#So thats fine ☝️
skydreamplayzz · 3 months
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(Geist = Ghost)
Yes, again somthing including super Mario. ^^"
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blue-jisungs · 10 months
Sure thats fine take as long as you need 🫶 but heres my request anyways 💕:
“Enhypen to their s/o having an innocent puppy like personality“
s/o with a puppy-like personality ♡
a/n. i think i accidentally deleted the previous one bc there were two LMAO but! sorry for the long wait, i hope u enjoy it ^^ i know i got a lil lazy with it but i didn’t really have an idea how to execute it :(
also hehe my friend just got a puppy so i got a first hand writing research material ☝️
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heeseung, sunoo, jay
grumpy / sunshine duo. or the black cat-golden retriever dynamics. in public he’s watching you, people get chills from his stares while you’re rambling about how cute the little duck from marzipan on top of a cupcake looks. your personal guard too. you can literally drag him around and he won’t complain. in private tho, he’s all cuddly <3 like those videos of puppies and cats getting along, it’s like that. he could never get tired of you. sometimes he has his outbursts of energy and it’s chaotic!!
jake, jungwon, riki
chaos. you two are like two hyper active puppies. hyping each other up and jumping up n down, ignoring people’s stares. it’s never boring (or quiet) when you two are around. sometimes one look is all it takes to get you two giggly for no reason. your dates r never boring!! when you get tired, you crash on the couch and snore, the rest of bandmates enjoying the unusual silence. oh, not to mention how mischievous you two can get ^_^
he’s both LMAO when he’s in his introverted mood, he’ll me the black cat™️. esp when zoning out. people think he’s staring at them but in reality he’s either zoning out or admiring you doing something. at home / during his loud introvert / or when he has his peak energy moment, it’s hard to tell who’s the real puppy. there’s giggles without end, laughs and chuckles all the time (his fangs poking out in wide smiles). running around and doing mischievous stuff like two silly pups >_<
[ masterlist <3 ]
taglist. @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @elviransworld ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @duolingofanaccount ,, @slytherinshua ,, @stxrseungs ,, @ka-ni-ma ,, @iliveforlixie ,, @ameliesaysshoo ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @mark-geolli ,, @l3visbby ,, @w3bqrl ,, @ddeonudepressions ,, @yourfavoritefreakyhan ,, @mirxzii ,, @kazmura ,, @primoppang,, @nfrgirl ,, @crxzs
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kettlepop · 1 month
chapter 1- keny/n nation
written part below :3
masterlist » next
“…And thats a wrap for today’s lesson. Now, go to your partners and discuss what you two will do for your project.” Miss Sato concluded. Everyone in the class went to their partners, except for Kenma and Yn. He was playing on his nintendo switch, so Yn herself had to make her way to his table.
“oh yn, what are you doing in my table ?” kenma asked. he really was clueless on what the teacher recently said. but it’s fine, she thought. maybe if they just got it over with they would never have to interact. when kenma realized the two of them were partners for the project his face flushed, but it was subtle enough for yn not to notice.
smau part below :3
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extra facts 🤓☝️
- kuroo is the first member of the keny/n nation, and the others joined recently with lev being the most recent one !!
- even though she’s heard about kodzuken yn never knew that the streamer was actually kenma, hence why she was confused when yukie mentioned the fact.
- yachi and kenma were groupmates along with kaori and yaku. it was very awkward, to say the least about it.
- kenma wanted to talk to yn for a long while but never found any opportunity to do so. everytime he tries to approach her someone always whisks her away. (its almost always yukie or hitoka)
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suffarustuffaru · 6 months
why the emilia camp thinks otto is their most threatening member 👍
i see some people being confused on why the emilia camp collectively seems to agree that otto is the biggest threat there for some reason and like. yeah. i get it.
but let me explain real quick why i think it makes sense for the emilia camp to think that :O !!
otto though is disarming because. well okay look at him he doesnt look threatening at all. he has the looks and personality of a wet cat. hes whiny. hes cringe fail. he gets stressed out with paperwork. he looks like you could just smack him around like a bug. he HAS been smacked around like a bug. but that makes him unpredictable because apart from roswaal, he is the Most Amoral one there. you can expect roswaal to be trying some shit, but youd never know when to expect otto is planning something. his moral compass is just “does this benefit me or my loved ones in some way? if not, then its gonna be gone 🥺”.
sure, he does nice things sometimes out of the goodness of his heart. he genuinely means well a lot of the time.
but also then you read the shit hes thinking in his internal dialogue and its like.
“should i go save some girl i dont even know from bandits??? hmm lemme think for a couple minutes. im the only one that can help rn… some guy claiming to be her dad is begging me to help his daughter, but also hes kind of annoying… but i dont even live in this city so why should i help… or Care. actually. but i feel kinda bad about this girl… but also this is gonna put me and my profits in danger… but if i reject helping then im forever gonna be known as the guy who abandoned them and then i wont be able to make any sales in this city anymore :<<<< ……anyway im gonna help them then lol im so smart.” and then he gets captured by the exact same bandits anyway so hes like “well okay now me and this girl might be sold into slavery so i might as well save both of us or ill feel bad ☝️☝️”
(yes. yes this is genuinely ottos thought process if you read through the Otto's Bittersweet Peddling Log side story.)
