#Sokka x fem!reader
bouncybongfairy · 6 months
First off, I love your writing and I can’t get enough really. I’ve been obsessed with your atla stuff and I was wondering if you’d be down to write for Sokka. Any smut really but like something like, you’re traveling with the gaang and there’s tons of tension with him. If not no hard feelings whatsoever, just a suggestion.
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Do You?
Sokka x Fem Reader Smut
Summary: There's been a lot of tension between you and Sokka for the past couple of weeks. After and heated argument, Anng send both of you to get some air. Sokka finds you in a tavern after a couple of drinks and both your feelings come to the surface.
Word Count: 1.0k+
TW: Smut
Appa had been sick for the past couple days, meaning you guys were basically stranded until he was better. It didn’t help that you and Sokka had been going at it lately. You weren’t really sure why but everything he did drove you crazy. Anng paired the two of you up to skin the fish for tonight's dinner. The entire time he was criticizing you about how you were descaling it. Bragging about back home he could prepare a fish faster than anyone.
“Oh so since you’re the best and can do it ‘fAsTeR tHaN aNyOnE’ you can do this on your own,” you said, standing up and wiping your hands. 
“Sloppy help is better than no help,” he huffed. 
“Whatever, I'll go help Katara,” you said. 
“Wait no- okay I’ll chill with the critiques. Let me teach you,” he said, reaching his hand out. 
Without saying anything, you walked back over and sat on your knees. He sat behind you, his knees on the outside of your hips and thighs. Giving you the knife and securing your grip with his own. Holding onto the outsides of your hands as he instructed. As he talked, you could feel his breath against the back of your neck. Due to him being so close to your ear, he lowered his voice. Speaking with a soft and gentle tone, making your ears burn slightly. You began unknowingly letting yourself enjoy this. The way you could feel his chest rising and falling against your back. Liking the feeling of his body against yours and his smell engulfing your nose. 
“See,even you can do it!” he said in an extremely patronizing way. 
“Fuck off,” you said, feeling overwhelmed by how much you were enjoying his touch. Also not appreciating his poking fun at you even more. 
“Ugh you’re exhausting, even when I try being nice you push me away. Can't you see that I like -ahem- that I’m like, trying to make an effort!” he said, cheeks flushing red. 
“That’s it! I’m tired of hearing the two bickering none stop. Both of you need space from each other! Sokka you go that way, y/n you go that way. I don’t care what you do, but don’t come back until you figure out why both of you are so insufferable!” Anng yelled, slamming his glider onto the ground. 
The two of you made intense eye contact before walking away. Luckily for you, he sent you in the direction of a local market in the village. The walk gave you a lot of time to think; when he was helping you skin the fish, it felt like he had underlying feelings. Like he was purposely finding an excuse to be close to you. The tone in his voice was different, you never heard him talk like that to anyone else.​​ The way he slid his hands along your arms before grabbing your hands. It was becoming evident that the frustration and tension you’ve been feeling wasn’t caused by anger. 
You finally reached a tavern, it wasn’t much but it was cozy. Drunk men singing and goofing off with each other. A group of women gossiping with each other adjacent to a group of men playing Pai Sho. Immediately feeling out of place, you walk up to the barmaid and ask for whatever she recommended. Which ended up being some type of fermented wine. One of the young men comes up to you, trying to engage in conversation. 
“Are you new to town? I’ve been coming here for a couple years but I've never seen you,” he says, smiling while holding his drink. 
“Oh um, yeah I’m just staying in town for a couple days,” you explain, finishing off your drink and ordering another one. 
“Aww that’s a shame, I bet I could convince you to stay for a little longer,” he said, which made you giggle. 
You were now polishing off your third drink, watching the game. Enjoying the music, making conversation with the other patrons. Dancing with the group of young women from earlier. You didn’t realize Sokka was watching you from the wooden doors. Eventually the young gentlemen who you were speaking with earlier, starts to dance with you. Sokka was visibly getting more irritated, watching his hand travel down your back. Once the guy wrapped his arms around you, pressing himself against you from behind, he couldn’t control himself. Stomping over and pulling you out of the dude's grip. Your heart sank once your eyes fell onto him. Like you’d been caught doing something wrong, looking you up and down with such disappointment.
“We're leaving,” Sokka growled, grabbing you by the upper arm gently. 
“Does she want to leave with you,” the guy asked. 
“Do you?” Sokka asked, looking down at you. Feeling quite tipsy it made you nervous to speak. Like if you opened your mouth, only stupidness would come out. He was looking at you with such intensity and jealousy, you nodded your head in agreement. Leading you out of the building, into an alley behind the building. Giving you two some privacy while waiting for him to talk. 
“Are you mad?” you asked. 
“I feel like I've dropped all the hits I can. I don’t know if this is like… your way of making me just admit it but I like you. If you keep pushing me away every time I come onto you then I just won’t anymore. I can’t take it,” he said, walking over to the river bank. Letting his hair free from its pony tail out of frustration. Falling onto his knees and splashing some cool water onto his face. Seeing how disappointed he was in your actions made you feel stupid. Like you were blind to all his advances and playful teasing and it was too late to let your feelings known. However, you were drunk enough to at least give it a shot. Walking over to him and joining where he sat in the grass. 
“I think I was just nervous -hiccup- to tell you how I felt. Then because I was holding all my feelings inside, I became standoffish. I’m sorry,” you said, brushing the partially wet hair off his face before continuing, “Please don’t think I’m only saying this because I drank. Drunk thoughts are sober words… or is it sober words are drunk thoughts,” you begin making him laugh. 
“Are you gonna make me ask for a kiss?” you asked, he took your offer and smashed his lips against yours. 
Lips melting together as you straddle his lap. He sucked your bottom lip into his mouth, running his tongue over it. Moaning as you started grinding down on his dick print. The alcohol in your system was making you more ballsy, desperately grinding yourself against him. Enjoying the friction against your clit. Sokka’s mouth hung open as bucked his hips up. Gripping your hips tightly, helping work you on him. He was sitting up, back against the back wall of the tavern. You were holding his face in your hands, moaning and panting against his lips. Pressing his forehead against your chest as he started to cum. His hips spasming from underneath, you could feel his length spasm against your core, sending you into climax. Time slowed while fire was pooling in your lower abdomen and you frantically rubbed yourself against him. Letting your head fall towards, letting him support your weight while cooling down. Both of you walking hand and hand, his giving you a piggy back ride once you became too tired. 
“Great, see sometimes a little space does people good. Glad you guys worked it out,” Anng said as the two of you walked to separate tents. 
“Oh trust me, we really worked through our problems,” Sokka remarked before everyone turned in.
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frost-queen · 7 months
Elements in Harmony (Reader x Sokka)
Requested by: Anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly @denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn, @iixchloee
Summary: Reader is Zuko's sister. You and Sokka always argue and fight. You keep infuriating Sokka as you won't leave his head, something he can't stand. Certainly not from a fire nation girl. When one encounter leads to an almost kiss. It draws a line when some guy starts flirting with you, leading to Sokka to show you just how infuriating you are to him.
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Appa roared deep, flapping his tail up. Aang petted his furred friend as Momo sat on his shoulder. Katara was poking in the fire to keep it going. Sokka arrived with new wood. His gaze fell upon you from afar. Near the cliff were you practising. Performing graceful moves without actually bending. Your performances calm and at peace. Anything but what Sokka was used to seeing a fire bender do.
Mostly their sequences were brutal and hard. Their fire filled with anger. You seemed odd among them. Anger wasn’t what filled your bending. It was a combination of being soft and tough at the same time. Something your uncle Iroh taught you when you were younger.
Sokka threw the wood on the ground, startling Katara. – “Hey.” – she called out annoyed.  – “Sure let us prepare the fire while princess fire nation over there is just dancing.” – Sokka outed gesturing at you. Katara sighed loud. – “Can you only ever complain?”
Sokka grumpily sat down on a log. Glaring your way. Aang approached them holding a bag open. – “We’ll need to stock more food.” – he held the bag upside down. A fruit fell out as Momo immediately jumped for it. Sokka shooed Momo away, picking up the last fruit. – “And that isn’t for you!” – he called out to Momo who flew above his head. Katara got up holding her hand out to Aang. – “I’ll go see if a town is nearby.” – she suggested.
“No, no.” – Sokka answered getting up as well. – “Let fire girl over there do something.” – he pointed at you from afar. – “Her name is Y/n.” – Katara answered crossing her arms. Sokka came closer to her. – “and I don’t care.” – he outed with a sarcastic smile. Sokka whistled loud catching your attention.
You stopped your practise, making your way over. Sokka snatched the bag from Aang’s hand, tossing it at you. You caught it  as he was aiming for your face. – “We need supplies.” – he said bothered. – “Please.” – you responded wanting him to ask nicely.
Sokka puffed loud. – “I didn’t know you had manners.” – Sokka answered. – “Unlike you I wasn’t raised in an igloo.” – you responded loud. – “Yet I’m not the one banished.” – Sokka fired back. – “Sokka!” – Katara called out, shocked at his rudeness. As a response you threw the empty bag at Sokka. It bumped against his chest as he moved his head back to not get hit in the face.
“Apologize right now!” – Katara insisted with a sisterly scowl. Sokka looked back to you, seeing how his words made you feel. Somehow he felt a bit guilty for being so cruel. Yet he didn’t act upon it. He took the bag in his hand. – “I’ll just go by myself.”  - he spoke turning away. Momo flew on top of Sokka’s head making him stop with a deep sigh. – “We’ll all go.” – Aang spoke to maintain the peace.
The four of you entered the woods in search for food, hoping you’d come by a village soon. You were walking behind Aang and Katara when you noticed Sokka falling in step with you. – “No bending.” – he simply said to you. You mimicked his words like a child, teasing him. – “Oh real mature princess.” – he responded.
 “I’m just lowering myself to your standards.” – you answered with a smile. Sokka stepped in front of you, making you stop all of the sudden. He was brazing, glaring down at you. Your words annoying him. Sokka was glaring at your eyes, his face inches away from yours. His gaze fell down to your lips. He caught himself stare at them, making him turn away.
You gasped breathlessly, slouching back as if you were about to pass out. Sokka caught up with his sister, wanting to be as far away from you as he could. Looking briefly over his shoulder to you, falling in line. Grunting soft, he hated how much you messed with his head. Your presence consuming his mind as if you never wanted to leave. No matter how many times he casted you out. It infuriated him.
You were from the fire nation. Zuko’s sister, the one chasing Aang. The one who caused his village pain. – “You know you can just be nice to her.” – Katara spoke looking briefly at her brother. Sokka sighed loud. – “She’s from the…” – he outed as Katara finished his words in a voice that mimicked his. – “fire nation.” – she then giggled at her own imitation of her brother.
“Not funny.” – Sokka said annoyed as it made Katara just giggle more. Sokka looked over his shoulder again, seeing you chat with Aang.
Katara nudged him hard in the side. Sokka tore his gaze away from you. Some twigs snapped underneath his shoes. – “Aang needs her.” – she told him. – “I know, I know.” – Sokka sighed out. – “Then…” – Katara began as Sokka shushed her. She glared at him a bit for cutting her off. – “Don’t shush me.” – she said annoyed, moving her hands to her hips. – “Stop talking.” – Sokka told her, his focus elsewhere.
Katara groaned loud as he covered up her mouth. It was the only thing he thought would shut her up. – “Why have we stopped?” – Aang asked confused. Sokka was looking at every direction, listening in to nature. His eyes widened when he saw a fireblast fly their way. It hit a tree trunk close to them. – “Fire nation!” – he yelled out. The four of you started to run as more fire benders came from out of the bushes. – “It’s an ambush.” – Katara outed, puffing loud. – “You think?” – Sokka responded to her sarcastically.
Aang swayed his stick across, sending an air blast at some fire benders.  Katara stopped a moment to bend some water out of a puddle nearby. Letting it whip against a fire bender. Sokka grunted as they couldn’t outrun them. They needed to stand and fight. He pulled out his weapon, standing ready.
A fire bender was coming your way as you deflected his fire blast by ducking down. You then kicked at him. He stumbled back making you punch his stomach a few times. Sokka ducked down a punching arm, punching the man in his stomach. He then pressed the back of his weapon on his back. The man dropped to his stomach with a loud oof. He saw fire blasts coming your way as you kept avoiding them with just manoeuvring.
“What are you doing?” – Sokka called out to you. You looked back at him confused. – “Bend!” – he outed, stating the obvious. You kicked a guy away from you. – “You told me not to bend!” – you shouted back at him. Sokka jumped back from a blast. – “Just do it!” – he insisted upon annoyed. Suddenly you smiled with a new set off attitude.
Performing a sequence you conjured fire, attacking your fellow fire nation soldiers. Aang jumped above your head, landing in front of you as he flashed a blast of air at them. You moved back assisting Katara. – “I got it.” – she breathed out. You nodded at her. Looking over your shoulder, you saw Sokka getting cornered.
You ran over to him just as a blast of fire was coming his way. Sokka’s eyes widened seeing the blast come his way from his side. You jumped in front of him, arms forwards, palms pressed together as you split the blast in two. The fire flared beside Sokka and you. Sokka blinked stunned at you. You then attacked with fire of your own. Sokka was staring at you, admiring you despite his infuriation with you.
He was so caught up with you, that he hardly saw the punching fist come his way. He jumped back, avoiding the hit just in time. He was about to knock the soldier on his head with his weapon as a blast of fire pushed him away. Sokka looked confused, till he turned his head. Seeing you in a position, one fist out, panting. You had once again protected him. Sokka smiled admiring at you till his expression turned to shock. You were hit by a blast, sending you rolling on the ground. – “Y/n!” – Sokka called out.
You came to a stop, panting loud. Forcing yourself to get back up. Just as you almost stood up straight, were you hit with another surprise blast. It was if the soldiers were turning their anger towards you. One of their own fighting against them. You got hit as the blast pushed you back.
You screamed when you felt a loss of ground under your feet. An in-sinking in the ground made you slide down the hill. Tumbling and rolling down, you met with the ground hard and fast. – “Y/n?” – Sokka called out concerned. He threw his boomerang at the soldier, hitting him in the head. His boomerang returned as he caught it. Running up to the way where he lost sight of you. – “Y/n?” – he panted out nearing where you last where.
Sokka felt the ground underneath his feet crumble away. A scream caught in his throat as he slid down, arms swaying around. On the ground, you groaned in pain. Slowly pulling yourself up by your elbows. Your eyes widened seeing Sokka slide down. At the bottom, he came to a sudden stop, his chest falling forwards. He fell forwards falling hard against your chest as your back smacked the ground again.
Sokka groaned soft when he set his hands beside you, trying to pull himself up. He lifted his head up, his gaze catching yours as he paused. Paused as his face was inches away from yours. Heart pounding loudly as you were captivated in his gaze. Sokka’s gaze went down to your lips  as it made you feel shy. He neared his head a bit as you sensed he had an urge to kiss you. Your gaze flashed up and down from his eyes to his lips and back. If Sokka was about to kiss you, you wouldn’t protest. Sokka felt himself fall deeper, drawing closer to you. What if he wanted to kiss you in this moment. Would it be that bad?
You were bringing your chin closer to him to decrease the distance. Sokka slowly closed his eyes, feeling his lips tingle with the urge. A gush of wind caught him off guard. His eyes flashed back open, suddenly aware of what he was doing. He rolled over, away from you just before Aang landed down. – “So here you are.” – Aang said. You were staring at the sky, panting loud. Feeling extremely hot that Sokka was this close to kissing you.
Katara had climbed down joining Aang. Sokka had gotten up, dusting some dirt off him. Aang decided to head back to Appa and search a town from above. All of you agreed, walking back to Appa. You climbed on Appa, sitting at the back. Avoiding eye contact with Sokka. Sokka was staring down at his own hands.
Katara looked from you to Sokka. – “Is something going on between the two of you?” – she asked. – “No.” – Sokka answered loud. You lowered your head on Appa’s saddle, watching the scenery you were leaving behind. Momo came landing on your head, laying himself down.
Appa roared loud as he descended. Aang had spotted a town. A small village at the edge of the earth kingdom. Appa landed as all of you climbed down. You held the empty bag following Aang into the village. There were many curious heads turning at your friends. They certainly stand out with their watertribe attire and air nomad clothing. You didn’t receive that much attention as you were earth kingdom clothing.
You had left your fire nation clothing long behind. The moment your father banished you after Zuko’s banishment, you gave them up. There was no hope in finding a new home when you wore enemy clothing. Zuko had been given an ultimatum to return. You never did. Not acceding his expectations and questioning the flaming fist of his way of ruling led to your banishment.
The youngest of your siblings, apart by just one year with your sister Azula. You saw more to fire bending then power and anger. Fire could be beautiful if one found a balance between them. Harmony. Your father found that a weakness. Soft. Not something he could have in his daughter.
You went over to a stall where they sold fruits. Sokka’s eyes fell upon a different stall, making his way over to it, without his friends knowing. You bargained with the owner for some of his best fruit. Katara wondered where her brother was, spotting him at a stall that sold herbs. She furrowed her brows, watching her brother buy a patch of leaves. He turned around holding a little patch as he suddenly noticed his sister watching.
Sokka cleared his throat from afar, moving the patch behind his back. It made Katara quirk her eyebrow up. He joined the others once more letting his sister know to stop staring to weirdly at him. – “Look Y/n a herb stall!” – Aang pointed out. You turned your head to look as well. – “You can make that delicious tea of yours again.” – Aang said pushing you towards it.
