#Spiked Sour Cream
fenixfoxtrot510 · 2 years
Kay, but like.... Brucie Wayne being protected by his children.
As Brucie he can't be anything but a well meaning idiot so his children occasionally step in when anyone tries to take advantage of him.
Not all the time. Not when it's funny to see how he'll find a way to get out of a situation without being suspicious. Or when he's looking like he's in the mood to troll people for fun.
But when he's got a nasty headache from a concussion they'll help. When people annoy them personally, they will be petty and step in. When it's objectively more funny for them to get involved they will for the lolz.
Cass will ask Brucie if the two of them can leave a function early if she sees Bruce isn't feeling up to dealing with high society parasites. Brucie could never ignore his precious princess if she claims to feel tired. He's the definition of a doting father. They always get an "Awwww!💖" when Brucie gives Cassie his coat while saying goodbye and asks her if she wants to stop for ice cream on the way home when walking away.
When gold diggers young enough to be one of Brucie's kids start eying him, Damian will cut them off from even reaching Bruce and snottily criticize them for being unfit to act as a romantic partner for his father. Then inform them to come back in 20 years if they ever learn the difference between a child and a chihuahua. Some walk away in a huff. Others will actually start an argument with a honest to god 13 year old child in the middle of a charity gala for a children's hospital. Soon as Brucie comes over to meet Dami's "new friends," Damian is in full Angel Mode aside from the mimed death threats from behind his Dad's back. The young women go as sour as expired milk when Brucie seems to mistake them for Damian's school friends.
Dick notices someone trying to spike Bruce's drink? Dickie is doing a backflip off a chandelier and stumbling the landing just enough to knock the glass and spill it over the person spiking it. Brucie is in full concerned Dad mode, making sure he isn't hurt. Dickie is apologizing for the spill. Slipping a tracker on the would be kidnapper while trying to dry off their suit jacket with a hankie. Both Brucie and Dick insist that they will pay for the dry cleaning. Then Dick offers to show off some magic tricks and accidentally makes their "aspirin" disappear.
Tim steams rolls into undercover reporters that crash galas and pins them into polite conversation about stocks, often dragging them to meet other people to get a more in depth perspective on some economic subject so they have zero opportunities to snoop. Sometimes he will do the same with reporters that were actually invited. Clark is never amused by Bruce sicking Tim on him when he's trying to discreetly apologize to him for messing up one of Bruce's undercover operations or lecture him about how dangerous it is to work undercover without backup or even just a heads up.
When business men approach Brucie to make a shady deal Jason will smile pleasantly and nod along side with Brucie. Shoot a text to one of the other kids. When Brucie steps away to take a call, Jason gives a short list of the most illegal shit the person was involved in; what exposing it could do to their business, their reputation, and to their livelihood. Goes over how he could go on all night about their other deals but Heaven Forbid the wrong person overhears and exposes everything, then wraps up with a vague threat about some friends he has underground if they get any ideas. When Brucie comes back after helping Damian fix his tie, they politely excuse themselves to leave the party. Brucie & Jason are concerned about how pale and clammy they seem to be all of a sudden and offer to find a doctor. Jason is in full Theater Kid Mode and thriving. It's dangerous to leave if they feel sick. What if someone tries to mug them in the parking lot? What if their driver was attacked and swapped out for someone looking to kidnap them? What if they are sick because the kidnappers already slipped them something in the fancy lil finger sandwiches! This is Gotham! They should stay a little longer until it either passes or they can get a hold of a safe driver that can escort them home! Brucie absolutely has to agree with his son! Almost all of his kids were kidnapped at one point or another and its always the worst, he was sick with worry everytime and terrified they'd get hurt! He couldn't bare the thought of any other family going through that!
Everyone knows that Brucie loves his children and will do anything to make sure they are happy and healthy. Everyone also knows that Brucie's kids love their dad just as much.
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aurora567 · 7 months
When Sparks Fly
Warnings: graphic smut, cream pie, NSFW, minors do not interact.
Summary: Just a completely filthy Laxus Dreyar one-shot with an OC. NSFW so minors beware this story contains heavy 18 content. If you do not like OC or third person stories then you may not like this one.
Word count: 6,477
Seven years, that was how long it had been since they got the dreaded news, the news that Tenrou Island and all that had gone there were gone. The guild had nearly fallen apart, with the master gone and all the s-class wizards with it jobs became rare, new members stopped coming and many even left unable to survive in the dying guild. But still it was hanging on by the slightest slivers of effort by those who remained. Twilight Ogre came in and took over being the top guild. Yet those who remained never gave up a slight sliver of hope that their missing guild mates would one day return.
The brunette was standing among the old guild hall helping Romeo and Kinana along with a few others who remained while others went looking for something that Blue Pegasus had mentioned. It was a slim hope, one that left a heavy weight on the shoulders of the guild members who stayed behind and waited. Romeo was reading some story, while the few others laundered around the small hall. Kinana was walking a plate of food over for the brunette when the door of the guild burst open and the small group of Twilight Ogre thugs walked in, only having been over the day before to trash the place and demand payment on the interest the guild owed them. It really should not have surprised anyone when the thugs showed back up but still Macao was quick to tell them that they had promised the guild another month to come up with the money.
Bullies the lot of them, that's all they were. And Romeo seemed in an extra sour mood as the young boy stood his ground appearing ready to try and take on the thugs. But the kid was still learning his magic untrained and against an adult stood no chance. And apparently the leader of the group saw no issues with beating up a kid. The man was raising the large spiked club in his hands prepared to bring it down on the boy before anyone could intervene.
Before he could swing it down, the man's body was suddenly being propelled up into the air, a strong kick from behind him sending him flying forwards into the guild hall where he hit the wall.
And in the blink of an eye the rest of the little gang were laid out on the floor, as the dust settled a large group of all too familiar faces was revealed. It was a sight no one would have truly believed even as an all too familiar voice range out.
"Look who's back," It was like hearing the voice of a ghost.
"Sorry to keep you waiting for so long," Happy called out standing beside the guild's fire dragon slayer.
To say the current guild members were shocked was probably an understatement. While seven years had passed every face that had been gone for that long had remained unchanged, everyone seemed the exact same as the day they parted from the guild to go hold the s-class trials. The same could not be said for those who had not been stuck on Tenrou Island.
Riza stood back staring wide eyed at the group, people who were once older than her still held their youthful looks. Natsu still looked like a teen rather than a man who should have been pushing his mid twenties. The same could be said for most of the younger members of Fairy Tail who had left. It almost felt odd looking at Erza and Mirajane who had once been a good few years older than her now looked younger. It was odd to remember that the last time she saw the group the young woman had only been fifteen was now at twenty two making her older than some of her friends. It was an odd concept to wrap one's head around. And she was not the only one surprised as she could hear her guild mates all questioning one another about what had happened before the story of Acnologia and how the guild had been able to use one of the three Fairy Law spells to keep themselves safe but the spell took seven years to wear off.
As people recalled the story of what happened, some branched out friends quickly got back together, Jet and Troy were all over poor Levy. Friends rejoiced to see each other and were quick to fall to tears before food and drink was quickly being passed around. And before long the guild felt like it had before. Noise filled the quiet hall, and once again life seemed to flow within the building's old walls.
The brunette's honey coloured eyes moved over the large filled room taking in all the warm faces. Though she was surprised to spot a face she did not expect to see among the group. Laxus had stood back a little watching the guild, one he had been kicked out of for his bad behavior all those years ago. It was hard to forget how he had nearly blown up Foire in an attempt to hold a coup d'etat and for Makarov to hand over his guild master title to Laxus. She had been a part of the Battle of Fairy Tale while trying to find Laxus. But the woman had never been the biggest fighter, she had always been too passive or she had been as a kid. But life has gotten hard over the last few years. She still was not exactly as brash as Erza and she did not go looking for a fight like Natsu always did, but she still stood back unable to help that shy past of herself. Even now as everyone mingled and chatted catching up she sat at a table along the edge of the rowdy crowd content to listen rather than engage. Natsu and Romeo were happily chatting off to one side with Panther Lily and Gajeel. It was easy to hear that loud mouth from across the small guild hall.
At some point a few of Lamia Scale members had stopped in to visit, seeing how the gossip about the return of the missing Fairy Tail members seemed to have quickly spread. It was nice to see the old comrades come to pay a visit but it held no interest to the young woman. Having ditched her seat she was standing up originally planning to go say hello to the members of Lamia Scale before a lanky arm draped over her shoulders.
"Well what do we have here? Is this little Riza?" The voice in her ear was one she knew well and hated.
"Bixlow. Can't say I have missed your tormenting," She growled as she looked over to glare at the man who was bending over her a little, his tall frame still towering over her even though she was taller since the last time he saw her.
"Awe don't say that. I was not that bad," The man said, that oddly long tongue of his rolling out of his mouth as he gave her a sheepish grin before his attention turned to his friends. "Freed, Laxus, look who's all grown up now?"
Oh great the last thing she wanted was the man who was now the same age as her to be calling attention to her. But the arm around her shoulders made it hard to just walk away from him. Even as she tried to pull away from him she could feel the arm locking her in place. So instead she was glaring at the man who prevented her from being allowed to run off.
"Bixlow I think you are making her uncomfortable," Freed said softly which earned him a thankful look from the woman. But still that did not let her get away from Bixlow.
"Awe I'm sure she's okay. Our little Riza is all grown up now. I am sure she can handle herself," It was hard to tell if Bixlow was teasing or taunting her.
"I see you're the same pain in my ass as always Bixlow," She growled at the man.
"Awe come on baby," The man said pouting as his puppets floating around him repeated the words baby. She could feel an eye twitch at the man's use of the nickname he always seemed to call woman.