except all the back and forth Calculation he does in his head Stays In His Head and doesnt match up with his outward appearance most of the time. which means that sometimes his words dont match up with his actions. “dont be surprised if i leave at the first sign of danger,” he says, right after risking his life and writing a suicide note over a dude hes known for like four days. “ahah thanks for giving me a vacation to see my family…” he says, damn well knowing he cant go back home yet otherwise he’ll get sniped by assassins. “im gonna give you some of my own money bounty money to help you BUT BUT BUT DONT THINK THAT IM NICE OR ANYTHING I NEED MOST OF THE MONEY FOR REPAIRS OK YOU CAN ONLY HAVE A BIT :<<<“
this also means that whenever otto says or does something Particularly Questionable, all his friends are still kinda blindsided by it because otherwise otto seems Mostly Fine in comparison to whatever the hell everyone else has going on. hes just a wet pathetic cat of a guy ahah. theres nothing more going on with h—
“if everyone in vollachia dies but rem and natsuki-san live, then we’ve won. if everyone in vollachia lives but rem and natsuki-san die, then we’ve lost.”
um otto can you repeat that. what the fuck did you just say.
otto looks Mostly Normal, Just Stressed Out or Somewhat Chilling the vast majority of the time, and then he whacks you over the head with a steel chair. like can you imagine being garfiel and learning that this pathetic rag of a man is actually pretty brave when it counts. youre like “oh cool lol we kinda beat each others asses and i was Annoyed but now that thats all over i got some newfound respect for you!!” and then you read through his diary and hes got a suicide note in there, which is like. okay fine whatever hes kind of a clown just like my New Captain lol but hes dedicated to his friends, ill give him that. and then a year later you find your now brother figure (whos also lowkey highkey an alcoholic) with a broken hand after punching a wall because he couldnt do his Lets Abandon 50 Million People Plan and youre just sitting there going
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and okay dont get me wrong—subaru is Batshit Crazy. in Multiple Incomprehensible Ways. if the emilia camp (or Anyone. At All.) knew about all the shit hes done and been through with rbd, subaru would INSTANTLY be skyrocketing up the Most Threatening People list. but at the same time subarus less threatening than otto in the sense that subarus Always going to want to do good. hes Always going to want to save everyone. hes Extremely forgiving, on top of that. he goes along picking up friends everywhere he goes in his own Incomprehensible Unhinged Way and hes fond of All of them.
otto? yeah his opinion of you could shift on a dime and you could end up in his personal shit list unless youre one of the *checks list* *clears throat* maybe like ten people he cares about. and even if youre on the I Care About You! :) list, he could still get pissed enough at you to, i dont know, punch a wall over you? and spiral into obsession? and even if hes not upset at you hes still gonna mansplain manipulate malewife his way to his goals <33
and yeah of course subaru is also Mansplain Manipulate and Gaslight Gatekeep but at least he has way more good intentions AND his attitude about it is gonna be like "sorry :<<< i just gotta do this for your sake :<<<<<< :((( haha dont worry about it". subaru would never ever want to do anything big to hurt his loved ones (except for rbd). while otto doesnt even bat an eye. everyone can be manipulated if he has to. he goes down his list of Things I Need To Do and goes "yeah that had to be done. oh well. anyway i got more shit to do (like maybe kill a toddler lol)"
also lets talk about roswaal's perspective really quick. post-arc 4 hes like "well subaru-kun is always gonna want to save everyone and hes doing a pretty good job of things in general so whatever lol. i can still keep him in check by killing everyone if even one of his friends dies :)". so its like. YEAH subarus an Unhinged Wildcard. roswaal knows that. but right now subaru is more predictable and also again, roswaal knows he can keep subaru in check by making subaru have to reset if roswaal really needs to.
but otto? yeah ottos second in line for being an Unhinged Wildcard. but whats even worse is that otto is Basically Subaru but More Calculating and with a moral backbone thats Near Nonexistent. roswaal was genuinely concerned for otto in arc 8 for once and there was still Literally No Stopping Otto from being a stubborn little shit whos hell bent on all the maladjusted insane mentalities hes got floating around in his head, half of which he doesnt even say out loud, and all of which he thinks is Completely Right and that theres Nothing Wrong with what hes doing.
and also otto being underestimated and Not In The Tome was a big help as to how subaru got the win over roswaal in arc 4 👍and then otto Continues to try keeping an eye on roswaal after arc 4, to the point of getting roswaal's tome and actively trying to investigate roswaal's actions, so roswaal is Very Aware that otto is. a bit of a threat. roswaal of course is smarter and more powerful than otto though, but that still doesnt change the fact that otto is still capable of being a threat if roswaal doesnt Also kind of keep an eye on otto back. because roswaal kind of lost to otto already in arc 4!!
but okay, on top of all of this, no one knows the full extent of whats going on with otto, not even roswaal (though he has his Suspicions), and most definitely not subaru yet (whos Still a bit of an otto apologist anyway), and otto is already a bit menacing even without knowing All of that. and the rest of the emilia camp are already a bit more lenient with roswaal (as hes seemingly chilled out after arc 4 + they all need him still). that, and you can easily Expect roswaal post-arc 4 to be suspicious and Probably up to something. you wont know what it is, but you wont Exactly be surprised when it happens.
and also roswaal isnt publicly batshit crazy like otto is. otto of course isnt as Openly Weird as subaru, but otto is still Openly Unhinged and Pathetic. just look at him declaring julius and anastasia, HIS CAMP'S ALLIES, as enemies right to their faces alsdfjlsdjfl.
and with subaru, there is Zero doubt in the emilia camp's minds that subaru wants the best for them and everyone around them.
otto though? yeah he also wants whats best for the camp. he Cares about them, he really does. but hes so obviously Questionable by the time you get to arc 8 to the point where the entire rest of the camp starts eyeing him like this:
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theres also the fact that ottos dp allows him to have eyes and ears Everywhere so long as he doesnt overuse it. that paired with his Intelligence, Stubbornness, and Lack of Morals or self-awareness/sometimes guilt/regret over his actions is dangerous. theres a reason why gluttony if subaru decided to flood The Entire Surrounding Area Around Otto. the flood took away the potential army otto couldve made out of the animals and allies otto had in the city, and once you do that, whats otto going to do against someone like shaula? all of ottos power regarding his People Skills and Animal DP was stripped away.
