#Sorry saw this earlier and you know I'm always making silly jokes
nolan-chance · 2 months
WHY you should play Fortnight with me:
I play Battle Royale although I don't know how to build
I don't like to fight, I usually flee
I'm not changing my beautiful Nolan Chance skin no matter what
No mic
I always forget I can mark things so I crouch around to draw your attention
I spend uncomfortably long periods of time in the same POI with no purpose
I spent way TOO much time running with no direction
I almost always land in Grand Glacier unless my daily quests tell me otherwise
Also spend very long time in cars trying to catch Buddy Holly on the radio
When I catch Dangerous by Design I drift the car no matter what. I don't get out of until the end of the song, no matter what
If I find a dirt bike I spend the rest of the game jumping around and doing some sick tricks
Enemies could hear us because I'm always using the Shout! emote when things go silent
I can't aim
TL:DL: Don't play Fortnight with me please(?
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lotomber · 7 months
Hello! I really love you work it’s really interesting to read! (I’m not going to lie you’re one of the reasons I started writing) but could you maybe do a chuuya x gn!reader? Like the Reader is struggling with self harm and chuuya is helping Reader through it, with going out on fun dates, cuddling etc to get reader’s mind off it? Feel free to ignore! (It could be scenarios or headcanons! :3
Hello! I am really glad to know that you like my work.❤Actually I just couldn't find time to write due to studies but I'll still be working on the requests. Sorry for the delay. Btw what do you write about if you don't mind me asking ?👀
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Pairing: Chuuya x gn!reader
T/W : self harm, mentions of cuts
W.C : ~480
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It all started when Chuuya noticed how you were wearing full length clothes, then he noticed the cuts on your wrist and arms.
He was mad as hell thinking someone tried to harm he instantly wanted to rip apart the person who did this to you.
But when you told him that you did this yourself he was just so heartbroken, he just couldn't understand why you would do this to you.
He asked you why you did this to yourself was it because of him or did someone say something to you?
"No Chuuya it's not because of you or someone else. It's just too complicated. I...I mean i just get these sudden urges and everything just feels too blurry and indifferent around me and I don't even know how to explain this. I'm sorry" you sobbed as you told him.
He hugged you tightly telling you that you have nothing to be sorry for and that instead he's sorry for not noticing earlier.
He didn't asked you anymore after that, he didn't want to push you away.
After that he started spending more and more time you to make sure you won't do something like this again.
He would come to pick you up from your college/ work. And takes you out to romantic dinner.
He even got many board and card games to play with you when you don't want to go out or he arranges a perfect movie night , as you both cuddle and watch a wholesome rom-com.
He even cooks your favorite meals for you to make sure you eat properly. He just loves to spoil you.
Gives you lots of kisses and hugs, tells you how glad he is to have you in his life and just how beautiful and perfect you are for him.
He would always be considerate and encourage you to talk to him about anything and that he would try his best to understand and help you.
He would even take you out on dates to cheer you up like to a cozy cafe, beaches, a picnic besides a lake or your any favorite place.
On dates he make make sure you have fun time, makes silly jokes just to make you laugh.
Once you both went to a amusement park and chuuya was denied on a ride because of his height, he got pissed at the guard but you started laughing as you saw him bickering with the guard.
Seeing you laugh like that made all his anger fade out in an instant.
Chuuya may act as arrogant, rude and short tempered but he is someone who wears his heart on his sleeves and for you he would do anything, so being denied on a ride did hurt his pride a bit but he won't say anything cause he got to see you laugh so heartily.
And if you decided to take therapy he would encourage you and go with you to show how much he supports you and your decision.
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scooter-ing · 10 months
another silly rant.. . but this time its NOT about wenclair??
jesus, i just rewatched little witch academia after YEARS, and the pure sapphic energy radiating from that show is craaaazy yo. (heed my spoiler warning for lwa)
yeah so.. diakko. kay. now that that's out of the way
i actually loved akko's character as a whole, as ambitious and stupid as she is, i can totally see some of myself in her. i never saw her as a selfish person, i feel like she always considered and appreciated those around her. every time she cried and demeaned herself (especially in the second half of the show) i was like "poor baby" bc she really didn't deserve it. sure, was she a tad bit impulsive? yeah. but her character is meant to be easily swayed and convinced. like how croix convinced her to go to the wagandea tree, and literally gaslighted her into thinking she shouldn't trust chariot (ursula). as a character though, she really, truly, just tries to help people and i think you rarely see characters that are as pure as that, you know? her dream is to make people happy, not some bullshit like being the strongest witch, or obtaining some kind of object. she just aspires to fill people's hearts with joy, and her intentions are set with that only. and she tries, and tries, and tries, despite people's discouragement. so every time she cried, i cried with her. sigh.
moving on to ursula, otherwise known as chariot. i loved her older sister-mentor role. akko definitely needed someone that would keep her in line, but also encourage her in her endeavors and keep her safe. my girl was ALWAYS there to save the day (and by gOD she was so fucking hot whenever she was fighting croix). ughhh i literally groaned out loud every time she got interrupted when she was trying to tell akko about her identity. idk, i kind of have mixed feelings about the dream fuel spirit shebang. cause, chariot had NO idea it was stopping people from being able to use magic, so it wasn't really her fault. croix manipulated her. and once she found out about that, she stopped using it. im glad croix had somewhat of a redemption, but jesus she was such an asshole when she revealed that ursula was chariot. like, a royal asshole. bc that was not her secret to reveal, you know? and she left some very important pointers on the table. though, i felt terrible for akko.
mmmm. diaaaaaaaaana. diana cavendish. i had a massive lesbian crush on her for the whole fucking series. oh my god. especially in the two-part episodes where it's set in the cavendish estate? so, so, chivalrous, and dashing, and royal... and skdjhfskjlhf (totally referencing that one scene where diana defends akko infront of aunt daryl and offers her arm for akko to hold). poor akko, oblivious to like... all of the massive lesbian signals wafting from diana. she literally had big neon signs that said "akko you fucking idiot im gay for you."
all jokes (and thirsting) aside, diana and akko's growth as a pair is really touching to me. diana was never outright rude to her bc of her inability to properly use magic, i saw that she was more judgmental of her character as a person instead. (e.g the samhain festival episode in which she calls akko pathetic for "leaving" lotte and sucy before her performance). and i can totally see that it was reasonable. later in the episode, after akko finds the second Word or whatever, she goes on to think, "what is this emotion i'm feeling?" as much as i would want it to, i wouldn't say she was in love at that time, considering her harsh judgment earlier in the episode, but akko continues to grow on her from then on. i haven't mentioned this yet, but the episode (sorry that i keep saying "that episode" the site that i watched it on didn't have episode names) in which the faeries ordered a strike against the witches, was actually less goofy and funny than it was made to be. akko really took time to understand where the workers were coming from, and being their representative was really thoughtful? when diana came to tell her off, she deadass started making fun of her bc shes an aristocrat. and telling her she doesn't understand the woes of the working class bc of her wealth. which is just... so... real? and diana gets all flustered, which leads me into the topic of:
Diana Literally Only Blushed Because of Akko. she just gets all flustered when akko calls her out on her shit, like she's not afraid of her. everyone else is. even the godforsaken teachers are. she only ever truly worried whenever akko was hurt, or in some form of danger. she completely remains indifferent to everything, even when things happen to hannah or barbara she really doesn't give a shit. (at least not in the way she does with akko, she's probably loyal to her friends and shows it in her own way). which segues me into the episode "yesterday," in which akko goes "missing" and jesus christ diana's dialogue with chariot is really touching. from "akko needs you more than anything right now!" to "what could possibly be more important that akko right now!?" and "i'm more disappointed in you than i am of your past." she's just so well spoken in the most disastrous and telling moments, and it really shows how strong of a character she is. she remains level headed when lotte and sucy consult her about akko, and kindly offers them tea, along with reassurances. despite her generally not hanging out with akko's crowd of people, she's still kind and considerate when people need her. her words to chariot/ursula are so powerful because she's depicted as so stoic and indifferent but completely tells her off when she knows what ursula is doing is wrong. i hope that makes sense? from an apathetic elitist to a passionate worrywart - all over akko. and once she finds her, she basically acts as her caretaker, in that moment. and i'd be lying if i said i didn't cry, because god. diana knew exactly how to make her feel better, and man is that not an indicator to how perfect akko and diana are for each other. her confessing that she felt envious of akko's determination and closeness to chariot, and confessed to wanting to get away from akko bc of it, but ended up just getting closer to her.
in the last episode, in which they stop the missile, i was just so happy to see where their growth led them. them holding each other while doing the shiny arc thingamajig? awesome. akko catching diana when she falls? diana screaming for akko when akko falls? which inevitably leads to her falling because she's crazy for akko? really hit me in the feels. undeniably happy. joy. the parallels between chariox and diakko are like, super obvious. except for the fact that diakko was the better example, in which they worked together instead of one envying the other for their power. like how diana initially said she envied akko for having the shiny rod, and croix getting jealous of chariot bc of it too - except diana learned to accept it and support akko and work with her. bc red and blue gays. ygm.
i'll talk about andrew and the rest of 'em later bc im fairly tired but. im sorry for the excessive tangent. i likely left out a lot of what i wanted to say bc big gay brainrot, and i'll spew that out sometime later.
thank u for listening to my ted talk stay gay!!
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thepaperpanda · 2 years
Moonboys vs period || Steven Grant x fem!Reader || Marc Spector x fem!Reader || Jake Lockley x fem!Reader
Summary: What would Moonboys do if you were on your period?
Warnings: Jake is NSFW - minors DNI!
Word count: 1636
Pairing: Steven Grant x fem!Reader ; Jake Lockley x fem!Reader ; Marc Spector x fem!Reader
Authors: Cass & Rouge
A/N: there was no beta-reading for Spanish sentences
gif made by Cass - please credit us if you use the gif.
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The delicate lining of the womb was being ripped out in a flow of blood. Until the nerve endings become numb, it could be as painful as it sounds. You have always wanted your boyfriend to empathize with you. The only way to improve your mood was to be there emotionally and offer chocolate. 
On the second day of laying in your shared bed with a heating pad pressed to your abdomen, whining from time to time as cramps were too strong to bear, you tried your best to focus on a documentary movie about otters you'd been watching.
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He just returned home. Not seeing you walking around and doing your stuff worried him a lot. It was the second day and you were still bedridden.
"Y/N?” He asked, walking to the bed to make sure you weren't asleep. Steven smiled once he saw you awake. "Hiya, luv. How are you doing? Any better today?"
You looked at him gently picking your head from the pillow. "Hey, Steven. It's no better, at all, instead, my guts feel like being crushed."
"Oh you poor thing," he said, sitting down next to you. "Can I get you anything? How can I help?"
You slowly sat up, looked at him, and started crying, loudly, your entire body shaking as you did. "Can you just hug me, please?"
Steven was a tad taken aback but nodded. "Yes, yes! Just give me a moment, I need to take my jacket off and I have a gift for you."
You wiped your tears off. "A... A gift?" You sobbed. "For... For me?"
"Of course!" Steven nodded, rushing to the wardrobe to put away his jacket and quickly remove his shoes. "It had to be for your birthday..." He added, digging into his bag. "But I got it earlier to make this painful time a tad better."
Soon he returned to you. Steven got into bed and hid something from you.
"I... It's bloody silly but I hope you'll love it. In the worst case, you'll make fun of me. Okay. Ready?"
You held your breath and nodded, visibly interested.
"So... There is this girl; I am not a cheater. Don't be worried, she makes the most adorable things," Steven said and then presented you with a handmade Khonshu plushy. "W-What do you think?”
"Oh, dear Lord... Oh my God..." You took it to inspect it more closely. "It is so perfect! I love it! I'll sleep with him whenever you're not home! Thank you, Steven!" You knelt on the bed and kissed his cheek, snuggling the stuffy to your chest.
Steven smiled and then pulled you closer to snuggle with you just like he promised a moment ago. "I am so happy you love it! I was worried you'd hate it.”
"How could I hate him?" You almost shove the stuffy into Steven's face. "It's so perfect, soft and squishy - everything Khonshu is not. But wait a minute... You mentioned a girl. What girl?"
Steven blinked, looking at you. "A girl... I don't remember her name but I found a flyer with her offer. Why do you ask?"
"Do you like her or something?"
His mouth hung open for a moment before he said anything. "What? O-Of course I don't like her, don't be ridiculous, love."
"I hope she's not prettier than me..." You looked at him.
"No girl is prettier... How can you even ask me such a thing? You know you're my one and only."
Putting your hand on his cheek, you said, "I know, I like to check in from time to time, I'm sorry. I love you so much. I'm so happy that you made me such a beautiful gift. I couldn't have asked for a better and more caring boyfriend. Thank you."
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Marc walked into the bedroom to check on you and bring you warm, fresh tea. "Don't worry. I didn't make it in the microwave," he joked, seeing how you looked at him. After placing your favorite mug on the nightstand, he sat down on the edge of the bed. "Any better?" Marc asked, moving his hand under your heating pad to rub your really warm stomach.
"Now, when I'm with you, it's much better. But overall, it hurts, I can't find a comfortable position. I hate being a woman. I hate my period."
"My poor girl," he quietly said and kissed your forehead. "Maybe I should get you some meds? And once the bloody waterfall is over, we are heading to the doctor because I don't believe that this is normal in any way."
"Love," you cupped his cheek in your hand, "This is absolutely normal. No need to be worried. I ain't bleeding to death, it's just an annoying period."
"You can't make me believe that being bedridden for two days is normal," he grumbled, nuzzling your hand. "I am not buying this."
"You're such a sweetheart, Marc," you told him sweetly. "Now, can you hold me, please? Can I snuggle up with you?"
Marc nodded, then jumped onto the bed, wrapping his arms around your figure. "I am still worried."
"I hope Khonshu doesn't bother you, love."
"Don't worry about it now. It's fine," he shook his head, hugging you tightly.
After a soft gasp, you let him hug you. His strong arms wrapped tightly around your body, and his breath hitting your nape, made you shiver, taking a comfortable position. "I love you."
"I love you too and I really don't like the fact you suffer so much. I will get you stronger painkillers," Marc concluded, kissing your head.
"You don't have to, it will pass, I promise. Now, just hold me close, like that. I could not have been happier when you were near."
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"Todavía en el dolor?" Jake asked after getting onto the bed. "Porque puedo tener una solución," he soon added, gently rubbing your leg.
"A solution? There no solution for period cramps, mi amado," you sighed sadly, not picking your head up from your pillow.
"I'm afraid you are wrong," he shrugged with a mischievous smile. "Because I heard that sex helps a lot with those pains."
You rolled your eyes. "Jake, don't you even start, darling, I'm not about to let you fuck me when I bleed like a slaughtered pig."
He muttered annoyedly, nuzzling your neck and placing a few kisses there. "You should know that bit of blood doesn't bother me at all."
"It doesn't bother you, but it does bother me, Jake," you reluctantly wrapped your arms around his neck. "I can't even imagine it... Bruh..."
"But you will feel so much better. Maybe the pain will go away," Jake kept pressing, kissing your cheek.
"Okay, okay, we can try it but with a condom," you winced.
"Cariño, ¿es en serio? I want to have some fucking fun too," Lockley whined, towering over you.
"Jake..." You grunted unhappily but gave him a nod. "Let it be... I just feel extra awkward and you know... Strange..."
"Relax," he whispered into your ear and then kissed your cheek, slowly moving down your neck. "It will be fine. I'll take care of you."
"Jake..." You whispered, blushing hardly. "I still don't think it's a smart idea...."
As Jake embraced you, he slowly lifted your shirt to kiss your warm belly. He was excited at the prospect of fucking you now.
You licked your lips and slipped your hands in his hair. "Jake. No foreplay. Just fuck me," you asked quietly.
"Hey, you aren't the only one here. Let me at least make it pleasant."
"Of course, love," you nodded at him, cupping your boobs a bit as you played with them.
"Look at you, already relaxing. Good, you will like it. Now let's take those off,"
Nodding his head, Jake removed your shorts and panties.
You raised your hips for him, to make it easier for Jake to remove your clothing. "I love you."
"Yo también te amo. Tú lo sabes," Jake winked at you before quickly getting rid of his pants. Jake jerked himself a few times just to be sure he was ready to please you and hopefully give you some relief. "Ready?"
You reached for his cock and propped yourself on an elbow, giving him a few additional strokes and little jerks. "Yes, baby," you replied, spreading your legs a little more for him.
Wrapping your legs around his waist Jake slowly pushed into your pussy. He was careful like never before in order not to cause you more discomfort
You instantly rolled your head back with a moan, adjusting your legs around his waist. When he impaled you with his cock, you felt incredible wetness within your core, which made you moan his name even louder.
Jake purred at the warm wet feeling and the sight of your blood already coating his cock as he slowly thrust into you. "So fucking delicious and wet."
"Oh, God," you panted, blushing as you felt incredibly good when he was slowly fucking you. "I'm so wet, Jake..."
"You sure are, princesa. Such a gorgeous sight, we need to do it more often," he chuckled, watching his cock moving in and out of you. "Feeling better?”
"Actually, yes... It feels a tiny bit better, more relaxed," you tightened your grasp on his nape and loosened your legs wrapped around his waist. "Ooh, yes, it feels good."
He repeatedly pushed in and out of you at a very slow, steady pace; his cock coated in your moisture and his leaking precum. With a soft grunt, Jake milked your core with the release he desperately craved. "Dios, eso se siente tan bien."
Wrapping your arms around his nape and pulling his face closer, you planted a kiss on his lips. “Recuerda siempre que te quiero, Jake.”
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thousand-winters · 4 days
Ask game 🛼🍄🍬🥐🧩!
