#Sorry I know you're gonna see this but eh I'll have a good cry at you when I've got you restrained 😎
howlingday ¡ 6 months
Sun: Jaune, as a fellow bro, I will help you get laid. I swear on my life!
-One Week of Hijinks & Shenanigans later-
Sun: Never in my life have I ever thought that i'd meet someone with less game than Neptune.
Neptune, in the distance: FUCK YOU!
Jaune: I'm sorry...
Sun: See! This is what I'm talking about! You're so timid that not even the doms want a piece of you! Hands down, no woman is going to want ANYTHING to do with you.
Jaune: What if I don't want anything to do with girls?
Sun: ...
Neptune: ...Sun?
Sun: Sorry, I'm pretending I didn't hear that. (Takes a deep breath) Okay. Here's what you're gonna do. You're going to give me your scroll.
Jaune: (Hands over scroll) Okay?
Sun: Good. Now, I'm going to leave, and I'll be back sometime tomorrow morning.
Jaune: What?! But I can't get back to Beacon without my scroll!
Sun: Exactly. It's time you learned the way we learn to swim in Vacuo.
Jaune: How?
Sun: We're tossing you in the deep end. Later.
Jaune: Wait- (Shoved, Falls into crowd)
Sun: Let's go, Neptune.
Neptune: I... Er... (Sighs) Sorry, man.
Jaune: ...Guys?
Sun: Will you stop pacing? You're making me dizzy.
Neptune: Dude! Do you feel even the SLIGHTEST bit bad about what we did?!
Sun: Nah, not really. I mean, you're the one who's been walking back and forth since we got on the bullhead.
Neptune: No, I mean about how we ditched Jaune last night! I had to look Pyrrha in the eye and lie that I didn't know where he was, and that was only because I didn't know where he was!
Sun: Dude, he had to learn. Can you imagine having no game at 17?
Neptune: Yeah! Me!
PA: Now docking at Vale South Station.
Sun: ...Eh, you had some game. It was, like, nerd game, but it was still game. Jaune was more like-
Jaune: More like what?
Neptune: JAUNE! (Hugs) I was so worried about you! P-Please don't be mad at us!
Jaune: Er, i-it's okay, Neptune. I'm not mad at you. Just... disappointed.
Neptune: (Crying) That's even worse~!
Sun: Ugh... Great. You got Neptune going with the waterworks. Whatever, you get laid yet?
Jaune: No, not yet.
Sun: Motherf- DUDE! What, do I gotta toss you in a whorehouse to get you to man up?!
Jaune: No, not really. I found somebody else to help me with that.
Arslan: Hello, Sun.
Sun: Arslan? Hey, what's- GUH! (Falls over)
Arslan: That was for forcing this poor guy to sleep in the city overnight. If my team didn't get here last night, who knows what could've happened to him?!
Sun: He... asked us for help...
Arslan: Yeah, and I had to 'help' him after he was stuck with the results of your 'help'.
Neptune: Wait, you mean... You two...
Jaune: Oh, no. Arslan and her team just pitched in for the hotel room for the five of us. All she asked in return was me showing her around Beacon when we get there.
Arslan: Oh, that reminds me. (Grabs scroll) Thank you for your cooperation. Let's move team!
Neptune: (Team ABRN pass with glares) So... Lunch?
Sun: Y...Yeah...
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goldentoshi ¡ 8 months
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“your ex is gonna get beat the fuck up.” i said as i spoke with the guys in the discord server.
“i’m sorry about her. she’s insane.” he sighed.
“nah that bitch is crazy.” sanzu chuckled, getting ready for the race. we were all playing gta rp.
“listen, i get she’s a lunitic , but can we refrain from calling women out their names?” kakucho said. always such a gentlemen. if i wasn’t in this contract with rindou, i might’ve perused him.
“such a gentleman.” i smiled at him before getting my vehicle from the auto shop in our game. “i’m not stressing on her. she’s with someone who has a history of cheating and has watched every male figure in his life do the same. she’s with the guy i created cause the original one that i had would have her sliding down the wall and eating glass.”
"eating glass is insane, not even gonna cap." mikey said, speaking for the first time since we started our lobby. "i wonder if that's how all my hoes feel."
"probably. i mean that one girl slept outside our front door so she could see you." ran laughed. his brother wrapped his arms around my body as he watched.
"and to be honest, damon can go to hell too because you're weird even getting with her in the first place." sanzu added.
"thank you! like, you're that desperate but you're constantly trying to contact me and that weird post on twitter." i scoffed. "i literally can't stand him."
"you know rin would beat his ass if needed. don't trip."
"i almost did." rindou said, finally paying attention to the conversation. "he's so fucking bitter it's sick."
"eh, that's what happens when you fuck someone who didn't deserve it over and now you're facing the consequences." sanzu said, before blowing up a random gas station.
my phone buzzed, signaling i had a call coming through. i handed rindou my headset and remote while i took care of the call. "hello?"
"y/n. it's me, damon." the caller said. he sounded as though he had been crying.
"look, stop calling me-" i started saying before he cut me off.
"keleah is dying." he cut me off. i went silent. "she's asking for you, and i know we're not on good terms but that's my sister and-"
"text me the hospital. i'm on the way." i said, grabbing my bag, keys and hoodie. i hung up as i grabbed them and walked to rindou's room. "hey i got to go."
"okay, you good?" he asked, reading my facial expression.
"yeah, someone i know is in the hospital. she's dying and she's asking for me. i'll call you later." i said and ran out the door before he could say anything else.
serendipity : a very good coincidence, often leading to something really awesome
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lazy-cat13 ¡ 2 months
I'll post the Invi and Ash connection tomorrow
Day 4: Dreams.
This'll be my first fanfic I think wish me luck
Red= brain
Pink= Ash's chirithy
Orange=brains chirithy
Cursing (rarely)
The two hold hands and hug, but it's platonic. They're besties.
I did my best don't judge
(Ash pov) It's a peaceful sunny morning in Daybreak Town. No Lux collecting this morning, nothing big. Just me and Brain going out to get croissants and cocoa like any other day. Hopefully it's like this for the rest of the day, I don't really want to get caught in a fight. It's coming too common and it's too hard to ignore now.
"You seem stressed." A voice startles me.
"ACK! wudduya want?!"
"Jeez, relax, just me." Oh. Just Brain.
"Sorry, just scared me. . ." I tuck my hands into the pockets of my sweater.
"Eh, don't worry about it. Seriously though, you're really tense, something is bothering you."
Yeah. . . Something is, but I don't wanna stress him out too much. There's already so many things going on, street fights, a war between unions, joining the Dandelions, don't want to add another thing on his plate. . .
"Nothing! Don't worry about it!" I smile trying to hide any sign of stress.
"uhh huhhh. . . We're gonna have to talk about this later then. . ."
"ugh, fine. Let's get food first."
We enter Fountain Square (that's what I like to call it not sure if that's the cannon name) just to see another fight start to break out.
"shiiittt. . ." We both say in unison.
I shakingly put on my headphones to block out some sounds. While Brain tips his fadora
Don't involve me, Don't involve me, Don't involve me, Don't involve me. . .
My breathing picks up.
Brain says something but it's muffled by the headphones. Then he grabs my hand and power walks through the streets of Daybreak Town.
We walk into an alleyway away from people, and he pulls off my headphones.
"It's alright now. . . We're away from crowds. . . Breathe. . ."
I sat down on a box, breathing slowling, but my foot starts to tap vigorously.
A feline wearing headphones poofs next to me.
"Ash! There you are! I've been looking for you back at the apartment!" Oh. It's Chir
"oh no! What happened?!" She runs over to me and sits on my lap giving me a hug.
"well, we were on the way to the cafe, then we ran into a street fight that was going to break out, and we got outta there as quickly as we could. They've been off all day"
"you've been having that dream again, haven't you Ashy?"
"yeah. . ." I finally answer
"Dream?" Brain tilts his head.
Chiri turns around "they've been having a lot of bad dreams lately, waking up crying in fear. . ."
I look away
Great. . . Now he's gonna be stressed. . .
Brain sighs "how 'bout we talk about this after we get something to eat. . . Sound good?"
"yeah. Can we try avoiding crowds?"
" 'course. And we can get our chirithys a sweet treat too." He smiles at chiri
"Woo! Chocolate croissants!" Chiri jumps in excitement.
I giggle a little "all right let's go."
He gives a soft smile "if you need anything, remember we're here for you."
"yeah, yeah. I know. . . Thank you."
"it's nothing. . . Let's go before anything else starts up."
We hold hands for comfort before getting to the cafe and we order some pastries and a cocoa for each of us. and we make our way to the hill. I carried the cocoas while Brain carried the pastry box. Once we made it to the top of the hill I handed him his cocoa while he handed me my croissant.
"yeah Brain? Oh hi Ash!" I wave to his chirithy
"here chocolate croissant! Your favorite!" He tosses the feline a croissant
"Oh! Yummy! Thank you!" And they take a bite
"chiri! Croissant!"
Chiri poofs in my lap in excitement grabbing the croissant
"Thank you!!!"
"so. . . You gonna tell me about this nightmare?"
I take a sip of cocoa
". . . Well, it's about the war. . . I know it's gonna happen but. . . I don't want it to, so I keep having nightmares about being a part of it. Getting killed by someone I might know, don't know, or a union leader. . . Hundreds of deaths, keyblades everywhere. Every dream is a little different , whether I live or die, who I die from, what side I'm on. It's like I'm someone else Everytime. . . It's just scary!" Tears start welling up.
"sh, sh, shhh, it's alright. . . It's just a dream, remember. . ." He brings them In for a hug "chiri, how long has this been happening?"
"past week. . ." She puts down her croissant and joins the hug. Eventually brains chirithy joins too
Safe, I feel safe.
"how bout we stop by the book store on the way back?"
"heh, could always use another sketchbook."
"didn't you get one last week?"
"already filled it."
"What am I gonna do with you?"
"I 'unno." I shove a half eaten croissant in my mouth
Brain reaches and steals my croissant that was sitting on a plate
"oi, you're one to talk, you just stole mine!"
It's 2Am and hopefully I don't cringe at it when I wake up, this can also count under connection .
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I haven’t been in the DnDads fandom that long, but given that everyone seems to love some Normal angst (myself included), I’m surprised nobody’s talking about how in Normal’s stand up he talks about teasing people when you like them, and how kids probably bullied him and if (big if, given Normal’s sunny disposition), he ever got upset they’d just say they were teasing.
I feel like they wouldn’t even have to be bullying him, if his “friends” started making fun of someone else I feel like Normal would try and defend the other person.
“ Oh, lighten up. It's all good fun.”
“Oh, lighten up, Normal. It’s all good fun, don’t be so sensitive.”
“You know we're just busting your chops, it's all goofs.”
“Woah, you know we’re just busting your chops, no need to be so touchy, it’s all goofs”
“[Normal’s voice cracking through] It's all, it’s all a good time, right?”
“Come on, Normal, we’re just having a good time.”
“Look, it's a fun thing!”
“Look, see it’s fun. Stop ruining the mood.”
“It's a roast, you roast people that you like!”
“It’s just a roast, we’re friends, don’t worry about it”
“ it's a joke, Hermie, we're joking. We're just having fun!”
“We’re just joking around. It’s fun.”
“This is what people do when they like each other.”
“We’re just teasing, that’s what friends do, don’t be such a buzzkill.”
All of this makes Normal think this is how people are, and when the other react with sadness, anger, and concern, he panics.
“Normal: [over mic] Oh geez, no! Oh. Oh boy.”
“[Normal sounding teary] Isn't that funny— wuh… It's fun!”
“Normal: [over mic, strained] It's fun, guys! It's funny, you know?”
“Normal: [over mic, loud, vocal, stressed panting]”
“Normal: [over mic] Okay, well— eheh!”
“Normal: [over mic] Well uh— [pants] Oh God, I'm so sorry. Uh—”
“Normal: [over mic, voice cracking] I’m sorry everybody, that was my time.”
“Normal: [over mic, increasingly stressed] Scary, I don't really mean what I said! I just, uh! That's my time, I got to go, goodbye everybody!”
I don’t really have anything else, just wanted to post some Normal angst.
Here’s the full dialogue under the cut.
Borat: [over mic] Hey, that is, uh…
Link: [off mic] Killin’ it.
Borat: [over mic] …really mean, Rick! I think Hermie is sensitive about that, and proud of his acting.
Pickle Rick: [over mic] Oh, lighten up. It's all good fun. I mean. You know we're just busting your chops, Hermie, it's all goofs. [Normal’s voice cracking through] It's all, it’s all a good time, right? We didn't hurt your feelings, did we?
Hermie: [wobbly] U-um… Uh…
Borat: [over mic] He is crying, you stupid Pickle Man!
Normal: [over mic] Oh geez, no! Oh. Oh boy. Look, it's a fun thing! It's a roast, you roast people that you like! [almost Pickle Rick] And I like you, Hermie, okay?! [Just Normal] So it's just a funny... Look, look, I'll roast everybody else, okay? We're on the same team, it's all fun!
Pickle Rick: [still mostly Normal, but a bit of Rick stank, like he’s trying] Uh, Taylor! Hey, Taylor, how you doing?
Taylor: Eh...
Normal: Taylor, you know who's gonna—
Austin Powers: I’ve gotten pretty groovy, baby.
Pickle Rick: [mostly Normal] You've got less brain cells than your dad has limbs! Because they all got cut off!
Link: [off mic] Oh, Normal.
Normal: [the gravel of “Rick” is mostly just Normal sounding teary] Isn't that funny— wuh… It's fun!
Normal: [over mic, strained] It's fun, guys! It's funny, you know?
Link: [off mic, reluctant] It's pretty good, yeah.
Normal: [over mic, strained] Link!
