#Splat Dragons AU
therantingsage · 2 years
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Deep Cut Dragons!! Which think I think means I’ve got all my bases covered as far as canon characters go. Excluding shopkeepers, anyway. I.....would be here a while if I made myself do all the shopkeepers. Might end up doing Sheldon at least, but....that’ll be the only one sjahfasjhdf
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ddwhaleshark · 5 months
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Marina and Pearl but as dragons!! :]
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linkedin-corp · 2 months
oh yeah other splat au related thoughts i had
punies feel like sea urchins to me. or clams
bowser and the dragons are salmonoids in some capacity. deviated from normal ones and probably based off of sockeyes since they look the most deranged
grodus barreleye. you CANNOT convince me of anything else
speaking of the x freaks . crump is like a marine iguana to me. and x-nauts are like small pacific mole crabs . or sea bunnies.
doopliss would be a flatworm. these things
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silvergarnet12 · 6 months
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Another wip
also bonus explanation for splashtags/weapons/badges below. Due to the nature of Rajaion and Almedha spoilers for Tellius below. Also technically a spoiler for Splat 3’s story mode in a badge description.
For weapons, every weapon here has the Kraken Royale special in Splatoon 3, and someone agessss ago tagged my first inkling Kurthnaga suggesting he could turn inot the Kraken, and I thought that was fun.
Kurthnaga: He has a roller purely based on the fact my brain thinks he'd use one. Don't ask why it's just vibes I guess.
"Promising Ruler" is a reference to the end of Radiant Dawn, and the number 3108 is a reference to 31/08 or Halloween, because of his Heroes debut. He has the lvl 999 Tableturf badge because I think he'd enjoy playing it, the gold Kraken badge because weapon reasons, the bronze Grizzco badge because I imagine Almedha ropes him in to joining her on shifts sometimes.
Almedha: She has a splatling because I think it looks cool, and does a lot of damage from a far just like a certain dragon laser beam.
"Restless Sister" is because she left Goldoa before the Tellius games and inadvertently helped set events in motion. 2202 is 22/02/07 and is Radiant Dawn's Japanese Release date.
I also think she has some tendency towards violence since in canon she had a child with Ashnard of all people, and I doubt he was ever non violent. So she has Salmon Run badges, the flyfish is because I hate them and anyone with that badge is automatically cool to me.
Ena: She gets the Gal because usually it's pink and so is she, I also think she'd find tricky ways to use the Splash wall it comes with.
"Fortunate Tactician" in this au Rajaion doesn't die(if I make any tragedy it'll be reversible because this is funny squid game au and I like happy endings), and she's still good tactically. 2004 is 20/04/05 and is Path of Radiance's Japanese release date.
She has the Kraken badge like Kurth because of her weapon, X Rank badge because she takes battling as a tactical challenge, and the gold Tableturf badge because I think she'd also enjoy it, but play it less than Kurth.
Rajaion: He gets the charger because I was running out of weapons with the Kraken, so he gets an Elitre because I think they look cool, even if I hate fighting them. Also the spawn in pose is cool as hell.
"Revived King" He gets to live in this au, and not die. With Dheginsea being retired from whatever his role ends up as, Rajaion is technically in charge now. 1004 is 10/04/07 and is Radiant Dawn's Australian release date.
He also gets a matching bg style with Ena.
All his badges reference his luck in not being dead. The gachapon badge is basically gambling, so luck based, Cuttlefish got revived in Splatoon 3's story, and the wavebreaker is used as a revival device a lot in Salmon Run!
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xxmia0wm4yh3mxx · 1 month
(Chapter: One)
A poorly written fic with bad grammer about my fluffy shipkid comfort au i made cuz because of one oc
Also Rogerg and My Able are here
And Queenie is alive Fuck it
Ships: Showtime, BunnyDoll, abstragedy, Checkmates
TW: Child trauma , bullying
Pomni was roaming the corridors of the Tent, she stopped and saw The cast members gathered around in a circle, looking at something on the floor
Zooble: Ew what is that thing?
Gangle: It kinda looks like a giant booger...
Jax: Why are we staring at this thing? This is like, the least weird thing here
Kinger: Look! Look! Its moving! its Alive!
Pomni tilted her head and walked over
Pomni: What are you all doing?
Queenie turned her head to Pomni
Queenie: Pomni, Dearie! You're close to Caine, do you know what this is?
She walked over and joined the circle, on the floor was a big green splat on the floor, It like Jello in process of rotting only it was pulsating gently like a slime mold
Pomni: wah- what is this?
Kinger: we don't really know, do think its edible?
Jax: I dunno, you should Try it
Ragatha: No, No you shouldn't! You dont know what it is
Pomni: Its probably nothing, maybe I should go ask Caine-
Gangle: Look! Its moving again!
The Splat Was pulling itself together and forming a small piller, The top of it Swelled bigger and bigger like bubble, until it stood atop of a thin neck connecting it to the body, the body slouched due to the weight of the bulbous head
Everyone was staring at it with awe as the slime took form of a vaguely humanoid shape, A single, Big, Bright Orange Eye opened
???: Wah- huh?- What the- where- where am I?
The voice of a young boy came out of the slimes mouth, his one eye shooting across the room and then staring quietly the cast members, The slime meekishly backed up form the cast members
???: w-whats going on?!
His voice was shivering with anxiety and confusion
Pomni: Oh my God thats kid!
