#Sixth Moon
mythea-arts · 18 days
Sixth Moon - A Trigun Fanfiction
Vash The Stampede / Original Female Character
Book 1 - Meteor
⚠️ Warnings ⚠️ :
Angst, Violence, Gore, Panic Attacks, Mental Breakdown, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Anxiety, References to Depression
Space Year 0097
Vash definitely did not expect a girl to fall from the sky right in front of him.
Making it his responsibility to find her a place to stay and to maybe uncover some of her lost memories and mysteries on the way, he lets her tag along. But things always go wrong for Vash the Stampede and she stays in his presence far longer than anticipated.
How is he supposed to handle the friendship they soon start to share?
Updates: Mon/Fri every week
Chapter 1 - Making wishes on shooting stars- wait. Is thAT A GIRL?!
Vash just wanted to eat his sandwich, when the bandits rolled into town.
He sat at one of the tables the shop had set up outside at the edge of town, when the car drifted around the corner. Some really ugly guys looking out of the windows, while waving their revolvers and another on the top with a semi automatic rifle in his hand.
And he might have been able to save his sandwich, if it wasn’t for the little boy playing a few feet away from him. Tugging the young child under his arm he dodged the car at the last second, jumping to the side.
The tables and chairs of the shop went flying through the air. And so was his extra cheesy double cheese and ham sandwich.
To say he was annoyed would have been an understatement. Wasting precious resources, endangering a child and taking away his snack? This turned serious really quick.
They were heading towards the city's bank.
Bringing the sobbing child over to it’s parents after checking if he was unhurt and accepting their thanks with a smile and a wave of his hand, he turned and headed for his newfound enemies of the day.
It took him not one, not two but exactly half a minute to make the bandits flip, shoot at him, blasting their own car in the process and emptying their magazines into the wall that he was hiding behind. After berating them for their reckless behaviors and letting them get him a new snack, they were taken into custody by the town’s sheriff.
Word spread fast in the small town and within half an hour he was celebrated in the saloon, drowning beer after beer with his new buddies and two really nice looking lady’s swooning around him.
A tie around his head, which he did not remember having there when the party started, he had stumbled out of the saloon, arms in arms with Marvin. Or Melvin. Or was this Viktor? His new best friend!
It was already dark. The day had passed and Vash needed to leave soon, before his bad luck caught up to him and some other kind of disaster hit the town. One he couldn’t stop as easily.
He was bringing Viktor or Melcom or Vincent towards what the slurring man was pointing at, assuming it to be his home. Vash was sneaking across the town's square when he started hearing the shouts from behind him, wondering where he went and starting to search for the gunman. After knocking at the door and leaving Marco with his not so happy wife, he started his walk back to the inn he was staying at.
A shabby looking house with even shabbier rooms and beds that were barely better than a rock. But neither did he need more nor did he deserve much of an upgrade. And the other sites to crash in this city were out of his budget anyway.
Before he could turn around the last corner on his way, he heard voices in front of the building. The women from before were there, wondering why such a skilled and pretty shot like himself was staying in this hutch. They wanted to take him back to the saloon and let him sleep there. In their company one might add..
Not in the mood to deal with them and already feeling a growing headache, he slipped back into the shadows of the night. It was an offer he would have loved to take in another life. A shame really.
And so he wandered around for a while, the chilling air of the night surrounding him. Maybe he should just take a moment to himself- he had been running from town to town without much of a break the last few months. He had heard some rumors back in November and tried to follow his new lead without much preparation.
It was the end of space year 0097 and he had picked up, that a certain Dr. William Conrad might still be alive and working with plants building his riches under a pseudonym. So he had set out in the direction of Octovern where a Plant had been saved by the hands of an incredibly talented specialist last year, who seemed to know just a tad too much about lost tech for him to be a normal man. It wasn’t the first time he had a lead like this - but it was his best till now.
The night might have been chilly, but the sky was quite the sight tonight. All five moons were visible to some degree and a worm swarm was glowing in the distance.
Vash decided to head for one of the rock formations just by the city and spent some time admiring the view.
Settling on a part of the cold stone, taking in the view in the opposite direction of the buildings.
He was almost dozing off, the tie still hanging over his face, when he saw a small spark.
As if the night sky decided that it could be even more mesmerizing, a shooting star flew over the sky, flashing and twinkling a little and then vanishing.
And then another. And another.
