#Simpsons Bart Gif Original
luca-ercolani · 1 year
Akira: la sgommata più iconica nella Storia del cinema
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The Simpsons
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X-Men Origins: Wolverine
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Adventure Time
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
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Star Wars: Clone Wars
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Batman: The Animated Series
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Psycho Analysis: Sideshow Bob
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(WARNING! This analysis contains SPOILERS!)
For over thirty years now The Simpsons has provided the world with all manner of wacky shenanigans.  And when it comes to cartoons, what better way to cause shenanigans than by having a villain show up to wreak havoc? Most often the villain is the decrepit billionaire Mr. Burns, but sometimes you get a hilarious and memorable one-shot character like the affably evil Hank Scorpio. But in the middle, between being a major member of the cast and being a guest character, there is one man: Sideshow Bob.
The man with the palm tree hair and multiple attempted murders under his belt has cemented himself as one of the most iconic antagonists in television history as he seeks vengeance against Bart Simpson for thwarting his original scheme to get Krusty the clown arrested. With a little over a dozen major appearances across the history of the series and zero successes to his name, he is very much the Wile E. Coyote to Bart’s Roadrunner, and it’s typically as funny as that sounds.
But as we all know, many characters on the show have suffered the curse of flanderization, where key parts of their initial personality are magnified until that’s all they’re about, so named because fellow character Ned Flanders had his religious beliefs cranked up to 11 as time went on. The same could be said about Bob, with his desire to kill Bart overriding any sort of closure he receives at the end of every episode… But does this diminish his quality as a villain?
Motivation/Goals: Fitting for an animated sitcom, Bob’s motivations aren’t the most complex in the world. In his first appearance, he merely wanted to frame Krusty to take over his show and turn it into something more high brow, but after Bart helped thwart his schemes his new goal became to murder Bart, and that’s mainly what he’s stuck with. “Sideshow Bob’s Last Gleaming” and “The Day of the Jackanapes” mix things up a bit by having him target Krusty as well, but Bart dying is something that would have inevitably come to fruition if he’d succeeded.
Frankly, this just makes Bob even funnier as a character. This dude has beef with literal fucking children and despite being a genius he literally never wins. He truly is the perfect second banana to a clown, always suffering for the gag while never getting the limelight he feels he deserves.
Performance: Perhaps the single thing that makes Bob stand out is that he has always, in every appearance, been voiced by none other than Kelsey Grammer, AKA Frasier Crane from Cheers and Frasier (Or Beast from X-Men: The Last Stand). I think it’s pretty obvious he kills it as Bob, bringing just the right air of menace and class to have Bob be seen as a legitimate threat while also being able to deliver some great jokes. Also, he gets to sing quite a bit, which is always a treat.
Final Fate: Every single time he appears, Bob is inevitably thwarted and sent to jail, usually worse off than when he started the episode. There are a few unique examples where Bob gets it a bit  worse than usual; “Brother From Another Series” has Bob save the day but then get arrested anyway because Wiggum is a fucking idiot, while “Funeral for a Fiend” features him going completely insane.
Best Episode: It does not matter how much time has passed, “Cape Feare” will always remain the #1 greatest appearance of Sideshow Bob. It has it all: Movie references, musical numbers, murderous plots, and classic gags! And speaking of gags, the episode contains one of the single funniest gags Bob has ever been a part of.
Coming in at a close second would be “Sideshow Bob Roberts,” where Bob rigs an election. The entire episode really shows just how little conservatives have changed over nearly 30 years; the episode aired on October 9, 1994, and its jabs at the right wing are as timeless as ever. It also helps that the episode is a riot, with tons of good gags. “Krusty Gets Busted,” “Black Widower,” “Brother from Another Series,” “The Day of the Jackanapes,” “The Great Louse Detective,” and “The Bob Next Door”  are all solid entries as well, and feature Bob at his most cunning, though they’re always gonna be in the shadow of “Cape Feare” (and “Sideshow Bob Roberts” to a lesser extent).
Best Quote: It’s gotta be this one, if only for the sheer absurdity of how posh Bob makes catcalling sound:
Final Thoughts & Score: Previously I compared Bob to fellow animated antagonist Denzel Crocker, in the sense they both became increasingly flanderized and their roles began to make less and less sense as time went on with the show, with Bob’s murderous impulses never going away even when there’s plenty of reason that they should. Both “Brother From Another Series” and “Day of the Jackanapes” give pretty nice end points for Bob’s arc; the former, if they had cut out the mean-spirited ending, would have had Bob redeemed and finally given him a bit of peace, and the latter has him actually reconciling with Krusty (and getting the death penalty). But they continued to bring him back, with “The Great Louse Detective” also giving a great end point for Bob, complete with a musical number! But then he’s back for “The Italian Bob,” the worst of his appearances, which then ties into his next appearance in “Funeral for a Fiend,” which also gives us a nice stopping point. But no, he keeps coming back with the same goals each and every time: Kill Bart (or sometimes Krusty).
