#Shitty roommates
TW: Vent
Love my friend but she is so shit at giving advice through text.
This it why I should just stick to the status quo, stay in my lane. Tumblr vent post just satiate that screaming need... well and also a blasting music jam session but ye
Fuck my roommates they all suck. They have a guest that stayed the night stole my soap dispenser and put it on their side. (There's 2 sinks.) But they used our sink. Like WHAT? Not to mention the passive aggressive bullshit of over sending information already given. Like we were so chill about it. Like hey maybe don't bring a stranger into the apartment to stay the night WITHOUT TELLING US. BUT NOOOOO THAT'S TOO MUCH FOR THEM.
Now they passive aggressive text in the group chat like this gem
"Once again, my friend is staying over tonight she is sleeping in the living room"
Like am I crazy or saying "Once again" is passive aggressive.
I feel like I'm going insane.
They had to have told them that which is our sink. There's no way they didn't.
I feel like I'm going insane. It's proper roommate etiquette to assume that if THEY have someone over they are going to be using THeir stuff on their side. Am I crazy for that?
Bro, I haven't even stepped outside at any time the guest has been here, but them sending that "once again" text in the middle of them already being here? Like both of them know that I don't ever really leave the apartment and my fucken lights are on in my room tonight so am I crazy for thinking the "once again" message was a pointed intentional passive aggressive diss?
Whatever I don't care anymore. I hope they get chemical burns /irritated skin from using the rigged soap dispenser because WE HAD TO HIDE OUR OTHER SOAP DISPENSER because they wouldn't stop using ours even after telling them politely to use their own and use their own sink. LIKE BRO IT'S NOT THAT FUCKEN HARD
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is-not-a-unicorn · 2 months
I'm stressed & trying not to lash out on my roommates so I'm posting here
Okay so I came home from work to my partner being upset about my roommates leaving trash all over the kitchen so he asked me to text them. Which I did and this is what I got back:
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Why would that be the assumption? Last week they just left a bag of trash on the the kitchen floor, even though the bins were already in the garage.
Oh. And when I wasn't here to clean up after them it looked like this:
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The assumption is that they WON'T pick up their trash if I don't say anything about it but go off I guess.
ETA: literally NOTHING was stopping either of them from putting the bins in the garage. I even already pulled them off the street and they were right next to the garage door. I fixed the garage door like 6 years ago so if you push the button the garage door just opens. Like magic.
I feel like he was blaming the trash on me because I didn't put the bins in the garage but he could have. I'm the only one who takes the bins out on trash day. They could help out a little bit and bring them in. But Noooo.
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lookitsrobbie · 1 year
I can't stand this guy.
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knucklegagging · 1 year
My Roommate Doesn’t Believe in METs
So apparently, my roommate doesn’t believe in METs. So, math. So, he just spent the last like 20 minutes trying to convince me:
No, in fact I did not just burn a little under 300 calories from biking for over an hour. That me eating a salad is probably too much, even though the only ingredients are iceberg lettuce, 2 celery sticks, and 30g of nonfat plain greek yoghurt, because????? METs aren’t real and according to him I probably didn’t even burn 30 calories. -_- Nevermind the fact that I, infact, CAN Math. Now I am petrified I will wake up being a helium party balloon inside of a hippo inside of a beached whale. For the record! THERMODYNAMICS AND METS ARE LEGITIMATE. But it doesn’t fucking matter now, cuz my brain is on glue so I can’t sleep and I have to be up in the “morning” at 1AM for work. Fucking ass man. Broh KNOWS I’m Anorexic. Why you fucks w me?? unhappycamper.
