#Sometimes of us angels are of the god in the machine
bixels · 4 months
your tags about mercy being one of the most complex characters- YES!!! theres a log in one of ana's gun inspection modes where it mentions how mercy DESPISED her healing magic/science being used for evil on the battlefield, and there's an ingame line of her saying "power boost working as envisioned!" and it just reminds me how she was lied to, forced unto the battlefield when in reality she just wanted to help people with her inventions and thats the only way they said she could do it. AGH. Hippocratic oath!!
Which is why I never seriously bought into Moicy (I get the hatefucking though) as a serious ship because realistically, Mercy would absolutely abhor Moira with every fiber of her being.
This is gonna be a really hot take for gay Overwatch-knowers, but. I preferred when Moira didn't exist as a character in the story and her whole selfish philosophy of 'progress at any cost' existed as Mercy's darker side. I was really interested in Mercy's 'holier than thou' demeanor (her battle uniform is an angel costume, for god's sake). I found it so interesting that Mercy was the one who turned Gabriel into Reaper (it was assumed canon until retconned by Moira). Or that Mercy "saved" Genji by installing ninja stars into his knuckles and turning his body into a killing machine (which is why, imo, I don't think Mercy would ever be in love with Genji. He'd be a constant reminder of the power she holds yet tries to ignore, the ways she's unbelievably fucked her patients up in the past. A reminder that she's not as good a person as others believe her to be). I'm personally really into the idea that Mercy has two sides in her: the side who truly cares about healing people and the side who's so full of hate and anger for the perceived enemy that she unconsciously fuels her rage into the people who rely on her. Turning people into living weapons to "fix" them and fight her battles. Reminder that she watched her parents walk out on her as a child to volunteer medical work for the Omnic Crisis, only for them to die and leave her orphaned and alone. Is she doing this to take care of people, or is she doing this to avenge her parents (the official site says it's only the former, but I think that's boring as fuck)? I think it can be both at the same time, but sometimes she prioritizes one motive over the other. I think the "angelic, cheery healer" is a persona she instinctively uses to veil her selfish motivations, to everyone and to herself. Reminder that she was also lauded as a savant, a prodigy, a teenage genius who literally revolutionized medical science before she could legally vote. You cannot expect me to believe that she's truly altruistic, that everything she does is for the betterment of humanity and out of the goodness of her heart.
I don't think she's a malicious person at all, just someone who doesn't want to admit she has ulterior motives.
Anyways, she's not actually this interesting in the game or the story.
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sirenmoth · 1 year
Love Bug
Kyle Garrick x GN!Reader
Synopsis: Gaz fell for you, and fell hard
CW: none, fluff and gaz being adorble
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When you first joined the Task Force, it was rough, everyone expect The Captain, was a little standoffish and cautious but they never said anything out loud, never in front of Price. Over some time and gruelling missons, they opened up to you in their own ways; Ghost and you practised shooting, hand to hand combat as well as other needed skills; you and Soap would talk about god knows what while aiding him in testing explosives and bombs; Price popped in when he was less busy, sometimes letting you sit in his office while you both filed paperwork. And Gaz, sweet Gaz, the first person to fully accept and welcome you, he would stop by with small gifts and trinkets, most often found out in the field or a cheap buy, claiming 'thought you'd like it' and 'it suits you'
You offhandedly mentioned once you like playing video games, that it helped you relax. That was when it started, on less busy days or after everyone has fallen asleep, you'd both play for hours, exchanging jokes and quips, lighthearted gags as you shared a blanket and snacks, cuddled up until one of you fell asleep. When separated you two would send letters to keep in touch and update the other on what's been going on, it was in one of these letters Gaz let slip that the moments you share, cuddled up in the late hours of the night, helped him relax and find peace out amongst the chaos and bloodshed. It was during these moments that Gaz realised,
He loves you
He craves to be around you
You made him feel like this, like a school boy with his first crush.
That was when the gifts became something else entirely, small romantic gestures, just to see you smile that smile he loves oh so much, to hear that angelic laugh and to watch your eyes light up in adoration at the small things he presents. His heart swam in his chest, beating erractically like it is singing its love and affection for you, but one thing was wrong, outside of work and the Task Force, he had no way of contacting you, months without the moments he cherishes with you, months without seeing you and knowing you're blissfully unaware of what you're doing to him.
The butterflies in his stomach Gaz has grown used to feel like hornets, his heart sounds like a rapid-fire machine gun as it pounds in his ears, he's practised over and over and over what he was going to say in his head, not wanting to make a fool of himself. The last night before leave and Gaz had a misson to complete, he wasn't going to let you slip away, not this time, not again. He stumbles over his words, studying your face for a reaction, a response. Standing as still as a deer in headlight, Gaz watched you write something down on some scrap paper and hand it to him, telling him you'll see him around before leaving with a smile and a wave.
Once he's alone Gaz looks down at what you've written, it's your number, your personal phone number with a small heart next to it. Gaz doesn't think he's moved so fast, whiping out his own phone to add you to his contacts list, quickly sending you a text. A bright, wide smile is plastered on his face, reading you response. You had bewitched him; mind, body and soul.
And he could live with that.
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ellecdc · 2 months
I went to get my teeth checked today and kept on thinking abt how Lily would be a great dentist. Gentle hands, nonjudgmental, would be so accommodating to any requests or requirements you have like noise cancelling headphones or something…. And she would be soooo against the trend of recommending treatment purely based on cosmetics rather than need. Like we have doctor Remus how about dentist Lily 😂😂
you know what? this was so cute that I had to write it - also, the conversations between reader and Lily are real-life conversations I've had with dental hygienists so be nice to me, I'm still recovering hahhaah
dentist!Lily Evans x reader who goes for a routine checkup
CW: written with a fem!reader in mind and references to a medieval woman accused of witchcraft but should be gender neutral/no pronouns used otherwise, reader has a brother for plot purposes, reader had braces growing up for plot purposes, reader has a bar on the back of their teeth for plot purposes, also.....reader doesn't floss DON'T JUDGE
You were lying back on the large vinyl-covered dentist chair pondering what exactly it was about dentists that caused so many people anxiety.
This was obviously a distraction, though, as wondering why dentists were so fear-inducing was far more comfortable than thinking about how anxious you felt right now.
You supposed that as a species, humans were wholly dependent on their mouths; it was how they ate, how they emote, a method of air intake, and also how they communicate. For hunter-gatherers, an injury to one's mouth could very well have led to dire consequences.
Of course, something happening to one's mouth wouldn’t necessarily leave them completely helpless in today's day in age with modern medicine.
And though you may not have been a hunter-gatherer, you were also decidedly not a medieval woman accused of witchcraft awaiting your trial by ordeal. But the longer it took Dr. Evans to join you - leaving you ample time to consider the various torture looking devices while reclined on this chair that looked like it could sprout restraints at any moment - the more you began to feel an awful lot like a medieval woman accused of witchcraft awaiting her trial by ordeal. 
The sound of the door clicking shut interrupted your spiralling as you tried to sit up straighter in your chair only to slide back down to your original position. 
But perhaps this wasn’t your trial by ordeal; perhaps they’d already gone ahead and executed you and you were actually sitting in heaven’s dentist office because surely the beautiful woman adorned in scrubs standing before you with long, thick red hair which had been artfully plaited away from her face was an angel? 
You realised belatedly that you’d been sitting there with your mouth agape staring at her instead of confirming your name for her.
“Yes! Yes, erm, sorry.”
But the angel - Dr. Evan’s, she introduced herself as but insisted you just call her Lily - simply waved you off and pulled a stool over to sit beside you. 
“No need to be sorry! Between the constant whirring of machines and my penchant to speak a mile a minute, it can be hard to keep up sometimes. So! You’re here for a routine cleaning?”
You nodded dumbly at her as she pulled a surgical mask up over her mouth and nose, mesmerised by the way it seemed to accentuate the brilliant green of her eyes which only appeared even greener when she smiled at you.
“Alright, well let’s take a peek at what we’re working with here, shall we?” She asked as she encouraged you to lay back after putting a bib on you like some nappy-wearing child.
Oh god; you didn’t know an angel was going to be looking in your mouth! You were expecting some grey-haired bored doctor with a superiority complex; now an angel will know you don’t floss!
“Wait!” You shouted abruptly, startling the angel doctor and encouraging her to put some space between you, though she schooled her expression very quickly. “Okay, listen, I’m sorry. But you see, I had braces as a kid, and they put these bars behind my teeth! You know, to keep them from shifting? And they’re great - so great, no complaints truly; they’ve done their job, see!” You paused to bare your teeth at her like some socially awkward chimpanzee. “No shifting at all. But! But, you see, my teeth are so sodding close together now - again, totally fine! - but between that and the glue and the bar, it’s sodding impossible to floss. Oh shit I just said sodding to a doctor! Oh my god I just said shit! I’m sorry! I just don’t want you to think I’m some plebeian who doesn’t care about dental hygiene because I do! But I honest to god, hand to my heart walked around with a piece of floss stuck between my teeth for three days after I tried last so I just...sorry…”
You fought to catch your breath and it took you possibly too long to realise the angel doctor Lily was laughing at you; the mask impeded the smile but the crinkles in the corners of her emerald eyes and the gentle shaking of her shoulders gave her away. 
“I’m so sorry, I honestly thought you were about to tell me you were going to throw up on me - which would be fine! Worse things have happened quite frankly.” She chuckled as she seemed to relax back into her stool. “Why don’t we take a look?”
Burning with embarrassment, you did as you were told and opened your mouth immediately, wondering if it was at all possible for her to feel your jack-hammer pulse through the barely there fingertips pressed to your jaw as she peered into your mouth. 
“Well honestly, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of build up anyway! I wouldn’t have known you’d not been flossing.”
“Wait, really?” You asked then, causing her to move her gaze from your mouth to your eyes. 
“There’s a little bit of plaque but nothing out of the ordinary! Basically what I would expect to see from someone coming in for a routine check up.” She confirmed before taking one of her torture devices (a dental scraper) to your teeth as you watched her auburn brows cinch closer together. “Your teeth really are close together.” She murmured mostly to herself.
“I wasn’t lying.” You defended quickly, earning you a bright and bubbly laugh from the doctor. 
“Sorry; force of habit. I hear a lot of ‘I absolutely brush my teeth twice a day’ and ‘I floss regularly’ when I can easily see that neither of those things are true.”
After she had explained what she was going to do, you spent the better part of the appointment with her fingers shoved into your mouth. 
“I do not envy your orthodontist; you have a very small mouth.”
You snorted inelegantly at that as she removed her hands from your face. “My brother would disagree.”
You were rewarded with another tinkering laugh as she inspected her cleaning. “Don’t worry about the flossing hun; I’d rather you come in and have me do a cleaning for you than to hurt yourself or damage your teeth trying to floss.”
“I’m not in trouble?”
“Even if I did have the authority to scold you, you would not be in trouble. But I hope to see you in another six to twelve months for another cleaning!” She said as she walked backwards from the room with one last (now maskless) smile in your direction.
Suddenly, dentists didn’t seem so scary, and you found yourself rather looking forward to your next appointment.
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my lucifer headcanons
note: these are just my own head canons. things i’ve noticed, how i write lucifer, what plays into why i write luce the way i do… etc. purely my own opinion.
- i think michael was very fond of his brother
- when the time came though to listen to dad and fulfill his duty or be a brother to lucifer michael chose duty
- the betrayal is still a sore spot for lucifer
- during lucifer’s “youth” he was curious, always dreaming up incredible creations… it was why he was dads favorite.
- he made the star fish, “because the sea deserves its own stars!” and he also made the duck. the ducks first iteration was quite a bit larger… lucifer and god compromised on a smaller duck. (more like god bribed lucifer.)
- he watched adam be made…. so he was always fond of him and lilith… until he fell in love with lilith…
- he didn’t realize it was love
- but michael knew and michael was scared. so he would draw lucifer away from the garden every chance he got
- lucifer was very naive when he was cast down to hell. he knew so much, he had been alive for so long, but there was so much life experience he didn’t have.
- the first few years in hell were horrible…
- he had hope at first
- maybe it all wouldn’t be so bad
- it was really bad. like really bad. the people who came down to hell were unspeakable devils
- (this is based off a fic i read and i can’t find it, if this rings any bells pls let me know the fic name) but lucifer is continuously appalled and distraught by the atrocities committed in his name.
- it’s one of the reasons he so powerful. he has the angelic power but also the power from those who worship him and make sacrifices for him
he really hates it. a lot. makes him feel no better than the worse overlord (cough alastor cough)
- charlie has no idea and she’ll never know if he can help it
- lucifer smells like apples and vanilla musk, a hint of cinnamon and something floral or citrusy.
- the floral or citrus changes depending on his mood
- he has a huge library. he actually pops up to earth with Asmodeous sometimes and takes books.
- he saved the whole Library of Alexandria’s books before it burned down
- he’s great friends with all the sins
- arguably closest with Beelzebub and Asmodeous
- he loves claw machines. the lights, the sounds, the prize winning???? he’s so fucking happy
- he actually wears glasses to read. he doesn’t need them but he says they make him look smarter.
- is actually a pretty good leader, is not nearly as forgiving as charlie is, but he’s not inherently cruel
- his third favorite color is pink
- his first and second are yellow and red, obviously
- he has expensive ass, maximalist taste.
