#Shadow Lord
dushpshpsh · 3 months
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This reference is almost a year old, but I still like it, as well as the character herself Glare-on-the-Water, lupus ragabash Shadowlord
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zeroperks · 2 months
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prettyboy demon prince for a dating sim i've been cooking up :]
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ok so yk how SKs have fangs?
what if
now hear me out
what if a mature shadow knight’s bite was venomous
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mekhetmask · 10 months
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the-art-block · 1 month
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WtA | Mountain Law
Another showstopping story, told by the lovely @syntheticmortal! We're having a lot of fun running an absolute riot across New England 👀
THE PACK - Gregory Two Rows | Shadow Lord Ahroun - meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - Pettar Howl-of-the-Eons | Silver Fang Ragabash - @klaciate - Asher | Gale Stalker Philodox - @skaerdir - Branden Night-Terror | Ghost Council Philodox - Kara Tongue | Silver Fang Theurge - Rory Claws-of-Reason | Bone Gnawer Galliard - Father Hawk | Pack Patron
(Original character concept used as a faceclaim for Pettar Howl-of-the-Eons was created by @aprioriii and you can find their art here on Tumblr! Check out the work and show some love ✨✨✨ the work is stunning, just absolutely beautiful)
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goshyesvintageads · 1 year
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Atari Inc, 1983
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gonedreaminggg · 5 months
Council, we've got some work to do.
@laurencezvahlslefteyebrow @xerith-42 @cinnamontoastcroonch
I've been thinking about all of our shadow knights headcanons, and how they make sense in the grand scheme of things. Because right now, we are a bit disorganized.
We've taken bits and pieces from canon and fanon and smushed into this little autism creature. But if we want our headcanons to work, they have to work cohesively.
We're starting from the beginning, folks.
This whole shitstorm started with the doll headcanon. The mighty titan that got us to where we are now. We tossed around a lot of ideas, but I'll sum it up.
It all began with that fateful anon ask...
Mutually, I think we've decided that the doll headcanon can be boiled down to a symptom of the Shadow Knight transformation. No matter what kind of SK you are, you show symptoms. It's worse in premature SKs, and SKs who are farther from or trying to rebel against Shad. Seeing as the symptoms are part of the Spirit Magicks used on SKs, it makes sense that their condition also depends on distance. The symptoms also depend on Shad's power. While he doesn't have his physical form, his control over the SKs is more widespread, but not as strong. Once he has a physical form, his power is condensed, yet multiplied. Those closest to Shad have no control over themselves, but those farther are as free as ever.
The general doll symptoms are...
an uncanny valley appearance
episodes of paralysis, whether in certain limbs or the whole body
physical marks, in the form of whatever doll the SK most resembles (Gene with porcelain cracks, Zenix with strings on his wrists)
jerking, seizure-y episodes (either mentally present or not)
symptoms get worse the longer they resist. if they resist for too long, they succumb to complete paralysis, even if they're still sentient. since this only happens to premature SKs, they will still die eventually.
the progression of the symptoms stops when the SK completes their transformation.
This is where we sort of floated into the next idea.
What happens when Shad dies?
Since we decided that Shad's control over the shadow knights is an immensely powerful form of Spirit Magicks, we have to know what happens when he's gone.
Many ideas were tossed around for this one. Mostly because some of us want to save our favorite characters, and others will succumb to the whump.
What we (for the most part) decided on was that full SKs pass on into the next life, rid of the burden that's plagued them for centuries. One last gift from Shad for answering the calling. And premature shadow knights are done for. They succumb to their symptoms entirely, imprisoned in a body that they can't move, with a mind going 100 miles an hour.
With Aphmau's determined nature, and the extremely powerful friends she's made on her journey, she'd find a way to get them back. Specifically, Laurance and Vylad. However, they're husks of their former selves. They're not shadow knights anymore, but they certainly aren't human. They have episodes akin to what they've experienced from the doll symptoms. Staring off into space, pure catatonia and dissociation. These episodes can last from seconds to days. And they have no recollection of what's happened in between.
Basically, they lost the parts that Shad took from them. Then, they were replaced with Shad's Spirit Magicks. And finally, it was all stripped away one last time, turning them into these subhuman husks.