But the thing with Bob compared to Crocker is that while the latter shows up a lot in his series to the point he’s a main antagonist, Bob is used extremely sparingly. He has 15 major appearances over the course of The Simpsons run, with one of those being a “Treehouse of Horror” segment and some of those appearances happening several seasons apart. The lack of oversaturation helps make the flanderization sting a bit less; sure, he’s always sliding back into the same old evil routines, but he doesn’t show up enough where it becomes completely stale. Some of his later appearances end up being a bit less impressive than earlier ones, but he’s still enjoyable enough that none of his episodes are downright awful.
A lot of this is thanks to Kelsey Grammer’s voice work. He’s really a perfect fit for this egotistical, classy attempted murderer, and considering Grammer’s a decently big name thanks to Cheers and Frasier, it’s probably not without reason they use him sparingly. Still, I think what ultimately keeps Bob great compared to a lot of other cartoon villains is that he’s just such a ridiculous concept that it’s hard for him to not end up being fun whenever he appears. This is a former sidekick to a TV clown who wants to murder a small child, he has a long-standing rivalry with rakes, and he enjoys singing opera. He has stolen a nuke, stolen someone’s face, rigged an election, and attempted to assassinate a clown by hypnotizing a child and rigging him with explosives. His schemes are wacky, convoluted, and cartoonish, but Grammer’s performance will convince you that these actions are the most brilliant a criminal could conceive of.
Has Bob lost a little bit of luster over the years? Sure. But much like the show he’s part of, writing him off completely because of a few weaker showings is a bit disingenuous. Bob’s a high 9.5/10, leaning a bit more towards the 10, and maybe they’d get there if they could commit to giving him a proper ending. But hey, even if they never do, I’m not gonna complain when I hear Grammer drop a “Hello, Bart” for the fiftieth time right before Bob steps on a rake.
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atakeflight · 10 months
" I know Bart. Such a wordsmith. Then again, I heard that original student body president speech, I shouldn't be surprised. " She was teasing, of course. She knew he could win that election. She sat down to eat a surprisingly delicious vegan takeaway. New York certainly had far more take out options than Springfield, but she had truly been touched that he had gotten something specially for her. Bart was the only one who really tried to do things specially for her. " Thanks for this by the way. It's really good. "
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Usually, when their parents got takeaway, Lisa was forced to either order a few sides instead of an actual meal. She was the only vegan in her family, she never expected them to become vegan like her, but it would be nice for them to try --- like Bart had. He had always taken care of her, she was only paying him back. It had taken her so long to realise all the little things he did for her. She had a whole childhood of debt she owed her brother and she planned to pay every cent.
" Mom sent brownies there in my bag, dad sent a card, so i put that in the trash for you. " She monitored to his trashcan. She sort of knew this trip was not as much of a 'family surprise for good grades' as mom had made it seem. Marge Simpson was worried, and this was her way of getting Lisa out of her bedroom. "Y'know mom tried to say this was a 'reward for my good grades' and I know that's not true, I'm sorry if mom worried you, but I'm fine. "
She wasn't, her meds had stopped working, her room was a mess and the feelings of 'life is pointless' was coming back in full swing. " Oh, I forgot Maggie also got you a little something as well. " she moved her hand over to her bag and placed the brownies and candy pacifier (in red of course) on the table. "We saw it when we went to the pier and well, Maggie wanted to get you something. "
@ghostfcce cont from here.
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drarreckyninja · 2 years
drarreckyninja’s top 50 ships of Jan 2022 (as collected by downloads, Word, and online history) [part 5/5]
10. Chane
Agent Kimball Cho x Patrick Jane [The Mentalist]
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9. Charry
Charlie Eppes x Larry Fleinhardt [Numb3rs]
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8. Blackice
Pitch Black x Jack Frost [Rise of the Guardians]
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7. Bort
Robert "Sideshow Bob" Terwilliger x Bartholomew Jojo "Bart" Simpson [The Simpsons]
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6. Nisaac
Nigel Chessum x Isaac Higgentoot [Ghosts (2021)]
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5. Coliver
Connor Walsh x Oliver Hampton [How to Get Away with Murder]
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4. Spirk
Commander S'ch T'gai Spock x Captain James Tiberius "Jim" Kirk [Star Trek]
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3. Stobotnik
Agent |Aban| Stone x Dr. Ivo Robotnik [Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)]
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2. Destiel
Dean Evelyn Winchester x Castiel [Supernatural]
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1. Klelijah
Klaus Mikaelson x Elijah Mikaelson [The Originals]
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duckyfruitbat · 3 months
The Simpsons Arcade Game
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In 1991 the Simpsons received their first video game, this game was on a couple platforms but its most notable for its arcade release. It was a side scrolling beat em up centered around Maggie being kidnapped after accidentally picking up a stolen diamond and using it as a pacifier. The game itself has all the telltale signs of early Simpsons merch, such as blue shirt Bart, Marge's bunny ears, and blue haired Smithers.
