sag-dab-sar · 1 year
Monetizing Accessibility
I wrote a review awhile ago for an app that I heavily relied on due to my dyslexia and TBI— Speechify. Its a text-to-speech reader that I can take photos of text books or signs and have them read to me. I used it plenty. You can take as many photos as you want, upload them, and have it read to you. Well..... thats what you used to be able to do. Then I updated the app and tah dah the main feature is behind a paywall!!! I can upload 3 files (photo/photoset) only! And if I want more I have to pay THIS fucking much:
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So I updated my app review from 5 stars to 1
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Then a long time later I got this email:
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"One time discount" on something that was fucking free. Its the most basic feature. There were plenty of additional features to pay for and ads prior. Now the ENTIER goddamn app, including the absolute most basic function, above 3 files is behind a $140 paywall. I don't want 90% of the features just keeping files like I could before. Its not even a one time fee; its a subscription. As if my TBI and dyslexia only lasts a year. Not to mention I already deleted my entire library.
I fucking hate how goddamn expensive being disabled it is. The email is an insult.
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scribonia-art · 4 months
- the site supports and provides celebrity voice deepfakes
- uses generated images in web design and marketing
- made the T&Cs difficult to find and they have these clauses which is a wall of text but reads (to me) as "Nothing you submit is private, and we can use everything you submit for literally anything we want and there is nothing you can do about it"
- these things combined (to me) implies a data scraping trap
I honestly would avoid any tools like this that have cropped up in the post-2020 generative media boom; as with all things, read the T&Cs of any new tools you want to use very carefully
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thedisablednaturalist · 7 months
Trying to get almost $150 back from a tts app because they count the free trial as you starting your subscription and will charge you a year from the start of the trail period, not from the start of when you last paid them (I had gotten 50% off last year as well) I have a week to get the refund bc they have a 7 day rule apparently. I've sent two emails and no reply yet.
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stolen-stardust · 2 years
holy shit speechify app is Murdering my phone battery just running in the background wtf. i’ve listened to tress for 3.5 hours and the app’s drained 60% from my battery by itself. my phone would die before my shift ends in two hours lmao
i feel like the audiobooks on there should be downloadable but Whatever guess it’ll just take me longer to finish the book for sake of my battery. still annoying as hell though
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ai-7team · 28 days
ترجمه ویدیو با هوش مصنوعی: تحولی در دنیای محتوا
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در دنیای امروز، با پیشرفت‌های روزافزون در زمینه هوش مصنوعی، یکی از جذاب‌ترین و کاربردی‌ترین امکانات این فناوری، ترجمه ویدیو با هوش مصنوعی است. این تکنولوژی به ما امکان می‌دهد که محتوای ویدیویی را به زبان‌های مختلف ترجمه کنیم و به راحتی به مخاطبان جهانی دسترسی پیدا کنیم. در مقاله ی پیش رو، به بررسی جنبه‌های مختلف این تکنولوژی، نحوه کارکرد آن، ابزارهای موجود، مزایا و چالش‌های آن خواهیم پرداخت.
چرا ترجمه ویدیو با هوش مصنوعی مهم است؟
با توجه به جهانی شدن و افزایش دسترسی به اینترنت، محتوای ویدیویی به یکی از محبوب‌ترین و مؤثرترین روش‌های ارتباطی تبدیل شده است. اما زبان می‌تواند یک مانع بزرگ باشد. ترجمه ویدیو با هوش مصنوعی به ما این امکان را می‌دهد که این مانع را برطرف کنیم و محتوای خود را به زبان‌های مختلف ارائه دهیم.
مزایای ترجمه ویدیو با هوش مصنوعی
سرعت بالا: یکی از بزرگترین مزایای استفاده از هوش مصنوعی در ترجمه ویدیو، سرعت بالای آن است. به‌طور متوسط، یک مترجم انسانی می‌تواند حدود ۳۰۰ تا ۵۰۰ کلمه در ساعت ترجمه کند، در حالی که ابزارهای هوش مصنوعی می‌توانند این کار را در چند دقیقه انجام دهند. دقت و کیفیت: با استفاده از الگوریتم‌های پیشرفته، این ابزارها می‌توانند ترجمه‌های دقیقی ارائه دهند که به خوبی با محتوای اصلی هماهنگ باشد. کاهش هزینه‌ها: به جای استخدام مترجم و گوینده، می‌توان از ابزارهای هوش مصنوعی استفاده کرد که هزینه کمتری دارند و در عین حال کیفیت مناسبی ارائه می‌دهند. دسترس‌پذیری جهانی: با ترجمه ویدیو به زبان‌های مختلف، می‌توان به مخاطبان بیشتری دسترسی پیدا کرد و محتوای خود را در سطح جهانی منتشر کرد.
