#Spiderman Villains
lemon-and-lead · 1 day
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I'm planning to do designs for my Spider verse OC's whole Sinister Seven. I count these two as one- Doc Ock and Octopus Girl.
Doc Ock has a similar origin story as the Sam Raimi version, only he was stopped before he could turn on his reactor for the second time, and he didn't have to die taking it down. He's been causing problems for Spider-Man and New York as a whole ever since. He was the mastermind behind the Sinister Seven and major figure in the New York underworld.
After his accident, his inventions were put up for sale and the patent for his actuators were purchased by the Across Company, which planned to sell them as adaptive technology for the disabled.
Otoha Okutamiya was a fourteen year old Japanese student living in Tokyo. She was hit by a car while trying to rescue a cat that had run out into the road. She ended up with a spinal injury that paralyzed her from the waist down. She was part of the pilot program when Across decided to test their actuators, and had the wiring surgically implanted into her back. However, her inhibitor chip was improperly installed, leading to her taking violent revenge against her bullying classmates. She ended up as Doc Ock's sidekick/henchman (totally not his adopted daughter, guys, definitely not, what are you talking about).
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ajtheweirdo · 1 year
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Little guy
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atomic-chronoscaph · 3 months
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Doctor Octopus - art by Gray Morrow
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ashyy-slashyy · 2 months
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if you aren't drawing my babe otto with his double chin you will burn
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classickatze · 1 year
Every day, another dweeb falls victim to the “big nerd to Spider-Man villain pipeline.” With only two weekly payments of 99 cents, you can help stop this.
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spaceferren-comics · 4 months
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We are Typhon! Art by Limenaut, of our Sonas’ spiderverse AU! In which Limenaut is spider-girl, and I’m her venom!
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the-specterverse · 4 months
He's a real nowhere man!
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Finally got a ref for this Spot in the works, and by god I will die trying BECAUSE HE REFUSES TO BE PERCEIVED AND HAS DONE SO FOR MONTHS!!!
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eeriedragone · 7 months
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Venom VS The Lizard bc why not
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plush4bunny · 6 months
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"One actuator comes to pull the glasses you gifted him down so he can gaze at you over them and you now can see that you weren’t imagining the mischievous twinkle they possess. Your eyebrow goes up in response and his smile nearly splits his face as a metal arm brings from behind his back the reason for the wicked glint in his eyes."
from @chrism02's (spicy😏) Christmas sequel for Comic!Otto Octavius from their fic "On the off chance" (also, this Otto is inspired by Chris' own take of his character from his version in 'The Amazing Spider-man' from 2018 and 'Spider-Man Unlimited' from 1993)
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weebiemcweebington · 2 years
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I swear I thought the text said “fight” instead of “argument” when I drew it but whatever
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wanderingmind867 · 2 months
When the villians are more sympathetic than the hero, you've failed. They should be at least equally sympathetic. For example: let's look at Spiderman. Despite me not liking Steve Ditko's Spiderman, I've seen Spiderman tv shows and movies and games. And you know what? I like the villians (I like Doctor Octopus, Mysterio and the rest), but Spiderman is a sympathetic character. His school life, his family life, he's relatable. So you can root for both him and enjoy the villians.
Not the case with batman. With possibly two main exceptions (Adam West's Batman and Batman: The Brave and The Bold), Batman puts me to sleep. His villians are compelling. Batman beats up the mentally ill for a living, and we call him a hero. What have Scarecrow, Riddler, Joker, Mr. Freeze, Two-Face and The Mad Hatter all have in common? Oh, yeah. Clear signs of mental illness!
And don't tell me batman can't fix this! Arkham could be replaced with a functional care facility, but batman doesn't want to fix it. I honestly think he gets some sick pleasure from beating up the mentally ill. I really do think that. And that's why I want batman dead. I would not trust him if he were a real person and I don't trust him as a fictional character.
PS: Also, Stan Lee gave marvel a better "voice" than DC. DC is boring and hard to want to read. Marvel feels fun, bombastic and exciting! DC just shot themselves in the foot repeatedly. Their characters back in the 50s and 60s mostly feel like cardboard cutouts to me. Not the case at marvel.
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i-like-superheros · 1 month
This is THE Spiderman edit about the cost of being Spiderman.
“You can’t save everyone” but what kind of hero are you if you don’t even TRY.
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dreamy-lion · 16 days
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Cherri Bomb as the Goblin and Nimona as the Lizard for the Mashup Artists 2023
You can find them at 14m33s and 18m27s
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beetlewine-art · 3 months
Hey guys, do you remember this post i made about an AU were Thomas is Batman and his sides are Batman villain: https://www.tumblr.com/beetlewine-art/710102337156530176/okay-listen-ive-been-thinking-a-lot-about-a?source=share
Well, i mentioned that i also wanted to make a post about the sides as Spiderman villains, so here is what i have so far:
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Those are my takes, i want to clarify that i'm putting Virgil as Spiderman, mostly because i think it fits him too well. Also, i wasn't happy with making him any of the villains, i thought of making him Electro but i decided it didn't match well outside of the electric aesthetic. So far i think they all match pretty well, specialy Remus as Mysterio, i thought of switching Remus with Janus, but i am not sure. I feel like Remus could be an amazing villain if he had Mysterio's powers and the outfit just fits so nicely.
Roman is not in the post because, if i am honest, i have no idea of what villain he could be. I just can't make my mind about him, the only one that i can think about is Mysterio, but I already made Remus Mysterio and i don't want to repeat it. So, i am taking suggestion about wich villain would fit Roman the best, because at this point, my shipper side and my funny side is thinking about Roman being either one of this two:
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Neither of them fit, but i'm a prinxiety shipper so in my mind it makes sense the Black Cat one. And for Carnage... Well, they both red, to be honest, it would be more about Roman having a Symbiote more than him being Carnage. So if anyone has more suggestions, i'm listening. (Might as well just make him MJ)
Also, about the Batman AU: I think i'm going to change some things, don't worry, Bane!Patton and Scarecrow!Virgil are staying, Remus is also staying the same most likely. I thought of changing him and instead of making him the Joker, i could make him "The Creeper" but aparently Creeper is not actualy a Batman Villain (i need to investigate more about him) and every Batman needs a Joker, so i think Remus is staying as the Joker. Logan and Janus are going to change, Logan is most likely going to replace Janus as Riddler and Janus is either going to be Two-Face or Pinguin, mixed a little with Killer Croc.
I'm, again, not sure about Roman. I want to keep i'm as The Music Meister but i also got some very cool suggestion from @donttellthemangosiwashere about making him Clayface or Babydoll and now i can't unsee it (Calendar Girl is good option too). I'll see what i do with him.
Tag list: @maze-arts @roman-can-gay @dorkyduckling16 @emomightmareace @full-of-roman-angst-trash @pyros-random-thoughts @skeleton-obsessed-idiot
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meilia-stims · 3 months
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Otto Octavius (MSM 2017) stimboard for @thatgayoctopus
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toomanysubcultures · 6 months
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drawing a marvel character every day pt 11: quentin beck, mysterio
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