#So thank god I have no more plans for the foreseeable future
mellotronmkll · 5 months
I spent SO much money this weekend but I want to go to this one restaurant tonight so bad but I can't like I've blown my budget for basically the whole month
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bringbacktim · 1 year
Anal? No one's doing anal
I'm having a Jschlatt brainrot rn so expect more imagines than anyone wants , feel free to request anything
Synopsis: schlatt and y/n are putting together a desk , but it sounds inappropriate to Charlie outside the room , he gets worried like any friend would
Warnings:mentions of anal , hurt , sexual intercourse, innuendos, a whole lot of whacky stuff , not proofread or edited
Word count: 806 words
The only things that charlie could hear from the outside of the OTK office/filming room were things that would definitely give him nightmares and make him avoid Schlatt and Y/n for the foreseeable future
Who said I can't put this fucking thing in that hole " schlatt said practically shouting out of anger
"Me ! , for the hundredth time it shouldn't go there no matter how much you ask" his girlfriend answered
"Tell me that doesn't look like it'll fit in there"
"I am not turning around , I know I'm right . Now hurry up before Charlie or Ted get back"
Charlie was torn between making some loud noise and hoping they'd stop whatever they sound like they're doing or running away and never speaking to them again
He did neither out of pure terror and instead pulled out his phone to text Ted to see if this was some skit or some prank they were playing or whether they were actually doing that in the studio where they filmed
'Hey dude, do you know what Y/n and Shclatt are doing in the studio?' He texted simply not bothering to beat around the bush
'Anal by the sounds of it , but I have no clue, didn't want to know to be honest'
Charlie really didn't want the first bit to be true , especially since he was only there to hold one of the cameras while they filmed stuff . He was getting way more than he bargained for
'Gross , don't joke about that or it'll come true' he replied a grimace on his face
'They've been at it for a solid half hour , they should be done soon don't worry man'
'Don't worry man ? You clearly aren't hearing this' charlie scoffed at Ted's audacity
'I escaped with minimal trauma thankfully' he could feel Ted's smugness through the screen
'And you didn't think to take me with you?'
'Didn't know if they wanted you to film it'
'You're disgusting nivison' and with that he put his phone back in his pocket and tried to plan what he was going to do next
"I fucking told you that wouldn't fit, are you done trying yet ?"
"It's going to fit I don't care what you say you god damn bitch"  at that charlie knew he had to do something for the safety of his friends
So he did what anyone would do and knocked on the door rather harshly to make sure he was heard
"Yeah , uh kinda busy" He heard y/n say
"I know you guys are in love , but that's a recording room . Also are you okay ?"
"Yeah fine just pissed at this furniture" schlatt admitted
"Schlatt!" Y/n said scolding him
"Are you both decent? Can I come in?"
"Yeah why wouldn't we be" they both simultaneously spoke
The situation he opened the door to was definitely not what he was expecting, but in a good way
They were just trying to put a new coffee table together to replace the one Schlatt broke in the previous recording
"Oh thank god" Charlie said with a hand over his heart as he breathed a sigh of relief "we thought you were doing anal"
"Anal? No one's doing anal , I'm not allowed to anymore" that comment earned him a firm slap to the chest
"Please stop talking, for my sake" charlie begged
At that charlie showed them the texts him and Ted had sent and they put the pieces together
"Oh charlie I'm so sorry you heard that , we just wanted to surprise you with the new coffee table before the next video" y/n apologised to her friend as her boyfriend loudly laughed next to her
"That's so fucking funny man , how did we not realise" he said wiping a tear from his eye "you look so terrified man" he said still laughing and using Charlie's shoulder as a stabilizer
"Is that why ted left?" Y/n asked shocked that everyone thought they were doing such a thing "this is so embarrassing and it's all your fault" she said pointing at her boyfriend who broke the table in the first place
"You have to admit that it's kinda funny" he said turning to face his girlfriend as Charlie called Ted and told him he can come back
"Charlie has the worst luck when it comes to us" she said sympathy evident in her voice "remember when he walked in on us in Ted's bathroom at that party"
"Be thankful it was him and not Ted" this earned him a middle finger in his direction
"What a wacky day it's been" Ted said entering the room they all were in
"You haven't been here for half of it " charlie accused as they chatted about what to film next
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c-is-for-circinate · 2 years
But anyway, Stranger Things Steve and Robin story where things are Pretty Bad in Hawkins for a while after season 4, to the tune of regular monster incursions and more bumps and bruises and stitches and possible concussions than generally standard
and maybe six months in, after graduation, as Hawkins has come up with more and more unlikely stories to try and pretend that they're not sitting athwart a rising apocalypse, after Robin has deferred college for a year, if they all even live that long, because she loves Steve with every last corner of her heart and she won't, can't leave him here
and it's been another bumpy week in a string of bumpy weeks, and Steve doesn't have another concussion, thank god, but Mike needed seventeen stitches and Nancy has a new burn scar curling up over her left shoulder--
Robin goes to find Steve somewhere in the middle of the third load of laundry in the house where his parents haven't set foot since the "earthquakes" happened. Where she has her own permanent guest room, but just crawls in with Steve most nights anyway, because she cannot handle going home to face her own parents and their questions and their 'constructive criticism' and their attempts to be helpful any more.
And she just immediately starts pacing, back and forth across the basement while Steve tries to fold yet another fitted sheet that she could definitely be helping him with, and she says,
"So look, I have been having this really crazy idea, and I need you to tell me that it's a crazy idea, and I should just forget it, except that every time I try to think down that path I keep thinking of reasons that it's not a crazy idea, and it's actually a really good idea with very minimal drawbacks, at least in the near or foreseeable future, and if it ever does start to have drawbacks we can just undo it, because Indiana's had a no-fault divorce law since 1973, and all we'd have to do would be filing some paperwork, and you're just looking at me like I'm babbling again."
"Just like it, huh?" Steve asks, eyebrows raised with a little bit of 'really?' and all the affection of his heart, and when she stops, giving him that slightly-desperate look, he adds, "So, who's getting a divorce?"
"Us," Robin says, planting her feet and looking straight at him. "Eventually. Hopefully. Someday."
"Ooookay, kinda worried you're already planning my eventual divorce when I haven't had sex since Vecna showed up," Steve says, still not really sure where this is going but willing to follow the train at least a little farther, and Robin just shakes her head, eyes wide and focused.
"No," she says. "I mean you and me. I think we should get married."
Yeah, that makes about as much sense as anybody's crazy plans these days. Steve misses the days when he would have been too confused to keep up. He's still confused, he just so rarely expects to be anything else any more that it doesn't really make that much of a difference.
"Robin," he says, a whole sentence in one word, and then she's pacing again.
"Look," she says, wringing her hands the way she does when she's actually pretty upset about something. "Look, I know it's a stupid, crazy, stupid idea, and this isn't me coming on to you, you know this isn't me coming on to you, this is actually a really hard and scary thing for me to think about asking, but it's still like fifty times less hard and scary than what we do every week just living in this town and knowing what we know, because one of the things we know about living in this town is how dangerous it is, how many bad things could happen at any time, and-- and-- and--"
"Robin," Steve says again, and puts down the sheet in a heap to get in her path. He doesn't usually cut her off, but when she gets so worked up she runs out of words, that's when it's time to help Robin get back out of her own way. She lowers her hands into his and Steve squeezes them. "Hey. What's going on?"
"I'm scared," Robin says.
"Yeah, me too," Steve agrees, easily, because the sky outside is a hazy sort of blue-green that goes red-purple at night when it's not black, and when rain falls it sometimes leaves streaks of slick grime on everything it touches, and there are bludgeoning weapons and loaded firearms tucked into corners all over this house. He's been scared more on than off since 1983, and he hasn't bothered pretending not know it since '85.
"I'm scared for you," she says. "And I'm scared for me. I'm scared that none of us knew what was up with Nancy at the hospital for two hours the other day, because her mom showed up for Mike and they told her everything and Karen Wheeler hates us."
"Nancy's fine," Steve promises; her left arm's gonna be bandaged for a while, but she can still steady a rifle, and sometimes he thinks that's two-thirds of all Nancy really cares about any more. It's probably close to half of what all any of them have time and space to care about these days, which is a pretty depressing thought. But that's not a forever state of events, right? "She just got a little banged up. She's okay."
"Steve, what happens if you get hurt?" Robin asks. "Like, really hurt? If you get sick, or concussed again, or you need surgery like Max or Eddie, and you're not conscious enough to make your own medical decisions?"
"I don't know, I guess they call my parents, don't get an answer, and then operate anyway," Steve says, blowing it off like he always does. "Robin, I'm fine."
She's shaking her head, though, no, "I've just, I've been thinking, and I've been reading, and you know how hospitals are, it's been happening all over where people get sick and their friends, partners, can't even get in to see them, and families they haven't even talked to in years get to make medical decisions, because they're not married."
And Steve's not exactly smart but he's not completely dumb. Robin leaves absolutely anything that might even suggest she's a lesbian at Steve's house so her parents won't find it at home, which means there's a whole pile of blurry xeroxed zines and pamphlets and gay newsletters on his once-unused bedroom desk, shoved under a Russian-English dictionary, three spiral notebooks, and a book by some guy called Jung-pronounced-Young. Steve isn't really sure where they come from, because they only make maybe one supply run to Indianapolis a week between the whole group of them and Robin doesn't even usually go, but the newsletters keep multiplying. He's glanced at them before. He's heard Robin talk. He knows what she's thinking about.
"That's not what's happening here," Steve says, promises. "You know that's not the same thing. Nobody's getting sick."
"No, just...torn up by demobats, or haunted, or possessed, or who knows what else," Robin says. "Steve, I don't want my parents to be the ones visiting me if I'm in the hospital. I don't want them to be the ones in charge of deciding what happens to me. I don't want to wake up from a coma one day to find out I've been transferred to some hospital in another state because they decided Hawkins was too dangerous and now I never get to see you again."
"So you want me to be the one doing that?" Steve asks, and Robin looks up at him, hands still tight in his, and she says,
"Yes," like it's obvious. Like it's everything.
For one brief, bright-aching moment, Steve lets himself regret. He's not in love with Robin. Not like that, never like that, but -- there was a minute, once, where it could've been, for him. And it never could have been, for her, he knows that, and that's fine, that's great, because Robin still loves him more than anybody else in his entire life has ever loved him. And it is everything, and it's never going to be like that, and probably nobody is ever going to love him like that even half as much as Robin loves him like this.
"Sure," Steve says.
"And -- and look, it's selfish, and it's stupid, and it's terrible and I hate myself for thinking it, but if you die out there, and half of us are basically living in your house, and I know your parents don't want this house but they can't sell it because it's Hawkins and the housing market sucks, and you don't technically own it but it's all tied up in your trust fund, and if we were married that would give us at least the length of a court case to figure out where else to go, and we'd be able to take care of Max, and--"
"Robin, yeah," Steve says. "I'll do it. Sure, let's get married."
