#Professor Slughorn
made-by-moon · 6 months
The Marauders era characters as things people in my school said:
"Sometimes, you have to girlboss through life."- Marlene McKinnon
"Honestly? Take your british accent and shove it up your ass and shut the fuck up."- Regulus Black
"It's not my generation that created situationships. It was you. Shame on you."- Slughorn about Barty and Evan
"He may be a bastard but he is our bastard"- James Potter about Remus
"Ride me like a stallion I am *neighs*"- Sirius Black
"Great ideas come from great cocks."- Remus Lupin, stoned out of his mind
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Severus getting a prep cook job in Cokeworth one summer and picking up solid mf knife skills. Like those culinary school chopping videos. Just fast asf precise knife work and handling.
He gets back to Hogwarts and it’s just business as usual until he’s DEAD tired one day and is prepping ingredients in Slughorn’s class. He gets to something that needs to be sliced uniformly and is similar in shape/size to food he prepped at the restaurant and muscle memory just kicks into overdrive.
The whole classroom freezes and looks at him because idk if y’all know this but that shit is LOUD compared to hesitant knife work. It smacks the cutting board and has a way different rhythm than normal kitchen noise.
Yeah it’s a skill no one has encountered unless they have been back of house at a restaurant.
Severus is too exhausted to process that anyone is paying attention to him so he just keeps going. Ingredients? Prepped? Potion? Brewed with gusto, like he was born to do it. His brain isn’t online so he’s acting like it’s a dream and adds in some flourish and flair, a trick to catch a knife, a fancy stir to help aerate the brew, a crazy amount of multitasking just because he can.
Jaw dropping behavior.
Slughorn doesn’t know how to react honestly, and is spared needing to praise him considering Severus is half awake when he hands his potion to his head of house.
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hxuse-xf-black · 1 year
16-year-old Tom Riddle: Do you know anything about horcruxes? Specifically, how to create them? Slughorn: Horcruxes? What is this for? Tom Riddle: Fun.
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yourgalgremlin · 4 months
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isabel-lillah · 6 months
so we all agree the professors were betting on different relationships of their students, right
but I present to you the students betting on whether McGonagall and Poppy are together
the whole thing was started by Remus, and then it spread through the whole castle like a wildfire
legend says Slughorn once stopped Lupin in the corridor to place a bet too
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lulublack90 · 6 months
Prompt 26 - Amortentia
@wolfstarmicrofic March 26, word count 288
Slughorn was showing off his brewing skills again. He’d brewed up a few of the harder potions to show to his class. 
Sirius stood close to a cauldron whose contents shimmered and swirled. Pearl dust, Sirius decided, was the ingredient that caused the mother-of-pearl sheen on the surface. 
He peered closer at the potion and caught a whiff of Remus’s scent. He turned with a grin, expecting him to be standing right behind him, but it was Dorcus. Remus was on the other side of the room, and even Sirius’s slightly heightened senses from Padfoot couldn’t pick him out that easily. He sniffed the potion again. Forest trees, night air, parchment and chocolate, it was definitely Moony. 
Professor Slughorn moved behind the potion in front of Sirius.
“And this one here is the most powerful love potion in the world, Amortentia.” He talked excitedly. “It causes infatuation and obsession so powerful it can turn the drinker mad if they consume too much. Notice the sheen and the spiralling steam rising from it? That’s how you tell it apart from other love potions.” He waved the rest of the class to gather closer. “Now, if you would like to, you may all come forward and inhale the steam. Carefully, mind you. We don’t want anybody trying to drink it. You should be able to smell the things you find most attractive.” Well, that would explain it, he thought. 
He moved to the back of the class, letting the others take a turn. James came away looking very confused. But when Remus leant over the shimmering solution and inhaled, his head snapped up, and he locked eyes with Sirius. Sirius gave him a crooked grin. Yeah, he thought. Knew it.  
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writtenicarus · 6 months
Can we talk about the fact that lily made that flower turn into a fish for slughorn, as he tells Harry in THBP?? And it disappeared when she died?? WHY DO WE NOT TALK ABOUT THIS MORE OFTEN???
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teddyniffler · 5 months
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Battle of Hogwarts. 2nd May, 1998.