She rushed over to the Boy, his breath audibly becoming heavy
Pomni: Are you okay?! Look, I-I know this is Scary but-
She was Cut off when The Child started Screaming like a Banshee
The Child slinked away and splated on the floor, he quickly pulled Himself Up and slithered away, Yelling like he was being murdered
The other Circus members trying to calm him down and catch him, He crashed into a trash bin and a weird looking Muppet thing with fly wings and antenna spilled out and crashed on the floor
Rogerg: GAH- WHAT THE (HONK)?!
The muppet and the slime just stared at eachother for bit before the fly puppet thing started shouting at the top of his lungs
The Slime leaped over the trash can, his body compacted into a sphere and started Bouncing all over the Circus, the Child screaming while he controllably spurng around the tent
Caine: Did Someone Called for me?!
Caine looked at the slimeball darting across the room and he grabbed him by the back of the neck, his gooey body went limp like a kitten, He sat him down on the floor, patting his head
Caine: Their you go! All better!
The boy was just silent, breathing quietly the confusion and fear still plastered on his face
Caine: You alright son? You look you've seen a ghost!
The Boy: .....Am.... Am I Dead? Because this doesn't look like heaven or Hell...
Caine chuckled and put his hand on his shoulder
Caine: No my Slimy friend! You certainly not Dead but digitally reborn! You my boy have entered A Digital world of Endless Fun and Adventure!!
The Boy perked up alittle
The boy: ....Adventure? Like... Dragons and Zombies?
Caine: Thats certainly a possibility!!
The Boy: That Sounds Sick!!
The Child's body bounced up and down, the confusion on his face turned into wonder and excitement
Caine was taken aback alittle about how Excited he was, usually new humans panicked and screamed at him when He explained the Digital world, but he was excited and even happy about His predicament
Caine: it certainly is "sick" my Boy! Let me show you around town!
He picks him up by his back againn and teleported him outside and told him all about the Grounds
The Boy: WOW! A free Carnival! They never let me in Carnivals! Awesome!
Caine: Now Thats the spirit son!! So glad you like it!
Caine teleported them back to the tent, and sat the Boy down next to the rest of the cast
They Boy: This place is epic!! I never wanna Leave!!
Caine: Love the enthusiasm Son! Im sure you'll have a great time!
The Boy: Yeah! I gotta go tell everyone about this place! There all gonna be so Jealous!!
The Boy sprinted to the door before stoping in his tracks coming to a terrifying realization
Where did he live? Where was everyone else? What was His name again? He didn't even remember what His face even looked like
He shuttered, Everything he knew was erased, his body became dead still, terror frozen on her face
He slowly turned his face back to the Ringmaster
The Boy: How..... How... Do I... Leave?
Everyone was uncomfortably silent and looking around, Jax tried to say something but Ragatha Shut him up
Pomni: Um.... Now don't freak out... but We... There isn't.... We don't Actually know....
The Boy: What Do you mean Dude?! I'm stuck here forever?!
Jax: Well yeah pretty much
Ragatha: Jax!
Jax: What? He was going to find out eventually!
The Boy was just Quiet, His pupil retracted and His mouth went agap, He started hyperventilating
His Gelatinous body starting shivering which looked a bit like jiggling, his eye started watering, His breath starting coming out in shaky spruts
Pomni: Hey! Hey! It'll be okay! ...Just ...Try to... um...
Ragatha: Think Positive! Its really not so bad here!...
The Child's crying became more profuse The cast tried to comfort him, embedding the tragic reality into His Head
Caine Quietly: Not again...
Caine looked the Child With sympathy, This ALWAYS happens whenever a new human eneters and never knew what to do to help them, Only it was worse this time because It was a Child, an innocent Child who was probably missing his Parents, his friends...
Wait... Friends... Pals... Caine got an idea
Caine: WELP! Son, you certainly got yourself into a pretty psychology damaging predicament, Which means theres only One thing to do!!
The Child looked up at him, Tears still in his eyes and Cast trying to comfort him
The Boy: .....What?
Caine: Social Therapy!!
The Boy: *sniff* what?...
Caine Took his baton and summoned a closed stage curtain
Caine: I give you.... Your Psychological Aid Liaisons!!
The Curtain opened and reveled 6 younger looking cast members
Caine: Your P.A.LS!!
The Boy looked at Caine confused and then the Pals, One who was a Black Chess piece like one of the Cast members, randomly fell on his face, The Boy looks back at Caine perplexed
Caine: Thats Right! These Googly Little Guardians are here to Bring you Endless Comfort and tranquility in Your lowest points in Life! Not To mention Tons and Tons Of Fun!
The Boy: ...What?
Before The Boy could question futher a Pal ran up to him, They were Brightly colorful like the circus they were in and made of Random shapes and parts, they could hardly run due to their fragile, lopsided body, They Shook his slimey with their ribbony one
Niku: Afternoon! My name is Niku, What a wonderful day it is such a swell person such as you!
The Boy: um... Okay-
A Rabbit Ragdoll, covered in Patches, bumped into Niku, toppling them over and smashing into pieces
Patchricia: Nice to meet'cha New friend! Cupcake?
She offered him a cupcake shaped like a bunny
The Boy: Um... I-Im good
Patchricia: suit yaself!
She ate the cupcake herself, two Chess pieces wearing Pink and Blue robes walked up Him and curtsyed
Princessa: A Pleased im sure, My Name is Princessa and this my Brother Princely
Princely: Hello! I like how green you are! Im certain we will be good friends!
Princely Extended his floating hand to him, The Boy slinked away in response, Princessa it and moved Her brother out of His way
Next, A Pal with Soma cube for a Head and one green eye went up to him, their calm and professional demeanor a contrast to the cutesy sailor suit they were wearing
Qwerty: Greetings, My name is Qwerty, I am here to assist with any inquiries or tasks you may have, Please let me know how I can be of service
Their monotonous and flat voice was unsettling to him, almost creepy sounding
The Boy: Uh-huh sure...