"Wait, really?" Steve doesn't know why she sounds so startled when it was her insane idea, unless she really did want to be talked out of it, but if she'd actually wanted to be talked out of it she should've gone to Nancy. Steve's not the guy who talks Robin out of things. He's the guy who talks Robin into her own brilliant ideas and all the things she desperately wants and doesn't think she can have. "Like, really?"
"Yeah, sure, let's go tomorrow," Steve says. It's a Tuesday, the little gremlins'll all be in school and their shift at Family Video doesn't start until five. "Do we need to get, like, a license or something?"
It's not like Steve doesn't get that this is a weird thing to do, and not a thing that most people would do with their platonic lesbian best friends, but honestly...like, Robin hadn't wanted to say it, but Steve knows he's probably more likely to die in the next couple of years than most other people they know. Doesn't matter how much he plays it off, Steve's always going to be there sticking his body between whichever kid or girl or random civilian and the danger of the day. He's not always there, which is how Mike ends up with a gash up his arm that better not be getting infected with Upside Down rot while Karen Wheeler is too busy pretending that Hawkins is still a normal town, how Nancy gets caught in the blowback from a molotov cocktail thrown just a little too short. Sometimes it feels like Steve's blaming himself in the middle of the night for not being there a little more every year. But he tries.
And if it gets him killed, the least he can do is make sure his stupid trust fund goes to Robin instead of back to his fucking parents. He's not dumb enough to think him dying wouldn't wreck at least Robin, at least for a little while, but he has to figure a pile of cash would make it a little better. He doesn't think it would make things worse.
Besides, Steve lets him think for just a second, what if they do actually figure out how to stop Henry Creel and all his Upside Down bullshit? If they find a way out of Hawkins without leaving the kids behind to die, and move on with their lives? Would being super-platonically married to Robin actually be that bad? He could put her through college with that stupid fucking trust fund while she got whatever genius degree she wanted, maybe end up her slacker house husband and fold all the goddamn fitted sheets by himself while she's off at work. Adopt a couple of kids, maybe, if he could talk her into it. Road trip over the summer in that Winnebago.
Not like Robin could marry someone she's actually in love with. He'd make it clear to whatever girlfriend she gets in the future that he's just there as window dressing and live-in laundry service. Not like Steve's ever going to find a girl who loves him half as much as Robin does, who gets it when the nightmares jolt him awake at three in the morning, who'll believe a single thing he says about the waking nightmare that is Hawkins, Indiana.
Really, it just means that Robin can't leave him behind. Which isn't fair to her, maybe, but it's her idea. She'll be the one slapping divorce papers down in front of him if she ever gets tired of it.
"Um, yeah," Robin says, still a little surprised for some fucking reason, but starting to soften into that smile she sometimes gets when they're being sincere, every once in a while. "Yeah, we just need birth certificates and ID, and like ten dollars for the license fee, and we can go right down to the courthouse tomorrow. Be done in time for work."
"Honeymoon at Family Video?" Steve asks, and yeah, maybe it's not the wedding he once would've pictured for himself, but fuck that guy anyway. This is Robin.
"We'll put on Back To The Future and actually watch it this time," Robin says, and she's grinning now, and Steve is starting to grin too, thinking about the bright hazy beautiful parts of a godawful night, the worst best bathroom floor in Indiana, about marrying the who-the-fuck-cares-if-it's-not-actually-romantic love of his life.
"Throw in some popcorn and you've got yourself a deal, Buckley," he says, and Robin lunges forward into him, wrapping her arms around him. Steve's arms fold around her shoulders like she belongs there.
He's almost not even annoyed that they kick over the laundry basket and send the goddamn sheets spilling out over the floor in the process.
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babyhatesreality · 16 days
Hey loves! Can you possibly do a Head cannon with mob stucky and reader? How would they be when the reader is sick?
Hey love! So....answering this a year later....ugh, trust me I'm disgusted with myself. I hope you're still around to read this, and if you are, I thank you for sticking with me while I went through it this past year. I hope you enjoy <3
So with Mafia Stucky and Little Reader, when you're sick, there is a very calculated plan to get you better.
The trouble is, you're terrified of doctors after all those mean doctors held you captive before your Mafia Daddies could rescue you. You still trembled at the sight of a white lab coat, even after all this time.
So at the first sign of a sniffle or a sore throat, they call in their "guy"
You know him as Mr. Bruce, the really nice man in the purple silk shirt who tells you really silly jokes and talks to you sometimes when you're feeling icky
They know him as Dr. Banner, their on call physician who has been threatened within an inch of his life to not tell you that he's a doctor
Banner has no problem with this arrangement. He enjoys working for Steve and Bucky, as his...issues with rage, let's say....have gotten him in trouble in other locations, and Stucky has given him a full time job with incredible benefits where he still can practice medicine and science.
So what if the majority of his work is now stitches and tending to bullet wounds? He's still helping people, right?
And he genuinely loves you. He was one of the ones to help Steve and Bucky "get you out" of your kidnapped situation, and he was the one quietly monitoring your health as you came out of the haze that the drugs had put you in. He spent a lot of time caring for you and came to see you as a baby sister of sorts. He was extremely protective and fond of you.
Bruce has gotten extremely good at being able to just talk to you and diagnose what the problem is, because you trust him enough to be honest with him about how you're feeling
If there's an occasion where he needs a saliva sample, he's designed special lollipops that taste delicious- AND melt quickly. He simply pockets the stick when you're done and you have no idea.
If he needs a blood sample, that's a bit more complicated. That's when the strawberry milk comes out and you take a nice nap. You'll wake up later to find a little itchy spot on your arm, but that's really about it.
Once Bruce has diagnosed you, he'll quietly talk through a game plan with one of your Daddies while the other one is cuddling and cradling you in the other room.
You don't have any big issues with taking medicine- after all, your daddies are giving it to you and they always know what they're doing, so you don't question it.
You hate cough syrup with a fiery passion. More than once you've straight up refused to take it or spat it back out repeatedly, resulting in a spanking after you get better, but since Bruce figured out a way to mask the taste in a candy, it's not nearly as much of a battle as it used to be.
Mostly, you just crave cuddles and attention. And Steve and Bucky are more than happy to give it to you.
Their team knows just how sick you are by how Stucky rearranges their schedules. If you have a cold, they will NOT get them at the same time until you're better. If you have something a little rougher, like a stomach flu, don't expect to see either of them until you're back on your feet. If it's something like pneumonia, it's about to become everyone's only problem for the foreseeable future. They will ALL be on call twenty four seven. God help them if they think any differently.
Steve likes to carry you around everywhere, even if it's just from the bed to the bathroom. He doesn't want you wasting a bit of energy on something as trivial as walking- it should all go towards you getting better.
Half of his pockets are loaded with your medication, and the other half are full of little toys and expensive trinkets and sparkly jewelry to reward you for being good and staying down and taking your medicine.
Bucky anticipates your every need before it even happens. You shiver once, and he's already wrapped a blanket around you. Your face looks a bit flushed, and he's gently pressing a cool washcloth to your forehead, murmuring about what a good girl you are. He's holding up a tissue to your nose before you even realize you have to sneeze.
They will let you have unlimited screen time, watching all your favorite movies and TV shows with you- as long as they've approved them, of course.
You also get to eat pretty much anything you want (unless it's a stomach illness), since you really don't want to eat when you don't feel well. They'll let you have almost anything to ensure that you're still eating enough to get better.
Every morning, they carry you to another new room in the mansion, with clean fresh sheets and new things to do, since you get very bored very quickly, especially after a whole day in bed. Hell, what else are they gonna do with the twenty guest rooms in the house? The cleaning crew then sanitizes the previous room in a whirl, just in case you decide you want to go back in there.
Steve and Bucky cuddle you and constantly tell you what a good girl you are, and how proud they are to be your daddies, and just how much better their lives are now because you're in them.
And honestly? That heals you faster than anything else.
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quinn-borel · 13 days
I would like you to write a fic about Quinn taking care of her son Hauchefant.
“Remember not to have too much coffee, my lady.” the steward reminded Quinn as she was about to pour herself another cup from the carafe.  She frustratingly tapped her finger on the table as she pulled back—he was right, but she needed that extra bit of juice to get her morning started.  The previous night had been a late one as per usual, and unlike her husband, she was far from a morning person.  The steward instead offered to pour her a glass of water, which she could enjoy with her eggs and toast.  
“Thank you.” she said with a bitter smile, her tired eyes following the steward as he excused himself from the breakfast nook with the coffee carafe in hand—no longer would she be tempted to exceed her one-cup limit for the morning.  As usual, the eggs were fluffy and flavorful and the toast, crunchy to perfection, just the way she liked it.  It only took the house Borel steward a few weeks to make her breakfast the way Aymeric made it for her on days he didn’t have to attend early morning meetings.  It was quite impressive.  Though it would have been more enjoyable to share the meal with her husband, who hastily said his farewells as she was getting herself dressed.  He, too, admittedly slept in due to their elongated night.  
“Did milord eat breakfast this morning?” she called to the steward, who poked his head back into the nook,
“Unfortunately, he did not.  Though, I presume he will return ‘round the noon hour for a meal.”
“Gods, I hope so.” she sighed, “He’s been running himself ragged.”  The steward had no retort as he went back to his duties.  Quinn lost her appetite upon hearing that Aymeric, once again, skipped breakfast due to his station.  The practice was becoming all-to-common for her liking, yet it pained her to have to lecture him once more while she had the luxury of staying at home for the time being.  The lady of the house stood up from the table and abandoned her plate, leaving half a piece of toast and a quarter of her eggs to the side, a choice she would later regret.  
Quinn made her way down the main hall towards the western wing of the house.  Although she had no plans for the day involving anything outside the house, she couldn’t help but to be lost in thought as she calculated her plans for the day.
“Oh, I didn’t have tea with someone today, did I?” she muttered, “I really need to buy a planner or something to write these things down.  Oh, but then I have to go to the Crozier to find one.  It’s been snowing a lot lately, and I’d rather not take him out in the cold just to get a notebook.  Perhaps I can ask Aym to buy me one?  No, he should really be home to rest...”
Admittedly, she found herself bound to the house for the foreseeable future, especially as winter roared in with its nasty weather as it so loved to do.  While Ishgard was an eternal winter scape, when the Eorzean calendar read the beginnings of the sixth umbral moon every resident knew that it was winter winter.   She would just have to hunker down and wait it out…
…at least she wasn’t alone during the day anymore.
Five moons prior, Quinn had given birth to her and Aymeric’s son, lovingly named Haurchefant de Borel.  He was born a healthy weight with this father’s eyes and his mother’s complexion, with an infectious smile and laughter that could fill a room.  He was their pride and joy, and undoubtedly a symbol of their love.  
Opening the door to their room, Quinn felt the stress of the early morning lift from her shoulders as she heard Haurchefant babbling in his bassinet.  While he may have been the reason she was up so late the night before, Quinn was elated to see him up and about.  At least, as about as a five month old could be.