The fierce new sun dazzled the windows as they thundered towards him, and the first to reach him were Ron and Hermione, and it was their arms that were wrapped around him, their incomprehensible shouts that deafened him. Then Ginny, Neville and Luna were there, and then all the Weasleys, Hagrid, Kingsley, McGonagall, Flitwick and Sprout. Harry could not hear a word that anyone was shouting, nor tell whose hands were seizing him, pulling him, trying to hug some part of him, hundreds of them pressing in, all of them determined to touch The Boy Who Lived, the reason it was over at last Their leader and symbol, their saviour and their guide
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izels-writing · 8 months
j. potter — tutoring
Pairing: james potter x fem!loner!reader
Summary: james potter is failing potions and you seem to be his only saving grace
Warnings: nothing tbh, i may have based reader off of me a little too much so i apologize for that in advance 😭, also this is kinda all over the place but i hit a writers block and thought this was cute
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james potter sat boredly in professor slughorn's office, counting the brinks on the ceiling of the dungeon. he had been waiting for at least fifteen minutes and if he waited one more second in silence, his head would explode.
slughorn, within the next minute, finally entered the office—clearing his throat and sitting in front of james with an air of seriousness. james sat up straighter, waiting for the professor to begin speaking.
"mister potter, we need to seriously talk about your grades in this class," slughorn began. he opened his desk and pulled out many of james' half-assed essays, most of them marked with d's and p's. james groaned quietly, throwing his head back.
"if i didn't know any better, i'd think you were doing it on purpose. but i know you, mister potter," slughorn continued, "i know you've always had a rocky relationship with this subject. what's been going on lately?"
james frowned. "i can't focus, okay? it's like trying to sit through a lesson in the middle of a quidditch match, i'm too...i dunno, distracted?"
slughorn nodded. "i see... have you talk to your parents about this?"
"no, and you can't tell them," james rushed out. "i don't want to worry them, they worry easily,"
slughorn sighed, covering his mouth as he reviewed all of james' essays. he thought for a moment, which only piqued james' curiosity. slughorn glanced between him and the essays, before leaning back in his chair.
"i can arrange you a tutor, one that can help you with this problem..." slughorn finally said. james lit up, hoping and praying it was who he thought it was.
"lily evans?" he asked hopefully.
"no," slughorn replied. james lost slight interest, but nodded anyway. "and if i arrange this for you, i want you to take this seriously..do you understand, mister potter? or else i'll be forced to tell your parents,"
james nodded in agreement. "of course, sir, thank you,"
if james potter was anything, he was respectful. his mother had taught him that much.
"if i may ask, sir, if it's not lily evans—who is it?" he asked curiously.
slughorn smiled warmly. "i'll let you know soon,"
you tapped your foot anxiously, glancing at your watch with a frown. you didn't necessarily have anywhere to be, but it sure irked you when someone was late. not to mention, you definitely felt you should've said no when slughorn approached you.
but you were ever the people pleaser.
as you turned to throw your stuff in your bag, you suddenly saw a tall, lean boy throw himself into the seat in front of you. you stopped your actions, looking at the boy in front of you with slightly furrowed eyebrows as he breathed heavily and looked disheveled.
"you're five minutes late," you commented, scanning him over as he tried to adjust himself comfortably.
"i know, i know," james sighed. "i apologize, really, i had no idea how long that other thing would take,"
you tried to be a hard ass, but the boy seemed tired as it was so you softened up a bit. you softened your expression, but not too much that he'd notice, and nodded. "i understand,"
he looked at you shocked, but you ignored his gaze as you pulled out your textbook. additionally, you pulled out a spare parchment and your secret weapon. he did the same, except he pulled out a quill instead of a spare piece of parchment.
"slughorn told me your problems. i understand," you continued. he scoffed.
"you're the smartest in our year, how could you possibly understand?" james asked.
you blinked at him. "because, i happen to have the same problem. now, i'm not sure if you have trouble focusing in general or if you just suck at potions, what i do know is that i can help—unless you don't want me to and slughorn will be forced to tell your parents..."
james looked at you in disbelief. "he told you?!"
madam pince shushed him from the other side of the library and he sunk slightly in his chair. you nodded, keeping your gaze on him.
