#Stop posting about Doc Ock
cinder-no · 2 years
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I Know The End
Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x Reader
Summary: She meets him. They fall in love. She dies, he mourns. The cycle continues.
Rating: R
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Angst, mildly graphic descriptions of death, grief, mentions of injury
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In every universe, she dies.
It was a canon event-completely unstoppable if they wanted the multiverse to stay together.
Every Spider-Person knew this. Every time they saw a version of her at HQ, they knew not to get too attached. She'd disappear and another version would take its place, looking slightly different from the previous version of her, but her nonetheless.
In every universe, she also fell in love with Miguel O'Hara.
It was a canon event and Miguel had to just let it happen, no matter how much it hurt him.
Every time she'd swing into his life, he had to let the cards fall where they may, even if he knew exactly where they led to.
In one universe, she had a baby who looked just like the two of them. She balanced being a mom and being Spider-Woman almost effortlessly. Miguel, once again, was able to play dad, was able to pretend like this could be his life. He would spend the night in her universe, sleeping with her in the bed, helping her with the midnight diaper changes and three a.m. feedings. Hell, he had even thought about marrying her, wanting so bad to ignore the canon, wanting to find a way that he can have his cake and eat it too.
She had gotten impaled on some rebar after saving a kid from Green Goblin and the others had got there too late to do anything about it. Peter B. Parker had watched as Miguel lifted her off of it, her blood staining his suit. He could hear as his friend whispered something to her over and over in Spanish. Peter had kept his distance, knowing that Miguel needed this moment. Her daughter-the one that had his hair and her eyes-went to live with her mother's family in California.
In another, she was a nurse. She helped save lives off and on the clock. She would tend to the other Spider-People's wounds, stitching them up when needed, giving IV's and injections and millions other things. They had spent so many nights together in his room post-mission where she’d take care of him. Her lip drawn between her teeth as she carefully focused on her work. As soon as she was done, as soon as she came out of that almost trance-like state, his lips would be on her skin, wanting to repay her. Medical supplies would be tossed to the floor, injuries ignored.
She had gotten taken out by her universe's Doc Ock. Miguel had personally hunted him down after that, unable to control his rage. Peter B. and Hobie had to drag him off of the guy.
In one, she had been married to someone else, but that hadn't stopped the relationship from forming. She'd slip away from her universe and into Miguel's, and in between helping take down anomalies, she'd be in his bed. She had been sick the whole time and every time she used her powers she had gotten worse. They could all see it-the gradual decline even if she wouldn’t tell them outright, but Miguel knew. He wouldn't let her do missions anymore, but she still continued to be Spider-Woman in her universe. She died in her sleep beside the man she was married to, but not the one she loved. Miguel had attended the funeral, but had kept his distance. He had waited and watched as she had been buried. He had been the last one to leave the cemetery that day.
There were versions of her that were artists, models, chefs, actresses, teachers, but they were all her. And they all fell in love with him, one after another. No one could stop it, no one could prevent it. It was just fate.
She meets him. They fall in love. He mourns. And then the cycle continues.
The Y/N they had right now, she has lasted longer than all of the others. She had been with them for a few years now, which has felt like a lifetime compared to the time they got with the rest of them. That had only made them all uneasy. Every mission, every missed visit to HQ, they all thought that was going to be it, but then she'd show up, a smile on her face and jokes spilling out of her mouth without a second thought . Miguel was constantly checking in on her, which was something she teased him about.
"I guess you really do like me, eh bug boy?"
God, he did.
It was terrifying how attached to her he was, how his whole demeanor seemed to change as soon as she enters a room. His stoicism and broodiness completely melts away, no instead he gives her a version of himself that no one else sees (save for maybe Mayday-she's a baby, so how could he be a dick to her?). At first, Jess and Peter B. used to tease him about it, but as Y/N died over and over, the teasing came to an end. Now all they could offer was sad smiles when Miguel talked about her.
He was selfish-he wished he could keep her at HQ forever. Miguel wanted to ignore the canon and just hold onto her as long as he could, keeping her all to himself. Who cares if the multiverse falls apart? He’d have her, he’d have a life with her. That’s all he needed, isn’t it?
But he’d never go against the canon.
"I know, you know. How this ends. That we are doomed to repeat this over and over." She announces one right, moonlight-or at least what she thinks is moonlight-streaming in through the gaps of his curtains, his room smelling like the two of them-a mixture of her perfume, his cologne, sweat, and sex. Her finger absentmindedly traces a mark she’d had left on his skin moments ago. He sits up in bed, looking at her with wide eyes. His mind was racing. Had someone told her? Had he somehow let it slip? How did she know?
"Y-You do? Mierda. Why didn't you say anything?" He questions, his brows furrowed together. She shrugs, tucking an arm behind her head as she looks at him, as if it wasn't a big deal that she knew about her own coming demise.
"What's the point, cariño? I die, I come back, this starts all over again. Why spoil the time I get with you?" She responds, her eyes focused on him, "It's me and you, always."
"It's me and you, always."
She said it so nonchalantly, as if a piece of him doesn't die with every version of her that does. As if he doesn’t meticulously check for signs of the next version of her after she disappears from his life. As if it doesn’t feel like a huge weight has been lifted off his shoulders when she starts to don her black and pink Spider suit, because he knows he’ll be with her soon. He lets his eyes shut for a moment as her fingers trace a scar on his shoulder. He thinks about what he should say, about if he should be upset that she knew and didn't tell him. But it's Y/N, and he can't bring himself to be mad at her.
"How long have you known?" Miguel asks, his eyes opening and landing on her. In the moonlight, he could see that her neck and chest were littered with marks-bruising from sucking at her skin, angry red lines from where he had dragged his fangs against her, puncture marks from biting her. They had already started to heal, just like the matching marks on his skin had started to.
"I think we all know-at least I did. We get bits and pieces of it, of you mainly. Of a life with you. I think for the most part, we all think it's a dream-that you're just a hot guy in a dream and then we meet you." Y/N explains, her gaze turning soft as the corners of her mouth turn upward. He keeps himself from rolling his eyes at her little “hot” compliment, his mind still reeling.
The rest is left unsaid-the fact that she can see all the different ways she has met her end, how she knows how it feels to die. The feeling of falling on that rebar, the sickening snap of her neck, her being strangled by a Doc Ock’s tentacle, the crushing feeling of a building falling on top of her, choking on her own blood, the feeling of her organs spilling out-
Sometimes she’ll reach down and expect to feel metal sticking out of her, tearing her apart.
"And you're-You're okay with that?" Miguel's eyebrows are furrowed together as he looks at her. Her eyes were on him, but she wasn’t there, not fully. He wished he could take a peak inside of her mind, wanting-no, needing to know how much she could remember. He studies her face in the moonlight, trying to read her, trying to understand how she could be so…okay with all of this.
"I still get a forever with you, don't I? I still get to live a life with you, even if it's just bits and pieces." Her voice is soft as her smile starts to grow ever so slightly, "And I'd take that any day."
His lips are suddenly against hers once more, his hand cupping her cheek. She’s a little surprised, but returns it eagerly, her hand slipping into his locks, holding him to her. Y/N knows that Miguel isn’t good at expressing his feelings, that talking about his feelings is like pulling teeth for him. She also knows what the kiss means, what he wants to say. Each kiss, each bite, each thrust-she can decipher them all.
I wish we had more time.
I wish it wasn’t like this.
I want this, with you, forever.
This isn’t enough.
I can’t keep watching you die over and over.
I need you.
It’s me and you always.
This Y/N still meets her end, just like the dozens of others before her.
When she goes this time, she’s in his arms, crimson spilling out of her, covering both of them. She’s looking up at him, tears in her eyes from the pain as she gives him a small, pained smile.
“Don’t be sad, pendejo. I’ll see you again, yeah?” She says hoarsely, blood covering her lips. He leans forward, pressing his lips to her forehead. He stays there a moment, his eyes shut. When he pulls away, there’s tears streaming down her face, but she is still trying to smile at him, trying to tease him. Even like this, she’s still trying to make him feel better. So Miguel tries to smile back at her, but he’s sure it looks more like a grimace.
“Yeah. You’ll see me again.” He murmurs, wiping away her tears. It’s more like he’s reminding himself rather than agreeing with her. He swallows the lump in his throat, “It’s you and me.”
“It’s you and me.” Y/N manages to get out, her breathing more ragged. Her hand moves to rest on top of his, where’s he’s putting pressure on her wound even though they both know there’s no point. Her fingers intertwine with his and he holds her hand. There’s tears streaming down his face, his like there is every time he watches her dies.
Miguel just sits there, holding her hand long after her body stills, her head laying on his chest. He knows eventually he will have to get up, that he will have to take her back to her universe. For now, he just sits there with her, holding her body to his, quietly telling her all of the things that were left unsaid.
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spiders-scare-me · 10 months
noir hcs
(these are hcs, not actual canon so these are things that are made up and NOT based off the comics)
hc him as 19 yrs old.
joined the spider society because he thought he maybe could do some good by helping others, only to regret it later. genuinely thinks Miguel is kinda a facist.
he also doesn’t regret joining the society because he got to spend time with Ham, Gwen, Peni, Hobie etc.
he and hobie bonded over similar views, became best friends for the last four ish months before Noir quit.
quit because he generally had a bad feeling about miguel, but got worse when he referred to robbie’s death as a canon event.( https://www.tumblr.com/lildoodlenoodle/720268522059612160/if-spider-noir-wasnt-kicked-off-the-elite-spider ) (based off of)
taught hobie how to pickpocket/steal things in different places/shops before he quit. especially shops in Noirs dimension where it was easier to put something in your pocket and leave without anybody noticing.
( https://www.tumblr.com/butevrythinggoesaway/719504366077345792/i-kind-of-headcanon-noir-as-having-kelptomania-so ) (inspired)
Miguel hates him, probably because Noir rivals him in size and also questions the way Miguel runs things around the spider society.
(Miguel is canonically 6’9 and i hc Noir as around 6’5)
Miguel once asked (very rudely) in front of hobie, if Noir only dated Hobie because he was similar to Robbie. You can only IMAGINE what Noir almost did (aka assassinate Miguel) before he was stopped by most spider people who are loyal to Miguel. Basically, Noir went even more crazy because of that since Miguel uses Robbie as a way to get to him.
Noir in fact didn’t want to date anyone because of some stuff that happened, but when he met Hobie and got to know him, he instantly fell in love.