"Don't call me that. Sounds weird from a guy that should be almost thirty," she said, batting his arm off of her shoulder finally. Though a seven year age gap was large it wasn't like it was exactly horrible. Still it felt odd somehow looking at a man who she knew was older than he looked but then again did those seven years truly count? For those on Tenrou Island life had paused. So in a sense she was roughly the same age as Bixlow, Freed, Laxus and Evergreen were. That also now made her older than Natus, Lucy, Grey and Erza. People who used to be older than her.
"To be fair nothing about us has aged. We are still physically the same age as the day we left for Tenrou," Freed was the one to remind her of that.
"And mentally," she mumbled, adding it on to Freed's comment. Though what may have surprised her the most was the fact that Laxus was being rather quiet during the entire ordeal just standing back watching and listening. Golden honey-colored eyes could not help but glance over at him and it felt like that was a great mistake as her eyes met his. He was staring at her with his lips firmly pressed together. He was not down right glaring or scowling but still with his arms pressed over his broad chest it still made him look intimidating. Yet she could not just force her eyes away. It wasn't till she noticed Bixlow laughing at her comment that she had finally forced her eyes away from the lightning dragon slayer.
"It's not that funny Bixlow," she mumbled simply as she watched the man laughing as Freed glared at him softly.
"I think that sharp tongue of yours is entertaining. You used to be such a meek kid. It's hard to believe you're that same kid," the taller man said once his laughter had died down some.
"A lot has changed in seven years. I am no longer a child so stop treating me like one," She scolded the taller man who quickly tossed his hands up into the air as if surrendering as he mumbled a simple half hearted apology.
"Whatever. I'm out of here. Some of us still have work to do tomorrow," Really it was just an excuse for her to run off. She wished to return to her dorm room and hide from the group. She had more than enough of people, and the need to get some fresh air drove her to quickly walk away from the men who had felt the need to torment her. The second she was out the front doors of the guild she could not help but take a deep breath. She always did struggle with crowds and that had not changed.
"I see you're still only a hair away from a panic attack," the voice that filled her ears had her suddenly jump physically into the air and turn on the man who had followed her out of the guild.
"Fuck Laxus," she hissed at the man as she tried to calm her racing heart. She watched the corner of his lips twitch before he simply crossed his arms over his chest and just stood there looking at her.
"What the hell do you want?" She asked him with as hard of a glare as she could master under his hard gaze.
"Chasing after you to make sure you were okay gave me a good reason to get away myself," the blonde said with a shrug of his shoulders as if he did not have any real cares.
Honestly she wasn't even sure why the man was sticking around. He had been kicked from the guild, there was nothing stopping him from leaving if he wanted to.
"Well I am fine so you can leave now," she snapped at him, not entirely sure where that bravery to speak to him like that came from. She watched his lips curl up slowly into a grin as he unfolded his arms and proceeded to take a few steps towards her. Which in turn had her backing away from him trying to maintain the distance between them. She backed away till she hit a tree trunk stopping her from being able to put any more distance between them.
"Well aren't we getting brave," he hummed teasingly as he loomed over her barely a foot of space between them. She was pretty sure she noticed his nostrils flare when he took a deep breath now that there was little space between them. She still had to tilt her head up to meet his eyes even after having the last seven years to grow more. But she had not really gained much more height since she was a young teen.
She may not have grown much in height but she had gained some new curves in the years he had been gone. She no longer had the body of a child. Sure she was not as lucky as say Lucy or Cana. But still her breasts were not tiny, her stomach flat as her hips seemed wider than he remembered. A fair bit of her had changed from what Laxus could remember of the shy and quiet girl. Then again she used to hide behind overly large and baggy clothes. Maybe she always had such a nice body. But still the last few years seemed to do her good.
She felt the bark of the tree digging into her arms as she pressed back against it. She did not like the way those grey eyes of his were roaming over her. Why did it suddenly feel like he could see through her clothes? She could not help as her left arm moved up to try and cover her chest as if she was standing there naked in front of him. That action seemed to entertain him as she watched the corner of his mouth twitch up.
"Yeah well you are not all that scary. Even if you're the lightning dragon slayer. I will not stand back and let you throw your weight around," she said, trying to keep her knees from growing weak under his hard gaze.
"Oh? So are you saying you're not scared of me?" He asked with an arch of a blonde eyebrow at her. If she said no she would be lying. But fear alone was not the only feeling coursing through her making her heart race in her chest. She did not recall the blonde being as attractive as he was now as he stood over her.
"No," she tried to make her voice sound strong but really it had barely been more than a squeak as she looked up at him looking more like a deer stuck in headlights. It was all she could do just to force the single word from her lips as she stood there pinned between the tree and him.
With that she felt his body lean in towards her. She could feel the heat from his body against hers. She tried desperately to glare at the man but the lump in her throat and the shaking of her knees made it hard to stand her ground. The sound of her racing heartbeat was filling her ears, nearly washing out all other noise. She did not even have to guess that he could hear her heart racing just as easily as she could. Dragon slayers all seemed to share heightened senses, she could remember Natsu being able to identify people based on their scent. It would not be hard to imagine that Laxus could hold similar abilities even if he was not a first generation dragon slayer.
"Do you want to try and say that again?" He asked, his voice dropping an octave as he looked down at her. She could not even bring herself to say a word scared about what other noise may be made as she looked up at the blonde man who was leaning into her body. Laxus had always been a good looking guy, hard not to be when he was tall, strong and well she always had a soft spot for blondes. The age gap before had always been enough for her to keep such thoughts mild and subdued. But now that they appeared the same age those thoughts reared its head and were very quick to have her cheeks growing warm.
All she could do was shake her head simply at the man's question. Unable to force herself to try and say anything. Her hands were digging into the bark of the tree as if she could somehow hold herself up with just the strength in her hands. Whether it was the setting sun or something else in his eyes but he almost looked entertained as he loomed over her. It was in a way exciting and terrifying knowing she did not have the power to compete with the man if he so much as wanted to harm her in some way. All she could do was stand as tall as her shaking legs would allow as she looked up at him even as a large hand raised up and she could do nothing more but watch as some of her long brown hair was pushed back behind her ear. The feeling of his skin against her cheek sent a shock through her body.
Was that his doing with his magic or just her body's own sudden reaction to the strange touch. Either way she could not help but jerk away and take a sharp inhale through her teeth as she watched him softly start to chuckle to himself. Whether it was his laughter or the little shock he gave her but she was finally able to snap out of her little shocked panic stricken pose. She moved to smack his hand away from her face only for his hand to grip her wrist with ease.
"Don't you have someone else you can go and torment?" She hissed softly at him as he smirked down at her as she glared up at him.
"Oh but you're so fun to torment," He said, smirking down at her as she glared up at him. She struggled not to shiver under his gaze. Her lips parted but she could not force her brain to work properly and so instead of looking like a fish out of water she quickly darted her tongue out to run it over her bottom lip before sticking the plump lip between her teeth. That quickly drew Laxus' gaze down to watch her chew at her own bottom lip.
The action seemed to almost hypnotize the blonde as she felt his eyes seem to be locked on her lips. Even once she had quickly let go of her lip his eyes still seemed enticed not to leave her lips. She felt like a bunny staring up at the mouth of a hungry dragon, his gaze seemed almost hungry. She contemplated running, her body struggling between the basic survival instincts on if she should run or fight, but she was not stupid enough to fight. No, she was stuck between being frozen in place and wanting to flee. Her body was tense, she was a bunny tense and ready to run for it. She felt wound up tighter than a spring and yet her body refused to move.
Then again it looked like it may be a good thing her body would not move as Laxus looked ready to strike if she was to move at all. Still she felt her left hand twitch her fingers digging harder into the bark of the tree behind her and that seemed to be more than enough to snap the blonde from his own stupor. He moved quickly almost like a striking snake. A large hand entangled among the hair at the nape of her neck as another grabbed a hip. She was pinned between the large body and the tree. His lips crashed against hers as he swallowed the squeak of surprise by the sudden action from her. Her hands shot out from their grip at the tree to grab at the shirt he was wearing, unsure if she wanted to try and push him away from her or pull him in closer towards her. Her hands held at his shirt as if she may crash to the ground if she were to let go.
Her brain seemed to just short circuit as she found herself returning the kiss. She knew better or should have. Kissing him was a bad idea, she should have pushed him away. But instead she found herself pulling him towards her as she melted into his wide chest. His tongue ran across her bottom lip and she did not even hesitate to let him in as her lips parted and his tongue wasted no time in exploring her mouth.
It felt far too fast that her body was screaming for more air than she was taking in thanks to her brain not working and her completely forgetting that she could have been breathing in through her nose. She gasped for air as their lips parted ever so slightly though that did not stop the blonde man from taking her bottom lip between his teeth tugging at her lip slightly before letting go.
She should have taken that moment to push him back, to tell him to stop, to do something other than allow this to continue. But she did not want to stop, she did not even care if they were simply just outside the guild hall where anyone could see them. She did not care one bit. No instead she was reaching up stretching up onto the tips of her toes to make herself tall enough so she could be the one to start the kiss this time.
This drew a low growl from deep within Laxus' chest. It was an almost animalistic sound and damn did it do things to her. Instantly her body reacted as her thighs clenched together as if that would suddenly help the near ache of her body. She had never felt so needy all of a sudden. She was ready to start stripping them both down when suddenly it was Laxus that pulled away, breaking the kiss this time. And she did not even try to stop or hide her whine and protest.
"So impatient. But not here," he said, taking a step back from her, putting a small bit of space between them.
"You're still in the dorms right?" He asked, waiting for her to nod before he suddenly scooped her up as if she weighed nothing and tossed her over his shoulders like some cave man taking his conquest back to his cave.