Shooting stars were rare. Normally the moons would shield the planet's atmosphere from most of them if they were not already gravitating towards the suns. To have all of them hanging in the sky and seeing the twinkling of those small rocks burning bright, while they were crashing onto Gunsmoke - had he seen something like this before in his long life?
Yes, yes he did.
His mind was wandering, torturing memories from the great fall flashing before his eyes. Falling ships, burning bodies screaming for their suffering to end.
It was branded into his mind for all of eternity. A pain he would endure.
Thoughts of the townspeople and their laughter suddenly appeared, cheering and praising him.
If only they knew-
The shower of sparks continued on, while Vash lost himself in his head.
Until a shooting star appeared right in front of him, that was brighter than any he had ever seen.
Its body and ray of light were tinted in a soft blue hue, letting the moons and stars appear dull in its wake. Sparks of color surrounded the night sky around it, barely visible and easily mist. But Vash saw and watched in awe.
Destructive thought pushed back into the farthest corner of his mind, he took in the sight before him.
What was this meteor made of? The way its color seemed to shift every second, breaking and forming the light around it? Some kind of diamond? He remembered how those would form light anew and left people in similar awe.
With his chest still hurting and and his eyes fixed on the wonder before his own eyes, he started to wish. A thing he had told children about - wishing upon a falling star, hoping for a brighter future. But never did the man do it for himself.
What could he wish for after all?
Absolution? Salvation?
A brighter future for plants and humans alike. A life for all of them on this deadly planet. Some kind of eternal peace?
He closed his eyes and wished for all of it.
And when he opened them up again, he was taken aback by how much closer the meteor had gotten. It had passed the atmosphere and its glow was almost blinding him.
With a squeak he stood and took off.
The falling star was heading directly towards him.
But running only did so much.
The impact behind him still reached his body and he was thrown head first right into the next dune.
It took a few tries to free his head while his tie was lost in the sand. Standing up again he shook his head, adjusting his hair and trying to get as much sand out of it as possible. Dusting off his coat as well, he turned around.
The rock formation was completely gone, but the crater itself was a lot smaller, than it should have been. It spanned only 100yarz, a meteor this size shouldn’t even have made it to the ground. There also weren’t any signs of fragments, that should have fallen all around him.
But all of this was forgotten, when he spotted the glowing center of the circle. It still sparkled and shifted in colors one could only imagine, illuminating the area around him.
Vash was drawn to it. And so he descended down into the crater, trying not to accidentally step into the still flickering flames upon the ground.
The light dimmed slowly.
And when the man reached its center, the glow was gone completely.
But no diamond or piece of metal from space lay before him.
Yet it still left him stunned and unable to move further.
It was a young woman instead.
She was laying on her back. Her straight silver hair was spread out on the ground around her. And if it wasn’t for the situation they found themselves in, she might as well have been peacefully sleeping.
He took the last few steps towards her and crouched down, checking her for any injuries. But there were none. She seemed to be totally fine with not even a single visible scratch. And while she was more or less clothed, the fine white fabric didn’t hide much of her slim body.
Contemplating what he should do in this weird scenario, he got a little closer to her, leaned over just a tiny bit and stretched out his hand to feel her pulse, when suddenly her eyes snapped open.
The girl inhaled sharp and deep, as if she had held her breath for minutes.
For a second she just stared up, then her head turned and she looked at him.
Her big green eyes widened further, her lips parted slightly.
And they just looked at each other for a moment, unable to move a muscle.
One moment became two.
And just as Vash had caught himself and started blinking rapidly, thinking of what to say, the girl on the ground took another deep breath-
And screamed.
She pushed him with a force her small body shouldn’t possess and scrambled a few feet away from him, just to sit with her legs drawn close to her body and enclosing it in her arms. Her lips started quivering and the man knew she would start to cry any moment. Her orbs were trained on him in fear.
“Ahh~ I am sorry!”, he started, “I didn’t want to frighten you!” His trademark smile was back on his face, open hands raised upwards beside his head.
His words made it worse as she started trembling. Her hands gripping the burned sand around her lower body, trying to hold onto something. Anything.
“I- What-?“ At least she spoke the same language. He counted that as a win.
“Just concentrate on breathing for a sec, yeah?” An advice he had given hundreds of people in his life, while they were at the verge of a breakdown.
The girl blinked two times and then started breathing loudly through her mouth. For a second she seemed surprisingly collected - and then her tears started flowing anyway.
