#Sorry its late
haruspeks · 4 months
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my gift for @monsterfisken
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cokowiii · 1 year
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How the two ended up spending the day.
The first part
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wastelandhell · 1 year
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i can't believe it's furby friday already
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darkacademicvibes · 11 months
We Think Similar Thoughts
Part Two
Lonely!fem!reader x Lonely!Remus
CW: sweet!Remus, swearing, mentions of The Prank, arguments, blood, kinda protective!reader, a hint of teasing!James, fighting, also a lot of mean!Remus...
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You never say you hate anything. It's the way you were raised, but Merlin's pride did you hate them.
You send yet another disappointed scowl at the three boys, and Remus can't help the warmth that spreads through his chest. It's been two months of getting to know you, and then once he was sure he could trust you (he was sure after you went on a rant about unfair rights for magical creatures which ended with you sending vicious glares to Malfoy for the rest of the day) he told you everything. He got quieter as he went on, despite your understanding behavior. As soon as he mentioned The Prank, you were ready to go to Azkaban. You were ready to use cruciatus curse on Sirius Black, and then stand in trial and declare proudly why you had done it.
As soon as he'd told you Sirius' excuse, his reasoning, you were ready to add murder to your charge.
You started staying with him in a room hidden behind the tapestry of Billigor the Jolly instead of your dorm, much to the anger of your older brother, who sent a strongly worded letter reminding you of the prank the marauders pulled on you last year, which you promptly ignored and left on top of your trunk, a mistake you don't intend to make again after you walked in on Remus staring at the floor with his head in his hands.
He spent the next three days apologizing and though it was unnecessary, it made you smile.
Remus' hand wraps gently around your wrist, and it sends tingles up your entire arm. "Stop glaring before your face freezes that way" he murmurs. You glare harder. "I'll live with it" you huff, and it makes him laugh. The sound has you turning to him with a small smile, which he returns as soon as he stops laughing.
"Don't look, but the boys are staring" Remus sighs. Sympathy curls along your shoulders, and you huff, standing up and making your way over to the marauders. Remus watches you walk, curious.
"Either stop staring or come sit with us" you state plainly, and Remus frowns from your table. Sirius moves to stand up and you point at him, "not you, Remus doesn't need you, he doesn't need anyone who uses his insecurities as some sort of sick personal gain" you snap before turning on James and Peter. "If you come sit with us, you cannot speak of what happened, you shut up and study, or you apologize and make normal conversation, like normal people. Talk about the weather for goodness sake" you make your way back to your table and Remus welcomes you back with a gentle smile.
"What was that about?" He murmurs as you both watch Sirius pack up James and Peters bags, Peter argues, but James allows it easily, tidying up his essay papers. "It's okay, Rem, just wait" James stands up and makes his way over, but Peter stays sitting with Sirius.
"Hey, can I sit?" Remus sends an unsure look your way when you smile and shuffle closer to Remus to make room for James. "Thanks, I'm James, it's nice to meet you" he introduces himself to you "officially" he adds. You nod, "y/n y/l/n, nice to meet you" Remus shuffles and his knee knocks yours gently. "Officially" you tack on jokingly, and his shoulders relax a little as he let's out a small laugh.
"Moon- uh, Remus?" Amber eyes meet hazel ones, and James smiles weakly. "I'm sorry, I know we shouldn't have forgiven Sirius so easily" he admits, and Remus' hand rests gently on your knee. "It's okay, Prongs, I know he's like a brother to you, especially when you told him you-" Remus cuts himself off, glancing at you before looking back at him. "Y'know" he finishes, and you frown before deciding not to ask. You didn't ask about Remus' scars or why he disappears once every month and turns up in the hospital wing the next morning and he told you in his own time.
James smiles sadly, "yeah" Remus sends you a greatful smile, and sadness prickles at your palms. You're glad Remus has one of his old friends back, but what if he gets them all back and then disappears? What if he gets his friends back and suddenly has no time for you anymore? As much as you hate it, doubt manages to lodge itself in between your ribs.