Link: [off mic] Yeah.
Normal: [over mic] Link, what's the deal with you and Scary, man?
Link: [off mic] What?
Normal: [over mic, strained] Just stop pretending you don't like her. Just fuck already, and get it over with!
Link: I do... Whoa, I do like her. I mean like you too. I like all of us.
Normal: [over mic, loud, vocal, stressed panting]
Link: Woah, you're okay, man.
Normal: [over mic] Okay, well— eheh! It’s a good— it's a joke, Hermie, we're joking. We're just having fun!
Hermie: Mm…
Normal: [over mic] This is what people do when they like each other. Scary! [fake laugh] Boy, you got so many issues. [exhale right into the mic] You're like a comic book store. You got so many issues up there!
Napoleon: Gosh!
Normal: [over mic] I bet uh, I bet your medicine cabinet at home looks like one of those big jelly bean jars you see at the fair!
Normal: [over mic] How many…! How pills does she pop every day?
Normal: [over mic] Well uh— [pants] Oh God, I'm so sorry. Uh—
Link: [off mic] Normal you did—!
Normal: [over mic, voice cracking] I’m sorry everybody, that was my time.
Link: [off mic] You did great.
Normal: [over mic, strained] Uh, Hermie, I really like you, uh, and Taylor, y’know, you and your dad are going to hit it off, you're going to be great. Ah, Link, I'm sorry, man. You tell Scary you like her in your own way, in your own time.
Link: [off mic, calmly] Oh. I- I like you, Scary.
Normal: [over mic, increasingly stressed] Scary, I don't really mean what I said! I just, uh! That's my time, I got to go, goodbye everybody!
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sunny6677 ¡ 10 days
The spookez heading to apologize to the Hatz at Hollow Sorrows..... maybe
If you didn't do it already cuz my memory sucks
Eh I didn't dw lol—
Apologies if this is a bit short. I feel oddly tired./lh
The Hatzgang Receiving Their Apologies In The Saturated AU!
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"Uh.. I dunno, dude." Ross says, seeming genuinely confused on what to do.
"Maybe you could just leave it alone for now?" Robert suggests, seeming just as confused.
"..I don't know." Roy says, talking about it like he's genuinely troubled, "Maybe I can try talking to mom—"
From out of nowhere, Skid and Pump silently approach from behind, and Roy immediately notices them. His friends end up looking the same way. His friends gain visibly irritated expressions, while Roy's seems delightfully surprised.
"Uh.. hey." Skid says. "Can we—"
"Oh, kids!" Roy gains a grin on his face, nearly storming over to them. "Hah.. Where've you—"
Before Roy can go over to pull them into some type of bear hug, Ross and Robert grab him and restrain him.
"Roy.. Roy!" Ross yells.
"Ugh.." Robert screams once Roy finally stops, "No!"
"..what?" Roy seems confused.
"Don't you remember all the times these two got us into trouble? What if they end up just making things weird again?" Robert angrily says.
"Ugh—we're not gonna make things weird, you—" Pump stops himself, and sighs. "Look, we wanted to say sorry for making you cry earlier."
Roy gains a surprised look on his face, while Robert and Ross gain suspicious looks on their faces. They put Roy back on the floor but don't entirely let go of him.
"..well, we don't forgive you!" Robert scoffs.
Ross rolls his eyes. "Yeah—what makes you think we'd—"
"I do!" Roy cheerfully says. At the same time, both Robert and Ross scream, "WHAT?!"
"...mmh.. good." Skid mutters to himself, "Least you'll leave us alone now. Pr.. Probably."
Roy still smiles, "Don't worry! It was just an accident. Why do you think I'd hold something like that against you—?"
Ross gains a stern look, turning toward Roy. "Roy, are you serious?"
"How could you be?!" Robert yells, "Are you seriously gonna forgive them after everything they've done?!"
"Of course I will!" Roy raises his voice, "And I'll prove it to you!"
Roy then marches off screen toward the kids, while Ross and Robert gain confused/weirded out faces. Skid and Pump are then pulled into a bear hug by Roy—who hums cheerfully while they struggle to get out of his grasp in the background. And after that, he sets them back down and goes back to his friends.
"See? I forgive them enough to hug them!" Roy proudly says.
Robert and Ross try to speak at the same time, protesting—but Pump cuts in.
"Ughhh.. why'd you hug us so hard? You're gonna kill us one of these days.."
Robert rolls his eyes, placing a hand on Roys shoulder. "Pshh.. I wish he would. Roy—don't make me go over there and have to give them what they—"
"Robert—don't start. We don't wanna deal with anything else, okay?" Skid says, audibly annoyed.
"Let's just go.." Pump says.
The kids then walk off without saying goodbye, the screen not showing them in the process.
The teenagers just watch as they walk off, with Robert and Ross having visibly furious looks, and Roy seeming happy as per usual. But he then gains a slightly pained look when Ross glares, and elbows him pretty hard in the shoulder. Roy even cries out in pain, before it cuts.
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It then shows Gregor briefly talking with the Mayor, who has a bored expression on his face.
"Well.. see you soon, Gregor."
"Sure thing, Mayor."
The Mayor then drives off, though as hedoesn't, Gregor notices the kids walking back up and gains an incredibly amused look on his face. In a teasing tone, he says, "..what happened?"
It cuts to Skid and Pump, who apparently were not just bear hugged by Roy. But Roy even somehow managed to put some stickers on their mask. Pumps sticker is just a 'you're precious!' message written in white bubble writing, while Skids sticker is a puppy sticker. Both of them seem visibly humiliated.
"..we said sorry." Pump practically whines.
Gregor smirks at them silently, before snickering. "Okay.. where now, kids?"
"Uhh.. we can go to the hospital." Says Pump as he takes the sticker off, "That's where we tried to steal those parts and stuff."
"Hmm.. alright. Well—don't worry about asking for permission. I'm suuuuuuree you don't need to ask." Gregor speaks very sarcastically, snickering to himself.
Pump pouts, while Skid only rolls his eyes as they begin to walk.
"Oh, shut up!" Pump grumbles as Gregor begins to follow them, still smirking smugly to himself.
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nikatyler ¡ 16 days
Zeph 1.0
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can't believe that yesterday i was like eh i'm not sure about that armor, it looks so good on them
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oooh a pretty evil lady!
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same girl, same, about everything that has ever happened to me
it's been 84 years (more like 16 hours) but i'm finally opening bg3 again ✨
i think i'll do some more goblin camp shenanigans today if possible 👀
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ohhh right. essentially i've already murdered like half the goblin camp so now the other half of the camp is trying to murder me, huh?
Me: "ah yes I'm far enough" *the explosion hits Zeph and Zeph dies* *reloads* "ah yes now I'm definitely far enough" *the explosion hits Zeph again and Zeph dies again*
"yeah we've got this" *the entire party dies*
Fucking gnolls man
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yeah it's been a long bloody day
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jesus christ this man is h🫣rny
Okay so I'll go watch a baking show with my mum in a bit and then we're going back and doing da thing 😏
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Sorry for not giving updates if you were looking forward to them, anyway a little thing I love is how everyone sleeps on their back. I do that and apparently that's weird to everyone around me? 😂🤨
I will literally be in my bed like 🧍‍♂️
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newest development in my bg3-rotten brain
did i mention this game is doing things to me because it is doing things to me
Anywayyyy you know what time it is 😌
I may have just spent an hour organizing everyone's inventories and figuring out who gets what armor and all but we're good to go now I think
Explosive shrooms, yay 🤩
I'm 💀💀💀 I need to go to bed lmao
Okay so basically what happened um. I don't know how but it did. So I wanted to help Astarion. But I clicked the wrong thing. And I pushed him off the boat. And he died.
If there's one thing about me it's that I'll accidentally murder my favourite vampires
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I love Zeph so much they're so prettyyyyyy
Kinda wanna make a modern day version of them in ts4 and have them interact with my other characters. They'd fit right in
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hole hehe. hole
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my bi ass is having a bit of a dilemma rn
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gay gay gay they're in love your honor
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Raw footage of me during my latest combat
I was actually so stressed dude 😭 thankfully we made it through but ahhhhh
Does anyone else apologize to the characters when they get hurt? Like sorry lil guy in my computer I'm sorry I'm putting you through this I promise you'll make it out I PROMISE ah fuck you're getting hit again oh no sorry sorry ahhhh
So uh. The adamantine forge fight huh. 🙂
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Granted it doesn't count ts4 correctly rn probably because I haven't updated yet but…yeah 😅😅
(also I have way more hours on ts4 actually, this is just since Jan 2023, I played through Origin/EA app before and then switched to Steam for reasons)
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my fucking thoughts exactly, i hate this battle 😭😭 on a real note i relate to him so much when he's whining DUDE WE LIVE
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i should've known he wouldn't take that as a good thing lmaoooooo dude creases when you smile is the biggest compliment smh
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I'm sorry what
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I'm sensing that I may have messed up real bad in Last Light Inn yesterday...ooops
I should've reloaded to see if things could turn out differently but I've done a lot afterwards, idk if I wanna go back now 😂 No spoilers pls, that's something for me to figure out in my next playthrough
"ooops" people DIED 💀 people i had previously saved died 💀
You're never gonna believe who I murdered again
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I'm fucking crying I need you to resurrect him you moron stop shaming Zeph for having a sex life Update we are so back lads
Funny how fast I went from "I think Zeph is mostly good, they just want to get rid of the parasite and help people along the way" to "actually fuck it darling you're so right some power would be nice"
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Crying laughing sending this to my sibling who's in art school. On point
"eh we'll be fine i don't need bonuses" *rolls 1*
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daddy Ketheric omg💀💀
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uh anyway
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this is the best they are the best 🥹
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Don't be upset, I will reload, just don't be upset with me pleaseeee 😭
The "please a videogame vampire at all costs" disease is real I'm afraid
Uh oh it's almost 3am, tomorrow will be an eepy day, well it's worth it
I'm so close to having a funny number of hours played 🤭
Killed the workout, now let's kill this guy that I struggled with for half an hour. Almost killed my whole party in the process so I quit and decided to kill my legs instead 😂
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lindyloosims ¡ 1 month
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LUKA: I'm gonna be an uncle, so I guess you'll need me here. Better let the show know I can't do it anymore!
OPHELIA: You can do your show Lukes, it's all good!
LUKA: But-
OPHELIA: We'll send you photos and videos, you won't miss a thing!
LUKA: Yeah...great!
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I hear some crying coming from the bathroom, it's Dane, I'm thinking they're more cut up about Auntie Miranda than we thought.
DANE: I hate my body, I can't even look at it! *sniffle*
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I think I should sit them down and let them know that as heir of this family, and as their oldest brother, I'm here for them. Poor kid, they're really going through this grief eh?
DANE: I hate myself! *sob*
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OPHELIA: Hey kiddo, how you feeling?
DANE: Are you sick?
OPHELIA: No, just pregnant! You're going to be an-
DANE: I have school! *sigh* I'll see you all later.
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DARIUS: DANE!!! You were ages in the bathroom AGAIN, and now I'm going to be late for school, thanks dingus!
DANE: *mumbles* Sorry!
DARIUS: Sorry won't get me dressed in time, so save it freak!
OPHELIA: Oh no, you did not just-Colty?
COLT: HEY! Darius apologise to your sibling right now, I will not tolerate that kind of talk in this house, understand?
DARIUS: *guiltily* Sorry Dane, I-I'm sorry! *hangs head*
I'm sensing there's more to Dane's sadness than the death of a family member, I really need to have a talk with them!
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But while they're at school, and now that Ophelia's ring is finished, it's time! I'm so nervous I could puke! 🤢🤮
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lisutarid-a ¡ 1 year
[Gakuen K] Totsuka Tatara Route Translation
Even after graduation
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[Translation under the cut]
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Kukuri: Good morning! Winter break went by in the blink of an eye, didn't it? Hey, did you go out anywhere?
Saya: No, nowhere. And you, Kukuri-chan?
Kukuri: I think I've only been to my mom's house.
Kukuri: Someday I'd like to go abroad like a celebrity~
Saya: Abroad, huh? Sounds tough.
Kukuri: Oh, you're not very interested it that, are you?
Saya: That's not the case. I'm a little nervous about the language and cultural barriers.
Kukuri: Ahaha, I'm sure you'll get used to those things.
Kukuri: Oh, right. Speaking of next year, let's go abroad together for graduation trip. A trip for two women! I think it'll be fun.
Saya: Wow, sounds great. A graduation trip, huh?
Saya: (Graduation…It's that time of year already)
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Saya: Totsuka-senpai, you're graduating soon.
Totsuka: That's right. I think there's two more months to go.
Saya: …Right.
Totsuka: What's wrong?
Saya: N-no, it's nothing…
Saya: (I'm gonna miss Totsuka-senpai, but I can't say I don't want him to graduate)
Totsuka: I'm so excited. I can't believe I'm graduating with King.
Mikoto: It ain't decided yet.
Totsuka: Arara, you're saying that to yourself? You'll have to take the test again in the third semester, won't you?
Mikoto: …Probably.
Yata: I will miss Mikoto-san and others here when they're gone…
Totsuka: Yata! Don't cry like that. I wouldn't be able to come as regularly as Kusanagi-san, but I'll come as often as I can.
Yata: No, Totsuka-san…I'm not crying.
Saya: (I wonder if Totsuka-senpai won't be able to come. I guess we will have less time to see each other)
Saya: (I'm still going to miss him)
Kusanagi: Oh, hey. Are you leaving already?
Saya: No, I'm not. I was just going for a walk.
Totsuka: Well, be careful.
Saya: …Okay.
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Saya: Wow, it's cold…
Saya: (But it seems like a good way to cool off)
Saya: …Even though I can't help but going to miss him.
Saya: He's older. I knew he was going to graduate.