Qwerty: Alright then
They walked away and joined the Pals Who were helping Niku put them selves back together and adding new parts to them
Patchricia: sorry bout that, I got too excited
Nikus voiced changed to one androgynous to more high pitched and feminine
Niku: *Sniffle* oh no no no its all my fwault!!
Qwerty: unreasonable reason, Patchricia was the one who pushed you
The boy just stared at the absolute absurdity of the Artificial "Intelligences" that were supposed to help him
Ragtha: Isn't this great! Look at the new friends you have!
The Boy just stared with a dumbfounded face
Caine: One... Two... Three... wait, Wheres-
M' ere!
A little tooth-headed Boy wearing orange suspenders and a striped shirt ran up to the Ringmaster with Chocolate sauce all over his face
Caine: Ah! Enock! There you are Son!
Enock: I made a Chocolate foutain In the Bafroom!
Caine: Thats great champ! Say, why don't you go say to our new friend!
Enock: New Friend?! Well Hotdog! I love New friends!
Enock looked over to The slime Boy, He was bouncing up and down with Excitement, the Boy looked at him like he had two heads instead of a tooth one
Enock ran over as fast he could, and hugged and shaked him as hard as could, Squishing His Gooey body against him
Enock: HI! My names Enock!! I like to Sing and Dance and wear suspenders with my pants... Hey that Ryhmed!! Do you like it here?! I love it here! We can love it here together! Golly Gosh! You sure are Green! Like broccoli! I dont like broccoli, But I like YOU! Also your eye is my favorite color! And!... and...
Enock noticed The Boy was absolutely terrified by his over excitement so he went quiet as everyone else
Qwerty: ...I believe you have frightened him Enock
Enock: ....im sorry...
He looked down on the floor ashamed and sad he screwed up at an introduction so badly
Pomni and Caine looked at their child sympathetically, They hated seeing him so upset
Pomni: Hey um.. Enock.. why don't you go show your New friend Around the Tent?
Caine: Great Idea Love! Enock! Go show our little green friend The Magic of The Circus!
Enock: Really!? Hotdog!!
He jumped in the air with excitement
Patchricia: aw c'mon! Why does HE getta do it!?
Patchricia: I'm Sorry!
Later Enock was walking with The Boy through the Halls of the circus and they came to a colorful door with the words 'The Learning Room' in puffy, bold letters on it,
He opened the door to show a cartoony classroom with a alphabet puzzle carpet, circle tables spread across the area, arts and crafts covered the walls and storty books on the shelves and Big chalkboard with random doodles and phrases on it
Enock: Dishisda School room! We learn lossa things here! Like scince, Engrish, maff, arts, and Gramma! imma... not very good at dat last one... or tha others... ebendo.. My uncle is the teacher... and my dad is literally god... But das Okay! Because- Hey where'd ja go?
The Boy wasn't listening to Him, He was Staring into the affirmation mirror at his own reflection, a disconcert and absolute disturbed expression looking staring back at him
The Boy: This.... This... Isn't my face... I don't look like this...
Enock tilted his head
Enock: wattdiya mean? Weren't you Born slimy?
The Boy: ..... I don't know... I... I try to remember my face... my name...
His voice became shaky
The Boy: But... But its like it never existed in the first place...
Enock: Nothing?! Na' even your friends?... or your family? An all the People who love you?....
The Boy's voice hitches and Started tearing up...
The Boy: No... I- I don't...
Enock's demeanor quickly went from happy to one of sorrow
Enock: I.... I... *gasp* I know! You wanna A hug? Dey always make everything better!
He went up to him, arms outstretched to hug the distressed Boy, But The boy slid away from Enock's kind gesture
The Boy: N-no!
He had a bothersome manner like Enock was doing something absurd or wrong, Enock put his arms down embarrassed and twiddling his nonexistent fingers
Enock: well... Do you... Do you wanna go play with other pals with me?
The Boy: .....Sure
Later, Enock took The Boy to the Pal's Clubhouse, Inside they were all sitting in a circle sharing Cookies and Chips and talking with eachother
Patchricia: So I Ended up accidentally spilling the batter all over my dress and I, like, literally Jumped six feet in the air! Now, I know it was just batter, but it was like, in that weird goop phase that I hate, Like, Slimy things are just gross and I hate them
The Boy gave Patchricia a dirty look
Patchricia: Oh! um... No offense to you of course! Im sure you're very nice and clean!
Princessa: Tch! I really don't get your obsession with everything having to be sparkly clean all the time, gosh you're so dramatic!
Patchricia: Oh really? If you're so chill bout Dirty things, why don't I go dump Trash all over your perfect, clean, sparkly room?
Princessa: oh Nonono! Please dont do that!
Niku: I Find trash quite exhilarating experience! I get to discover all sorts of new bits and pieces and rebirth them into parts! And I also I can be in the presence of My Uncle!
Princly: Oh yeah Uncle Rogerg Is awesome! Hes so sweet and nice!
Patchricia: Oh yeah! Like, I wouldn't touch him without a towl but hes awesome!
Everybody started talking about how they love Uncle Rogerg, confuseing the Boy
The Boy: wait... you're not talking about the weird Muppet thing that lives in the trash are you?
Niku: Tehe! No silly im talking about my Uncle Rogerg! He's a felt marionette that lives in the garbage
The Boy was looking at them all weird when he noticed the absence of someone
The Boy: hey, wheres the Blockhead?
Princessa: Qwerty has a Special Curriculum, apparently, their learning how to make new worlds and people!
