#Soulcial Dreamers
soulcialdent · 2 months
Day 4: يقبرني Ya'aburnee (Arabic)
A way to declare your hope that your loved one will outlive you, as it would be unbearable to Live without them.
(Continuation from Day 1: Saudade Entry)
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That night after sending the paper plane Neji dreamed about her. There was few different scenes that flashed behind his eyes but there was one he remembered vividly. Probably because it was something that really happened. 
It was the day of the infamous Konohagakure Middle School Brawl. Tenten was known around town for being a hardass. Well, not really a hard ass but she liked to fight. After being bullied for years for being an outsider. She got fed up and slapped the shit out of one of her bullies.  From about 4th grade and on, this made her target. She ended up fighting all the time.
Her parents enrolled her into martial arts classes to help mitigate some of her anger. That’s where she and Neji meet. The winter between junior and senior year of elementary school. They became fast friends eventually attending middle school together. 
Fast forward to the third year in middle school. She had calmed down a bit and it helped that Neji and Lee were there to reign her in and keep her out of trouble-most of the time. Which was a tall task because a lot of people just didn't like her. 
On this day in particular. It just so happened to be a school festival day.  It was packed and raining on and off the entire time. Neji was in the student council office retrieving some supplies.  The door bursts open. 
“Neji Ni-san, it's Tenten. Lee needs to come right now. There out back by the tennis courts “ 
Neji dropped what he was doing. He brushed passed hinata and started running down the hall to head outside as fast as his feet would carry him. When finally did make it out back. The crowd was so thick that he knew he was gonna have a hard time getting thru. But moved as swiftly as he could. 
That's when he saw them. Lee held on to both her hands trying to keep her attention. Naruto stood right next to body blocking her.  Neji ran over to them out of breath. 
“Tenten, are you okay? What's going on” he checked to see if she was injured. 
“I'm fine. I just need to go talk to someone for a second. Lee won't let me go”
Neji was confused. 
“I'm pretty sure she didn't mention it but we've been having some issues with some of Technical Middle School kids. We found them beating up and robbing some freshmen. Turned out they were low level Anbu gang members.  They’ve been taunting us all day”  said Naruto 
“Okay then, let me take you home”  she looked at Lee  “Lee, can you let Iruka Sensei know that i’m taking Tenten home. If he asks, she's not feeling well. 
“Here, take my bike. It’ll be faster” Naruto tossed, his keys into Neji. “It's blue and orange with a frog lock. “Yelled the blonde as he and Lee rushed off to go find Iruka Sensei.
“Come on Tenten” Neji grab her hand and begin pulling her through the crowd. “Were you planning on telling me any of this”
“No, I didn't want you worrying about me” 
“I'm always worry about you. Especially when I’m not around. You do reckless things” 
Tenten scuffed 
“I’m sorry to disappoint you then if that's the case. But what was I supposed to do? Let the those kids get stomped out”
She had a point
“You did the right thing. But what's been happening today?” 
“They been trying to lure me into fighting all day. I'm not sure, how many members are here. But their leader Temari is definitely here. Her second in command I think, his name is Kankuro. He rolled up on me earlier. But Lee scared him off. 
“So what’s your plan?  Did you plan to fight them all by yourself”
“Yeah, if that's how it's gotta be then that's how it's gotta be”
Neji remembers how much that reveal hurt him.
“This is a suicide mission. Are you trying to die?” 
Tenten halted, standing her ground. But I didn't answer him.  And when she didn't answer he continued.
“I don't want you to die”
Tenten flinched, and fear flashed through her eyes and Neji let go. She took a deep breath and stood really tall. 
“Of course not. I just don't want to be scared anymore” 
He hadn't expecting those words out of her mouth. Tenten always seemed so fearless. She was the swing and ask questions later type. That's why Neji had vowed to always protect her.  He really didn't know who he was without her. 
“How does putting your life in danger fix that? I am seriously trying to understand” 
She pondered his words while looking around. 
“I'm not sure it does. If I give them what they want. They'll go away.  I can take solace in knowing that I'm not a coward” 
Tenten was one of the bravest and kindness people he knew. She was a lot of things but a coward, never.
“I understand but I'm still taking you home. We’ll come up with a better solution. "Neji reaches out, to grab her hand again so they continue moving.
But a loud scream echoed behind them. They both swiftly turned around. Somebody had punched Naruto in the back of his head. Two other people started running at him.
Neji went to grab her but missed. Tenten ran across the school yard and kicked one of the attackers right in their back. 
Neji found himself running right behind her and grabbing the second attacker by his shirt and judo flipping him. 
Tenten helped Naruto up and a group of guys and girls with bats, chains and started running at them.  All hell broke was about the brakes loose. The rain started picking up, making visibility almost impossible. 
Neji was sure that were going to die that day.  Neji made peace with it because at the very least they were together. He wants it any other way. Through some what Neji couldn't only assume was divine intervention, they all survived. 
 Lee’s broke one of his legs. Naruto broke his hand and a few broken ribs. Tenten tore her.  A Achilles tendon and few broken ribs. Loving her had brought really hard lessons and Neji the scars to prove it.  But he wouldn't have had it any other way. 