"Laxus," she cried out in surprise at the sudden movement that she had not been prepared for as she laid over his wide shoulder as he wasted no time in walking around the guild hall to head towards the dorm building where members could choose to live. His wide and fast stride made it quick for him to reach the dorms as she just let herself hang off of his shoulder with a slight pout and a little grumbling to himself about being handled like a bag of potatoes.
Which in term had earned her a sudden hand against her ass. The sudden assault on one of her clothed ass cheeks was a surprise. She could not help the strangled yelp that escaped her as she jerked on his shoulder.
"Laxus!" She hissed at him which just earned her a low chuckle from the man.
"Oh don't get your panties in a twist. You like it just admit it princess," he said as he walked through the dorm building before reaching the room number she had told him to head to. Though he didn't really need her to tell him the number if he had just followed his nose. It was easy to tell which room was giving off her scent of fresh air after a spring shower.
He did not even hesitate to just open the door and stroll on into the small single room barely even pausing in his step to kick his shoes off as his long legs carried him across the room before he was rather literally throwing her onto her bed. She had cried out in protest at the rough treatment but before she could say anything about his treatment she found his large body quickly crawling up her bed and across her.
"Laxus," she had cried out when tossed onto the bed as she started her protest. She was quickly pinned between the large blonde and her bed as her protest died quickly in her throat. His pupils were blown wide, nearly taking over the grey of his eyes. He looked almost more like a predator looming over his prey as he crawled across her pinning her to the bed. She watched the corner of his lips curling up as he looked down at her watching as she was stuck wordless as she looked up at him with her big wide eyes before his lips were on hers.
The kiss was a bit sloppy this time as there were a bit too many teeth and tongue but it seemed never cared enough to slow down and steady out the kiss more. Hands were now roaming one another. She could feel his large hands on her hips but they did not stay there long. Her own hands had started on his shoulders and had run down his chest to find the edge of his shirt and she was quick to start tugging the shirt up his chest. Not wasting any time in attempting to get the shirt off of him. Once his shirt was hitting her bedroom floor his own hands were now pulling at her own t-shirt as she lifted her hands up and let him pull the shirt up and over her head.
His lips found the edge of her jaw before leaving light kisses over her skin as he started to kiss along her neck. Feeling his lips against her neck had her moaning softly as her head rolled back as if to give him more skin to kiss. She could feel his teeth nibble playfully at the skin from time to time which only pulled louder moans from her. His fingers effortlessly unclipped her bra with what she could only assume was a practiced ease. But she did not think about that as she felt the material on her chest falling away from her to join their shirts on the floor.
Laxus had let go of her neck to lean back just far enough to take in the sight of her upper half exposed. Laxus had not recalled the woman beneath him being so well endowed when she was younger. But seven years had given her lots of time to mature and mature she had. Sure she may not have been as shapely as Lucy or Mirajane but the woman's body still had a lovely shape to it. His hands were already working to remove the jeans she had been wearing wanting to feel her soft thighs under his hands.
In a matter of seconds she was down to just her basic black panties. She watched his eyes rack over her body taking in the sight as her chest heaved trying to take the moment to catch her breath as if she had just run through Fiore. She had watched his eyes linger for a moment on her chest before they quickly started to take in the rest of her. The look in his eyes hungry as he seemed to almost be eating up the sight of her beneath him.
Feeling oddly brave, her right hand reached out and she smirked softly as she lightly slipped her hand between them to run her hand along the tent in his pants. She watched his eyes dart up to look into hers as she ran her hand along his hardened cock. She tried to keep the surprise hidden as she realized he felt bigger than she expected. Though it seemed she had not kept her surprise to herself as well as she thought as she heard him chuckle.
"Surprised are you?" He had nearly purred at her which just had her melting into her bed. A blush sprinkled her cheeks as she looked away not meeting his gaze even though her hand had not stopped palming him through his pants.
"Not at all," she said, simply struggling to not squeak out the words. But that only seemed to please him more. She watched him lean in towards her, his lips brushing her ear before he spoke again.
"You're a horrible liar," he said, giving his hips a buck into her hand as his teeth nipped at her ear gently.
She could not even help the little whimper that escaped her lips. She didn't even know what to say to that. It was true for one, and for two she did not want to argue with him about it. Though she was not going to admit it either. Her fingers moved as she pulled her palm off of him and started to work at undoing his pants, wanting the blonde man as naked as she was. Though surely the view could not get much better than that wide, broad chest of his bare for her to admire. Gods she wanted to run her tongue along every muscle and ridge. But maybe another time. She was growing too impatient as she started to push his pants down.
Though she was pleasantly surprised to be greeted with the sight of the man going commando. Seemed someone did not enjoy wearing boxers or anything. Watching him push his pants off of the bed like every other article of clothing it was now her turn to hungrily take in the view before her. And she could not even help it as her eyes lingered and paused on the sight of his cock sitting hard and tall. Well she never would have imagined that Laxus was hung like a horse. It was a very pleasant surprise.
But the moment did not last long as Laxus leaned down to engulf her body with his as his lips latched onto her left nipple. This brought a number of moans from her lips as her back arched off of the bed in pleasure as her fingers started to slip through his quickly growing wild blonde hair. His lips attacked one nipple, while his fingers of one hand started to tease the other. His spare hand had wasted no time in traveling down her stomach to slip under her pants.
She squirmed and wiggled her hips as she felt a rough finger run along her damp folds. He was teasing her and it had an audible whine escape her as her hips tried to move against the finger to get it where she wanted it. But all that earned her was a deep chuckle from the man above her.
"So impatient," was the hum that accompanied the chuckle from the blonde. Which just had her whine again as he teased her with both his body and words.
"Ass," She growled at him but still he only looked entertained as he smirked down at her as he slipped a finger into her body. The action had her back arch off of the bed as her head rolled back into the bed and she let out a loud moan. That was what she had wanted, though still his finger was not nearly as good as what she knew she could have. But voicing her desire at that exact moment was not possible as her mind seemed to just focus on the feeling of his finger slipping in and out of her. Her hips moved in time with his fingers as her hands gripped at the bedsheets that were beneath her. But just as the knot in her stomach started to form her pleasure was ripped from her as the finger pulled out of her. She did not even try to stop the audible whine that escaped her.
She felt her panties being nearly ripped off of her. She could hear the material stretching and protesting the rough treatment. But this time she did not complain. She had felt about ready to rip them off herself. She quickly moved her legs once the panties were off her angles as she wrapped her legs around Laxus' waist pulling their bodies closer together. Her hands had let go of the bed sheets she had not even noticed she had grabbed to grab a large bicep in her left hand and grip at the back of his neck with her right as she dragged him down to meet her as she smashed her lips against him. Laxus let her do as she pleased, allowing him to be pulled down as he just as happy met her eager and impatient kiss. Seemed he was not the only one feeling a little pent up and impatient.
His hands had moved to grab at the flesh of her hips as he teasingly shifted to run the length of his cock against her damp folds as he swallowed the mixture of whines and moans that came from the woman at his teasing action. She was already whining into the kiss almost inaudible words though he was pretty sure she was now begging him for more. Although he wanted to drag out this fun a little longer she was not the only one growing desperate as he felt her hips try to struggle against his grip so they could move.
Shifting his own hips ever so slightly was all it took to allow himself to slip past her folds as he slowly entered her. Her head ripped away from the sloppy kiss so that she could throw her head back and let out a completely sinful sounding cry of pleasure. Her nails digging into his skin as she felt Laxus slowly working his hips till finally his hips met hers as he was fully buried within her. Pausing for a second they both took the moment to try and catch their breaths. By the time Riza moved to look up at the blonde he was already moving again. His hips were fast to find their pace and rhythm as his hands held her hips exactly where he wanted them. She could do nothing but moan happily as her back arched off the bed and she clung to him.
The ball of her feet digging into the back of his wide upper thighs as if she could somehow force him closer to her with the action. They both knew he was by far much stronger than she was but still that did not stop her body from moving on its own as it clung to him. She tried to move her hips in time with his but his large hands seemed reluctant to allow her to move her own body. He had complete control over her body that laid beneath him. And a part of her loved it as she let him not even going to complain that she could not move her hips on her own.
In that moment nothing mattered any more other than the complete pleasure she felt with each thrust. She felt so pleasantly full and stretched as his cock worked along her tight walls. She could hear him hiss any time she tightened around him. His lips had started trailing kisses along her neck but she almost did not notice them. Not till the sudden feeling of his teeth digging into the flesh of one breast did she yelp softly more so out of surprise than pain. She tried to glare at him but she was pretty sure her face was too busy to show off the pleasure she felt rather than the mild annoyance.
The teeth did not last long before his lips were wrapped around a perky nipple instead. His tongue flicked at the little bud in his mouth and she could do nothing but cry out as the sensation. It was all so much. She could quickly feel that growing sensation, a knot starting to form in her stomach. Her body was quickly growing tense beneath him and Laxus did not need to be told why. His own pace was becoming quicker, chasing his own pleasure as she did hers.
She could not last much longer as she could not contain the loud moans, she was almost happy everyone was out in the guild hall and could not hear the noises that were coming from her at that moment. She could feel the vibration against her skin as Laxus groaned and moaned against her skin as he trailed kisses from one breast to the other trying to show them both some love before his brain no longer found the ability to be able to focus on anything but his own pleasure.
It felt like she had suddenly fallen off a cliff. Her body shook softly, her eyes seemed to roll into the back of her head. Her body felt weightless and numb as her pleasure pulsed through her as she cried out. Laxus let go of the skin of her breast he had been softly sucking on to lean back and watch Riza's reaction as her climax washed over her. His pace had never slowed, if anything it became more erratic as Laxus was now free to chase his own finish. A few more thrusts was all the blonde needed before his own body tenses and stilled and he let out a deep low moan of his before he nearly collapsed on top of her. His right arm moved to rest beside Riza as the two bodies tried to catch their breath before Laxus slowly rolled off of her to take up the rest of her small bed. Which in turn earned him a slap to the chest with the back of her hand.