This was all wrapped up neatly, with a bow on top to seal the deal. You can see where things connect and how the two ideas relate. There's a clear stream of thought.
And then, we get into Xavier.
Oh my, Xavier...
You guys have completely sold me on Xavier being the first shadow knight. Like, this is canon, no one can say otherwise. I am putting my foot down.
However, we know he founded the Jury of Nine. But when did this happen? Before or after his transformation? And also, what type of SK is he? He couldn't be a full SK, because Irene would be the one he'd have to kill. Theoretically, Xavier gets killed and Shad resurrects him to experiment with minions and whatnot. So, he's probably the most rudimentary SK you could get. So, does the calling even exist yet? Because it doesn't have to.
This is the timeline I've come up with.
Xavier dies, either protecting Irene or fighting against her. Shad, who's already been banished to the nether, has a spiritual connection to Xavier. So he's able to resurrect him, even if he died in the overworld. Shad experiments with his Spirit Magicks, killing and resurrecting Xavier until he has the perfect monster.
But in this time, he gets so used to having Xavier around. And Xavier's so used to being in the nether, like there was nothing before it. Plus, with the constant resurrections, his mind is pretty scrambled.
Eventually, he gains a part of himself back. He remembers what's out there waiting for him. And he prays and prays to Irene to bring him back. And she answers.
He lives in the overworld for a while, already having the immortality of a full SK. His friends pass on, Irene hides away in her dimension. And Xavier finds purpose in the Jury of Nine. But he'll always be a failed shadow knight. At some point, something does him in and the world goes on without him.
We've also agreed that Laurance is Xavier's descendant. And sometimes, their memories bleed together. During Laurance's imprisonment in the nether, he has flashes of Xavier's long talks with Shad. Or fighting with Aphmau, he remembers arguments that they've never had, but Xavier sure did.
And this. This is the turning point.
This is where we get into the blue flames. And the rebellion.
Xavier was the first to rebel. I mean, there really was nothing holding him back. His blue flames come from his spirit, because he's still holding on to what's left. He uses his spirit to push through, and create the Jury of Nine, and help those in need. And also, give Shad a big fuck you.
Then, after Xavier's big show of rebellion, Shad invokes the calling. He inflicts every shadow knight with this, to give them incentive to stay. Because he gave them too much autonomy.
The blue flames become even more noble after this. Because it's a display of spirit, and strong will. And as time goes on... a display of anger.
As a shadow knight; to have control, you need to supress your emotions. Almost completely. This is what Vylad has been able to do. But in the process, he's bottled it all up. Then, the blue flames started to show.
Blue-flamed soldiers run hot, even hotter than regular shadow knights. When their rage is almost bubbling over, they would probably burn you if you touched them. We see Vylad and Laurance on the beach a lot, near the water. If they jump in to cool down, the water would start to boil.
Over time, the blue flames have become a symbol of rebellion. Something that shows you've overcome Shad's control. And then, the actual rebellion forms. With Laurance and Zenix leading the charge. Zenix, already branded with the blue flame, calls the rebellion Api Biru (blue lava). Informally, they're known as The Blue Flame.
Now, how do all of these things connect?
Shad's life energy.
Every shadow knight is endowed with part of Shad. It's the only way he knows how to gain control of the SKs. And all of our headcanons depend on how much control Shad has over someone.
The doll symptoms are worse when Shad has less control.
He'll let you pass on into the next life if you were loyal to him.
He didn't have enough control over Xavier, so he created the calling.
The blue flames being a symbol of rebellion against Shad's control.
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knuxtiger4 · 7 months
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Every once in a while I remember I have this account.
Anyways here's some art of my current favorite character I've been playing in our Vampire the Masquerade game a friend of mine runs for us.
Marina started off as a homeless Gangrel vampire until the coterie picked her up because she is a literal 7th foot tall menace. It took a while for her to be open with her friends and the more they learned of her. She has slowly learned to love herself and trust others.
Marina wants nothing more than to be around her family, her descendants. So much she always remained on the outskirts of them in order to help them from behind the scenes. She had that cruelly ripped away when she was Embrace by her husband and left to fend for herself. She recently had befriended her great grandaughter which eventually revealed her family is werewolves and complicated matters as they knew she was a vampire too. Normally they would have wiped out Marina on sight but they have come to understand she did not choose this life.