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blerdyotome · 5 years
5 Games That Have Had The Biggest Impact On My Life (So Far...)
5 Games That Have Had The Biggest Impact On My Life (So Far…)
A little while ago Lizzo from Soulcial Dreamers included me in one of those Twitter tags that are always making the rounds. I usually ignore most of these, because the Twitter notifications for these can get into the triple digits… and they’re a pain to clear out. But, Lizzo’s prompt really spoke to me:
This one asked about the five…
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soulcialdent · 5 years
Revisited: Ponyo
Source: Wellredmage.com
Ponyo 崖の上のポニョ is a 2008 animated fantasy film from world re-known Studio Ghibli. The movie follows a goldfish by the name of Ponyo, who befriends a human boy named Sousuke.  After being retrieved by her father, Fujimoto, Ponyo breaks loose using her magic and unknowingly causes a Tsunami in her pursuit of being reunited with Sousuke, and their adventure begins.
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soulcialdent · 5 years
Anime NYC 2019: Expectations
Anime NYC 2019: Expectations
Anime NYC is upon us, and we’re super excited to see what it has in store for us.  What are some things that I’m looking forward too?                                                                         
The East Coast Premiere of Makoto Shinkai’s Weathering With You. As well as Miku Ito’s Concert during the Annual Masquerade, which takes place Saturday, November 16, at 8 PM on the Main…
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soulcialdent · 5 years
Anime NYC 2019: Yoshiyuki Tomino
Anime NYC 2019: Yoshiyuki Tomino
Yoshiyuki Tomino is a storyboard artist, a director that has worked in the animation industry for more than forty years.  Born in Odawara, Japan, he began his career after graduating from the Nihon University College of Art. 
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soulcialdent · 5 years
Anime NYC 2019: Meet Chris Brown Chris L Brown is a storyteller from South Carolina currently residing in California.   The sole owner of Fool’s Entertainment and creative force behind Omega Black. 
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soulcialdent · 5 years
Cosvoid Fall Cosplay Photoshoot 2019
Cosvoid Fall Cosplay Photoshoot 2019
Source: Cosvoid Facebook Page
Cosvoid International is an organization founded March 8, 2018, to fill a need in the cosplay community. They host events, attend conventions, take photos, and video and share the content with the community and beyond.  As well as promoting, uplifting, and mentoring cosplayers within or outside of there network.   (more…)
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soulcialdent · 6 years
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Come Join Us 
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soulcialdent · 5 years
Urban Animal
Urban Animal @ReadUrbanAnimal #UrbanAnimal #LineWebtoons #RepresentationMatters #DiverseStories
Source: https://twitter.com/JohnAmor
Joe Gomez is that guy! He has friends, good grades and even plays in a band. Unbeknownst to him, he learns that he is a reincarnation of a legendary creature called a Chimera. Life as he knows it is over, when others creatures of the same nature come to seek him out. Will Joe be able to stay alive long enough to reach his full potential and save the day!     …
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soulcialdent · 5 years
Source: twitter.com/webtoons
Beatriz Torres is an aspiring Aerospace Engineer chasing her dream job (working on the first Space Colony on Mars) and in order to be considered for the internship, she needs a LUFF Score. A LUFF score is romantic equivalent to a good credit score and when’ Bea’s forced to seek hers out how would she deal with the results.
Written and Illustrated by AreChan (more…)
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soulcialdent · 5 years
Soulcial Sunday - Happy PRIDE & WINC Con
Soulcial Sunday - Happy PRIDE! & WINC Con #SoulcialSunday #HappyPride2019 #WINCCON2019 #SpotifyPlaylist
Happy PRIDE! Today is the pride parade in NYC and WinC Con. We went out to WinC Con for a little bit today at the Queens Museum. It was a beautiful day and we sat in a panel and chatted up some vendors and walked around the museum for a bit before heading home.
WinC Con is one of the cons we love going to for a few hours since it’s one of the little cons we go to and relax. We love going to cons…
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soulcialdent · 5 years
AnimeNEXT 2019: Interview with Sandy Fox @AnimeNext @SandyFoxWorld #AnimeNext2019 #animeNEXT #SandyFox While attending AnimeNEXT, Our Team was able to snag an interview with Sandy Fox.  Iconic roles include: Chibi USA (Sailor Moon/Crystal), Kyoko (Akira), Betty Boop  and Dinah ( The Land BEfore Time VI ).
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soulcialdent · 5 years
Indie Broadwalk (AnimeNEXT 2019)
AnimeNEXT Presents the Indie Broadwalk.  The Indie Broadwalk is an extension to the 30,000 sq ft. Video Gaming Hall dedicated to Indie Gaming.
This area is reserved for Indie Developers to showcase their games and allow convention go-er to experience them.
The Indie Boardwalk is available to all AnimeNEXT badge holders, at no additional cost.
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soulcialdent · 5 years
Will of Fire – Kickflamez Kickflamez is a Emcee, videographer and content creator from Huntsville Alabama.
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soulcialdent · 6 years
Soulcial Sunday: Women's History Month
Soulcial Sunday: Women’s History Month
As we end Black History Month we’re continuing the celebration by jumping right into Women’s History Month. For February we completed the #28DaysofBlackCosplay if you haven’t seen our feed of amazing Black Cosplayers be sure to check it out.
We’re working hard and fast to get a lot of work done and out. We’ve been working on video content for our Youtube and more content for our blog as well…
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soulcialdent · 6 years
4 Comics by Black Creators
4 Comics by Black Creators @adornedbychi @SomeCallMeTrey @Trill_League@tephlonfunk #28DaysofBlackCreators #ComicBooks #Blerds
Source: syfy.com
I’ve been getting back into reading comics.  With so many diverse stories and character coming out, there no better time then now to do so.  In honor of Black History Month, here are four comics by Black creatives that are worth checking out.
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