“Actually…” – Sokka started feeling the patch in his hand. No one heard him as Aang was too enthusiastic to show you the herbs. Aang pulled you to a stop after having pushed you all the way over. – “Anything you like?” – the owner asked as you looked at his products.
“Do you have any jasmine leaves?” – Aang asked for you. – “I certainly do boy.” – the owner answered. – “Actually I…” – Sokka began wanting to let you know he already bought the jasmine leaves. The owner presented Aang with a patch of jasmine leaves. Aang nudged you to accept them. – “Aang we really don’t need them.”  - you told him. – “Of course we do, you love jasmine tea.” – he encouraged you to take them.
“Your uncle taught you to make it.” – Aang added with a smile. – “Y/n I…” – Sokka spoke wanting to place a hand on your shoulder and reveal his patch to you. A new pair of hands grabbed the patch from the owner. – “I’ll pay for her.” – all of you turned your head to a boy. He smirked flashing a wink at you.
His wink baffled you as you weren’t used to that kind of attention. The boy tossed some coins in the owner’s hand. Sokka got shoved aside as the boy wanted to be closer to you. He held the patch up for you to accept. – “You really don’t have to…” – you said feeling a bit embarrassed someone paid for you.
“Nonsense.” – he grabbed your hand, facing your palm up, placing the patch in your hand. – “Anything should be paid for a pretty girl like you.” – he finished. Sokka puffed with a roll of his eyes. The boy slid his arm over your shoulder, moving you away from your friends. – “You look like a girl who likes tea.” – he spoke as Aang followed behind him. – “How does he know.” – he asked happily astonished that he had guessed. – “We literally stood by a herb cart.” – Sokka answered bothered.
The guy was leading you to a tea shop. His arm was still around you as Sokka found himself glaring at it. Katara and Aang clearly unbothered with Sokka’s concerns. – “Has anyone told you, your smile is like a blossom on a spring day?” – he said. It made you touch your lips shy. – “No.” – you answered. Sokka tensed his jaw. You were about to enter the tea shop when a pull on your wrist pulled you to a stop.
You slowly turned as Sokka had taken a hold of your wrist. Aang, Katara and the guy walked further in. – “Something wrong Sokka?” – you asked confused. – “Are you seriously following a guy like him? Just because he flashes a smile at you and gives you a compliment, you girls fall hard.”
You smiled teasingly. – “What’s so funny?” – Sokka expressed loud. – “Nothing.” – you answered with a shake of your head. – “You are cute when you are so worked up.” – you patted his cheek teasingly. The guy came standing behind you. – “Are you coming sugar?” – he asked placing a hand on your hip. Sokka saw it almost making him lose his mind. – “She’s not!” – Sokka stated clear, grabbing you by your wrist. – “Hey!” – the guy called out when Sokka dragged you away. – “Sokka… Sokka.” – you breathed out as he kept pulling you away.
He went into an alleyway, pushing you against the wall. Sokka groaned loud as you could only stare confused at him. He turned around, grabbing you by the waist as he pressed his lips on yours. Eyes wide with shock, you blinked startled at the touch of his lips on yours. He pulled away half angered at himself for kissing you.  – “Why are you so infuriating.” – he outed. Sokka noticed you were still holding his patch with herbs so he slapped them out of your hands.
“Hey!” – you called out as Sokka gave you his with some roughness. – “I bought these because I knew you liked them.” – he told you. – “I don’t know why I bought you them, because I shouldn’t. Certainly not for a fire nation girl!” – he went on. – “So why do I care for you. Why can’t I get you out of my head, and why did it bother me that, that guy was hitting on you!”
You smiled coming up to Sokka. – “Oh hush.” – you told him, grabbing him to kiss him. Sokka gladly accepted your kiss, holding you by your waist. – “You are cute when you get worked up over things.” – you told him, making him smile sheepishly. Sokka held you again, kissing you once more just because he could. Certainly now when he made peace with himself and simply let himself fall for you.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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hazashiovo · 6 months
Omg that kuvira sub req was lit! Could you do one for Zuko please? Maybe after he’s become fire lord?
I decided that instead of writing nsfw, to just make it angst to fluff. Sorry that it's not what you asked for ,but this is what I got.
Genre:Friends with benefits to enemies to lovers ,angst to fluff,
Tw: mentions of trauma, burning and leaving a scar.
Zuko x Fem reader
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Ever since you ran away from Zuko to help the avatar restore peace to the world,you kept thinking that he would let go of you.
But no, you can't catch a damn break, since you ran away he's been chasing you. He swore to find you.
How? You have no clue. But you never doubted his devotion for this cause,you knew that Zuko had that burning will in him.
I mean,you were his soldier,and things between you two were...complicated.
Sometimes you would have heart to heart conversations. Maybe about your life,or what you would be in the future, and other times it was just making out after a stressful day. But you never did more than that,he wanted you ,and you wanted him but there was always something holding you back.
Now this is something that fuels Zuko, his need for revenge is powered by those moments between you two. And not only that,but if he finds you he also finds the Avatar. Which is the perfect reason for him.
You get to be punished for treason,and at the same time he would finally have his honor restored. That's what he says to himself at night. It's not like he wants more.
So for months, almost a year he searched for The avatar,and for you,each time you managed to slip right trough his fingers.
The last time he saw you was at the northern water tribe,when he tried capturing Aang you fought Zuko while Katara protected the younger boy. Zuko knew he could do so much damage to you,but he simply couldn't.
You unfortunately lost,after all Zuko was stronger than you. You both knew it,but it never stopped you before.
You tried talking to him,you always thought that if you got a chance you would be able to at least get him to think of another way,a better way. Maybe this way things wouldn't be so complicated between you two.
But no matter how much you tried,he was just too stubborn.
You tried putting a fight again,he was so angry that he didn't even realize with what force he sent that fire at you,not even throwing you a second glance.
Too blinded by anger,now that you weren't in his way anymore he went for Aang.
If you wouldn't have blacked out you would've saw the way Katara fought the prince,after all he harmed you, and wanted to take Aang away.
You woke up on Appa,Katara was tending to your burn mark, trying to completely heal it.
"I'm sorry (Name),but it's going to leave a pretty big scar here." Her hand would lay on your shoulder comforting.
It was rough looking in the mirror,but you started getting used to it. The bad part was when you started having nightmares of your fight with the prince,the burning feeling awaking you in cold sweat.
You healed with time, fortunately for you,the prince and you didn't meet again after that. You split from the team,it was necessary for you to find a way to heal the scar that Zuko left in your mind.
Imagine the shock on your face when you finally got reunited with your friends.To see Zuko there was something you never expected. Deep inside you knew he could change but never actually thought he would.
He would be so awkward, and yeah he would talk to himself, trying to find the right way to apologize to you for hunting you down and kicking your ass. It was also this little thing, he never realized how much you affected him when you were around until you left,and it drove him mad. Never quite understanding why.
He kept his distance from you, mostly because he didn't really know how to approach you. It's not that he's as mad as he was before when you betrayed him, but it's still awkward.
So you two just stayed away from each other. The group could see something was up with you two,I mean they knew about your scar and journey ,but Zuko didn't.
Nobody told him about the scar he left on you back then, and you never confronted him about it.
One night when you wanted to take your mind away from all that's happening ,you found yourself in the lake near your camp.
A swim would do you good.
Unfortunately for you ,that's what the young prince also had in mind.
He was left speechless once he saw your naked form in the water. A certain part of you got his attention,your back.
There was this big part of your shoulder all the way to your waist that was just burned.
And then it clicked, when he fought you in the north water tribe,he did this.
"Stop staring." You speak,loud enough for him to hear you, getting deeper into the water so your back would no longer be visible to his longing stare.
"I wasn't staring." He turns his head away embarrassed,his face hot just thinking that you caught him staring at your form. He acted like a pervert. How could he be so stupid?
Zuko quickly took off, not allowing you to say anything else.
He spent the night thinking,about you ,your scar your body. It annoyed him so much that all he could think was you.
So he left the next day with Sokka, on a mission to free Sokka and katara's dad from a high security prison. Totally no big deal.
Each day he spent there he hoped he could get you off his mind,but no matter how hard he tried you were just stuck on him.
Let's just say that he had some pretty unusual taughts while he was locked away.
After he saw Sokka with Suki he got this weird feeling, it was some inside him pushing him to be this way,with you.
So there he was,back at the camp with a complete mission, trying to find a way to speak to you. And he couldn't really bring up the last time he saw you, 'Yeah I saw you naked and I stared at you, wanna date?' no way in hell, unless he wants to be seen as the biggest creep ever.
"Mind if I sit?" Zuko's eyes dart up at you,he didn't even hear you coming her.
"No one's stoping you." You sit down next to him, noticing how he quickly looks away.
"It's been a while huh?" Your eyes look up at the dark starry sky, hoping he's willing to talk to you.
Zuko furrows his brows, searching for the right words to say. He never had to think so hard while talking to you,why is it so hard now?
"I won't bite if you say something." You nudge him with your elbow, sending his thoughts away for now.
"Listen,I'm really sorry for what I did to you back in the north,I was just so blinded by my desire for honor that I was willing to cut trough-" your lips stop Zuko from saying another word, already hearing what you wanted.
He's sorry for hurting you,and he admitted that he was blindly chasing something useless,and that's all you wanted to hear from him.
He whidens his eyes for a second,finally realizing what's happening he cups your cheek with one hand and closes his eyes, kissing you back.
You break the kiss, looking at his face for any sign of reluctance. But all you can see in his eyes is this soft look,it's really cute.
"You have no idea how much I wanted to hear that from you." You whisper, afraid that if you would speak any louder you would break this comfortable feeling around you.
He smiles, closing his eyes. All this time he thought so much , wondering how your next interaction would go,or what would you say to him.
He missed the kisses,soft ones were his favorite,but the making out had a tool on him too.
"I missed this." He speaks,hand trailing down your lip, carefully touching it.
"I never thought you'd forgive me." Zuko allows his head to meet with yours gently stroking your cheek.
"Thank you for becoming a better version of yourself."you smile, placing your hands on his wrist in a gentle manner.
"Okay what's going on here?" Sokka looks at the two of you like he witnessed a war crime. Did he drink cactus juice without realizing??
I couldn't do it.
I couldn't write Zuko smut yet ,I'm sorry 😭
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Scarred Beauty
Pairing: Zuko x Fem!Reader
Word count: 809
Summary: It had almost become a tradition for you and Zuko to talk after the sun had gone down, leaving the both of you wrapped in a blanket of secrecy. But after Zuko falls asleep a little too early, it leaves you to wonder.
Bingo: @eclipsingbingo with 'Tracing Scars'
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When you first met Zuko, you honestly thought he was trying to kill you. The way his lip would curl up upon laying his eyes on you, or how he would single you out in a fight so he could make sure he was the only one who had a shot at you, it all made every moment between the two of you dreadful and when he decided to join your 'team' you could only think of the worst case scenario.
But now, now that you've got to know Zuko without the usual heat that came with his arrival or the scornful glare that he had to keep up, he was starting to grow on you.
It hadn't been instant, you, but probably Katara, took the longest to warm up to him. It was hard to look past all the times he had tried to capture you, burn you alive, hunt you down and even sell you out, but once you had tried, you felt your efforts rewarded tenfold as Zuko did his best to get to know you.
His mannerisms have changed a lot since the first time you met him. Instead of the brash, whiny and impatient prince who needed to get his way, you were met with a gentle, intelligent and peaceful warrior who had joined the fight against the Fire Nation.
He had grown more protective, making sure no one got hurt and always seeking you out first to check for injuries. He offered his guidance to both Aang and whoever else would take it, leading to the two of you bending together. Whenever the two of you would, due to your clashing elements, it always put on quite the show for the others as they watched fire try to wash away water.
It was how you believed you ended up here, lying beneath a sea of stars. The two of you were side by side, the others quite a distance away as they slept peacefully, getting ready for a day of adventure. Not the two of you though. You both had grown accustomed to the late-night talks that you weren't sure who had first started them.
It was such a regular occurrence that if one of you noticed the other one waiting out, you would rush the night along, getting into positions like you were currently in. Even the rest of the gang had grown used to this and wouldn't question it if the two of you went off together or when they awoke they found you both laying next to each other somewhere.
The topics that you would speak about were vast, never being a copy of the night before. You had spoken about what it had been like growing up and how your childhoods had varied, though you both found comfort in one another for a feeling of isolation. Talk of tradition and training, even gossip that the other would have a hard time following along with. Whatever could be spoken about had been.
Except for the large scar that took up a good chunk of Zuko's face. You had never felt the need to ask, even now, as you had turned away from the stars above to face Zuko, the older boy asleep far too early than he would've liked to be, you couldn't bring yourself to ever ask. If it was something that Zuko would ever want to talk about, then he would bring it up himself. But since that was yet to happen, you kept any topic of conversation far from it.
That didn't stop you from staring at it now. Even in the darkness, it was a large contrast from the rest of his face. For so long you had only ever allowed your eyes to briefly linger on the scar, only ever allowed your eyes to trace the corners of it and take it in. But now, a delicate hand reached forward and with a feather-light tip of your finger, your skin came in contact with his scared.
Where others may have seen brutality or felt disgust and pity at the sight, you couldn't help but wonder how such a large portion of his face seemed to bring so much life to Zuko's being, how though it may hide the beauty that may have once been there, a new beauty bloomed with it.
Only when you were satisfied did you draw your hand away. You had done enough looking for tonight. Instead, you curled in on yourself, trying to store as much heat as you could for the night, not wanting to leave Zuko's side.
And when the others found the two of you wrapped around one another in the morning, they turned a blind eye and allowed the both of you to come to your own senses and figure out the mess you were both slowly creating.
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umeumeumee · 6 months
Hii! for your atla/lok event, can i req a tophxfem!firebender with the prompt “please just listen to me” angst and romance if that’s fine? thank you!! :)
whispers in the dark
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ᥫ᭡ hello! I’m sorry this took a while, i really (don’t like it very much) but hope you like it! i love toph<3 (this takes place after the events of atla, and the comics, so they are 15-16 or something) (also… i didn’t proof read it, so sorry for any errors)
toph beifong x fem! reader
ᥫ᭡ when on a mission with toph, you reveal your most regretful mistake and biggest secret. you feared it would forever ruin your most dear relationship.
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Silence crept up the bone of your spine.
it was suffocating— the heat was scorching, you felt as though your limbs could fall of any second. Your heart beat was fast— not because you couldn’t get a clear path, but because you couldn’t breathe. The air in your lungs was nonexistent, your body barely hanging on to the big gulp of oxygen you provided before making the most stupid decision of your life.
You kept close to Toph, making sure not to loose her in this tunnel— knowing she was the only where who knew exactly where to go, when to go.
the only sound in the never ending cave was the constant beat of her bare feet moving through the dirt, listening, waiting, like a preditor to prey. It was gnawing, the silence— the lack of oxygen , the sticky air.
you wanted gasp, to breath— but you couldn’t, too afraid you would give away your position.
your lungs ached, scratching your throat and piercing your chest cavity— desperately trying to get what they want, but you fought it, puffing your cheeks and calming your rapid heart.
You couldn’t see— anything— Toph was your only hope of survival, and only you knew that without her— and without your flame, you were dead.
A rough hand met yours, pulling you forward when you staggered behind, urging you to continue on your path. You shut your eyes— because; open or not, the only visible thing was darkness.
you followed toph blindly, holding the air in your lungs as long as you could.
your head felt fuzzy.
you shut your eyes, shaking your head and swallowing harshly. your body began to contract, its need for air conditioning you to suffer. Toph caught on, and you wondered how she could hold her breath for so long, as she didn’t seem to falter nearly as much as you.
Finally, after what felt like neons, she stopped walking, her grip on your hand loosened to the point she let go, leaving you to put your hand to your mouth, and the earth began to shake.
She lifted you two from the tunnel, slowly, so agonizingly slow, you could pass out.
finally, finally, you were met with the bright light of the shining sun, meeting the familiar sight of freedom. You released your gasp, lungs taking in as much air as you possibly could, toph doing the same. You coughed, breathing in the freshness of the outside world. You fell back, laying flat on the high grass that was new behind you, continuing your heavy breaths and deep breathing.
“Finally,” Toph managed out, and it was astonishing how she could find her voice after so long of holding her breath. you couldn’t find yours, only nodding and staring at the sky.
you groaned when she obscured your vision, and you sat up.
“I thought i was going to die,” you exclaim, sighing heavily and placing a hand to your temple. Toph laughed, crossing her arms.
“c’mon, we have to meet the others,” she says, offering her hand out to you. It was pointed a little too far to the left, but you decided to say nothing of it and took her hand palm in palm with yours.
You and Toph, along side Aang, Katara, and sokka, had just escaped a highly secured prison. The reason you were there? you couldn’t answer. Half the time with their group, you didn’t know what you were doing.
They mentioned something about letting someone out, but you didn’t know if that meant they were letting someone out, or if someone else had let that person out. Honestly? you decided not to get too involved
In fact, the only reason you were here, and not back at camp— was because toph had insisted you come. why? once again, you hadn’t an idea.
Your friendship with the legendary earthbender was a deep one, a connection that ran though you both like tree roots through the ground. You enjoyed her company, as did she, yours, but you couldn’t help the tinge of guilt that ate at you with every second you spent with her and the others.
You both had met when the 100 year war was ‘Still forging onward,’ being accepted into their group at such a calloused time lead for the truth to be slightly bent in your favor, a favor you knew you’d regret not fessing up to immediately.
While the one hundred year war was continuing, firebender’s were the most feared and despised people in the world, why would anyone— especially the avatar— want anything to do with someone of that caliber?