Very recent elements in the story has revealed major details of Marina. She is an Abomination and that her memories of her past were blocked out and she gained those back.
(Yes, we are aware a lot of people frown upon letting a player play an Abomination but our ST was going in that direction and that he is ruling different rules on how Marina behaves! He also did things for the other player so they would be at par with Marina!)
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shadowlord57 · 5 months
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Shadow Dragon Head :D
Eclipse | Flight Rising
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catdog2962 · 11 months
Alexis in wonderland
Poor little Alexis keeps having nightmares of a place she never been before yet it so familiar and she surrounded by people she never met before yet they seem so familiar to her too
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dushpshpsh · 2 months
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she makes a roar
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theoakleafpancake · 1 year
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20. Punishment
Behind the Guards were ragged people, pressed closely together. The peoples’ shoulders were bowed, their eyes haunted and despairing. Most bore the Shadow Lord’s brand on brow or cheek.
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aka things from my rewrite
idea from @xerith-42 <- <- <-
They have pointed ears. They’re not as large as an elf’s or half elf’s ears, really just the size of a human’s ear… But pointed.
They’re skin sparkles. (Edward who?) Idk why I added this I just like the idea of Laury lookin like he’s rocking body glitter 24/7 ig. It’s most noticeable in direct sunlight.
They’re eyes are reflective, like a cats, and often glow in the dark. They’re eyes also appear more… empty… than a regular person’s. Almost uncanny.
When in their full Shadow Knight form, their irises become red, and the whites of their eyes turn black. The skin around their eyes also becomes red and cracked, almost irritated looking.
They have fangs. Much like this v
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They each have a scar pertaining to the way in which they died. (Assuming it wasn’t something like poison). It is usually a dark grey or black color, but not always.
When they are premature, their fingers and toes are blacken. This is called the corruption. Each SK has at least some, but the amount tells you how long they resisted gaining their immortality. The longer they go without gaining their immortality, the further up the corruption creeps, only stopping at the shoulders and hips.
They have Rune Scars and Tattoos. The tattoo is located on their palms and is the source of their SK abilities. It’s embedded with the curse of binding so it cannot be removed or carved out. The scars are on their face, three claw marks on each cheek. These are referred to as The Tears. These scars enhance their SK abilities.
While in their full SK form, their scar runes turn black and emanate pure darkness. Their fingernails also grow into claws that are extremely sharp and nearly unbreakable.
All SKs appear pale, no matter their skin tone. They have no red/pink/orange undertones bc their blood technically no longer flows.
They often appear very ridged or mannequin like. Standing either too perfectly or too hunched over. Again, uncanny.
Because of all these physical traits, Shadow Knights are very easy to spot, assuming you know what to look for. Many trying to hide or blend in, will hide their heads, faces, and hands.
Their body temperature fluctuates quite a bit. Generally, theyre cold to the touch, because yk their dead. But when they feel strong emotions like anger or happiness their temp rises, possibly to the point where they feel feverish. The only emotions that actively make them colder are sadness and fear.
Their temp also rises when the Calling comes a knocking. Rising hotter and hotter the longer they try to ignore or fight it.
^ Inspired by a convo with @xerith-42
It’s impossible to sleep in the Nether, though the reason is unknown. Because of this, Shadow Knights don’t require sleep. They still can sleep, but it’s not a necessity. Premature Shadow Knights however, still become tired and can still feel the physical repercussions of having no sleep.
Similarly, SKs also no longer need to eat or drink. However again, prematures do. Since not much grows in the nether, they’re forced to eat Nether Wart. It’s essentially a very tough, charcoal tasting mushroom. It’s their only source of food OR water as water cannot be found anywhere else in the Nether.
While they’re in the Nether, their blood becomes cold to accommodate for the extreme heat. Because of this they need to be careful about regulating their emotions while in the nether so their blood doesn’t overheat.
Nether time is faster than Overworld time. A year in the Nether is only a few months in the Overworld, if that.