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despicablenotions · 1 year
Me: *calmly explaining to dorm staff that I'm irritated because my roommate isn't doing anything to help make sure our room is passing inspections*
Dorm staff: *demeaning me and invalidating my feelings saying "well maybe if you tried harder to finish all the 18 different things you're expected to do to the room every morning you wouldn't have failed inspection"*
Me: *calmly explaining that it's hard to do every single room chore in the morning by myself while my roommate does literally nothing, he just gets dressed, makes his bed half-assed(which I get held accountable for) brushes his teeth(leaving toothpaste in the sink btw) and leaves*
Dorm staff: *once again invalidating me and even interrupting me while I'm talking to shut down my feelings saying "well clearly you're not doing everything because if you were your room would have passed*
Me, getting irritated now and interrupting staff: *slightly less calm now, explaining that it's impossible for me to do every single chore in the morning by myself and I shouldn't be held accountable for the fact that my roommate just sits on the phone with his girlfriend in the mornings after waking up 10 minutes before we need to leave dorms and leaves me to do every single chore*
Dorm staff, who, reminder, interrupted me earlier: are you going to let me finish my thought or are you going to interrupt me again
Me: *internal screaming*
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demonicdragoncat · 1 year
I swear to fucking god I have terrible roommate luck. It makes me want to scream. First I had a girl who wouldn't shut up over the TikToks and E rated fics for Miraculous Ladybug she was consuming.
Then I had an obnoxious bitch who constantly argued with a fiancée who insulted me.
And finally I had a piece of shit who would keep her fucking LED lights on 24/7 and would use my property without my permission to the point where I think she took two of my Switch games. And then the bitch had the nerve to deny that she went through my things when I know she did.
Fucking hell. I want to scream and cry.
My current roommate is okay but I waiting for the other shoe to drop.
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willoftrees · 1 year
stressed. got a lot of appointments coming up, my back has been hurting rly bad to where i am walking with a cane, and my roommate/landlord just got threatened with foreclosure in 30 days because his idiot brother took out a second mortgage on this house and *hasn't been paying it*, we have animals and friends that the fucking moron didn't think about that he is about to displace.
we basically have 2 months to figure shit out.
meanwhile i have all kinds of medical shit going on. ugh. was hoping this year would be a good one. =/
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woppy-my-beloved · 2 years
And I got called the Damon Herriman Dark Room girl by my coworkers.
I'm fucking done.
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hemlocksandfoxgloves · 8 months
Is “are you trying to burn the house down?” an acceptable thing to say when someone is cooking. No its not. Why do people have to be so rude? I hate living with judgmental pricks!!
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moonstruck-menace · 9 months
my roommate always moves my wife and Is stuff around without permission "organizing" it.
We have adhd, our system is chaos. But it would be ok if she asked us to organize it sometimes. But instead she put all my stuff in a bag and then texted us telling us to declutter. I'm so fucking furious. Like I grew up in a hoarder house, the amount I do not hoard is huge progress that I'm still working on but now I think I'm going to hoard out of spite.
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828hate · 11 months
Ever lived in a home where you couldn't use the fridge?
You make yourself something to eat, just to have roomates steal it?
Even if you label it and go out of your way to ask them not to because you need it for lunch tomorrow?
It gets stolen every single time.
It's gotten so bad I'll keep the food in my room and risk food poisoning just to make sure I get to have it again.
I really hope this chapter of my life is over soon.. Living here has been a constant nightmare. But the sad part is there is no end in sight v.v
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cal-a-bungaa · 1 year
Found out my shitty roommate is pissing in bottles in his room and leaving them around
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amporalicious · 1 year
i cant wait to move out of this dorm and never see these people again
i feel so unsafe :(
one more week <3
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lunachocolate24 · 1 year
Welp, I got nothing to lose if I posted all my rants from my phone onto here, so internet enjoy my rage!
Sorry for any spelling mistakes!
I'm the one who causes problems even though I don't mean too.