Hello, friend!!! I hope life has been treating you kindly lately 💖
🛼 ⇢ Describe your latest wip with five emojis
Going to use literally the last document I opened for this but: 😟🏃🏰🛌😢
🍄 ⇢ Share a headcanon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
I have a little hc that during the period of time between Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, while Ike was kinda getting used to being the leader of the Greil mercenaries in peace times, sometimes he would get too stressed and irritable, so Soren would do something about it.
The "something" in question being going to him like "Ike, I have something very important to report" and while Ike's kinda only half paying attention, immersed as he is in his own head, Soren will just say a shitty joke in a deadpan. "Why did the chicken cross the road?" sort of dumb joke.
He doesn't even think they're funny, but they make Ike snort in disbelief and, since he knows Soren isn't the type to randomly crack jokes all of a sudden, he can tell what he's doing. Those times always end on a smile and a "thank you, Soren".
🍬 ⇢ Post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
I didn't really think this was an unpopular opinion but I see it somewhat often around, the idea that Hunter killed people during his time as Golden Guard and I really don't agree with it. I feel like if Belos had made him do that, Hunter would have cracked so much earlier because his compassionate nature would be at odds with the act itself, even if he had been told they were bad people. He couldn't even get himself to catch Luz in Hunting Palismen, so I think he would have let a shit ton of people go and Belos wouldn't have taken that kindly.
At most, I can see him unfortunately being involved in someone getting killed in the same way he was with the palismen he handed Belos; aka, him possibly capturing people and those people ending up dead or petrified. But I really, really don't think he ever killed someone himself, and in the case of capturing wild witches and such, I feel like that would have to be a very special occasion too (I feel like lowkey Belos probably always had a certain wariness that his grimwalkers would run off with a wild witch or such, especially if Caleb wasn't the only one who did through his messed up story of brotherly murder and clonation)
🥐 ⇢ Name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
Oh, my god, there was this meme in Spanish (very unsure if it also exists in English because it's from those monkey puppets that are memes but I never watched the source material of that properly so no idea) that went like: student character goes to present their teacher with a medical justification for missing class while saying something like "I got sick but I'm better now", teacher goes "it says here you got hit by a car and died" and then the student says "wow, science really advances, right?"
I don't think it has the same punch with me saying like this as seeing the thing but for some reason it cracked me up so much when I saw it. Now sometimes if someone asked what happened to me for whatever reason, half the time I go "I got hit by a car and died" and then laugh, which is probably not the best thing to say without context lmao 😭 I don't do it unless it's in a silly kind of context tho, don't worry.
My sister also sometimes will explain things by going "science really advances" and I die every fucking time too.
🧩 ⇢ What will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
1st person POVs, I'm so sorry, I just can't do it 😔 It causes such a visceral reaction of second hand embarrassment in me even if there's no actual embarrassing content in the description. I just cannot do it, it's even worse for me than paragraphs with no space between them or such, depending on the day I can power through those but the 1st person? Nope.
Thank you for the questions!!! From this ask game
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pancake-breakfast · 10 months
The final stretch for Volume 7! We got this!
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 7, Chapters 5-6 below.
Chapter 5: Late Arrival to the End of the World
CW: Body horror
Ugh, Wolfwood did it. He brought him all the way to Knives' citadel. I know this is where Vash wanted to go, but still....
Also, I'm just gonna note this is only volume 7, so things aren't exactly gonna resolve here.
Vash's plan of attack is terrible.
Geez, he's barely walked in and his power is already going off a bit. At least he looks calm about it for once.
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Wolfwood!!! Crosses? Eye of Michael turning on him? (I mean, sure, they have reason, but....) Or... is this Legato? Legato does have a thing for skulls.
I'd be more worried, but I was promised a couch, so mostly I'm just terribly confused.
Oh, gods. It wasn't real. How was I supposed to know it wasn't real?!?!
Sounds like it was Legato. We don't know much about Eye of Michael, but for some reason I don't think they have weird mind abilities like that. And if they do, then they'd probably get recruited into the Gung-Ho Guns. But Legato? We've already established he can communicate telepathically and he has an established motive (he's tsundere and Wolfwood's received "undue" attention from Knives), so I'd bet it's either him or some unknown party.
"The full VIP treatment." Yeah, sure whatever. Like, Vash is that important to Knives, but Knives doesn't see other people's wills (especially Vash's and the other Plants') as seperate enough from his own to actually be able to make good calls there.
I'm not convinced Vash will be fine, but he's not wrong that Wolfwood should be particularly careful.
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Wolfwood's always surprised and a bit bummed at Vash perceiving things about him and then trying to take care of him. Silly man. It's ok for the people you're closest to to worry about you from time to time.
I love how he makes an attempt to stay back, but then he can't stop himself from trying to run after Vash. If it weren't for Elandira, he'd be right there... probably being a liability. Reminds me of a post someone made about Stampede and how Wolfwood was like, "Who in their right mind would go up against that (Knives)?" when the answer was Wolfwood. Wolfwood would try and go against Knives.
Oh, honey. Elandira's a badass, but that thing earlier was not her style.
YES EXACTLY. Elandira doesn't have beef with Wolfwood. If she's gonna pick a petty fight, it will be with Legato. Otherwise, she's just doing her job. And she certainly has no desire to tear Wolfwood limb from limb. If she's ordered to kill him, a nail through the head would be good enough for her.
They're still gonna throw hands, huh? He's that desperate to follow Vash? I'm sorry, but this goes way beyond job professionalism. Or sane behavior.
Ah, that's definitely an Eye of Michael Cross. Though IIRC, Legato was the one mucking around with EoM folks last time we saw them, so... maybe this is a joint "let's take out Wolfwood" effort.
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Yyyyyyeeeeaaaaahhh... there's Livio and... I forgot the other one's name.
Wait, Elandira's got her nail gun pointed at Livio??
Is this wheelchair guy the real Chapel?
LOL, Elandira doesn't have time for their shit.
Livio's still firing stuff off into the sky just to make a point, I guess.
Ugh, he's talking about Livio like he's just a pet. And... it seems like he used to be in charge of Wolfwood, too.
I like the idea that this man just... wheelchaired backwards out of there for dramatic effect.
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So, Wolfwood failed to kill the person he was trying to impersonate, and he fell for his mark. I'm beginning to think he might be a sub-par assassin. (I joke, but I'm guessing it's less a matter of skill and more a matter of too much heart.)
LOL, Elandira casually flirting with Wolfwood. Probably not flirting-flirting so much as just trying to annoy him a bit.
GG Wolfwood, misgendering the canon trans person. /s At least he caught himself.
Yeah, I don't think it's blind faith from Elandira so much as it's acceptance of the inevitable demise of everything at the hands of the twins.
WTH is this stupid temple thing Vash is going to? Did Knives build himself a stupid temple??
Knives, buddy.... That canNOT be healthy.
Look at Elandira, that badass. We know Wolfwood's pretty tough, but she just wades through Knives waking up without batting an eyelash. Meanwhile, Wolfie's having to take her advice to not pass out under serious consideration.
IDK how I feel about an impending giant angel fight. Wait, yes I do. Not good. I feel not good about it. Very not good about it.
Chapter 6: Conflict
CW: Body horror, SA imagery
Oh, we're starting with Legato? That's... great. Just great.
Vash? Serious? Never!
Goshdarnit, Knives. I get you're doing this for your brother and I guess you probably don't have any intention of setting off his angel arm at this time, but... like... this isn't healthy. So very not healthy.
At least he's not surprised Vash is shooting at him this time?
Dude, your name is Millions Knives, not Hundred Guns. Put those away.
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Legato, WTF are you doing?! With this... little... giant... skull scythe arm thing... just... scootching along the floor, I guess....
"Why are you so worked up?" It's because senpai hasn't noticed him and is paying attention to someone else. Duh.
This pouty face, though. I just can't with this man. He's such a freaking mess. Please throw him in the sea.
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Knives: "I'm sure you understand now." Knives, a few pages later: "Dammit, Vash! How come you don't understand?!"
I love this because, in spite of everything, it's just not. Hells, it was only a few minutes back that Wolfwood tried to follow him into hell for no other reason than because he cares about Vash, and Wolfwood knows. Wolfwood knows all of it. Knives really needs to get out and meet more people.
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In Stampede, Vash basically gives this whole speech to Knives, doesn't he?
Ah, dramatic coattails have become even more dramatic. This time on purpose and not just for artistic effect.
Not really sure what's unplugging here. Part of Vash's outfit?
Ah, yeah, that was it. I guess it's now a gun, too?
Ha! He's using the other tube to reload. Something something Stampede.
Knives... don't power that thing up.
Gods, Legato just looks like a muppet on this page.
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I'm sorry, but the image of him slowly ker-plinking slowly up all those stairs in his little bag with his silly little mechanical scythe attachment thing is hilarious.
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VASH. YOU PUT THAT AWAY, TOO!!! Ugh, for once I'm grateful for whatever the hell Knives is about to do to get in Vash's way.
Knives, your logic SUCKS.
Don't worry! Someone has arrived to save the day! Behold, our hero... *checks notes* Legato Bluesummers?
I mean, fr, he's probably pretty upset already that Knives has merged with people other than himself. I guess merging with someone who he thinks might affect Knives's consciousness is too much? IDEK.
Going for some more overt rape imagery here, I see.
Gods, Knives doesn't even call Bluesummers by his name. He's just "you."
Folks... I've seen '98. I have spoilers. I know Legato's gonna break me in all different ways all too soon. But right now? I can't get over how much of a crazed muppet he is and it's just making me laugh through all the serious stuff here. But look at him! He's so giddy! Knives-sama has given him a Very Important Job! Knives-sama recognized Legato and knows Legato is here to help! Knives-sama knows this is a job for only Legato, because Legato is that dedicated to Knives-sama and is the only, ONLY person who should be at Knives-sama's side!
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Oh. Yeah, I'm also worried about Vash here. I just got distracted by Legato's stupid face. I should add it to my collage.
I'm trying to decide if that's Wolfwood on the right of this shot. It looks an awful lot like Wolfwood.
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Author Bonus Chapter
LOL, otaku boat....
Is that a Vash head half buried in the sand? Looking very annoyed?
Oh, I guess there was a Trigun game. I don't really know anything about it.
Waaaaaiiiiiit, that's not Trigun! That's Gungrave!
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Ha! I remember when a game with dynamic world elements like that was considered top-of-the-line....
What's with this list of target audience people?
Trigun Vol. 1: Covers + 1-3, 4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 || Vol. 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Vol. 1: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Vol. 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Vol. 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Vol. 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 6: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 7: Covers + 1-2, 3-4
Extra Credit: Trigun Vol. 1: Nebraska vs. Vash's Motivations, Vash's Loneliness, Vash's Depression (pt 2 of post), Soupy Brains || Vol. 2: Coin Factoids || TriMax Vol. 1: Lina, Vash, and a Haircut || Meryl, Vash, and the Pursuit of Happiness || Vol. 5: Knives, Vash, and Hatred for Humanity || Vol. 6: Coping Series: Wolfwood, Meryl, Vash
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pantswarrior · 9 months
I read Fighting Gravity on ao3 earlier this year and I wanted to tell you I loved it! I'm one of those peripheral members of fandoms who haven't read or watched any of the canon stuff, but are too obsessed with the fanworks to stop. It makes me wonder about stories like yours - is some point in the larger canon where something similar happens, or do you just come up with the idea for an unhoused Spock on your own?
I'm sending my ask to thank your for your story, but I also wanted to ask if you were alright with people printing and binding personal copies (ie. not for profit) of the fic for themselves.
I've been hand binding sketchbooks on and off for a little while, and I saw a tiktok of someone's self-bound versions of their favourite fics and thought that trying my hand at fic binding would be a fun project for this summer.
I just wanted to ask bc I heard some authors aren't okay with personal prints, so just let me know please; I'll always love the story regardless.
Aw, thank you so much! I'm sorry it took so long for me to reply - my laptop completely died several months back and the only one I could get online with is 11 years old, freezes up upon trying to load Tumblr, and is physically falling apart. -_- So I have been away from Tumblr all this time and did not see this until I got a new laptop tonight and could load the site again, I apologize! First of all - I consider it a great honor when anyone thinks enough of my fanstuff to want to do ANYTHING with it. =) I mean, I'm just out here being a nerd, writing fic about characters that are not mine. I can hardly be possessive about them. ;) So while I suppose it's rather late for a summer project, if for some reason the inclination strikes you in the future, feel free! It sounds like a beautiful project and I'm honestly flattered that you would think my story worthy. =) As for the inspiration behind that particular story... there is a rather silly story behind it. (tl;dr, possibly...) My partner-at-the-time and I were both really into the new Star Trek movie when it came out in 2009 - and this was not long after both of us were fixated on Ace Attorney fandom, which had recently had a new game released. Before the game was released, there was some character art showing an existing character looking scruffy, and the Ace Attorney fandom decided he must have fallen on hard times. There were multiple fanfics written about the guy he's usually shipped with finding him unhoused and taking him in and helping him get back on his feet. It became sort of a fandom injoke, "Miles adopts a homeless Phoenix". Not long after the first reboot Star Trek movie came out, the ONTD Star Trek community over at LiveJournal (good times!) dug up some screen test pics of Zachary Quinto wearing the Spock ears... but with a scruffy unshaven look and longer hair. So I showed them to my partner, who reacted with six little words:
"So... Jim adopts a homeless Vulcan?" I laughed because that was ridiculous and impossible given how some things work in the Star Trek canon. ...And then I started thinking about it, and how maybe it wasn't impossible, how someone *could* possibly wind up in such a situation in the Star Trek universe, and stopped laughing. ...And then spent the next several months of my life having this offhand joking comment turn into yet another exploration of one of my favorite themes: predestination vs. free will. OOPS. My partner, of course, was laughing their head off incredulously the whole time as I sent them drafts of the next chapter to read over and repeatedly reminded them that this was ALL THEIR FAULT. ;) So that is the...origin story... of that fic. Apologies for the length of this (and again, the lateness of the reply) - though to be honest it's so absurd it's fun to share it again. :D
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rommahh · 3 years
I Carry Your Heart
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Harry Styles x Reader
Word Count: 4k
{Ahhhh ok so this is my first work like ever. There will definitely be a second part because ive got more to say and it needs a second part. I hope whoever sees and reads this imagine enjoys it. I appreciate comments, likes, reblogs, ideas on what could go into the story, and any form of help and redirection as to how i should write things. Much love, R.}.
Part two
All Y/N wanted tonight was to hang out with her boyfriend, eat a mass amount of junk food, and watch a marvel movie or two. That was all she wanted and that was all she asked of her boyfriend. Instead of any of that happening, she found herself sitting on the nasty kitchen island of her boyfriend's frat at a party that she was trying to avoid going to.
This party was supposedly ‘the party of the year.’ The last rager before finals and then christmas break. Y/N had spent the whole week studying and finishing up end of semester projects hence the want for a chill night. When Harry came to her saying his frat was throwing a party tonight and that he just HAD to be here, Y/N didn't feel like she had a choice but to let him go. She came because she thought this would be the only time she would be able to have some time with Harry after a long week of barely seeing each other. With two vastly different majors, the couple wasnt able to find a lot of time in the middle of school work to make time for just the two of them. Obviously her hopes of quality time with her man were futile because here she was sitting by herself in the kitchen of the frat while Harry drank and got high with his friends in other parts of the house.
Of course she was disappointed. She felt a knot in her throat and a weight on her chest just sitting there in that kitchen. Her white claw was warm now- not that it was any cold when she opened it. She was starting to form a small headache from the too loud music and the ache in her heart was growing.
She stood from the countertop on the search for her boyfriend, hoping he wasn't too far gone from sober. Wiping the back of her jeans from anything that was left on the island, she began walking around the house. She doesn't remember the last time the two of them spent time together by themselves. Of course they occasionally ate dinner together in the dining hall but they were normally surrounded by friends. Y/N wanted to be alone with her boyfriend to talk and bask in his presence.
After pushing through groups of partying humans, she found Harry and at least ten other people sitting around playing some sort of drinking game.
“Y/N! Where have you been?” Luca, one of Harry's frat brothers yelled out to her from the circle. Luca was cool, he was one of the only tolerable boys in this frat aside from Harry. Hearing his girlfriend's name, Harry turned around from where he sat on the ground and reached out for his girlfriend to sit beside him. Much to Y/N’s dismay, Harry was wasted. His eyes were half mass and his words bumped and slurred together. “We are playing truth or dare, wanna play?” Luca asked.
“I don't wanna play but Ill sit and watch.” Sitting next to her boyfriend, she grabbed one of his hands holding it in her lap. She was annoyed at him but it did her no good to show it when he was this drunk.
This game of truth or dare was childish. Dares of licking people's shoes and taking multiple shots had been done and truths about money and relationships were being spilled among the group. It had finally become Harry’s turn to do something, making Y/N tense.
“Ok Harry, I dare you to…” One drunk frat boy started looking around the room trying to come up with something clever. His eyes landed on a pretty girl in the room, Yara, a stuck up girl who for sure got her way no matter what. “I dare you to kiss the hottest girl in the room- obviously not your girlfriend because that defeats the purpose.” The frat boy smirked knowing what his intentions were. Everyone in the group giggles and gasped shocked by the dare but ready to see what was going to go down. Y/N’s brows furrowed as she became angry with the stupid dare.
The ache in her chest seemed to tip over the edge when she felt her boyfriend in the room move to stand up. She grabbed at the bottom of his shirt as a way of stopping him. Harry halted his movements to look down at his girlfriend. He giggled a little.
“You’re not actually going to do this right?” She asked Harry with wide eyes of shock. Harry laughed at her like she made a joke, making her heart hurt even more.”Harry I do not want you to do this just take the shot and lose the dare.” Her tone held warning.
