#Someday I'll animate this shit
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The Fresno N. family and Sasha-Kate, characters for my new "smalltownbuilding" project. So far? I love it, I got some more characters although they are not cryptids nir folklore, just some lame humans (and a ghost).
I think I'll post the story here if I end up not using it for my RPG lol.
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vasattope · 19 days
So I finally watched Banana Fish and y'all were right.
Now I'm devastated and I don't think I'm gonna get over it ever in this life (or the next one).
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trans-leek-cookie · 6 months
thought to myself "I wanna watch that weird animated movie(?) clip with that Rubik's cube with a face and a chicken but I don't remember how it goes. Whatever I can probably find it" (I remember the line as "Rubik need help" followed by coughing)
Step one: searching things related to rubik/rubiks. 100 real normal Rubik's cubes 0 baby faces
Step two: reddit thread about media with Rubik's cubes in it. See "rubik the amazing cube". A lead
Step three: this is in fact the series I'm looking for, so time to try and find the clip
Step four: it's so fucking hard to find any god damn clips of this show
Step three: episodes synopsises? Nonexistent. Great
Step sex: I fucked up the last step and also this one anyway step six is starting to watch thru a compilation of episodes in hope I fucking. Find it
Step 8: it had a map right? Maybe it's the buried treasure episode? (Spoilers: WRONG)
Step 9: I try a few more episodes on double speed for a minute or two and realize this approach fucking. Sucks
Step 10: hey didn't I see the clip on Tumblr
Step 11: search Rubik the amazing cube on tumblr
Step 12: doesn't really work, search the tag
Step 13:
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solvicrafts · 1 year
Every now and then I see some cool animal & nature blogs on here and almost start to follow them, but inevitably stumble upon anti-vegan/anti-vegetarian stuff and just kinda... nope out.
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nica-my-beloved · 2 months
Tropes In Ikemen Series Games That I Dislike
These are my opinion so no hate!
Some times I find it cute, but other times I wish she would just tease the male leads back.
A lighthearted flirtatious teasing would be funny to watch.
I understand, it spices up the story but when the most random interaction suddenly turn into a hot making out session just turns me off.
Some times in some scenes, when the moment is right, the whole steamy scene does feel nice. But not all cases.
I mean, it's fine. I just wish the MCs were more diverse. The Ikemen MCs are way too submissive for my good. They don't even TRY to resist the advances of male lead.
They are so much in love with the guy they met for 2 weeks that they are ready to let them sleep with her, which is awkward as hell.
I don't mind again, but they are not relatable at all. And I've already mentioned in one of my posts that MCs are not meant to be relatable. They are just tools that the writers use for spoon-feeding the stories to the players (because they think we're too dumb to understand the character's personality or intentions). But that doesn't mean I don't want variety.
There are so many different personalities, yet why are the MCs always so kind, so hardworking, so pure, so timid. Some times I dream about an MC who is lazy, foodie, loves shopping, doesn't like studying, doesn't care about what people say about her, doesn't like talking to people, doesn't even try to get along with people who treats her like shit, likes anime and has wallpapers of shirtless Sylus on her laptop, never follows rules......am I describing myself? Yep!
MCs don't have to hold a gun or kill someone or be the Queen of the Underworld. She can still be cool wearing pajamas and sunglasses, dancing on top of her bed at Shinee's Ring Ding Dong (I still love that song!)
Including random people coming inside the room (without knocking ofc), sees MC and a male lead in bed (fully clothed, or not doesn't matter) and still thinking that they slept together. Also MC wasting time and energy to clear up their 'misunderstanding'.
MC's promising that she will never fall in love but breaks her promise. She had one job!
MCs......*holding back puke* teaching male leads turru love *cringe 101*
Similar personality male leads. For example: Kurama, Silvio, Jude. Arthur, Sueharu, Nokto, Nica. I need more variety.
One month time period bullshit! It doesn't matter when at the end MCs are leaving their world to join the male lead (who they know only for a month). Maybe give like a 6 months or an year. Then I'll believe you.
I don't like the killing trope, where the male leads openly saying 'I'll kill you someday'. It triggers me and I don't really find it romantic in any sense.
Always MCs falling in love first and not the male lead. I understand that we play from the MC's perspective, but I really want to know how it feels when the male lead fall in love with MC first. It could be interesting.
Male leads leaving/breaking-up with MCs for her own happiness is also bullshit. I'm tired of seeing this over and over again and it annoys me. The male leads would always be like 'MC, you're not suppose to be in this world. You deserve happiness blah blah blah...' I don't like this because at the end, they eventually change their minds and decides to accept her. If they wanted her then why let go of her? So annoying. I just want a male lead, who is like 'I don't care if my world is shitty, I love MC and I want to be with her! I'll always make her happy and protect her!'
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danieyells · 4 months
hey, can I ask for towa's lines? the flower boy is so cute and I love him so much
Towa is my favorite, I think! He's maybe second to Taiga. Maybe.
TOWA'S MIGHT BE A LITTLE FASTER SINCE HE CAN ONLY SPEAK AFTER 4PM. THAT MEANS HE HAS LESS LINES. But some of them are still. . .Towa's a bit of a trip sometimes. but that's why i love him.
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.) (between 5am and 4pm)
"...! ~~~~♪ ~~~~♪"
(between 4pm and 5am)
"Ah! Dandelion, I found you!"
You've Got Mail: (between 4pm and 5am. whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"Hmm? You've got some mail. Let me see it too!"
Default: (requires no affinity) (between 5am and 4pm)
(between 4pm and 5am)
"I can't see the stars from here... Come on, Dandelion! Let's go somewhere higher!"
"I picked this for you. It's a clover! Look look, it has five leaves!"
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"...! ...!"
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Huh? Where did Haru go?"
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I'm going out."
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"~~~~! ~~~~♪"
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"~~! ~~! ~~~~!"
Affinity 8: (between 8pm and 5am)
"...It's going to rain again tomorrow. I'll go tell Haru."
aren't you the one who makes it rain. . .do you wanna talk about it. . . .