Princely: oh Yeah! They're like the smartest person ever!
Patchricia: They can pretty much do anything
Princessa: A true Renaissanceman in the humble package of an Everyman
Enock: They are also my cousin! Didja know that?!
He shook the Boy a little
Niku: That is true Enock, but you certainly act opposite!
Patchricia: I know right? Its like your not even related at all
Enock slowly quieted down, The boy tilted his head to look at him, he looked like something distressing him was on his mind
The Boy: So... what do you guys do all day exactly?
Niku: were all here to make people happy and help them when feeling distressed
Princely: that or were at school
Patchricia: or playing minigames
The Boy: okay, cool... so what do the Adults do? Do they have Jobs? Or do they wander around aimlessly too?
Enock: OH! OH! My Dad makes them all cool adventures that they can go everyday! Hes really REALLY cool and make Cool worlds and People and Makes everybody happy! And someday Imma learn ta make em Too someday! And- And- And- When I do, imma make all sorts of cool things and make everybody happy!! And- And- And- An- An- An- ima Make all sorta kewl things like A diner Run by Talking dinosaurs and make Magic hotdogs!! And then imma make a magic Moose that tells your the darkest desires and Birds that throw up more birds and giant skeleton hands that pick up you and takes you to nirvana! or giraffes that are actually snakes!-
Enock started endlessly rambling about random weird things, he was talking so fast it started sounding like absoulte gibberish and started shaking his hands and stomping his feet
When he calmed down, He noticed everyone was looking at him like he was deranged, especially The Boy
The Boy: ....dude...What is wrong with you?
Enock meekly hid his face in his knees
Niku: So... Adventures! They're funnest!
Princessa: You know yesterday, Father told about me that they explored a Cave full of gemstones, He told me it was Magical! I wish I was there with him
The Boy: what? Can't you?
Patchricia: No, Mr. Caine said their to dangerous for us, we do get to do other things instead though
The Boy: well... im not one of you guys, so can I go?
Princely: Well im sure you figure out when Mr. Caine announces the next one tomorrow
Enock: OH! OH! You're gonna love my Dad! He's like the coolest ever!! You're gonna love him! He tells Me all sorts of smart things!
Enock started grabbed The Boy and playfully shaking him faster and faster
Enock: Like- Like- Why We should never pay taxes! Or How bathing in toothpaste is actually good for you, and it also feels nice because its minty! I like the Mango flavored one because I like mangos! Did you know Mangos and cashews are cousins? Thats because cashews come from a fru-
Enock accidentally pushed the boy onto the floor, splattering him all over the other Pals
The Boy: OW!- *Splat!*
Princely: Enock, Why'd you do that?!
Enock looked absolutely humiliated, and grabbed his long eyestalks on the sides of head and covered his face and left the club house, leaving The boy a splat on the floor
At night, The boy found a little playmat to use as a blanket, He was trying to get comfy but everytime he tried to relax he oozed out of the blanket not to mention a jelly body wasn't exactly comfortable for him, He hated this body that wasn't his, he hated this place that wasn't his home, he hated all the weird and annoying people in this Dumb, stupid Circus, He just wanted to go home but he couldn't even fathom what 'home' even felt like, did he ever? Will he ever know? He curled himself underneath the blanket which he oozed out of
The Boy: Ugh! This place sucks (CAR HORN)!
Enock: How'd you dodat with your mouth?
Great, The Crazy Clown boy was back, it COULD get worse than this
Enock: Wire you sleeping onda floor?
The Boy: Go Screw yourself freak! You're making everything worse!
Instead of screwing off he sat down on the floor and scouched himslef closer to him
Enock: 何が問題なの?
The Boy: Stop! Just Stop! Everything here is so freaking weird! I just... I just wanna go home, But I dont even now what home is! I dont even remember what normal feels like and YOU being a total weirdo freakazoid IS. NOT. HELPING. So go AWAY!
The Boy: Ugh, can my life get any worse??
Enock: Do You... wanna A hug? Dey always make everything better!
He extended his arms to hug him, but he slithered away from him, His gelatinous body literally boiling and bubbling like a angry Cat hissing at a puppy, but Enock's arms were still extended
Enock: C'mon! It'll help!
The boys body sizzled louder, making the blanket burn off his body
Enock: ... pretty please?
Pomni far away: Ennie! Its Time for Bed!
Enock hesitated to leave for a bit, before sprinting away to his room, The boy continued helplessly to try to get comfortable on the hard floor, He felt his eye start to water and he started to weep, he didn't know why he was here, or what this place even his he just wanted to go home,
but... did he know even know home was?