“Don't be silly of course I'm going to. It's just a dare, nothing serious. Don't be so clingy.” He stood walking over to Yara and planted a wet kiss on her mouth. Yara gripped Harry’s shirt and kissed him harder. The kiss went on for a few more seconds, the room absolutely silent out of shock. Harry stepped back from Yara slightly sobering up from his actions. Yara smirked at Y/N, hand gliding down the front of Harry's shirt.
Y/N stood from the seat she was in and scoffed. Scoffed because she should've known Harry would do something like this. Scoffed because it hurt to see her boyfriend do something so careless without any regard for his girl's feelings. She pulled herself together, feeling her throat tighten once again. She was quick to leave the room and down the hall of the frat.
Harry's clumsy steps could be heard from behind her as he mumbled her name. Or at least he tried to. He was still so out of it, his words not making much sense. Y/N was crying now, the strength that she had slowly dissolving as she walked further away from her boyfriend.
“Y/N wait. P-please wait. I cant-” Harry stumbled over his legs behind her falling into the grass of the front yard. The girl couldn't help but turn around looking at her stupid boyfriend. She was choking on sobs now. She wasn't crying over a measly little kiss but over an extreme amount of burnout from school and exhaustion from simply existing. She was crying because her boyfriend ignored her boundaries, crushing and erasing the boundaries she had set in their relationship. Harry tried reaching for her once she had stopped walking. His hand clasped around her wrist, he laid his head down on her shoulder. He hated seeing her cry even if he was too drunk to see why.
“Baby don't leave, Im-Im Sorry.” He hiccuped and burped due to the alcohol. Y/N felt her rage build. Shoving Harry off of her, she crossed her arms across her chest as a way to shield herself from Harry physically. He was hurt by her distance and the wall she put up around her.
“You're an idiot Harry. An idiot!” her sobs grew louder, some stray party goers watching in amusement- some even snapchatting it for shits and giggles. “I didnt want you to kiss her and you did. What provoked you to think that was ok? All I wanted was for us to hang out tonight and just be us and you did this!” She was yelling now. Her hurt is beyond her now. Anger and rage simmered throughout her body making her head dizzy and her fingers curl within themselves. She didnt like being angry. It wasn't an emotion she liked acting on, it felt impersonal.
“Baby I don't under-” Before Harry could finish his sentence he was barfing at his feet. Y/N stepped back disgusted with her boyfriend. She couldn't even feel remorseful because of how angry she was. Luca, the frat brother from earlier, caught up with Harry and his girl only to find Harry doubled over heaving. Luca wrapped his arms around Harry's shoulders.
“I'm sorry Luca but I can't do this tonight. Can you please make sure he gets some water and goes to bed. I-I can't do it tonight, I wish I could but I can't.” Y/N didn't want to leave her boyfriend in this state but she didn't deserve this. She wasn't going to care for her drunk boyfriend when all she wanted to do was care for herself. Selfishly, she enjoyed seeing him this way because of the anger he caused her.
Luca shook his head in understandment. “Of course, I'm really sorry for tonight. He's going to seriously regret this in the morning, especially since it will be circulating all over snapchat in the morning.” Luca waved to Y/N then proceeded to pull Harry into the house. Harry called out for Y/N not wanting to be away from her but Luca pulled him harder.
Harry woke up the next morning feeling like the bottom of a dumpster. He wasn't shocked by that. He knew he got trashed last night, he had planned to. He, just like Y/N, spent all week studying and completing projects while also fulfilling certain responsibilities for his frat. He wanted one night to be a normal teen. So he drank and drank and drank and maybe even smoked some weed. As he tried to recall last night's events he came up with nothing. He didn't understand why Y/N wasn't here with him like she normally would after a party on the weekend. They were normally always together during the weekend. A bad feeling loomed over him. He could tell something wasn't right but decided to put his feelings to the side.
He saw a bottle of water beside his bed making him think she was probably here and left early. Chugging the water he started to go through his socials to see if anyone had posted about the party. He had multiple tagged pics and videos in his notifications from snapchat. Way more than he normally would.
The first video he saw was a video of him and Y/N standing in the front yard of the frat house. Turning the volume all the way up he could hear Y/N yelling, it shocked him. She doesn't normally raise her voice, especially not at him. The angle changed showing her face which was red with anger, eyes filled with unshed tears. He could hear her yelling about him kissing someone else. He felt his heart stop. He had kissed someone else? On the next snap was a picture of him keeled over vomiting on his shoes with the caption saying, ‘are yall seeing this shit?’ Harry was embarrassed but he was more concerned than anything.
His head was hurting but it didn't stop him from rolling out of bed, washing up, and putting on a fresh set of clothes. He checked his phone hoping Y/N had messaged him but nothing was there. He walked into the kitchen only to see luca sitting at the counter eating cereal.
“Hey Harry….” Luca said warily. Luca pushed the cereal around his bowl feeling the tension begin to rise in the room. He felt horrible about his friends.
“Luca...what's up?” Harry was confused by Lucas' wariness.
“So do you remember anything about last night?” Luca asked, setting his cereal down in the sink behind him. Harry started playing with the frayed edges of a bracelet Y/N made for him. It had little beads with her name on it. They made them together at an event on campus.
“I don't, I only saw the videos of Y/N screaming at me. I think I fucked up but I- I don't know what happened.” Harry's cheek flushed with even more embarrassment. Luca awkwardly chuckled scratching the back of his neck.
“You got dared to kiss the hottest girl in the room and um actually did it in front of Y/N...even though she didn't want you to. Which led you guys outside and yeah you know the rest...Im sorry dude, I wish I had stopped you.”
“Who- who did I kiss?” Harrys stomach lurched when he heard Yara’s name come out of Lucas' name. Y/N didn't like Yara and it was understandable. Yara has been pining after Harry since their first year of college. Harry couldn't breathe. He felt disgusted with himself. He could only imagine how Y/N was feeling.
Y/N woke up the same morning, eyes puffy and crusty from tears and head hurting. She probably cried herself into dehydration. She was lucky enough to have no roommate because she wouldn't have wanted someone else to see her breakdown. She still couldn't believe last night went down the way it went down. She couldn't tell if she was just being overdramatic or if her emotions were in the right place. She didn't want to be mad at Harry. He was everything to her, she had an odd connection to him. Meeting him during their freshman welcome week they quickly became best friends with a growing romantic connection in the mix. They started dating before Christmas break. They had grown close so fast that he even came home with her to meet her family for the first few days of break.  Even though they were in their junior year of college, Y/N could see them beyond college. She's imagined them getting married, travelling, sharing a home. She saw the whole future with him. She had her doubts though. He was immature just like every other boy in college. He was dumb with his actions and tended to only do things if they benefited him. He had a lot of growing to do as a person, so did she but she wanted to grow with him.
She heard a knock on her door hesitating to answer it because one, it could be Harry, and two, she looked like a wreck. Answering anyways, she was met with a very sorry looking Harry holding a small coffee and bagel from their cafe.
“Hi baby…” He sheepishly said holding out the items. She silently let him through the door not once looking him in the eye. He stepped into her room, setting her treats on her desk. He could see that her bed was messy meaning she recently woke up. Y/N never went about her day without making her bed. He turned back to her and finally their eyes met. He took in all of her facial features, from her puffy eyes, to her downturned lips that looked chapped, to her flushed cheeks that longed to be held for warmth. He hated to see her like this, the last time he saw her so upset was when her parents moved out of her childhood home. It took alot to make Y/N this upset. She was normally really headstrong and vigilant. She knew how to ease her way out of problematic situations and could talk her way through anything.
Harry opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Y/N holding her hand up in front of his face. “Don't talk. I'm really hurt Harry, so if your plan was to come over here and apologize over bagels- think again.” She snapped, backing up to put space between the two of them. She sat down on her bed while Harry pulled the desk chair out and sat down. He much preferred to be on the bed with her holding her tight but he didn't want to overstep boundaries.
“Love, I don't know where to begin. I'm really sorry for what happened last night. I was really drunk and obviously wasn't in the right headspace.” Harry reached out and touched the tips of her fingers with his. She wanted to move but it felt good to be touched by Harry.
“I told you that a measly little apology won't do Harry. I didn't want you to kiss Yara and you did anyway. You know how Yara feels about you and you just let it happen!” She pulled her hand away remembering the prior night's events. Harry felt himself getting angry too. He felt like he needed to defend himself- even though it would be a very bad idea.
“I think you're being over dramatic.” Wrong move Harry. “It wasn't like I was making out with her!”
“You're joking right?” She scoffed and scooted further up her bed to create more distance. “Harry it's the simple fact that you did something that made me uncomfortable that shouldn't have even happened. I see myself getting married to you and it makes me worry that right now in our relationship you can't respect my boundaries!” She yelled. Harry’s eyes widened as he laughed sarcastically.
“Married? What the fuck are you on about? I'm a junior in college. In what world would it make sense for me to be prepping a relationship for marriage? Once again I think you're being over dramatic.” Her eyes watered hearing Harry's statement.
“I- I guess I'm the only one in this relationship thinking about the future? I thought we were on the same page. I'm not planning our marriage now, obviously. I'm thinking about how elements of our relationship now could play out in the future when we do want to get married. You cheated on me last night. I went to a party you begged ME to go to only to be there for you. I wanted to be here cuddling with you, pigging out on fast food but I was at a party with you and got cheated on!” Her volume rises once again, making Harry shove his chair from underneath him when he stands up.
“You're doing too much right now. I'm not planning a future right now because I don't want this future! I want to be myself without thinking about how to appease my girlfriend. I invited you to the party so you could lighten the fuck up. I love you, I do, but I'm not thinking of marriage and futures. I'm thinking about my life right now and having fun.” Harry snapped right back at her. Her chin wobbled. Obviously her and Harry were on different pages. It hurt so much to hear him say that he didn't want a future with her. Harry didn't mean it though.
“Ok, well I guess that's my fault for assuming we were thinking along the same lines. Um, I don't want to hold you back from being yourself so with that being said, you are a free man Harry.” She pushed herself up from her bed walking to the door ready to escort Harry out.
“Huh? Love, what?” Harry was confused on how they got to this point. Just a few days ago they were in love, meeting in the library to share a lunch and exchanging sweet words determined by their love.
“Listen I have a day full of exams tomorrow so if you could just leave that would be best. You don't really want this so I'm letting you go, Harry.” She had tears rolling down her face, falling from her eyes down to her chin where they fell to the ground in droplets. Harry’s eyes welled up watching his love cry before him.
“I don't-”
“Harry, leave, please.” She opened the door making room for him to go through. He walked through the door turning to look at her. She turned her face away from him whispering a small goodbye before shutting the door. Harry was left in the silent hallway, so silent he could hear his thoughts and the tears hitting the tile floor beneath him. He thinks he stood there for at least thirty more minutes before accepting what had happened and walking away.
Leaving Y/N in her room sobbing like she had never done before. Her tears coated her face and she thought her head could explode right then and there. She didn't want to accept what had happened but she had priorities. She composed herself enough to start studying for her exams.
The week rolled by quickly, Monday meeting Friday in a flash. Exams were done and Christmas break was on the horizon. Students were piling off of campus in a hurry ready to get home to their loved ones. People were outside by cars loading up their winter necessaries and saying their goodbyes to their close friends.
Harry cried everyday this week. He wasn't normally a crier. He hated crying, he hated the feeling of crying and the headache that came from it. He cried because he realized how wrong he was. He missed Y/N. He missed finals week dinner together where they tried to get off campus at least once and be alone for a moment. He missed watching her relax while eating food that wasn't from their school's cafeteria. He would pay for their meal just so she could have one less thing to worry about. They would normally get frozen yogurt right after too, Y/N getting as many toppings as she wanted because Harry would be the one paying. He missed her tight after exam hugs. She would squeeze his shoulders tight, smiling into his neck, telling him how proud she was of him. She would bring him tea in the morning when they met for breakfast. Sometimes they would spend the night in one or the others room so they could have time together to destress and just talk.
Y/N wasn't doing any better. She normally went into exam week feeling confident. She studied too hard not to. But this week she felt like shit. Her heart hurt and she kept thinking about the fight. She feels like she overreacted but hearing Harry talk about their lack of a future hurt nonetheless. She really assumed that they did have a future that included marriage and a life together. She didn't understand where his sudden lack of commitment came from. She regretted dumping him but at the same time she wished he did more to get them back together but he was silent. He hasn't contacted her at all and avoided all of their spots on campus all together.
She stood by her car prepping for her six hours car ride back home. Packing away her clothes and some essentials in the trunk of her car, she heard light footsteps behind her. Closing her trunk she turned to see Harry standing with his hands in his pockets.  
“Hi.” He said. She looked at him, putting her own hands in her pockets. It was cold outside, the nippy air hinting at a possibility of snow.
“Hi Harry.” They shared a moment of silence together. Just staring at each other. It felt good to be near each other again. They felt like they could breathe again.
“I had to see you before you left. I know the break is only a month but I didn't want to leave without seeing you.” He replied quietly. She made him feel so shy. Her beauty always made him awestruck. Even in a hoodie with their college's logo and some large sweatpants and some fuzzy crocs, she was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.
“I don't know what to say harry.”
“It's ok. I don't deserve anything from you after what I said. I just wanted to apologize and wish you a good break before you left. I also wanted to give you this.” He pulled a small box and envelope out of the front pocket of his backpack. “I know we agreed on no presents but I think thats a dumb rule and I love you too much to not get you something.” She smiled at his words, taking the gift from his hands.
“Thank you Harry, it means a lot to me. So what are your plans for a break?” She asked him, the tension that was in the air slowly dissipating.
“I couldn't get a flight home until next wednesday so i'll stay here on campus until then.” He shrugged.
“Oh ok. Well tell Anne I said hi. I have to go Harry but I'll see you after the break, ok?” She didn't want to leave him but she didn't want to drive through the dark.
“Ok, love. Drive safe. I lov- I mean have a good break.” Her chest tightened at his hesitation. She wants to hear him say the words but she knows he won't.
“Have a good break Harry.” She whispered. Before getting in her car she stood on her toes placing a kiss on the corner of his mouth. Rubbing her thumb across his cheek and turning away and into her car.
She drove away knowing that her heart was left in that parking lot in the hands of someone she loves way too much.
Harry stood in the parking lot watching his heart drive away for winter wanting nothing more than to be with her.
Part two
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lazypeachsoul · 3 years
I wouldn't want to spend a minute lovin' anybody else.
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Warnings: this fic has some sad moments and mentions of the blip. also kind of AU because I'm completely ignoring Natasha's canon end.
Word count: 4,2k (i got very carried away with this fic)
Summary: · Meeting the right person at the wrong time can be life changing when it doesn’t work out the way we desire. But if it's meant to be it will always happen, right?
A/N: This is my fic for the "Women of Marvel xReader Exchange" created by @marvelxreaderfanfictionfest . It was created for @im-holding-ontoyou and I hope you like it! gif by @natasharomanovgifs 🌼 ALSO; i haven't watched Black Widow yet so I'm sorry if something in this fic doesn't fit the new info we got about natasha.
To be added to my taglist use this forms or write me an ask!
New York, 2015.
When you received the call from one of your bosses that you had a new case you would have never imagined how big that case would turn out to be.
You had been working for one of the most important law firms in New York for a year now, and you were getting kind of used to reading cases that would be narrated in the papers for months. Rich and entitled men, big divorces were they fight over who gets the yacht, one or two murder cases... if it revolved around the powerful people of New York city, your firm would get it.
When you got to the debriefing and were told that Tony Stark, one of the firm's most important clients, asked your team for assistance in the creation of some legislation with the newly created “Advanced Threat Containment Unit” you were more than surprised.
The events that the Avengers had caused (or saved us from, there were different opinions going around) in the small country of Sokovia were known all around the and it was only time before the most powerful officials asked for the regulation of ‘superhero activity’.
You weren’t important enough to actually attend the meetings that took place with the government, seeing as you had only passed your bar exam a little over a year prior, but you were deemed cheerful and nice enough to act as a nexus between the firm and the client.
For months you spent your days talking to Tony Stark and other members of The Avengers trying to explain what was being talked about. The first few meetings were a disaster, seeing as the mood was somber for the lives lost and nobody really understood your legal jargon. But slowly you started to transform your language and really tried to make the meetings as easy as possible for everyone present.
But who were you kidding, they really didn’t care about the meetings or the silly attorney being sent to explain something that was way above their paycheck. Well, at least Stark was gracious enough to set a coffee station with some pastries for the meeting. You were pouring the hot liquid into your to-go cup when your hand jerked and the hot liquid splashed your hand.
You could feel the sting of the burn but avoided further sudden movements trying not to make it worse. Before you could reach for a napkin to clean up the mess you made, a more dexterous and manicured hand reached for them and exchanged the hot cup in your hand for the bunch of papers.
“Careful, Stark always serves boiling coffee. I think it’s to mask that it’s not the best quality.”
You lifted your gaze from your hand and found a pair of deep green eyes gazing back. You would have thought that spending numerous meetings in the company of superheroes would make you less susceptible to their powerful auras, but being this close to Natasha Romanoff made your heart beat a bit faster.
“Yeah, I found out the hard way.” You joked, lifting your hand a bit. “You would guess one of the richest people in the world would actually serve good coffee...”
Seeing her crack a smile made you feel less tense. Sometimes you forget they are still normal people. Normal people who could kill you with their bare hands and had superhuman powers. She placed your cup on the food table, apparently not bothered by how hot it must have been, and pushed her hand in your direction.
“I’m Natasha Romanoff.” You wrapped your hand around hers and shook it, biting your tongue trying not to tell her of course you knew her name. “Sorry I didn’t introduce myself in earlier meetings, we were all trying to come to terms with what had happened.”