"Move over you big lug you're pushing me off of the bed," She growled at him which just earned her a chuckle from the man as he told her to just deal with it.
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ms0milk · 1 year
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𝟓 | 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
ー✧ prince!bakugou x royal guard!reader
"You test one finger first, and then two more at the sharp angle of his jaw and press gently– and then immediately even more gently than that when his teeth unclench at your warmth. His face goes slack and he tilts his cheek into your palm. Is this how a dragon sleeps?"
no cw agonizingly soft way to wake up, first (nonviolent lmao) touches holds and caresses + touch-starved bkg. author cannot be without kirishima for a single chapter. reader has pierced ears from childhood to adulthood, obligatory queen mitsuki flashback. an ominous Takoba welcome and the great big sea 3.8k
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Eyes open to warm sun rays and a sigh of relief can’t be helped. It was all only a dream.
You breathe in deep and slow and lift sore arms to tug the blankets up over your head, as high as they can go until you’re back under the dark and your bare toes poke out in the cool.
You can still feel the warmth of the morning sun bleed into the bedding, the floral of clean linens, the dip of the mattress so soft at your hips and shoulders that when you start to uncurl your legs you revel in silk swallowing your skin. Had you ever before taken the time to sink your fingers between a sheet and the cool underside of your pillow?
Someone’s breath adds to the symphony of the cream calm morning and it is so wonderful to be home.
It's salty. You roll to your side and curl up tight all while pulling the sheets into a nest around you, grumbling and sighing and smiling and squeaking with the stretch. It must be time to eat if kitchen spices have wound their way through the castle to your little bedroom ad all the way into your sheets, and so you peek your face through a fold in the blanket.
Cool breezes prickle your nose and the prince looks so peaceful sleeping beside you, crisp white pillows, golden sun and all. Your lips twitch wanting to smile and then your body jerks up onto an elbow in panic.
The prince is fast asleep on a bed not one pillow’s length away from yours. Blond hair shags across his forehead in soft little spikes, across the bridge of his sharp nose and cheek. His left cheek, the one he chews when he holds back curses. Your heart pounds with the instinct to stand, to leave the room, but your head reminds you that it’s just a dream. So you hold your stare and slowly lower yourself back onto your satin pillow.
He’s in a white tunic, linen maybe, with that familiar silvery inlay around the open collar. And he must run hot you think, because the blankets are all kicked into a bunch at the foot of his little bed. Why do you always dream of this family?
You squish your cheek into the sheets pensively, but finally, relaxed. The prince breathes out of a scowl that melts every time he inhales and his breath is a little sour with morning. You could touch him if you only slipped your hand out of your blanket. You do.
He’s not even two feet away. Your beds practically touch and just how many times will you let the Bakugous shift through your dreams without asking them what you’ve done to trap them there?
He clenches the fist beside his head when you brush your fingertips over his knuckles. Just the pads of your fingers. Just the testing press of your thumb against the side of his hand where his leathery palms begin.
It’s hot, and a little clammy. He’s so soft and you don’t realize that you’re leaning closer until you’re at the edge of your little bed and even then you don’t pay the distance much mind because when the press of your touch is firm enough not to be ticklish, brows furrow and his lips curl into a sweet hint of a snarl. So much like a cat that you smile.
Bakugou doesn’t look anything like he did when he was younger, when he’d fall asleep plumdrunk in the orchards with a book beside his head. Or when you’d peek his little arms over his father’s shoulder as the king carried him to his room from a too-late party. His clothes never quite fit right when he was that little– weird kid. Kind kid. You still remember how his hands felt around yours at six years old and now he’s a man who makes the most beautiful magic with those same hands that you’ll never be held by again.
The prince’s muscular frame fills his bedclothes to their every seam and it doesn’t feel appropriate that you’ve made him so beautiful in your dreams.
You take your fingertips to his cheek now and sweep away bits of blond hair so that you can watch the way his teeth press into his lip. When your fingers touch his skin, he rumbles– a quiet growl from the deepest part of his chest, and you’d retreat if you were awake but his body is so warm that you can feel it on your skin, through your blanket, a whole arms length away, and there’s nothing that could convince you now not to trace the outline of his face like a sculpture.
You use one finger first, and then two more at the sharp angle of his jaw and press gently– and then immediately even more gently than that when his teeth unclench at your warmth. His face goes slack and he tilts his cheek into your palm. Is this how a dragon sleeps?
Yes, yes the possessive kind, on a mountain of treasure, with very little patience for thieves.
The prince’s hand jumps from its spot clenching sheets and snatches yours up in a startling grip. Hoping alongside desperation that his highness is still asleep, your eyes dart from his face to his fist and back again twice more and when his scowl melts into a limp press of his cheek against the pillow, you breathe again. Are you maybe, in his dream?
If Bakugou blinked awake he would be only inches away from a very unprofessional guard with her head poking out of brown blankets. The pair of you are too close to see anything past your own sun drenched faces and maybe if you could look away for long enough, the edge of the beds.
He would register your empty, peaceful eyes and maybe he’d start to carry on about just how close you’d gotten and his sparks, purple, green, pink, orange, red, would flare up around you.
Instead he only holds your hand under his chin. He slots his thumb into your palm and cradles the back of your knuckles in heavy fingers– and when his body rises in deep breath he brushes those knuckles with sleepy, rhythmic fingertips.
Your name jolts you around to address the new voice and you turn carefully enough from the prince’s hold that neither he nor your beds make a single hiss, creak or growl. Just how many people have you conjured up for this dream?
Ten or so feet away is Denki, and he smiles at you from across a room that is not yours, and is certainly not in Aldera. It’s a long white space that curves as it continues well around the corner. Window after little window line the far wall and beds line the other. Are they hospital beds? You and the prince breathe softly next to each other at one end of the room.
The only other beds occupied are a bit of a distance away; Denki under the same brown blankets you mistook for your own, and Sero, clearly sleeping very peacefully beside him. Mina is here too, curled up uncomfortably in a wooden chair and asleep with her head in his lap. The room is long but tight and in the distance between you is a door, to the hallway presumably.
Denki raises a finger to his lips to keep you from waking his friends and smiles,
“You’re safe.”
You’re sitting up before you truly have the time to process that this isn’t a dream at all. In a panic, you whip back around and to the tune of bittersweet horror the prince lays just as beautifully and peacefully as you thought you had dreamt. Cheek squished into his pillow and a warm hold on your hand. He shifts a bit and sinks deeper into what must be a sleep of the dead. His ears are unsettlingly empty of their golden jewelry.
The events from last night come flooding back and Takoba, and all of its marbled determent, flies into full focus. Are you in the castle hospital? Were you wounded? The prince doesn’t fight when you slip your hand from his. Has he been seen by a doctor? You don’t wait to catch his fist clench slowly around nothing.
You are miraculously alive. A pair of wool slippers meet your toes instead of stone when you lower your feet to the ground and so your agitated train of thought goes on uninterrupted. Denki smiles while you think at the edge of your bed, and closes his eyes again.
Beside you, the prince’s reading book sits pale atop a small bedside table. The one you saw him with it half a dozen times on the journey. Images of supplies and carriage gear flash through your brain, taking a sort of inventory of items you must have lost to the fire. Your satchel and brand new socks. Jeanist’s halberd. Your dragontooth brooch.
While you mourn, you slip your earrings from your ear.
If you’re truly awake and the hell of yesterday has passed, the prince will still need Aldera jewelry to avoid whatever terrible fate the seagulls have in store for him. Whatever that means. Even if you never found his earrings in the forest. Even if it must be these.
It was brutally cold the morning the queen arrived with her small gift, the day that you became Jeanist’s apprentice. She beamed when she knelt before you in your bedroom doorway and the candlelight in the hall made her thick black cape glow white at the edges,
“These are magic, you know?”
You remember hearing your heartbeat in your ears for the first time at this, like nothing had ever made you quite so excited in all your life, “Are they really, your Majesty?”
The golden suns were hardly bigger than apple seeds and they dangled from hooks pinched between the queen’s fingers. Lighter than air. She slipped them both into your ears and cupped your little cheeks, resting her forehead against yours.
“This is serious, Y/n.”
You gulped.
“A real powerhouse of spells went into these–”
“Majesty, really?”
The queen’s faux gravity disintegrated on the spot, but she carried on as best she could while squishing your cheeks together and melting into your squeals of joy, “Yes– yes!” She roared happily, at your rare laughter, “Y/n they will keep you safe. When you wear these, the strength of Aldera will always be with you.”
The queen pulled her face from yours grinning, to tuck her short hair behind one ear and you can still feel the aching crescents your nails dug into your palm by way of how very hard your fists trembled, because when her own jewelry twinkled against her jaw you dedicated your life to her.
“Just like mine.”
Little golden suns.
So now you press the charms to her son’s leather book and try not to linger long on precious memories. It’s time to work, and to find Kirishima.
“Rest well,” you whisper to Denki.
Slipping from the sick room is easier than you think it should be; the royal hospital at Aldera boasts three or four guards at all hours of the day, but the hallway outside is empty. Empty and bleak in a fit of white marble and a striking lack of rugs.
The desolation of Takoba Castle startles you– at least in this hospital wing. The same white marble you faced outside last night climbs up imposing white hallway walls that reach into high arches, and really does make you feel as if in a seashell. Even more like you’re a rock at the bottom of a great sea and the surface is lingering much too high for you to reach. You’ll drown here. There is no levity.
No artwork or rugs, not a single hint of a welcome party, no smell of food, not even a doctor. It is silent except for your breath as you click the hospital door closed behind you. You want to take the prince back home, where it's warm and where bandits don’t try your lives. Takoba makes you furious.