Miguel simply hates Noir, but can’t fire him or kick him out for no reason so Miguel picks on him until he snaps.
he acts like Peni’s older brother, being protective of her. she became depressed after he quit the spider society because she really cared about him.
most likely smokes, Peni hates it and always takes his cigarette from him to put it out. has dumped water on him multiple times. Hobie also puts out Noirs cigarette when he sees him smoking.
humor is his coping mechanism, example (my interpretation of the scenes):
when miles said his uncle was the prowler, Noir responded with “this is a pretty hardcore origin story” which sounds like he’s trying to make the situation a bit lighter by joking a bit.
as well as when aunt may asked if they could fight doc ock outside, he replied with “We don’t pick the ballroom, we just dance”
another one: when he, peni and ham met gwen, miles and peter for the first time, peter asked noir how they got there and he answered with “it’s a long story” only to say right after “maybe not that long”
Hobie paints Noirs nails from time to time because it seems to relax him.
used to wear glasses because he had such bad eyes but now that he sees better because of the whole spider thing, he wears them cuz they’re cool.
his favorite color is purple because of robbie. (angst obvi) ( https://www.tumblr.com/lildoodlenoodle/721163033344425984/me-watching-everyone-on-tumblrtiktok-say-spider )
(based off of)
his relationship with aunt may is so wholesome. she’s against him killing facists etc, but still loves him more than anything.
his style is absolutely IMMACULATE. ( https://www.tumblr.com/spiders-scare-me/723947203857694720/tried-to-find-references-for-30s-mens-fashion-and ) (based off my own post) ( https://www.tumblr.com/spiders-scare-me/723996134618628096/no-stfu-im-so-fucking-obsessed )
i tried :,) don’t bully me
i’ll post more later if it’s wanted obvi
credits to @lildoodlenoodle and @butevrythinggoesaway for the posts i linked <3
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cronchyy2 · 6 months
I think it's about time I posted him before I forget forever.
Dr. Otis Octavius, "Doctor Octopus"
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He's fun to draw..
(Hella lore under the cut.. be warned, I type a LOT)
In the AU, he's one of the more "drawn out" villains, like Dr. Ohnn. His arc develops mostly in the background. If I were to turn the AU into a fan-comic, I'd have moments where it'd cut to him. 👀
Anyhow, the lore is that he started off as one of the many people chosen by a foe named Black Velvet (Dr. Archer Blakeley) to catch the Pseudo-Spider, so he could rid any sort of "traces" of the whole "radioactive spider" incident. Otis goes against it at first, but he eventually gets the idea of studying the Spider himself instead. After weeks of being vigilant, he's saved by Percy Parker from a car accident. Out of gratitude, the scientist takes Parker out for dessert the same afternoon.
After a somewhat sour conversation over sweet delicacies, he manages to find out that Percy was, indeed, bit by one of the two radioactive spiders that escaped Blakeley's grasp. However, he doesn't know he's the Pseudo-Spider.
This doesn't stop him from chasing him around the city the next day with his few months old mechanical arms. Since they're still in the process of being touched-up, the chase doesn't last so long. That and because the Pseudo-Spider deals with him before any sort of damage is done.*
(*Note, this is when Percy comes up with the name 'Doc Octopus' for him,,)
A month passes, and it seems like Otis has finally gotten along with Percy after clearing his own name, telling the youth that his actions were (mostly) from his own motivation, and that he should've just cut off Dr. Blakeley.
Then, one night, while Otis is dabbling in his little job with reactors, the Pseudo-Spider disrupts him while taking on an unknown villain.
To shorten things, the fight causes PS to bump into something and mess up the entire experiment. After the chaos that is Otis trying to get everyone out of the building and him staying behind in attempt to fix the situation, it all ends in a bright and seemingly powerful explosion.
Fortunately, all of Octavius' labmates escaped unscathed, but the head scientist himself vanished without a trace. This is enough info to convince Percy that he, the Pseudo-Spider, just killed a man. And that info haunts him for a good while.
It's been less-than-a-few months since the explosion now, and Percy has somewhat managed to get over Otis' death, and tried to resume his two lives. The thought still gives him shivers time-to-time.
That is, one night, the Spider finally confronts five of his greatest foes one more time, back to back. After a while, he meets their leader. The thought-to-be deceased Otis Octavius, in the flesh, standing before him like a ghost caught in the exact moment of their death.
The now not-so-good doctor reveals that he's been actively conjuring a (master) plan to get revenge on PS, thinking that he was, indeed, his murderer. Ock also reveals that he was saved from the blast by his own robo-arms, and they took him to a safe place while he was out cold. His influence for getting rid of PS mostly comes from them.
And that's all I have for his main arc. Told you it was a mouthful
There's more, but it's mostly side plot shenanigans
Edit: I lied. I forgot to talk about his personality shift during his arc. Basically he starts off as this grumpy, strange, almost-old man who has a soft spot for a select few people he cares about (biggest example being this universe's Harry Osborn, who's constantly under stress as the heir of Oscorp. Not to mention his long dead father. Otis kinda acts as a dad or cool uncle to Harr, constantly checking to see if he's alright and even taking on some of his work for him sometimes.) After the incident, the drive of getting revenge on the Pseudo-Spider REALLY starts to show. Especially on his face. Sometimes he subconciously breaks out these sinister-ass grins when he thinks about his plan (THE PIPELINE,,)
anyhow, heres this goofy drawing of him because i wanted to see how the arms would work with his coat's belt (yes, that bothered me for a bit)
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starlightswordfight · 1 month
rescue corps headcanons because I'm insane
(there are many)
– mirror pronouns pom
– that's all I got
– man!!
– Bernard started TALKING in this specific MANNER for the BIT years and years back and now he can't STOP he is STUCK someone HELP him
– he ALSO might be doing it to try to put EMPHASIS on the words he believes should have it and sometimes HE DOES not succeed
– he reads as ADHD coded to me but it might be because I also talk like that so take that with a grain of salt
– Bernard had the most normal home life by far. No contest, won by default. I have a GREAT relationship with both of MY parents because they LOVE me
– he is incredibly observant. alarmingly so. will sometimes act out of the loop on purpose, if he thinks things would just be easier that way. accidentally learns everything about everyone, the guy's an information magnet and he doesn't know how to feel about that
– do you guys think Russ has made a spacesuit with the doc ock arms because I think he has and that he actively uses it on missions
– occasionally jumpscares people and giggles about it. he got the tendency to do this from his mother, who can smell fear
– while I doubt Russ would do things "for the bit" he would ABSOLUTELY act on impulse in the name of the scientific method. this has gotten him hurt before. it's fine
– does not make coffee he just eats the fucking grounds. "it's a Giyan thing, you wouldn't understand" this is not true at all he is LYING
– Russ and Yonny get into frequent arguments (light banter) about literally everything and I mean Everything. They could work together they'd be really powerful that way, but they don't
– Russ has so many genuinely funny science puns that he makes and no one ever gets them and it devastates him
– except for Yonny, who is too busy searching for ethics guideline loopholes to acknowledge that he understands the joke
– Yonny has the most HORRIFIC life stories and will drop them CASUALLY. thought they were funny, is only now beginning to realize that it does in fact make people concerned and uncomfortable when he does that
– prefers paper books to digital because he's prone to headaches!! cites "phone bad book good" as the official reason but that's not the reason
– nonbinary and evil. presentation tends to "default" as masc but switches up often! hey girl I mean any pronouns
– knows like a hundred million dead languages for absolutely no reason
– makes art in his spare time because murder is wrong
– Shepherd sleeps with a nightlight, or at the very least can't rest well in complete darkness!! she's just like me fr !!!!
– "she snores" thank you duncan for your contribution. honk shoe
– also I think she might be autistic I can't fully back that one up do not ask me to but look at her. she cares about dogs the way I care about fish
– prone to coming across the wrong way, tone wise. very very good at giving backhanded compliments that were meant to be fully sincere and just got horribly lost in translation. this keeps her up at night. she feels AWFUL
– big fan of karaoke!! not exactly GOOD at it but we love her initiative
– as afraid as she is of the pikmin, their voices and funny little words are very catchy and she does find herself repeating them often. she will not admit this. it is embarrassing
– Collin is also autistic. I could make an entire separate post on this I'm being so goddamn serious, I have so much reasoning, I am fully confident that he is, and that he masks REALLY hard, and it enormously fucked him up
– special interest in machinery (NO ONE saw THIS coming)
– transmasculine. his name is a pun on "call in." heard the phrase and realized he had the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever
– we only hear about his grandfather, and not even from him; no other family is mentioned at all!! went no contact with like everybody else, above points might be why. people with normal childhoods don't stand like that
– adding onto the canon sleep talking with sleep movement! a LOT of it! has probably kicked someone before!!
– "he wakes up upside down" thank you duncan
– i think maybe Dingo might still have glow stick light up bones. will rediscover this one day during an expedition mishap and it will be an Experience
– not a hc but Dingo is the type of guy to get bit in a zombie apocalypse and not tell anyone until the literal last second
– "he would also say "fuck my stupid baka life"" thank you duncan
– would fight by rolling up his sleeves and jumping around cartoonishly. he would more likely talk like he's winning the fight when he is in fact actively losing. "had enough yet? (on the floor)"
– definitely games and he wins the competitive ones by button mashing. "I'll never tell you my strategy" he prays that's the strategy
– his sleep schedule is NOT normal. it's so beyond skewed. he either gets like 2 hours of sleep or he wakes up the following night not knowing what year it is
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Hey 👋
I was wondering if you would do a part 2 to 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘 [𝙙𝙚𝙡𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙫𝙚𝙧] were maybe we fall into his universe and we meet or he falls into our universe 😊
Anyway have a good morning/afternoon/night
𝙇𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝘼𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣
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Cw: Miles Morales x gn!reader, injured reader, disruption of what the canon e-1218 is meant to be (I don't think anyone cares tho), also ignoring that you'd die if you were in the wrong dimension,
Notes: it was really hard to decide if Miles or the reader should be the one to switch universes, but it would probably be angsty if Miles were the one to do that. I published this on accident and I almost killed myself (also Tumblr ate half the post but anyways it looks better short) now it's ready to read!!!
It was a normal wednesday for spiderman, swinging around on patrol, saving some innocent citizen from getting robbed, it seemed like today was going to be a nice relaxed day,no epic fight, no batshit crazy villains with weird plans, oh wait, there's one, it's Doctor Octopus again.
You start swinging, you shot a web at one of the robotic tentacles, Doc Ock emerges from one a rooftop, controller in hand, for what you fear to be some kind of explosive, or worse.
"And I was out here thinking an apple a day would keep you away!" You playfully say as you try to use your webs to snatch the controller, your spidey senses start to tingle, and you swing to dodge a projectile from The Prowler, you keep swinging but you feel your web break, your vision becomes blurry, you try with all your strength to stay up, claw your way into a safe place, but all becomes numb, you feel like pressure being applied to each one of your cells, your body is disarming, rearranging itself, and you are left defenseless to this void.
You wake up next a pizza place, resting in the sidewalk like a homeless person, you fear for the worst and look for signs of doc ock's win, but you find nothing. You look around and recognize Brooklyn, but there's something off about it, not to brag, but you're pretty recognized as spiderman in your world, and now it seems like there's no trace of you, in shop windows where merch of you used to be, now there's nothing, and when you want to shoot your webs to swing and find more information, there's also nothing. You check the rest of your powers, superhuman hearing? Nope, superhuman smell? Nope, superhuman strength? Nope, webs? You already checked they weren't there, venom? Wait- your tongue starts exploring your mouth and feeling your teeth, where there was once sharp fangs, now there's normal teeth. They're still on the longer side, but it's so normal. You've been to the spider society, you know there's an infinite number or possibilities, but you've never heard of anything like this, losing not only your powers but also changing your anatomy. You tried to climb a building with your claws, but you cringed and hissed at the sharp pain of your fingernails being met with cement, this seems to finally help you sink that in. You're human, you, Y/N, are no longer spiderman.