Her eyes wandered from his form for the first time, mustering the hole they were sitting in. Then her eyes shot upwards towards the sky and she looked even more distressed as she counted the moons above them. She turned around, searching, but seeing nothing new behind her, she quickly turned her attention back to Vash.
Her lips were quivering, when she muttered: “I don’t know what’s going on…” A soft voice, the perfect contrast to her scream from earlier.
“Well- I was just watching the sky when you…fell…?” He gestured wildly. How could he explain what he had just witnessed with her believing it and not panicking more?
“Like a shooting star-“ He really wasn’t good at this. “You almost hit me! Haha!~” Vash scratched the back of his head with one of his hands while laughing nervously. This was the weirdest thing.
The young woman looked like someone had just tried to hit her.
“Like a shooting star….?” At least the absurdity of the situation had made her stop crying for now.
“I was really just checking on you, when you woke up…” Nothing made sense.
She looked at her hands, then back towards Vash while shaking her head frantically.
“…how?” He almost didn’t catch that.
“Don’t ask me! I am just as confused as you are!”
Her eyebrows drawn together, she looked at the ground while thinking. Her hand started rubbing her sides - she must have been cold. No wonder. It was a rather chilling night and she had nothing on herself to keep her warm whatsoever. It was strange enough that the fabric surrounding her did not burn off, but right now there wasn’t really anything normal.
And then it occurred to him: she was not safe at the moment.
Half the town behind him was probably already asleep or drunk when he went up here, but the crash was not just extremely bright, but also loud enough to be heard for a few isles. It was only a matter of minutes before some townsfolk would appear at the edge of the crater.
And he wasn’t keen on finding out what would happen if they discovered a girl that fell from the sky. Sadly humans tended to do more harm than help when they didn’t understand what was going on.
“Mind if I help you stand up? We should really get you somewhere warm!” It wasn’t a lie, but it definitely didn’t fit the urgency in his voice.
“I guess-“, was all she could answer.
Vash then stood up and was in front of her crouching and trembling body within only three long strides of his, reaching out his hand for her to take.
She hesitated another second. Then she took it in her own and was lifted on her wobbly legs. Testing if they would work, she buried her bare feet in the sand. Seemingly happy with the result, she stretched her legs in front of her one after the other and took a step. Her being able to walk on her own was great news at least.
While she adjusted, he noticed her height. In a normal crowd Vash would hover above most heads, being taller than the usual man in these lands by the size of a head. Woman barely reached his shoulders, mostly not even his chest. But her? Without shoes she reached the tip of his nose. Seeing her so small and frightened on the ground, he would never have guessed that she was this tall-
Her hair was just past her shoulders in length and with the moons shining on it, the silver top of her head still looked to be glowing.
“Where to?”, the girl asked. She looked at him and tilted her head. What a cute gesture. Wait, had he started staring?
“Out of this hole first! There is a city nearby.” Vash gestured to the edge, where some rocks were still standing. Maybe they could give them some cover? At least until he was sure no one was trying to check on the site of the impact. It would be smart for the people to wait until sunrise…right?
When she didn’t start to walk and just continued to stare, he added: “Ladies first?” He raised his free hand and scratched the back of his head again. “So I can catch you if you trip?” Wait. His free hand?
And indeed: He was still holding her hand in his real one.
To make things even worse, he began to look down awkwardly - not really wanting to let go. And before his brain was working again and telling him to just drop it and act as cool as possible, the girl spoke up.
“I need both of my hands then.”
“Yeah! Sure!” He let it drop, as if he had just touched a hot pan. As pretty as the silver haired person in front of him was, this might not be the best place for a flirt.
Her face was a lot more controlled now, not showing what she was thinking at all. Instead she purposely raised one of her eyebrows, taunting him. He surely was an expert at making an ass of himself.
With one last glance at him, she turned around.
It was not an easy climb out of the crater. How did Vash get in so fast without losing his footing and rolling down? Or maybe he did and couldn’t remember because he hit his head? It did make sense. The blonde occupied his head with other random thoughts and mustered his left and right, just so he wouldn’t look right in front of him at the ascending woman.
And as if she had felt his current struggle, another snide remark fell.
“If you look at my ass, I will make sure you tumble the whole way back down. Savior or not.”
For someone who was absolutely terrified and at the verge of crying moments ago, she sure wasn't holding back now.
“I would never!” He exclaimed, adding a shocked gasp and holding one of his hands in front of his mouth for the effect.
