#Madam Pomfrey
jegulus incorrect quote: James had a quidditch accident
Madam Pomfrey: I'm sorry, sir. We can only allow family to see Mr. Potter at this time-
Regulus: Bold of you to assume I won't marry him on the spot.
James, still very drugged: You tell 'em, honey.
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redadidassneakers · 8 months
Madam Pomfrey: now, how would you rate your pain?
Remus: 0 stars
Madam Pomfrey:
Remus: would definitely not recommend
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that-bitch-kat3 · 2 years
madam pomfrey: you were hurt pretty bad last night, do you remember anything?
remus: i remember the ambulance ride here
pomfrey: we are at hogwarts dear, there are no ambulances
remus: i could have sworn i heard a siren
peter: that would be james
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the-colourful-witch · 6 months
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🩹Madam Pomfrey 🩺 Everyone's favourite Healer :) Drawing her was great! I had already done a few sketches of the Healer uniform, so it was easy to do the costume. I was thinking more about the way she styles her hair. I like this a lot, it makes her look friendly and maternal, which she is.
I always love reading bits in the books with Madam Pomfrey. She is so discrete and caring. She doesn't ask questions and doesn't judge. She just wants to protect the students, even if it means yelling at the Minister for Magic, which is bad ass... On this page, we stan Madam Pomfrey! Hope you like her :) 🧡✨
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nikholascrow · 10 months
i like to imagine that Sirius offers to let Remus hold his hand if it hurts in the hospital wing while Pomfrey heals him and Remus who has an incredibly high pain tolerance from all his bones breaking themselves every full moon is totally fine but milking it so hard just to hold Sirius’ hand and Pomfrey is so very aware of Remus’ massive crush on Sirius that she doesn’t kick him out as much as James and Peter
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Minnie: Black and Potter did what?
Madam Pomfrey: Well, I told them that they couldn't see Mr Lupin because he was still recovering from last night, and the only way they could see him is if they were injured.
Minnie: And?
Madam Pomfrey: So they punched each other in the face and told me they were injured.
Madam Pomfrey:
Dumbledore: Well, I must admire their dedication.
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lulublack90 · 5 months
Prompt 12 - Rub
@jegulus-microfic May 12, Word count 757
Previous part First part
James, good to his word, snuck down to the dungeons and collected Regulus under the invisibility cloak while Sirius and Peter made their way outside. He took Regulus to an area on the lawn that was in a black spot from anyone looking out of the castle. The only person who might catch them there was Hagrid, but that wasn’t likely, as Sirius had mentioned to him that there was a bit of gambling going on in the Hog’s head that he might be interested in. They’d sat together, peering at the Marauder’s map as Hagrid’s little label disappeared out the main gate.
Padfoot bounded across the lawn and transformed just before he got to them. He looked Regulus up and down. 
“You ready?” He asked. He’d been trying harder these past few weeks to be better around Regulus and while neither of them seemed overly enthusiastic about each other, James could see they were more relaxed around each other and after tonight, he hoped that Sirius would come to accept that Regulus maybe didn’t tell their parents about everything they got up to.
Regulus nodded stiffly at Sirius.
“Yes.” His voice was just as stiff. Sirius let a grin spread across his face, James thought it even met his eyes, which was a first between them. 
“Good luck,” He winked, before turning back into Padfoot and loping across the grass to the base of the Whomping Willow. 
Regulus swallowed and looked up at the sky. Typically, it was cloudy tonight. They might have to wait a while for the full moon to be visible. 
Twilight fell around them and James flung the invisibility cloak over them again when Madam Pomfrey appeared out the entrance door, escorting Remus to the shack. 
“He doesn’t look good,” Regulus observed. James nodded solemnly. 
“He hurts around the full moon, but especially just before. The transformations are hard on him. Maybe once you can transform he’ll let you join us if you want. But I’ll warn you now, it’s heartbreaking to watch what his body goes through each month.”
