#State recognition
moniquill · 13 days
The RI State Legislature is voting TODAY (June 11, 2024) on the recognition of the Seaconke Wampanoag Tribe by the state of Rhode Island.
We need as many people as can possibly make it to be at the RI State House, Rm 101, at 4:00pm. THIS IS IT - call your friends, your family, your neighbors. Call out of work or school if you need to. Bring as many people as you can - kids, elders, anyone who's able to come. We need to make an appearance as a tribal body!
If you could copy/paste this post to your own feed on FB, Insta, Whatever social media - that would be super helpful! Please spread, we're trying to rally a crowd at the last minute.
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joyandella-123 · 6 months
Cameras bring help in many different manufacturing areas, in many ways
My friends in England like to point out, “There are cameras everywhere!” And it is true. What they mean is that cameras for speeders on roadways (a highly unpopular use of the technology that seems to be catching on in the larger U.S. cities), and the ubiquitous security cameras (and not just in London) are everywhere.
We are experiencing something similar in fabricating—really, in most types of discrete manufacturing. (Discrete, as opposed to process, manufacturing has an end product that is a thing, an object made of solid materials.)
Yes, cameras are invading our turf and our machines. The turf invasion started with security cameras, some on the loading dock, some above the shop floor. Now some of the cameras have a roving life on our turf. Their mission is not security but navigation, assisting products like AMRs (autonomous mobile robots) as they go through our shops, warehouses, and shipping departments.
The cameras that are in or on our machines have multiple purposes. In many cases, there are as many cameras as there are purposes on some of the more robust machines. What are some of these purposes? Let’s make a list:
Monitoring. The camera is there to help “keep an eye on things.” Often, this function monitors the proper overall operation of a machine, say, a laser cutter. If the operator or a supervisor has the image of a stopped device, and that device is only halfway through its work, then something is wrong and someone needs to check it out.
State recognition. Robotic and/or autonomous welding systems use color to figure out the welding temperature of a given metal. Or, a camera might measure the amount of light coming through a component to know if it’s time to replace that component. Shape is another attribute that can change over the lifetime of a consumable system.
Augmented reality. This has shown practical use in lasers. The application that is most shown is the one where someone throws a piece of scrap steel onto the cutting bed without aligning straight edges to the side. Although that piece is plopped carelessly, the camera will spot the straight edges and take those into consideration when figuring out a nest or a path to the part. The entire cut job will be moved eight degrees (or whatever the angle is).
Machine controllers. Here is a new and interesting entry for employing cameras in a shop. A camera with the right software can do facial recognition! We already store operator profiles, and in doing so we typically save the most complex work for the most experienced hands. Those with higher skills get to utilize more of the functions of the advanced machine. Now, we can use facial recognition to automatically change the profile when a different, say, press brake operator strolls up to the machine. All the rights and restrictions are put into place upon recognition, and all the data produced will be appended to that operator’s database of work.
My English friends are spot on.
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anne-is-confused · 3 months
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Captain Francis Crozier, at Furthest North.
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mityenka · 8 months
It's literally stomach turning to see how the German government and media are using current events to promote the revisionist narrative that antisemitism in Germany is a foreign body that has been imported by immigrants in order obscure the BRD's own failure at denazification after 1945 and to warrant tougher immigration laws in the future. They do this by dehumanizing Palestinians as a people, associating their culture with terrorism, banning them from mourning the loss of their families, threatening them with deportation, arresting them, patrolling their neighborhoods, banning their cultural clothing from Berlin schools, using police violence against children, etc, etc. Every Palestinian in Germany right now is standing under general suspicion. The vice chairwoman of the CDU, Karin Prien, stated on the topic of fighting antisemitism in Germany: "We have to take their resonance spaces. Close down their mosques, their cafés their associations and confiscate the money that would otherwise be used for terror in the world." A violently racist statement that is not surprising in a violently racist country that has learned nothing from its history no matter how much it pretends to have done so, having cops terrorize the streets in Berlin Neukölln, the district with the largest Palestinian community in Europe while there are Nazis currently sitting in the Bundestag. Complicit in genocide, all of you!!
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il-predestinato · 5 months
Red Bull Racing admin saw Mercedes admin posting 4416 yesterday and said how about you choke on some Lestappen instead 😭
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rebeccathenaturalist · 4 months
This is a big deal. No, $48,692.05 is in no way, shape or form a fair price for the many thousands of acres of traditional Chinook land that were never ceded but were taken by settlers anyway. However, the fact that this funding from the 1970 Indian Claims Commission settlement is being released to the tribe is the strongest move toward regaining recognition in years.