An empty chair to the right of the door suggests a jarringly relaxed guard schedule. A guard who, when they return from between the legs of whichever lover must be keeping them from their work– what other explanation do they ever have– will stand very still and listen very carefully to their new schedule, and will thank you on their hands and knees for your patience. You’ll need to find someone to man this post while you drag the absentee physician back to your prince’s sick bed.
“You’re looking absolutely murderous this morning, Y/n.”
Before you recognize the voice, you jerk your hand around the knob of the hospital door to keep any new ghosts from entering the place where your prince is finally safe. But it’s Kirishima. Sweet, warm Kirishima seated in a chair on the other side of the frame with your red halberd perched between his legs.
He’s smiling– he’s looking up at you and he places a calm hand over yours that is so convincing you release your grip on the door while he holds you there,
“We’re safe.”
“Are you okay?”
“Not a scratch, miss guard.”
And now you’re smiling too.
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You peer out the window at the end of the hall while Kirishima sits beside the hospital door. It’s difficult not wincing as you categorize your new surroundings, because it’s even colder outside than it is in, with the autumn wind whipping up to the clouds. Your nightgown doesn’t exactly keep the prince’s sleepy warmth against you.
A hundred feet in the air, you crane down, down, down, from the tiny white window, below, where Takoba is split in two. On one side a bustling city with cobbled roads, shops, homes, families, soldiers– all milling about– and on the other, a black and hungry void. The sea churns and froths with starving foam mouths. White rabbits dance.
“Is this how you imagined it?”
You shake your head.
The chilling cool of the marble castle is less awful when you’re not alone, but if this was Aldera, heavy rugs would already be stacked one over the other in a patchwork of reds and browns to cover the wooden floors. Velvet tapestries go up over the trees that reach inside from windows, woolen blankets appear at the foot of every bed, and fires rage all day long in various grand fireplaces around the castle’s main rooms. Takoba doesn’t seem to know warmth.
You don’t hear the clank of armored greaves on white marble but you do hear the name of your companion, and then your own, being called in a sweet voice behind you. You’re about to sit down with Kirishima and ask him about the fight– how he escaped last night, but the Champion turns before you can and smiles, “Uraraka!”
“Long time no see,” The guard from last night smiles right back. She comes around the hallway bend towards you.
Uraraka is in a half suit of armor, silver from the waist down. You can’t imagine what kind of training requires such an outfit, but before you can ask, or kneel before her, or thank her, or even approach– she calls your name again, a name you didn’t give her, and points down the hall,
“Your presence is requested in the throne room.”
You don’t think about the strange quiet of the castle past your fury, so you move to follow the guard without much protest. She’ll at least be able to help you find the doctor, and you are in absolutely no position to decline a queen.
“Kirishima, please stay with the prince.”
The Champion smiles first at the guard waiting, and then to you, and nods. Your halberd is still perched in his arms and you think it’s best not to approach a new throne room armed.
“And make a good show of that weapon when our sentinel returns from their break.”
Kirishima scrunches up his nose in silent laughter and salutes.
His red hair disappears behind the curve of the hallway as you fall in line with your Takoba escort. Down a few steps and through an archway, the tight hallway opens up considerably. The hospital wing– a passageway really in comparison now– must be tucked into a small section of the castle and you scold yourself a bit for being so judgemental of a kingdom you know nothing about.
This long foyer is towering, vaulted ceilings just as tall as the ones in the hospital. The walk is lined with a vibrant blue runner, and above ornate windows glint one after the other in the slanted roof. Your nightgown whips around your calves with a draft.
Are the windows so large because you can’t build a fireplace in fine marble? Is this entire building carved from a single rock? The uniformity of the stone is incredible. As you walk in silence, you can’t point out a single seam from construction and when you’re looking this closely you’re struck by figures carved into the walls in neat rows.
Birds and stars, a few tiny men, great fires– none of these carvings is larger than a plum and they blend too easily into the white marble for you to discern properly while keeping pace with your escort. The details in the fairy carriage were delicate like this too.
There’s a rumbling of voices coming into focus somewhere deep in the castle. Like ghosts in the walls.
“How are you feeling?” The guard asks and you turn your attention from the walls to her round cheeks peeking over her shoulder. She’s slowed down so that you’re no longer trailing behind her.
“Thank you,” you say carefully and accept her invitation to walk side by side, “for last night. For escorting Prince Bakugou inside. And myself.”
“Should I have let you bleed out in the courtyard?”
This girl has the face of someone who wants, always, to be smiling. She’s not tall, has no weapons, and wouldn't be difficult to overcome in an emergency but how is that that she walks so quietly in metal armor?
“I was injured?”
“You didn’t feel it?” Uraraka’s brown eyes soften a bit when you shake your head, “A few nicks here and there. The problem was that gash under your arm." She rests her hand on your bicep and taps her fingers suggestively, keeping pace, "This one was poisoned."
The prince cut his hand on that little arrowhead and the blade that struck you couldn't have been bigger than a hairpin for you to have missed its impact. Poison, of all things. Feeling your body now there isn’t a single scratch and this morning the prince’s hands were perfect– perfectly fine. Not even bandages. You’d save your quickly blooming bout of questions for the doctor.
The present suddenly has your attention again when Uraraka pulls you around another corner.
"There's only one bandit in the area that works with poison," her voice is soft– conspiratory– "She could have teamed up with this flame mage to attack your caravan last night. I told the Shouto not to send you such a lavish carriage–"
"I don't think the mage was trying to rob us."
Like any city, Takoba has its bandits and thieves. Aldera too, could never rid itself of every rotten marksman in the kingdom, but this man knew your party. Knew that Master Aizawa was with you– he’d trailed you for gods know how long and knew that you came from Aldera.
You hope Aizawa is safe. You hope Shinsou made it back along with your injured company.
The dull drone of voices grows louder as your escort guides the pair of you from the foyer to a passageway, obviously winding about to some grand destination. Everything in Takoba so far feels like a maze. You’re ushered under a low archway.
“Do you have their names, Miss Uraraka?”
The guard chuckles and clanks down a set of narrow stairs behind you, “The bandits? Are you investigating on your first day here?”
“When we finally identify Takoba's league of masked villains, you'll be the first to know.” Her voice echoes a bit in the tight space. She’s still smiling, “And take a left here.”
The windowless stairwell opens up into a space that takes your brain a few seconds to comprehend. You and Uraraka stand under the shadow of a great staircase in an even greater room and she smiles as your lips part. However many stories the castle had, this room was as tall as the highest.
Little windows dot its vast walls on two sides, but they don’t look outside, no, internal windows above great open balconies are all completely contained within this one room. They’re glimpses into the rest of the castle and perfect for staff and guests alike to spy on the grandeur of the entrance hall from anywhere in the maze. The Takoba crest hangs on a flag in rich blues at the center of all four walls. The trim– you can barely see so high in the air– is molded into a length of crashing waves that wrap around the room from above, and even higher than that is the mural at the ceiling.
Is it the stars? The sea? Cool blues and greens whip a frenzy around metallic constellations that make the room feel both, even taller, and even brighter.
You creep out from behind the shadow of the staircase to get a better look. This outer side is lined with that familiar blue quilt, but the wall of it goes up forty feet and must do the same at each end. Coming around the corner, you’re met with the polished white marble of no fewer than two hundred steps.
You can picture the Takoban Queen descending in silence for a great many minutes, clicking, twinkling, to the sound of a room filled with bated, unbreathing, awe.
“Follow me,” your escort laughs, and while you are quick to fall behind her, she does not have your attention.
Straight ahead of the staircase are doors– the doors, oh gods– what must be the castle’s front entrance is sealed by the two largest wooden doors possibly ever made. The area around Takoba is bare beach because they’ve cut down the forest to mold these gargantuan things. They’re tall and that goes without saying, but they’re also laden in blue stones and silver. Metalworks create stars in the wood and cover great sharp angles with forged curves. It must take ten men to open each one.
“Over here,” Uraraka guides you across the expanse of the room to a much more modest set of doors. Less grand but still probably dreamed up by great elven silversmiths. You follow her without fight.
Looking back, the tight stairwell you emerged from is nothing but a chip in the architecture now, put to such a formidable scale. You're little more than a speck. Takoba is haunting, yes, but very, very beautiful.
Uraraka says something that sounds awfully quiet over the din of mixed voices. They’re muted and bouncing off the impossibly high walls of this grand entryway. Who is speaking?
“Yes?” You turn back sharply, unsure of how many times the guard has tried to get your attention.
Uraraka must have knocked because the silver doors part in front of you and a roar of voices burst from the crack. Sunlight too, so bright you can’t see inside without squinting, and then you realize you’re expected to move.
Your escort’s face comes back into focus and it's kind, “Don’t be scared, I’ll walk with you.” She offers you her arm as the doors open wider and when you don’t budge she takes your hand.
“How do you know my name?” You try to ask over the consuming throng of voices and light.
“Your Prince told me.”
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tagged angels ✧.* @nnubee @cherrykamado @nonomesupposedto @zombiewarprincess @kotarousproperty @strawberry-mentos69 @sveetnn @eirlysian @lunrai @km7474 @arayoflia @annoyingleftpinky @noomaisdone @cr33pycrawlerr @iced-chai-tea-latte @cathwritestragediesnotsins @tragicallygray @idimmadontgiveashit @kooromin @k1tk4tkatsuki @litiri @kiwibao @kiwifujin @mmmaackerel @sarcasticlittlebook @condy-wants-a-cookie @mysticalfridge @dududubebo @falling4fandoms @katanaski @babitchsuki @romiinlove @cherripunch26
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actual-gremlin · 2 months
I swear on my life I’ll answer your coco puffs ask soon
What are your coco puff headcankns
My first actual ask!!
ok so I love these little guys!! I don’t know what order to put these in, so apologies for how unorganized it is!