You continue your alchemy essay on the pidiflud potion, which forces the drinker to say whatever is on their mind, no matter what it is. Hungry? Announced. Insecure? Announced. Busy? Announced. Disgusted? Very much announced.
Remus stops talking to James for a moment, placing his hand on your back gently as his right hand points out a few mistakes, telling you how to fix them. "Thanks" you murmur distractedly, and Remus frowns, staring at you for a long moment.
Remus leans into you, mumbling into your ear, "you okay? You're real quiet" you pause for a moment, almost dropping your quill. "M'fine, Rem, just keep talking to James" you don't mean to sound bitter, but even you can tell that you sound hurt. Remus frowns before chuckling softly, his hand slipping further around your back to dig his fingers into your side. "You want my attention?" He asks teasingly, and you shrug, nodding a little.
"Want as much as I can have before you forget about me" you sigh quietly, and he frowns. "M'not gonna forget about you, y/n, you're my friend now, that's not gonna change just cause I have James again" he assures you, but something in you whispers the opposite, and you sigh. Remus shakes his head and pulls you into his side, resting his chin on your shoulder as he returns his focus on his herbology essay. James sends you a knowing smile as you relax into Remus' side, fixing the last mistake Remus pointed out to you before continuing your essay.
James's knee bumps yours and when you look up at him, he grins cheekily, glancing down and Remus' left hand, toying with the hem of your skirt with his arm wrapped around your back, you frown, confused. Sitting like this is pretty common for the two of you, it has been ever since you found a muggle book on love languages and found that yours is physical touch while Remus' is words of affirmation.
You shrug it off and turn back to your essay, feeling a little more reassured.
You miss Remus.
It's been twelve days and seven hours since you managed to get James to sit with the two of you (but who's counting?), and a few days later, Sirius' encouragements convinced Peter to apologize to Remus as well and now both you and Sirius have been left behind. Remus tries making time for you, but he's trying to make up for two months of missed time with two of his best friends, you can't bring yourself to be mad about it, especially when he looks so happy, but he eats with them, walks to class with them, studies with them, and he's moved back into the dorm.
The most time you've spent together over the last two weeks was in alchemy when he sat beside you before being pulled away by professor Featherton, who paired Remus up with some Ravenclaw girl, and watching them laugh together makes your stomach twist.
"You okay?" You jump and turn to face the voice, frowning when Sirius Black stands in front of you, looking tired and miserable. You turn away and start packing up your things. "I'm fine" you mutter, sending one last longing glance at the way Remus leans closer to the Ravenclaw to read over her paragraph. You scoff when she shuffles closer than necessary to ask a question, and Sirius let's out a small laugh. Remus glances over just as Sirius helps you tidy up, frowning when he sees the way you pause before hesitantly allowing him to help you.
"Thanks for caring about Remus, I know it's one of the easiest things in the world, but I'm still glad he has you" Sirius admits as you finish packing your bag, handing you the last essay. You take it with a sigh, holding it close to your chest. "When he wants me, I'm here. Just like I am for everyone else" you smile sadly, and Remus tenses as he hears you. Did you really think you would have to write him first if you wanted to stay in contact? Did you actually believe he was like your other 'friends'? The thought makes bile rise in his throat.
It gets worse when he hears Sirius comfort you.
"I'm sure he's just catching up with the guys, I see the way he is with you, he really cares" Sirius smiles and steps back. "I know I'm not someone you wanna a be around, anyway, so I'll go. But if you ever need anything, feel free to ask. I owe you, even if it wasn't for anyone else" Remus stands up, making his way over to you and tossing an arm around your shoulders.
"Oi, bugger off, yeah? She doesn't want you around" Remus snaps, and you frown. "Remus, I know you're mad at him but he was just helping me out" you huff, pushing his arm off of your shoulders, as soon as his arm falls to his side, you regret it.
"I'm not defending him, but he was just trying to be nice," you add on, and Remus scowls, crossing his arms. "Yeah, bein' nice, that's how he gets girls into his bed just so he can ditch them after." Remus glares at his old friend, and Sirius looks away, ashamed.
