#Steve Rogers x OFC!
sheerfreesia007 · 1 year
Fxck That
Title: Fxck That
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 3,856
Warnings: Smut, sex, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, slight degradation, hair pulling
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Gif Credit: @askthesuperhusbands
Author Notes: So this series was inspired by this gif set that I found here on Tumblr and this tiktok video. Also it’s Steve’s birthday month so this seemed appropriate to post.
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The event room is tastefully decorated with a floral nature theme that takes over the entire room. There are tall tables with off white table clothes dotted around the room for guests to stand at while chatting. Wanda is in awe as she gazes about the room quickly while walking in with Natasha at her side. Flowers are arranged with winding branches of wood at every corner and along the walls making the room look like it was a woodland fantasy. Wanda moves closer to one of the decorations on the wall and takes in the scent of the flowers as a smile falls on to her lips. She looks so pretty in her dress today. It’s so different compared to her work outfit. Wanda tilts her head to the side in confusion as she hears Steve’s voice in her head sounding forlorn and whimsical. Furrowing her brow slightly she turns and looks around the room trying to spot Steve but she can’t see him. 
She moves over to Natasha who’s talking to the Head of their favorite childrens’ charity and Natasha darts her eyes over to Wanda to make sure she’s alright. Wanda nods her head and begins to look around the room once again. I wonder if I compliment her will she wear more dresses to the office? Would she think the compliment was weird coming from me? Once again Steve’s thoughts are loud and clear in Wanda’s head and she turns her head to the right trying to see if she could find him. She was curious about who he was thinking of, Steve never really showed them any glimpse into his private romantic life but the fact that he felt so strongly for this woman that his thoughts were loud and clear to her made Wanda think this woman was very important to him. Just then Wanda feels a hand cupping her elbow and she turns her head to see Natasha watching her with a look of concern on her face. 
“Are you alright?” Natasha asks her and Wanda nods her head quickly.
“I can hear Steve’s thoughts loud and clear.” Wanda informed her and Natasha looked at her with a tilt of her head.
“What is he thinking about?” Natasha asked curiously as they both began to move through the room.
“A woman. He thinks she looks pretty in her dress and that she should wear more dresses to the office.” Wanda said softly to her so that no one else would hear as they still moved through the room. Natasha’s eyes sparkled excitedly as she listened to Wanda tell her what Steve was thinking.
“It’s probably his admin. She’s really the only woman who he’s close enough to now. I’m surprised though, he’s been resisting her ever since she started as his admin.” Natasha said softly and Wanda looked over at her with sparkling eyes as well.
“You really think he’d look twice at his admin?” Wanda asked curiously. “He’s always so stoic and stiff. It’s hard to believe that he finds someone who works with him attractive.” Natasha nodded her head along with Wanda’s words and smirked softly.
“Bucky and Sam are going to flip over this.” Natasha said knowling and Wanda giggled softly at her words as they continued through the room.
Steve looked around the room spotting all the charity heads that he had previously worked with. He smiled and nodded his head at one of the ladies who was in charge of the charity for fallen soldiers that he couldn’t remember her name to save his life. She waved at him eagerly with a wide smile before turning back to speaking with the other charity leaders. Steve’s eyes gazed around the room quietly wondering where that woman had gotten off to. Bucky scoffed softly to Steve’s left and he turned his head to look at his best friend with a raised eyebrow.
”Hate these things.” Bucky said as he rolled his shoulders uncomfortably. Steve nodded his head in agreement just as a soft whiff of her perfume caught his attention causing him to look around quickly to see if he could spot her when there was a soft throat clearing. Both Steve and Bucky whipped their heads to Bucky’s left to see Steve’s new administrative assistant standing there with a kind smile on her face as she placed two tumbler glasses on the table in front of them. The glasses were filled with about a third of amber liquid and Steve looked over at his admin with a slight frown.
“A little Asgardian mead to help take the edge off.” She said knowingly before nodding her head once and then whirled on her heels to walk away towards a large group of charity coordinators. Steve watched surprised as Bucky picked up one of the glasses and swirled the liquid before taking a sip.
“Bucky!” He hissed softly and Bucky shrugged his shoulders at him as he exhaled more relaxed.
“How is it that she always seems to know exactly what we need even before we do?” Bucky asked in awe as looked over at Steve curiously. Steve shook his head at his friend just as Sam walked over with Natasha and Wanda in tow.
“Who are you talking about?” Sam asked in a challenging tone causing Bucky to scowl at him darkly.
“None of your-“ Bucky began to respond when Natasha interrupted him.
“Little Miss Sunshine if Steve’s face gives anything away.” She said, causing Wanda to chuckle softly as she nodded her head in agreement. Steve scowled softly and swiped the other glass from the table and took a swig as he listened to Natasha use the nickname that they had all come up with for his admin. It had stuck because she was always so happy whenever she greeted them all. Steve scowled even more into the glass in his hand as he realized that he had done exactly what his admin had intended him to do without even thinking about it. He hated to admit it that she was absolutely right as he felt the heat of the foreign alcohol begin to warm his insides and ease his tension.
“I just don’t understand how she always manages to know exactly what we need before we do. It’s like she’s some witch or something.” Bucky said in awe and Wanda protested from her spot making Bucky raise his hands in faux surrender. “I’m just saying it’s like she can read our minds and she’s always a few steps ahead of everyone.” He tried to explain better and Wanda acquiesced to his words.
“It’s her job to be a few steps ahead of you guys. Her job description to make Steve’s workflow effortless, she’s supposed to do all the background tasks so that he can focus on the bigger things.” Natasha said with a shrug of her shoulders. Steve frowned softly as he took another sip of the drink as his eyes moved around the room and stayed trained on the woman that they were talking about. She was laughing at something Pepper Potts had whispered in her ear and Steve felt his heart thud heavily in his chest for a moment.
“I don’t know why you keep fighting her when she’s just trying to do her job.” Wanda said softly as she looked over at Steve. He dragged his eyes from the woman to stare at his teammates and then sighed softly.
”I don’t need an admin. Her position isn’t redundant, I can do my job just fine without her.” Steve informed them loftily and Bucky snorted softly as Sam shook his head while Natasha and Wanda looked at him disapprovingly. “I can!” Steve insisted.
“Steve, I say this as a friend, but your reports are horrible. Fury nearly had an aneurysm with your last mission report before she came around.” Sam said with a loud chuckle as the others nodded their heads.
“Not to mention she’s now been able to free up more time for you to run the training for the recruits.” Bucky said and Steve nodded his head in agreement.
“Yes, but I’ve been without an admin for all this time. Why should I have one now?” Steve asked as he shrugged his shoulders.
”Steve, you didn’t have an admin for a while because they all quit once they found out how much work it was to be your admin.” Natasha said incredulously. “Fury hasn’t been able to keep someone in that position because you require so much just to get you caught up.” She said with a scoff. “You’re lucky Sunshine is good at her job and has stuck it out this long.”
”C’mon on Romanoff! It couldn’t have been that bad!” Steve insisted but Natasha shook her head at his words.
”It took her all this time to get everything caught up. She’s worked overtime since she started and has been working hard at it all. Fury is desperate to keep her in that spot, it’s the longest time that he’s gone without actually worrying about his own admin having to take on more work because of you.” Natasha said honestly and Steve stood there in shock as he stared at Natasha.
“And you still fight her?” Wanda asked shocked as she frowned over at Steve making him feel like a grade A jerk. He truly didn’t think he needed an admin but if what Natasha said was true he honestly didn’t know everything that his admin completed for him.
“I didn’t know.” Steve said softly as he turned his head to spot his admin still talking with the charity coordinators. She turned to the side and her eyes darted over to him as she had a sense that he was looking at her, her smile was soft as it slipped across her face when she made eye contact with him. He wondered why she had stuck out through all of that work for him and why she continued to stay when he always gave her a hard time. 
Just then someone walked into his line of sight and Steve frowned softly as he recognized one of the charity heads for the Veterans charity that Shield liked to work with. The man has always tried to get on the good side of the Avengers but the way he gets in their faces and needs their attention constantly rubs them the wrong way. Steve can see the man’s eyes light up as he spots all of them standing together at their table and Bucky groans next to him.
“I hate that guy.” Bucky said softly and Sam chuckled as he nodded his head in agreement.
“Absolutely, he doesn’t know how to take a hint.” Sam said as both Natasha and Wanda nodded their heads in agreement. Steve sighed as the man walked up to them and gazed at the man uninterestedly.
“Good afternoon!” the man said happily as he took the open spot between Steve and Wanda. Wanda eyed him unimpressed as she shifted closer to Natasha. “I didn’t think we’d get to rub elbows with the Avengers today.” he said pompously and Steve gritted his teeth as the man’s voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard. “So who can I expect at our next event that we are hosting? Captain? Would you be able to make an appearance?” the man asked eagerly and Steve frowned at him.
“I’d have to-” Steve began to respond trying to be cordial as the man suddenly cut him off, making him grit his teeth in aggravation.
“Great! I’ll let my admin Elise know that we can expect you at the event.” the man said importantly and Steve glared at him angrily. Steve began to open his mouth in response when there was a soft sound of someone clearing their throat to Steve’s right. Turning his head Steve spotted Sunshine standing there with a bright smile on her face as her eyes glared daggers at the pompous man in front of her and Steve. The air around them all seemed to grow tense at the appearance of her and Steve felt his posture straighten in readiness. “Oh, it’s you-” the man said with a sneer to Sunshine and Wanda gasped softly at his audacity to speak to her like that.
“Well can’t say that I’m happy to see you either Mr. Beary.” Sunshine said with a happy lilt in her voice causing Sam and Bucky to snort in amusement and duck their heads. Steve watched as Mr. Beary’s face flushed red with anger as he glared at the woman, Steve moved closer to her as he saw Mr. Beary’s fists clench at his sides.
“You can’t treat me-” Mr. Beary began to protest and Sunshine tilted her head to the side.
“Now Mr. Beary, you wouldn’t have been trying to get the Avengers to agree to attend one of your events without going through the proper channels were you? I mean I’ve told you time and time again that they are SuperHeroes who have busy lives saving our world, there’s a schedule for a reason.” Sunshine asked, playing dumb in front of the charity head causing Natasha and Wanda to smirk with satisfaction as the man began to bluster and huff at her words. “If you want any of the Avengers to attend your event you must go through their admins to make an appointment.” she told him firmly and smiled brightly at him, Steve could see the hardness in her eyes as she stared the man down.
“Fuck you bitch! You can’t dictate their schedules. Captain has already said he’d go to the event so I’m putting him down as going.” Mr. Beary snapped and the group all glared at him angrily. The man truly didn’t take a hint as he continued on his tirade against Steve’s admin. “Who the fuck are you to tell what I need to do for my charity event!? You’re a fucking nobody! Working for Captain America, you’re just his work bitch!” he snapped hatefully at her. Steve moves to step in front of Sunshine so that she’s not directly in front of Mr. Beary and close enough if the man decides to hit her in his anger, but she places a hand on Steve’s forearm to stop.
“Gentlemen, would you please escort Mr. Beary out of the event. He’s causing a scene that I’m sure Mr. Stark would not be too happy with.” she instructs them firmly and the two large burly men who had been hired as security for the event nod their heads at her before turning to Mr. Beary. The man wilts in the face of security before he’s sheepishly guided out of the hall in front of all the event goers. Steve turns to see Sunshine frowning softly as she watches Mr. Beary be escorted out. “Excuse me, I have to go deal with that.” she said without looking back at their group before walking off behind security.
“Damn, Sunshine’s got it locked down.” Sam says after whistling in appreciation at what had just happened. Steve’s eyes stay trained on her as she continues out with security and his mind starts to race.
Steve groans loudly as he watches her perky ass bounce on his lap as his cock is swallowed greedily by her hungry cunt. His right hand comes down hard on her ass cheek and his eyes eagerly watch as her flesh jiggles with the movement. He can feel her cunt squeezing his cock as it sucks it back into her core with every rise and fall she makes. Her hair slips down her back nearly covering her ass and blocking his view, Steve’s left hand comes up and gathers it in his fist twisting it up to the back of her head and pulling her head back causing her to gasp loudly into the air. He could feel her walls clamping down around him and he groans loudly as he thrusts his hips up into hers making her squeal above him while trying to keep her balance. 
Steve doesn’t let up though as he plants his feet and begins to thrust up into her harshly while keeping her head tilted back by her hair. Her ass still jiggles every time he thrusts up into her and her squeals have turned to babbling as she begs him for more.
“Please Captain, please. I need it all. Please, I can't wait.” she babbles to him and Steve grunts softly to her.
“Do it sweetheart. Cum on my cock like the good girl you are.” he moans out to her and feels her body stiffen on top of him as he continues to thrust up into her. It doesn’t take Steve long after that to feel his own orgasm crash into him and his cock shoots his seed up into her.
Wanda breathes heavily as she hears Natasha calling her name, she turns her head and stares at Natasha with wide eyes as she’s pulled from the erotic thoughts of Steve Rogers. She sucks in a sharp breath as Natasha worriedly moves closer to her to see if she’s alright.
“Wanda, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” Natasha asks hurriedly and Wanda nods her head slowly as she feels the connection she had with Steve slowly ebb away and she’s released from the bond.
“I’m okay. Sorry. Just some people are a little loud in here.” Wanda says as her eyes dart over to Steve who’s watching her and Natasha worriedly when suddenly Sunshine and Pepper come walking over to the group while talking. Sunshine furrows her eyebrows while staring at Wanda concerned as she and Pepper come to stand next to her.
“Are you okay Wanda?” she asks kindly while her hand comes to rest on Wanda’s bicep gently and Wanda nods at her and leans into her touch slightly.
“I’m okay, I’m just hearing a lot of people’s thoughts right now.” Wanda lies to the group and she can see Steve’s eyes widen slightly as do Sunshine’s, both for entirely different reasons.
“Oh my gosh, I didn’t realize that was something you had to deal with. I’m so sorry, that must be horrible.” Sunshine says in sympathy and Wanda nods her head as she leans further into Sunshine’s touch. Sunshine laughs softly and wraps her arms around Wanda with a bemused look. “You poor thing.” she coos to Wanda who laughs at the woman causing everyone else to laugh and smile at the two of them.
“Well, I’m glad you don’t have to listen to Mr. Beary’s thoughts anymore. I’m sure he’s cursing Sunshine out in his mind.” Pepper jokes and the group all chuckle.
“Oh without a doubt he’s cussing me out, I’m pretty sure he’s even doing it out loud too. But fuck that, I’m not going to let him talk to me like that.” Sunshine says and Wanda watches as Steve’s eyes dart over to the woman holding her and she knows without even watching his movements that he’s going to put his foot in his mouth.
“Language.” Steve says softly and Wanda can feel Sunshine halt her movements before looking over to him. She can’t see her face but she can only imagine that she’s giving Steve a bemused face as she tilts her head to the side.
“You scold me for that but not him?” she asks softly and airily. Wanda watches as Steve’s entire demeanor changes and then the thoughts start to bubble up. She can hear his thoughts of sexual panic as Sunshine’s chastising has awakened something inside of him. Steve’s thoughts race from Oh shit, did I like her scolding me? To, Oh shit, I liked her scolding me. Steve is saved from responding as Sam and Bucky laugh loudly as they begin to recount the event of Mr. Beary. Everyone joins in with them and Wanda watches as Steve’s eyes stay trained on Sunshine as she talks with the group. Wanda sucks in a soft breath as she feels herself getting pulled into another one of Steve’s daydreams, she holds tighter to Sunshine’s waist hoping to ease herself into it this time.
“You’ve been a bad boy Captain.” Sunshine husks at you as she straddles his waist and presses a firm hand to his broad chest. Her brightly painted purple nails dig into his flesh causing red streaks to form on his pale skin. “I told you to keep still but you weren’t able to, were you?” she asks him airily as she swirls her hips in a circle. Steve groans loudly as he shakes his head, he nearly jerks up into a sitting position when she slams her hips down onto his and clamps her dripping walls around his cock. “Answer me.” she demands.
“No, I wasn’t able to keep still.” he responds, sounding breathy underneath her and she smirks down at him seductively. He watches as she leans over him until her chest is flush against his and her mouth is hovering over his.
“Bad boy.” she husks out to him and Steve groans loudly as her walls clamp around him again. “What am I going to do with you?” she asks him as she begins to rise and lower her hips onto his cock. “You can’t do as you’re told like a good little soldier. Soldiers who don’t do as they're told don’t get rewards do they, Captain?” she asked him mockingly. Steve shook his head as he tried to focus on her words while her hips picked up their pace and began slamming down onto his cock. He could feel himself getting closer to his orgasm as her cunt gobbled his dick with her awaiting sopping core. Her walls clenched around him tightly and her hands pressed firmly against his chest rising her upper body above his as she ground her hips down against his as her orgasm crashed into her. Steve watched in awe as she flung her head back and cried out his name desirously presenting her body to his perusal. He can feel his cock twitching within her as she rides out her orgasm. When she’s done though she begins to rise off him and he looks at her confused.
“Where are you going?” he asks panicked and she looks at him with a smirk on her lips as her hand comes down to grip him tightly.
“You’ve been a bad boy, Captain. You can cum but only by my hand.” she tells him darkly and Steve groans loudly as her hand begins to pump up and down.
Wanda is brought back to the group when Sunshine chuckles softly and hugs her tighter in her arms. Breathing slightly heavy once again, Wanda calms herself down as she leans further into Sunshine’s arms as her eyes dart over to Steve who’s just silently watching the group as they all talk. She can taste the slight panic radiating off of Steve knowing that his thoughts are the cause for his panic. She wonders how this will all pan out and she’s eager to see it to the end.
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|| Wrong Turn ||
Pairing: Mountain Man Silver Fox Nomad!Steve Rogers | You. 
Trope: Neat and clean ‘civilized’ Princess-like young trophy wife X Filthy beast of a wild and scary man who only got her because he has the power. 
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Description: In a desperate attempt to save your life from the wrath of the mountain people that your friends and you stumbled upon and accidentally killed on a hike gone wrong, you had to offer yourself up to their Leader to use as a ‘resource’. But little did your ‘husband’ know, you had been actively getting rid of his seed to avoid actually getting pregnant. Naturally, when he does find out, he is very unhappy… And also very determined to make sure you don't make it out of your punishment without a child, or two.
Warning(s): Dubcon, barbaric!Steve, breeding kink (gone wild), unprotected p-in-v, reverse cowgirl, doggy style, missionary, he has a wife bod kink (but it is inclusive), misogyny, smut with perhaps too much plot, fear kink, size kink, exhibitionism, possessiveness, jealousy, age gap, hair pulling, spanking, biting, allusions to painal and Steve being a teasing sicko about it but he doesn't actually penetrate, overstimulation, dirty talk, humiliation, degradation, boob play, squirting, Lloyd makes an appearance with his own young bride, dacryphilia (it's me), self degradation, Stevie is a perverted old meanie, infantilization, mind break.
Disclaimer: Very loosely based off of the movie that I do not own. You don't need to know it to read this piece but do note that it takes place in a fictional setting. Minors do not interact. 
Inspo-ish: This post.
Note: For someone who was on their period, I should not have been this horny. But I need this marriage, now. Ps, though this rotted in my drafts for a long time… in honor of Chris growing out his beard again, ig.
. . .
You have no idea how long it has been since that fateful twilight when everything changed in your life, leaving you to a lifestyle you could never have even imagined for yourself.  
“Eat up, woman” but as your barbarian of a husband commands you in his rough and animalistically deep voice, you cannot help but break out of your reverie and shudder at the sight of the barely cooked meat piled high on the platter in front of the two of you. “So you can bear me healthy children” although you're the one who was made to prepare his beastly dinner -that never fails to leave you aghast when it's gorged down- as you're his wife, you cannot help but gag under your breath and feel disgust for the loaves that sit before you in the company of a tall stone carved jug that brims full of the foul smelling mead that your husband is ardently fond of. 
You muster up your best coy smile. Keeping up the appearance of a happily mated pair is important. Or people stare. And then the old man becomes unpleasant. “I had quite a lot while I was cooking, dear” your lies sting your tongue out of the fear you feel of getting caught, but the mere hope of not doing so is better than eating this. “Y- You go ahead” you slowly turn in his muscle hardened lap, that you are always to sit on, to give him a small smile but your expression almost transforms into one of horror because of how wildly your heart jumps at the sight of his stern, predator-like face. You are quick to recover though, as it is a usual occurrence. 
“You need it. You work so hard—” there is just something about his rough looks that never fails to send a chill down your spine. You have never seen anything, let alone an actual human man like him before. 
A beard as thick as the very forest his people populate and as dark as the nights can get here in the absence of lanterns due to the heavy trees, age that streaks some of his gold locks with its silver has not marred the sternness of his jaw that remains firmly set under the heavy mane of his facial hair. His shoulders seem akin to the mountains that surround his village and his piercing dark eyes the mysterious waterfall that flows some way down south from the entrance of the settlement. The frightening mass of his shoulders is so toned that if the barely noticeable wrinkles that sometimes appear under the dark of his eyebrows and next to the crow-feather like lashes that frame his eyes, he can easily be mistaken for a man in his primeful late twenties and no older. His unrelenting strength and wolfish stamina would only further serve to bear testament to the misconception. 
Your strict husband bluntly catches your shaky hand that you extend in his direction to feed him some of the meat, the force that he uses coupled with the coarseness of his skin making you jump. You bite back a yelp and whimper when you look up at his dark blue eyes from where you were watching his bearded mouth to carefully place the food in.
“I don't care” Steve does not care much for being polite -unless it is you who disregards it in your behavior-, especially when it comes to you denying or diverting his ‘care’ for you. “You eat more” you bite back the scowl that threatens to break onto your face from how he turns your hand around in your direction instead. “Wives always need to eat more. They do so much at home for husband and children” he probably feels proud of these ‘values’ that have been transmitted to him by his elders. But all they make you want to do is to crack him across the jaw for being a misogynistic and backward shithead. Especially with you. 
Your ‘husband’ believes that everyone has a role to play; a contribution to make to their people and home. That is how this archaic village of theirs has survived in these mountains hidden away from the rest of the world for so long. 
The greasy piece of a disturbing excuse of a rare steak touches your lips and you've been here long enough to know better than to argue or worse yet, fight. So you smile and lean into his arm that cases your form against his through the embrace he holds you in from behind, his fingers playing with one of the many flowered braids your attending ladies had put in your hair a bit before his arrival at ‘home’. 
“O- Of course” you reluctantly open your open and grip your flowy dressing gown for a semblance of support for your sanity, taking the smallest bite you can -which is still a lot as the man pushes nearly the whole piece into your mouth the moment you open up- as you keep your eyes trained on his to avoid looking down. Your mind always becomes more aware of the taste when you look. “Thank you, dear” you focus on swallowing it without gagging and feel your smile split in places because of how uncomfortable you are.
He probably notices it because he slightly raises one eyebrow and snorts before hugging your smaller form -that is tiny compared to his- closer and puts the rest of the piece in his own mouth. If there is one thing you have learnt in your time with him, it's that you can never fool him. Not really. No matter how well you may think you have lied or pretended, he always sees through it. 
Sometimes you suspect he even enjoys it.
Steve finally begins to eat himself, silently offering you another piece that you politely reject by shaking your head and then quickly pressing an apologetic kiss to his scruffy cheek to lighten the blow. Apparently, a wife can never be polite enough to her husband. And though the change in his expression begins with an unhappy frown, your show of ‘affection’ seems to suffice him and he relaxes in satisfaction, now looking down the long table and at his clansmen and maidens that sit enjoying their dinner, their chatter and laughter a dull roar in the large eating hall of the Leader's dwelling. You pick up the heavy jug of mead with both your hands and obediently hold it to his lips to sip from. Steve looks away from what one of his main men are saying and gulps down a mouthful, rubbing your back as a gesture for thanks before moving his hand quickly down to squeeze your ass to heighten the effect of his expression of gratitude. 
