#Snow Gate
dtlfacts · 5 months
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As with every Map Screen in Drawn to Life, the Snow Gate's Map Screen has references to the Creations made within the levels. Note that since Snow Fields is a tutorial level, it does not appear on the Map Screen.
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Level 1, Mt. Snowy, can be seen with a red sled, referencing the Sled Creation.
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Level 2, Snow Caves, can be seen with a yellow submarine, referencing the Submarine Creation.
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Level 3, Banya Fields, can be seen with Banya stalks that resemble corn stalks. Though Banya is not made during the level itself, the Template for Banya is collected during this level.
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Level 4, Icy Lake, can be seen with a whale, referencing the Whale Creation.
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agentmilayawithshield · 10 months
This is the funniest take on "what if Snow chose to be a good person" because instead of imagining young Snow being this sweet kind person, it's just Donald Sutherland playing a senile old uncle who constantly beefs with birds.
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@boygeniustv on Tumblr
Plus my favorite comments
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EDIT: OP is posting a fic to AO3 and it's amazing
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seventhavenuee · 1 year
Snow Gate, Burlington, Vermont
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polararts · 10 months
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He won an award. Good job you little snot. /affectionate
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snow-noir · 3 months
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Isobel x Aylin: I thought you were dead, I could only see you, touch you in my dreams. I feared you would never be in my arms again.
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inefekt69 · 1 year
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Mt Fuji, Japan
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geopsych · 8 months
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I think I’ll post a few pictures from along the park fence this morning.
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strangesmallbard · 11 months
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(character sheets under the read more)
brienne of tarth: paladin / oath of devotion / folk hero
cersei lannister: warlock / the fiend / noble
jaime lannister: paladin / oath of devotion oathbreaker / soldier / noble
arya stark: rogue / folk hero / charlatan / urchin / noble
lady stoneheart: paladin / oath of vengeance / haunted one
sandor clegane: fighter / great weapon fighting / soldier
daenerys targaryen: sorcerer / draconic bloodline (red fire) / folk hero / urchin / noble
stannis baratheon: cleric of r'hllor lathander / war domain / noble
melisandre of asshai: cleric of r'hllor lathander / light domain / acolyte
jon snow: ranger / ranger knight / wasteland wanderer (cold) / soldier / noble
ygritte: ranger / keeper of the veil / wasteland wanderer (cold) / outlander
mance rayder: bard / lute player / outlander / soldier
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ilynpilled · 1 year
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asoiaf illustrations by Cao Ke (deviantart) for the chinese edition of the series
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bone0921 · 9 months
Astarion is my Wile E Coyote
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aeterna---amantes · 19 days
Age 19: I love this character so much, he is my husband
Age 25: Wow, I was so fucking cringe, I am embarrassed at myself, ew, I'm glad I grew up
Age 35: .......this man IS MY HUSBAND and I LOVE HIM and I'm proud of it!!!
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sictransitgloriamvndi · 10 months
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euryalex · 2 months
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Tara in the snow what will she do
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killerpancakeburger · 10 months
Attending a wizards soiree with Rolan headcanons - Angst Version
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Rolan is about to ask you to come with him when he stumbles upon you and one of your warlock/wizard/sorcerer (pick wattya want) friend asking you to come with him to said soiree.
Didn’t mean to listen to the conversation. Does it anyway when he realises what it's about/that he's been beaten to it.
Your nonchalant, sardonic reply breaks his heart a bit. "Why would I go to that stuck-ups gathering? It's going to be full of pompous jerks who like to listen to themselves talk all night. Hard pass." With a derisive laugh.
He goes back the way he came from, face unscrutable, resolutely determined to not mention it at all to you.
You notice his change of attitude - he's colder, less patient, snaps more easily - in the next days but despite racking your brain about it, you don't get where this is from. 
The evening of the event, he disappears and you go to his siblings for information. Awkward conversation ensues. 
"Have you seen Rolan?" "Well he's at his beloved wizards gathering obviously" "... what gathering?" "...you mean he didn’t tell you?" "Tell me what??" Cal and Lia exchange anxious, embarassed looks. Your worry and apprehension boil over. "What is it!?”