You're still in your suit, now rendered useless, you have no clothes, so you're forced to walk through the streets like this, god, you never stopped to think that this suit looked great swinging, and simply ridiculous when you're waiting for the lighting to change to cross the street.
Your spidey sense hasn't left you, but you fear it will soon, so when it tells you to go to visions academy, you simply listen to it and follow blindly, ignoring that you don't even have a phone to check the time, this could be your only chance. You finally arrive and it tells to go a specific dorm room, number 16-10. When you finally get to the academy, it's closed (of course it is, it's the middle of the night). You wonder if there's any way to get to the dorms without getting in legal trouble, now that you don't have webs or powers. The only thing you manage to do, is to jump a fence and get on school grounds, you sit on the grass, and take off your mask. You breathe some fresh air, and as guilty as that makes you feel, you feel relaxed. Superhuman senses are great when you're a superhero, but you weren't a hero 24/7 and at times it felt simply, too much; it was overwhelming when you could sense everything but couldn't process it all, when you were burned out and exhausted, and you could only hear the noise of the city. And now, you didn't listen to anything but your own breathing and heartbeat, there was still some car sounds here and there, but nothing close to what you're used to. You cry, you don't know what Dr Octopus is doing in your dimension, what's happening to your loved ones, and you don't know if there's a way to go back or not, what if you're stuck? Unknown, unnamed, you don't even have a document to prove you exist, no family, no allies, no frien-
"Morales! It's always you trying to sneak out in that stupid costume! Go back to your dorm or I'm calling your parents" a guard yells, you put your mask back on at lighting speed so you can impersonate this Miles guy. You give a thumbs up to the guard and run to look for a door to the dorms, you get lost quite a few times, but you finally find the 16-10 room. You carefully open up, waiting for a friendly face to greet you at the door, you're so desperate that even Miguel O'Hara would count as a friendly face.
But you're met with only darkness (you forgot how normal people saw in the dark without night vision), and you trip over something, it's loud. You hear someone stir in bed and get a little scared, your spidey sense wouldn't lead you somewhere dangerous, right? You make another step, praying this one won't be a disaster. Which clearly didn't work, because the noise is metallic and strident, the two people obviously wake up, and turn on the light, you freeze, getting ready in case you need to fight (at least the muscle memory it's still there). The room lights up and you see a teenager around you age, black hair round face, and he reaches for his glasses in the night table. He opens his eyes wide and starts screaming.
"WHAT THE FUCK WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU DRESSED AS SPIDERMAN???!!!!" His screams wake up his roommate, who reacts just as dramatically, you cover your ears and wonder why your spidey sense would lead you to terrorize two high school boys instead of giving you a way home. You keep your hands where they can see them, and wait for them to calm down, you breathe and try to voice what's happening to you.
"I need help..." You take off your mask, maybe in an effort to look less intimidating, maybe to acknowledge that is useless in this situation.
They seem even more shaken.
Why do you look like that, is that you? Is this a cosplay, why? Why are you here? It can't be...
This is going to be the ride of your lives.
>Miles believes you when he hears your story, he figured no one would be insane enough to pull something like this, but also because he'd believe you if you said the earth was flat if you look at him with those eyes
>You liked Miles' friends, they were all very nice to you, and fun to be around
>My boy is RUNNING to hide the atrocious amount of merch he has of you, he wouldn't want you to think it's weird
>His roommate was named Ganke and he was a really cool guy, and he had no problem with the person from another universe living in his room, which says a lot. He also enjoyed flustering Miles with your presence
>You learned you had a lot of media portraying you, it honestly felt like a violation of privacy, but hey, it is what it is
>"Wait, why is there so many pages of MJ dumping me?, we get it, you don't have to humiliate me like this, Wonder comics"
>He brings you homework from his classes so you can feel like you're learning and not stalling around
>You are not confined to the dorm room, but you can't be seen on school, you're not a student.
>Miles borrowed you his clothes since you didn't have any, and omg he almost died of a heart attack seeing you in his clothes
>He's like his normal obvious self but even worse, there's no way to not realize he likes you
>You still don't, because you feel like Miles just admires you because of those comics
>And he's cute and attentive, you'd like for him to notice you as a person and not a work of fiction
>You slept with Miles one time, it was really cold and your air mattress and covers weren't doing it, so you asked if you could sleep with him
>He offered to give up his bed completely, but you said you wouldn't do that to him.
>Miles stared at you for almost the whole night
>You look so much better in his bed that in any art he's ever seen of you.
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voltrixz · 1 year
 Why YOU should go vote for Montana/Shocker (TSSM) in @cartoon-character-competition​
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Once again, this is the first time I have managed to get Shocker into a competition which once again is a crime in itself 
And like before you guys might be familiar with Shocker or Montana (even if they are a bit less known then villains like Electro or Doc Ock) (especially for Montana)
You see in TSSM, Montana is Shocker, not Herman as he’s known in the comics. Montana and Herman are different people in the comics but here Montana is essentially Herman but cooler and more skilled.
Montana is your usual merc hired by the big bad guy (or the big man as they call him) that runs a lot of the crime in NY. In episode one he’s hired to defeat spiderman along with his partners and they’re known as the enforcers 
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(The enforcers as seen in ep 1) (From left to right: Fancy Dan, Ox and of course Montana) 
and well they’re defeated of course but Montana never gets capture and manages to run off
So when does Montana get that funny pineapple patterned suit? Well in ep 4, Market Forces, Montana is seen stealing that exact funny pineapple patterned suit and handing it over to his boss before about to go on his merry way and putting on his cowboy hat again before being stopped and told to wear the suit and stop spiderman as he still owes them (visibily pissed off at being told to not wear his hat (which is silly to me) (LET HIM WEAR HIS COWBOY HAT!!!!)but grins when being told about his new assignment)  
and so peter is led over to where shocker is by flint and alex (2 criminals who will become major villains later) 
and well shocker does what he does best, FUCK SHIT UP!!!!!!
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and whats funnier is his first line to Spiderman is “I reckon that came as a bit of a real SHOCKER eh bug” He fuckin starts off a fight with a fuckin PUN (I love him for that)(its in his subtle himbo coding) and you want to know what else? When asked who exactly Montana is by Spiderman, Montana comes up with a villain name right on the spot and well guess what he chooses? He chooses his INITAL FUCKIN PUN (still love him for that) and well he absoutely destroys spiderman and even picks him up like a wet cat 
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either spiderman weighs like nothing or shocker is just REALLY strong 
and well Montana goes off to his bar, just to enjoy a game of 8 ball with a job well done 
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(hehe look at him, just enjoying a game of pool ^^ )
that is until well obviously spiderman isnt just gonna say down so Montana is stopped by his boss (cant believe he interrupted his game of pool, you cant do this to him) and he’s sent right back to fight Spiderman 
and well you know how it goes, he’s defeated (SPIDERMAN LITERALLY DROPS AN ENITRE BUILDING ON THIS GUY LIKE??? OK????) but yeah off to jail ig
So what happens next is basically 
- Thanks to Doc Ock and his plan to form the sinister six, he breaks out of jail and joins the sinister six by orders of his boss
- is defeated once again by Spiderman and taken to jail
- doesnt join the next formation of the sinister six sadly (crying coping tossing everything)
- however he comes back with his enforcer partners, now with his partners rocking new suits too 
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(as seen here) (they’re robbing a bank btw) (cute things to do with your boyfriends: rob a bank!)
- but yeah once again defeated by spiderman and all of them are tossed to jail
- seen in big jail breakout scene but sadly does not escape 
- and who knows maybe we could have seen Shocker rejoin the sinister six or get up to new silly things (criminal activity) with his partners but erm
Tssm got cancelled as I mentioned before in my electro post so yeah (crying dying coping sobbing kicking everything tossing everything RAGHH)
but yeah shocker is cool as hell and gives me immense gender envy 
like LOOK AT HIM!!!!
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need to be him so so bad (the gender envy he gives me is INSANE)(also has made me realize hm i may be queer aroaceflux) 
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(he has a resting bitch face and its so silly to me) (yes im just using this as an opprtiunity to show you images of him)
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sigh sigh LOVE YOU SHOCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also he is gay and polyam coded as hell!!!!!! um something something why do you work in such a man dominated field? Do you want to be dominated by men? And also um that one thing of “detectives will always go: here’s my partner. erm ok???? 🏳️‍🌈???? but its just “mercs will always go: here’s my partner(s) like ok???🏳️‍🌈??? (not kidding he almost always refers to dan and ox as his partners and also just look at him, he is THE gay cowboy merc ever
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the-trans-anon · 3 months
Insomanic Spider-Man and Revenge
Something that's really interesting to me is the theme of revenge in the insomanic games, so I wanted to go game-by-game and discuss how revenge is used. This post is gonna b long so putting a read more
Spider-Man (2018):
In the first game we have Martin Li and Doc Ock. Both completely destroy their lives in pursuit of revenge.
Martin Li goes against the values he formed FEAST with, completely betrays everyone who worked for him. He hates Norman Osborn because Norman killed his parent, but in his attempts at revenge Li does the exact same thing to not just Miles but SO many other familes. How many people do you think he killed in not just the bombing but also the many shootouts the Demons cause? In the Devils Breath plague? He wasn't the one who unleashed it in the end, but he still planned to.
Doc Ock falls down a very similar path. He takes a tool that was originally meant to help and heal, and uses it to hurt. In his desire to cause Norman's downfall, he not only brutally attacks and nearly kills one of his closest friends, but also kills SO many people with Devils Breath. And, completely unlike Li, he feels little to no remorse for it. Doc Ock feels like the people who died deserved it, because they put Norman in power.
In the DLC we also have Yuri, who turns against her friends and coworkers in her attempts to destroy Hammerhead, but Yuri is less about revenge destroying someone and more about a "the ends justify the means" mindset. While she does have a theme of revenge in her story, I feel like its less present in her actual character arc. She less destroys her life and more takes her life down a different path. She recognizes that the system can't give her what she views as justice and so decides to take it into her own hands.
Spider-Man: Miles Morales (2020):
Ok, Phin. We don't know a ton about Phin before she started working towards revenge, but from what's there: my interpretation is Phin ends up going against the values that her brother died for in her bid for revenge.
Phin's brother (his name escapes me) lived to help others, and the Second he realized his research was being used for not only capitalist greed but also harming people he wanted to put a stop to it. Phin, in attempting to finish what her brother started, completely loses sight of this original goal. She hurts people, a lot of people, including her closest friend, and almost basically sets off a bomb in Harlem.
Phin wasn't stupid, you can't convince me that some part of her didn't recognize the risks. She was so angry and so convinced that she was the right one that she ignored the harm she was doing until it was too late.
Spider-Man 2 (2023):
Peter's character arc in this game is a direct parallel of Doc Ock's arc in the first game. Thanks to the symbiote weaking Pete's self control, he wants revenge on Kraven and hurts the people around him in the process. He turns Harry's kindness against him, gives MJ the cold shoulder, and literally attacks Miles. He's angry and upset and he doesn't know how to handle it other than taking it all out on Kraven.
Similar to how the arms affected Doc Ock mentally, while the symbiote does affect Pete mentally the emotions and desires he feels are still very very real. In direct contrast to Doc Ock though, Pete is given a chance and he takes it.