Saya: …I knew it. But I'm still would miss him…
Saya: (I wonder if I'll be able to smile properly on the day senpai graduates…I wonder if I'll be able to send him off with a smile, I…)
Totsuka: You'll catch a cold like this, you know?
Saya: !
Saya: S-senpai?
Totsuka: What?
Saya: Em…Why are you hugging me?
Totsuka: Payback for the first sunrise. …You don't like it?
Saya: It's not like that. But… I feel uneasy when I can't see your face.
Totsuka: I see. …Well, then I'll hug you from the front.
Saya: W-Why are you here, senpai…?
Totsuka: Actually, I was wondering how you were doing, so I've been following you, sorry.
Totsuka: What's with a walk in this cold weather…?
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Choice: [I just wanted to think about something] ❤
Saya: I just wanted to think about something a little bit…
Totsuka: I see. You got a bitter expression when you left.
Totsuka: …What's going on?
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Choice: [It's nothing]
Saya: It's nothing. I just kind of wanted to… take a walk.
Totsuka: Really? Then why do you have such a bitter expression over nothing?
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Totsuka: If you want, why don't you talk to me about it? I might be able to help.
Saya: …I can't say it.
Totsuka: Why?
Saya: Senpai would be shocked, because it's very selfish and egotistical.
Totsuka: I won't be shocked. Never. I want to know everything about you, and I want to talk to you about everything.
Totsuka: That's why, please.
Saya: (I'm no match for senpai. I feel like it's okay to talk about it)
Saya: Okay…I was worried about you graduating.
Totsuka: That I'm graduating…?
Saya: I thought I would have less chance to see senpai after he graduated, and that made me really sad.
Saya: I'd like to congratulate you on your graduation, but I'm more sad about it.
Totsuka: Saya-chan…
Saya: …
Totsuka: What is it? Such a thing.
Saya: Such a thing…! It's very important to me…
Totsuka: It's okay. Because I've been thinking about it for a while, too.
Saya: Eh! Is that so?
Totsuka: Uhm. But you know, I talked to Kusanagi-san about it, he said, "It's not a lifelong separation, so don't worry".
Totsuka: Sure, we'll have less time to see each other, but we can make that time even more fulfilling than it is now.
Totsuka: There's no need to miss me. Because my love for you would remain unchanged.
Saya: Senpai…
Totsuka: For the sake of my lovely kohai, I promise to show up at the clubroom as much as possible.
Totsuka: So, on the day I graduate, I want you to send me off with a smile.
Saya: …Okay!
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The tag rambles in (the post about moth/dead!us fluttering around Foul Legacy) have given me even more random angsty ideas hehehe
Also, for a bit of size context, I personally would see us as an Atlas Moth (they're very pretty, just like everyone here <3).
"in an alternate universe Childe vanished and a sparkly moth started following you around" Ack okay but the simultaneous misery and nostalgia at getting a mini version of the big moth that we love so much. Honestly, I think that prospect would just break us, so here's a few ideas and whatnot: - Underside of the moth's wings would be sparkly, while the topside would probably be some sort of dark purple. - Antennae that look like Legacy's horns <3 <3 - Literal-moth moth would probably try to stick around our hands as much as possible - Unfortunately, we can't pet him like we could when he was mothman. Because, y'know, fragile creature and all that.
"ohhh if the moth gets hurt (because it's so easy for them to get hurt) Foul Legacy starts sobbing" - Moths can't fly again if a wing breaks, unfortunately ;-; - Frankly, I can indeed see Foul Legacy just end up sobbing at a wing of ours being broken (ooo that's a new idea, maybe I'll touch it later...) - Us, with a broken wing, crawling over and around both his claws and mask, also maybe nestling in his fur(hair)? - Uncertain if a soul moth (as I'm gonna call us) needs nutrients like a regular moth. However, if we do, then Foul Legacy may just stop by forests or something frequently in order to keep as as healthy as we can be <3
~ :D Anon (Sorry it took me so long, was busy with tests ehe)
Note: I removed the link, hopefully it'll send this time? If it does, then woop-
aaaa yeah tumblr asks can be very VERY finicky especially on anon for some reason??? once i tried to send one in and it wouldn't let me because i had too many commas, tsk tsk!!! (original ask here <33)
Foul Legacy little moth: !!!! oh my goodness imagine you're in that state where you're trying so hard to cling onto hope, trying so hard to seem fine so you don't worry your friends and family- and it seems like the little moth that started following you everywhere only helps you heal, or at least people think it should since it's a constant, comforting presence
but the moth knows the truth- it knows how you sometimes break down when you're alone in your room, no matter how happy you try to seem during the day. it knows how you cry into your hands, your sobs of "where could he be?" as you despair over your lost Abyssal monster, your missing Foul Legacy
the little moth can only perch on your fingers, fuzzy antennae waving in your face like it's trying to wipe away your tears, and despite your sadness you still find the energy to cup your friend in your hands and smile wearily- just as kind as Childe remembers
you little moth: Foul Legacy will break if his tiny moth companion gets hurt- even more so if it was by him, even on accident. his talons and armor is sharp, deadly to something so small and delicate, and he cradles the moth in his hands and weeps. the little insect flicks its antennae, almost as if it's trying to reassure him, but all he can see is the rip in the poor thing's wing
he doesn't know the moth is you, intent on keeping him company even after death- he simply knows that it feels familiar, that the creature is dear to him and someone to be treasured, for when else will a moth willingly become friends with a beast? he swears you keep you safe from now on, allowing you to snuggle into his fluff or hair, away from his claws and teeth. occasionally you'll go and perch on one of his horns, happily enjoying the breeze that you can't fly in anymore, at least not as well
on particularly peaceful days he tentatively allows you to sit on one of his claws, basking in the sun and looking awfully proud of yourself despite being a moth. you flutter your wings and he flutters his back, and Legacy can see you happily waving your antennae in the air
at those moments, Childe knows peace
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maguro13-2 ¡ 4 months
New Beginning ~ Ink Demon Apocalypse Prologue (2/5) ~
Tamaki : Hello. Anybody here? Where the heck is everybody? Boy...Looks I made wrong turn about what's going on with no around. Hmm...What's this? It's Ink, but why on earth would Shinra do this? If someone that became a little wondrous to figure it out what happened? Then I gotta make it to the point. Oh well , let's see what the mirror has something to do about it.
*Heartbeat Echo*
Tamaki : Gah!
*Heartbeat echo*
Tamaki : Guh!
Tamaki : What's happening to me!?
*runs to the mirror*
Tamaki : Oh God!
(the mirror shows Tamaki is infected with the Ink Demon's blood)
Tamaki : No! Not like this! I can't be like this! How can I be so stupid! Where is that thing!? Where is it!? I don't wanna be like this! I can't end up like this! (grabs gun) I'm sorry, guys. I didn't want to turn out like this. This is all your fault, Ohkubo! You hear me? (Puts gun on her head) This...IS ALL YOUR FAUUUULT!!!
Tamaki : (wakes up dream, covers in sweat) Aaah! *panting* (wipes sweat off) It was only a dream.
*walks to the mirror to show reflection*
Tamaki : (sighs) Thank god. If I would've turned something different like this, I would've shot myself in the head just to make a big sacrifice. Nonetheless, the it's cool that I have wisdom over myself, so after that heartless we finally got rid of, I wonder if we able to Nevada back to original glory, i mean it's original old self again? Can't believe that I'm finally coming back to Japan after I been around in the state of Maryland years ago. I'm just gonna need five more minutes.
*phone vibrating*
Tamaki : Huh? Eh? What's this? (grabs phone) Who's calling me? A phone call? Doesn't seem right. (answers her phone) Hello?
??? : (via phone) Tamaki, thank goodness you're awake.
Tamaki : Who is this? I'm calling some person that isn't Jenny? I graduated from christian school in Emmitsburg. What do you want?
??? : I just wanted you to come outside and wait for a surprise.
Tamaki : How can I really trust you?
??? : You would be the very first of my perfect solution. Would you rather changed the subject or will you even face certain amount of death?
Tamaki : Hold up, who is this? Hello?
??? : Please, just give me what you wanted and I'll reward you something.
Tamaki : Fine...I'm coming. I'm going outside now.
*door opening*
Tamaki : Alright. Where are ya?
(crickets and cicadas chirping)
Tamaki : Hey, where are you? I know where you at. You can't hide from me now. Alright, very funny! I'm not dumb to fall for on your tricks and that's final. Don't believe me? I see that you're the silent type, you son of a goat. Where. the hell. are you!?
??? : I'm right here!
Tamaki : !? (turns and sees somehting behind) Holy...
(cuts to Tamaki running and panting)
Tamaki : Oh God! Oh Man! What the hell is that thing! Mary! Mary help! Mary! Oh great! This is what it feels like to live in a horror movie where the main girl runs from a horror villain that knows about horror stuff!
??? : You can run, but you can't hide, but you'll never have to cry even if you tried!
Tamaki : No! No! No! Gotta get back to safety! Police! Police! Help! (trips over a branch) Woah!
Tamaki : (Groans) Stupid branch! (continues running) *panting* Almost there! I need to escape! There it is! The Shrine!
Mary : Tamaki! Help me!
Tamaki : Mary!
Mary : Tamaki!
Tamaki : Don't worry, Mary! I'm coming!
Tamaki : Mary!
Mary : Tamaki! It's bad!
Tamaki : Where is sister?
Mary : She's with him!
Tamaki's Adoptive Mother : Tamaki! Stay back! This demon is serious wants you badly!
Ink Demon : Come on, you b*tch! Give me the girl's blood!
Sister : I won't let you take Mary's blood, you demonic bastard!
Mary : Sister!
Ink Demon : If you won't tell me about giving the girl's blood, I needed it to my form in order to regain my powers!
Sister : Tamaki! Get Mary to a safe place!
Tamaki : Okay!
Ink Demon : I don't think so! (uses finger gun) Bang!
Tamaki : ! (gets shot in the chest by Ink) Hey, what the heck did you do that for!
Ink Demon : Amen!
Tamaki : You bastard!
Mary : Tamaki! Tamaki!
Ink Demon : Now then. Time to finish you off!
Paintra : Hold it right there, Inky!
Ink Demon : You're not getting away something that easily!
Paintra : Heh! Go ahead and try me!
Tamaki : I...I have been saved, but who is that witch...is she really my savior? (passes out)
Paintra : Hey...Cat girl. Hey, Wake up! Hey, wake up!
Tamaki : (wakes up) Mary! Sister! Huh? What's going on have I been knocked down?
Paintra : You were out cold or probably perhaps. That you were in a coma for two years.
Tamaki : A coma? While being age progression on my 8th birthday, this is what I've become a kid into a 17-year old body? I used to be a kid during age progression, but apparently, I lost all concentration when I realize that I had any effects from the Time Eater's powers. Did I ever think that having age-progression of a 17-year old being who knows about monsters, demons, aliens, and stuff?
Paintra : Well, our researchers did manage to have an X-Ray on your body and your skeleton. Get a load of this.
(shows an X-Ray of Tamaki's body)
Tamaki : Wait a sec, so what's this about? Is this the part where go from being 8 years old to 17 years old. I had this body a long time during my travels in the western hemishphere. What did I remember before I was abandoned in Maryland at age 4? Ah, yes. I remember coming down to that civil war town Gettysburg, to see some interesting facts about the biggest role that Pennsylvania had to offer. It's a lot of history and yet it's like I can see nature meeting the battlefield. However, when I was alone and had no sisters. I just realize that I saw the spirit of Abraham Lincoln who is rehearsing his famous speech the Gettysburg Address.
Paintra : A spirit, you mean you were seeing a Phantom, an apparition, or a Ghost perhaps.
Tamaki : Yeah, it was the famous speech that I ever heard in the country. But after his famous speech, my parents decided that I would be abandoned because those civil war soldiers weren't who they are. They became something like they came from the darkness.
*flashback to her POV*
Young Tamaki : Mommy! Daddy!
Sister : Stay back! It's too dangerous! You'll go near them!
Tamaki's Mother : Please, look after Tamaki! That's an order I promise!
Neoshadow : Get ready boys! Time for this woman to be obsoleted! Get to feasting!
Young Tamaki : MAMAAAAA!!!
*flashes back to the present*
Tamaki : "Please, look after me". Those were my mother's last words. So now that I finally understand what this means, do you think that all religion in the Ohkuboverse is a massive ploy? Think about it.
Paintra : Judging by the looks of it, I'm not sure if we're getting details on whether all religion in the Ohkuboverse ploy. I'd say that it could Demon Vibe, that cosmic horror always gets it's bloody hands this galaxy, it orchestrated the whole religion in the Ohkuboverse thing for many years. The cause of spontaneous human combustion was basically the usage of Firaga, a fire spell used by the powers of Black Magic in the Final Fantasy Logic system. Pyrokinesis was the ability invented by true creator, the King of horror himself Stephen King.
Tamaki : Hold up, Stephen King invented Pyrokinesis, so that means the Adolla Burst is nothing more than nothingness that this Master Xehanort guy predicted, he's one helluva old bastard when it comes to the powers of darkness. Anyways, where am I, exactly? I finally get the nutrious meal that you offer me, pancakes and maple syrup? I don't drink Maple syrup, do I?
Paintra : You're probably in the city of Vancouver.
Tamaki : Vancouver? You mean this city is Vancouver?
Paintra : Nah, that's the old Vancouver in the Evergreen State of Washington 60 years before Canadians created the new Vancouver in the Canadian province of British Columbia.
Tamaki : New Vancouver?
[Wakle's Portrait - Michiru Yamane]
Tamaki : (looks out the window to see the city of Vancouver) My God, this is British Columbia, I did make it after all. But me in a two year coma? I never got to see anyone in Maryland again, in fact I might not get to see anyone in person, guess I'm all alone to do this myself now. (pauses for a moment) This. is. AWESOME!!! My dream coming to British Columbia finally came true! Now let's get started!