You were a firebender. And growing up in the fire nation, you were a pretty damn good liar as well.
When toph had used her ability to tell if you were lying, you easily passed her test with flying colors and slowly earned the trust of the gang. She trusted you dearly, as did the others, but you couldn’t help but was to burn off your own tongue for lying in such a crude way.
The guild will never not burn you.
you cleared your throat as you walked beside her, hoping your façade wasn’t slipping away and she couldn’t catch you. You sent her a side glance, her hair falling afront her face.
if the truth got out, you fear the person you find most dear will be lost forever.
“So,” you hummed, the silence falling between you both was not like the suffocating kind. it was calming.
“where exactly are we going?” you ask, hands intertwined behind your back, glancing occasionally to the girl beside you.
Toph didn’t say anything, only throwing a harsh punch to your shoulder out of nowhere. “Ouch!” you exclaim, furrowing your brows as Toph smirked. “What was that for?”
“felt like it.” toph hummed out, putting her arms over her head so her elbows stuck out, her smirk adding to her cocky look.
“so mean, toph.” you playfully said, sniffing jokingly. she waved her hand, cracking a laugh at your actions.
“we’re meeting aang up the hill,” she says, answering your previous question and walking faster. You jogged to catch up, still rubbing the sore spot on your shoulder from her punch.
you didn’t reply, her answer didn’t really call for a response in itself.
once again, you two walked in silence. The birds sang and the wind hummed, it was calming.
but you felt a pitch in your stomach.
Your pace with toph faltered momentarily, and it caught the girls attention. she asked what was the matter, and you shrugged it off.
your walking continued, as did your feeling. You swallowed. You’ve felt this many times before, like you were being watched, scavenged— hunted. You’d witnessed it first hand, and the feelings as well too familiar.
But, you opted to believe it was your imagination, as Toph seemed fine. She kept her normally quick speed, which you failed to catch up to due to your unfortunate instant of feeling.
A twig.
You halted, and Toph did too— her hers pinned in the same direction as your eyes. To the forest point of the trail. You stood ground, scanning— waiting.
you knew something was out there— Suddenly, a giant burst of flaming hot red fire shot towards toph, the heat passing by you and burning the skin of your forearm.
You yelp momentarily from the pain, you were out of practice.
but, quickly regaining self and taking action by stepping afront the earthbender to protect her— smoothly redirecting the flame to the source.
A groan was heard from the woods as the fire shot through and to the original predecessor, who now lay limp on the floor.
You assumed nothing of him— quickly turning your attention to toph. You’d just firebent— infront of her.
your heart dropped, the expression on her face was unreadable, almost unsettling— her eyes held nothing, you couldn’t decipher what she was thinking.
“I—” your words were cut off by the sting of your burn, causing you to breathe in roughly through clenched teeth.
You clenched your jaw when Toph stepped away from you, her feet tightly ground to the floor.
“Toph, please just listen to me.” you pleaded, but before you could step forward, earth engulfed your moving foot, preventing you from stepping forward.
The lump in your throat was worse than suffocating.
The stone in your heart was heavy enough to make you drown.
Toph walked off, rolling her jaw with stiff shoulders and fists clenched so tight you worried she might draw blood. You called after her, apologies behind each step she took.
You couldn’t stop the tears from brimming in your eyes. You didn’t know if it was from the severity of your burn, or the fact that the most important person to you had found out the one thing you regret most.
you let tears roll once the girl was gone from your vision, cursing yourself over and over.
You were such a Fool.
Toph clenched her jaw so tight, she swore she heard the crack of her bone. each step she took felt like she had just stepped in burning hot magma, leaving her body to ache and scream.
you were a firebender.
You lied to her. How could you? after everything?
you’d won the poor girls heart, caught in between your hands like a firefly in the night. this is how she gets repaid for being docile. this is what she gets for feeling such things for you.
toph angrily grunted, kicking rocks from her path and wanting to throw herself off the cliff.
how could you?
“Toph!” the familiar call of Aang paused her thoughts, the girl completely halting her movements as the boy approached. She felt the confusion swirl within him, and nausea flooded her like a river. how was she going to tell him?
“Where’s Y/n?” aang asked innocently, curiously and worry brimming his tone with concern for his friend. Toph bit her cheek, no doubt a sour look on her face.
“You mean the liar?” she bit out, almost surprised by her own tone. Aang flinched at the unexpected gesture of reply, confusion placing itself on his face.
“what?” Toph almost felt bad for him. Aang really liked you, and he often found himself pulling strings with you and toph for fun.
Toph crossed her arms, “yeah. the liar,” she repeated, passing by the boy with a soft shove to his shoulder— but for him, enough to send him slightly staggering backward.
“What are you talking about?” he insisted, and Toph knew for a fact that if she could see his face, she’d feel even more horribly.
She suddenly turned around— Aang, who had previously been closely following her footsteps— slammed into her rock hard form.
She laughed bitterly. “Our little, innocent friend y/n,” she says mockingly, usung her hands to add to her tone in physical gestured expression. “Is a firebender.” she could feel the hitch of aang’s breath and the grip he held on his staff tighten.
“she’s been lying to us this whole time.” her words were sour, like eating spoiled fruit, or drinking poorly done tea.
Aang’s reply didn’t come anytime soon, and toph could only guess his feelings on the subject.
Toph knew that it mattered mostly because your lie was told during the most important time of their lives. The hundred year war. You lied to them about.. everything. During the day if the black sun, Sozin’s comit, you lied. Every, single, time.
Toph kicked a massive chunk of dirt off the cliff, hearing it slam down the many feet of rock to the base of the hill.
“i can’t believe this.” she spoke, sitting down on a rock nearby and letting out a deep, heavy sigh. She was hurt.
she felt like her heart had been ripped apart. damn organ never learned.
“We can forgive her, Toph. make her amend,” aang finally said, “Yes, she lied, but she is still y/n. her bending doesn’t define her.” he added.
sometimes his optimism was too much.
Toph shot from her seat, fuming. “Forgive her?” she shouted, expanding a hand to where she had left you, feeling you still in the grasp of the earth she left you in. “She lied! for over two years, aang. She’s a liar— how do we know she isn’t lying about everything else she’s told us?” she bit, clearly more upset than the Airbender.
Aang took a deep breath, he was calm. the flaming opposite of toph.
“I understand that, Toph, but we met her a while ago during the war, and, well, being a firebender was definitely.. not the way to join our group.” he recalled, referring to when Zuko tried to join after almost a year of hunting him and his friends down.
“Zuko is a firebender. And now we are all close friends, even to y/n. even though she lied.” aang stepped closer to toph, who’s nose was scrunched. “I’m sure she didn’t plan to keep on lying.”
“But she did,” the beifong quickly bit back, figuring for anymore reason to continue her strike on you. “the war ended almost two and a half ago, and she is with us so often. Why wouldn’t she just tell us? Why didn’t she use her firepower during the Comit?”
Aang pursed his lips as Toph continued on, and his understanding for her rage deepened.
It wasn’t.. a big secret, the way that toph felt for you. She had no doubt the biggest soft spot for you than anyone else in the group— heck, probably anyone else in the world. She put up with you day and night, and being the busy person she was, she would uncharacteristically drop both important as well as unimportant things to spend her time with you.
Aang may only be fifteen, but he wasn’t stupid.
Aang grew up in the air temples, where people didn’t hide who they loved, men or women alike. The air nomads were accepting of all differences and embraced everyone, no matter their orientation. and right now, aang felt as though Toph could use some good avatar wisdom.
He placed a solid hand to the shoulder of the furious Earthbender, her words dying in her throat. “Toph,” aang said, and said girl knew she was in for it now.
“The feelings you hold for Y/n aren’t a mystery,” he says, his hold on toph unwavering as she visibly stiffened under his words.
“I understand why you are so upset, the betrayal and hurt you feel must been worse than any pain,” he sympathized, surprising himself how he was able to actually, somewhat, cool toph down. “But we should hear her out. At least for a little while.”
the beifong sat down once more on the rock after shoving off her friends hand, keeping her feet firm to the ground, she spoke. “Fine.”
Aang instantly went to fetch you, finding you in no time. He approached slowly, your figure rolled into a ball. He saw your foot held tightly by the earth, causing you to not be able to escape — although if you wanted to, you could.
“Y/n?” he called slowly, hearing your sniffling. You quickly lifted your heard to the familiar sound of your friends voice.
Aang frown as he saw you— tear stains ran down your face, your lips and eyes puffy from crying. You didn’t speak, only looking away from his eyes in shame.
he knew how horrible you must feel. Lying, no matter how justified , is a punishment for both ends of the party.
You stood up as he came closer, clumsily wiping your cheeks free of the previous tear stains, and it was only then did he notice the burn on your forearm. He took note of it for later.
Your face was skeptical with each step he took, like you didn’t know if he was going to hurt you, or help you.
Your eyes widen when the grasp of earth on your foot fell away, retreating back to the earth by command of the Avatar. You watched it go, flickering your gaze to meet the sincere eyes of aang.
He expanded his hand for you to take, and with caution— you accepted it.
He led you back up the hill, guiding you slowly and smiling every time you caught his eye.
The feelings you harbored for toph weren’t a mystery, either. it was painful to see any interaction between you both , as everyone who bore witness was at the edge of their seat with suspense. You are always eager to help, offering to fill positions people didn’t want, hoping to it easier for everyone— when, well, toph just did what she wanted, when she wanted. he was surprised you two got along so well when you’d first met.
your steps halted when aang’s did. You could almost feel toph’s displeasure in the air. You couldn’t dare to look up, even if she couldn’t see you.
Aang cleared his throat, releasing his comforting grip on your hand and stepping between you two.
“So,” he started, nodding. “there has been a.. miscommunication between all of us, and we have brought you, y/n, here help us resolve it.”
you were genuinely surprised by how calm he sounded, almost like he wasn’t bothered with the fact you’d been lying to them all this time.
You stood awkwardly when no one said anything, too afraid of Toph screaming at you for opening your mouth.
“Y/n,” he called, “Why don’t we start with why you decided to lie in the first place.”
that’s how it started. you were honest from the very beginning. You had told them the truth of most things, you were raised in the fire nation, just not in the less population areas. you did undergo training, but it was not just physical combat but fire as well. You did not want to lie, but you saw no other option.
you never wanted to hurt them.
Toph abruptly stood up when you finished, clearly still fuming. She walked off, fists clenched. You watched her do with shameful eyes, gnawing your cheek.
Aang saw, stepping forward.
“I’ll help your burn, and then you can go talk to her.” you wanted to refuse his offer, after everything you’ve done he wanted to help you? but he didn’t list it as an option to say no.
You let him heal your arm with waterbending he learned from Katara— someone you knew would not take this lightly.
aang had a plan. heal you up, and get you to talk to Toph. despite how obviously upset she is, she has yet to lash out on you. the soft spot she has for you hasn’t left, and he’s hoping this whole thing will reveal it to you.
“Done,” he says, wrapping a cloth around the burn and securing it tightly. You winced, knowing you were definitely going to have a scar.
“go talk to Toph.” he motioned in the direction she went, and you faltered. “Aang,” you cleared your throat to hide the crack in it, “She hates me.” your words seemed to physically pain you. “I.. can’t. She will just be more upset. she deserves space and time and—“ you stopped, his hand was placed to your shoulder firmly. A grip he did to stop rambling.
“Go talk to her.” you couldn’t deny his demand, nodding and slowly turning away to walk after the Earthbender. Aang sigh, scratching the nape of his back as he watched you tumble away.
You held your burnt arm, his healing skills not nearly as good as Katara’s , hence the pain you continued to feel.
after what felt like days, you finally found Toph. Sitting once more on a rock as her pale green eyes found solace on whatever was infront of her. You knew she knew you were there, her feet hadn’t left the floor since you’d met her.
you approached with caution, stopping when she shifted in her seat to cross her arms. You took a leap of faith and sat down beside her, swallowing the lump in your throat as you tried to find the words.
all that came out was a weak apology.
“I’m so, so sorry.”
your voice was trembling, almost like you were scared. Toph didn’t know what you had to be afraid of, and she wondered if you were scared of her.
when her reply didn’t come, you went to stand up— to give her the space she so desperately needed, but before you could get too far, a calloused hand caught your wrist.
You froze, Turing to face her. she was standing up with her expression once more unreadable, but the grip she had on you was strong enough to leave a mark.
You went to utter another apology— but before you could muster up the courage— a pair of soft lips met yours.
If you could die from pure and utter shock and surprise, you would be dead. Was she.. kissing you? Now? here? after what you did?
you were too surprised to do anything, but eventually you snapped back and cautiously kissed her back. It was soft, like a shallow embrace. it was warm, like holding someone in a cold night.
you pulled back first, breathing nervously through your nose. You stare at her, not missing the sprinkle of pink dusting her pale face. You were about to open your mouth when a very rough punch came your way.
Her fist landed right above your burn, causing you to genuinely wince of pain. It didn’t really seem to bother her, though. and you took that as her way of getting back at you.
She slipped a small, shy smile.
“Don’t lie to me ever again, stupid.”
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dreamstate4you · 10 months
Chapter 0.1.
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"So this crazy king is your old friend Bumi?' Katara asked curiously.
King Bumi turned to face the water tribe girl with an offended look, "Who are you calling old?"
"Okay, I'm old."
"Why did you do all of this instead of just telling Aang who you were?" Sokka still irritated by the fact that they were stuck in the rock Candy
"First of all, it's pretty fun messing with people." King Bumi snorted. "But I do have a reason." The atmosphere shifted to a serious tone.
"Aang, you have a difficult task ahead. The world has changed in the hundred years that you've been gone. It's the duty of the Avatar to restore balance to the world by defeating Fire Lord Ozai. You have much to learn. You must master the four elements and confront the Fire Lord. And when you do, I hope you will think like a mad genius." the kind looked around at his friend's "And it looks like you're in good hands. You'll need your friends to help defeat the Fire Nation." Bumi took a pause as Momo climbed on him. 
"Thanks Bumi." Aang replied enthusiastically with a smile.
"Oh and before you leave." Two neatly dressed ladies came out holding a plate." Take these"
Bumi took the papers from the plates of the two ladies, revealing them to be tickes.
" What are these?" Sokka asked. 'Where these slips of money used in omashu or what?' He thought to himself as his eyes shined with greed.
"They are VIP tickets to see the performer Venti. I bought some for myself ,but I guess I bought to much." Bumi let out a giggle. " Now please go, trust me you don't want to miss the show." Bumi waved his hands dismissing the group. He started walking back to his castle room. Laughing along and muttering words no one could hear.
The three teens were left standing together Wondering why they were given tickets to see a performer.
" Well we better get going the show is starting at noon." Katara said as he looked at the tickets they were given.
The three arrived just in time for the open festival , a moment could be spared to buy snacks from the vindors. Aang and Sokka immediately moved to the food section.
One particular food that caught Katara's attention was on shaped of a cloud and arrows coming from the four sides of the could, creating a star in the middle.
"Hey aang look." Katara called out to show aang the interesting food, while sokka was already with a crowd of people anxious eating the food he bought as he waited for the performance in the front row.
"Hey it kinda looks like Appa." Aang whispered as he was handed the cloud cookie, but still loud for katara to hear.
Before katara could answer, sounds of people cheering could be heard, as tall men in Earth bending uniforms came marching behind each other in a neatly formed like. Aang and katara both rushed to join the crowd not wanting to miss a second of the show.
The three men on each side started stomping each of their feet hard enough that the stage started shaking. The instrument started playing from each side of the stage. In the middle a tall, tanned girl dressed in luxurious silks of the earth kingdom emerged. Her long black hair put in an elegant braid that could almost touch the floor.
The moment in that instant, Aang felt the colour drain from his face. The clothes the woman wore were the ones that most women from the Eastern Air template wore. Sure the colour had been green ,but Aang recognized those clothes. The women of the eastern air temple would often visit the southern temple so Aang wasn't a stranger to them.
Questions started to gather in Aang's mind. He wondered how this performer manage to get such sacred clothes.
The voice of the woman brought him back to focus on what was happening.
" Aang are you okay?" Katara asked for Aang's weird behavior. She watched as he looked mostly zoned out.
"Yeah I'm fine" Aang dismissed Katara.
Bringing his attention back to the performance the girl danced with grace as the earth benders created temples and figures of people behind her.
Now that Aang focused on the background dances and not on the main performer he noticed how the temples the earthbender's were bending resembles that of the Western Air temples. The temples were hanging upside down and kept popping out of the sandy wall before being pulled back into the wall by the bender's abilities.
"Wait this song." Aang jumped up almost airbendering into the air.
"Yeah?" Katara asked next to him " it is nice isn't it." She said with a smile on her face. Her face focusing back on the main dancer.
Aang screamed earning weird looks for the people around him. He knew this song, the tempo and rhythm it had. The song would be hummed around the temples, it had no words so young monks would often make up their own words, allowing for creativity to form, but every monk and nun would always include a small line about clouds that held the ability to fly and taught the Airbender how to fly
After the performance. The two immediately went to find Sokka who was on the front of the crowd and crying his heart out.
" That was beautiful." He said between sobs.
"Come on! I need to go talk to that Performer guys." Aang quickly walked infront of the group. Walking backstage to what seemed like a big white tent. He noticed the earthbender's who were in the background chilling on the side of the tent.
Before they could enter they were stopped ,by earth bending guards.
"Hey, what are doing. Let us through." Aang protested
"We can't let you through without a pass." One of the guards answered.
" Please this is very important, you see He is the Avatar and he needs to personally thank the performer for her amazing performance." Katara tried to reason with them earning no reaction from the gaurds.