His form shakes in mirth when you yelp and blush. He knows how embarrassing you find being openly ‘affectionate’ in front of people and that is one of the reasons why he enjoys it so much besides showing off that a thing of such beauty and youth like you is all his. You rest the jug between your boobs that he has fucked and squeezed into increasing in size and use your other hand to gently finger and stroke his golden locks that he keeps pushed away from his face outside the bedroom. Though he says nothing, you feel his usually vigilant and always firm stature slowly soften and you cannot help but smile, though what he says next quickly deflates it.
“Do you feel any change in you, wife?” You know what it means and now it's you who becomes tense. He only uses that name for you when he speaks to you as a husband inquiring about your marital matters. “Has my seed attached to your womb yet? Does it grow there?” You gulp and feign shyness, moving closer to his hair and nuzzling yourself in him. “Hm?” He closes his hugging arm around you and reaches for your stomach, fingers groping your covered skin as gently as he can -which isn't much- to feel it. “Answer me” he demands when you refuse to speak. 
“I… I don't know, husband” you always promise yourself that you'll demand more rights for yourself; ask him to treat you like the other husbands treat their wives, only to fail the minute he enters your vicinity. 
“What does that mean?” His tone turns blunt and you whimper at the tightness that snaps back in place between his shoulders. 
You get it.
That was the deal, after all. 
Healthy children in exchange for your life that was required by their judicial laws for bearing false witness to your friend accidentally killing one of their people in mistaken defense. Steve had promised you before accepting you as a citizen that if you failed to fulfill your task you'd walk the darkness in the dungeons. He had shown you how it would be before declaring you a member of their tribe and the sight you had seen was something that had given you nightmares for days. 
But that did not mean you actually wanted to have your old captor's children.
You doubted it would ever be something you'd look forward to.
“I- I mean” regret shoots up your spine in the form of fear and you lose your speech to it momentarily. But then two of your main attending ladies -by that you mean Steve's top agents when it comes to you- enter the horizon of your sight and you hurriedly blubber out the first thing that comes to your mind. “I've n- never been pregnant before, s-o I d- don't know how to…” Your husband turns to look at you, his handsome features twisting into a rogue scowl but before he can scold you, one of the two ladies, Kaira, speaks in their language to Steve. 
Not everyone here can speak English and those who do speak it do so a rather odd version of it. Naturally, you don't speak their language and so they give you the full experience of an outsider when they need to discuss the business they want to keep private from you. The thought makes you want to laugh, like you'd be able to do something with whatever informations they withhold.
But it doesn't really bother you, because you don't care.
You've also learnt that ignorance is bliss here. 
Especially for someone like you.
Better to be the doe eyed trophy wife of an angel who can't tell her head from her ass.
“Is that so?” Your heart jumps when Steve chooses to speak English. That means that this definitely concerns you. You place the mead down and wrap one arm around his broad shoulders before nervously combing his thick beard with your other hand. Since you have no interest in or desire to learn their language, the only word you manage to pick up on when you focus really hard is ‘baby’ and that is solely because of the annoying amount of times it comes up for you. 
“Is not this strange?” He speaks once the women step back after finally ending the nerve wracking conversation that seems to go on forever. “Do you hear what they say about you, little one?” Fuck, you're definitely in trouble. 
He is reminding you of your place. 
You put on your best charming smile but you're painfully aware that your nervousness gives it away. You can feel it. “W- What do they say, dear?” They were such bitches. They knew how to speak English, that's why they were your attendants, but yet they chose not to. And now they were glaring at you like you weren't above them— oh no, not these thoughts again. You will never become like them! No, no! 
Steve pushes his plate away now. Your head spins from the realization. It's only half finished. Your husband never wastes his food. It is a near sin for them to do so. “They tell me the most odd things” oh just fucking tell me! You mentally scream but outwardly tilt your head to the side in confusion, your chest vibrating with the rising beats of your heart. “And now that I think about it myself…” His fingers wrap around the mead before he raises it to his lips. “I see the—”
“What did they say, Steve?” Your mouth works faster than your better sense and he pauses mid sip, dark blue eyes flickering up from the stone jug to look at you. Your face flushes a noticeable hot and your ears get sweaty from the awareness. 
“They say you've been getting rid of my seed” he feels played and thus angry at the both of you. Perhaps more so towards himself than you; his silly little child-wife. How could he let a thing as tender and small as you fool him so? “... Do you?” It is obvious you are guilty. Besides, he is confident that his people would never lie to him unlike one young and beautiful girl that he had found kneeling in front of him in his court while bawling her eyes out one fateful night, fear stricken as his people surrounded him like a doe trapped. 
And of course, your expressions and reactions don't help your case, as always. “W- What? No…” Your mind becomes erratic.
“No?” He himself knows not what kind of a chance he offers you with that. But typical to your nature, you make it easy for him by refusing it.
“N- No! Of course not! W- Why would I ever do such a thing to m- my husb- hubby and my b- babies?!” Steve has to clench down his scoff. 
“You wouldn't, would you?” Your naivete never fails to amuse him.
“No! I- I don't know why they accuse me so—” you mend your speech from the archaic form that tries to leech to it everyday. “I don't know why they would accuse me of that but they must be mistaken! This is a misunderstanding!” 
He hums. “I see…” His scarred fingers begin to toy with your braids again. “So you remain devoted to me and faithful to our family, don't you?”
“Of course!” You nuzzle closer to him, your heart thundering into his chest. “I don't know why they still treat me like an outsider” you purr as you nervously stroke his hair, playing a card of your own and making an absolute fool of yourself by doing so. “I try my best… like I promised.” 
“Yes, your promise” his distant eyes -they get like that when you disappoint him and you hate the sight because it never fares well for you- travel down to your empty stomach. His gaze makes it wrench. Your fear skyrockets at the same rate as your anger. If only there was a way for you to get back at those bitches without having to give birth!
“I- It takes time sometimes, dear…” You hug his shoulders with one arm. “But it will happen. I know it…” Your other hand reaches for his fingers that rest on your abdomen now. 
“Oh?” Steve raises one dark eyebrow at you. His hair is the most fascinating combination of blonde and dark brown. “Is that what your modern day sciences say?” His people were not always like this, he had told you. They did not originate from here. Rather, some families had abandoned ‘civilization’ when it was going to hell -in his words- by killing each other for meaningless constructs such as caste, creed and color differences and migrated up here to establish a system of their own; one free from such nonsense. 
You take a deep breath. “Stevie—” you only call him that when you find yourself dangerously close to the dungeons.
“If that is what you believe in, wife,” he never cuts you off. Usually, that is. His age that streaks his blonde strands with its silver ones has granted him enough patience. Normally, he waits for the other person -who is most often you- to mess up themselves. But whatever the ladies have told him seems to agitate him into rebelling against his own nature today. “I'll do it your way. After all, happy wife happy life, is that not what you tell me often?” Okay, you might have said that during a particularly cocky moment in bed once. 
But the intention behind that had not been nearly whatever he is moving towards now. 
“Y- You don't have to, l- love…” You nervously giggle. “You're perfect the way you are” you run your nails that he insists you keep trimmed for hygienic -as if- and practical purposes through his silver-blonde hair.
“Oh no…” Now he pushes his food farther away. “I will indulge you, little one” he moves your other leg over his laps so now you face the people down the table with both of your legs on either sides of his, ass to his… fuck. “Time conspires against us, and so we must make haste.”
Your eyes widen and your heart leaps up in your throat. “M- My love?!” 
Steve moves your flowy gown out of his way, keeping a firm hold on one of your thighs even though he doesn't really have to. Your fear of him would never let you attempt an escape. “Yes, my stars” the name is so full of sarcasm it nearly pierces you open. “Let us leave time to its devices, and us ours” your husband is usually a very possessive and private man when it comes to you, but his ire seems to get the better of him today. You hear the buckle of his own clothes come undone. The table goes silent and heads turn in your direction once they realize what's going on. Oh no… Your stomach drops. Not in front of everyone. Not when Steve makes you so vulnerable in that condition. Not in front of these lowlifes!
“Husb—” blood bubbles hot under your cheeks as you feel him align himself against you. 
Holy shit.
You feel one of his coarse hands wrap around your throat and he pulls you closer to his mouth so he can whisper in your ear. “You will contribute, my stubborn little wife,” you whimper from the menace his words hold, your well trained cunt obediently squelching open against his thick hard tip as he lowers you on his cock with the hold he has on your thigh. “Whether you like it, or not” sometimes, deep down, you fear that the dungeons are not an option anymore. 
He keeps you in the horizons of his sight too much for them to be. 
It appears as though the sentence has changed. 
It is now Steve, or Steve.
You cry out from the strain his log-like girth puts on the narrow band of your entrance. God. You will never get used to his size regardless of how many times and ways he tames your pussy in. Yes, it does not refuse him or rip around him now as it used to in the beginning -and it did that for a long time- but the size to which his cock makes it expand is like a mini-birth. Feels like it, looks like it. Only, it feels way too good. And that's why you don't mind it—
No. You don't know what that was or meant. But you don't take responsibility for that thought!
“Oh!” The balmy velvet of your cavern grazes down the bulging veins and hard skin of the brute's cock until your petals squish against his heavy and very eager balls. Your head spins when you feel his tip tickle your cervix. It never takes his dick long to find it.  
His hands are pushing you back up almost instantly so he can slide you back down. You look anywhere but at the tens of faces in front of you, instead choosing to look at the wall on the opposite side of the table. You never thought these people were capable of being this quiet until now when your pussy makes an embarrassingly loud squelching noise as Steve tugs you back to his leaking tip and then allows gravity to suck you back down. You desperately bite your lips and try to focus on ignoring the way your insides are beginning to thrum with the excitement and stimulation; to show these brutes that you're better than them and aren't some animal of nature. But to no avail. His slimy precum mixes too well with yours, the rough skin of his hands digs into your thighs too well and the manner in which your petals rub against his cock when he lifts you yet again -now forming a momentum- before letting you slide in again is too much for you mask with nonchalance. 
Indifference has never been among your strong suits.
“Tell me, my pretty” Steve begins again, his dark eyes now finding the young and hormonal pack of unsuspecting boys who clearly do not know better. “Have you ever had a cock like mine?” He says it in their own language so the foolish miscreants see, understand and learn the fact that you’re only his. You belong to him and he will go to war for you, not that a pack of rug rats will ever be a cause of worry for him. “Has anyone ever fucked you as good as I do?” He switches back to the language you understand, roughly fumbling for your jaw before he grabs it and bounces his hips into yours at the same time. 
Your traitorous legs have begun to do what they always do; fuck yourself against him -if he hasn’t bound you, which he hasn’t- in whatever position he has you. You only realize that your breathing has become heavier when you open your mouth to answer. “Only you, my husband! Only you!” Your brain is running too fast for reason or reflection to catch up so you leave wondering why you answer him with the only words he has been able to teach you in his language to later. Your words are muffled as his fingers that grip the lower half of your face nearly slip in your mouth from the disordered urgency of the both of your actions. 
“That's right” your mouth falls open and you begin to softly pant in that animalistic way that you detest when he makes you watch yourself in a mirror while fucking you sometimes. In your defense, it is always unintentional on your part; you barely even notice it while taking his fucking. And yet, it is inevitable due to the force he does it with. “Look at you; dutifully fucking yourself up and down your husband's cock like a bitch in heat” a twinge forms in your knuckles from how your fingers hold the edges of the table to aid the gliding of your fuck hole that now slams up and down his cock in a rhythm you're all too familiar with, the smacks of your bare ass slapping against his naked abdomen making appalling noises that you're too worked up to dread over right now. “And you're a bitch in heat for me, aren't you?” His fingers move down from your jaw to your throat. “Wanting to be bred over and over again until you're so full of my children that your little belly is round and heavy to the brim, hm?” In these moments, you tell him anything and everything that he wants to hear.
Steve knows it all too well.
And he loves it.
“Yes!” Your voice disappears midway from how he squeezes your windpipe. His hips meet yours midway now, the wetness of your cunt and the force of his thrusts causing for his balls to try and push past the tight boundary of your sexual cavern. “Yes! Yes! I am! Please!” Your eyes roll to the back of your head when his free hand finds your petals to play with. “Ohhh!”
“You want to be bred, don't you?” He rubs your drenched pussy lips while his hard cock pistons in and out of your sopping cunt. “Want to contribute…?” He chokes you once more and this time his fingers pinch one of your pussy lips punishingly at the same time and you cry out. “Provide your husband with a house full of heirs?” The oxygen in your mind depletes and your eyes flutter as a result, cheeks turning red and nerves becoming prominent on your glistening temples. Your horny yet defensive pussy finally relaxes around him a bit so it doesn't hurt his dick and he savours the moment by holding you by the curve between your legs and fucking into your form that gets limp by the moment to push you towards your first orgasm. 
It always gets better after that. 
For him, at least. 
You don't choke him out so much then.
“Y- Yes!” When Steve finally lets go of your throat to let you breathe, you blubber out an an answer obediently once the light returns to your eyes. Your walls stiffen around him once more. But by then he has already worked himself closer to your womb. “Yes! Yes!” It is all your mind can muster.
“Good” he makes a point of taking both of your boobs in his hands and thoroughly massaging them to show off his ownership over you. “Now ask me to breed you” the fence of heat that has formed around your loins becomes tighter when his hands that previously fondled your clothed breasts slip under your gown -for Steve is too possessive to actually expose you to the eyes of others- and he softly rubs your tense sides a couple times before his fingers form pinches around your hard nubs. 
“Please breed me!” Your voice is so loud and strained that its quality is nearly blood curdling. “Please breed me and s- stuff me full your children!” Your hands fly to grip his from over the dress as you throw your head back and slip from the edge of your anticipation, parrotting all the words he has taught you over the course of your marriage. “Oh GOD! Please!” Your back arches from the coming undone of the hot belt of expectation and scorching gratification spills from it, seeping down your legs in the form of a nearly unbearable electric feeling that transforms into a subzero energy when it reaches your toes that curl, causing them to feel as though they are freezing. “I need your b- babies so bad, hubby!” 
Steve's own ears blush from the heat that courses through them in the form of adrenaline as he snorts, some of his blonde strands coming loose from the push and tug that he plays with your cunt. “Tell them” his balls ache from the strength it takes him not to fill you up right then. “Tell everyone that you want me to fill you up with my babies” since your sensitive body tries to curl and move away from the overstimulation, the older man wraps both of his hands around your thighs to keep you going. “Say it!” And he makes you say the words that he desires in the language of your spectators that look embarrassed for the first time since you got here. 
Save for your husband's best men who look equal parts aroused and proud. 
You want to cringe and be disgusted but your sensitive pussy is being pounded too hard for you to attempt a conjuring up of any dignity. 
“Need hubby babies bad!” You cry out again from memory when Steve's thick seed begins to fill you up at last. “Oh, my God!” The feeling of his hot cum filling you up and painting every inch of your sensitive walls penetrates your already hazy mind and the warmth that steams out of the pearly liquid steams its way up to your womb, making you shudder at the feeling. Your opening tightens around him in protest of the overstimulation and it instead causes for a barrage of bitter-sweet electric sparks to explode through your abdomen in the form of a half post-climax orgasm. Your body grows tired.
But your insatiable is far from done.
“Flattering, but no” Steve pushes you against the table before standing up when he is done fucking his orgasm as deep as he can reach into you. “The father of your children will suffice” your eyebrows furrow at his words but the older man does not give you a chance to ponder over them because now he is hooking his hands under your thighs that your rapid and messy fucking has covered in both of your juices. 
“W- What?!” Your vision is hazy and your mind dazed as you incoherently tap about. “What's— oh!” You wince from how much easier it is for him to move inside your worked open and much lubricated but torturously overstimulated walls now. “Oh! Oh…” Your hands blindly feel behind you to try and get him to stop. “Oh, no! No, please!” You cry out weakly, your upper body hanging low in the opposite direction from the exhaustion. 
“No?” The older man darkly chuckles, paying no mind to your flailing. “You think you can say that to me?” One of his hands desert their post on your thighs to roughly grab at your hair. He hasn't forgotten what started all this. “You think you have the same rights as everyone else around here, wife?”
But you're scowling from the burning pain in your walls, mind hazy and unwise. “Stop! Stop!” Your puffy folds ache from how his stiff skin rubs against them as he moves in and out of you at a normal pace… for now. “It hurts, stop!” 
“That is the part and parcel of having children” your body curves outwards as he pulls you further back and closer to himself by your hair. “And is that not why you're here?” His cocky tone along with the hungry and wondering eyes of the wildlings make you angry. “What you were spared for in the first place?” A twinkle in the eye of a man pisses you off and…
“It hurts, you old bastard!” Your young blood gets the better of you and your mouth runs before sense can catch up. “Stop, stop, stop it!” Since your hair holds you closer to him you manage to land a few smacks to his rock hard arms before you try to snake your fingers under his to pry off the hand that he coils around your thigh in a weak attempt to move away. 
Steve only chuckles, clearly unfazed by your fighting as he bounces your smaller form up in the air with each thrust. “Did your mother not teach you anything, wife?” He lets go of your hair only to restrain both your arms on the small of your back. “Good girls never tell their husbands no” your body flops forward again and you've no choice but to face the long table full of people. “They lay down pretty with their legs spread and let their husbands fill them with their children and then they express their gratitude for being granted a family.” Though your mind is confused and rather disoriented from the influx of sensation, you can make out new additions to the crowd of your humiliation from the corners of your vision. 
“Ugh!” You grunt from the rapid jabs he gives to your sore pussy, his firm hold nearly searing into your wrists. “I don't wanna have your stupid blonde babies!” Steve breathlessly lets out a real laugh at that. “Let go!” 
“There” he can swear he will never tired of you breaking the little character of the obedient wife that you so naively think you have mastered only to break it when he has you all riled up like this. “Right there, easy now” his other hand leaves your lap and he pushes your head down and against the table in the most condescending manner imaginable. Steve has got you to expose yourself for the brat you are, no need for play anymore. “Now I make a bunny out of you” his dark eyes now meet with those of the boys sitting at the other end of the table and his use of their language is a silent message. The Leader knows how his wife is desired. And he doesn't appreciate it in the least. The young males all panic and look away, gulping to themselves and praying for their lives. 
You try to struggle again, your lip curling in disdain and protest as you feel him fuck his cum right up your cervix. The bitter pleasure you get from it makes your head spin and your fingers and toes flex defensively. “Ooof!” Your cheek rubs against the table and you puff out your face to express how tense you feel down there. 
“Brat” Steve shakes in silent mirth as he reaches for your ass with the hand that he was holding your face down with. “Don't you move a muscle.” You're too busy rocking over the table and being held down to try. 
“Hubby, please!” You whine when one of his veins twitch deep up your walls and your knees shiver from the sensation. “Please!” Maybe if his cock wasn't so comically huge, it would have been easier to move past the rough friction of your raw, orgasm worn skins. But it is and so you are ready to abandon the dam that begins to form in your abdomen again if it means to avoid this pain. “Owwwiee!”
“Aw” Steve cooes as he now moves to a pace that falters your vision and causes for the great table to shake with each thrust that he gives you. “So small and sore, aren't we?” The spank he lands on your unsuspecting ass right after is the stark opposite of his tone. “Maybe we shouldn't act out so much when we are so weak and pathetic, huh, wife?”
“Oooof!” One of the shyer ladies get up before she carries her young son who stood next to the group of the young ones away and the realization of the fact that your spectators are all real people who see you everyday and will continue to do after this drips down your limbs like ice cold water. Your hips cannot help but clench from the embarrassment that you dully feel in some part of your mind way far at the back. “Hubby, please!” The spanks increase with each snap of his hips and though the turmoil between your legs takes up most of your sensory powers, your cheeks now begin to noticeably sting from the pain that builds from how the swings of his hand against your poor ass increase with each thrust. 
“Please?” Steve muses like he isn't balls deep into you and fucking the literal daylights out of you like a crazed heathen. “Oh, but I thought I was a mean old bastard” of course, your pleas always only mean that you want more, according to the brute you are married to. They cannot mean anything else, apparently. “And you didn't want my stupid blonde babies” you grunt from the frustration and land a helpless fist on the table. You are in an uncomfortable tug of war between the mutilation of your sensory glands and the tall barrage of tight hot anticipation that cannot help but form in the base of your stomach again because of how hard and rough he fucks you. 
Your husband's main man, Lloyd, laughs in a comically daft voice to tease you and be the insufferable asshole that he is. “You've got yourself a feisty little pup there, Steve” he is the only one who can refer to the blonde haired man by his name. Or maybe, he doesn't care to use the honorific and his usefulness backs him up. You wouldn't be surprised if the latter really is the case. “Don't you agree, my sweet?” He side hugs his own young bride who ironically is one of the sweetest and perhaps the only nice person in this entire village and Lloyd grins down at the girl whom you now notice is blushing furiously. 
Before you can let the humiliation swallow you whole, Steve spreads your burning cheeks and chuckles at the sight he finds glistening and blinking up at him, the madenned hammering of his cock unceasing. “Look at this adorable little button of yours, darling” you are not personally familiar with any of the faces that witness you trying to pathetically crawl away when your devil of a husband begins to tickle your pucker so you realize it was actually not quite hitting you as bad as it does now when you become hyperaware of Rainie's gaze. If it weren't for how your eyes roll because of Steve's hot seed shooting deep up your cavern again and nearly searing into your very flesh this time around from the brutality of it all, you reckon you would have tried to hide. But now all you do is let out choked blubbers as your wide eyes sting from tears due to the sensory overload. “I think it's time we deflowered it, what do you think?”  
Oh, no. 
His cock is not something that you can handle in your ass without splitting all over the place!
“No answer? No?” It feels as though you are the one who is cumming and not Steve because of how good he is at wearing the mask of nonchalance. “Hm,” he roughly pulls you backwards by your hair before hooking an arm around your waist to keep you from trying to get away from how he toys with your trembling pucker. “Maybe we should let sweet Rainie decide for you, hm—?”
“OH, GOD!” You cannot help but scream over him. 
He is too much.
Steve ignores your exclamation, thrusts delayed -more jab like- but so strong that his tip spears into your cervix with each thrust, thus causing for your head to spin from how he chooses to fuck out his orgasm. “She's your friend, isn't she?” Steve's beard gently stings the sweaty and teary skin of your jaw from how his mouth presses into your ear. “Aren't you, Rainie dear?” 
Yep, you are never looking her in the eye ever again. 
“Answer him, sunshine” Lloyd eggs his wife on and you notice through your cloudy vision that he is making her palm his own bulge. You nearly cringe back into Steve's chest from the obscenity of it all. 
The girl, a new bride herself, is shy and small next to her own flesh boulder of a husband as she meekly peeks up at you through her lashes. “Y- Yes, sir. We are friends” her voice is barely audible and both your husbands chuckle. 
If it weren't from how a dull orgasm rips itself apart somewhere deep between your loins, you would have felt angry.
It is like the assholes know that you're friends, and they're having their fun with it.
No wonder they are best mates.
“Good, good” you can feel Steve's cum splattering your thighs with each brutal jab, the sound and sprays of his shaft making a mess of your juices underneath your dress ample in its audibility. “So, do you think it's time your girlfriend's dirty little button was opened up, hm?” He keeps one hand on your pucker and reaches for your boob to grope with the other.
Rainie blushes again and furiously lowers her head the moment her eyes connect with yours. Though you don't know it, her own has been deflowered not too long ago and she isn't sure what response would be favourable by you, so that and the embarrassment of the Leader questioning her for something like that about his wife when she is on amiable terms with the girl makes her choose silence for as long as allowed. And her own husband cockily leaning into her and mansplaining into her ear how it would work for you by comparing it with what he did to her pretty ass only makes her curl further. 