but if that Isnt stripped away... well honestly otto can do whatever the hell he wants the moment he figures out a solid plan to try and get what he wants. his biggest ability at the core of what makes him dangerous is his ability to quite Literally be in the background. so long as hes underestimated, so long as he still has secrets, no ones gonna know the full extent of his bullshit!! you cant stop him if you dont even realize what hes going to do, and hes Good at doing that!!
and if gluttonybaru hadnt taken out otto, subaru would be skyrocketing right to the top of ottos shit list after subaru literally just killed All of ottos (and previously subarus.) loved ones. otto wouldnt stop until he figured out how to destroy subaru. its to the point where im pretty sure if otto had to choose between destroying half the world vs kill gluttonybaru once and for all, otto would certainly choose one of those options in a Heartbeat.
anyway. if youre an emilia camp member, and you see the dude whos in charge of the Vast Majority of the factions political affairs, the guy who you Know is very intelligent and competent and determined when it counts, say shit like "if everyone dies in this entire country i wouldnt even give a single flying fuck as long as our friends get back safe and sound :) it would be such a loss if the entire country lived but our friends didnt :<<<" OF COURSE I WOULD BE LIKE YEAH THAT GUY IS THE MOST DANGEROUS ONE HERE. HE HAS THE SKILLS AND THE MOTIVATION TO BACK UP THAT STATEMENT AND I WONT EVEN KNOW WHEN ITD HAPPEN. he also has the Mental Instability to back that up too, given the amount of times he spends drinking and Raging and Being Terribly Anxious over Every Little Thing.
youll be sweating buckets being wary of otto while ottos casually standing there with his wet cat looks and a knife in your back.
and otto has, for the most part, some of the most normal trauma compared to a bunch of people in this cast (not to discount ottos trauma and pain or anything but its true lajdsfls sorry otto. but also im not sorry because arc 5 was partially on you T^T). he doesnt have rbd, he doesnt have some weird family drama bullshit going on like the astreas or emilias family or the segmunts, he hasnt been erased by gluttony, etc etc. but hes still like this. if you put him in subarus position and gave him rbd, he would get even worse than he already is.
yeah so anyway thats my quick rambley psa about why i think it makes sense that the emilia camp's voted otto as the most threatening one there 👍
but the fact that we (the audience) (or at least some of us!!) keep questioning why the hell the emilia camp thinks otto is the biggest threat there is means that otto's funny silly guy image is. Kind of Working??? just a little bit.
because. granted. of course i think subaru is easily the most threatening person there with both His Flavor of Insanity and rbd. subaru is an eldritch horror in every single way. but at the same time - hes an eldritch horror who thinks friendship is the best magic of all T^TT !!! he FORGIVES PEOPLE WHO'VE KILLED AND TORTURED HIM. hes not threatening in this sense - the fact that hes kind of just way too nice in this sense!!! granted yes, he IS abusing rbd and Terrifying and Threatening in a multitude of ways, but i'd rather take my chances with mainbaru over main otto right now HAH T^TT at least subaru will apologize and start bawling his eyes out if he stabs some random innocent civilian and stranger in the gut for Some Necessary Reason!! otto would feel a bit bad and then completely Eradicate that feeling of guilt with "i had to do it. it was them or me so no regrets <3".
because otto..................... yeah otto is the Worlds Most Pathetic Yandere to his whole camp.
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romsabombs · 7 days
GUYS the new malevolent is insane so i just thought i'd drop my notes in here✍️ ENJOY it's a lot
freaky ahh cavern
SHUT UP!!!!!!!!
the man is bathed in darkness👹 john thats racist
mf literally been crucified this is so arthurs religious trauma
that is not what bones sound like i think
shes so me awful posture
me at 4am in the kitchen looking for a snack
WAIT oh yuck :/
car accident thats so season 1
this is kind of like a hat in time maybe
omgg a witch :3
arthur survives the wildest shit but i think a mcdonalds sprite would kill him
cant we only do allat to corpses
omg spit it out john
omggg thats so janey :33
hes bein puppeted by the maggots thats crazy
omgg kaynes dagger <33
how can this mf be helpful
this is so tmp a bit
rotten flesh mentioned minecraft ref
the maggots be like i have your fucking eyes👹👹👹👹
OMG WHAT THE HELL zombie arc
claustrophobia again
imagine harlan recording this
omg that's so sexy 🔥🔥 decapitated his ass
LMAO john stop saying things
YES JOHN it WOULD have been helpful to know this guy didnt have any eyes
"this isnt new york anymore" thank god amiright
his head between our legs🤨
its so funny how he calls it a pinky. didnt someone on tumblr say john wouldnt know finger names
im surprised arthur still has a shirt
the flesh feels stiff😟
this guy is still alive😦 or. dead. i guess
arthur is like weirdly normal about this guy being a zombie. i know hes seen shit (no he hasnt) but come on
faroes song ☹️
oh what😐 the prince🙄
what did he sayy
oh gross come on guys😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 at this point just put it in your own mouth
"id like to think this is the most insane thing we've ever done" 💀
teehee they dont wanna seperate :3
"everyone we've ever loved" weak. also john doesnt care about anyone but you
"we cant afford to not use every resource anymore" HAHA this is so funny because didnt you throw away everything youve ever owned last episode
yippee welcome back vanguard :3
nothing😟 WAIT YIPPEE :3
omg names mentioned
wait. yorick? llorick? thats the thing arthur said
its not lorick that was the guy from the dreamlands
hey what the fuck did that mean😀
omg what. rumpelstiltskin
HAHA hes so loser
OMG wait they said stanzyck right
ofcourse anna is dead bruh we were never gonna meet her
arthur and john both being "kings"😟
this tooth is so silly🥰
everyones walking over arthur today💀
they're so miscommunication <3
hey😀 hey whats that sound
DONT SAY IT ugh the prince
"ahh yes :3"
this guy is so kayne. and a bit autistic
wait r we just carrying around this skull
bro arthur sounds so tired
ooo this would go hard as a cosplay
i cant believe he has a belt
ooo the black stone perchance?