"Hey!" Sokka shouted from the back. He confidently walked towards the gaurds handing them the ticket that king Bumi gave them. The gurads inspected what Sokka was holding and let him pass.
Aang and Katara quickly did the same. Katara embarrassed about how she didn't think of that.
Inside the tent that was set up We're multiple papers and books scattered around. People inside were also chatting and laughing among themselves, but they weren't here for the after celebration. They were here to talk to the performer, Venti.
After the performance Aang started acting weird and had not said those many words to the two siblings. It seemed that the performance struck something inside him. Sokka too had the performance stuck in his head. He kept rumbling on about how he needs to fly on a magic cloud in the desert then his life goals would have been almost complete.
After some time of asking where they could find the performer. They finally found her.
She was inside another tent, a taller tent that resmbeled a watching tower from the outside, but her tent had no flooring. She was barefoot in the sand and stretching her legs.
"Ah, visitors." She quickly stood up properly. Her hands put to her side as she looked at the three infront of her. "You must have either paid a lot of money to personally see me or have good connections." She said with a hint of an accent.
"Yes, you see this is the Av-" Before Katara could finish Aang inturpted.
Aang put on his most threatening voice and face he could. ( Which just ended up making him look less threatening.)
... " I got them from... A vendor. Yes a seller-" before the performer could answer Aang once again disturbed.
" YOU'RE LYING. NO ONE WOULD EVER SELL THOSE-" This seem to be a trend to interfere with another persons conversation , because Katara softly pushed Aang to the side.
"Excuse us. You see he." Katara motioned to   Aang who was now on the floor. " He is the Avatar and we would really like to know where you got your knowledge from."
"HE'S THE AVATAR!" The young performer seemed to have lost any elegance she had as she figured out the new information. Reacting in the same way Aang was acting earlier.
The performer dashed to the boy on the ground at a ridiculous speed that shocked Sokka.
Venti bent down to help the young Avatar from the floor and looked like she was about to say something before she stopped.
"Wait, how do I really know your the Avatar?" She pointed at Aang.
Aang simply didn't respond and jumped high in the air touching the highest point of the tent and came down ,but not touching the grass, clearly still using his bending to keep him afloat.
The young girl gasped before she also jumped into the air, descending down at a slow rate, she also kept herself afloat for a few more seconds before finally reaching the ground with a smile on her face.
Sokka was the first to faint... Then Aang.
This performer is definitely an Airbender
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crybabylulu · 1 month
Red Lips
Azula x fem reader college au
No one knew you and Azula were together. You two kept it private to avoid dealing with your friends being down both of your throats. You were currently cuddling with Azula in your shared dorm room. When you two first met Azula was very rude and made sure you two kept everything separate and that you stayed on your side of the room. You didn’t bother to argue, you just kept to yourself but after one night of her coming back to the dorm drunk off her ass she became your responsibility to take care of that night. You helped her throw up, helped her change into comfortable clothes, gave her water and fed her. She clung to you like a baby the whole night. The next morning she felt embarrassed but you told her it was fine and everyone has those nights where they just need to be drunk off their asses. You just made her promise when it was your turn she’d take care of you and surprisingly she agreed.
After that situation you two slowly grew closer and closer till you were dancing in the kitchen with takeout and made out. It was a cute moment and after that you two have been together. She loved being with you, you made her feel things she’s never felt before. She adored you and you adored her. As you two were cuddling she was laying on your chest while you ran your fingers through her hair. You let out a sigh. “I gotta go to bed soon babe.” You tell her. “You don’t have class tomorrow.” Azula said. She was focused on her laptop while you two were watching some random movie. “I have to go study with everyone.” You told her. Azula sighed. “I shouldn’t be gone long.” You say. “I could help you study.” Azula said. “I know but I already agreed to a study session with the gang.” You said.
Azula turns her head and looks up at you. “Don’t start.” You say playfully then kiss her forehead. She sighs and turns back around. “I'll leave around nine am and then I should be back by one pm.” You said. “I suppose I can find something to do while you’re gone.” Azula said. “I’ll do my best to rush back to the dorm when I’m done.” You say. “You better.” Azula mumbles. She's so cute when she wants all your time. “I will.” You say. “Who’s dorm are you meeting at?” Azula asked. “Zuko’s.” You tell her. Azula rolls her eyes then sits up and looks at you. “What?” You asked. “You’re going over there with his sleazy roommate?” She asked. “Jet won’t be there, that's why Zuko said we could come over.” You said. Azula shook her head. “It’ll be fine.” You reassure her. She absolutely despises Jet, which you couldn’t blame her for. Jet can be weird.
He’s always talking about weird conspiracy theories about a government facility under the water and other stuff and also he’s very interested in trying to get into girls pants. People tend to avoid him but some girls just can’t resist him. He also has a bit of a thing for you and Azula hates it but you constantly reassure her that you want nothing to do with him. After the movie you two take separate showers then cuddle in Azula’s bed and fall asleep. The next morning you wake up to the sound of your alarm and you sigh. Azula turns off the alarm and you try to get out of bed but she won’t let you. “Zula.” You say. “No.” She mumbles. “Babe I gotta start to get ready.” You tell her. “No.” She mumbles again. You sigh.
She’s such a baby but it’s cute. You pull yourself out of her arms and she huffs. “Get back in bed before I set you on fire.” Azula muttered. “Set me on fire then my love.” You say. You walk to the bathroom and start to brush your teeth. After your morning routine you go back into your room to find something to wear. While you’re looking for clothes Azula goes into the bathroom. You let her do her thing while you toss on some sweatpants and a tank top with a zip up sweater just in case you get cold. You gather up all your studying supplies then go into the living room to make yourself something quick to eat. Which was just toast and eggs. You eat your food and chug down a glass of water so Katara doesn’t argue about how you don’t drink enough water.
You heard Azula coming into the living room. “Are you less grumpy now my love?” You asked. Azula didn’t say anything, you just felt her come up behind you and wrap her arms around you. You rub her arm then feel her kiss on your neck. “Zula.” You said. “What?” She asked. “Keep your lips from my neck.” You say playfully. “I’m just giving you a little love.” Azula says. “You could kiss my lips instead of my neck.” You tell her. “Which ones?” Azula asked. You shake your head and try not to laugh. “You walked into that one love.” Azula said. “Fuck you.” You say. “Right now?” Azula asked. You sigh. “You keep walking into them.” She tells you. “I hate you so much.” You say while laughing. “You love me.” Azula said and kissed your neck again. You check your phone and you notice you’re late.
“I gotta go my love, I’ll pick up lunch on the way back for us.” You tell her and quickly wash your dishes. Azula sighs. “I know honey, I know.” You say. “Stay.” Azula says. “I have to go study.” You say then gather up your things and give her a quick kiss. Azula rolls her eyes. “You’re such a pouty baby.” You tease. “Oh hush.” Azula says. You give her another kiss. “I won’t be gone forever, call Ty Lee and Mai to see if they wanna come over and hang with you.” You tell her. “I don’t want them, I want you.” Azula says. “I’ll be back before you know it. Text me what you want me to pick up on my way back. I gotta go.” You said then rushed towards the door. You rush to the boys dorm across the fucking campus. When you get there you’re out of fucking breath.
Once you recover you knock on the door. Zuko opens the door. “You’re late.” Katara said. “Forgive me mom.” You say as you walk in. Katara stares at you. “What?” You ask. “Who were you with before you got here?” Katara asked. “What are you talking about?” You asked. “That big kiss mark on your neck!” Sokka shouted. You covered your neck with your hand then ran off to the bathroom and indeed there was lipstick on your neck and on your lips. Azula thinks she’s so funny. You quickly pull out your phone to text her.
Azula: what?
Azula: what about it?
Azula: marking my territory so that creep Jet backs off
Y/N: Azula
“So you gonna explain yourself?” Katara asked as she came into the bathroom. “I don’t have to explain anything to you.” You said. “I’ll find out.” Katara said. “It’s red lipstick and there’s someone I can think of that wears red lipstick.” Suki said. “Shut up!” You shouted.
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soulc-hilde · 3 months
The New Gen
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pairing: Korra x OFC
synopsis: As Korra breaks from the overbearing walls of the White Lotus, she begins to explore what being the Avatar really entails. Unintentionally thrusting herself in the city's rising turmoil, she tries to balance her job and being a teenager. Thankfully, she has friends to keep her head straight.
divider by @graphicstorage
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As the Gaang grew older, they established careers and families. Of course, they believed that their children would also be friends – more like a dream in Katara’s case – but they weren’t quite prepared for the length to which the children were willing to go. While Zuko’s daughter, Izumi, liked her infamous friends, she preferred to stay within the castle by her parents’ side. For Toph, Katara, Sokka, Ikkara, and Aang, well, they would’ve begged for their children to be the same.
Toph’s eldest, Lin, had been dating Katara and Aang’s youngest, Tenzin, for two years. In the beginning, it was puppy love. Tenzin chased after her and she’d pretend that the young Airbender had no effect on her. It was adorable, while it lasted. Things changed, for the worse. They were becoming older, discovering themselves and how they saw their future, and a tension began to rise between them.
Working under her mother, Lin soared through the ranks, burying herself in her work while Tenzin was beginning to set himself out as a political figure. With prominent careers, the topic of marriage and children arises. Despite Lin’s caring and protective nature, her family-based trauma tended to hold her back. She was scared, to say the least. If she was to marry Tenzin, only Spirits knew how bad everything would be.
What ifs ran through her mind, day in and day out. What if Aang and Katara no longer approve of me after we’re engaged? What if I can’t give him children? Much less, Airbenders? Him and Aang would be so disappointed, I don’t want to get their hopes up. What if I’m not the perfect wife? The perfect mother?
It was just a sea of unanswered questions and unfortunately, Tenzin was an airbender – not a mind reader. He didn’t understand Lin’s way of thinking, he couldn’t predict that her upbringing would scare her away from building her own family. He couldn’t even answer all her questions. So, in turn, he began to create distance. Much like his estranged girlfriend, he too began to search for content within his work.
As they continued to avoid the weight on their relationship, Tenzin’s attention was caught by an acolyte of the temple. Continuously working around one another, taking daily walks around the island as they fed the Lemurs, the two became attached. Wherever he went, she was there by his side and if he was to leave for the city, she’d stay on his mind.
Enraptured with the woman, he never noticed how hard things were to become. Pema had taken the initiative and confessed her feelings and without a thought, Tenzin had openly reciprocated the confession. Rushed to end the relationship with Lin, no matter how many times he said that he did… there was no real way to ease the hurt that struck the Beifong’s heart.
Spirits, the look on her face when he told her. She hoped that they could fix things, especially now that Suyin was sent away by their mother, she no longer had to work overtime to make sure the younger woman stayed out of trouble. But no. Just like her mother, her father, and her sister, Tenzin left her. He found someone else, someone better. Someone new. Tenzin left her!
In a blind rage, she tore through Air Temple Island with a strength not even her mother was aware of. She stomped and punched, splitting the island into two. From both sides of the island, Tenzin’s parents along with Sokka, Ikkara, and his cousin Ezra watched as their home became victim of the Beifong wrath. Nearly collapsing from a heart attack, she trudged back to the city without a word.
Promising herself to never step foot in that island’s direction ever again, life seemed to have different plans for her. As Tenzin and Pema were engaged, Ezra picked up the pieces from his best friend’s heart. As he sowed her tarnished heart back together, they conquered Republic City. After Toph stepped down, Lin was inaugurated as Chief of Police and Ezra was voted in as Head Councilman and Commander of the Republic City Task Force.
Their faces painted the front pages of the newsletters, busting one crime mob to the next. Eventually, their bond became stronger. It just hit them. Ezra returned home one day and frowned with distaste at the reality he lived in, constantly coming home alone. He no longer liked the silence that surrounded him, outside of his loudmouth father, of course. And Lin felt her gut churning with discomfort as she once again stayed late in the office.
Unlike her officers, she didn’t have a homecooked meal waiting for her or just overall a family waiting the wrap their arms around her, cheering that she returned home to them. Her eyes watered, a sense of finality coming over her as she analyzed the life she lived. Such a lonely life. Until one day, she no longer felt empty. The tall, muscular tribal man marched into her office and with a swift grip, he raised her to his eye level and indulged her with a kiss of passion.
Poor woman could barely step foot in the office that following week. As the two married, Lin discovered her pregnancy amid a crime bust, chasing down the Agni Kai Triad. Her heart nearly stopped as that dark creature returned with its endless pit of ‘what ifs’. Although, this go around was short lived for her husband was a man who understood her from the inside out and from her head to her toes.
And the family was rather excited for them. All except for Tenzin, of course. He couldn’t but to feel that the man he felt was the big brother he should’ve had betrayed him. In his eyes, Lin was a fixture of his past and deserved to stay there. Ezra could’ve fallen for anyone else, married anyone else. He just couldn't find the logic behind it. This elicited a loop of petty arguments and glares from the younger man.
Nothing too catastrophic until Tenzin took Ezra’s admiration for Lin and their relationship as boast to wave in his little cousin’s face. A fight developed, water against air until Aang put his foot and ordered peace. You know, the everyday job of the Avatar.
“I don’t know what has gotten into you two, but the tension in this house is ridiculous,” the aged Avatar grits. Ezra scoffs, “if anything is ridiculous, it’s Tenzin and his attitude toward Lin and I.” He turns his glare at the younger man, “we’ve done nothing to you!”
Tenzin’s eyes widen, wild and untamed, “nothing to me?! You married my ex-girlfriend and she’s now carrying your child. You betrayed me.”
“You want to talk about betrayal?” Ezra’s teeth grind, “then let’s get into how you cheated on Lin and didn’t decide to break things until after you and Pema started dating. Don’t act shocked that fate has decided to give her a second chance at love while you got stuck with a servant for a fiancé.”
Aang sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, “okay, that’s enough. Both of you!”
Since then, the boys who once considered each other brothers turned into strangers. Ezra became a father to a beautiful little girl who they named Takari as he continued to lead Republic City with Lin while Tenzin and Pema had yet to reach past the engagement stage.
As Aang and Ikkara’s health began to decline, their last moments were spent surrounded by their friends and family. Aang’s dreams of rebuilding the Air Nation started with Tenzin and ended with his two-year-old grandniece, unsure of what his son and Pema were destined for. After his passing, Raava found her way in a waterbender while Takari began to practice her airbending.
Lin found it amusing that her only child was an airbender. As she told Ezra, it was as if the spirits gifted her baby a loophole just to show the woman that she was never the problem. If things were different, if Tenzin was different, she could’ve given him airbending children. But he wasn’t hers to hold and she wasn’t his to love.  
Until a strange incident had occured...
The young girl was playing outside with a couple of classmates when a street rat, Fez, intruded on the fun. 
The orphan was known to run small errands and even do the dirty work for the triads in exchange for money. When he wasn't occupied with that, he'd find enjoyment in torturing the infamous Beifong child and her friends.
Once again, he was hustling the group for the small amounts of money they had. A girl, Lianna, didn't have any to share so instead he ordered for her late grandmother's betrothal necklace. 
She refused, again and again, causing the young firebender to kick an arc of flames her way. Desperately, she dived into the middle of the street, watching as cars weaved around and honked at her. Fez continued chasing her in the road, unbothered, throwing non-stop punches fueled with flames.
Every once in a while, Lianna would block the balls of fire with small whips of water until he trips her feet with a rope of fire, he watches in amusement as she falls in front of an oncoming car. Enraged, Takari ran forward, hands reaching out for the girl, expecting air to leave from her palms.
Instead, the bit of earth Lianna was stuck to turned into a pillar, launching the young girl in the air. Watching her screaming form soar across the intersection, Takari created a vortex of air to catch her body and slow down her fall. 
Confused and horrified, Fez watched the girl bend two elements to her will before running down the nearest alleyway. Quickly, she gallops in his direction, feet planting firm to the ground as her clenched fists hover just above the road. Feeling the pull of the earth underneath her, she pulls chunks of it over the orphan's feet.
As her arms continue to raise, the wall of rock rises with her motions, surrounding the boy's body. He jostles himself around, fighting for his body to find release to no avail. Her friends cheer happily as the police arrive, Lin steps from the vehicle with worry at the thought of her daughter in danger until her eyes fall upon the young boy.
"And what happened here?" She asks the children. Fez quickly answers, "that... that freak doesn't know what element she wants to bend. First, she's bending the road and the next she's airbending. Get me away from her!" 
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Taglist: Open to anyone who wishes to join, just comment down below or inbox me!
Series Masterlist
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laetussunflower · 6 months
(TW, the following has descriptions of some violent scenes and scenarios, viewer discretion is advised)
First time writing please enjoy, sorry if my English is bad, feedback is welcomed 🙏 and if you have ideas for a title please do suggest I’m at a blank here lol
“Aang! Aang!” You yell out between coughs, gasping for air. The screams deafen you as you ram your shoulder into your little brother’s bedroom door, desperately trying to get it open.
Flames lick at your skin, your hip already festering and beginning  to blister, hot tears streaming down your face and you bang your bloody knuckles against the door, smoke drowning your senses
You gasp once the door gives way, you rush in only to find the room empty. No little boy with big brown eyes in sight, you let out a shuddering breath, blinking back the burning sensation that the smoke causes 
“No” your lips tremble, shaking your head 
“No, no, … no!” 
you fear the worse. 