“Shy little thing, isn't she, my precious?” So your husband turns his unwelcome attention back to you, bending the both of your bodies forwards so he can smack your asshole with the back of his hand easier, the impact making you rock violently forward. “Maybe you should learn some manners from her, huh?” The howls you let out from getting your pucker pinched and hit is something you would rather not narrate. All you choose to disclose of that ordeal is that sobs echo in the hall, another orgasm rips out of you and you are sure your body releases more liquid than normal for an average orgasm. “Look at how polite and nice she is, hm? While all you want to do is to curse your husband and be an ungrateful little sloth” it sounds as though a newfound annoyance causes him to grit his teeth towards the end and the tip of his fingers finds recourse in seeking for itself a passage past the tight barrier of your unwilling button as a result. 
And so your mouth begins to run in the desperate way he loves. “N- No, no, no hubby! No!” You vehemently shake your head as you feel your knees start to buckle from the exhaustion. “I- I didn't mean it!” The bearded corners of his mouth pull into a deep smirk. He knows its coming, and he loves it. 
“You didn't?” How can he not when he is the one who trained you to it and taught you the words to say during. 
“No! No!” Your voice comes out child-like from your mind's succumbing to its defeat. For the day, at least. “I d- didn't!” 
Steve is a jackhammer in how he fucks his children into you and works towards giving you more. “Oh, I see” now he speaks to you like an elder speaking to a young one, like you are no older than five winters. “Then, will you tell me why you said such naughty words to your husband who does so much for you?” He knows you're small now and so he chooses his words accordingly.
After all, it is Steve's meticulous tailoring of your mind and body which brings you to act out this specific sequence. 
Nothing less, nothing more.
Just this. 
A shrew tamed into a compliant wife equipped with the mind of a babe. 
He may never admit it outright simply because it goes against his very code of life but Steve knows in his heart of hearts that it is this very push and pull you put up in your own passive little way that keeps him alert and your marriage interesting. 
“Is ’cause— hnnng, cause—!” He pulls both of your bodies back up with the intention of turning you to face him but he chooses not to do it just yet. He wants you, those silly boys and everyone else who suspects that his judgement grows soft because of his fancy for your youthful beauty and adorable personality, to hear it. Steve can always pull you right back down if wants. Your reins will always be in a hand's reach to him. Just because he lets you sneak in your foolish ways sometimes doesn't mean you've conquered his nature-gifted better sense.
“Because, what?” Everything in life calls for balance and so each time your misbehavior that you think you hide so well from him begins to rise above a level he deems no longer amusing, he is there to hammer it down. 
Quite literally. 
“Because I am j- just an i- impudent,” Steve grunts and moans, feeling his cock twitch from how you always mispronounce imprudent when you are in this state. He taught you that word and true to your little baby self and mind, you can never get yourself to say it right. “Little wife and I am a d- dumby—”
“Fuck…” Steve feels a drop of cold sweat trickle down his back from your little vocabulary. He feels himself pant from how hard he fucks you, his windpipe alight from the friction caused by the air he heaves in with each desperate inhale.
You are a proper trouble; something he has never had before, and he loves it.
“— D- Dumby sloth who dunno any real worries besides e- eating and b- being spoilt b- by my lovu hubbsy—” your tongue is kinetic jelly between your teeth and Steve has begun to moan from how fucked stupid you sound. “So I get shtoopid and u- ungateful” Steve cannot contain it anymore. In a fevered and desperate confusion of how to express the thunderstorm you cause in his head, he slaps your hair away, causing for some of the flowers to go flying about, and sinks his teeth into your flesh, growling so deep into your skin that you feel the vibrations cause ripples in your blood. Perhaps that is what Steve yearns to taste. “B- But husby always fixes” your head goes limp against his as he sucks your skin like a crazed animal for you lose a track of how long. Your vision and hearing bolts away from your comprehensive faculties like a bullet train and your body gets sucked into the vacuum of your husband's beastly grip. You are just a lifeless doll rocking in whichever direction and manner he pleases.
Next time your brain catches on with your reality, your body has been placed under his with your back against the table. You faintly notice when your dress begins to get wet that splashes of mead cover it due to your brutish husband's depraved madness. 
“Look at me, hey” he pats your incoherent face until your wandering gaze settles on him, teary eyes distant. “This is the face that you will see in those of your children, and children you shall have until this residence cannot contain any more” his promise echoes in your buzzing ears like the bestowing of an ultimate truth upon you by some powerful deity. “This is the face you will look up at as you spread your legs,” his tip is so swollen, raw and hot against your worn skin that you can feel it even in this state. Your features scrunch from the discomfort. “This is the face you will kiss and cherish” his fingers find your throat again and your eyes roll to the back of your head when he puts pressure on your windpipe. “And this is the face that you will look at until you breathe your last” he holds you until you are on the verge of losing consciousness, though letting go only to stifle the gasp you let out to resume your breathing with a hot sealing kiss.
Your muscles twitch and your body spasms in the position he has you in. Laxness washes over your limbs and you begin to violently shake from the dull and yet stinging quakes of sensation that bloom through your whole form. 
For some dark, twisted and depraved reason, you cum from the helplessness of your situation and it is present in Steve's amused and proud smirk that the knowledge is not lost on him. Swiping an arm around you from behind with an air of satisfaction, he collects your limp body closer to his and walks off to your chambers with your drenched sexes still connected, leaving a crowd of embarrassed, curious, satisfied as well as tamed spectators in his wake. 
You surrender yourself to him and close your eyes as your body collapses on top of his. Your mind barely works but you know one thing— fact as clear as day; you are not making it out of this without at least one child on the way. 
And there isn't a single thing you can do about it.
. . .
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sarahowritesostucky · 8 months
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📖"Temporary Custody" Series Page
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Steve x ofc x Bucky
Tags: Dom/sub, bdsm au, dom Bucky, sub reader, hurt/comfort, enemies to lovers, gay sex'n'stuff, straight sex'n'stuff, Steve being a literal Golden Retriever, mental health issues, dub-con, forced submission, bakery au, m/f/m, gentle domination, total power exchange
Summary: The stigma and shame of being a submissive has kept Mary unfulfilled and in the closet her whole life, until an inciting incident leads to Bucky and Steve taking her in and giving her everything she was always too afraid to ask for.
Trigger warnings: This story contains themes of eating disordered behavior, body image issues, self-harm, childhood trauma, and alcohol abuse (basically, the ofc's a hot mess).
Ch 1 Lemon cream tart
Ch 2 Hazelnut ganache tart
Ch 3 Cream filled sponge cakes
Ch 4 Cake doughnuts
Ch 5 Jiggly soufflé cake
Ch 6 Somethin' with bananas
Ch 7 Strawberry cream puffs
Ch 8 Banana-dulce cheesecake
Ch 9 Honey-mascarpone crêpes
Ch 10 S'mores
Ch 11 Palmiers
Ch 12 Pôt de crème
Steve and Bucky sexuality profiles
April Fool's Ch 11 "farewell cheesecake"
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@matchat3a @bethexo07
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sgrdoll · 2 years
synopsis - bucky’s therapist tells him to get out of the house more and he meets the human embodiment of sunshine.
warnings - smut, tooth rotting fluff, dom/sub dynamics, oral male & female receiving, spanking unprotected sex, mentions of PTSD, pet names, bucky struggling with his mental health
a/n - i really left yall hanging for MONTHS. if you read this at all i am thankful because if i was my own reader i would ignore this post out of spite lol. critiques are welcome since I haven’t written in so long. replies, reblogs, & likes are appreciated!! :)
wc: 5k ish
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The rain outside pelted against Bucky’s leather jacket loudly. He groaned and stepped into a nearby library to escape the less than ideal weather. He welcomed the warmth that enveloped him.
He looked around for a moment, it seemed like he was the only person in here. Stepping into the dark library felt like switching dimensions in comparison to the loud bustling streets of New York, add in the incessant rain and it was a nightmare out there in the real world.
Bucky wiped his feet on the rug before stepping fully inside the library. He didn’t have anywhere to be, he was really only out because his therapist thought he was getting a bit too comfortable in isolation. Of course, that was true, however, he still despised having to interact with innocent people he had the potential to hurt.
The library was dimly lit and had books from floor to ceiling. There were even miscellaneous piles of books scattered around his feet on the floor. All of the colors that surrounded him were neutrals but they felt so comforting and inviting. The library he stepped into was cozy and he had no qualms about being trapped here while the rain poured outside.
Deciding to make the most of his time, Bucky walked toward the nonfiction section. He loved reading books that had anything pertaining to the military, it was something that had stuck with him through his childhood and into adulthood. He slipped into the narrow aisle and scanned down the shelves.
His fingers gently grazed the spines of the aging books in front of him. Bucky was slowly relaxing into the silence that the library provided for him.
His apartment wasn’t the safe haven to him that it once was, it was now a place haunted by the nightmares that were slowly consuming him. Here in the library though, his demons couldn’t find him.
“Excuse me, sir,” a small voice said apologetically as they squeezed by him.
Bucky moved his focus from the books in front of him to the woman that was now browsing right next to him. She had her long light brown hair flowing down her back and a bit messy from the rain. The skirt she was wearing was black and entirely too short for the weather they were currently having, but the cream sweater with the Polo logo on it somewhat made up for the shortcomings of her skirt.
Bucky’s first thought was His apartment wasn’t the safe haven to him that it once was, it was now a place haunted by the nightmares that were slowly consuming him. Here in the library though, his demons couldn’t find him.
“Excuse me, sir,” a small voice said apologetically as they squeezed by him.
Bucky moved his focus from the books in front of him to the woman that was now browsing right next to him. She had her long light brown hair flowing down her back and a bit messy from the rain. The skirt she was wearing was black and entirely too short for the weather they were currently having, but the cream sweater with the Polo logo on it somewhat made up for the shortcomings of her skirt.
He moved his attention away from the doe-eyed girl that was a little too close to him and refocused on the combat books in front of him. Funnily enough, the books about violence were distracting him from his fears of violence.
It took a few moments, but Bucky’s anxiety slowly trickled off until it was nothing but a dull ache in his chest.
That was until the pretty girl smiled at him, “Hi.”
Her tone was warm and kind and she was obviously inviting Bucky to have a conversation with her while they shared the aisle of old books so intimately.
His eyes widened slightly but he quickly took his composure back from the perfect girl in front of him that seemed to be stealing it.
“Hey,” he almost cringed as soon as he said it. His voice was much too rough in comparison to the gentle tone she was using to speak to him.
“Do you read a lot of nonfiction?” Her head cocked cutely to the side which made his heart beat a little faster.
“On the rare occasion I pick up a book, yes,” he answered after a beat of silence. He was mentally high fiving himself at such a collected response considering the effect she was having on him.
“I’m grabbing some of the old medical journals for some of my writing,” she answered the question without being prompted.
“What do you write?”
“I mostly do romance but my latest idea has been murder-mystery.”
“Oh, so you’re a novelist?” Bucky was beginning to feel more comfortable with the conversation now. The girl in front of him now felt like a breath of fresh air rather than a suffocating hand around his throat.
“Not exactly a superhero, but it pays the bills,” her smile was infectious and Bucky couldn’t help but grin.
“What’s your name?” He leaned back against the shelf behind him.
“I’m Amelia. But most of my friends call me Milly,” she answered him without breaking her gaze.
Amelia was very confident it seemed. But, not in a cocky way, her confidence was kindness. She radiated an energy that could only be described as pure gold.
“I’m Bucky,” he told her.
“I know. I saw you on the news last night, you save the world a lot it seems.”
Her comment made the tip of his ears burn red, “I guess you could say that.”
“Don’t be so modest. I think it’s cool, you’re like a real life comic book character,” her flattery was like ten arrows pointed straight at Bucky’s anxiety, slowly dwindling it down to a tiny stump that sat in the base of his stomach instead of the huge tree that once took over his entire body.
“You’re acting like you don’t have the coolest job in the world,” he rolled his eyes playfully at her, “You’re the one who gets to make the comic book characters.”
Their conversation continued and they slowly migrated over to the leather chairs in the corner of the room. They sat down next to each other and he told her his war stories while she took little sips of her coffee.
Every small movement she made, every little flip of her hair, all of her crossing and uncrossing of her legs, enticed Bucky even further into her spell.
“I love the rain,” Amelia said to him after he complained about the horrific weather, “It’s so pretty and calming.”
It confused him how she could find violent thunderstorms calming.
“The only reason I even walked into this library was to get away from the mess outside,” he replied back while looking through one of the windows to see that the precipitation had slowed down to a gentle mist now.
“Well if there was no rain, you would’ve never met me,” she smiled at him.
They had been talking for at least two hours by this point, but it felt like only twenty minutes. Everything was so easy with Milly. Conversation was like an ever flowing river with her, it just was so smooth and easy.
All he could feel was her energy, not the pain of his past, just her. For two hours, what happened to him fifty years ago was just that, the past.
She was pure light. She radiated warmth, she was what made flowers grow, she was what supported life on Earth, she was the sunshine.
Bucky looked down to check his watch and noticed the time. His eyes widened a little bit and he glanced back up at Milly who was happily chatting about her cats Moose and Sushi.
“Am I talking too much?” She suddenly stopped and looked down at her lap shyly.
“No! Of course not,” he quickly reassured her, “It’s just, it’s getting late.”
“Oh,” she said, a little disheartened he was finished talking to her.
“How about dinner?” Bucky didn’t even think about what he was saying until it was out of his mouth. It was very spur of the moment and he wish he could go back in time and think about the consequences that might come of taking her out.
“Dinner?” She repeated back as if she hadn’t heard him.
“Yeah, I know this great Thai place a few blocks down,” he smiled at her trying to tamper down his own racing thoughts.
Her pale pink nails clicked against the now empty coffee cup in her hand as she thought, “That sounds great.”
The pair stood up and Bucky took notice of the cloudy sky no longer pouring rain. He almost smiled at the thought of how long they had been talking. Not one notion of violence or hurting her had crossed his mangled brain.
They stepped out of the library and into the street. Without thinking, Bucky grabbed her hand and guided her down the street.
Milly hoped he didn’t notice the pink tint on her cheeks and trembling hands.
The duo were both lost in their own thoughts about one another and walked in silence while the world around them moved at an impossible pace.
Bucky stopped at a door on the corner of the street that Milly had always assumed was abandoned.
“I’ve never been here before,” she commented to him as he opened the door for her.
“I don’t know many people who have,” he chuckled.
No one greeted them but that didn’t seem to bother Bucky who led her to a booth in the corner without any guidance from the staff.
Milly slipped into the booth first and Bucky very surprisingly sat on the same side she did.
Bucky was testing himself. He wanted to see how far he could go without any thoughts or flashbacks to the life he used to live.
Their shoulders touched and he basked in the warmth she brought him, both physically and metaphorically.
He looked down at her and she was trapped in his unwavering gaze. Her lips parted and Bucky’s heart hammered loudly in his chest. They didn’t speak, they just drank each other in like sweet wine.
“Can I take your order?” A woman with a thick British accent interrupted them.
Bucky’s head whipped around and Milly was ripped from her trance with him. Their picture perfect bubble had burst.
He cleared his throat quickly, “Sorry, um, yes I think we’ll both have the chicken pad thai and some water.”
The waitress chewed her gum loudly while writing down the order and Bucky offered her a small smile.
“Sorry, I just sort of guessed on what you would want,” Bucky said almost sheepishly.
“I like chicken pad thai,” Amelia responded back with a smile.
He locked eyes with her again, “Do you think you want to do this again tomorrow?”
She laughed cutely at him, “We aren’t even done with today.”
“I think it’s gonna go well.”
His confidence almost shocked her. All day it felt like he was walking on eggshells but now she felt like she was getting all of him, not just the parts he felt like showing. The thought made her stomach flutter.
Their meal went on with lots of flirtation. Knees touching and hushed giggles were like their own secret language.
When the bill came Bucky deflated. He wasn’t ready to give up the sunshine yet.
He put his card down and the waitress came back with the receipt far too quickly. Bucky felt his time with her winding down and coming to an end.
“Hey,” he blurted out, “Do you want to come to the tower with me?”
“What tower? Like the Empire State Building?”
“The Avenger’s Tower.”
Amelia’s eyes widened, “Are people even allowed in there?”
Bucky’s heart stopping smile appeared once again, “Of course, and now you have an invitation.”
“I don’t want to get you in trouble,” she frowned.
“I won’t get in trouble. Tony’s not even in town this week. I think Steve’s the only person there.”
“It sounds like we would be breaking the rules,” she quirked an eyebrow at him.
He laughed, “It makes it more fun.”
She sighed, “As long as we don’t get caught. I really don’t want to be in trouble with the most powerful men in New York.”
He smiled, “You could never be in trouble with me, doll.”
Amelia could’ve passed out. The dominance that oozed from just that sentence made her head fuzzy and knees weak.
She tried to play it off by rolling her eyes and he laughed again.
Bucky stood up from the booth and reached his hand towards her.
“This time we can take a car to the Tower. It’s probably unbearably cold outside, especially with that skirt on.”
“I’m wearing fleece lined stockings,” she defended.
He tried his hardest to not daydream about what was underneath those stockings.
The pair walked into the windy night of New York. The rain had returned as a mist that made the horizon hazy and gray.
Bucky tucked his dog tags into his long sleeve shirt. Similarly to him, Amelia was struggling not wondering what else he could do with his hands.
A car pulled up to the sidewalk and the two quickly got in.
Bucky brushed some stray rain droplets from his hair and she jumped back and giggled when they landed on her face.
She looked up at him through her eyelashes and he silently wondered how he was going to get through the rest of the night without grabbing her by the neck and kissing the hell out of her.
She smiled up at his now serious and poked his cheek.
“You’re so cute,” he said after she finished her laughing fit.
Her cheeks reddened and her nose scrunched. She really was perfect.
The traffic wasn’t as horrendous as Bucky expected and they made it to the Tower quicker than he thought they would.
She was enamored by the bright lights of the Tower. The glow from the building reflected in her brown eyes like dazzling stars.
“C’mon,” he interrupted her gawking, “I’ll show you around.”
Bucky escorted her out of the SUV and to the front of the building. He remembered feelings just like she did when Steve first brought him here, impossibly small.
“Let’s go in. I promise it’s much more impressive from the inside,” Bucky said to her.
“Are you sure this is allowed?” Milly asked one last time before they went in.
“If I say no will you still come in with me?”
“Bucky,” she whined, “Please don’t get me into any trouble.”
The pout on her lips sent his mind into overdrive. She made it hard for him to form sentences sometimes.
“I won’t,” he regained his composure, “It’ll be fun and if it’s not I’ll take you right back home.”
She begrudgingly agreed and they walked into the glamorous building.
Reinforced glass walls surrounded them and a few employees strolled by without a second glance at her.
“Wow, it’s really pretty in here,” Milly breathed out.
“It’s definitely not the tax bracket I grew up in,” Bucky chuckled.
“Do you guys live here?”
Amelia knew she was being nosy and almost immediately regretted asking. Bucky however didn’t bat an eye and answered her quickly.
“I share a floor with Steve on one of the top levels and Nat sometimes stays here, but that’s it.”
“You have your own coffee shop,” she said pointing to the 24/7 coffee cart situated in the lobby.
“It’s incredibly convenient,” he chuckled, “Do you want to see the upstairs?”
His cheeks turned red, he didn’t want her to have the wrong impression of him. Bucky didn’t want to have some one night stand with her, although he wasn’t opposed to taking her up there and fucking her stupid.
“Sure. What floor are you on?” She asked while walking toward the elevator. Amelia didn’t even catch the innuendo.
“Floor 8,” he stepped on the elevator, “Let me put in the stupid passcode.”
He punched in four digits and rolled his eyes, “Tony is way too serious about security.”
The ride up was quick and relatively quiet. When the doors opened to Bucky’s penthouse suite she audibly gasped.
“Wow. You live here?” Her tone was practically incredulous.
“Have for 3 years now, sweetheart.”
The room was mostly decorated with neutrals except for some artwork on the wall.
Bucky noticed her eyeing it and offered an explanation, “That’s Steve’s contribution, he loves to paint.”
“It’s beautiful here. I would be scared out of my mind to even cook in a kitchen as perfect as this one,�� she eyeballed the million dollar penthouse.
“I’ll use that as my excuse the next time Tony scolds us for not eating at home enough,” Bucky joked.
Amelia turned her attention back to him, “Did you say Steve was home earlier?”
“Let me check, he might’ve gone out with Natasha,” he said while walking out of the room and calling out for his flatmate.
When he figured out Steve wasn’t actually home as he originally thought he leaned against the wall. He had barely any time to process that there was a beautiful woman in his apartment. A beautiful woman that he wasn’t scared of harming. Someone who took all of those bad thoughts away from him.
Bucky had never felt this way before. It was the first time in a long time he wasn’t scared of himself.
He sighed in relief at the feeling of not having to worry. It felt like he had just finished the marathon of his life and finally got to sit down when he was around her.
After taking a couple of seconds to process he walked back into the living room to see her sitting on the couch looking at the view of the city.
The wall was glass and it made for a beautiful backdrop in their home. Especially tonight, when the stormy clouds parted just enough to see the full moon.
He went to the kitchen quietly as to not disturb her and grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses.
Bucky took a deep breath and strolled towards the couch and sat down. He placed the wine glasses on the table in front of them.
“It’s beautiful out there isn’t it?” She commented.
“Yeah, it’s perfect,” he said, staring at the side of her face.
“I brought some wine if you want any,” Bucky offered while pouring his own glass.
“No thank you, I hate the taste of wine,” she scrunched her nose again.
“I can grab some water or juice for you,” he offered quickly. He felt like a terrible host.
“No, that’s okay,” she finally turned her body towards his.
His breath stopped when he saw her brown eyes gazing into his own. Bucky didn’t even think about it when his hand touched the right side of her neck and he leaned down to kiss her.
She reciprocated quickly and grabbed the bottom of his shirt in her fist as if she didn’t know what to do with her hands.
Their lips moved against each other for a few seconds before he slipped his tongue in her mouth. She sighed into him and pressed herself closer to him.
Bucky picked up her smaller frame and placed her in his lap without breaking the kiss.
Millie straddled him and grabbed the short hair at the base of his neck.
“Fuck, Amelia,” he breathed out when he pulled away.
Her sweet giggle filled the room as their foreheads touched and their chests heaved in unison.
“You're really good at that,” she said, still out of breath.
He chuckled at her, “I wanted to kiss you all night. It’s a surprise I’ve made it this far.”
“Are you gonna stop now?” Milly tilted her head and pouted her lips.
Bucky threw his back and cursed, “You’re making it very hard to be a gentleman right now.”
Amelia kissed a hickey on his neck and leaned in next to his ear, “I’m not asking you to be a gentleman, Bucky.”
It felt like all of the resolve he had left in his body had snapped and he wrapped his calloused hand around the soft skin on her neck. He squeezed the sides of her throat and watched as her eyes took on a glimmer he hadn’t seen before.
Milly challenged him with a smile he wasn’t expecting, “How did you know just what I liked?”
“I never pinned you for a girl who liked to be thrown around,” Bucky’s eyebrow lifted in surprise but the grin remained on his face.
“I never pinned you for a guy who liked to throw girls around,” she returned his smile.
Even with his hand wrapped around the delicate skin of her neck he wasn’t scared of hurting her. Bucky felt fully in control for the first time in a long time.
“Safe word is red, baby.” Bucky smirked after a beat of silence
His hand tightened around her throat once again and he kissed her. Amelia’s hips grinded down against his lap.
Her short skirt slowly started to ride up until Bucky’s hands found the hem and pushed it all the way up.