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Where are you going, Dandelion? Take me with you!"
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Haru always goes off somewhere by himself around this time. He calls it "Grown-up R&R.""
Haru really treats them like they're his kids huh lmao. . . .
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"~~~~! ~~♪ ~~~~♪"
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"...? ~~~~♪"
Affinity 15: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Haru told me he's going patrolling again. I don't get it—they're all going to die someday anyway."
HARSH? Towa legit does not care about the wellbeing of these animals lmao. THE PLANTS WILL DIE TOO BUT YOU'RE STILL TAKING CARE OF THEM. . . .
Affinity 16: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I wish that Wolfsbane would go away."
i would like to add that based on Ren's voicelines he does not just wish he would go away, he may be actively attempt to poison him to death.
"Towa keeps trying to make me drink some kind of rice porridge with weird flowers in it... "
considering he calls him "Wolfsbane" and fed the player a Dandelion it's fair to assume the flowers in the porridge are wolfsbane. . .which are poisonous. He just wants to be left alone with Haru. . .he's yandere, just not for the player lol not that we've seen so far anyway.
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"You're going to bed already? But I want to talk more! Stay up with me!"
it's not like he gets the chance to talk much during the day, so i get why he says that.
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Boo! Heh heh Were you scared?"
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"You can't sleep, Dandelion? Come over here, I'll cuddle you."
Affinity 20: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Hm? Are you afraid of that carnivore? Don't worry—I'm the boss around here."
the beasts know not to fuck with Towa because Towa is Weather Incarnate and You Do Not Fuck With Nature.
Affinity 21: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Dandelion, come here. Let's tell each other more love stories today."
'dandelion read me your fanfiction! i'll read you mine too, don't feel embarassed!'
Affinity 22: (between 8pm and 5am)
"That tree on the hill over there says it's been waiting for a really long time. Can you hear it? It's crying again."
he speaks to plants! and plants speak back to him!! and the trees are sad. i wonder what it's been waiting for. . . . shit like this makes me think Towa is the spy, if it isn't Kaito. why can you talk to animals and plants and control weather to the point that animals are scared of you. why do you have such a strong lack of regard for the lives of others. why do you have perfect night vision. that's so much. it's a little suspicious.
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"When you meet your soulmate, it feels like getting struck by lightning. Did you know that? Have you felt it, Dandelion?"
'you haven't? (sky darkens) would you like to?'
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Heh heh ♪ Are you tired, Dandelion? You're so weak. It's cute."
what. what does that mean. what is that attitude about. . .although we've kinda seen that Towa has a bit of a power complex before, so him thinking you're weak and cute and finding it charming and valuing how much stronger than you he is kinda tracks. . . . that or my guy likes the asshole boyfriend type trope in his romance stories.. that or he saw how much other people liked it and followed accordingly. after Ed revealed that Towa used to be much more uncaring and cruel towards things that are small and weak this really hits different. . .do you think Towa gets cute aggression--
Affinity 25(max): (between 8pm and 5am)
"Do you like me, Dandelion? Because I love you!"
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"~~... ~~... ...!"
(between 11am and 4pm)
"...! ...! ~~~~♪"
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"I love spring. It's when lots of flowers bloom. And did you know the Japanese word for spring is haru? Just like Haru's name!"
(between 8pm and 5am)
"This is a cherry blossom petal. It's for you! Look—they're sweet and yummy so I collected all these ones for my treasure box."
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"~~~~? ..."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"....! ..."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Have you heard of cherry bombs before? Haru won't buy me any, so I'm looking for them on my own. If you see them blooming somewhere, could you tell me?"
this line feels a little more clear in japanese, if only because i didn't know what a cherry bomb is myself. Towa is asking for 'hanabi'--fireworks. 'hana' in 'hanabi' is Japanese for 'flower' so he thinks 'hanabi'/fireworks are a type of flower. Haru understandably doesn't trust Towa with fireworks, but likely doesn't realize what he wants is a flower. as for english, a cherry bomb is a type of firework! so it does work similarly, as in this case Towa is trying to plant what he likely assumes to be an anomalous fruit.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Look, you can see the Milky Way tonight. Did you know Orihime and Hikoboshi can only meet once a year? I could never wait that long to see my soulmate."
Orihime and Hikoboshi are from a Japanese myth about the Vega and Altair stars! They're separated by the Milky Way and can only meet one day each year. This myth is celebrated in the holiday Tanbata.
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
(between 11am and 4pm)
"~~~~! ...♪"
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"These leaves are really pretty, but they taste bad..."
oh bby don't eat the dying leaves. . . . .
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Iris went home because he said it's dangerous to stay out in the dark. I can still see fine though, even in the caves!"
Iris is Zenji, btw! Iris are also poison flowers, so he likely doesn't like Zenji much haha. Also apparently Towa has night vision. another sus point. am i gonna make a post about everything suspicious about Towa? probably. why's he have like seven powers???
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"...? ....!"
(between 11am and 4pm)
"~~~~♪ ~~~~♪  ~~~~♪"
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"I told Coriander I wanted to play in the snow, but he said no. Is it really true that you'll die if you play outside on cold nights?"
Coriander is Kaito! I have no idea why he calls him that lol
(between 8pm and 5am)
"What? Are you cold, Dandelion? I'll cuddle you, so come outside and play with me!"
'hey is it true you'll die if you play out in the cold at night? do you wanna come di--uh play with me?'
His birthday: (March 23, between 4pm and 5am)
"Yep, it's my birthday today! You want to give me a present? Okay, then tell me who you like!"
do you promise not to electrocute them
Your birthday: (between 4pm and 5am)
"Happy birthday, Dandelion! I picked this Aphrodite Orchid for you from a secret spot. Say "ah"!"
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it's pretty! and named after a goddess of beauty! And sexual love.
New Years: (January 1st, between 4pm and 5am)
"Haru told me that today's a special day in Japan. Are you happy, Dandelion?"
hey why don't you know what New Years Day is Towa. . .then again I guess Haru didn't notice it happened either. He just wants you to be happy!