They already have taken him
he’s gone
Your thoughts deafen you, clutching the sides of your head, grabbing fist fills of your hair 
“Aang..” you whimper softly 
Heavy footsteps echo into the room. Shouting, barking orders. Your hands fall to your side. You feel numb. All that grief and pain turns into a raw, painful, bitter anger. The soft gentle winds replaced with a raw, burning fire within you. And there you stand, not moving as the Fire nations soldiers file in and surround you, ready to set ablaze. Stances wide and low, feet grounded and steady, fist up ready to conjure the fire within them. 
The monks, raised you to not fight. To believe in peace, but, that didn’t matter now.
You only stare at the ground, you feel the air of their movements, their shaky breaths and heavy breathing. 
The monks taught you that all life is sacred 
One raises a fist. You feel the wind shift against your bare flesh. 
Oh, how they lied to you. How were these lives, of these men sacred? 
How can the spirits watch this slaughter, and still deemed that the people surround you deserve any glimpse of mercy?
The soldier doesn’t move an inch more before you send a roundhouse kick, manipulating, bending the wind around him to send him into his other men.
they shout and send more flames but you merely send yourself up, bending the wind current to place yourself behind them. Moving your hands like the tide of the sea, you bend the air in the small room towards the men. It’s hits them like a heavy wave, some men fall back down the stairs, you hear them fall, their bones snapping, breaking at the contact. 
You flinched when your people screamed, you flinched at the stench of burning flesh, but you didn’t flinch now. 
Nor did you when to turned to the last man, who now cowers before you. Eyes wide and frantic. He was no older than you. Still had a face of youth, eyes that belonged to a new soul. 
You didn’t care.
You left the wind change.
You felt it shift when he lifted his fist.
you felt it in his lungs.
the air he breathed.
And so you took it away.
At that moment, you uttered an oath to yourself. Alive or not. You’d find your brother.  And protect him no matter what he faced. Your soul was bounded to his the moment he was born.  bounded by a duty. To guide the Avatar to greatness. 
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tobitofunction · 2 years
🐉 Part 2
Again mentions of silver hair and purple eyes but no mentions of skin colour or hair texture. Mentions of incest as game of thrones/house of the dragon inspired
Part1 Part 3 part4 part5 part6 part 7
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You watched as Dragonstone becomes smaller and smaller, the wind felt different in your hair and you felt Haku's presence slowly disappearing,” Is it your first time away from home?” Katara said,” Obvious?” you chuckled making her smile,” I felt the same when I left my tribe, I had Sokka which made things easier however,” he said crossing her arms on the railing of the boat,” How is it to travel with the Avatar and being his partner?” you asked,” Now it’s easier going as back than half of the population was trying to kill us, now only a small percentage wants to” she joked making you smile,” I only ever travelled by dragon back, this is less adventurous” you smiled,” I can imagine, I prefer this however, dragon back is a bit too adventurous for me, no offence”,” Non taken, it’s not for everyone”,” Zuko seemed to like it, which all that matters,” Katara said,” Like the Valyrian had their connection to the dragons so does Zuko, it’s just different to us. I can feel Haku's emotions and he can feel mine, he’s in pain when I am and wise versa. Us being apart is like a mother being apart from her newborn” you said looking in the direction of your home,” I know the feeling, I feel the same way about Appa” Aang said appearing next to Katara,” Appa was with me even before I mastered bending wind, he was taken away from once and I hated every minute of it. Even now I am missing him and it feels like a part is missing” Aang said with a soft smile,” Now that there is peace will try to repopulate the sky bison”,” I hope for success for you Avatar Aang” you smiled at him. A loud screech made the three of your heads snap skyward,” Carax” you mumbled,” Whose dragon is that?” Katara asked,” My Uncles,” you said watching the giant dragon fly across the sky messing with the boat which made it shake slightly,” He’s doing it on purpose right?” Katara said holding onto Aang so she doesn’t fall onto the ground,” My Uncle is a good warrior but also a child. A dangerous mix but it aided us well at times” you said steadying yourself when the boat stopped rocking side to side, as your Uncle flew Carax back home,” The fire nation left you alone though so why do you need warriors?”,” The fire nation might have stopped calming to the island but it didn’t stop them from attacking islands close to ours, my Uncle jumps at any opportunity to embarrass the fire nation”,” It’s still a Mystery why we never heard of you” Aang said,” If you were the fire nation, you keep your failures a secret mostly if the failure is concerning small islands” you smiled,” Who was the guy with the big ass dragon?” Sokka said appearing,” My Uncle, no need to worry. He flew back to Dragonstone”,” He really doesn’t like the fire nation if he’s ready to mess with a boat his niece is on” Sokka said, you didn't answer but just watched Carax return back to Dragonstone.
After the boat stopped rocking Zuko removed the lid and gently took the egg out, he hissed slightly at the heat of the egg but it was bearable to him. “Please hatch soon” he whispered,” You should be honoured, having a dragon,” Iroh said making Zuko tense slightly,” Uncle you scared me,” he said putting the egg back,” I’m sorry, the last time I saw you this excited saw Mai again,” Iroh said making Zuko sigh,” Don’t mention her please, I need to get over her. She moved on and I’m set to marry,” he said getting up from his crouched position,” Y/N is from what I see a good woman and will make a good wife,” Iroh said,” I know she will”,” I heard that you want to have the traditional Valyrian wedding”,” Y/N talked about with the Chief of the Sun Warriors it sounded like a  good experience but I also want a wedding here in the fire nation”,” It’s your wedding Zuko, you can get what you want. It’s the least I can do, I am the one who forced you into this” Zuko shook his head,” I could have said no and could have been bothered to someone worse” he smiled,” Just her Uncle scares me a little bit” Zuko admitted,” Do not worry about him, his brother will keep a tight lease on him”.
Arriving at the Fire Nation you were greeted by a large hairy beast which you assumed to be Appa due to the large arrow on his head,”APPA” Aang screamed confirming it to you,” Y/N this Appa” Aang said,” He’s cute” you said touching his soft fur,” I assumed he is bigger” you said removing your hand,” With a dragon that size I’m not surprised you find him small” Katara said,” Zuko are you joining us on Appa?” Aang asked while Toph and Sokka climbed into the saddle,” We are taking the carriage” Zuko said placing his hand on your shoulder,” Oh alone time” Sokka wiggled his brows,” My Uncle will be there you idiot” Zuko snapped, his face slightly red making Sokka and Toph giggle,” Oh I wish I could see your face, I beat it’s red as a tomato” she added,” Nice to meet you Appa” you said making the bison groan as Zuko walked you the carriage,” How’s the first impression going?” Zuko asked helping you into the carriage, his hand was nice and warm and surprisingly soft.” It’s beautiful, and it’s comforting to see it has some similarities to Dragonstone” you smiled, you noticed people staring at you and whispering to each other,” Ignore them, you just look different to others” Zuko said,”Still very beautiful, isn’t that right Zuko” Iroh said making you giggle,” Of course, that was a given” Zuko mumbled sitting beside his Uncle with you sitting in front of him”. Zuko knocked on the carriage signalling they are ready to go.
“Fire Lord Zuko, it’s good to see you back,” a woman clad in armour said, she wore heavy makeup and looked very different to the other soldiers,” Suki, this is y/n,” Zuko said as you stepped out of the carriage,” An honour to meet you, Princess” she bowed her head,” You’re wearing different armour, why is that?”,” I’m originally from the earth kingdom, and my home was where Avatar Kyoshi was born and in honour of her, my village created the Kyoshi warriors and we fought alongside Aang and Zuko against the old Fire Lord. It’s a long story, if you are interested to hear all of it, I will be honoured to tell you it”, you smiled at  Suki which she returned,” Suki, alongside Ty-Lee, will be watching over you during your stay. They are best within the Kyoshi warriors” Zuko said,” Where is Ty-Lee anyway?”,”Here, sorry I was talking to Mai and forgot about time” she said with a bowed head, you looked at Zuko he tensed for a second as the name left the girl's lips,” You must be y/n, you have such beautiful hair” she said stepping closer to you,” And you have purple eyes, how cool is that” she said her eyes widening,” Did the other arrive already?” Zuko asked making Ty-Lee step away from you,” Yes, they went to their rooms, it has been a long journey after all” Suki smiled making Zuko nod,” Let me show you around the Palace, I’m your tour guide now” Zuko smiled.
“The garden, I hope you will love it as much as I do,” Zuko said as the two of you walked into it, Suki and Ty-Lee were a bit behind you, as they didn't want to invade your guy's privacy all too much.” It’s stunning, a nice place to relax,” you said walking towards the pond,” Turtle ducks, how cute” you mused watching the small creatures swim around their mother,” When I was younger, I feed them with mother quite often” Zuko smiled pulling out a loaf of bread from his sleeves,” Want to feed them?” you nodded and Zuko broke the loaf in half and handed you one piece,” The mother duck bit me in the ankle once as I threw a loaf of bread at her youngling as I wanted to show mother how my sister Azula feed them,” he said embarrassment evident in his voice,” Karma came fast for you” you giggled making him blush,” Yeah” you watched as the small turtle ducks swam quickly towards the bread pieces you threw into the water,” I love Turtle ducks, we don’t have many, the younger dragons always ate them” you pouted,” Wild lives dangerous with you I see” you smiled at the statement,”Whose Mai? You tensed at the name”, Zuko sighed,”My ex I told you about”,” You still have feelings for her?” you asked breaking another piece of bread and throwing into the water,” I would be lying if I said no, but... it might sound stupid and way to soon to say but I like you a lot. The last couple of days were a lot of fun”,” It’s not love though and that is fine”, Zuko gave you a thankful look,” The person who you liked is your Uncle right? Just the way you interacted, the necklace-” at the mention of the necklace you uncousincesly reached for it,”- and I over heard him ask your father to marry you to him but he denied it”, you swallowed, your face heating up a bit,”Nothing happened between us” you said quickly,” Even if something did happen, I don’t care, you aren’t my property” the two of you stayed quit for a while, feeding the turtle ducks in slightly awkward silence,” I talked to my Uncle and even though I agreed to having a wedding in the tradition of your house, I also want to marry in the tradition of the fire nation” he said breaking the silence,” I would love that, it would only be fair. Not many people can attend the Valyrian wedding anyway, it would put the masters at risk” you said making Zuko nod,” I haven't even thought of that, we marry in the Valyrian tradition first, only our closest family and friends will attend and the Fire Nation will be for everyone. How does that sound?”,”I like it”, a cough made the two of you look away from each other,”I’m sorry to disturb but dinner is ready” Suki said. Zuko nodded and threw what was the rest of the bread in the water before standing up, you did the same fixing your hair slightly as well.
“So y/n, how do you find the fire nation?” Iroh asked,” The Palace is beautiful, I love the garden the most but after I have dinner I'm probably heading to bed. I’m so tired” you laughed placing some cabbage on your plate,” Well deserved. I am surprised you lasted this long” Iroh said,” Tomorrow we start the preparations for the wedding. It be held as soon as your Uncle and Cousin have there’s” Iroh said,” We have a plan anyway” Zuko said making Iroh's eyes sparkle,” Love to hear that”. After that a small conversation between everyone started laughs filled the air when the door suddenly swung open revealing a messenger.” I am sorry for the disturbance my Lord but a message for the Princess of Dragonstone has arrived” he said holding up a piece of paper. You stood up and walked towards the young man, he handed you the scroll and left with a bow.” What does it say?” Sokka asked his mouth full of food,” From how her heartbeat picked up, not something joyful” Toph said making Zuko jump up,” What is it?” he asked walking over to you,” It’s from Uncle, he said that my mother went into labour but the sages don’t have hope for survival. My mother's pregnancy was difficult, he said they will prioritise the baby's health over my mother” you said, everyone went silent, and the former happy atmosphere turned sombre,” But why?” Aang asked,” The council are hoping for a boy, an heir. Even though my father wishes for me to be his heir, the others aren't on the same page, unfortunately” you said looking down at the letter, tears began to build up,” Aang, do you think Appa can fly us back to Dragonstone?” Zuko asked turning to his friend,” That be no problem, Appa might not be fast a dragon but he’s definitely faster than a boat” Aang said, he used his air bending to jump towards you, he gave you a kind smile which warmed your heart,” Thank you”.
Even though Appa went as fast as he could, you and the rest still didn’t make it in time. Once you arrived at Dragonstone you were met by Lord Coryl’s and his son, both wore apologetic looks,” I am sorry Princess but your mother didn’t make it”,” What about my sibling” you asked as a tear rolled down your cheek,” A girl, healthy” you smile spread on your lips, it was soft but noticeable,” The funeral arrangement was put on hold until you arrived” your cousin said taking your hand in his and giving it a squeeze,” Thank you for bringing her hear” he said turning to the others, they didn't say anything but just gave supportive smiles, he still held your hand when he led you back into Palace so you could get changed. Zuko meanwhile stayed with his friend watching you disappear into Palace,” If I never have taken her to the Fire Nation-”,” Don’t blame yourself Zuko, it wouldn’t have prevented her death” Katara said,” But she could at least have said goodbye” Zuko said turning away from the water bender making her frown.
Zuko walked away from the group, he didn’t know where he was going but he just needed space, he knew Katara was right but just like him you lost your mother. But with you it was permanent, he knew that his mother was still alive or at least he believed she was. Zuko looked up from the ground and saw servants build a three-tiered bed from wooden planks,” What are you doing here?” a gruff voice said, which Zuko identified as your Uncle” I’m here to support y/n” Zuko said not turning to face the older man,” It’s a family matter, take your little group of friends and leave” Zuko furrowed his brows in anger,” Are you so jealous of me getting married to y/n that you rather see her alone than being comfort?”,” She has her family to do that” he grunted,” I will be her family soon, and I won’t leave her. She needs the support” Zuko spat,” You only know her four at least a week”,” So?” Zuko said just as you emerged from the Palace, you're wearing a mostly black outfit but red was threaded throughout. “Uncle,” you said before giving the older man a quick hug, burring your face into his chest,” Iksan vaoreznuni byka mēre (I’m sorry little one)” he said rubbing your head gently, you pulled away from him with teary eyes,”Rȳ least ziry's daor isse ōdres dombo (At least she's not in pain anymore)” you said wiping your tears and turning to Zuko, “I’m so sorry, I wish I could do something” you smiled at his words,” Just stay close,” you said making him nod. Zuko looked behind him and saw that rest stood a safe distance away probably because they didn’t want to disturb the family's grieving process. Zuko turned back when he heard you take a sharp breath, just at the moment sages carried a body wrapped in what seemed silk towards the wooden panels.  “Haku?” he heard Aang say, just then he saw the large white dragon being walking towards the funeral. He was let go by the keepers, Haku unlike before seemed sad and even in pain, “Issi waiting syt ao (They are waiting for you)” you sighed and looked around and saw the staff and the dragon keepers staring at you, meanwhile your father was staring at the corpse of his wife,” If only I was born a boy” you whispered making your Uncle sigh and look at you sadly,” Don’t say that, your father loves you and stood up for you when Lord Coryl’s talked a male heir” Zuko said making you look at him,” I’m glad you were born a girl” he grabbed your hand, you smiled softly while your Uncle didn't say anything. With Zuko’s hand in yours, you stepped forward, you gave your father a sad look and took a deep breath before looking at Haku who was only staring at you,” Dracarys” you said, your voice slightly shaky which made Haku cock his head at you,” Haku dracarys” you said a little bit firmer, you squeezed Zuko’s hand uncousinly, Haku shook his head before spitting fire at your mother body, you buried your face into Zuko’s shoulder as you didn’t want to see it happen, feeling the flames was enough for you to know what was happening. Zuko meanwhile was rubbing your back. 
After only ash and bones were left you walked towards Haku and buried your face into his scales, Haku groaned her craned his neck towards you, his head gently nudging you, his way to show you comfort. “You can stay here if you want,” Zuko said,” No, I want to go back but Haku comes with me,” you said your face still pressed against Haku, Zuko gave you a look of sympathy,” What about Ember Island?” Aang said jumping out of nowhere,” Ember Island?” you sniffled,” Zuko has a house there, it’s perfect for relaxing” Sokka pipped up,” Isn’t it getting renovated?” Katara asked with her arms crossed,” Why is it getting renovated?” Sokka asked,” As a certain fire bender destroyed parts of while chasing a certain air bender” Katara lifted a brow making Zuko and Aang cringe,” It’s grand, I'm not in the mood for beaches anyway. I just say goodbye to my family and we can head back” you said,” Iksan taking haku naejot se perzys nation, ready zirȳla syt nyke (I'm taking Haku to the fire nation, ready him for me)” you said to the dragon keeper who nodded his head. Zuko watched you disappear again,” I guess I should send a letter to Suki to prepare for the arrival of a dragon” Zuko said making his friends nod.
Before meeting your family you went to gardens, it was smaller than the one in the fire nation, it had no pond with turtle ducks but instead a large white tree with large branches which had blood red leaves, a face carved into the middle of it, at times red sap leaks from the deep cuts in the trunk made for the eyes of the face. You gently touched it with a grieving expression,” skoro syt, gōntan mazemā zirȳla hen nyke? skoros emagon nyke gaomagon? iksan doing ñuha gaomilaksir, marrying vala sepār naejot carry zȳhon riñar.  Sir iksan zūgagon naejot gaomagon bona task, iksis bona skoros ao jeldan? (why, did you take her from me? What have I done? I'm doing my duty, marrying a man just to carry his children. Now I'm scared to do that task, is that what you wanted? )”,”Ȳdra daor sagon zūgagon zaldrītsos (Don't be afraid little dragon)” your father's voice said from behind you, you turned around and faced him, his usual smile was gone, he looked empty, even lost,” The gods know what they are doing y/n and unfortunately your mother’s plan isn't here,” he said sitting down on a small bench, he patted the space beside him,” You could have the best doctors the four nations could offer but when the gods want someone they take them,” he said patting your knee” Jaelan se gods naejot tepagon zirȳla arlī (I want the gods to give her back)”,” So do I, nothing I say will make your grief easier ñuha zaldrītsos (my little dragon) but I want to say this, your mother will always stay with you” he opened his palm and revealed a small golden ring, it had the symbol of your house carved into it with the words Perzys Ānogār (fire and blood) carved in the inside of the ring, your mother ring,” Wear this and she is with you”, you carefully took the ring off him and slipped onto your ring finger, it fitted perfectly,” What about you?”, he looked at you with an adoring smile, he cupped your cheek gently,” I have you, and your sister” he said before getting up,” The Dragon keepers brought 3 eggs, you can choose which to give to your sister” he said before walking away.