His hands wandered down from her neck to her hips. Bucky moved her against him. He felt his pants tightening to accommodate how hard he was.
Amelia pulled away from the kiss and leaned her head against his chest as he continued to move her hips against his own. All that could be heard were her shaky moans and the sounds of bucky sucking a trail of hickeys down her neck.
“Not so confident now, huh baby?” He taunted her when he felt her thighs shaking around him.
“Please stop teasing me,” she begged with her eyes squeezed shut.
“Aw, but you look so cute squirming on my lap,” he mocked her.
Gone was Bucky’s almost shy demeanor, now he was domineering and arrogant.
Amelia could feel herself getting wetter by the second, “Please, Bucky. Please fuck me.”
“Only because you sound so sweet when you beg.”
Bucky moved her and stood up from his position on the couch. He took his black shirt off and let it fall to the ground.
He almost groaned when he saw her look up at him from underneath her lashes. Her eyes were full of want and it made his chest hurt.
Amelia stood up from the couch and then dropped to her knees and looked up at him with a cute smile.
“Fuck, not as innocent as you seem huh?” He chided while she ran her hands up and down his jean clad thighs.
Her fingers ran across the prominent bulge a couple of times before she began to unbuckle his belt.
Bucky could tell she was reciprocating his teasing from before and teasing him.
She gentle pulled his boxers off and let his cock stand proudly in front of her.
Milly inhaled deeply and tried to keep her confidence from before as she stroked him gently. Before she put her mouth around Bucky she looked up at him and he gave her a small reassuring smile.
That gave her all the confidence she needed to take his length down her throat. She bobbed her head up and down until her eyes watered and mascara trailed down her flushed cheeks.
Bucky groaned out loud, “Jesus fucking Christ Milly. You look so fucking pretty with my cock down your throat and tears in your eyes.”
Amelia sucked hard on Bucky’s length and his hands found their way into her thick brown hair.
She stopped moving and looked up at him expectantly.
His jaw almost dropped when he realized she was waiting for him to fuck her face. She had to be created in a lab or something. There was no way she was that perfect for him.
Bucky’s hands gripped harder into her hair and he started to fuck her mouth.
He felt himself getting closer and closer as he fucked her mouth at a sinful pace. Bucky took her off his cock and Milly frowned.
“I want you to come down my throat,” she pouted.
Fuck, she feels like the answers to all of life’s problems.
“Not tonight. Tonight, I’m gonna cum inside you,” he said pulling her up from her knees.
“Take off the rest of your clothes.”
She stood there for a moment without moving.
“Now, Amelia. Don’t make me ask again,” he warned.
This made her strip off her sweater and her ripped tights. She unzipped her skirt quickly and looked back to Bucky for instruction.
“God, you’re so gorgeous,” Bucky praised her and cupped her cheek.
His words were so kind and reminded her of the way he was earlier in the night. Amelia wasn’t sure which side of him she preferred, the domineering and brash Bucky or the kind and soft spoken Bucky.
She took a step towards his hulking frame and ran her hands over his abdomen. She felt his taught muscles twitch underneath her wandering fingers as he kissed her again.
He maneuvered her back onto the couch where they previously were and perched her body on his lap without taking his lips off of hers.
Bucky broke the kiss and whispered gruffly, “Over my lap.”
Amelia could tell by his tone that it wasn’t request. She shivered at the dominance he displayed and did what he said quickly.
Bucky ran his his large palm over the tan skin of her Milly’s ass and had to stifle a moan. Her body was a fucking masterpiece.
Amelia could feel his hard on pressing into her middle and she wanted nothing more for him to be inside her.
Without warning his hand came down harshly on the sensitive skin of her ass.
She gasped when she felt him spank her. She rubbed her thighs together at the feeling of the sharp pain.
Bucky took notice of this, “A painslut too? Very cute.”
Milly’s face turned pink at the name but she couldn’t deny that it made her feel that much more turned on.
Bucky gave her a few more before finally ending her anticipation and reaching down in between her legs.
She almost sighed in relief when his hand glided over her folds. Bucky rubbed small circles over her clit. His fingers went between her dripping hole and up to her clit torturously. All she wanted was for him to be inside her, in any way possible.
He was rewarded for his efforts with her cute moans egging him on. Finally, he slipped a finger into her and she gripped his thigh hard, surely leaving marks where her fingernails were digging into his skin.
He pumped in and out of her heat at a pace that made her eyes roll into the back of her head. He had a second finger and curled his fingers right into the spot that made her see stars.
Her pants were audible, “Please, Bucky! I’m about to cum.”
As soon as she said it his pulled his fingers out of her. She whined at the loss of contact and sat up from her position over his lap.
“Bucky, please!” She whined hopelessly.
“Don’t be such a brat, you’re gonna cum tonight,” he rolled his eyes at her.
Milly pouted up at his handsome face. Before she could say anything else she was being scooped up into his arms and trotted off somewhere.
“Where are we going?” The whine in her voice was still there.
“My bedroom,” he responded in a short manner.
Bucky opened the door to his bedroom and threw Amelia on the grey duvet of his bed.
She didn’t even get a chance to look around before he was once again on top of her kissing her.
Milly squirmed underneath him and let out helpless moans.
Bucky pulled away and let out a mocking laugh, “You’re so desperate for my cock huh? How did I find such a perfect cockwhore?”
Amelia wanted to cry at how badly she wanted him. It felt like she had been teased for millenniums.
Bucky ran the tip of his length through her folds to get her even more worked up.
“Please!” Tears clouded her vision.
The sight of her crying for him to fuck her was enough to send Bucky into a spiral. He finally pushed into her heat.
He threw his head back and they let out simultaneous moans. He slowly started to pump into her velvet walls.
“Fuck, it’s like you were made for me, baby.”
Amelia couldn’t form words all she could do was whimper and clutch onto his sheets as he pounded her into his mattress.
Bucky grabbed her leg and threw it over his shoulder and watched as her mouth opened into a silent scream at the new angle. He smirked as he fucked into her, he knew she was close.
“I’m gonna cum,” she panted out at him as she arched her back up into him.
He grabbed the headboard and set a brutal pace when he felt her tighten around him. Bucky was sure this was what heaven felt like.
He felt her constrict around him even tighter and arch her body into his own. Her moans came to a crescendo and she came undone around his cock.
Bucky squeezed his eyes shut. Feeling her cum around him was his final straw and he released inside of her.
Feeling him cum inside her made Amelia preen. They stayed connected for a moment before he pulled out of her and laid next to her panting body.
She turned toward him and pressed her head into his chest. Bucky kissed the crown of her head and wrapped his arms around her. He pulled her body closer to his.
“Was that okay?”
“It was perfect, Bucky.”
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vbecker10 · 6 months
Laundry Day
How Could This Not Fit?! (Loki x fem reader Y/N)
Loads of Fun (Bucky x fem reader Y/N)
Pairing: Loki x female reader (y/n)
Summary: You and Loki are living together in the Avengers Tower and you've asked him to help you with the laundry. You decide it's the perfect opportunity to prank him but that might not have been a good idea... not if you wanted to sleep tonight that is.
Warnings: ... um nothing really, alluding to sex but not much
A/N: I finished my laundry and was folding (trying desperately to fold) my fitted sheet and I came up with this silly little thing so... enjoy 💚
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You take a bottle of water out of the fridge in the common kitchen, laughing to yourself as you shake your head.
"Something funny in the fridge?" Tony asks from the island, looking up from his tablet.
You turn to him and open the bottle. "No, I was just laughing about something that could possibly get me in a lot of trouble with Loki," you barely explain.
"I have no idea what that means," Steve says as he and Bucky join the conversation.
You take a sip of water and set the bottle on the island. "I was tired of being the one who did our laundry all the time so I told Loki he needed to help me with it today," you start to tell them.
"Still not seeing the funny," Tony says sarcastically.
"I'm getting there," you wave away his comment and he chuckles. "So anyway, I told him to help and he did... an okay job of it. I mean, the dryer and him got in a bit of a fight but we finally got it done," you continue.
"Did he break the dryer cause I've gotta do like four loads of laundry tonight?" Bucky asks concerned as he pulls out the stool next to Steve.
"How could you possibly have to do four loads of laundry?" Tony turns towards him. "You own one hoodie and three henleys at most," he adds.
"Can we get back to my problem?" you pull their attention back to yourself. "I might not have much time left," you joke but you aren't actually sure how long until Loki comes looking for you.
"What did you do to him?" Steve asks, sounding concerned for your safety. Loki would never hurt you of course, he loved you too much, but when you annoyed him you always found it hard to walk the next day.
"Well, he put all the laundry away using his magic but I told him that was cheating. He said it wasn't and we went back and forth for a bit until I made him a bet," you smile. Loki could never resist a wager, especially since he always assumed he would win, and he usually did. "I bet him... something," you suddenly realize you don't necessarily want the guys to know the dirty things you promised Loki and they all look away awkwardly for a moment as if they understood that.
"Right, whatever... so the bet was for him to make the bed himself, without his magic," you tell them.
"Look, I still don't like him very much but, give him a little credit. I think he's smart enough to figure it out," Bucky says.
"Yeah, that doesn't really seem like a bet you're going to win, Y/N," Steve agrees.
"Well... I might not have except for one teeny tiny little bitty detail," you assure them.
"Which is?" Tony asks with a mixture of curiosity and agitation that the story is taking so long.
"I switched the sheet set," you say, they all stare at you confused and you sigh. "I gave him a full size set... and we have a queen bed. There's not a chance in hell he's going to be able to get the fitted sheet on and if he does manage it, I'll know he used his magic and still win," you smile broadly, proud of yourself for tricking the trickster God.
"Well that's a dangerous game to play," Steve says and before you can respond you hear Loki coming down the hall.
"Y/N," he says when he enters the kitchen. You swallow as your mouth goes dry, he does not look happy. "You cheated," he says without question.
"No, I was just..." you try to explain but he walks towards you, keeping his eyes locked on yours.
"You... cheated," he says slowly as he backs you into the counter by the sink.
"I mean, only a little," you say with a smile but he doesn't smile back. "And I only did it to make sure you didn't use your magic," you quickly try to explain.
"Um, I think we should go... literally anywhere else," Steve says as Loki grips your waist with both hands and keeps you pressed between himself and the counter.
"Don't worry, we're leaving," Loki says with a smirk, still looking only at you. Without warning he picks you up and throws you over his shoulder. You gasp and the suddenness of it and he uses one arm to hold you in place by the back of your legs as he turns to leave the kitchen. He pauses and picks up your water bottle. "You'll need to keep hydrated, it's going to be a very long night, love," he says as he carries you down the hall towards your room.
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boxofbonesfic · 1 year
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Title: Brave [1 of ?]
Pairing: Orc!Steve x Reader
Summary: You learn the hard way what it takes to survive this new life. 
Warnings: 18+ Only, Genre typical violence, Warlord Nomad AU, Dark Fantasy AU, Enemies to lovers, More tags to be added
A/N: i had too much fun with this concept so i decided to stretch it out into more than one part! i really hope you guys enjoy.
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“You understand what I’m telling you, Sweetmeat?” He says, tapping the underside of your chin with the flat of his blade. His bright blue eyes seem to dance with amusement. “I’m telling you to run.” You jump, gasping as he turns the sword with a flick of his wrist, bringing it down in one smooth motion to cut the thick length of rope between your outstretched hands. It falls to the dry grass between your feet, and he straightens back up in the saddle. The massive Clydesdale paws impatiently at the dirt as he laughs again.
You do, with the orc-pack’s laughter burning in your ears. The grass crunches beneath your feet as you sprint. You gather your dusty skirts up around your knees as you make for the tree line. The sound of a horn spurs you onward. 
“The river, Sweetmeat!” His voice carries to you from across the hill. “You’ve only to make it to the river!”
Dry branches tear at your face and clothes as you force your way into the brush. The fear disorients you, but only for a moment. They will run you down if you take the path, sure as daylight. Instead, you make the choice to stick to the trees, moving between them as quietly as you can. You’d seen what the blue-eyed-orc had done to the others—one by one offering them the same choices— 
Run and die. Run or die—
No one got to live.  
It made a sick sort of sense, you supposed, if you used Orc-logic. They were weak—unworthy of the water it would take to sustain them, of the burden it would take for a rider to bear them. You had watched as first the baker’s boy, then the cobbler, and then the smithy each followed the blue-eyed-orc’s instruction, stumbling down the mountain path and disappearing into the trees—only to be brought back at dusk, their remains thrown to the wargs.
Your father had been good for little else but finding his next ale, but he’d paid his guild taxes same as everyone. And a fat lot of good it did him. The few soldiers stationed at the outpost nearest your village had been felled laughably easily, almost as easily as your father. And now he was gone, and you were here, a day’s ride south of the charred remains of your village.
The horn blows behind you a second time, and you swallow your terrified sob. No—you mustn’t panic. It is fear and panic that will get you caught. Your mother’s voice rings in your ears. Find green, she whispers as you crawl through the trees. Find green.
And you will find water.
The trees aren’t dead, not really, not at the roots. There’s thick brown moss growing at the roots, between the sparse patches of dry grass. You fall to your knees, ripping at it. The top layer is dry and brown, flaking away easily under your fingernails. But underneath—
The sound of hoofbeats approaching on the nearby path quickens your step. North—the river is north. You gather what is left of your torn skirts in your hands, trying to stay low and quiet. You have seen the thick-shafted arrows strapped to the backs of the broad-shouldered orc warriors, and you’ve no desire to feel them bury themselves in your back. 
“Fan out!”
Half-blind you push forward, your own ragged breath deafening in your ears. You’re not going to make it—there is no river, there never was, there’s nothing for you to find out here, nothing—
And then you see it. 
The river is drawn back from the bank, a shrunken skeleton of itself—but it is here. From the width of the bank and the depth of the riverbed, you can tell it was once a mighty thing, now tamed by the unending drought. The red clay is dry and crumbling beneath your bare feet as you stumble toward the water. It is cool on your feet as you splash into it, your feet sinking into the mud. 
There is a sound like a whistle, like a switch splitting the air before it parts skin, and an arrow sinks into the wet clay by your feet. 
“Don’t stop now, Sweetmeat. You’re so close.” The voice is taunting, and hatefully familiar. Slowly you turn, and the blue-eyed-orc is there on the bank. His bow drawn, another arrow already nocked.  You stare at one another, your heart pounding in your chest. You wait for him to draw back the bow, to loose the arrow—he doesn’t. After a moment, he lowers it. 
“Brave little thing, aren’t you?” He asks, cocking his head. “You’re not going to run?” 
“No.” You don’t want to die like your father—cowering, with an axe between his shoulder blades that he never saw coming. “I would see my death.” The blue-eyed-orc grins, one sharp fang hanging over his lip. 
“Oh?” To surprise, he stores the arrow back in its quiver, and takes a step closer. “You’ve no weapon to meet it.” 
“It will come whether I’ve steel or none.” You match his step, taking one further back into the river. The muddy water laps at your calves, soaking into your dress. Over the sound of rushing water and the thunder of your own heartbeat, you hear the horses. The riders approach lazily, slowly, like they know you’re cornered. 
You are. 
The pack doesn’t interfere; don’t come any closer than twenty or thirty paces from the riverbank, content to watch as the blue-eyed one circles you like a wolf. 
“Not going to beg, either, I imagine.” He says, and trembling, you shake your head. You’re up to your knees in water now, your skirts soaked and dragging in the current. You are expecting him to unsheathe the massive, hooked axe on his back, to bring your death down upon you swiftly—but he does not even reach for it. Instead, he reaches for your face, cupping your chin in his huge hand. 
“What are you called?” When you answer, he rolls your name around in his mouth like mead. He turns your head this way and that, like someone inspecting an animal for sale. You know he must feel it, the race of your pulse under his fingertips. After a moment, he pulls back, directing his sharp gaze over his shoulder. 
“Bring a horse for her, Buck.” He says, licking his lips. You watch as a ripple passes through the pack at the impact of his decision.
“What—what are you doing?” You ask hoarsely, your teeth still clenched tight with fear. He grins at you over his shoulder as he makes for the bank.
“A deal’s a deal, Sweetmeat,” he replies, beckoning you to follow. “You get to live.” 
to be continued
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innorogers · 17 days
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Steve Rogers x OFC (You)
Summary: You couldn't sleep, and Steve neither. So you want to help him with a bedtime story. And he wants you forever.
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To say you couldn't sleep is an understatement. You quite literally couldn't even close your eyes for the past few nights. 
It's not something you can control; your brain just works like this: challenges at work are the adrenaline that rushes to your mind, and it just won't calm down. 
So, a 13-hour shift wasn't enough to tire you out; insomnia hit so hard that you decided to head down to the training room to try to drain all your energy.
As you made your way down the stairs, you could hear the distant thudding of fists against a punching bag. 
Upon pushing the door slowly open, you weren't surprised to be met with Steve...without punching gloves.
God, you felt for those knuckles. How can this man be so careless with himself? Not that you have any say in that, of course.
You nodded as he turned around, surprised to see anyone at this hour.
"Cap." you said respectfully, with a tiny voice, looking at the floor as if there's anything wonderful there.
Steve walked over, sweat glistening across his forehead and cheeks, his shirt clinging to his now drenched chest.
"Oh, hi..." He smiled upon seeing you, grabbing a towel from the bench and wiping the sweat from his face. "It's late, what are you doing here?"
"Um..." You didn't think he would talk with this familiarity, but you smiled back. "I couldn't sleep, um...so I just thought I'd try to train myself."
"Ah...insomnia, right?" Steve chuckled slightly, grabbing a bottle of water and taking a few swigs. "I used to suffer with it quite badly too. I used to go to bed and just...stare at the ceiling all night."
"Oh my god." Your reaction was real. "That sounds...terrible."
Steve nodded and slumped down on the bench, leaning back as he took another sip of water. "It is...the only way I got around it was to exhaust myself before bed, but I'm sure you don't need me telling you that."
That statement struck you a little bit. You couldn't help but feel so bad for him. "Cap...that sounds draining. Have you been like that, since...always?"
Steve nodded once again, his hand running through his hair and pushing it back. "Unfortunately, been like it as long as I can remember. I only recently started trying to control it - the army didn't exactly care much about my sleeping patterns..."
"What?" Now you were horrified. "That's so awful. I'm so sorry."
"Hey, don't worry about it. It's alright," Steve reassured with a small smile, his eyes locking with yours for a moment. "I'm used to it. Plus, the army needed me to be the best I could, even if that meant I had to run on 0 hours of sleep."
"Wait, what? Steve, I meant, Cap...that's, that's not right!"
Steve chuckled softly and looked down at his feet for a moment. "Yeah...yeah, I guess it isn't." He was quiet for a moment before looking back up at you with a small smile. "I appreciate the concern, though."
You felt your cheeks were starting to burn, so you looked down again. "Have you tried any pills?" you asked as you watched yourself reflected in the mirror. Oh, you looked so stupid with your gym gear. What were you even doing with a towel and a bottle of water?
Steve nodded, scratching his temple slightly with his thumb. "I've tried just about everything: pills, sleep therapy, meditation, music, literally everything you could think of to help me sleep. I can maybe get 3 hours of sleep max, but that's if I'm absolutely exhausted."
You looked at him. You couldn't believe it. This man, you saw him in and out every day from this campus. He went out so energized, and came back full of scars and wounds, and he couldn't even get some quality rest.
You couldn't help but approach him, your voice as soft as you ever knew it: "Is there anything I can do to help?"
He paused for a moment, looking at you with a quizzical look for a few seconds before his lips quickened up into a small smile. "I mean...there is one thing I could think of..."
"Sit next to me." Steve patted a space on the bench beside him, a small smirk on his face and a twinkle in his eye. "Keep me company."
You didn't even doubt it, and you sat next to him, thinking you were willing to talk for 60 hours in a row if that's what it took to get this man to sleep. 
"Wanna talk about it?"
Steve leaned back against the bench, resting his hands on the metal beside him as he tilted his head slightly to look at you. "There's not much to talk about. My mind just...won't switch off."
"Hmm...maybe, a bedtime story?"
Steve laughed incredulously at the idea, the noise coming from his chest filling the silent room. He found it extremely amazing that he hadn't heard his own laughter like that in a long time.
"A bedtime story? Don't you think I'm a little old for that? I think last time I heard one was… 96 years ago?"
"Well..." God, his laugh was just...magical. You smiled back as your heart melted. "You never know, right?"
Steve chuckled softly once more, his head tilting back as he looked up at the ceiling, a smirk on his face. "You know what...sure. I'll take a bedtime story."
"Alright..." You started laughing too, your frenzied brain starting to do its thing: spinning really fast. 
"Here I go..."
Steve shifted so he was facing you more, leaning forwards with one elbow on his knee. His face was expectant albeit a little amused, and he wondered what kind of a bedtime story you were going to tell.
"Once upon a time, there was a super soldier..."
Steve raised an eyebrow, a small chuckle escaping his lips at the start of the story. "Alright...a super soldier...continue."
"...Who couldn't sleep, so he ran every night up to the hill and asked a fairy living there: 'Hey, little princess, why can't I sleep?' And the fairy replied: 'Oh, honey, I'm so sorry. Is it because the stars are too shiny?' And the soldier looked up at the sky full of stars and shrugged his shoulders: 'Probably...?'"
Steve’s lips formed a soft curve at the beginning of the story, his smile growing with each sentence. 
"How do you know this story?"
You winked at him. "I'll tell you that at the end. “
“So...the fairy thinks about it for a second and says: Well, maybe I can help you. And she goes up, up, up in the sky and starts to collect all the stars one by one, but there are so many of them! And she's so anxious because she wants the super soldier to get some sleep before the army calls...you know, those dumbasses..."
Steve's head tilted back once again as he laughed out loud, shaking his head at the ludicrous but somehow lovely story that was being told, and for some unknown reason, it was making him feel slightly relaxed. 
"That's a lot of stars, huh?"
"Yup..." you heard your voice, and you noticed your joy in making him happy or bringing a little peace to his mind. 
You continued, "So the fairy gets a brilliant idea: 'I'll call every kid on the planet and ask them to wish upon a shiny star, so the stars will fall, and every kid is happy with their wishes granted, and the sky is darkened, and the super soldier gets some sleep.'"
"Every kid? How would they all know to wish upon a star?"
"Because..." You looked at him as if saying, 'duh dude...'
"That's what kids do, didn't you wish upon a star? Ever?"
"Well…I'm not sure I ever did...I…really don’t remember..." He sighed nostalgically.
You looked at him. You wanted to say, "Me neither," but instead, you just responded in a comforting voice, "Well...If you don't sleep tomorrow either, I promise you, I'll go and fetch a star for you."
Steve smiled back at you, your words sending a strange yet warm feeling through his heart. 
"You'd go as far as stealing a star for me?"
And your damn brain worked so fast you didn't even think about what you were saying.
"I'll get every star in the universe for you if you'd ask."
Steve's breath hitched in his throat, there was a strange feeling through his stomach and slightly increasing his heart rate. 
He was quiet for a moment, just looking at you before he spoke again, his own words surprising him. 
"Do you promise...you'd get them all?"
Your heartbeat just stopped at that glance of his, but you nodded. 
"Yes, I do."
Steve took another moment to compose himself, a wonderstruck hitted him as he looked you in the eyes. He was searching your face for any hint of sarcasm or lies, but all he could see was what looked like true honesty. 
"You make a powerful promise...you sure you can keep it?"
You laughed. "What, you don't believe me?"
At the sound of your laugh, Steve's breath hitched in his throat, the noise stirring something deep within him which he attempted to push down. But it was so strong.
"It's not that...I just don't want you to promise something you can't keep."
"I'll keep it." He probably didn't know it, but you were actually vowing, "Every word of it." You replied in a soft voice.
There it was again, that tickle through Steve's stomach. Butterflies everywhere. They came from the air that he breathed, through his chest, to his entire body. 