- he doesn’t use tech because he knows what vox does to said tech.
- he’s always wanted a dog
- he’s very touchy. shows love physically. is only this way if he likes you though
- he has nightmares almost every night
- coffee addict
- because after not sleeping he wakes up looking like death warmed over
- and that’s if he didn’t forget to eat the past few days except for random snacks and didn’t do a 48 hour blitz of staying up working on ducks or the bit of kingdom shit he does.
- he has a handful of servants who he trusts and they are the only one in the house. there’s no team. nothing like that. he keeps it very close
- this was after someone who was a servant tried to throw an angelic dagger at his head because really they wanted to kill him and thought working for him would get them close enough.
- he homeschooled charlie. he knows a lot of stuff and even knew the guy who created calculus!
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after-witch · 3 months
For your yandere Summer oc, i offer you a quote.
What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness?
notes: just vague fae-ish stuff, reader was whisked away unwillingly
Sweat sticks to the back of your neck, but you no longer bother wiping it away. It will be there again soon enough--perhaps tomorrow, if you spend the afternoon stretched on some sandy beach, while monstrous machines you barely comprehend fly overhead and poison the air.
You hate these days, and tell him so; but he's seen so much more, and sometimes forgets that you have not--that you do not wish to--and he only gives you a grin and pulls you back down onto the sand. For a kiss or a secret or to sink underneath like turtles burying eggs.
Or perhaps that sheen of sweat will come in a week, where you might taste frozen ice cream made with fruit you've never heard of before. Maybe it will come in a year, in ten years, a century from now, when you are spending yet another summer day underneath the sun, its rays soaking into your clothes, your skin, penetrating down to the marrow of your bones.
God, how you have grown sick of summer. The thought would have never crossed your mind, before. How could it?
If you found yourself wishing for an end to the hot humid days, all you had to do was look ahead on your mother's calendar, picked up every year from town. Summer would be over and the coolness of autumn would settle in, sparing you from the sweat and heavy lead of heat.
And then, when the dead frigid beauty of winter grew dull and you began to miss the way the sun beat down on your back until it was late in the evening, there was only a matter of counting the days until the season began again.
Now? Now, there is no end in sight. No blissful moment when the heat will break and cool autumn nights will come sliding in through a cracked window.
"You're thinking awfully seriously about something," he says, suddenly standing above you; you jump, never used to his surprise appearances. "But what?"
When you look up at him, he is wearing the clothes of a farmer's son. Hand-me-downs, with patches that would have--if he were really a farmer's son, and every angel and devil in the world knows he isn't--been carefully stitched on by a mother or sister or spinster aunt.
Today his hair is blonde and his face is sun-kissed, brown freckles splayed across his nose like specks of paint. He grins at you, tucking his hands behind his head like he hasn't a care in the world.
Well, it might be the truth.
"Does it matter?"
You pull your knees in closer to your chest. Today is a day for being petulant, you decide. It's too hot. You're too sweaty. The beach is deserted and you can't even swipe a coin from someone's purse to buy an ice cream from a cart. There's no one here but you and him and the damned heat of the sun.
"Aw," he says, just as petulant. He has those days, too. Maybe you've rubbed off on him--or is it the other way around? "Don't be like that." he gives you a light poke to the side, and you flinch. "It's a beautiful day."
Your expression must be that damn dour, because even he looks taken aback when you glare at him.
"It's too hot," you say, the words like bitter lemonade. "I'm sick of it. How can I enjoy a hot day, when every day is like this? There's nothing to look forward to, no--no autumn chill that makes you want an extra blanket in the morning, no foggy morning breath while you milk the cows, no..." The endless list of things that are no longer available to you tumbles out, only some of it coherent.
All the while, he simply watches you, waiting for the moment that you run out of steam. When you do, you simply go limp, letting the sweat drip down your neck and drip on the ground with your frustrations.
He tilts his head, and looks more serious, just for a moment. A flicker. So quick that it might have just been a heat mirage, and you blink, just to be sure.
"I can't give you winter," he says, softly. Like you're a stubborn horse in the barn he has to coax. "I wouldn't know how, if I wanted to. But," he adds, and his grin is boyish again, light and airy. "If you want a change, how about a summer storm? I know the perfect place!"
He hops to his feet, and stretches his arm down towards you.
A summer storm is not winter. But it is not this endless heat, either.
What can you do, but take his hand again, and follow where he goes?
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ptr-sqloint · 5 months
also can i hear about your ocs and world building and take on angels because i love them
Thank you so much for asking :D! i have a LOT to say:
angels in my world building : basically angels are an tools with a single specific purpose built into them, and not sentient in the same way people are.
That purpose can go from something simple and 'mundane' to more impressive / elaborate tasks. Some transmit information, some are there to protect people/places, some are basically the rules of the world/nature, some are cataclysms.
The form they take depends on the job they have, and there are a few angels that have a physical body.
there's no god in the sense of a guy or a higher will/power, but you could say that the machine that is all the angels together functioning as a system is a sort of god.
there's also different categorizations of angels depending on the scope and magnitude of their influence. kind of like the difference between the weather and climate.
in descending order of magnitude:
there's the laws, the phenomenons, the cataclysms, the guards, and the instances. a law would be gravity or light and and an instance is the kind of angel that would appear and relay a message.
now! there are also man-made angels. Sort of. to make an angel first you need a preexisting physical angel that you are going to deface and destroy in part to take the building parts of your own angel. While the rates of success are not very encouraging, it is possible to make something mostly functional. But watch out!
for example, radio as a means of communication would be a functioning man-made angel.
now for the rest of the world building:
the world is very slowly deteriorating just through sheer age and entropy
angels can't really die or be destroyed but they can be wounded gravely to the point of being unrecognizable , this is how you get fallen angels
some of that resulted in a form of magic: making an image of something makes it more likely for that thing to be true. The effect is basically negligible if you make , say, a painting; but it can be amplified by repetition ( so lots of duplicates of the same image ) and using certain materials for the images. the effect lasts as long as the image does.
i have three special little guys: Galahad, Camille, and Alice
Galahad is nobility and was brought up to be The Knight Of The Prophecy TM since he was very young and so is very learned about lore and magic and that sort of stuff. He's also trans but doesn't know it yet , and he's not actually The Knight(also doesn't know that). He wants very much to fulfill that role tho, and a lot of his conception of himself as well as his self esteem hinges on being able to play that role well. He has quite a short temper and gets easily frustrated.
(the Prophecy TM is something vague about someone doing something that would permanently halt the deterioration of the word. It's vague because it's One Very Old image with a massive amount of repetition all engraved at the same place so it's Very Much up to interpretation)
Camille is the actual Knight. He's also a trans guy. Him being The Knight means that he has a physical angel inside of him. In his body growing around his organs like a dendrogaster parasite (not a fun time for him) it talks to him and sometimes influences his actions/perception of the world. Camille thinks that sucks immensely and wants nothing more than to be rid of it and of his 'destiny'. Especially considering it's pushing him to do some bad stuff. Otherwise he's a pretty cool guy, a bit clumsy and incompetent at a lot of things, but he's sweet .and he works as a courier.
Lastly there's Alice , she is a robot who was constructed using the brain and nervous system of a criminal, that was then linked up and put in a machine made for fighting. After a while , it was deemed unusable because of various issues, and was decommissioned. The organic materials were disposed of and the machine left in a scrapyard. A while after ( like a few decades ) it was woken up without any memory of her previous life / time as a robot. Mostly. She gets brief impressions and scraps of her memory as time goes on. Basically It is a robot and/or the woman haunting it 👍
i wrote more stuff about her in the replies of this post
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i-hear-a-sound · 8 months
Drakengard/NieR: Twin Theory, Part 1
The post ahead is… long. Insanely fucking long, and I’m certain half of it is incoherent. Oh well. It’s a Tuesday.
So, to preface:
This is all just theory.
Spoilers for NieR and Drakengard.
(post regarding copied & cathedral city)
(post comparing adam, eve, and a secret third thing)
Good luck down here.
NieR Automata: Ending D. 
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It’s the ending you get if you choose to play as 9S in the final boss. 9S kills A2 and incidentally gets himself killed when he falls on her sword. Dumb hoe.
However, when his memory data starts performing an emergency evacuation, he, and we, find ourselves fading into…
an “Ark.”
He first sees the red girl, N2, who explains to him the vague purpose of this ark. 
To take the memories of the “foolish machine life forms” and send them to another world, after they’d seen the androids and contemplated their own existence as machines. 
9S also sees Adam and Eve there, the ladder asleep and the former holding him. Adam asks 9S a simple question,
“Will you come with us?”
And If you choose to go onto the Ark, it’s assumed 9S’s memory & consciousness data become “part” of the Ark, traveling off to whatever… “world” they may be heading to. 
And if you stay. 
9S does not get on the Ark. the Ark flies off, without him.
And we actually get a follow-up to this ending. “Farewell” is a script that takes place sometime after Ending D, in which 2B wakes up but 9S does not. 
Though she tries everything she can to find a way to revive him, she eventually just… shuts down on her own, due to grief. 
(Except for in the final reading of this script, where the ending was changed and 9S wakes up— but you know what? Fuck you. I’m not making this any more complicated than it’s immediately about to get in like, 5 sentences.)
(Edit: we then got a follow up to that script that follows this scenario.         talk to your parents about it)
So… the Ark. About everything I just told you is about all we have on the Ark itself. 
The most we know is this: The Ark was created by Machines. It carries memory data that it will take to a different world. It
Memory data. 
…Memory data. 
Sorry. It’s just that… typing this all out right now, it’s starting to ring a bell. But I don’t know where that bell is, why it’s ringing. 
Holding memories. 
Storing memories. 
Machines storing memories This sounds familiar. 
But where else could I have heard this from?
I remember now. 
The Seeds.
In YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse, the NieR:Automata Final Fantasy 14 raid, something returned after over a decade and a half that totally took me off guard: the Seeds of Destruction. 
Introduced in the first Drakengard, they were “tools of the gods” that would appear when all seals were broken. While they were believed by humans to be holy items that would bring all living creatures, man or monster, to them in times of great peril, to guide them down a path of salvation— in reality, they just kinda did this
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Creating extremely powerful monsters capable of carrying out the god’s one motive: the destruction of humanity. 
But back to the raid. In this collaboration the Seeds returned, and not only that, but they… well. 
In the 3rd raid, N2, the red girl I was talking about earlier and the “ego of the machine network”, goes up into a seed that’s inside of a portal, and becomes this… False Idol. 
Clearly meant to be derivative of the designs of The Queen Beast/Mother Angel & the Intoners. Always these gray bitches. 
Anyways. After you fight her, she makes this weird… light thing? which goes up into the sky, into the portal I mentioned earlier, and then… 
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We are dropped into a copied Tokyo, straight out of Drakengard 1.  
Question. How?
How did we get here. Is it really just a copied Tokyo? How did it get copied? 
And if not, did we like… Time Travel? Did we…
Oh, I got sidetracked. My bad. We were talking about the seeds.
So at first, we see the seeds transform someone, this time a non-human. Nothing new, although I do find it strange how differently it changed N2 in comparison to how Furiae became… that. 
Perhaps it works differently for machines? …Put a pin in that for now. 
Anyways. I didn’t swerve this car just to talk to you about how stuff we already fucking knew was just used AGAIN. 
No, the very reason I brought up this whole raid at all, and got so sidetracked I nearly transitioned into a different topic, was because of this singular excerpt.  
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Maybe I’m reading this wrong. Maybe I’m not. And if I’m not, then
these seeds are storing people’s memories. Hundreds of them. 
(Edit: I wasn’t reading this wrong :) )
Isn’t that just like what I described with the Ark? The Ark stores memory data, the seeds hold memories…
I mean, the description of what the Seeds were believed to be by humanity, along with Drakengard’s usage of various themes regarding religion, has always reminded me of one specific thing: Noah’s Ark. 
Noah’s. Ark. 
Ark. Seed. Seed. Ark. 
Perhaps, they are one and the same.
Perhaps… The Ark is a Seed. 
Surely not though, right? I mean… yeah, this is solid evidence, but it’s really the only evidence I can give you guys. There’s not much we know about the Seeds in all honesty, and there’s even less regarding the Ark, so it’s nearly impossible to find any other lead in 
Let’s go back for a second.
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“Let the light in?” What light? 
What the hell is this referring to? The whole raid finished like, two years ago, and for that same amount of time I’ve genuinely had no idea what this “light” is. 
I mean, she does conjure up this sort of light that goes into the portal, and… then we go to Tokyo. Maybe that’s what it’s referring to? 
Let the light in… 
Do not bring back the light. Do not bring back the vessel. Do not bring back the future. Do not bring it back.
Every beam of light is an invitation to death.
I’ve heard this before.
These two excerpts are from the World of Recycled Vessel DLC, in the diary of Nier/The Protagonist’s deceased mother. 
These are the last two lines in the diary. Both referencing this “light” with a… negative connotation?
 And… wait, why am I going off on this? When I was talking about the Ark and The Seeds and whatnot I never once mentioned their connection to any sort of light. 
Because I never thought there was. Because I looked over it. 
I lie collapsed in a space of blinding white. The pain is... gone. The light envelops me. It's so warm.
My damage worsens. I start to lose my memories. The space fills up with pure white light. It's like being buried in snow.