They stood quietly for a while, gazing at the sky and watching for Madam Pomfrey. They had to stand quite close as the cloak was only so big. James tried his best not to touch Regulus, but their shoulders kept brushing. He inhaled, trying to calm his breathing, but it didn't help. 
Madam Pomfrey appeared, and she hurried back up to the castle. Once the doors were firmly closed, James removed the cloak and took a step away, pretending he was struggling to roll it up.
When he’d stopped messing with the cloak, he looked back over at Regulus, who was staring towards the Whomping Willow. Just then, the clouds rolled away and revealed the full moon behind.
It shone brighter than James remembered, then again it had been a while since he stared at a full moon with his human eyes. “Okay, it’s time.” He smiled encouragingly at Regulus. Regulus paused with the leaf in his hand. He gulped. “You don’t have to do it if you’re not ready,” James said gently. Regulus huffed at him. He tilted his head up, so he was staring squarely at the moon and put the mandrake leaf in his mouth. It was very anticlimactic. 
“Is that it?” His face twisted into a frown. James chuckled. 
“Yep, but it gets more exciting later.” He fully turned towards Regulus. “Let me have a look, so I can make sure you’ve got the leaf in a good position.” Regulus automatically opened his mouth and James peered in. 
Ever so carefully he raised his hand and moved the leaf further under Regulus’s tongue. He was surprised Regulus hadn’t bitten him, but the leaf would have fallen out in his sleep otherwise. 
His thumb was resting on Regulus’s lip and James unconsciously started to rub the pad along the delicate skin. It was only when Regulus drew in a gasping breath that he realised what he was doing. “Sorry,” He mumbled as he withdrew his finger. 
Regulus moved his jaw around, testing the leaf in his mouth. 
“So this thing won’t fall out now? Even when I’m eating?” He asked, ignoring James's apology. 
“Yeah, it should stay put. That’s how we had them when we did it, and we got through the whole month with them barely moving.” James told him. But before he could do anything else, Regulus had stepped into his space, and under the full moon he pressed his body into James’s and stole a kiss. 
Next part
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fluffyneondinosaur · 2 months
a little oneshot that I wrote
It's basically Harry finding out that his father and co were bullies, and features snape crying. Maybe tw: implied rape, but it can really be read as any bullying that involves physical contact. I don't actually write, so apologies if it's not very good. Everyone can rewrite it, or write a companion fic, if you do, tag me!
Also, I need a title for this, if you have any ideas drop it in the comments!
“It’s not bloody fair!” Ron exclaimed, gesturing angrily as they walked out of McGonagall’s office. “She’s all like Oh, Professor Snape is responsible for his students, and he is free to discipline them however he sees fit! We’ll be scrubbing cauldrons every night for the rest of the month thanks to that greasy git!”
Hermione frowned over at him. “A month is a bit much, but don’t you think you could’ve focused any better? You and Harry really did make a rather spectacular explosion.”
Harry rolled his eyes. “Even if I hadn’t done anything wrong, he’d still have given me detention. Ruining my potion just made it better for him.” Hermione opened her mouth with a disapproving look.
As she was about to speak, a door slamming ahead of them caught their attention. Dumbledore was hurrying down the hallway with an abnormally worried and upset expression casting shadows over his face.
“Professor Dumbledore?” Hermione asked cautiously. “Is something wrong?”
A sharp pang of fear shot through Harry.”Did Voldemort do something? Is someone hurt?”
Dumbledore slowed his pace, looking down at them, and sighed. “No Harry, he has not.” He glanced over at Hermione. “Professor Snape was hit by a ruined potion during class this morning, which exacerbated his injuries from his latest, ah, excursion.” Harry had to suppress a feeling of vindictive satisfaction that Snape hadn’t gotten away from his Death Eater mates unscathed. The feeling quickly mixed with one of mild shame when he registered the first half of the sentence. 
“He is in critical condition right now, I must go visit him.” Dumbledore said, striding quickly in the direction of the infirmary.