Reaching the edge and climbing out she faced him at first, and he could see her mouth opening, ready to retort something. But she didn’t. Instead her eyes trailed further to the right, away from him and the hole in the ground.
Vash hurried up.
And then he saw the townspeople too. About a dozen of the were walking towards the pair with fast striddles. And while he knew, that they were just curious right now and wanted to look at whatever had fallen from the sky right in front of their homes, he did find some guns in their hands.
Within a split second, he decided to improvise. Not that he ever did anything else.
“Ahhhh! Good to see you guys!~” His best singsang voice would have to do. He laid a hand on the upper back of the girl beside him. She would have to forgive him for touching without asking. “I just found her! Seems like she was hit by some debris and fell down there! Ha!~” He mentioned downwards with his index finger. Hopefully she wouldn’t notice how nervous he was right now. “I will take her to the doc right away!~” He pushed her slightly and gave her a reassuring smile.
Hopefully the people wouldn’t ask questions-
A man he remembered to be friends with the local sheriff closed the distance between the group and themselves and mustered them.
“Won’t hold it against ya for sneaking away with a pretty lad like that.” The blond could feel her tense under his hand. She had caught on. “But I don’t think I have seen you around?” The older man turned his attention towards her.
“Uhm yeah. I just arrived today.” Well - she wasn’t lying.
“Hah! And already snatched the towns savior! Wish the girls back when I was young were like that!” His laugh sounded like he was choking on his spit. “Get her checked before you take her home, you casanova!”
Vash shared a quick laugh with the guy and they bid their goodbyes. The fact that the whole town was intoxicated and unable to think properly was making this a lot easier than he had thought. The mob had moved towards the edge, one of the guys he remembered drowning a glass of whiskey with rolled downwards. Another tried to help and tumbled in right after. Three women were betting who would be able to get out again first. No one cared for them right now. Good. Eventually there would be questions for her, but not tonight. He could figure something out after getting her somewhere to rest and warm up.
When they were a few yarz away from the bickering mass, the girl piped up.
“Casanova, eh? Wasn’t so off with my comment then?” A sly smile graced her lips, but she looked ahead.
“Well, what can I say? My dashing looks have won over the hearts of many fair maiden!” If it made her feel better, he would gladly play along. Walking in silence under tense circumstances wasn’t something he particularly liked.
“Must be quite the curse.” The girl brought the palm of her head over her heart. “Did you come out here to hide?” She was jesting, but it wasn’t that far from the truth. Not that she knew.
“I thought so. But it seems like beautiful woman just appear all around me out of thin air.~”
“Ah! So it is a recurring thing?”
“Yes. They fall for me all over.” The girl beside him snorted. It was good to see her loosen up a little. Vash watched her while they took the last few steps to the cities border.
“Are you feeling better?”
Her face fell slightly, but a soft smile was still gracing her features.
“Not really. Just trying to cope for now.”
“Thought so.” His steps slowed down while he was searching for the right words. “I will get you to a doctor for now. Just want to make sure that you don’t have a concussion or worse- “
“My head does indeed hurt-” Instinctively she rubbed her left temple with her fingers.
“Why didn’t you say so?” He had only been able to check for visible injuries. If he had known that she was in pain, he wouldn’t have let her walk the whole way-
“You didn’t ask.”
The man felt bad instantly. It should have been in the forefront of his mind as soon as she had calmed down a little.
“Sorry about that!”
“Don’t be.” For the first time since they had started walking, she looked up to him. “I can handle it. And you are-” The green-eyed woman stopped walking while her voice trailed off. She took a moment to think. Then suddenly her sparkling orbs gazed into his own, with an intensity that reminded him of the light he had wished upon earlier, as she spoke up again. “Thank you! Even if there isn’t much you can do… your presence really helps right now.” She paused and tilted her head, her eyebrows drew together slightly. “May I ask your name?”
“Oh! Sure! The name is Vash!” He was bewildered that he hadn’t introduced himself yet. “And helping is just what a man of love and peace like myself does!” Proudly he pointed at himself and remembered her calling him savior back in the crater. He blushed. He really didn’t do much till now and her words still made him feel good about himself?
“And what may I call you?”
She smiled and started to answer.
“I am- I- Uhm… Huh...”
Her eyes widened, and it looked like she was searching for something. She gasped for air, then let out a choked short laugh.
“What a great question!” She said.
The girl hid her face behind her hands and started shaking it.
