#Singer Songwrtier
nicromancytarot · 5 days
Hello hello, voice reveal cus I wanna share my masterpiece with you. For context, gonna be a famous singer (manifesting hard with clenched butt cheeks) and I have been in writers block for literally months, this is now my 125th song called “Spoon Feeding” (I am working on it very slowly as I am scared to ruin my sexy geniusness)
So here is my favourite verse cus it flows so well and I am a slut for the rhyme (and it’s the only verse right now) I don’t normally sing with my British accent lmao, but she’s Brit today lads.
This is my first demo, I may record a better one later if I stop procrastinating the rest of the verses 😔
Give me your opinions, you think we’re making it out of the UK with this one boys?
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khandedoe · 20 days
one of the songs I'm working on atm
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selpide · 6 months
a long, confusing, existential introduction
i have noticed there's a proportion of us humans who seem to have a tendency to look for the essence of things
an obsession, some would say
(some would be right)
minimalism, others will state
(other will be wrong)
(there's nothing small about this search)
i am a number of this proportion, you see
everything i do, i try to undress it to the bones
find the skeleton
trace the carcass
what's the closest i can get to one truth before it burns my skin alive?
that's where i like it
that's where i live
a nomad in the borderland of skulls
there's some holy serenity in being able to go the distance
that distance
i went that distance yesterday
i have trouble putting into words what i do
and what i do is who i am
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so i spend an unhealthy (what is healthy anyways?) amount of time in this so-called minimalist search for the most precise arrangement of letters to make other people understand what my ego claims as hers
i am a writer
that is without a doubt
the first thing i have ever been
the last thing i will ever be
let's set aside the clearness and focus on the blurry lines
i am a singer
(i make songs)
am i a singer?
i am a cinematographer
(i am an audiovisual communication graduate)
am i a cinematographer?
do i deserve to claim myself as part of these guilds, these collectives, these ideas, these concepts, these communities, these archetypes, these
do i deserve to be called by any of these perfect words?
when you are called by your name
even if you know you are not your name
(you are not some letters nor their sound
you are flesh and blood and bones and maybe, if we are all lucky, a soul
when this name is called upon)
you answer
as if you were synonyms
as if meaning and symbol became lost within each other until becoming one and the same
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so when someone says
and i turn my head
when i jump at the sound
when my brain has already done the job — and i cannot escape my fate — the fate my brain has woven for myself — when someone calls for a writer and i raise my hand
do meaning and symbol get mixed up just the same?
this is where it got heavy for me
do i deserve to claim the same name as every single person who came before me, and whom i admire, and whom i respect, and whom i couldn't dare to offend (them nor the rest of the world) by suggesting we may belong to a somewhat similar category?
but then again
why should anyone be worthy of a title? surnames are given. they come to us by birth. like it or not, they're part of our identity — they give information on who we are — be it by acceptance or denial — be it by proximity or self-made walls — opposite or mirror — we don't need to deserve our surnames. they are us and we are them.
am i a singer?
am i a cinematographer?
i first was a songwriter — a writer of songs. then i discovered i could sing them. badly. but they were sung. less badly. and they kept on being sung. less less badly. and then i discovered i could put my own music into them. i once met kim yerim on the streets of madrid. i handed her a piece of paper with the lyrics of my song written on them. and she spoke these words: "so you are a producer? you are a composer?". and it was a conversation, and she was looking at me in the eyes, and so i answered. i said: "yes". and it was as simple as that. because it is true. i produce songs. i compose songs.
i am a producer.
sunghyuk said i already am a producer.
and it is as simple as that.
so i write songs. and i sing them. and i produce them. and that's all too long to fit a social media bio, isn't it?
so what am i?
a music maker
i am a music maker
i first was a scriptwriter — a writer of scripts. then i discovered writing scripts was too boring for me. there is only so much you can control about a story with a script. movies have so much more to them. movies move. so i started editing videos. turns out i have an eye for that. rhythm. that's all it is, really. i have an inner metronome. i can sense patterns. i can repeat them. i am a little clock pedaling backwards and onwards and to whichever direction has the beat that pulses the brightest. but you can't edit a blank screen — you need images. and there is only so much you can control about a story when images aren't yours. so i got myself a camera. a little green sony point and shoot, y2k excellency, all digital grain and untreated saturation and pixelated zoom. then another camera. a little red sony handycam that, as i write this, is on the cabinet under the tv of this apartment in the middle of another continent that i moved to three months ago
(i got this camera when i was 14)
(i think it might be my favorite camera)
then another one
then another one
then you know how it goes
i became a videographer
but these cameras could take pictures too, right?
pictures are so beautiful
i became a photographer
this kind of motion got be so obsessed i could not picture myself doing anything in this life that didn't rely on its cadence
so i got into college and i majored in film
(it's not film)
(you can't major in film in spain)
(not in university)
(so i got into audiovisual communication)
(you can major in audiovisual communication in spain)
(in university)
(i specialized in film)
(i wrote a film script as my final degree thesis)
(i ended up working as a scriptwriter)
(i am, as of today, a scripwriter)
(i miss my red sony handicam)
(i miss the colors)
i miss the motion
i direct my own music videos
i keep a record of my own life
i can't escape live photographs nor still movement
there's so many information in there
how can you shorten that up for a social media bio?