Valentine's Day: (February 14th, between 4pm and 5am)
"I know what these are! They're Valentine's Day chocolates! They're Coriander's favorite food. You're giving them to me? Thanks...?"
Can he even eat chocolate considering he only eats plants. . .maybe you should've given him like. chocolate dipped rose petals. . . .
White Day: (March 13th, between 4pm and 5am)
"This is for you! It's a white rose! They only bloom in one special place on that mountain. It's for the chocolates you gave me."
Somehow he knows about White Day though! maybe he showed Haru or Ren the chocolates and they told him to make sure you got a return gift.
April Fool's Day: (April 1st, between 4pm and 5am)
"Haru's a dope! I hate liars! You won't lie to me, will you, Dandelion?"
Haru played a prank and Towa did NOT appreciate it huh. . .no jokes and no lies unless you wanna be given a poisonous flower. . . .
Halloween: (October 31st, between 4pm and 5am)
"Trick or treat! If you don't give me lots of delicious flowers, I'm going to play a trick on you! "
the trick is 'a storm large enough to flood your home :D'
Christmas: (December 25th, between 4pm and 5am)
"Heh heh ♪ Merry Christmas! I heard you're supposed to spend today with your soulmate! I can't wait!"
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (between 5am and 4pm)
"~~! ~~~~! ..."
(between 4pm and 5am)
"Are you done yet? I hate waiting. Come play with me!"
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?) (between 5am and 4pm)
"...! ~~~~♪ ~~~~~~~~♪"
(between 4pm and 5am)
"Where were you, Dandelion? I've been waiting here all this time. Come give me a sorry cuddle."
WHOO ALL DONE. I love him so much, he's just. . .he's actually kind of mean lmao! But I love that about him, he's so. . .he both is and is not what you expect. He's very childish but like. . .cruel in the way a child can be, sort of? I JUST. REALLY ENJOY HIS CHARACTER. He's such a loving sweetheart until something agitates him even a little bit lmao. . . .
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mcflymemes · 3 months
PROMPTS FROM BEYONCÉ'S COWBOY CARTER *  assorted lines from the album, some slightly adapted, adjust as necessary
nothing really ends.
for things to stay the same, they have to change again.
hello, my old friend.
you changed your name, but not the ways you play pretend.
do you hear me?
let me make myself clear.
can you hear me, or do you fear me?
can we stand for something?
now is the time to face the wind.
can you stand me?
this isn't the time to pretend.
they used to say i spoke "too country."
they don't know how hard i had to fight for this.
goodbye to what has been.
you were only waiting for this moment to arise.
i had to leave my home at an early age.
i'm not in my bed.
i gotta choose myself.
i might cook, clean, but still won't fold.
i'm still working on my life, you know.
only god knows.
i got art to make.
i got love to create.
they won't dim my light.
i had to sacrifice and leave my fears behind.
you'll remember me, 'cause we got something to prove.
i will lead you down that road if you lose your way.
i'm born to be a protector.
even though i know someday, you're gonna shine on your own.
i gave water to the soil, and now it feeds me.
there you are, shaded underneath it all.
i feel proud of who i am.
i first saw your face in your father's gaze.
how many times have you let yourself get down?
be fond of your flaws.
i just hope you love yourself like that.
i really hope the best for you.
you're my love, my sweetie pie.
don't let go.
lay your cards down.
i'll be damned if i can't slow dance with you.
don't be a bitch.
there's a heatwave coming at us.
i give you kisses in the backseat.
you make me cry, you make me happy.
just toss it.
they couldn't have me and they never will.
sometimes i hold you closer just to know you're real.
sometimes i take a day off just to turn you on.
i could be your bodyguard.
you should let me ride shotgun.
you know how people like to start shit.
someone better hold me back.
i'm warning you, don't come for my man.
don't take the chance just because you think you can.
the games you play are nothing new.
you don't want no heat with me.
i know my man better than he knows himself.
shoot your shot with someone else.
i'm warning you, woman, find your own man.
i have to have this talk with you.
i really tried to stay cool, but your arrogance disturbed my solitude.
look what you made me do.
if you cross me, i'm just like my father.
you say move a mountain and i'll throw on my boots.
how does it feel to be adored?
think about leaving? hell no.
time moves quickly, and so do i.
i don't need anything.
here's to hoping i'll fall fast asleep tonight.
i need to get through this.
i came here for a reason, but i don't know the purpose.
time heals everything.
i'll be your backseat baby.
been a while since i haven't tried to pull away.
come here, you sexy little thing.
baby, you play too much.
i'm looking super hot.
i'm a fucking animal.
every time you know just what to do.
no one ever got me going quite like you.
girl, i wanna take you home.
they won't be around.
i hope that you know that once i loved you.
history can't be erased.
got you up all night and now you don't wanna leave.
how can a true love go so wrong?
put on a show and make it nasty.
let me sink into your arms.
i died and someone brought me back to life.
i plan to steal your heart again.
who am i to judge?
i will carry on.
baby, i've been waiting my whole life for you.
wherever you wanna go, that's fine with me.
all i see is the best of you.
i'm gonna give you the best years of your life.
you owe me a debt.
i hated you once.
tap me on the shoulder when you reload the gun.
i know they're looking for me.
i fall to pieces each time i see you there.
it don't matter what nobody says.
we can take back roads.
just say what you need from the store.
i'm coming home.
take that shit on the chin.
have mercy on me.
this house was built with blood and bones.
i need to make you proud.