He smiled at you, a genuine smile that reached his eyes, and for the first time in a very long time, Steve actually believed someone when they promised him something. 
"I'm holding you to that, you know."
You got lost in his eyes. God, there’s an entire ocean in his eyes. You held your tongue before you said that, so you cleared your throat. "I haven't finished my story."
Steve shifted once again to face you, a smile still present on his face. "Continue...tell me the rest of the story."
"So the fairy gets all the stars of the sky to fulfill the kids' wishes, and the sky finally darkens. She goes back to the soldier, but before arriving, she went to heaven and borrowed some feathers from the wings of the most beautiful angel. 'It's for a kid that can't sleep,' she explains to the angel, and with the feathers and her fairy magic, she makes the most comfortable pillow in the world. And only then, she goes back to the soldier and gives him the pillow: 'There, you will have a good sleep, honey.' And so, the soldier finally gets some rest. The end."
Steve listened to the rest of the story intently, that strange feeling in his stomach returning as waves of a tide.
Damn butterflies. Now they even left a trace of golden glitter shiny things.
He wants those butterflies to stop, but he fails, his eyes locking with yours. "You are good...you are a truly excellent storyteller, you know that?"
"I know, right?" You laughed, and also lowered your voice. "But I'll tell you a little secret."
He chuckled as he leaned back against the bench, arms crossed across his chest. As he was trying to hide something, to push back on something. To take distance. 
"A secret? I like the sound of that."
"You're my only and first audience."
Steve cocked an eyebrow, his smirk returning and his arms uncrossing. "You mean this is the first time you've even told someone that story?"
"Or any story."
Steve's eyes widened at your words, the smirk on his face growing even more. 
"You've never told a story before...like, ever?"
Steve chuckled softly at your response, shaking his head slightly. "You mean to tell me that ever since you were a kid, you've never told another person a story? Not even when you were little?"
You were going to say something, but kept quiet and smiled.
Steve was quiet for a moment before looking at you. 
"Most people tell everyone stories...they don't save up a story for years and years and years to tell just one person...just one?"
You blinked at him. "It's only for super soldiers who can't sleep at night, and you are the first one I've met. But...if you happen to know any other super soldier who is also a superhero and also happens to be...you know, Captain America, the greatest avenger of all times...tell him I have a great bedtime story to share with him in case he can't sleep and is training in the tower at this time of the night...otherwise...then yes, you are the only one."
Steve couldn't help but laugh at your response, the sound filling the room once again and that pang through his stomach returning. He ran his fingers through his hair and shook his head as he looked at you, a smirk on his face. 
"I'll let you know if I see any super soldiers around."
"Tell him that's a hell of a bedtime story."
Steve chuckled again, his smirk growing wider as he gave you a nod. "You think he'll like it?"
"I don't know, what do you think?" you shrugged your shoulders.
Steve paused, his eyes locking with yours and that feeling in his stomach returning once again. 
He slowly licked across his lips and was quiet for a moment before answering. 
"I think he'll like the story...I think he'll like it a lot..."
You paused for a long moment before you moved your sight out of the window. 
"Well, that would make me very happy, you know?"
Steve smiled back at you, that warm feeling in his stomach slowly spreading through his entire body. There was something about you that he just couldn't quite put his finger on - you made him feel strangely relaxed yet on edge all at once, and he couldn't quite explain it.
"Because..." Your response was honest and sincere. "I don't know, I guess...I guess I just wish all the good things for him."
Steve was silent, his eyes not able to move from your face as he listened intently. It was at this moment that strange pang in his chest became so prominent that it almost knocked the breath out of him. 
Your words were simple, yet they made his heart flutter. He didn't understand why, but he suddenly felt something he hadn't felt in years, a feeling so strong and overpowering yet so gentle.
Steve smiled, his voice coming out as nothing more than a whisper. 
"You...you really care about him...huh?"
You stayed quiet. This was weird, he was asking, yet you felt that those questions came from some kind of reflexive thought, that it was your inner voice asking you. 
So you answered, "I do. A lot."
Steve didn't say anything for a moment, the way you answered so quickly and so honestly made all hesitations and doubts disappear. He is not fighting anymore against it. He found himself looking at you intently, almost as if he were trying to read you. 
His heart rate slowly rose, and those butterflies flew and flew in circles all around within him.. 
He suddenly remembers that he didn't even know your name. You’re such a dumbass, Rogers. Captain America is just an excuse, this is the REAL reason you don’t get dates over 100 years. He tells himself. Could you be more stupid?
"I don’t even know your name." He says in an apologetic tone.
"I'm..." You thought about it and decided to go with your real name, not the one you were known for. 
Steve repeated your name silently to himself, letting it roll off his tongue and hearing the way it sounded as it left his lips. 
He paused for a moment, his face softened with a slight smile as he was saying a breathtaking thought.
"Beautiful name..."
"Thanks." And you blinked at him. "And you are...?"
A subtle laugh flickered on his face at your joke before replying, "Well...you probably know my name already, but...I'm Steve, Steve Rogers."
Your heartbeat skipped a dozen paces, but you played it cool. "I like your name too."
Steve's eyes widened at your words. He hesitated and tilted his head slightly, letting his hair fall into his eyes as he spoke gently. "You're not going to call me 'Cap' or 'Captain America'?"
"Do...do you prefer it?"
A flicker of amusement crossed Steve’s face: "No...I'd prefer it if you just called me Steve...or Stevie."
"Does...anyone dare to call you Stevie?"
Steve chuckled, "No...no one dares, no...but I think I'd be willing to let you get away with it..."
"Alright then, only because you've asked."
Steve's smile widened, a small laugh escaping his throat in response to your comment. He found himself taken aback by the unexpected emotions stirring within him. Every passing moment made him more drawn towards you, captivated by your presence. 
He couldn't comprehend why he was suddenly feeling so at ease, as if he had known you for a lifetime instead of minutes.
It was like homecoming. Instead of greeting for the first time.
Steve sat up straight again, his eyes not leaving your face. He took another moment, gathering himself and taking a breath before speaking, his voice went as gentle and as low as ever. 
"Can I tell you something?"
His gentle voice gave you goosebumps. 
"Is it a secret?"
Steve chuckled nervously, his hands suddenly becoming sweaty and palms slightly clammy, his heart starting to pound against his chest. He shifted slightly so that he was even closer to you, his eyes never leaving yours. 
"Hmm, yeah, I guess you could call it a secret..."
"Will I ever be tortured by enemies trying to know this secret?"
Steve laughed, shaking his head and leaning back once again, but still staying close to you. 
"No...no, you won't get tortured, I promise...it's just, something I just want to share with you and only you..."
"Oh, in that case...I better promise I won't tell...You've made me promise a lot of things tonight, Steve."
Steve smiled but noticed that his hands were becoming even more sweaty as he thought, and that his heart was racing like a teenager. 
"Can I...can I lean a bit closer to you for a second?"
Your body literally was screaming to get closer to him, your brain was sending some kind of alert sign, and your heart was about to jump off your chest. So you were practically a mess. You could only do as you were commanded.
Steve shuffled even closer to you, his leg slightly touching yours, the feeling of just sitting so close to you creating a small burst of electricity through his body. He suddenly realized that he could feel your body heat and how much he was desperate to get even closer, to feel that warmth directly against him.
He took another deep breath before speaking, his voice still as low and as gentle as a whisper, but the butterflies within him were entering in a frenetic dance.
"I'm gonna lean even closer than this, alright?"
No, it is not alright because your heart was going to burst, but could you ever say no to him? 
"Alright." You nodded, unable to move your eyes from his.
Steve inhaled deeply at your response, his body almost aching to be even closer. He leaned in, his leg now firmly pushed against yours, his own body heat mixing with yours.
He was suddenly nervous, the words he wanted to say on the tip of his tongue. He took another deep breath, swallowing and licking across his lips before speaking once again in that same, low, gentle voice. 
"Can I come even closer?"
You held your breath, barely nodded. Just move, MOVE!
Steve didn't need you to say anymore. His body was now fully pressed against yours, his breath catching as he took in your scent. God, you smelled like fresh grass after rain. It was driving him wild.
His head was next to yours, his cheek mere millimeters from your skin, like willow leaves resting on the water, creating ripples through your heart.
Your mind was blurred. "Please."
That one word was all it took. Steve realized how much he wanted you. He shifted, lifting his leg onto the bench so he was almost sitting next to you, his chest and hips now pushed against you. 
He could feel the heat from your body through his own and he got it, what was that wonderstruck homecoming sensation he had: he never wanted to be without it.
"Is this close enough?" he murmured, his voice nothing but a whisper.
You sighed, your heart pounding in your chest. With a determined look, you put your hands on his face, tracing gentle lines with your fingers.
You looked at him, your gaze holding his, as if you could see forever into his soul.
"No. If you don't mind. I'd like to be closer."
Steve's breath caught, his body burning with desire. He shifted closer, pressing against you, his pulse quickening. You felt his heat, his warmth, his desperate need, and you surrendered to it.
His breaths became shallower now, that strange feeling almost overwhelming within him. 
"How about now?"
"Well...you think...you think that the other...the other superhero that suffers from insomnia could do better?" You slowly put your arms around his neck, and pulled him to yourself. 
"Something...like this?"
Steve gasped, feeling a strong wave of electricity shoot straight to his core as he felt your arms around his neck, your body pressed against his all at once, his arms holding onto your waist, keeping you pulled close to him. His eyes flicked down to your lips as you spoke as he answered. 
And he suddenly realized how good it felt, how right it felt, how much he wanted to taste you, how badly he could feel that strange, overwhelming feeling in his heart begging him to just give in.
He moved just a little more. And it felt as if he were hanging on the edge of a cliff, his breath caught in his throat as he spoke, his voice a shaky whisper.
"Can I..."
And you moved your lips up, right into his.
And all the butterflies just...flew up, and a thousand golden glitter traces exploded everywhere like magic dust rolled in the wind.
Steve felt a sudden fire ignite within him as his body ached for you, every inch desperate to feel your touch. 
He let out a small moan as he tasted you, the ache growing stronger with each passing second. 
His hands roamed sliding down your back and up to your hair, tangling his fingers in the strands as the kiss deepened. Steve wanted more, he needed more...he just couldn't get enough.
But you broke the kiss, you needed air.
So he had to, too. His breaths coming out sharp and ragged, his heart hammering so hard and fast he could practically feel it in his head. He took a moment to compose himself, his hands holding you still against him, his forehead resting against yours as he tried to control his breathing.
“I…I can’t believe I just did that…” he spoke after a while, his voice coming out as a whisper.
You opened your eyes and blurted out: "But...but...did...but did you like it?" 
RIGHT? Please tell me you liked it or you'll have to present your resignation to Stark tomorrow.
“Liked it?”
Steve’s hand suddenly comes up to gently push a strand of hair back behind your ear.
“I loved it.”
You gazed at him, and of course, your impulse worked so much faster than your sense: "So can we do it again?"
Steve’s eyes widened, a small, incredulous laugh escaping his throat.
“You think you have to ask?”
"And...would you mind if I...take the lead...this time?" You can barely look at him, and your voice is so low that only a super soldier could hear.
"I..."Steve’s heart suddenly skipped. God, you’re wonderfully full of surprises.
"Not at all." Not in a million lifetimes.
"Ok." You inhaled deeply to take charge, but all of a sudden, you stopped. As you were realizing something.
"W-What's wrong?" Steve didn’t dare to speak above a whisper, his mind racing through every possible reason as to why you suddenly hesitated like that.
“Is this…too fast?”
"Oh no." You immediately shook your head: "No, this is wonderful. It's just...my heart is beating so fast and so loud, I don't...I don't even know what to do with it, just...just give me a second to recover. Hold to that thought a little longer."
You wave your face with a hand, as you couldn’t breathe. Is too loud. This is too loud. Your heart was pounding too fast, you were afraid he could hear it. That everyone in this campus could hear it.
"Oh for god's sake!" He laughed so hard. His heart suddenly swelled, the moment was perfect…perfect in a way he never realized possible. He couldn't believe it, how can you be so adorable and drive him to the edge of wildness at the same time.
As you struggle to catch your breath and calm your racing heart, your eyes are drawn to him. His smile, his laughter, the sparkle in his eyes, the way he holds your hand. 
And in a moment of dumbfounded wonder, you find yourself uttering, "Are you even real…?”
He sighed, a long exhale filled with tenderness and emotions he couldn't yet understand. His forehead rested against yours as he whispered back with a smile.
"If I'm not real...your imagination is pretty damn amazing..."
"...I think this is beyond my imagination..."
Steve slowly moved his hand down to your cheek, gently brushing his thumb across the blushing skin: "Trust me, my imagination could never have come up with someone like you..."
"But..." You almost trembled under his touch, and as he raised your jaw to look at you, you finally took the lead.
"This is real." 
And you pressed your lips to his for an even more perfect second kiss.
Steve gasped.
They say marvelous things about the first kisses. But how can they say nothing about the second one?
His heart suddenly accelerating within his chest, overtaken by the sensation of your touch. He couldn't think, head completely foggy, mind blurred, with the only clarity of wanting more. 
His hand suddenly grabbed onto your waist, pulling you even closer to him, his own mouth instantly responding against yours. 
He was losing it to the urge, the need, to get even closer to you, to have all of you.
Your whole body was shivering, and when you got a chance to breathe, you uncontrollably whispered his name with a lost voice.
And that's just it. 
That’s what set Steve on fire.
He slowly shifted his body, pulling you onto his lap so you were now sitting on his thighs. He leaned forwards to your ear, his hot breath on your neck as he spoke in a low whisper, his own voice almost pleading.
"Say it again..."
You opened your watery and moist eyes, and what you released was almost an uncontrolled begging moan, "Steve..." as you pressed your fingers tightly to his skin, unable to bear all these feelings.
Steve suddenly stopped all action, the sound of his name on your lips mixed with that look in your eyes sending a shiver down his spine.
"God..." He said as he breathed heavily and leaned back. Panting. 
For fucks’ sake. He thinks to himself.
"You have no idea what you're doing to me..." 
It took all the willpower within him not to act on his body's needs, not to press you down into the bench and claim all of you right there.
Your mind was so blurred and your body and heart were reacting so out of control that you had no idea what you were saying. So you just answered spontaneously in between panting breaths, "...Helping you with your sleeping problems?"
Steve chuckled. You were magical. His body was distressed after your reply, but still so pending on everything you made him feel. He looked at your blushed face and heard your agitated breathing. He couldn't understand how you truly had no idea of the effect you had on him, of how badly he wanted you right now. So he took a deep breath in, trying to hold himself back.
"Helping to sleep?" His thumb caressed your lips. "More like keeping me awake..."
"Oh..." As if you had any idea of how that had happened, ending up in his lap with this kiss that would haunt you for the rest of your life.
"So do you need another bedtime story?"
Steve chuckled again, your words bringing him back into the moment, grounding him a bit. He looked at you and smiled, shaking his head. "No, that's a wrap for today. But I need to ask you something."
Something he wanted to ask since you sat by his side tonight. But well, is not his fault that he was so easily distracted by you.
"And be honest with me, okay?" He inhaled slowly, and for a strange reason, his nerves rose again when you nodded. He slowly ran his eyes over your face, the way the light from the city below flickered on your skin. 
And for a moment he hesitated in asking, what if the answer was not what he expected?
"Are you...seeing anyone right now...? Like...do you have a...boyfriend...?"
"Oh." From all the questions on earth, this was the last one you expected. So you nodded. 
"Yeah, I do, from Mondays to Fridays, during working hours. Then, I'm allowed to hang around the campus at midnight to find a super soldier, sit on his lap, and kiss him."
Steve's eyes widened when he heard the first part, and then a loud laughter escaped his lips. 
He felt his heart filled with inexplicable joy. Damn, you were good. He was so glad, he couldn't stop smiling, and he felt his soul was full with your hand interlocked with his. As two perfect matched pieces from a puzzle.
"Well...?" You lifted an eyebrow at him.
"Are you?" You looked at him as if it were an obvious implication. "Seeing someone?"
"No." He was firm, the small smile still on his face. He looked up at you, slowly shaking his head. "No...I haven't been with anyone for a while...I haven't had any reason to..." And he sighed a gentle whisper, "...up until now, anyway..."
You were terrible at getting indirect answers. Your brain only worked with binary stuff. So you blinked several times, making sure you understood correctly.
"And...can you consider that possibility, right now?"
Steve held his gaze steady on yours, "What if...what if I said I already had someone in mind?"
"Is she...helping you with your sleeping problems? Or...a very good storyteller?"
Steve suddenly let out a chuckle. "Maybe ...but it's not just about the sleep, you know...It's about...having that person there...that one person who's always there for you...that one person who always makes you smile..." As you.
"...that person you can always be yourself around..." As you. He thought, while observing you, expecting your reaction.
"Well..." You nodded, thinking about it seriously. "I....I don't know if I'd be a good fit but...."
Steve's nerves built again as you paused for a moment, he wanted to know if you were saying what he thought you were about to say.
"But I promise I'll do everything in my power to make you smile...and...and I'll be there...always...and...I'll do anything..." 
Your lack of courage didn't let you finish under the look of Steve's gaze. He was so serious that you started to stutter and couldn't finish those stupid words.
Well done. That sounded so cliche. You couldn't believe yourself.
But Steve sat there, completely stunned and frozen, your words slowly sinking in within his mind. He couldn't believe what you'd just said, how you'd spoken to them with such honesty, such conviction. And you weren't even together yet, you weren't a couple, you weren't...anything, really.
And his stomach was twisting into a knot as he listened to your every word, as he heard the meaning behind them.
A strange kind of calm washed over him, as if a weight was suddenly slowly lifted from his chest. You couldn't have said it better. He couldn't even imagine better, and yet, everything you said was exactly what he hoped you'd say, and those words had calmed and soothed something within him he'd never realized needed soothing.
"I AM SO SORRY." You, in the other hand, were a mess while he was still wonderstruck, thinking that made him feel so uncomfortable. "I'll take it back, I didn't say anything."
"No." He replied immediately. No, don't you dare take that back from me. 
He wanted to speak, wanted to say so much, but the words failed him. So he inhaled deeply, and cupped your face in his hands, pressed his forehead to yours.
"I m, I'm just...stunned, I'm just...marveled."
"Huh?" This emotional rollercoaster was killing you. "Why?"
Steve suddenly let out a small chuckle, your innocence and naivety when it came to your affect on him just kept him in endless wonder. But he had time. You'll find out eventually how important you are. And that makes him smile. That's a wonderful word: "Eventually." Means you have so much ahead of you together.
"Because...I've never heard anyone say the things you just said to me, that's why..."
"Oh." You are not really good at interpreting people's faces. So you just don't know what to say, and to be honest, there's something else you want to ask.
"Can I have your phone number?"
Steve laughed again, God, what a night. How can you be this...amazing? He pulled the phone out, turning it on and pulling up the screen as he spoke.
"Of course you can...here...put your number in..."
"Yeah..." You rubbed your nose. "I don't know my phone number...Maybe...you can search it in the...public contact list? Here, let me help you." You say while entering your complete name in the organization's internal app.
"Oh." Steve frowns. "You don't know your phone number?"
"Well, do you?" You return his cellphone after finding your contact card in the top level section.
"I know EVERYONE'S number." Steve has a smirk on his face, his playful side suddenly coming out.
"Really? WHY?" You wonder. "You're on Level 0, you should have access to everything, you don't need to have to know the numbers by heart..."
"Because...I'm Captain America, I have to know these things..."
You take this joke so seriously, you're shocked. "REALLY? You know...like all the avenger's numbers?"
Steve snorted a laugh, the look on your face priceless. Oh, you gorgeous, adorable being. And he had this urge, of kissing you again, so he smiled, leaning a little closer to you as he spoke, his hand tightening around your waist, pulling you closer.
"Yeah...yeah I do...every single one..."
Your eyes sparkled.
"Can I have Thor's?"
"What?" That got him off guard, and he answered really fast. "NO." No way. You stay away from him. You're mine. 
"Why? Does he even use these things?" You were so genuinely intrigued. "Don't you talk to him through a magic mirror or something?"
"W...what..." Steve didn't know what to answer, he was laughing and shaking his head while swiping his contacts. "No, we don't have magic mirrors, I actually do have his number, look, over here 'God Of Thunder'..."
"Wow, did you actually name him 'God Of Thunder'?" You find that incredibly cute.
"Oh yeah...I'm one of those people that put's everything..." He held his phone in front of you.
"...well here it is...there's 'The Mighty Thor', the 'King of Asgard', also 'God of Thunder'...and 'Thunder God'...pick your favorite..."
You look at him while his sight is on the screen of his phone, your voice almost a whisper. 
"And...um...what would be...my contact name?"
"Well..." Steve's eyes were glancing down to his phone at your question, wondering what he would call you. He paused for a moment, scrolling to the section of his contacts list, his thumb hovering over the small, blank box for your name. He thought for a moment longer.
"What would you want it to be...?"
And your words escaped from your mouth before you could think clearly, before you could reply with anything smart.
"What do you want me to be? …to you?"
Steve suddenly froze, his finger hovering over the blank contact name as your words echoed in his ears, filling his mind. 
He straightened his pose, his eyes met yours, looking deep into them, silently trying to figure out what you'd just said.
And he finally exhaled slowly, his thoughts racing through his mind again, unable to form words for a moment. He could only manage a quiet voice, a soft whisper.
"How about...my Everything."
And there was once upon a time, a soldier who couldn't sleep asked for a wish to a fairy.
So there you were, feeling your heart has exploded into a million shining butterflies, and all the stars of the universe have made your wish come true, you took his hand and smiled.
"Your wish is granted, soldier."
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Continue to: Chapter 2: Lucid | Chapter 3: Reverie
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Hii thanks for reading & thanks for sticking with me this far <3 I hope you liked it and it wasn't too long to boring. This is my first time writing in english, hope it wasn't terrible :3 also, this is my first time setting this thing in tumblr, so fingers crossed it worked out okay ;_; A special hug to this lady who helped me set this up @jamneuromain (I still have no idea how this works)
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1800jjbarnes · 1 year
𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐖𝐢𝐝𝐞 | 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬
【Synopsis】 : You find out your Super Soldier Boyfriend has a kink that also happens to be right up your ally.
『Word count』 : 300 
Pairing : Beefy!Steve x Reader
[Warnings] : Spitting, bodily fluids, pet names.
Masterlist | Navigation
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How could you possibly even begin to think of such a dirty act? You had simply made a joke upon the matter, never considering the sin-filled fantasy would come to pass. You never even batted an eye that your boyfriend could have such a fetish, yet here you are. Waiting ever so patiently for him to do what he promised. He asked you to sit between his legs while he sat on the couch. You rested your head on his large thigh, feeling his muscles tense when he began to lean forward. His fingers grip your chin, pulling you ever so slowly and softly. His eyes were intensely glued to yours, a sly smirk growing on his sunkissed and tainted skin.
"You ready, Honey?" His lips were so close to yours, yet so far. You were becoming desperate, and the need for his touch grew stronger. You nodded like a ridiculous kid wanting their favourite food.
"Open wide. Tongue out." his voice was deep, husky, barely above a whisper. You followed his orders swiftly, your fingers digging tightly onto his clothed thighs. "What a good baby." His hand that held your chin caressed your cheek sweetly, even though you know there is a sadistic tension behind it.
"My beautiful..." His hand gripped your chin sharply, tugging you upwards. "...Beautiful, baby." And just like that, he spits directly into your mouth, sending a cold shiver down your spine. Like electricity crackled through your veins. You've never felt so turned on, so exhilarated. You needed more. Pulling yourself up, your nails dug into his skin while you chased his lips. He couldn't help but chuckle with sin crawling from his aura. He had you wrapped around his fingers, putty in his hand. And he was going to abuse his power until his last breath.