ok i guess not
omg god forbid a girl has hobbies🙄
"im not saying its not risky. what im saying is, it might be worth the risk" that line goes hard
arthur agreeing to this is like a dad saying "okay fine we'll go to mcdonalds🙄"
no reward without risk✊💥
"we're in the lion's den already" "it is a hag's womb👹" HEHEHE
oooohh johnn 😶‍🌫️
OH 😦 ohhh 😀 u have his memories
clever girl
"thanks yorick😐" "you too my king🤗" "shut up🙄👹"
yorick is so me absolutely no sense of social cues
ofcourse we'd encounter a witch here it was so obvious
"try to keep straight" pff
did john say im serving
hey yeah maybe dont go towards the light😀
when is the jumpscare happening
i have no idea what he's saying
"too much to make out" MAKE OUT?🤭
LMAO he doesnt know
pregnant meat☹️⁉️
hey i thought asking the vanguard questions would have a price🤨😀
imagine if he just crushed that zombies skull like its a good thing we just decapitated him
hes literally describing my room
you're my eyes☹️
they're acting as if the lighter would give us much light
omgg shes a little interior decorator
tapestry lore!!💪
five minutes left whats gonna happen
wuh ohhh somethings gonna happen
ur literally in her home leave her alone
his ass is panicking
this is so part 18 the madness
we're trapped :( :(
"ingenious decision king🤓" "SHUT UP👹"
SPRINT!!!!!! 🏃🏃🏃🏃
OH???? 😦😦😦😦 WHAT
omggg he got marcy'd
i saw fanart of this but i lowkey couldnt tell if it was a spoiler or not💀
hot take but if he got bitten by that zombie he could prolly survive this
HUHHH bro this is like part 27 the roots. he was less dramatic about it this time tho
bro yorick finally shut up💀
sooo where did he get impaled. like if in the heart hes cooked😬
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itgirlgyu · 1 year
TXT MTL! would i smoke my first weed with them?
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◌⃘ ⪩☘️⪨ ۫ ִ✮ txt.ot5% ໒꒱ WORD COUNT⇆ 613!﹒☆WARNINGS: do not condone smoking, will never smoke﹒♡﹒🔋
ah yes I will actually smoke with him.
because I think he will hook me with some fine imported mary jane.
puff puff pass baby.
i would be like, yeonjun ☝️☺️ i heard for the first timer you have to pass the smoke from your mouth,,
also like of course he would consume nothing but the best of it.
his dealer probably wears some gucci set as he delivers it to him.
he won't even ask me to venmo the money back to him.
he would probably start acting like best friends though, trying to tell me his relationship problems.
like no sir
which is a con because i want to get into his pants.
sorry yeonjun im not your bro.
hard no.
he doesn't even know where his dealer is from.
but dude smelled fine so maybe it's ok to consume.
but im not ready for that kinda risk in my life.
to be honest he only smokes to get some good sleep so he isn't even the best option to smoke with.
very boring.
that four is because the off chance you find him in a happy mood and got to smoke and he will actually take off his clothes and twerk if provoked enough.
i think for the first time he would be fine.
but like soobin, don't expect him to know where his dealer shits from.
probably gets his shit while his dealer is getting chased by police.
which to be honestly would be thrilling if beomgyu wasn't crying half the drive.
still has the audacity to be like,, bestie you ready?!?!
as if he didn't commit to half his life crimes on the drive earlier.
bro got loser rizz.
probably tells you it's okay to hold his hands when you take your first puff.
would nod knowingly in sympathy when you shoot him a dirty look.
gets high way too fast.
you finish one puff and he's out in the corner, dazed out of his mind.
i think the quiet is fine, so yeah he will just do fine.
im not saying i might fall in love with him but i might.
and so will you.
thats why stay away from drugs kid.
doesn't do weed.
too classy for it.
i suggest mushrooms and he looks at me like i insulted that his grandmother smells like fake LV.
whatever that means.
but he is shocked, like his palm on his chest and mouth making perfect 'o'.
drinks alcohol like a real man.
maybe if you convinced to smoke with you, he will probably go into a catatonic state, like you won't know but he is not there.
prefers edibles after hitting the bong a bit to many times despite his "irk" for it.
mannequin challenge 2k23 edition.
you push his arm and he's actually sleeping like a baby.
maybe the best one he's ever gotten.
would be a good smoking partner to be honest.
if he's awake for it of course.
best option.
just yes.
anything with him is a yes.
he would be so cool with you.
like he takes care of you.
also snatches the bong when you've done too much.
makes you eat stuff so you don't get too high and end up suffering the consequences.
kinda panics when he sees the stuff he made you eat were laced with edibles.
i want him as my best friend if that isn't clear yet.
probably gets really high off his mind.
but like very, very giggly way.
which is always the best version!
fuck weeds, id even do hard drugs with him ( i won't.)
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aN from txt crack to txt literally doing crack.