Paintra : Hmm? But you need something to be in gear. How about I'll give you the clothes from something before.
Tamaki : What type of clothes are you going to give me? Wait, (looks down on herself) Have I been naked the entire time in my birthday suit? I would like some clothes to put on.
Paintra : Coming right up! I'll use powerful magic art with my brush! (holds out her brush) Here goes nothing! Presto-Chango! (goes into a fight cloud)
Tamaki : Hey, what are you doing? No! Stop! That tickles!
Paintra : Ta-da! Now that you're in gear.
Tamaki : Ehh...is this...(closes of Tamaki in her iconic Fire Soldier Suit) This is from 1000 years, are you sure it's not this about being a hero? Hey! What's with this bikini and I why do dress like that? Ehh? I can't believe this, these costumes made me a little worried that I was gonna reveal something to wear. Although this could be quite fitting.
Paintra : This looks perfect on ya? No wait. How about this?
Paintra : There we go! Your very own firefighter jumpsuit
(Tamaki is shown in an orange jumpsuit)
Paintra : Now that's perfect on ya!
Tamaki : An orange jumpsuit? This looks really satisfying.
Paintra : You're transport will be there outside for you.
Tamaki : Transport.
(cuts to show Wheelie Scoter)
Tamaki : It's a scooter? All you gave me is a scooter?
Paintra : Not just a any scooter, Wheelie Scooter. It's a machine from one of those racing games Nintendo forgot, it's from 12 years ago. It could give you any travel destinations.
Tamaki : Oh...Uh, that's cool. Travel anywhere with this machine will to a cool destination. You sure it's not campitable with any kind of transport, right back at ya. Well, so much to do, so much for fun.
Paintra : The destination to the Haida Naturist Grounds is north from the city in the Haida area near the Canada and Alaska Border.
Tamaki : Should I get there on time? I wonder if there are people that must be awaited in that village where the Training grounds is located at. You sure, you doun't want to come along with me?
Paintra : Nonetheless, but I got important duties back in Japan to await you. JK, of course I can come along with you.
[Three Days Almost Make it to the Deadline - Yutaka Minobe]
(Engine revving)
Tamaki : Now then, time for me to head to that village! Haida Naturist Training Grounds, here I come!
(drives off)
Tamaki : Yahoo!
Paintra : This is a brand new start for you, Tamaki...
Tamaki : Kotatsu...It's Tamaki Kotatsu. I've come a long way to see this day. A new era, a new place, and a new me.
Paintra : Sounds like you got that little idea of yours in your head. You will meet the ones who are awaiting for your arrival.
Tamaki : If I could get to the North Coast by there, I wonder wonder will how I am able to get across the village. I know, I can travel there from road to sea, car to boat. I'll go on from dryland, to Sea, and heading to North Coast, which is the Haiga Gwaii Nation territory.
Paintra : That's great news to hear.
Tamaki : Let's pick up the pace!
"New Beginnings will show them what the New Era can do."
0 notes
pokemedia-text-dump ¡ 11 months
Teko vs. Cera: Round 2
[Video ID: Teko walking towards Cera, who's curled up with her hoodie drawn over her head in a corner of the Naranja Academy courtyard at sunset. She can be heard faintly whimpering under her hoodie.
"I-it's okay...It's all...okay...You're...okay..." she repeatedly mutters quietly as if trying to convince herself.
"Wha...Oh my Arc, you're still crying...? I...must have messed you up really badly...I'm so sorry..." Teko says softly, concerned. He reaches his hand out to Cera, who weakly pushes it away.
"G-go...away...You don't...want me...Nobody wants...me..." Cera sniffles, her voice hoarse from sobbing.
"Uhhh...H-hey, you know what weirds me out? Why Glimmet are found in some random cave while Glimmora are in a government-restricted area. It's kinda odd, right?" Teko says nervously.
"What are you...talking about?" Cera asks.
"Heh...Hey, it actually worked! They say that spouting something random is a good way to get someone in distress to snap out of it. Now that I have your attention...Yeah, I'm not gonna put it lightly, I really fucked up yesterday with how I talked to you." Teko says.
"H...huh...?" Cera says, looking up slightly. Teko sits down beside her and puts his hand over her shoulder.
"I mean, I understand that you may have done some stuff that's too big to just ignore, and I'm still kinda mad at you to be honest, but...I didn't mean that we couldn't still be friends! Friends still get mad at each other, you know? I...actually kinda like you, Cera...and you've shown me WHY I like you over these past few days. I mean...even with all of the dumb goofy acting stuff you do, I know you're not like that!" he continues.
Cera loosens the drawstring on her hoodie slightly.
"I guess your whole performance is like...you don't wanna get burned by making yourself vulnerable, so you're covering yourself with spikes so that nobody can hurt you. Well, you're not gonna get hurt with me!" Teko says confidently. "Well. I mean, you're not gonna get hurt regardless...I doubt these could do any sort of meaningful damage." he chuckles, showing off his skinny arms. "...Still."
"Haha...ha...You...mean it?" Cera giggles softly.
"I mean, do I LOOK like the kind of person that would kick you further into a mental breakdown?!" Teko cackles. He quickly stops and looks to the side as if realizing something. "...D-don't answer that." he says.
"Then...prove it." Cera says, shakily getting up to her feet. The hoodie hides most of her eyes, but looking closely, they appear puffy and red.
"Eh? What do you-"
"I need you to battle me." Cera says, less shakily, as she wipes the tears from her eyes.
"Yeah, but what does this have to do with convincing me to...Wait, was this whole thing just an attempt to lure me up here to fight me again?!" Teko asks.
"N-no! I just...I have to let out all the junk swirling around in my chest, okay?!" Cera snaps. "...If I win...no...WHEN I win...then...you HAVE to be my friend!! You have to, okay?! I...I just want...someone I know won't ditch me for no good reason..."
"...I'll take you up on that. Sure was lucky I brought the troops with me..." Teko says, patting his Bag.
"All right...Let's get into positio-" Cera says before being interrupted.
"...WAIT! On one condition. If I win, then you have to start seeing Ms. Miriam on the regular for therapy!" Teko says.
"She...can do that?" Cera asks.
"Of course she can! Dude, you're already really fucked up on the inside. You've gotten this far in on your own, and you're really strong for that. But I can't just let you spiral off further until you end up hurting yourself!" Teko yells.
"...Yeah, I guess I can understand that." Cera says after some thought.
Cera releases her Rotom Phone, which hovers in the air besides her as both trainers get into position. A version of "Smart Race - DELTARUNE" with Queen's leitmotifs replaced with Spamton's starts playing from it as the battle begins.
"Alright, I'm leaving this to you, Truck Freak!" Cera says, sending out a Cyclizar.
"Let's get this party started. Cotton, you're up!" Teko says, sending out a Tinkaton.
"We are not losing to you again! Hit 'em with Wild Charge, Truck Freak!" Cera yells.
The Cyclizar charges towards the Tinkaton, cloaking itself in electricity. As it gets closer towards its target, the shroud of electricity condenses into a large electric orb held on its snout. Upon impact with the Tinkaton, the orb explodes, knocking both it and the Tinkaton backwards.
"You're coming in swinging right out the gate, huh...Alright, try to set up Stealth Rock!" Teko muses.
The Tinkaton slams its hammer on the ground twice, then smashes at an angle in one big hit. On the third hit, the hammer glows white, and the shards of sediment pulled up from the ground glow white and scatter to Cera's side of the battlefield.
"Truck Freak, counterattack with Rapid Spin!" Cera says.
The Cyclizar balances itself on its tail and starts spinning so fast that its entire body becomes a blur, then charges, swerving left and right, towards the Tinkaton. In the process, it knocks all of the shards away, which explode in the distance. The Tinkaton blocks the attack with its hammer on impact, struggling a little and getting pushed back.
"It doesn't look like she's trying the Shed Tail thing again...Cotton, hit it with Play Rough!" Teko yells.
"Nuh-uh! Try to dodge it and intercept with Iron Head!" Cera yells in response.
The Tinkaton charges, dragging its hammer against the ground, but the Cyclizar dodges nimbly. It jumps in an arc as its head begins to glow white, then smashes into the Tinkaton's back with its head while it's still reeling, kicking up a large plume of dust. When the dust clears, the Tinkaton is sprawled out on the ground, KO'd.
"Huh...You must be really serious about this, aren't you?" Teko asks, recalling the Tinkaton.
"Wha...I was serious the last time, too!" Cera yells, indignant.
"Well, the last time you didn't just immediately go for Cotton's throat, I'm just saying...Anyway, you can handle this, right, Patapon?" Teko chuckles, sending out a Falinks. A satchel full of Silver Powder is tied around the brass' horn.
"...Truck Freak! Hit this one with Dragon Rush instead!" Cera says after some hesitation.
The Cyclizar charges, enveloping itself in a blue barrier, then smashes into the Falinks, scattering them.
"It looks like it's on the ropes...Patapon, use First Impression!" Teko yells.
After rearranging themselves back into formation, the Falinks stack themselves up with the brass at the top, then curl into a circle as their horns glow in unison. They roll into the Cyclizar like a wheel, catching it under them and shredding it with their horns, then circle back to their original position and dismount. The Cyclizar lays in a gash in the ground, knocked out.
"Tch...You did pretty good out there, man..." Cera says, dismayed. "F-finish this for me, will you, Cyno?!" she yells, sending out a Lucario.
"Nice job, Patapon! Let's keep this momentum rolling with Close Combat!" Teko yells, proud.
The Falinks stack themselves up again, then charge towards the Lucario. They smack it into the air like a baseball bat, and five of them use the one at the bottom like a springboard, then mob the Lucario in the air and kick it back down to the ground. The troopers look visibly exhausted as they all drop back down to the ground again. The Lucario shakily gets up again.
"You got this, Cyno! Hit it hard with Psychic!" Cera says.
The Lucario's eyes glow blue as a pink bubble materializes around the Falinks troopers. It smashes the ground and the bubble collapses violently, scattering the troopers as they fall unconscious one by one.
"Yikes, I'm already two down...But those were mostly just the supports. Time to bring out the REAL big guns! You're up, Monty!" Teko says, sending out a Skeledirge.
"H-hey...we've dealt with this guy before! Cyno, hit it with Shadow Ball, just like last time!" Cera says, realizing Teko's strategy.
The Lucario runs up towards the Skeledirge, charging an orb of dark purple energy, then jumps. Right as its arc takes it directly above the Skeledirge, it hurls the orb downward, making an explosion. The Skeledirge strains to get back up when the dust clears.
"Well, we've dealt with that guy before! Monty, finish it off with Earth Power!" Teko retorts.
The Skeledirge's tail begins to glow a bright orange, and it slams it on the ground, causing a fissure of energy to surge towards the Lucario. The ground erupts under its feet, knocking it backwards. It struggles to get back up one last time, but ultimately collapses.
"Dang..." Cera mutters, returning the Lucario to its ball. "I...normally wouldn't do this, but I'm counting on you, Glaivenus!" she says, sending out a Baxcalibur.
"We have to put an end to this before it can start using Torch Song! Finish this guy with Earthquake!" Cera yells, confident.
The Baxcalibur raises its tail and flexes it, jumps up into the air, then slams its tail back down, making several shockwaves that toss the Skeledirge into the air repeatedly. The Skeledirge falls down when the shockwaves end, unconscious.
"Whoa...she's legitimately kicking my ass out here! But I'm not ready to throw in the towel by a long shot...Let's see if you can handle Rathian." Teko muses, sending out a Flutter Mane.
The Flutter Mane telekinetically opens the capsule of Booster Energy tied around its neck, pounds back the whole thing, and screeches.
"Wh...N-NO! I'm NOT dealing with you again! Glaivenus, you gotta take the mutant Misdreavus thing out with Iron Head!" Cera screams.
The Baxcalibur charges towards the Flutter Mane as the plating on top of its head glows white. It catches the Flutter Mane on top of its head, then dives towards the ground, grinding it between its head and the dirt. The Flutter Mane rolls from underneath its head, KO'd.
"WHOA! That was...super impressive, honestly. But do you think you're ready for Rathalos?!" Teko asks, sending out a Roaring Moon. The Roaring Moon tosses down the capsule of Booster Energy tied to its head, puts it into its mouth, then spits the empty capsule back out, letting out an earsplitting roar.
"Wha...ANOTHER mutant Pokemon thing?!" Cera splutters, exasperated and in disbelief. "Well...it kind of looks like a Dragon-type, I think? Let's see what you can do with Glaive Rush, Glaivenus!" she says.
The Baxcalibur does a backflip and ends up standing on its head with its dorsal fin facing the Roaring Moon.
"Wait...I know what she's up to, Rathalos! You think you can try and counter with Dragon Rush?" Teko asks frantically.
The Baxcalibur spews out a huge stream of Dragon energy from its mouth, propelling it towards the Roaring Moon like a rocket. Just before impact, the Roaring Moon grabs the Baxcalibur by its dorsal fin in its jaws, struggling to resist the Dragon energy's push. It finally manages to overpower it, then lifts the Baxcalibur up and smashes it against the ground repeatedly, sticking it into the ground via its fin and using it as a springboard at the end. Finally, it slams down onto the Baxcalibur, cloaked in blue energy like a meteor. The Baxcalibur goes limp stuck in the ground, KO'd.
"Nngh...We were so close, too..." Cera says, recalling the Baxcalibur. "But it's not over just yet! I believe in you, Bazelgeuse!" she says, sending out a Dragapult.
"We can still pull this off...Hit it with Dragon Darts!" Cera yells.