“Looks like someone is finally awake.” she giggled as she approached Haurchefant’s crib, which sat in the corner of her and Aymeric’s room while his true room was being redecorated.  The little one stared at his mother curiously for a moment before smiling and kicking his feet in excitement—at least, kicking as much as he could while swaddled in his layered onesie.  Quinn leaned over his cot, gently touching her fingertip to the tip of his nose, “Good morning, my little lord.”
Haurchefant giggled in response as he reached for his mother’s hand.  Upon grasping her finger, his other hand went to his mouth as he looked at her almost expectantly.  The hand that touched his mouth flailed a bit more before touching his mouth again.  She knew exactly what that meant.
“Is my little Haurchie hungry?” she cooed playfully, “My smart little man knows how to tell me that he is, doesn’t he?”
He nearly slapped his mouth in protest, brow furrowed as if his signal did nothing to her since there was no milk in sight.  But Quinn knew better than to make her little guy wait, immediately lifting him out of the bassinet and bringing him over to the rocking chair in the opposite corner of the room,
“I can’t wait until you’re in your own room, it’s crowded in here.” she lamented as her gaze fell to all the baby necessities littered in the once-spacious master bedroom.  But, soon he would be old enough to be in his own room…and maybe she and Aymeric could finally get some decent sleep.  
Haurchefant fussed as there was still no sign of milk, a tiny whine coming from his mouth in frustration.  How could she be so cruel?  He was hungry, and he was hungry now.  Even if he was picked up, which he loved, he still wasn’t getting anything to eat!  Impatient as he was, the babe began to fuss even louder, despite his mother sitting down and positioning herself for a comfortable feeding time for the both of them.
“Now, now…” Quinn bit her lip a bit, trying not to raise her voice as he began to whine louder.  She gently hushed him as she slid down one side of her dress, exposing her breast just before the infant had a full-on tantrum.  Bringing the babe to her bosom, Haurchefant quickly latched on to her nipple and began to nurse…as if he wasn’t fed just a few hours beforehand.  Quinn sighed and leaned back a bit, holding her son in the optimal position so that he could have his breakfast without any disruption.   
Finally, some food!
“I’m still so glad you don’t have teeth yet.” she muttered,  “…To the bottle with you when that happens.”
Of course the baby was unfazed by his mother’s promise to bottle feed him if he bit her, he was too busy focusing on his own morning routine.  The little boy had his own day ahead of him—breakfast with mom, some burping, a walk around the house, and then that dreaded tummy time…but somewhere in there, lunch! And dinner! And a snack, maybe?  It was a tight schedule, with little room to let his mother do much for herself.  Though he would certainly let her know if she was slacking in her duties.
With a yawn, Quinn sat back in her chair and did what she could to keep her eyes open.  With the vision of her son fading in an out, she used her free hand to tap her cheek in an attempt to fully wake.  She wondered if Aymeric faired the same, sitting at his desk looming over paperwork with his eyelids drooping from the lack of sleep.  She could not quite recall the last time each of them had a full night’s rest…maybe five months ago, she assumed.  
Yet even with tired eyes, the moment she looked down at her suckling babe she couldn’t help but to beam with delight.  That was her boy; her little baby boy.  Sure, he had a habit of wailing and crying at night and fussed throughout the day, but those moments were miniscule compared to the quiet moments where he bonded with his mother like so.  Or, the moments when he giggled and smiled up at his father, both sharing the same bright, blue eyes and wavy black hair.  
Quinn could still recount the moment Aymeric held their son for the first time–how he wept with joy, praising Halone for such a healthy boy and thanking his wife for giving him such a blessing.  The pair were nearly inseparable until the little one cried out for his first meal.  Of course, Aymeric would soon have to return to his duties, leaving the babe in the care of Quinn for most of the day.  But for sure, upon his return home every night after kissing his wife he would take his son into his arms once more, giving Quinn her much-needed break.
“All done?” she asked curiously as Haurchefant nuzzled his head against her, softly smacking his lips together with quite the bit of milk dribbling out of his mouth.  As per their routine, she pulled the babe up and near her shoulder, patting him on the back until the softest belch came out of him.  And then some…
“Y-yeah, you’re done.”
 “b-buhb ba…”
“I’m glad you’re full.” she giggled, pressing her lips to his cheek  before returning him to his bassinet for a moment.  
But, oh, he wouldn’t have that.  While his mother was fixing her dress back to the way it was, he was determined to get her attention once again.  A loud screech came from the bassinet as he kicked as best as he could through his swaddle, Quinn wincing slightly before she got the hint.
“Alright, alright.” she cooed as she once again lifted him up and into her arms.  He squealed with delight, his smile brightening up the room as he looked at his mother with adoration.  Quinn began to sway with him in her arms, humming softly before pressing another kiss to his forehead.
“Well come and well met, my brave little spark…” she hummed, “how long you’ve wandered, burned bright as a star…”
The babe grinned as his mother sang to him, a hand reaching up to touch her face which she allowed as she lowered her head to kiss her son once more,
“Oh, I have awaited you patiently all this time...”
And she continued to sing and sing, lulling her baby into a calming sleep until she was able to place him back into the bassinet without worry of a tantrum.  Upon her final verse, she sat herself on her bed, eyes slowly closing as she hummed,
“…for this journey’s end...is but one step forward to...tomorrow…”
And with a final note, Quinn fell back asleep.
An early morning nap between mother and child never hurt anyone.
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Cruel and Malicious Phraseology
Since the JLA ban on profanity in the workplace took effect, some of us have gotten rather inventive in expressing our less positive sentiments. No guesses for which member of the Old Guard had the most insults hurled at them, but... his initials are HJ. There is no context, only hostility.
"I could put an entire box of alphabet pasta through a spin cycle and come up with a better plan than that. Stop trying to be Batman, one is enough."
"Go stick your head inside a black hole, you posh knobhead!"
"Listen here, you overhyped rodent posterior... rocking up like you're the brightest glow stick in the rave negates the very idea of a stealth mission. Adjust your glow to match your intellect, please."
"You got this, huh? Looks like you handled that masterfully. Tell you what there, Mastermind... let me know if you need help finding your teeth after that glorious victory."
"Plans A, B, AND C all tanked? Over to you, Glowworm, you usually head straight to Plan D for "dumb crap" anyway."
"Quick question, do you even Metal Gear?"
"Oh, what in the unholy name of Ymir's jockstrap did we walk into this time?"
"Do... do the Big Bosses not realize pockets are a thing? Like, where am I supposed to keep my wallet, or anything, really? Is the Marquis de Sade the staff tailor, because wearing this is gonna drive me mad."
"You and I have been friends for a while, but... when you say things like that I kinda want to stab you in the eye with an explosive arrow."
"I get now why you prefer being underwater. Less dumb. Much less screaming. Speaking of... I bet you know some epic dive spots. They'll be at this for hours, we're not needed here. If the Boss asks, you're teaching me marine ecology in the wild."
"Huh. Here I thought Joker held the title for "Most Punchable Face on Earth", yet here's the new heavyweight contender, ready to throw down for the belt."
"Go boil your head in some more of that cheap weak sister beer!"
"Why don't you go hug a claymore mine already?"
"Eat my boots!"
"No, ma'am, I'm not ready for that jelly, I prefer cream cheese on my bagel anyway. You're... not talking about food, are you? Oh, monkey bread."
"Repeat after me: Pants. Are. Not. Optional!"
"I'd rather drown than EVER go clown. I might not have taste, but I have standards."
"Oh, by Artemis' sandals what did you do this time?"
"Yanno, you and a certain dirty old man thunder God have the same issue: too focused on the ladies to do your job. Eyes in the head, you ain't her type. Trust me."
"IN THE NAME OF SIGYN'S GIRDLE WILL YOU STOP SNEAKING UP ON ME LIKE THAT! The Boss can get away with it, as he was trained in silent infiltration and is not a creepy drunken sorry excuse for a washout. Either knock on the door like a normal human, or run the risk of having to sing "I've Got A Lovely Bunch of Coconuts" to even enter the men's locker room."
"You died? I see your brain sure stayed dead."
"It's a RAID, not a rave. Lose the shiny stuff and glow trim, we're trying the Splinter Cell approach. Also... do you really need the three extra ammo belts? They're thugs, not the blooming Xenomorphs."
"I know over 20 languages, yet cannot explain exactly how much I'd like to beat you with a pufferfish."
"But did you die again? No? So... why so grumpy, Mr. Grouchy von Groucherson?"
"How? How do you claim to be a master shot, yet miss the ginormous glaring weak spot every time? Are you a plant from the Court of Owls? Make it make sense."
"Huh. Sniper scope, but still can't see the obvious. Just ask her already! Aphrodite help me, but you're blind if you can't see she likes you."
"Thanks, but I don't associate with the chronically dumb."
"A date? Let me check my calendar. Sorry, looks like I'm going to be washing my hair for the foreseeable future."
"Would you kindly get your head out of the poor man's rear entrance so he can get some work done?"
"Games teach you problem solving in real time, teamwork, the importance of understanding the mechanics in any situation, how to manage difficult individuals, pattern recognition, and much more. Odin's eyepatch, you must be a pretentious little sod to think you can't learn from gaming. Now quit whining and pick your fighter already. You're holding up the match."
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Rushing things chapters 3,4 & 5
title says it all, chapters 3 4 and 5 of my papyton fanfic
Chapter 3: let your feelings bloom
They both got up, disgruntled and awkward when Sans came home and used an air horn to wake them up ("because it was funny" he said). Mettaton gave Papyrus his cat onesie back and put on his now wrinkled red suit.
Before he left, he earnestly thanked Papyrus: 《- Darling, I had a lovely time hanging out with you! Perhaps... Perhaps we could hang out again in the foreseeable future? MTT noticed the skeleton blushing a light periwinkle - Y-YOU WANT TO HANG WITH ME AGAIN?? WOWIE, I DIDN'T KNOW WE WERE THAT CLOSE ALREADY... The way Papyrus phrased that made Mettaton blush even harder. - O-of course I want to! He replied, a bit louder than intended. You're great company! But next time, maybe you could come to MY place! Y'know...so that we don't get any more... "funny" wake-up call from your brother... - AGREED. stated Papyrus, still a bit salty about it.》 They then exchanged phone numbers and Mettaton left, feeling so... light and warm.
Meanwhile, in his room, Papyrus was still ecstatic about hanging out again with Mettaton, so much that he was literally screaming of joy in his pillow while rapidly kicking his feet. Thoughts of what to do and/or bring for their second hangout filled his head. He felt as if his heart was about to burst out his chest and fly around his room. Oh my god he never felt like that before. It felt really weird and AMAZING. What WAS this feeling?? Was is.. love? It wasn't platonic love for sure, he knew what THAT felt like. I mean, Mettaton IS really attractive, and he sings so well! OMG IS IT WHAT ROMANTIC LOVE FEELS LIKE-
No no it can't be romantic love, romantic love is when you kiss them, and go on dates and do whatever that "adult stuff" is that Papyrus sometimes overhears Sans talking about with Toriel and Grillby. Well... he DOES want to kiss Mettaton...BUT IT'S SO SOON!! WAIT, d-does that mean their next "hangout" IS A DATE-
Papyrus screamed in his pillow again but this time it's was because of sheer confusion and dread.