Now this game was originally developed by Konami and was re-released onto Xbox Live and PSN but in December 2013 it was removed. It is theorized that the license with Fox just expired and no one renewed it. Not the first a game was lost due to licensing and certainly won't be the last, the same thing happened to Konami's X-men game at the same time.
There is some hope, because in 2021 Arcade 1-Up released a 30th anniversary edition of the cabinet. As of writing that is the only official way of owning this game, spending a few hundred dollars and setting aside some space for a new piece of furniture that can play one game. If you don't have the money or space you are out of luck. Unless you do something that I certainly do not endorse.
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glowyjellyfish · 2 years
October Halloween Movie Fest Day 31:
Yay I did it! Tonight, while eating my traditional patented Halloween Dinner that I call Gravedigger’s Pie (…cottage pie bakes with braised ribs sticking up out of it, it’s hearty and delicious), I watched Hocus Pocus, a very Halloweeny favorite I saved especially for Halloween! I’m sure I don’t have to tell anyone how fun it is, it probably has flaws but who cares, it’s delightful. Personally, what really makes it continue to work for me isn’t just the antics of the witches, but the sibling dynamics woven throughout. Those witches are such archetypical sisters you can tell who’s the oldest, middle, and youngest without the movie ever needing to say so. Great stuff.
Also, I watched Over the Garden Wall when I was done with my Project selections, and uh. I didn’t realize that it has some things in common with Hocus Pocus. Mainly, teen boy taking his kid sibling out trick or treating, drawn into the Events via trying to impress a girl, and then they acquire a snarky talking animal companion who is actually a cursed old-timey teen. …it’s not whole swathes of plot or anything, but it’s weird that tonight ended up being Trick or Treating Siblings and Talking Animal Companion night.
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Treehouse of Horror 31 (Toy Gory/Into the Homer-Verse/Be Nine, Rewind) AND 32 (Bong Joon Ho’s This Side of Parasite/Nightmare on Elm Tree/Dead Ringer):
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Okay, is it just me or have they gotten really good again? It isn’t even that all these segments are brilliant or anything, just that they tell complete, well-paced stories, feel original even when they are probably parodying something, and are peppered with nice doses of Spookiness. For 31, I wasn’t into the political intro as I am very sick of hearing about politics and very anxious about it, but it wasn’t bad and I liked the four horsemen of the apocalypse; Toy Gory was kinda lushly animated—TEXTURE?? On SIMPSONS???—and gave some Actual Creeps; Into the Homer-Verse was… hmm, it’s hard to describe how I feel about it. It’s not that it was spectacular, but it did a lot with the concept that was unexpected and very funny, and it left me feeling like I would be interested in more stories in this setting, despite completing the plot. I think Be Nine, Rewind is a new classic. The Lisa/Nelson dynamic is always awesome to me (with or without shipping them), I liked that we followed along as they figured it out rather than Lisa swooping in with a solution at the end, they went all out in adding to Lisa’s THOH death count (…I want TheRealJims to update his list, did this episode catch Lisa up to at least in the ballpark of Bart?), and the slightly unsettling meta vibe from “finally I’m nine! Everything’s back to normal!” without drawing too much attention to it was… chef’s kiss. Quietly invites the Fridge Horror when you just go on to the next episode and she still isn’t nine yet.
32: The Bambi intro was beautifully animated and well done. It isn’t my most favorite, but it was a complete little story, it was very autumnal, and the gory twist ending was fun. Parasite… we’ll, I haven’t seen Parasite so I can’t speak to how slavish this parody was, but it sure felt like a well-thought-out, complete story that stood on its own merits, and the social commentary is reasonably unnerving. Elm Tree was surprisingly good for a segment about murderous trees, that tends not to work well but they held their own. I liked that they brought back the Treehouse part of the Treehouses of Horror, and it felt original. Also, just a few months ago I was thinking I wanted them to do a Little Shop of Horrors parody (starring Milhouse), and I was delivered the next best thing. Did you know the original voice of Audrey 2 on Broadway was Ron Taylor, aka Bleeding Gums Murphy? I didn’t know that until this year, and I have been listening to the musical for at least two decades! The Poetic Interlude was AMAZING. I have only been counting the three main segments with the rest as bonus points, but if I was counting this separately I would rank it so high. I love that style, the Dark Stanley style, and the great little Edward Gorey-ish poem added some wonderful Spookiness. Dead Ringer was less interesting to me than the others because I don’t care about The Ring, but I think they did a pretty good job with it. Spooky atmosphere, full plot, good ending.