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ohbo-ohno · 9 months
I love your works, especially the serial killer ghoap ones. I’ve had this thought on my mind for a bit. It’s not really dark, more fluffy(?) I just started playing ACNH again and it got me thinking, would serial killer ghoap let reader have a switch? I mean, poor reader has seen so much shit and needs at least a little bit of normalcy in their life. Ofc ghoap would monitor them while they played and such, which leads me to my next part. Let’s say reader has gotten stockholm syndrome and isn’t super phased by all the gore in stuff. Reader just sits in a little corner that maybe has pillows or blankets OR a cage that has pillows and blankets and shit like that. But reader just stays in that corner playing their switch while ghoap does their murder stuff. Idk, I feel it’d be a cute image. Ghoap just torturing someone while reader sits in a corner playing animal crossing. Sorry for rambling, I just really wanted to share this thought. Drink water and make sure to eat ❤️❤️❤️
someday i'll write the serial killer fic. i have a full outline of it. i have like 1k done. it EXISTS ok i PROMISE and i WILL post it. eventually
but in the meantime! questions are fun! (also tysm for saying you love my stuff, ily)
i think they'd absolutely let her have a switch <3 in exchange for good behavior
my reader inserts tend to be massive pushovers (mostly in an attempt to not give them so strong of a personality as to be distracting) but the serial killer girl is soft. i think the contrast of really rough ghoap with really soft reader is Primo.
but i also think ghost and soap would fucking eat UP having a soft little thing to take care of. i think this version of them would really get off on the corruption of it all, coming to their girl covered in blood and watching her try to keep her stuffies from getting stained red :( they loooove watching her get all teary and sniffly when they make her watch them torture people, love watching the way she tries to hide her pretty face :(
so of course they let her have a switch! they looove hearing her talk about all her little villagers, love when she tentatively shows them her new island setup <3
and that second part - do you know how hard johnny would get if he was torturing someone and saw his girl completely tuned out and just playing her little game? she'd be lucky if he didn't bend her over right then and there
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lixzey · 11 months
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tw: mentions of self harm and self hate
The Ninth Letter. 
It was a long shot, but Timothée knew he had to. He had to find her. It surprised him, just how much he cared for this girl. He didn't know her, but he was desperate to find her—to understand her. Timothée felt a sense of loyalty to her, vowing to finish her letters one by one—and not skipping to the end. Sure, he could save a lot of time if he'd just go on and skip to the last letter. But that felt like betraying Y/N—as if it was skipping to know the person who'd poured her heart out in the last eight letters. 
Timothée sighed, before closing his laptop and putting it away. He was in a meeting with the private investigator he had just hired two days ago. The trail was undoubtedly cold—because the only clue they had was the stamps on Y/N's letters. Still, the young actor wasn't going to give up that easily. He picked up the next letter and ripped it open. It was dated July 27th, 2023. 
Dear Timothée, 
Don't kill the butterfly,
That's what I heard the girl whispering beside me while I waited outside of my therapist's office. It was a year ago, when I started with Julie. I'd been staring at her, not realizing she was muttering something onto her shaking hands. A whisper, so quiet that I would've missed it if I hadn't been looking at her like an animal at a zoo. She was repeating it again and again, “Don't kill the butterfly.” like some sort of mantra. 
At first, it seemed strange. Because she had a butterfly drawn in black ink on the back of her hand—it wasn't a tattoo—it was smudged, clearly drawn on with a pen. It wasn't until I asked her and realized what the butterfly was. 
It's called The Butterfly Effect, and it's to help people who self harm—people like me. The idea is that every time a person wants to cut, they would draw a butterfly on their wrist and name it after a loved one. You have to let the butterfly fade, and if you cut, the butterfly dies. 
I felt terrible. I've been killing the butterfly, over and over again. 
The next session I had, I asked Julie about the girl—her name was Jane—and when I realized what had happened to her…..Let's just say, I haven't seen anyone so brave. 
I feel like a mistake. A waste of space. If I was brave enough, I'd already done it, but I hadn't. Who knows? Maybe someday, I can and I'll be free from all the bullshit of my life. Or, I'm just taking my time. 
Why am I even still writing to you? I feel like an idiot, wasting my money to get stamps, to send these fucking letters you won't ever read. But what if you are? Maybe you're reading my letters, reading how my life is hell. 
Anyways, I stapled a photo of myself at the end of this letter. I know, I know, I'm an ugly piece of shit. Not like the girls in Hollywood—not like fucking Kylie Jenner. How do I even compete with her? Next to her, I look like a potato with eyes. 
Maybe, just maybe…..
But I don't want to get my hopes up. 
I don't know what to believe in, honestly.
All my love, 
Timothée stared at the photo, a beautiful girl was staring back at him—she had mesmerizing (y/e/c) eyes and long beautiful (y/h/c) hair. She was smiling. As if she wasn't the girl who wrote the letters he had read. He quickly snapped the photo and sent it to the private investigator. 
Timothée didn't know why she called herself ugly. Does she even look at herself in the mirror? She was beautiful, the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.
“Stay with me, Y/N. I'm going to find you, even if it's the last thing I do.”
@lovemelikecrazyiloveyoucrazy @helens3amstuff @gatoenlaciudad
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tokoyamisstuff · 9 months
Dad! Mark Hoffman HC's
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A/N: Thanks for all of your Requests! I'll try and get them done over the holidays.
In the meantime a lil' treat for you.
Before the death of his sister and involuntarily association with a serialkiller, it had been Mark's absolute dream to have a family of his own someday - sadly, life happened and he deemed himself undeserving after everything he had done.
The two of you are an open secret to anyone, yet were never official - even though you were basically living like a married couple for a long time already.
You knew he was terribly afraid of commitment, so as long as he never had to label your relationship as such, he could continue lying to himself.
So obviously, when you realize that you had become pregnant despite precautions, you panic.
How would he even react to the news? Furious? Afraid? Indifferent?! Either way, you were certain his fight or flight instinct would kick in.
You had already made up your mind, yet don't dare confronting him directly - but hey, he can't really blame you.
He'll find the positive test on his bathroom sink, together with a letter from you explaining that you intend to keep the child but him not having any responsibilities shall he not want to.
You don't hear from him for days and it breaks your heart - until he suddenly appears at your doorstep with a bonquet and a bigass stuffed animal.