Miles didn't save Peter, Peter saved himself. But if Miles hadn't been there and hadn't supported Peter, Peter never would've gotten rid of the symbiote. Miles said to Peter: "I know you're angry but you're hurting people who don't deserve this, you need to stop" and, unlike Doc Ock, Peter listened and took the steps necessary to bring himself away from that path.
Meanwhile, Miles ALSO has a big theme of stepping away from revenge. Miles' entire character arc in the second game is him looking at how others ruined their lives through a search for revenge, looking at his own desire for revenge, and saying "I'm good. I don't want to go down that path"
Miles comes close to killing Li at least twice. If he would've actually killed Li is debatable (I personally believe he wouldn't have), but there's two times where Miles has an opportunity to kill the person who put him and his family through so much suffering, and he considers it.
Miles wants Li to suffer, he wants Li to feel even a fraction of the pain Li made Miles feel, but by the end of the game Miles is able to recognize that that doesn't help him or him mom recover from what they went through, it just causes more pain. Miles decides that he doesn't want to hold onto that hate, that he wants to move on, and so he does. Which gives Miles one of the most emotionally mature character arcs in the entire series.
It looks like the theme of revenge is gonna continue into the third game, with Doc Ock wanting to make both Norman and Pete suffer, and Norman wanting to make the Spider-Men suffer. It's just really interesting how every game has dealt with this idea of the harm revenge can cause.
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braindead94 · 9 months
Power Bottom
Here's one of my fics that Im planning to post here. I have others on AO3 under the same name. Its about Doc Ock and Spider-Girl! Reader who makes a stupid move while fighting. It is also an ongoing series that is slow to update, this is the first part.
Warning: forced kissing, unwanted touches, fighting, Doc Ock being HOT. Minors DNI
You wont lie: being Spider-Girl is amazing sometimes. 
Sure, you might not have the most glamorous life by fighting criminals in the sewers or fighting them near a dump. The public might not like you; per say (thanks JJJ for the great press). And yes, your social life as yourself had to be put on hold on numerous occasions while fighting big names like The Lizard or The Juggernaut (He’s looooooads of fun to clean up afterwards….).
But there were times like these where you were swinging in the air, pulling on your organic webs hard to make you soar in the air, the feeling of nothing holding you back…
This was one of the greatest things about being a hero.
Until that moment was ruined by Doc Ock showing up.
You sighed as you heard the familiar click-clank of his powerful arms storming through the streets. “Ahhhhhgrrrrreaaaat, what is it this time?” You muttered as you allowed yourself to free fall. Snagging a web to a building, you followed the trail of destruction and people running away.
Dr.Octavius was climbing up the walls away from the tail of police cars that stopped at a building he clambered up. One cop saw you and shouted, “Go get him Spidey!” as you swinged above him. You gave him a salute before gallivanting up to the criminal.
Landing perfectly in front of Otto, you stood on the wall. Sticking straight against gravity with your super strength. “So, this is a nice change of pace. Usually, I'd have to hit up on abandoned warehouses to find you sneaking about for some leftover science garbage. Let me guess: your old age finally made your bones crack loud enough for them to hear?”
Doc Ock, with his shiny actuators attached to his back reared back from you. He crossed his arms as his (admittedly handsome) face looked irritated. The wind from this height blew his two trench coats widely around him, showing more of his shirtless chest. ‘Oh Lord, he just had to be shirtless today, didn’t he?’ You think, your cheeks blushing while biting your bottom lip. Your heart beated faster as your mind went into the gutter before you snapped out of it. You counted your lucky stars that you were smart enough to wear a costume that covered your face.
“One of the nice security personnel just got lucky when I was at one of Stark's labs.” He explained, not taking the bait you not so perfectly laid out for him. “Ooooooh, and you got scared by one guy? Jeez, if that’s what it took to get you up and about, I wouldn’t have to fight you a lot.” You joked, resting your hands on your hips.
“Well, it would probably be because he will no longer be ‘up and about’ anymore. Don’t worry; he IS alive. If you call it that.” He replied, a sinister smile creeped into his lips. Your blood ran cold, making you jump into gear and jump out at him.
Again, you never seemed to learn that you never make the first swing.
Otto let out a shameless laugh as he moved to the side, his upper arms strike out to you. You managed to slip away from them in the air in time for one of the bottom ones to make a grab at you. One of it’s claws scratched your side when you webbed away from it. It seemed to cackle in victory with his claws opening and closing.
‘Fuck! Need to get this on even ground.’ You look to the ground, where a crowd of people were surrounding the police and continued to grow. ‘Far from them. Get him talking, get him angry to follow you to the top of a building.’
“So, the great, intelligent Doc Ock has been spooked by one man. Not even a superpowered one! What? Is your hearing aid not working right today?” Otto utters a growled, his dark sunglasses hiding his eyes glaring daggers at you while having one of his actuators rip out a chuck of contrite off of the building and throw it at you.
You web it and swing it back at him as you make your getaway. Dumb move: his arms crumbled it into smaller pieces. You ducked down quickly to make a wide web to catch any falling debris as you continued to swing away. 
Leading Otto higher onto the roofs. Some smoke bellowed out of the exhaust pipes, making you cough behind the mask as you ran on solid ground. You heard the claws stomp behind you, coming faster and faster.
“You think you're being very clever by insulting me to follow you, don’t you?” Doc Ock called out, his baritone voice filled with command and vile. “I was kinda hoping that we wouldn’t fight on the ground in front of the press, they just never get my good side.” You called back, flipping over to another building and shooting gobs of webs at him. 
He raised his actuators to block off the attack, making the two that got caught to get stuck together. Otto paused to try to remove it with a bottom arm, which you then jumped back to where he was and pounced on him. You webbed one of his flesh hands on the roof as you landed on top of him.
“Gotcha now-” You stopped, blushing harder than before when you realized how you landed on him.
Your legs were straddling his very wide hips, your butt just shy away from his crouch and a hand resting on top of his (plushy) pecs.
Silence fell hard between you two, your eyes looking right at him also surprised as you did, still as a rock. His actuators almost seemed to weave in the air in confusion.
Slowly, Ottos face then turned bemused. “Well, well, well… this has certainly turned into a delectable turn of events.” His deep voice purred. Your eyes widen as your body clenched at his suave voice.
“Oh-Oh God, I am so, so sorry!” Your voice squeaks a pitched higher, your heart now pounding like a jackhammer. Quickly taking your hand off of him, you stutter over your words as you try to gather your thoughts, trying not to touch anything but him.
“Shit, I totally didn’t mean to end up like this- let’s just forget that this is hap-” You make a move to get off of him when an actuator quickly wraps around your waist twice. With another squeak, you try to pry it off of you with your free arms, but it only tightens its hold on you. 
Your nerves started to fry in panic, your movements all jittery while the heavyset man just laid all calm and collected with his hooded eyes covered by his special glasses. His free hand rested on his bare stomach as the rest of the actuators (the two got free from your webs) all slinked up and aimed their bulbs at you. You rambled on, saying nothing and everything at the same time to get him to just-Let-Go!
“-Like, can’t we just move on from this?? I just go one way and you go the other way and we both don’t look back on this-” “I’m not sure if you know this, my dear, little spider,” He interrupted as his gloved hand lifted up to your belly. 
Your cheeks become warmer as his fingers brushed up over his metal arm, just grazing over your super suit, over your chest and up to your neck where it cupped your head to look down at him. “But my actuators detect not only heat signatures, but heart rate as well.”
You just noticed how fast your heart was beating, pounding with a mixture of fear and unease. Lust is definitely not part of that, nope. “W-w-w-w-well, if that were the ca-ca-case,” You stutter, painfully aware how his arms were now slithering around you, nuzzling against your back like a cat headbutting. One reached down to slip his glasses off, leaving his big eyes looking up at you. His eyes looked hungry, and that’s what scared you the most.
“T-t-t-then how come you missed that guard back the-” One arm grabbed your neck with it’s claw. You gasped as you grabbed it, trying to pry it off as the lower arm tightened its grip on you again. Your spider-sense is tingling, not to an alarming degree, but still buzzing enough for you to panic a bit.
This was getting out of hand; here you are practically sitting on New Yorks, maybe one of the world's greatest supervillain, with his actuators almost have you in wraps, Doc Ock has his only hand resting on your hip, you, a hero, is getting fucking turned on.
‘Lord, if you're there: Please kill me now’ You begged as Otto chuckled.
“We are having such a nice moment, Spider-Girl. Lets not ruin it with petty insults.” Said Otto, squeezing your thigh nicely. “Okay, thi-this is getting too weird,” You muttered. “Let me go now!” He tisk. “Now why would we do that when the fun just got started, hmm?” You try to use your super strength to pull the claw off of your neck, but his hand slipped up to your hip again, distracting you again as it dipped to your back and stopped on your butt.
He let out a soft hum, his face just looked mischievous. “I see all the hero business has really given you a mighty workout. Much more fun for us to squeeze.” You yelped as he did so, your legs almost clamp onto his sides. He grunted, reminding you how he is actually fragile to your power, and you are now left with a new problem.
“Lo-look, just let me go. I don't want to hu-hurt you-” a moan slipped out when he raised his leg up against your body, pushing your pelvis over his harness. 
If your cheeks burn any more, they would burn your mask off.
Otto smirked, his lips showing teeth, now looking more at ease. “Ohho, now this is getting interesting.” The arm grinds your hips on the harness and you try to tuck your legs up to get off of him. Two actuators wrapped around them and brought your lags back to their positions, hulting you and leaving you even more stuck. “Ironic, how fast your heart is beating so fast to be close to someone you don’t care about.”
“Please! Just stop!” you yelled, startling how loud your voice is. Even if you two were far away from the crowd, you still brought attention to warrant a helicopter. Possibly. Hopefully not.
“Oh, I like that…” Otto whispered. “It’s not always that I have a beau ideal not only getting turned on, but begging?” He growled, and fuck does his voice sounds just so good.
“Do go on, I’m very keen on hearing your pompous voice begging me to let go. A nice change from your failed attempts at humor.” You groan, but glazing around, you couldn’t just not wait for someone else to rescue you.
Shit, what if the Avengers heard about this?
You bit your lip and got on with it. “Please, Dr.Octavius,” You said, hoping that his former title would maybe favor your plea. “Please let me go.” His smirk just grew. “That’s better, although...” He looked to one of his arms, who was leering down at you then to him. He let out a huff of glee as his dark eyes turned back to you. The hungry only flourish into something more deadly threatening. The danger-buzzing became a thundering ring in your minds eye.
“I think it would be even sweeter if you give me a kiss.”
Oh fuck no.
You got back to the claw on your neck, but it clamps on tight. Almost cutting off your air. “Oh, come now, would a kiss really be that bad? No one will ever know.” He reasoned. His hand trailed one finger up and down your inner thigh. “It would be over quickly and painlessly. If, however, you want to stay up here with a much more enjoyable activity…” That damn finger found itself over to your clothed crotch, JUST ghosting over your clit.
Your body jolted, ecstasy pumped into your blood and a mewl escaped your gasping mouth. The temptation was far too great, God his whole presence is just waiting to be indulge into.