"he did, to let me know how high the stakes were for you," you replied. suddenly you placed two metal marbles on the table in front of james, to which he raised his eyebrows at. he glanced between you and the marbles confused.
you nodded toward the marbles, "well? pick them up..."
he reluctantly picked them up, watching you as you pulled out your own set. you opened your textbook and his to the same pages, before looking at him again.
"this won't fix the problem," you explained, "but it may help. your problem is lack of concentration right? you feel like you have to be moving while sitting in that chair, like you cannot keep your mind on one thing?"
james stared at you and nodded. he had never heard someone describe it well for him, and he wasn't much a man of words so to speak. "yeah, sorta like that, i suppose,"
you nodded. "good, we may be dealing with the same problem then," you picked up your set of the metal marbles and began moving them in that hand. they clinked together and made a satisfying sound as you kept going with the motion in your hand. "do what i'm doing and hold that same hand under the table—but do not stop moving your hand and the marbles,"
he obliged, following your exact instructions. thankfully, the noise wasn't so loud that it distracted anyone else in the library—it wasn't so much as noticeable to others either.
"now, we'll read the textbook, do some notes, i'll help you write your essay and we'll see if it's easier for you, sound good?" you asked.
"yeah, yeah, sounds great," james replied quickly, a small smile blooming on his face. you didn't seem so amused, but to be fair, james wasn't sure he'd ever seen you amused.
"great! any questions?" you asked, before you started.
he nodded. "yeah, sorta. why did you agree to help me?"
it wasn't necessarily an out of the blue question. for as long as you and james had known each other (and that was used lightly), he'd never really seen you around anybody. you avoided people it seemed. you seemed to find comfort in solitude, always studying alone, eating alone, walking alone—not that you ever seemed upset about it. sure, you had friends here and there, but no one permanent. you never seemed to care much for it, you came here for academics, that's all it seemed.
moreover, he'd never really seen you display big bouts of emotion. maybe a smile or chuckle here or there, but rarely. he'd never seen you cry or laugh aloud, he'd never seen you do a lot of things. maybe you did, maybe he just didn't pay attention enough. nonetheless, he was a bit curious. you seemed to avoid everyone, him especially.
you knew the question was coming. you knew why too. it was because you weren't very social and you were often irritated. you never hung around anyone and you certainly never joined parties or quidditch games. it was difficult for you, you struggled with showing emotions and socializing with others. you couldn't control it and you certainly couldn't help it, and no one really seemed to stick around to figure you out. but that was fine, you supposed anyway.
it certainly was not fine, despite trying to convince yourself. it was a lonely way to live and your family was worried, despite them not admitting it. you just buried the lonely feelings, hoping that maybe it'd change one day.
"how do you mean?" you asked. what if you were just a nice person? would he even accept that answer?
"i mean, what's in it for you? surely you have better things to do than tutor me," james quickly said, likely thinking carefully about what he was saying because truthfully, you both knew that no, in fact, you didn't.
"nothings in it for me," you replied, shaking your head. "i just decided to help, i guess. is there something wrong with that?"
you weren't trying to be hostile. you were genuinely curious.
"no," he replied. "there isn't,"
"good, now let's start," you said, offering a small smile.
weeks had passed, tutoring session after tutoring session passed by quickly. you and james met on tuesday afternoons and thursday afternoons. you began to enjoy his company, even if you knew he was being forced to attend. unbeknownst to you, he quite enjoyed the sessions as well, even looking forward to them each week.
you had both figured out how to best figure out james' lack of attention span in potions and he begun to get better grades, but nonetheless you both agreed to keep the tutoring sessions going—to 'keep his grades up'.
james sighed, closing his textbook and placing the metal marbles you had gifted him on the table. "can we take a break? if i read one more word, i'll throw up on the table," he whined.
"dramatic," you replied, "but okay, ten minutes,"
"you and i should get a snack, recharge our brains," james suggested cheekily, hoping you'd say yes.
"yeah, no thanks, i don't trust that stupid smile on your face," you replied.
"you'd think after all our time together that you’d trust me by now,” james sighed, shaking his head in feign disappointment. “so untrusting, n/n,”
“n/n?” you questioned.