Hermione ran to catch up to him. “Could we come with you Professor?” Dumbledore hesitated for a moment, before nodding.
Harry’s and Ron’s eyes widened comically. “Hermione!” Harry hissed under his breath.
Hermione turned to glare at both of them. “What? Who’s potion was it that hurt him? And made the injuries that he got spying for us worse?”
Harry shifted uncomfortably. Ron, on the other hand, scowled. “Maybe he spills all of our secrets to You-Know-Who, serves him right.” Harry elbowed him. 
Hermione angrily turned her nose up at him. “Professor Snape is on our side, whether you like it or not. And your potions disaster is the reason that he’s dying right now.” She turned and stormed off, following Dumbledore in the distance.
Harry’s stomach twisted painfully, and even Ron looked uneasy. “Wait! We’ll come with you.”
The three of them followed the headmaster to the infirmary, into one of the private rooms. Madam Pomfrey was standing by Snape’s bed, casting protective charms around him. She looked up as they came in. “Stay by the door, the potions that I gave him will cause him to hallucinate, and he might attack if you come too close. The hallucinations are from real moments of his life.”
Dumbledore nodded somberly, and the children exchanged a look. Madam Pomfrey finished casting the spells, and left the room, presumably to retrieve more healing potions. The room was silent for a long moment.
“Potter!” Snape’s voice rang out. Harry jumped, spinning to look at him in shock.
“Professor- ”
“Back with your little friends aren’t you?” 
Dumbledore frowned. “Severus- ”
“Don’t use my name like you’re some kind of friend Lupin! You’re just as bad as the rest of them!” He sneered.
Snape was talking about his father, Sirius, Remus, and Pettigrew, Harry realized in shock, before it turned to anger. He opened his mouth to retort, when Snape continued.
“Four on one appeals to your Gryffindor honor doesn’t it? The house of the reckless and stupid. You four are prime examples of it. Trapping me in a loo, don’t you think it’s below you Black?”
Ron snorted. “What’re they going to do, give him a swirly?”
Harry frowned, discomfited. Dudley and his friends used to do the same to him, and it was disturbing to think that his father may have done the same. He watched Snape closely, as his sneer vanished suddenly, his face darkening in horror with a flicker of fear crossing his eyes.
Dumbledore stepped forward with an uncharacteristically afraid expression. “Severus? My boy, what happened?”
Snape didn’t seem to hear, staring in front of him in shock. He suddenly shrieked, yanking himself backwards, thrashing on the bed. “No! Don’t touch me!”
Dumbledore’s face paled, and Harry felt like vomiting.
Snape stared ahead for a moment, before his face collapsed, and he let out a choked sob. “Please stop, I can't do this anymore. Lupin, you’re a prefect, stop your friends please… please.” 
Harry felt like a knife had been plunged into his heart. No wonder he hates me so much, if whatever my father did destroyed him enough to make him cry.
Dumbledore’s face was ashen, and Hermione had her hand over her mouth, her eyes glassy. Ron was staring at the floor.
Snape let out a shuddering breath, tears freely falling down his face now. He looked up at his imaginary attackers. “Why can’t you ever just leave me alone?”
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you-cant-be-sirius · 1 year
*In the infirmary after a full moon* Madam Pomfrey: Oh, Remus! You have a visitor! Remus: Please tell me it isn't Sirius... Madam Pomfrey: It's Sirius.
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loserboyfriendrjl · 1 month
james threw a chocolate frog at remus, who caught it rather wonkily with a bandaged arm.
“mary wishes you a speedy recovery,” sirius said, leaning on the two back legs of their chair next to remus’ bed. “i saw her earlier and she told me she heard you’re in the hospital wing,” he threw his hair over his shoulder, “again,” he continued, imitating her voice quite well, “so she told me to send her best wishes.”
“you ran into her again means you snogged before coming over?” peter added, and remus felt a twinge of compassion for him; he, and possibly only he, knew about the small sympathy his friends nursed for mary macdonald.