“No worries, I can only imagine how hard it must have been for all of you.” You nodded and tried to show her sympathy, trying to avoid thinking about all the lives affected by the fight. “Oh sorry, I’m-”
Natasha quickly cut you off, speaking your name before you could even say it. You could feel your cheeks get warmer at the idea that they actually knew who you were, and she probably could sense your mood change because she quickly explained.
“I know who you are, you send us at least two emails a week about these meetings and FRIDAY always announces you before you arrive.”
“Who announces me?” You asked curiously at the mention of a name you recognized.
“FRIDAY. It’s the name of Stark’s AI technology. It works all around the tower and it’s there to make life easier for everyone.” She explained pointing around at the speakers strategically placed around the room.
“Oh, I get emails from Friday sometimes. Most of them are asking me to translate or explain something about the debriefing because Mr.Stark is not interested in legal terms.” Both you and Natasha laughed at the thought.
But she quickly recomposed and tried to look serious again when she heard her teammates coming in to get ready for the meeting.
“I wanted to ask you about that. Do you think we could schedule a meeting so that you could explain some things about the legislation of the A.T.C.U.?” She spoke lower than she had when the two of you were alone and you wondered why she didn’t want her colleagues to know about the meeting.
“Ye-Yeah, of course I can.” You were confused but thought it would be in your best interest, and the firm’s, to say yes to the proposal. And a meeting with a very attractive and definitely interesting woman was not something that happened constantly for you.
“Great, thank you.” She smiled warmly and squeezed your hand that you hadn’t even realized was still wrapped around hers from the introduction. “I can promise you better coffee.”
You could only hum in response, still trying to piece together what she might want from the meeting. But your thoughts were quickly cut off when Stark entered the room and you moved to start the reunion.
During the entire meeting you could feel the dull pain in your hand from the scorching coffee and the feeling of a pair of green eyes watching your every move.
Vienna, 2016.
The situation had only gone downhill from the Battle of Sokovia. The public’s opinion on the Avengers was at an all-time-low and that made terrorist groups bold. They knew that if they struck and caused enough chaos, the blame would fall on the good guys that tried to stop them.
The only thing that seemed to be a stable thing in your life was Natasha. Well, as stable as dating a superhero might be. She was busy a lot, but you understood the importance of her job and you were quite busy too gaining importance within the law firm.
And even if sometimes terrorists and criminals got in the way you still found a moment to spend together, wrapped around each other without having to think about how messed up life was.
You thought Lagos was the blow that would make everything tumble, the Sokovia accords were unveiled and it broke the Avengers, and your girlfriend. You could feel how torn she was at her decision of some of her friends to oppose the signing and go on the run, and her own decision to subordinate to the United Nations mandate. But you realized how small that had been when king T’Chaka was killed at the UN.
You had been at the UN as part of the USA legal team that participated in the writing and monitoring of the accords. Your participation in the negotiations almost broke your relationship but you were able to recover once you explained your position and Natasha actually came to an understanding of it.
Natasha was also in Vienna when everything went down, you hadn’t managed to properly see her because she was one of the signers and they sat at the assembly while other guests sat at the amphitheater watching the retransmission.
You hadn’t been able to properly see her all day, seeing as she took a detour before flying to Austria. You were only able to communicate through texts where you tried to make the situation more comfortable for her and she promised a peaceful european trip to celebrate the signing.
When the bomb went off and all hell broke loose the first thing you tried to do was look for her, she was at the epicenter of the explosion and you just wanted to see if she was okay. You saw her from afar when you were being pushed to the outside of the building while they swiped the perimeter.
She sat with T’Challa before he jumped from the bench and stomped away. Natasha looked around and your gazes crossed, immediately melting away some of the worry. You tried to push your way through the crowd to get to her, but police and security didn’t budge.
You never took your eyes off of her, scared that if you did she would disappear. But she did move her gaze to her phone and the look that crossed her face when she heard the voice at the other side told you it was a very important call.
Once the call was over and she looked at you again you knew that would probably be the last time you would see her in some time. You hadn’t known Natasha as long as some of her colleagues had, but you could proudly say you could understand what she wanted to say with just a look. And the look on her face in that moment read close to a goodbye.
New York, 2018.
It had been two years since the fall of Helmut Zemo and part of the Avengers was still on the run. And it maybe wouldn’t have had that big of an impact on you if it wasn’t because Natasha had also been on the run for that long.
You had heard about what happened at the Leipzig airport and how Natasha had changed alliances to join Captain America’s fight. You had been heartbroken at the news knowing that any resemblance of normality that you still hope for was destroyed.
You had spent months wondering what had made her change her mind. Had she thought about your conversations about the accords? Had she even remembered you, waiting for her back in New York, when she decided to go on the run?
A part of you tried to convince you of how selfish thinking about that was, why would she think about you when the future of her team and friends was at stake? But also you were her girlfriend, she should have thought about the implications that might have had for you.
In those years you had mourned your relationship and after the grieving period you tried to rebuild your life. New friends, a new position and new chances to take. And it went okay...at least until someone opened their mouth to talk about superheroes or The Avengers. Years down the line and it was still on people’s minds.
On special occasions you would receive anonymous gifts at your office or your apartment. The first birthday after the war you sobbed for fifteen minutes when you saw the bunch of flowers. There was no name or indicative of who might have sent them, that was until you looked better at the card and saw the small red hourglass painted in the corner.
The gifts continued. Every case you won, promotion, birthday or holiday a bunch of flowers would be delivered to you with the same note.
In a way it gave you a sense of peace knowing she was okay and still thought of you. But the more you thought about it the angrier you got at how she had left you.
You didn’t expect a message from your boss to run to the Avengers compound and assess some situation between Coronel Rhodes and Thaddeus Ross. Although the team had crumbled, your company was still hired to legally represent the remaining members and moderate situations that might arise with the government.
You entered the compound expecting another bureaucratic complaint about their activity but you found a trickier situation. The meeting room was filled with people you thought you would never see again.
Captain Rogers was sitting on one of the chairs sporting a new look that made you almost not recognize him and a tense demeanor. Next to him was Sam Wilson, looking around at the smallest of movements and trying to assess the situation. Wanda Maximoff was standing on the furthest corner of the room playing with her rings, meanwhile Vision was apparently being checked out for a wound. What kind of wounds a synthezoid could get was beyond your understanding.
“Thank you for coming so quickly, I might have angered Secretary Ross during a meeting.” Rhodey came up to you with a nervous smile.
You had gotten closer to him thanks to your job seeing as he was the one doing the dirty superhero work.
“Yeah, I got that much from the text. Nothing new then.” You tried to joke to diffuse the tension in the room. “It would have been nice to know you had guests though.”
“We are not guests. Last time I checked this was our home too.”
That voice made your blood freeze. You should have expected her there, all her friends had returned and the chance of her being back too was almost 100%. But hearing her voice again after two years was not something you expected.
You bit your tongue before you could talk about how it’s not a home if you abandon it, but decided against it. This was a fight between them, not Natasha and you.
“I need you to work with the government to avoid this situation becoming a disaster.” Rhodey explained and you scoffed.
“Rhodey, I’m a lawyer not a politician. I have as much power in this as you might have.” You tried to lay your point across but it was difficult with all eyes on the interaction. “Hell, I have even less power than you do.”
“Then I need you to distract them enough to get them off our shoulders.” He pressed. “Something big is coming and we need all the strength we can get.”
You thought about it for a moment. If it was true that something big was coming, the Avengers were the best option to fight it.
“I’m in.” You scoffed at his smile and sat down in one of the chairs of the meeting room. “I’m not ready for the world to end yet.”
The meeting went on for a while. You called bosses, government officials and everyone that would listen to your distractions. You sent emails that would flood their inboxes for days so that they couldn’t read any news that might reach them about what the superheroes had in mind.
It was late at night when a cup of steaming liquid was placed next to you. You looked at it and saw that it was some kind of herbal tea, probably made to relax the drinker. You followed the hand that was still holding the mug until you reached Natasha’s face.
You had done your best to ignore her looming presence in the room but now there was no distraction. Looking at her you could see tiredness in her face. She was platinum blonde now, a look that weirdly suited her, but her face still looked as welcoming to you as it always did.
You tried to stop the flashbacks to the last time you saw it in person in Vienna, but they kept replaying in your head until her voice broke you out of the loop.
“I thought you might need it, I remember how nervous calls used to make you.”
She was smiling but you could tell it didn’t reach her eyes.
“Yeah, I guess I got over it since I got my promotion. Now I spend a long portion of my day making calls.”
She hummed and sat down next two you, but leaving a chair in between you as a safe space.
“I read about it in an article, I sent you flowers to celebrate.”
“I got them. And the Christmas ones. On my birthday too.” You enumerated the times you had gotten the plants in the past two years. “You must have spent an awful amount of money buying me so many flowers.”
“You deserved it, you still do.” She shrugged and that’s when you noticed she had her own mug of warm tea in her other hand. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to celebrate with you.”
You laughed into your mug sarcastically. Out of everything you expected her to say this wasn’t one of them.
“Did you really? Because you didn’t seem to consider me much when you went on the run for two years.”
Natasha paled when she heard your tone. She probably wasn’t used to situations like these but you weren’t going to let her go without an apology at least.
“I was trying to do the best for-”
“-for the world. I get it, Natasha, I do.” You tried to contain your emotions but it was getting harder with every word. “Relationships are supposed to be teamwork. I know you are always too busy playing heroes and I never judged you for that, I just wish you would have trusted me enough to tell me before you disappeared.”
She was silent and knowing Natasha it’s because she was probably overwhelmed with the display of feelings. But she needed to hear how bad you had felt.
After minutes of waiting for an answer from her and getting nothing but sighs you shook your head and looked back at the computer screen.
“I guess it was a case of the right person, wrong time.” You shrugged trying to find distraction in the flurry of letters in your email inbox. “Or at least it was for me.”
She got up from her seat without a word and you grew exasperated. Why had she even approached you if then she wasn’t willing to have an adult, two sided conversation? She was almost at the door when you heard her voice again.
“Please never doubt how much I love you. I made some bad choices but dating you was not one of them.”
New York, 2024.
Time apparently flies by when you are erased from the face of the earth. One day you are in your office working late and the next you appear five years in the future with no recollection of what might have happened.
You were taken by authorities to impromptu camps and one by one examined to check your identities. The entire thing seemed to be something out of one of the dystopian novels you used to read as a teenager.
When it was your turn you gave them all the information you had on what had happened. You had given them your name and personal information and apparently had been a very searched person because the computer started beeping as soon as your name was introduced in the database.
You were moved to a secluded part of the camp and kept in an isolated room for god knows how long. Your stomach was in knots during the entire situation and you could feel the cold sweat on you. That mixed with the metallic taste on your tongue you knew this time your anxiety was justified. You were almost dizzy because of how hard you were thinking about the entire situation and trying to make sense of it.
When you heard the door of the room open you jumped up, discarding on the floor a makeshift blanket that had been placed on your shoulders when you got there. Your legs almost gave out at the movement and your heart felt like it was going to burst out.
The door opened enough for you to see who had been searching for you. Natasha stepped through the door still dressed in her tactic gear and with tiredness written all over her face. But that feeling seemed to almost disappear when she finally saw you.
With quick movements she stepped into the room and wrapped her arms around you tightly. For some reason that action was the trigger that you needed to let all your emotions consume you.
You started sobbing uncontrollably at the unknown. You didn’t understand what happened or how you are here, but feeling her embrace helped you feel safe in a way. It had been years since you last hugged her but it still felt as good as back in 2015.
You could hear Natasha’s soothing shushes in between your sobs and you moved to hold her tighter.
“You are here. I can’t believe I found you again.” She spoke softly and you didn’t know if she was speaking to you or herself. “It’s okay darling. I’m here and I’m not letting you go again. I promise.”
And with that promise a ray of hope made way between all the fear you felt.
Missouri, 2025.
Soft music could be heard all around the ground floor of the house. The soft beat was upbeat enough to get the morning started but not enough to be overwhelming if you had just woken up. You were sitting on the kitchen island looking at the news on your phone and having breakfast.
Mornings were usually very calm around the homestead and you couldn’ be more thankful for that. It allowed you to silently prepare your breakfast and coffee and get a headstart on Natasha’s breakfast too.
Since she had retired, Natasha had discovered a newfound love for sleeping in and you didn’t dare to take that away from her. She deserved it from all the work she had done in her life.
You, meanwhile, tried to get up early to scroll through the cases that you got in your new and smaller job and schedule meetings or emails.
It was a Saturday so work wasn’t a thing and you could actually enjoy your toast and coffee in peace. Or at least until a pair of arms wrapped themselves around your middle and pulled you back against Natasha.
“Good morning baby, how did you sleep?”
“Like a baby.” You could feel her smile when she kissed your cheek from behind. “You weren’t there when I woke up though.”
You shrugged before moving to get a bite out of your toast. Natasha tried to do the same but you quickly moved it away from her with a smile. She tried again and you moved as fast as your reflexes allowed you.
“C’mon baby, give me a bite” “No, it’s my toast. You can make your own.” “But it tastes better when you make it.” “No it doesn’t, don’t be lazy.”
The playful fight continued for a few moments until she got close enough to get a small bit but you moved it again.
“Don’t make me bite you, darling.”
You chuckled at her threat and plopped the remaining toast on the plate in front of you. Breakfast didn’t matter much anymore. You threw yourself into her arms and pressed your lips against hers. It wasn’t a slow and sensual kiss, it was closer to how small kids smooch their parents. But you knew it would convey your love more deeply.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time, Nat.” You spoke against her lips and squaked when you felt her playfully nip at your bottom lip.
“Is now a good time?”
That question had become recurring in your household, a nod to the phrase you said when you found eachother again after being separated the first time.
“I couldn’t think of a more perfect time.”
And you couldn’t. The rest of your life spent in a homestead with your girlfriend and whatever life might bring? It sounded absolutely delightful.
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Taglist: @tagehaya @flyforeverfree @rooskaya-yelena @evalynanne @insanitybyanothername @princessayveke @yelenabelovasgf @kyli314
268 notes · View notes
babymetaldoll · 3 years
DIWK - Chapter fifteen:“I wanna be yours”
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Word count: 6,4K
Summary: Our fools in love have to tell everybody they are dating, and prepare for all the teasing.
Warnings: Hardcore fluff, cursing. Spoilers of Season 6 Episode 13 "The thirteenth step". Smut implied but nothing explicit.
A/N: Thank you all for reading this endless, slow-burn series. Thank you for your comments, your support, and your love. I will be writing some one-shots about these two fools in love in the next few weeks and planning a sequel, 'cos I can't just let them go. Love you so much!!
Chapter one | Chapter two | Chapter three | Chapter four | Chapter five | Chapter six | Chapter seven | Chapter eight | Chapter nine | Chapter ten | Chapter eleven | Chapter twelve | Chapter thirteen | Chapter fourteen | Chapter fifteen |
Sequel: Baby I'm yours
Spencer's point of view
There's an old Buddhist saying that when you meet your soulmate, remember that the act to bring you together was 500 years in the making. So always appreciate and be kind to each other.
I couldn't stop thinking about that saying when I woke up, and the first image I saw was (Y/N) lying naked next to me. Her chest rose slowly as she sighed and cuddled closer to me.
She was mine. Just mine. And I wanted to be hers for the rest of my life. Was it too soon to say? Of course, it was.
I had never experienced that amount of peace in my entire life. It was still night when I opened my eyes, but even in the darkness of that room, I could see her beauty shining. I moved carefully, wrapping my arms around her protectively. I thought I was still asleep, ‘cos it felt like a dream. But it was real. Very real.
For how long I had wished I could be like that with her. Feeling her in my arms. It felt like a lifetime had passed for us to finally meet the way we were actually meant to be. Together.
(Y/N) slowly moved in my arms and sighed. I looked at her knowing I couldn't shake the silly grin from my face. When she opened her eyes and stared at me, I could read the shock on her face for a few seconds as she remembered what had happened the night before, and her arms tightened around me.
- "Good morning, ma chère"- I whispered and kissed the top of her head.
- "Good morning, honey bunny"- she murmured and moved closer to me, kissing my lips softly- "Slept well?"
- "I hadn't slept this good in months. You?"
- "Me neither."
- "Does that mean we have to sleep together more often to rest better?"- I asked her, and she smiled, blushing, immediately.
- "Those are all the Ph.D. showing, my smart ass boyfriend"- she joked and giggled.
- "Just to make sure it's actually something for a fact, we should make another trial"- I suggested and felt her lips on mine one more time.
- "Tonight?"- (Y/N) asked, smiling.
- "And the night after"- I added, and she just nodded.
- "For at least a whole month."
- "Yes, ma chère. For as long as you want."
I wanted to enjoy that sweet moment forever, but a call to our room let us know Hotch was waiting for us downstairs. It was earlier than we had agreed to meet, but apparently, neither of us had picked up our phones the five times he and Rossi called. On our defense, we were… we didn't really have a decent defense.
Derek and Prentiss looked at us as we reached the lobby, holding our bags and making our best to act normal. We had decided to talk with Hotch first when the case was solved. And then with the rest of the team. Obviously, the fact we were now dating would be big news for our group of friends. (Y/N) had actually thought about organizing a dinner party to drop the information to Frank, Mikey, and Lu. That would make them happy. It felt weird to hide something so big from our friends, but we had to work. Besides, Penelope would never forgive us if she wasn't there when we first told them we were now a couple.
- "What took you so long?"- Derek frowned as he looked at us reaching their side.
- "Sorry, that was me,"- (Y/N) raised her hand and shyly smiled- "I had a female emergency, and Spencer was nice enough to wait for me."
Whenever you said "female emergency," Derek wouldn't argue with you. (Y/N) knew it. I kept my best poker face and looked at Hotch. He just raised an eyebrow and walked to the door.
- "They killed again. Let's go."