Premature SKs can be killed the same ways a human can be, due to their lack of immortality. A full SK however, is a bit more tricky. Their physical form can be killed, though it is more difficult due to a combination of things, but they respawn. If their body dies, is will *poof* disappear and reappear back in the Nether on an alter. The amount of time it takes to respawn depends on the severity of their injury. A full SK can only be permanently killed with an enchanted Netherite weapon (hehe minecraft reference). These are extremely rare and hard to come by. …Zenix has one…
When a PMSK (Premature Shadow Knight) is trained, they fight against real, full SKs. They could very well be killed during their training, call it natural selection. The PM is expected to kill the Full SKs they’re fighting against.
Soul sand houses the souls of innocent lives taken by Shadow Knights. Their souls not only add fuel to their power, but also gives strength to the Shadow Lord/Shad.
In Shad’s eyes, someone with magicks or brains is often more valuable than someone who is physically strong. Though physical strength is needed in order to be a SK, if they are not particularly clever and they have no magicks, they aren’t very useful. Often used as simple pawns or sacrifices.
The first ever Shadow Knight was some random guy named Randal. He didn’t fit any of the criteria, in fact he was just some farmer who ate a bad potato and suffered the consequences. Shad only resurrected him to experiment a bit.
A Shadow Knight’s armor isn’t actually armor. It’s more like a shell that pops out when their body recognizes it’s needed. Or at least when it thinks it does. These shells are generally identical, but they do each have some variations depending on the person and their alignment. Their weapons are an extension of this shell as well, and can be any hand held weapon. Weather is a sword, hammer, mace, or even daggers. Swords are just most people’s go-to. Along with this, they cannot drop their weapons as they are basically a part of them. The only way to rid of it is by… sucking?? it back into the shell. Think of venom. But less… slimy.
They’re impervious to fire/lava. At any stage, full or pm.
Oooookay that’s all I got
Thanks for reading this far love ya mwah mwah
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shrimpari · 6 months
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YouTube diagnosing me mentally ill
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pepperthebepper · 1 year
Okay so i have theory for mcd, so you know how Vylad and Laurence both wear green when their out of shadow knight form and don't like the shadow lord(and I'm 90% sure Zenix wore green but I'm too lazy to check) cause green might not be on the opposite side of the color wheel but it's not made of it and it's pretty far from red so they wear green because of their hatred towards the shadow lord and this is just a theory because my dumb brain thought of it
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gonedreaminggg · 5 months
Now, we've talk about what happens to the shadow knights when Shad dies.
But what happens to the nether?
Everything involving Shad/The Nether/Shadow Knights literally has a physical part of Shad within it. So what happens to these things when he's gone?
We've decided that the SKs either pass on, or live in their paralyzed bodies. There's not enough left of themselves to keep going once Shad has died.
Originally, I thought something similar would happen to the nether. The fires would stop, the lava would solidify, leaving the Nether blanketed in darkness.
However, @cinnamontoastcroonch brought something else up.
We were getting into the topic of the blue flames and how they signify rebellion. Cinnamon thought that the Nether would turn blue over time, to show the rebellion's control over the Nether.
I like this idea. A lot. But, I'm thinking something different would happen.
To know what the nether would be without Shad, we need to know what it was before.
Of course, The Nether is an alternate universe. It existed on it's own, possibly for billions of years before the Divine Warriors banished Shad there. So, what did it look like when Shad first got there?
It was blue, much like those new nether biomes in the somewhat recent update.
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This is what it was before Shad. Before he cursed the land.
It was almost a utopia. There were animals, and crops. The Nether could live on its own.
However, Shad's anger was brewing. He's the realm breaker, and his power was uncontained. But Irene made sure to put him somewhere he couldn't break. Not entirely.
He tried. He wanted to escape, and tear Irene down from her throne. His anger festered, and tainted the land. As he tried to break through the barrier, he embedded part of himself into the world around him. He became the Nether.
So, when he dies, the Nether is free. Much like Laurance and Vylad, the Nether celebrates once it's free. Trees grow, flowers bloom. The mobs are uncorrupted.
But we know that it can't sustain this. After a few years, maybe decades, it all starts to wilt. The Nether tried to hold onto what was left, but it couldn't keep going.
The trees die, the crops wilt, the animals are starving.
And it's gone. A husk of it's former self.
The Nether is clouded in darkness, empty for eternity.
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