Once you wring the truth out of them, you pause for a moment, before remembering your conversation with your friend, and everything brutally makes sense. Welp, time to fix this mess.
You find a fancy outfit in a hurry and rush to the soiree in a panic, while still trying to look dignified.
You get pushed back at the entrance. Invitations only. You try your best to not cause a scene but it ends with the guard and you raising your voices high enough to be heard from the guests. You're considering knocking them out until Rolan shows up.
Of course he recognized your voice from afar. It's not like he had been spending the whole evening trying to keep you out of his mind. To no avail.
"They're with me." Crisis averted. Well, for now. You're in like you wanted but now it's time to face the music. Despite coming to your rescue, Rolan does not look happy.
"Why are you even here?" are the first words crossing his lips. His features are twisted in a scowl. Being familiar with his temper, you can tell that he's restraining himself from yelling.
You have to rein in your first instinct which is to snap back "Why do you think!?". Aggravating the situation is not why you came. You afford yourself the luxury of taking a deep breath to compose yourself.
"I came for you, of course." You stare directly into Rolan's gleaming eyes as you say those words, trying to convey your sincerity and your feelings through your gaze.
Rolan crosses his arms, still frowning. "Far be it from me to suggest you should waste your evening by spending it listening to pompous jerks who love the sound of their own voices."
You put your hands on your waist and raise a dubious eyebrow. "Come on Rolan, I was deliberately exaggerating to make my friend laugh. Surely you figured that out. Plus I distinctly remember all the times you complained about the wizards you interacted with, and how they drove you crazy with their contempt and their egoism."
The frown on his forehead progressively disappears, but his gaze becomes shifty, avoiding yours. "I... I suppose I fail to comprehend why you would have accepted my proposal when you declined his."
You open your eyes wide in suprise, then your shock makes way for understanding. "Oh, Rolan." you sigh with both endearment and annoyance, a fond smile stretching your lips.
"What", he retorts, crossing his arms again, but in a different way than earlier, akin to sulking. A light blush adorns his cheeks. He knows that smile of yours, and that tone. You're about to say something sappy.
You close the gap between the two of you, tenderly cupping his face with your hands - he makes no move to stop you. "Rolan, rolan, rolan. Is it so hard to believe that I would endure hours of nagging, self-important wizards just to make you happy? Just to spend time with you? I defied shadows in a cursed land to save your tail, I braved the army of an immortal man to free your family, and I slaughtered the so-called greatest wizard of the Sword Coast for daring to lay a hand on you, and you think I'm scared of a soiree?"
He closes his hands around your wrists, not to repel you, no, but to gain more contact with your skin. He's able to look you into the eye again. "I suppose... it does sound foolish when you put it this way."
At last, you both join the function, but not before you first reclaimed a kiss or two from Rolan, to make up for his coldness the last few days.
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justporo · 10 months
First Snow
Winter has come to Baldur's Gate and finally with it the first snow. You're excited about it - Astarion is rather reluctant...
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Author's Note: Written for the "Snow & Ice" prompt for the BG3 Winter Holiday Challenge! We're kicking of the winter and holiday time with this first fill. Pairing: Astarion/GN!Tav (You) Warnings: none Wordcount: 1k
~~~ Temperatures in Baldur’s Gate had been dropping. There was ice forming now on the edges of the windows of the townhouse you shared with Astarion. And icy gusts of wind made you shiver now everytime you left the house.
Winter had come to the city and was firmly holding Baldur's Gate in its icy fingers. Some smaller side streams of the Chionthar close to town had already frozen over, inviting people to go ice skating. A winter market had opened its stalls somewhere centrally in the lower city. Windows were decorated with candles, ornaments and wreaths made of holly. And the townsfolk had started to wrap themselves in thick coats, wooly scarves and more comfy layers meant to keep them warm. For some the only thing still peeking out from all the layers of cloth, wool and fur were reddened cheeks and noses, coloured by the freezing temperatures.
But there was one thing still missing: snow.