These two excerpts are from 9S’ dialogue during Ending D— you know, the one where the Ark makes its “appearance.”
“A space of blinding white”, “the light envelops me”, “the space fills up with pure white light”.
I’m beginning to wonder if this “light” is, in some way… connected to memories? And a “space of pure white light”… that feels familiar. Really familiar. 
Real fucking familiar.
After being encroached upon, the light overflowed. Poured into, we overflowed, the connection has AWAKENED.
This is from decoded text in Automata, taking place after Ending A/B. I think it’s meant to describe Eve briefly connecting to 9S’ consciousness in some way? (Given there is a mention of a brother who “learned a lot from books.” Fact-check me though.)
The Pods decide to abandon the body after the personality data has been completely restored, and to destroy any machine life forms in the surrounding area. And at the very bottom of this story… 
Do not bring back the vessel. 
The infection spreads through 2B's consciousness. She prays. Before death's footsteps reach her, she screams. Even if nobody hears me. 9S saved me. Within a crumbling memory, she bids farewell to 9S's consciousness data. I did feel a little bit lonely but now my h eart is filled with such wa rm li ght
Then there’s this. It’s the final line of “Voices from the Verge”, a short story from a Nier Fan-Festival in 2022. 
I think it’s meant to take place in the copied city— no, not the one we see in game, at least I don’t think— a different one. A different memory. 
A place to celebrate life and send off the deceased. A place of prayer. The city's records can be gleaned from within the tranquil light. A record of humanity's end. A history of machines copying a city. And also... the hesitance they felt. This city is a replica. A city built by machine lifeforms based on the siblings' memories of where they lived. And even the very siblings themselves were nothing but imitations born from memories.
“The city’s records can be gleaned from within the tranquil light”… “a city built by machine life forms based on the siblings’ memories of where they lived.”
“A history of machines copying a city. And also… the hesitance they felt.”
…um. How? 
If you’re thinking the “siblings” being referred to in this script are Adam and Eve… no. This city is meant to be a replica of Nier and Yonah’s memories. Hell, they themselves in this script are replicas made out of their own memories. 
God this shit’s fucking stupid to type
But… thing is. Again! How? How did the machines know what this city looked like? Sure, maybe it’s in one of their “records”, but even then. 
…Well. If we go back to the screenshot I showed you all earlier from the Dark Apocalypse raid, it mentions how the data in these Seeds are stored by “machines bearing the names of gods.”
These machines are possibly using the seeds to store people’s memories. 
And— hey. I mentioned earlier how the seeds can transform whatever enters it, but do you know what I neglected to add? 
They also
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Maybe this “light” can be connected to the seeds and the Ark as well. But what that means I… don’t really know right now.
So we have one connection. And now, possibly two. Are there any more connections I should know about?! 
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In NieR: Replicant ver 1.22, Ending E, the— if I’m correct— “canon” ending, was finally added after only being contained in the guidebook “Grimoire Nier.”
And this is the achievement you receive at the very start of it.
It’s in hexadecimal. And thankfully, it’s already been translated. 
“Memory server”
“I can see the light”
Memory… server. 
I can see the light.
Memory. Server. I can see the light. 
The light. Memory server.
Light. Memories. Memories. Light. 
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Fucking… finally. I get to talk about Drakengard 1. Most of the talk regarding this game is being saved for the part 2 of this post I’ll get to… eventually, but what I want to focus on here is this game’s ending D, and “The Great Time.” 
In this ending, Seere breaks his pact, unleashing the Queen Beast’s time(?) and enveloping the world with this… light. The great time. From it, a black tower also emerges. A tower. A… I’m gonna stop. Nope. Back on topic. 
But it wasn’t until the novella, “Magnitude Negative”, was fully translated that we finally got a better understanding of what this “time” is. 
It is everything. 
Every living creature. Every structure. Everything, everywhere, past, present, future.
And every 
“He could see the shadows of crowds, coming and going. It was loud, all indifferent to all around them, and full of different interests. There were tall buildings whose likes he had never seen before, and vehicular machines that ran faster than horses. … Caim is crying, clinging to the dragon. ‘I have never seen you weep before.’ … The dragon states its name. ‘Angelus. My name is Angelus.’… Caim and the dragon are going to kill each other. ‘Caim. Our pact ends here.’ … ‘Miracles cannot be asked for.’ The Goddess, revived with the Seed of Resurrection, is destroying humanity. … Seere rests within a giant womb. In a strange place, but rather familiar all the same, the dragon fights against a song.”
“A strange place, but rather familiar all the same”…? That’s for part 2. 
But case is, everything is the Great Time. 
And it is
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10H states that “The Cage”, which IIRC is where “all” of NieR: Reincarnation takes place, is inside of that… egg. It’s supposed to hold the “data” (memories asshole!!!!) of humanity until the time comes for them to… you know. Reincarnate. But it’s not meant to be there, it’s supposed to be on the Moon, why is it now on Earth. And
I FUCKING KNEW IT. I called it. I never verbalized it but I CALLED THIS BULLSHIT DAY… um….  While ago. Source: trust. 😁
Time is light. Light is memories. Memory server. Memories are recorded in the seeds. Memories are recorded in the ark. The ark is light. The seeds are light. The ark is a seed.
Hang on.
Who records the memories in the ark again? Machines… “Machines with the names of gods.” 
I don’t recall us ever meeting a machine of that kind of name? The closest would be Adam and Eve, of course, but one 1. They died and 2. Neither’s name derivations were gods. Adam and Eve were not gods.
And, hell, how the fuck did machines get their hands on the Seeds anyways? Even looking past the theory part, them being what is messing with the seeds is canon.
And— hang on! New question coming through, how the fuck did the Seeds get here?! 
This is thousands of years after Drakengard 1. Not only that, but these are TWO SEPARATE FUCKING UNIVERSES. Two timelines! 
The seeds are intrinsically tied to the watchers. Hell, watchers gradually transform into them over time in one of the novellas. 
How are the machines putting memories into the seeds? How did the seeds get here in the first place? With all this time talk, where does Ac
The aliens. 
I need to talk about the aliens.
The aliens of Automata are… fucking weird. 
Sit down, and listen. Look here look listen. Basically, in a franchise where giant scary gray babies exist, one’s that devour scary bitches and wreck havoc and shit, it’s not them that fully take out humanity— well, they likely do in their universe, but in NIER’S? It’s…
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Aliens who time, and time, and TIME AGAIN we are told FUCKING SUCK!! They are traaaashh!!!
Their heads look like an asscrack. They look like if you fucked up a perfectly good turtle. And in all seriousness, they created machines so much smarter than them that they essentially doomed themselves by creating their own exterminators. Sure, they got control over the Kingdom of Night/North and South America, said control which only grew larger and larger as they began rapidly producing machines, but… that was honestly their only W. These fuckers suck. Clutch or kick. 
And Adam, the machine who, along with his brother, killed off the rest of the aliens, describes them as being… “infantile.”
And I paused. 
Out of everything… that’s such a specific word. Infantile.
Infantile. Infant…ile. 
Like a baby. 
Wait. What did I say they looked like? 
Fetuses. The aliens… they look like fetuses. 
But not natural fetuses, no… no. Like if you took an infant and forced it to revert back into what it looked like in the womb. Gross, I know, but… just look at them.
Look at their skin. It’s… bumpy. Scaly. 
I’m not trying to imply that they’re dragons. At least… not exactly.
No, what I am trying to imply, is that the answer as to what these things are has been staring me in the face the whole fucking time.
When the flower descended at the beginning of this story, dragons were not the only things that came down with it. 
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Infantile, you say? 
This idea is, out of everything in “Twin Theory”, the one I’ve held onto the longest. It’s stupid, yeah— but just like with the Ark and the Seeds, and a certain third theory that still waits after this section— I started scripting, and evidence manifested*. 
*I looked shit up and fact-checked myself🦅🦅🚬
Anyways. Do I think the aliens are the watchers? NO. No, no, no. One fucker is a  tentacle ass bitch and the other belongs in a crib at the tenth circle of hell. But i do absolutely believe that a connection can be made. 
First of all, I want to look at the aliens’ ship. Look at it good and hard. Does it remind you of anything?
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Because that’s exactly what this looks like. Hell, the big ball in the middle would obviously remind one of a Seed itself… but that’s a little too silly for me. (Edit: You will soon see that I should’ve never doubted my gut.) Then again, the first time we see the seeds in the final fantasy collab is in the aliens’ ship and I… am going to stop myself from having a hernia :3. (Edit: You will soon see that I should’ve never doubted my gut)
Second. I want to look at Drakengard 1.3, specifically its ending. The whole novella is kinda… well, weird, and not in a good way weird most of the time, but its ending has always struck me as being particularly interesting. 
The dragons, who I will again mention are connected to the watchers— like— genetically, devour humanity. Their size increases in number and over time they begin to change shape. First slowly taking on the forms of “lumps of meat”, then the forms of babies, then a whole bunch of them fuse together to become… a seed. 
(This moment isn’t the only time we’ve seen entities fuse together to create a seed-like object, but… I’ll hold that thought off for now.) 
Anyways. What does any of this have to do with the Aliens?
Take into consideration that the dragons only transformed because they were devouring humans. They had shit to eat. And given the fact that these dragons transformed into Watchers, I doubt it would be too much of a stretch to ponder whether or not Watchers themselves have this similar capability. 
But what about in Automata? A part in the timeline where… there are no humans left. There’s nothing to feed off of. Most of all, there’s no Queen. 
The Watchers’ entire “goal” in the first game was to break the seals and free the Queen Beast. There’s no humans left. What would they do now? 
…Start a pointless war between the next best thing? Build machines they can control with ease. Forge a logic virus that will perpetuate this war for as long as it can, with a notable trait of it being: red eyes. And create a manifestation of the machine’s own egos in the form of a little girl, so akin to the girl they made their high priestess so long ago. 
Edit: I continued to take too long to finish this theory and the nier concert happened. While the full script isn’t out yet, I was able to read an (I think) fairly decent summary that one part of caught my eye. 
2B and 9S discover a place known as “Eden”………. hehehehehheheheheeeeee… and it’s basically just a huge alien ship, iirc. Inside they find a transporter that opens into a white city, and after walking through it a lil bit they find a copied YoRHa bunker. 
Continuing their disastrous walkalong they find a bunch of dead machines in a… church…
(l was real!)
And also there, is a circle of Android corpses, surrounding a black orb.
It’s said that they formed this place as a “place of worship in their final moments”, and that the black orb likely comes from the aliens ship. 
And we know this.
Black orb! Never doubt your gut ever!
But given what I’ve already said about the aliens… hm. The thing powering their ship being in a place of worship in one’s final moments… 
speak not the watchers, write not the watchers…
Just a little idea. 
I may have explained all this “evidence” poorly, so sorry for that. But anyways.
If the aliens were connected to the watchers (and the dragons?), so many weird connections in Automata could possibly be explained.
The cult of the watchers’ emblem appearing on either of the twins’ tattoos? Connection. 
N2 resembling Manah? Connection. 
Logic virus being derivative of the Red Eye Disease? Connection. 
The Seeds of Destruction being in the NieR universe, specifically at the time of Automata, at all? C word. Connection. 
It could even explain why no other aliens ever… you know, showed up. These aliens were the only ones, because no more could be formed with the Queen dead, the dragons gone, and a lack of food. 
“The aliens look like if you took an infant and forced it to revert back into what it looked like in the womb.” And gave it… tentacles and scales.                   😁
But even with all that, this is still a theory that I’m going to continue working out the kinks in. Could the Aliens have ties to the Watchers? Maybe, but I still need a lot more evidence to fully make that conclusion. 
But for right now, it’s moreso food for thought. 
I wish I could say the same for the final theory I’m going to be discussing today. 
So we’ve talked about the Ark. Its existence is shrouded in mystery, but the conclusion I came to is that it is, in some form, a Seed of Destruction, used by machines to record memories and travel worlds. Both seem to be connected with this… “Light”, which I concluded is connected to “the Great Time”. 
Hell… just typing this out, I forgot another physical example of this light in action— 
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This whole large group of machines merge to form a “seed”, and as light begins to build up inside of it, Adam is created. 
Does this light… create, as well? Put a pin in that… maybe. I don’t know. 
(Edit: I think it do..)
Anyways. Then, we discussed the Aliens. I theorized that they could have some connection to the Watchers of Drakengard, looking at all the strange ties the two species have with each other— from how the aliens’ ship suspiciously resembles a flower, to how the watchers’ most likely have the ability to change forms over time when strong enough. The conclusion I came to is that the possibility of the Aliens being the weakened remains of the Watchers after the extinction of both their Queen and humanity as a whole, is… well. It’s there. 
But there’s one thing we haven’t talked about yet, and I’m sure you all have an idea of what exactly that is. 
We’ve discussed two very perplexing entities in the Drakenier universe today, but there’s one last character I chose to leave as my final topic. One that, funnily enough, also has an A name. And is more mysterious than the two topics I’ve already gone over combined.
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Accord is by far the most “mysterious” character in the entire Drakenier franchise, despite being one of the only characters to be mentioned by name in multiple games. 
It’s why it’s so hard to theorize about her. But there’s enough we do know about her that tells us she might as well be the most important character in the series. 