But you still couldn’t ignore how much your spider-sense was yelling at you hard in your mind. This was stepping into something more deadly. ‘But what choice do I got? How can I escape without hurting him??” A voice of reason, not like your own, said that it is safer than what he was asking.
“I can wait all day, I have nothing to hide, well, except for a little hard drive I ‘borrowed’ from Starks. I’m not sure if you do, regarding if the press let their helicopter come out to look at the damages.” You shivered at his voice, glazing about as you willed your arms to let go of the claw on your neck. You try to calm your fast-paced heart beat with even breathing, but it’s not working. “Ju-just one kiss?” you whispered, too low for anyone could hear.
Apparently, his actuator did. Docs famous, corrupted grin returned on his good-looking face, the laughing lines deepening with wicked glee. “Just one, and I’ll let you go.” “.....okay.” Was all you said before the claw finally let go of your neck. 
You rubbed your throat before it returned and nudged your upper body to lean down on him. “Okay, okay, I’m doing it! Jeeze, so impatient.” You muttered. You leaned closer over his face (while trying not to come contact with his torso). That bastard then said “You are going to have to initiate the kiss, my dear. I’m the one who is stuck.” He wiggled his trapped hand to set the point.
You scowled at him, then flinched when you felt more fingers brushing against your crotch. “Well?” You looked at him in the eyes, then sighed. Slowly, you hooked your thumb under your mask (ignoring how your hand was shaking from this) and lifted the mask up above your nose. The spider-sense was now yelling-no, screaming NO at you.
Octavious let out a hum. “My, you look so delightful when you’re disheveled.” ‘Shut the fuck up, you sonofabitch.’ Was what you wanted to say but knew enough not to.
You breathe in the air (much better than breathing through the mask) as you sucked in your lips, then lean down to quickly give him a dry peck on the lips.
Otto looked unimpressed.
“Oh, that can’t be how you kiss.” One of his claws stomped on your back, shoving your whole torso on top of his. You plant your hands on his shoulders but couldn’t push off of him. “You have to kiss me as if you meant it.” His free hand made its way to your nearly clear cheek. You almost panicked when his gloved fingers touched where the end of the mask was, just nearly pushing it off of your face before resting to the back of your head.
“How else am I supposed to be convinced that you really want to be free from my embrace?” He asked. You gulped, your blush returned again as you closed your eyes and pretended.
You pictured your long-time crush, Jessie. He grew up with you through middle and high school, blossoming from an angsty, emo boy to a handsome man from the 1950s. He is, quite literally, the male version of Jessica Rabbit and embraced it wholeheartedly. He was always kind to you when you were growing up, and even more when he became popular in high school. He made sure that you were heard, always seen and validated from your peers. Now going into college: he has bloomed into every dream man that women ever wanted.
Your heart beats more slowly, more comfortable just thinking of him and his elegant face looks at you with his warm eyes. His whole demeanor just pouring radiant of safety and love, just waiting for you to be in his arms. His smooth parted lips just waiting for just a peck.
You leaned down and finally kissed Otto Octavius. It started out slow, your eyes closed as your mind focused on Jessie. Just pretend, just ignore how vastly different Otto's large body is from Jessie's angular, yet hard body.
The supervillain smiled in the kiss, it felt weird, very unlike your crush. Ottos hand smooths over your neck and onto your back, rubbing circles over your shoulder blades. Damn, does that ever feel nice.
Daring to continue this, you trailed your hands over to his face and deepened the kiss further, poking your tongue into his mouth. You imagined Jessie hands over your back, sending tingles of excitement up your spine. But Octavious hummed in the kiss, nearly breaking you away from him.
He was compliant, letting you take charge of it. He would almost push his lips onto yours, but never overpower you. Your fingers made its way to his hair, entangling in his dark locks, bringing his face closer to yours. He smelled like oil, sweat, and smoke. So different than Jessies expensive cologne, but it suited the older man.
Everything felt sooo good, like a sinful temptation that warmed its way from your core. His arms, his real ones, wrapped around your body in a deathly grip while his actuators nearly went limp over your body. You hummed in the kiss, holding his plump cheeks in your hands.
It only took a second to realize that Otto was using both arms to hold you closer to him.
You broke away from the kiss and immediately jumped off of him and quickly webbed away, pulling your mask back on. 
Heart was still racing, still pounding like a horse on steroids. You didn’t look back; you didn’t DARE to see if Doc Ock was chasing you. You mind just reliving that moment with him over and over again as you continue to (very clumsily) swing up to a building away from the scene in New York city and finally allow yourself to sit in silence.
Just sit and reflect on it AGAIN. 
Your face was still warm. Your hands were still shaking from…. that. It wasn’t as if he took your first kiss. You had to admit, it felt nice. Ock was a good kisser, but damn if he is ever so cocky and…. You couldn’t put your finger on it, but by the way your spider-sense was acting would've swore that you were stepping into something dangerous. 
Something that you can’t go back and undo, for it has set to stone. Now that danger is set in motion, and it wants more.
Then, you think back to a sentence he said and you facepalm hard. “Fuck! I forgot to get the damn hard drive!!!”
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snowy-nostalgia · 4 months
Things about my Doc Ock selfship AU daydream thing. Also it’s post No Way Home (below the cut)
- I’m best friends with Peter and MJ, Peter is the one who introduced me to Otto
- Peter thought me and Otto would be good friends, so he invited me to lunch with Otto
- Me and Otto became fast friends to the point of hanging out almost everyday
- We never go out because Otto is CLEARLY still not liked by the public, so we usually just spend time at his place
- Speaking of his place, he got it with the help of Connors and Peter
- It’s a small older house, one bedroom, nothing fancy, and has a basement, which he turned into his lab.
- We usually spend nights watching movies from my dvd collection
- I used to sleep on the couch for sleepovers but eventually start sleeping in his bed when we get closer
- Yeah it’s usually spooning cuz he has to lay on his side due to the actuators
- There isn’t really a solid confession in this au, because I can’t really pick one??
- It just kinda happens slowly and neither of us really notice it
- Like there’s totally something more there, and it’s obvious to everyone else
- At some point he stops calling me by my name and just refers to me as “Sweetheart”
- Lots of cuddles! Very big on the cuddles and snuggles
- He’s very accepting about my gender and asexuality, and always corrects others about my pronouns
- “He uses he/him pronouns, get it right.”
- The actuators help me out around the place due to my chronic pain/illness
- Sometimes they carry me room to room if I’m in too much pain
- Otto is doting with me, especially when I’m bed ridden
- Even though I tell him he doesn’t have to take care of me, he still does
Overall it’s a huge comfort for me to have this daydream, it gets me through the day because I’m stuck in bed most days because of my pain. It’s a nice escape for me.
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popculturebuffet · 4 months
Superhero Wedding Special III: The Wedding of Wally West and Linda Park
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Happy belated valentine's day all you happy people! And it's time once again for my favorite tradition on this blog: the superhero wedding special.
For those just joining us I love a good wedding "episode", wether it be a good tv wedding like Adventure Time or Community, a good wedding movie like Father of the Bride or a good old fashiond superhero wedding. And since there are both so many comic book weddings and so many I haven't covered, for the past three years i've let my patreons each pick one, picked one myself, then put all four in a poll for you fine folks to choose from. First year was a tie between Rogue and Gambit's stolen wedding and Aunt Man and Doc Ock's near marriage that ended in a nuclear explosion off the coast of Canada, and last year Hulking and Wiccan had a quick wedding via mid crossover flashback among friends, then had another celebration for the whole superhero community post crossover.
Both races were tight: one was a tie and last years eeked out a win against the Batman/Catwoman wedding fiasco. So this year was a bit diffrent. Not only did I use Tumblr's minty fresh new poll system.. but the results.. weren't even remotely close.
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Yeah Wally and Linda won HALF of the 18 votes for this poll, beating out Emma's choice of Lex Luthor's Space wedding, Kev's roulette wheel choice of the recent Emma Frost Tony Stark Wedding, and Brotoman.exe's runner up Luke Cage and Jessica Jones. All good choices.. but it's clear what the people wanted. Ya'll REALLY love Wally West on here, love him even more with Linda and I wholeheartedly agree. While I didn't see this landslide coming, I'm pleased as punch it happened.
So before we introduce our couple, as is tradition let's track how we got to these nuptials.
Wally was in a weird place when he met Linda, both in and out of universe. In universe.. he'd been turned into a porcupine man somehow and was being hunted by Captain Cold during his stint as a bounty hunter.
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Point is he met Linda as a newswoman. Out of universe Wally had a bit of a creative rough patch in the 80's. Wally started the 80's in one of the most influental and important books of the decade and one of it's best, The New Teen Titans. And he was easily.. the weakest member of the team.
See while his teamates were either fresh new characters Wolfman and Perez refined as they went (Starfire, Raven, Cyborg) or ones who had long since needed a new coat of paint and got a second act out of the deal (Dick Grayson, Donna Troy and Beast Boy), Wally.. was the odd man out. The team tried to make him the token conservative and a reluctant hero: one who knows he has a duty but is just.. tired of it and wants to retire. NOthing wrong with that, it can be a good angle. The problem is Wally spends the book either whining about not wanting to be a hero instead of just being honest with his friends, who have plenty of power without him, or declaring raven evil out of hand. And he does have a leg to stand on in not liking her, she made him love her. But instead of focusing on that he just assumes any time she looses control slightly she's evil now and stops carring about her because of something that, unlike the brainwashing thing, was entirely out oc her control. You can read more about all this here in this mammoth I did on the series.
The takeaway is that Wally sucked. Then Crisis on Infinite Earths Happened and Barry died heroically sacrifcing himself. Wally swore at the end of that series he wouldn't become the flash... but one year later with the next crossover Legends he did.
So Wally got his own brand new solo written by Mike Baron who reworked Wally's character.. and somehow made him MORE insufferable, making him into an egotisticla impulsive ladies man who cheated on his girlfriend, let his mother walk all over his new girlfriend, a married woman he was having an affair with. He also was a giant dick to Chunk, a neurotypical genius with black hole powers and planned to exploit him. He also won the lottery, a thing that sure did happen and sure was necessary and not a cheap gimmick no one asked for yes sir.
THe baron run.. was a mess. With Wolfman and perez I can at least see what they were going for and tha tit simply failed. Here I don't know what the fuck Baron was thinking.
Thankfully soon after William Messner Loebs took over, and while i've only read a smidgen of his run and wish more was collected, it's an instant improvment: Wally looses his fortune and becomes more of a relatable every man, the "you could have a beer with him" sort whose just at home at a hockey game as he is fighting snake themed terrorists.
So with Wally's new personality came a stable love intrest in Linda. Linda was just what Wally needed: someone who saw through all his bullshit, that all the swaggering and screwing around was compensating for the mountain of issues he refused ot work through.
Linda ended up seeing enough of Wally's good nature to start dating him casually, which lasted into the Mark Waid run, where the two were truly fleshed out as a couple.. and which i've read a solid chunk of. Mark Waid is seen as the man who truly made wally the flash and it's hard to argue that as Wally grew as a person bit by bit over the run. He was still impulsive, down to earth and quippy as fuck, but the overcompensation, horn doggery and assholishness were gone. He also gave wally his full backstory, and helped him finally get over comparisons to barry, making his speed limit that internalized imposter syndrome I mentiond: he was scared of replacing Barry.. but more scared of letting THIS BASTARD DO IT.... god I gotta cover the Return of Bary Allen sometime.