“we broke up a week ago, so no,” sirius shrugged, nonchalantly, “no snogging this time.”
“shit, i’m sorry, mate,” peter grimaced. “how come you didn’t tell us?”
“ah, actually, he told me,” james raised his eyebrows, “is that really a relevant subject, though?” he asked, leaning forward towards remus and taking a bite out of his butter-and-jam toast. “how about we talk about how ethereally magical moony looks in the light of the sun?”
“stop,” remus said, with a sheepish smile, finally peeling open the chocolate frog, who jumped right away from his bed. “goodbye, friend,” he let out a small laugh, then winced.
sirius grabbed it off the floor. “i doubt you want to eat it now,” he grinned, tossing it in the bin next to the nightstand right as madam pomfrey made her way towards the bed.
“do you reckon that’s enough visiting time for you?” she asked, setting another potion on remus’ nightstand. “i will ask you to drink that as soon as possible and quickly, for best effects.” she smiled at remus, tucking a curl behind his ear. “how are you feeling, remus?”
“better, thank you, madam pomfrey,” he answered, politely.
“alright. now, off, you three!” she ushered them.
james shook his head and cleared his throat. “well, you see, madam pomfrey,” he said, pushing his glasses up his nose in such a manner that remus had to stifle his laugh, “remus is our very good friend. therefore, and caused by that, we wish to spend as much time in his proximity as possible. and, being aware of the fact that you have a warm, kind soul, we know you will allow us to stay here as long as possible, knowing that we will not disturb your presence and or activity.” it appeared that james’ speech had already been prepared, and the woman laughed.
“fine,” she said, “but if i hear one squeak, you’re all before you can say “spell”. do you understand?”
all three of them nodded solemnly, and with one last, unimpressed glance, she went back to attending to other patients.
sirius rolled his eyes at her. remus tsked.
“stop that,” he said, carefully taking the steaming goblet off the nightstand, “she’s really nice.” he downed the goblet and gagged, then sputtered. “fuck me,” he moaned, “i don’t think i’ll ever be able to get used to it.”
“language, mister lupin!” james put his hands on his hips, in an imitation of one certain woman, and all three of them burst into laughter, continuing to talk about everything and nothing in particular.
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celestialgalaxyglow · 5 months
Madam Pomfrey: Mr. Potter, why are you here this time?
James: Sirius and Regulus got into a fight, I tried to jump in to intervene, next thing I know I’m flying across the room and crash against a wall, and everything hurts. 
Madam Pomfrey sighs: Got into a fight between siblings? I don’t recommend doing that. Especially between the Black siblings.
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princeloww · 2 years
In 1974, the full moon fell 2 days before Remus Lupin's birthday.
Exhausted and brutally injured, Remus is unable to leave the hospital wing for the next few days. This moon was a particularly bad one, the week of his birthday, leaving his muscles aching and his bones sore and skin scarred and bruised.
At midnight on the 10th of March, the mauraders use the invisibility cloak to sneak into the hospital wing and wake Remus up, giving him cake and chocolate and treating him like its just a normal birthday. Although exhausted, Remus is grateful to spend the early morning with his friends, distracted from the pain and just feeling like a normal boy.
In the morning, Madam Pomfrey arrives to check on Remus and sees three other sleeping boys around him, messy and surrounded by the remains of a grand feast. Although she will tell them off sternly, she is happy to see the content, dreamily sleeping look on her dearest patient, almost as close as a son to her, as he lies surrounded by his best friends.
They all struggle to hide their grins, and shifty glances at each other as she scolds them once they eventually wake up. Forcing them out, Poppy turns to Remus and smiles. "Happy birthday, Remus."
He grins back at her, the happiest she has seen him in a while.
