#bruh what is wrong with me
1moreoffkeyanthem · 5 months
Ok this hasn’t been asked abt BUT
I got OrangeJuiceVerse Stan on the brain (again)
Specifically in terms of his protectiveness.
In the last OJV ask I got I mentioned that he and Kyle have the most parental tendencies of the Star Seven, and boy oh boy do I have some thoughts on Stan’s knight in shining armor complex!
I won’t get into the Kyle part of that bc 1) I have talked wayyyy too much abt that on ao3 and here, and 2) that’s a whole separate long ass post and I would probably combust.
But!!! First focusing on the M5:
So growing up together they were all generally referred to as “Stan’s Gang”, which he was like wait why are they my gang but then he grew to love that bc they were his people. He loves them with all of his soul (ojverse Stan is a lover for sure) and he is EXTREMELY protective of everyone and kind of (smh this man) sees himself as the dad of the crew. Done with everyone’s bs, the “fun” parent. A lot of that comes from his resentment of Randy, his desire to keep everyone out of true danger and not be flaky despite his own problems. This is especially poignant with Kenny.
So Stan and Kyle VERY much see Kenny as “their egg” (yes I’m borrowing from the “Stan is a protective father” note of that episode) and they really look out for him growing up bc of his shitty home life. Really all of the M5 have a soft spot for Ken, but Stan and Kenny understand each other on a spiritual level. Though Stan doesn’t consciously know abt Kenny’s immortality and IS his Ride Or Die Disaster Bi in all things reckless, the second something goes wrong he’s there, swooping in and reminding him that “yeah you can be a crazy bastard, but don’t you dare die”. He’s less overbearing than Ky gets when Kenny gets hurt, but he’s there to be like “hey man you’re good, you gotta be careful tho”. He was the first to INSIST that he pay kenny in full for his art and commissions stuff regularly through their entire lives.
With Marj, it’s really, really complex. I mentioned before in my OJV Stan hcs (thank you to the wife for that ask btw) that he was the first person she went to when she realized she was a girl! Bc he’s always been pretty emotionally honest and accepting of everything, and she was dealing with her crush on Kenny too and Stan notoriously THINKS he’s slick in being a massive simp so two birds one stone lmao. He was pretty clueless at first but that protective instinct kicked in and he was like GIRL WE GONNA FIND YOU SOME RESOURCES! Also, I’ll do a post abt how NO ONE in the OJV Star Seven is neurotypical soon, but i briefly mentioned in The Wacky Adventures of Craig And Kyle that Marjorine has the ‘tism as well, and Stan is NOT the person to go to when you’re having a meltdown, but rest assured he WILL get you to someone who is. Like she can tell him “Stan I’m feelin a little…” and he will IMMEDIATELY find her Kenny or Kyle. Kyle’s obviously his go to when things are out of his emotional scope, and that extends to Craig later down the line.
So TWEEK!!! Oh god Tweek and Stan’s relationship in the OrangeJuiceVerse is so important to me. They’re the first encounter of the Broken Bottles Quartet, and that moment when Kyle figures out about Tweek’s problem, Stan was full man-with-the-plan mode about how to help him! Before he takes Tweek to AA, he’s at ye ol’ meetin’ hall talking to the old geezers in the local group and it’s like:
“Hey, Stanny Boy, good to see you back, how you healin up (smh I did break his ribs for good reason I promise) got anything to share?” “Actually yeah, I’m gonna bring someone with me in a few days, but you guys HAVE to give him space he gets really nervous.” And the longtime AA peeps who are prone to being overly friendly back off and let Tweek just listen that first time, and Stan is consistently checking in and with Stan’s support Tweek slowly gets more comfortable, and Stan is SO fucking proud of him and he’s his sponsor for a LONG ASS TIME before he officially is.