“my nickname for you, you like it?” he grinned.
you chuckled, smiling as you rolled you eyes at him. “okay, whatever…”
james grinned, “oh! do i get points for making wednesday addams laugh?”
you dropped your smile and glared at him, rolling your eyes playfully again. he huffed, “geez…sorry…”
“go get your snack and then come back, we’ll pick out some other potion books for review, sound good?” you asked, raising an eyebrow at him. he grinned again, nodding like an excited little kid. you snorted and waved him off, fighting and failing to hide your smile as he rushed out of the library.
within twenty minutes he was back, following you as you put books back and grabbed new ones. you and him were chatting quietly, as you walked down the aisles, mainly focusing your attention on the books you were looking for. however, you paid close attention to the subject, given it was a topic he brought up often: why you were so uptight about your studies.
“well, potter—“ you began sternly.
“hey, i gave you a nickname! where’s mine?” he asked with a dramatized frown. you rolled your eyes playfully, hiding your slight amusement.
“as i was saying, potter, i’m uptight because i like to be prepared. frankly, i hope you pass your o.w.l’s because given how unprepared you are, i am praying for the best,” you replied sarcastically, noticing as he smiled at your joke.
he always seemed to understand your jokes.
“our o.w.l’s aren’t for another eight months,” he replied, getting a book from a high shelf as you tried to reach it to no avail. he handed it to you.
“exactly! you need to study for them now! you need to prepare!” you replied, putting a book back as you spoke.
“you are so uptight,” he chuckled. “some things you just need to…go with the flow. expecting the unexpected is no fun,”
you turned suddenly, smacking a book to his chest, thinking he’d grab it before it hit him. you laughed aloud, covering your mouth to muffle it, and he smiled back mockingly.
“how’s that for expecting the unexpected?” you grinned.
“shove off, n/n,” he scoffed. “you’re so corny,”
“and prepared,” you added, swiftly turning around to keep walking.
unbeknownst to you, james smiled at you genuinely while you were turned, your genuine laugh echoing in his head. he’d certainly make more jokes just to hear it again.
“well, this is our last session before break,” you smiled. “think you’ll be able to handle life without me for two weeks?” you joked.
“i think i can manage,” he teased back. you rolled your eyes, allowing a smile to grow on your face.
he smiled, pulling some out of his school bag swiftly. “actually, i wanted to give you something before we left, to thank you and for christmas,” he said kindly.
you furrowed your eyebrows. “you didn’t have to get me anything, potter,”
he rolled his eyes. “i wanted to, alright? and now you have to accept it,” he smiled. he slid over the small box toward you. it was wrapped in cute christmas wrapping paper, tied with a sting into a small box.
you took it gingerly in your hands, opening it carefully. you carefully tore the wrapping off and opened the small navy blue box. as you opened it, you held back your gasp as you took in the sight.
it was a beautiful silver bracelet, with butterflies placed in between the chains. the stones that filled in the butterflies were a beautiful pink color and it shined beautifully.
“james…” you gaped. “i don’t know what to say, thank you..” you smiled, pulling it out of the box and handing it to him. “will you clip it on me?”
he nodded and obliged, taking notice to how your eyes never left the beautiful bracelet. you looked up at him, tension filling the air as you watched him slowly clipping the bracelet onto your wrist. he smiled as your eyes connected, and for a second, you felt your stomach get all jittery.
“i’ll mail you a gift, seriously, this is beautiful,” you smiled. “thank you..so so much,”
somehow, it was very easy to smile around james potter.
“you don’t have to mail me anything,” james replied.
“oh please let me,” you pleaded, “i’ll feel so bad if i don’t,”
he smiled, “fine, alright, if it’ll help you sleep better at night,”
you grinned excitedly and pulled out a piece of parchment so he could write his address for you. he did it quickly, handing it back to you promptly.
you hadn’t been quite sure what to gift a boy who had everything he’d ever wanted. sure, you could get him something quidditch related, but it didn’t seem personal enough. you had wanted to give him something meaningful and sentimental.
you racked your brain for hours, trying to find the perfect gift. eventually, you settled with new quidditch gloves but even then, that still felt impersonal. so, you had begun to think back to every interaction the two of you had shared and landed on the perfect addition to his quidditch gloves.
you wasn’t quite sure how you had landed on the subject but you two had, so you scoffed and leaned back in your chair.