The Dragapult strains, and the two Dreepy in its head holes get blasted out with small bursts of Dragon energy. The Dreepy charge towards the Roaring Moon, centering on its chest and hitting it with a pincer attack from both sides, knocking it back into the air greatly. It visibly struggles to get back up. Once they hit, they frantically hurry back to its head holes and plant themselves within once more.
"Whoa...That was amazing, Bazelgeuse! I dunno how you're pulling this off, but keep it up!" Cera beams, causing the Dragapult to flip happily in midair.
"Yeah, that was impressive, all right." Teko admits. "But even though I'm getting thrashed, I'm not gonna just get shown up like some chump! Rathalos! Hit 'em with a Jaw Lock!" he yells.
The Roaring Moon charges and grabs the Dragapult by its head via its jaws. It starts violently beating the Dragapult against the ground over and over again, culminating in it rearing back and throwing it to the ground hard enough to make a large crater. It roars triumphantly as the Dragapult lays in the crater unconscious.
"A-aargh...I'm losing so many team members..." Cera whimpers. "You gotta win this for me, Grunty!" she says, sending out a Hatterene.
"Hmm...A Hatterene, huh? Those things are kind of bulky...Rathalos, use Dragon Dance, just to be safe." Teko says.
The Roaring Moon runs around frantically in a manner evoking a dance, culminating in it soaring up into the air and roaring as a burst of Dragon energy spills from its body.
Cera's eyes light up with an idea. "...Grunty! Now's our chance! I think we can end this with Moonblast!" she yells.
The Hatterene charges up an orb of pink energy in its tentacles and hurls it at the Roaring Moon. It gets caught on the Roaring Moon's body for a split second before exploding violently in a pink, glittering blast. The Roaring Moon is knocked onto the ground, KO'd.
"Whoa! Rathalos is like the toughest guy on my team...and...Wait, am I seriously down to my last buddy?!" Teko says, surprised.
"Heh...Hahaha...Ahahaha!!" Cera cackles, grinning as her tongue rolls out, with her braces on full display. "This...this is fun! Come on, man! Let's get this last part over with!" she says.
"Alright...I'm putting all my trust into you, Maou! Get out there and WIN THIS THING!" Teko roars, sending out a shiny Kingambit with an intense scowl on its face.
"Wait...I know what he's gonna try and pull this time! Grunty, use Psychic Terrain and stop him!" Cera says in realization.
The Hatterene slams its tentacle on the ground after charging it with energy, and a pink dome swirling with multicolored energy grows to cover the battlefield.
"Well, she's not attacking... Let's prepare for our next attack with Swords Dance!" Teko says.
The Kingambit focuses, and several swords made of energy appear around it. They spin around it, dissipating when it lets out a mighty battle cry.
"Alright, I think it's time to end this...I learned THIS from Rathalos!" Teko says triumphantly, pulling out a Tera Orb. He bites the rim of the orb, not even fazed by the energy surging into it, then uses his head to toss it above the Kingambit like a shot put. The Kingambit Terastallizes into a Fairy-type.
"I'd wager she's trying to put an end to this...Hit her with Sucker Punch, Maou!" Teko says.
The Kingambit tries to move forward to attack before the Hatterene, but the energy in the dome surrounds it and warps it back to where it was before.
"Ah-HA! It worked! Did you see that, Grunty?! Our plan worked!" Cera says, excited. "Let's try and hit it with a Psyshock! Come on!" she yells.
"The Hatterene shoots a pink bubble from its tentacle as its eyes glow blue. The bubble surrounds the Kingambit, then collapses, knocking it back significantly.
"Ouch...This isn't looking too good..." Teko mutters. "...Maou! Try to hit it with Iron Head instead!"
The Kingambit jumps up high as the blade on its head begins to glow white, then slams down onto the Hatterene blade-first, dragging it into the ground. The Hatterene collapses, KO'd.
"N-nooo!! We were right there...I...I can't lose here! Not NOW!! Samus...Please, if you really care about me...WIN THIS FOR ME!!" she yells frantically, sending out an Armarouge.
She holds up her Tera Orb, stumbling back a bit from the surge of Tera energy, then tosses it up and headbutts it onto the Armarouge, which Terastallizes into a Psychic-type.
"This is our last chance, Samus! I know you can do it...Hit this thing with Expanding Force!" Cera yells.
The Armarouge slams its pauldrons together and puts them to the ground. The energy in the battlefield surges underneath the Kingambit, erupting in a massive pillar of psychic energy, knocking it back.
The Kingambit weakly gets up, crawls to its knees and enters a pose of supplication.
"...Huh...? Is it...giving up?" Cera says, confused. She and the Armarouge walk closer to it.
"Wha...Maou, you can't just throw in the Arcdamn towel! I...We're both down to our last! You can't...WE can't just stop fighting after we worked so hard to get he-" Teko yells desperately, flailing his hands.
The Kingambit quickly raises its head once the Armarouge gets in range with the intent of making one last swipe with its head. It succeeds, knocking the Armarouge to the ground, unconscious.
"...Oh." Teko says in a tiny voice.
Cera's jaw drops open, stunned. She falls to her knees in disbelief as tears well up in her eyes, eventually faceplanting into the ground. The Rotom Phone shuts off the music.
"So...I...guess that's it...then..." Teko stammers.
Cera, her entire body laying in the ground face-first, begins sobbing loudly, her cries muffled by the grass.
"H-hey, hey, please don't cry! You tried really, really hard, okay? I was surprised by all of the stuff you kept pulling out!" Teko says frantically, flipping Cera's limp body over.
"I-I just...I really...wadded to be...f-friends with...you...a-and...and now you're g-godda leabe me foreber...b-because we weren't...strong edough..." Cera blubbers.
"W...what are you talking about?" Teko asks nervously.
"Yesterday...whed you said...you weren't godda forgive me...and thad I hurt all of your friends...you didn't like me any more...That meant we weren't friends...right?" Cera continues.
"I wasn't going to leave you, you dumbass!! That's what I meant yesterday! We weren't wagering our friendship on this battle..." Teko yells, flustered, as he slugs Cera on the arm.
"Heh...heh heh...you're starting to sound like...my other friends..." Cera giggles weakly.
"...Huh. You know, when you put it like that, I think I might have an idea of what's actually going on there. I wonder if they have a group chat, too..." Teko muses." But the point is, like...I can't just forget what you did...but I really WANT to forgive you. I've learned a lot about you over these past few days, and...I like you! All of you! You're an even bigger nerd than I am, your weird heel persona thing is fun to be around once I know you don't mean any harm, and did you SEE what you did in that battle?! I don't even know if you're anywhere close to Champion-ranked like I am, and you still thrashed my team down to the last of them! I...I get what you're going through. I don't want to lose you either." he says, tears welling up in his eyes.
"You...mean it? We can...be friends for real? You're sure?" Cera says, sitting up.
"...Yeah." Teko says softly, trying his hardest not to cry too. "You just...have to do some stuff for me, too, okay?"
"T-that's...fine..." Cera sniffles.
"Alright, first...I need you to apologize to all of my friends, too. You hurt them as much as you did me, and I can't just go parading around with someone that, as far as they're concerned, is still public enemy number one." Teko says.
"A-alright..." Cera says.
"And second, you have to go to therapy like we agreed. If we're gonna be friends, I'm not going to let you destroy yourself over your own mental issues." Teko says firmly.
"Okay...T...That...sounds fair. Just...give me a second." Cera says.
She turns away to pull her hoodie down. She grabs her Rotom Phone out of the air and, after a brief delay, "Deltarune - Chapter Rewritten: Nerdly's Theme" starts blasting from the phone.
"...what are you doing?" Teko asks, cocking his head to the side.
She turns around to face Teko attempting to wear her usual shit-eating grin, though the effect is marred a bit by her puffy, bloodshot eyes and her face being stained with tears and snot.
"Well then! I thiiink I've spent enough time next to you for one lifetime. I'm gonna have to take...a really good shower once I get back to the dorms." Cera says.
Teko snickers, then bursts out laughing.
"Oh my Arc, you're really committed to the bit, aren't you?! I mean, I know this is like, a defense mechanism, but like, you were fucking ugly crying two minutes ago!!" Teko cackles.
"Well, if I'm going to show you up like a chump, I have to do it with some style, don't I?" Cera says, hugging Teko.
"I'm...really glad...you like me." she says softly. Wait...that light on the Rotom Phone...it's not supposed to be on, right?" Cera asks, looking into the camera.
"Oh yeah, that! I decided to record this in case I had to give proof when I was referring you to therapy." Teko chirps. "I...probably should have said that from the beginning..." he says sheepishly, rubbing his hand on his neck.
"...Wait, WHAT?! You mean people might have SEEN me like this?! TURN IT OFF TURN IT OFF TURN IT OFF-" Cera stammers, mortified, dashing towards the camera and snatching the Rotom Phone out of the air.
"Cera, wait-" Teko says, before getting cut off by Cera turning off the camera.]
0 notes
loorain ¡ 2 years
Sims 4 Fontenot Legacy - New Dynamics
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As promised, Sigrid and Robin plan out her move into the legacy house in a matter of days after their family vacation. Aunt Scarlett, now the matriarch of the house, was more than happy to invite Sigrid in, and even offered her room, the master bedroom, to the young couple. They remake the space and make it perfect for them, and Sigrid settles in in no time.
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One morning, Sigrid and Robin sit at the breakfast nook while she eats. Sigrid can't shake an unexplainable sadness washing over her. At this point, Sigrid's parents have passed, and two of her four siblings have also passed. One of her brothers, Johan, has recently passed away, and that makes her sad, but her emotions seem especially heightened, more than usual for her. She wasn't this sad when Veronica died. Not to say she wasn't sad, but this is next level. Robin notices.
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Robin: Hey, are you doing alright?
Sigrid: I don't know... I'm feeling really down today and I don't know why.
Robin: Well I mean your brother just died, it's normal to feel down.
Sigrid: No Robin, this is different. I'm not just sad, I'm feeling so emotional. I just can't shake this feeling. I feel like I'm going a little crazy.
Scarlett joins them at the table, but doesn't interfere with the conversation.
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Sigrid becomes overwhelmed and puts her head in her hand.
Robin looks at his fiancĂŠe with concern but struggles to find the words to say. Then he thinks of something.
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Sigrid tries to compose herself.
Sigrid: I'm sorry, I'm being silly.
Robin: No need to apologize. Hey, why don't the two of us go out today? Maybe see a movie? Something to get your mind off of things?
Sigrid: I... guess... it could be fun.
And as soon as Sigrid finished eating and he had a chance to change, the two went for their rabbit hole date. Meanwhile, Sabrina makes their way down from their bedroom and finds their mother sitting at the breakfast nook.
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Sabrina: Mornin' Mom.
Scarlett: Good morning, honey! Slept well?
Sabrina: Yeah, overall.
Scarlett: Soooo, I'm just wondering, what's next for you?
Sabrina: Well I just accepted a sous chef position at Chez Llama.
Scarlett: That's great news!
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Sabrina: Eh, I suppose.
Scarlett: Suppose? You're not happy?
Sabrina: Not ecstatic, but it's cool. I think I'm just dealing with stuff, y'know?
Scarlett: What's been going on? We really haven't talked too much since you started uni.
Sabrina: So much, Mom. So much... Let's just say, there were some connections that have kind of fizzled out, and I'm just feeling really confused. But, I'm trying to bounce back! I even have a date planned today.
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Scarlett: Ooh, a date? Who's the lucky sim?
Sabrina: His name is Marquise. He was a student at Foxbury, actually. We met by chance. He's... nice.
Scarlett: Cute?
Sabrina suddenly feels shy but tries not to show it.
Sabrina: ...Yeah, he's kinda cute. This is our first date. We've only gotten a chance to talk briefly two other times, so I'm looking forward to seeing how this goes.
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Scarlett: Well a cute sim who's from my alma mater? He's already got a few points in my book.
Sabrina: Moooooooommm!
Scarlett: I'm just saying! Also, use protection.
Scarlett laughs.
Scarlett: Okay okay, I'll stop teasing.
Sabrina: Well, I'm gonna finish getting ready for my date.
Scarlett: Okay hun, have fun!
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Shortly after Sabrina leaves for her date, Sigrid and Robin return from their movie. It was a good film, but Sigrid's sadness hasn't changed. If anything, she feels even worse because her fiancĂŠ's attempt to cheer her up failed, and she feels guilty about it.
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After a therapeutic cry under the blankets, Sigrid sits in solitude in her and Robin's bedroom.
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She sits with her sadness, pondering its origin. Sure, the death of her brother is definitely weighing heavy on her, but there's something else. She can feel it. What? A thought pops into her head. Her stomach drops.
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Sigrid: Okay, deep breath.
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Sigrid waits patiently for the test to process.
Sigrid: Moment of truth...
She takes a close look. Time to know the truth, for better or worse.
0 notes
sovtonyx ¡ 2 years
Lookin forward to seeing her again
Ticking things off the bucket list
Is a shame none of it will become a part of a pattern or routine
But I'm honoured, excited, and nervous for both of us
Trying new shit is scary
Where we started is proof of that
Seeing shit end is scary
I'm seeing proof of that
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pawsthec ¡ 3 years
Imagine a prisoner who has been kept in the dungeon for about a week making friends with the daughters to the point that they go against their mother's wishes to kill her and instead keep her as a companion.
Like, Daniel is upset over the others not wanting to talk to her so she moped around the dungeon crying slightly before standing infront of the maidens cell.
Daniela: *softly crying*
Maiden: miss? Are you alright?
Daniela: *slightly spooked* who said that!?
Maiden: sorry I didn't mean to startle you, I'm in here
Daniela: *turns to find the Maiden sat in the floor while looking at her genuinely concerned* you're mothers prisoner, aren't you?