And for the first time in your life were you actually excited for that to happen. Because now you were lucky enough to be in a position to enjoy the nice things that came with the colder weather. And you were so ready to make the best of it - together with your vampire soulmate.
When you had lived on the streets of the city you had always dreaded the coming winter because each year it had been cruel and painstaking to find enough food and shelter. But things were so different now. You had a permanent roof over your head now. And much more important: you had someone, just as permanent.
Someone to cuddle up with when the winter storms would be howling outside. Someone to decorate your home with. Someone to exchange gifts and trade kisses with during cold winter nights. Actually it all sounded pretty enticing.
Being with Astarion had made everything better. You never had been this excited about your future. And just as Astarion was ready to replace hurtful memories with new and pleasant ones, so were you.
So, tonight, you were going out. As you had done lots of times since you'd settled down. Astarion always found a reason to drag you out of the house and spoil you. You were planning to have a nice dinner, maybe stroll across the winter market and watch some of the brave fools thinking they’d be good at ice skating - at least as long as people were still out and about.
But the night was still young. The sun had barely set.
And this had been one of the first things that had made you change your opinion about winter: it allowed for so much more time and opportunities to go out with your vampire. Even if said vampire would have enjoyed that much more during summer time. You made the best out of it.
So when you stepped out of your front door, drawing your scarf and cloak closer around you, you immediately noticed one thing: Thick white flakes were drifting down from the dark night sky, illuminated by the street's mage light lanterns. The snowflakes fell slowly but steadily - as if they were trying to tell you that they wouldn’t be rushed, but would make their way surely. Light gusts of wind dragged around the small white tufts - sometimes taking them for an extra twirl before they landed on the ground.
Your eyes widened and you gasped as you beheld what was very much a fairytale snow flurry. “Snow”, you whispered silently and could barely believe how excited you’d become all of a sudden.
Then Astarion stepped out behind you. And you didn’t need to see the scowl to know it was there: “Ugh, snow.”
Immediately you turned around and gave him a look. You saw how he was fastening his cloak and threw a scarf around his head - he didn’t exactly have need for it but that surely didn’t stop him from another opportunity to make a fashion statement.
“What?”, he replied in annoyance. His lips were pressed together looking at the icy precipitation in displeasure.
“Don’t you think it’s beautiful?”
“My love, you are beautiful, life is beautiful - oh and I am certainly beautiful”, he started dramatically and for the last part sweeped a hand through his hair. “But this? Frozen water falling from the sky? I don’t see why that’s supposed to be beautiful of all things”, he finished with a scrunched up nose. And very pointedly a big snowflake landed on the tip of his nose right at this moment.
The vampire’s nose scrunched up even more when he felt the cold touch his skin and made a disgusted noise while you could barely contain a laugh.
“There, I can save you”, you said and stood on your tiptoes to kiss the tip of his nose and take care of this daunting snowflake.
“Cute”, Astarion replied when you stepped back again with a big genuine smile on his face. And then he quickly pulled you back in for a real kiss.
After the sweet kiss he pulled the cloak closer around you while you lovingly kept looking at him. He’d made that one for you specifically - picked your favourite colours, lined with sheep wool on the inside to keep you extra warm, marked with custom stitching. You had been in absolute awe when he had first showed it to you - he really was more talented than he would make anyone believe.
“Now, my love, at least take care you don’t turn into an icicle - I have standards when it comes to the temperature of my lovers”, the vampire lectured while he made sure you were appropriately wrapped, then pressed a quick little kiss to your forehead.
“Smoking hot?”, you asked with a sly grin. Astarion smirked back at you.
“At least above freezing would be acceptable”, Astarion replied and winked at you.
You stuck your tongue at him while Astarion laughed at you. Then you grabbed his hand and went out into the snow-filled cold winter night.
Tag list: @spacebarbarianweird @sunfire-ancunin @tragedybunny @dependsonthedream @tallymonster @magazzne @micropoe10 @aoirohi @my-bunny-prince @lumienyx @fayeriess
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mostlythemarsh · 7 months
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