©ITGIRLGYU 2023! feedbacks and reblogs are appreciated, and encouraged!
PERM TAGLIST / @impureperhaps @full-sunnies @wonioml @1921choi
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At request of a mutual I am posting my incoherent ramblings abt this on Tumblr (some headcanon context: my Ness is non-binary, queer, and AuDHD, my Mike is transmasc, AroAce-spec, mlm, and autistic 😋😋😋)
SecurityWaiter/DreamTheory queerness is taking over my brain
Ness is someone who is so all consumingly queer. They are everything and they are nothing. They are a boygirl girlboy who is also a genderless being simply taking part in all the corners of the human experience. They are a butch lesbian, a twink, and every form of multisexual under the sun all at once. They’re gay and straight in every relationship. No matter how they dress, it is cross dressing. Everything about them is queer and they know it and love it and it’s everything
Mike on the other hand, is the experience of being nothing unless he has to be something. He doesn’t really experience attraction before Ness, and then with Ness, Ness becomes everything to him. With labels, he fits into whatever is most comfortable, but at the end of the day, he’s just him. He’s just a guy. Labels only exist for the sake of communication but if he could just exist without having expectations or explanations needed, he would enjoy that far more. He’s a man because it’s what he’s most comfortable with and practically speaking he fits just fine into that role, but he’s not a man in the way a cis man is a man, or in the way ANY other man is a man for that matter. But he’s also not a woman. But he still has experience with girlhood. It’s something that he’s spent so much time and energy getting away from, but he eventually realizes that it’s ok for him to have that. It’s HIS experience, anything can fit inside of it, and he doesn’t NEED to explain anything to anyone or simplify it into a couple words for the sake of what’s easy. He’s him, and that’s that.
Gender and sexuality aren’t things that they perfectly fit into and THATS OK. Ness LOVES it and they help Mike learn to embrace it. They are boyfriends and partners and girlfriends and soulmates and two halves of a whole. They see each other and become blind to the rest of the world. They are everything and they’re nothing and it’s AMAZING. They love every bit of each other and that’s all they need.
Some other general spewing because I have a lot of visual stuff in my head that I don’t know how to elaborate on so just have some key words ig lmao
Exploring each other’s bodies (/nsx or /sx that’s up to you ☝️☝️☝️)
Embracing each other
Gold scars
Heart eyes
In sync
Happy and scared tears
Gentle kisses
Tracing fingers
Saying I love you and truly meaning it
Biting their lips
Slow reveals and realizations
Learning what comfort is
Full laughter
Easy breaths
Only caring about each other’s opinions
Utter adoration
Ugh chat they mean everything to me like actually 💔💔💔
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erendtwo · 13 days
OKAY FINE!!!!!?!!!!! 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
they told me i can post this
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theyyrrr officer Tobias and officer Genesis respectively but they told me to call em Tobi and Gena ( "G" like in the word "go" y. yknow. yknow)
theyr. """""""""old army friends and colleagues with great synergy""""""""" and they wanted to do smth in their free time ig SO!!!! im being taken care of kinda for the time beingggg ☝️(im given all the documents by them and they give me YOGURTTT 🙏🙏🙏) but also like technically theyr my subordinates cause of the rankin system thats a bit weird
yeah theyv been in the forces while the uhhhh the data breach happened... thats somethin they dont talk about a lot so yeah
HAPPY??? 🕳️🕳️🕳️🕳️
oh wait i dont have any proper pics yet nooooo 😭 I'll post mself laturrrrr
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mochinon-yah · 2 months
man i just got off my break like a week ago hhhhh, but i can relate to being lazy and videogaming lol fdkjskj (me with acnh and genshin coughs) but my sleep schedule is considerably better? i have to wake up early on weekdays bc of my kid brother sadly smh and i spite him for it pretty sure college students are more stressed
JkeKJF THANKIES!! tbh i kind of just kept my bday private for a smaller group of friends (that includes you btw) + my boyfriend, but yea me being 20 isn't much different from being 18 lol. you rlly don't feel different until you hit 30 coughs anyway i return the headpaps and hugs mweeheheh >:D
istg my bf is just like albedo (but make him emo), cuz like he always struck me as the kind of person who will try to out-compliment you but at the same time is genuine? if that makes sense? EHFfdkskSKJFD but yea he's a sweetheart hehehe yes its real healthy couples do exist and i feel like a unicorn
anywayyyy yea i can name a lot of times where people can't catch onto my body language and i do that as well. like a simple question is fine if someone needs to get somewhere, but if it's someone i don't like i'll make it obvious. in general, if i don't know someone very well, i'll kind of just like veer away from them while giving them a dead stare- (and they still don't get the hint or are insanely blind to social cues)
NO CUZ THATS SO REAL?? if i get into a book, then it's usually because of a fanfic or some other form of media?? kind of like the acotar series i wanted to get into but like hesitant cuz i don't know if it's spicy ;3;
andd headpaps accepted nyehehehe
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LMAOOO IT'S OKAY THO, NO WORRIES VIVI!! I woke up so suddenly so idk if i can answer this ask with the right mind 😭😭 sorry if there are soem typos or whatever grammatically wrong things lol
Hdjsjsjs a break will literally activates my lazy mode, and i swear i will get so, so lazy it would probably make you wonder why am i even still ali- *cough* anyway, thank god, your sleeping schedule is much better than mine 🥹👍👍 your lil brother is such a menace but i guess helpful too lmao
And YAAA, NO PROB VIVI :3 last birthday of mine was kinda quiet because only some people remembered lol. Then again, i'm a really quiet person irl, i doubt anybody would remember it- okay, this just turns so sour??? I'm gonna stop talking abt it jdjwkiekwk
I'm part of your smaller group of friends? 🥺👉👈 awwhhhh, you're making me blush- (i'm weak to words like that wth, no guys i do have friends too irl, i'm not a loner 😭) BUT LMAO YEAH, I AGREE WITH 'you rlly don't feel different until you hit 30'. Well, i haven't hit 30 yet, but i guess the only different thing would be that you can say you're old now- /jjj
(LMAO I FELL ASLEEP WHILE ANSWERING THIS.... anyway, back to answering vivi's ask :3)
Imagining emo! bedo and you with the dynamic of emo but cute x cute and cuter is so jdnsjkska 😭 i understand why you would feel like a unicorn even in ur own relationship.... for me, i feel like the side character who just saw the main character fall in love with each other lol
*cough* anyway-
People should really be attentive to other ppl ☝️ at least they should know if they're making it uncomfy for other ppl. But err, for me personally, i don't mind people gathering close to me, buuuttt it's possibly because of my friends since all of them are a lot, lot more sociable than me hahhaahaha- honestly, they often told me to talk more with people so i can know the latest gossip and just overall have many friends, but i really can't 😭😭 friendship with me is like the slow build-up but overall genuine one, or at least that's what i think....?