“fine then, what’d be your wish come true?” you asked james.
“to see you make a different facial expression?” james suggested. you swatted his arm quickly, making him retract it. “ow! i’m serious! sorry, but talking to the same facial expression every tuesday and thursday is scary! it wouldn’t exactly wound me to see you smile every once in a while…”
a different facial expression.
you quickly grabbed the family polaroid and enlisted your sibling to help you take the perfect picture of you smiling. once you were satisfied, you packaged it with his other gift and wrote a little note, explaining both gifts to him.
and that left you where you were now, back in the library with james, studying out of your potions textbooks. you noticed him pull it out and open the page quickly, as he had stuck something in between the pages.
you looked at intensely, trying to figure out what it was. then you quickly recognized it.
“is that me?” you blurred before you could stop yourself.
james looked down at whatever you were looking at and blushed, though he hid it well. “yeah, one of my gifts remember? you remind me of potions class, so, i use it as a bookmark,” he replied casually.
unbeknownst to you, he just really loved staring at the photo. you had a beautiful smile and it was a shame you didn’t show it more often.
you smiled warmly. “oh okay…”
“lovely bookmark, isn’t it?” james smiled, admiring the photo. he hadn’t meant to flirt, but he wasn’t exactly regretting it.
you chuckled. “i suppose so…”
“daddy, how’d you know you liked mommy?” you seven year-old daughter, alison, asked as you set dinner table. it was james’ turn to cook tonight, so he held your toddler on the counter by him as he pulled dinner out of the oven.
you and james glanced at each other, smiling at her innocent yet curious questions. you stood there, watching as james turned to your daughter with a smile.
“well… i remember when i saw your mommy laugh for the first time,” james said honestly. “i instantly fell in love, i knew i’d marry her some day… i wanted to hear her laugh for the rest of my life,”
alison smiled. “mommy, what about you? how did you know you liked daddy?”
“well,” you recounted, “i remember every time i spoke to him, i smiled all the time. i was so happy around him and i knew i’d always be happy around him,”
alison nodded, smiling. “that’s cute! i hope i will know when i like someone!”
you looked at james, smiling as he ruffled your daughters hair, and like always, you felt your heart flutter at the sight of him. you felt like everything in the world was okay.
you looked back at your daughter with a smile. “trust me, sweetness, you’ll know.”
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longdaytogo · 2 years
tom riddle was my death eater awakening
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manuelgiuffre · 9 months
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mastermindmiko · 10 months
Pairing: Ron Weasley + fem!reader
Word count: 937
Summary: You can't find a date for the Christmas party, and you're completely oblivious.
Warnings: being oblivious and negative thoughts, not proofread.
Hey! If you think this didn't completely suck, feel free to check out my masterlist.
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I was the best Potions maker in my year, in all of hogwarts if I'm feeling confident that day, so naturally, I'm invited to go to Professor Slughorn's Christmas party that all members of the Slug-club are invited to.
My dilemma was that I had no date. Hermione told me to go alone, but Ron's word from fourth year (no matter how pathetic) echoed into my head. I did not need Ron to think that I'm pathetic.
Harry was also in search of a date, but when I asked him (desperately), he just turned red and fumbled. I assume that the thought of being my date was just so awful, he couldn't stand it.
I thought about asking Ron, but remembering his kiss with Lavender made me feel an ache in my chest. I didn't know what their relationship status was, so I didn't want to overstep any boundaries.
Not even Cormac Mclaggen asked me, and he's asked everyone. I didn't want to go with him, of course, but why was it that no one wanted to be my date.
When the party was only a week away I started to grow desperate. I asked Dean, Seamus, Neville, but none of them agreed. Maybe there was something wrong with me because a few nights before they were all talking about how much they wanted to go, I told Ron about wanting to ask them, then the next day they all told me they weren't available.
Neville was desperate enough to work at the party, but not be my date. Was serving people tiny confections and drinks more tolerable than evening with me?
I had to find a way to deal with the fact that I was simply undateable and that I would have to go to ball on my own. So, naturally, I curled up into my dorm and cried while eating chocolates.