Okay, whew. That was a lot of Simpsons to review at once! My final list is 1, 5, 4, 7, 6, 3, 2, 20, 31, 32, 9, 8, 28, 17, 27, 23, 16, 15, 25, 30, 26, 19, 13, 24, 21, 29, 12, 14, 10, 18, 22, 11. I found it nigh impossible to rank anything above the Classics, although I did make an individual segment list where a few rank higher. I’m considering sharing that list, and maybe also finish and share my “who stars in THOH segments” stat list, but on the other hand I could be finished right now.
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xxjdawgxx · 4 years
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zerio105 · 6 years
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Hey... I made a Bart Simpson meme....
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Take a picture of me and my number one dying fan!
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clownmoontoon · 2 years
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@electrozeistyking oh yeah! before the 90's clowns were beloved! they followed that code to the letter and everyone (esp kids!) loved to see a clown!
hence why mcdonald's had a clown mascot for so many years and why it made sense for bart simpson's fave tv personality ever to be a clown
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the character of pennywise is disguised as a clown bc stephen king wanted to use an image that p much every kid associated w kindness, goodness and trust to lure in his child victims ;;
in fact the prof clown industry took a major hit after the It mini series was released in 1990 and clowns became a popular horror/villain trope (the book was released in the 70s but didnt have as big of an impact on pop culture as the mini series did)
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even if the joker was a villain in the comics for many years he was NEVER as scary as they make him out to be today, he was CAMP! colorful and silly and barely a threat lmao
in the late 80's/early 90's w the release of "The Killing Joke" (1988) comic and "The Batman" (1989) movie (starring jack nicholson) AND THEN the very famous btas (1992) joker (voiced by mark hamill who would go on to voice most animated jokers) the image of "clown" grew way more scary and way less like the original intention
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also this isnt to say that i hate edgy jokers by any means!! personally my fave versions of joker are the ones that can combine silly and scary! camp and killer! if its too much one way or the other i feel like its a bit boring, that being said,
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ukulelekatie · 3 years
Katie PLEASE enlighten me abt the peppa pig thing
Gladly! It’s been so long since I’ve done a linguistics infodump. This is something we discussed in the Language Acquisition class I took and later TA’d in college, and it’s a phenomenon I’ve had a love-hate relationship with ever since. (Please excuse any messy formatting, I’m on holiday *ahem* vacation, and this has all been typed out on mobile.)
In recent years, parents have been observing an interesting phenomenon in their American children, claiming that their little ones are watching so much Peppa Pig that they’re developing British accents. Seriously, look up the “Peppa Effect” and you’ll find dozens of articles and tweets about it! While this may sound hilarious and adorable, these observations are a bit misguided. First of all, accents develop as a result of exposure to other speakers in the child’s home and community. Children are remarkably flexible when it comes to their accents due to higher brain plasticity—there are tons of cases in which a young child will move from one English speaking country to another and “lose” most if not all of their original accent within a couple of years, while their adult parents’ accents remain rigid. However, these changes usually only happen after relocating to another country long-term and receiving constant language exposure from locals. An hour or two of Peppa Pig a day isn’t going to overshadow the hours and hours a child may spend daily with parents, teachers, and peers.
But what if Peppa Pig was the primary source of language input? Let’s picture a very unethical hypothetical experiment in which an American child is isolated in a room from birth and plopped in front of a TV playing Peppa Pig and other British cartoons 24/7, with no exposure to any other speech. Would that child become fluent in British English? Probably not—in order to learn how to form sentences and understand the back and forth interactions of a conversation, children need input and feedback from the real, live humans around them.¹ We’ve seen the devastating consequences of what happens when children are deprived of any language input at all, such as in the case of Genie.² But even in less extreme circumstances, it’s looking like videos don’t necessarily help babies acquire language. Several studies, including this one here,³ have found a correlation between watching TV and language delays in toddlers. Of course, that’s not necessarily to say that watching TV causes language delays in toddlers, but it suggests that children who watch TV for several hours a day develop language skills slower than their peers because their caretakers aren’t interacting with them as much and they then miss out on that person-to-person interaction that’s so crucial for acquiring language skills.
All of this aside, why might parents be observing Peppa-like speech patterns in their little ones anyway? Well, turns out that while television does little for teaching babies and young toddlers how to speak, slightly older children can pick up vocabulary through what they watch on a screen.⁴ This one iteration of many articles detailing the “Peppa Effect” mentions U.S.-based children adopting phrases like the commonly British “ready, steady, go!” rather than the more typically North American counterpart, “ready, set, go!”, or going “on holiday” instead of “on vacation.”⁵ Acquiring specific vocabulary is much more plausible than developing an entire accent. It’s not so different from learning the names of Pokémon from watching the show, or maybe parroting Bart Simpson’s iconic catchphrase, “¡Ay, caramba!” (Side note, now I’m imagining an alternate reality in which the media is filled with articles claiming kids are developing Spanish accents from watching The Simpsons. Ay, caramba indeed.) Boasting that your kids obtained some British English vocabulary from watching a program from across the pond is far more credible than claiming their accents changed practically overnight.
