#Some Things Are Worth It
inevitablemoment · 10 months
Chapter Two: I May Never Come Down To Earth Again
Nolan and Sam go on their first date; butterflies and surprisingly in-depth conversations about Ghostbusters ensue.
I finally updated!
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chamerionwrites · 1 year
Also, there is so much hand-wringing over the ethics of BDSM and while obviously it is worth taking care about ...sensation seeking is a thing. Many, many people enjoy eating habanero peppers and/or watching movies that make them cry. The conceptual leap from there to the idea that it's possible for sex to hurt good is a very short one, and sometimes it REALLY is as simple as that.
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spilledkaleidoscope · 10 months
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POV your partner finally believes you about those 24 voices in your head but somehow it still doesn't absolve you of responsibility, damn it
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claraoswalds · 1 month
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This is a brand new science for me, and I love it. The language of luck. 'Cause what is a coincidence but a form of accident? Two things bumping together unexpectedly. Like you and me.
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hollowwish · 2 months
You guys do realize a lot of watcher fans complaining about the six dollars don't just need to "cancel their disney+ or hulu subscriptions." They're the people who ALREADY can't afford streaming services. It's not that they should be supporting independent creators over big corporations, it's that they literally cannot afford to do either.
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jadegr8 · 5 months
I actually did it I made Neil Gaiman's Bagels!!!
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Here's a picture of them freshly out of the oven :D
But please someone tell me is barley flour even real?! Did Neil invent it?! Because I searched 4 supermarkets in and outside my town as well as two local eco stores and I found everything, EVERYTHING except for barley flour. I mean, it worked without it but I was so annoyed. They are a little flat because by the time I got back from my little odyssey it was already kinda late so I shaped them and threw them into the fridge and, well, wasn't my best idea :')
But they really REALLY taste amazing, so much better than anything you can buy at the bakery <3 (in fact so amazing that I made another batch of dough :)
This is the post where Neil shared his recipe btw:
If you have sourdough started I highly recommend you give it a try ;)
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spitblaze · 11 days
One of the less talked about tragedies of lost media is that sometimes you find it and it kinda sucks ass
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szollibisz · 7 months
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the girls are fi- oh.. oh i'm sorry, carry on gentlemen
or alternatively what if we were two butches and we wrestled 😳
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animentality · 1 month
controversial hot take of the day:
game of thrones fans deserved what they got in 2019.
they deserved it.
nine years.
NINE years.
NINE YEARS they circle jerked themselves all over the rest of us, with the "omg game of thrones is the best story ever written in the history of humanity" and "it's so dark and there's so much sex and violence and it's so hot and it's sooo mature, it's not boring and sexless like lord of the rings-"
yeah well, Lord of the fucking Rings stuck the landing, didn't it?
it also had a fucking ending.
game of thrones fans probably won't see a novel ending. so the TV show ending is their canon ending.
and they deserve it.
they talked it up for nine years, acted like it was this perfect beautiful thing that would go down in history as the greatest story ever to grace this earth, and if you didn't like it, then you were called some kind of moron.
by fucking soccer moms with the literary comprehension of a tortoise, and cis white men who think anything with tits, rape, and people being beheaded is "deep" and intelligent.
I remember being pestered nonstop by my peers and my coworkers to watch it, because it's part of the "cultural zeitgeist" and it was a "part of history."
Well, well, well.
Icarus called to tell you your time was up, but you didn't listen until you hit the ground.
But those wax wings sure were beautiful while they existed, weren't they?
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bigfatbreak · 9 months
Hi I'm new here, and some people recommend me your feralnette au, but when it start? And what the au is about?
the feralnette au starts just after the season 3 finale, somewhat after miracle queen. Reaching a mental breaking point, Marinette can't handle her social life, her grades, being ladybug and being the guardian without giving up one of them. in an act of incredible sacrifice and self sabotage, she cuts herself off from the class to focus more on investigating hawkmoth, and to distance herself from her friends, believing some part of herself is the problem with akumatizations.
After such a change, the Marinette we have is much more jaded and much more tired, and in order to change her reputation of "everyday ladybug," to further distance her civilian persona and her ladybug persona, she begins changing her interactions with people in her daily lives - resorting to violence or sarcasm when in the past she would've been the first to talk things out. (thus, the "feral" part of feralnette)
shit happens. stuff gets wildin. we get a little blasphemous, a little heretical, and a little eldritched. talk about edgy. keep in mind I started this a few years ago (oh god) so some stuff isn't going to align with the new seasons of mlb.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three (ongoing.)
the pacing in the first chapter is a bit funky, as I actually wasn't planning on making it a full fledged comic, but something-something i have no self control lmao.
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kanamycine · 1 month
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vignettes in downtime 🌃
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inevitablemoment · 10 months
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This is the outfit that Sam wears on her first date with Nolan to see The Music Man revival in Chapter 2 of Three Weeks, which should go up before Friday.
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kay so i've watched some isopod videos and i've learned that first of all, porcellio laevis means "smooth little pig" which is so damn cute
but also that the jar vivarium idea isn't gonna provide decent humidity range, so the new plan is to drill a few airholes in this plastic bin I've been keeping some of the calligraphy cards in. I can fill that with some soil, sphagnum moss, and wood chips to keep the substrate decently aerated, and I can get some leaves from the backyard for food source. I'll look into ordering some cork bark as well for a longer term item
for now tho, they're just gonna have to hang out in their transport enclosure for one more night, since i am WAY too tired to sort this out now x_x
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ganondoodle · 10 months
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worked a bit more on this piece of concept art but i feel like i need to practice these screenshot-like paintings more q-q
(totk rewritten project)
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steambend · 4 months
zutaras are about to be baited so bad for the second time in a row and frankly idc can i get ten more scarf scenes please
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muffinlance · 4 months
Do you get the impression the live action is treating us like utter morons?? Like I thought that making it aimed at an older audience would open the doors for more subtle story telling, but no, they're just using monologues to tell us eveything! Like in the second episode Katara's like 'oh his power isn't that he's the avatar, it's that he ~connects~ to people'. Girl we're not idiots we can see that!! And the first episode with Aang's goddawful 'I don't want this responsibility' monologue
THIS, YES. The word that keeps coming to mind is definitely "subtlety". The show for literal children? Had it. The remake for adults? Not so much.
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