Accord is a recorder android, one who… well… records. Riveting script writing ☝️
She records singularities, entities with the capability of creating branches by altering timelines. Normally she doesn’t intervene and just records the singularity once the branch has been made. Her goal in this endeavor is to prevent a “Fall-Down”, the collapse of all timelines.
She can time travel, as while we first see her in the beginning of the timeline, Drakengard 3, she was actually created during the time of NieR: Automata, around 6230 or so, in the Kingdom of Night. She also has multiple clones of herself, all of which hold the same goal as the one we follow in D3. 
She also works a weapons shop and presumably even writes the weapons’ stories. She collects minerals from the old world(?) which she came from, and wields a large suitcase and phone. 
In Automata, it’s mentioned she supplied weapons to the resistance; in Replicant, it was added that Yonah actually met Accord; in the Automata anime, hidden(?) text is likely from Accord, aaaaaand…
That’s it. That’s all we know about this girl.
Yes, it sounds like a lot but it’s really… not. 
Specifically, two key things are unknown to us. Them being: 
•How does Accord time travel? 
•Who created Accord? 
And for so long, these two questions just kinda sat there in my mind. I had ideas but… nothing that big. 
I just assumed that, maybe, we haven’t seen how Accord time travels yet. And that Accord could just be a product of the Army of Humanity, connecting her back to YoRHa. 
But then… in a NieR: Reincarnation update… 
10 years after we last, physically saw her…
We got this: 
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These three images are what prompted me to finally, finally, put this theory in its entirety into words. 
Because it got me thinking. 
Puppet? Why puppet? 
Yeah, stuff like “puppets” and “dolls” have been used in reference to androids, machines whatevs in this series before, but for some reason… reading it made me recall a very small detail. Something I’d always overlooked. 
The final fantasy collab… puppet… puppets’… What was the title of the 2nd raid again?
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Ah. The Puppets’ Bunker. 
Now, why am I making such a big deal over Accord simply being referred to as “puppet” in this small section of a game? Why am I focused more on that than the fact that this is most likely teasing her return at all? 
Well… it’s the same reason I bring up the collab again. 
She & the other P units are the primary antagonists of this specific raid. She’s a machine copy of 2B, with an inverted palette. 
And I’ve always been curious as to what the P in her name meant. Of course, it initially just meant “Second Player”— but Yoko Taro himself has since stated that there’s a double meaning to it. 
And after a while of thinking and thinking, someone suggested the P to mean… 
And shit blew my mind. It totally works! So I went with it, and then… 
It made me remember another thing. Back to Accord. 
Do you remember the post I made on Adam and Eve? Yes, the post where I dropped the maybe-possible-bombshell that Eve (and his brother, likely) could possibly have some sort of connection to Mikhail of Drakengard 3, at least visually— but do you know what I mentioned in kind of a side comment? 
Adam distinctly looks like Accord. And that was that. For a while, the only question I had regarding that was: “Why does Adam look like Accord?”
But what I realized after lots and lots of thinking… is that I should’ve been asking a different question. 
“How does Adam look like Accord?”!
Adam’s a machine. He was created by machines, created by aliens. If Accord was with the Army of Humanity, why does this machine share so much resemblance to her? 
I mean, fuck— if the Copied City he creates really does have ties to the Cathedral City in Drakengard 3,
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why is Accord at the fucking Mercurius Gate?
You know, the place where all the world’s “knowledge” is stored, as well as… oh I don’t know, the fucking Flower. 
“Receptionist?” Strangely, that isn’t even the weirdest thing Accord’s been referred to. 
Just think back to that Reincarnation update. Accord is called a “puppet.” 
I already just talked about “puppet” being possibly the double meaning of the P in “2P”, connecting the term to the mock androids/machines, but I didn’t even mention the usage of the word in Drakengard 3.
In one of the novellas, the dragons, specifically Michael, fought entities described as “Puppets”. This novella is one I’ve seen occasionally brought up in discussions regarding the Kingdom of Night, due to the existence of “dragon-like machines.” 
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The first is the mechanical interior(?) of a YoRHa android, 2nd is… of course, what we see of Accord’s. Look at the rib area. For a while I assumed it looked like that because her arm had been blown off but… no. Shit’s clean and smooth. It was built that way.  It also seems as though Accord’s body is connected via… ball joints? 
Why is an Android from the future so… I don’t know. Old-fashioned? Mechanic?
Especially when compared to YoRHa androids. They bleed, she doesn’t. 
But. But but but. 
She’s… confirmed to be made DURING the period between Replicant and Automata, during the machine war. It’s one of the only things confirmed about her backstory, and yet every little thing about her would make you think otherwise. 
She’s built like a legitimate doll, not an Android. As such, she gets called a puppet. There are multiple identical copies of her and from what I’ve read it isn’t because she’s a line of… idk, Accords. Take a shot every time I say her name btw
She can time travel seemingly with as much ease as the universe allows her, and yet has to self engage special abilities like… run fast mode. 
Stuff that other Androids of her time period are shown to do naturally. 
But… that’s the only case for her. The only answer we have of who exactly created the first Accord is in YoRHa, the Army of Humanity. 
None of this makes sense, right? None of it. Nothing that I’ve just discussed should logically make sense if she was made by the Army of Humanity. 
But that’s the only option for her, right? That we know of? Right? 
Why is she closer to a machine than she is to any of the androids? 
Who? Is? Accord?
Then it hit me. A realization. 
Didn’t I… wait. What was the estimated year of Accord’s creation? 
Okay. And we know she was created in the Kingdom of Night… 
Hang on. Kingdom of Night… do we know anything about the kingdom of night? 
I mean… we know what it is. It’s North and South America, cast in an eternal state of Night. It’s the reason why in every NieR game, the sun never sets— it’s always set in the Kingdom of Day. 
We’ve never seen the Kingdom of Night. All we know is that Accord was made there… dragon machines fought against the machines inside there, and… oh… oh. 
The Kingdom of Night.
North and South America?
…where the first machines were being mass produced. The first machines were made in the Kingdom of Night, in 5100.
The Army of Humanity never managed to gain control over that kingdom. In fact, in 7645 the aliens’ control over the kingdom of night had increased to 80%.
And Accord was created in 6230. 
In the kingdom of night.
In the kingdom of night
Accord isn’t a product of the Army of Humanity. Isn’t a product of humanity at all.
Accord didn’t come from YoRHa. 
Accord is a product of the aliens. 
She’s a machine!
I want to go back to the tower. Don’t worry, no more talk about time and seeds and light and arks and useless crap like that
At least, not for the next… I don’t fucking know. 1,000 words. Lol.     Lol😬
Do you remember what was inside the tower, aside from the ark itself? Aside from the countless copiesof B/E models? 
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The library. 
An exact replica of Popola’s library, all the way back from Replicant. 
And I always saw this moment at its face value. Oh, it’s THE library. The library that holds all the records for the machines is a copy of the one from the other game. Cool.
Same thing with when Popola’s office appeared in both the game and the anime, though they both served mildly different purposes. 
But when I looked at these moments as I was writing this theory I thought… hm. Why here? 
So I did what every normal fan does and 
I read the Drakengard 3 complete guide. 
4/5ths of it. 
Long day. Thank you Accord’s Library.
But among the things I took note of, this page caught my eye: 
A page that’s Basically an outline of the timelines in Drakengard 1, 2 (told you it’s technically canon, bitch), and the first NieR. Done by accord. 
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Let’s zoom in on NieR’s, actually. 
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Atta boy. First of all, fucking banger of an image. Second of all, so… did…
Did an Accord meet Devola & Popola? Because if so… 
… it makes a lot more sense as to why the machines’ archives are stored in an identical copy of their library. 
What I’m getting at is that I think Accord had some involvement with the data recorded in the tower, or at least… the tower itself. 
Second of all. Let’s go back to the complete guide, and narrow our focus on its documentation of the games’ events— specifically, the branching phenomena. 
Something interesting that I noticed is that everything regarding either 
Branch activity at all
Is labeled as “Top Secret.”
And yeah, this is probably just for some cool flare or whatnot, but I really want to narrow down the Accord stuff in this. 
From what I was able to get translated off this page, I actually found some very interesting things.
To start, it’s described that the fact Accord is an android/machine/whatever the fuck at all is… prohibited information. That she was a “machine made from an advanced civilization in the Old World. Specifically… prohibited to be published.” It’s also described as being “an embarrassing secret.”
The “embarrassing secret” thing could honestly just be in Accord’s own words, but I don’t think the “prohibited” part is.
After all, it was also prohibited for Accord to intervene like she did in Ending D. 
So she’s prohibited from interfering with events in a timeline, as well as ever disclosing her identity as an Android/machine…which she also considers an “embarrassing secret.”
And we should also talk about the… the fucking… NieR Desktop PCs that have lore on them. I fucking hate this franchise. 
4198 AD Humanity's extinction is confirmed. All records relating to humans are moved to maximum-pirority folders, and backups are sent to regional quantum servers for safekeeping.
5012 AD An Attack by aliens from outer space is recorded. Numerous buildings and androids are destroyed, and some quantum servers are catastrophically damaged.
5155 AD Machine lifeforms created by these unidentified alien visitors launch an ark into space, resulting in a new divergence. An attempt is then made to sync up with servers from the past.
2021 AD Synchronization with past server is successful. As the original network was small and designed for personal use, expansion will be required. - Accord
First of all, quantum servers. Server. COUGH COUGH. Memory server. 
(Also, it’s mentioned that there is a quantum server in the Forest of Myth in another one of these… most likely being, Sleeping Beauty itself. Obvious.)
Second of all… the ark launching causes a “divergence.” 
Not a branch, a divergence. There’s a difference between the two. 
It’s kind of hard to explain in words, but thankfully— the Complete Guide has a trusty visual aid. 
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So the ark did breach off into separate timelines… and Accord doesn’t at all sound concerned.
In fact, she sounds like she fucking contributed to it. 
I might be totally tripping as I’m sure I’ve been this entire post but this all makes it sound like she herself was the one, or one of the ones, who recorded & stored all the records we see in Automata into the Ark. 
especially when you read what the other PC had to say.
2021 AD A certain manufacturer releases a high-spec personal computer. This model of PC, designed to receive perpetual updates via the network, is soon adopted across the globe.
2025 AD These PCs, now spread the world over, begin to link up and share data as part of a neural-networking experiment conducted by the manufacturer without the knowledge of its users.
2032 AD Large-scale data breaches and acts of cyberterrorism are carried out over the network, during which time information regarding Replicant technology is leaked. The experiment is soon halted, and the computers stop receiving updates.
3021 AD A thousand years after the experiment, consciousness data from these computers is detected on the network. The Collection and merging of this data is performed by the quantum server located in the Forest of Myth.
Hey, look. The times match up. 2021 AD, 2021 AD. 
But if we carry over the fact that this is all coming from Accord…
“These PCs, now spread the world over, begin to link up and share data as part of a neural-networking experiment conducted by the manufacturer without the knowledge of its users.”
Go back to Reincarnation. What did it say Accord’s purpose was?
This puppet’s goal
is to observe how humans live their lives. 
Maybe it’s just me. That’s a new one. 
One of the few things we’ve known about Accord, for sure, is her goal of recording singularities, branches, etc., all in order to prevent the collapse of all timelines. 
I don’t think we ever got “study human lives” in the equation. 
And so I thought. Maybe we did. Maybe I just looked over that answer, too. Maybe…
It was her original purpose? 
I’m sure one thing has been lingering in your head as you’ve read all this.
I’m gonna lead up to a big reveal that Accord is secretly a big bad evil, who is recording the world and beyond for the machines,and that we should watch out for her or some shit. 
I think the complete opposite.
Because while I said that she’s prohibited from ever interfering with events in a branch… which she is. 
Here’s the kicker.
She does it anyway. 
In ending D, Accord breaks that “rule” and runs in at the last second, ensuring that the flower would be sealed off in that branch. 
Why did she do this? Is she stupid? 
And the best answer we’re given is… firstly, Zero. 
Whatever feelings Zero made Accord feel while recording the events of Drakengard 3 were so strong that she went against that prohibition just to help her, even if it meant getting herself killed. 
And do you remember the “embarrassing secret” comment I brought up when discussing the information in the Complete Guide? How I concluded that that phrasing was likely coming from Accord’s own perspective? 
Perhaps she considers her identity as a “puppet from the old world” an “embarrassing secret”… because Accord isn’t affiliated with the machines anymore.
She’s been working against them. 
The most recent Reincarnation update as of this script revealed a shit ton of really, really important lore. 
The Cage is inside of a Seed. Humanity is planning on Reincarnating. 
But out of everything there’s one thing that I… genuinely did not see coming. It was probably the most obvious reveal out of everything, but still. 
After the Ark leaves, the machines who left on it begin assimilating everything. 
They start collecting data to an almost catastrophic degree, eradicating androids. Building a kingdom, taking over earth.
Not just earth— If I read it right, their goal is to completely dominate all timelines, all earths. That is, until a civil war between machines breaks out. 
And what occurs sometime after this is, presumably, NieR:Reincarnation. Inside of The Cage, a repurposed Seed of Destruction perhaps taken from the machines & used now to store the data of humanity so that they may one day resurrect. 
But here’s the real kicker. A seed taken from the machines? 