Part 2
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glubby-guppiez · 11 months
*cw: typing quirk
*Oroku family info
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*Basic synopsis
*Turtles are from a zoo in Guatemala
*The turtles are Central American Snapping Turtles
*They were stolen and mutated by Baxter Stockman
*Baxter Stockman is the main villain and the turtles work to stop him because he is too far gone and has hurt so many people and creatures in his quest for vast knowledge and is completely apathetic
*)(amato + Foot clan does not affect the story
*The turtles + Splinter lived in Guatemala until they met April and then they moved to New York to go after Stockman
*The turtles start off as regular mutant turtles, but early on during the events of the AU, get mutated further into dragons (friends idea)
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*Character Info
*Shared info about the turtles
*Central American Snapping Turtles *All were originally named by the zoo *When they are mutated into dragons, their heights increased *The mutation process was very painful *Wings grew out of their backs and broke their shells at the top where the wings grew *Knows/speaks/writes in Spanish and English *Keeps their original weapons *Learned ninjitsu and self defense similarly to Mutant Mayhem and Bayverse via books and videos but also by watching humans at the dojo that is right above where they live
*)(e/)(im Cis male *5'11" (Pre-Dragon) *7'2" (Post-Dragon) *Very muscular build *Lost one of his right toes *Wears cheap gym shorts and an orange sweater around his shoulders that soon turns into his mask after he mutates into a dragon (tears off a sleeve) *Nunchaku on belt *Stickers on shell, including an anime sticker Raphael put on as a joke that won't come off *Old mask had the iconic Mikey short tails *Gay *The Leader *Optimist *Actually good at strategizing *Tries to stay energetic and joyful even when it's inappropriate *A little bit insensitive tbh *Not entirely on purpose he just doesn't understand why everyone isn't happy-go-lucky and constantly optimistic like he is *#1 Cheerleader *Tries to keep good relationships with his family *Very loving and supportive of them *Learning empathy is part of his character development *Mondo Gecko becomes a love interest for him later on
*Madonna (Donatello)
*She/)(er Transfem changed name *6'4" (Pre-Dragon) *7'6" (Post-Dragon) *Largest and most muscular turtle because of her Bo training and mechanical handling *Wears skirts and an apron with lots of storage, including a large tool belt *Steal's Raph's clothes even though they are small on her *Paint splats on shell *Braided mask tails *When everyone's masks broke because of the second mutation, she made everyone but Mikey new ones (Mikey immediately tore up his sweater and made a new mask) *Straight *Group inventor *Not very good at organizing her thoughts and explaining her inventions, and tech is always very messy and hard to follow *Personality is like Rise!Donnie but toned down *Doesn't really get mad but sulky *Very bad grammar *Often butts heads with 'Nardo *)(as a large bo collection and only uses her least favorites and never the ones she really likes unless she has to *Small crush on CJ in the beginning (purely one-sided and goes away after a while)
*)(e/)(im Cis male *5'8" (Pre-Dragon) *6'7" (Post-Dragon) *More scrawny and lanky than the rest of the group *Was effected the most by the second mutation out of the group appearance wise *Wears comfortable loose clothes like hoodies and sweatpants *Plain, long tail mask *Wore glasses before second mutation *)(as a dragon carved onto his lower shell (he begged asked Madonna to do it) *AroAce *Main intel of the group *Very observant *Non verbal and writes everything that comes to mind in these journals called: "Big Book of 'Nardo Thoughts" and hopes to publish them one day. *Thinks he should've been the leader *Geography nerd *Otaku
*She/)(er Cis female *5'4" (Pre-Dragon) *7'4" (Post-Dragon) *Muscular but chubby build *Wears feminine clothing mainly jeans and crop tops but also skirts and dresses *Mask tied into a nice bow *Madonna put nail polish drawings on her shell *Paints hers and Mikey's nails *Lesbian *Sassy like 1987 Raphael *Very girly and feminine *Very protective of her family *Does have rage strength *A voice of wisdom/reason *Still kind of childish *)(angs out with Splinter a lot *Gets a girlfriend named Marilyn
*)(e/)(im Cis male *5'6" *47 *Bushy-tailed Woodrat *Wears a dirty ass expensive silk bathrobe that he stole from a human that he WILL NOT take off *Raph likes to style his fur *Straight ally *Only knows Spanish *Reads a lot and taught the turtles how to read *Great cook *Mediocre dad *Was taken from his own parents at an early age so he has no clue how to parent outside of instinct and books *He's trying he goes to the PTA meetings he goes to them/ref *Brought home a whole bunch of girl books for Madonna when she came out to him *Praises Mikey for his optimism *Adores 'Nardo's writing *Wants a wife so bad
Baxter Stockman
*TW FOR MENTIONS OF ABUSE *)(e/)(im Cis Male *5'5" (Pre mutation) *6'4" (Post mutation) *56 *Black and Brazilian *Buzz cut (Pre mutation) *Skinny build (Pre mutation) *Becomes a fly mutant *Much more muscular post mutation *)(air grows out *Kind of looks like Super Fly *Wears stereotypical lab gear *Questioning AroAce *Very devoted to his work *Abused and neglected his wife (April's mom) and daughter (April O'Neil) *Made the turtles, Shredder, Splinter, and other mutants *Everyone )(ATES him *Rightfully so *)(e uses mech suits to fight like 2012 him in season 1 *CJ is his pupil early on *Kind of a bitch to CJ *Sadistic *This man gets very uncomfortable to be around after he's mutated *Like bro wanting disect and study every living thing he comes across after the mutation *Throws a fit when he's wrong about something *Has a deep desire to be all knowing
April O'Neil
*She/They/It Demigirl *5'8" *19 *Afro Latina *She has dark brown hair styled in afro puffs *Skinny but athletic build *Sports a black and yellow track suit with a white undershirt *Bisexual *Daughter of Baxter Stockman *Tech whiz *Madonna's best friend *Big sister figure to the turtles *Grew up in Guatemala and moved to New York with the turtles and Splinter shortly after meeting them *)(er dad's #1 hater *Fluent in Spanish *Knows English, but it's rough *Uses a gun *Dating Karai
Casey Jones (CJ)
*They/)(e/It Nonbinary (fine with gender neutral or masculine terms) *5'2" *17 *White *)(as that 2000's mid length emo boy haircut *Wears Jeans + Band tee and a lab coat *Main inspo from 2012 Casey design wise *Omniromantic (pref for men) Asexual *Kind of wimpy and doesn't fight *Mainly uses mousers and other robots *Stockman's pupil until he joins up with the turtles *Works alongside 'Nardo and Madonna *Genuinely scared of Mikey *Grew up in New York *Failed Art Class and will have to repeat highschool they are so salty about this it is not even *Geek loser *Main personality inspo from '87 and 2012 Stockman
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*I will write about more characters later and more lore but rn this is all you get. If you wanna see specific characters or if you have any questions, feel free to ask me my ask box is open!