نحوه کارکرد ترجمه ویدیو با هوش مصنوعی
تکنولوژی ترجمه ویدیو با هوش مصنوعی معمولاً از چند مرحله اصلی تشکیل شده است: تحلیل محتوا: ابزارهای هوش مصنوعی ابتدا محتوای ویدیویی را تحلیل می‌کنند. این شامل شناسایی گفتار، تشخیص صدا و استخراج متن از ویدیو است. ترجمه متن: پس از استخراج متن، این متن به زبان مقصد ترجمه می‌شود. این مرحله معمولاً با استفاده از الگوریتم‌های یادگیری ماشین انجام می‌شود که به آن‌ها اجازه می‌دهد تا ساختار جملات و معانی را در زبان‌های مختلف درک کنند. تولید صدا: در نهایت، صداهای مصنوعی تولید می‌شوند تا متن ترجمه شده را به صورت صوتی ارائه دهند. این مرحله معمولاً شامل همگام‌سازی حرکات لب و صدا با محتوای اصلی است.
ابزارهای موجود برای ترجمه ویدیو با هوش مصنوعی
در حال حاضر، ابزارهای متعددی برای ترجمه ویدیو با هوش مصنوعی در دسترس هستند که هر یک ویژگی‌های خاص خود را دارند. برخی از این ابزارها عبارتند از: ابزار Rask AI: این ابزار توانایی ترجمه ویدیوها به بیش از ۱۳۰ زبان را دارد و امکاناتی مانند تولید زیرنویس و ویرایش ویدیو را نیز ارائه می‌دهد. ابزار Speechify: این ابزار به کاربران این امکان را می‌دهد که ویدیوهای خود را به زبان‌های مختلف دوبله کنند و به سرعت به مخاطبان دسترسی پیدا کنند. ابزار HeyGen: این ابزار به کاربران این امکان را می‌دهد که ویدیوهای خود را به زبان‌های مختلف ترجمه کرده و حرکات لب را با صدا همگام‌سازی کنند.
چالش‌های ترجمه ویدیو با هوش مصنوعی
با وجود مزایای فراوان، ترجمه ویدیو با هوش مصنوعی چالش‌هایی نیز دارد: کیفیت ترجمه: هرچند که ابزارهای هوش مصنوعی روزبه‌روز در حال پیشرفت هستند، اما هنوز هم ممکن است در ترجمه برخی عبارات یا اصطلاحات خاص دچار خطا شوند. عدم درک فرهنگی: هوش مصنوعی نمی‌تواند به طور کامل درک فرهنگی و زمینه‌ای را که در زبان‌های مختلف وجود دارد، درک کند. این موضوع ممکن است منجر به ترجمه‌های نامناسب شود. نیاز به نظارت انسانی: در حالی که هوش مصنوعی می‌تواند به طور خودکار ویدیوها را ترجمه کند، نظارت انسانی همچنان برای اطمینان از کیفیت و دقت ترجمه ضروری است.
آینده ترجمه ویدیو با هوش مصنوعی
با توجه به روند رو به رشد تکنولوژی‌های هوش مصنوعی، انتظار می‌رود که ترجمه ویدیو با هوش مصنوعی در آینده بهبود یابد. این به معنای دقت بیشتر، سرعت بالاتر و قابلیت‌های بیشتر در زمینه ترجمه ویدیوها خواهد بود. همچنین، با توجه به افزایش تقاضا برای محتوای چند زبانه، این تکنولوژی به یکی از ابزارهای ضروری برای تولیدکنندگان محتوا تبدیل خواهد شد.
در نهایت، ترجمه ویدیو با هوش مصنوعی یک ابزار قدرتمند است که می‌تواند به تولیدکنندگان محتوا کمک کند تا به مخاطبان جهانی دسترسی پیدا کنند و محتوای خود را به زبان‌های مختلف ارائه دهند. با وجود چالش‌ها و محدودیت‌ها، این تکنولوژی به سرعت در حال پیشرفت است و آینده‌ای روشن برای آن پیش‌بینی می‌شود. با استفاده از این ابزارها، می‌توانیم به راحتی مرزهای زبانی را پشت سر بگذاریم و محتوای خود را به یک جامعه جهانی منتقل کنیم. Read the full article
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redafi · 2 months
Hello, I have no idea if you still use Speechify as the posts in the tag were very old, but I would very strongly discourage you from continuing to use Speechify as a TTS tool, especially for fanfictions. The site uses generated images in its web design, it supports and provides celebrity voice deepfakes, and the summary of clauses 7.8 and 7.9 in their T&C as oof May 2023 is "Nothing you submit is private, we can use everything you submit for anything and everything we want, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it", which in combination with everything else strongly suggests data scraping. The T&Cs are difficult to find, but if you scroll all the way to the bottom on the non-landing pages you will be able to find it. Please reconsider using the tool if you still do!
not to worry, i got annoyed with all of the subscription stuff they added… a year and a half ago i think? So I don’t use it anymore—couldn’t even if I wanted to, because of the limits they added onto how many documents you could have stored. thank you for the tip though!