When I'm referred to as "special" in my mind that's another word for stupid or retarded
Memory problems are a bitch
A is the smart one of the friendship
Makes me feel like I can't rant to my own family even though she rants to hers without repocution
When I'm sick I'm still expected to go out and work but when A is sick she stays home and lays in bed all day
When I'm talking to my friends online A dosnt see how happy it makes me and says their fake
Says that i like girls even tho I don't, she says it makes more sense because I seem to be a masculine lesbian
Talks shit with everyone around me but when I do it God forbid
I know I'm bad with money but I'm trying
Makes me feel like I'm less of a person compared to her
Makes me rethink the friendship alot
Tries to keep my best friend O away from me saying she's toxic and a bad friend
Keeps on saying she'll win in a fight against me, and threatens that she'll beat me if I tell anyone a piece of info she doesn't want being known
When I tell her I'm depressed her imitate reaction is "everyone has depression, your just saying that for attention."
When I cut she says I can go to her but when I do she says I don't have anything to cut for and doing it for attention even though I'm not
My depression has gotten worse since she's been my roommate
Thinks that she's all mighty and shit but she's only human too
She always gets front seat even though I'm in the back trying not to get sick
She asks me what I want but makes it to her preferences and not mine and when I say something I'm immediately ignored
Says I am more interested in girls because I have a hard time talking to guys, she dosnt have a say on who I like
When I'm sick I'm still supposed to do shit but when she's sick everyone feels bad for her and let her be lazy all day, double standard
Says the app I talk to my friends with is just a stupid fantasy game and says their fake friends
You always blame your problems on Me because you say it's easier to put it the blame on me
She throws me under the bus pretty much any chance she gets
Says everything stressed her out but when I get stressed I'm being annoying or too exited
She says moms driving is bad when she drives the same way
She's allowed to bring up the past but when I do it its the worst thing in the world
She shouldn't have a say in my sexuality if it makes more since then not I don't like girls I can find them attractive but not pursue them romanicly
Sooo I have no say on how long we do door dash with jeri and she says "we have nothing going on" You may have nothing going on but I do
Says I shouldn't be on my phone as much ok im sorry that most of the stuff you talk about is ether a You problem or not interesting at all
When I Show her I have an issue with my phone she thinks in just being stupid and wasting time, I don't want to dash with her anymore if she keeps this shit up.
She knows my phones fucked up
When I try to explain to her something she dosnt listen at all but I'm supposed to listen to her like that nah she can go screw herself
I'm not allowed to explain why I did something because she keeps on saying "stop talking"
Stop Being in charge of everything in my life and get out of it
Apparently I'm not allowed to talk maybe I should go mute or something because all I do is cause issues
When I have to do something I have to do it right away but when she has to do something she's able to take her time because she's in a bad mood.
A is so bad with road rage she almost caused an accident when K and I both told her to slow down
I'm a bad driver if I miss a turn but if she dose it its fine Even if she dose it multiple times in a row
She said she'll take me home at 830 but I'm not sure if she's telling the truth
Gets mad at me for the dasher app being stupid and bitches me out for it
I get blamed for all the disgusting sounds even though I have no idea what they are and A makes me cry alone in a dark bathroom because she can't sleep
A makes me the villen in every situation even with O.
At least I have respect to tell people discreetly instead of making them feel bad for what I hear,
She didn't even let me explain myself but if it was her she expects me to be respectful
She has a major victim complex
I'm supposed to deal with her being bitchy but I'm supposed to stop right away if I'm being bitchy
Double fucken standards
Stop telling me that you think I'm a lesbian because i give off the vibes
You don't have a say in my sexuality
Mom and dad favoring A over their own daughter
Mom always being on A side for everything
Telling our mutual friends that I have a p*rn addiction even though I don't, why would you say that? If I was in you shoes I would keep my mouth shut with that kind of shit.
Why would you show my own mother a tictok about me biting my lip, I didn't even know it was seductive I just found that out today.
I wish you weren't coming with us to the new house.
You say I'm not paying attention but your the same way you bitch your ignoring me when I try and tell you something then yell at me when I do the same thing.