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honey-minded-hivemind · 3 months
Queen magnificent: their probably lost and afraid and cold..... oh my poor baby!😭
baby Nightwing reader: *pimp slaps a Jaguar* do you know who my mommy isI?!?
Oh dear... The rainforest creatures have just met their most sassy snack/adversary... Reader. Reader just walks around the rainforest, blissful and happy and playing with a frog, then a python tries to coil around them... Only to be nearly crushed to death in a hug by a very happy dragonet. A jaguar had stalked them, looking for a meal, only to be slapped by Reader and told it's being a bad kitty! A spider tries to bite them, fangs full of venom... SPLAT! No more spider...
They can either be prey, be Reader's pet, or they can meet their Mommy and Daddy, who are a lot meaner than them! (Understatement of the year). The moment a RainWing finds them, they're flapping all the way back to the queen, their royal consorts, and their herd of dragonets, as they finally found the missing baby! (And also don't want to die because they weren't fast enough).
Reader is squished tight in a hug by Queen Morph, they're being scolded by their dad Woebringer, their other parents and their friends are checking them over for injuries, and Reader's friends and siblings are almost crying because they missed them...
At this point, the dragonets end up with one of Queen Morph's partners always with them, always watching, and ready to spray venom or breathe fire on any idiot who tries to steal a baby or hurt them...
(Oh... What about a The Missing Princex AU? Starring: At least seven very angry, p*ssed off, slightly sadistic adult dragons who had their baby/nibling stolen, a herd of heirs who always wondered what their missing sibling was like, and a missing princex Reader, who only just found out they might be royalty and went to the Kingdom of the Sea to see if it was a good place to call home...)
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sansaery-theonsa · 2 years
I recently read this two incredible Rhaelicent fics that warmed my heart so much that i had to give them their own post 💕
You can find the rest of my Rhaelicent recommendation in this list
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Dog person By spookyscaryskeletons (Buttons15)
Finished i think, its shows 8/8 but i think the writer said they're working on another chapter so idk for sure 🥲 anyways its 16150 words and i highly recommend
“You’re staring.”
“Just thinking, my princess.”
Rhaenyra turned sideways, moving into a position that changed her center of balance and was twice as risky. A few centimeters to the side, Alicent could all but see it - splat on the ground. “Penny for your thoughts?”
“My thoughts are worth far more than that.”
on the mend by thedevilsgarden (8762 words- 1/1 )
This incredible writer basically adapted House of the Dragon to the modern era and even kept Alicent's background pretty similar which is even more painful because we see in modern world the things who are "normal" in the HOTD/GOT universe (as marrying a minor) . I genuinely recommend it , its honestly a really good story and i feel like its kinda their story on modern time. Also aemond is a sweet little boy in this one and its a great bonus
When Rhaenyra first met her, Alicent was living in Oldtown, crushed under the weight of her father's thumb. (Modern AU)
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worldofedd · 11 months
These are the available verses for this blog, these verses are applied to all characters. Some of them are from my Eddsworld AU blog (prettyswellaus). Sorted in alphabetical order. More to be added later
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Monster High
The crew are teenagers attending Monster High. This AU is based in Gen 1 but can be roleplayed with Gen 3 characters as well. Edd is a robot, Tom is a European dragon, Matt is a zombie-vampire hybrid, Tord is a werewolf, and Blaze is a phoenix.
Edd is 17, Blaze and Tom are 16, and Matt and Tord are 15 years old in this verse.
You can see more of the AU on the AU blog's tag for it
Tag: { Verse | Monster High 💀}
Edd and the gang are all Pokemon trainers in this AU, each of them specializing in a specific type of Pokemon. Electric for Edd, Ice for Tom, Flying for Matt, Steel for Tord, and Fire for Blaze.
You can see more of the AU on the AU blog's tag for it
Tag: { Verse | Pokemon ⚡ }
Here, Edd and the crew are inklings (except for Tord who is an octoling). Despite being adults, they never lost their love for turf war battles. Edd uses the Inkbrush, Tom uses the Krak-On Splat Roller, Matt uses the Splat Brella, Tord uses the Splat Dualies, and Blaze uses the Blaster.
You can see more of the AU on the AU blog's tag for it
Tag: { Verse | Splatoon 🦑 }
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therantingsage · 2 years
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Pixel Cutouts of the dragon Agents!
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ddwhaleshark · 11 months
dragon agent 8 !
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i imagine octoling's as dragons would be more lanky noodles! having webbed wings compared to the ones i gave to the inkling bubs. i love how 8 looks in side order so i deiced so show how shed look like with those colors as well !
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commanderfloppy · 2 years
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I did @silvesi 's Art timeline thing, was a lot of looking through old notebooks but it was pretty fun!
Crazy to see how long ago certain art periods in my life were, and how I improved through the years!
Transcript now below the cut (Becuase my writing is probably a bit hard to read)
Cesco’s Art Journey
2009-10: 8-9 yr/o
I loved old cartoons and made Looney Tunes style comics with OC’s like; Tom the Cat, and the Cartoon Law Police.  
Favorite things to draw: Dragons, Secret bases, Comics
2011-12: 10-11 yr/o
Anime influence sets in, I start defining the head from the neck. I got really into MLP and drew a lot of that. Also made my half-fairy half-witch mechanic OC. 