Maiden: yeah, I honestly don't mind it in here. It's quiet. I see why you would come down here to mope
Daniela: I was not moping! I was just a little upset
Maiden: *laughs at the small outburst*
Daniela: *confused but also starting to laugh* sorry, my temper gets the better of me sometimes. What's your name?
Maiden: (maidens name), you must be Daniela, the youngest
Daniela: yeah, everyone keeps shoving that in my face
Maiden: hey, from being an older sibling myself, we love our younger siblings to the moon and back but we find you goys annoying sometimes. They'll come around, just give them time.
Daniela: thanks
Alcina: Daniela!
Daniela: heh, got to go
So, they begin a routine of Daniela coming down and sitting outside of her cell having conversations with her whenever her sisters send her away. This carries on for about a week but then Cassandra comes across the Maiden after Daniela leaves one day.
Cassnadra: *angrily swinging her sythe to let out some friustration*
Maiden: wouldn't a sword be better for that?
Cassandra: *spooked, she turns around to find the Maiden sat in the same spot that she was in when Daniela first spoke to her* excuse me?
Maiden: I didn't mean to offend, it was a simple question. Wouldn't a sword be better for that?
Cassandra: I guess you're right, I just prefer using a sythe
Maiden: we all have our preferences, I personally prefer daggers. They're lightweight and easy to hide
Cassandra: you know you're weapons do you?
Maiden: my father was a blacksmith and taught me everything he knew, I miss him
Cassandra: dead?
Maiden: missing, presumed dead
Cassandra: that's strange
Maiden: what is, Lady cassandra?
Cassandra: my anger, is gone. Your good... *flys off in her swarm*
Cassnadra would go down there whenever she was upset or andry and a few days later the Maiden met Bela. She had gone down there after not finding her siblings anywhere and had gotten bored with tormenting maids and instead wanted to torment the prisoner.
Bela: oh little Maiden, where are you?
Maiden: in here
Bela: eh? *confusion over the fact that she jsut told her
Maiden: I said I am in here, you must be lady Bela
Bela: yes, I am. Who the hell are you? You can't be the maiden
Maiden: I hate to dissapoint you, but I am
Bela: okay... You are far too calm
Maiden: what would screaming do? Get me killed quicker, more painfully? Yeah, I'll pass.
Bela: hm, you're strange
Maiden: I'm aware, why are you down here?
Bela: I was bored so I was going to torment you, but there's no point now. I'm not really interested if you're not going to scream
Maiden: hm, you wanna talk instead. I heard I'm a good listener. Well, that's because I disassociate for most of the conversation but people don't know that
Bela: *contemplating it* well, seeing as everyone else is busy. It won't do any harm...
Maiden: *just sits and listens as Bela talks about the issues with a smile and comforting humming noises*
Bela: thanks for listening, maybe Dani and Cass should come and talk with you. Bye.
That's the moment she realises that they hadn't told eachother they were talking to her. She was gonna die the second they found out about eachother.
The Maiden's theory was almost right. Originally the lady was just going to kill her but after hearing the Maiden speaking with and listening to her daughters she decides to jsut go down there and see what she could do with her issues.
Alcina: *stands outside her cell menicingly*
Maiden: *stares back without fear* are you going to kill me now?
Alcina: as much as I would simply love to chain you up and drain you, I don't think my daughters would ever forgive me...
Maiden: you know, don't you?
Alcina: I do, I would really love to know your motive. Avoiding death, gaining information perhaps?
Maiden: how would I be gathering information? I was simply listening to your daughters complain about anything. As I said with Bela, I disassociate as soon as anyone starts venting anyway.
Alcina: *hums in Upper class* of course, would you kind listening to me rattle off. I rarely speak to anyone so I have quite a bit I need to say
Maiden: if that is what you need, then I am willing to listen
Alcina: *thinking, pulls out key to cell and unlocks the door before entering and closing the door behind herself*
Maiden: my lady?
Alcina: stand up
The Maiden does so and Alcina sits down where she was before pulling on the maidens dress and making her sit in her lap. She brings her legs up so that the Maiden is sat on her knees and is pulled against her chest. She simply hugs her to her chest as she rattles off obout her mental issues and everything putting strain on her.
Soon, the daughters start appearing outside of the cell one by one. They glance at eachother before swarming into the cell and crowding around the two women while grasping onto them and crying softly with their mother. The maiden just accepts her faint and starts softly humming while unknowingly claiming the Dimitrescu's enough to fall asleep around her.
That's how a random Maiden became the family therapist no one deserved but everyone needed.
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be-with-me-so-happily ¡ 2 years
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Summary: Y/N applies to be a styling intern for the One Direction crew during the Where We Are tour. As she gets better at her job and closer to the band and crew (especially Harry Styles), some of her dreams seem to be coming true, but so are some of her fears.
A/N: This one is a bit heavy. I got a little emotional writing it, to be honest, and have been nervous to post it. Please make sure to read the warnings before reading the chapter.
Warnings: Some language, alcohol consumption, short excerpt of sexual & physical assault, trip to a hospital
Sept 13th, 2014 - Concert Day
It's the last day of the L.A. shows. You have decided to go after what you want. You want Harry. The problem is, you haven't seen or spoken to him since the day you left his house. Of course, you gave him space while he was in London, and figured he was busy with his family when he came back… but you kind of thought you'd see him here at the venue for the shows. There's three of them, for crying out loud.
You can't help wondering if he's avoiding you. You wouldn't really blame him. It hurts, you can't avoid that anymore, and you're feeling pretty defeated at this point.
[By trying not to mess up what you have, you've ruined the chance to get what you really want. And that's why you usually never try in the first place]
So, you put all your energy and focus into your work. It's what you've been best at, right?
As you check the dressing room to make sure everything is set up for this last L.A. show, Niall comes bounding into the room.
"Hey Superstar!" He smiles.
"What's up bud?" You say, giving the best smile you can manage.
"I haven't been able to catch up with ya!"
"I know, these past few days have been a bit wild." You acknowledge.
"Today has been pretty fun though!!" He exclaims.
It's his birthday, and you know that, but you like messing with him a bit.
"Eh, it's been fine I guess."
He pouts a little. You turn around to grab the pack of his favorite beer and some fun socks that you had been hiding, then swing back around to face him. You hold up his presents.
"Sorry it's not much bud, but happy birthday!!"
"You cheeky… thank you love. You know me. S'perfect!" He exclaims and hugs you tightly.
"Oh! I came in here to invite you to my party. It's short notice, and in Vegas, but I feel like you're one of my good friends and I want ya to come."
You freeze for a minute. You've wanted to see Harry this whole time, but now you're also slightly scared to confront him and confess your feelings.
"It's gonna be me, Liam, and Zayn. The band boys and their girls… a couple of other friends… Oh, and Natalie said she'd go if you do."
So, no Harry. As scared as you just were, you are slightly disappointed now, but maybe it's better that he isn't going. You can have a nice distraction from the emotional turmoil you've been having. You don't like feeling this way, so a trip could help you reset.
"Okay bud, I'll be there for you!"
"Wooo!" He says as he throws up his arms triumphantly.
"Imma try and get some flights together for ya for tomorrow, since it's so last minute."
"Tomorrow? For goodness sakes Niall!" You laugh.
"I'm twenty-one now!! Living it up baby!" He raises both his arms again, lets out one final "wooo" and heads out to see Lou for his hair.
The guys flood the dressing room all together, making it a bit more chaotic than usual. Harry, however, got ready somewhere else. [Yep, definitely feels like he's avoiding you]
You're feeling the hurt bubble up again, so you head to catering and see if you can score a smoothie.
Drink in hand, you make your way to the common room. As jumbled as your brain feels, you still love watching the shows. You can't help but feel a sense of joy when you watch them. You still sing and dance to all the songs, it never gets old.
But as the encore begins and the boys start singing 'Right Now", your chest starts getting tight and tears start forming. This has never happened before. You look at Natalie, "I need to go, I don't feel good at all."
"Let's go back to the dressing room." She ushers you out and walks back with you. "What's going on?"
"I don't know. Once the song started, my chest started hurting. I must be sick" You decide.
Natalie chuckles, "or you might be feeling upset over the Harry thing?"
You shake your head. "That's pathetic."
Natalie lets out a mild chuckle and you give her a warning look. "No Y/N, that's called heartache."
"Pathetic." You roll your eyes.
[You usually don't let feelings control you… you can't let them control you]
You both fall silent and finish your clean-up/tear down duties. Sarah and Jade come in a few minutes later as the show has ended. Sarah's saying, "Best Song Ever was something else tonight" as they start to help you.
Jade adds, "I think that might be my favorite song!"
Sarah replies, "I think mine is… Little Black Dress!" Then she laughs. "Kind of fitting for a stylist intern right?" Everyone chuckles.
Natalie contributes to the conversation. "Mine has to be Alive, for sure." [That's fitting for her. She doesn't hold back and lives her life]
There's silence, and when you look up you realize they are staring at you, waiting for your answer.
"Oh, um… my favorite song?... 'Right Now'…" you sigh.
"That one makes me super emotional. Feels almost like a yearning for someone you don't have." Jade states.
"I guess." You clear your throat and instantly drop your eyes down towards the floor. [How ironic that it's your favorite song]
Sept 14th, 2014
Niall had managed to get the original flights for you and Natalie switched to ones for Vegas. Sarah and Jade are headed to Phoenix for the show in a few days. You'll meet them there later tomorrow. Sarah is definitely a little jealous that she wasn't invited, but you and Natalie are a lot closer to the guys than she is. That's just how it is.
You've packed and made sure that the house is clean, and head to the airport with Natalie.
You're determined to focus on the excitement of experiencing Vegas for the first time and celebrate Niall's (and Liam's) birthdays. It's about them, and you love them, so you'll be the best friend you can be. Natalie, and a margarita or two always helps with that.
"Okay… is this too much?" Natalie asks, turning around to model her full-sequined gold dress with a plunging neckline.
"It's Vegas honey! Nothing is too much here!"
"I'm just trying to match your hotness level…" she exclaims, giving you a once over and then winking.
You look in the mirror at yourself. You're in a dark striped multicolored bodycon 'bandage' dress where the pattern wraps around your body.at different angles. You've paired it with some strappy gold heels and thick gold hoops. You look sexy. You feel sexy.
"We are a pair of babes!"
You meet the guys at their suite. Niall was sweet enough to get you one too, something you'll try hard to repay, so their room was just down the hall.
Liam opens the door and gasps. "Hell! Boys!! We won't need security tonight, because these ladies will be drawing all the attention!"
You both laugh and roll your eyes. "Happy birthdays boys!" You yell as you enter the room.
You give them hugs and they offer you both a shot. "Oh no… this is going to be a very entertaining night."
"It's Vegas baby!" Yells Niall. And you all head down to the club.
You don't ever consider having "perks" of interning with One Direction, but you've gotta admit that it is definitely nice to be able to walk right into the club and be taken to a VIP area. It's not as crowded as the dance floor below. A waitress comes to take your drink order and you're free to start this party!
A few more margaritas have been consumed, but you don't care. You're not trying to conceal any feelings this time… in fact, you're trying to forget them altogether… and so there's a freedom over you to just let loose and have fun.
"Happy birthday boys!!!!" Someone shouts, and you all cheer!
You dance with Natalie and the other girls of the group to every song that plays. You sing along, and make up words when you don't know them. You're laughing, taking selfies, and joking around with the guys. It's one of the best nights- trying to top the rooftop party.
One of the girls leans over to you while you're all standing against the railing. "There's a guy down there who hasn't taken his eyes off of you since we got up here."
You look down and see a good-looking guy glance your way and raise his glass. He's tall, dark features, with a thin wide smile.
"He could be checking out Zayn for all we know," you burst out laughing.
"No, no. Any move you make, his eyes follow."
Not that you're looking for anything, but it's nice to feel desired at this moment.
At some point, Liam decides he wants to go down to the dance floor and attempt to break dance. The girls are eager to follow so they can document this potentially embarrassing display. They convince you to make your way down as well, and encourage you to talk to the guy at the bar. You're easily convinced given the amount of margaritas in you.
You start off by watching Liam, laughing at some of his moves, but impressed with some others. You're glad you're witnessing this in person. You grab Natalie for safety, and confidence, and head over to the bar. Not surprisingly, the guy quickly makes his way over to you.
"Hi there! Can I buy you ladies a drink?"
Natalie, not one to turn a free one down, immediately orders two more margaritas.
"Have you been having fun up there?" He points to the VIP section.
"Yeah, having a great time actually."
Natalie hands you the margarita, winks, and just stands next to you, not wanting to interrupt the conversation.
The guy starts to talk about his job and asks you about yours. You are enjoying the conversation, plus he is really handsome. Then he asks if you want to dance. You're trying to be bold so you agree. He takes your hand and leads the way. Natalie stays at the bar, giving you a thumbs up when you turn to look at her.
"I just have to say, that dress is amazing on you." He looks up and down and bites his lips a little.
For a split second, you wonder why you weren't blushing.
It's going well and you're enjoying yourself. He dances behind you with his hands on your hips, and you can feel him getting excited. It's not the most comfortable moment, so you turn to dance with him face to face. He pulls you in closer and rests his face in your neck, lightly pressing his lips on your skin. His hands are suddenly moving over your ass. You attempt to pull back slightly, thinking he's just a bit drunk and being a bit too forward, but he grabs you tighter and tries to crash his lips onto yours. You attempt to pull away again.
"Hey!" You try to yell over the music.
"Come on!" He says. "You're hot and I know you think I am!" Then he turns you back around and grinds on your ass.
You start to panic, searching desperately for Natalie. Thankfully she sees what's happening and is trying to push her way to you. She waves for the guys and gets their attention.
"Please. Please let me go!"