Yes. If I’m correct, the machines have access to the seeds. It could just be what is giving them the power to assimilate on such a catastrophic scale. 
And they’re bringing them across timelines… ah! You know what that sounds like? 
Exactly what I fucking said about the Ark. Shit’s clicking. I think. I could totally be wrong about this and if I am my bad. 
But let’s go back, back to Accord. Samurai Jaccord. Or something idk
When I brought up the two biggest questions regarding her mere existence, I skipped over one. 
“How does she time travel?” 
And the question always kind of nagged at me. It felt like an obvious answer but it just… wasn’t. 
Until I asked a different question. How does she copy herself? 
It’s brought up time and time again that there is no given answer as to how Accord just has so many… identical copies of herself. 
And while it would lead me to just believe she’s a line of machines, I… no. Because that’s not what it sounds like at all. 
It always just reads as though the original Accord found a way to copy herself on her own.
Copying herself… copy, copy… wait. We’ve seen something that copies. We’ve seen something capable of storing data. We’ve seen something capable of traveling across worlds. 
And just like that, I found my answer. She uses the Seeds to time travel and copy herself.
And how might she have initially gotten her hands on one of these seeds?
Well… perhaps, the machines. Whom she was very likely affiliated with, before this war.
She collected the data from humanity and stored it in the ark. Surely it wouldn’t be so hard for Accord to snatch it all back and put it into the Cage, right? 
After all… she’s said to come from the old world. Perhaps whatever was the first iteration of the Ark breaching… is the “Old World.” It’s said the machines built a kingdom. 
And at the end of this update, we see Pod fly towards a city in white. 
And do you know what this city fucking looks like? Guess. Just. Fucking. Guess. 
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It’s a time loop. It’s a time loop, and it’s not a new time loop— it’s been a time loop. And who the hell knows how long this shit has been going on. 
The Complete Guide mentioned that one specific entity was causing altercations to the “flow of time”— Accord! And no, that’s not a theory— the book legitimately states that Accord is causing changes in time itself.
Hell, if we’re going with the possibility that Accord uses the Seeds in some way to traverse time and space, perhaps she copies herself for every time she does it. For every jump in time, she’s replicated. 
And given the ending of Drakengard 3… Girl’s been going at it for a while.
A couple more things I’d like to bring up before we reach the “conclusive statement” of this post. 
I say Accord is a machine… what do I mean by that? Earlier I compared her appearance to Adam, does this mean I think Accord is moreso akin to him & Eve? 
No. Because like I also pointed out earlier, Accord isn’t organic like we see they are. She doesn’t bleed. Not even when Zero drives that sword straight through her abdomen in order to kill One. One bleeds, a fucking lot, nothing from Accord. I’m gonna quit talking about fictional characters bleeding. Anyways. 
No, I think it’s more likely that she’s closer to something like 2P and the P(uppet) units I mentioned earlier, or just… any regular machine. 
Secondly, let’s go back to Utahime Five. She’s only in it for like, what, a panel? But I feel as though this singular panel says a lot.
First of all, the Mercurius Gate is what “holds the knowledge of the world” in Drakengard 3. Accord is its “receptionist”, as we see, and she noticeably looks “younger” here. As young as, you know, a machine CAN be.
And if we take into consideration the Copied City’s connection to the Cathedral City, and perhaps now the Ark’s connection to the Mercurius Gate, it would make sense as to why Accord here is its receptionist. 
Perhaps this was her original function. A puppet who observes how humans live their lives, storing that data & then serving as its receptionist. Which would give her such an easy out to snatch some of that data back when the time came. 
But there’s another thing. How come she looks so much younger here? She’s a machine, I don’t think machines age like… people do? Unless there’s like… Robots 2005 logic you can apply here… 
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which I doubt. I don’t know the answer to this one. And I don’t wanna just spew more bullshit I’ll probably be pulling out of my asshole. Continuing. 
Thirdly. What about in Automata? If Accord’s… you know… giving out weapons to the Resistance, as told to us in this line:
“Oh, the lady who owns the place sends ‘em over every once in a while. Her name’s Accord, and she’s the proprietor of this here business. I just tend to customers and keep all the repair devices humming. I only see her every few years, to be honest. She mostly just uses delivery drones to drop things off. I don’t know where she gets this stuff, but most if it’s in pretty good condition! Say, if you ever happen to run into her, say hello for me, all right?”
how could she be affiliated with the machines? 
Well. Like I said, the most likely answer to the time loop is that we aren’t seeing its first go-through. It’s been happening, and there are already a possible infinite amount of Accords in the… whatever zone. 
I wanna focus on two lines here. 
“I only see her every few years, to be honest. She mostly just uses delivery drones to drop things off.”
Her using delivery drones is… interesting. It makes sense. I imagine that in timelines that are, at least in certain ways, “going strong” she wants to minimize her interactions with the world to as limited as possible. 
Meanwhile in Drakengard 3, as shit was going to shit, Accord was just outright toying with Zero until eventually intervening during the fight with One. 
(Why she then was then showing things in her bag to Yonah I… don’t really know.)
Group B. 
From Sinoalice:
August 2 The origins of Group B is still largely unknown. It is believed they come from an undiscovered branch. I suspect the reason why they remained unnoticed for so long is because they have set up Recorders near Singularities to keep us away from them.
March 12 The last time there was a Cataclysm, it gave rise to a large number of Group B. They even have weaponry capable of countering our aerial weapons… things are getting out of hand. We’ve managed to keep them at bay so far, but if this situation continues, we will be completely overpowered.
June 5 It seems that we Recorder models, will need to adapt. The development of replaceable armament parts is progressing, but more investment is needed. Weapons distribution needs to be increased to facilitate memory recollection. There is lot of work to do.
August 8 The previous Recorder was destroyed by Group B. Since there is a possibility that it was captured, I’ll have to request assistance from the Association.
This Group B is something I didn’t really touch on ever due to having literally no fucking clue what it could be, but recently it was brought up again in the anime, so I’m bringing it up now. Because I think I might have an idea. 
The first bolded line. “I suspect the reason why they remained unnoticed for so long is because they have set up Recorders near Singularities to keep us away from them.” 
I think that Group B, in some way or another… is Accord. At least, variants of her that are more malicious.
Variants of her that are… still affiliated with the machines? Time is most likely all happening at once, in separate universes/timelines, and therefore while one group of accords are on our side, the other still is with the machines, from the “past.” I sound like a fucking flatlining heart rate monitor I’m so sorry. 
Anyways… shit. You know what just clicked? Everything in this makes sense. 
Do you remember Michael’s novella, when he and the other dragons were battling “puppets”/“insects”? 
That was Group B. It had to have been, given that we know there is some weird kind of connection between the dragons of Drakengard and the Dragons from the “Kingdom of Night”, and that these dragons in the kingdom were deployed to fight against machines and aliens inside the kingdom. 
And wanna know something? It’s parroted information, but the first of the Dragon machines and Accord were created around the same time, same area. But no matter how hard I try and convince myself otherwise, everything points to these two entities having not been originally created by the same entity.
And guess the fuck what? I’m not even theorizing about Accord being both group A and B, I’m just rewording actual canon. 
In Sinoalice, there are two characters, these two:
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That Accord is said to be the “ancestor” of. Fucking.   They’re puppets. They are puppets with red eyes. And they’re fucked up little assholes.
And not only, but these two characters are also “mutated variants” of, what? Group B. Two characters are descendants of Accord & simultaneously variants of Group B, what conclusion does that leave? Accord and Group B are connected. Accord is Group A, the Accords still with the machines are Group B, Group A and Group B are both Accords. Circle A on your SpongeBob SquarePants punnet square worksheet and meet me after class
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Going off of this, it’s said that Group B also has the capability to change forms based off parts they assimilate from other entities. And… hm. Hm!
If we apply that this same power hasn’t changed for Group A, then we just answered two questions regarding Accord. 
First thing. How I mentioned that she looks younger in Utahime Five compared to her appearances in everything else. If she has the ability to change forms due to whatever she “assimilates”, then that explains why she looks slightly older now.
(Could also possibly explain the existence of male accords too, like in the stage play? I don’t know bro…….. I’m deep but not that deep)
Secondly. Ancestors… ancestor… hm…
Could she be. Um. 
Could Accord have been the first “android-like” machine? And it’s because of this that she’s not as “advanced” as the ones we see, like Adam and Eve who are all but virtually organic beings? 
Perhaps that’s why Adam resembles her so fiercely. And fuck, I just realized— it’s not just Adam. It’s N2. 
And this time I promise I’m not just talking about black hair and pronouns. 
I’m talking about narrative framing. 
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They’re basically inverses of each other. One’s trying to resurrect humanity while the other is actively pushing for its decimation on a dimensional scale. 
Actively pushing back against one another. Constantly observing. Constantly… watching. And both possibly created by entities who once did the same.
Fifthly. And at last, finally. 
What does Accord have to do with the Cage? 
Well. It’s something very, very interesting. 
The Cage, formerly situated on the moon before… for some reason… being found on Earth, is what’s keeping humanity alive. 
At least, their data. Their data from all timelines, if I recall. And from cameos we are given little breadcrumbs that tell us Accord is very likely its creator.
And this Cage, inside of a seed, is revealed to be what is intended to bring humanity back— to resurrect them. 
If this seed, this Cage, is destroyed— everything is destroyed. Humanity dies.
I fully believe that this event, the destruction of the cage— if it happens, this will be the Fall-Down. The destruction of all timelines. The destruction of humanity. 
And think about all the characters we see from the games in Reincarnation. 2B, A2, 9S. Nier, Kaine, Emil. Even fucking Zero herself.
It’s all their data. It’s not them, per se— just their data. Why’s Joker Persona 5 there? Ummmmmm shhhhhhhhhh 🤫 🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫
And you know what? I think I just solved another question I’ve had for ages. 
We know who took Angelus’ body. 
During the legion war, Angelus’ body is stolen from where it’s being kept and we just… genuinely do not know where the fuck it went. At all. Not a fucking clue. 
But do you know what I’m wondering now? Maybe Accord took it, and she’s in the cage. Because look at THIS. FUCKING. SCENE. 
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While Yuzuki and Hina are going through this weird “gallery” of paintings (WHY IS IT ALWAYS FUCKING PAINTINGS BY THE WAY. maybe accord & adam were in the same art class), a FUCKING DRAGON FLIES OUT OF NOWHERE, GOES INTO THE PAINTING, AND DIES. Obviously it’s just a reference to the only thing in Drakengard 1 that ever gets referenced— but we’re already so fucking deep I can’t see shit. I’m going with it. 
And finally… finally, finally… I think I have everything. And if I’ve just confused the fuck out of you all for the last 7000+ words, allow me to attempt to amend that with my concluding…. bullet points
•The Ark the machines use to traverse time & space is a Seed of Destruction, in some shape or form, which we’ve seen them possess before. Seeds can also be used to store memories & “data”.
•The “light” frequently referenced throughout the series is most likely in reference to The Great Time. 
•The Aliens of Automata are most likely connected to the Watchers of Drakengard in some genetic way. 
•Accord is a machine, who stole data from humanity without their knowledge for the machines’ server.
•She later rebelled when their assimilation began and created the Cage.
•Accord uses the Seed(s) to copy herself & possibly time travel as well. 
•The humans of Midgard were always right; there is an Egg of Resurrection. 
And. That’s. EVERYTHING. 
Shit. Sorry if this all kind of fell apart near the end, this took waaaay too long to finish up and every time I got close new shit got revealed that I could add. YAY.
But anyways. Hope you guys liked my nonsense, and until next time,
Hold on.
I just realized something. 
…I think I was wrong. 
Like, completely wrong, about something. One thing. Completely wrong about one, small thing. 
Accord… isn’t the only character we see in these games that can travel across time and space.
…So does Caim.
At the end of Drakengard 1, ending E, he and Angelus send themselves and the Mother Angel (Queen Beast) across time into modern day Tokyo. This event is what would cause the NieR timeline to kickstart at all, bringing the origin of MASO as well as…
This event is what… caused NieR to occur. 
This… event… caused… NieR. 
This event caused NieR Replicant, which caused NieR Automata, in which the Ark was formed, in which the first Accord was created, in which assimilation began and kickstarted the time loop. 
And the real kicker? Remember when I brought up “Singularities”? Entities with the capabilities to cause branches and alter timelines. The ones that we know of include Zero, Two, and recently, Kaine— 
but with information given by Drakengard 3’s Complete Guide, we were given three more. These being, 
And CAIM. 
It’s confirmed. Thank fuck, by the way— one of the biggest portions of the original twin theory was me trying to prove that he was a Singularity at all, but little did I know the truth was right under my nose. Waiting. For ten years. I’m the smartest bitch on planet earth 
But there’s something… off, I feel. 
In every instance of a singularity taking effect that we’ve gotten to see they always stay on the same… I guess, “Earth.” The branch changes, I guess, but the earth really doesn’t.
I’m saying this, because
Caim branches into an entirely different world, and he brings the two beings that shall end yet another humanity with it.
I’d bet the Gods were sure happy about that. More humans to…
I’d bet the Gods were sure happy about that. 
What? Hang on. 
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Look at that. 
These birds show up right before the Queen Beast falls into Tokyo. Birds have always been common imagery in these games, usually for symbolic purposes. 
But every time Drakengard 1 uses this kind of imagery it’s… weird. The birds are weird.