Zuko walked the long hallway of the palace looking for you, Appa and Haku are both set for their journey. He found you in your room looking down at a long wooden box,” Everyone is set, so if you're ready? Zuko said making you jump,” Sorry didn’t mean to scare you,” he said bowing his head,” It’s fine,” you said turning your head slightly to face him,” I’m just choosing an egg for my sister,” you said gently gliding down your fingers across the eggs, the colours changed from a dark grey to orange and green,” Where do you get them? I only saw male dragons so far”, Zuko asked,” Meley’s, she was my mother’s, before that she was her’s,” you said gently,” So your mother claimed hers?”,” Her egg never hatched, but she proved her blood when she claimed Meley’s, a direct descendent of Raw and Shaw” you said picking up the orange egg,” I saw this one. What do you think?” you said turning to Zuko,” I’m not an expert,” he said waving his hands in dismissal,” But yeah I like the orange one, it reminds me of a flame,” he said,” Keeper nyke iderēbagon se drōmon (Keeper I choose the egg)” you said to a man which Zuko didn’t notice when he walked in, he was quite old, probably older than Iroh, but he looked strong and wise,” Iā sȳz iderennon dārilaros, kesan dīnagon ao isse se cradle hen aōha mandia (A good choice Princess, I will place you in the cradle of your sister)” he gently took the egg and placed it in a similar thing his egg was placed in,” What will happen to the others?” Zuko asked as the keeper walked away with the egg,” They be put in incubation” you said as other keepers appear and took away the box with unchosen eggs,” Let’s get going” you said,” Are you okay?” Zuko asked grabbing your arm,” For the circumstances, yes” you said,” I understand how you feel, when my mother disappeared, I felt so lonely, scared, it didn’t feel real like I was stuck in a bad dream with no way out. I didn’t stop feeling that way but it did get easier, I had my Uncle, he helped a lot”,” I’m scared that the same thing will happen to me, father said not even the best doctors can safe you when the gods have a different plan for me. I don’t want to live my life birthing children until I die, maybe the gods punished me because of these thoughts” Zuko shook his head,” They didn’t, whatever these gods have planned for you dying while giving birth isn’t one of them” you smiled sadly at him,” Okay, let’s go before I start bawling” you said making Zuko chuckle.
On your way out you were met by your Uncle,” Leaving already?” he said standing in front of you, he looked you up and down. He cocked his head slightly and smiled when he saw the necklace he has given you around your neck ” We have a wedding to plan Uncle, just like you and yours is closer than ours. So you better get behind it” you said, making the smile he wore drop” Ziry iksos daor naejot late syt ao naejot arlinnon aōha mind nūmāzma marrying zirȳla (It's not to late for you to change your mind about marrying him)” your Uncle said grabbing your arm making you stop in your tracks, as you began to walk away from him”Lo ziry iksos daor zuko pār ziry sagon aōha ābrazȳrys's lēkia, se perzys nation iksis iā gevie dīnagon, se zuko iksis iā sȳz vala ( If it’s not Zuko than it is your wife’s brother, the fire nation is beautiful place and Zuko is a good man)” you sighed, Zuko twitched slightly at the mention of his name, it sounded to different in your mother tongue,”Ao iēdrosa jorrāelagon nyke se Avy jorrāelan, kosti gūrogon īlva zaldrīzoti se jikagon naejot se pryjata hen uēpa Valyria se rhaenagon iā arlie (You still love me and I love you, we can take our dragons and go to the ruins of old Valyria and start a new)” you sighed again and looked him dead in the eye,”Skoros kessa gaomagon konīr? ziry iksos se ruin hen īlva people syt iā drīve.  Sepār gaomagon skoros ao skoriot ivestretan, kostilus.  Ȳdra daor ziry harder than ziry jorrāelagon sagon (What will do there? It's the ruin of our people for a reason. Just do what you were told, please. Don't it harder than it needs be)” you said ripping his arm from yours. You grabbed Zuko’s arm and dragged him away/
“What did he want?” Zuko asked,” He wanted me to ruin off with him to the ruins of old Valeryia, it’s been 10,000 years, it’s only liveable for animals but not us, right? Also, the geography changed. He just wanted to get in my head” Zuko nodded slowly,” You travelled the nation's did you ever see islands which looked similar to this?, Zuko stayed quiet for a while before shrugging,” Even though I managed to travel a lot, I wasn’t able to explore a lot of places. I spend it mostly hunting down Aang, as back then were enemies” he said with a slight blush,” I like that trope, enemies to friends.... to lovers” you teased making him shove you slightly,” I have sent a message to my people, they will prepare a save spot for Haku, follow Appa, I will guide Aang towards a safe spot for him” you nodded and walked over to Haku,” Are you ready to explore more of the world?” you asked him, he just huffed smoke cloud while looking at Appa,” No you can’t eat him” you said climbing onto the saddle attached to his back.” Did y/n just say not to eat Appa to Haku?” Toph said making Aang protectively cling onto Appa,” She better have said that or else”,” Or else what, Haku could eat  you for breakfast easily, need I remind you of the fire nation shipwrecks?” Sokka said making Katara nod,” Well it was good to know you Appa” Toph joked.
“Sorry for the detour,” you said after you finally landed in the fire nation, Haku laid his head down in exhaustion, not being used for long flights like that. It was hard to land here as Zuko wanted to avoid people seeing Haku, scared of how they will react. Currently, only the people he trusted the most were seeing him, Ty Lee and Suki were both amazed and scared of the large creature while Iroh looked like a child in a candy store,” He’s such a beauty” he said in aww, gently holding his hand out,” He seems to trust you” you said when Iroh was able to pet the dragon without any problems,” How old is he?” Ty Lee asked slowly getting the courage to approach the dragon,” He’s as old as I am. He hatched only a few days after I was born” you said proudly. ” A dragon how Wonderfull,” a familiar voice said which Zuko instantly recognised,” Mai” Ty Lee said happily,” I only heard of them in stories” she continued, your gaze went from Haku to the girl you heard so much but also so little about,” So your Mai? Zuko talked about you,” you said, Zuko blushed at that and so did Mai,” Your y/n than? The Dragon Princess. I heard a lot about you, not from Zuko but the Palace staff, they talked mostly about your silver hair”,” I am honoured then” you bowed your head,” He seems tired,” she said after a short second of silence,” He isn’t used to long travels,” you said scratching between his horns making him close his eyes and purr,” Dragon’s can purr? How fascinating” Iroh said,” Never saw you so excited for anything,” Zuko said,” It’s not every day that you see a dragon close up, mostly because you were taught they have died, hunted down in fact,” Mai said simply,” Suki make sure a Kyoshi warrior is always keeping guard around Haku, I don’t want any other fire nation staff to see him, mostly because I don't which ones are loyal to me,” he said making Suki nod,” What do you mean by that?” you asked,” Many people want my father back on the throne, whispers are going around saying that some generals in my own council want Ozai back. I had attempts on my lives already” your eyes widen at that,” But nothing will happen to you, I promise. Suki and Ty-Lee are the best among the Kyoshi warriors, they will watch over you”,” What about you?”,” I will survive until our wedding” you nodded,” Why until their wedding day?” Sokka whispered to Suki,” Zuko arranged separate rooms for them until their wedding day” she said making Sokka nod,” Can you bring Haku some meat? He will cook it himself”,” Of course, I will get to it immediately”,” You better as Appa isn’t as delicious as he looks” Aang said standing protectively in front of the sky bison but flinched when Haku huffed fire out of the sides of his mouth,” Haku” you said in a warning tone.
After Haku got his meal you were guided to your room by Mai, there was silence, slightly awkward but it wasn’t unbearable,” Here it is” she said,” Thank you” you opened the door revealing a large room, it was decorated simply, it had a large balcony with a stunning view of the city,” How are your rooms on Dragonstone? That’s what the place is called right?” you nodded,” It’s similar to this but slightly more gothic” you said,” I wait here until Ty-Lee and Suki arrive” you nodded crawling onto the bed,” Can I ask you a personal question?”, Mai moved her shoulders slightly before nodding slowly,” How was Zuko as a partner?”,” Good, sweet. He did sweet things for me, traditional boyfriend stuff like winning you a stuffed animal at a carnival but it’s not my style so I usually rejected those things. I regret doing that now” she began sitting down on a small stool,” But he was also quite jealous and he has low to no patience with things at times” she said,” Is that the reason you broke up?”, Mai shook her head,” He lied to me or didn’t even bother to tell me his problems” you bit your lips at that,”Do you still love him? Do you wish you were the one getting married to him?” Mai didn’t answer for a while,” Yes, I do still have some feelings for him but I don’t know if I want to get married to him, a small part of me does but the other parts aren’t 100% sure” she said,” I’m sorry for the personal question’s, I hope I didn’t offend”,” It’s fine, your lucky you asked me this now as in the past I would have thrown a knife at you for that” she joked with a dry tone,” Can I ask you something? I heard that your family participate in the forms of incest, is that true?”,” It is, it has mostly to do with blood purity, keeping the silver hair and purple eyes, but also keeping our connections to our dragons. Our ancestors tamed them using magic, we don’t use magic anymore but we fear if we marry out the family too much we might lose that connection” Mai nodded,” It is a bit weird, but I guess I can see why it’s important” soon after that Ty-Lee and Suki arrived and Mai said her goodbyes,” Your hair is so pretty” Ty-Lee said watching you getting ready for bed, the moonlight shone on the silver of your hair making it glow,” Thank you, so is yours. It looks so soft” you admitted,” Thank you” she bowed her head,” Do you think Zuko will be okay?” you asked crawling under the covers,” He’s with other Kyoshi Warriors, he be fine. And there hasn’t been any attack for nearly 2 weeks” Ty-Lee said closing the balcony door and closing the curtains,” Is Haku, going to be okay?”,” He like Zuko is being watched by my fellow Kyoshi Warrior. Nothing will happen to him” she smiled before leaving the room, joining Suki outside your door. You licked your lips, Haku was still awake, you felt it, he is probably getting used to his new environment. You closed you're and tried to sleep but it came difficult, the images of your mother wrapped in cloth corpse being burned by dragon flames haunted your memories. You felt a tear flow down your cheek, you sat up and rubbed your eyes,” Suki, Ty-Lee?”, you called out,” Yes Princess?” Suki asked slightly worried,” I want to go for a walk, I can’t sleep” the two warriors exchanged looks before nodding.
“Princess, is everything alright? Do we need to talk to Zuko?” Suki asked,” No, he can’t erase the images burned into my mind,” you said making Suki frown,” I’m sorry about your mother, I can’t imagine how horrible it must be for you,” she said grabbing your arm gently,” I want to be your friend y/n, we see each other often so I hope-”,” I will like that too, have the both of you ever ridden a dragon?”
“The view is amazing” Ty-Lee gasped clinging onto Suki who clinging on to you,” He’s a bit slow, he hasn’t carried 3 people before, he carried Zuko and me before but I guess Zuko was as heavy as the two of you combined as he acts like he’s just carrying two” you smiled,” Did you just call Zuko fat?” Suki giggled, she loved how the wind felt on her skin, how it made the hanging jewellery on her headpiece dance, the moon looked even more beautiful like this,” I kind of get the whole incest thing now, if I had a dragon I would do anything to hold onto that” Suki said,” Do you have any single-family members?” Ty-Lee asked half-jokingly,” My cousin, he can be quite a handful at times but he's a good man at heart. I say you look nice together,” you said before landing at the same spot, Ty-Lee giggled but it soon stopped when she saw Zuko standing in the middle of the yard with his arms crossed,” Why did you risk Haku being seen y/n? Did you forget what I told you about earlier? My Father still has supporters and they will kill Haku, this is not Dragonstone, you don’t have an advantage here,” he said,” And you-”,” Leave them out of this. It was my idea. I couldn’t sleep. Back on Dragonstone I always used to fly when I couldn’t sleep”,” Why couldn’t you sleep?” Zuko asked concerned,” I tried to sleep but only images of my mother's funeral came to mind,” you said making Zuko’s eyes soften,” You can stay in my room...if you want,” Zuko said gently,” Are you sure?” Zuko nodded softly and took your hand in his.
“Zuko’s room looks quite similar to yours, with the only difference being that he has a couple of images of him and his friends and Iroh hanging in his room.” You can have the bed, I will be fine sleeping on the couch” he said, you chuckled slightly making him confused,” We aren’t even married yet and you are already sleeping on the couch”. Zuko chuckled slightly, don’t get used to it, we are sharing that bed soon, he said fixing the cushions,” Why don’t we start now?” Zuko stopped what he was doing, he was considering the offer, you be married soon, so getting used to sharing a bed isn’t a bad idea, as even though Banishment and his short but meaningful adventure with the Gaang he always had his own bed.” Sure but I apologised in advance if I snore” he said crawling under the covers, keeping a small distance between you and him, for both of your guys comfort,” Goodnight” you whisper, Zuko buried his face into his pillow making him look like a rabbit making you smile,” Goodnight” he whispered a soft smile grazing his features. You without a second thought carefully reached out for his face, your fingers grazing his cheeks gently, touching scare lightly with a sympathetic look,” It’s hideous isn’t it” Zuko mumbled,” No, the hideous part that your own father gave it to you. I still don’t understand how he could do that to you” Zuko opened his eyes,” My father never loved me, when I was born he thought I was a non-bender and thought of kicking me out the palace but both my mom and sages begged him not to, I ended up being a bender but he still didn’t love me. It only got worse when my Azula was born and became a stronger bender, Azula was born lucky and I was lucky to her born. That was what he said to me once. Azula once told me that Dad was to kill me as Grandfather wanted him to feel the pain of losing a firstborn” he sighed softly rubbing his face before changing sides so he was facing the balcony,” But now I know he would have done it in a hard beat, he wouldn’t feel any pain, he would have been glad” you sat up looking down at Zuko, moving a piece of dark brown hair from his face so you see him better,” Your strong Zuko, I don’t know I could have handled something like that” Zuko looked up at you, he grabbed a piece of your hair and played with it slightly,” And I glad you didn’t. I don’t wish that on anyone” he let go of your hair,” Let’s sleep, we have a lot of things to do tomorrow” he said making you nod.
64 notes · View notes
carbondioxda · 5 months
(coming soon!)
Instincts and lovebirds (p.1) (x OC)
The Gaang gets saved by the Freedom Fighters, but Zuya and Sokka have a bad feeling about them. | fluff
3 notes · View notes
bouncybongfairy · 7 months
Tumblr media
Freezer Burn
Prince Zuko x Fem Reader Smut
Summary: Tensions are running high which causes a argument between Zuko and yourself. He bruises the confidence you have in your hunting abilities and reaffirms your fear of being a burden. Wanting to prove otherwise, you go out in the cold to hunt. Feeling guilty about how he treated you, he goes out to find you. The two of you find some innovative ways to keep warm.
Word Count: 2.0k+
Everyone was having a rough day of travel, even Appa was reaching his limit. It was freezing and the optimism of finding a warm place to sleep was fading in everyone. Anng found a small cave that would work for the night. It was on a small mountain and overlooked an even smaller village. Zuko started making a fire while Katara and yourself set up the tents. Yang and Sokka were already asleep, curled into Appa’s thick fur. You were hungry but so was everyone else. 
“Are we going to be able to hunt for food soon? Or get some water?” you asked. 
“We could but I don’t think the cold would allow us to be out there for long. Not to mention there wouldn’t be any animals out, it's just too cold,” she said. 
“Not to mention you’d barely come home with anything in good weather,” Zuko grumbled, poking at the fire. He’d been making cracks at you all day, at first you could ignore him. Excusing his behavior on fatigue and hunger pains, but now you were taking it personally. 
“You’re not a prince among us, so stop acting like it” you say in hopes of lowering his ego.
“I am the best fighter and hunter, the past two battles you’ve only slowed us down. Maybe if we had a successful kill earlier we wouldn’t be hungry now,” he said. 
“Zuko don’t say that!” Katara snapped. 
All day you’d been beating yourself up over that mistake. Deep down you knew the rest of the group was irritated about you costing them the meal earlier. It just reaffirmed your insecurity. Grabbing your bow and arrows, you start putting your clothes back on while preparing for a hunt. 
“We’re all really tired and yes we may be hungry but you’re not the sole reason for that. Zuko is obviously just grumpy, don’t let his outburst get to you,” she says, grabbing your arm. 