“I think it’s Luna? But…” Still hiding herself, she peeked through her parted fingertips. “Yeah… uhm so… I can’t really remember…anything else?”
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bl-ee-d-0 · 2 months
Astro observations #4 (18+)
Minors not allowed 🚫
People get intimidated from Aries mars just because of the stereotypes!
Any cancer placements have problems or a weird relationship w their 🍒
Sags tell the hard truth sometimes! They literally wake you up w their words ❤️
Pisces/12th house Stellium in draconic chart are magical, sexy, innocent yet soo mysterious. Your eyes can make me wonder in wonderland❤️💋
Look up your draconic birth chart because this is your real chart❤️ whatever i write in my notes will be relatable to you when u look it up
Sag mars 🤝 people complimenting their 🍑 or hips
I don't have a good relationship with virgos. they fall in my eighth❤️
Leo venus cancer mars women are strong! but sometimes they scare me out! (I love y'all i promise❤️)
As a libra mercury at cancer degree I value words alot! Esp in my relationship w women and w my feminine energy❤️
Pluto in the eighth individuals be transforming out of nowhere (pls check on your eighth pluto friends more often) ✨
Leo venus women really hate insults?? Don't you ever make my babies sad!!
something with aries and the color red?? aries moon women 🤝 looking sooo perfect in red/maroon lipsticks and femme fatale aesthetics 💋
Cap risings: formal looks good on you. people usually turn their heads when you walk into a room! you never knew if they were intimidated or charmed! 🔥
I noticed that fixed sign placements (Leo, Taurus, Aquarius and Scorpio) think about both genders in a romantic way (bisexual thoughts) but may never admit it due to their stubborn nature! ✨
That's it for this part
Love for all 💋
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pallastrology · 4 months
observations on aquarius
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artwork by jules pierre van biesbroek
aquarius moons, like other air moons, can treat their emotions kind of like a puzzle; they turn them over in their hands and really break down and analyse their thoughts and feelings. aquarius moons in particular tend to be very focused on the wider impact of their actions and emotions, which, while a testament to their kind and caring nature, can get in the way of them experiencing their full emotional range and the insight that comes with that.
a lot of people with aquarius dominance can go through life feeling dreadfully lonely. though (depending on individual placements) they often pride themselves on being different, or not needing to follow the crowd, deep down they can feel they don't belong, or aren't 'normal'. really, their uniqueness is what makes them beautiful, and while their journey isn't always predictable, they generally find their tribe along the way, and become people with a strong sense of self and steady values that guide them and their relationships.
aquarius on the ascendant tends to have a reputation for looking 'alien-like' or asymmetric, and while the second one especially can be true, my opinion is that a lot of aquarius risings have a doll-like beauty, with very fine and neat features, not unlike virgo risings actually. what sets them apart is that they are more expressive with their style, more congruent and more open to showing their true selves through their clothing. they are prouder and stronger that way, almost more dramatic.
mars in aquarius is a placement that has a strange relationship with anger and assertiveness. they tend to be very cool people, in that they're stoic, relaxed, grounded and pragmatic; they aren't as controlling or fearful as a fixed mars tends to be. but they can be quite detached from their anger and agency, and so if they aren't self-reflective, they don't see how it can affect those around them when they are angry. they are prone to anger at the state of the world and are sensitive to justice - or injustice, rather - but can be erratic in how they display this, at times seeming uncaring.
jupiter in aquarius is a placement that brings a lot of kindness, a lot of generosity, but a strict will and a clear vision. they are dreamers at heart, like a lot of aquarian placements, but if it's channeled properly, jupiter in aquarius gives the native the power and confidence to succeed. the other interesting thing about this placement is that the native tends to love to work; as long as the work means something to them, as long as it does good. they absolutely cannot work just to make money, it's bad for their souls.
aquarius in the sixth house can bring health issues that appear suddenly, are hard to diagnose or treat, or come and go. they may have unusual symptoms or reactions to things, and the phrase 'when you hear hoofbeats, think horses' doesn't tend to apply so well to them. somewhat nervous individuals, aquarius in the sixth house natives can be sensitive to lifestyle factors that help or hinder their health, and so they need a solid (if maybe a little unconventional) routine to really flourish.
aquarius suns are some of the funniest people i've ever met. they have a real deadpan, dry sense of humour and their serious delivery just makes the joke land better. although they may have unconventional taste in material, they don't tend towards the inappropriate and in fact are very even and fair in their roasts. maybe for this reason, they aren't the best roasters, but at least you know you won't be traumatised if an aquarius roasts you...
venus in aquarius gets a reputation for being distant, 'away with the fairies', even unromantic, but i don't think that's true at all. while they are a more grounded and cerebral placement for venus to be in, these natives are incredibly sweet. when they love someone, they will tell them so in a thousand tiny ways. they're the type to take their time getting to know every part of you, down to your microexpressions and innermost worries and favourites.