So through all this growth for Wally, he and linda grew as a couple: When Linda asked just how serious they were Wally balked, then got caught up on a flash thing... before speeding his way on a train to ask her to stay. The two have great chemistry: Linda likes Wally's fun nature, down to earth stylez and the fact he dosen't treat her like she's made of glass.. most of the time (Some incidents shook him up a bit), while Wally loves her no nonsense atittude, the only thing that often cuts thorugh his bullshit when he hyperfixates on his latest problem. She's his rock, he's her roll, and they need that ballance. She keeps him grounded.. and not just in the speed force, as discovering it nearly caused wally to loose himself.. but her love anchored him back.
So their marriage was inevitible and while I coudln't find the proposal issue, it's no suprise it happened: the two loved each other deeply and there's a reason they got so much love in this poll, and it's nice the two are back solidly as a couple with no signs of more ediotial fuckery making one of them not exist or forget the other or whatever.
So with that we're at the wedding. It came towards the end of Mark waid's run, right before Geoff Johns also super special awesome run, with Johns getting to define their married life more. It also begins a bit of a weird arc i'll talk about when we get to the end of the issue btu for now it's a blessed day for a blessed couple under the cut.
Since the wedding itself is supervillain free, we open with a big action set piece. Said set piece is excellent: Waid really knows how to write a flash story and sneakily choose villians who were key to Wally and Linda's history: Kobra
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I had to and Mark waid had to know what he was doing introdcuing a snake themed terroist group. Kobra is a cult/terriorst group ran by Kobra with a K. They nearly destroyed Keystone City during the Terminal Velocity arc, with Wally forced to go as fast as he possibly could to save Linda, nearly loosing himself in the process. This is where the anchor thing happened. What I really like is the story.. dosen't bring this up. He just mentions he's "tussled with them" before, so newer readers don't have to get an info dump, but people who've been reading a while get the continuity nod.
It's a fun opener too as Wally zooms around, interogates a guy by shaking him real hard, and finds out Kobra's hiding at Broome Plaza, a nice nod to Wally co-creator John Broome. Kobra can teleport so he nopes out, but wally uses a neat trick: since he's faster than sound, he can catch up to what their saying.. and thus evacuate city hall before their bomb goes off. Said attack annoys wally a little but he's able to catch his marriage certificate. It's a good cold open that gives us some flash action.. and allows the rest of the issue to just be a simple plain clothes wedding.
Granted no wedding is simple and Wally reacts to hearing the cake may be off.. is to kidnap a chef from paris.
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I.. I want to know how Wally knows this guy, and why he can just kidnap Pierre at a moment's notice. Did he kindap a random chef or do they have a history? Who was he fighting in paris? he WAS part of Justice League Europe for quite some time so it's plausable but dammit I want this story told Mark.
Linda rather than overreacting.. is greatful she has a soon to be husband whose so kind and considerate he'd run al lthe way to paris to kidnap her a baker. The two get down on the floor but before they can get doooowwnwnnn on the floor Linda's parents walk in. Thankfully their quickly distracted though Wally notices something's off: while Linda's had nothing resembling cold feet she freezes up a bit when Wally brushes off his parents, not even having checked if their coming. As you'll soon se he has every reason not to give a shit.
What he does give a shit about is Linda making Bart, aka impulse the ring bearer. Impulse was Wally's equilvent to kid flash and eventually his kid flash, before Wally became Wally's kid flash more recently. That wasn't a typo, there are two of them, it's not important to any of this.
For those less familiar with my boy, Bart is a hyperactive mess, having been raised in virtual reality simulation in the future and thus having trouble slowing down, not helped by being a speedster whose all but said to have ADHD. Wally's relationship with bart's a contrast to Barry's with him: While Barry was a fair mentor and the father Wally needed, Wally.. simply dosen't have the patience to actually train his young ward. Wally and Bart are too much alike, both impulsive, both running a mile a minute, and thus Bart was trained instead by Wally's own secondary mentor Max Mecury, a golden age speedster who has nothing BUT patience and when Max went into comic limbo, the almost as patent first flash Jay Garrick took the reigns. It's a detail I like as it not only set up Bart's own series well but makes sense: Wally can help Bart in small doses and dosen't abandon him, but simply can't handle the kid. It's telling that noawadays while he's taken a roll in mentoring his cousin, Wallace is both way calmer and Wally's matured enough from being a parent to actually handle being a mentor.
Thankfully Linda has patience for both of them and takes care of bart in a really clever way
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Sadly the good times can't last and Wally's parents arrive and we see WHY he was so aphrensive about them showing up.
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Yeah besides the .. questionable gifts, Waid does a godo job showing WHY he dosen't like them without getting into their histories: Wally's dad gives him a cheap gift and brings a date younger than his own son, and Wally's Mom's every action towards him is some veiled crticisim. Their awful and waid has never sugacoated that, and their constant baggering may explain New Teen Titans era wally in canon: Wally was less himself at the time because he was BADLY trying to be what they wanted and once he got the freedom of being the flash, he snapped back into being who he truly was.
Wally gets them to go away by playing "LOOK A RELATIVE WANTS TO TALK ABOUT THEIR INHERTIANCE" and linda tenses up again, not getting at WHY she keeps doing that. Wally is quickly distracted by this hair crime
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Oh all the ways i'm going to have fun with this. Okay for starters Dick, your the son of the world's greatest detective. Bruce has taught you better wig game than that and you damn well know it. 80's metal hair is not Nightwing level disguise work Richard.
Second... how is the "Theodore Logan" look less conspcious than the adopted son of a millionare being friends with a public figure?
Third: All this is going to do is have papparzi asking "Whose Wally West's Best Man?". Does Dick have a cover identity all set up for this or did he only think of this plan the 5 minutes it took to buy a "babies first winger costume" wig.
Fourth: right after the rest of the titans show up, and Donna herself is a public figure, having taken pictures of starfire and being a high profile fashion photographer, Roy himself is ward of a billionare and Garth has no secret identity. how is "bruce wayne's son" any less conspcious.
And fifth WHY of all the wigs did he choose a perm that resembles their teammate jericho they watched get stabbed in front of them not a year ago probably in universe. Maybe two.
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To my shock by the end Joey was apparently fronting whitesnake so what the hell dick. Why remind all your many friends present "oh yeah remember our friend who got stabbed in the chest in front of us".
So the rest of the titans arrive and somehow don't razz Dick for this hair crime, though even through that perm dick can sense somethin'gs off with linda. We get mor ehints why as Wally dosen't intorduce the titans to his family: Linda was the one to invite them and while he's glad they came he's not really.. close to any of them. The people he is make a bit more of an intrance, as the JLA arrive, with Superman worried about paparazzi. I mean dick will never live down that perm if they see it.
Wally kept the location on the DL.. which won't really stop paparazzi , even 90's paparazzi, and just makes Dick's hair somehow more rediculous. Any more and it'll become a force unto itself.
Thankfully more of Wally's REAL family shows up: Iris. for those wondering why this is a big deal at the time Iris was living in the future: she's from the 30th century, it's a long story, point is she stayed there after Barry's death both to raise her kids and to avoid spoiling the future. Ironically she'd come back full time during the next run as the future changed enough she had no idea what to expect, but for now Wally's worried she'll give her dad a heart attack.. only for her to explain she already went and saw her dad and explained stuff. Family is important.
This finally snaps Linda's bugging into focus for Wally: family. Wally's been icing his out and THAT'S what linda keeps being nervous about. So , not supposed to see the bride be dammned, he goes to iron this out in a beautiful scene that both explains WHY he's like this to his family, something we've clearly seen, and why Linda's in no danger
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IT's really well done, and I like that Wally acknowledges his extended family.. did nothing wrong. He was just so determined to keep his parents away he accidently kept them away too and geninely wants to work on it. I don't think he DOES, but the comic both changes gears then changes writers after this, and I can't blame Geoff for not following up on this. He was never scared of her.. he just has bad parents.
I also like that the comic has the aseop that it's ENTIRELY okay Wally wants to push his parents away and wants nothing to do with them. There are far too many bits of media that ar elike "Oh your birth family is important, you shouldn't pusht hem away. Your parents mean something".. but forget that sometimes parents are abusive shit stains. I was lucky to get a wonderful mom and a dad I can at least talk to, but not everyone has a good relationship with their parents or wants to be around them. WE've seen how little they actually care about wally or his big day, and how much having them there throws him off. Yet we've also subtly seen.. wally HAS family. He's found family with the titans, with the League. You don't need blood to be a family. You just need love, to respect one another and to be there.. and Wally and LInda have that.
So it's time for the ceremony with the wedding party apparently only consisting of Beavis, Jesse Quick (Close ally of Wally's and fellow speedster) and Bart. It's then Wally realizes something and handles it like the responsible about to be married man he is.
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Yeah the fastest man alive, who was hovering over his wife as she planned this ceremony... forgot his vows. it's so wally it hurts and i'm here for it. Thankfully he's the fastest man alive and after thinking back on their history, the good, the bad, and how she's always made him feel... he simply says his vows from the gut, which really is again the most wally west thing imaginable and i'm still here for it.
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It's a beautiful speech that sums up their relationship, what they mean..and is also something Wally REALLY shoudl've thought through. You'd think after a decade as a superhero, at least he'd know not to tempt fate as suddenly.. Linda dosen't exisit. Wally finds something with her name, asks dick about it, Dick assumes wally horny Richard, and Dick dosen't even question the haunted wig in his apartment. Linda is trapped and yeah that's how the issue ends.
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Yeah, the big milestone wedding.. ends with a fucking kidnapping and leads into an arc I haven't gotten to. And look i'll do a LOT for reasearch, I just covered 20 some issues of Transformers Robots in Disguise so I could cover the crossover with More than Meets the Eye next month, entirely so i'd do it right.. but even i'm not so through that i'd read 18 issues of the flash in an arc i'm eh about reading some day but will probably get to complete the mark waid run for a one and a half issue review.
So the short version of what you missed: Wally disappeared into time and space without LInda to anchor him. Replacing him was Wallace West, an angsty wally from another timeline who replaced him for a while, a storyline I mostly know about because it leaked into JLA for a bit, with Wally revealing his identity to a few people to get their trust. Wallace was the darker and edgier flash no one asked for, fought crime, fell in love... and then Wally came back and rescued LInda, who it turned out had been kidnapped by his old nemisis Abra Kadabra, a magician from the 60th century who as you can tell by how elaborate and dickish this plot is, has a flair for both trying to ruin wally's life and the dramatic. Hilaroiusly, as I read, Wally gets him to undo it.. by pointing out no one knew what he did. So Wallace was supposed to go back and go back miserable because fuck him for wanting to be happy I guess. Can you kinda.. see why I have no real intrest in this storyline outside of Wally and LInda? Maybe pick that up?
So for expediency's sake and to give us a better ending we WILL be covering the flash #159.. but just the wally and linda parts as we don't really need Wallace's dramatic exit.