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triassictriserratops · 4 months
Hello, I strongly advise reconsidering supporting Speechify and recommending it to be used as a fanfiction reader. The site uses generated images in its web design, they support and provide celebrity voice deepfakes, and they retain the rights to use literally everything you submit for literally anything they want to and there's nothing anybody can do about it -- it's hidden in their T&Cs, which are not particularly easy to find, but it's clauses 7.8 and 7.9 that say this
Hi Anon,
Thank you for this major heads up! Removing my original post now!
Really appreciate this!
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plotpulse · 6 months
Speechify Review
Hey there, internet traveller! Let me tell you about this absolute game-changer called Speechify! 🎉  It’s not just your average app; it’s a revolutionary tool that’s about to transform the way you consume written content forever. You can turn any text, from articles to textbooks, into sweet, sweet audio format with just a tap. And the best part? You can listen to it anywhere, anytime! No more…
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View On WordPress
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blogtaculous · 8 months
Mr Beast begins his awful Speechify ad by saying “Personally, I hate reading” and like my man you don’t even need to say that because rarely has it been more obvious that someone doesn’t read.
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sjstone-author · 10 months
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Writerly advice usually includes reading back what you wrote out loud. But why do that when you can use the Speechify extension in Chrome to have someone read it back for you. After clicking through about a dozen voices, I've settled on Emily. It's not perfect, but it's good.
Try Speechify: share.speechify.com/mz434h9
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ckatwriter · 1 year
Enjoy Snoop Dogg reading part of my book via Speechify
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High-Functioning Dragon. . .
Dragons are mythical creatures that have been around since the beginning; even the Egyptians had dragons. Just think of it, a world separated by distance, and yet, dragons are everywhere and span all types of mythologies and vary in size, color and build.
I consider myself a dragon in some ways. Women, such as myself, have autism much like men, however, ours show in different ways then men. I'm not the only one in my family that is on the spectrum either; I won't go into details, though we all get it from my Dad who had Asperger's.
Aspergers; what kind of name is that? I mean, seriously?
I was taught to sound things out as a kid from my speech therapists to help with my lisp. Could you imagine, a 10 year-old me, or any kid for that matter, trying to sound out and write Aspergers?
Likely come out as @$$burger and the teacher would take the paper away and we would have no idea what we did wrong.
In fact, something similar happened to me in grade school; as soon as the teaching aid saw that I tried to rhyme duck, she grabbed my eraser and erased the word, saying, "we don't use that word here."
I thought it was strange at the time that she erased my work, but now as an adult, I try not to laugh at the thought.
My first step in my life as a dragon was when I was eventually diagnosed with astigmatism, as well as near and far sighted; not sure how that can happen, but apparently I get it from my Dad. My Dad also had blue eyes like me, so I literally have my Dad's eyes. So, yeah, I was in middle school sporting bifocals, though I didn't care since for the first time, I could actually see. I read more and did better on tests.
Over the years, such things as writing, reading and math were still hard for me; and they remain that way to this day. I'd get my numbers and letters mixed up, wondering if perhaps I was stupid or wasn't paying attention. My Mom theorized that I had dyslexia; and she was right, however, the path to getting the help that I needed didn't come easy.
in the state that I'm originally from, all we'd have to do is walk into my doctor's office and get tested for dyslexia, get a note and bring it to the school for an IEP. But after we moved to Arizona where we are now live, things weren't so easy; and being be in college made it that much harder.
Yep, you read that right; it took until I was in my 3rd year of college to find a dyslexia therapist who wouldn't charge me an arm and a leg, and maybe a kidney, for a three hour test.
I had gone to my community college's DRS department, but all the numbers they had listed were either too expensive (not one of them took any kind of insurance) or weren't taking on new clients. I ended up getting my therapist through a third party suggestion that still took another couple months before I could actually meet with the therapist.
I was super nervous the day of my appointment even with my Mom coming with me.