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cuties-in-codices · 5 months
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black sun & red moon
"I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind." – Revelation 6,12-13 (NIV)
details from the "ottheinrich bible" (vol. 8), bavaria, c. 1430, illuminated in 1530-31 by matthias gerung
source: Munich, BSB, Cgm 8010(8, fol. 289r
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vivmaek · 4 months
MOON IN THE 6th HOUSE: Observations
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People who have this placement within their natal chart are natural caretakers. It is easy for them to step into the role of a nurse. Fulfilling the needs of others comes intuitively for moon sixth housers. Their compassionate nature and generosity attract people in need of healing. It can be hard for them to establish their own routines because they prioritize the needs of others. The activities of their day to day life are in constant fluctuation, and much of this is dependent upon who is currently relying on them. These types enjoy the feeling of being needed, so it can be difficult for them to truly see the negatives that can arise from these types of situations. They find comfort within service and turn to work when they have to deal with difficult emotions. This is a productive way to deal with emotions, but it doesn’t tackle the bigger issues at hand. Re-organizing the entire house and buying self improvement books won’t solve all their problems. Emotions need to be felt in order to be properly released. Moon sixth housers also have to realize that they won’t take care of people to the best of their ability if they can’t take care of themselves. Their needs are just as important as the needs of others and they will become burnt out if this isn’t recognized. At work, people often turn to them in their times of crisis. Their leadership qualities are greatly appreciated and often utilized, their co-workers look up to them. Their reputation for being a hard worker results in them taking on more responsibility in comparison to their peers. People with this placement put a lot of care and attentiveness into their tasks. Their sense of efficiency and talent for finding solutions to difficult problems are characteristics that truly stand out. They are irreplaceable employees and often act as the glue holding everything together. At times, this can be a stressful position to be in. Moon sixth housers are placed under a lot of pressure. It is important that they surround themselves with people who will look out for them, friends who aren’t afraid to tell them to take a break. Many of the health issues they face will be psychological, stress and anxiety are ever present emotions. Much to their disbelief, being open about their problems and issues will not result in the world burning to the ground. Sometimes, moon sixth housers need to allow the opportunity for others to step into the role of the healer.
✰ my masterlist
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neobi · 2 months
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[scan] phantasy sketch photobook
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photosoft0ys · 3 months
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Fist of Khonshu
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whitetyger123 · 6 months
I made a dice set for each member of my dnd group!
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neptunianmars · 2 years
planets in the 6H and how they influence your routine
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the 6H in astrology represents healing- physically and mentally. a part of our mental health is dependent on our routine and structure in our day-to-day lives. we can look to the 6H and what’s in it to help determine the best type of routine we should be following to support us:
Sun in the 6H: routine is where you excel! Sun in the 6H people are usually very organized and tidy in their mind, and in turn in their routine. you might not realize that a lot of your self worth can rely on your ability to be productive. having an efficient, structured routine and greatly boost your confidence in yourself and give you a healthy amount of control. it’s easy for Sun in the 6H natives to get burned out in their routine, so finding one that doesn’t require any over-exertion but is still efficient for you is important. it’s also important not to be hard on yourself when you can’t keep up with it like when you’re sick or just some rest days; we are not made to be productive 24/7 :) you might do well with a monthly based routine, and a good day for you to be productive is Sunday.
Moon in the 6H: how easy your routine comes to you will be a little more dependent on what sign the Moon falls in. your natal Moon sign will be a huge part of it, but also what sign the Moon is traveling in. the Moon changes signs every 2-3 days, and knowing these changes and planning accordingly will help you tremendously in your routine. your mood is a direct effect of your productivity. for example, if you try to “go with the flow” and go through your day with no plans while the Moon is in Capricorn, you might notice your attitude will suffer because of it. this doesn’t mean you have to be go go go all the time, it just means you should be mindful of your routine and efficiency and remember that even checking one or two tasks a day can mean a lot. a good day for you to take care of things is Monday.