I’m going to give you general info then descriptions of each coco puff and stuff they like such as food or affection.
They feel a strong connection to people who are feeling the emotions they represent. (Grief tends to gravitate towards people who are grieving, isolation can be found with people who feel isolated, etc). If the emotion is strong enough, they can actually go inside the person. The way that works is they evaporate into a soul type thing and then their coco-puff soul goes into the person. When the person has confronted what they're feeling, the coco-puff soul will come out and they will return to their regular coco-puff form. (I know this is a weird head canon, but I think it’s a really cool power. It kind of ties into Nicos shadow travel almost??)
They are so soft!! Think kitten fur, but 100 times softer! Because of their soft fur, they’re very good for helping people relax when they’re stressed.
They all look different. They’re different shapes, sizes and shade. Their shadow fur (I don’t know what to call it lol) is all shades of black, but it changes depending on the emotions of the people they’re near. So the stronger the emotion, the darker the colour of their shadow fur. They also have one distinct feature that lets you know which coco puff it is.
They will eat literally anything. If it’s on the ground, they’ll eat it. Dead leaves? You can find Grief snacking on them 24/7. Fruit cups? Internalized Homophobia will eat not only the fruit, but also the plastic. They are literally raccoons.
they don’t really have a gender, so they’re generally referred to as ‘it’ if you’re talking about a specific one or ‘they’ if you’re talking about more than one.
they all come running when Will Sonic- Whistles like little puppies!
the older they get, the bigger they get. Cuties 🥰
The Different Coco-puffs
Isolation: basket ball sized with one big eye. In the shape of a sphere. He’s also spiky! Isolation either rolls on the ground, squishes into someone’s hood, or floats after people. Isolation is very affectionate- although it’s spikes make it hard for him to cuddle ☹️- and it lives off of strawberries and jello
Grief: grief looks like your typical ghost. More solid near the head, but slowly becomes more transparent near the “legs”. Grief has two eyes, little horns- kind of like the ones you put on your dog at Christmas- and little hands (like a T-Rex!) Grief floats after people. it’s not super affectionate- more k a lurker 👀 its favourite food is bacon (me too buddy, me too) but dead leaves are it’s chosen snack if bacon isn’t available
Jealousy: Jealousy and Isolation are twins! They look very similar, but Jealousy has little tusks and doesn’t have spikes. It also floats after people, but it also sits on people’s shoulders. Jealousy LOVES affection, and is very attached to Will specifically. It hates when Will gets affection from anyone other than Nico or itself. Jealousy loves the typical breakup foods- ice cream- ONLY cookie dough though, chips- sour cream and onion or salt and vinegar, pizza- chicken bacon ranch, and cookies- any cookie is a good cookie (yes, even oatmeal raisin).
Shame: Shame looks like a cat- long and lanky with the ears and whiskers. No back paws though, only the front ones. Shame has two cat eyes that bore into your soul. Shame often twists around people and tries to make them trip. Shames idea of affection is tripping people, scaring them, or making them dump stuff on themselves. (Shame is a little shit and tries to inflict itself on others😑✋🏻) It loves any food, but it has to be leftovers. No fresh food for some reason idk I don’t make the rules.
Sadness: Sadness is a large spider. The first time Annabeth saw Sadness, she tried to set it on fire. (All coco-puffs are fireproof. And waterproof. And everything proof. They only die when Nico dies). Sadness has two doe eyes. . It loves cuddles even more than Isolation and is often seen attached to the first person it sees when it wakes up. (Sadness is like a koala pass it on!) Sadness’ favourite food is pancakes! They’re so nostalgic and yummy! Doesn’t matter what topping is on them, Sadness will eat it.
Guilt: Guilt is just a blob. A very heavy blob. All the coco- puffs are pretty much weightless, except for guilt. When guilt is on you, you feel it. Guilt is always attached to someone, often crawling around their body. It doesn’t eat and is restless, rarely sleeping.
Internalized Homophobia: looks like a baby deer with male antlers. It HATES people and prefers staying in Nicos cabin or Wills office in the infirmary. It only eats asparagus and Brussels sprouts. Why? Because no one likes asparagus or Brussel sprouts and no one likes having Internalized Homophobia. (If you like these things, no you don’t. Liar).
So I think that’s all of them?? For now?? I don’t know. If I think of more, I’ll reblog this with the additions! thank you for the ask!! If you want me to expand on anything, let me know and I will!
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cishetlessfashion · 2 years
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Androgynous rainbowcore nonbinary lesbian fashion with they/them pronouns and primary colors for anon Primary colors smiley cardigan Lesbian flag rainbow patch Spirit creature pride pins Primary colors spiked choker Rainbow scarf Rainbow pronoun pins Rainbow sour belt candy earrings Rainbow checkered corset Fluffy rainbow hearts jacket Ice cream bear patches
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jelly-bebop · 7 months
Cowboy Bebop Headcanons
Late-Night Snacks
Imagine it's like 2 AM, a wonderful time to get a snack when you wake up in the middle of the night... or when you just can't sleep. Here's what I think the Bebop crew (+Vicious) would be caught snacking on this late.
Are these accurate? Probably not. Did I have fun coming up with these....... kinda? Am I willing to do more stuff like this? YES. PLEASE. SEND ASKS.
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Cold Cuts, y'know... sandwich meats. He gets into that at night sometimes. It only bothers people when he eats an unreasonable ammount in one night.
When he is depressed, he gets into the tub of cool whip, Jet tells him not to, but he does anyways.
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Spoonful of peanut butter, and I'm talking a HEAPING spoonful, he either does that or decides to be a civilized person and make either a ham and turkey sandwich (if Spike didn't eat all the cold cuts) or a peanutbutter sandwich.
On depressing nights, it's condiment sandwiches. Just bread and mayo or mustard (or both) or ice cream.
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Chips, if there are any chips you don't want her to finish in one night, HIDE THEM. She has gotten in trouble for eating a whole bag of chips in one night.
Whenever she is going through a bit of depression at night, she gets into the junk food. Any junk food. Candy, chocolate sauce, ice cream, ANYTHING.
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At night, they get into the Sour Cream & Onion Dip, without hesitation (totally not based off of something I used to do when I was younger). Eats it by the spoonfuls. It makes everyone who witnesses them eating it VERY uncomfortable.
Even kids get depressed sometimes, but for some god damn reason, I feel like if Ed got depressed, they'd eat an entire jar of Nutella on two slices of toast.
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He is 100% standing in front of the microwave waiting for ramen to cook. He's just staring, watching it rotate. He makes people uncomfy because of this.
On those days when he possibly feels depressed, anything in a can that can technically be eaten without having to be heated up works with him.
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Reference: https://youtube.com/shorts/Sus66aCPnLA?si=UxWO_kd4kAlvwX7V
Ship: Elder Faerie Cookie x Sour Cream Cookie
Ok so this take place after the very first "Great Calamity" where the Faerie Cookies and White Lily Celebrated there victory and while Elder Faerie is resting at his Hut that he share with his wife being healed by her after the battle
Elder Faerie Cookie opens his eyes slowly as he felt himself laying on his bed in his hut feeling a certain hand on his chest being Caressed gently by it
He looked to his left side as his eyes slowly adjust to the figure beside him that had there hand on his chest not recognising it was Sour Cream Cookie who had just done healing him
Elder Faerie Cookie: My Wife, She'll get upset if she sees you touching me like that on my chest
He said calmly and tiredly from the fight earlier
Sour Cream Cookie: But I am your wife
She smiled softly as she continues to caress his chest as a faint pink of hue blush appeared on her cheeks
Elder Faerie Cookie's eyes widen as his face became red as he realised it was his Wife that was caressing his chest ever so softly making it race which made Sour Cream Cookie giggled as she felt her husband's heart rate suddenly spiked out of nowhere
Elder Faerie Cookie: O-oh, H-hello there my moonlight
He smiled as he put a hand over his Wife's hand that was still on his chest caressing it ever so gently
Sour Cream Cookie smiled also and giggled a bit at the adorable response and kissed him on the lips before rested her head next to his
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randomthefox · 1 month
Between all the wisps from the games, how would you rate them all from least to most edible (to stay in the belly)? 👀
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Definitely a smorgasbord! Strolling into planet wisp like it's a candy store~ (honestly I imagine wisps maybe smell really good too, so how could anyone resist cramming these gummy worms down their throat?)
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Void! And Frenzy!
Looks like they'd taste like black licorice. Not bad but not particularly to my personal taste. Considering their nature, they have that "their natural flavor has been covered up by being dipped in some other flavoring to coat them" kinda vibe going for them. Seem like they might cause an upset tummy(?)
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Looks like a rock lol. Might be more appealing if they were a different color tbh, maybe they could pass as rock candy you suckle and cronch on for a bit. But the gray color just makes them look like you'd be swallowing a literal stone lol. Maybe they taste better than they look though. Seems like they would sit very heavy and uncomfy in tummy.
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Burst! And Eagle!
They both look like spicy curry dudes. Both very hot sauce looking. I'm not the biggest fan of spicy food, not that there's anything wrong with that. Might just wanna wash them down with a cup of milk. Seems like they'd have you sweating buckets while they're packed away in your tummy.
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Looks like a burnt marshmallow lol. I kinda like burnt marshmallow tbh but it's an occasional thing, not something I'd particularly want to guzzle down en mass. Plus he'd probably make a bang in your belly and make you belch out a smoke cloud, which could be considered a positive hehehe.
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Not the most appetizing shape in the world but looks like they'd have a very delicious flavor~ might be hard to swallow. Definitely would be fun to suckle on though I imagine it could be a struggle to fit them in your mouth. Probably wouldn't feel the most comfortable in your belly(?)
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Rocket! And Drill!