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my-moony-and-padfoot · 6 months
I'm not mad at you
TW: Mentions of suicide (it is the topic, but there's nothing too graphic) So that being said, this topic is very sensitive (like most of my writing stuff you shouldn't be surprised if you've been here before) Anyway, please, if you get triggered easily do not read this, or at least be careful
Word count: 2 900
“Jamey?” Remus asked shakily, coming to stand next to James' bed, who was currently the only one beside him in their dorm. “I-i think I need help.”
“What's up, moony?” He asked, sitting up on his bed, immediately getting worried as he looked at Remus. He was shaking all over, skin pale and eyes wide, then he glanced at his hands, seeing blood. “There's blood. Remus, why's there blood?” James asked before he could answer.
“I- um. Don't feel well.” He said, closing his eyes, trying to get rid of the spinning in his head, though it did nothing to help the way he was swaying on his feet. Soon he felt James' hands on his shoulders, he opened his eyes, trying to focus on James' worried gaze.
“Okay, c'mon sit down, I don't want you to pass out.” He said, guiding Remus to sit down on his bed. James bit his lip, looking over Remus, when his eyes landed on his arms, he was starting to panic, the sleeves of his jumper were stained with blood. “What's going on, re?”
“Sirius is mad at me.” He said unhelpfully, looking at James as if it was the most obvious thing.
“That's not-.” He started but stopped himself mid-sentence, knowing that wouldn't help with anything. “I know he is. But did something happen today? Or now?” Remus shook his head, closing his eyes again. “Okay, okay. Can I take a little look at your arms? You're bleeding.”
Remus didn't answer, but James did it anyway, he needed to know why there was blood. He gently pulled up the sleeve of Remus' jumper on his left arm. He couldn't exactly see where all the blood was coming from, it looked like there were many cuts. He had never liked blood, and it made him a little uneasy, but he kept looking, he needed to know. He turned Remus' hand over, there was even more blood dripping from around his wrist, but he couldn't see the wound, not clearly at least.
James was definitely starting to panic now. He quickly checked his other arm, there wasn't nearly as much blood but still some. “Hey, rem, how 'bout we go see Poppy quickly? I think she'll be able to help you, yeah?”
“No, no.” Remus whispered, shaking his head. “Please James n-no.”
“It's good for you, yeah? I'll go quickly grab something, and then we're going.” He said, getting up from the floor, he went to the bathroom, seeing a blade on the floor but ignored it for now and just grabbed a roll of bandages. He quickly wrapped it around the biggest wound on his left hand, hoping it would help at least a little.
“C'mon Remus, please? Let's go.” He said, and Remus looked up at him, his eyes looked hazy and unfocused, making James even more worried. He took Remus' hands into his and pulled him up from the bed, leading him into the hospital wing, even though he was very much against it.
He knocked onto the locked door, hoping madam Pomfrey wouldn't already be sleeping, since it was already late. It didn't take long until the door opened and madam Pomfrey peeked into the corridor, first looking at James and then her eyes landed on Remus, taking in his appearance. He was swaying just slightly, he looked very pale, and then she saw the blood stained bandages.
“What's going on, Mr Potter?” She asked as he let them in, gesturing onto the nearby bed where Remus could sit in.
“I-i don't know. He didn't say. There was so much blood and I thought this was better than um...”
“Well you made the right decision.” She said, quickly glancing at him. “Go take a seat in the corridor, please.” James nodded, though he didn't want to leave Remus alone, but he knew he couldn't stay, he couldn't just say no to madam Pomfrey, so he slipped out of the door, closing it behind him.
“What happened, Remus?” She asked gently, trying to look him in the eyes, but his eyes were very unfocused as he stared at a spot on the floor. She started to pull up Remus' sleeves to see where the blood was coming from. Remus just shook his head.
“I'm going to quickly clean these up and close them.” She explained, taking out her wand, starting to apply the spells she had just told him about. “Then, I'm going to put some bandages on to keep them clean, and I'd like you to stay here for a bit, just to make sure everything is okay.”