As a bit of background, the Chinook Indian Nation are some of the descendants of many indigenous communities who have lived in the Columbia-Pacific region and along the Columbia to the modern-day Dalles since time immemorial. They saw the arrival of the Lewis & Clark party to the Pacific Ocean in 1805, but shortly thereafter were devastated by waves of diseases like malaria and smallpox. The survivors signed a treaty to give up most of their land in 1851, but it was never ratified by the United States government. While some Chinookan people are currently part of federally recognized tribes such as the Yakama Nation, the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation, and the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Reservation, the Chinook Indian Nation--comprised of the Lower Chinook, Clatsop, Cathlamet, Willapa, and Wahkiakum--have remained largely unrecognized.
That changed briefly in 2001. On January 3 of that year, the Department of the Interior under the Clinton administration formally recognized the Chinook Indian Nation. In July 2002, the Bush administration revoked the federal recognition after complaints from the Quinault Indian Nation, as the Chinook would have had access to certain areas of what is now the Quinault reservation. This meant that the Chinook, once again, were denied funding and other resources given to federally recognized tribes, to include crucial healthcare funding during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Chinook Indian Nation has been fighting legal battles to regain federal recognition ever since the revocation. The funding released to them in this month's court decision doesn't make them federally recognized, but it is a show of legitimacy in a tangled, opaque system that indigenous people across the United States have had to contend with for many decades. Here's hoping this is a crack in the wall keeping the Chinook from recognition, and that they get more good news soon.
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agentfascinateur · 1 month
Ireland, Spain & Norway to recognize the State of Palestine 🇵🇸 on 28.05.2024
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sergle · 11 months
genuinely @ that ask you answered: as a trans woman some of the most genuine kinship i have found has been with fat queer cis women. especially if they have PCOS or something similar because like. their story mirrors mine so intensely (and their perscriptions, lol) and it's so natural to relate on literally everything about conventional attraction and clothing not fitting quite right and the way society views you
it's refreshing and delightful to find yourself in people who are different from you 💜
I REALLY think there are so many shared experiences there!! yeah! and god, with PCOS, that has even more similarities in the shared experience venn diagram. I don't talk from that perspective but just being a fat woman, in both cases, womanhood/girlhood isn't inherent and it isn't given freely, it's conditional, it's worked for. the specific types of clothing to look feminine, the clothing not fitting, the makeup, the hair, the nails, the body shaping, the put-togetherness, all in the pursuit to be read as "girl" first, instantly, before anything else. something that another woman might have already, in her default state, regardless of the clothes she leaves the house wearing, or if she can do makeup well. She can dress up and wear makeup and enhance her femininity too, but she doesn't Have to do it, not in the same way. I have actually literally already been thinking about this, bc it's a funny thing!! in some ways, I never got to Be a girl, I was fat first and girl second. nobody looked at me and just saw a girl. I've talked to some other fat women about this, and apparently it's a pervasive feeling, that "fat" is, in itself, treated almost like some other third gender. so there's a lot to relate to lmao, in friendships and relationships w trans women, going "ah, those things you feel obligated to do in order to meet the standards of womanhood, I recognize those, I do them too"
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Rory Carroll and Sam Jones at The Guardian:
Ireland, Spain and Norway have announced they will formally recognise a Palestinian state on 28 May, triggering an immediate response from Israel, which recalled its ambassadors from Dublin and Oslo. The Irish, Spanish and Norwegian governments made the long-awaited announcements in coordinated moves on Wednesday morning that they said were intended to support a two-state solution and foster peace in the Middle East.
“We are going to recognise Palestine for many reasons and we can sum that up in three words – peace, justice and consistency,” Spain’s prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, told the parliament in Madrid, earning applause. “We have to make sure that the two-state solution is respected and there must be mutual guarantees of security.” Ireland’s taoiseach, Simon Harris, said Palestine had a legitimate right to statehood. “It is a statement of unequivocal support for a two-state solution, the only credible path to peace and security for Israel, for Palestine and for their peoples,” he told a press conference in Dublin. “I’m confident that further countries will join us in taking this important step in the coming weeks.” In Oslo, Norway’s prime minister, Jonas Gahr Støre, said there could not be peace in the Middle East without recognition, and that Norway would regard Palestine as an independent state “with all the rights and obligations that entails”.
Israel launched a swift diplomatic counteroffensive to try to deter other European countries such as Slovenia and Malta that have signalled a willingness to recognise Palestine. The foreign minister, Israel Katz, ordered his ambassadors in Dublin and Oslo to return immediately for “urgent consultations” and promised further measures. He accused Ireland and Norway of sending a message that “terrorism pays”, a reference to the Hamas attacks of 7 October that triggered the war in Gaza. Recognition would impede efforts to return hostages held in Gaza and made a ceasefire less likely by “rewarding the jihadists of Hamas and Iran”, Katz said. He also threatened to recall Israel’s ambassador to Spain. Israel’s foreign ministry on Tuesday warned Ireland it risked becoming a “pawn in the hands of Hamas” and would fuel “more terrorism, instability in the region and jeopardise any prospects for peace”. The developments came amid a grinding seven-month war in Gaza that has sparked global calls for a ceasefire and lasting solution for peace in the region, as well as the pursuit of arrest warrants on war crimes charges by the international criminal court.