It’s also possible that when picking up some vocab from Peppa, a little bit of the phonetics slips in too. Let’s say a wee one who’s unfamiliar with tomatoes watches an episode of Peppa Pig and hears that adorable little piggy protagonist call it a “to-mah-to” instead of a “to-may-to.” If that’s the kid’s first exposure to the word and that information is absorbed and stored in their impressive little noggins, that’s how they’re gonna pronounce it, at least for the time being. Something similar happened to me once as a kid in which I was taught a new word from a teacher who happened to be from England. For years, I pronounced it the same way he did! I couldn’t help it—that was my schema for the word. But even still, one or two British-sounding words don’t make a whole accent. It seems that a lot of the confusion over the Peppa Effect is stemming from the fact that caretakers are conflating accents with dialects and regional vocabulary, which are all very different things. So the next time someone on the news claims that Peppa Pig is teaching kids how to speak in a British accent, remember that you shouldn’t believe everything you see on the telly—erm, TV.
tl;dr: Is Peppa Pig giving American children British accents? Nope, but definitely a little British vocabulary, and by association, a tiny sprinkle of pronunciation.
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1. FAQ: Language Acquisition
2. Genie (NOTE: This case study contains details of severe child abuse; please proceed with caution)
3. Relationship between Television Viewing and Language Delay in Toddlers: Evidence from a Korea National Cross-Sectional Survey
4. Can Toddlers Learn Vocabulary from Television? An Experimental Approach
5. ‘Peppa Pig’ effect has kids speaking in British accents during pandemic
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princess-unipeg · 2 years
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Things I hope they mention in Tiny Toons Looniversity.
The purple Bart Simpson expy making an appearance and making a reference to how his show has been on for decades now.
The mention of all the Looney Tunes incarnations since the cancellation of Tiny Toons and how none of them hold a candle to the original cartoons.
Lola Bunny’s appearance and how Buster Bunny is able to relate more to her like how Babs Bunny is able to relate more to Bugs Bunny.
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rawiswhore · 2 years
Triple H, Shawn Michaels x Fem Reader- "I Put the Finger on You"
One of the things D Generation X are often remembered for is their iconic crotch chop as well as catchphrase that accompanied it.
What was the catchphrase?
"Suck it!".
As in, fellatio, suck my cock, etc.
Their catchphrase and body language was meant to be an insult and taunt.
Crotch chopping and "suck it!" took off like wildfire during the late 1990's professional wrestling boom period.
Some people have said and made memes saying that crotch chopping was their generation's answer to dabbing.
Before crotch chopping, what were people's body language to insult each other?
Say Bart Simpson lingo like "Eat my shorts" and "get bent"?
Stick their fist straight up while their other fist is sandwiched in between their bicep and forearm, like this?:
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(What the boy holding the basetball bat is doing)
Place their tongue in one of their cheeks on their face and let the tip of their tongue stick out while they pumped up and down an imaginary penis, like this:
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Pull their zippers down  and stick one of their hands down their pants so they can let their finger poke through the zipper to make it look like a penis?
Alice Cooper did that on an album cover in the early 1970's, indie/alternative rock band Sonic Youth did that in the early 90's.
Either way, we all know D Generation X---and I'm talking about the original late 90's DX---were the epitome of you can't do that on television, and I'm not talking about the Canadian 80's Nickelodeon show.
And DX did things that were very rebellious and envelope pushing, but they weren't the only ones, so were you, and you were a female.
In November of 1997, when the World Wrestling Federation was becoming quite a bit more edgier and adult oriented, during a "Monday Night Raw" episode, you were standing in the ring with Shawn Michaels and Triple H.
Triple H and Shawn both had their long locks hanging down, not tied back in ponytails, Triple H didn't even have a small little ponytail while the rest of his hair hanged down.
While Triple H and Shawn were speaking in the ring with smug little smirks on their faces, they eventually slid their hands down their pants, which made many people in the audience's eyes grow and their mouths drop, wondering if they're gonna pull their dicks out.
When Triple H and Shawn's hands had slipped into their pants, they didn't slide their hands into each other's pants, like Triple H sliding his hand down Shawn's pants and vice versa.
Though, that would be rather boundary pushing.
When Shawn and Triple H's hands were inside their pants, your hands grabbed their zippers and pulled them all the way down, to which Shawn and Triple H's middle fingers poked and snuck out of the zipper, wiggling out back and forth.
While you pulled their zippers down, you stood in front of those 2, where your mouth was smirking and grinning.
The women in the audience shrieked and squealed happily while their eyes were wide and mouths smiling from ear to ear, thinking they're seeing Shawn and Triple H's dicks, although, if it really was their penises, why would they stick their hands down their pants and not pull them out?
Some people in the audience really do think they're seeing DX's cocks, and some men in the audience are roaring and gasping.
There's fans in the audience stretching their necks out just to see if that really is their penises sticking out.
Some fans in the audience are laughing at Shawn and Triple H's fingers sticking out through their pants, knowing the joke and knowing they're really not sticking their penises out.