But ngl tumblr has help me a lot to be more expressive in public and just overall making me more sociable than in the past <3 i won't thank the tumblr app itself because the one who made me this way now is literally myself and also a whole bunch of amazing people i had met here, including youu!!! <3 whether you and them help me directly by interacting or just endulging in my silly behavior, ily all ueyehhewh (just gonna tag some ppl here teehe -> @beloved-brynn, @meimeimeirin, @leftdestiny-posts, @fishanonishere, @navxry, @calxlu (you) ♡ ily all, all of u are just so amazing, idk what i even did to meet u all, literally so happy if we ever talk or interact here <3)
Fanfic literally runs half of the fandom, and that fandom could be anything lmao. Well, not really half, but a significant amount! I think memes also run a significant amount of keeping the fandom alive too lol
BUT YEAH, I ENDED UP BUYING PRIDE AND PREJUDICE, RIGHT? AND NOW I'M LIKE... "hm, what in the world is this word? who is talking in this part?? what is even happening-" jkjk, my vocabs is kinda limited since i'm not a native english speaker, but i do understand most of what the book is actually explaining
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
Since we’re bringing up kagekids, I wonder what kind of moms would Ayano and Takane be. And what kind of relationship do Ayame and Konoha have with their parents? Who is their favourite parent?
AWWW MY FANKIDS THE LITTLE GUYS THE THE THE... heheheheheheheheheheh this ask excited me so i doodled them quickly
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las creaturas for real ☝️☝️☝️
erm erm erm. answer under the cut ♥️ i talked a lot and it's embarrassing ♥️♥️♥️
ayano is not difficult to imagine as a mom. she's really sweet but scary when angry yknow. probably more than shintaro. well obviously a lot more than shintaro. kids go to him before her when theyre in trouble bc he's a huge pushover and cant handle being mad at them for over a minute. LOL ERMM ERMMM i think ayano's parent flaw (IM GETTING INTO THAT NO ONE IS A PERFECT PARENT) is that shes REALLY into THERE ARE NO SECRETS IN THE FAMILY and struggles giving her kids space bc she's insanely scared of any of them hurting similarly to how she has in the past. like it comes from a good place but it's definitely a little awkward and makes ayano kind of an overbearing parent? not SUPER like she's not controlling or takes away their privacy or anything but she's like. EMOTIONALLY overbearing. friday night after dinner is emotion time where we sit down as a family and list every positive and negative thing of the week and talk it through😊😊😊😊😊 shes a little crazy but means well u_u but she's really just teaching them healthy communication and how to ask for help etc etc but sometimes it goes too far like she projects too much LOL but it complements well with shintaro bc he's usually like Hey. leave them the fuck alone for a moment and ayanos like AUUGGHH 💔💔💔💔💔💔 ok fine💔 also AGAIN ayame littlest of 4 kids but all others are adopted and came into the family with their own lore and most likely tragic past so ayano is USED TO THE PRECEDURE OF HELPING HER CHILDREN HEAL but ayame is like i was raised in a healthy loving home i have no mental issues and my biggest problem in life is having to go to school bc id rather be playing toys and having fun. and ayano's like what the fuck... shintaro we raised an emotionally stable child and shintaros like I SURE HOPE WE DID?????
takane is also not difficult to imagine i think. sorry takane but... overprotective insane parent she would be fucking INSANE like. takane would be a good mom DO NOT get me wrong definitely the coolest no big deal u can do anything u want kinda parent definitely the fun one definitely the one all next gen kids go to for prank support. you know that pic that's like mom in 1990 helping her kids pass a hard level in super mario. thats takane 100% like she is so COOL but secretly fucking insanely over obsessed protective hypochondriac. like rest in fucking pieces. konoha's the kid arriving to the sleepover with a overnight breathing machine that needs to be plugged in. he scrapes his knee and takane acts like it's the end of the world. haruka not nearly as insane but insane enough to sort of enable takane's overprotectiveness bc he's sorta the same LOL he's not so worried if konoha gets hurt playing but if he coughs 1 time haruka also begins acting like it's the end of the world
konoha is an only kid and ayame has 3 older siblings so haruka+takane and ayano+shintaro are inevitably super different parents bc shintaro and ayano are like experienced and are like the memes of Me when my third kid hits their head (hanging out and not caring) and haruka and takane are like Me when my first kid hits their head (AMBULANCE SIRENS) since im talking abt ayano and takane specifically let me add i think itd be funny if they get into discussions because ayame plays rough (little sister survival) and konoha rides a bike with pillows attached to all his body. so konoha's like coming back home from hanging out with ayame all shaken and hyper and with 1 microscopic scrape and takane's like (shaking) which isnt even ayame's fault konoha is probably clumsy as hell. haruka genes. didnt get the deadly illness👍👍👍 but falls on his face for no damn reason all the time😔😔😔
AS FOR THEIR RELATIONSHIPS i feel bad abt them choosing a favorite THATS SO SADDD i dont think its about FAVORITES it's more like. u have different relationships with both parents??? like i think ayame goes more to shintaro than ayano exactly because ayano is like Sit down AND LETS HAVE OUR SCHEDULED HEART TO HEART and shintaro's like a million times more chill like i generally think ayame's personality is more like his. i think she's sort of like if shintaro was an extrovert♥️ but also when it comes to hanging out outside and jumping around and chasing each other around which is 1000% ayames kind of playing she goes to ayano. shintaro's sitting down on the couch trying to read and his kid(s) (all the older ones join in too) and wife are jumping around him because the floor is lava 🙏💯🔥 literally ratio + playing + having fun.