Returning to Mettaton, he finally got home, switched back to his box form, and is now texting Alphys about the sleepover at Papyrus's:
And we r planning to have another hangout you were right alphy he's a really cool guy ;3
Hehe sounds like u 2 had a gr8 time ^^ And mayB next time you go further lollll
??? Wym alphy we did nothing like that
Right.... *wink wink*
No I'm serious we didn't do any of that, I just watched movies with him like the ✨amazing generous star that I am✨
Alrite text me back when u realise how much you a flaming homosexual for the tol bone man
I'm sorry but u know its tru It's the 1st time I've ever heard u talk about a dude like THAT Like he's the 8th wonder of the world looolll
Mettaton immediately turned off his phone and hid his flustered face in his hands... No it can't be. TOO FAST TOO SOON. They met THIS MORNING. He already had relationships turn sour real fast because he was rushing things.
Oh, speaking of, he needed to set a date with Papyrus for that hangout.
A quick phone call later, Mettaton, still a bit giddy from talking to Papyrus, now had a set date for their next hangout: In two days, at 5:00 PM, and this time, it was MTT's turn to surprise Papyrus. So, he liked cooking... that was the robot's biggest help to figure out what to do...
During those two days, Mettaton filled out some auditions for other planned movies and got around trying to get a gig, and while waiting for the answers from the studios, he catched up on Alphys and Undyne.
It was the first time Undyne heard about Mettaton hanging out with Papyrus (and of course, Alphys, who saw right through him, told her about his feelings), and she was being insufferable about it, messing with the robot by mocking him, saying corny stuff in a baby voice: 《- Ooh PaPywUs DaRLiN, HoW I CwAvE YoUr pWeSeNcE <3<3 Mettaton was bright hot pink, and thought he was about to pop a rubber vein while Undyne continued her act, despite Alphys asking her to stop. - oOh I WaNnA HoLd YoU, My dEaW, LeT uS NeVeW bE ApAwT AgAiN!》
She eventually stopped after a while.
The next day (so, the eve of the hangout), Mettaton got a return from a small studio he auditioned to: he was accepted! So putting on his red suit once again -after ironing it- he went to meet his costars on the set, and talked with the director of this movie, a lovely young man called Jake. The atmosphere on this set was DRASTICALLY different than on the set of the movie saga: there wasn't this tension in the air, where you thought you weren't acting good enough compared to the other actors, there was a lot more monsters here, actors and backstage staff alike... overall, this felt much more like home to Mettaton. And while it wasn't perfect, the story was much more interesting.
The only thing that was similar to the last filming is that he was given another small role, but this time his character actually felt fleshed out (and appeared multiple times throughout the movie, AND was on the concept cover art!) But of course something came to ruin Mettaton's good mood. The filming had to be started right away, because time is money and the small studio was on a budget. No time for hangouts. Oh no... He tried to talk to Jake about his planned hangout with Papyrus, but there's nothing he could do, the schedule was tight. He did honestly apologised to the actor.
The first image that came to Mettaton's mind was Papyrus's sad, disappointed face as they'll have to cancel that hangout. W-well, he would understand, no? Mettaton... was a star after all... yeah, he- He'll understand that it's really important! Papyrus could wait.. a few weeks, r-right? J-just until there was a space in the schedule for him! ... Mettaton sure hoped so...
So, he slowly took his phone out and called Papyrus... 《- C'mon... pick up pick up pick up... ... Hi darling! H-how are you..? - OH HELLO, METTATON! ARE YOU READY FOR TOMORROW? asked the skeleton excitedly. Goddammit, it was hard for the words to come out. - ...About that... responded MTT, getting choked up. I don't.. I don't think we can hang tomorrow... - Oh... said Papyrus, lowering his voice. IT'S OKAY! WE CAN HANG THE DAY AFTER THEN! - N-no, honey, we can't hang tomorrow or the day after, or the day after that, or the day after that... i- ...I got a role for another movie and I have to stay for filming for a few weeks... is that okay?... Papyrus stayed silent for a little while, which was a lot more concerning than him outright saying that he was upset. Mettaton was starting to nervously walk in circles, while fidgeting with the hem of his suit. -... YEAH... YEAH I UNDERSTAND! I HOPE THIS MOVIE FILMING SESSION IS MORE PLEASANT THAN THE LAST! MTT was a bit startled by Papyrus's sudden, happy respond after being quiet for so long. - Sooo... you're not upset, that we can't hang tomorrow?.. - WELL... I AM, JUST A TINY BIT. BUT I KNOW YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR WORK, SO I'LL JUST WAIT UNTIL WE CAN! Papyrus was taking this a lot better than Mettaton feared. - O-okay then... I have to go! I'll call you when I get home! Love you, bye!》 And Mettaton quickly hung up. "Love you, bye"?????? What was wrong with him???? Why did he say that???? He could regret his actions later, for now, Jake was calling his name.
Chapter 4: Baking with... bestie?
(ooh boy, here comes the smoochies!!)
Papyrus said he understood that Mettaton had to put their hangout on hold, and he truly did, but... It was still a bit painful. That interaction reminded him that after all, Mettaton was an entrepreneur, with a rising career and that he had other things to do than hang out with a fan... He did say "I love you" but... what did he mean by that?
So the skeleton went in his room and lied down on his bed in silence.
He felt so many things at once, TOO many, his head was menacing to boil and implode from all of his thoughts, And yet, moving felt too disruptive, so he lied still, closed his eyes and let himself indulge in all those feeling.
In this dream-like state, Papyrus found in himself a strange, longing feeling he never felt before, it wasn't like missing a friend, or being homesick... he knew what THOSE felt like... WHAT WAS IT?? Not knowing what was going on in his head and his heart frustrated Papyrus deeply. So he turned to the person he trusted the most to vent to: his best friend.
When Papyrus called her, Undyne already had a hunch of what he wanted to talk about, and she immediately was proven right.
《- Hhmmm... sound like you got a BIG FAT CRUSH on this guy to me! - UNDYNE!! Wailed Papyrus, flustered and frustrated. THIS IS SERIOUS!! IS-IS IT REALLY WHAT ROMANTIC LOVE FEELS LIKE?? - Well, yeah, sorry Paps but based on what you told me, that does sounds like you like Mettaton. As more than a friend fuhuhu... - BU-BUT I'VE LOVED HIS MOVIES FROM WAY BACK, WHY AM I STARTING TO LIKE HIM NOW??? Undyne let out a chuckle,before responding. - Are you SURE you've only started to like Mettaton NOW? Cause you already were obsessed with him before even seeing him in person. - I KNOW!! said Papyrus, covering his bright periwinkle face with his hands. BUT NOW, I FEEL IT SO STRONGLY I JUST CAN'T IGNORE IT! BUT HE PROBABLY ALREADY HAS A TON OF FANS LINING UP TO BE HIS LOVER... - Eh, not as many as you think, actually... Apart from those two weird monster fangirls that follow him around, you're basically the only who actually showed romantic interest towards him. -... REALLY?.. - Hell yeah, man!! Not to mention that bag of bolts happens to have big, fat crush on YOU! - WAIT WHAT????? Shrieked Papyrus in surprise -... Okay first of, ow, my eardrums. Secondly, I'm serious! Alphys told me that Mettaton has the hots for you!》
Papyrus fell silent, his jaw agape. He couldn't help but feel like his heart was a about to blow up in his ribcage, but like... in a good way..? He was pretty sure Undyne could hear it beating violently through the phone. So... THAT's why Mettaton said "I love you"!!
The two friends chatted for a little bit more, said goodbye and now, Papyrus was alone in his room once again... Bur this time, he felt a bit different. There was still that longing feeling, but it felt more... certain.
He knew he would see Mettaton again, he just had to patient.
In the following weeks, The filming was going great and (much to Mettaton's relief) pretty quickly. However, when he was not acting, the anxiety of keeping his n°1 fan waiting crept on him, over and over again.
Said fan, meanwhile, used that time to prepare a small gift for Mettaton.
Of course, the two still kept in touch, talking on the phone every few days, after Mettaton's shift at the studio. There he told Papyrus about how his day went, and regularly asked him if it's was still okay to  wait for the end of the recording to go hang out. The skeleton had fully come to peace with waiting, and already told MTT so about fifty time, but he wasn't mad, it made him happy to see that his... friend? cared so much about how he was feeling.
And in those weeks, every time they talked together, they learned a bit more about eachother, their friends, their hobbies, their families... And without even noticing it, they started to say sweeter things to eachother, and Papyrus even started to call Mettaton "darling" back.
FINALLY! AFTER A MONTH OF FILMING. Mettaton FINALLY had an ENTIRE DAY, just to himself! Well... maybe the morning was just to himself but, in the afternoon... the two would finally hang out. Mettaton was feeling so nervous and excited at the same time. He spent the whole morning preparing himself and the ingredients for the hangout. Everything HAD to be PERFECT.
And at 5:00 PM, Papyrus arrived, and this time, he was wearing a different outfit, with a backwards baseball cap and buttoned shorts. "His fashion sense surely is something" thought Mettaton, absolutely smitten. He brought with him a bottle of wine -a brand a bit cheap for MTT's taste, but oh well, it's the thought that counts- and a little package carefully wrapped in red and yellow wrapping paper.
《-SO, METTATON WHAT HAVE YOU PLANNED FOR THIS LONG-AWAITED HANGOUT? - Well, my dear, since I know you like to cook, I thought we could try baking! And I found some great recipes on Toriel's baking blog! What do you say, darling? Papyrus's face lit up, in that way that always made Mettaton's heart flutter.》
The guest put down his gift and the wine bottle on the table next to the front door, and hurried to join MTT in his luxurious kitchen to start baking.
As soon as he showed up, Mettaton put on an happy, energetic playlist to make it even more fun.
They first made cookie dough, that needed to chill in the fridge for an hour, and then used that hour to make chocolate cupcakes, along with the vanilla and almond frosting to put on them. Then they decided to make another batch of cupcakes, orange blossom flavoured this time, with rose frosting, that baked at the same time as the dual colored cookies who's dough was done chilling.
Mettaton knew that baking would be a great bonding activity, and he was right: Papyrus was having the time of his life scooping, mixing, shaping and dancing while the ingredients baked. After two hours of intense baking, they ended up with two large platters of cupcakes and three whole trays of chocolate and butterscotch marbled cookies.
《- WOWIE, THAT WAS AMAZING, METTATON! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE WHAT YOU PLANNED NEXT! - Well I took a page from you book, Papyrus. I hope you brought your bunny onesie~ said Mettaton with a sly smile.》
They took the platters and trays to the living room... and Papyrus gasped in excitement: The large, fancy sofas were made into nests of soft blankets and big fluffy pillows, a soft fire was purring in the heart-shaped fireplace, and MTT's extra large flat screen was opened to a movie streaming site.