"Remus!" You hiss, shocked at his words. The way he said it sounded like he was accusing you of something, and you almost flinched. "Pump and dump, right Pads?" The way Remus spits out the familiar nickname has Sirius clenching his jaw, both anger and guilt forcing their way down his throat.
"Y'know. One and done, love it and leave it, nut and bolt, hit it and quit it, smash and dash" Remus snaps, "whatever you call it, it's still Sirius' specialty, ain't that right, Black?" He asks. It's rhetorical, but Sirius nods once anyway, refusing to look at either of you.
"Remus!" You stare at the - usually - sweet boy, astounded, and disappointed. Remus turns to you, anger flaring in his amber eyes. "What? I'm just saying what we're all thinking. Sirius Black is a whore, nothing new about it" he snaps, and your jaw drops. "Anything to disappoint his family, not that he needs any help with that" Remus growls out.
Sirius delivers the first punch.
"Fuck you, Remus." Sirius snaps back. You gasp and take a step forwards. "Stop it, both of you!" You shout over their insults and threats. Remus steps towards Sirius and you place your hand on his chest to stop him, this is escalating too quickly for you to keep up.
Sirius gently pushes you back before Remus punches him in the stomach, ignoring the part of him saying it was because he touched you, Sirius staggers before punching Remus in the nose.
You try to grab Remus' arm as he stumbles, his eyes watering, but he pulls his arm out of your grip roughly, and it pushes you back.
You trip over your bag, and halfway down, you feel something, and then everything goes black as you briefly hear the two boys fighting.
"-all your fault" someone snaps.
"I know, believe me, I know" another answers, voice cracking.
"If you'd just-"
"James, he knows! Get off his back, it was my fault, really"
"No, it wasn't, I pushed her. I should have noticed"
"No, I hit you first, she was trying to stop it, just blame me"
"Great fucking godric! It was both of your faults, now shut the hell up and get over here, she's waking up"
You huff and slowly, open your eyes. The stupid hospital wing ceiling stares back at you, reminding you of the familiar phantom pain the marauders caused so long ago.
Your head pounds and you close your eyes again. Someone takes your hand and you glance at them, pulling your hand out of Sirius Blacks. "What happened?" You sit up. Remus tries pushing you back down gently, but you swat away his hand and look at the four boys surrounding you. You decide to turn to Peter.
"Peter?" He nods and steps forwards, sitting on the edge of your hospital wing bed and explaining what happened when you hit your head.
"I'm so sorry" Sirius mumbles as you lift your hand to brush over the cut on your head, you wince at the pressure and James hands you a small mirror. You thank him and look into it. There's a thin cut along your temple, curling slightly, and surrounded by a harsh yellow and purple bruise. You sigh and place the mirror down, making to stand up. Sirius tries to stop you but you bat his hand away too.
"Quit it you two, I'm fine" you huff, standing easily, despite the pounding in your head. You knew getting between two people fighting was stupid, but you didn't want either of them getting hurt.
You glance at Remus and Sirius, noticing Sirius' bloody knuckles and black eye, and the blood staining Remus' shirt, some left over dried blood just under his nose, his own knuckles bruised to all hell.
"You idiots" you huff, rolling your eyes. "I swear on James' life, if you ever fight each other again I'll whack you both around the head." James sends you his best what-the-fuck-am-i-included-for look and you shrug silently, grabbing the familiar jumper off of the chair beside your bed, and pulling it on, wincing when it brushes your temple. Peter huffs and steps towards you, tipping your head up to look at him, and turning it to the side. "That's my work you're bein' so careless of" he huffs. You'd forgotten he offered to help Madam Pomfrey when she first arrived as the new healer.
"Sorry Pete" you sigh, looking up at the boy. He smiles down at you, his shaggy dark blonde hair starting to fall into his eyes. "You've not messed the tape up, but be careful, Remus said you don't want magical healing so I've tried it the muggle way, it might scar" you shrug as he let's go of your chin, stepping back. "I'll be all cool and tough, like Rem and Sirius" you grin. Sirius pauses, frowning, before glancing down and realizing what you mean. The nasty scar on his wrist his mother gave him the first time she ever use a certain unforgivable on him, he'd fallen into the dining table and shattered an old vase. He doesn't remember much after that.
