilities early in the development cycle. You can use specialized tools or libraries to perform security checks, including but not limited to input validation, testing for security-related headers, and identifying potential security weaknesses in your API endpoints. This practice helps enhance the security of your web application's backend services. 
End Note: 
Selenium API testing is a valuable addition to your testing strategy, enabling you to verify the functionality and reliability of your web application's backend services. By following these best practices, you can streamline your API testing process, increase test coverage, and identify potential issues before they reach production.
Selenium's versatility and robust automation capabilities make it a powerful tool for both frontend and backend testing, helping you deliver high-quality web applications to your users. 
if you're looking to bolster your API Automation efforts and streamline your software testing processes, Testrig Technologies is the go-to API Testing Company. With their API Testing expertise, tailored solutions, and commitment to cutting-edge technology, you can enhance the quality of your software products while reducing testing costs and time-to-market
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ask-vitamin-ship · 1 year
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welcome to the ask blog of the vitamin ship au!! made by @mintazuii and schvie (she dont have an account)
open me!!
(dividers by wolftie76 on deviantart)
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this is an au mixed with vitamin connection and teen boat!!
vitamin connection is a game from wayfoward, and teen boat is a comic book by john patrick green!!
here we made the two mix and created one universe!!
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here are a list of characters you can ask:
selenium (the vitamin who turns into a boat, they/them)
mina girl (the pink vitamin, selenium's crush, she/her)
elec tron (selenium's friend, she/her)
vita boy (selenium's friend, he/him)
dj dog bone (selenium's friend, he/him)
endo (selenium's friend, he/him)
bulldog security (the pirate of the ship, he/him)
shadow girl (a student in the medicine academy, she/her)
mc mimimi (the popular replacement of selenium, she/her)
yung wan (mina girl's boyfriend, really buff, popular boy, he/him)
pro biotic (the punk dude, he/him)
becka (the bacteria bat vitamin, she/her)
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we'll add more characters soon!!
we have no dni, but that doesnt mean this is an "everyone can interact" blog. we do NOT allow anon asks as this is to prevent anything harmful or anything similar to that. make sure your asks are 100% safe, no nsfw asks (this blog is ran by minors)
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thank you for reading this!! have fun asking!
(ps. i recommend you know about both teen boat and vitamin connection before you ask)
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codician · 1 year
How to fix selenium automation error on excel | run selenium browser au...
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ronnybetatester · 1 year
Selenium Barcode Scanner automatisieren
#Werbung aus #FreudeAmTesten Selenium Barcode Scanner automatisieren #ronnybetatester #selenium
Vor einiger Zeit hatte ich die Intension per Testautomatisierung einen QR-Code zu scannen. Anfangs war ich ein wenig ratlos, wie genau ich es umsetzen sollte, doch nach ein wenig Suche im Internet bin ich schnell fündig geworden. Allerdings hat es nicht funktioniert. Daher gibt es hier eine kleine Anleitung, um direkt den Code zu bekommen, um den Scanner zu automatisieren. Erklärung Was könnte…
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View On WordPress
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lyteandronix · 1 year
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Ask or dare the elements anything.