As expected, Papyrus was shaking his hands quickly and happily stomping in place, while trying to conceal his screams of joy, which still came out as a high-pitched squeal. G o d  that dork was adorable.
They put down the platters and trays, and Papyrus took off his baseball cap to reveal... his bunny onesie! How????
"This time, you choose the movie, honey." said Mettaton as he left the room to get the bottle of wine and the small gift that the skeleton brought.
When he was about the enter the living room, he saw Papyrus just... casually changing in his bunny onesie. Like just getting half naked before putting on the onesie. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LIVING ROOM. Mettaton quickly hid behind the door, already bright pink. Phew, Papyrus didn't see him. ... He knew it was very bad to do that, but... he couldn't help sneaking a peek at the skeleton, who was still oblivious. Strangely, he didn't appear to have any musculature, despite his clothes stretching over his pectorals when dressed. Wait... there actually WAS something there... BARELY visible, like made of an extremely clear glass... he did have muscles, bending and stretching as he was removing his clothes.
They were just almost invisible.
However, now that the only piece of clothing left on him was his underwear -formfitting briefs- Mettaton came to a realisation: Damn. That was a nice ass.
Once Papyrus closed the final button on his onesie, MTT finally came out from behind the door, acting as if he didn't just watched him change. Cookies, cupcakes, wine, movies and lots of pillows and blankets... the only thing left for Mettaton to do was change into his own onesie and join that handsome man waiting for him on the sofa.
One quick trip to his bedroom to change, and he was back, sitting right next to Papyrus on the sofa, in a pink fox onesie.
The movies available were alright, but they were a bit boring... oh well, that just mean that they could focus on devouring the baked goods, and they did just that. After so much work, it was so good to finally get to eat those cupcakes, which tasted surprisingly delicious, considering it was their first time making those.
The two of them ended up not paying any attention to the movie playing in the background, and instead talked about everything and anything, while munching on pastries and sipping wine.
《-OH, BEFORE I FORGET! exclaimed Papyrus. I MADE THIS FOR YOU! He fetched the little gift he brought and sat back down close to Mettaton. -Ooooh, I wonder what it is~ he said playfully. MTT carefully opened the red and yellow paper, trying to not rip it. And inside the little box was... a crocheted plushie of himself, in his box form, with his EX form legs. Dear fucking god. He didn't think he could be so DOWN BAD for this silly skeleton, but he was proven VERY WRONG. - OH MY, SUCH A INTENSE EXPRESSION! I'M REALLY GLAD YOU LIKE IT, I SPENT A LOT OF TIME ON IT! Added Papyrus with a big smile. - Darling I don't like it, I LOVE IT! You made this?? - CORRECT! I TAUGHT MYSELF CROCHET JUST TO MAKE THIS FOR YOU!》 Mettaton was speechless, he just looked down at the little toy version of himself and smiled. Then he looked back up at Papyrus, his cheeks getting pink again. The skeleton was looking back at Mettaton, his face getting a deeper periwinkle by the minute.
A burning question was waiting to be asked, by either one of them... Finally, Papyrus spoke up: 《- M-METTATON... W-WHAT ARE WE? ARE WE REALLY JUST AN IDOL AND A FAN ANYMORE? - W-Well... replied Mettaton, flustered. - UNDYNE TOLD ME YOU... YOU...LIKED ME. IS IT TRUE? - Whu-WHAT?? UMM- ...M-maybeee... yes?..》 Papyrus didn't respond, but his face was speaking for him: his eyes lit up and a wide grin spread across his face.
And before Mettaton knew it, Papyrus kissed him. ...he was sure skeletons didn't have lips, and Papyrus didn't to seem have those, but, somehow... he could feel it: thin, soft lips pressed against his. His confusion was quickly replaced by bliss as he realised what was happening, and he wrapped his arms around Papyrus as their kiss was getting more intense.
Weeks of pent-up love, that they feared the other didn't feel, was suddenly unleashed in a single kiss, which rapidly turned into fully making out. (again, Papyrus apparently had a tongue that was not visible, but OH BOY DID METTATON FEEL IT-) They were pressing their bodies together so passionately that they eventually fell over on the sofa, Papyrus on his back and Mettaton on top of him.
They took a quick break from exchanging their salivas to look at eachother: both of them were panting hard, their faces blushing furiously, and, now that he could see it out of his mouth, Mettaton noticed that Papyrus's tongue was actually pretty long... ending about 2 or 3 inches below his chin. Huh. Good to know. With big grins on their faces, they kissed again, and this time, Mettaton started to undo the buttons on his lover's onesie.
Papyrus noticed but didn't stop him.
Chapter 5: All those new sensations...
Papyrus was unsure what was happening but he loved it: Mettaton's gentle touch caressing him like that, the feeling of their tongues coiling together, one of Mettaton's knees pressing against his crotch... All of this made his body so deliciously warm, in a way he never knew about...
But still, all of this was brand new. Too new. He pulled back his head, breaking the kiss. 《- H-HEY METTATON! - Oh, do you not want to...? Asked MTT, his hands freezing in place. - NO! UH I MEAN YES?? I MEAN... DO- DON'T YOU THINK WE'RE RUSHING A BIT? - oh uhh... right, you're right. Do you wanna stop?
"NO!! PLEASE! I WANT MORE!" screamed Papyrus's conscience. But it wasn't very wise to continue without knowing what he was getting into.
- Y-YES... he finally said. And Mettaton slowly backed away, letting Papyrus sit up.
They were both ruffled, sweaty, and still blushing.
An short awkward silence set in... before Papyrus spoke up: - I'M SORRY... - No, no it's okay darling! I'M sorry that I was rushing things... - WELL... I STILL HAD A GOOD TIME... AND... he continued to speak through small chuckles. I GUESS WE NOW KNOW HOW WE FEEL ABOUT EACHOTHER, HUH? Mettaton giggled in turn. - I guess we do, dear.》
The two of them got close and shared another, much simpler kiss.
After cleaning up the cookies crumbs, and the platters and trays, it was now time for Papyrus to go home. Mettaton walked him to his car, holding his hand, and, right before the skeleton drove off, he gave him a final kiss on the cheekbone.
Once back home, Papyrus immediately went to his room, since Sans wasn't home -he was at work at Grillby's, or more accurately, slacking off at Grillby's- and he had two hours to himself. Alone, in his room. Many thoughts rushed through his head, as every time he spent time with Mettaton.
That warm sensation in his body was still lingering a bit... and he tried something...
In his bed, he took off all his clothes off, apart from his briefs and shirt, and he started to gently caress his body, trying to recreate Mettaton's touch. He closed his eyes, and imagined that his hands were MTT's, of course it wasn't easy because his hands were broader and stronger than the robot's, but it was working... His whole body shivered in pleasure, and, low in his guts, a delightful heat was growing, along with something else...
He started to touch himself lower, and lower, as he felt his briefs becoming tighter around his crotch. He opened his eyes and saw a bulge growing in his underwear. Not knowing what to do, he simply pulled down his briefs, freeing his hardening cock. "HUH. THAT'S NEW." he thought.
It felt so... warm, and fuzzy... and he instinctively touched the hot surface of his now fully erect penis, which turned out to be much more sensitive than he thought.
He closed his eyes again and gently caressed his lower belly and cock, still picturing his hands as Mettaton's. Just that small action sent a new wave of pleasure through his body, and he continued to rub himself like that for a little while, before concluding it wasn't enough, he wanted.... he NEEDED more...
So he explored lower, under his dick, that he was already stroking faster. First, he felt his balls, and while he was fondling them, he felt something even LOWER... soft, moist folds, along with a small, sensitive nub. Curious, he slid a finger between the folds, and another one... and he started to move his fingers inside of himself, sending a shiver up his spine. The heat around his whole pelvis was getting overwhelming, but he still continued, now frantically stroking his cock, that had beads of clear orange fluid pearling at the tip, and fingering his now wet pussy. He was... so... CLOSE... Huffing and whimpering in a euphoric haze, his heart pounding, he lied on his side, arching his back and putting a third finger to the task of pleasuring his cunt... And...AND...... His whole body tensed up, and jets after jets of orange cum shot out of his dick, spreading a satisfying heat in all of his abdomen. It took a few seconds for him to finish cumming...
He wanted to do it again, he was ready to, but he noticed the mess he had just made in his bed: his sheets, his briefs, and the lower half of his shirt was stained in orange, and he spent almost half an hour exploring his body... so, it was enough for today.
He grabbed tissues and cleaned up his sheets best he could, before taking a shower. In the bathroom, he noticed something curious about his anatomy: at the base of his half-erect cock, there was a swollen knot, that was starting to calm down as his dick was softening. Afterwards, when his penis fully softened, and retracted into it's sheath, he changed into clean clothes.
And now, he was back in his room.
Still no Sans in sight... and Papyrus didn't feel like watching a movie alone...
So, he instead went on the Internet to try and get answers: "CAN YOU TELL ME WHY IS MY BODY SO WARM AROUND MY ROMANTIC CRUSH PLEASE? THANK YOU." He typed in the search bar. Sexual attraction? He looked up what that was in another tab... Oh, that makes so much sense now! And he quickly ended up in a rabbit hole of Internet searches...
By the time Sans came home, Papyrus had learned so much about his body and what was happening to it, and yet, there was still so much to understand. However, being a skeleton, maybe some things were different, concerning how his body worked compared to a human's.
The only other skeleton he knew (besides himself) was his brother, so he talked to Sans before planning dinner: 《- SANS, I HAVE SOMETHING TO ASK YOU. - yea? what's up, Paps? He replied, taking a swig of the beer he was drinking. - WHAT IS SEX? His brother spat out his beer. -... you wanna run that by me again, bud..? - W-WELL, AS I TOLD YOU THIS MORNING, I PLANNED TO HANG OUT WITH METTATON, AND I DID! I HAD A WONDERFUL TIME! BUT TURNS OUT... HE WAS DEEPLY ENAMOURED OF ME, WHICH ISN'T REALLY A SURPRISE. HOWEVER, I MIGHT... ALSO LIKE HIM... LIKE THAT. - uh-huh... said Sans, a bit cautious. Go on... - AND OUR HANGOUT TURNED OUT TO BE A DATE! AND WE WATCHED MOVIES, AND WHEN I GAVE HIM THE PLUSHIE I MADE FOR HIM, THINGS GOT...UMM... A BIT PASSIONATE. continued Papyrus, starting to blush again. WE KISSED, VERY HARD... AND HE ENDED ON TOP OF ME... AND TOUCHED ME IN WAYS I NEVER FELT BEFORE. - he  did  what. Said Sans, the lights gone from his eyes. - H-HE JUST CARESSED MY CHEST AND AND ARMS, SANS! added Papyrus. BUT SINCE I DIDN'T KNOW WHERE THAT WAS GOING I ASKED HIM IF WE COULD STOP. AND WE STOPPED. - oh. Said the older skeleton, his pupils reappearing. -... SO WHEN I GOT HOME, I... UHH... AHEM... EXPLORED MY OWN BODY.... Sans looked uncomfortable hearing that. - Paps, I don't think you should be telling me about this kind of stuff. - BUT IT'S IMPORTANT, SANS! AFTERWARD I LOOKED AROUND ON THE INTERNET ABOUT THAT KIND OF STUFF, BUT THERE'S SO MUCH TO LEARN! AND I DON'T KNOW IF IT APPLIES TO SKELETONS, SO I'LL ASK AGAIN: WHAT IS SEX?》 Sans looked at Papyrus with a grimace of discomfort, before very awkwardly explaining the basics of sex, as if Papyrus was a four-year-old child instead of a grown-ass man.