A knock echoes through the dorm room, and I wipe away any excess chocolate that could've been on my mouth, then I allow the person to enter. Ron says, "Are you okay? Hermione said that you've been crying."
He walks to my bed, and I sniffle. He continues, "I was worried, since you know..."
"Since what?" I ask, confused. He just blushes and waves it off. He hesitates before sitting next to me on the bed. He purses his lips then looks around the room awkwardly.
He points to the dress that's hanging against the doorframe of the bathroom, making sure it doesn't wrinkle. It was an amazing dress, the perfect shade of blue that was a perfect mix between elegant and casual. It was perfect for the party.
"Is that the dress you're wearing to the party tomorrow? You'll look beautiful." He says then flushes. My eyes snap to him at the statement. He stutters, "Not that the dress will make you beautiful - you're always stunning."
"Can we not talk about the party?" I groan, rubbing my face with my hands that I checked were chocolate free. Ron inquires, "Is that what this is about? The party."
I groan and lay back into my bed, back spread on the mattress while my legs dangle off it. I confess, "I don't have a date."
Ron copies my position and looks at me. His face turns into a frown. He says, "I'm sure you'll find someone."
"I haven't been able to find someone for weeks."
"I um I am free tomorrow." Ron says, and I reply quickly, "You'll use that time well and finish that potions homework you've got."
Hos frown deepens, but it's true. The only reason why I'm friends with Ron, Harry, and Hermione was because a few years ago, I was told to tutor Ron in potions.
I think back to the fact that I'm dateless and I let out a singular sob. I feel a tear trickle down the side of my cheek as I stare up at the ceiling. I cry, "Is there something wrong with me? Why does no one like me?”
After my confession, I hear a snort from my right. I whip my head to find Ron smiling at me. I frown, why was he smiling at my misery? “Why are you smiling?"
He doesn't reply, but he looks at me like I'm both an idiot and another way that I can't quite place. I ask, "Why are you looking at me like that?”
“You’re so stupid.” He chuckles after a beat, and my frown deepens. Nothing was making sense. What did I say that would make me loom stupid? I pout and ask, “What do you mean?”
“You ask too many questions.” Ron, let's out with a smile. The next thing I know is that he's hovering over me with a hand on my cheek and his lips pressed to mine.
I hold his face and kiss him harder. My heart is beating a hundred miles a minute and my stomach feels like its going to explode. I have a sappy smile on my face before I pull away to mumble, sadly, "What about Lavender?"
"What about her?" Ron replies, holding himself up by his forearms that are on either side of me. I pout again and say, "You two kissed."
"That was nothing. I pushed her away afterwards." Ron says, and he looks confused. I smile, knowing that him and Lavender aren't a thing. I say, "Never mind, just keep kissing me."
And he does. He whispers against my lips, "You taste like chocolate." He continues to kiss me like his life depended on it.
I guess I do have a date after all.
a/n: I think that this is one of my favourite confessions I've ever written, I think it's adorable. Also, I'm aware that the GIF is the dinner party, not the Christmas party, but I couldn't find any other relevant ones.
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violette-hue · 2 years
Summary: Professor Slughorn is teaching about the dangerous potion, Amortentia, and you smell someone you're not supposed to.
Trigger Warning(s): Potions, Slughorn (for those who don't like him), teasing, Pansy Parkinson, cursing(?), mentions of love/like/relationships
Word Count: 743
A/N: Just a quick drabble I wrote from a small idea. I wasn't too sure where to go with this, but I hope whoever reads this likes it :) Also, please take this as my application to be apart of the Draco side of tumblr/DracoTok.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
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"Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world," Slughorn said. "It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them."
You watched as the professor executed the last steps of the potion, lavender swirls fuming into the air.
"Do we have a volunteer?" Professor Slughorn asked.
You rolled your eyes as Hermoine approached the cauldron with slight apprehension. She leaned forward, her chest rising as she took a deep breath.
"Can you tell us what you smell?" asked Slughorn.
Hermoine nodded, uttering, "...Freshly mown grass...new parchment...and...and..."
Your eyes widened slightly, flickering toward the only Weasley in the classroom. Did the brains of Gryffindor have a crush on Weasley?! You stood up, making your way to the cauldron.
"I'd like a smell," you said, fiddling with the sleeves of your robe.