Both look like citrus flavored popsicles! Definitely wanna just hold them both by their little limb danglers and just deep throat them for like an hour while they whine and struggle before finally slurping them down. B minus tasty treats~ Might poke out at awkward angles in your belly.
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Let's be honest, seems like they'd be a pain to swallow down. BUT honestly looks like a very good and delicious flavor, and hey if hedgehog is good enough to gulp away then it's good enough for this one~ Might be a bit prickly once they're tucked away, but ultimately I think it'd be worth it. They have the same vibe as foods like sea urchin or artichoke where the challenge of actually eating them is part of the experience.
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Laser! And Lightning!
Seems like they'd be sour or tart and tingle like poprocks, which can be fun if you're in the mood for it! Probably very easy to swallow down, and might make a light show in your belly glowing through yout gut. Seems like a fun if exotic type morsel overall!
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Rhythm! And Ghost! And Asteroid! And Hover!
Grouping these all together because they all have the same appeal. Big chewy gumdrops that you can fill your cheeks with and suckle and nosh on before gulping down with an easy slide to have them settle into your belly very comfortably. Making your gut bulge out with a nice rubbable shape~ top tier tastys.
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The classic vanilla ice cream flavor, honestly it may be boring but they do actually seem the most appetizing to me. The easiest and most satisfying to snatch up, probably squirm nice and satisfyingly in your mouth and down your throat, and I imagine you can jam pack a dozen or more away into your gut at a time. Can't help but to give them the top spot.
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Mother Wisp!
Honorable mention, because you gotta save her for last. Swallow her down after voradicating the entire rest of the Wisp population off the face of the planet. It's the law.
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octo-catto · 1 year
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Name: Elios
Nicknames: Mint, Eli
Age: 89
Height: 6’6 (198.1 cm)
Weight: 210 lb (95.3kg) Birthday: April 03
Pronouns: He/Him
Zodiac: Aries
Hometown: Naples, Italy
Likes: Mint chocolate ice cream, animals, summers, spicy foods
Dislikes: sour foods, being bored, paperwork
Hobbies: Gardening, hiking, journaling  
Special Powers/Abilities: Shapeshifting, Regeneration, Tentacle Manifestation, Earth manipulation, Bio-Thermal Manipulation, Super Strength, Enhanced Speed,
Weapons: Dagger, sword, handgun (rarely)
mama: Satsuki,
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papa: Dario
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Siblings: N/A
Friends:Echo (@roofgeese), Ume
Pets: N/A
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W/ Mask
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Island and Travel
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Piercings: RIGHT EAR: Double Lobe, double Helix, Forward Pinna
 LEFT EAR: Double Lobe, Triple helix spikes,
 Bridge,Snake bites, Nape, Nipples, Dermal (clavicle and hips), Lorum
Fun Facts:
he got a split tongue lol,
He was in SF for a short period of time,
he most likely has eaten at least 10 of his partners that mysteriously disappeared lol,
He is half human,
He leaves the BD base late at night to go find a snack or do some side business for Mistuki
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kin-eats · 9 months
Hi! i was hoping you could find food for a kinkajou kin? i loveee fruit if that helps!
I will do the best I can!
Pear Galette with Ginger
Spiked Strawberry Lemonade (contains alcohol)
Puff Pastry Cherry Crostata
Big-Batch Pineapple-Basil Vodka Sours (contains alcohol)
Air Fryer Croissants with Cherries and Cream Cheese
Pomegranate Sherbet
I hope you enjoy! ~Shadow
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Orientation Blues, Or Not So Helpful Hints For New Hires from SCP 963 and Dr. Clef
Welp... it's orientation time, or as my boss calls it 'Fresh Meat Friday'. Site Command is holding the briefing. Here's the highlights and important stuff.
Words of er... "wisdom" from 963
"Hi kids. Welcome to the SCP Foundation. A few ground rules. First, the class system refers to how hard it is to contain, not 'power levels'. Second, it's "Ket-ter", not 'Keeter' or 'Kay-ter'. Third, if Dr. Gears runs out of coffee, bring him more. Do not knock on the door, instead start singing 'Ave Maria' to not startle Dr. Gears. We're still picking bullets and D-Class fragments out of the door after the last person forgot. If you don't know 'Ave Maria', until you learn pick something unique. For the love of 343... no REM. Fourth, signing up for the softball team is voluntary. And finally, do as I say, not as I do."
"Keter Duty is a punishment. If you feel the need to volunteer, go talk to Dr. Glass, maybe hug 999 until the urge passes."
"The tuna surprise is not to be trusted, let alone consumed. Also... avoid the cakes in Site Cafeteria. The cakes are not lies, but our chief cook Mabel is terrible at baking. By the way... while bribing Site Command with baked goods is not officially advised... if say, some chocolate chunk cookies were left unattended outside a certain member of Site Command's office along with your reports, there may be fewer edits and redactions."
"If you see my esteemed colleague Dr. Clef with his ukulele, put in your earplugs. If you see Dr. Clef walk by with his shotgun, run to the emergency shelter and wait it out."
"Do not hug the anomalies unless directed to or the anomaly asks. The exception to this is 999. He lives for hugs."
"And now... without further ado, a man who needs no introduction, Dr. Clef with "Reality Warpers and You, Or How Not to Spend the Rest of Your Life As a Latke. You laugh, but it happened to Agent Ducanan. 682 was lined up outside with sour cream and chives."
Dr. Clef's survival tips
"One, Scranton Reality Anchors are vital in containing reality warpers. Read the manual, memorize it, practice setting them up until you can do it blindfolded. Two, never underestimate the power of disinformation, reality warpers are just as vulnerable to bullshit as the rest of us. Three, when all else fails... shotgun!"
"You do not recognize the bodies in the water. Do not investigate the bodies in the water."
"Asking 343 to make you immune to 049's touch just because you 'think the poor bird can use a hug' is violating a whole bunch of rules, which is usually 963's shtick. Plus... he's not the touchy type. Try hugging 999, you'll feel better."
"Check your spelling. 012 hates poor grammar and spelling, and when using 294 it's the difference between a cup of immortality and a cup of immorality."
"For the last bloody time... WE ARE NOT FUNDED BY UMBRELLA CORPORATION, WE DO NOT HAVE ANY OF THEIR CRAPPY INFERIOR BIOWEAPON PRODUCTS, NOR ARE WE OURSELVES PRODUCING BIOWEAPONS. No, 076-2 is not a bioweapon, just really angry and hard to kill. 682 and 096 are also not bioweapons. Again, just really angry and hard to kill."
"Those of you joining the MTFs, be prepared for anything. And... do some cardio. Yes, running from 106 counts, if you like your run spiked with danger."
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rickchung · 8 months
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Monzo Burger x Vancouver House x Granville Street.
"Almost Tiramisu" milkshake paninaro (16-oz.) with soft-serve gelato, whole milk, and spiked with Twist, Kahlua, and Baileys Irish Cream.
Chicken strips with chili aioli sauce and onion rings.
Bacon double cheeseburger with diced onions, sour pickles, and American cheese.
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nightmyst14-blog · 2 years
Snippet of a story I'm writing.
So... The CRK Oc is taking a bit longer than I thought. But I wanna to show you guys a snippet of what I've done so far.
Hope you like it!!
“Captain…Your debt to the abyss is due…”
“W-wait please!!!”
Sour Cream Cookie didn’t understand how he got into this situation… 
Here he was, standing over a man, holding a knife to his neck. He glared at the man with a death glare, his beast aside him. His thoughts racing. The wind blew hard around him, his hair running wild.
“ P-Please I-I’ll do a-anything!!” The man said frantically, pressed up into a corner. Sour Cream’s werehound partner growled, baring their fangs.
“ I apologize, Captain Sea Spike Cookie …” He said, starting into their eyes. “ You’ve been an excellent host for me and Calypso, but I’m afraid I can’t … The Lady of the Abyss is expecting you..”
He was a noble, head of House Scone in the slowly evolving Creme Republic, not a killer. He created things to help others, not destroy How did he get here? 
His memories leading up to this moment flashed in between seconds…
“ The ship will be ready to depart soon, my lord!!” A worker said, leading a barrel onto the nearby ship, the Blue Crystal.
Lord Sour Cream Cookie looked out onto the clear blue water, smiling a bit. Its been a year or two since he’s been offshore. His family had traveled far to the blossoming Creme Republic, a small ever evolving city, where refugees come to seek help and safety, helping others.
He did his part in the city, too. Creating jobs by hiring sweet and salty Cookies alike to work for him, being from a family of shipwrights, he always had a fascination with boats and ships. How they work, how miniscule of every fabric and splinter of wood work together to move far across vast oceans. A master of his craft, he earned his small bit of fame of being able to fix and create strong ships.
“ I used to rule the world…. I created so many beautiful things...”
A voice soon snapped him out of his thoughts.
“ Sour Cream!!” Light Cream Cookie called out, walking over to him. She held an umbrella above her head, looking out the sun rays from her eyes. She looked lovely, wearing out of her best sundresses..
He smiled at her, turning around and making his way over to her. His beloved wife,his queen. 
“My love!!” He exclaimed, greeting her with a hug. “ What are you doing here, my darling? I thought you were in bed.” 
“I was, but our son grew restless.” Light Cream said, rubbing her swollen belly. “I wanted to see you before you left.” 
Sour Cream smiled, placing his hand on her stomach, feeling the baby kick. His heir. His beloved child. 
“ They are growing stronger each day…” He said, looking up at Light Cream. He kissed her on the head, smiling brightly. 
“ Do you have to go?” Light Cream asked, her delicate features wrinkling up with worry. She’s been having a bad feeling since a few weeks ago. “I don’t like this idea..”
Sour Cream goes to answer her, but hears the captain call his name. 