3 European Union members-- Norway, Spain, and Ireland-- will recognize the State of Palestine as part of the two-state solution. In 2014, Sweden was the first EU nation to recognize Palestinian statehood as a current EU member.
Several current members of the EU, such as Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria, and Slovakia, have recognized the State of Palestine prior to joining the EU.
As a result of the recognition of Palestine by Ireland and Norway, the Israel Apartheid State recalled its ambassadors in protest.
See Also:
HuffPost: More Countries Will Soon Recognise Palestine As A State. Why Is That Such A Big Deal?
The Guardian: How significant is Spain, Norway and Ireland’s recognition of Palestinian state?
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news4dzhozhar · 3 months
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moniquill · 1 year
For RI and Southern New England followers: Calling friends and family!
The Seaconke Wampanoag tribe will be gathering at the RI statehouse on Tuesday 6/13/23 and Thursday 6/15/23 staring at 2:30pm each day - the planned demonstration is about 2 hours each day. This rally is to bring attention to the Seaconke Wampanoag's fight for state recognition by RI.
If you have southern New England followers, please reblog this!
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By outsourcing their surveillance needs to neighboring departments, local law enforcement can skirt policies and regulations.
Read More: https://thefreethoughtproject.com/cop-watch/new-report-finds-police-continue-to-use-facial-recognition-even-after-its-banned
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densitywell · 10 months
It is so fun watching Orym awkwardly go through the song and dance of formal military presentation - the speeches in front of cheering crowds, the rewarding of titles and honors far too overwrought for the bloody work they represent (Orym could kill someone in half the time it would take him to say, I am Orym, Savior Blade of the Tempest) - because it's possible there's nothing this guy gives less of a shit about than his own accolades or legacy. Orym just wants to be good, even as he becomes less and less certain what that means, even as he thinks that it would be so much easier to give up on that. He wants to feel like he's done something right, for maybe the first time since Will and Derrig died.
And so he fumbles through the rituals, and holds up his shield for the people of Zephrah to bear witness to, and extracts what really matters from Keyleth (who understands the frivolity of this all better than anybody) referring to him as a Savior Blade of the Tempest; not a fancy name for people to call him, but affirmation that he can save people, someone, anyone, at least this time. At least with the Hells at his side.
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viiinz · 3 months
everyday I think about him (Ippolit Terentyev)
#idk why of all characters he's the one that has left such an impression on me but oh boy#it's been over a year since I've read his 'explanation' and everything that followed and it hasn't left my mind since#ippolit terentyev#the idiot#god all he wanted was some sympathy and recognition#and they just make fun of him#literally all this boy wants is to be taken seriously and no one does#they either laugh at him or beg him to shut up#because his vulnerability and the fact that he's dying makes them so uncomfortable#and he's so ashamed as well over his own vulnerbility#that even when people aren't laughing at him he'll imagine they are#and people blame him for being self absorbed?? like of course he is!!#he's EIGHTEEN and DYING#this is a teenager who's just come to the realisation that he has no agency over his life whatsoever#and that all that awaits him are the cruel laws of nature#he has a right to be upset about that#he's literally the man condemned to death that myshkin talked about#and yes he's ridiculous and awkward and not always right and incoherent and all that#and he can really be insufferable and contemptuous and unfeeling towards others#and even the state he's in doesn't really serve as an excuse for that#yet i feel bad for him#and he's such a teenager too he's so insecure and just wants to impress the people around him#and yes he's doing it for attention#of course he wants attention#can you blame him??#all he wants is to be heard#to feel like his life mattered#but instead everyone's just begging him to shut up#like they're just waiting for him to kick the bucket so the uncomfortable ordeal can be over with#sorry i just have a lot of thoughts about Ippolit and I'm being very incoherent because i didn't plan on typing all this lol
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carsonjonesfiance · 7 months
I know being a an advocate for a two state solution makes me a “Zionist” on a technicality but like y’all are still using that word too liberally.
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MSG’s Facial Recognition at Radio City Gets Girl Scout Mom Kicked Out – NBC New York
A  sign says facial recognition is used as a security measure to ensure safety for guests and employees. Conlon says she posed no threat, but the guards still kicked her out with the explanation that they knew she was an attorney.
"They knew my name before I told them. They knew the firm I was associated with before I told them. And they told me I was not allowed to be there," said Conlon.
Conlon is an associate with the New Jersey based law firm, Davis, Saperstein and Solomon, which for years has been involved in personal injury litigation against a restaurant venue now under the umbrella of MSG Entertainment.
"I don’t practice in New York. I’m not an attorney that works on any cases against MSG," said Conlon.
But MSG said she was banned nonetheless — along with fellow attorneys in that firm and others.
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