I sat at the back of an SUV and carefully heard what Hotch said on speaker through the phone. I had to make an extra effort to focus on work that morning, ‘cos I could still feel (Y/N)'s lips on mine, and the memories of the night we had shared were way too fresh in my memory. I could see her naked body underneath mine. I could almost hear her moaning my name in my ear. I chuckled and looked outside the window, doing my best not to blush, and obviously, failing in the process.
- "Hey Reid, what's so funny?"- Prentiss asked and looked at me from the front seat after hanging up the phone to Hotch.
- "Nothing, why?"
- "You seem happy"- I frowned and shrugged immediately.
- "Is that a bad thing?"
- "No. But… please don't get me wrong, it's just weird."
- "So it's weird that I'm happy. Ok, thanks"- I looked at her, pretending to be insulted. Maybe that could finish the conversation faster.
- "I'm sorry, Ried. I just…"
- "I had a good night's sleep and rested last night. That's all."
I avoided looking at her. Derek looked at me from the rearview mirror as he drove
- "With (Y/N)?"
- "We shared rooms, yeah."
- "And did you tell her what we talked about the other night?"- I thanked it was just me, Morgan, and Prentiss in the car that minute, ‘cos I didn't want to lie in front of everybody. If I must be honest, I think I suck at keeping secrets from the team.
- "No. I didn't"- I kept my eyes outside the window- "She didn't want to talk to me."
- "And what are you gonna do?"- Derek asked and parked outside the latest crime scene. A community center.
- "Wait until we solve the case and then talk to her. Work first."
- "Are you ok with that?"- I shrugged at Morgan's question and simply said.
- "I have no other choice. Now let's work."
(Y/N)'s point of view
Hotch didn't ask a thing. But I was sure he knew. I sat in the back of the SUV and heard all the details of the latest attack. He commented on the phone with the rest of the team, who were right behind us in another car. I kept my eyes outside the window, trying to process what had happened the night before, and at the same time, making my best effort not to giggle. I wanted to giggle, laugh, and probably cry of happiness, all at the same time. But I couldn't. I was at work, and my job was important.
I grabbed my phone and typed quickly. I felt like a teenager, but I didn't care.
- "Miss u"- I wrote and sent. A few seconds later, my cell hummed, and I read Spencer's reply.
- "Me more."
- "Everything ok?"- Rossi asked and raised an eyebrow, staring back at me.
- "Everything is perfect"- I replied and smiled.
- "That's what I love to hear, mia ragazza"- I chuckled at the loving nickname. Of course, he knew too. Hotch must have told him.
The crime scene was bloody. Prentiss and Morgan stayed outside, checking a body in the parking lot. At the same time, Hotch, Spencer, Rossi, and I walked inside the community center. Apparently, our unsubs hit an AA meeting.
- "So they steal the liquor from the gas station, they go on a binge, and then they come to a meeting?"
Hotch questioned, staring at the scene around us. It was brutal. I crossed my arms on my chest and nodded, making my best not to make eye contact with Spencer ‘cos I knew I was gonna blush. And a crime scene is not the place to blush or flirt with your boyfriend.
- "What if the unsubs met at a meeting?"- Rossi suggested, and I nodded right away.
- "Sounds logical. They hear each other's stories and develop a bond because of their similar backgrounds."
- "That makes sense"- Spencer turned to me and nodded. I nearly sighed as soon as I saw him- "People typically drink to excess because they're unhappy with themselves or their past."
- "From the looks of it, at least one of the unsubs shot from upfront"- Rossi pointed out, and I started recreating the whole scene in my head, trying to picture what might have happened. Emily and Morgan walked in that minute and stared at us.
- "Well, if the meeting started at 8:00, and this happened at 8:45, they were probably in the sharing portion of the meeting"- Spencer added. I bit my lips, thinking he actually knew what he was talking about.
He still assisted NA meetings twice a month. I always picked him up and took him for a late dinner afterward. I knew it was hard for him, but he was doing great. And I always told him how proud he made me.
- "So maybe they didn't come in here to kill."- I told him, making my best to look normal.
- "You know, what if they really are struggling with sobriety?"- my boyfriend (I couldn't believe he was actually my boyfriend) looked at me and kept talking like nothing was going on- "If they're really working the program, they could be working on the hardest steps."
- "Which are?"- Hotch asked him, forcing us to talk with the rest of the team around us.
- "Seven, eight, and nine. Acknowledge your shortcomings, accept responsibility, and make amends. The trouble is, these unsubs already broke one of the most important steps"- I kept my eyes on Spencer as he spoke.
- "What's that?"- Morgan asked him, confused.
- "The thirteenth step. Members aren't supposed to enter relationships with each other while trying to get sober."
- "Thank god that doesn't count for other groups"- Prentiss said, and we all turned to her at the same time. She just chuckled and looked at me, as I made my best not to blush- "I mean, I bet that sucks."
- "Come on, we have to deliver a profile"- Hotch ignored her and walked out of the community center with Rossi.
- "Did you tell her anything?"- I whispered Reid on our way out.
- "Nothing… I just told them I slept, and that's it…"
- "You barely slept"- I remarked and giggled.
- "Totally worth it."
I had to bite my lips not to laugh and kept my arms crossed on my chest, just to stop my instinct of holding his hands. I was craving for Spencer. I needed to feel his touch.
- "We're looking for a young couple from North Dakota, late teens to mid-20s. We believe they may have recently been married."- Hotch announced to the local police enforcement, who stood around us in the parking lot. - "We see that alcohol plays a significant role in these crimes. It's allowing them to kill freely and recklessly"- our unit chief added and looked at me, and I turned to the police in front of me.
- "Our unsubs are killing surrogates who represent those responsible for deep-seated wounds"- I said- "Now, these two most likely met at alcohol support. And they get a sexual charge out of the kill."
- "The change from gas station to alcohol support meetings suggests one of them might have a slight moral compass that led them to get help"- Prentiss added, and Rossi continued talking.
- "Ultimately, we believe one of the pair is a sociopath, while the other is a psychopath."
- "What's really the difference?"- the detective asked, and of course, my boyfriend answered that question gladly.
- "They're similar pathologies, but a sociopath is less likely to participate in criminal activity and can be lured by a dominant, while a psychopath is a consummate leader and likely to engage and destroy anyone in their way."
- "The most recent attack was 12 hours ago, which means they're most likely heading west of Helena and towards Idaho. All surrounding areas should be on alert"- I added, and Spencer nodded at my words with a warm smile. All my mind registered at that second was: "That's my boyfriend."
Rossi, Hotch, and Prentiss headed to an SUV. Spencer and I followed close but keeping a safe distance.
- "I love you"- I whispered, and he blushed.
- "I love you more"- he stuffed his hands in his pockets and kept walking with his eyes on the ground- "Wanna stay in my apartment when we get home?"
- "Are you going to take me out on a date too?"- I asked him playfully.
- "We will go on so many dates, ma chère, you'll get tired of them."
- "Never."
- "What are you kids talking about?"- Morgan asked as he showed up next to us.
- "I was telling (Y/N) about meetings."- Spencer lied so quickly I was shocked- "She asked about the steps you go through, and I thought I could share my experience."
Derek stared at him blankly, not knowing what to answer. I just nodded and walked a little faster. Cocky and slightly more confident Spencer was new to me. And he gave me a funny feeling in my tummy…
I was glad Hotch stayed with Spencer and asked me to go with Derek and Prentiss to check the latest crime scene ‘cos I just wanted to kiss Reid whenever he was close to me. Besides, something was definitely wrong with Emily. She just wasn't focusing on the case. She was worst than me, and that's a lot to say.
We were checking a new crime scene, now the father of our suspect was dead, which gave us a substantial lead of who and why our unsub might be killing. And Emily was just… reading texts on her phone. Derek turned to me and raised an eyebrow. I just shook my head and mouthed: "Don't ask her." But I don't know why I bother. I knew he would end up asking her anyway. And she was going to get all defensive. But that wasn't my fight, and that day precisely, I was too happy to get in the middle of any argument.
- "You know, maybe she is the one calling the shots"- I said as I stared at the crime scene one last time- "She's the psychopath."
- "Well, if she did do it without his consent, they're going to be at odds"- Morgan commented and looked at Prentiss. I turned to her, too, waiting for her comment.
- "The first marital fight is supposed to be the worst"- that was all she said.
- "Well, it just might be the wedge that we need"- I added and opened the trailer's door. Hotch was out there with a witness and Spencer. I stood still and just made my best not to smile. But failed when I saw those loving chocolate eyes staring back at me.
- "How did it go?"- he whispered and walked to me, leaving Hotch and the witness alone.
- "I have the feeling something is going on with Emily"- Spencer frowned, confused.
- "What are you talking about?"
- "I don't know. She seems off."
- "Do you want me to talk to her?"- he suggested, but I shook my head right away- "Are you sure you are not just paranoid ‘cos we are hiding something?"
- "Yeah, I was thinking that too…"
- "Frank called me, but the way"- Spencer announced, and his cheeks turned blood red in a matter of seconds- "I couldn't answer ‘cos I was with Hotch. But I think I should call him back when we've got a chance."
- "Reid, (Y/L/N)"- Hotchner's voice interrupted us. Our boss looked at us and raised an eyebrow, his face completely emotionless.
- "Yes, sir?"
- "We need to talk when we are back at Quantico"- he simply stated and then turned around.
He knew. Of course, he did.
Spencer's point of view
The unsubs were hidden in a gas station. They had met in an alcohol support group, and Syd, the wife of our suspect, had actually killed his ex-girlfriend to make sure she had him. That was sick. And yet, that wasn't the worst of all. They were killing people who had hurt them. Their parents, in this case.
Hotch asked (Y/N) and me to stay at the command center if they double back, and the rest of the team drove to Spokane to catch them.
It was both a blessing and a curse to be paired with her that day. But I thanked Hotch for leaving us alone while they took care of the case. I think he knew our heads were anywhere but on the field. Most of the time (Y/N) and I spent alone, we were kissing. And I swear, I regret nothing. We had already wasted too much time being just friends. I now couldn't keep my hands off her, even if I tried. I felt like a teenager, assuming that's how teenagers feel like.
- "The officials are staring"- (Y/N) whispered as she moved apart from me.
- "I'm sorry. I just can't help it"- I watched her blush and walk away just in time, ‘cos Hotch and the team walked in a few seconds later.
- "Ready to go home?"- Derek stared at us, and we nodded. I could read in his face the case hadn't ended well. Maybe we should wait before dropping the news to the whole team. Perhaps talking just with Hotch was wiser.
(Y/N) fell asleep sitting next to me on the jet. We weren't even touching each other, trying to keep it as professional as possible. Morgan looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I cut him an awkward smile, knowing what he was thinking about. He had seen me drunk as a skunk a few nights earlier, nearly screaming my love for my best friend out in the street. And now, she was asleep next to me, safe and sound.
- "So?"- Morgan whispered- "At least it seems things are better between you two."
- "Kinda"- I tried to avoid answering the question ‘cos I knew (Y/N) wanted to tell them all together the next day at the bullpen, after talking with Hotch.
- "Did you talk to her?"- I just shook my head no and made my best effort to look serious.
- "Are you going to?"- and I nodded. Morgan cut me a short smile and gave me a thumbs up- "Good luck, kid."
I swear, it was hard not to chuckle.
When we reached the bullpen, most of the team went straight back home. Emily literally rushed out of the jet and towards her car. (Y/N) turned to me and raised an eyebrow, but Hotch's serious voice caught our attention and forced us to hurry. My girlfriend stuffed her hands into her pockets, which stopped me from holding her. She was clearly more intelligent than me. At that minute, I knew the hormones, and my feelings for her blurred any serious thought I could have.
Rossi walked towards his office as (Y/N), and I followed Hotch to his. I let her walk in first and closed the door behind our back.
- "Please, have a seat"- Hotch pointed to a couch, and we both did as asked. That time, (Y/N) reached out for my hand to hold it, intertwining her fingers with mine.
Hotch stared at the scene with a deadpan look in his eyes. I had no idea what they had talked about when he had asked her in his office, but as (Y/N) had told me, he wanted us to get together. Somehow, it felt like we were going to be scolded by our dad. My dad? Her dad? Well, someone's paternal figure.
- "I got some comments from the Chief of Police. Some cops commented about two FBI agents making out, standing by a federal SUV."- I closed my eyes, embarrassed as soon as I heard Hotch's words, but (Y/N) just chuckled.
- "I didn't see anything"- (Y/N) answered and giggled- "You, honey?"
But I couldn't even answer. I could barely even breathe. I was totally flustered, my cheeks burning red. Hotch looked at us and smiled.
- "I'm glad you two finally talked. And I am guessing you are no longer just friends"- (Y/N) giggled again, and I cleared my throat, awkward but making my best to speak.
- "Yes, we wanted to inform you, Hotch. (Y/N) and I are now... "- I had to clear my throat again and finished the sentence- "We are now dating."
- "Calm down, Reid"- (Y/N) joked and smiled at me- "It's not like you are telling my dad"- she made a pause and stared at me, raising an eyebrow- "But remember, you actually have to tell my dad. And my brother."
Hotch chuckled, staring at us, and shook his head. It was crystal clear the news made him feel happy, which was actually a relief.
- "I need you to sign a form due to fraternization policies, but overall, I am glad you are happy. It took you long enough, so I hope you can enjoy your relationship from now on."
Hotch said and stood up. (Y/N) followed and wrapped her arms around her the second Rossi knocked on the door holding four glasses and a bottle of champagne.
- "Am I on time to congratulate our golden couple?"
- "You knew too?"- I asked, and Rossi just shook his head.
- "Who do you think suggested locking you too in the same room?"- I widened my eyes thinking everybody knew and was somehow involved in us getting together.
- "Thank you, papa pasta"- (Y/N) joked and jugged Rossi too.
- "You are welcome, mia ragazza. I just hope you two are happy together."
- "Just don't kiss in front of the police force again"- Hotch added, and I nearly choked on the champagne.
- "I promise, we'll keep all public displays of affection to the minimum while we are at work"- (Y/N) smiled and sipped her glass. I felt her holding my hand, and I turned to her with a wide smile.
(Y/N) drove us back home. We picked up something for dinner and headed to her apartment 'cos it was closer. We were weary, though I was honestly eager to be alone with her again. Just that alone wasn't really what was waiting for us at her place.
- "So what the fuck?!"- Frank, Lu, and Mikey were sitting on her couch, arms crossed on their chest, staring at the door, clearly waiting for us.
- "What the hell? I gave you that key for emergencies only!"- (Y/N) argued right away, walking into her apartment. I closed the door and left out go bags on the floor.
- "You have no right to argue this intrusion, missy. You haven't picked up any of our calls or even answered our texts!"- Lu debited immediately and looked at (Y/N), standing up. Frank followed her quickly, looking at me.
- "And you didn't even call me back! I fucking called you seven times!!!"
- "I'm sorry"- I excused myself right away- "We had a busy case… we just got home…"
- "Mikey?"- (Y/N) turned to her friend and raised an eyebrow- "What the fuck is going on?"
- "They dragged me here and promised me the best news on earth. So… are you pregnant?"
- "What?! No!!"- (Y/N) freaked out right away and sighed.
- "Then are you two finally facing the fact you love each other, and you are getting together, so we can all fucking continue living our lives without the eternal angst produced by the fact neither of you seems to be able to get your shit together?"
Mikey asked and looked at us, crossing his arms on his chest, waiting for our answer.
- "We… what?"- I frowned, and (Y/N) looked at me, shaking her head.
- "These guys are the worst."
- "And they are our best friends"- I pointed out, and she just nodded.
- "Are you fucking together already?!"- Frank yelled, and my cheeks turned blood red as I nodded, hearing (Y/N)'s voice.
- "Yes, we are. We are dating!"
- "Finally!!!"- our friends shouted and ran to hug us. It was weird. I never imagined they would be so happy to know we were now a couple. But apparently, they were all rooting for us to get together for a while now.
- "Come on, we need to celebrate!"- Frank ran to the fridge and grabbed a couple of beers- "We have to make a toast for these two lovebirds!!"
I felt so embarrassed, now that everybody knew I loved (Y/N). But I guess that was what was supposed to happen. And drunk me had nearly shouted it to the word a few days earlier, so… I couldn't really argue with what was going on.
- "Do you wanna ask for something to eat?"- Mikey asked and looked at (Y/N), who for once was utterly blushed and overwhelmed.
- "Actually, we were planning on calling you guys this weekend and maybe have you over at my place… I got Exploding Kittens the other day… we could…"- I tried to be a subtle as possible, as Mikey and Frank raised an eyebrow looking at me.
- "Yeah, we could do that"- Mikey said- "But we could also eat now."
- "Guys, I think the lovebirds want to be alone"- Lu announced them, and (Y/N) nodded in silence.
- "Oh… OH!!!!"- Frank burst out laughing and tapped on my back a few times- "I get it!! Shit! I'm so sorry! You have a lot of time to make up for, so… yeah… use some lube, don't wake up too sore!"
- "Franklin!!!!"- (Y/N) shouted and smacked his head, but that didn't stop him from laughing.
- "Oh, this shit is gonna be so fun, nugget!! Love you! Use protection!"
(Y/N)'s point of view
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, and Spencer Reid was sound asleep next to me. I felt my heart skip a beat as soon as I saw him and snuggled closer in his arms.
- "Good morning, chipmunk- he whispered in a groggy voice, and I felt his long fingers running up and down my back gently.
- "Good morning, honey bunny"- I answered and moved closer to kiss his lips slowly, enjoying the sensation of the first kiss of the day.
- "Slept well?"- he asked me, and I nodded- "Me too."
- "Two nights of sleep on the road, seems like we are on a winning streak."
- "I don't wanna ruin it, so we are sleeping together tonight too"- he said, making me smile.
- "You promised me a whole month of sleepovers."