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🌸Elle the Space Unicorn's Masterlist🌸
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Reader inserts will have no descriptors, OFCs will be black and plus-sized(unless otherwise stated). I love being able to give girls/femmes who look like me the chance to romance some of their faves.
🌸Bless my muse...🌸
I love to write fanfiction. Right now, my main muse is Henry Cavill. But I also like some Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan characters (see actor masterlists to know who I will write for - send prompts or requests to @ellethespaceunicorn HERE).
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Buy Me A Ko-Fi? | AO3 | Author Recs | Fic Recs | Headcanon Recs | Fic Prompts | Fic Title Ideas | Words to use instead of ‘said’ | 2023 Fanfiction Wrapped | 2023 Character Wrapped
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Masterlist is under the Cut... ...now sorted by actor!!
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Sweet Treats Event 2024 Masterlist
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Henry Cavill Masterlist
Chris Evans Masterlist
Sebastian Stan Masterlist
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An Angel Without Wings - Explicit - Frank Castle x Unnamed!Black!OFC - When she needs him to take control, he’s there for her.
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Let me know if you wanna be added and for what plz, so far only these categories 😁 Let me know if you ever want to be removed!
General Fanfiction (Everything)
Henry Character Fanfiction
Chris Character Fanfiction
August Walker
Bright Like The Moon
Love, Napoleon!
Daddy Knows Best
Don't Take My Sunshine Away
The Howling in Claw Creek Forest
~Please DON'T ask me to tag you in a series that you've never 'liked' or 'reblogged'. It's just kind of rude. Also, don't ask for an ETA on the next chapter.~
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*Blog Header, Cover Art for fics, Masterlist Header/MDNI 18+ Banner, Support/Reblog banner and Masterlist Dividers made by me in Canva*
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saiyanprincessswanie · 3 months
SaiyanPrincessSwanie Reading List Week 205-206
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A/N: Thank you again to those who gave me recommendations for fanfics. �� This week had me reading 40 fics. Absolutely amazing stuff here.
As always these will be listed in no particular order. None of these stories are mine. I’m just signal-boosting them. The author is listed next to the title. My goal is to signal boost writers and spread positivity in the community.  💜💜
Click HERE to see what I will or won’t read. This is very important.
Click HERE for past reading lists.
For my Masterlist click HERE.
Please make sure you’re reading the warnings on every story. They range from dark to fluff. Do Not Read if you are under 18 years old. These stories are meant for adults only. You’re responsible for your own media consumption.
Page-break by @whimsicalrogers
Header by @fictional-affairs
If you can, please reblog these lists so they can reach more people on Tumblr.
I love you 3000 💜 Missy
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Slow Deep Breaths - (Steve x Reader) - @saiyanprincessswanie
Built Differently - A Hearts Embrace - (Stucky x Reader) - @rookthorne
Evermore - Part 2 Chp 2 - (Ari x Reader, Andy x Reader) - @joannaliceevans-fanficblog
Finding Home (7) - (Bucky x Reader) - @jobean12-blog
Indecent Proposal - (4) - (Stucky x Reader) - @holylulusworld
Life Is Short So Make It Sweet - Chp 8 - (Curtis x Honey) - @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
Your Mark On Me - Part 11 - (Steve x Reader) - @georgiapeach30513
Taking hands - (Brock x Sinthea) - @nekoannie-chan
Teamwork? - (Steve, Brock) - @nekoannie-chan
Mercy: Chapter 1 - (Fem!Reader x Steve Rogers; Curtis Everett; Jake Jensen; Lloyd Hansen; Robert "Mr.Freezy" Pronge) - @stargazingfangirl18
Hold You Tight: Part 2 - (Bucky x Reader) - @navybrat817
No escape - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
Steve Vs. the Internet - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
Gun for hire (4) - (Lloyd x Reader) - @holylulusworld
Set in Stone - (Pete x Reader) - @stargazingfangirl18
Home Sweet Home Chp 5 - (Brock/OFC) - @talia-rumlow
I'm your daddy now (3) - (Lloyd x Reader) - @holylulusworld
Monkey See, Monkey Do – Chapter 16, Part 1 - (Colin S x Reader) - @spectre-posts @what-is-your-plan-today
The Fine Print - (Bucky x Reader) - @jobean12-blog
Doppelgänger - (Andy x Reader) - @stargazingfangirl18
All In - (Bucky x Reader) - @jobean12-blog
Wrecked (Part 6) - (Frank C x Reader, Billy R x Reader) - @tuiccim
Fall for Me - (Bucky x Reader) - @navybrat817
Mercy 2 - (Fem!Reader x Steve Rogers; Curtis Everett; Jake Jensen; Lloyd Hansen; Robert "Mr.Freezy" Pronge) - @stargazingfangirl18
Home Sweet Home - Chp Six - (Brock/OFC) - @talia-rumlow
Falling in love - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
Be myself - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
Bring you back - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
Hold You Tight: Part 3 - (Bucky x Reader) - @navybrat817
Monkey See, Monkey Do - Chapter 16, Part 2 - (Colin S x Reader) - @spectre-posts @what-is-your-plan-today
The Shadows Within - (Hughie Campbell x reader) - @the-soulofdevil
Did I Make You Proud? - (Bucky x Reader) - @deliciousangelfestival
The Day After - (Bucky x Reader) - @navybrat817
Change spell - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
Accident - (Lloyd x Reader) - @stargazingfangirl18
Life in the Fast Lane - Part 10 - (Ari x Reader) - @syntheticavenger
Don't Like the Cold - (Curtis x Reader) - @thezombieprostitute
getting what you want on a rainy spring afternoon - (Bucky x Reader) - @witchywithwhiskey
On the Edge - (Ari x Reader) - @stargazingfangirl18
Libya is a Shit Hole - @spectre-posts @what-is-your-plan-today
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avengerscompound · 2 months
Shared Experience - Chapter 1
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Shared Experience - A Captain America Fanfic
Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Rating:  E
Warnings:  Canon typical violence
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Rose Astor
Word Count: 1951
Summary:  Rose Astor met her end in 1920, joining the ranks of the living dead two years after the birth of Steve Rogers.  A century later the two meet in battle - a beacon of light clashing with a creature of the night.  Despite their differences, the two bond over their shared life experiences.  Can a vampire become an Avenger?  Can two such different beings create a life together?
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Chapter 1
Present Day:
It had been over a week since Rose had last fed and she was starting to feel it.  Vampires didn’t feel hunger the same way as mortals.  It wasn’t a pain in the stomach that gradually worsened the longer it went without being addressed, but rather an almost feral need to consume.  The hunger clouded her mind and started to overwrite every other thought so that everything she looked at was either potential food or an obstacle to getting to the food.  It wasn’t just her mind that was affected though - there was a physical change too.  Her skin was paler than normal, and pulled tight against her bones, making her look gaunt and closer to dead than alive.  Her fangs were more prominent, and her eyes were red.  She hid them under sunglasses that were far too dark for the night and risked drawing people’s attention.
Thankfully, as far as most of the world was concerned, vampires didn’t exist.  Unfortunately, some humans weren’t so clueless.  All over the world were groups of monster hunters who would love to take out a creature of the night like her.  While they tended not to hunt the cities, it didn’t mean they couldn’t be found there.  Wearing dark glasses at night was a sure way to draw their attention.
Rose liked to push herself.  She was a reluctant vampire at the best of times.  Some took to the condition like they were born to it.  Rose had survived, which was more than many.  Most Vampires died within the first year of their turning.  She hadn’t succumbed to the depression of being turned into a monster that some do.  She hadn’t fumbled at one of the rules and accidentally fallen asleep where the sun reached, or in a spot mortals could find.  She hadn’t been killed by a monster hunter - though she had met a Bloodstone, one of the most famous monster hunters.  She hadn’t starved, or been caught feeding.  But she still didn’t love her role as a nightwalker.  She didn’t like feeding on people.  She’d been so social in her human life, and to have the humans, who were once her peers, now be her food sickened her.  She would drink blood from bags if she could get it, but it tasted terrible and never sat very well.  It was also difficult to get, even if she did compel someone to get it for her.  Most of the time she’d find someone who was willing.  Maybe not to donate, but to get close enough to her she could make it seem like she was just giving them a hickey.  It was the easiest way to get by.  If she stayed well-fed, she didn’t need to drain someone completely.  If she didn’t drain them, there was no body to get rid of, and she didn’t have to live with the fact she’d murdered again.
It was boring and lonely despite her physical closeness to humans.  The act was intimate but it highlighted her inability to be close to people again in any real way.  So when it got too much she stopped feeding, seeing how long she could go before the beast took hold.  She liked to draw the attention of hunters.  She liked the struggle for survival when the battle ensued.  It felt fair that way, and if she could take out a hunter it might save a creature that didn’t deserve their wrath.
Of course, there was always the risk that she’d give in and feed on an innocent, but in the last hundred years that had yet to happen.
Tonight she could smell blood.  She always could, in the state she was now - under the skin, safely enclosed in arteries, veins, and capillaries.  Salty and iron-rich and not yet starting to oxidize.  This was different.  It was freshly spilled and free-flowing from multiple sources nearby.  It made her mouth water and her fangs pop out, and despite the rational part of her mind screaming that it was dangerous and stupid to go after the scent, the feral animal part couldn’t resist it.
She followed the scent and the sound of fighting down an alley and into one of the main boulevards.  The street had broken out into complete chaos.  It was a superhero thing.  The kind of fighting that Rose tried to actively avoid.  She had powers - compulsion, strength, the ability to jump so high it resembled flight, and the ability to create and control a mist that shrouded the area around her.  She cared about the fate of the planet and the creatures on it, despite how apart from humanity she felt she didn’t want them all wiped out.  She also didn’t think superheroes would take too well to her kind.  The idea of vampires seemed so diametrically opposed to what superheroes fought for.
Seeing it up close as hungry as she felt it was too hard to resist.  The superheroes were all either in the air or at the far end of the street fighting a bunch of people that seemed to be dressed like different kinds of animals.  At Rose’s end, it was mostly people fleeing to safety, but one of the villains, a man dressed as a tiger, seemed to be snatching children from the crowd and using them as shields.
He was also bleeding.
Rose ran at him as fast as lightning, grabbing him from behind and biting into his neck.  The guy didn’t even have a chance to react before his blood was pouring into her mouth and she was drinking it down.  The children screamed as his body began to sag, and he released the small girl he had been holding.  As the life began to leave his body and the flow of blood slowed, she dropped him to the ground and looked at the cowering children in front of her.  “Where are your parents?”
One of them pointed down the road and she went to herd them in front of her, hoping to get them somewhere safe.  Now she had fed, that need for blood backed off again and she could think clearly.
  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something flying toward her head and without thinking she put up her hand to block it.  It hit her hand hard enough to shatter bones, but that didn’t hurt as much as the way it burned her skin.  She threw it to the side and right away the itchy feeling of her bones knitting together spread through her hand.  On the other hand, the burn was still stinging like she was holding it over the fire.  She had only felt that lingering pain once before when she’d taken hold of a crucifix not long after being turned.  The mark had burned for hours and she still wore the cross-shaped burn in her hand today.
“Step away from the children.”
Rose wheeled toward the sound of the deep, masculine voice, and found herself face to face with Captain America.  He held out his arm and flexed his hand, and his shield returned to him, flying in from the side.  It had been the shield that she’d deflected, and it was the faith people put into that shield that had burned her.
“I was saving them,” she hissed, bracing herself for a fight.  She was strong enough that she thought she could hold her own against the super soldier, but if that shield was a faith object and he was throwing it around, there was a real risk of him taking her out.  Not to mention one of the Avengers was an archer.  An arrow to the heart worked just as well as a stake.
“What did you do to Tiger?” Rogers asked.
“Your job,” she said.  Behind her, the kids were running again, though she was no longer concerned about them.  She knew that they would be his priority over her.  She risked a look over her shoulder and ran, dashing to the side and leaping up the side of the building.  She heard him shout behind her and as she reached the roof, an arrow went whizzing by her ear.
“That was a warning shot,” Hawkeye yelled.  “Stay where you are.”
She froze and began to draw in mist around her, cloaking her from his gaze.  “She’s enhanced.  I’m gonna need help if you want to pursue her,” the archer called
If there was a response to him, Rose didn’t know, she’d taken off again, using the mist to hide her movements.  The arrows flew through the air, too close for comfort, and she snatched one as it reached her, nearly hitting her in the arm.  She kept running and easily jumped the space between buildings.  Even with the mist, she was a target up here,  She could hear footsteps behind her, keeping pace with her preternatural speed, and she knew that there were at least two Avengers who could both fly and had technology that could keep track of her, she just hoped if they did try to use technology, they’d try heat sensors.
“Stop running!”  Captain America’s voice made it through the thick fog.  He was panting from exertion and she kept telling herself that if she just kept running, he would tire before her.
She dropped down the next gap between buildings into an alley, leaving the mist above her as a shroud.  The jump was poorly planned, and she hit a dumpster when she landed, creating a loud crash and drawing the attention of Captain America.  He landed much more gracefully beside her as she was pulling herself out of the trash.  She didn’t stop to square off, she just ran.  Perhaps she could win in hand-to-hand combat, but not with that shield.
“Last warning!” he called, taking after her.  Before she even reached the end of the alley, the shield struck her in the back.  She screamed as her spine fractured when it connected with her.  Her legs gave out and she went sprawling out on the tar.
Steve stepped up over her as she tried to drag herself along.  The bones were knitting, but they wouldn’t knit fast enough for her to get away.  “You broke my spine,” she hissed.
“Stop trying to move,” he ordered.  “Let me help you.”
He tried to help her roll over and she clawed at him, tearing at his armor with her bare fingers.  “Just stop,” Steve repeated.  “You’re caught.  There’s nothing you can do.”
He rolled her over onto her back and she looked up at him.  This man was only a little younger than she was and looked about ten years older.  Of any human on the planet, he shared the most in common with her.  They both grew up in New York in the early twentieth century.  They both lived through World War II.  They both went through a transformation that turned them into something else.  Yet Steve Rogers was a hero and she was a monster.
He held his wrist to his mouth. “I need a medical evac here.  I caught her, she’s injured.”
She looked up at him with alarm and shook her head.  “No, no, no…” I can’t go to a hospital.  I’ll be fine in a second.  I heal.”
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“If I don’t go somewhere dark, you’ll kill me,” she said.  “You chased me because of what I did to that asshole trying to use children as a shield.  What you end up doing to me if the sun hits my skin will be far worse.”
Steve Rogers narrowed his eyes at her and called his shield back to his arm.  “What the hell are you?”
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sheerfreesia007 · 1 year
Fxck Me
Title: Fxck Me
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 2,537
Warnings: Smut, Oral (female receiving), creampie, doggystyle, dirty talk
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Gif Credit: @beckygirl95
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Steve walks into the elevator that morning and stands towards the back of the elevator since he’ll have to ride it all the way up to his office. He stands there holding two coffee cups, one for him and one for Sunshine. Steve had started buying coffee on his way in to try and appease Sunshine after his mistake with the businessmen, and now months later the habit has stayed with him and Sunshine always tells him how grateful she is for the coffee. Steve enjoys getting that extra bit of attention from her before he begins his work day and she enjoys the caffeine fix he gives her to perk her up after she’s been working for at least an hour before him.
As the elevator slowly empties out until it’s just him he starts to wonder how his admin is going to drive him up a wall today. Lately he’s been noticing that she’s been changing the clothes she wears for work, they’ve all been very professional and tasteful but slowly they began to show off her body more to him. It seemed like only a subtle change, her blouses were no longer up to her neck and would now show off her collar bones, her skirts weren’t down to her ankles anymore and had moved up to mid calf or on the rare occasion to her knees. Steve liked to think that she was much more comfortable with him now and was starting to grow more comfortable with not being so tight laced around him.
While the change was a good one it also drove Steve wild with desire for her. The way her calves looked when she wore her heels made him salivate and daydream about her taking charge of him in only those heels. Or the way the blouses laid over her skin showing him just the bare hint of cleavage or the dusting of freckles and moles that he knew lay above her breasts. It drove him wild knowing that she was that exposed now after covering it all up.
Steve steps out of the elevator and makes his way to his office trying to come up with different outfits that she could wear today. Reality far outweighs his imagination as he steps into the doorway and spots her sitting at her desk with one of her wireless earbuds in talking to whoever she has on the phone. Steve’s eyes travel over her form as he sucks in a harsh breath, she’s wearing a rich purple blouse that looks like it’s well worn and butter soft. It's a v-neck shirt blouse and the skin of her breasts is on display for his hungry eyes making him bite back a groan. She’s gazing at her computer screen as she types and clicks her mouse before her eyes dart over to him and a smile lights up her face.
“Good morning Captain.” She greets him kindly as she stands from her desk and Steve has to bite his tongue as he sees the speckled gray pencil skirt that she’s wearing. He can see the sheer black panty hose she has on her legs and the black heels on her feet make his brain short circuit. He’s standing there staring at her as she nears him still talking on the phone with whoever and his mind goes blank, he can’t think of anything besides what she’s wearing and how he wants to remove it from her body. She takes the coffee cup from his hand and takes a sip of it before beaming up at him while her free hand comes and rests against his forearm. “Thank you.” she says to him softly and Steve nods his head mindlessly as he watches her walk back to her seat and sit down again. She continues on with her conversation and typing away at her computer but all Steve can focus on is the dark line of her panty hose that runs down the back of both of her legs.
Shaking his head Steve tries to jumpstart his brain before he walks into his office and sets his things down. He sits down behind his computer screen and shifts his hips as he feels his semi hard cock pressing against the front of his slacks. He sighs softly knowing that today is going to be a long day with her dressed like that.
It’s just before lunchtime and Steve is itching to get Sunshine alone for lunch with him. About an hour into work she had come into his office at least five times to give him paperwork and updates on any projects that he was in charge of. Each time she would make sure to stand as close to his side where he sat behind his desk while she explained the paperwork or update to him. The heat from her body radiated out to him because of how close she was and he had to bite back his groans as desire tried to consume him when she was around.
But now it was just before lunchtime and he had told her on the last time she came in that they were going to eat together for lunch, he didn’t care what but he wanted it delivered and for the two of them to eat in his office. Steve had ulterior motives but knew that she was alright with them when he saw the smirk that graced her face when he told her what he wanted to do for lunch with her. 
Just then there was a knock at his office door and he looked up to see Sunshine walking in with a white carry out bag in her hands and a smile on her face. He smiled at her and began to clear away his desk so that they had room to eat together. As he was bending to the side of his desk slipping his paperwork away he could feel her at his side laying out the food for them. When he sat straight again and turned his face to look up at her his face was met with her low cut blouse and her tantalizing cleavage. Steve groans low in his throat and Sunshine looks down at him with a furrowed eyebrow before a soft smirk forms on her face.
“What’s the matter Captain? Are you alright? Do you need anything?” she asked him, sounding worried but with an undertone of teasing. Steve closes his eyes quickly taking in a deep breath trying to calm himself down. Her gentle hand comes up and grazes along the side of his face causing Steve to reach out for her. His hands come to firmly grip her hips and guide her to sit in his lap with her back to his chest. Sunshine stills for a moment before shifting her hips against his trying to get comfortable. Steve groans loudly again as her ass shifts and sways over his crotch making his cock begin to harden while his hands clench and unclench around her hips.
“Fuck me.” he groans out as he bucks his hips up into hers and she gasps prettily for him.
“Language Captain. What are we going to do with that mouth of yours?” she asks him teasingly while still shifting and grinding her hips down into his. Steve growls at her teasing words and instantly guides her to lean over his desk with one hand while the other grips at the waistband of her skirt and rips it off her body. Her lustful cry out grips Steve in a vice-like hold as his body heats at seeing she’s wearing another thong, this one the color of plums. His eyes take in the moving flesh of her ass as she shifts from side to side on her heeled feet. Her ass cheeks are exposed to him and he moans loudly when his eyes dance over the black straps of her garter belt holding up her black sheer panty hose with the thick line down the back of them.
“Oh I’m going to do an awful lot with this mouth of mine.” he taunts her and leans forward as he leans forward and wetly mouths at one of her cheeks. His teeth graze along her skin causing her to gasp out loudly with desire while her hips push back towards him. He keeps one hand planted in her lower back to keep her pressed to his desk while the other hand hooks in her thong and drags it to the side while his mouth covers her slick core.
Sunshine tries to buck back against his mouth as she cries out in surprise but Steve keeps her pressed to his desk as his mouth sucks wet kisses into her slick folds. His nose is nestled between her cheeks and it nudges against her skin as his mouth moves along her now dripping slit. His office is suddenly filled with the sounds of Sunshine’s whimpers and his wet sucking kisses to her core, it’s like a symphony for him as Steve darts his tongue out of his mouth and straight into her core. Sunshine jerks against his desk and lets out an animalistic sound that gets choked down when Steve swirls his tongue inside of her.
The tangy taste of her cum fills Steve’s taste buds and he groans loudly against her cunt making her squeak in surprise before pushing back against his mouth. He loves the taste of her and can’t imagine ever stopping his consumption of her. Steve moans against her again when he feels her gush into his mouth knowing that she was getting closer to her orgasm as her walls fluttered around his tongue. He presses forward into her cunt and sucks at her folds before darting his tongue to throbbing clit. Circling it twice Sunshine cries out brokenly and Steve’s mouth instantly moves back to her cunt as her cum eeks out of her and into his waiting mouth.
Steve sits back in his chair and sees that Sunshine is splayed out on his desk panting heavily while her legs tremble with the force of her orgasm. He stares at her body laid out for him to take and he growls softly at the image. She’s a seductress without even knowing it and Steve is a weak man who can’t resist her. He stands from his seat and undoes his button and lowers his zipper, his cock covered by the thin material of his briefs throbs with the lessened restriction. His hand reaches out and trails down one of her cheeks and Sunshine jerks with the sensation while his other hand lowers his briefs so that his hardened cock can slot itself between her cheeks.
“I’m not going to be able to go slow.” he tells her and Sunshine lets out a shuddered exhale.
“I need you to fuck me Captain. Anyway you can. Just please, fuck me.” she pleads with him and Steve moans while nodding his head at her words. He guides his cock between her cheeks for a couple of strokes before he dips his hips and slams his cock into her throbbing cunt. Sunshine arches her back as her moan is ripped from her lungs while Steve hovers over her back letting his chest flush with her back. He grips the opposite edge of his desk and begins to impale her on his cock with harsh fast strokes. 
Sunshine is a babbling mess for him as her smaller hands grip his wrists as her head thrashes against his desk. Steve is floating in the sea of lust and desire that’s consumed him as he fucks his hard long cock into her. His mind is empty of everything except the direction of fucking her. His cock is slick with her cum and the squelching noises that her cunt are making is driving him further into madness. He slams his cock fully into her and Sunshine cries out loudly as his cock head grazes a part inside of her that makes her see stars. Her walls clamp down on his cock and Steve moans brokenly as his orgasm is ripped from him. He grinds his hips into hers as his cock fills her with his cum. Sunshine is thrashing her head again and Steve slips one hand down to her clit and begins to circle it with fast strokes.
“C’mon sweetheart. Cum for your Captain.” he instructs her and Sunshine’s mouth drops open in a silent scream as her orgasm crashes into her and her walls grip his cock tightly. He eases her through her high and she coos and mewls at him tiredly as they both come down. Steve leaves himself seated inside of her and gathers her tired body into his arms before sitting back down in his chair. She turns so that she’s now facing him and curls against him resting her head under his chin. “We’re going to have to order you new clothes to be delivered. I’m pretty sure I destroyed your skirt.” he says softly and she chuckles in a raspy voice making him smile.