Especially inverse of this, the very beginning of the game:
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It’s in the opening cutscene of Drakengard 1. Furiae says, “It begins.” 
(What begins? What does she already know…?)
And after a fade to white, we cut to a bird circling in the sky over the battlefield Caim is currently in. The very same one where he will be fatally wounded, forcing him to forge a pact with Angelus, the beginning of the end. 
It always struck me as odd as to why this shot was included. Why include such seemingly meaningless imagery as… you know, a bird flying. Like a bird can do. 
Well, that’s the thing with Drakengard 1. It’s by far the entry in this series with the heaviest religious imagery and theming.
And thus, with that in mind…
I looked it up. 
What is the significance of a bird circling in the sky?
So… It’s an Omen. 
It’s an Omen. 
A bird circling in the sky is considered an omen in certain religions.
A bird circling in the sky is considered an omen that God is either sending a message from beyond, or is watching over you. 
God is watching over you.
God is watching you. 
(watching me, watching you)
Hm. Hm! In the context of this series, that’s kind of…
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whereserpentswalk · 2 months
Do you know what it looks like when powerful things, truly powerful things die? When something massive, with abilities beyond mortal power, ends its life.
When giants know it's their time to die they lay down, useally in a forest. It takes awhile to kill a giant, even when wounded they have days to prepare. They lay down so that nothing will be crushed by their fall. They have mo burial rituals, it would require too much space. It's like a whale fall when they die, the wild dogs and birds will spend weeks, mabye months feasting on their flesh. Humans and their kin can take from them too, their skin is sturdy, their organs fertilize the earth, and their bones are as hard as steel, and can be used for building or for arms. Some of the oldest cities were once towns built in giant skeletons. Both good and bad giants accept their deaths, it's in their nature.
Witches and warlocks always die the opposite way. They're stubborn, of course they are, they think the can master death itself. They make themselves all sorts of horrible things to ward off their own death, from great machines of clockwork and rhythm, to changes to their bodies to save themselves, twisting their forms into truely inhuman things. They say this is part of why so many witches and warlocks grow to such an old age, but they are still mortal at heart, most of them human by birth, though by old age they will hardly seem human, perhaps hardly seem like something of this world at all. Dying warlocks and witches always deny their own deaths, and to meet one is to witness something horrifying yet miserable. They say there was a warlock king who spent his last centuries chained to a gilded throne, unable to move, eating the souls of lesser mages to keep his own soul from passing on.
Dragons die the most destructive deaths. They are beings of fire and ash, and their bodies do not beyray that notion in their doom. Wherever they fall, they will light their surroundings ablaze, burning fields and forests, burning even oceans and lakes. Their blood will poison most life, but the life that survives is changed, flowers become thorny and hot to the touch, birds lose their feathers and grow leathery wings, snakes and lizards and crocodiles grown into wyms and drakes. And those humans and elves who survive a dragonfall but feel it's firey blood become vampires, the freshest and strongest vampires the world ever sees, more powerful and deadly than vampires turned by the bite of their own kind.
When angels die it is their own choice. They don't useally do it, but sometimes they are compelled to. Some wish to join mortal lovers and freinds who have passed, some are merely board or saddened by the world, and some; those who are born to the darkest of gods, are commanded to. They'll useally go to a city center or on top a holy place to do it, and they'll just stand or kneel where they wish to pass, and wait and their radiant bodies turn to stone or metal. They just look like statues after that, after a few generations they are useally thought to be.
Devils and faeries die the strangest deaths. Sometimes they choose to, sometimes they just know they're dying. They'll walk off to somewhere where nobody can see them, and than they just won't be there. Nobody even sees them disappear. They'll just walk into another room, and when you follow them they won't be there, like they were never there at all.
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triglycercule · 25 days
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wahhh wahhh triglycercule post more NON jk fashion au related content i whisper as i post this. double post today because i genuinely love jk!dream and also if i dont post the dreamtale twins together i will actually die! you might consider her crazy way of somehow getting into trouble a form of bad luck but i see it as more of a being too pure for the world meeting a world that's not all that great. jk!dream lives up to her name she is a idyllic dream
valedictorian. practically a million extra curriculars. she can sing she can dance she can cook she can do advanced math she can fix a car jk!dream is everything jk!nightmare isn't (a loser). the types of trouble she gets into though aren't manmade (like some guy trying to rob her) but instead are naturally occurring. like one day the dreamtale household washing machine explodes because dream used it and coincidentally it was because it was faulty or something like that. really really crazy coincidences
nightmare is a fighting force in keeping her little sister alive i swear to god. she has to monitor dream a lot and when she can't she gets one of the mtt to do it for her. because if she doesn't there is bound to be something that hurts her. and because jk!nightmare is an absolute fucking loser who's stupid she came up with the genius idea of roleplaying a bigger issue than the one that dream's about to encounter (because then she gets to keep her safe and also feed into her pretend villian persona). like for example with the washing machine thing earlier nightmare would probably distract dream with some sort of evil monologue and then put her own load in the washer before she could. that way it won't FUCKING EXPLODE (comments from currently existing jk fashion au sanses :3)
"ah, my younger kin, dream. quite an enigma she is. on one hand, she's the epitome of perfection. even i can admit that, for she's loved by our school, family, and i. but of course, like all aside from i, she has her faults."
"for example, last week, our bloodline was strolling around the kingdom on the search for a new mirror of truth, as the one in our castle bathhouse had shattered. how did that happen? uh, i might've maybe... i shall maintain secrecy."
"returning to the point, dearest dream had almost lost herself in the shopping district, claiming she had seen a lost puppy in a mirror that she wanted to help. a chivalrous reason indeed, but my, dream can be quite... foolish sometimes. nevertheless, blood is thicker than water, and our bond has never been closer."
they still love eachother in this universe because there was no corruption thing. also nightmare's bullies were just other elementary school kids in this au so it wasn't like fully grown adults vs a 6 year old at least. she's recovered from it (somewhat) and doesn't blame dream. dream's too perfect for anybody to hate her. dream supports nightmare's delusion and nightmare keeps her alive. equivalent exchange (dream has no idea nm is doing this. ok now the mtt‼️
"oh. my. god. dream? like, dream dream? she's literally my idol, i love her so much! i'm the 7th member of her fanclub out of like, the entire school, which is like 300-ish students! she's cute, and pretty, and she gets this a lot, but her voice is literally like an angel's~ i've never heard what a hymn sounds like, but it probably sounds like dream's voice. and no matter how much i search up online, i can never find any dirt on her too! she's got a perfect online footprint! huh? why was i searching dream up? eh... haha... let's move on~"
"dream? she's really cool. there's a reason she's part of the star students at this school, along with swap and ink. nobody really knows what it takes for someone to become a "star student" though. none of the students know, none of the teachers either. apparently it's a title given to a student specifically from the principal? still, dream probably deserves it though. she's good enough to win a nobel prize. one day she's gonna cure cancer or something."
"oh, dream? that girl with the angel halo crown thing? yeah, i know her. she volunteers at the dog park i bring my dog to, the bakery i go to get snacks, the local art museum, the ice cream shop during summers, nightmare's gang, the... car dealership? wait, hold on. how many volunteer opportunities is this girl doing? is she not getting paid? that has to be illegal. or at least some form of monster rights violation..."
both of the jk!au dreamtale twins are soooo silly i love them. the more and more i elaborate on jk fashion au the more i realize that this is just turning into sans aus but anime tropes but its okay i like it its funny. jk fashion au was always meant to be silly and slice of life and fluffy anyways. anyways i love her i'm literally her number one fan. i mean i AM the principal of this school aftersll,,,,,, this really was our,,, jk fahsion au. says dream at the end of the au (there is no end because this au has no lore what am i talking about
#i love coming up with dumb ideas for the jk fashion au its SO FUN#originally this started because i was like. huh. no nightmare corruption event (i mean jk!nightmare's corrupted but not in THAT way)#so i cant keep the canon personality that dream has. but wait. young dream. naive dream#and so thats what i did. dream's a naive gullible selfless chivalrous dumbdumb#but i was like ughhh it would be funny if i made her cool and amazing to go against jk!nightmare's embarrassing delusion#so thats how i got here. the sparkles surrounding her ARE an aura of sorts#she's just so perfect she LITERALLY sparkles#i was GIGGLING drawing dream watching a fucking WORM in awe. GIRL ITS A WORM#shes probably thinking omg life is so beautiful and wonderful and even this worm can find something to live for even if its to exist#and then she leaves the worm and a thunderstorm begins#jk!nightmare is DESPERATELY calling her to get home because she knows dream's gonna get struck by lightning soon#the world hates her but she loves the world. the WORLD. not monsterkind. EARTH hates her#shes actually so cute though wtf. all the jk au designs are. jk fashion is naturally cute#i love the little angel wings i gave her crown. that way the crown can be a halo and she has the wings to go with it#and the HANDS the FINGERS i gave her on that second little doodle........#girl i know youre fictional but youre my age and way out of my league so lets work something out here#laughing now i just imagined dresm getting swept up into a tornado and she's just appreciating earth's suddenness#dream sans#nightmare sans#killer sans#dust sans#horror sans#murder time trio#bad sanses#bad sans gang#nightmare's gang#utmv#sans au#tricule art#jk fashion au
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enixamyram · 7 months
I have tried really hard to ignore anti nonsense. I just wanna focus on the good and positive side of this fandom and just enjoy the series in general. But it's also hard bottling up thoughts when I'm used to ranting for the sake of getting my thoughts and feelings out and moving then on.
So I'm gonna put a couple reactions to Anti-Related Hazbin things under the read more just to get them out! Because my god, some of these are bullshit!
Chaggie - I've seen so much bullshit citicizm for this ship. People claiming they're boring or bland or badly written and I have yet to see a legit reason why other than that they don't have any typical relationship drama (which, for the record, I personally am so relieved about) or because they're not being overly affectionate every five minutes of screen time. And you know, this especially drives me crazy because they have some of the sweetest little gestures, whether it be holding hands, hugging, swinging each other round or even just the constant damn heart eyes they have when looking at each other in the background! They're so damn precious and if you can't see that, you don't know what a legit established relationship is supposed to be past the honeymoon phase.
Charlie - People once again have claimed she's badly written. I don't know why people seem to hate happy kind hearted females so much but I have seen this exact complaint about many characters who are similar to her. None of which are actually badly written. They're just not the new stereotype "bad asses" that seems to be the only acceptable way to write a female character lately. Which is ironic since a lot of the so called "bad ass" female characters I have seen are often so one dimensional. Yet we have Charlie, a kind hearted but also sometimes naive girl who is doing her best while also learning with the rest of her friends and ya'll are gonna try and claim she's not amazing? The more I rewatch the show, the more I wanna reschedule my favorite character list because there's not a second I don't adore having her on my screen.
Niffty - This one really makes me want to slam my head against the wall. I have seen so many people complain and claim she acts like a child. Bare in mind, I've just watched episode 3 - you know, the one where Niffty is fully ready to throw herself into the BDSM that Angel takes them to. The only thing close to evidence that I have seen for her acting like a child is the episode where she gets drunk except she's still not acting like a child there, she's acting like a drunk! When some people are drunk they're silly and dumb and very "child-like". Otherwise, the only reason I think people call her a child is because she's is literally small like one. Yet, if you actually look at anything past her basic physical appearance, she's a crazy murder machine and I don't know many children I can also give that title to.
Angel - This is so old and everyone else has said this all so much better than me but I just really want to repeat: Just because it's not YOUR representation doesn't mean it's BAD representation. Just because you dealt with your sexual assault in a certain way does not mean everyone deals with it that way and it sure as hell doesn't give you a right to dismiss others. I have seen so many people say they identify with Angel's character and his hypersexuality, so it is so annoyingly arrogant to see people trying to shut them down entirely because Angel's character isn't portraying their personal reactions. It's just so amazingly self-centered to be saying that if you can't personally relate to it exactly, then it shouldn't exist at all. Seriously, grow the fuck up.
Loser Baby/Poison - Again, this has been said so many times before by other people but I'm gonna add/repeat. Some people take these songs and videos so damn literally. I saw someone claim Angel was happy during his dance with Valentino in Poison which apparently made the whole character a contradiction? Completely ignoring the parts where he's clearly miserable or the part where he's clearly putting on a fake smile or even the part where he all out says he dissociates to get through. And then you have Loser Baby where people are outraged that Husk call Angel a loser and is apparently trying to compare their situations? I mean, he's obviously not saying they're situations are the same if you think about it for more than two seconds. Like, are you seriously this literal? If I said the message went over your head, would ya'll look up?
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rpmemes-galore · 3 months
Sabrina Carpenter : emails i can’t send fwd album ... sentence starters
"Don't say sorry, now."
"Oh, you're so vicious."
"It was all so innocent."
"I can't read your mind."
"You miss me? No duh."
"You want me? I'm done."
"And if I do, then I blame you."
"Why you gotta be so vicious?"
"So why do you look so happy?"
"I like the way you like to laugh."
"Bet you wanna touch me, now."
"I've quietly carried your burden."
"Everyone thinks you're an angel."
"You're lucky I'm a private person."
"I get nice guys and villainize them."
"Oh, so you can reply, just to not me."
"And thanks to you, I can't love right."
"Were you lyin' to me and the family?"