Yes, I was a 20-something year old who came with their Mom. I was freaked out and she waited in the parking lot in the car for moral support.
The therapist was nice. She was surprised to see that I'd answered all the questions on her intake form; something I didn't pay much mind to at the time. And we begun the tests. We paused for a bit after 45 minutes so I could use the bathroom. It was on my way back from the restroom, that I'd noticed the carpet of the office; and oh my gosh, my eyes started spinning.
"You have a really trippy carpet." I told the therapist.
She was rightfully confused by the statement, and I explained what I meant and told her that this wasn't the first time that my eyes had been triggered like that.
We continued the tests, and she looked over the results.
Yep, I was dyslexic. My brain interpreted words and sounds differently then normal people would, and also added or replaced words while I read without me even realizing it, too. Yeah, that was trippy to learn about.
"I believe you're high-functioning autistic." The therapist told me.
I swear the world froze around me for a moment.
Me? Autistic? Really?
"I've been doing this a long time, and you have a lot of the signs that are known for women with high-functioning autism." She continued.
I was still in a stake of shock.
Sad thing is, my therapist, though she could help me with my Dyslexia and possible high-functioning autism, couldn't test me officially for HFA (high-functioning autism). I couldn't afford the extra therapy either and haven't been back since.
I went home and started to research, and the more I did, the more I connected with others like me; I felt myself piecing together and started to better understand myself, too, and my Dad and family.
Though keep in mind that HFA for women is different then men, and autism is a wide range, too. New things are being learned about how women at affected by autism; I'm no means a doctor, but merely giving my side of how I see things and how I'm effected by autism.
I know this post is running on the long side, so I'll tell a quick story to better explain my point.
I've been in training as a barista for little near four weeks now.
To help with my Dyslexia, I carry a notebook with me to take notes and help recall things (I also likely have ADHD and OCD, too, so thoughts don't always travel in the directions that they should); but on this shift, I was working the cash register.
My sweet manager was aware of my neurodivergence; I told her a week after I got the job; and she was helping me learn the machine and it's many, many buttons and combinations.
A customer comes up and states their order, checking it come up on the screen while I punch in the order on the register. They finish their order, pay for their drink and the receipt prints.
I hold the receipt out to the customer, asking, "would you like your receipt?"
"How much is it?" The customer replied.
"It's a receipt, it's free."
The customer and my manager started giggling.
I'm left confused and embarrassed not sure why either of them are laughing, but knowing it's me that their giggling at.
"I'm not laughing at you, but with you," The customer giggled.
I wasn't laughing. Not even on the inside.
I know the customer and my manager weren't trying to be mean, and they thought my honest response was sincere and funny.
The customer really wanted to know how much their drink was; something I mentally knew that they could see on the screen and so thought they were asking if the receipt needed to be paid for.
I can be sarcastic, witty, and funny when I mean to be, but there are times, like this one, where I took what they said as face value; this is common in people with HFA. It can feel like a mine field trying to figure out what people mean and how to respond; and this often results in what's called masking.
Think of masking as putting on a mirror; a person who's HFA and in a group will watch how others in the group act and copy those actions or tones to better fit in with the group. I do this countless times, including with my family or out at work; and I can say from experience that trying to put on a mask that I believe will make others happy is draining mentally, emotionally and physically to the point that my anxiety comes in and then I find myself depressed, and it takes training and realizing the signs to know when masking is happening.
It's terrifying to try and be ones true self when all your brain can think about is what people might say and how you might respond, known as scripting, or trying to act like everyone else, such as masking.
And even after all those tests, my community college could only offer a cheep, old recorder that couldn't catch my own voice from an arms length away, a lousy text-to-speech reader that read so poorly that it triggered my auditory senses, and extra time on tests. I asked why that was all the college could do and was told that there wasn't enough funding going to the DRS; it really ticked me off to think that even after bending over backwards to get the testing that I needed, that the most that could be done was some shotty, old equipment and more time on tests. I ended up returning the recorder, getting Speechify and going for the extra time.
Calling myself a dragon started as a joke between me and my little cuz because my eyes look in different directions due to my astigmatism and double prism (also known as Lazy Eye, because one eye compensates for the other; only I have that in BOTH eyes; dang overachievers. I also am a bit colorblind as well.) Though the more I learned about myself, the more odd, or mythical that I kind of felt.
Women with HFA are also known to collect things, and well, I'm no different so like a dragon, I have a collection of various 'artifacts'. And my family tends to call my spots in the house as 'nests' because I like to be surrounded by things that make me happy; another thing common to women with HFA. So, yeah, in many ways, I'm a dragon.