Deep down you wanted to listen and calm down, rest for a while. Your pride however wouldn’t allow you to stop yourself. As you left, you could hear Katara yelling at Zuko to apologize. The feeling of dread bubbled in your stomach, you didn’t want to make anyone worry but your ego was clouding your judgment. Everyone in the group had their own ways of helping and at times you did feel like a burden. Extra weight that Appa had to carry on his back. It wasn’t that you were mad about what Zuko said, you were more frustrated that it was true. At this point it felt like you’d been walking for hours. The snow was coming down hard, without any signs of lightning. Not eating and your lack of rest was starting to get to you. Your stomach felt like it was eating away at itself. Eyes burning and muscles starting to stiffen from the cold penetrating your clothes. You tried not to go too far, knowing you couldn’t carry an animal in the cold that far. But you had to get some distance between you and the cave in order to find any wild game. Finally spotting a young Moose Lion, looking lost and confused, you almost hesitated when readying your bow. After successfully hitting the animal, your body floods with adrenaline. This quickly fades as you realize you’ll have to drag the thing home. Seemingly underestimating the size which caused a struggle when walking back. Even though it was freezing, you’d broken into a sweat. Starting to feel lightheaded, you took a moment to catch your breath. 
Katara was pacing at the entrance of the cave, anxious for your arrival. He wouldn’t admit it, but Zuko was feeling his own regret about how he’d spoken to you. He didn’t mean to let his anger get the best of him, it just sort of happened. 
“I think I should go out to look for her, she could be freezing to death,” she said, starting to get dressed.
“You can’t, it’s a full blown blizzard,” Zuko said, standing up. 
“Well we can’t just leave her to die out there!” Katara snaps, upset that he would even suggest stopping her from leaving. 
“I know, but only a fire bender would have the resources to survive such severe weather. I’ll go,” he said, making the fire sustainable for the time he’d be gone for. 
“Just be careful,” Katara said as he walked into the cold.
Once he felt just how bad it was outside, his guilt intensified. It wasn’t true what he said about you being a burden. He was just feeling insecure about his own place in the group. Simply projecting his inner turmoil onto you. Knowing it pushed you this far was getting to him. He took a deep breath and started following the faint track you left. Even though a fresh layer of snow was now covering the foot prints, it was still enough to follow. At times Zuko would use his fire for warmth and light. Getting desperate, he began calling your name out. Fatigue was starting to affect him as well. He finally thought he saw you, laying against the animal. He assumed you were just pulling the arrow out but when he got closer he noticed you were passed out. He immediately started assessing you, looking around knowing he had to find shelter that was closer than the rest of the group. Using his fire, he melts a coating of snow and ice, covering a small cave. The animal luckily kept you warm while he wasn’t there but he was still worried about your fingers. They had practically no color and your lips were tinted blue. Once he got you inside the cave, next to the fire he created, he brought the animal in. Impressed that you shot it right through the chest. Taking off his outer layers and bundling you up in them. He was relieved to see the color coming back to your fingertips and cheeks. Checking every once in a while to make sure you were getting too close and burning yourself. 
The two of you wouldn’t be able to make the trip back any time soon, so Zuko began skinning and sectioning off the meat. Washing his hands with melted snow he was slowly collecting. As he roasted the meat, he couldn’t help but admire your beauty. Your eyelashes were long and the light from the fire was illuminating your face. Sleeping with your lips slightly parted, hair completely unraveled from the tight bun it once was in. After a couple hours, you slowly began to come too. Sitting up rubbing your eyes, Zuko rushes over to you.
“Are you okay?” he asks, brushing the hair out of your face. He grabbed a bowl of water, bringing it to your lips,
“Sit closer to the fire,” he said, helping you sit up fully. Still weak, you were wobbling while you sat criss-crossed. Still shivering a bit because your back was cold, not able to feel the heat from the fire. Zuko notices this and comes to sit behind you, stabilizing and warming you up. He was using a stick to roast the meat he’d prepared from the animal. It smelt really good, and was the only reason you were keeping your eyes open. He brought the stick to your lips but you were too weak to rip a piece off. Trying to bite a small chunk but not having the strength to actually get a bite. He laughs at your attempt and rips a small piece off, bringing it to your mouth. He repeated this a couple times, giving you sips of water in between. Letting you digest, he rests his chin on top of your head and keeps cooking. After eating, you could feel yourself gaining strength and energy. Becoming more aware of your surroundings.
“What happened?” you asked, looking around and noticing it was only you and Zuko. 
“You went out to hunt and passed out. I came looking for you but the storm was too powerful to travel back to camp with you and the kill. So we're camping here for the night,” he explained, adding more wood to the fire. 
That was when you slowly started putting the pieces of your memory back together. You were grateful to be sheltered now, definitely counting your blessings. Noticing that Zuko wasn’t wearing a shirt, you took off what he gave you. He accepted it but didn’t put it on right away, instead just laying it on his neck like a scarf. 
“I’m sorry for egging you on like that, and for not stopping you from leaving,” he said, moving his chin from your head to your collarbone. 
“It was my decision, I knew it wasn’t a good idea. It was my stubbornness that put both of us at risk,” you said. 
“I like that you're stubborn, that you don’t listen to people who underestimate you,” he said.
“I thought you hated me,” you chuckle. 
“I know that’s what I show but it couldn’t be further than the truth,” he spoke softly. 
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” you asked, moving your back closer against his chest. 
“As mean as I’ve been, you always are so nice and understanding. Even when I don’t deserve it,” he said. 
“Zuko you always deserve it, you’re easy to love,” you say, turning to face him. 
His face was bright red and for the first time you were seeing his vulnerability. Just slightly, like he didn’t want to give too much away. You move his hair out of the way and look at his scar. Although he looked a little embarrassed, he tilted his head so you could get a full look. Without thinking, you started kissing the skin around his eye. He ended up catching your lips with his. Immediately you move so that you’re straddling his lap. His back was pressed against the wall of the cave, your back was facing the fire. Running your fingers through his hair, admiring how soft the strands were. He moaned into your mouth as you pulled and tugged. Rocking your hips against crotch, your stomach tightening after feeling him get hard. You take in a sharp intake of breath and narrow down, focusing on rubbing against his shaft. Zuko’s hips began to buck involuntarily, which led to his taking his pants off. You follow his lead and do the same, also removing your top. Using his hands to rock your hips against his. Partly because he liked spreading your wetness along himself but also enjoying watching your chest bounce. He takes one of your nipples into his mouth, you let out a strangled moan. The pleasure was so intense the rocking of your hips was becoming erratic. Seeing you react so intensely to his touch made him go somewhat feral. 
Flipping you over so your back is against the cold ground. He was feverishly kissing your neck and chest, at times making you giggle. He smiled down at you, taking in how beautiful your eyes were in the soft glow of the fire. Your entire body felt like it was burning down to your core. Pulling your knees to your chest, taking the hint he sat up. He was now towering above you, his member laying on your front. Leaking pre-cum onto your lower stomach. He grabs himself, slapping his dick on your pussy. Enjoying the moans and whines coming from your mouth every time he rubbed his tip against your clit. He enjoyed watching you beneath him, desperate for his touch. A relief only he could provide you. Unable to take any more foreplay, he presses into you. Muttering curses as he is overwhelmed by your heat. How tight you felt around him and your moans matching up with his movement made him feel overstimulated. Like he couldn’t slow his heart rate down. Watching as your tits bounced with every thrust, how braindead you were from pleasure. He presses his hands down on your stomach so he could feel this cock pounding in and out of you. The sudden pressure was enough to send you over the edge. Pulling Zuko down and raking your nails down his back, 
“Fuck!” he said it loud, right in your ear. 
His thrusts were unrelenting as he chased his orgasm. Groaning and moaning into your shoulder as he finally came. Rutting into you as he came inside you, pressing himself as close as he could be to you. Petting his hair and whispering encouraging things into his hair. He laid down beside you, pulling you into his chest before covering the two of you with a woven quilt. Giving the fire one last hit before drifting off to sleep with you.
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ivnxrori · 6 months
When Sun and Moon meet - S1
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Zuko x Fem!WaterBender!Reader Enemies to Lovers
As one of the Princesses of the Northern Water tribe, you were blessed with a gift by the moon. However you were permitted to be allowed to use the gift at all costs. From many hidden waterbending usages, the aftermath of the avatar visiting the Northern Tribe had led to your beginning journey, hiding yourself as a water bender as a princess from the Northern water tribe
Warnings: mentions of arranged marriage
҉ * ‧͙ ⋆ ��� ༓ ☾ Chapter 1 - Welcome Avatar
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“The avatar is here” The guard spoke up as my eyes widened in shock. “The…avatar…?” The guard nodded at my question. I genuinely thought the avatar had died a while ago but I guess they were just rumors? “Chief Arnook wants both of the princesses and prince to attend the gathering for the avatar” I nodded as I went to get up to follow the guards. It's been a year since Sivoy, our youngest brother, was born. Not a lot has changed over the years, except knowing probably this year is going to change us the most. Yue is getting engaged to someone who she has been crying about. I will never forget when she broke down in front of me in my room. I held her, that's all. I couldn't do anything, I couldn't whisper any reassuring words to her or tell her it's going to be okay. The truth is, I was consumed by my own fears of my own arranged marriage next year. It's selfish yes, especially it isn't my situation currently but it will be sooner or later.
We both make it towards the feast, also having Yue’s special announcement of her being able to get married. What everyone else doesn't know is that she is already engaged. I follow her lead, sitting next to her at the edge of the table looking at the variety of foods, which is all seafood. I take a quick peek of our surroundings and see our sister tribe. A sister and a brother which I assume, including a young boy with a blue shaped arrow across his head. “The Avatar is quite young” I whisper to Yue as she nods. I continue watching the show Master Pakku has been presenting to us. It was intriguing, for sure but what was more enjoyable was a southern water tribe member poorly flirting with my sister. Getting called out by his own sister already. I stifled a laugh and just when I knew it, the whole thing has already ended. ҉ ☾
It was quite late at night, the moon spirit was shining brightly. I bowed slightly towards the moon and put my mask on. The mask was carved like a full mood with room for eyes, including feathers surrounding the mask. I pull up my hood from my jacket and go outside, quite far away from the other male waterbenders who were practicing. I mimic the movements that were taught to them. Yes, this is how I'm able to learn and use waterbending. I never know when to give up, I have been told many times by a variety of people. My dad specifically. “Hey! Young one!” I snap my head towards the sound of guards and before they could even ask a question, I disappear. “Where did he go?” one of the guards asked, clearing the mist lingering in the air from my leave. Home. I went home heavily breathing from almost getting caught. I'll just try again tomorrow.
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“It wasn't as fun after you left…” I wanted to drown. Oh how much I just wanted to flip this boat upside down to stop Yue and this Southern Water boy from flirting, and I could have flipped this boat around if there were no restrictions. The next thing I know that stopped me from day dreaming was the southern water boy falling off the ledge. I laughed softly, asking Yue “Do you even know his name?” while she was waving off to her new crush. “Sokka” She responded dreamily with a hint of red on her cheeks. My eyes widened with sudden worry “Yue…” The way I spoke was intended to remind her that she was an engaged lady. I doubt father would allow her to marry someone else, especially if he is constantly traveling. “I know” Yue cut me off with a disappointing tone I felt nothing but sorrow in the moment, what's worse I couldn't do anything to save her. I stayed silent, leaning slightly back hearing the water move around us.
I was able to stop by Yagoda’s place, there was no reason to but she taught me when I was very young, it was a way to make use of my water bending by my father. She only taught how to heal however but what more can you do in this kind of situation. It's only fair I show respect for her by bringing her food, supplies, trinkets or even my presence. Before I stepped foot I overheard her talking to…someone? I take a little peek, leaning my body so only my eyes would be visible towards the door. It was the southern water tribe girl! What is she doing here…? Looking further towards the door only to realize she’s a waterbender…She's a water bender! I could use her to somehow convince Master Pakku and my father. Yes, it sounds horrible. Using an important guest to my own advantage but it's beneficial for everyone, even her so it's not entirely selfish. I wasn't able to convince Master Pakku. Instead he told my father my plan which led me to get in more trouble than I already was. I'm just a princess, and that's all I will ever be. My head snapped up as I heard the Southern Water Tribe girl coming closer. I took the chance to grab her wrist and pull her to the side. “Hey! Who-” “It's me!” I said pointing to my very obvious white hair. “Oh you're the younger princess! What happened?” “You can waterbend? Correct?” I asked already knowing the answer “Yes…why?” “Because I feel like you can convince Master Pakku to allow us girls to waterbend” I whisper “A lot of girls have water bending abilities however they’re forced to keep it in because of the strict rules but!” I pointed at her “Your the southern side of the water tribe, maybe somehow show him your abilities and possibly convince him to allow girls to water bend” She looked at me confused. “How am I able to do that when I can't even learn whatever he is teaching?” I thought about it for a second until an idea popped into my head “Get it from your avatar friend! He is getting taught, right?” Her eyes widened as she nodded “You're right! Then I'll get it from him. Thank you…uh- princess…” I giggled “Y/N, just call me Y/N” “Katara” “Thank you Katara” I smiled as she walked away.
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And this was the last thing I wanted. Seeing Katara and Master Pakku fight with waterbending. “This is all my fault” I muttered under my breath. “Your fault?” Yue attempted to confirm my statement. “What?” I look at her confused. Did I really say that out loud? “You said something” “I'm sure I did not” “But I hear-”
A big wave of water hit the ice, hearing the splash turned me away from the conversation. Both Yue and I were wincing from the sound of the impact. Last thing I see is Katara with a bunch of icicles surrounding her. She…lost…
I sigh sadly as I go to grab Katara's betrothal necklace that laid on the icy floor. But before I was able to, “This is my necklace…” Master Pakku grabs it gently. I immediately walked back. Ah…so the southern tribe existed because Katara’s family members did not want to stay in an area with unnecessary rules. It was quick to piece together. I heard Yue’s breathing become unstable, so I turned to look at her but she didn't look back. She was slightly shaking and tears were brimming her blue eyes. “Yue…” I spoke softly and sadly, reaching for her shoulders but she ran, covering her eyes with her hands to prevent more tears from falling. “Yue!” I yelled, already planning to chase her only for the southern water tribe boy to pull me back. “I’ll get her” He gave a reassuring smile then ran towards Yue. Both of them slowly disappearing. I wonder if he knows why Yue was crying. I furrowed my eyebrows in pity and turned on my heel to go back. “Y/N!” Katara yelled out for me, I turned towards her direction. “Thank you” she said out of breath. “I didn't really do anything” “You helped me gain confidence” She smiled “Well…your welcome and thank you for…all of that” I patted her on the head and she laughed. “You're an amazing water bender” I said and turned to go home. I sigh sadly wondering if Yue is alright.
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a/n: I finished this quite quickly! ALSO THERE IS STILL NO ZUKO IM SORRYYY! I PROMISE ZUKO WILL BE THERE IN CHAPTER 2. The masterlist should be out by the time this chapter is out. This whole fic is COMPLETELY last minute like I started writing all of this today. BUT WOO impulsive decisions led me to post this. Also surprisingly, S1 of this series is literally almost ending LMAO. I think S1 is only like 4-5 chapters? I only finished Chapter 3 currently so im not sure. However I think S2 and S3 will be PACKED and im planning to add some extras in there too :D ALSO If you want to be in the taglist pls go ahead and comment or ask me :) Have a nice day!
-- Taglist: @luvkvni @katovano
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talas-starlight · 7 months
Scarred Spirits - Zuko x fem!reader (pt.7)
Summary: reactions from team avatar when they find out your ozais assassin
warning: mentions of scars, not very happy gaang, mean katara!, angst
masterlist: here!
most previous part: here! (all other parts can be found in my masterlist!)
authors note! hello!! idk if anyone will be reading this but if you are welcome!! i haven't posted to this series in YEARS so please forgive me as I'm very rusty at writing but please enjoy!
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Unified screams erupted upon Appa. “YOU’RE WHAT!”
“Aang what have you done! You literally let a murderer on Appa! She’s going to kill all of us! Katara was right, and I can’t believe I ignored her.”
“I KNEW IT! Quickly Aang, land Appa and let’s get her off!”
Unable to take it anymore, Toph lost her cool. “Can you knuckle heads shut up! I highly doubt that she will kill us, why the hell would she listen to you guys fighting all the time when she could end her misery by taking you out.”
Reality hitting Sokka and Katara, they finally piped down, allowing Toph to continue.
“Look, what you said is highly questionable. I’m not saying that I trust you, but you’re going to have to give us more information than that or else I’ll throw you off myself. Got it?”
You sighed. At least someone in the group had more sense. “Yeah, of course. What would you like to know?”
“Well for starters a name would be great. Oh and maybe, I don’t know, how and why you’re the Fire Lords Assassin?!”
You almost wanted to pull Katara’s braid for the irritating look of satisfaction on her face. “Right okay… well my name is y/n. uhhh and I was forced to become his assassin when he caught me after I broke into the palace three years ago.”
“That’s it?! Nuh uh lady. I know he’s the Fire Lord and had done some awful things but why would he do that to a child?! You’re either lying or somethings still missing.”
There was a lot to weigh up. To suddenly reveal everything about you would be too much and would get you thrown off Appa anyway. Yet to reveal nothing wouldn’t let you gain enough trust to even last a day. Leaving you to share the one thing you knew so little about yourself that you didn’t care if they knew and hopefully enough of a miserable, pitying tale that they’d let you off the hook for the time being.
“My parents aren’t in my life, they never were. I don’t know who they were or why they did it. All I had was my trainer, Zemin. In his time, he was the most notorious Assassin in the entire Fire Nation and when he retired, he never took on any students to carry on his legacy - if you could even call it that. Every other trainer was ecstatic because this meant that their students would earn the most bounties. Until there was me. I don’t know why he took me in… he just said that he found me as in infant and regretfully took me from an islands rocky shore maybe to sell me off somewhere. I suppose he realised he could make even more money from me if he trained me until I could pay off debt for him raising me. I did the one thing assassins could do, kill. All the money I ever earned from each bounty went straight to him. Luckily enough, I learned quickly, and I got to my final payment when I was 13, then he would have set me free.”