"I still make excuses for you constantly."
"I'll drive you home, you drive me crazy."
"One year, ten thousand bad moments."
"Say it's hard, but you make it look easy."
"There’s no hiding from the thought of us."
"When I saw you cry, I didn't handle it well."
"You wanna discuss? Ugh, you disgust me."
"Oh, so you do have a type and it's not me."
"Yeah, I say I'm done, but I'm still confused."
"Your signals are mixed, you act like a bitch."
"And I tried to look for the best in the worst."
"Your corner in my mind is well-established."
"I wish we stayed just like we were up there."
"Didn't think about it when you let me down."
"But like, fuck me, that caused a commotion."
"I can't help myself when you get close to me."
"Tell me who I am, guess I don't have a choice."
"And God, I love you, but you're such a dipshit."
"I'm not catastrophizing, everything's derailing."
"It's times like these, wish I had a time machine."
"You're not my friend and, baby, you never were."
"Give me a second to forget I evеr really meant it."
"You don't feel remorse, you don't feel the effects."
"He's good for my heart, but he's bad for business."
"After the aftermath, I know you'll be coming back."
"Tell me I was more than just a decent opportunity."
"Don't think I'll find forgiveness as fast as mom did."
"You're good at impersonating someone who cares."
"Don't make me cuss you out, why'd you let me down?"
"Without you here, I don't know what to do with myself."
"I feel so much lighter, like a feather, with you off my mind."
"Or maybe I believed in all your lies, 'cause I believed in you."
"If I fall in love with all my problems, will they leave me, too?"
"'Cause you don't think you hurt me if you wish me the best."
"I'm too late to be your first love, but I'll always be your favorite."
"I think he's onto me every time I say I'm over that son of a bitch."
"I wonder how many things you think about before you get to me."
"If I could convince him, if he doesn't see it, then maybe it doesn't exist."
"But now you're takin' up my nights. Never been so glad to be so tired."
"How am I supposed to close the door when I still need the closure?"
"Well, this was really nice. Maybe we should do this on purpose sometime."
"You say that you need to be alone, but night and day, want me at your beck and call."
"And everyone thinks you're an angel... But shit, I would probably use different wording."
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diluczangelz · 5 days
SSKK Midnight thought:
Aktuagawa, his Tiger and the Coffee Obsession
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Akutagawa used to be feared. The mere mention of his name left people struck in terror, plagued with a sea of agonising thoughts of what his torment would be. It was a reputation he prided himself on, be the strongest, be the most feared out of all the Port Mafia! What he did not plan for was a stupid orphan tiger to scoop him up, kicking and screaming, only to wrap him up in this suffocating emotion his tiger called “love” or whatever the fuck that was supposed to mean. Akutagawa didn’t need this fruitless emotion called love right now in his life. No he wanted one thing and one thing only he only wanted one thing.
To finally try out his new espresso machine his Tiger imported from Italy.
Yep. The Port Mafia’s ticking time bomb had left his life of serious crime and willingly chose to be house bound, pun intended.
After years of the worlds slowest slow burn romance featuring two enemies that ran the city to the ground multiple times, countless injuries and so many awkward confessions in the middle of their own battles. Akutagawa and Atsushi left their life of opposite sides and decided, not an easy decision to make but for them it was life or death, to find comfort in each other. Of course it was Atsushi who lowered his walls first, extended his hands of unconditional love before Akutagawa ever even considered the tiger on his side. And yes, for the first three years of their “partnership” (Akutagawa wouldn’t even consider what they had to be titled as a relationship) they were in couples therapy every single day. It was one of the many many strange and terrifying changes Akutagawa had to endure in order to be with Atsushi. No. That wasn’t how he was supposed to phrase that. He wanted to be with Atsushi. Gods sometimes this new life he forced himself into left him uncontrollably; angry, hurt, frustrated and always on his last edge.
Despite rejecting his very existence for years and then also denying and punishing himself for feeling any feelings towards Atsushi, it was one of the multitude of strange and petrifying changes he had to make. A change that left a near impossible hole to fix in their relationship, everyday Akutagawa tried to run. Hurt others before they hurt you, kill or be killed; and Atsushi the ever patient angel held on and never let go. So after blood sweat and tears this unrequited love finally turned into a timeless love story. One that had developed a hobby, well more like an obsession at this point, in Akutagawa’s healing process. This hobby was an unspoken deal between these two, Akutagawa was an obsessive person, he wasn’t capable of simply liking something. On no, that very thing became his entire being really. While in the Port Mafia he had endless opportunities for obsessions, Dazai was an unknown (he knew) constant obsession for Akutagawa to hone all of his time and focus into. With him gone, the void was growing more and more and it needed to be filled with something fast. Now. One would think his newest obsession would have something to do with Atsushi, whether the tidal wave of attention could be positive or negative that did not matter to him; but that was not the case for Akutagawa. After oodles of therapy and self reflection on Akutagawa’s part he confessed, first to himself, that he really was in love with Atsushi. Confessing something that unspeakable even to himself was scaring so no he could not tell any of that to Atsushi.
(He later found out why he couldn’t tell him. He was in fact so in love with Atsushi that he was too sordid with himself to ever be within arms distance of Atsushi for years. Just this year they are now able to share a bed, they’ve been together for going on ten years.)
So instead of ever physically interacting with Atsushi his obsessive tendencies steered him in the direction of coffee making. No one really understood why coffee making became his passion it was rather ironic. Honestly the idea of slaving away in the kitchen to just make a “simple” pot of coffee offended Akutagawa down to him core. But at that moment in his desperate need to do something! Anything with his time, he picked up every single piece of equipment he could get his hands on. Soon their kitchen looked like the downstairs cafe at the ADA, but Atsushi wasn’t even phased when he walked into their apartment and was absolutely assaulted with the smell of coffee. He just smiled to himself made sure to announce he was home to not send Akutagawa into a panic. It happened in the beginning of their relationship and they had to replace the drywall an inexhaustible amount of times because Akutagawa would fire at the wall to protect himself. After his announcement he heard movement stop in the kitchen and seconds later Akutagawa’s curious head popped from around the corner to just stare at Atsushi for a moment.
A habit of his Atsushi picked up on, Akutagawa wouldn’t respond to his arrival at first until he physically saw Atsushi’s face. Only then did his eyes soften just a bit and he nodded in acknowledgment that his tiger was home. Then he disappeared back into the kitchen continuing his obsession with coffee. They had take out that night.
After months of endless practice in the kitchen Akutagawa was ready to give Atsushi his first cup that he made. No he wouldn’t let Atsushi taste any cup he has made for immense fear of rejection or simply being made fun of. No he did not have any evidence that Atsushi had ever done, or will do that to him. Yes he was still convinced that would happen to him and he simply could not handle being rejected by Atsushi. They had an “argument” about this topic a few weeks ago when Atsushi had simply asked him if he could try some coffee.
The clanking of the spoon hitting the ground was Atsushi’s first sign that a switch had been flipped in his beloved, subtly he had opened his body language to Akutagawa, hoping that slow change would have soften the flip. It did not.
The Port Mafias Ticking Time Bomb had just went off.
In hindsight, it was a rather silly thing to get so worked up over a question. A question with completely pure intentions too, just to partake in his loves special interest. To Akutagawa it was a question to chasten him to put him on the spot; his hands shaking was the last thing he remembered before hearing glass breaking. In his red flash of anger he had thrown the mug he was using at Atsushi cursing him for trying to make him feel inferior. Atushi had seen this coming, it was huge progress for Akutagawa to be using the mugs instead of real violence, a bit of broken glass is child’s play to Atsushi. He wasn’t even listening to the threats Akutagawa had been hurdling his way. Static was all he heard. Atsushi, the ever patient angel, let his beloved take his time with the switch in his emotions. While people saw his partner as verbally abusing him Atsushi saw, the vexation Akutagawa was having with himself. His partner was scared of his reaction, in this world Akutagawa has made up and trapped them in, Atsushi is the cause of his fear.
In observing his beloved going through his mental turmoil with such valour regardless of any irrational fear Akutagawa has, is the reason he would do absolutely anything for him. So with a gentle slow hand extending to take the others hands into his own and plants a kiss to the back of his hand. His lips linger on the back of Akutagawa’s hand before trails his kisses up his partners arms. Taking his time with each kiss to really savour just how far they have come.
‘Works every single time.’. Atsushi thinks to himself as Akutagawa stops his warfare mid sentence to gawk at his partner. An almost complete factory reset, and in that one action the “fight” was over. Akutagawa confessed he had forgotten to take his medicine today which aided in flipping his switches, Atsushi explained his want to join his partner in his hobby. An agreement was made, they would pick a random date and that was when Akutagawa would give Atsushi his first cup of coffee.
Thus here he is. Standing in the kitchen staring at the clock watching it tick down till 3:00 PM, that’s when Atsushi said he was going to be home. And he wouldn’t lie to Akutagawa about this, no not today. Akutagawa had been bouncing on this coffee idea since the “fight” happened, was he nervous? No fucking idiot, he wasn’t. He indeed was. He just wanted this to go right, he wanted Atsushi to like the drink he made, he wanted to see someone enjoy his hard work, he wanted to see Atsushi smile. His eyes widen at his realisation, standing in this apartment looking around at their stuff. Everything in this apartment was built with blood sweat and tears, their love could be seen everywhere. The pictures Atsushi has all over the apartment of their many dates, the blankets on the couch they made together one rainy night. He looked over at the entryway seeing the fresh flowers in the vase, those ones made him really smile. He went over to feel the soft petals, it was an accident Atsushi found out he really loved fresh flowers. It was seven years into the relationship when Akutagawa had to go under for surgery when he woke up and his eyes focus of Atsushi. He recognised this pretty boy was talking, he knew he felt safe with this person but when he looked over to the bed side table and saw no flowers his eyes welled with tears.
“My love! Why are you crying what’s wrong?”
“Flowers.” Akutagawa whispered out then looked back at Atsushi eyes already droopy with sleep. He definitely wouldn’t remember this moment later. “You didn’t bring me flowers.” Poof out like a light.
The entire table surfaces were filled with flowers of all kinds when Akutagawa woke back up again.
He took a singular flower out of the vase and held it up to his nose to smell, a soft smile rests on his face. A tender moment he’s finally allowed himself. Only holding the flower made him realise something life changing, he wanted to say I love you. Really truly he wanted to confess his love to Atsushi. He put the flower back shaking his head slightly before returning to the kitchen to reopen the fridge for the millionth time. Confessing was a step he wasn’t ready to take yet so saying it was action was the next best thing.
“Akutagawa my love I’m home! Smells good in here!”. Like clockwork Akutagawa poked his head around the corner and stared at Atsushi, this time however he was incredibly tense. Even after acknowledging it was Atsushi at the door his eyes remained vigilant and never left Atsushi and how far away he was from himself. There was distance, distance that meant he could escape if he needed too, distance meant he was safe from rejec-
“Hey. Eyes over here.” Atsushi spoke in a soft even tone raising his hand out for Akutagawa to come take it if he wants, but that extension had taken away the distance between them. Suddenly the hallway wasn’t so long and he did indeed take Atsushi’s hand and wordlessly guiding him to the kitchen. He decided everything was fine, he knew Atsushi was home and there was something he wanted to do.
“Sit.” Akutagawa instructed Atsushi to do and he did without question, the kitchen had become Aktugawa’s place of safety these last couple months; so what he said went. He sat down at their little breakfast bar admiring this moment between him and his beloved. Akutagawa got to work making him his first cup of coffee, there were no questions asked on preferences: iced or hot, what flavours, sweet or not, not a single one and Atsushi was completely fine with that. None of those details mattered to him because whatever Akutagawa puts in front of him to consume he is going to savour every single piece of it. He memorised every single thing Akutagawa did in the kitchen, from opening his coffee bean cupboard and carefully opening each jar to smell the beans.
‘The beans are telling him secrets.’
He would put that jar back and end up selecting another one, just to move on to the fridge and pull out two other jars of milks. Really Atsushi didn’t understand the buying of ingredients just to put them in a different container when said item already came in a package. But he wouldn’t say anything, the jars Akutagawa picked out for each thing was really pretty and well thought out in how everything was neatly organised; really it was a win win. Then came his favourite part, the machine he had bought for his beloved when he first noticed his sudden interest in coffee making.
To this day he still doesn’t know what in the world makes that thing so much money or what it does to the coffee. Maybe, like the beans, this machine also whispers secrets to the person using it.
‘I bet that machine knows where the true location of Godzilla is. It has its own coffee language and only Akutagawa is able to speak it.’
Akutagawa worked his special magic spell and made the machine submit to his will giving him the coffee he so desired to make. The machine was in fact also scared of Akutagawa, they had bonded over these months and formed and unspoken bond between each other. A perfect weapon and master, working in complete harmony and never out of step.
(Translation: Akutagawa spent all those weeks since the “fight” making the same drink over and over again. It’s muscle memory at this point, his mind freaking out on all the ways he is going to be made fun of while also battling the fact that Atsushi would never. So he has nothing to worry about. He never does.)
Finally the coffee had been made and Akutagawa had turned around for the first time since making the cup and set it down in front of Atsushi. His face showed indifference to this whole ordeal but the truth was he hasn’t been able to stop shaking since this morning.