Remus didn't answer, but didn't fight back about her treating him, or doing the spells that she knew would hurt at least somewhat. But she kept talking to him, knowing from the countless times she had treated him after full moons that he liked to know what was going on. That he didn't like if he didn't know what was done to him. “You've lost some blood, dear, you must feel dizzy, no? But I have this potion that'll help with it, then it'll be good that you get some rest.” Pomfrey said, finishing up bandaging his arms.
She summoned the small vial of potion. “Now just a warning, this tastes horrible, but it'll make you feel better, think you can take this?” Remus looked up, blinking a few times before nodding, and she nodded, handing him the vial. His hands were shaking slightly as he brought it up to his lips, swallowing the horrible tasting liquid. “Alright, I'm going to give you something to help you sleep. I'll come check up on you a little later.”
Remus nodded slightly, accepting the next thing she gave to him. “Just a small sip is enough.” She instructed, and he did as he was told, handing the bottle back to her. Remus laid down, and Pomfrey pulled the blanket over him before getting up and going to the hall.
She sat down on the bench next to James, who looked up at her with teary eyes. “He's okay, Mr. Potter.” James nodded quickly, wiping his eyes. “Do you know any reason for this? Has anything happened lately, has he been acting differently?”
“No, I don't think so. He said nothing happened when I asked. I-i mean he and Sirius were fighting, even he said that, but- but they always are so I don't know why he did that.” He said, trying to think if something had been different. “He doesn't talk, I don't know.”
“That's okay, don't worry.” She said with a small smile. “Could you talk me through what happened before you came here?”
“Of course, yeah.” he said, running a hand through his hair and fixing his glasses on his nose. “He came from the bathroom and asked for help and I asked him why there's blood, and he just said he didn't feel well.” James tried to explain. “I asked him if something happened, but he just said that Sirius is mad at him and that nothing happened. He tried to fight me on coming here, but I was scared he'd pass out -”
“You did good. Go and try to get some sleep, Mr. Potter.” James nodded, looking at her. “If something comes up, please come see me. And, if you see Mr. Black, ask him to come by in the morning.”
“Good morning, Remus.” She smiled, pulling a chair next to his bed. “How are you feeling?”
“That's to be expected, any pains?” Remus shook his head. “That's good, but like before, no need to hide the pain for me. Just tell me and I'll give you medicine.” She reminded, like she did every time after a full moon. “Now, can you tell me what happened?” He looked away, shaking his head. “Okay.” She said with a nod. “Your friend was very worried about you last night, do you remember?”
“He always panics.” Remus said quietly. “No matter what it is.”
Poppy smiled slightly. “Do you want to talk with me?” Remus shook his head. “That's okay. I'll check back in later, but is there anyone you want to see or talk to?” He shook his head again, biting his lip. “A house elf will bring you breakfast soon.” she said, starting to get up.
“Y-you mean I don't get to go?”
“No, I'm sorry about that, but I'd like to keep you here for at least for a little while.” Remus nodded slightly, watching as she got up from her chair, and into her office.
He quickly wiped his eyes, turning to lay on his side and curling up to himself. He felt tired and weird, he wasn't even sure what the feeling was. He felt guilty too, and his arms were burning horribly against the bandages. He fell asleep after a while, ignoring when madam Pomfrey tried to wake him up to eat breakfast. The next time, he woke up to someone opening the curtains around his bed, and the legs of the chair scraping against the floor.
He slowly opened his eyes, seeing James sitting in the chair he had heard. “Hi rem.” He smiled slightly. “Poppy said you're not up for talking, but she also said you're gonna be here a while, so I brought you a book.” James rambled, handing the book to Remus.
“Thank you.” He whispered, setting the book down onto the bedside table. “Why are you here?”
“I brought you the book.” He said simply. “She asked to see Sirius, so I thought to pop to see you and bring you the book.” he said as Remus just continued looking at him, knowing there was another reason for him to be here.
“Why does she want to see Sirius?”