A few, painful minutes later, Sans thanked whatever gods did exist that Papyrus's phone started to ring.
It was Mettaton calling him. Papyrus immediately answered: 《- HELLO, METTATON! he said, beaming, despite knowing he couldn't see him. - Hello, darling! Sorry about earlier... I really was rushing things... I guess we'll stick to kissing and cuddles for now, hehe~ - IT'S OKAY HONEY! HEY, SANS IS NEXT TO ME, WOULD YOU LIKE TO SAY HI? Despite Mettaton making a weird noise, like a disapproving grunt, the skeleton already passed the phone to his brother (who was trying to sneak away). - heeeeeeeey....mettaton.. said Sans while putting the phone up to his nonexistent ear. The robot let out a small sigh before answering. - Hello, Sans. -..... you're not still upset about the airhorn thing, are ya..? -...Take a wild guess.》 Sans laughed nervously.
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un-local · 9 months
15, 17, 18?
15. Do you foresee any personal or professional obstacles this year, that would keep you from creating fanworks? 
Ha, lol. Nothing will stop me. But I suppose I can admit some things may get in my way lol. For example:
Finding out I actually got into grad school
my HellJob worsens my burnout to the point that BG3 isn’t enough to fix it (god forbid) (it’s working so far… but let’s not jinx it, lol.)
Any number of possible family ordeals coming to pass. (Collapse, Reunion, Reunion destabilizing the system enough to cause Collapse…) (I know that’s vague, but I don’t want to elaborate more than that. TLDR: it’s a delicate ecosystem at times. But there’s no sense in worrying. Suffering ahead is suffering twice, or whatever.)
Truth is, 2023 was the year life really found new ways to fuck me up. And I still posted plenty nonetheless… so I wouldn’t worry too much. I’m nothing if not hardy. Like a scrappy little tundra plant 👍 (But if you’re the type see fanwork as merely content… then I guess you’ll be waiting longer than you like. Sorry. Can’t be helped.)
17. Do you typically answer all comments/reviews individually? Do you plan to change the way you interact with your readers this year?
Yes, I do answer everything—I love it. I plan to keep it that way until the end of time. If you left me an ask or a comment on AO3, I absolutely plan on answering it! (In fact, I have one I’m formulating a response to right now)
18. Do you typically post multi-chapters as you write, or finish it all and then start posting? Would you like to change your posting method? 
Oh, I have a weird workflow. It goes something like this: 
Draft a rough major outline for the fic as a whole. Barebones, plot skeleton. For SWRD, this is done. ✓
Go in and add in the fine details and emotional moments. The substance, if you will. With the way I write canon divergence, this is where it gets sticky: lots of rearranging, and setup for future divergences/characterizations here. Since I go past what canon gives us, it means I want to watch my footing and step carefully, so to speak.
Fill in the scenes with real words. The easy part! Mostly. 
For steps 2 and 3, I work in “sets” of chapters. So I have about 3 or 4 in the works right now. They might be on the longer side. 
Mostly, it’s about getting the emotional arcs balanced with the onset of Rogier’s true decline right now. And sowing seeds for their future dealings with Ranni post-Nokron 👍
Would I like to change it? Nah. It gives me time to think, so I can (hopefully) end up with something coherent. More free time would be nice tho… XD
Thanks for the ask anon, Happy New Year! 🎉
Send me a number!
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awideplace · 2 years
Is it wise to invest money is stocks? Does the Bible talk about investing our money?
I do think we are warned against get rich quick schemes (i.e. gambling). However, investing can be okay when making wise investments. It's up and down, the market is a roller coaster and can be an emotional situation. It's all about timing with investing and no one can foresee what will or won't happen to an investment, so I would make decisions carefully and prayerfully, but also not count on stocks for wealth. I have a client who is a multi-millionaire from investing in some social media giants that we have today; I know behind the scenes information about this person that life is not a bed of roses. Having more money does not make for a better person or a more peaceful life. We are told to guard against the love of money.
As for Biblical example of investing money:
Proverbs 28:20 says, “A faithful man will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished.” This speaks against the “get-rich-quick” mentality. Looking at investment as a long-term plan for the future is good planning, but trying to make a fortune overnight is not.
Second Corinthians 9:6 says, “Remember this: whoever sows sparingly will reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will reap generously.” The context is actually speaking about investing in our relationship with God, but it demonstrates how one must often sacrifice now to gain in the future. Similarly, Proverbs 3:9-10 says, “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.”
Much of the Bible’s teaching about wealth is a warning against putting trust in wealth rather than in the Lord (e.g., 1 Timothy 6:17-18) or to the detriment of those who depend on us (e.g., Ecclesiastes 5:13-14). As long as we honor our commitments to God and our families with our money, and maintain a spirit of generosity and thankfulness, investing is an option Christians can consider.
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writerscornercafe · 2 years
WCC's Round Robin #4
Thank you @beelou (blue) @lhhomefics (orange) @thinlinez (pink) @tommokat (green) for joining me @justalarryblog (purple) for the last Round Robin in January! It was really fun!
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“This can’t get any worse. Can it?”
“Sure it can – just give me a minute.”
“Well, that gives me a lot of fat hope, Louis.”
“You’re the one who wanted to do this in the first place, Liam!”
“Oh my god, can you two stop bickering? It’s ruining my vibe.”
“Zaynie, you are the vibe.”
“Aw, thanks, Niall. Have I ever told you that you’re my favorite?”
Harry laughed. “This is like a tennis match. Are you two done up there yet?”
“Just need to set up one more bucket, baby.” Louis shouted down the ladder, propping the last bucket filled with ice water on the ledge.
“I’m so glad I’m in on this prank and not the one on the receiving end.” Liam sighed as Louis motioned for him to climb down the ladder first.
“I thought you like being on the receiving end, Payno.” Louis jumped down the last step of the ladder just in time to avoid Liam’s punch.
“Ha ha, you’re so funny, Tommo. See, I can’t even stop laughing,” Liam said, rolling his eyes. “Why are we doing this again?” 
“Because it’s fun!” Louis emphasized.
“You mean, fun for you,”
“Payno, stop being a pain. I promise, Zayn will be mad, but he’s going to laugh after,”
“You just sounded like Ron Weasly right now, you know that right? ‘You’re going to suffer, but you’ll be happy about it’ ” Liam mocked. 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on, move your ass, we need to hide, Zayn will be back at any minute now.” 
Liam hid the ladder behind the house and he and Louis ran to hide behind the bushes.
“Are you two finally done bickering?’ Zayn said as he walked back surprised at the sudden silence.
“Hello?” Zayn questioned after a minute of no reply. As he looked around to try to spot Liam and Louis, Louis nudged Liam from their hiding place to set the prank in motion.
Just as Zayn looked up towards where he last knew Liam and Louis were, he got drenched with ice cold water and other liquids. He wasn't sure how long he only stood there in complete shock as he dripped onto the grass and his clothes stuck to his body.
“This is my favorite shirt, you dickheads. And Liam you’ll be on the couch for the foreseeable future,” He screeched once he managed to unfreeze himself. He started stalking towards the back of the house hoping to find the two people responsible for the state he was in. He couldn’t believe that that was what they were doing.
“Louis!” Zayn yelled, knowing that this was his idea. 
“Woah, look at you Zaynie. You’re a mess,” Niall came out of nowhere to interfere.
“Out of my way, Irish,” Zayn said coolly, seeing red. “This is my favorite shirt. Like I said. And everyone will pay for ruining it.”
“It’s okay, Zaynie,” Harry soothed, appearing in front of him. “We’ll go shopping tomorrow and find you a new favorite shirt. Towel?”
Zayn groaned but accepted the towel anyway. “Where is your menace of a boyfriend? I know this was his idea.”
Harry titled his head. “He’s your menace of a best friend, you know.”
“Not right now, he’s not. You have complete ownership for the time being.” At least the towel was warm. A little too warm. “Is this fresh from the dryer?”
Harry looked panicked and turned to Niall. Niall just laughed.
“Of course not! What, do you think we planned to have a warm towel at the ready because we were in on the prank or something? That’s just silly.”
Zayn dried himself off with a scowl on his face. He felt too tired to call these idiots out on their shit. He also knew Harry and Niall were probably forced into the prank. He could see one of the larger bushes in the garden rustling and not before long, Louis popped out of it, giving him a sly grin.
“Did you enjoy that refreshing shower, Z? You keep saying that’s your fav shirt, but come on, you know you can buy a million of those.”
“I can’t believe you decide to pull a fucking prank on me when we are finally meeting after all these years… It’s like… The worst reunion ever.” Zayn couldn’t help but voice out as he threw his wet towel in Louis’ face.
"Come on, Z, don't tell me that wasn't a good way of a start. Don't deny that you missed it," Louis joked.
They heard a snort coming from behind. When they looked at their back Niall was bending over cackling followed by Harry. 
Liam and Louis joined them and it didn’t take too long for Zayn to give up and laugh along with their friends. 
It had been so long, how could he be mad at them? 
“Alright, you won. But I’ll have my come back when you least expect. That’s all I’m saying.” Zayn said, pointing his finger towards Louis. 
“You can definitely try,” Louis shrugged as he inched closer to Zayn, the other boys following him in forming a huddle around him.
Zayn was suddenly pulled into a group hug and whatever comeback he tried to give Louis was muffled as his boys all surrounded him. It reminded him of all the group hugs they’d had in the past from joyful ones in celebration to group cuddles in sad times. One thing that he always loved was when they would all fall to the ground after them though so he grabbed Louis’ hand and pulled as he dropped to the floor. His shirt was already ruined so it didn’t matter how much muddier it would get.
They all melted into a fit of giggles again.  There were tears forming in Zayn’s eyes from laughing so hard and his stomach started to hurt. Every time someone tried to calm down, someone else would huff a laugh and it started all over again. 
Eventually, they did all calm down when Niall’s stomach growled in need of food. Soon after, Harry, Liam, Louis, and Zayn all felt the hunger so they got up. Of course Niall and Harry were in on the prank so in addition to the warm towel, they had a change of clothes ready for Zayn, too.
He still took a shower, though, because his hair felt sticky. But as soon as Zayn was out of the shower, the five-piece started walking toward their favorite pizza place to properly catch up.