When this moment was broadcast on television, there were these massive "no" signs covering Shawn and Triple H's crotch areas that read "D Generation X" on top and "censored" on the bottom, the same signs you saw when Triple H and Shawn disrobed themselves in the ring to reveal they were wearing thongs with Santa Claus on them, and when the New Age Outlaws and X Pac urinated on motorcycles.
The commentators are making it seem like they really are exposing their cocks out on television, mentioning and bringing up their genitals hanging out, and those censored signs are doing a good job of covering and hiding their fingers up to make it seem like they really did stick their dicks out on TV.
Jerry Lawler's eyes were bulging out of their sockets while he shrieked his throat out, whereas Jim Ross was disgusted.
"Put them back in!" Jim Ross exclaimed.
"I can't look at this!" Jerry Lawler shrieked, his face turning away to not look at Shawn and Triple H's fingers.
Shawn and Triple H, however, were grinning and smiling whilst looking down at their middle finger poking out of their zipper.
Of course their middle finger would be censored and blocked out on television.
Shawn and Triple H's hands were trying not to bulge through their pants due to making the people at home think they really have pulled their penises out on television, although some people can really guess they do have their fingers down their pants to do that iconic trick.
Triple H and Shawn's hands were positioned flatly inside their pants so their knuckles wouldn't bulge,
And if the audience thought DX sticking their fingers out of their pants was outrageous, they haven't seen anything yet.
Triple H and Shawn raised their other hand up---the hand that wasn't inside their pants---and their hand outside their pants pointed and made a chopping motion next to their groins.
"Suck it!" they exclaimed when their hand pointed at their crotch, thrusting their pelvis forward when they shouted their vulgar but iconic catchphrase.
While your mouth still had that shiteating smirk, you squatted down to the ring until your face was in front of their crotches.
The audience gasped and roared whilst you squatted and lowered yourself down to the ring.
"No, she's not gonna do what I think she'll do!" Jim Ross stated.
When you were squatting in front of Shawn and Triple H, your head leaned closer to Triple H's crotch first, where his finger slipped in between your lips.
While his middle finger was in your mouth, you began sucking it, your mouth going up and down it.
Triple H was staring at you with a shiteating grin on his face, satisfied at what he saw.
The audience gasped, roared and cheered while you sucked Triple H's finger, and the camera was zooming in on your face.
"By Gawd" Jim Ross stated, his face in utter shock and disbelief.
Some men in the audience were even whistling at you, making those cheesy "wolf whistles" at you.
As you sucked on Triple H's finger, Shawn was wiggling his middle finger protruding through his undone zipper at your face, trying to insert it into your mouth.
Some men in their 20's and 30's as well as underage boys were roaring and cheering for Shawn when he was doing that, and your head was wanting to turn to place his finger inside your mouth.
One of your hands grabbed Shawn's middle finger and slipped it inside your mouth while you had Triple H's finger in your mouth, now it made you seem like you had 2 dicks in your mouth, which is what was implied.
Shawn was smiling and grinning from ear to ear, sometimes even cackling and laughing.
When Shawn's finger was in your mouth, you sucked on both his finger as well as Triple H's at the same time.
Now some of the audience was really shocked and surprised.
While some people in the audience knew they were fingers and not penises, others didn't, and really did think you were sucking on 2 cocks in your mouth.
"She's suckin' on 2 at once?" Jerry Lawler asked. "Why's their hands still down their pants?"
Sometimes Shawn and Triple H acted like they really were getting blowjobs in the ring.
As you sucked on Triple H and Shawn's fingers, Shawn and Trips' other hand that wasn't stuffed in their pants made a chopping motion next to the side of their groin, their hand making a motion as if to karate chop wood.
"Suck it!" they exclaimed whilst their hand plunged down and pointed at their genitals, thrusting their groins out after they shouted that.
Shawn and Triple H laughed after they shouted that, and some people were even laughing along with them.
Shawn and Triple H's hands raised up, only to drop down, then they made these chopping motions over and over again.
And suck it you literally did, sucking on both of their fingers.
It would probably be difficult if they tried forming an "x" shape above their genitals considering they can't due to one of their hands hiding inside their pants.
Thank goodness you weren't wearing lipstick during this moment considering you'd be tasting your lipstick on their fingers, as well as get lipstick on your teeth.
Since Triple H's and Shawn's hands are buried inside their pants and not pulling out, it's obvious those are their fingers poking out of their zippers.
"Is she ever gonna stop?" Jerry Lawler asked.
Well, his wish was granted, because Triple H and Shawn lifted their hands as well as their middle fingers out of their pants and flipped the audience off, sticking their middle fingers up at the crowd.
Some of the audience roared and reacted, many of them leaned their heads back and laughed, whereas others booed them for flipping the audience off.
"It's a trick!" Jerry Lawler shrieked. 