“I don't know, rem.” he said. “She didn't say, just asked me to ask him to come by, last night.”
“Oh.” He looked away from James, closing his eyes for a moment. “What did he say? To you.”
“Nothing, just followed me. I think he was worried.” Remus shook his head. “He still cares about you, y'know. He- he did say he'd like to see you, but then he said that you probably don't want that.”
“Okay.” he whispered. “Can you go, please?”
“Mm yeah, of course. I'll come tomorrow, okay? I can bring you something if you'd like.”
“It's fine.” James nodded, getting up from his chair. “James?” He whispered before he could leave, and James turned to look at him. “Wanna see him.” he whispered even more quietly, James nodded with a smile.
When James left, he picked up the book, just to see what it actually was, of course he had brought the most boring one out of the books he owned. He laid down on his side, wanting to sleep, but he couldn't find himself to fall asleep again. So, he just laid there listening to the faint conversation he could hear in Pomfrey’s office, the voices sounded familiar, but he wasn't exactly sure how he knew them. Then that died down too, and after a moment the curtains opened again.
Remus looked over his shoulder, seeing Sirius, he sat up, blinking a few times. “M’sorry, I-i can go but um James -”
“No, no, don't go, please.” He said quickly and Sirius smiled, closing the curtain before sitting down onto the chair that was still pulled up to the bed. “Why- why are you here?”
“Poppy asked.” He said, pulling one of his knees up to the chair, wrapping his arms around it, resting his chin on it. “She asked if anything had changed lately in your life, if anything had happened, if me or James noticed anything.” Remus nodded. “She said she's going to talk to Minnie as well, probably lily too and Pete, but I'm not sure.”
“What did you say?”
“I told her the truth, Rem.” He said. “I told her what happened, that we fought and haven't talked and that- Nevermind. What happened, Remus? I was so fucking worried when James came back crying, and then I saw what our bathroom looked like. I was so worried, and I couldn't even come to see you cause-”
“Sorry.” He whispered, his voice cracking. “It was just too much. I didn't mean for this to happen. I was- I'm so sorry.”
“No, hey, don't say sorry.” Sirius hesitantly got up from his chair, sitting down onto the bed. “It's okay Re, I understand. I do. You don't have to explain yourself, not to me, okay? Never ever, you know that rem.” Remus looked up, and it hurt to see him like that, eyes filled with unshed tears and so much pain.
“I- thought.” He trailed off, shaking his head. “Why're you not mad at me? Why- you were. Why aren't-”
“What?” His voice was filled with genuine surprise as he looked at Remus. “Why would I ever be mad at you, hey Remus, no look at me? Shh, don't cry, please no. Love, I'm not mad at you, never. Why would I, huh?”
“Shit, sorry. No, not sorry. I mean it, of course I do, just not supposed to now, used to it y'know…” He smiled for a moment. “Anyway, Remus, it's okay. Don't have to explain yourself, and I'll never ever be mad at you for something like this.”
“But before -”
“I know. And I'm so sorry for that, I shouldn't have, not to you. It's been shit, and I've tried to think how to make it up, I really have.” Remus nodded. “I shouldn't have acted like that.”
“It's okay.”
“No, Re. It's not.”
“Can't think.” He mumbled after a moment. “My head's all hazy. Can we, um, talk later?”
“Of course.” He moved to get up, but Remus grabbed his wrist before he could.
“Sorry -” he whispered, letting go of his hand. “Can you stay?”
“Do you want me to?” Remus nodded. Sirius smiled, sitting back down, shifting so he was sitting across from him on the bed. “Have you eaten?” He asked, glancing at the tray on the bedside table.
“M'not hungry.” he whispered, shaking his head. “Don't… I don't want to.”
“I won't, don't worry.”
Remus nodded. “Could- Can you come here?” He asked, nervous as he looked at Sirius, who just smiled, moving so he'd be sitting next to him on the bed. “Thank you.” He whispered, leaning his head onto his shoulder and letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
“Don’t have to thank me.” Sirius whispered, wrapping his arm around him, hoping to make it better somehow. He took Remus' hand into his, seeing a small smile flash on his face at the gesture.