We do start on it though as the League demands he go home and can't take his girlfriend with him. He picked up a girlfriend it's a thing. Superman is being an uncharactristic super ass while Wally is being less than helpful.. albeit given Wallace DIN'T have his memories of Linda erased and could've been helping them, I can't say I blam ehim.
So once Wallace leaves to have one last good day, Bart, having the tact of a tornado on roller skates, asks when the wedding resumes. Wally decides right the fuck now and speeds into actoin to get everything: catering, her parents farmhouse ready again, the lisence.
Wally spends the day even more hyperactive than usual... which is somehow indeed possible. The superheroes around Linda assure her it's fine, with Donna being the only one to make sure things haven't changed. Linda still LOVES wally.. but she can see something's wrong. And unlike with her on the previous wedding day, Wally's FAR less subtle about it so I don't know why no one else is like "okay maybe we shoudl check on him.
We get to the wedding itself.. and Linda holds it, not wanting to Marry wally while he's having what's clearly a barely supressed emotoinal breakdown.
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I love this because it really.. boils down their dynamic: Linda loves wally, who he is and dosen't doubt that for a second.. but she's also 9/10 the one who pulls his head out of his ass. Wally's a good guy, we've seen it here.. but he acts first asks later, and LInda's one the remind him that you have to slow down every once in a while and have a conversation. Also yeah, between Dick's wig and Clark's super pope hat he's bummed he didn't get to wear to this because you bastards didn't ask him to officiate, they've seen weirder.
Wally agrees, yeah that's it. He saw a version of himself who went down a dark path.. and really wasn't THAT diffrent. All it took was loosing linda, which is WHY Walter is an edgelord for the record. Linda.. isn't amused, especially since Wally implies part of this is to widen the gap between them. Wally's friends are.. less than sympathetic. Well okay Roy is. It's just roy actually, Max is worried and Jay knows they just need to work it out and will. But roy well..
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That is both a perfect exchange for those two.. and entirely why Roy isn't invited to weddings that much. I only think he got into this one as Donna's +1.
Wally however.. assures her that's not the case and once again gets a fantastic speech in
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It's a heartfelt speech and get's linda to just.. skip to the i dos, the two kiss and one of the most solid marriages in all of comcis begins. It's a beautiful speech.
As for the issues themselves.. their okay. Yeah for such a great couple and with so many great moments, the first issue feels a bit short, like we needed more time for the wedding and the whole stupid kidnapping plot means we get cheated out of a reception, which as we've seen from both Rogue and Gambit and Teddy and Billy's nuptial's, is often some of the best stuff, allowing a bunch of characters to bounce off each other. Instead since the circumstances are dire after the intital wedding and dire right before the makeup, with our heroes recovering for it, we don't really get to have FUN with this. There's good moments, but these weddings are a bit of a disapointment and I don't know what Mark Waid or Ediotiral was thinking with this. It's still JUST good enough to not be a complete waste of your time, I recommend at least 142, but it still coudl've been SO much better and it's a shame this is the first wedding for this feature I just. .haven't been that jazzed about. I wanted to like it. the art for the first issue does not help, being all kinds of rediuclous and giving us the enternal shame that is Dick Grayson's perm.
So where did Wally and LInda go from here? Well honestly.. marital bliss at first. As I said Geoff Johns run, a brilliant followup to what Mark Waid did that brought back the Rogues after Waid wrote them out and redefined Captain Cold, follows them as newlyweds: they deal with space, moving, and LInda going back to college for a subplot that ultimately goes nowhere outside of one kidnapping by a prince from another dimension. Story for another time.
The two were solid for the most part and even had an unexpected suprise: TWINS. The two were happy to start their family... but unfortuantely Wally's freshly minted new arch enemy Zoom undid the babies out of his warped thinking tragedy makes better heroes. Which it often does, but feels like a critqiue on piling on tragedy because "that's what sueprheroes are". Granted Geoff Johns isn't innocent of this, but it's still a good lesson.
Afterwards Hal Jordan wiped everyone's memories of wally's identity and after re learning it Linda disappeared before coming back, the babies were restored, and the two had a happy marriage again with kids till infinite crisis. Then wally was put through the SHIT for nigh on a decade until a recent return, a wonderful run you should check out by Jeremey Whitley and a sci fi run I haven't that sounds neat by by my Boy Simon Spurrier. The two aren't without conflict. .but they have a love and understanding that makes them get past it. Wally and Linda have a beautiful relationship and I can't wait to see them again on this blog some day.
For now thanks for reading.
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phykoha · 1 year
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*Comes speeding over*
Brah love the art. Honestly gotta say I'm a big fan truly. Your AUs are some of my favorites! Though I'm guilty of being here to ask about the Rise into the Spiderverse Raph venom and his brothers.
Idk very much about the au fandom myself tbh. Though what are your thoughts on it? Would they still be the Mad Dog Group or possible frenemies? Considering straight off the bat that Venom and Spiderman are actual enemies in the comics/cartoons. Soooo Spider Mikey and Venom Raph are they still brothers or has Venom affected Raph's psychie at all making him go Savage Raph and go on a rampage? Also! I had suggested Deadpool Leo and Doc Octo Donnie for the Spiderverse AU because honestly I felt those two fitted the twins fairly well.
Donnie with his tech and the whole mechanical limbs bit felt perfect considering his battle shell in the show already has a pair. Also the fact that I swear to God Donatello is like on the verge of being a mad scientist anyways half the time(majority of the time). Nuclear Power!!!
Leo who -my god dude stop trying to get yourself killed- already has danced on the lines of life and death -multiple times- would be perfect for Deadpool aside from the overall similarities in personalities and that damn punny humor. Also the fact that Deadpool uses katanas, Leo uses an odachi(though to be fair in the other TMNT verses Leo's primary weapons are always katanas).
Let me know what you think! Do you think that would be the case for Leo and Donnie in the ROSTV!
Thank you for listening to my rambling and I hope you have a great day.
GDKFJJF gonna start off by saying Donnie IS Doc Ock! At least in Spider Mikey's world. I have a post showing off his concept design and talking about him in the AU tag if you'd like to see it :) (I'd link it myself but I'm at work gdjfjsf)
I also said this in another ask that I could make Leo Deadpool in a timeline variant, but I'll probably keep him pretty normal in the base/main timeline (that being Spider Mikey).
The turtles are still brothers and are very close. They wouldn't really know each others identities, so at first, it wouldn't effect their relationships. (This does not apply to Doc Donnie. Everyone knows it's him hdjfjdj not that hard to know when he's not concealing his face.)
I'd say that like. Half the time that Venom takes over, Raph is in a similar state to his Savage Mode™️. But he doesn't have much control over their body at that point anyway, so all it does is align their "destroy break smash kill" mentalities.
I see a fight between Spider Mikey and Venom Raph in my head, where VR has no idea that Spider-Man is Mikey. Even to the bitter end... (Wink wink Venom kills Spider-Man and then takes off his mask and Raph has to grapple with the fact that he killed his little brother haha so silly)
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GOD I am so hyped for the Spider-Man 2 Trailer, even if I'm not gonna be able to play it until it releases on PC.
The Gameplay looks amazing, I can't wait to see how the new gliding mechanic works, let alone the new combat abilities.
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I LOVE how much more savage Peter's moveset is while he's wearing the symbiote, some more of his frustration and anger bleeding into his moves.
As for Miles...
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MY MAN HAS LEARNED HOW TO DO THE KAMEHAMEHA. I also love the new blue energy look he's got going on. I wonder if that's a side effect of the NuForm reactor or his abilities maturing.
Gameplay aside, I really want to talk about the little chunk of the story we're given, I'm not gonna talk about the whole thing, but there is some interesting stuff that flies by pretty quick.
First off, we get a look at the Targets Kraven has chosen to potentially hunt:
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In order we see Black Cat, The Prowler, Wraith (Yuri Watanabe), Tombstone, Peter Parker Spider-Man, Miles Morales Spider-Man, The Lizard, Tombstone, and finally a last character that we don't get to fully see.
Now this character could be anyone, but I do have a few theories. It is NOT Norman Osborn. Norman's definitely going to show up as the Green Goblin, either in act 2 or 3 of this game, or as the main antagonist of the 3rd game. But he's not on the radar. So whoever it is, it's not him.
One possibility I think is more likely is that this target might be Otto Octavius, either as Doctor Octopus or the Master Planner. In the time between the last game and this one, he may have escape and is formulating a plan to once again terrorize Norman Osborn.
It could also be Mister Negative, after all we never saw him get sent to prison, just batted away by Doc Ock after his fight with Spider-Man. I could be wrong though.
Now, only in my most wildest hopes and dreams could this happen. But I hope it might be someone we haven't seen before; Deadpool. He could be a source of challenges akin to Taskmaster or Screwball, or the minor antagonist of the story, which Shattered Dimensions did very well.
Moving on from that detour I really want to talk about the Black Suit. Hell, we're all gonna be talking about the Symbiote after this.
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The black suit looks. so. damn. good.
I didn't know how to feel about it at first, but the more I got used to the look the more it works for me. It feels so alien and wrong. It's shines too much, and just looks wet. Like, all of the time. Aside from that, the way it has a thicker, more armored looking outside protecting and intricate, nerve-like looking inside feels perfect for this interpretation.
I think we can assume that at this point in the story, Peter has had the Symbiote for a while, and it's getting more and more of a hold on him. His anger bleeds out during the fight at (what I'm assuming is) Curt Connor's house, beating the ever loving spaghetti out of Kraven's Goons.
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He acts more reckless too, single mindedly going after the attack chopper, which definitely would have ended poorly his Miles hadn't been there to pull him out of harm's way. Hell, I don't think he's even considering what could happen to everyone around that fight should things get messy.
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I can't post too many more images, but I didn't see him swooping in to save anyone in this sequence, just going after the attack chopper. again. In fact, looking back at the video, he doesn't even seem to try to stop that sign from falling, more concerned with taking down the chopper with Miles, even then only giving "Fine" as a response to Miles.
But this is where it really hit for me.
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These two scenes, the one where Peter almost goes after the Lizard, instead of helping the people back on the pier. And the scene where he says, "So do I." in response to Miles comment about the Lizards bigass chompers. Just look at those eyes man, even now Venom is taking form.
To me it feels like the Symbiote is lowing Peter's inhibitions, and raising his levels of frustration, of anger. Letting the venom out. Except it's not just aimed at Peter's enemies, but also his friends and family as well.
I don't think Peter's going to be doing too well at the start of the game, I mean, yeah he's got Mary Jane and Miles, but he's also lost Aunt May, been betrayed by Yuri, and is on the verge of losing Harry, whose only hope is Curt Connors, the very same man he just let escape.
The Symbiote is feeding on not only his anger, but his fears. I think that in this version of the story, it's going to take a little more than church bells and sheer will to pry it off of him. But that's just speculation. Either way, whatever path this game wants to take with the symbiote is going to be one hell of a trip, no doubt.
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hollowsart · 1 year
I have been turned into a Mysterio simp thanks to your art. Especially that "I've shown you my face, let me see yours" art you did. I know she's got an over bite so she's not lip biting BUT THE TENSION! HIS SMIRK- OH MY GOD IT DOES SOMETHING TO ME
I've never wanted to be your oc more than that post. I can't believe it. I was OBSESSED with doc ock but now - I cant stop thinking about Mysterio!