"These two are friends again" James announces, clapping his hands awkwardly after a long moment of silence, and you scoff. "Men, smack each other silly and you'll be just fine again!" You state, your voice rising a little as you roll your eyes.
Peter shares a knowing grin with James. You certainly didn't need to know that Remus and Sirius both care for you, in different ways, and for different reasons, yes. But care is still care, no matter what kind.
"Yeah, you know us men, a good punch solves a bunch of problems" James snickers.
You send him a suspicious glance and he smiles innocently at you as Sirius and Remus share an awkward smile.
"Boys are so weird" you mutter, making your way past the four boys in question. They follow after you and you allow them, waving goodbye to Pomfrey as you pass by. The boys talk quietly, catching up and making silly jokes, making sure to include you, and warmth spreads through your stomach when James tosses an arm over your shoulder and asks you to hang out with them at breakfast tomorrow morning.
"I guess" you sigh dramatically. "But if anyone throws a punch I'm just gonna watch this time" you joke weakly, but the four boys laugh, and you can't help but grin.
"Y/n? Hey, can I talk to you?" You turn around, and the boys stop as well. "Oh! Hey Corey, " you smile at your alchemy partner. "Ask away." Corey grins and steps closer, glancing nervously at the four boys with you. "Will you go out with me this weekend?"
"The fuck did you just ask her?"
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katnisspeetaprim · 1 year
Happy Birthday Old Man!
Min Yoongi/Reader (Part of the LS series)
Summary: It's Yoongis birthday and you can't help but pop into his live to terrorise him every now and then. Plus a birthday blow job.
Warnings: female reader, reader is from Europe but no country specified, aging?, oral (m relieving) kissing, fluff,swearing.
word Count: 1240 M.list
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‘Presents, what did I get this year?’ Yoongi looked up in thought before continuing.
‘I can show you what Y/N got me, hold on.’ He stood up and moved out of camera view before coming back, your gift to him in hand.
‘She got me a few things but I have this here.’ He held a small jewellery  box up to the camera. Inside was a simple white gold ring with, my love and the date you met engraved onto the delicate metal. He was smiling coyly as he showed off the ring.
‘It’s a little big so we need to get it re sized.’ The comments were gushing about the cute gift, but ARMY wanted to know what else you had gotten him.
‘I think I’ll keep the rest private.’ He laughed lightly.
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‘Are you going to Indonesia?’ Somebody in chat asked.
‘I’ll be going to Indonesia, Jakarta.’ He answered with a blank stare. It was then that your name appeared in chat. He quickly leaned forwards and narrowed his eyes slightly.
‘Oh Y/N is here.’ His eyes skimmed your message before he rolled his eyes playfully and leaned back, now with a wide gummy smile.
‘You know Europe is a part of the world too right?’ You are from Europe and were quite frankly shocked when he told you there were no European dates. You were offended on behalf of all European ARMY.
‘Yah! Don’t be bitter with me! We will go to your home town together at some point I promise.’
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‘My mom likes my hair long. She was upset when I cut it.’ He was talking about how his hair was constantly changing and what he should change it to now that he was 30.
‘My mom likes it long but Y/N prefers it like this so either way I can’t win.’ He chuckled and crossed his arms.
‘Oh well. I can’t please everyone.’
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‘I’m 30 years old.’ It was now past midnight so it was officially his birthday.
‘Happy birthday old man! I love you!.’ You typed out into his chat.
‘You really aren’t that much younger than me Y/N.’ He smirked into the camera.
‘Guys, Y/N is bullying me on my birthday.’
‘I’m going to blast 30 by Bo Burnham when you get home tonight!’ You once again chime in.
‘Aish...I’m not going home tonight guys. An ARMY out there want to take me in?’ Of course the chat exploded with people begging to take him up on the offer.