“I'm so sorry.”
Sirius shook his head. “No, don't say sorry, Rem.” He sniffled sadly, tears threatening to fall. “You can cry if you need to. I'm here.”
“I've missed you.”
“I missed you too. So much.” He whispered, starting to run his hand through Remus' hair, gently playing with the dirty blond curls. “I'm sorry for everything that happened.” He spoke into his hair, feeling the need to say it, he needed Remus to know that he was sorry, that he regretted everything. He wanted everything to be okay.
“I'm sorry too.” He turned to look at Sirius who smiled sadly, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear, then moved to wipe away the tears that were trailing down his cheeks. “I'm so sorry, Sirius.”
“Shh, it's okay.” he whispered softly. “We're okay. We'll be okay”
“You promise?”
“I promise, Rem.” Remus only nodded, giving him a small but genuine smile. “Let's talk later?”
“Can I kiss you?” He asked cautiously, eyes searching for Remus'. He hummed, looking at Sirius for a moment, closing the distance between them, smiling as Sirius rested his forehead on his when they pulled away. “You should try to get some rest.”
“I'm not tired.” He whispered, laying his head down onto Sirius' chest. “I can't sleep.”
“Okay.” He whispered. “I can read to you? Don't have to sleep, I just thought…”
He nodded, rubbing his side as he reached for the book. “This is what James picked? What the hell is wrong with him?” Remus laughed, and Sirius smiled, kissing his head before he started reading. Remus ended up falling asleep, but Sirius continued reading knowing it calmed him down, and he found it easier to sleep with background noise, it also usually made him stay asleep.
He only stopped reading when the curtain around the bed was opened, it was madam pomfrey, he lowered the book looking at her. “You should leave, Mr. Black. Visiting hours are over.” She said, but smiled as she looked at the pair.
“Please Poppy?” He asked, rubbing Remus' side as he stirred, curling up in an attempt to stay asleep. Pomfrey looked at him, raising her eyebrow, and Sirius blushed slightly. “Sorry, madam Pomfrey. Can I please stay? Only an hour or two.”
“Only this time, Sirius.” She smiled. “I’m glad you two made up.” Sirius nodded, smiling slightly at her. “I’ll be back later, then you really do have to go.”
Pomfrey left again, making the tray of food disappear from the bedside table as she went, closing the curtain behind herself. Sirius picked up the book again, continuing to read, smiling at the way Remus huffed in his sleep, hiding his face more into his chest, falling back to sleep.
Hi :)
Did we like this? I hope we did because I really enjoyed writing this
I am supposed to be studying for my exams right now, but instead I finished this, what a good reason to procrastinate, right?
I would really like to write more of this, but my head is empty, so if you, yes you, would have anything to suggest you can just message me or something? Please, I'm asking nicely
Also, if there is anything else I should tag, please tell me, I do not mind, I wanna know
Anyway, hopefully you're doing well, if you aren't, I hope it gets better soon. See you around somewhere maybe?
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Snape: looks at madam pomfrey, "I'm not drinking that"
Madam Pomfrey: "if you don't drink it your headache won't go away"
Snape: "I don't trust it"
Madam Pomfrey: "drink the damn potion"
Snape: drinks potion, screws up face, "what idiot made this garbage this it the worse potion I've ever tasted"
Madam Pomfrey: "you made it Severus"
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severussnapemylove · 9 months
Poppy; "How would you rate your pain?"
Severus; "Zero out of ten. Wouldn't- mph- wouldn't recommend."
Poppy; "Okay, so you're conscious enough to be sarcastic and trying to downplay everything, but in enough pain that you're terrible at it. I'll just write that down as an eight then."
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hawkmothdiemotte · 11 months
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Minnie and poppy in school idc about cannon they were dating!!!!!
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