That's the Attitude era in a nutshell.
Terri Runnels having a miscarriage then lying about it, Stephanie McMahon about to get married but then Triple H reveals he drugged her and married her through a driveby wedding while she was unconscious---only to reveal she was on his side.
And Chaz' wife/girlfriend looking like she was beaten by him but it turns out she lied about it.
Heh, Stone Cold Steve Austin is notorious for throwing both middle fingers up, shouldn't you be doing this to Stone Cold instead?
Nah, Shawn and Triple H are way sexier and hotter than that bald redneck.
You implying to give oral sex to Shawn and Triple H did cause a lot of controversy, but so did D Generation X in general.
What if Triple H and Shawn had stuck their index fingers out of their undone zippers instead of their middle fingers, would their index fingers still be censored?
Maybe it would be like they really do have their dicks out on television and they're not censored!
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mozzarella-stickz · 2 years
Random OC Headcanons pt. 3: Ruby Collins
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Warnings: mommy issues and body-shaming. Ruby’s mom does not slay!
- named after the birthstone of the month she was born in, July
- has a helix piercing her older cousin did on her when Ruby was 13. It surprisingly never got infected or anything
- loves singers like David Bowie, Billy Joel, Elton John, Kate Bush, Mazzy Star
- also Radiohead (totally not because of Dwayne…)
- actually met Olive before she met Dwayne
- the first time she met Dwayne was because her bike ran over a rock, she fell off and ate shit in front of him while he was sitting outside reading
- they were both 13, it was before Dwayne started dying his hair black and his vow of silence
- Ruby has an old record player from her step-mom
- lives with her dad and step-mom, her bio mom gave full custody because in her words “she had never really wanted her anyways”
- her mom was 16 when she had Ruby, her father 17
- it was a whole thing, she cried about it for weeks
- Despite having a step-mom, Ruby sees Sheryl almost as a second mom
- Sheryl loves it, she adores Ruby
- has self control issues, does things without thinking more often than not
- really likes the original Scream movie from 1996, not a big fan of them after that though
- read The Shining book before watching the movie, was not a fan of how much it changed, still enjoys it nonetheless
- besides horror movies she also really likes old musical movies like Singin’ In The Rain, Bye Bye Birdie, The Sound of Music, West Side Story, etc.
- didn’t have a crush on Dwayne until he took his vow of silence and about a month in she realized how much she missed his voice. He began to be more touchy with her as a way of communication and that’s sort of what started it. Hugging goodbye instead of saying it, tapping her shoulder to get her attention, grabbing her hips to surprise her, all that stuff
- exclusively wears Converse, occasionally Vans
- makes beaded necklaces and string friendship bracelets, made one with her favorite color, Dwayne’s favorite color, and Olive’s and made it into a bracelet with all colors intertwined together
- also makes her own beaded rings, but usually wears ones she gets from things like thrift stores and flea markets
- her favorite color is not red, it’s blue, but she lets people think red because of her name and hair
- her favorite Disney princess is Jasmine
- always unprepared
- wears graphic tee shirts (TV shows, bands, movies) and shorts almost everyday
- hates Richard very much
- about threw her menu at his face when he started saying all that stuff to Olive about how ice cream makes you fat
- it also brought back painful memories of her mother saying stuff like that to her, Ruby struggled a lot with her body image for years
- becomes besties with Frank, thinks he is hilarious and they have many inside jokes together
- really devastated over the loss of Edwin, she wasn’t close with him but he had been such a fun, constant presence that was just gone
- of course danced onstage with the Hoovers, no one was gonna hurt her Oli
- she and Dwayne had their first kiss on that stage in front of everyone (first Ruby fic 👀)
- when Dwayne found out he was colorblind, he yelled at Ruby for not having any self control
- he apologized profusely afterwards, hugging her as tight as he could and whispering it to her
- Dwayne is almost 6 foot, and Ruby is barely at 5’3”, their height difference is adorable
- Olive is like her little sister, sometimes she will hang out only with her and do their nails and watch Disney movies
- kind of has the energy of a dad, like her music taste, taste in movies and TV, all that kind of stuff (also can fall asleep in chairs with her arms folded really easily)
- has a dog, a beagle named Snoopy, like Snoopy from The Peanuts
- favorite soda is orange soda
- has a bad habit of staying up late watching shitty TV
- personally relates to Bart Simpson
- kind of bad at school but really does try her best
- her room is a MESS but like it adds to the aesthetic she has in there
- jewelry trays, shelves with records on them, posters, drawings Dwayne drew for her, bookshelves, all that fun stuff
- her room is painted blue, she painted it when she first moved in
- cannot wait to learn to drive
- when Ruby’s not at the Hoover’s, she’s riding her bike while listening to music
- hates dressing up, but loves to see the process of it
- her favorite body sprays are fruit ones, specifically peach ones
- cannot tan
- she and Dwayne start dating after the events of the movie
- 5 years later they’re still going strong
- Olive is ecstatic, she’s about 12-13ish at this point
- when they do get married Olive is 100% maid of honor
- I just love wholesome endings okay?