a filmmaker?
but does that sum up everything?
i don't think so
so what am i?
an image maker
i am an image maker
let's get back to words
because i am a writer
that's the only one i savor between my teeth
every letter is mine to say, mine to keep, mine to pray, mine for me
a writer
but what does a writer do?
letters are the smallest piece of a writer's craft
but we are not letter makers
same happens with words
we work with them
we don't create them
(not all the time)
(not as a summary of our duty and routine)
(words are not the word)
it's sentences
i guess that's it
that's just how minimalist it can get
so what am i?
a sentence maker
i am a sentence maker
i am a music, image and sentence maker
but what is music?
what are images?
what are sentences?
i am an artist
(always a but)
aren't they all languages?
i am a translator
aren't they all symbols?
i am a speaker of metaphors
aren't they all unexplainable ?
i am a magician
aren't they all but a beautiful attempt to capture, to portray, to preserve, to understand, to celebrate, to blame, to share
i am a life curator
(it's funny
i have a song about this
i scrambled some of its lyrics around
i love clues and riddles and the silly breadcrumbs some humans leave for others to find in hopes of making their everyday a little more adventurous
i hope someone someday finds this funny
i hope someone someday
thinks of this
as an adventure)
this is me
life curator, writer and magician
welcome to the museum
i hope you find yourself inside here
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zoopop80 · 1 year
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crowyscornerxx · 7 months
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Hey everyone. I recently wrote a new rap about how life feels nowadays while im on hiatus. gives a few sneak peeks at my personal palaces. enjoy (copyright crowboy)
people dont understand
the bird i was and am
they act like i am no-one
when really they were fans
back when i started
came right out the block
now in my silence
i run this whole dang flock
I tried to rise up, they pushed me down.
But little they knew, I'm not to frown.
I've got greater plans, one day they'll see,
Egg-xactly what, resilience means to me...
This isn't the end!
It's not over, this isn't the end!
I haven't di~i~ed,
Just you wait, for my return!
You might just cr~y~y...
I may seem small, but baby I'm no seedsnip~e
Just you wait, just you wait, for my flight.
Just you wait, just you wait, for my flight.
The bird I was and am
He never stepped down
not for any man
and not for curassows
tried to post my words
but businessmen said no
so guess that I'm rebranding
and boy it's time to go
I tried to fly , they held my wings back,
I tried to caw, but my beak was down flat,
I could fight, but my talons aint for that,
That's just not, the crow I am...
This isn't the end!
It's not over, this isn't the end!
I haven't di~i~ed,
Just you wait, for my return!
You might just cr~y~y...
I may seem small, but baby I'm no seedsnip~e
Just you wait, just you wait, for my flight.
Just you wait, just you wait, for my flight.
Crowy out!
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weekesent · 2 years
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mlmoseley · 2 months
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mybffisa-vamp · 3 months
Introducing, Me
Writing an album, posting in depth updates here, once finished will post it on Spotify/maybe bandcamp, then will never talk about it again :)
I play guitar and will be adding in drums, bass, etc, on software (if I can find a good free one, then I’ll have to improvise)
All songs composed will be under a pseudonym
I will not be posting the tabs/chords for my songs
This is a passion project for me that came about when I was faced with the fact that I will be making a really big move away from where I’ve lived for quite a while
While I don’t have the fondest memories here, and honestly am quite lonely, and am in an ongoing with depression, I still want to have some proof that I existed; Which is why I initially began writing songs
Im open to advice or suggestions on how I should record, with what I should record, what app/software to mix, etc.
I’m taking inspiration from Salvia Plath, Marika Hackman and I Hate Sex
I’d love for you to follow along with my progress :)
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depressed-musiclover · 6 months
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inadlzbth · 26 days
I love a good mashup. I think it’s so fun to weave songs together to play with the story and vibe and feeling.
Here is a mashup of three Taylor Swift songs:
My boy only breaks his favorite toys X dress X maroon
Check it out on my YouTube channel and subscribe for more!
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me: yeah i’ve got a clear idea of what i’ve got for my album, fourteen tracks that i’ve already got something written for each one and it’s gonna be so great also me: so five more tracks,,,
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toobejeweled4u · 6 months
Hi guys
If any songwriters or new songwriters see this post, please message me on tumblr because I really want to write a song with someone. I've only ever written songs on my own
@taylorswift @taylornation @taylorswift
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Been utterly obsessed with this song and with hozier for a longgg time
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zoopop80 · 2 years
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speakspeak · 2 years
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Queen Jane Approximately / One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later)
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smalltownbigideas · 7 months
Hey, I'm Jupiter; please don't scroll! I'm a small town girl with big dreams of becoming an author or writer. I am also a singer, songwriter, and actress. I've been doing these things since 6, and I am now 18. And I wanted to get on here and promote my ideas and hopefully find a book deal or something like a show deal, as most of my ideas are amazing and I promise they aren't a waste of time. If you're interested, please DM me, share with more people, and follow me if you want to see future ideas. Please don't steal them.
I'd be telling you my ideas of TV shows, songs, and even posting some of my drawings. Thanks for reading
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