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7cxrhye · 2 years
I came from your fanfic whatever remains however improbable, I loved everything about it especially how from each different perspective it had me suspecting a different person. You’re an incredible writer and the story was outstanding so I wanted to know will it will be continued? Apologies if you have already answered this :)
Hi!! Well first of all this made my day, so thank you for the ask :) I’m so glad you enjoyed it. I haven’t talked about the sequel plans yet, at least publicly, so you’re giving me an excellent excuse to do so.
The TLDR here is that the sequel is outlined and the prologue is drafted, but it’s on hold for the foreseeable future (which, for me, is at least the end of this semester). I outlined it last summer, with the intention of writing it as fully as possible before school started. However, I was led astray by other things, and didn’t get nearly as much done as I wanted. So, until I have the resources to devote to a project that large, it will remain shelved.
Here’s the more detailed version. I’m a full time college student at a very rigorous university. I am working 50-80 hours a week on STEM-heavy academics. Because of that, I don’t have the mental or emotional bandwidth to write. It saddens me, quite frankly; I wrote WRHI during the pandemic, when my time was abundant, and it was one of the most enjoyable things I’ve ever done. I loved it. But, now, I can’t put the energy into it that it requires. So my google docs sit gathering digital dust for a while longer.
But, as I said, it has been outlined. It doesn’t have a title, but I’ve cooked up a metric butt ton of scheming and adventure for my two detective Crimeboys. It makes me cackle. God they will be going through so much. It’s delicious.
And, as I also said, the prologue is drafted. Well, mostly drafted. So if anyone’s actually made it this far down this post, here’s a snippet, just for you. 
He pulled a thin metal card out of his pocket and slipped it into one slot, sliding their stolen guard keycard into the other. "How do I look, Sapnap?" he asked as the machine processed.
"Like Cinderella," Sapnap responded, not looking at him. He dumped the body unceremoniously against the wall. "Open the fucking door."
George pouted at him and pushed a hand through his hair. "You're just jealous."
Sapnap rolled his eyes, ejecting his guns empty clip and loading a new one. "You know as well as I do that he'll fuck you no matter what you look like."
So…there you go. That’s pretty much the size of it. In the works, but not really. Seriously, though; I’m not giving up this universe. I’m not leaving it all behind. I want to write again. It might not be for a few weeks, or a few months, but you’ll hear from me again.
That’s all from me, I guess. Thanks for your ask, Anon. You probably got more than you bargained for.
Best wishes,
Rhyley Westwood
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wutbju · 6 months
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Welcome to the Disaffected, +++Positives+++.
I mean, friends, it was inevitable. I know you all thought that if you were just +++POSITIVE+++ enough, BJU would read and heed.
But BJU never listens. All of us out here know that. You all were just the latest.
FTR, however, here's their final statement:
Dear Positive BJU Grads & Friends, This is our last post. (At least for now.) We did what we could to shed light on the secret power politics of the BJU Board of Trustees aligned to remove Dr. Steve Pettit. We did what we could to expose the removing of board members who supported Pettit and his administration's appropriate change agenda from 2014 to 2023. We did what seemed right to expose the decisions and actions of the board in their effort to reverse course on several board-approved policy changes in alignment with the express wishes of the FBFI board and Dr. Bob Jones Ill, and to go back. We did make a positive difference with your help but now we believe that continuing will 1) NOT change the Board which is more unapologetically and unanimously separatist than it was two years ago, 2) not help BJU flourish under whatever new President the newly consolidated Board elects in the coming weeks or months, and 3) provide the Board, who exclusively owns accountability for any negative fallout from this strategic shift, an opportunity to blame the "apostate" alumni group on Facebook for whatever may come next. We want the new President, and the faculty, and staff, and students who choose to remain or join to succeed and thrive. We want the University to see better days, not worse. God will decide what falls out in the lap with the lots now cast. It is His University not any individual's, family's, or group's. We believe the newly consolidated board may have miscalculated the strength and potential of their so-called base strategically, but only time will tell. We believe Dr. Bob Ill and his long-standing loyalists may not care if the University declines or closes, but we cannot know their true aims and goals. We are proud to be the independent Alumni of BJU. We are proud of and thankful for you, the positive BJU grads & friends who dared to speak truth to power which had never been attempted en masse before. Together we have defended the simplicity and critical importance of the Bob Jones University Creed. Though we tried, we did not always get it right. And though we spent many hours in prayer, we may have occasionally fallen into the same divisive, unloving, high-minded, and mean-spirited pride we sought to speak out against. For that we ask for your forgiveness. We love you and we are praying for you. NEXT STEPS We are not shutting down the page. But we do not plan to post in the foreseeable future either. In 24 hours from the time of this post, you will no longer be able to comment on this private group page. Thank you again for your amazing engagement over the last year and a half! You really are the best alumni and friends in the world! Thank you to Eric Hutton who wrote the original open letter in October 2022. We would especially like to thank Brian Fuller and Kevin Inafuku for their original vision to start a love-and-unity oriented independent alumni Facebook page and for inviting others of us to join in. Thank you to Clinton Holden, George Clements, Lori Lane, and John Lane for their fearless and selfless leadership in the heat of the battle in late 2022 and early 2023. IM us individually if you want. We will do our best to get back with you, as always.
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pesterloglog · 7 months
Meenah Peixes, Karkat Vantas, Swifer Eggmop
Page 176-178
MEENAH: yo nubs is that u
MEENAH: pretty rank
MEENAH: didnt i warn u bout thinking tho?
MEENAH: oh wow fuck u right
MEENAH: let me save all my jokes for that specific time in the foreseeable future when we arent all fightin for our lives
MEENAH: would that work for you commander
MEENAH: yeah cause youd be dead
MEENAH: u cant lead every charge
MEENAH: gotta be realistic boss
SWIFER: boss check the news!
MEENAH: what
MEENAH: nubs i swear 2 god
MEENAH: well shit
MEENAH: u okay
MEENAH: u wanna talk about it
MEENAH: i know u and jellybulge had a thing
MEENAH: u outlawed fishpuns i gotta make my own fun
MEENAH: u need a reason to say fuck a buncha times
MEENAH: kinda blurry
MEENAH: what am i supposed to be lookin at
MEENAH: oh yea i guess it is
MEENAH: always knew that fish was gonna grow up shady
MEENAH: she a ghost or some shit
MEENAH: okay but who gives a shit how she got here nubs
MEENAH: maybe focus on the big picture
MEENAH: wait aint that her kid there holding up the clown ass
MEENAH: well we woulda taken credit for it anyway so this saves us the time
MEENAH: thanks jane owe u one
MEENAH: thats good tho right
MEENAH: thats what we want
MEENAH: yeah it sucks
MEENAH: so what are ur orders boss
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mamukeeto · 8 months
New blog post!
New blog post is up! This is a long one, but it goes into detail about what's been going on for me personally and for LMC over the past ~3 months + details plans for the next 4-6 months. Give it a read here or check it out in full under the break below!
Happy belated new year! + updates
It’s been about 3 months since my last blog post, so I figure it’s past time for an update! First off; happy new year! We made it to 2024! I think 2023 was pretty rough for a lot of people, myself included, so we should all feel proud that we made it another year. Existing is exhausting, and every new day is an adventure. I definitely struggled a lot in 2023, and want to go over some of that in this post. With that said, let’s get into the nitty gritty of things…
First up, as of tomorrow I’m attending classes again. It was supposed to be today, but class was cancelled due to inclement weather. My schedule will be completely full Mondays and Wednesdays (8:30am-6:30pm CST), so if you reach out on those two days please allow some extra time for a response. Tuesdays I’ll also be in class, but I only have two on that day as opposed to three on MW, so I’ll have a little bit more leeway that day (I expect I’ll be occupied 10:30am-4:30pm CST). My planned schedule is Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday as class days (with Tuesday evening open for commission work as necessary) and Thursday, Friday, and Saturday as work days, with ideally Sunday as an off/relaxation day but I’ll be using it to keep up on commissions and emails if I need to. I understand that college is a big commitment while I work on clearing out my queue, but I truly feel that it’s the best option to move forward and continue to grow as well as plan out a career and the next 5-10 years of my adult life. Emails/updates/messages will be responded to daily on Thursdays through Saturdays and I’ll do my absolute best to have quick turnaround times on Sundays through Wednesdays, but can’t guarantee it. Regardless, I’m instating a new personal policy of replying to all emails within 24 hours. Communication is still something I’m struggling with and working on, but I am very much dedicated to improving and holding myself to a high standard of customer service. I’ll also be updating my email signature with a few more tidbits of info to reflect as such :) Additionally, anyone awaiting a response to their email or a progress update will be receiving one this week.
Next up, some personal updates! I had a bit of a bumpy ride closing out 2023 due to aging out of my parents’ insurance and having to get my Very Own Insurance Plan. I was rationing my meds until the 1st because I couldn’t afford to pay $200+ out of pocket for them, which resulted in a brief period of poor communication and general sluggishness/feeling like a zombie (those of you with ADHD probably know exactly what I mean). As of January 5th, I’m back on all my meds for good and don’t foresee any issues occurring with getting them, as they’re free with my insurance plan and I live in an area that doesn’t seem to be affected by shortages, thank god. I was also able to pass my first semester of college with a 4.0, which I am INCREDIBLY proud of, and one of my long-term goals this year is to get healthier and more physically active as well as be more open and transparent with myself and my work/the costume making process. This year I’m also aiming to claw my way out of the messy financial pit I ended up in, thanks in part to the Financial Audit podcast by Caleb Hammer. I highly encourage watching it if you’re financially illiterate, temporarily in a bad spot, or you’re just looking for something to listen to. I didn’t receive much of a financial education in my impressionable years and thus ended up in a rather poor spot, and I very much want to fix that and start building toward my future. This podcast and accompanying resources is helping me a TON in that regard. This brings me to my next topic, which is commission and business updates.
The first thing I want to address is ongoing refunds for those whose commissions were cancelled or delayed; ALL refunds will be returned no later than February 8th. I’ve been refunding people as quickly as I can over the past few months with income from my shop and finished commissions, and I’m pleased to announce that the last refunds should be sent out by that date and I do not anticipate any delays. Picking up the pieces of my struggles over the summer has been an incredibly difficult process for me personally, as it’s been incredibly embarrassing to let people down and to feel like a failure as a business owner, but please know that I am dedicated to making things right with each and every person affected, no matter what “making things right” may look like. I started my business in 2019 with no prior experience managing a business, and that was my first mistake I think, and I feel so incredibly sorry to anyone whose cosplay plans/convention plans/finances I’ve negatively affected due to my lack of experience and lack of business etiquette. I was very much “taking things as they come” and struggled very hard with time management and reasonable expectations from myself, which I am still working on, and looking back on it now I think I was destined for failure and lucky to have made it as far as I did before it became a problem. I’ve been doing a LOT of self-reflection as well as attending bimonthly therapy sessions while working through this process and while I think I’ll be able to manage taking on one or two commissions at a time (read as: per semester) after my queue is emptied, I don’t feel comfortable opening commissions on a larger scale for the foreseeable future. My current plan is to finish my 2-year fashion degree and then go to my current college for a 2-year business degree, then transfer to a university to major in fashion and minor in business. I love being able to create things for people, but it’s been made quite clear that I need a real education in business before I can do things at the scale I was trying to do them. None of the mistakes I’ve made or things I’ve done have been out of malice, but I understand that I’ve had a negative effect on people regardless and I want to be able to rectify those effects and make sure nothing like them ever happens again. And to be clear, for anyone who isn’t aware: I’ve missed deadlines for multiple clients due to poor communication and poor time management, as well as struggled to refund cancelled or overdue commissions due to a fragile financial situation (part of which is compounded by not being able to properly manage my time and get commissions finished quicker). If you’ve heard or seen someone recommending to not work with me, this is what they are referring to, and I’m incredibly ashamed of it. The issue has still been ongoing, albeit on a lesser scale, while I work on cleaning up the mess and that’s the primary reason I’ve had commissions closed since August. I don’t expect the people I’ve affected to forgive me, but I do ask that anyone watching or reading to please allow me the chance to prove that I’m working on changing and becoming the business owner I should have been from the very beginning. If anyone would like to reach out to discuss these issues, be you a past client, current client, or someone who wasn’t personally involved, I am happy to discuss anything and everything in more detail through email (which can be found via my Contact page).