Favorite things to draw: Ponies, My New OC, Sailor Moon
^ B.D. Before Deviantart (Dating for Art during this period may not be accurate) 
Deviant Art Era: 
2013: 12 yr/o
Anime style gets even more set in. Bodies become more proportional, heads less dorito shaped. My Gw2 art started a little here. I also made more (Self-insert) OCs. 
Favorite things to draw: Gw2, Anime Girls
2014: 13 yr/o
Got a tablet and started some digital art. A lot of Warriors art because I had written a fanfic, (and ran a Cinderpelt/Heart ask blog). Also got a blender pencil and learned how to shade
Favorite things to draw: Warrior Cats, Anime, Mermaids, Cat People.
2015: 14 yr/o
SO Much Art this year! Probably related to my realization I could draw people who were not white (like I was). A lot of new OCs, also the start of my Splatoon Phase. No digital art (It got lost :( ) 
Favorite things to draw: All my New OCs! Inklings. 
A.D. After Deviantart v 
2016: 15 yr/o
Splatoon phase is in full force now. My style moves away from anime as I focus more on facial features (Drawing noses my beloved). I realized I was gay and so were my OCs, (thank you Undyne Undertale). Also got really into Star Wars again (thank you Clone Wars) 
Favorite things to draw: My Inkling OCs, Undyne, Ahsoka, My Cat and Rabbit OCs (Tajiri and Alkita) 
2017: 16 yr/o
OCs Galore! Now with stories! I made SO Many new OCs this year, my universe of elves, gay royals, a magical girl and magical boy. Things also got very gay and trans this year. I humanized my Splatoon OCs because I phased out of that. 
Favorite things to draw: Elves, Mira and Lillian (Splat OCs), Gay and Trans people (a new constant in my art) 
2018: 17 yr/o
Made a whole new roster of Monster OCs for a (hypothetical) dating sim. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles hyperfixation comes back with a vengeance, but drawing turtles is hard so I make a human AU (no set era, an amalgamation of all versions + my own characterizatoins) This is also the start of some Floppy drawings in my sketchbook 👀?
Favorite things to draw: Human TMNT, Monster OCs, Monster High characters. 
2019: 18 yr/o
Even more TMNT and Monsters, though things start to slow down and most of my sketches are in my school sketchbook. 
Favorite things to draw: Human TMNT, Monsters, Made up gods and Mythologies. 
2020: 19 yr/o
Was simultaneously a Very bad and Very good year for art. Lots of finished pieces for my Portfolio, but also a lot of Struggle. Started my Gw2 blog though!
Favorite things to draw: Portfolio Lockdown year. (Gw2 OCs?) 
2021: 20 yr/o
This year was rough at the start, I think this blog is what kept me going. It was nice to have an outlet to talk about OCs (No longer trapped in Google Docs) 
Favorite things to draw: Can you guess?
2022: 21 yr/o
This year has also been a rough one, but one again I am happy to have this blog as an outlet. Things have definitely gotten more active here, especially with all the Rp events! So here’s to 2023 being even better!
Favorite things to draw: My gay ass plants 
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wyverewings · 2 years
nintendo direct liveblog
tbh the gameplay of pikmin is just way too confusing for me, but I'm happy for pikmin fans at least
don't care much for xenoblade
I have never heard of this third game and I've never wanted to play
who the fuck is gonna play this one
huh, I might play Dead Cells someday because it does seem interesting, impressive that it
I may also play Ghost Trick eventually, I liked experiencing the Ace Attorney games but I forgot to get back to them
...okay this one is confusing, why the fuck did they gloss over the player character becoming a cat man
I've never played any of the Bayonetta games (partially because I am not the appropriate age for it) but this game has a cool style
fuck Disney, also did they really think they could top THAT
I... am unsure if I'll ever end up playing Engage, but of fucking course Camilla is here
I still love the designs of the Fell Dragons in the game though.
okay this one's confusing too
octopus traveller 2
huh. okay
I like the visual style of this Sea of Stars game even if I won't play it probably
Why is there a slime girl.
eh not interested in this one though I like how there was a girl with the trans color scheme
also not interested in Advance Wars too much, but I'm happy for fans of that series
Tetraminos lmao. also. why is Wario Land 3 coming before the first 2 Wario Lands?
at least people are gonna play game boy advance stuff, gives a bit more motive to pay for the premium membership
glad that Metroid has been getting more love lately, even if I haven't played it yet
also not interested in the detective game, looks like it was made by the Danganronpa people
I have no idea what these games are lmao
animal crossing high fantasy au
they're gonna end with zelda aren't they (they are)
WAIT THAT'S LAYTON ISN'T IT? happy for layton fans at least
why are there different colors of Birdo? I don't think Birdo is a species
these games are going to fast but I like the one with the grim reaper
of course we end with Zelda
I really need to play BotW again huh
still SUPER hyped for Splat DLC, can't wait for that!
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lorebird · 3 years
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That post about combining your first and current fandoms has snared me in its trap..... now I’m making content that caters to approximately Only Me! Splatoon wof au! Squids but make them dragons! I’m way too excited about this time to infodump under the cut
SO the NightWings are essentially the octarians of this story, with plans to invade the rainforest and/or the whole continent. In the first stages of the plan, they kidnap RainWings like in canon, 2 of which are dragonets named Lychee (Callie) and Srikaya (Marie). They figure out the plan and then some from a strange NightWing dragonet named Observant (Marina) who visits them occasionally, and at one point maybe kinda has a prophecy. Observant eventually helps the RainWings escape, but gets found out -- an older dragon named Sincerity is told to kill her and dump the body somewhere off the island as a show of disgrace. However, Sincerity lets Observant run free through the portal to the sand kingdom.