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He did go home that night obviously. Even though it was past 1AM, you hadn’t been able to see each other all day, so you made the effort to wait up for him.
He found you sitting in the living room, flicking through his photobook when he entered the apartment.
‘Happy birthday Yoongi!’ You sprung up and threw your arms around his neck. He chuckled as he returned your embrace.
‘You didn’t have to wait up for me you know.’
‘Of course I did, it’s your birthday.’ You moved back and gave him a tight smile, before you swiftly pulled him down for an affectionate kiss.
‘I love you.’ You breathed against his lips. You felt him smile back.
‘I love you too jagi.’ You gave him another quick peck before fully pulling back and taking his hand in yours.
‘Come on.’ He followed behind as you lead him to the sofa. You stood in front of him, biting your lip as you placed your hands on his shoulders and pushed him down to sit.
‘You want a birthday treat baby?’ You tried to sound sexy as you sank to your knees between his thighs.
‘I’m defiantly not gonna say no to that.’ He smirked down at you, rubbing his thighs in anticipation. He  could already feel himself becoming hard in his pants.
You made short work of his trousers, tugging them down along with his boxers. He eagerly raised his hips to help you. You grasped his erection and started pumping to get him fully hard. Yoongi rolled his eyes shut and let out a small breath as he rested his head on the back of the sofa.
You stopped your hand movement at the base of his dick, leaning down and running your tongue along the underside and right up to the head. You fluttered your eyelashes at him as you placed a small kiss on his tip, before taking him fully in your mouth. Yoongi moaned out as you took him in, hand coming to rest on the back of your head.
‘Ah shit yeah Y/N.’
You smirked around his dick, bobbing your head up and down, wrapping your tongue around him as you did so. Your movements slowed for a moment allowing you to take him right to the back of your throat, lips connecting with his pubic bone. Yoongi couldn’t stop himself from bucking his hips, causing you to choke around him and pull away for a second.
‘Fuck, sorry jagi.’ He was out of breath as he spoke, hand coming up to your head to push you back down. You slid your lips back over him, tears appearing in the corners of your eyes as he hit the back of your throat again. Yoongi’s breathing had started to become laboured as you worked, letting out breathy moans every so often. You could tell he was close, the way he was rolling his hips, eyes squeezed shut and loud moans escaping him. You took this as a sign to increase your movement speed.
‘Wait- wai- stop!’ He stuttered out, pushing your head away from him.
‘What?’ You looked at him in confusion, wiping at your bottom lip.
‘I want to cum on your tits.’ Luckily you had worn a low cut top that day, so he lent down and hooked his fingers into the front of your shirt, pulling it down and exposing your breasts. He stood up and started jerking himself off above you. You gave him a sly smirk as you looked up at him, licking your lips as you did so. Your hands came up to your chest and pushed your breasts together, making sure to tease him by playing with your nipples.
‘Ah fuck, I’m cumming!’ He whined out before he let himself go, thick ropes of cum landing on your breasts. He allowed himself to catch his breath before pulling up his pants and underwear. He smiled at you as he reached his hand down to help you up.
‘Ag hold on.’ He stammered when he noticed the mess he made on your chest. He grabbed some tissue and started to clean you up, a warm smile spread across your face at the loving gesture.
Once you were clean, he fixed your shirt and opened his arms wide for you to step into, which you gladly did. You stood on your toes to bring him into a kiss, hands resting on either side of his neck.
‘Happy birthday again Yoongi.’
‘Always know how to make it special huh jagi?’ You rolled your eyes at him, before resting your head on his warm chest.
‘In the morning I was thinking we could order breakfast? I would make you something but I’d probably burn it.’ You giggled, thinking about your terrible cooking skills.
‘Ordering in sounds good.’ He laughed back, taking your hand and leading you to bed. Neither of you got much sleep that night.
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Here's my gift for @echo-bat-location for the @honzuki-exchange :D
Final whirling practice for rozemyne before graduation
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lionar0und · 1 year
(Since I saw you wanted spam, I shall try to oblige. lol.) Can I have a scenario with Leona and his S/O relaxing by the waterhole in the dorm, but Leona refuses to get in the water. So the S/O would call, "Leona, I have a cramp! Please help me out of the pool!" And when he walks over they just pull him into the water.