Elements you can ask (118):
Hydrogen (H - 1)
Helium (He - 2)
Lithium (Li - 3)
Beryllium (Be - 4)
Boron (B - 5)
Carbon (C - 6)
Nitrogen (N - 7)
Oxygen (O - 8)
Fluorine (F - 9)
Neon (Ne - 10)
Sodium (Na - 11)
Magnesium (Mg - 12)
Aluminium (Al - 13)
Silicon (Si - 14)
Phosphorus (P - 15)
Sulfur (S - 16)
Chlorine (Cl - 17)
Argon (R - 18)
Potassium (K - 19)
Calcium (Ca - 20)
Scandium (Sc - 21)
Titanium (Ti - 22)
Vanadium (V - 23)
Chromium (Cr - 24)
Manganese (Mn - 25)
Iron (Fe - 26)
Cobalt (Co - 27)
Nickel (Ni - 28)
Copper (Cu - 29)
Zinc (Zn - 30)
Gallium (Ga - 31)
Germanium (Ge - 32)
Arsenic (As - 33)
Selenium (Se - 34)
Bromine (Br - 35)
Krypton (Kr - 36)
Rubidium (Rb - 37)
Strontium (Sr - 38)
Yttrium (Y - 39)
Zirconium (Zr - 40)
Niobium (Nb - 41)
Molybdenum (Mo - 42)
Technetium (Tc - 43)
Ruthenium (Ru - 44)
Rhodium (Rh - 45)
Palladium (Pd - 46)
Silver (Ag - 47)
Cadmium (Cd - 48)
Indium (In - 49)
Tin (Sn - 50)
Antimony (Sb - 51)
Tellurium (Te - 52)
Iodine (I - 53)
Xenon (Xe - 54)
Caesium (Cs - 55)
Barium (Ba - 56)
Lanthanum (La - 57)
Cerium (Ce - 58)
Praseodymium (Pr - 59)
Neodymium (Nd - 60)
Promethium (Pm - 61)
Samarium (Sm - 62)
Europium (Eu - 63)
Gadolinium (Gd - 64)
Terbium (Tb - 65)
Dysprosium (Dy - 66)
Holmium (Ho - 67)
Erbium (Er - 68)
Thulium (Tm - 69)
Ytterbium (Yb - 70)
Lutetium (Lu - 71)
Hafnium (Hf - 72)
Tantalum (Ta - 73)
Tungsten (W - 74)
Rhenium (Re - 75)
Osmium (Os - 76)
Iridium (Ir - 77)
Platinum (Pt - 78)
Gold (Au - 79)
Mercury (Hg - 80)
Thallium (Tl - 81)
Lead (Pb - 82)
Bismuth (Bi - 83)
Polonium (Po - 84)
Astatine (At - 85)
Radon (Rn - 86)
Francium (Fr - 87)
Radium (Ra - 88)
Actinium (Ac - 89)
Thorium (Th - 90)
Protactinium (Pa - 91)
Uranium (U - 92)
Neptunium (Np - 93)
Plutonium (Pu - 94)
Americium (Am - 95)
Curium (Cm - 96)
Berkelium (Bk - 97)
Californium (Cf - 98)
Einsteinium (Es - 99)
Fermium (Fm - 100)
Mendelevium (Md - 101)
Nobelium (No - 102)
Lawrencium (Lr - 103)
Rutherfordium (Rf - 104)
Dubnium (Db - 105)
Seaborgium (Sg - 106)
Bohrium (Bh - 107)
Hassium (Hs - 108)
Meitnerium (Mt - 109)
Darmstadtium (Ds - 110)
Roentgenium (Rg - 111)
Copernicium (Cn - 112)
Nihonium (Nh - 113)
Flerovium (Fl - 114)
Moscovium (Mc - 115)
Livermorium (Lv - 116)
Tennessine (Ts - 117)
Oganesson (Og - 118)
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Nexus xp dance vol 1 prd sidechain bass
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vgtrust · 2 years
Carter triplety
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Elina Ploshnik, David Danovich, Philippe C.Journal of the American Chemical Society 2011, 133 A Cyclic Disilylated Stannylene: Synthesis, Dimerization, and Adduct Formation. Henning Arp, Judith Baumgartner, Christoph Marschner, and Thomas Müller.The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2011, 115 Bond Energies in Models of the Schrock Metathesis Catalyst. Monica Vasiliu, Shenggang Li, Anthony J.A New Target for Synthesis of Triply Bonded Plumbacetylene (RC≡PbR): A Theoretical Design. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2011, 115 New Generation of Dialkylsilylenes with Stabilities Comparable to Diaminosilylenes: A Theoretical Study. Room-Temperature Dissociation of 1,2-Dibromodisilenes to Bromosilylenes. Katsunori Suzuki, Tsukasa Matsuo, Daisuke Hashizume, and Kohei Tamao.Thermochemical Properties of Selenium Fluorides, Oxides, and Oxofluorides. Computational Investigation of Brook-Type Silabenzenes and Their Possible Formation through -Si→O Silyl Shifts. Role Played by Isopropyl Substituents in Stabilizing the Putative Triple Bond in Ar′EEAr′ and Ar*PbPbAr*. Issaka Seidu, Michael Seth, and Tom Ziegler.The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2014, 118 Role of Electronegative Substituents on the Bond Energies in the Grubbs Metathesis Catalysts for M = Fe, Ru, Os. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2014, 118 Vibrational Anharmonicities and Reactivity of Tetrafluoroethylene. Robertson, Chris Medcraft, and Dominique R. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2015, 137 Coplanar Oligo(p-phenylenedisilenylene)s as Si═Si Analogues of Oligo(p-phenylenevinylene)s: Evidence for Extended π-Conjugation through the Carbon and Silicon π-Frameworks. Liangchun Li, Tsukasa Matsuo, Daisuke Hashizume, Hiroyuki Fueno, Kazuyoshi Tanaka, and Kohei Tamao.Advances in Quantum Mechanochemistry: Electronic Structure Methods and Force Analysis. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2017, 121 Computational Investigation on the Role of Disilene Substituents Toward N2O Activation. Quantum Mechanical Study of N-Heterocyclic Carbene Adsorption on Au Surfaces. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2018, 140 Geometrically Compelled Disilene with λ4-Coordinate SiII Atoms. Computational Ligand Descriptors for Catalyst Design. Chemical Bonding and Bonding Models of Main-Group Compounds. Lili Zhao, Sudip Pan, Nicole Holzmann, Peter Schwerdtfeger, Gernot Frenking.Journal of the American Chemical Society 2020, 142 Metathetical Exchange between Metal–Metal Triple Bonds. Why is Si2H2 Not Linear? An Intrinsic Quasi-Atomic Bonding Analysis. Accurate Ring Strain Energy Calculations on Saturated Three-Membered Heterocycles with One Group 13–16 Element. Alicia Rey Planells, Arturo Espinosa Ferao.Difluorocarbene Generation from TMSCF3: Kinetics and Mechanism of NaI-Mediated and Si-Induced Anionic Chain Reactions.
An Update on Multiple Bonding between Heavier Main Group Elements: The Importance of Pauli Repulsion, Charge-Shift Character, and London Dispersion Force Effects. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2022, 126 Bond Dissociation Energies of Carbene–Carbene and Carbene–Main Group Adducts. This article is cited by 244 publications.
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dbphantom · 3 years
The anon who asked for the fic link is here! Where’s chapter 7 bitch /j
(Love it… But I need the funny number man and badass scientist lady acting like parents for Rex now)
Hahaha- I'm really glad you liked it!! I hope I can continue to entertain you :) also, ch 7 is on its way- I swear! I have the words on paper, they're right here, I just need one more day to edit- [sweats]
Also also also funky number dude and the kickass doctor will be showing up soon, promise! Six is diligently looking for his son charge and maaaaybe Doc Holiday has picked up on some traces of Selenium nearby, but idk where from bc Rex totalllly hasn't been using his build- ah. Right... :p
I guesstimate they will make their official appearances around ch 9 or 10 (depending on how long I accidentally make Day One at school- it was originally going to be one chapter... I got very carried away, but at least it is fun to write XD). But yeah! It's not much longer (I think) either way! Which is good because I'm very excited to actually write the scene where Six shows up :D
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jandyrwoman · 1 year
Bakit bucketlist
Relearn selenium from scratch, i still have 3 mos to do so
Visa hoarding for yearend(Schengen, japan, and aus)
I DONT HAVE PLAN THIS YEAR! SPARE MEEEE! Lemme just start adding for next year instead!
Okay so maybe... lemme add this one-invest in good book. Just 1 for now
Transfer to own condo BUY DANCE PAD! NEVER FORGET
Work abroad
Travel EU
Add +100K in stocks yearly!
Buy short term health insurance for travel purposes?
Regularly increase AU account
Invest in career; buy new personal laptop
Save up! Spend less. Cook more. More protein, less fats
Skin care
Hair care
Regular exercise!
1. Visit Sagada  - camp out
2. Visit LU  - surf up
3. Camotes getaway  -  Scuba diving
4. Master an automation
5. Achieve a degree in Toastmasters
1. Bungee jumping (move to 2023)
1. Investment ( Mar2020 )
2. Funeral plan (DONNNE!!!!)
3. Health insurance (DONNNE!!!!)
4. Travel fund account 
5. Emergency fund account (to start over)
6. Support/Donate to a chosen org (???)
7. Master a sport (Badmin?)
8. Back to healthy living (k)
9. Scuba diving (not an interest as of 2022)
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