“Best way to destroy it too.” she teases back and Steve flushes brightly at her soft words. He then leans forward and grabs ahold of the take out boxes sliding them closer to him so that he could reach them. He opens one and finds that she has ordered them lunch from their favorite Mexican restaurant. He begins to scoop up the food onto a fork and holds it out for her as she obediently opens her mouth. Steve feels his heart thud in his chest as he continues to feed her lunch while still cradling her in his lap. He stares down at her tenderly as she slowly chews her food and beams up at him, his heart thudding heavily in his chest. He knows he’s falling in love with her and wonders if she’s feeling the same way or even if she could.
I’m in love with this woman.
Wanda falters in her steps as she walks next to Nat on their way to Steve’s office. Nat turns to her with a furrowed brow and concerned look on her face. Wanda gets a glimpse of what Steve and Sunshine had just done together and she simpers when she realizes that he’s now taking care of her by feeding her.
“Everything alright?” Nat asks softly and Wanda beams at her while nodding her head.
“We should leave those two to themselves.” she tells Nat cryptically and Natasha turns to look towards Steve’s office before looking back at Wanda. “We also need to go pick up an outfit for Sunshine.” Wanda tells her knowingly and Nat tilts her head to the side confused. When she comes to understand Wanda’s meaning her eyes widen and she smirks softly.
“Well I’ll be.” Natasha says softly. “Who knew he had it in him.” Wanda laughs happily and nods her head quickly.
“He’s falling for her.” Wanda tells her and Nat smirks at her softly.
“He’s already fallen without a doubt.” Nat responds as the two turn from Steve’s office and begin to walk out of the building grinning at each other.
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eccentricallygothic · 6 months
|| Fiddle ||
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Description: Curtis is a soldier from lands far away. Curtis loves to tease you. Curtis is a jerk. Curtis is your husband. You do your best to deny Curtis' existence. Curtis doesn't mind. Because Curtis knows you are a fiddle to his touch, whether you like to admit it or not.  
Pairing: Soft-Dark Army Chief!Curtis Everett | Spoiled Crown Princess!You. 
Disclaimer: I do not own Curtis Everett (sadly). This story contains dark and mature content so browse at your own discretion, please. Minors do not interact. 
Warning(s): Soft-Dark Curtis, he's kinda crusty dusty, forced/arranged marriage, power imbalance, fluffy smut with dark undertones that gets rough, groping, making out, dumbification, degradation, self degradation, ddlg undertones, he's intimidating, pet names, infantilization, play fighting, m!dom, f!sub, unprotected p-in-v intercourse, cock riding, overstimulation, doggy style fucking, spanking, choking, hair pulling, he's a man. 
Note: Was gonna post a Sy thing tonight but it's not done yet and I am extremely tired so here's a little Curtis piece I did the other day.
Curtis' eyes are closed as he leans his head against the edge of the tub, his huge body relaxed in the warm water while a content smile tugs at his lips. There is nowhere in this whole wide world that he would rather be than in this moment right here; relaxed after a long day of hard work and in the proximity of his dear lady. The contemptuous voice of said lady, although hostile, is music to his ears as it rings in the distance between them while she begrudgingly rubs away at one of the many dirt spots on his body with the use of a soft sponge. 
"Ugh, what do I, The Crown Princess, get?!" You are muttering to yourself like a typical naggy wife. "A fuckin–" your words lock in your throat automatically when your husband's eyebrows furrow in disapproval. "A frickin' no name foreign soldier!" You hate how he doesn't even have to open his eyes to get you to correct yourself. "While all my stupid friends– stay still!" You reprimand when one of his arms that you had extended in your direction to scrub the grime off of begins to get antsy in your lap for the sole purpose of annoying you.
Curtis chuckles and that irks you even more, as if your tiara placed on the opposite side of the tub on a little stool for whatever reason glinting at you isn't enough. 
Your husband is a jerk and he's probably rubbing your nose in the fact that despite being all-powerful after your father The King, you still have to bathe his stupid dirty body like a common wife. 
Ugh, you hate him.
"I am sorry, my love."
But you can't protest in the way that you want. 
Because your stupid father had issued a decree upon your arranged union to him. That you would only be able to keep your crown if you stayed true to your husband and kept him happy. Otherwise, the Army Chief -a stupid title held by your idiot of a husband- could usurp your future throne and do with the kingdom -and you- as he pleased. 
You hated it. 
But you loved your position more. 
However, your rascal of a husband made it even harder for you to stand him and keep up with the bargain when he asked of you cringy domestic services that made you want to punch him square in the jaw. 
But alas! 
How powerful is a damsel against her knight in shining armor? 
You continue when you have made sure that he won't try and reach for your breasts now. "... While all my stupid friends got to have dukes and nobles and aristocrats, I get a crusty dusty baldy from who knows where!" You hate how your boobs hang from the neck of your dress. 
Your depraved husband had them make a whole new wardrobe for you after your wedding. 
And the fittings and cuts on your home gowns made you want to kick him. 
He further irritates you when he lazily splashes some water on you in a playful fashion. You click your tongue at him and widen your eyes in warning even though he can't see you as you pinch his arm. "Stop it, baldy! Do you even know how long it takes to wash and style hair? Exactly!" You glanced at his buzzed head. "Stop splashing your stupid grimy water on–" you gasp, fully offended now as he remains unbothered with his eyes still comfortably shut. Water drips down your nose due to the hefty handful of the soapy water that he has just hurled right onto your face. 
"You–!" You toss the sponge into the tub angrily as you reach for his face with your claws. "You are DONE! I will end you today– AHH!" You screech when he manhandles you quicker than you can process it. The only thing you see is him opening his intelligent blue eyes before he gathers your offending hands in one of his much bigger, rougher ones and the arm that you had been cleaning wraps around your waist before you are pulled into the water. 
… You are in utter disbelief.
Your mouth falls open in shock as your eyes clench shut to suppress your rage. "How's this?" Your jaw ticks at his cocky tone. Warm water helps itself into your heavy gown and you're getting drenched by the second. You don't even struggle to try and get out because you are all too familiar with the unrelenting quality of the vice grip that he has placed on you. 
You stay quiet for a bit and just let yourself simmer in your rage while you try to think of all the reasons why you shouldn't lose your shit. 
But your husband is insufferable.
"Figured you could use some cleaning up too after a long, hard day of sulking around in luxury and jewels inside the castle" that seems to set you off in an autopilot and you begin to vehemently try and shake him off. But it's impossible to do so in the hold he has you in and that makes you even more passionate towards your resolve.
The bathwater goes splashing all around as you grunt and groan, wheezing a few seconds in by the struggle you have to put forth. Your eyebrows crease together indignantly and you kick your legs hard, pathetically weaseling against his chest with your hands locked above your head.
Curtis is no more than amused while you fume. He wordlessly holds you down with adoration in his pale blue eyes as a soft smile tugging at his bearded lips. He remains quiet and soundless until you open your mouth and then he's laughing at you. 
"Unhand me, fiend!" What? You read that in your literature lessons recently and thought it sounded cool. 
"Oh," your husband begins to shift forwards to press you against the edge of the opposite end of the tub, "but the big bad fiend fancies himself some little princess now" that's another thing you hate. 
He always tells you you're too small for big girl things and that's why you need to be taken care of. That that was also one of the reasons behind your father getting you, his only child, married to a man like him. 
That you needed a firm hand in your life that only he could provide.  
Absolutely absurd, right?! 
"I AM NOT LITT–" you suddenly freeze amid your struggle because your eyes have subconsciously flickered down to his pink chapped lips while his breath fans your mouth. You can't decide whether it's the way Curtis' chest firmly presses against yours or the way he has your arms suspended above your head in such a… big way that you inch your head upwards and mindlessly meet his lips, way too carried away by the memories of how good they feel to be rational.
As always.
The hungry way in which he kisses you back takes your breath away and both of you begin to claw and grope at each other everywhere you can like you are lovers who have met after being parted for years. The brawling couple is nowhere to be found, for a different kind of tussle has been initiated. 
Your access to him is less complicated and more pleasant because he's completely bare. But the way Curtis growls when he's kissing the length of your neck and the lovebites that he likes to leave on your tender skin indicates that he does not appreciate the barrier of your skirts between himself and you. 
"Up" he separates his lips from your jaw that he now nibbles at just enough to husk out his order. You quickly obey as you feel your arousal fill your already drenched undergarments, deciding that fighting could come later. You had the rest of your lives to do that, after all. Not that you liked to admit it when you weren't about to mount his cock. 
Curtis sits back and pulls you on his toned thighs to have no hassle access to you. You whine and grind yourself against his erection as he peels all your clothes off hurriedly, occasionally grunting under his breath when you get too rough because of your need. 
"Come here" he keeps your jewelry on but pulls and tears away everything else. Picking up your extravagant tiara from the stool, he places it on your head and you can't help but clench before rocking your hips harder against his. 
It's a silent assertion. 
An act of dominance. 
A paradox. 
You could wear the crown and have all the power in the Kingdom over every single person but your husband. 
Curtis was your regulator; your owner. 
The real master. 
You were the silly little puppet that he controlled with his cock.  
And while it never fails to offend you later, it always makes you even wetter when your bare body is pressed up against his. 
You whimper to yourself as realization dawns upon you; was this why he had the tiara placed here in his reach when you started? Did he know this was coming? Was this supposed to happen? Had your husband tricked you into becoming the wanton little thing that he always made out of you? 
You whine with a timid shake of your head as you place your hands on his broad shoulders to signal him to not move when he goes to place you under him. "W- Wanna ride…" You mumble like a baby and the tenderness of your tone has him roughly inhaling before he grabs your ass and squeezes it harshly, forcing your straddle to widen against him.
"Sure you can take it on your own, honey?" Even in your submissive state, you roll your eyes before puffing your flushed cheeks and that's how Curtis knows you are the one for him. 
"I think I know how to ride my husband's dick, thank you very much" he snorts.
"Oh, so now I am your husband, huh?" You groan and clamp one of your hands around his teasing grin as you reach into the water to position his tip against yourself. 
"I swear, you're so fuck– ow, Curty!" Your eyebrows rush to meet as you let out a high pitched throaty whine.
"Language" he warns dangerously as he glares up at where you're suddenly hugging his shoulders sensitively so his face is between your boobs. 
The combination of the apex of his dick twitching against you along with a punishing smack resounding against your wet ass had been too much for you to handle. 
You were just a fragile little baby, after all. 
"S- Sorry…" Your knees shake as you remain propped up on the top of his cock, too stuck around his monstrous girth to sink down and too needy to let go. "P- Please help, Curty" he has to raise one of his thick, dark eyebrows at that. 
"But I thought you were a big girl who knew how to ride her man's cock" shame nibbled at your blushing cheeks. 
"N- No… n- not big, Curty. P- Please… n- need you so bad" you uncomfortably shifted on the top of his cock. "P- Please help…" He hummed as he let one of his hands roughly fondle your ass cheeks, his beard feeling the soft cushions of your boobs. 
"Are you saying that you admit that you are my dumb little girl who can't do anything on her own and needs me for everything?" You nod so he moves you down but stops halfway to torture you just that bit more. "Say it" the slap he lands on your butt causes your cheeks to jiggle feverishly and you arch your back at the pain with a loud whine. 
"I- I…" You clench needily around him and feel yourself getting wetter at how great that one thick vein of his cock feels around your walls. "I admit t- that I am a stupid little girl and I can't do a- anything on my own–" you have to pause to recollect your breaking voice, the tension in your band of muscles that his rock hard cock stretches forming knots in the base of your stomach. "A- And that I need m- my hubby for everything" Curtis hums and he finally rests his back against the tub again as his hands aid your movements up and down his cock to get you to adjust to him. 
"Now thank me" you clench and feel your toes curl when he begins to pay attention to your erect boobs and his beard scratches the skin, chapped lips grazing your nubs in a way you can only describe as pleasurable. 
"Thank you!" It is breathless and erotic in tone as your hands curl around his shoulders. "Thank you for h- helping me, hubby" your hips start to work on their own now, the water that is beginning to turn cold splashing down on the floor as you slide yourself up and down his hard cock. 
"Wouldn't have been able to do it on your own, huh baby?" Curtis' teeth are sharp around one particular nipple that he had neglected the last time he was on you -which was a night before the last- and now he began his addictive mix of sucking and biting at the bud so you would be reminded of him every time anything brushed against it. 
"N- No, hubby…" The fact that your nails are digging into his hard pale skin -that doesn't get tanned no matter what, much to your confusion- but it doesn't seem to bother him as he rams up into you each time you land on his balls makes you reach for your pussy only for your hand to be smacked away. 
Uh oh.
It's a rule; your body belongs to Curtis and only he gets to touch it.
"And why is that?" Your vision gets dizzy as his tip begins to collide with your spongy bundle of sensitive nerves now, his girth having finally parted your walls enough. 
You feel yourself in a daze as you gasp down at him, one of your hands mindlessly stroking his sharp features. Curtis' body is the most stunning contrast of light and dark. His skin is white as snow -almost as though he has been carved out of frost itself- and his thick hair is nearly black. He hasn't yet disclosed to you his origins or the backstories of the many scars that litter his body. But the menace with which he wields a weapon -though he prefers not to be a soldier around you, unappreciative of you ever showing up on the field or anywhere near it- and the way your father trusts him with all of your lives sends the faintest chill of realization down your spine. 
Your husband is not as simple as the Kingdom Protector that he makes himself out to be. 
Because the ruthless way in which he shot down the person who tried to abduct you when you tried to flee your wedding makes you wonder if you even want to find out just what you open your legs to everytime you can. 
Or he wants. 
"Hm?" Curtis pulls you out of your fear inducing reverie. "Answer the question and I'll give it to you, baby" you feel your tiara slip to one side and go crooked on your wet hair when he gives you a particularly hard thrust. 
"Ugghhhheeee!" You gurgle as you throw your head back because of how he bites your nipple at the same time. You rake your mind to remember where you were, clenching hard around him when it does come back. "B- Because I am too d- dumb and my l- little pussy is too small to handle you all by myself, hubby" the profane words that would usually sting you tongue and appall you only further add to the pressure building between your hips.
You're so close.
Curtis growls and the way he begins to fuck up your pussy indicates that it's taking all of him not to change position and plunder you into the ground. 
But he never refuses the wishes of his Princess. 
His fingers finally creep to where you need him most. "That's fuckin' right" a loud moan escapes you when his thumb begins to swipe up and down your clit. "So remember that the next time you wanna argue with your man who works hard in the hot dirty field all day long so you can be a pretty little Princess in a protected Kingdom" your whole body is on fire despite the water that surrounds you. You're wet, dirty, desperate and on the very edge, the stimulation on your clit pulling at the knots in your stomach harder and harder. You're incoherent with your pleas and praises but Curtis isn't quite finished with you just yet. A firm tap thumps against the side of your head condescending as he readjusts your tiara. "Tell me you'll remember it" before he wraps his muscular arm around your waist to pull you closer again.
"I'll remember it, hubby!" You throw your head back as pleasure erupts up your womb and everywhere in your body. Your knees give out but you keep slamming yourself up and down his dick animalistically like a cock drunk nymph, placing your hands on the edges of the tub and using the grip to help move yourself. "Thank you so much!" Your ears are numb and hot, vision full of stars and neon shapes as you feel your breasts jiggle in a humiliating manner but you are too far gone to care.  
Your heart is still erratic and your hips haven't completely stopped moving when he decides to take back all the reigns of control. 
Being the simpleton that you are, you fail to realize that your husband didn't come. But that's okay. Curtis understands; little Princesses like you don't know anything but selfishness. 
It's a good thing he's a taker. 
"My turn" he breathily whispers in your ear when you have somewhat calmed down and now tiredly rest against his chest while lazily moving yourself on his cock. 
"... H- Huh?" 
A loud groan of protest escapes you when he suddenly rotates you on his cock like it's your axis, shifting onto his knees and moving you towards the opposite end of the tub. You open your eyes to see him placing your hands around the edge of the tub to hold on to, the realization of what he is about to do you causing your eyes to nearly fall out of their sockets as you sputter, too confused and fucked out to say anything substantial. 
Not that your husband would listen anyways. 
That is another rule; you are never to deprive him of anything, yourself being the top of the list of said things. 
Curtis adjusts your tiara again as he moves back to wrap his hands around your thighs to both handle you better and keep your legs that are trying to clamp together wide open for him. 
"Oh!" Your pussy clenches in defense when he begins to thrust into you.
And he isn't gentle about it either. 
"Tsk, comparing me, a husband who serves his wife with his blood and sweat to those sissy elites who have never seen a day of hard work in their lives and only know their fancy words" one of his hands pull back to come rapping down on your ass, causing you to jump with a loud whine, the action causing him to groan as well as it sends vibrations up his cock. "Well you know what, my dear?" He pulls you back by your hair to whisper in your ear. "If it comes to it, do you think those dukes and nobles and aristocrats of yours will be able to protect the honor of their ward like I did?" Fuck, another orgasm is about to force itself out of you due to the sensitive condition of your pussy. "Huh?!" Another slap has you yelling out a response as you get rammed like nothing more than a common whore.
"N- No, hubby! I am sorry, hubby!"
"You better fuckin' be" Curtis sounds fatally dangerous as he holds you to him by a new grip he has placed on the curve of your pussy from behind. "No real man ever wants the name of another on his wife's tongue" his balls clap against your ass in the most erotic way you've ever known. "Don't take my affections for granted" he begins to toy with your folds just to torture you that much more. "You're too spoiled and stupid to handle me when I get pissed, honey." 
He is breathless as he empties his load into you, cursing when the hot burst of thick liquid causes you to fall over again and you clench around him due to the sensitivity. "Look at this, baby" one of his rough hands clamp around your throat as he bends over you to fuck you harder, holding one of your thighs over his arm to allow himself deeper access. "You can't even breathe without my permission… how fucking cute" your lungs burn for air and your brain melts.
"Yes, hubby…" Is the only thing you can hear yourself muttering through the numbness as your body rocks back and forth. You can swear you knock out a couple times as your husband thoroughly fucks his orgasm out and into you. 
Then he pulls you in his arms and against his chest when he is done. 
"My hair…" His cock is hot inside your cavern as you cuddle into his chest, having been turned around again as the two of you snuggle now. 
Curtis has always told you that it's very pretty, just like all your other features. "What about it?" Your husband's own breathing is heavy as he reaches to push it out of your face. Your tiara is long gone and forgotten after it went missing during the fuck. 
"The soapy water ruined it…" You softly pout up at him. 
"I mean…" The warm and blissed out expression in his eyes is evidence that he doesn't agree nor care. Your beauty is something he always compliments with no hesitation and complete honesty. You are the prettiest sight my eyes have ever had the pleasure of beholding. It makes you roll your eyes everytime. "We can be the baldies, the two of us, hm?" You huff and glance at the ceiling tiredly. "The… baldy couple…?" He imitates the way you say it in your exact accent and you can't help but push weakly at his chest to express your dislike. "I mean," Curtis is grinning now. Uh oh, that can't be good, it never is. "Bet the tiara would look even cuter on your shiny cueball head–"
"YOU'RE SO OBSCENE, UGH!" He doesn't mind the childish fist that you land on his shoulder only to whine because his skin is too hard for your pampered little hand. 
Curtis snorts as he reaches for your hurting hand and kisses the top of it before slowly standing up with you safely tucked in his huge arms. "Only for you, honey" before he carefully removes you from his cock and hauls you over his shoulder, smacking your ass to make you squeak as he walks to the shower to get the now grimy bathwater off of the two of you. 
Your head maid shakes her head from outside your chambers as she motions for the rest of your helpers to excuse you for the day. It wouldn't be until morning that anyone would be able to get you two off of each other. 
"The Princess pretends like she doesn't know the Chief but he is the only one who has ever made her so… soft" one of the girls that basically grew up with you and was one of your good friends giggled shyly. 
"That's because she's a fiddle for the Chief, whether she wants to admit it or not" the other one rolls her eyes as they walk away from the group. 
"Perhaps that's what a comfortable marriage is" your friend muses aloud as the two girls turn the corner towards their quarters. "Being hopeless fiddles for each other in our own ways."
It was true, for it was not one sided by any means.
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sarahowritesostucky · 7 months
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📖"Temporary Custody"
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Steve x ofc x Bucky; Steve x Bucky
Word Count: 3620
Tags: Dom/sub, bdsm au, dom Bucky, sub reader, hurt/comfort, enemies to lovers, gay sex'n'stuff, straight sex'n'stuff, Steve being a literal Golden Retriever, mental health issues, dub-con, forced submission, referenced childhood abuse and resultant mental health issues, bakery au, m/f/m, gentle domination, total power exchange
Summary: The stigma and shame of being a submissive has kept Mary unfulfilled and in the closet her whole life, until an inciting incident leads to Bucky and Steve taking her in and giving her everything she was always too afraid to ask for.
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Trigger warnings: This story contains themes of eating disordered behavior, body image issues, childhood abuse, self-harm, and alcohol abuse.
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Wait! I haven't read an earlier chapter of this fic! Story Masterpost
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6. Somethin' with Bananas
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Steve wakes up to Bucky spooning him, pressing his morning wood against his ass. He hums with his eyes still closed, enjoying the feeling. “Mmm, g’morning.”
Hands slide onto his hips. “Mornin’ Sunshine.”
Steve smiles. “Sunshine” is one of Bucky’s favorite pet names for him. Steve is rather fond of it too, after so many years together. His husband has a knack for making him feel special like that. “What’re you doin', Buck?” he warns softly, still smiling because he likes the feeling of being explored, even if they can't take this far right now because of—
“She left for work a while ago,” Bucky murmurs, the answer to a question that Steve hasn’t asked. Alone time doesn’t happen as much as it used to, these days. "Left a bunch of baking stuff out on the counter. There's a note threatening us with mortal peril if we eat any of her bananas."
"Hmm." Steve yawns deeply and wiggles his butt back against his husband's noticeable hardon. "Whas'she makin'?"
"Dunno. Somethin' with bananas." Bucky’s hand slides to the juncture of Steve’s legs. He palms the half hard line of his cock from over his briefs, massaging the bulge as it grows. Steve moans a little and tips his head back to Bucky’s shoulder, a wordless request for kisses. Bucky starts lavishing his neck with attention while his hand continues its slow work.
Steve loves moments like this. Early morning, the sun barely out and the world quiet, the bedroom air still and thick from sleep; easy, instinctual fucking; simple and not complicated, just the two of them loving on each other. He inhales a little sharper when Bucky finally slides his hand under the waistband of his underwear. “Yeah,” he whispers.
“Mmhm.” Bucky kisses his neck. “This what you wanted, Honey?” His hand is wrapped flush around Steve now, skin on skin. He strokes once up and down and gives a squeeze, starts up a slow, tight rhythm.
“Oh.” Steve bites his lip, eyes closed as he just feels what Bucky’s doing to him. “Mm. Mmhm. S’real good.” He shivers when Bucky’s thumb swipes at his cockhead, spreading the wetness around and pressing firm against his slit. “Fuck …”
“Always were a leaker,” Bucky says lowly. “You get so wet, Honey.”
“Buck,” Steve whines. He loves Bucky’s talk in bed but he’s never been able to handle it. It turns him into a pitiful mess, every time.
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Bucky just chuckles, knowing the effect he has on him. He’s Dominant. Winding Steve around his little finger comes naturally to him, and Steve can’t say he doesn’t like it. “You were making pretty sounds in your sleep,” Bucky says, murmuring the words in between kisses on Steve’s neck. “Moaning and moving your hips a little.” He demonstrates, pushing his own hips up against Steve’s ass. Steve makes an embarrassed, whimpery sort of noise that goes straight to Bucky’s cock, and he shushes him. “Shh, no. It was hot, Stevie. You were feeling real good in your sleep, huh?”