like IDK. I FEEL BAD CHOOSING ONE OR ANOTHER TO BE A FAVORITE BOTH ARE GOOD PARENTS THEYRE A HAPPY FAMILY *MY TELEKINESIS THROWS EVERYTHING ACROSS THE ROOM* same for harutaka and konoha but in a more chill way btw i think their households are so different bc konoha is an only child AND super chill and ayame is a nightmare child AND 1 out of 4 kids so harutaka household is like super organized and quiet and shinaya house is utter chaos. konoha and ayame getting overstim/understim when visiting each other LMAOO but theyre still BESTFRIENDS FOREVER!!!!!
i got sidetracked i was gonna talk abt harutaka and konoha ermmm ermmm i also refuse to choose a favorite parent but konoha... awakening eyes..... it is inevitable haruka and him share A Bond because COME ONN COME ONNNN HIS OTHER SELF... IS BABY NOW... SNIFF SMIFF sorry i have got so many feelings abt awakening eyes being baby. like haruka doesnt KNOW its awakening obviously but still there is a special affinity. takane is definitely the only loud one in the family if it wasnt for its annoying ass their home would be so quiet all the damn time. BUT ITS GOOD bc it keeps everyone moving takane is definitely the time management. like get your asses moving management. its just them 3 you know so they're all really close. konoha definitely the kind to sleep in his parents bed just cuz its more comfortable he is insanely babied so he's kind of like yeah i am Baby. sorry to come back to the same thing but this and ayame's little sister moment like IM NOT LITTLE IM SO MATURE AUUGGHHH vs konoha being like My mom still cuts my food 🙏 he's older than her but ayame lives her big sister calling through konoha
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melziwon · 30 days
Abt Me:
Hiii I’m Melody!! I’m a Filipina who’s age is 19☝️🤓 my Ult bias is Jungwon from enha and my runner ups are beomgyu from TXT and Shinyu from TWS
My bday is August 22 and I’ve been a kpop listener basically my entire life since my fam listened to it even when I was a baby and at the age of 4 I turned into a real Stan and my first group was BTS (my ult bias used to be Jungkook.)
What I write:
MAINLY fluff, I am fine and good with smut but I feel more comfortable writing about fluff as I am not really experienced in smut even though I know how it works and what happened and other things
I really wanna grow into a good fun and out going writer and friend for you guys so don’t be afraid to talk to me and other things bc I’m js a lonely person (I’ll talk first for yall who doesn’t like doing so)
Music taste:
Mainly kpop and rnb but honestly I js listen to whatever sounds good unless the artist is rlly problematic and other things
Other things:
I match energies (if ur dry I’m dry) if ur rlly energetic then me 2 but sometimes if im tired or upset ill be a bit more dry but not too dry
I have a humor of a kid honestly but I can be mature when I want fr fr trust
The emojis I use:🤦‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🧐🥳🤩🥰🤓☝️🙏🏼🤯😨😍😰😳 >_< ;-;
(I use the cringey ones ironically)
THATS ALLLL >_< (btw im straight but I act RLLYYY fruity)
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girlwithfish · 4 months
its cool i dont need other ppls perceptions to validate what i know i went thru the universe knows <3 abusers control the narrative so its no use and other ppl can think what they think its doesnt take away from or change the reality of what happened like i know what went down and the ppl closest to me know more of the truth and ppl who read my blogk now and thats all im ognna get and that is fine bc im learning to trust myself again and ik what i went through and what really happened and thats all i need. i get caught up on like objective truth or worried about other ppls perceptions a lot im not sure why i guess bc i take it as invalidation but it doesnt matter 👍👍☝️
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rottencoreflesh101 · 1 year
Warning: Kny Spoilers, discussion of aged up characters, mentions of MAPs, mentions of CSA.
I wanna start off saying that I simply do not mind if after this if y’all don’t want to support me and that’s totally fine. You can block or unfollow me however it does best for you.
My Opinion: I don’t mind aged up characters and I wont stop making them bc I simply do not like working with children. If I wanna draw Tanjiro, I will draw Tanjiro from my AU (unless its an unproblematic comm), Tanjiro is 19 years old in my au, same age as me. Genya on the other hand is 20 years old in my au and this is the Genya I use for every post I make about him.
Yes, aging up characters is a problematic subject but It all really depends how it’s portrayed for me. Please make sure the character you are aging up looks like an adult and not like their canonical child look.
Take in mind that fictional characters don’t grow up like us real humans. So we as the fandom create aus where characters grow up and do grown up stuff. Genya in this case, he canonically dies but in my au he survived his death and grew up and so on and on he continues to live his life, aging up, killing demons, settling down with a lover and have a family bc thats what I want for him.
