#Spider-Man 2018
why are y’all sleeping on ps5 Peter Parker???? i mean- have you SEEN him????
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y’all are really gonna sleep on yuri lowenthal’s spider-man???
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roguishknight · 1 year
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logicalarachnid · 9 months
Spider-Man (2018) Aftermath Otto vs Spidey Boss-Battle Ramble
Just finished playing Spider-Man (2018) and that final Peter & Otto scene RUINED me. I expected to lose it when Aunt May would die, bcs they were setting it up to end like that, but gosh, I did not expect that heartbreaking scene between mentor and student.
To me, that final scene between them was such a good depiction of someone like Otto who is mentally unstable/ill, and it isn't their fault, but they lose their way and lash out. And Peter, who is like a carer, someone close to that hurt person, who loves them, and wants to help, but they can't anymore.
It's like Peter says to Otto when he tells him that he can't save him. "I guess you'll have to save yourself." It's the motions that they go through during the conversation, how it shifts because of how Peter doesn't respond the way Otto wants/hopes. The way Otto suffers, we can understand it and partially sympathise, and we are able to do this purely because of Peter's perspective, bcs of the journey we go through with him up to that point. Peter loves Otto, and it hurts to hear him talk the way he does. It hurts him to know about the terrible things Otto did that has hurt all of NYC...all of it is far from who he knew the man to be before.
"You were everything I wanted to be!" This line really got to me in particular. How, while Otto tires to backtrack and get out of the situation the best he can, if he could only convince Peter, it doesn't work, bcs it just shows Peter just how far gone Otto is from what he knew. And yet, despite that knowledge, despite his crimes, and despite the trouble, the betrayal, the physical assault made against him, the attempted manipulations, and Aunt May...despite all of it, Peter chose kindness. He chose to look after Otto.
Otto: I should have known you'd turn on me, just like all the others.
Peter: Turn? Turn? I worshipped you! Your mind...your conscience, wanting to help others...the way you never gave up!
Otto: That's because men like us have a duty. A responsibility. To use our talents in the service of others. Even if they don't appreciate it...we have to do what's best for those beneath us. Whether they understand it or not.
Peter: No. You're wrong. You were everything I wanted to be! You just...threw it away!
Otto: Yes, of course. You're right, Peter. I see that now. The neural interface affected my mind. But I can fix it. We can fix it...together. If you'll help me.
Peter: I'll do everything I can. I'll make sure you get the best help.
Otto: No! If they put me away, they'll take my arms! I'll be trapped in this *useless* body! Please, Peter.
Otto: That...wasn't me. You said...you'd never abandon me, you promised, remember? And, of course, you'll rest easy knowing your secret is safe with me.
Peter: You do what you think is best, Doc. It's all any of us can.
Otto: Peter-?
Peter: Even when it hurts like hell.
Otto: Peter? Where are you going? Peter? PETER!!
This whole bit shows Otto trying different tactics but at his core he's scared of being vulnerable, of not having his arms. I'm not sure if Otto came back for a few moments or not. However, I am sure that when he began to agree with Peter, telling him he was right, and trying to show that they're similar, and subtly said that they're superior to everyone else...that was definitely manipulative in nature.
Does he still care for Peter in some capacity? Honestly, it is difficult to tell, it was left ambiguous. I personally hope that somewhere deep down Otto does still care for Peter. He did tell him that he saw him as a son, but whether or not that was also manipulation or partially true idk. I hope we get to have a scene of him regarding Peter in the sequel, or a mention of him at least. I mean, Peter lost two people he loved in one day and both were very traumatising. Hopefully, it won't be swept under the rug completely.
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thebunsquad · 6 months
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is a marathon. Bunny is still working on it. But at the end of the day, the games I played in between were amazing. So let's talk about them and everything else in 2023.
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angererit · 9 months
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Happy New Year!!!❤️🖤
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novelmonger · 1 year
Arbitrarily-Chosen Video Game Tournament Round 1.14
Welcome to the Arbitrarily-Chosen Video Game Tournament, where we will find out which of the games I've played is the best game of all time!
Why? Don't ask. Just vote and reblog!
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jjdeeniz · 1 year
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[ Tap for better quality ]
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rojedir · 1 year
I've been thinking a lot about Insomniac's Spider-Man. I wasn't that thrilled with the game when I finished it, but, looking back, it really stands head and shoulders as one of my favorite depictions of the character in recent years. It's so refreshing to see a take on Spider-Man that is very strong in traditional A-B-to-C storytelling while also being so interested in itself, in taking itself seriously thematically.