Mercury in the 6H: planning planning planning. i literally just imagine planners and sticky notes everywhere. you are extremely organized and love to know every little part of your day. you are the person who looks up the menu before you go to a restaurant so you know exactly what to expect and to maximize time efficiency in trying to pick out something to eat. any organized routine will be very beneficial for you, but it’s important for you to be mentally stimulated. if your mind goes by on these tasks unchallenged, you very well could become bored and then burned out from the mindlessness. it’s also important to note that any unexpected changes in your routine can cause nervousness or stress, so finding a healthy way to handle what life throws at you is important or your mental health can suffer. a good day for you to handle things is Wednesday.
Venus in the 6H: no matter what your preferred routine is, you do it beautifully! the best way for you to get through your day is to romanticize it with the prettiest planner filled with color coded notes and tabs and your best matching work out set. as long as you bring in an element of beauty to your schedule, you’re set. pleasure is a big element too; you’re not going to be happy performing tasks you don’t care about, so it’s important to set aside lots of time to take care of tasks you’re excited for. for example, make sure in between your bank run and your post office trip that you stop by your favorite coffee shop to get your favorite beverage. or when you go to the grocery store, make sure you pick up your favorite dessert or bottle of wine. adding little glances of pleasure throughout your day will greatly improve your experience. self care should also be a big priority for Venus in 6H natives. a good day to take care of things for you is Friday.
Mars in the 6H: this placement can make you extremely motivated when it comes to productivity. you are full of energy and love to get things done! when circumstances cause you to be less than efficient, it might manifest as frustration, anger, or stress in the mind or body. it will be important for you to learn a healthy way to deal with these frustrations as life gets in the way of plans, but also to remember you have more energy than most and can prioritize most of it onto your schedule. you might find that you are assertive and independent when it comes to your routine, and so other’s advice or insertion can anger you as well. just remember to stick to what works for you and you only. a good way for Mars in the 6H natives to work out energy is to make a competition with yourself. try to push yourself to get things done with a reward. this can make day to day stuff fun but also more efficient! a good day for you to push yourself is Tuesday.
Jupiter in the 6H: while a lot of other people might experience a lot of stress when it comes to their routines and to-do lists, you might rarely experience this because Jupiter in the 6H natives can take on a lot more than others. time management comes easy to you and it always seems like you get everything done with time to spare. this can actually lead to some procrastination because you always feel like you have more time, so noting this is important so as to avoid procrastinating important tasks. also, just because you can take on more than most doesn’t mean you should. you might become burned out earlier than others and though it may not manifest in the most obvious way, it can affect your health if you don’t take it seriously. that being said, take advantage of your great productiveness by helping others when you can and it will bring you good karma. Thursday is a good day for you to be productive. 
Saturn in the 6H: being productive for you means mountains of errands and tasks that seem to run on forever. you might find stuff on your to-do list, even the fun stuff, is a chore and the absolutely last thing you want to do. life itself feels like a never ending routine that you can’t get out of. you might think everyone feels like this, but this is not true! lots of people find ways or naturally enjoy their trivial tasks and you can find a way too. the important thing is to recognize that a schedule is naturally very draining to you and hard for you to enjoy. rest days are going to be extremely important, and with that comes not being hard on yourself when you do rest. Saturn in the 6H natives are actually really productive but it’s because they feel like they need to be, and you don’t. you are allowed to rest and to do things the non-traditional way in order to find joy in it. Saturday is a good errand day for you.
Uranus in the 6H: in order for Uranus in the 6H natives to stay productive, you need constant variation in your day to day life. you need spontaneity from somewhere in your schedule or you will end up resenting the process. you might benefit from just putting aside a few hours of your day to do whatever you feel like doing that day, or planning for different things every day. i recommend following the days of the week according to astrology. each day of the week is ruled by a different planet and thus, you can follow the themes for that day so your doing something new every day. another thing to keep in mind is your routine is going to be different from everyone else’s. Uranus loves to go off the beaten path, and so you will be the most successful when you come up with your own specific, unique schedule that suits your needs the best. don’t try to copy others or do “what you’re supposed to do,” do what feels right to you
Neptune in the 6H: the hard truth is that is going to be a lot harder for you to stick to a routine than most others. you might find that you’re very go-with-the-flow in your day to day life, and don’t really plan anything. you go to work when you’re scheduled, eat when you get hungry, and just deal with things as they come. there’s nothing wrong with this, but it can be frustrating to some who want to maximize their efficiency or have more control over their lives. and then when you do start a schedule, it’s very hard for you to stick with it. the best way for Neptune in the 6H natives to stay productive is to tap into your determined placements and find something that motivates you long term. one suggestion is if your own life isn’t enough motivation to be productive, then do it for others. like Uranus in the 6H people, you might benefit from following the days of the week according to astrology. each day of the week is ruled by a different planet and so thus, you can follow the themes for that day so you always know what’s coming. whatever you find that interests and motivates, schedule around that and stick to it. 