What I do find unacceptable in the aging up act, is when ppl create content of adult x minor and use the “Well they’re an adult in this piece ☝️🤓” while the canon minor characters is still portrayed and looked as a minor. That is creepy behavior and triggering content.
I found out about Genya when I was 18 in october 2021, my friend who introduced me to it told me Genya was 18 and since I didn’t even knew from where he was I just believed him to be 18. January of 2023 was when I started to know more about KNY and get into it and that's when I found out that he was canonically 16 years old. I went a full on year and a half believing this mf was 18 like me so I decided to use my art skills to design him an older version of himself, one that can grow up with me and play a role with my kny ocs.
Now with that being said. I will NOT tolerate anyone calling me a MAP/Pedophile. I do not show predatory behavior. It is absolutely unacceptable for someone who doesn’t know anything about my stuff to call me a heavy life ruining word just bc I aged up a fictional character that doesn’t exist.
I will NOT tolerate being called a pedo in any form or shape just bc I aged up fictional characters. I AM NOT a MAP, I will not stand being compared next to my abuser, who is a real pedo who abused me and many other children.
I do believe fiction can impact reality. A great example is tv shows where they show sharks as these dangerous aggressive creatures and now we believe that sharks are dangerous animals while in reality they’re super cute and silly lil guys.
Conclusion: I age up characters. It is a touchy subject in the internet but I dont find anything wrong with it. If you no longer want to support me then feel free to unfollow and block me but I will bite back, delete or block anyone who dares to call me something so horrible. Instead of aiming your child protective services attitude towards me, aim it to real abusers, ppl who create content of cp.
If this harassment continues, I will take my leave. I downloaded Tumblr to relieve my old good memories, a safe space, to meet ppl like me not to be harassed bc I age up characters and for being a NSFW artist. May this be the first and last note regarding this situation. My mental health comes first, my heart condition's peace comes first, I am not in the mood to have heart therapy again.
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vallerianella · 8 months
hi yoomf if its too much thats fine but uh offers up my pastel guns of death and mr electric
Nutshell explanations uh
🧸70 smth chr. but 22 biologically, vv sweet cope kind if ur nice to him if ur not uh u get jail time in unending loop of the worst day you've ever had ^-^
🚀19. Imagine shojo boysmell older brother who used to be a bully and still has a bit of that in him but overall is very chill. Also engineer major lmao
🔗 immortal so idk if it applies but lets just say 18💀. actual delinquent whos very stubborn about what he believes in but willing to fight tooth and nail for the people he finds worthy
omg ofc oomf ^_^ collecting all ur ocs like pokemon hehehe
🧸 lotsie:
gallerian morta 🧺what if we both had abandonment issues and wanted eien 🖐️
da synergy with their disposition is nice u_u … my diplomatic pacifist calm soothing smileys who care for the dorm… nothings wrong with having a severe attachment to the construct of dorm members guys
an interesting dichotomy is perhaps how they view da concept of everyone leaving you 🧐 gallerian’s less nihilistic, and arguably more romanticized about it — considers it something akin to a bird finally leaving its nest. maybe, probably?...
🚀 saturn:
swipes occult prez elaine perleau @ u 🥛 ^_^ commander of evil dolls (infested with ghost friends. his fear abt dolls coming to life has been realized). tie her dolls to rockets i think itd be funny
when they both terrorise each other w/o knowing 💀 elaine’s not very good with social people or loud noises or like. anything. this world is terrifying. turns into the screaming man portrait when she sees his explosives attached to mr guinness III (doll she left lying around)
she seems to have no problem with blasting and exploding enemies on online games, though?…
🔗 durante:
gives u a bird girl… 🦂da aesthetics matchup in my head…
she’s somewhat of a demigod herself! or well. a creature who delegates (not) justice. gives you your last meal on deathrow before you enter the cycle to reincarnate ^_^. satine’s been let off her role recently.
generally speaking, she’s not the one who slams the gavel and decides whose evil, and doesn’t seem to have any particular opinion of those she deals with. if I say foils with dude tied up with what he considers right and girl whose indifferent despite supposedly embodying it ☝️moral dilemma but it’s not so in your face
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kasumikoujou · 1 year
Dear, sumi-san, there's no need for you to reply to this but I want you to know that it's perfectly okay moving on from fandoms and their content. <3
I'm really glad that making art of the things you currently love is making you happy because that's how it should be! If there are people upset about it, that speaks more about them than of you, especially since you're already doing so much for fandoms by being artist.
I'm not as much of a regular on your blog so this might come off as out of the blue, but seeing your art on my dash is always pleasant and I look forward to seeing it if tumblr actually decides to put it there; I found you through your enstars art but when I saw you make that riddle art it brought me back into the midst of really liking twst again, after putting it in the backburner of my mind so thank you for that too :>
I FORGOR TO ANSWER TO THIS youre right that i legit dont recall seeing you much on my acc but thats fine 😭🫶 thanks for writing this long winded thing about my ramble, and im glad i reminded you twst exists. it is very clearly the better gacha game out of the two i kept drawing ☝️ (saying this just because twst didnt make me want to tape my eyes shut and not be able to read anything ever again)
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xianzhou-craftsman · 11 days
is fine he wont need jobs when i m here
u cant hv two cats thats not fair so ill make it even
👤🫳 [ 🦁 ] ☝️
"It's more that they need him."
Yingxing sighs and holds out the actual cat.
"Besides, I didn't even ask for this one. You take him, I keep my big cat. Trust me, it's the best solution for everyone involved."
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