Tells you he needed to settle some things which definetly involved murdering Jigsaw and any other possible danger before he could face you again, but from now on he'll always be here for you and the baby.
This will be the first time he'll actually open up about how much you meant to him all this time - yet the fear to lose you as well made him keep his distance.
You'll end up having a long talk throughout the night, just lying in each other's arms and speaking about both your worries and wishes for the future.
Afterwards Hoffman will make a whole 180, turning his life around from this day onwards. Immediately becomes sober and gets his shit together. Time to become a functional human being!
Man is unrecognizeable in his efforts. No more half-assed bonds, asks you to move in with him in a better part of the town as soon as possible. You won't get rid of him anymore.
He's not really a fan of marriage, but reconsiders because it'd be easier to care for each other, at least officially. Good luck convincing him to host an actual wedding ceremony, though. Most likely only celebrates with your close family and some mutual friends.
Is really traditional with other values, however. Shall you not want to keep working, he'll be so happy to provide. And damn, you'll be taken good care of!
Backrubs, feet massages, holding your belly or bringing your cravings - Mark's love language is acts of service!
Sadly misses most of the appointments du to working his ass off, but hell make it up in other ways. At least tries to come to some birth prep classes.
It's hilarious seeing this gloomy old man so invested in baby-stuff. He is so clueless, but gives it his utmost to learn.
Mark is an overthinker, after all. Makes plans and preparations years in advance. The house will be baby-proof before you even hit the second trimester.
More overthinking. What if there's still students of Jigsaw alive, after all? And even if there isn't, as a cop his family would always be in danger! This man has seen so many traumatizing things in this cruel world, he will go to any lenght to protect you.
Underneath this behavior he's actually afraid to be a bad father due to his past. Sure, he cared for his sister a while but a baby is on a whole different level. He never got to experience what a real family is like, so he is both incredibly excited and scared.
Contemplates leaving the state to somewhere safer, but only if you want to. You have family there, after all.
Will shamelessly beg you to name this child after his sister, shall it become a girl. At least only the second name, pretty please?
Discovers that your pregnant state is a huge turn-on for him. Cant take his hands off of you, gosh you make him weak. Would've never thought you could become any more attractive but there you are, proving him wrong!
Definetly gains some weight together with you during the pregnancy. Jokes about his belly almost being bigger than yours.
Advocates for you in the hospital. Your body, you decide how it's done. Good for you this man is used to seeing worse. He won't leave your side even for a second, like a guard dog until you're discharged.
Definetly cries when holding his child for the first time. Utters neverending words of gratitude and adoration at both of you.
Is a little hesistant to handle the child at the beginning. I can imagine him being way more comfortable as soon as it can hold it's own head and he's safe to play with them.
Tries to take some time off of work until you're feeling well enough to be on your own. He'll take good care of the household and your healing body.
My man is old, let him rest. The nights really are killing him, no coffee in the world will help.
Enjoys bonding with the baby so much! He could look at it all day, and gosh as soon as you show him how to babywear you probably never get it back except for feedings lol
He's one of those dad's who has his whole wallet full of photos of you and the baby. Will proudly show them everyone at every possibility - may they want to or not, they'll have to listen about how amazing you are.
In the end Mark will always say that you and the family you gave him has saved him in more than one way - and you were blissfully unaware about the extent of that statement.
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Actual note goal post:
-20: I will draw 3 commissions free for anyone(2 left!)
-50: Audition for lead role DONE!! didn't get it but i got some other favourites
-75: Come out as therian to my new partner
-100: I'll tell my new partner about my add!ctions, recovered or relapsed.
-150: I'll get back to doing my duolingo daily and make a fresh account YESSS I'M DOING IT DW
-200: I'll get COTL and speedrun it on stream
-300: I'll show you henchtheys my comfort characters
-500: I'll put pictures of my cat on here, and draw Sal in comparison
-1000: I'll ask my parents about a debit card
-5000: I'll put effort into trying to quit my add!ctions
-10k: I'll get CSP X and start full animation projects
-20k: I'll ask my parents about getting a rat
-50k: I'll tell my parents about my disabilities
-100k: I'll announce The Project and start looking for voice actors(like half done. Will not be officially revealing it until i get my shit together but i have a blog for credits now)
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sirfrogsworth · 5 months
Peter McKinnon did a video with a photographer named Garrett King. And he just went on a very long rant about lazy photographers who use Photoshop and "fixing it in post."
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He continues... "You can't do that in film. You can't just make a bad decision and say "Oh, I'll fix it in post." (Not true. There was plenty of editing in dark rooms in the past. And now you can scan a film photo and literally manipulate it like a digital photo.) Fix it in post drives me nuts. That statement is so played out. It drives me nuts that people say that. Cuz dude, I don't work that way."
He also says that choosing film is the "hard path" and keeps talking about how lazy photographers who photoshop are.
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I love film photography. I have an old Minolta that my mom gave me that I hope to restore and use someday.
But film photographers drive *me* nuts sometimes.
This idea that their way of making art is more valid or authentic than my way of making art is just a continuation of an old school mentality that really needs to die. There are still some photographers who will bully people because they use autofocus or aperture priority mode.
I actually think learning to be really good at Photoshop is much more challenging than learning to be good at photography. Sure, there are fields like photographic microscopy and product photography that require years to master, but I've been learning Photoshop for 20 years and I feel like I have barely scratched the surface of what is possible.
I have seen people with near 0 experience take an amazing picture.
I have seen people who barely know how their camera works take consistently good photos. It's the "using only power chords" version of photography.
But I have never seen someone with 0 experience photoshop something artistically impressive.
When people say "that looks Photoshopped" as if that is an insult, it really breaks my heart. Photoshop was a huge reason for my success. My ability to lay in bed and make funny things was essential to building my blog.
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My post on Karl Taylor's Clinque photoshoot had so many comments saying his work "looked photoshopped" and it was a little frustrating.
Firstly because he actually sculpts with light and isn't actually very good at Photoshop. When he takes a picture, it pretty much looks like that from the start. The rest is just minor compositing work and blemish removal.