I'm pretty sure my ADHD makes me like a fox; jumping from one place to another at the thought of something shiny only to quickly forget what I was even looking at before.
Not even sure what to go for with my OCD.
So maybe I'm like a fox dragon? Dragon kitsune? I've surely feel I've lived more then one life with everything I've been through, learned about myself and experienced.
If you've made it this far, tell me what kind of creature, mythical or otherwise, that you relate to and why; I'd be interested to know.
A group of dragons is called a thunder (que Imagine Dragon's song) and I'd like to get to know who's apart of mine, dragon or anything else. Dragon's are own as protectors and guardians, and so am I; so welcome to my Thunder.
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cognivisio · 1 year
Fluency English Speaking Course
Enhance your English speaking skills with the best online courses offered at Speechify. Join now to learn English fluently and confidently from the comfort of your home.
Visit - https://speechify.in/
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gldnsctn · 2 years
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This is shaping up to be excellent. Also big ups #Speechify app- I have way more pdf books on my phone than I could ever read, and the free app reads them aloud like an audiobook while I drive. https://www.instagram.com/p/CpdzFxhP_Xx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mindfully-dyslexic · 2 years
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Dyslexia, a challenge to read,
But never limit what's possible to achieve,
For acceptance is the key,
To unlocking limitless creativity.
Let not lesser minds define,
What beauty lies in the mind,
For dyslexia may be a hurdle,
But it's also a gift of the eternal.
The ability to think beyond,
And create without a bond,
To see the world in a different light,
And turn darkness into a shining bright.
So let not dyslexia define,
The worth of a beautiful mind,
For in the heart, there is a love,
That is limitlessly boundless from above.
Acceptance, the gateway to fly,
And touch the sky of limitless high,
For in creativity, there is no limit,
And in love, there is no pretense of a limit.
So embrace the beauty of dyslexia,
And let creativity flow like a fantasia,
For in this world of limitless possibility,
The sky is not the limit, but a mere possibility.
With AI guidance, aid we receive,
To navigate dyslexia with ease,
Gratefulness fills our heart and soul,
As we learn to navigate life's complex role.
For AI opens doors to new knowledge,
And helps us overcome our mental blockage,
With gratitude, we welcome its aid,
And cherish the progress that's made.
For with each step, we grow and learn,
And through AI, our understanding takes a turn,
We become more confident with each stride,
And dyslexia no longer holds us inside.
So let's embrace the beauty of AI,
And use it to reach new heights in the sky,
For with gratitude, we accept the aid,
And dyslexia no longer holds us afraid.
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redafi · 1 year
I hope March is treating you kindly ☁️ hydrate whenever you can & keep doing your best, it’s good enough & I’m proud of you
oh my god thats so nice??? I hope march treats you kindly as well clovdyhi.
and for the few people that follow me as well:
i do hope march also treats YOU kindly. Please remember to drink plenty of water, try and get to bed at a decent time, know that it is okay if you cant really get yourself to eat anything thats not a safe food (i get it), and dont forget that slipping up on staring to do healthy things doesnt mean you cant continue to try!
for sleeping help, ive been using a program called speechify recently to read fics to me. It turns pdfs into bootleg podfics, and it’s definitely not as good as actual podfics but it works for any fic and the voice is uniform across them—personally what makes it less distracting for me (usually while listening to podfics i get distracted from the story) is that its not a humans voice. (There ARE better sounding voices available but they require a subscription so… nope) So ill listen to fics and like… do coloring pages in black and white, or do some sort of weird thing with yarn—i made a lil loom actually, i think if i finish it ill turn the result into a mug cozy—and basically just do random not-looking-at-phone-but-doesnt-require-attention things. It really helps w sleeping!!!
and everyone, dont forget to pick up bug traps if theyre a problem for you in the spring. For me, i think i have a carpet beetle infestation ): but otherwise i keep my living space almost obsessively clean compared to friends’ houses so i rarely get bugs—makes it very stressful when i do. Also be careful the bees are back out and we need to not hurt them while running away (haha i have a phobia lol. Enjoy some time among the bees if you can!!!)
check if any of your fruit has gone bad, and call someone over to help you if you need it—i personally was encountered with a unexpectedly spoiled apple in a just-opened bag (in the fridge too… preventing spoilage is have the point of keeping them in therreee but ive been betrayed .・゚゚・(/ω\)・゚゚・.). I was still lightheaded an hour later lol.
also!! Also!!! Dont avoid doing things you like to do because you dont want to go through the trouble of starting to do it for whatever period of time. I get depressed when i dont practice piano for example, or play crk for a while.
Anyways, thank you again clovdyhi <3
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