"You want this." He protests.
When you continue to squirm out of his grip, he pushes you. At that exact moment, Liam appears, grabs the guy, and pushes him away.
"What's wrong with you mate?" He looks at you. "Are you okay darling?" You're shaking and a bit in shock.
The guy lunges at Liam and they start to fight. Security rushes over. You instinctively try to get in the middle and break it up, but he is still swinging at Liam. You suddenly get knocked to the floor and your head hits the ground.
You wake up in a private room of a hospital. You turn to see Natalie sitting in the chair, typing away on her phone. She notices your movements and snaps her head up.
"Oh thank goodness Y/N!" She yelps.
"Why am I here? Is Liam okay?" You ask.
"He's alright, but he broke his arm. The doctor says you have a mild concussion."
You hold back tears and hang your head. "This is all my fault! I'm so fucking stupid!"
"Y/N! This is not your fault!! That asshole should have never put his hands on you!"
"I shouldn't have had that much to drink. I shouldn't have gone down to the bar. I shouldn't have agreed to dance with him." You gripe and add, "I shouldn't have gone to Vegas!"
You suddenly feel the throbbing pain on your head. "Oh god!" You bellow.
"You hit your head when you fell honey. You blacked out." Natalie explains.
Just then, Niall and Zayn. "Hey Superstar. I'm so glad you're alright."
"Shit, Niall..." you cry out, "I'm so sorry for ruining your party! I'm so sorry!"
"Don't do that." He shakes his head. "I'm sorry this happened."
Now you shake your head. "Is Liam okay?"
Zayn answers. "He'll be right. Don't worry. We just want you to be alright." He comes and holds your hand.
You're so grateful to have people who care about you so much.
A doctor walks in and explains that you'll be in some pain and you'll need to rest up for about a week or so.
[So not only did you ruin the celebration, but now you're inconveniencing Amelia and the styling team. This right here is why you don't make bold moves]
Zayn leaves to check on Liam. Natalie calls Amelia to give her the news. Amelia insists that you go back to L.A. and stay with friends to rest and to not come back until you are feeling one hundred percent better. "Not a moment sooner!" You hear her demand.
Niall looks over to Natalie. "Are you going back with Y/N tomorrow?"
"Of course I am! But… I'll probably need to help out at the show in Phoenix the next day." She looks at you. "I'm so sorry honey." She looks at Niall then back at you, speaking as vaguely as possible… "is there anywhere you can stay?"
Niall steps out to answer a call.
You shake your head. "No. My mom is dealing with enough, and Sam is in school. I don't want him distracted with worry. Please don't even tell them. I'll just stay at a hotel or something."
Niall walks back in. "Harry is on his way."
"What? Niall! No!" You yell.
"What? What's wrong?"
Your head starts throbbing even more. "Call him back, he doesn't need to come."
"Yeah that's not happening." He chuckles.
"This is getting so much worse." You complain.
[On top of everything, they're having Harry come to get you? As if he hasn't dealt with enough from you…]
You have to hold back tears, you don't want to break down. You debate telling Niall what happened. You look over at Natalie and she understands exactly what you want. She takes Niall outside of the room to fill in him on what's happened between the two of you. You can trust him.
Your body decides to shut down and you fall asleep.
Sept 15th, 2014
Whispers fill the room. You wake up but don't immediately open your eyes, curious about what's being said.
"She feels bad enough." You hear Natalie say.
"I honestly don't care. It's the best solution." A familiar voice responds. You can't make it out yet.
"She's gonna fight you on it." Natalie adds.
"Again, don't care. I'm doing this." The voice replies. You choose to open your eyes.
You see Natalie straight in front of your hospital bed, as expected. You shift your eyes to the second voice and feel as if you could pass out again. It's Harry.
[He shouldn't be here. There isn't any reason for him to be here]
Natalie notices you're awake. "Hey honey, feel any better?" All you can do is shrug.
You're just staring at Harry. You can't really tell if his expression is of concern or annoyance.
"Hey. I-" he starts, but you interrupt him.
"You didn't need to come. I'm fine."
He frowns. "You're not fine. I'm here now so…"
Natalie interrupts quickly, "the doctor said you'll be discharged soon. I'll go find him to let him know you're awake." She leaves the two of you alone in the room.
Harry moves to the chair and scoots it closer to the bed. "I can't believe that asshole grabbed you."
You don't know what to say. You are still shocked that he is there. Nia really shouldn't have called him.
"Glad Liam gave him what he deserved." He adds.
"Aren't you the one who tries to extend kindness to everyone?"
He clears his throat. "Umm… so when you can leave, we'll get to the airport and take the jet back to L.A."
You lower your head down as much as possible. You feel like you're inconveniencing so many people.
"And the car will be there to take us to my place."
Your head immediately snaps back up. "What? No no no. I can't let you do that. You definitely don't need to do that."
He frowns again. "You need someone to help you while you recover." His phone rings. "It's my mum, I'm gonna have them stay at a hotel so you can have some privacy."
Natalie walks back in with the doctor.
You pinch the bridge of your nose and try not to cry. "This is too much!"
"Does your head hurt?" She worries.
"Yeah." You sigh. "But not from the concussion."
Harry didn't let you argue. You got on the jet with him, and Natalie, and he was constantly making sure you were comfortable.
He offers you one of the biggest guest rooms and Natalie helps you to get settled.
"You know, this isn't the worst thing in the world…" she mentions.
"Oh yeah? How so?" You roll your eyes, not believing she had a good point.
"Maybe this is a chance for you to recover physically… and maybe even emotionally…"
"Natalie Vettle. Philosopher." You roll your eyes again and laugh.
"Sorry that I have to leave you." She gives you a hug. "I love you. I'll see you back there soon, m'kay?"
"Hopefully sooner rather than later." You smirk.
You unpack a few clothes and toiletries, and just sit with your eyes closes and back against the headboard when you hear a knock on the door. "Come in."
"I'm going to order dinner. Would you like some?" Harry asks.
"That would actually be great, thank you."
"Natalie told me your favorite comfort food is spaghetti with meat sauce, so I was thinking Italian." He says proudly with a small smile.
[Mental note- scorn her for that later]
"Perfect. Thank you."
Once dinner has arrived, you make your way to the kitchen where the food is set up.
"My mum and sister are at a hotel. So, feel free to get comfortable." He encourages.
"Thank you." That seems to be all you can say at the moment, and you sit on one of the stools.
There's silence while you eat. It's not comfortable like last time. How are you supposed to be comfortable in this situation? Last time you were here… the last time that you saw him… you had kissed so passionately and then completely rejected him. He doesn't deserve that. And you don't deserve the kindness he is showing.
You take the last small bites of the spaghetti.
"Please don't feel like you have to go out of your way for me, Harry."
"I don't. I want to help."
"Thank you." You say, once again.
"Anytime. Never a question." He responds, a small smirk appearing.
[He's too good. Way too good. Why did you walk away from having this good thing in your life?]
You don't mean to, but you let out a very audible sigh. You start to feel those pesky feelings bubble up again. If you stay on the stool much longer, you might cry. And the way he is looking at you with such care and concern is not helping you keep it together.
"I might go back to the room if that's okay. My head is killing me."
"Of course, whatever makes you comfortable here, Sun-" he quickly stops himself. "Let me know if you need anything else."
"I probably won't stop saying 'thank you' Harry." You sigh. "I'm sorry they made you do this."
"I can't thank you enough, I'm really grateful."
"No… what was that about 'them' making me do this?"
"Well… Niall calling you to come get me and have me stay here."
He looks absolutely shocked."Y/N, nobody made me do this."
Now it's your turn to say, "what?"
"No one made me do this. Niall texted me telling me what happened. I called him and told him I was coming."
You feel a lump in your throat. You think there's some tears forming, betraying you. You can only manage a whisper. "Why?"
He furrows his brow. "You shouldn't be alone right now, and I couldn't stand the fact…" He pauses and clears his throat. "I just wanted to help out."
[Tears are coming, please not now. Not now]
There's silence for a minute or two. You are staring down at your feet.
He gets up and hesitantly walks over to you. You don't look up until his feet are almost touching yours.
"Would you be comfortable if I gave you a hug?" He gently asks. He's too good. He's too caring. You don't deserve this.
But you nod, and he wraps his arms around you, so tenderly. He's too good, and he's too caring. You really don't deserve this.
"Get some rest, m'kay?" He rests his chin on top of your head and you can feel his heart beating fast. You wonder if he can feel yours doing the same thing. "Please let me know if you need anything. I want to help."
[Little does he know how much this hug is doing that for you]
Sept 20th, 2014
It was really difficult to accept his help. You still felt so guilty- for how you treated him ipn the first place, and for how nice he is being despite that.
If he was ever out of the house, he would occasionally text you to check in or see if he could bring anything back for you. The most surprising, thoughtful, and guilt-inducing gesture was that he came back to L.A. for a couple of days after the guys had a show in Arizona. You almost burst into tears.
He was being so good to you. You had more awesome conversations at times, watched some movies, and ate a lot of spaghetti. You didn't deserve this, but you were thoroughly enjoying it, and happy that you didn't have to think about that night in Vegas.
[Stop, stop, stop. Hold it together. He's just being a nice guy, and maybe even just a good friend]
The guys had an event in Vegas tonight for iHeartRadio. You told Amelia you would be fine to go, which you really were, but you're still recovering, according to the doctor who is being annoyingly cautious. You suppose it's best, but you are anxious to get back on tour and doing your job. So, you had to do the next best thing and watch it on TV.
An hour after it ended, you get a text from Natalie.
:natalie: hey sweetie, missed you tonight. how are you feeling?
:you: i'm good, better. the show looked good tonight.
:natalie: it was fun. the guys miss you.
:you: tell them i miss them too
:natalie: harry has been on edge all day, please come back soon so he can get off my back about checking in :)
:you: sorry he's being too much, but the doctor said about another week :(
:natalie: i love him, but i might kill him
:you: don't do that, their entire fandom would bring you down
:natalie: fine. i love you.
:you: i love you too. tell the guys the same.
:natalie: especially harry? ;)
:you: i'm summoning the fans
Sept 30th, 2014 - Music Video
You get up early, for the first time since you got to Harry's house.
You are excited, because the doctor cleared you to go back to work, which is perfect timing, because everyone is back in L.A. to shoot a music video. Apparently it's going to be really elaborate and you can't wait to get back to work.
When you finally arrive, your brain is overwhelmed by the outrageous set.
There are so many people, but Natalie and the girls instantly spot you and run over. Amelia follows shortly after. "Hey lady! Welcome back!" She reminds you to take a break whenever you need it, especially since there will be so much going on. You assure her you are fine, but also assure her that you'll let her know if you do.
She suddenly looks slightly past you with a big smirk on her face. "Come to the trailer in about 10 minutes so we can go over things."
You feel a presence behind you and instantly turn around. Harry is standing there, bouncing in place, with a huge smile spread across his face.
"Yay. You're back!" He reaches half way for a hug, but waits until you give him permission with a nod, and wraps his arms around you.
He whispers, "feels better that you're here." As he pulls away, he coughs, grins, and adds, "I know you can pull something fun for me to wear."
"Feel better that I'm finally out of your house?" You joke. "Thank you, again."
The set is chaotic. So many things are happening. You help Harry pick out his outfit. You both like this cheetah print coat and he commented "it's warm, and I'm going to be wearing a coat, seems right." And you laugh, and he adds, "but I'm glad you're here to persuade me to be bolder."
It was a long, but spectacular day. The music video wraps up with a giant rain scene and everyone is drenched.
Amelia asks you to grab Harry's coat to pack up, so you head to his trailer, and knock on the door.
"Come in," so you enter, but immediately stop in your tracks. Harry is standing there shirtless, with his hair in a bun, and still dripping wet. You unintentionally gasp and he turns around.
He chuckles and shows off those damn, deep dimples.
You try to form words. "Umm… Amelia… I- I just need the coat." [Keep it professional damnit!]
He smirks again. "M'kay love, gimme one second."
He puts in his cross necklace, and hands you the coat. As you reach for it, you accidentally grab his hand with it. You feel like you're not breathing at this point, so you just blurt out "neat" and run out.
Natalie sees you and laughs. "You good girlie?"
You shake your head, "must be the effects from the concussion… my heart is racing and I feel flushed."
Natalie laughs again. "Yeah, Y/N, probably not the concussion.
"I can't let my feelings do this. This can't happen again Natalie."
"I think it already is sweetie."
Series Masterlist || Chapter 5 || Chapter 7
Taglist: @watermelonsugacry @tw1nflamebruis3
220 notes ¡ View notes
thot-writes ¡ 3 years
reader doms virgin katsuki who always flirts with reader. but she finds out katsuki is all bark no bite <3
yes!! bakugo HIGHKEY needs to get put in his place hes such a brat its ridiculous
i wonder if someday i'll be able to write porn without needing 500000043 words of backstory leading up to it.... one can only dream
also i 100% did not intend for this to get so long i was just having too much fun
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katsuki gets what's comin to him (18+ NSFW);
(CW, underaged drinking)
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Someone with an attitude like Katsuki's is hard to get along with, let alone be able to read his true intentions. You only just recently met the 19-year-old when you worked together to save a group of civilians from being terrorised by a drugged-up villain.
And for the last two months since then, he just cannot stop flirting with you.
You found yourselves working together semi-regularly since that first instance, and almost every time Katsuki has found some way to give you a backhanded flirtatious comment.
"You got that guy, huh? Guess you're not all just good looks."
"Stay back and let me handle this, idiot, you wouldn't want 'em to damage that face of yours."
"Can it, supermodel."
"It's way too dark in here. Guess ya can't distract me with your face, though."
"That hero costume is ridiculous, are you just tryna seduce the villains?"