And secondly, because that kind of product photography predates Photoshop. Karl was doing this when Photoshop was just a baby.
In fact, still life photography was inspired by Dutch paintings of fruit and shit.
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They were all, "I cannot stand sitting with another yappy model for days on end. I'm sick of people. I'm just going to paint *stuff* but with really amazing lighting."
But it is also frustrating because there is this mentality that digital tools are lesser. As if digital artists just press a few buttons and cheat-code their way into good images.
It's the same mentality people have about CGI. CG artists are the modern day sculpturists. They do the same thing as Michaelangelo or Rodin, just with different tools and in a different medium. Oh, but they also animate their sculptures in thousands of frames in multiple dynamic lighting environments all while maintaining photorealism.
To me, Thanos is just as artistically impressive as the statue of David or The Thinker.
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Blair Bunting is a very talented photographer who mixes incredible photographic technique and lighting with his amazing photo manipulation skills.
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And while these photos may not be as "authentic" as that film photographer's picture of a dude sitting on a truck...
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I can assure you no laziness was involved in Blair's process.
Also, I really didn't want to bring up disability. But it is really difficult for me to do the physical process of photography. Sometimes I do not have the energy to get the perfect "in camera" exposure. Sometimes I won't even check my settings and I will snap a picture knowing that I can make it cool with editing. I just look at the histogram, make sure the data I need is there, and do the rest on my computer.
During my adventure to photograph a bridge in Alton, I was only able to take 6 photos. Usually I will take hundreds in a session. My fatigue got the better of me and I nearly had to go to the hospital after walking up a hill. (I was having a bad day. I'm better now.) I didn't get the photos I wanted to get. And on the way down that hill, as I was out of breath, I pulled out my phone and tried to snap a pic of something cool I saw in front of me. The phone had been set 2 stops underexposed from a previous shot and so the picture was pretty much all in shadow. And because I was walking super slow, I had just missed the sun over the horizon.
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But it's a RAW file. And I knew I could probably do something with it. I could "fix it in post." Not because I was being lazy. Mostly because I was trying not to hyperventilate. Apparently, my body can't handle slight inclines any longer.
And this is what I came up with.
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I'm not saying this is an amazing photo. And it would have been really cool if I hadn't missed the sun. But this is what my eyes saw as I came down the hill and I was able to recreate that with digital tools.
I think that is pretty cool.
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bugs1nmybrain · 10 months
Give Your Heart a Break - Chapter 2 Tomura Shigaraki x reader series
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You can find chapter one here
Notes: So I want to clarify that in this fic, a major theme about Tomura's story is that he suffers from a lot of untreated mental illness. I'm representing him as someone who's undiagnosed Bipolar, but also experiences symptoms that boarder schizophrenia, such as the voices he hears and he'll eventually have a psychotic episode at some point in this story. I know this feeds the "Bipolar and psychotic people are evil" stereotype, but I have these mental illnesses and see Shigaraki as someone who could very much have untreated Bipolar disorder (type 1 specifically), regardless. Most anime characters aren't written to be bipolar lol but I have a list of reasons why I think he has the potential to be. Maybe I'll make a post about it someday.
Summary: Tomura is so goshdarn determined to find his lil gamestop crush and thanks to him conveniently seeing her debit card he casually stalks her on the internet
Warnings: 18+ minors don't interact, cliffhanger, mildly dark content, internet stalking, creepy Tomura, Tomura and y/n only talk over the internet in this chapter, i wrote Tomura's thoughts but it's not from his direct POV. They are highlighted in blue, like in chapter 1 Tomura hears voices and sometimes they can be nasty - they are highlighted in red, soft Shigaraki, very scott pilgrim kind of humor, edgy and derogatory humor at one point (used ironically to mock people who say them seriously), Tomura has his English dub's voice (pre Paranormal Liberation Front), not proofread yet, I wrote this while I was stoned af
Notes About Reader:
everything from chapter 1 applies
she/her pronouns
relatively active on social media but makes content private
reader is a WEIRDO
I made the reader's username mine lol
As said, she's very based off of me
reader experiences unspecified mental illness and has been to a psych ward in her past
she laughs very easily
"*your full legal name*"
Tomura considered the possibility that you may have been using someone else's card or that you didn't go by your legal name, but he was sure it was a decent place to start. His heart was racing so hard to find out who you were. He wasn't sure what struck a chord in him when he saw you. He supposed it was cuz you're pretty, but he really didn't know anything about you other than you're spooky, you like anime, and you like his hair.
He immediately started searching for your name on his phone. It wasn't hard to find your Facebook, though your privacy settings didn't let him see much other than profile pictures. You seemed somewhat outgoing from they pictures you posted. There was a directory about you online, and he guessed it was you based on your age and location (he saw your location on FB lol). Now he knew your address..
the internet is so nice to him sometimes :)
It took him a little bit of digging but he found your other socials outside of Facebook. All private, though. Fuuuck.
Fuck it, follow.
Tomura never showed his face on his socials and never ever ever put his name. You wouldn't know it was him.
"But now she has to approve it :("
*bugsinmybrain accepted your follow request*
Tomura swore that he felt as if he had unlocked a fucking treasure chest. You were so very flashy, that's for sure. A lot of pictures of you, decorated with some cute stickers that were edited in, or surrounded by anime dudes.
"Fuck off."
From what he could tell, you were a geek. Very nerdy and interested in things, though that wasn't a bother to Tomura. He was a fan of a lot of shit. You were also very pretty. He then stumbled on some posts you'd made about heroes. How you thought their system was corrupted and that they'd neglect people and dismiss those who they thought were worth sacrificing. Mmm, you're speaking his language. You didn't appear to be any kind of villain, you couldn't be so outgoing on the internet if you were, but you were certainly feisty.
He wanted to message you. He knew it would be weird and he didn't want to creep you out, but god he wanted to talk to you. He wanted to know more about you. To be honest, he really wanted you to give him your undivided feminine attention. When you spoke with him at GameStop he felt warm. Love at first sight? Possibly. Is he that much of a fool?