Your such a bitch to me today for the same shit we did last year but when it comes to me it's the worst thing in the world
You can talk about anything that I'm uncomfortable with but as soon as I say a word your not comfortable with I'm the bad guy
In stressful situations she laughs but when we almost got hit I laugh but I get yelled at by her
Calls me odd for talking in a mirror fucken bitch
Most of not all of the money we make gos to her own wallet and stuff she needs to pay for not shared but when I forget stuff I'm told to remember stuff that she should take care of. She keeps calling rosey HER cat and MY car HERS I'm done with her she can dash on her own
How was I supposed to know telling the truth was going to lead to an argument
Everyone is saying it's my fault
No one wants to hear my side of the story only hers
She's causing more problems then there needs to be, she's the issue not me
She is blackmailing me
I don't want to alive anymore because of her she acts just like her parents
I'm do close to telling mom everything but knowing her she'll make herself to be the victim
Says I'm addicted to my phone when she's in the same boat I'd not worse, she also text while driving.
The music is so loud I can barely hear myself think but when I try to turn it down I get yelled at. It's not my fault that she's deaph
Tried to tell mom and dad whats going on but as soon as angel came out I'm called crazy, I already know as soon as we're alone I'm goin to be bitched out by her. She can go to hell
Makes fun of me when I accidentally cut myself and say "why don't you ask for help?" I did you just chose to ignore me and instead talk shit about me to my own parents.
It honestly feels like they much rather have you as a daughter then me.
I get blamed for everything even if I wasn't involved anyway shape or form
Mom and dad are more leaninant with her then me I want to spend 30 dollers she wants to spend 60 but I get told no
Say all my online friends are fake but mom and A are the same way their hipacrets
A Ecen admits that I get bitched at for no reason but still switches sides constantly choose a side
She tells me I'm lazy and everyone has depression but if I say anything to her I'm an asshole
Her needs and wants are always put before mine even if it's a day about me
She calls me spoiled but she grew up in money
When talking about the past she says she was abused but in different ways so was I but I I try to say anything I'm insensitive to her and get yelled at.
When I try and talk to you about the work schedule and you say ya sure we can change it only to immediately keep it the same before the conversion because you don't want to get up earlier in the day
You say is a me problem but you involve me in your problems but as soon as I try and back out I'm the ass hole.
I constantly get questioned from everyone in the family why I'm in a bad mood, I'm sorry I didn't realize I had to be happy all the time.
When I cry I get yelled at and told "that didn't work out for you did it?" As soon as you do it and I say the same thing I'm the asshole
She tells me I'm just like dad even in bad situations because I'm always the last one to be told things.
Church gives me bad juju
I want to talk to sister about the list but if I do that I'll be called out about everything I think about A.
Your music isn't as good as you think it is.
I apparently have to tell A when I get new headphones because I can't be trusted with them
Mom, sister and probably dad are on my side and A got butched out by mom, and now she's pissed that she got bitched out more then I did.
It's your way or the highway your alot like mom and dad, your no better then they are.
If you make us lose our job because you bitched out anyone I will never forgive you
I sigh one time and you bitch me out like I've heen doing it all day, leave me be God dammit
If you think I'm fat just say so don't beat around the bush
Why would you tell me to get rid of my vr headset and stop vr, it's like me telling you, you can't go to movies or watch TV because you watch merder shows and that's weird.
Stop bitching me out like I'm a child dad didn't ask for help from me so it's not my problem, so shut the fuck up and go suck a dick or something
When I was in the shower you were calling for me to ask me a question but I didn't answer you because I was in the shower a d couldn't hear you over the water and fans going then tou knocked on the door and yelled "Do you know where the glaze is for the ham!?" I said 'no, I don't,' and you proceeded to say,"I called your name three times. What the heel were you doing!?" And I told you," I was in the shower?" with a towl wrapped around my head. So before you yell make sure I'm in the shower or not before you get bitchy
And let's not forget only one of us kissed multiple girls multiple times so it would make since if you were bi and I wasn't but that's only me since God forbid you be a little fruity. But you can repeatedly tell me that "it makes sense if you're bi and not ace. Because if you're not 100% on the label, then it doesn't apply to you." Just say your homophobic and be done with it, and it's not the first time either.
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porrigens · 10 months
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ryugoro silliness
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madootles · 1 month
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mustang is speaking
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