The two RainWings return home and spread the word about what the NightWings are planning, but the entire rainforest kingdom is woefully unprepared to deal with an invasion, even if they have a lot of time in advance. So Lychee and Srikaya go to the claws of the clouds to see if any other dragons will heed the warning and possibly help out the RainWings, since the entire continent could be under threat.
A retired SkyWing general named Pinyon (capn) hears them out and takes it seriously, but pretty much no one else does. Most SkyWings seem to think Pinyon is a little off his rocker for the whole invasion story. But Lychee tells him about the prophecy they heard from Observant, hoping it could help them; I’m too lazy to actually come up with one right now but uhhhh it amounts to something like “a royal heir hatched when [insert condition here] will beat the NightWing’s asses woohoo” SO pinyon gets right to work trying to figure out how to fulfill it, though Srikaya is a little doubtful of prophecies and thinks they should focus on practical solutions. However, her efforts to raise concern over the invasion does Little Good becauseeeee plot convenience for my au dw about it /lh
ANYWAYS Pinyon and Lychee track down two possible candidates for the prophecy: a SeaWing and a MudWing. The eggs are stolen talons of peace style, and the dragons are raised separately, each believing they’re the one to fulfill the prophecy. Boom bam training montage!!! A handful of guardians watch over + teache the 2 separately, and Srikaya trains Viridian the SeaWing (3) while Lychee trains Sienna the MudWing (4). Plot happens idk but unlike the DoD, the dragonets of prophecy here are actually treated Like People (figuratively) and have happy childhoods. But then uhhhhhh bam time to be thrown into the middle of a war!
Viridian ends up being the chosen candidate to take down the NightWings by killing their leader, Songweaver (Octavio). Why are the NightWings ruled by a guy and not a queen? Uhhhhhh trans grandpa dw about it he’s allowed I guess. But when it comes time......... Viridian can’t kill him. The island ends up blowing its top and they figure he’s good as dead so uhhhhh woohoo prophecy fulfilled ig!!! Party time!!! Sure am glad no one here is left without purpose and having an identity crisis over not being the hero of legend!!!
So yeah the NightWings settle in the mainland except they Aren’t awful and terrible like in canon bc no thanks. The day is won, all is well, sorry about the identity crisis Sienna, until UH OH. Lychee goes missing
Sienna JUMPS at the opportunity to finally save the day, and soon it’s found out that Songweaver isn’t dead and has somehow gotten Fucked Up and Evil mind control over Lyche!! A few loyal NightWings get in the way, but eventually, Lychee is freed and Songweaver is dead for good. All is well For Real This Time. Except for the NightWings that have been mysteriously disappearing from the mainland. Say, some of the guys Sienna fought look a little familiar........
It’s eventually found out that Songweaver was working with an unnamed animus to build a new army. No one knows the animus’ motives, but now they know they’re out there and dangerous. Viridian, now having a crisis of their own over having failed the prophecy, spearheads the search. But the closer they get to answers, the more isolated they become, with memories becoming foggy. They run into two NightWings, one who’s completely forgotten who they once were and now goes by Wanderer, and the other nearly there; this one is named Amaranth (8).
Oh also Observant is off in the desert with her gf Rose Gold (Pearl) they’re doing great
Ok I have a disproportionate amount of lore for the OE equivalent of this au and I’ve gone on long enough SO........ I’m leaving it there for now!! Pls interact if you‘re interested in the au none of my friends are in these fandoms /lh
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✨✨✨ :3 Tell me about some OCs!!! (-dragonsmooch)
(ask source: this post by dragonsmooch)
Send me ✨ for a random thing about one of my OCs! (Optional: You can specify one!) - okay maybe it would have made sense to use this one for TT since there are three sparkles, but I went through the inbox in order and that means you get the team with actual plot so here!! Waverider time!!
Glace was the team captain of the Waveriders before they had to be disbanded, and is well-known for being a highly capable leader and demonstrating formidable skill in battle. She uses her Dapple Dualies Nouveau to great effect, especially with their toxic mist sub-weapon. It is believed that the Waveriders’ infamous rivalry with the Goldhearts stems from the fact that Glace used to date the Goldhearts’ captain, Toby.
Morgan was fairly shy and nervous around strangers, but made for an extremely deadly force in Turf Wars with her weapon of choice, the Carbon Roller Deco. She is Cat’s older sister, and resembles Callie of the Squid Sisters, but disappeared under mysterious circumstances just before the Great Zapfish was stolen. (Someone else I’ve already mentioned has seen her since, though.)
I’ve already talked about Ento since he went on to join Memoria, but he is clever and tactical, and definitely the most level-headed of his team. He is very skilled with his Custom E-Litre 4K, focusing on placing beakons to support his team while staying on the sidelines out of trouble, taking advantage of his hat’s tenacity ability to build up charges for his special weapon.
Kai is determined, steadfast, and loves being the centre of attention; he also has the ability to break the fourth wall to some extent. He tends to favour the N-Zap ‘85 to quickly cover ground and set up ink armour for his teammates, though he can switch between using the different N-Zap kits fairly easily.
Hopefully this is okay - thank you for sending this in, and for creating such a  cool ask game, dear dragon!~
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neonmetro · 4 years
so i’ve had this thing sitting in my files for awhile, thought i might share it finally! this wasn’t ever finished, but here it is anyways. 
characters: ensy/ @splatted-dragon, mentalist/ @sh33bs, sarah/ sophia on discord, faerie!vanessa/ @kittydoesthings, bastard and mariles/ @kassverse2eletricboogaloo, and last but not least, killer kid and (for a few seconds) kk!mu/ @trashiest-hatter
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