It feels like the ubiquity of superheroes in modern mass media like movies and TV shows have made the genre feel stale, and, to be honest, so many depictions feel like very standard by-the-numbers adaptations. I think Spidey PS4 is special less by making any unique new additions to the canon and more because it wants to make its plot beats align thematically. Small details like having Peter be working in a lab with Otto, having Mary Jane be an investigative journalist, having J. Jonah Jameson have a cultish, ironically-watched podcast, having Norman Osborn be reimagined as an evil industrialist who bullies his way into controlling the city, having so many characters be motivated by loss in some degree or another, all these small details make the big moments in the story absolutely land.
Honestly, it feels like it's not only a solid example of very strong video-game writing that sticks to the fundamentals, but it's also a depiction of superheroism that works today! It's not just set vaguely in the present, it's a game of the late 2010s, through and through. Even the plot beats of Otto's lab being shut down due to grant money (a stunt pulled by evil industrialist-turned-mayor Osborn) feels relatable and grounded. It gives it a sense of pathos.
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alconteh · 10 months
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It's Winter Week!
For my last week of streaming, I've decided to stream every day that I'm available to since I'm not streaming for the last two weeks of the year.
I'll be back streaming at the start of next year (2nd Jan) but for now, let's have fun!
See you all there!
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321spongebolt · 1 year
My Dream from Last Night (9/8/2023)
In one part of my dream, I entered this house where there was a black dog who looked vicious at first, but turned out to be friendly. Plus, he could talk to me, along with some black cat and another pet (I don’t know what it was).
Next, I was in some hospital room all dressed in medical PPE, and I had to perform a mission that prevented Curt Connors (Insomniac PS4 version) from turning into The Lizard as enemies charged down the halls to fight me, luckily I didn’t have to fight them. Once the elixir was complete, I had to carefully walk down halls shouting “Excuse me” and “Coming through!” so I didn’t inject the cure onto someone else. I can’t remember who the injection was for, but I was able to deliver it to the room filled with other patients in dire need. I also came across Otto Octavius (also from the Insomniac PS4 game) in one of the hospital beds and I tried sympathizing with him.
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whaliiwatching · 1 year
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diagnoses u with fanfic tags
yeah i caved. welcome spideysona
their universe is 1990s san francisco. by day they work as a struggling writer for the bugle, sort of following in the footsteps of (movie-adjacent) eddie brock; by night they’re spider-scrawl, fighting systemic injustice, writers’ block, and the occasional mad scientist invention. his world is less rife with supernatural evils than most, but he’s also fucking with the government and corporations and all, so it balances out
their unique thing is that they have, like, shitty meta clairvoyance in the form of inherently understanding tropes, clichés, story structure, etc. like if cinemasins/wins were a superhero. they were approached to join the society because miguel thought they’d be chill or even helpful with canon events—unfortunately scribble here is not whatsoever into following rigid plot structure for the sake of unnecessary thematic suffering, saw the plot twist a miles away, and peaced. but not before snagging a day pass so they could watch atsv in person
they never take off their mask, and no one knows their name—he says it’s because he doesn’t want to lose his identity in a sea of spider-people, leading most to theorize that san-fran-spidey is some flavor of peter parker, but who’s to say for sure? the doylist reason, which he is in fact aware of, is that i don’t know either lol
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drempen · 1 year
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That blasted symbiote
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fandomnerd9602 · 8 months
Venom: Psst Y/N. Y/N!
Y/N: what?
Venom: I’m hungry
Y/N gets some German chocolate and feeds it to Venom…
Y/N: better?
Venom: much better! Thank you bestie!
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One thing I love about Across the Spiderverse vs Into the Spiderverse is that we got to see more or Gwen’s personality, especially as Spider-Woman. In the art book for the first movie, it says something like “nobody is cooler than Gwen”. She’s shown to be cool and graceful; purposeful with every movement and action. Effortlessly confident and so sure of herself. It makes total sense that she comes across this way in Into the Spiderverse since the film is from Miles’ pov. That’s not to say Gwen isn’t any of those things, but it was so much fun getting to see her “classic spider-person” personality come out. The quips when fighting the Vulture, the fake deep voice she used when talking to her father. Even parts of the scene when she first dropped into Miles’ room and when they were swinging through the city together. She was goofy and I hope we get to see more of that side of her in some way or form. On the other hand, with Gwen specifically, we got to see a glimpse into her frustrations over having a secret identity, feeling disconnected from people and missing Miles and the rest of the spider-people from the first film, her continued grieving over Peter, having her own father head a manhunt for her over his death and her relationship with him in general. It’s just all so good
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haridkrish · 4 months
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Quick sketch of Venom. Made it in wallpaper ratio without watermark🤝
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dovand · 5 months
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the spider-man (2018) experience
(a collection of simple digital drawings with accompanying captions: a pigeon, spider-man swinging into a building labelled “swing bad”, spider-man getting caught labelled “stealth bad”, “rat…?”, “take photos mid air”, “get sniped at”, “genuinely where are the heights”, bombastic bag-man labelled “hehehehe”, miles and mj labelled “nooo i want my spidey powers back”, and “i’m in the hudson again”)
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