Horrified, Aang couldn’t believe what he was hearing. There was nothing like this in the Air Temples growing up. “Luckily enough?! How in any universe is that lucky!”
“Most assassins in the Fire Nation, and others, are stuck paying off their guardians or trainers well into their adulthood. Because of… certain tactics and advantages, I became quite popular if you could put it that way and most of the people, I had to take care of were…” Halting, you knew that if you verbally said some lives are worth more than others, Aang would probably go into cardiac arrest.
“Well, some had more people wanting them gone so the bounty was higher.”
“How does this have anything to do with you working for the fire lord! I don’t see why Zemin would let you go if you were doing so much for him.”
Your strength was fading. You hated yourself for how much you scretly enjoyed having people around that weren’t as idealistic as those in the Fire Nation.  “He didn’t. I got an anonymous mission to take out a high general in the palace. So high, that it was going to be enough for me to finish my debt.” After not being met with screams you felt reassured to continue…. they seem to be taking this well…
You took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. “On my way out, I got caught in the middle of an Agni Kai. The fire lord wasn’t too pleased I killed one of his generals or interfered with punishing his son. Yet somehow in his psychopathic mind he saw it as an opportunity to pledge my allegiance to him.”
The silence amongst the group was short lived.
You scrunched your face. Maybe this was a bad idea to tell them. But it was too late to go back. “Yes, it was Prince Zuko in the Agni Kai, that’s how he got his scar. Yes, Aang I did kill the general, but to be fair I haven’t killed anyone since then… And Katara if you were being tortured every day for 8 months, I’m sure you would wear down too.”
The waterbender was unsatisfied with your answer. “Unbelievable! Of course, you did! Everyone has a choice in this world, and you chose the fire lord. You’re nothing but a coward.”
“My life was on the line! You don’t know anything about me.”
“Oh please, y/n. I do. I know everything! Sure, you were raised to assassinate others, but you can’t expect me to believe you didn’t know what you were doing when you were standing before Ozai. I would have stayed in a life of suffering than go with him.” Shaking her head, she pierces you with a disgusted look, “You’re no better than Ozai. No better than Azula.”
As Appa continued to glide through the ever-ending expanse of the sky, it seemed nothing could break the suffocating tension that encompassed everyone upon his saddle.
Toph was the only one to speak up. “Didn’t you hear her Katara? She hasn’t killed anyone since then! She’s surviving. If you ask me… she’s braver than any of us, you never know what could have happened to her if she got caught not actually killing her targets!”
Irritated Katara only grumbled, turning away while leaving the two boys to think about how they felt about you. Despite giving them answers, they still had so many questions.
It was undeniably clear that Katara has made her mind up about you, and you were sure everyone else was the same despite the earth benders attempts at comforting you. Hence, as you sat there across from the four of them, you were the first to break eye contact, turning your head to the side as you searched for something to focus on out there in the sky. Bird, a cloud, anything. You didn’t have the heart, the courage, to argue against what she said.
Unknown to you, Aang shuffled closer to you scared that his angry friend might hear him going towards you. His words only just loud enough to hear above the wind he whispered to you… “Its okay y/n. I don’t really understand what you’ve done or what you’ve been through but when youre ready.. you can tell us.
That was the first time your heart ignited a comforting warmth.
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As Appas soft paws skilfully landing on the hard earth, you felt your heart drop inside you. What do I do now? Mind racing through all the possibilities, Toph seemed to have decided what to do before you could even stand.
“Hey! Come with me.”
Jumping off Appas saddle you landed on your feet with such a skilled silence, Toph had to sense your heartbeat to even realise you were next to her. Setting off towards where she’d set up her sleeping area, it was best you stuck closely behind.
“Don’t think about what Katara said, she doesn’t get it.”
“How so?”
Stalling in her tracks, she turned her unseeing gaze towards you. “She doesn’t know what its like to be born into a life that you don’t want. And she definitely doesn’t know how hard it can be trying to escape it.”
Unsure with how to reply, humming in understanding was the best you could come up with.
“Just stick with me and you’ll be fine. I know you most certainly don’t need me, but I’ve got your back.”
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The next day had gone by agonizingly slow. With Toph trying to teach Aang earth bending you were left to your own devices since Katara decided to tag along. Although you found yourself tailing Sokka as he went his own way looking for food unaware of your silent giggles seeing him get stuck in the ground.
“...big things eat smaller things. Nothing personal. But this time, it didn’t work out that way…I admit it, you’re cute…”
You decide to finally reveal yourself, tired of your lack of entertainment. “What are you doing down there Sokka?”
Letting out a girl like squeal, he’s horrified at getting caught in this position. “Nothing!”
“You look like you could use some help.”
“I don’t want help from you!” You dismiss it. Surely he has no other choice but to make himself acquainted with you.
“Yeah, right. It’s funny, you’re probably the third person that has ever said that to me. The second in about the span of 48 hours.” you cant help but divert your attention towards the cute animal annoying him. “Aweee look at this cutie!”
“Get away from it!”
“Why should I do that?”
“Because I don’t want you to hurt it!”
“Please, I actually quite like animals. They’re a lot better than humans anyway.”
“I- well… fine! Just go away?”
You scoff, “Why’s that?”
“I don’t like you!”
“Hmm… is that so.”
“Yes, of course it is!”
You’re done feeling sorry for yourself. “Are you sure you don’t like me, or do you feel that way because of your sister?”
“I- well… argh! Fine! I don’t know.”
“Well… why don’t you talk to me and work it out for yourself? If you still dislike me so much I’ll leave you be and get someone to come help.”
A  silence fills the distance between the two of you.
He sighs, caving in, “So.. this Zemin guy. Did he REALLY not give you a choice?”
Looking up, you stare at the clear sky. “I learnt early on in my training that I didn’t have a choice or options in life other than what he wanted. Any exercise I rushed through, half assed, or tried to skip through when he wasn’t looking came with consequences.”
“What kind of consequences?”
“The kind that keeps all of my clothing and bindings on so I don’t constantly get pitiful looks or too many questions.”
He scoffs, “prove it”
Staring at all your layers you sigh, “don’t say I never warned you.”
Peeling off all your layers one by one until your down to just your tank top and pants, you decide to take off your face mask last. Your eyes meeting Sokka’s, you notice him swallow thickly. But its you to break the ice first. “In all fairness, most of them are now from Ozai. The older they look… well I’m sure you can work it out for yourself.”
“b-but-“Fuck why did I have to make him uncomfortable.
Unable to take it any longer, you pull him out from the hole in the ground. “Its fine.”
You turn to walk away after helping him, but he grabs your scarred wrist, the feeling of the textured skin making him internally wince. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have made you expose yourself like that. Its horrible that you had to experience that… hell we look the same age!”
“Everyone is on different paths. Look, lets just forget about it..”
Sokka feels like he could bust into tears “No! you don’t understand. I’ve seen the effects of the fire nation… hell they took away my mum. I still remember it, sometimes I have weeks where I keep reliving it in my nightmares, only finding peace when im awake. Its like im being haunted. But- but you?! You have to face it whether you’re awake or asleep”.
Squeezing your eyes shut, you can’t handle the intensity of his words. Theres nothing you can do. Nothing you can say. You hug him. You don’t remember the last time you held someone. It feels weird, almost wrong. But as he squeezes you back, tightening the embrace, you understand one thing. You have an understanding with the water tribe boy, despite how dark it may feel.
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Hours pass by as you sit with sokka talking about useless topics until the other three join you once more. Feeling weariness in their gaze, you realise you forgot to put your layers back on. Now everyone can see your face and scars.
Only Aang has the courage to speak with you.
“Hey. Uhhh, y/n?”
“I just… I’m sorry for not speaking much with you since yesterday. I didn’t mean to, it was just a lot to process personally! Growing up with the Air Nomads, I was taught that killing is wrong and that under no circumstance should that be the answer. If I’m completely honest with you, I still stand by those teachings and to have someone who has… killed… so close to me and the people I care the most about is… unsettling.”
There it was. You knew despite how much he was trying; you knew he wouldn’t be able to see past what you did. What you are.
“I understand. I don’t blame you, or anyone for reacting the way they are, and I know what it feels like to want to protect those who mean something to you.” You glance at Sokka, remembering how he understood.
“Just… please understand that I’ve realised what I did was wrong and while I can’t change everything that I have done, I’m trying to move away from that way of life. I don’t want to be a killer anymore. I’m trying my best to fix it.”
“I know…. Its just-“
“You don’t trust me.”
“What?! NO! I mean…. I don’t know. You clearly have good inside of you but it’s hard to look past.”
“I get it. I’ll head off then, the world needs you Aang and I won’t be the one to stand it your way.”
“No! stop! Please! I know I said it’s hard for me to do, but I clearly see you trying your best. I know you won’t hurt me. I just… I suppose I need to open my eyes more. See you for who you are now, what you’re doing now.”
But what if you can’t? What if I’m still that person, no matter how much I try to shove it away. This is what I have been made to become?
Letting out a nervous quiet laugh, he glances back to everyone. “okay well… lets eat!”
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Zuko stares at the sky in the heavy downpour. “You always through everything you could at me. Well, I can take it. And now I can give it back!”
Lightning cacks in the sky before his eyes.
“Come on!”
“Strike me! You never held back before!”
Met with only the sound of the world around him, he feels helpless. Lost. Alone.
Screaming out, Zuko falls to his knees as the rain and guilt encompasses all of his senses.
His voice scratchy from screaming, he can hardly croak out… “You never held back from her."
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taglist: ​​ @mangoberry43​​ @eridanuswave​​ @slythergirlimagines ​​​ @whiskeywinter89​​ @simplyfandomish @khaleesi-of-assassins​ ​ ​ @calciumcow @ilovespideyyy @callums-keith @nnon-it-up @blackhood5sos @chewymoustachio @tiffy119 @reclusive-chicken-nugget @lozzybowe​ @scarletemeterio​​ @simpinforsukka​ ​ ​ @sokkassuki​ @spearbatty @kaylove12
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marypaol · 5 months
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My Hurting Heart
Aang x Fem!Reader
Summary: Before the team faces the Fire Lord before the eclipse, Reader sees Katara and Aang kiss.
Warnings: Self doubt, negative mindset, loads of angst, crying, kissing, mention of war, mention of loosing someone, mention of death, I think that’s all :)
Note: This is new!! I normally write for Draco, but I had to write this story I came up with because I love the show.
Reader is nicknamed “Flower” so no use of Y/N
Request Requirements
@roseeyyyiee I saw a post of yours wanting Aang x Reader :)
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Katara’s hair was in her face. Now, it wasn’t something that the girl didn’t necessarily dislike; it smelled like salt water and her father’s leather uniform from carrying him earlier, but the way it tickled her nose was something she didn’t exactly enjoy. On the contrary, she did kinda like the fact that Aang’s nose was brushing the skin of her shoulder, his breathing fanning her neck as the team embraced for what they feared would be the last time.
Doubt crowded their hearts and minds, the hands of anticipation squeezed their throats until they couldn’t breathe.
Who knows what would happen after they broke apart. Would Sokka’s invention idea suddenly go downhill? Would Katara get hurt on Appa, and would be unable to water bend? Or wound Toph get stuck in a bunch of rocks she couldn’t control? Or worse, the girl thought, would she loose Aang?
The last thought lingered as so did their touch as the group separated.
Hakoda emerged from the submarine, his hair breezing at his cheeks.
He announced everyone back in, and the group followed his orders, the girl thinking Aang and Katara followed them.
She thought she heard their soft footsteps, or rough feet of Katara running to ride Appa. Or the snap of Aang’s glider as he prepared to go the Fire Lord.
But sometimes even her mind played tricks on her, and the things she thought she heard didn’t occur.
None of them did.
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“Hey, flower, go check on Katara, she needs to fly on Appa in order for us to move on.”
Sokka’s voice rang in her ears, her stomach twisting as she realized her friend wasn’t on the armed bison yet. Her feet hurt as she climbed the ladder to the hole, the sun almost blinding her as the darkness of the submarine flooded with light.
Her lips parted after her tongue escaped to lick them, vocal cords ready to call out Katara’s name.
Instead her mouth was opened more in surprise, doubt swarming her stomach, thick and hot.
She disturbed them just in time to see the back of Aang’s head close to Katara’s, a soft gasp escaping her when his lips pressed to hers.
He pulled back, hands going to his glider as it snapped open, the blue flags of fabric spreading out. The noise echoed in the girl’s ears as the boy took off, the air and him becoming one.
At that very moment, the girl couldn’t think of anything else as she watched Katara look off into the distance of the sky, most likely with flushed cheeks after the previous events.
The girl’s chest suddenly hurt with a sharp pain. No, not her chest, she thought, hand going up to squeeze the fabric of her shirt, her heart.
Her heart hurt. And she knew why.
She cleared her throat, her friend whipping around, expression flustered but cheeks back to normal color.
“Sokka told me to tell you to get going if we wanna move on.”
The girl’s voice hasn’t sounded any worse. Her throat was cloudy, imaginary hands gripping her vocal cords. What was heard was a soft hurting voice, almost inaudible.
But Katara heard it well and clear, her head nodding as her mind quickly focused on something else.
“Right, don’t worry I got it.” She said, running towards Appa.
The girl wasn’t so lucky, the picture of the two repeatedly playing in her mind.
She nodded back even though Katara was long gone, head dipping into the submarine as the cap closed loudly behind her.
She saw Sokka flinch from the noise. “Flower, why’d you let it slam!?”
He might of said something else but she didn’t get to hear it, hot tears not only clouding her vision but all her senses.
She didn’t know where to go so she went to where the water benders would be steering the submarines, since there wasn’t anyone in there at the moment.
There she curled up in the tightest ball she could, feeling like a child crying after their mom yelled at them.
She did feel yelled at, like the world finally yelled the fact that Aang would never love a girl like her. She was the alive and breathing opposite of Katara.
How could he like her? When she thought about herself she couldn’t think of one thing she liked. One thing Aang would like.
Because when he looked at her he just saw the girl who couldn’t bend anything, the girl who just was good at plans but most of the time they went with Sokka’s anyway.
Why was she even trying at that point. Trying to thrive in the group was hard enough, and trying for the Avatar to like her was like trying to get a pig to fly. Impossible.
So the girl stayed there, and later found a secret cabinet in the ship that she hid in while the water benders did their thing.
The tears were still flowing endlessly, her sobs only letting out when there was a loud noise to cover it up.
She couldn’t feel anymore alone.
Katara didn’t care about her.
She cared about showing the power of women and the Avatar saving the world.
Sokka didn’t care about her.
He cared about Suki and his sister.
Toph didn’t care about her.
She had other things to worry about, like her parents and her previous royal life.
And especially Aang. He didn’t love or care about her.
He loved Katara, and cared more about the water bender more than he could ever care about the girl crying in the submarine instead of fighting the Fire Nation.
He wanted someone who was brave and tough, someone Katara was and she wasn’t.
She sniffed loudly, and thankfully the water benders didn’t hear her but a small part of her wished they did.
At least then someone would show a speck of care she thrived for.
She wanted someone to care, to love her, but Aang wasn’t that person as she hoped he would be.
“Flower I feel you under there.”
She gasped at the voice, knowing all too well that it was Toph because of her feet being her eyes.
“Go away; aren’t you supposed to be helping the earth benders?”
Worry gripped the girl for a moment, scared that Toph and the team somehow failed and she came to tell her that the Avatar is dead for good this time.
Toph chuckled, sensing the girl’s worry with just her feet.
“Yeah, but I noticed you were gone…. Well Sokka did because I can’t see you. But I wanted to look for you.”
The girl wiped her eyes, thanking God that Toph couldn’t see her tears. And praying that she couldn’t sense them.
“There’s no use getting me- I’m no help to the team anyway.”
Toph blinked, seeming to be looking off into space but the girl knew she was listening.
“Yeah you are, flower, without you Twinkle Toes would still be a nervous wreck.”
The girl thought back when she assured Aang that he was ready for the Fire Lord, despite his nightmares saying otherwise. What she told him was true, every word about him being strong and brave and all the other things she told him.
“Katara would’ve said those things too.”
Toph shook her head, hair strands moving in front of her face.
“Not as good as you did.”
The simple sentence reassured her for a moment, but that didn’t change the fact that Aang didn’t feel the same way.
“Doesn’t matter!” She suddenly exclaimed. “Aang kissed Katara before he left so that means that he loves her, not me, so if anything I am useless and stupid because if he doesn’t love me than I don’t know what I am. What am I, Toph? I’m a nobody without him. Without him, I feel empty, and stupid, and lonely, and unhelpful and unloved, and-“
She was babbling on so much she didn’t notice the tears blurring her vision once again, her cheeks soaked from the liquid of doubt.
Toph reached out for the girl, grabbing her hands and held her once she found out where she was.
Toph shushed her sobs, rubbing her back as she placed her feet on the ground, so she could sense that if anyone was coming.
“It’s okay, Flower. Twinkle Toes will realize what he lost.”
The never ending tears soaked the earth bender’s clothes, but neither of them cared.
“He’ll never even notice. I was never his.” The girl whispered.
“Not true.” Toph said instantly. “And if his stupid brain doesn’t realize it I’ll make him.”
The girl let out a very small smile into her friend’s clothes.
Thanks for reading! 📖
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peppermeinkisses · 6 months
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