His social anxiety made him almost want to watch you outside your window before messaging you online anonymously. rrr.
him: hey, do you remember the blue haired guy from GameStop?
you didn't answer for two hours.
Tomura tried to not care if you responded or not but he was boiling hot and itching anxiously, wondering if you had actively ignored him. But you didn't unfollow or block him, he checked many times.
her: omg yea
him: is your name (y/n)? that's what your card said. sorry thats creepy af but i kinda wanted to talk to you so I looked you up.
He wasn't even attempting to not be a stalker at this point. What else was he supposed to say? There's no way to cover the fact that he has a crush on you or something.
her: yea that's me. i noticed you peaked at my name so it's ok lol. what's your name?
he wasn't supposed to say anything like that online. He's a piece of shit, yea, but a part of Tomura didn't want to lie.
That's a name he heard often. For the last couple of years he began experiencing frequent auditory hallucinations. Hearing "Tenko" was one of them. Sometimes they'd tell him to stop or scream at him or strangely enough, they'd be calm and nurturing to him. It drove him crazy sometimes.
him: Tenko
her: why did you want to talk to me?
him: that's an awkward question
her: why?
him: i guess it's not. you look cool and said shit about hating heroes. is that a good enough reason?
her: LMAO
i suppose
him: do you play any video games? I saw you go to the anime section...
her: i play but i'm not very good at any of them
"of course she isn't"
him: what games do you play?
her: league of legends
him: omg are you kidding me?
her: no
him: do you wanna play with me? like. right now?
her: sure??
You were trash at league. But somehow it was charming seeing you try your best, though your efforts were very frugal. Normally seeing someone so bad in his game would make Tomura pissed but he gave you a pass. At the moment, he was more worried about getting to know you than the game itself. So he tried all he could to get you to talk, he loved your voice.
"I'm going to assume you're very new to this?"
"How new?"
"I've been playing for maybe 3 months."
"That long and you're still shit?"
"I know I suck," you say defensively. As if you could hear the things in his head.
"You kind of do, not going to lie."
It wasn't long after that you got essentially gangbanged by three enemy players with no attacks given back.
The loud cussing in his headphones made Tomura jump, but he couldn't help but start to chuckle violently.
"Feisty bitch ain't she?"
"She wants to suck your cock."
"Shut up..." Tomura growled under his breath.
"Did you just tell me to shut up??" You ask, though chuckling while you did.
"What? No, no. Sometimes I just have really bad thoughts that come out of nowhere. I have to like.."
"Tell them to be quiet?"
"I've done that. Like actually, though. I'll just start thinking of the most wacked out thing, and it comes out of no where. Sometimes I knock on my head to get rid of them, hah."
I guess a spooky looking gal like you being mentally ill wasn't a surprise to him. Your ability to relate to his situation was still comforting, though. Especially because he almost expected you to get uncomfortable when he told you about having "bad thoughts." Some girls may think a freaky looking dude like him having "bad thoughts" meant that he was some homicidal villain.
oh wait
"Really? I've had it happen to me all my life, but for the last two years I've like...heard voices, I guess? Sometimes the thoughts aren't even thoughts, they just happen. And I'll hear them, in voices that aren't mine. Also forget all of that, I'm normal and you're very bad at league."
The giggle that erupted from you shot an infestation of butterflies inside his chest. You seemed to think he was very funny, which is something that frankly turned him on. Throughout your call he was able to make you snicker from saying the dumbest shit. He prayed you weren't just faking it.
"It's ok. You'd be surprised how common that is. Doesn't make it any easier though, I'll say that," you reply, hoping to ease his nerves. You could tell even over voice call that while he spoke very easily about his hallucinations, he had a level of shame for them.
"No. It doesn't. Who made you a psychiatrist, anyways?"
"My six stays at the psych ward maybe," you retort.
"Excuse me, Tenko?"
Oh right. That's his name right now. Fuck, he wanted to see you in person. He felt like he'd be able to be more of an open book that way. He'd still need a story though, fake name or not. You probably thought you were just talking to some geeky gamer boy with blue hair and possible schizophrenia, but little did you know, you were talking to a facilitator of multiple acts of mid-level terrorism. Hey, but if it was all in the name of "Fuck Heroes" maybe you'd still laugh at his jokes.
"Sorry that wasn't very feminism of me was it?"
"No, it wasn't" you said as you wheezed in laughter.
"You like my edgelord jokes, don't you?"
You kept laughing, now somehow he had pulled a couple of snorts out of you too.
"fat pig."
"Want to take a trip to 2016? I bet Leafy would love to make fun of autistic 12 year old's with you."
He swore that you were probably crying from how hard you were laughing. He wished he could see you on camera right now, but hearing you blow out his ear drums with your annoying yet adorable little laugh was good enough for now.
"Am I going to have to come resuscitate you?" Tomura cackles, now feeling himself starting to laugh.
"Your voice is cute," you beam at him.
"I'm not!"
"Someone once told me I sound like I'm a prison bitch cuz of how hoarse my throat is."
"Done with the jokes, got it."
"I know, right?"
"I just think it's cute, you're very expressive."
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*this is Tomura right, now by the way*
"Does that mean that uh..you think I'm cute?" he pesters with the widest smile on his face, though you couldn't see.
*que jeopardy music*
Goodness, you certainly had a girlish charm with the way your mellow voice would start chirping with laughter. He didn't think flirting should've been this easy, but you were very impressionable.
"Is it ok to say yes?" you asked sheepishly over call.
"Ehehehe~!!!" Tomura squealed, mocking your giggles.
"Shut up!"
"Am I going to have to come and rescue you? You sound like you're running out of air," he asked almost genuinely, as he held back a cough.
"Do it, pussy, you won't."
"Oh really?"
"Would you be mad at me if I told you I know where you live?"
"Excuse me?"
"Not my fault. Blame yourself for being an on-the-grid person. The internet is dangerous, didn't you know?"