On a lighter note, let’s briefly talk shop updates. I’m taking a backseat on artist alleys this year to focus on commissions, with the exception of applying for Naka-Kon as it’s within 15 minutes of my house and thus a very small financial and time commitment. I’m also letting new products take a backseat for the same reason; new items will be fairly sparse until my queue is emptied as I want to focus my money and time on commissions until everything is concluded. I should have been doing this last year as well, but the time management was again an issue here; I thought I could handle having my hands in multiple pots and justified it by “diversifying my income” in order to bring in more money to issue refunds faster. I will still be running my shop, as it brings in enough money to be worth the small amount of time I do spend filling orders, but don’t expect any new items for at least the next 4-6 months.
To conclude this post, I want to again apologize. I feel very guilty and ashamed for letting things get as bad as they did, and I’m deeply sorry to anyone impacted. I hope that by the time I make my next blog post, I’ll have more positive updates to share regarding this process and can start showing the results of my first big steps toward marked improvement. Thank you to anyone who has read this far and to anyone who has ever commissioned or supported me. I want to make you all proud going forward.
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thelovedream · 1 year
So this has definitely been a long time coming, but as promised: 
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Firstly, I want to talk about supplements & diet. Healthy skin starts with healthy insides, you literally do glow from within. So this should never be neglected, especially when you have reoccuring skin issues.
For some background on my skin history: I’ve struggled with acne ever since I was a teenager, finally got it under control in my early 20s when I found the right products. Unfortunately, my skin developed a sensitivity to the products I was using. I was forced to stop them, leaving me almost back to square one. After a while, I figured my acne had to be hormonal or the result of some deficiency. 
I started taking Vitamin D3 regularly and it helped a lot with the frequency of breakouts and severity of my periods.  In February, my hair dresser recommended that I take collagen for my skin and dry scalp. I also decided to take fish oil pills and probiotics. I saw a huge improvement in my skin within a month or so. (Also pretty helpful for hair growth too!)
I’ve since switched out my fish oil pills for cod liver oil pills because they have Vitamin A.
I also have been slowly but surely improving my diet eating more home cooked meals, more fruits, drinking more tea and water on top of becoming more active.
DISCLAIMER: I’m not a doctor, so please do consult your primary care physician before using any supplements. Supplementing the wrong thing can lead to more problems.
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These products were recommended to me by my hairdresser. At first I was a bit skeptical because this brand is known for skin bleaching/lightening (which was not my goal). However, this particular soap and cream really did wonders for my skin by getting rid of dark marks and controlling breakouts. It did not lighten my skin at all. 
I used this quite a lot during May to the middle of June. I’ve since stopped using the soap, as I felt it dried out my face a little too much for my liking. I still use the creme nightly. 
Use: Every day
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I picked up the travel sizes on a whim when I was headed back home from New York in June. I thank God, because it was one of the best skin decisions I’ve ever made. 
My skin was a little drier than usual because of the soap and the air in New York being drier than where I live, so I wanted something simple and not too stripping. I also wanted a moisturizer that would be light, but still hydrating.
This was the the perfect pick me up duo to replenish my skin. I also noticed even less breakouts, smaller looking pores and my dark marks fading much faster. This is likely due to the squalene in both the cleanser and the moisturizer.
I’ve purchased the full sized versions of both & plan on sticking with these for the foreseeable future.
Use: Every day
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An oldie but goodie. I’ve been using this on and off for about a year, but it’s really become a staple in my routine since late May.
I would like to note that I’ve been using lactic acid (& other strong chemical exfoliants) for years now, so my skin is well able to handle this. If you’re just starting out I would recommend using the 5% version once a week, and building from there.
Use: 3 times a week
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Is this a safe space? 🫣
I’ve been using this again at my hairdresser’s recommendation and...it’s actually not terrible?
My controversial opinion is that while chemical exfoliants are great: you do need a little physical exfoliant at least once a week. This does the job just fine for me. I don’t use too much or scrub too hard. To be honest, I see even better results with my skin using this and the lactic acid, versus the lactic acid alone.
Naturally, there are better options than the above for this purpose, but it’s been giving me no problems so I’ll keep using it.
Use: Once a week
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Another recent impulse travel purchase I made while on my way back from London. (As you can tell, I have a lot of self control in duty free stores).
It’s definitely not as harsh as the St. Ives scrub and in fact is very gentle. But besides the sugar crystals, a few more ingredients in this cleanser caught my eye and have been doing my skin good:
• Strawberry extract - improves hydration, elasticity, brightens skin, rich in vitamin C and polyphenols.
• Black currant extract - rich in fatty acids and antioxidants that nourish and repair dry skin and has anti-inflammatory properties.
• Sapindus Mukorossi Peel (Indian Soapberry/ Washout) extract - tones skin, combats symptoms of skin fatigue while softening imperfections and moisturizing the skin.
After I wash my face with the Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cleanser, I massage this into my face/neck and let it sit for about 15-20 minutes while I shower and then rinse off. I’m not sure if letting this cleanser is doing anything extra, but my skin feels extra supple after and noticeably smoother in the morning.
Use: (Still determining) 2-3x a week, or whenever my skin is a little too dry
Daily Skincare Routine
[nothing, I only wash my face once a day at night. I’m still on the hunt for a good sunscreen]
1. Cleanse with Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cleanser.
2. Massage Fresh Sugar Strawberry Exfoliating Face Wash into my skin and let sit for 15-20 minutes then rinse.*
3a. Exfoliate with St. Ives Fresh Skin Apricot Face Scrub.*
3b. Apply The Ordinary Lactic Acid 10% + Hyaluronic Acid 2% to skin, avoiding eyes and mouth area.*
4. Apply Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Moisturizer.
5. Apply Idole Creme, avoiding eyes and mouth.
* = not applied daily, see above for use frequency.
3a and 3b are never done on the same day.
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I recently upgraded my foundation and concealers, and I’ve been loving TOO FACED. I’m using their Born This Way Multi-Use Sculpting concealer as my foundation. I find that I prefer the lighter and fuller coverage concealers and foundation sticks offer me over foundation. The color match has also been perfect for me.
Their Ethereal Light concealers layer perfectly with my base and I have absolutely no complaints. 
I’ve been using these almost every day for two months and loving it.
That’s all from me! I hope it was helpful and let me know if you try anything I recommended.
- thelovedream💕
P.S. I rarely do skin favorites because I like to try my products for a few months to be sure they work and that I love them. Then when I’m sure I love them, I don’t switch things up lol.
Useful Links:
Previous skincare favorites
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sunset-campaign · 2 years
Primate Makal and his God
What do you do with half a god’s head?
Primate Makal stared into the vacant eyes of Lord Primus Solerian, First Man, He Who Slew the Sun. The Lord God’s full golden locks were now tawny and straw-like, his golden skin jaundiced and liver-spotted.
Gods shouldn’t grow old.
He banished the thought. Surely this was just a consequence of the divine spark leaving a human body. No other mortal in recorded history had achieved divinity—the Sants were the closest thing, and their bodies had shown similar signs of advanced age upon death. He had examined them all. All there was to be examined.
He supposed that made him the expert on the matter, now, and the evidence before his eyes told him the Lord God had grown old.
Makal had been Primus’ most gifted healer. He didn’t know if he could still summon the Iota of the Divine. Some still could—the Archprimate among them—though they used their power sparingly lest the well run dry. Most of the priesthood could not.
Makal had been too afraid to try.
Still, his gift had been hard-won. In addition to a lifetime of faith, Makal had studied the mundanities at the Tenth College. He was no doctor-surgeon, but his education had allowed him to use the Iota more effectively than other healers. So much so, in fact, that he had begun the process of ensuring all future healers would study at the Ninth.
Will they become doctor-surgeons now?
Perhaps Primus, foreseeing his own end, had established the Tenth and encouraged Makal’s pursuits for just this day.
The thought gave him comfort. Even in death, Primus provided for his people—for all peoples.
A light shone through the window of his study, startling him.
The sky above Pola Solera had been dark since Constata’s blade pierced the Lord God’s skull. Archprimate Petinus had assigned a group of priests to attempt to relight them. They must have been successful. That was good. Makal had lost all sense of time without Primus to light the sunshrines.
Moments later, Petinus himself strode into Makal’s study. His Holiness was flanked by a pair of stone-faced templars.
“Have you heard?”
Makal thought a moment before responding. “I saw the light through the window, Holiness. Thanks to your efforts, we—“
“Yes, yes. Not that. Dalca. Niklas Dalca. That grasping fool is already rallying the rest of the nobility—no doubt planning to crown himself emperor.”
“I suppose if anyone—“
“It should be the Head of the Faith. As it has always been. With the Lord God—“ The Archprimate’s eyes flicked to the head on Makal’s desk and the man hesitated a moment before continuing, weakly, “It should be me.”
“As you say, Holiness. Is there something you need of me?”
“Yes. Your charges.”
“I thought it best they stay at the Tenth. We may need—“
“Not them. Those in need of… spiritual healing. Those consigned to the Vault.”
Makal blanched. “Holiness, I cannot. Even if their physical condition could be healed, they’ve spent centuries in that state. They were poor heretics before. Now—now, they’re quite insane.”
“What does that matter? We can control them.”
“Holiness, they are sick. We can’t—“
Petinus’ eyes narrowed. “Can you still summon the Iota, Makal?”
“I—I don’t know.”
“Then you’re of no use. You are hereby relieved of your stole and your place in this holy temple.” The Archprimate turned to his templars. “Sirs, please escort this citizen off the grounds.”
Makal offered little protest as the white-armored guards manhandled him.
“And be sure he hasn’t taken anything!”
Makal reflexively prayed for grace. He smiled sadly as a mote of golden light, invisible to all but him, swam into existence before his eyes, then disappeared.
He was no great friend of Niklas Dalca, but he had to warn the man.
The would-be emperor was going to be hunted and killed by Decapitants.
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