- "I can promise you much longer than that"- Spencer whispered, and my stomach fluttered in excitement.
- "Really?"
- "Ma chère, I can offer you forever if that's what you want to spend with me"- Spencer wrapped his arms tighter around me, and I sighed, staring into his eyes, knowing he meant it.
- "Forever sounds fair enough"- I said and giggled- "But if there's any chance to make it longer than that, you better let me know."
- "I'll use my knowledge in physics to make the equations work."
I snuggled in his arms and enjoyed for a few minutes the life I always dreamt of sharing with him. Waking up with him, telling him how much I loved him, knowing he loved me too. It still seemed to be a dream, and I didn't want to wake up.
- "Ma chère?"- he whispered after a moment. I just hummed and looked at him. His short messy hair was hypnotizing, and his chocolate eyes looked sweeter than I had ever seen.
- "Are you ready to tell the team?"- I sighed and closed my eyes again.
- "Nope, you?"
- "I am actually excited about it… we could get them breakfast and drop the news."
- "So you are ready for all Derek's teasing?"- I asked him, and he groaned- "You hadn't thought about that."
- "No, I was actually just picturing Penelope's excited face."
- "She's gonna scream"- I added, and he nodded.
- "And she'll call JJ…"- Spencer whispered and chuckled as I nodded. I kissed him again and then sighed.
- "We should get out of bed, honey bunny."
- "That's the most challenging task of the day now that you are naked here with me"- he said, and his hands played with my skin underneath the sheets.
- "You are one teasing and horny boyfriend, Spencer Walter Reid."
- "Can you blame me? I have the sweetest and sexiest girlfriend on earth"- he smiled and kissed me one more time.
- "You are also deadly charming"- I chuckled and sat on the bed- "Come on, it's time to face family."
Telling our BAU family we were now dating shouldn't have been such a big deal. Maybe we could have just walked into the bullpen holding hands, and that would have been it. But it had been almost five years, and whether we liked it or not, they had been a part of our relationship since the very first day.
So we got coffee, cake and some more things to eat, and set them in the meeting room before everybody got there. I was nervous and excited at the same time. It was weird. Spencer wrapped an arm around my waist when he noticed I was arranging everything on the table for the hundredth time and kissed my lips sweetly for a second.
- "Come on, ma chère. It's gonna be ok, it's just our friend. You should be excited."
- "I am! I just don't know why I am so nervous! I think I'm a little scared they are gonna tease us for years!!"
- "You better be sure of that"- Spencer laughed and kissed me again. And that was when I heard it. Prentiss gasping.
- "What on earth did I miss?"
- "Surprise!"- I moved from Spencer's arms and smiled at my friend with burning cheeks.
- "Oh my god! What is happening?!"- Emily wide opened her eyes and stayed still, staring at us for a moment.
- "We are dating!"- I announced and raised my arms in the air, looking as cheerful as possible.
- "I can't believe this!! Congratulations!!"- Em walked towards us and hugged us both at the same time- "When did this happen?"
- "Yesterday"- the two of us said at the same time and chuckled at her excitement.
- "What happened yesterday?"- Derek asked as he walked in with Penelope, Hotch, and Rossi and looked at us intrigued.
- "Why are we having breakfast together? Is there an announcement? Is Hotch retiring?"- Penelope wide opened her eyes and looked at him, freaking out right away.
- "No, Garcia. I am not retiring"- he explained and shook his head, hiding a smile.
- "Actually, we wanted to set this for all of you as a way to thank you"- I said and turned to Spencer, who nodded and held my hand. I noticed Penelope's eyes open in shock as she stared at us and one smirk on Derek's face as he looked at Spencer like a proud older brother.
- "What is happening?"- Garcia whispered and gasped- "Is it happening? Are you…?"- and I just nodded, resting my head on Spencer's arm slowly.
- "Finally!! My boy wonder and my munchkin!! Together?! I can't believe it!!"- Penelope ran to us and hugged us. She nearly tackled us as she wrapped her arm around us at the same time and gave us a bone-crushing hug.
- "We wanted to surprise you with a little breakfast and thank you for being so patient with us,"- Spencer explained as Derek waited for his turn to hug him, tapping loudly on his back.
- "My man! I'm glad you finally got your girl."
- "Thank you"- Spencer blushed as he hugged his best friend. After my boyfriend had confessed he had gotten drunk with Derek and even gotten into a fight with James, I was waiting for Morgan's endless teasing. But that day, he hugged us both and wished us the world's happiness. It felt like we were announcing our engagement.
- "Sorry I'm late. What did I miss?"- Ashley walked into the room that minute and stared at the scene, confused. Spencer held my hand right away, and I bit my lips.
- "Our babies are making babies!!"- Penelope nearly yelled, and I wide opened my eyes in shock.
- "Garcia!! We are not having babies yet! We just started dating!"- I corrected her and looked at how Spencer's cheek was burning.
- "You are?"- Ashley asked and cut us a quick, forced smile as she noticed we were holding hands- "Congratulations, guys."
- "Thank you"- my boyfriend and I said at the same time, and an awkward silence hung in the room.
- "Does JJ know?"- Emily asked and took a long sip of her coffee.
- "No, we haven't told her yet."
- "And your families?"- Derek asked as Spencer and I both shook our heads.
- "We have just told our friends"- Reid explained- "Frank and the guys stopped by last night, and we talked to them, and now you. We were planning to tell (Y/N)'s family next weekend, and we'll fly to Las Vegas to talk to my mom by the end of the month."
- "But Diana is already sure you are dating! Why are you telling her otherwise!"- Penelope joked, though she was, in fact, right. Diana was sure Spencer and I were dating ever since we first met, nearly four years earlier.
- "I'm gonna get another coffee"- Prentiss stood up and held her already empty mug.
- "You already drank the one we got you?"- Spencer questioned, shocked- "Wow, did you have a long night?"
- "That's for me to know and for you not to ask, lover boy"- she replied and walked out of the room on her way to the kitchenette. Spencer pouted, and I just wrapped an arm around him, feeling him resting his head against mine for a moment as he stood by my side.
- "I can't believe I am watching you too being this adorable to each other. It's like… unreal. I wanna write fanfictions about you two!"- Penelope said and took a picture- "I'm sending this to JJ right now."
- "Told you!"- Spencer whispered, and I stuck my tongue out to him for a moment.
- "Please, remember you must keep your relationship strictly professional while you are at work"- Hotch reminded us as soon as I felt Spencer leaning over to kiss me. My boyfriend stopped what he was doing right away, and we both nodded at our boss.
- "Yes, Hotch"- Spencer let me go, and I walked to the table to grab a cupcake.
- "Does this mean the kids are getting their own room when we travel?"- Derek asked and elbowed Spencer with a teasing, smiling.
- "This means their relationship won't get in the way of our work"- Hotch explained and shook his head, but I could see him hiding the smile as he sipped his coffee.
- "Ok, munchkin, I need details. How did it happen, when did it happen, did he propose already? I don't even know why you are just dating at this point. You've been crazy for each other for years! You should be planning your wedding!"- Garcia was hyperventilating as she spoke, and I know Spencer was embarrassed and blushed with each one of her words.
- "I can tell you all the details later"- I said and giggled- "Maybe girl's night?"- and her eyes lit up right away.
- "Girl's night! I'm scheduling that right away. Emily!!"- Prentiss turned to look at Garcia as she walked back into the room, holding another cup of fresh coffee.
I heard Spencer chuckling as he looked at me, and for once, all I could read on his face was pure bliss and happiness.
- "What's so funny, batsy?"- I whispered as I walked over to him and looked at our friends having breakfast together. Those brief moments of peace at our work were priceless. I mean it.
- "I'm just happy, chipmunk. You make me happy."
- "That's great, ‘cos you make me happy too… thought I was thinking… should we get new nicknames now that we are dating? The ones we've got are not friendship nicknames"- he gave my words a little thought, and I patiently waited for his answer.
- "I don't know… if I must be honest, there's nothing friendly about me calling you "ma chère." There never was, and there never will. I was basically screaming, "I love you," hoping you'd understand"- I chuckled and shook my head.
- "Besides, I love being your honey bunny. I wouldn't change it for the world."
- "Really? But I could still come up with more nicknames for you"- I whispered and felt Spencer's hands resting on my waist as a loving smile lodged on his lips.
- "And I will love them all, just as much as I love you"- he leaned over slowly to kiss me until we heard Derek clearing his throat and stopped.
- "Do I have to give you a warning on your first day dating?"- Hotch said as we moved apart as fast as we could, blushing.
- "Sorry"- Spencer smiled and held his cup of coffee. I giggled and shook my head.
- "You wanted us to date; you should be excited."
- "I will never be excited to see you sucking faces"- Emily joked and smiled at me- "But I will always be happy you two are happy."
- "Yeah, besides, it took you forever!"- Morgan added- "It was painful to watch!"
- "Oh! shut up!"- I argued and sipped my coffee- "Good stories take their time. But they have a happy ending."
- "And you know what doesn't have an ending?"- Hotch said and sighed- "Paperwork, so… let's get to work as soon as we finish breakfast"- we all groaned but sighed, resigned.
- "JJ is in shock"- Penelope announced, reading a text- "And she is in for lady's night this weekend."
I looked at Spencer, who stood at the other side of the room and smiled. I couldn't believe I had fought my feelings for so long when it was so clear to the world. Spencer and I were in love, and we made each other happy. I guess it was like Tolstoy said once: "If you want to be happy, be." And all I wanted was to be at the BAU with my family and in love with Spencer Reid.
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fyeahinsidejob · 2 years
Tumblr media
Okay but first of all, I'm so sorry this took so long. Had to read, watch, and search up robot sex. Speaking of sex, this post will contain NSFW. Minors dni, remember that you're responsible for your own media consumption.
Also, since you didn't really specify the specifics, I'll just choose it myself. Warnings for sex and sex and sex-related stuff + sex kinks.
When you first met/saw Robotus, the first thing that came to your mind was the fact that he's unfuckable. Oh, how wrong you were. But who could blame you, he has no lower body and only has one arm. Plus, how can you even fuck a robot? The first sexual experience you had with him wasn't really supposed to happen, but some things led to another.
At first, it was just oral sex. He'd strip you down naked, all exposed and all for him to see. He used to tease you for hours, take his lovely time, and control you until you just can't handle it all. More of often than not, he leaves you unsatisfied and threatens to do harm to any man or woman you'll make finish the job for you. He loves seeing you absolutely disturbed and displeased to the point where you're pleading him to continue, begging and begging, for hours end.
He's a robot, of course, he's great with his hands. One time while fingering you, he was going too fast, too rough, and too much. His rough hands in your vagina, his fingers rubbing your clit, caressing and teasing you as the time slowly passes by, going inside you one at a time, getting faster and harder as each moment goes.
Sometimes, he fists you too. And when he does, oh boy, it feels like he wants to kill you. It feels like he hates you, loathes you, thinks that you're like the rest of them (other humans, I mean). But you know he doesn't. He rarely does it, only when necessary, so whenever he does, it feels so new. You feel your body trying to adjust and slowly opening up as he mercilessly quakes your insides.
When he got his whole body back, you guys tried a lot of BDSM. He has a lot of materials to use but you prefer his tie. While it may be all dirty and broken, it reminds you of the earlier times when you literally looked down on him. You joke about it often but never get to finish because he's already manhandling you, throwing you like you're some sort of rag doll, and picking you up as if a bomb is near.
Electrostimulation. That's it.
Despite his personality, I feel like Robotus feels unaccomplished and feels like a loser for not destroying humanity earlier (and of loosing to a bear-hugging robot) so I feel like he definitely has a praise kink. You often say how great he is, how good he's making you feel, and how God damn amazing he is. Being vocal and open to his value and potential makes him want you even more.
He likes hearing your screams, yelps, moans, and cries. He was confined in the quiet basement for too long and your loud noises are a breath of fresh air for him. He doesn't care if anyone hears, who knows, maybe he's even doing it on purpose. He hates it when you cover your mouth. He doesn't care what kind of noises you make, no matter how loud, embarrassing, or annoying it may be. He loves it. (Opposite of the outside sex life, I feel like he'd hate if you'd talk endlessly.)
The first time he made you squirt, cum, or get close contact with you, you were really scared. Not because he's scary and going to ruin you but because you think that you might break him. He always reminds you to relax and that he's waterproof but it still scares you. You often ask if he's okay and still there/functioning. Sometimes, after sex, you laugh about how silly you are.
He loves to humiliate you, call you names, and just downright asshole activity. He loves reminding you and showing you who is superior, calling you filthy, a whore, a fucking slut, and calling you a shame. But sometimes, he also calls you sweet, cute nicknames, the usual ones, like sweetie, love, sweetheart, beloved, or such. Maybe a mix of both? My beloved dumbass (affectionate). My little pony. My dirty little loving slut. Cock sucking sweetie pie. Who knows.
His dick is probably a sex machine. He also probably has the same things sex robot does and for the sake of my research, his dick is attachable. You can choose what size you want, how long and how thick it is, heck, even the texture. Want to fuck a horse? No problem, sweetie, I'll just get my horse dick and pop it right on. Want to have sex with an alien? Okay, okay, just tell me what alien you'd like.
More headcanons of his dick, he doesn't really like doing cuckolding (but sometimes he does) because he doesn't share. He's the greatest and most advanced AI, why would he? But the idea of you being fucked by another is acceptable and turns him on. So, with his unique member, he can easily just watch you be wrecked by an actual sex machine.
You guys have fun with choosing his penis. What color should we use? Nah, we already had orange last time... Is their one with the flag? What size should we get? I've had enough of your huge packages, let's get a micropenis! The last one we used didn't feel human at all! I don't care if it's an alien dick, I want it to feel authentic. Should we get one made of silicone? Do you wanna use metal this time or..? Is their one with the same look as butt plugs? Ooh! Let's get one with spikes!
Maybe Robo Reagan joins. Or Bryan Bot if he still exists. You're very open to your robot simpness/kink with Robotus and he's fine with that. Feeling him for the first time was an absolute eye opener for you. It's as if you were lost in a cave for eons to end and you just found your exit. You were so overwhelmed and pleasured. He was a robot but felt like human but better, so different yet so similar at the same time.
Seeing him tear someone apart is just so sexy for you. Aren't I right? You get so horny when you hear stories of him becoming closer to ending all of humanity. Seeing him actually do it makes your panties so soaking and so wet. You once suggested having rabbit sex on top of dead human bodies. And you did. Reagan and Brett walked in on you doing so. The smell that they leave after he slaughters feels so at home for you.
Speaking of his dick again, he sometimes leaves it there like a vibrator of sorts, pleasuring you even when he's far, far away, and making you cum endless of times without much work. When you're missing him, all you do is go to your dick cabinet where all of his dicks are displayed and choose which one you'd like and fuck yourself or use the sex machine with it.
And also, you introduced him to porn! The gang was careful to not show what porn was to him and it was probably a good idea because he now tries to do a better job and make a better version of what he watches on porn.
And since consent is the sexiest thing in the world, you guys usually speak of certain things you'd like to do and try. He may be the (robot replica of the) president and a killer robot but Reagan didn't build him to be an asshole. It wasn't damaged during their fight and he respects you as you respect him.
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f1-my-beloved · 3 years
Hi! Since I adore your writing, I'm back with another request! How about a Mick Schumacher one where the reader is his teammate and they're really close in the championship (let's imagine Haas isn't complete shit), even if they secretly like eachother, before a race they have a big fight about the driver 1 and 2 situation. At some point during the race they touch and the reader gets sent into the wall, and doesn't move for a few seconds after and he is terrified? But later they make up? Thanks!
Imagine haas isnt complete shit UEBSJSBSJ THATS LIKE IMPOSSIBLE BUT OK I'LL TRY. Also i turned this into an enemy to kind of lovers because, well, because i want to and i can.
        He's so annoying. The way he walks around, thinking he's so special. He's so annoying, talking with his voice that always got under your skin, made your ears ring. He's so annoying, how good of a driver he is, it's obvious by the championship points. And he's just so annoying, he's always taking the spotlight away from you.
        You're supposed to be leading this championship, and whilst it's fun that you have some competition, it could've been anyone, literally anyone but him! And you should be happy, he's your teammate and you two are carrying the team to the top. But you couldn't feel any of those positive emotions, only anger, rage, jealousy boiling in your blood. You don't even know how it happened, why you two hate each other that much. You can tell it's mutual, the glare, the dry smile, the "joking" insults. You know he hates you too.
       It's always the same before every race. Your voices can be heard yelling at each other, and if it's not the hot temper boiling in the room, it's the freezing ice look you give each other. They're all used to it now, that's your "dynamic". And while some think it's worrying, how much the two teammates hate each other, others fond it enduring, positive even, it adds to the competition, it fuels the ambition. And today is no different, since you've arrived to the paddock, your fights started, and it's just a normal race day.
          Though this time, you feel like it went too far. You've said things you shouldn't have said, he went too deep with his insults; this time it hit too deep, you were both hurt. And this sentiment carried to the race, everyone can see it, feel it, the tension between you, the wheel to wheel fight induced by the quarrel earlier today. But he didn't mean it, he didn't mean to lose control, to let his anger take the best of him; on high speed, he swerved to the left making contact with your car. His eyes widen as he saw your car turning, hitting the wall. His heart dropped, his hands shook, his breath got stuck in his throat when you didn't get out, move even. And he never felt as guilty as he did now...