As for Cartman, once he moves away, Stan will call him up pretty frequently to check in, like “hey fatass how’s the wedding planning company coming?” “Fuck off, hippie did you get the-“ “YES I got the beef jerky club membership quit sending me that shit” “heh, sweet.” “Asshole, but seriously are you doing okay?” “Yes you photosynthesizing dildo. The Jew looks tired in his last facebook post check on him” “I got him, Cartman” “you guys are assholes” “we love you too” “gross” smh theyre so unserious.
But yeah that’s this episode of me not shutting tf up abt OrangeJuiceVerse
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floatingmushrooms · 10 months
ending y life no one told me the sponge scatches a car I JUST SCRATCHED THE WHOLE FRICKIN HOOD WITH THE SPONGE IM GONNA KMSSSS
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kyuzuberri · 1 year
rant in tags !!
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sundropcass · 1 year
lmfao had the worst attack of my life and it was certainly something!! no clue what tho.
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devine-fem · 2 months
aren’t jon and damian brothers???
OH. my. motherfucking god. are you serious? 😭😭😭
no, they are not blood-related. no, they are not legally related. no, they don’t think of each other as brothers, the closest it's gotten to that was Jon wishing he had a brother LIKE damian.
Damian’s parents are Talia al Ghul and Bruce Wayne.
Jon’s parents are Clark Kent and Lois Lane.
never have these two paths crossed. superbat is not real. Lois Lane has dated Clark since before either of us has probably been born.
and besides ONE off universe as to where Jon and Damian do not exist. Talia and Clark have never had a thing. I don’t even know if they know each other.
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EVEN IF THEY DID think of each other as a family if they are not legally or blood-related then this still doesn't mean its inc*stual.
but NO! they are not brothers. WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP THINKING THIS BRUHHH
this is Timsteph and stephcass discourse ALL OVER AGAIN
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gojonanami · 4 months
Uh? It’s CANON Gojo and geto saw each other as BROTHERS.
alright I’m gonna answer this now lmao — I think with fiction everyone is entitled to their own take on things but with gojo and geto I believe the two to be soulmates — whether it’s platonic or romantic —
I personally see it as romantic, but if you don’t that’s completely fine and I’m not here to force my opinion onto you — it was in the tags — you don’t like, don’t read it! That simple.
I mean I could explain to you why I see it as romantic —
gojo calls geto his “one and only,”
the button left behind when geto defects is his second button that gojo ends up with — the button often given in Japanese culture to romantic partners / interests,
gojo literally says, when he sees kenjaku in geto’s body, “I know in my soul you’re not suguru geto” even in the English dub they localized is as “in my heart and soul,”
to add to that, kenjaku’s whole plan hinged on gojo freaking out upon seeing geto’s body — gojo is someone who is always very calm — he only gets emotional when it comes to geto. literally itadori dies and megumi got taken over Sukuna and he stays completely calm (for the most part), nothing in comparison in his reactions to geto’s defection or kenjaku
geto’s body literally fights back against kenjaku when trying to hurt gojo — and kenjaku has been alive since the heian era at least, and he says he’s never seen that happen before — what that says about their connection is pretty clear cut in my opinion.
the whole theme of jjk 0 is that love is the most twisted curse of all — where did gojo learn that from? Obviously there’s more than one type of love — but this movie was focused on romantic love in particular (between yuta and rika) but also was reflecting on geto and gojo’s relationship
gojo’s last words to geto are allegedly three words according to the VAs and what else could they be? Other than the theme of the entire movie — “I love you???” and then Geto literally blushes in the manga and says, “at least you could have cursed me in the end” — which gojo kinda did.
there’s a whole bunch of other things I could analyze and I’m not here to debate with you or anyone else! it’s fiction — it’s up to us to interpret things that are vague. And you are entitled to your opinion — but what I don’t like is you telling me that my opinion is wrong when it’s not!