“ Lord Sour Cream!!” Captain Butterscotch Cookie called to him from the ship's deck. “ We best be going soon, We want to pass the Black Pearl Islands on a clear day, sir!”
“ Yes, be right there!!” Sour Cream replied, looking back at Light Cream.  “ My beloved, this is for the best of House Scone. I just..” He held her hand tight. “I want to be sure you and our son are comfortable.”
Light Cream looked down at her feet, trying not to cry. ” What if you don't come back?”
“I should have listened to her… I could have been there for her”
“Nonsense! “ Sour Cream kissed her on the head, smiling at his wife’s face. “I will always come back to you, no matter what it takes.”
“ Really?” She asked, looking up.
“ I promise. To the divine themselves, I will come back.” Sour Cream replied, cupping Light Cream’s face. He rests his forehead on hers.
“ We settled on a name right?”
“ Yes. Clotted Cream Cookie.” Light Cream said, smiling a bit. “ I wish you could be there when he arrives..’
“ Its only 4 months, just passing through the Duskgloom Seas.” He said.” After that, I’ll be sure to hire someone to do all my trips.”
“ I was a fool... I AM a fool...”
Sour Cream kissed his wife once more before walking away. He headed up the plank onto the Blue Crystal , looking back with each step. Light Cream was waving at him, smiling bright as the sun itself.
He waves back. “I promise to write to you every month!!”
“ I look forward to it!!” She said, giggling happily.
“ I missed that smile...I should’ve stayed..”
Written another letter, sir?” One of the first mates asked, walking by as Sour Cream was tying a wrapped up piece of paper to a Sugar Dove.
“ Hn? Oh yes, !!” The blonde replied, letting the dove go and fly. “ I Just wrote that we were near the Duskgloom Seas, so my letters might be a bit late for a while.”
“Hmph. Glad ya did.” The first mate said, crossing their arms. “ There’s a storm coming this way, the captain suggests on sailing through it.”
Sour Cream looked confused, adjusting his glasses. “But the most dangerous storms are created near the Duskgloom Seas, wouldn’t it be better to sail around it?” He asked, looking off the distance to where the dove flew off.
They shrugged. “ Its the Captain’s orders, not much you can suggest unless there’s damage to the ship. There isnt any, is it?”
“ N-no.. I checked every nook and cranny of this place. Not a crack nor splinter on this ship of mine.”
" Ah, I've sailed through plenty of storms!!" The two jumped when they heard the Captain's voice, turning to look at him. "Don't worry your head about, dear lord!!"
But Sour Cream couldnt stop worrying about it. "C-Captain Butterscotch C-Cookie, I if I may.." He said, adjusting his glasses again. " T-The Duskgloom Seas are said to be the most dangerous part of the ocean! There are many rumors of an ancient being living there as well. I suggest we take caution and find another path."
"Hah! I dont believe in any fairy tales or stories, your greatness!!!" Captain Butterscotch said, laughing. "You sure do have a creative mind, sir!!"
"Haha, I guess.. It is just a sailor's fairytale I heard..." Sour Cream replied, chuckling a little. "Word does get around fast with us shipwrights...
" The truth is scarier than fiction I guess...."
Hope you like that snippet of mine!! Hopefully I make the first part soon!!
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phoebehalliwell · 10 months
I know you're probably super busy with all the content you've got coming up, but I need some advice if you have the time? I'm throwing a Charmed party to celebrate the 25th anniversary, but I need food and drink ideas linked to the show. All I can think of is Paige's ceiling gazpacho 😅 Do you have any suggestions?
okay so i’m dividing this into lazy baby / lazy bougie baby / semi advanced / advanced levels of just different silly ideas and then also drinks!
lazy baby!
scrying crystals (crystal rock candy)
kit's kats (kit kats, after kit the cat)
lucky charmed (lucky charms o.o)
cole’s birthday cake/cupcakes (chocolate with red icing that says happy 100th birthday cole!)
prue’s turkey no mayo sammies from bucklands (get yourself a deli sandwich, cut it up into easy party sized bites)
black as coleos (oreos :p )
we all scream for ice cream (i would recommend mochi balls as they r also very easy to eat)
leo’s matrimonial pigs in blankets
once in a blue moon cookies (get cookies that are blue)
phoenix wings (spicy hot chicken wings)
duck medallions minus the medallions… (little duck cookies)
sin balls (coconut macaroons or really any other round item i guess)
lazy bougie baby
mark chao's peking duck (it’s peking duck)
black as cole ADVANCED EDITION (something with active charcoal as an ingredient — if you want a drink lemonade is popular — Warning Tho: if you’re on meds take them at least a couple hours before the charcoal bc the charcoal will suck them out of your system if not already absorbed)
a witch's yellowtail (sushi!)
once in a blue moon bowls (get some spirulina bowls from your local snob place, divvy them into like smaller jello type cups, you can even top with like shaved coconut in a little crescent moon pattern to be bougier)
all hallow’s eve altar pies (get tiny pumpkin or apple pies)
cole’s conception chocolates (get some nice chocolates)
quake and bakes (buy some edibles)
semi advanced
furies toast (get a baguette, grill it so it has a light char, add a neutral flavor (like a brie or avocado or something like softer on the palate), top with smoked salmon and maybe smoked chili flakes)
piper's audition recipe (stuffed pasta shells. alternately penne with some red wine sauce)
(don't) bite me-s (garlic knots \( •_•)_†… this could also be purchased tbh)
all hallow’s eve altar pies but you make them and get to do cute things with the top crust
p3 cookies (make cookies and decorate em with the p3 logo)
homeowner’s meeting tapas (goat cheese pizza, onion tartlets, chicken satay…)
the actual duck medallions
piper’s audition recipe (roast pork with gratin of fennel and penne with a port giblet sauce 😳)
jeremy's gift (port)
primrosé empath (rosé)
seer's tonic (get some of those wellness shots or whatever apple cider vinegar type things and serve em in plastic champagne flutes)
paige signature (perrier baby!)
aunt gail's power stripping tea (buy a large jug of arizona iced tea, spike it if you're feeling fun!)
all halliwell's eve apple cider (can also be spiked!)
p3 h2o (this is what you label the water as)
p baxter's giggle water (gin and tonics, or really any alcohol tbh)
ms. hellfire (spicy margs)
grimlock vanquishing potion (midori sour)
p-3-ña coladas (piña coladas)
i hope u have so so much fun at your party!! tell me what u make!! <3
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ailelie · 1 year
Lunch was good, but I definitely overthought the sauce. I knew I wanted tomato-based. I also decided to use up the rest of my sour cream.
So I started with olive oil and garlic in a pan. Once that was warm, I tossed in the drained diced tomatoes and some gochuchang for a bit of heat. After they were hot and such, I added a tablespoon of butter.
I didn't need more fat, but I thought added some dairy would make the sour cream behave better when I added that. I also turned down the heat.
Once the butter was melted, I turned off the heat and stirred in a few spoonfuls of sour cream (aka, all I had left).
It tasted fine, but I felt like it needed a 'flat'* so I added some shredded hard Italian cheese.
The end result was good, but I feel like I could have gotten there with fewer ingredients.
*I'm not entirely sure how to describe what I mean by 'flat.' It is just that some tastes are sharp, some are spiky, some are round, and some are flat. And when I'm cooking, I can usually tell what is missing. For sharps, I add lemon or vinegar typically, but sometimes salt. Salt is spiky, but sharps and spikes can satisfy the same need taste-wise even if they end up tasting different. Salt is spiky. I'm not sure what else is, but I know it when I taste it. Mushrooms are round. Many cheeses are flat. Cumin is more round than flat. Like...these aren't neat, discrete categories. But they're the only way I am able to identify what I need to add to a dish to make it taste better. I chose cheese this time b/c of the dairy elements of butter and sour cream. I very nearly tossed in cumin (my usual go-to for tomatoes).
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ghostsxagain · 1 year
𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒖𝒏 !!!
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tagged  by  :  @goxinsane
tagging  :  anyone that wants to do the thing - consider yourself tagged by me
⋆   what’s your phone’s wallpaper ? lock screen is a midnights era tswift wallpaper. home screen is a pic of jamie & I
⋆   the last song you listened to ? all too well (10 min version)  
⋆   currently reading ? haven't started anything since finishing song of achilles. but the next book I'm starting is normal people
⋆   last movie you saw ?  unfortunately it was antman & the wasp: quantumania and it sucked lol. last theatre movie was beau is afraid and that was excellent
⋆   last show you watched ? uhhh modern family I think. or how i met your father 
⋆  what are you wearing right now ? an oversized purple tshirt & camo tights lol
⋆  how tall are you ?  5'5!
⋆ piercings / tattoos ? single piercings on both ears and a nose ring. two tattoos: "the hardest thing in this world is to live in it" on my left arm and a lil spyro the dragon on my right calf!!! plan on getting more of both when money allows
⋆   glasses / contacts ?  glasses for distance only 
⋆   last thing you ate ?  lays cheddar and sour cream chips
⋆  favorite color(s) ?  light yellow, purple, teal, black, coral
⋆   current obsession ? just one? homie, I'm obsessed with many things at a time. right now its taylor swift. league of legends. ships on here with my buddies (and fcs connected to those ships). all typical shit. also shit like squishmallows? my lil aquatic jellycats? raspberry bubly? recently finished outer banks, and that's been on my mind a lot
⋆  do you have a crush right now ?  I wouldn't call it a crush but I'm in a relationship of 8 years with my person? lol I guess he's my crush XD
⋆   favorite fictional character ? dear god, too many to list but some are spike (btvs), steve rogers (marvel), ellie williams (tlou), eddie munson (st), sally (nbc), lux (league of legends) 
⋆   last place you visited ?  uhhhhhh jamie's parents house? work? LOL. going to montreal in like 2 weeks or so, which is gonna be exciting af
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