Professor Slughorn chuckled as some of the others girls in the class echoed the same desires. They all wanted to smell and see what attracted them.
"Alright, one at a time. Go on," Slughorn urged.
You took a deep breath and inhaled the fumes. They turned dark green and you smiled, expecting to smell the familiar scent of cedar wood from your boyfriend's cologne. But you didn't. The smell, it was sweet and crisp--apples? Your brows furrowed and the fumes changed to a rich, blackish-brown color. The sweet and crisp smell of apples merged and changed into an earthy, sweet scent. Leather. The third scent you recognized almost immediately as the metallic tang hit your nostrils. Money.
You stepped out of the way, letting a very eager classmate take your place. You sat at your shared table and rest your chin on your hand. Apples, leather, and money? That wasn't what your boyfriend smelt like... You chewed on the inside of your lip, deep in thought. If that wasn't your boyfriend, then who was it?
"Hello? Earth to Y/N? Did you hear what I said at all?"
Your gaze shot up to your partner, Pansy. She was starting at you, eyebrows bunch with annoyance.
"Hmm? Sorry, deep in thought," you responded, turning your head towards Pansy. "What was that?"
"I was telling you what I smelled," Pansy stated, her annoyance seeping into her tone. "Galleons, leather, and apples. Do you know who that is?"
Galleons. Leather. Apples. That was exactly what you had smelled. And knowing Pansy... You swallowed hard. You thought you had a good idea of who those fragrances belonged to.
You were almost too scared to respond to your portions partner. "...Draco..?"
Pansy beamed at you. "Draco," she confirmed. "I told you we're meant to be."
You rolled your eyes, desperately trying to dull the panic rising in your chest. Why had you smelled Malfoy, of all people? Not your boyfriend, not even someone remotely nice. Malfoy.
"You know that potion only shows us who we're attracted to, right?" you replied matter-of-factly. "You're just attracted to him. It's not meant to be."
Okay, maybe you had added that last part more for you than for her, but you needed some reassurance. And Pansy was sure as hell not the one to give that to you. If she ever found out who you had smelled in that Amortentia potion, you'd never hear the end of it. Hogwarts wouldn't hear the end of it. Everyone in this school would know you were more attracted to Draco and not your boyfriend.
Pansy opened her mouth to speak, her face contorted with irritation when Professor Slughorn proceeded with his lecture. "Amortentia doesn't really create love, of course. It is impossible to manufacture or imitate love. It is probably the most dangerous and powerful potion in this room, causing a powerful infatuation or obsession."
"Dangerous?" someone scoffed. The timbre in the voice sounded familiar, arrogant. "This silly love potion?" Some of your classmates laughed at Draco's comment, a handful agreeing with him.
"When you have seen as much of life as I have, Draco, you will not underestimate the power of obsessive love," Slughorn responded.
You didn't dare steal a glance in Draco's direction. Throughout the rest of the class, you kept your head down. When you were finally dismissed, you waisted no time ejecting yourself from your seat and fleeing to the common room. You needed some alone time, some time to think.
Why had you smelled Draco Malfoy instead of your boyfriend?
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why does slughorn's patronus being a niffler make so much sense
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bookwormangie · 1 month
You know, the only thing the HBP movie did better than the book was adding that little story about Lily transfiguring a lily petal into a fish as a gift for Slughorn, which he named Francis. Then, the fish vanished when Lily died.
That little story had me bawling in the movie. It was such a small detail, but it added so much depth to Slughorn’s character and showed just how much Lily meant to the people who knew her. The symbolism of the fish disappearing with her death… it’s heartbreaking and beautiful. It really would have added to the scene in the book, especially in that already intimate setting between Harry and Slughorn.
I really wish that had been in the books!😭
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cakeraa · 2 months
ok so... slughorn came to the conclusion to let two victories win which is soooo 'HOPE' cauze OMG this is SO CUTE AND JEGULUS OML IDK I'M STUMBLING OVER MY WORDS THOUGHTS BUT IDK. OBVIOUSLY JAMES AND REGULUS IS GOING TO MAKE IT ALIVEEEEEEE EEEEK ok not obviously but there's like a 10000% CHANCE. THIS BOOK ISN'T SO BAD AFTER ALL
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