“What were you dreaming about?” Bucky presses his thigh forward, between Steve’s legs, crowding him that much closer. “Hm?”
“Her,” Steve says breathily. “I … h-her.”
“Mary?” Bucky grins against the skin of his neck. “Having dirty dreams about our girl, huh?”
Steve moans—whether at Bucky calling her ‘their girl’, or at the way his other hand is now reaching down to cup Steve’s sac, isn’t clear. Bucky gives a gentle squeeze and tug, then rolls the weight of his testicles in his palm. Steve, who’s always been keen on having his balls played with, moans louder and nods against the pillow. “Didn’t mean to,” he says, as if he needs to defend his character.
Bucky grins like a shark and nips his earlobe. “Course not. You just couldn’t help it, could you? She’s always there, moaning around bites of cream filled pastries, showing off her ass in those leggings—”
Steve groans.
“—Giving us attitude every day like she wants a spanking, but dropping so sweet by the end’a the night.” He can see pink spreading around to the back of Steve’s neck and shoulders now. His Stevie colors so easily. Bucky licks delicately along the shell of his ear and whispers, “Tell me. Tell me what you did to her in the dream.” Steve moans and doesn’t answer for a long while, maybe too distracted by Bucky’s hand that’s still stroking him slowly. Bucky stills, opens his hand and presses Steve’s cock up against his stomach. “Steve,” he warns. “Tell me.”
“... Wasn’t me,” Steve mumbles, embarrassed. “It was you. You were touching her, fucking her.”
Bucky’s guts tighten in arousal. “Oh?” he breathes. “You like thinkin’ about that? Like thinking about me laying her out? Her spreading her legs for me right here on this bed?” Steve groans and nods, whining impatiently and humping forward for more. Bucky chuckles and takes him in hand again, squeezing his shaft and fondling his balls. They’re tighter now, drawn up closer to his body as he gets more worked up. “So?” Bucky needles, when he still hasn’t gotten an answer. “Is that what you want?”
“Bucky, nngh, Yes, alright?”
“Mmhm.” He chuckles softly and nuzzles Steve’s neck, enjoying his husband’s flustered state. “But you know, I think I’d like to watch you.” He can just picture it: Steve’s muscled, strong body moving over her soft curves, his big hands holding her open gently—because everything Steve does is gentle—while he makes her cum on his cock. “Yeah. You like that idea, Big guy? Me too. I wanna watch this big fat dick—” he squeezes his fist on Steve— “plowing her sloppy, making her cum so good she even cries a little bit.” Steve whines again, and Bucky hums in agreement. “Mmhm. It’d be so hot, Stevie.”
Steve squirms against him in distress. “I, I’ve never … With girls I mean. I’m not … I’ve never …” he peters off, and Bucky’s got no idea what he’s saying.
“What?” He frowns and ruts his erection against the cleft of Steve’s ass for a little relief. “What’re you talking about, Baby? You’ve been with women before. College?”
Steve shakes his head against the pillow. “No, I mean I … I don’t know what to do. To make ‘em feel good. I’m … not good at it.”
Bucky actually stops what he’s doing. Steve grunts at the lack of touch, but Bucky just hushes him and pulls on his shoulder, urging him to turn over. “Hey. C’mere. Look at me.” Steve’s face is indeed colored pink when he turns to lie facing Bucky. His eyes flick up briefly, but dart away again, shy. Bucky’s heart squeezes. “Oh, Honey,” he says, bringing a hand up to cup Steve’s jaw. “Who told you that?” He thinks of murdering whatever coed bitch might’ve made Steve feel self-conscious.
Steve looks mortified. “Nobody did. Just … I could tell. The times I was with ‘em. I couldn’t make them, you know, cum.” He looks so ashamed as he admits it, and Bucky wants to grab him and kiss all over his entire face.
“Aw, Steve,” he coos. “Is that it? You’re nervous about being with a woman again? Not confident?”
Steve nods. He tucks himself against Bucky’s body and presses his face in his neck, hiding there. “Women are hard,” he mumbles. “I like ‘em, but it’s not easy.”
Bucky chuckles a little. “Yeah, that’s for sure. But it’s not that bad, baby. You just gotta know a few basics. Gotta take it real slow and feel them out, find out what makes her feel good. Every girl’s different. That’s the beauty in it.”
Steve grunts and ruts up against him, their cocks knocking together between their bellies. “Tell me?” he asks, eager and sweet. “Please, Buck? Tell me how.”
Bucky feels like half the blood leaves his brain, his dick throbbing anew. “Fuck,” he breathes, crazy turned on at the idea. “You want me to teach you, Stevie? Teach you how to get her crying? Dripping wet? How to touch her so good you make her cum?”
Steve shivers and nods, grinding his forehead into Bucky’s shoulder in embarrassment. “Yeah, yeah I want you to. Want you to teach me.”
Bucky pulls Steve’s head up to make him look at him. His face is pinched—embarrassed but wanting. Bucky curses. “Fuck. Yeah, yeah baby I’ll teach you how. C’mere.” He moves up the bed, pulling Steve’s meaty shoulders to get him to follow, directing him to sit in his lap, back to chest as Bucky props them up against the headboard. He spreads his legs wide to accommodate Steve’s bulk, wrapping his arms around him from behind. “My little overachiever,” he murmurs. “Such a Boy Scout, always wanting to be the best you can be.”
Steve huffs. “Don’t think they gave out merits for eating pussy,” he quips, uncharacteristically lewd. 
Bucky barks out a laugh in delight. “Well pay attention, Sweetheart. You’re about to earn that badge.” Steve shudders against him, but he’s leaning back against Bucky, slumped just a little lower in his lap. He’s ready to listen, and Bucky’s fucking hot at the chance to tell. “First thing you gotta know,” he says, speaking delicately and smoothing his hands over Steve’s sides. “Is forget what you’ve seen in porn. They make that shit for us, not them. It’s all fake. No better way to make a girl miserable than to go pounding into her or whatever else.”
Steve makes a questioning noise, and God bless him, Bucky knows instantly that this is news to the big dummy. “But …” he hedges.
“No buts, Honey.” Bucky kisses his ear. “You gotta be so gentle. Always start soft, always go slow. Start that way and pay attention to her reactions.” He skims his fingertips up Steve’s ribs, tickling lightly over to his pecs and back down, making him gasp. “Yeah,” Bucky hums, “Just like that. She might be quiet at first, girls don’t moan all loud right off the bat. They don’t get worked up as fast as we do. They take time.”
Steve nods, panting a little as he listens to him. “W-what then?” he asks.
“Listen to her breathing, the sounds she makes. She’ll start breathing heavier when you’ve got her feeling good, start making little sounds without even realizing she’s doin’ it.” Steve looses a tiny whimper and Bucky grins. “Yeah, just like that.” He reaches down and finds Steve’s cock again, and god it’s sexy how wet his fella can get. He strokes him a few times, just languidly, letting the precum guide the slide of his fist. Not hurrying. Showing Steve what he means when he says ‘slow’.
“Oh,” Steve breathes, sounding gone for it.
“Yeah,” Bucky agrees. “And then when she starts moving her hips?” He presses his crotch into the small of Steve’s back. “Just rubbing herself against you or humping up in the air a little? Oh yeah, that’s when she’s into it.” He brings one hand up to cradle Steve’s pec. “Girls are more sensitive here than we are,” he tells him. He’s looking over Steve’s shoulder now, eyeing up what he’s doing. He flicks his thumb over the nipple—so freaking small and petal pink where Bucky’s are darker. And he’s so responsive, the nipple pebbling up with hardly any effort on Bucky’s part. “Mmhm,” Bucky hums approvingly. “You want to try different things. You can just hold ‘em …” he uses both hands and cups the meat of Steve’s chest, giving a proprietary squeeze. Steve moans and Bucky smiles. “Yeah. But not too hard. Treat her tits like they’re something delicate, somethin’ special.” He makes the motion to Steve’s pecs like he would do to lightly bounce a woman’s breasts in his palms. “And Mary, she’s got smaller tits. A nice, healthy handful, just like you.”
Steve whines and squirms impatiently in his lap. Bucky glances down to check, and sees Steve’s cock; abandoned on his stomach, dark, and leaking. It’s so heavy and thick, the foreskin drawn halfway down the head, showcasing the shiny pink tip of him. Bucky curses softly. Fuck, but he wants to wring an orgasm out of that cock like ten minutes ago. But he forces himself to stay the course.
“When you use your mouth on her nipples,” he whispers, voice soft like velvet in Steve’s ear, “You can lick. Or nibble a little.” He mimics each option with a stroke and then a pinch of his fingers on Steve’s nipples, flicking out with his tongue to get the shell of Steve’s ear. “But I’ll tell you what: most of ‘em like it best when you suck.” He uses all five fingertips drawn together to pull gently at the peaks of Steve’s chest, and Steve makes a hurt, wanting sound. “Yeah,” Bucky agrees. “Suck her nipples. Then fit as much of her in your mouth as you can and suck that too.” He takes pity on Steve and reaches back down for his cock. Steve cries out, and Bucky gentles him. “Shh sh sh. Remember: slow.”
Steve groans, his tight hips flexing and pushing his cock up into the curl of Bucky’s fist. “Buck, please.”
“It’s not about you,” Bucky chides. “You’re a man. You get to cum so easy and all the time. You gotta help her get there, give her what she deserves.”
Steve sobs a little, so worked up from all the teasing, but he falls back into Bucky, relaxing against his chest and laying himself open for Bucky to continue. Pride and adoration for his man well up in Bucky at the show of submission. “Good,” he praises, giving an extra indulgent twist on the next upstroke. Steve’s foreskin moves with the motions, making soft, wet noises with all the precum he’s leaking. Bucky hums appreciatively. “Yeah, lookit that.” He draws his hand all the way up, tight, and then dips his thumb into the folds, rubbing into that wetness, against the sensitive head. “If you’re doing it right, touching her enough, she’ll be wet by now,” he says. “But you still shouldn’t go for her pussy yet. Not yet.”
“What … what else?” Steve asks muzzily, like he can’t think of anything else to do that doesn’t involve his dick getting jerked off or sticking it in a hypothetical pussy.
“Tease her,” Bucky says. “Run your hands all over her body, all over her soft skin.”
Steve sighs happily. “I like how soft they are. Smooth.”
Hearing Steve talk about what he likes about women makes Bucky’s dick throb, and he grinds it against Steve’s lower back for some relief. “Mmhm,” he agrees, moving his hands up and down the skin of Steve’s ribcage, his belly, grabbing on at his hips and giving a proprietary jostle. “Dig your fingers into her, gentle but insistent. Let her feel how much you love her body.”
“Now?” Steve asks.
“Not yet,” Bucky whispers.
“Fuck. Bucky.”
“Tease her,” he insists, ignoring Steve’s pleading. He slides his hands down Steve’s thighs and inwards, pulling them apart. Steve moans and spreads them wide. “Exactly,” Bucky says. “You want to touch her here. Run your hands all over, so close to where she wants it. Remember, if you’ve been doing this right, she’ll be wet by now.” He goes back and strokes the wetness along Steve’s shaft. “Sink down between her legs and kiss her thighs—you’ll smell it.”
“Oh my god.”
Bucky smiles, in love with his husband for how easily he comes apart under his care. He traces down to the base of Steve’s cock, making a vee with two fingers and rubbing the skin on either side. “Put pressure on her mound, really close but not touching where she wants it. Not yet.” His other hand slides down and delicately traces the seam of Steve’s sac. “Tease her, trace her folds. Get a little bit of that wetness and rub it around to make her even more sensitive. And then …” He blows gently on Steve’s ear. Steve moans. “Just like that. You want to wait. Don’t give her your mouth until she’s whining and shovin’ up at you for it.”
Bucky chuckles and circles the wet pad of his finger over one testicle and then the other. He nudges at Steve’s taut sac and whispers in his ear. “Push her lips apart.”
Steve is breathing hard through his nose, tense, his dick bobbing rock hard and angry in the air. Bucky has mercy on him and reaches for it, and Steve chokes out a sob of relief at only the slightest touch.
Bucky kisses his temple soothingly. “Shh. Here. Riiight here.” He holds the head between his thumb and fingers and starts jacking just the tip of him, foreskin tugging and gliding in that way that he knows feels amazing for Steve. “Right above her sweet spot, see? You rub on her like this, up and down, back and forth. Work the hood over her clit juuust like this.”
Steve makes a debased groan at the echo of what Bucky’s saying, and how he’s working Steve’s foreskin over the head of his dick. “Fuck, fuck,” he hisses.
“Yeah, you’re close. She’s soaked by now. You think it’s time to give her more?”
“Bucky. Yes, yes, please.” His hips are straining upwards but he lets his head loll back on Bucky’s shoulder, open for what he’ll do next. “Please,” he begs.
“Now this is important, baby, so pay attention,” Bucky says. “Some women like a mouth on ‘em down there, some don’t. Some do, but they have a hang up over how they think they look or taste or something.” Steve makes a sad noise at that, matching Bucky’s opinion that: yeah, women shouldn’t worry so much. Pussy is just generally fucking awesome. “Tell her how much you love it,” he says. “The taste of her, the shape of her lips. Make her feel pretty and wanted.” He’s fondling Steve’s balls anew as he says this, rubbing and rolling them, then cupping his whole palm over them and dipping behind to dig fingertips into his taint. “Come on, Stevie,” he goads, “Let me hear it. Tell me what you’d say.”
It takes Steve a few tries before he can pull enough of his brain out of his dick to rasp, “S’fucking gorgeous p-pussy. So … so wet. Can I lick it Honey, huh? Please lemme lick it. Wanna taste that sweet cunt.”
Bucky gasps, shocked and delighted at Steve’s dirty talk. “Oh, Stevie,” he groans. “Baby. Fuck, yes. I didn’t know you had it in you.” He wraps his hand fully around Steve’s cock and starts jerking him off fast, fast enough that it’s obvious he’s finally aiming to make Steve cum, and Steve chokes on a relieved heave of breath. 
"Yes! Oh, thank you!”
Bucky attacks Steve’s neck with his mouth, biting and smearing spit and scraping his teeth over the wet skin. He growls as he watches his fist working furiously over Steve's red, hard dick. “Suck her clit while you fuck her on your fingers,” he rasps. “Tell her she’s a good girl, tell her to ride your face, grind down on your hand. Make sure she knows she’s allowed to let go.”
Steve cries out, guttural and loud like he always gets when his pleasure is cresting. “Bucky, Buck. Honey, oh. F-fuck, m’close.”
“Mmhm. Thaat’s it, Princess,” he says, pitching his voice just so and using that name so that Steve knows. Knows he’s talking to her.
Steve whines, his whole body tight and straining into Bucky’s grip.
“Curl your fucking fingers in her,” Bucky growls. “She’s close. Don’t slow down. Don’t even speed up. She likes what you’re doing now, so don’t you dare fucking change a thing.”
“That’s it, Princess, just like that. You’re almost there.”
“Fuck, fuck … ssshit …”
“Ride Daddy’s hand, fuck back on it. Good girl.”
Steve jerks and shouts, cock pulsing in telltale contractions, before searing ropes of come shoot up his stomach and all over Bucky’s hand. “Oh, oh, oh!” He grunts through it with gorgeous sounds, and Bucky’s so in love with the sight of it that he’s not roleplaying anymore when he purrs, “Fucking beautiful, Sweetheart.”
Steve slumps when it’s over, still panting from the pleasure. Bucky eases off, sets his wet and slowly softening dick gently against his stomach. He moves them, guiding Steve to turn over and lie out on his front. He shoves Steve’s legs together and straddles them, swipes his hand that’s covered in Steve’s release into the tight space between his thighs, wetting him up. He growls viciously, pent up and rock hard and ready to fucking cum. He ruts into the wet clench of Steve’s thick thighs, fucking him like he’s got a loose, easy cunt. “Fuck, baby,” he grits, close within a matter of minutes. He chases his orgasm and collapses onto Steve’s broad back when it hits, grinding in hard one last time and shouting loud and guttural with how goddamn good it feels. “Fuck! Ughn, f-ffuuck.” 
He comes down heaving, panting against Steve’s skin. Steve is strong enough that he can roll out from under his weight, and he pulls Bucky into his arms and draws his head onto his chest. Bucky goes gratefully, happy to have Steve’s firm pecs as a pillow. “God, honey,” he breathes, wrung out. Steve makes a noise of agreement. They just lie there together, sweaty and spent, catching their breath for a long time.
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“... Buck?”
“… You’re a good teacher.”
Bucky laughs and crawls up to kiss Steve on the mouth. “Yeah,” he says when they part. “But that wasn’t even the main event.” Steve looks confused for a second, before Bucky slyly clarifies: “You still gotta fuck her. And you know you want to make her cum at least twice.”
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jackiequick · 1 month
— But I Like It And It’s All Because Of You | Marvel Fanfic
Before they were Stevella, they were Johnny Storm & Sophia Barbaro
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Pairing: Johnny Storm x OC, Johnny Storm x Sophia Barbaro
Fic length: Short Blurb
Universe: Marvel Comics (Earth 37)
Summary: What happens on another timeline, where our beloved couple were AU versions of themselves in a way different universe? Or maybe they are in our tale already? In other words the half-ass nurse and her fire filled boyfriend.
It’s been a few days since the incident happened, as he felt his molecules got struck and rearranged before knock out, cold the rest of his family and friends.
But when Johnny woke up, he felt nice.
Hell, he was better than fine!
He was great. Despite the nurses and doctors who checked in on him, telling him to stay at the medical center to get rest. Yeah sure the first few moments he woke up he was groggy and a little whipped out but other than that he felt great.
He was getting himself into a red tracksuit for the snowy weather a few kilometers away, from the main medical clinic where he was staying. That was when he paused seeing the nurse who walked in.
“Woah, woah, woah, where do we think we’re going?” She asked.
Johnny held a cheeky grin towards her. Her dark hair from her light tan skin and soft brown eyes made him go hot.
God she is pretty…
“I don’t know if we noticed, babe, but the sickest runs on this side of the alps are right outside that window.” He remarked strapping on his cherry red sweater.
“Yeah I noticed but there are rules here, you can’t leave...” She explained walking over to him with a small smile but she was cuff off.
“Until we finish the test. I know but I never been good with rules. You let me know how those come out.”
She crossed her arms chuckling lightly at him.
He paused and smirked, “Wanna help me with the zipper?”
“This is not a ski resort, Mr. Storm.” She remarked.
“Ah ‘Mr. Storm’, I like the sound of that leaving your gorgeous lips.”
“You can’t lie, you like the sound of it.”
“Again, not a ski resort. Sit your butt down.”
Johnny smirk tuned into grin as he sat down on the bed, “Ooh, yes ma’am. I like a woman with a commanding tone. As for your answer, it’s not a ski resort, yet! Luckily grandma still sends care packages through, you’ll be surprised for an 80 year old woman you—gah!”
Sophia stuck the thermometer in his mouth to shut him up and take his temperature. She giggled seeing his reaction before his face relaxed.
“You are trouble.” She smirked chuckling.
“Mhm, trouble is my middle name.” He remarked talking with thermometer in his mouth.
She noticed the temperature rising on the scans and said, “Oh you’re hot!”
“Why thank you, so are you.” He added, “And I’m not afraid to cry.”
“No, I mean you feel a little feverish..”
“Well I never felt better in my life. My god, you smell good, listen.”
He took her hand that was resting on his cheek and lowered it to play with her hands as he removed the thermometer from his mouth. She blushed a slight bit and raised an eyebrow, still a bit concerned about his very hot body.
“When you get off work?” He continued.
“4 but I..” She repiled.
“Tell you what, babe, you meet me at 4:01 at the mountain.”
He kept talking standing up from bed, grabbing his equipment for skiing and walked around.
“I’ll give you a minute to freshen up.” He continued, hell he took the thermometer that was in his mouth and placed it in her front pocket ever so gently, “This is yours.” Then he pressed a quick kiss to her lips, “That’s mine.”
He mumbled the word ‘nurses’ under his breath as he walked out of the room. Sophia stood there with a soft smile on her face, trying to not laugh shaking her head.
God he is cute…
She looked at the thermometer that held his temperature and the machine beating. His core temperature was 209 degrees. Oh that’s new and rather got. His energy level was hot.
Later on, the two of them were dressed in ski clothes riding a helicopter across the mountains. The radio was playing some 2000s punk band as the hover above one another.
Johnny dressed in fire engine red and black, meanwhile Soph was dressed in deep rosy pinks and dark browns.
The two laughed at the wildness of it all.
Once they reached the drop point, turn to the pilot and Johnny shouted, “Alright you should stay to the right. The left might give you trouble. I think we should drop like 10 more feet.”
The pilot nodded.
Sophia chuckled and shouted, “We’ll be fine. Let’s make a bet.”
Johnny smirked, “I’m listening! What we talkin’?”
“Last one down springs for room service.”
“Your on.”
Before the blonde could say anything else, she flipped her body forward and lunched into the snow below them. Her screams echoed through the sky as laughter filled the air around them. Johnny grinned at that.
He looked over his shoulder at the pilot and proudly shouted, “That’s my future wife!”
With that, he lunched forward into the snow and began sliding down the mountain on his board. She looked over her shoulder and chuckled.
“You’re pretty good at this!” Sophia yelled skiing down.
He laughed, “Not so bad yourself, babe!”
“You’ll be losing soon.”
“Ha! All right. No more kid’s stuff. Watch this!”
Johnny shouted for her to check out his smooth moves as she flipped and swung around the snow. But as he kept going, he started sparking flames across his body.
He didn’t even notice.
“Woah! You’re on fire!” Sophia shouted across from him, skiing off to the side. There was a hint of panic in her voice.
Johnny shouted, “Thanks! You’re pretty amazing too.”
“No, your on literal fire! Look!”
Johnny noticed the fire raging across him and spike up his body trying to escape the flames, but instead started sliding down the mountain even harder, and further.
Sophia wasn’t watching where she was going either as she stifled against the sight of smoke and snow in front of her. She went tumbling onto the ground.
The blonde looked over his shoulder hearing her voice but couldn’t stop his ski board from sliding down the mountain despite all his weight. It didn’t help the situation as the fire engulf him, his eyes widened flying off the cliff straight into a thick cloud of snow and dust.
He coughed and sucked in a small breath in surprise noticing a big hole around him. He was out of his element, wearing nothing but his birthday suit surrounded by the pool of steaming hot water, within the area of snow.
Soon enough, down slid Sophia coming to a stop in front of her. She removed her ski mask to get a better view of him waist deep in the water.
“Care to join me?” Johnny asked, hands above his head breathing heavily. The shock still lingered over his eyes.
She furrowed her eyebrows lightly chuckling, “You serious?”
“To be fair, this wasn’t how I planned our time in the hot tub would be.”
“Is that so?”
“I was planning wine and cheese for dinner tonight at the hotel while we cruised in the hot tub.”
Johnny smirked and shrugged, a slight sheepish expression on his face. He totally expects for her to back out on him.
“What do you say? Start our plans early?” He asked once again.
Sophia grinned and shrugged at the idea, “Why not?”
She dropped her ski poles onto the ground and removed her cap.
Let’s just say things got steamy…
Omggg I had to try out this new game of AUs for couples. P. S. her father owns The Baxter Building 😉
Pls let me know what you think 💭
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @cherrysft @missstrawbs2001 @mandylove1000 @eliohasmyheart @terry-perry @sherloquestea @superspookyjanelle @starkleila @buckysteveloki-me @parisparker269 @yetanotherwells @rickb-chaos @fluffystevefest @savemewattpad @lazywolfwiccan @daughter-of-melpomene @fototingobug @ocappreciation @ximehs and etc
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thatsashitplan · 6 months
he may be your husband who time-traveled to be with you, but do you have an entire section dedicated to your relationship in his exhibit in the Smithsonian museum?
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