Leona x Reader - Pool Peril
Gn! Reader
You just wanted him to get into the water. That was it; so why was he being so stubborn?
“No,” Leona snarled, practically hissing at the water as you floated around on your inner tube peacefully. “I don’t do water.”
“Is that why you don’t shower?” You retorted cheekily, listening to him growl lowly in response.
“Watch it,” The warning tone meant nothing to you as you formulated a plan.
You watched as your lazy lion stretched and got comfortable in his beach chair. So you bolted; swimming enthusiastically to the other side before letting out a loud, dramatic yelp.
Leona shot up, eyes wide. “Pumpkin!?”
“Cramp! Cramp, Sevens it hurts, Leona help me out!” You cried, watching as he ran over.
“Hey, ok, I’m coming!”
“Hey I’m here, come ere’”
You grabbed his hand and smiled like a Leech Twin.
And with that, you pulled him into the water.
He yowled loudly; rapidly pulling himself up and clinging to the ladder near by. He was gorgeous. Absolutely beautiful. Water dripped off his long hair, rolling down him rapidly. Despite the fact he looked completely mortified, both strong arms curled around the right side of the ladder.
“What the hell!?” He wailed, frantically wiping at his eyes. Damn chlorine! Why did it have to hurt eyes so badly!?
With sudden anxiety you frowned. “Sorry…..I just wanted you to swim with me…..you’re always napping, y’know?”
He softened, then sighed. He pulled over a randomly drifting donut floaty and curled up on it. “Come ���ere.”
“Alright….” He tugged you up onto the donut with him. “This all you wanted?”
He let out a small, happy huff. “Now we both win.”
Unfortunately for you, after falling asleep on the donut floaty (that you later found out he snatched from Ruggie) you woke up with a horrid sunburn.
Totally worth it.
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sunsingersart · 6 months
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@sillyseiya happy holidays!! this is the peice i did for @superfamsecretsanta, where Kon decides to introduce his friends to some of the superfamily
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monitorchakas · 4 months
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@khaaans-pecs For Cruelty and Creativity Forerunner Saga fandom exchange, Bornstellar Makes Eternal Awkward face while flexing 🤣
This was fun bestie!!!
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orchid-151 · 3 months
Hey Jay, has there ever been a time where Ari nearly gave you and Valkyrie a heart attack by doing something reckless and dangerous?
Valkyrie: "Jay had thought he lost her one day..."
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Jay: "Aaaaarrrriiiiii?!?! Where are you?!?!?"
Valkyrie: "But don't worry, he eventually found her... haha."
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Baby Ari: "Da~❤️"
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macverse · 5 months
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It's Christmas and you finally have time alone with your super soldier
A/N: Thank you's too @empty-sigh(18+), @moderndaymystic, @sarahdonald87 (18+), and @babyjakes (18+), @daddyneeds-you (18+), @serephineh, @bloodbending, @fucktoyfelix (18+), @fandomfluffandfuck (18+), @quinnandersonwrites for inspo, motivation and reference content.
I do not write smut y'all. I was blushing all the way through this. Not because of the smut. Because I was writing it. I read things like this all the time. Writing it was an experience! But the idea had to let out and here we are. I'm glad all of these beautiful people's pages exist and help me through this fic. Thank you.
“Y/N, come here,” Steve calls you from the living room, “What is this.”
You’d spent most of the afternoon making the living room in the rented cabin nestled in the woods feel cozy and inviting. It had been a while since you and Steve had had any time alone together and you wanted to make it special. You found an abundance of candles in the store closets and piled every cozy blanket and pillow over every seating surface and on the floor. You imagined Steve would have you moaning and writhing all over the room and couldn’t wait to feel the soft chunky knit pillows and faux fur blankets on your overstimulated skin. 