Pluto in the 6H: no one is more committed to the routine than you are. like Saturn, it becomes your entire life but unlike Saturn who dreads it, you maintain it with a sense of efficiency that most others will never reach. you have incredible focus that allows you to not waver from your responsibilities. the way you handle your day to day life inspires and motivates others, and they will likely try to follow your lead. it’s important for you to stick to this leader archetype, because following yourself is the best course of action for you. sticking to your schedule is a transformative experience and will give you a great surge of personal power. if you fail to stick with it, you might feel as if you’ve lost control over your whole life and it can quickly send you downhill. it’s going to be important for you to find a healthy balance of staying strong in your routine and going the extra mile, but also not letting it completely take over your life and give you bad habits. overall, Pluto in the 6H natives are extremely persistent and motivated and can go very far. 
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buttsnorkeler69420 · 2 years
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always thinking about the moon guy tv show (additional close-ups under the cut!)
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Current picture of Lunar and the twins!
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timoswerner · 21 days
incredibly jealous of some of these northern lights pictures i’m seeing because i live in one of the worst fucking places to see anything like that
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mamangasick · 2 years
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Fate/type Redline
TYPE-MOON Ryouji Hirano
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This is hysterically accurate.
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6-and-7 · 10 months
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TARDIS Tarot - The Moon: 6th Doctor in The Twin Dilemma
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vivmaek · 2 years
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Harsh aspects to personal planets - Abuse/ neglect from family and loved ones. 
Harsh aspects to generational planets - Abuse/ neglect from society and day to day public. 
Every emotion can be read in the eyes of a Cancer rising. They try so hard to hide these expressions but that only makes them more obvious.
People with their Moon in the third house deal with a lot of nervous strain, these individuals are very anxious. I’ve noticed that they get labeled as “crazy” because their emotions seem so jumbled and all over the place. 
Having Venus placed in the eleventh house at twenty degrees results in having many female friends turn into enemies. People with this placement face a lot of turmoil with their female friends, but also form intensely deep bonds with them. This makes the conflict all the more painful. 
Don’t underestimate the investigative qualities of a person who has their Mercury in Virgo. They rarely miss a detail, and will start to question things not because they want to prove someone wrong, but because they’re genuinely confused. They often catch people in lies. 
People who have their Saturn in the eleventh house are mainly friends with people born into an older generation. 
Having a Libra Jupiter in the sixth house is going to ensure that they move with moral integrity everyday. They never drop their standards. Their reputation at work is immaculate and highly respected. 
People who have Mars in the sixth house are attracted to people who can achieve goals alongside them. Getting tasks done together or even chores, is a turn on for these types. They think it's sexy when their partner helps them get the dishes done, literally. 
Those who have their Venus in Aries are huge flirts. I don’t even think they realize they’re doing it half the time. Men are very lustful towards women who have this placement. It’s crazy how quickly they attract romantic partners into their lives. 
Scorpio placements get jealous fast, you can see it gnawing away at them before they lash out. I think a jealous Scorpio is the most capable of destructive harm, I’ve seen it happen and it's scary to watch. But most likely they’ll just pull off some petty bullshit. They know how to properly irritate people while remaining seemingly unbothered themselves. If a Scorpio friend starts making fun of you out of nowhere and then tries to laugh it off, watch out!
I’ve met a lot of journalists who have significant Scorpio placements, I think it's very common in that field! I’ve looked up a couple famous journalists to see, and I noticed a lot of Scorpio Moons, or Scorpio in the third house. 
Having an Aries Midheaven with the North Node in the fourth house is a tough pull between career and home life. They are energized and drawn to the public world, but are needed at home. 
If you have Mercury aspecting Pluto within your natal chart and you don’t write, then what are you doing?? These people have the power to transform others through what they’ve written. If verbally expressing some challenging emotions isn’t working for people with this placement, they should write a letter, it will be well received. 
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