"Are we officially stalker-stalkee now?" you joked.
"Yea but my hair is blue and my voice is cute so it's ok if I stalk you, right?"
"Oh my fucking god."
"So, can I come see you?"
"In person. I could be there in like half an hour. You live near me."
"Tenko, it's 10pm."
"Would you get in trouble? Do you live with parents or something?"
"I could pick you up and we could walk back to my place."
Now, dear readers, would you accept such an offer from a complete stranger at almost midnight, absolutely alone with him? After he has admitted to lowkey stalking you? You shouldn't!
However, we, the reader, are ignorant to common sense when we receive the slightest crumb of positive (?) male attention.
"teeheehee!!" Tomura teases. "Keep your eyes pealed, then. Thirty minutes, okay?"
"omg i guess."
"omg ok, what kind of energy drink do you like?"
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themoonstarwarrior · 10 months
Well, I haven't seen the episode yet, but since it sounds like BloodMoon is refusing to be saved, imma go ahead and share the idea I mentioned to @twinanimatronics about how Sun could've possibly reached them.
Obviously BloodMoon wont sit still and listen so this scenario has Sun use star power to trap BM just like old moon did to him with Moon on standby to come in once the 5 minutes are up.
Basically, Sun asks them WHY they kill and hurt people and BM brings up the main three reasons: they enjoy it, they dont want to be a tool, and they hunger. Since literally none of the protags have actually asked, Sun would be surprised that theres more than the first reason and interrogate to get to the bottom of it. Cuz what Sun realizes is that BloodMoon doesnt have any deeper motives or desires because of their eternal hunger. Their ENTIRE existence has circled around violence to satisfy their hunger. They get used to satisfy their hunger. They enjoy the rip and tear because it stops the hunger.
They have always been a tool to the hunger.
So Sun offers the one thing that no one has: what if they get rid of the hunger?
BM is confused cuz all they've ever known is the hunger, and Sun has to dig the point home by explaining how they can keep killing but it'll come back, and probably stronger. They could kill everyone and everything but then the hunger will come back. And the only thing thatll be left to kill is each other.
And THAT freaks them out, because that is the only thing BloodMoon stands to lose is the brotherhood. (And while BM1 would probably race about lies and trickery, BM2 cant deny the logic)
So with BM actually realizing how their hunger endangers them, and Moon at this point just WAITING to finish them off, Sun lays down the ultimatum. Since no change of heart can happen if all they've ever known is hunger, Sun/Moon/Solar can try and remove it to and see if the twins can be rehabilitated, otherwise Moon ends them then and there.
And I love this idea so much!!! It addresses the REAL block that BM has that hasnt been brought up since that one episode where they kill the anime girl. We get to keep BloodMoon, since the creators went to the trouble of bringing them back and giving them a new model so it'd be a lil annoying if they just ended up killed again. It acknowledges how much BM has been used and brushed aside while admitting that there hasnt been much else to them. And you could have a whole rehabilitation arc, with everyone healing and BM given a real change and actual honesty, since god knows no one is gonna be mincing words. And I imagine their blood-hunger being removed ends up like the Ruin Virus a bit, where getting rid of it cuts down a LOT of the more sadistic urges. So the boys get a mostly-tamed but still-pretty-fucking-insane BloodMoon Twins that basically is just the feral crazy guy that hangs around Animal from Muppets lol and idk stays with Monty cuz hes more easygoing on the violent habits and they need to NOT be anywhere near the daycare.
And maybe I'll watch the episode and be alright with it, but it just sucks cuz this would work SO GOOD and I know the showrunners wouldn't do it. So now I've had to make this fucking long ass post and y'all hafta deal with it.
And maybe someday I'll write a drabble this and the other SAMS scenes I've imagined...
So yeah, sorry about the rambling and shit. I hate how emotionally involved I get with this show that I love. And I'll go ahead and tag @garbagechocolate out of obligation X)
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goat-fm · 3 months
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Au: It was the summer of 89 and Slash was bored out of his mind. he heard people around talking about this new thing called tumblr and thought "wow ok" so now...
Some ooc information about me
Im 22 years old and this is honestly my first time doing rockstar rp. Its pretty fun.
I don't mind anyone viewing my profile. just be at least 17+ I do not control what you see. ( just a lot of horror anime shit )
Im black ooc and I will be saying slurs that I can reclaim. I felt more comfortable saying it as a black rockstar more than anyone else. hhnhns
I sadly cant follow back, because this is a side blog connected to @xanticore Someday i'll make a separate account but for now this will do.
Im on est, yall can message me and be my friend ic on this account. See yah gays.
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lunchtimebedamned1997 · 2 months
Big secret (bc I'm mean to ya'll) project update :3
You guys aren't ready for this project I'm so fucking excited - it's probably the biggest thing I've ever tried to do - easily.
I've got a still, two backgrounds, and a rough animation test to share rn!
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As you can see, I've decided to go for lineless-ly rendered, full-color backgrounds, and then a more sketchy/illustration grayscale style for the characters! I'm really loving the balance that gives and i think it really helps Vox stand out, since he is the central focus of this project mwahahaha!
Then I've got a little hand animation test for part of this that I'm really happy with!
I finished what is out so far of the Jujutsu Kaisen anime (yes I'm devistated, I did not heed the emotional torment warnings I was given lmao) and it's been inspiring me so much! The animation in that show is beyond gorgeous. The movement, the color, the flow - just, holy shit. I've been watching the series and 0 on repeat for 99% of this project bc it's really been motivating me to just try, yk? To put in that extra hit of effort here and there. I'd love to be able to animate things like that someday!
This project is going to be a combination of an animatic and animation, and it's been fun deciding where those extra hours of effort are going!
Anyways! That's the updates for now! I'm still finishing up that Alastor animation asset (for the large center screen on the desk background that I shared in my last post), and I'll probably (maybe?) share that when it's done bc I'm proud of myself :3
Anyways! Hope you're all well! <3
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