It’s vague in the manga for a reason. never did they call each other brothers, nor did they call each other lovers — all they said is that they were best friends. And a lot of people are best friends with their brothers but also a lot of lovers are best friends so
you are allowed to have your opinion friend, just don’t tell me mine is wrong — if you don’t like the ship, read the tag and don’t read the fic!
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worstloki · 1 year
Thor 1 is fun because Loki suffers from overthinking before he does stuff and Thor suffers from not thinking until after he’s done stuff and they both end up with the same results: making bad decisions
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c!dream: i was just trying to give advice on how to make friends but noooooo that’s “illegal” and “breaking the law” and “kidnapping with extreme abuse bordering on torture” and “incredibly unethical” what the fuck
c!techno: that is literally not what happened.
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spaciebabie · 3 months
shoutout 2 this person in my class who i can tell wants 2 talk 2 me really bad but instead of doing that whenever she has the chance she'll talk 2 whoever else is around and ignore me entirely unless im mentioned by name
#bruh lmao#so awkward. say something you dingus lol#ik you wanna talk 2 me so bite the bullet already#gyatt#spacie spoinks#literally. she was having a conversation with my partner for the project im doing. and like#heres the thing#if im not invited into conversation i usually dont participate#im like a vampire like that#and so like. after they're done conversating she'll just kind of. stand there. this has happened twice now#like dude sdkfjshlkdfj#im not upset by this behavior i have very awful social patterns as well and have been thru this (i am autistic)#am i gonna hafta say something. lol#probably#''hey bro whats up with you. i dont mean like how are you doing. i mean like. whats wrong with you.''#cant say that its not funny when you say it irl only when the ppl you're talking with know you're not being mean 😭#also like. this person has been staring at me lol#which like. makes me flustered so whenever she's around i panic and my face fucking turns red its god awful#for awhile it made uhh. my paranoia get really bad im ngl!!#its already bad when it comes 2 being around strangers but this like made it REALLY bad for a few weeks#im more calm now tho. rational brain won over and im chillin#i gotta work up the courage 2 say something b4 the semester is over or this is gonna bother me for the rest of my life sfkjsdhflkjs#i dont wanna put her on the spot#the only time i see her is when im in class#and . doing that interaction in front of ppl. i dont wanna embarrass her ksjfskjd
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0possil · 24 days
was talking about about the kendrick vs drake beef to a friend of mine and they started saying unintentionally racist shit to the point i was looking at my phone like this:
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murtacalafate · 1 year
I can finally show this little project I’ve been working on in the last few months. I’m never doing this again lmao but I enjoyed the process. Hope you like it!
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postergadorart · 9 months
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i said i love zelink
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mrspockify · 5 months
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Hey friendly reminder that you can ask about the status of fics in a way that’s respectful of the author, and also friendly reminder that you’re not actually entitled to updates and information and you don’t need to come in with that kind of attitude. If a fic hasn’t been updated in a long time, you can assume there’s a reason for it, whatever that reason is, and you don’t need to be upset that the author didn’t give you the reason. You can just subscribe and wait, maybe even leave a nice comment if you want to offer motivation, but come on.
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rottmntfan69 · 3 months
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When I ask my mom for McDonalds and she says no:
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toxooz · 1 year
been having wisdom tooth pain since saturday thats only getting worse and u kno what i understand him now i dont condone his actions but man,,,,i get it 💀
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gojonanami · 3 months
just because some people don’t seem to understand—
this page is a place that has no tolerance for hate for any group of people — especially based on any characteristic like sexuality, religion, race, etc — so any of that, and you will be blocked
I’m also not entertaining any asks wanting to push their opinion onto me — any asks being annoying about satosugu or any disrespectful behavior will be blocked. I’m open to a conversation— not straight hatred. I will not be responding — I’ll be deleting and blocking you so you’re truly wasting your time 🤷🏾‍♀️
also please question your life choices that you’re so adamant about a FICTIONAL character’s sexuality — there are more important things going on. truly, look at your priorities and if you don’t like my page, just block me — simple as that.
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