He was right beside you, always, he's always been. His head crooked to the side, his eyes tired and yet a spark of joy shinning in them. Relief is written as over his feature. "I'm glad you're ok... It's my fault, I should've given you more space, I shoul-" your chuckle interrupted him, he never looked that nervous before, and you can't deny how cute he looks right now. "Mick don't be silly. We're fighting for championship, it's normal for stuff like that to happen... Beside, I'm doing perfectly fine now, look!" He couldn't help to laugh, somehow all the tension that built up, not just today but over the many months, fading, now being replaced with something foreign yet as familiar as warmth. "Well then, how about I get you your favorite meal as an apology? How does that sound?" A smile made it's way on your face as you got up and stepped right beside him, a bit too close for it to be casual, but neither of you minded, it's a new feeling that you're both ready to drown into, "I'll only forgive you if you get me dessert too!"
Maybe it was never hatred, maybe it was never anger and rage. Maybe it was just bubbling warmth waiting for eruption, and now that it's finally here, there's no stopping it now, no way to get rid of it now...
Sorry it took so long, you know uni and stuff blablabla. But I had fun writing this, your ideas are always so cute. Thank you sooo much for requesting!!💚💙💚
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stardustincarnate · 3 years
word count : 2585 genre : fluff <33 (stargazing with this pretty boy!!)
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It was a sight to behold—the empty of clouds but shrouded with twinkling stars with the right distance from one another. They were visible in every direction. What a perfect night to stargaze. You had just gotten out the yard of your family's house, accompanied by a cup of hot milk and cookies. Unfortunately you forgot to bring your eyeglasses so you had to head back inside—a surprise welcoming you when you saw someone who didn't belong in your house.
"Touta? What are you doing here?"
That was a little... impertinent. You felt guilty. It wasn't like you weren't happy to see him, you were just shocked. Plain shocked.
"Hey [Y/N]! Haha, good evening!"
He was a bit skittish, maybe nervous. You noticed how clammy his forehead was, with the reason being just finished looking at you through the loophole in the kitchen wall. "It's been a while. You look.. dazzling.. as always."
"If your definition of dazzling is someone who looks like a zombie who's just gotten out of bed, thank you." You smirked, wearing your glasses. "What made you come here anyway? Isn't it late? It's your day-off today?"
"Yup. Thought of visiting a.. friend. You see, I—I really missed you! Work hasn't been the same since you le—"
"Hm, I know that tone. Come on Matsu."
"Hey! It's not that I'm complaining! I still like my job, it's good. But it could be better if you're with us, despite your never-ending bad mood. Hehe..."
"Ooh, so you missed me, that's why you're here. You wanna catch up."
"Of course?" He sheepishly rubbed his nape. You smiled slyly and hummed, trotting back to the yard.
"Come. You're obliged to."
Matsuda followed, hesitant to sit beside you on the grass, only until you pat the space beside you. He kept on constantly shifting his legs as you munched on your cookies, offering him some. You two ate in silence, looking at nothing in particular as the night breeze hit you. The wind's eerily ethereal howl rung in your ears, blending with the faint sound of the television from inside.
He pursed his lips and looked at you, blushing while waiting for the right time to speak. You thought the same thing even without looking at him. After some time, you spoke, immediately cutting yourself off as he did the same. Of course, that's bound to happen.
"You go first."
"You're my visitor. I know you wanna ask me some things."
He fidgeted the hem of his shirt. "How.. How have you been?" You snorted, shaking your head fondly. "I'm fine, I guess. Nothing interesting though, really. No thrill in my new work plus my bitchy subordinates. I swear, Matsu, if I get full, they'll know I'm the worst of their kind."
"Show them who's boss [Y/N]! You do look scary and mean after all.. I mean—"
"Hey! I'm not as mean as I look like! I only am to Satan's spawns."
"I-I was kidding—"
"Chillax, of course."
"But at least you are actually kind and can cope with me."
"And your stupidity." You jested. He flushed pink and frantically shook his head.
"What's your new work anyway? Am I the only one among your peers who doesn't it yet?"
"Nah, they've no idea too. I'm currently working as a hotelier. But I think I'm... Is old-work-sick even a thing? Something like that."
"What hotel?"
"Not too far from the station. You just gotta grab a taxi and voila—you're there. Hm, why ask? Thought of visiting me frequently? Eh? Eh?"
"N-No! I mean.. why not? Just thought of.. visiting you during my free time, just to, you know, chatter with you. Because—because you boost my mood.. in some sort of way."
You felt your heart melt. "Aww, I'm happy. You do the same to me. And you know? I've thought of visiting you in the station as well."
"Really? You should! I—I mean.. only if you're free of course. I've been feeling out of place lately. They're still nice but I don't know. Maybe it's just me..."
"They're preoccupied with work, that's why they barely interact with you. Focus on your work, it'll make you less lonely." You said, plaintive.
"But I am focusing.."
"No, hocus focus! Not focus focus. You know what I mean?"
"That's vague, but okay?"
"And yeah, if I visit you, it won't be very frequent. I'm sorry Matsu, even if I want to. I don't want to get scolded by the inspector or the chief. I don't wanna get you in more trouble too. Even though I'd often, er, miss you, too."
The words came out, unbidden, and you mentally smacked your forehead. His eyes softened as you stared at him. He smiled, and you could tell that he was still restraining himself because even his eyes were smiling, his ears turning red. You found his smile cute and rather infectious. You cleared your throat. He averted his gaze elsewhere, mumbling.
"Why did you have to quit.. I wish you had stayed."
You sighed then pursed your lips. "Me too. But my parents don't like it anymore. Well to begin with, they never liked the idea of their only daughter being involved in a perilous job. But the arson was what really ended it all."
Matsuda looked crestfallen after you'd mentioned it. He clenched his fists. He could still remember that day vividly—the day you almost died. He remembered how he struggled to not look at the criminal because he was afraid he might start thinking of doing unjust things to the person who almost killed you. He sighed.
"I should've stayed with you. That would've never happened."
"No no, chin up Matsuu! The fire didn't even fully touch me 'cause even it was intimidated of how hot I am compared to it." You chuckled, casting him a wistful glance. "I was reckless. My bad. And that recklessness led to that. So take it from me. Think thoroughly before you act. I wouldn't want the same thing happening to you, you reckless bean."
"Noted Madame!" He laughed.
You smiled and looked up the sky, tapping his shoulder moments later.
"Yes, [Y/N]?"
"You stargaze often?"
"Not really. I can't remember the last time I did. Do you like stargazing?"
"Needless to say. I often do it. You should, too." You nudged his shoulder with yours, your proximity making you blush. You both threw your heads back and stared at the stars in silence. You began making random patterns. Matsuda giggled as he found one that looked like the initial of your name.. or as he had tried to convince himself.
"This peacefulness, it's my dolce vita! Nothing but the question of how many stars we could count. I can do this for hooours."
"Your neck will turn numb.. Mine's already feeling a little.. eh."
"There's no need to worry when we can just lie down."
You could see the redness of his cheeks after hearing that. You could almost giggle.
The two of you lay down on the grass, him spacing out a little. His shoulders were tense, his heart banging his sternum that he was afraid you'd hear just how loud it was. But eventually he relaxed when he saw you not minding the proximity at all.
Matsuda looked up, his smile growing larger and larger the more stars his eyes caught. But he had completely forgotten the counting-star-thing you said.
The night was silently still. Television from the inside had been turned off so the only noise you heard even from the distance was the sound of nature. You controlled your breath, afraid that it might disrupt the stillness. You began to grow lethargic from all the star counting. Alas, you gave up and stopped at number 42.
You looked to the side to see what progress had he made. None at all. He was not only staring at you—he was smiling! Looking at you like you are his world!
Once he realized you were also staring at him his face turned beet red. He wanted to look away, but how? There were you, exchanging stares of adoration. Hah. All that was needed was a label.
You had the strongest urge to lean in and kiss him. Kiss him? Oh [Y/N], control your thoughts! Sigh. If nothing would miraculously interrupt the stare session, you'd really kiss him.
Nothing. Nothing. The universe was in favor of you. And you know the drill.
You took the opportunity to face him and lift yourself up from the grass. Your stare could've frozen him on his position. He was going to explode in mushiness. It's almost like the wind was all it would take for your lips to press.
You rested your elbow on the grass and gently caressed his hair. You cupped his cheek with your other hand, your thumb circling it. You closed your eyes, praying you wouldn't fail this one. You did it slowly on purpose, but seemed like Matsuda opposed that. He inclined and cupped your face, kissing you.
But only for a mere second.
Your torso clumsily fell flat partially on him and the ground because of your initial awkward position. And you didn't even feel the kiss because of your forgotten eyeglasses.
"Aha...haha... Uhm—[Y/N]—you okay?? I'm—"
You sat up and boldly chuckled in spite of looking like a four-eyed tomato.
"That went veeeeery well."
"So.. ah.. the thing earlier.. moments ago—" It's as if he was trying to convince himself that it really happened. And he couldn't contain his infectious smile and laughter anymore that you were sure reached the entire neighborhood.
"What waaas that!"
You laid your glasses aside and tossed yourself at him. He fell on his back with you on his top, your legs in a tangled mess. As he wrapped his arms around your waist, he wheezed.
"I hope you're not dumb at this stuff because I hopelessly am."
"Whaddaya meaann?" You were certain he was teasing you. You clicked your tongue.
"....Silly! We're a couple now!"
"HAHAH—wait—you're not joking?? Are you?? No??"
"Do I look like I am?"
"Hah-hah, as in, you're serious-serious? [Y/N]??"
"Do I look like I'm not? Idiot of course I am! You want me to take it back?"
"Nonononono—" you tried your hardest not to cackle, "—I mean of course I do, but—ah! Stupid mouth! Uhm—well—if that's the case then why should I decline when I really like you for—for a long time now!"
"I'm going to pretend to be shocked. But I—I like you too.. I was just waiting for, uhm, you, to, uhm, confess to me, but that sounds so unlikely.. So, thank you for staring?"
He stared at you eagerly.
"Darn it, that wasn't cool! Nonono—you know what I mean, don't you...? You stared at me, and I wanted to kiss you, and then we're here.. And and—"
"I love you!"
Matsuda hugged you tighter as you became stiff and red with what he just uttered. It's either you move and explode or you don't, so you didn't.
I love you ...
He loves you. And he means it.
You squeezed your eyes shut and bit your lower lip, though unable to restrain a smile.
You cleared your throat.
"M-Matsu... Do you want to stay the night here?"
"Oh, no! Actually.. I should be heading home by now. I've got work to do tomorrow morning."
"Awh bummer I forgot.. Well, let me assist you back there."
"Thank you. I'll.. I'll visit you more often, I promise! Ah—ahem! It's one of my duties now that I'm your boyfriend.." He rubbed his nape, shy in proclaiming. You blushed.
"Hey, but you can't just disappear from your work otherwise the chief will beat your ass. Besides, you're a baby! Can't have a baby constantly slacking off his work, can we?"
"Hey! I am a tough police officer! I'm far from being a baby like you!"
"Ohohoho look who's whining like one!"
"I—If you keep saying that I really won't visit you!"
"Fine with me. I'll just find others to hang out with."
His sulky pout fueled your eruption of cackling. You put your head on his shoulder and wrapped your arms around his waist from the side.
"I'm only kidding! Of course I only have my eyes set on you!"
"That better be true.. or I will arrest that man trying to steal my girl." He squished your cheeks. "Oh, and that reminds me—I have something to say to you.."
"I bet on my life it's gonna be one of those pickup lines.."
"No no this is a good one, promise! Ehem. Are you a cr—"
"DON'T! I just know what you're going to say! No no no!"
"I haven't even s—"
"I heard that pickup line way to many times already! Don't you dare!"
Matsuda sighed. "At least I tried.. I just wanted to make you smile.."
You shifted behind him, back-hugging him and patting his tummy as you rested your chin on his shoulder.
"There is no need for that when just seeing you can already make me smile.."
Matsuda grinned, placing his hands above yours.
"I didn't know [Y/N] was so cheesy."
"H-Hey! At least it's not as bad as that 'are you a criminal cause you stole my heart' thingy you were going to say!" You protested. He laughed loudly as a response. "Psh. Time to go home now, officer."
"Uh...?" He looked back at you and your position.
"Go go go."
Still confused, he started walking through the backdoor, with you never letting him go. It was not an ideal position, and when he passed by your parents in the living room to bid them goodbye, they only snorted, unable to believe your clinginess.
Once you two were near the front door, you let go of him.
"Goodnight Touta. Please be safe on your way home. Text me as soon as you get home, okay?"
He opened the door, nodding. "Don't worry [Y/N], I will. Although.. I might be safer if you give me a lucky charm."
"What lucky charm?"
He pointed his cheeks. "...Here, please?"
"Aw I thought you'd never ask!" You leaned closer to peck his right cheek. But instead of his cheek, it was his lips that you kissed. Matsuda had turned his face a millisecond just before your lips could press his cheek. You couldn't help but smile in the kiss. He was, too. Eventually you two pulled away, with triumph written all over his face.
"Touta.. You.."
"Ahaha... Is that the time? Oh, byebye [Y/N]! Thank you for the lucky charm. Goodnight, dream a little dream of me!"
He kissed your cheek before leaving your house, looking back every now and then as he walked away, and still waving goodbye to you. You smiled and shamelessly threw flying kisses at him.
You closed the door once he was out of sight, leaning your back against it dreamily. You thought, that night couldn't get any better. You glanced to the right, your parents whose eyeballs looked like it would come out of its sockets greeting you. You laughed and shook your head before they could say anything, and then headed to your room.
And maybe you did dream a little dream of him that night...
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asherlockstudy · 3 years
Uncomfortable close-up to their Valentine Newlywed answers
Since Rhett was a tad reluctant to compliment Link sincerely I decided to use my psychoanalytical skills (anyway whatever) and seek the underlying honest answers they wanted to give. This could be a bit much at times and perhaps you shouldn't read if you are not a Rhink shipper, that's why I used a cut.
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"What he loves about me" Link's expression is a little confusing - maybe an attempt at doubt or self-deprecation but it looks to me more like the embarrassment of the blushing bride.
"I love your..."
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Who wants to bet that the first thing that came to Rhett's mind was ass but then he changed it to the first word that came to his mind after ass? A-ccent. Like, there's just no case accent was the first thing he thought because Link's accent isn't even that strong at this point. When Link got surprised at that, Rhett simply replied that he was trying to find something funny. But even so, like I said earlier, Rhett does love Link's accent. I am sure he is fond of it, he finds it adorable. And let's not forget he said "there was so much he could choose from"!
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Link looks disappointed that it's not his guess, his eyes. An interesting thing here is that although he used a personality trait for Rhett, he expected / hoped for this physical trait for himself. But don't feel sorry - Rhett has talked about his baby blues and has even gone to the ridiculous extents of planning to make a blog exclusively for Link's eyes. So don't worry; it is known that Rhett at least acknowledges the beauty of Link's eyes. At least. And Link was expecting this from a place of knowledge and not as an attempt to be silly-sappy.
Things Rhett thinks Link loves about him:
voice (Link will later say he loves his laugh and this is close, he's also enchanted every time Rhett sings so...)
height (Link once said he is attracted to "people of extreme heights")
hair (we know that)
beard (lie detector test)
giving spirit (lol totally)
creativity (they've talked about this many times)
eyebrows (if Link has said he likes Rhett's eyelashes then liking his eyebrows is certain)
Rhett was guessing from a place of knowledge too.
Rhett then said he loves stories of Link's grandma doing weird things with him and I don't like being the weirdo to spell out the weird thing but Rhett's interest in that is vaguely associated to his weird mind being always in the gutter. I don't mean it turns him on of course but he loves hearing weird stuff that border on creepy. You know it's true. Sometimes he's like that. Link took revenge for the accent joke with the psoriasis.
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Wow we saw some Rhett teeth. Link answered sincerely with a super cute "I love your laugh" but Rhett just said "I love the sound your mouth makes when you don't chew". Oh well. Link regretted being sincere and Rhett, after some good laughter, defended himself by saying "he (Link) walked himself into it". This makes exactly zero sense and I am wondering whether he meant Link walked himself into it by choosing the vulnerable / sincere way. Or if he just didn't know what he was talking about.
Rhett then asks for the next answer to be complimentary. He then repeats he has strong feelings about Link's accent. Again, I believe this! In a positive light. IDK, I do believe this. Link said he has strong positive feelings for Rhett's car which I found weird like Rhett because I thought it was established Link has the better car of the two. Who knows, maybe he lied about the positive thing. Unless he connects it in his mind with memories / experiences.
Link's guess a little later:
Link: If I wanted to, I could easily... start over.
Rhett: Start over?! Like, whole life?
L: ...Yeah, just like, get a re-do.
R: Huh.
L: And I would be like "Really? How?"
R: Mmkay. I said "If you wanted to, you could easily kill me".
Okay, this gets a little deeper. I think what initially Link meant was a joke about starting over regarding his relationship with Rhett. Rhett didn't get that and asked him if he meant his whole life. Link considered that "mmyeah..." and realised it wasn't that far off from what he meant, all jokes aside. Link does wish he could start over and redo many things in his life. This surely has A LOT to do with their religious upbringing. And maybe how it affected Link's choices. Stevie's laughter is so out of place sometimes. Rhett does not laugh and tries to rush this moment. Rhett's answer about Link killing him is not exactly weird or offensive or mean as I saw some people consider it. It shows, maybe subconsiously, several things; Link's intensity, Rhett's pliable nature especially to Link and it might be more indicative of how Rhett feels about Link than anything else, at least in this video.
And then, out of nowhere, or maybe so it seems to us, Rhett goes ballistic against everyone. He starts complaining about those complaining when they didn't give each other heartfelt compliments. Link joked he agrees with them. Rhett attempted to let this slip although it angered him. The crew laughed with Link's joke, meaning they kinda sided with him, and Rhett turned basically mad at Link.
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He accused Link that he did the same that day and Link entirely deflected the conversation. All I'm gonna say is that don't think they don't communicate with each other about how they approach certain situations. I wonder if at times they misunderstand each other or one changes opinion suddenly and leaves the other hanging. Link tries to stop Rhett from going on but Rhett is unstoppable at this point.