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ghosttrickfan9887 · 3 years
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I posted 462 times in 2021
45 posts created (10%)
417 posts reblogged (90%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 9.3 posts.
I added 561 tags in 2021
#the simpsons - 107 posts
#simpsons - 71 posts
#ironfist burns - 55 posts
#friends' artwork - 54 posts
#friends' drawings - 53 posts
#friends' art - 51 posts
#jack lassen - 51 posts
#friends' fanarts - 49 posts
#other peoples' fanarts - 36 posts
#other peoples' drawings - 34 posts
Longest Tag: 53 characters
#possibly also with simpsons merchandise in the future
My Top Posts in 2021
Here is a Tonner fanart I decided to create for @rolksart! I attempted to implement a part of my own AU of sorts into it!
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14 notes • Posted 2021-09-04 23:05:49 GMT
Another fanart for the awesome @rolksart! Here are Jack Lassen and Ironfist/Ashton Burns in their cyborg AU forms during a camping trip!
I decided to make one with a background and one without!
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15 notes • Posted 2021-09-15 19:40:01 GMT
Here is a fanart for @rolksart, of Ironfist/Ashton Burns reconciling with his uncle Monty Burns!
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15 notes • Posted 2021-09-22 17:44:01 GMT
Here are some random facial expressions of Mr Burns' non-canon nephew Ironfist Burns from the video game Bart Simpson's Escape From Camp Deadly! I used different images of Jack Lassen from the mainline series episode, Blazed and Confused, a random background character from another episode, and Young Mr Burns from Burns' Heir, to help with the placement of certain expressions and objects!
Here are the original images I used for the items/expressions:
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See the full post
20 notes • Posted 2021-03-25 14:07:29 GMT
As part of an another art trade with @rolksart I created this fanart of Seymour Skinner taking a midnight ride on his motorcycle! This is my most ambitious fanart up to date!
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57 notes • Posted 2021-08-26 13:15:54 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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glowyjellyfish · 2 years
October Halloween Movie Fest Day 25:
Tonight I watched The Thing for the first time, and boy I’m glad I didn’t watch it until I was thoroughly desensitized! I don’t think it affected me much, but that was some scary shit. Amazing effects that held up 99.9%, and any flaws were hidden with fantastic cinematography. The music—or, often, lack thereof—was perfectly executed to highlight the tension and terror. I was aware of this in advance, but flawless dog acting. What a smart boy. The ending was perfect—I’ve seen several movies this month that had a calm false ending before a second climax, and was practically expecting that to the extent that I watched the whole end credits waiting to be surprised, but this ending was exactly right for this movie. The other movies, like say Poltergeist, were about defeating and escaping from a monster. This movie was about paranoia, and the sense that it was better they die than escape. And so, without actual spoilers, it was right to cut off when it did, and leave the viewer with unanswered questions to gnaw away at them. Also, I didn’t realize Keith David was in this movie until I saw him in the end credits! I can’t believe I didn’t even recognize his voice, man. It’s probably not going to ever be a favorite of mine—I prefer horror with more character development, tragedy, and/or psychological elements—but given that my childhood was full of FF7, Parasite Eve, and the X Files, it was good to finally watch and see the inspiration for things. I mean, this movie is basically Jenova’s origin story, right? Oh, and I find it interesting that there is zero motivation given for the Thing; surely it would make the same basic choices if it was just trying to survive on an alien world, as opposed to wanting to assimilate the planet?
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My list is growing very thin, especially given that I am saving some for the last couple days, and several others are being held hostage by exclusive streaming bullshit. I will have to think very carefully about what to watch tomorrow.
Treehouse of Horror 25 (School is Hell/A Clockwork Yellow/The Others):
Fairly good, actually. I remember being unimpressed when it was new, but it’s a bit better than I remember. The first segment has a lot of cool designs and spooky imagery, even though it’s not particularly creepy. I found the second segment to be the weakest—it had a solid parody concept and again neat designs, but suffers a lot from not being as dark as the source material calls for. I think it’s only creepy if you understand the source material—and if you do, it’s still not creepy because it’s been thoroughly defanged. Plus, it feels like it just finished getting set up when it ends, without ever touching on the actual plot. The third segment is a bit of a gem, being absolutely packed with nostalgic callbacks and meta humor. It’s got a respectably spooky atmosphere even after the relatively benign nature of the plot is revealed, maybe getting slightly creepy at times. And it has Bart Twists! So many Bart Twists. All in all, a decent episode. My list is now 1, 5, 4, 7, 6, 3, 2, 20, 9, 8, 17, 23, 16, 15, 25, 19, 13, 24, 21, 12, 14, 10, 18, 22, 11.
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i can’t tell if illustrating things with Simpsons gifs is working but it’s my posts I can do what I want
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