You transformed the living room while Steve was outside chopping firewood. While you raced around the cabin for supplies, you stopped for a moment to watch him through a window that looked out over the yard. You felt your breath quicken as he swung the axe up and over his head as if it were nothing, easily gliding through log after log, the large snowflakes steadily falling around him. Something about the steady and repetitive thwack of the axe caused your attention to hone in on the space between your thighs. Nothing about the simple act of chopping wood should have made you feel aroused but your body tingled in all the right places as you watched Steve’s muscles work under the tight, long-sleeved shirt he wore as he worked through the pile of wood. 
When Steve came back in, you’d pretended nothing was going on as he placed the basket filled with the large pile of wood he carried inside. You handed him a steaming hot cup of coffee and diverted him from the living room by telling him you’d started the shower so that it would be nice and warm. He kissed you sweetly and headed off to the shower none the wiser to what you’d been up to. You were supposed to be making Steve an apple pie while you’d been purposefully redecorating. You tried to make up for lost time weaving the lattice top and didn’t hear him as he snuck by, finding your surprise before you had meant to reveal it.
“With the way that snow is coming down out there, I thought we could spend some time together however you’d like,” you said feigning innocence, “You’ve just finished a long mission, Steve. I thought maybe I could help you relax.”
Steve looks around the room, taking in the near fire-starting amount of candles and all the plush items before turning to look at you, “You did all this for me, dollface?”
You nod sweetly in reply and slowly unbutton the thick cable knit cardigan you’d had on to keep warm. Underneath, you had on a cropped wrap top that gently cupped your naked breasts and a long peasant skirt that would easily slip from your body the minute you unbuckled the belt from your waist. You shivered slightly as the warmer material fell to the ground. When you saw Steve's eyes darken as he took in your exposed skin you knew that you’d be warm enough soon. It wasn’t just the sight of your exposed body that was turning his mood. It was the sight of every tattoo on your skin. 
The first time you'd done anything sexual with Steve, he'd paid special attention to the places where your original tattoos were. When you’d met him, you’d only had a few simple, small tattoos. The change in his mood over the few lines of ink surprised you. He gripped your hip almost too roughly where you had an outlined heart. He licked and nipped at your skin with his teeth, alternating between your sensitive nipples and catching your skin just below the swell of your breasts where you had a line of text. His large hands securely held down and stroked your wrist where you had your favorite book quote as he drove into you. Long gone was the good ‘ol boy routine that had swept you off your feet. It was replaced with something primal, darker, and hungry. 
Afterward, he’d asked you about them. It wasn’t just curiosity. Steve wanted to know what they meant. Wanting to know why you got them. Wanted to know how you felt when you were getting them. It made you feel as if he was making sure that your tattoos were not connected to anyone other than you. That was when he confessed to you how much he liked tattoos. Told you about how it made him feel, to see the ink permanently there on someone’s skin. How hard it made him to see something he’d drawn on someone's skin. How uncontrollably he felt when he saw it if he’d put it there himself. How much the idea of permanently marking someone like that turned him on.
He’d confessed how badly he’d wanted one himself but never could because the super soldier serum running through his veins was constantly healing him and erasing any ink he’d put on his skin. You’d asked him if he wanted to do that to you, to mark your skin. That was the first time you’d seen his mood turn like this, a dark lust building in his eyes. They burned with the desire that heated you to your core. He was back on you before you realized, filling your already aching cunt with his quickly hardening cock, his voice several octaves lower cut right through you as he said over and over again ‘yes’, ‘mine’, ‘gonna mark you’, ‘all fucking mine’.
That was when he started lovingly mapping out the tattoos that adorn your skin now...
Read the rest on my AO3.
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take this as you will
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askpokewhisperer · 8 months
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♪ Nants ingonyama bagithi baba Sithi uhhmm ingonyama ♪
Meme for my friend @paperjamz
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youremyboy · 5 months
@whatthefuckisasweep HIIIIIIII JAY. GIFT 4 YOU :D
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treatbuckywkisses · 2 years
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—halloween with vampire!bucky —requested by @multi-stann
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foxalone · 7 months
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(made this early—)
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trick or treat? Nono today is trick or puppy
Ocs and art be me
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