“I’m not telling you what it is. You just have to drink it.” He huffed out while crossing his arms over his chest looking away. His cheeks were definitely flushed. Atsushi took notice and smiled then took the cup in both hands, appreciating how hot the mug was in his cold hands. He took a deep breath committing the aroma to memory, it was surprisingly earthy, kinda like matcha but it had something else. He looked to Akutagawa, who had been glancing at his reaction this whole time and smiled, thanked him for the drink then took his first sip.
Akutagawa held his breath and nippily picked apart his facial reactions hoping for something positive, anything, something! And then he heard it. The most satisfying groan of pleasure, it sent shivers down his spine in that moment something in him crumbled. Atsushi looked back at his beloved with stars in his eyes and the happiest smile ever, he stood and came over taking Akutagawa’s hand in his own.
“This is absolutely delicious my love! Thank you! You have to make this again we can have it for breakfast in the morning, you and me out on the balcony.” Atsushi kept talking about his plan to turn this into something more but Akutagawa was held up on the beginning, ‘thank you.’. He loved the drink. He really did, there wasn’t a rejection, everything was going to be okay, it always was okay. Akutagawa let of a soft chuckle as he closed his eyes with a soft smile, Atsushi had stopped talking at his reaction, waiting for him to speak first.
No words were spoken.
Just Akutagawa leaning forward to cup Atsushi’s cheek and kiss him, it wasn’t very long and really Atsushi didn’t have time react to this other than smiling up at his beloved.
They ended up getting take out that night.
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sunny-speaks · 1 year
Barista! Angel x Ren
hi hi <3! this is my first time posting on tumblr abt some of my favorite vns! To start us off, we've got Ren from 14DWY!! go check out the creator @14dayswithyou for more info about the characters!
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You've picked up a job at Corland Bay! You thought about going to this one library nearby but you opted out when you heard a new cafe was opening up!
After all, coffee shops tended to be a meetcute in many books, who's to say that those are just fictional?
Things were a bit rough at first, you had your amount of rough customers, you had to get a hang of the machines, etc.
Soon enough, you got better and better at your job! You even got a pay raise!
Your boss is an asshole sometimes, but he seems to care a little.
But recently there’s been like this really cute guy recently who keeps coming on your shifts you've noticed.
Toiling away talking to karens, dealing with coffee machine malfunctions, your job sure is rough...
But luckily, this adorable stranger's here to make up for any mishaps!
(and every night lmao, when he goes to... eliminate anyone who bothered you at work)
He always chooses to eat your favorite things and always asks what you recommend everyday, such a sweetheart !!
"Wh-What would you recommend..." He pauses, his eyes averted from yours. They flicker up at your nametag before flushing at the name, the mere thought of saying their angel's name leaving him tongue-tied. "...A-Angel?" Little do you know that whatever you say goes through one ear and out the other, Ren far too focused in drinking up every image of you so he can commit it to memory. Maybe if you were a bit more perceptive, you'd notice the way he inhaled a bit deeper, leaned in a little more closer as you talked. God, was he glad that there weren't as many customers this early in the morning.
He always asked how your day was and tips you a little extra for your troubles
(You're kind of curious about where he gets all the spare cash from... But you're not arguing !! After all, it's more money to spend on Haruko merchandise !)
He’s so shy and gets so flustered around you, you just wanna reach over and pinch his cheeks.
"D'you want a drink with that?" Ren, who was just leaning his face on his hand, staring at your kissable lips, was promptly shaken out of his stupor. His face flushes, clearly not have expected to be asked something again. "M-Mhm! I-I'll let you choose, I'm sure whatever you choose would be delicious no matter what!" He enthusiastically nodded with a twinge of nervousness to his words. You let out a chuckle that sounds angelic to him before adding that to his order.
He always wants to find a way to spend some more time talking to you, he wants to keep you all to himself !
And he always hangs around until you’re done with your shift!! (you don’t notice him tho) but he’s waiting for the day that you do!!
He makes sure you get home safe, after all, we wouldn't want any creeps following his precious angel home, hmm?
He’s always on his phone, looking at photos of you through the cameras in the coffee shop while eating/drinking his order! His angel chose it specifically for him...
If he sees you gushing over a fictional character during your break, you can guarantee he’s going to start using subtly similar mannerisms.
If it's what gets you closer to him, then Ren wouldn't hesitate!
After all, he loves you so much, he's soooo patient for you to love him back !
So if you get the chance, won’t you pleaase write your number on his coffee cup next time~?
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muzzleroars · 2 months
I hope i'm not being too demanding but how would ascended V1 and Raphael interact, like I imagine he would find them fascinating and gives me the vibe he sometimes is like "Gabe can i please play lasertag with it please please plsplsplsplsplspls"
at first raphael would be very wary of what gabriel did and what might come out of it - i tend to think of raph as the most "sheltered" of the archangels as he left heaven much less than gabriel and michael and doesn't have the full knowledge of everything the way uriel does. this leads to him being much more cautious and unsure of anything out of the ordinary with a pretty low threshold for what he finds bizarre...and risen v1 would certainly be far out of his comfort zone, particularly because raphael still tends to judge things as to how they might have been viewed by god. that being said, he knows he needs to interact with v1 again in some capacity since he wants to stay in gabriel's life and clearly, based on this stunt alone, v1 isn't going anywhere. and like gabriel becoming a fallen angel, he finds there isn't anything too fundamentally different from what v1 had been before yet it is also something entirely new. and raphael had loved creation. he delighted in the new life god would make, he found the natural bounty of heaven and earth one of the most incredible sources of his awe, and this v1 is just that. something new. something alive and vibrant. and soon that leads to his curiosity overcoming his reservations, and actually connecting to v1 on a very different level than he had before.
because well. v1 was a war machine and raphael was a healer, beings that are fundamentally at odds. they could get on well enough, as v1 had grown into so much more and raphael appreciated its interest in the world, but they were, at their base, near antitheses of the other. and while risen v1 absolutely maintains its core, i really, really enjoy the idea it sort of receives a "spawner arm" what allows it to use its light to make simplistic lifeforms. and raphael is!! stunned!! an angelic power, able to create small lives! and, paradoxically as he now knows for certain this wouldn't be viewed favorably by god, he starts to help v1 with its creations so they may live and thrive as new little animals in heaven's gardens. which kind of leads to v1 and raph having a whole littlest pet shop of absolute homunculi running around that only they think are cute....and every time raph is like "hi gabriel v1 and i are going to have a nice afternoon together" 😊😊😊 he KNOWS more are coming.
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invinciblerodent · 3 months
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Yeah, I...
I have absolutely zero doubt in my mind that there's a very good reason this man was beaten within an inch of his life based on a ruling he made as magistrate.
Astarion, darling, sweetie pie, love of my life, my sweetest, most darling little pookie bear with sugar and a cherry on top, what the ever-loving, super-sized, finger-lickin', country-fried McFuck is wrong with you (affectionate)
haven't you personally expressed feelings of guilt (their validity being subject for philosophical debate i don't have time to go into now) over dooming people in numbers upwards of a thousand to what you had thought was death, but later on it turned out to be a fate potentially worse than death. have you not personally yelled at the Gur leader because she got upset over us sparing the 7k spawn. have you learned absolutely fucking nothing, my sweet sweet angel boy.
god I love you and the odd turns your poor little brain takes sometimes as it reacquaints itself with the idea of being a person, rather than a survival-machine.
(it's also really fun how sometimes thoughts that could be attributed to the "living" Astarion pop up- because I'm guessing this is one of those, and he's kind of... well. He hasn't been allowed to use his own brain much since he became a vampire, so it's understandable why, now that he's free, his brain would sort of revert to the last thing it knows- which is punitive justice.)
(I definitely know that having Magistrate Ancunín pass judgement on you would have definitely been one of the less desirable outcomes of any legal squabble in Baldur's Gate two centuries ago. I know Iona is sort of letting these drift by her ear for now, putting the thought aside to be dissected later, lol. She'd rather more like to speak to the soft Astarion cuddling into her chest at night about this, please and thank you.)
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fullstcp · 4 months
"emails i can't send: fwd" by Sabrina Carpenter Sentence Starters
emails i can't send
"It's times like these, wish I had a time machine."
"Were you really asleep?"
"Were you lying to me and the family?"
"There's no 'us' in us when I'm lacking trust."
"You disgust me."
"Don't say sorry now."
"Thanks to you, I can't love right."
"I blame you for every worst that I assume."
"God, I love you, but you're such a dipshit."
"Please fucking fix this."
"You were all I looked up to."
"Now I can't even look at you."
"You're lucky I'm a private person."
"I've quietly carried your burden."
"Everyone thinks you're an angel, but, shit, I would probably use different wording."
"Why you gotta be so vicious?"
"You just run to whoever is winning."
"Said that it was me and you for life."
"Now you're kinda acting like I died."
"You don't think you hurt me if you wish me the best."
"I loved you, but I wish I didn't."
"I can't read your mind."
"You say you need to be alone, but night and day, want me at your beck and call."
"You're not my friend and you never were."
"Why the fuss if you say you just wanna be mine?"
"Double checking, did I get the message in the way you intended?"
"Don't understand how quickly we get right back in our rhythm without missing a step."
"I want you there sometimes."
"I'm lying to my therapist."
because i liked a boy
"Who knew cuddling on trampolines could be so reckless?"
"It was all so innocent."
"I'm not catastrophizing, everything's derailing."
"You said I'm too late to be your first love, but I'll always be your favorite."
"And all of this for what?"
"When everything went down we'd already broken up."
"We'd probably be better off as friends."
"Make me fall where I stand, only like you can."
"I say I'm done, but I'm still confused."
"How am I supposed to close the door when I still need closure?"
"I change my mind, but it's still on you."
"How am I supposed to leave you now that you're already over?"
"Selfishly don't wanna give you time to be on someone else's lips."
"I'll take three short hours over three long weeks pretending like we don't exist."
"I know you'll be coming back."
"I like my bed, but it likes you too."
how many things
"There's no hiding from the thought of us."
"I've got ways to find you anywhere."
"I consider you, I'm not trying to."
"Your corner in my mind is well-established."
"I wonder how many things you think about before you get to me."
"I feel myself falling further down your priorities."
I still make excuses for you constantly."
"Remember when you left once?"
"Am I not even a second thought?"
bet u wanna
"It's cold out there, let me know what you found."
"Bet you wanna love me now."
"When you don't have control of who I'm holding, is it feeding all your fears?"
"If you're satisfied, touché."
"Your so-called friends are gone."
"I bet you hate the way that you said goodbye."
"I hate the way that you left me dry."
"Think I only want one number in my phone."
"I might change your contact to 'don't leave me alone'."
"Treat me like a queen, now you got me feeling thrown."
"I can't help myself when you get close to me."
"I don't want no one else."
"Looking at you got me thinking nonsense."
"I can't find my chill, I must've lost it."
"You gotta keep up with me."
"I caught that L-O-V-E."
"How do you do this to me?"
"I don't even know anymore."
"Ahead of myself's an understatement."
"What the fuck is patience?"
"Give me a second to forget I ever really meant it."
skinny dipping
"We've been swimming on the edge of a cliff."
"I'm resistant, but going down with the ship."
"It'd be so nice if we could take it all off and just exist."
"Won't that be too nostalgic?"
"We won't bring up the past, we'll keep it bureaucratic."
"All of my friends think I've gone crazy."
"They don't know me like my baby."
"We look good in photographs."
"Now you're taking up my nights."
"I've never been so glad to be so tired."
"I'm mad for you."
"It's sad but true and I know it."
"You're on my mind."
"You stole my life and it's showing."
"You had to go and break into my head."
"I'd make all the same mistakes again."
"I know everyone sees that you'll be the death of me."
"You're good for my heart, but you're bad for business."
"You're good at the falling, not the staying there."
"You're good at the giving too much, then getting scared."
"You're good at impersonating someone who cares."
"You had me for a minute there."
"Where else can we go?"
"There's nothing left here to decode."
"I'm done looking for signs in the gaps and the silence."
"There's a weight off my shoulders now that I don't chase you."
"I'm learning from you that I can walk away too."
"Oh, so you do have a type and it's not me."
"Oh, so you can reply, just to not me."
"You knew I would see that."
"You knew I would notice."
"Should I be trying to take it as a compliment?"
"Why do you look so happy?"
"Now I think I get the cause of it."
"You were holding out to find the opposite."
"When you said I'm beautiful, was I being lied to?"
"I feel so much lighter like a feather with you off my mind."
"Your signals are mixed, you act like a bitch."
"It feels so good not caring where you are tonight."
"I got you blocked, excited to never talk."
"I'm so sorry for your loss."
"You miss me? No duh."
"If I fall in love with all my problems, will they leave me too?"
"Maybe I believed in all your lies cause I believed in you."
"Why were you somewhere else when you were next to me?"
"I know you know it keeps me up."
"Did you even give a fuck?"
"There's no hope in misery."
"I can't escape your history."
"Tell me I was more than just a decent opportunity."
things i wish you said
"Sorry I left you in the dark."
"Everything reminds me of you."
"Nobody gets my jokes, everyone here thinks I'm fucking rude."
"When I saw you cry, I didn't handle it well."
"Without you here, I don't know what to do with myself."
"I saw you met somebody and I'm jealous as hell."
"I can't even fathom loving somebody else."
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