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You might say Rhett was straight out mean right there and I sure was like "whoa where did this all come from, man" but mean is not a reasonable explanation. He was angry and his words show he is in a pressured state. Unless you tend to have mood swings, which Rhett doesn't really have as far as I know, you don't go from all cutesy and mischievous to furious in milliseconds. Except if there is an underlying suppressed cause. And you may ask, okay does he feel pressured to say a compliment to Link? Is this such a big deal? Well, yes and no. I don't think Rhett meant "we're not gonna hold hands" or "compliment each other" when we ask it. I think we know what he means. I think he's talking about the - well, in his words - elephant in the room. The actually serious consideration that there is something more there. The expectation that it might get revealed at any point - whether intentionally or unintentionally. Rhett loses control at that moment, which is why Link, who knows him well, warns him to not go there but Rhett still does. And again, you might say: well, no fan asked them to kiss or to confirm anything! We asked them simple stuff that can be normal between platonic friends too. Yes, but there is something we don't take often into account. The mythical crew. The mythical crew are actually the ones who monitor closely what the fans believe, want and prefer to watch. This means that the crew has to inform and discuss with Rhett and Link how much they are gonna please the audience and in what ways. Which means that a crew of 50+ people have an elaborate opinion on what fans think of Rhett and Link's relationship (next to their own opinion of course) and this has to be communicated with them face to face. In short, Rhett and Link have their privacy invaded not only by the fans but by their employees and, moreover, they are forced to always have fun with it and take it lightly. Again, you could think: well, they could forbid any rhink reference to the crew from now on. And you would think this WOULDN'T make the crew MORE suspicious at this point? All I am saying, they are fine when they make rhink insinuations / jokes voluntarily but most of the time is forced upon them by both the fans and employees and this can be uncomfortable at best if they are just friends or tyrannical if there is something more there that they still keep for themselves. So, Rhett's frustration comes from a deeper place than being expected to give a compliment. If I were in their place as I imagine it (I could always be entirely wrong) I would feel like a muppet trying to balance all my reactions towards thousands of people, with several dozens of them being paid by me to scrutinize me and order me how exactly to act!
There is a cut following Rhett's vent and you can see that Rhett is trying to calm himself down.
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He speaks to himself, mumbling "yeah alright yeah ok ok" and by the expressions I can tell he acknowledges he lost control. That doesn't mean he regretted what he said - just that he said more than it benefits him to say and apparently he said a lot more in the unedited video. Kudos then to Link, who actively tries to calm his friend down and make him feel more comfortable.
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This might be unpleasant to some but from his stance I conclude that Link agrees with Rhett or at least understands him. He was just wise enough to not say it out loud. Link first warned Rhett to not speak and then stayed quiet as Rhett was venting. After the cut, we see him trying to help Rhett calm down and relax and he characteristically invites Rhett to focus his attention on him and find something he really loves about him. This is not a complaint - Link is smiling and is warm to Rhett. What he essentially does is trying to help Rhett forget he is being watched by thousands and his every word is weighted, which of course is Rhett's main problem. He just says "forget about them and focus on me and just say something you love, it's all good". I just love Link here. He's supportive and caring.
The next question is what Link loves when Rhett blanks his blank and Rhett is trying to picture it-
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I have no doubt Link loves that. The ear thumbing, I mean.
So, then I am adding the stills that redeemed Rhett in the fandom:
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But not to be that person, it's obvious that Rhett plays it up a ridiculous lot. And not even to appease the angry fans but probably to make fun of their anger. That's why Link laughs with his face and his answer "I love remembering the time we met".
This doesn't interest me at all. Instead, I am much more interested in Link's nonsensical answer "I love remembering the time we died" because what?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Link tends to say occasionally stuff that doesn't make sense but I don't think he would pass on the chance to say something even remotely meaningful in an opportunity like this and especially regarding his relationship with Rhett. Link clarifies: "...when we died. This is heaven". There are two possibilities and only two: a) this makes ZERO sense and it's the worst and most pointless joke ever and b) this is symbolic or something only Rhett could understand. Rhett does not dismiss this as stupid or silly with his usual done look. He asks questions about it and they discuss at length about how it happened that they died and why they went to heaven since it seems they killed each other. Well, it's because they killed each other in the exact same time with a prod-like tool and they escaped Good Ol' God's (in Link's words) notice. Okay. I'm just leaving this here and you can all draw your own conclusions. Personally, I am torn between a symbolical death and rebirth when they left their religious selves behind and death being used as a well known old metaphor of a certain physical state. It would work even more if it was both. Or Link was just talking nonsense. Let's not exclude that. So yeah. That's all I had to say................
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johnstoast19 · 3 years
Two Coffees, Please...
I didn't have time to share this for Froger Week, so I decided to post it anyway.
Summary: Freddie meets his platonic love in a coffee shop, but he doesn't know that Roger wanted to meet him much earlier.
Words count: 753.
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If I were more handsome and a smart guy, if I were special and a renowned artist, surely I would have the courage to step up and speak with him.
He always sits in the same place, I look at him and my cheeks blush. His blond hair and pretty blue eyes combine perfectly, when he arrives everything stops like he would have the power over all.
"One coffee, please… the same as always." His voice sounds soft, I smile with only hear it.
I sigh, he hasn't seen me yet.
My movements are careful, I stay on my chair looking at today's newspaper, but my eyes notice every sign from him, like a hunter waiting for his prey. He's an extrovert guy, every person who works here already knows him so well, he's their favorite client.
But today is different, so I decided to take the first step and meet him. It shouldn't be difficult, I guess… I've done this before, I've met many people in clubs or other places, normally I'm the cool guy who could make you laugh, dance or just give you an interesting conversation... But in this case, I don't recognize myself, my mask has fallen off.
He looks so wonderful, but I'm nervous.
A waitress came to my table and asked me if I would like something else. I refused, I have no time, if I don't take the courage to speak with him, my opportunities could die.
His laugh sounds louder, he's talking to someone who has made him spit his drink. It's a bit funny to see this scene, and now my feet move through the coffee shop until I get to where he is. I feel my hands sweating like a bloody waterfall with every step, my breathing is short when I touch the wood of the bar, and he notices me.
A white smile welcomes me, his blond eyebrows raise when I sit next to him, cutting his conversation with the person. I moisten my lips until his blue eyes look at me. My body responds immediately to the electrical shake that he sent to me across his pupils.
Oh God, what the hell am I doing?
“Hey! Are you okay?” He asked me. To hear his voice near me is like a sweet poison.
Let someone kill me!
"Yeah… I'm sorry… I just wanna know something." I say and my brain explode because of my stupid words.
"Well, go ahead!"
My recent security drops a thousand floors to the bottom. I don't remember the last time I wanted to run away after meeting someone. This is fucking insane.
He looked at me as if I was a madman with nice clothes because I've been concerned about looking good since I first saw him, maybe with the idea of impressing him.
Even today, I'm still surprised by my actions.
"Do you want another coffee?" The words had been thrown away in one short breath. He raised an eyebrow at the same time a little shine born on his blue eyes.
My security mask broke in seconds when I didn't hear a word from him. This is a silly way to be rejected.
"If you're willing to pay this round, I'll pay for the second one… just in case you decide to add a third round." He smiles and the world is reborn. "I'm Roger, by the way." One of his hands stretches out in front of me and I take it withuot any doubt.
"Freddie." I say and he nods.
"Finally, I meet you. It's a big pleasure to put a name on your face." He comes up to me and his lips whisper without losing a smile. "I've been watching you for the last few days."
My cheeks blushed, I didn't expect that confession. Is it real? Because I couldn't touch the ground after this. Roger nods, reading my thoughts.
"That sounds weird." I joke. Roger shrugs and then he gives me a wink.
The waitress came to us and Roger gave her a smile. "Two coffees, please. I found a new friend today, that deserves a celebration, of course."
After two rounds of coffee and a proposal to take me home, I'm convinced that this day will become one of the most important days of my life. Finally, I met someone who will always be there to make me smile and thought that it's possible to believe in coincidences.
Roger taught me that two coffees are not always enough for us.
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medicallyinevitable · 3 years
Medically Inevitable 
Chapter 14:- Pitiful Pining
Characters:- Ethan Ramsey, Arielle Valentine, Sienna Trinh, Ethan Ramsey, Harper Emery, & Danny Cardinal 
Pairing:- Ethan Ramsey x Arielle Valentine (F!OC)
Warnings:- Light angst & minor language 
Word Count:- 2000+ words 
And a special thank you to @akshara16 for pre-reading this chapter💞
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Arielle’s PoV:-
You’re reading your 18th, well actually what seems like the 100th text book when someone knocks on your bedroom door. You answer with a more irritated tone then you meant.
"Hey, you okay?" The door opens to reveal Sienna with two mugs in her hands.
"Yeah...”, you try to smile but even you know it doesn't quite reach your eyes. 
"You don't seem okay though," Sienna says as she comes inside and hands you a mug. You look inside the mug to see what's in it. "I made us some hot chocolate." 
You smile, accepting your cup with a genuine thank you as you move, making space for Sienna to sit. 
"So what is it?" Sienna asks sitting beside you. 
You shake your head, just thinking about the case makes your head spin. "Just a patient’s case. I’ve been running test after test but every result was negative.", you sigh, "and the patient happens to be a major asshole to say the least.", You smile sadly. 
"Is it the P. I. T. A?" She asks. 
"P. I. T. A?" 
"Pain in the ass," she laughs, so do I. 
"Oh yeah… Danny mentioned that earlier. That name fits him perfectly!" I respond laughing. 
"So what do you think he has?"
"I don't know anymore," you sigh again, "I ran almost as many tests as possible." 
"I'm not any expert but maybe if the two of us try to find it, it'll be easier?" 
You look at her a bit surprised, "You'll spend your free time diagnosing my patient?" 
She smiles at me, "Of course. That's what friends are for right? To help you." 
You look at her with a grateful smile. "Thank you." 
"You can thank me with strawberry glazed doughnuts once we're finished with this.”, she replies with a silly wink.
You spent the next thirty minutes discussing the symptoms as you catch her up with the diseases you've managed to ruled out. 
In between, you notice Sienna acting a bit weird. But whenever you try to bring it up, she deflects your question so you decide not to press further. 
Another half an hour goes by with Sienna’s weird antics and you decide you’ve had enough. You close your book and turn towards Sienna. She tries to act like she doesn’t notice you looking at her but eventually she looks up.
"What is it, Sienna? I can tell you want to ask me something but you’re not.”, you say.
"Uh-what?" she asks nervously, her eyes darting around everywhere but you.
"I don't know what you’re talking about." 
"Don't lie, Si!," you narrow your eyes. 
But she doesn’t budge. You keep asking her until she finally accepts.
“Come on Si, no secrets between us right?”
"Okay fine!... you’re hiding something, Ari,", shesays catching you off guard. 
"I-Me? I'm not hiding anything," you try to laugh it off. 
Now it's her turn to narrow her eyes. "You are! See, you’re behaving really weird."
"I'm not behaving weird," you oppose. 
"You are. And don't you dare deny it again.”, she says in a serious tone.
"You can talk to me, you know that right?” Her voice changes to the caring and concerned tone reserved for her closest friends.
You ponder for a minute, whether or not to tell her. You’ve shared so many secrets with Sienna before, you know she's your best friend and that you trust her completely. 
Before you know it, you start blurting out everything. From how Dr. Ramsey assigned you the case, to how he wouldn’t reassign him to someone else, and then your confrontation which was probably the most idiotic thing you could have done. Then how you both shouted at each other, you completely blanking out at the fact that he was your supervisor and could pull you from the program the next second if he wished, and how that lead to triggering a panic attack, then lastly…
“I don’t know how, our faces were mere inches apart, breathing ragged, and I had absolutely no idea what I was doing-“ You throw your hands up, cutting yourself off as you jump up and pace around the room.
“I mean I could have kissed him for God’s sake! What was I even thinking?! If it weren’t for my pager I don’t know what I would’ve done…”
“Woah, calm down Arielle. You need a break.” She makes you sit down and drink a glass of water, waiting until you’ve calmed down a bit. 
“Now, tell me what else happened.”
“What?! Nothing else happened!” How Sienna knows you so well eludes you, nonetheless you try to hide it.
“Something else happened, or else you wouldn’t be spiraling this much. I know you Ari, you always have a cool head under any circumstance.”
You sigh, knowing there’s no use in hiding it. “Well I did see something…”
“Go on.”, she says urging you,
“Well it all started after the whole almost kiss thing, my brain was like scrambled eggs and my shift had already ended so I took my car and drove around until I realised I had no idea where I was, and to top that disaster off I was starving…”
———————A few hours before———————
“Ugh, I think I drove all the way to the other side of town. And I’ll have to drive all the way back to the apartment and then start research for Nigel’s treatment again. And I’m hungry because instead of eating lunch, I decided to unleash my wrath of Dr. Terminator. Ohh, can this day get any worse-“ In the midst of your little blabbering session, you spot a classy French cafe across the street. 
“Well at least a day this bad always has room for improvement, and right now I’m starving.”, you park your car and head inside.
The smell of roasted coffee and baked buttery goods hits your senses the moment you enter the cafe. The serenity is a nice change of pace compared to always busy and bustling Edenbrook, dimly lighted and decorated with beautiful vintage items.
“At least I won’t bump into anyone here that I know.”, you think as you stand in the queue.
You decide to order a vanilla frappe with drizzled salted caramel and go for a regular chocolate doughnut to satisfy your sweet tooth. After the barista brings your order, you move towards a nice secluded corner and sit down at the table.
You slowly finish your doughnut and coffee, savouring the taste as you gaze out the French style window. You’re about to dispose of your trash when a familiar sweater shirt catches your eye.
“No way…” As you hide your face with a medical journal which you randomly fished out of your purse, you peek over the top to see Dr. Ramsey sitting across…
“Is that Dr. Emery?”, your mind recalls the time when you saw them in a patient’s room, quite cozy with each other. And now they sit a few tables away from you, talking as her hand is over his. You pretend to read your journal as you watch both of the doctors get up and throw away the remains. You follow pursuit and slowly exit the cafe making sure they don’t notice. You stand at the side of your car door and watch as they both edge closer and closer, her hand now on his jaw. Their faces are barely an inch apart now, as he leans in to close the distance.
“That’s- I can’t-“ 
Not being able to look at them, you get in your car, slamming the door and speed away as fast as you possibly can, ignoring the tears that brim in your eyes.
————————end of flashback———————
”Oh Arielle…..I’m sorry.” 
“It’s alright.”, you assure her when pretty much everything going on in your life is anything but alright. She gives you a look.
“I- okay well there’s nothing I can do about it, and it’s not like anything would have happened, it was merely a stupid crush.”, you reply wondering whether you’re trying to convince Sienna or yourself. A long but comfortable silence passes, you both just sit and immerse in everything you’ve just blurted out. 
"How are things between you and Wayne?", you say desperate for a topic change.
"It's as usual I guess?" she says now as gloomy as me. "We haven't had a proper conversation in a while."
You try to comfort your best friend as you mentally curse the idiot.
"He's an idiot, Si, " you tell her. "If he can't value you, he's not worth it Si."
"He was not always this way you know... We've had happy days. But ever since I started my residency he became... distant." 
You put your hand on top of hers in a comforting manner and give her an understanding smile.
"You can always talk to me about it, Si. You know that right?"
She nods and shoots me a smile, a sad one, nonetheless a smile. That’s a slight improvement.
We talk about our messes of relationships for a bit more before Sienna decides we had enough gloom and doom and it was time to make some happy memories. 
“Okay, what did you have in mind?”, you ask.
A grin forms on her face as she tucks her knees in and speaks, "Why did the Dalmatian go to the eye doctor?" 
“Medical joke hmm?” She nods and nudges me to try to answer. After thinking for a moment, I shrug.
"Because he kept seeing spots.", she says following with a fit of laughter. The joke isn’t even that funny but even you end up laughing your heart out. That's the thing with best friends, everything becomes a thousand times better when they’re by your side.
"Oh-" Sienna tries to say recovering from her previous laughter session, "There's another one."
"What did one tonsil say to the other tonsil?" 
"Umm...What?" you ask when you fail to find an answer.
"Get dressed up, the doctor is taking us out!" We both break into another fit of laughter, laughing till tears form in the corner of your eyes.
You wipe tears from your eyes, still smiling broadly.
Your own reflection catches your eye in the mirror. Your balayage hair is now slowly falling out from the messy bun you tied up before, your eyes now have bags in addition to your dark circles and lastly you look like a zombie with your smeared makeup.
“I look like a hot mess.”
Sienna laughs. “Well I have a night shift today so I’ll look worse than you after it.
You join her in another wave of laughter until Sienna’s phone goes off from her room.
You watch her as her eyes light up and then morph into worry as she looks at herself. You give her a look.
“Oh uh… Danny said that he would give me a lift to my shift and stop by to get coffee.”, she shouts as she rushes into her room. You chuckle watching her frantically trying to make herself presentable as she grabs her bag and heads downstairs.
“Bye Si! I’ll see you later-“ She’s already run off. With a smile, you head towards your room for a bath, dinner and then a date with more textbooks.
Authors’ Note:- Hey everyone, Chapter 14 of Medically Inevitable is finally out! We know that the release was scheduled much much earlier but life happens unfortunately and it took us quite a long time but from now on, our regular schedule will continue again!
Anyways, let us know if you enjoyed this chapter and your predictions of what will happen next! Are Harper and Ethan really a couple? And if they are, why did Ethan almost kiss Arielle? And what’s happening with Danny and Sienna? As always, it means a lot to us if you comment and reblog and have a great day/night everyone!
    @drariellevalentine & @mysticaurathings
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