Frankly, it was annoying. You were several years older than him and could kick his ass hard enough to send him crying back to his mother, yet he always seemed to act as if that wasn't the case. He showed you no respect and his attempts at flirting were absolutely abysmal - you'd never met anyone quite so infuriating.
And you're working with him again tonight.
You both responded to a call of suspicious behaviour that had civilians concerned of a potential villain attack. It was bullshit, though, just a couple of delinquent teenagers wearing hoodies.
Katsuki stands behind you with his arms folded over his chest, his face twisted in the all-too-familiar scowl he always seemed to have. It's clear that he's just as annoyed about this as you are.
"So you grabbed the drinks, and then what?" you asked, irritation tingeing your words at the ridiculousness of the situation.
The teens looked tough, but their personalities showed they were anything but. As soon as you told them about the calls, they broke down in tears and insisted they were doing nothing wrong. "W-we paid for them but we didn't have enough s-so we said 'ah, damn it!' and put the drinks back - that's all w-we did, I swear!"
You believed them. Phony calls like this were all too common. Sometimes people were just way too jumpy, and it made taking care of real problems more of an issue than it needed to be. "Alright. That's okay. You can go now boys, sorry for the inconvenience."
They nodded, and the scrawnier one of the two spoke up. "H-how do we avoid this happening again? We've n-never done anything illegal..."
You shrugged. "I dunno. Get plastic surgery," you mused light-heartedly.
"Yes, ma'am!" they answered as they rushed off, too fast for you to tell them you were only joking.
"Geez," Katsuki grunted. "What a waste of time. There could be a real crime takin' place and these idiot civilians just called us out for nothin'."
You hummed in agreement. "It never gets less annoying, I'll tell you that."
He smirked. "Those kids seemed eager to listen to you though. Maybe seduction is just your quirk huh?"
There it is. He knows full well that seduction is not your quirk, but arguing has never dissuaded him - if anything, it empowered him. You turn to look at him and decide to be direct, "Listen, Bakugo, it's clear that you want something to happen between us. We've got time, my apartment is only a few minutes from here, what are we gonna do about it?"
For the first time since you've met him, he looks genuinely shocked. His face flushes, and you can see the tips of his ears turning pink. "Eh? What are you saying? T-that's way too bold..."
You take a step closer, and he inches back. "You're not the first person I've worked with that wanted to mess around, don't get all shy now. My place is close, so let's go."'
He stares at you in stunned silence, and you just barely hold back from smirking. His throat has turned impossibly dry, and he swallows hard to try and regain his crumbled composure.
You speak before he does, "Don't tell me you can't handle it."
His eyebrows twitch in annoyance - his pride demands he never back down from a challenge. "Of course I can handle it!" he bites back, cheeks still burning. "Let's go! Hurry up!"
He storms down the sidewalk to try and lead you to your apartment, which is hilarious since he doesn't know where it is. You point a finger in the opposite direction. "It's down that way."
He turns on his feet and stomps over. "I knew that...!" he grumbles as he passes you. You snicker as you follow him.
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Once you enter, you tell Katsuki to take a seat on the couch, which he reluctantly does. You go over to the fridge and grab a couple of beers out. "I know you're technically not allowed to drink this, but you're close enough to twenty, right? I won't tell anyone."
It's right. Legally, he's still not allowed to drink alcohol for another eight months, and he hasn't ever tried. But he wants to impress you, so he folds his arms and says, "Whatever. I drink all the time." A blatant lie.
You take a seat next to him and hand him a can. He eagerly chugs it, ignoring the urge to spit it out - this is alcohol? It's disgusting! How can you stomach it?
You eye him curiously, a smile creeping up on your face as he downs the beer. You can tell he's struggling, but he finishes the whole can in one go anyway. "You're not supposed to drink it that fast, you know."
He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and scowls. "Of course I know that! I was just thirsty, that's all." Biting back a comment about its abhorrent taste, he adds, "Get me another one."
"Yes, really! Go get it!"
You roll your eyes but say nothing and grab him a second can from the fridge. He then asks for a third, which you get, but when he asks for a fourth you tell him no. You've barely made it halfway through your first one - someone needs to tell this kid to stop trying so hard.
"You've had more than enough," you say.
"Ha! I've had way more than this, y'know. That stuff was weak." He crosses his arms and averts his gaze. His speech is slightly slurred and his cheeks are a dark pink; he's definitely drunk. Or at least tipsy.
You smile as you toy with the tab on the can. "You're actually pretty cute, Bakugo. You act like you don't care about anyone's opinion, but you try really hard to impress them."
He turns to glare at you. “Are you stupid? Where’d you get a dumb idea like that from?”
You set the can down on the table and shuffle closer to him. He instinctively goes to move away, but you catch his chin between your fingers before he can. “Am I wrong?”
“O-of course you’re wrong!” His eyes dart to your mouth, and he can’t find it in himself to look away. He swallows thickly.
The hand on his chin trails along the bottom of his jaw then rests on his cheek. He lets out an almost inaudible squeak as you do this, and you can’t help but grin. “I think you’re more than just a rude jerk. I think secretly you’re sweet... and I think you really want me to fuck you.”
“I don’t...” he weakly defends.
You inch closer to him, so close that your lips are a mere hair’s breadth away from touching. Katsuki can feel himself growing hard, but he refuses to pay attention to it.
Your thumb strokes the soft, warm skin of his cheek as you gaze into his eyes. “Huh. So then I guess you won’t react if I do this.” You close the distance between you and press your lips against his, immediately earning a quiet moan out of him as he squeezes his eyes shut.
Your tongue enters his mouth and he almost pulls away, but your other hand is on the back of his head and holds him in place. He licks your tongue, almost timidly, and tries to match your pace — but this is his first kiss and his skills are limited. In fact, it becomes painfully obvious to you that he’s had no experience, but he’s cute so you can’t say that you mind.
Katsuki’s head is swimming when you finally pull away, a string of saliva connecting you together still. His defined chest heaves as he takes in uneven breaths. “That was... alright, I guess.”
You eye him incredulously. “Says the virgin.”
He almost jumps up from his seat. “Virgin?! Who’re you callin’ a virgin?!”
You poke him in the chest. “You. I can tell a virgin when I kiss one.”
He grits his teeth. “Fine! You’re right, who cares?! I’ve been too— too busy to do that kind of thing anyway...”
“I’m not judging you. It’s cute.”
He glares at you. “I’m a man, you know? We don’t want to be called cute.”
“Maybe stop being cute then.”
“You—you’re so annoying! You better shut up or I’ll make you so— agh!”
Before he can finish his sentence you’ve pinned him down on the couch. He stares up at you as you kneel above him, sliding one of your legs between his and pressing deliciously against his crotch.
You chuckle. “You’ll what? I didn’t catch that.”
“Shut up...” He looks away.
You rest a hand at his crotch and his hips twitch at the contact. You smirk at him as you massage his cock through his pants and he bites his cheek to keep from moaning.
His body feels impossibly hot, be it from the alcohol or the arousal he can’t tell, and he squirms against your touch.
You’re both still in your hero gear (minus the shoes of course, you’re not animals), and you work on getting him out of it. You take off his gauntlets and let them drop to the floor, then his collar and knee-guards.
As you’re still palming him, you lift his shirt up high enough to expose his toned abs and impossibly pink, cute nipples. Before he can protest what you’re doing, you duck your head down and take one of the pink buds in your mouth. He lets out a gasp as your tongue circles it, teeth grazing the skin of his chest as you do.
“Mmph... cut that out, it’s embarrassing— I’m not... a girl—ah!” He jolts up into you as you gently bite his nipple.
You pull away from him and he almost whines as you do. You quickly take his belt off and unzip his pants, tugging them off of him and letting them join the growing heap of garments on the floor. His dick struggles against his boxers, a small wet patch forming where the tip is. Looking down at him you think about just how pretty he is. You take a moment to watch him before you hook your fingers into the band of his underwear and tug them down, springing his reddened, hard cock free.
Katsuki’s lips are slightly parted as he watches you intently when you throw his boxers to the side. He goes to sit up, but you put your hands on the underside of his strong thighs and push his legs up. He yells out in surprise as his thighs are pressed up against his torso, giving you a clear view of his pink asshole.
“Oi! What the hell are you doing?! What kind of position is this?!”
You bend down, gazing at him as you stick your tongue out and give a long, languid lick to his hole. He struggles against you, trying to push you away, but you only double down in your efforts. Your hot wet tongue traces circles around him, and he lets out a shaky whimper at the feeling.
You lick and suck at his hole, sneaking a finger in and earning moan from Katsuki. “Fuck! T-that feels good...”
You chuckle in response, the vibrations sending a pleasurable feeling throughout his body. You slip a second finger in and take your mouth away as you thrust your digits in and out of him. He whines and reaches a hand down to touch his aching cock, slick with his own precum.
You smirk at him. “I don’t saying you could do that— but this is your first time, so I’ll forgive you.”
“Nnngh... You’re gonna make me cum if you keep doing that...” he moans. It seems to you that he’s abandoned all inhibition and has become lost in the pleasure.
His reaction is only urging you on, and your fingers speed up as they fuck him harder. He tilts his head back into the cushions of the sofa and cries out. The slick, wet sounds of your fingers going in and out fill the room — it should embarrass him, but it just makes him hotter.
His cries become ragged as he moves his hips in time with your fingers, his grip on his flushed cock tightening as he gets closer to the edge. “Please... please... fuck, please..!”
You put your fingers in as far as they’ll go, making a come hither gesture as you stimulate his prostate. His entire body trembles as he desperately bucks up into his own hand. Ropes of hot, sticky cum shoot out from his cock and all over his chest and face. His eyes roll back and he groans, his motions slowly stopping as he comes down from his high.
You withdraw your hand from him and fish around in your coat for your phone. You snap a picture of him lost in pure bliss, and he opens his mouth to complain then gives up before he even gets a word out.
You stand up and start stripping, and his attention turns to you. He bites his lip as he eyes the contours of your body, and you climb on top of him. “I made you feel good, now you’ve gotta pay me back.”
He blinks up at you. “How?”
You position yourself over his face, bracing yourself on the arm of the sofa. “Eat it.”
He gulps, but nods. You put your pussy on his lips and he eagerly sticks his tongue out to lick you up. His puts his hands on your thighs and pulls you further in as he laps up the wetness dripping from you. Your eyes drift shut as he eats you out, letting out soft sighs or praises from time to time.
You rock your hips back and forth on his face, and he moans into your cunt sending pleasant shivers up your body. You entangle a hand through his hair as he inserts his tongue into you— you note that for a virgin, he’s surprisingly good with his mouth.
Katsuki starts to get hard again and he turns up the intensity, your juices dripping down his face and intermingling with his own cum. As you get closer to finishing, you move your hips faster and harder until you’re fucking his face. He can’t breathe, his lungs are starting to burn, but he’s too turned on to stop now. He squeezes your thighs with his hands and helps you thrust faster.
“Haaahh, you’re doing such a great job, Katsuki— just a little more...” You bite your lip hard, feeling your orgasm bubbling up in your core.
With a few more quick, decisive thrusts against his mouth you cum onto his face. Your whole body trembles and you lift yourself off of him. He takes in big gulps of air, grateful to be able to breathe again but disappointed he’s not tasting you anymore.
He licks his lips to savour the taste and sits up, his face a sticky, flushed mess of sweat and cum that drips down to his neck. You can’t resist snapping another picture and he half-heartedly glares at you.
“You better not be plannin’ on showing those to anyone...” he says lowly.
You wave a hand dismissively. “Of course not, who do you take me for?”
“A pervert.”
You pause. “...Well you’re not wrong, but that’s still not something I’d do.”
You leave the couch and disappear into your bedroom. He calls after you but you insist you have just one surprise left for him and to be a good boy and wait. He does.
You return a minute or so later, a strap-on fastened around your hips and the dildo glistening and dripping with copious amounts of lube.
Katsuki, still seated on the couch, looks at the dildo then back to you several times before he catches on to what’s going on. “You can’t seriously expect me to take that! What kind of perverted woman are you?!”
With a devious smile, you shrug. “The type that’s gonna give you a prostate orgasm.”
His lips tremble as you approach him, settling on your knees in front of him as he still sits on the couch. The strap-on lines up with his own dick, and you glance down to see he’s still as hard as when you left.
You pull him to you and plant a kiss on his ear. “Be a good boy and let mommy take care of you.”
It takes barely any convincing at all before you’re balls deep in his tight ass, joining him on the couch and holding his hips almost painfully as you drive into him. He cries and moans, tears forming in his eyes and his hands searching for desperate purchase on the cushions behind him.
You take out your phone and film it, zooming in on the silicone phallus thrusting in and out of him, his asshole clenches around it and his legs are locked behind you. He cusses and sobs, the lewd sounds of his pleasure and your skin smacking together is easily caught by the phone’s microphone.
“I can’t take it!” he weeps, his voice breaking and hiccuping. “I’m g-gonna cum again— f-fuck me harder! Please!”
You drop the phone beside you (camera side up, of course) and oblige, the tip of the dildo hitting his prostate again and again. His hands fly to your shoulders and he digs his nails into the skin as his whole body tenses.
Then, with a jerk, he cries your name and his body spasms. His orgasm is far more intense than the first one, travelling from his core to his upper body, spreading throughout his arms and his legs. It’s a feeling unlike any other, and it continues to crash over him like waves. Drool seeps out of his mouth and drips down his chin, his mind little more than a haze as his senses are completely overloaded.
You slowly pulled out of him and he winced at the loss, but he was too far gone to do anything about it. You picked up the phone once again and filmed him in his post-orgasm stupor. “So Katsuki, how would you rate the loss of your virginity?”
He blinks slowly as his feelings return to him. He looks past the camera, into your eyes and says:
“Let’s go again.”
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