I really wanna write a fic of him or even your 'spider'sona and him but I don't know if my brain will be able to stay sane - too many ideas. So many tension filled moments - I am spiralling
Anon, you have no idea the pure joy this gives me. But also I mean I am also barely containing my own sanity with him as the days go by. The proof:
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Also that piece is one of my favorites and I think about it more often than I probably maybe should.. 👉👈💦
Anyways, you're absolutely welcome 💖🔮
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izaacs-notdeadyet · 7 months
Meet Spider-Mortis
He used to be just a regular Spider-Man before his doc ock fucked up ans bombed the damn world. In the wreckage of the ruins he rose up to become a kind of Robin Hood figure, stealing from the rich in their bunkers hoarding resources to give to the survivors.
For his design I wanted to take a more apocalyptic fashion statement with the classic Spider-Man suit color and design, but also make it feel more mature, like he is going through an actual apocalypse. His color pallet consists of blues, reds, and desaturated greens for his clothes
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I gave him two different logos, one a skull with spider legs coming out from it, and the other a radioactive symbol with the spider legs aswell. I decided to put the skull ver on his suit, and use the radioactive one for clothing accents (and also on his bag, not currently drawn)
I also gave him a gas mask because it’s just.. cool (and I like making everything harder for myself)
(⚠️slight gore both written and drawn ahead⚠️)
Now for his villains,
the ones I’ve already drawn are his doc ock and also vulture.
First, Doc Ock
Doc Ock was actually what inspired me to make this, after watching Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man I had a realization about how actually terrifying it could be if the chip thingy failed. Imagine if he ended up just being a corpse piloted by a bunch of robotic arms. That, is exactly what this doc ock is.
Because of his proximity to the blast, he pretty much died instantly, layers of flesh being the only thing left behind other then his robotic arms, who quickly gained control of his body afterwards. I’m not exactly sure how I want this character to act, whether it’ll just be a slight nuisance, or an actual villain I’m not quite sure.
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I quite like my idea for his Vulture.
I Imagine her being some kind of anti-villain. They want the complete abolishment of the upper class, and could careless if all the humans left died as long as the rich died along with them. They tend to leave behind most the supplies they come across unless they really need them, the only thing she takes is the lives in the area.
I had a lot of fun with her character design. One of the things I had fun figuring out is how I could keep that aspect of femininity while also keeping it realistic for the apocalyptic environment. I went through a lot of different versions, experimenting with corsets for bust support, and different kinds of skirts etc before coming to my final design (possibly not final design)
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I gave them a more lighter color pallet, using brighter greens and browns. I have a bit of an obsession with camo patterns and I thought it would fit with her character perfectly so i gave them camo pants. I also took the boot design straight from Pinterest. (Guilty as charged.)
I added beige leg warmers to match with her top, which I’m not exactly sure how I’d explain it. Kinda like a wrap top? With a strap over stop of it. I gave them this kind of leather cape hood combo, and put it overtop of the bird skull mask (based off a vulture) I gave her. Underneath that she has a white, button up shirt, with the sleeves tucked into gloves, which I modeled after bird handling gloves.
Now here comes the part I love the most. I spend a lot of time researching vultures, and I am in love with the idea that she has a flock of vultures that just follow her where she goes. The idea that they leave behind enough bodies to where the vultures know if they follow them they’ll get food is fucking badass.
Like seriously. Imagine accidentally stumbling upon her camp and you look up and there’s just a kettle (the name of a group of vultures) of vultures watching your every move looking at you like they want to pluck your eyes out.
I also have a few ideas for some other villains
Deadpool (I think it would be quite funny in a setting where everyone is heavily dressed to avoid radiation and injury he’s just in the most revealing slutty outfit known to man)
Kraven, which I could possibly pair up with Vulture for an arc
The lizard, which could quite literally just be a radiated alligator
I’ve considered adding a black cat
Maybe some spin on vemon?
Let me know if you have any ideas I fucking love imput
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ybkayley · 2 years
A Soft Song
Hello all! This is my very first post that isn’t a little update post, I have no idea what I’m doing, so please bear with me!
Thank you to the lovely @dainty-fingertips for responding to my ask with a lovely fill, and in tribute, I wrote a little something-something in return!  Go read their work, they are amazing and I love them.
TSSM!Otto Octavius/Doc Ock x Fem!Reader
Mild angst, song fic, reader POV, only mentioned Otto/Dr. Octopus
Part 1 : https://at.tumblr.com/dainty-fingertips/oh-my-god-someone-who-writes-about-my-current/entts18yjegt
You know what’s worse than being fired from a place like Oscorp?
Having had to work at Oscorp.
Norman Osborn both was, and is, a bastard, and he always seemed to relish in making his employees squirm. Especially those smarter than him. Yes, he’s CEO, yes he’s the owner of the company, bah. He’s not even a doctor, and the bastard acts as if every employee is worthless compared to him.
She rolled her shoulders lightly, and cracked her neck. It was never good to think about Osborn, it agitated her too much. What the man did to her and her partner…
Oh, Otto…
She sighed, and ran a hand down her face. That man was too soft, too sweet, to be working for a monster like Osborn. He was going to ruin the poor doctor…
And now… She can’t be there to shield him from the worst of it…
Several Months Ago…
“Dr. (L/N)... A pleasure to see you, as always.” Norman smirked at her, hands folded behind his back as he approached her.
She gave him a sarcastic smile back. “Mr. Osborn, how kind of you to grace us with your presence this evening.” She drawled, her fingers not stopping on her keyboard.
If he heard the sarcasm, he didn’t react to it. “How are things going down here, hm?”
“They’re going.” She turned her attention back to the monitors, “The actuators needed a little fine tuning this morning, the VI was giving a bit of… Trouble…” She frowned a bit. “But it was summarily handled. Nothing to worry about.”
“I thought it was AI, Doctor.” He leaned on the desk next to her, his arms now folded over his chest.
She held in a sigh. “AI is artificial intelligence, even with my genius, no one has managed to crack it. VI is virtual intelligence, that’s what everyone thinks AI is. Think of it as… A working brain, versus a dialogue tree.” She looked at the man, a bland look on her face. “One thinks for itself, the other follows coded instructions.”
He smirked at her. “Delightful.” He didn’t care, not a bit. “I have some rather… Unfortunate news, I’m afraid.”
She didn’t pause her typing. “And that is?” Her hours were probably going to get cut again, damn it all, how was she going to–
“I’m afraid we’re going to have to… Let you go. From Oscorp.”
Her fingers stopped moving. What?
“Yes, we’ve decided that since your research notes with Dr. Octavius are, indeed, thorough enough to replicate the VI, should anything happen, well…” He shrugged, nonchalant. “Your assistance is no longer required.”
“... If you fire me, I’m taking my research with me, Osborn.”
“It’s copyrighted to Oscorp Industries, you’ll take nothing, my dear.” He smirked, and tapped a finger under her chin. “But cheer up! You’ve led us into wonderful territory, dear, your research–”
She slapped his hand away. “Exactly. My research, not Oscorp’s. I will fight tooth and nail to obtain my research notes, I will take you to court so fast–!”
“Unlikely, dear.” He wasn’t as amused now. “Your contract states implicitly that any research you do on company grounds immediately…” His smirk came back, darker. “Belongs to me.”
“... You son of a bitch.”
“Ah ah, watch that mouth, sweetheart.” He tapped a finger on her lips. “Don’t want to get in trouble, hmm?”
She slapped his hand again. “Stop touching me! And don’t call me those stupid pet names! I’m not your wife, and I’m not your bitch!” She pointed a finger at him. “This isn’t over, Osborn. Not by a long shot. I swear, upon my doctorate, you will pay for this.”
He gave her a false pitying look. “Then… We’ll have to fix that, won’t we?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
He snapped his fingers, and his security appeared. “Escort this woman off the property. She is no longer employed here at Oscorp.”
She gave the man a dark glare. “You’ll regret this, Osborn.”
He smirked and winked at her. “Swear on your doctorate?”
She didn’t respond, her lip curling in disgust.
“Take her away.”
“M-Mr. Osborn?”
Norman and (Y/N) both turned to look at who entered. Dr. Octavius stood in the doorway, a confused look on his normally anxious face. “Ah, Dr. Octavius!” Norman greeted with a smile. “Forgive us, we were discussing some… Business.”
“B-Business? W-Well, should I-I–?”
“Don’t worry, Doctor, we were just about to leave… Come along, now, dear.” Norma curled his fingers at her, and the guards grabbed her arms, causing her to snarl at them. “Play nicely now, hmm?”
“M-Mr. Osborn! W-What a-are you–?!” Otto moved to object, but Norman held up a hand. “S-Sir?”
“I’m afraid Dr. (L/N)...” He chuckled. “Miss (L/N)... Is no longer employed at this company, Dr. Octavius. She was just leaving.”
She snarled at the man, her teeth bared, her face angry.
Otto had… Never seen her like this before… “M-Mr. Osborn, please–”
“Go ahead and get to work, Doctor. We’ll have her escorted out immediately.”
“O-Oh… Um… G-Goodbye, then… D-Dr. (L/N)....” Was all he could think to say. He didn’t want this to happen… His partner, his…. His friend… H-His… “I-I… Um…”
She sighed, the anger seeming to leave her body with a breath. “... Goodbye, Otto…” She said softly, and then gave him a weak smile. “Save me a dance…?”
He gulped and nodded his head, even as he flushed. “I-I… Y-Yes…”
And she was led away.
“Not to worry, Doctor.” Norman attempted to comfort the visibly upset man. “Now you have no more distractions, hm?” He wasn’t trying too hard. “No more of her horrendous music playing, no more her dragging you into that… Ridiculous dancing routine… Now just you and our… Experiments.” He gave the shorter man a squeeze on his shoulder. “... Now. I won’t bother you further. Back to work, Dr. Octopus!” And he was gone as well, following his guards with a light chuckle.
Present Day…
Dr… Well… Miss (L/N) sighed as she stood at the bus stop, hands in her jacket pockets and a backpack over one shoulder.
If Norman Osborn could do one thing, the man could follow through with a threat.
She attempted to get her research notes in a lawsuit against Oscorp, because she can follow through with a threat of her own, but after a harsh slap of reality in trying to take a high power company to court… Well… Norman followed through.
Her doctorate was taken from her. Norman stripped her of everything. Her work experience, her past jobs denounced her… She had nothing left. She was surprised her credit score hadn’t suffered. (It had, but due to a chain reaction, not Norman’s filthy hands directly).
So… With her car repossessed, her landlord breathing down her neck, and no laboratory wanting to hire her… She works at a coffee shop. While not unheard of at her age, with her current level of education… “Work is work.” (Y/N) sighed to herself. “I can’t begrudge work…”
It’s cold here in the city
It always seems that way
She had gotten mugged last week, her favorite jacket (which now had blood stains from both her mouth and her attacker's nose) was now either sold or being worn by some asshat in New York. Thick clouds hung in the sky, soft rumbles and grumbles indicating bad weather ahead.
And I’ve been thinking about you
Almost every day
She wondered how he was doing… Doctor Octopus… She couldn’t help a soft snort. (Y/N) couldn’t believe he decided to keep that moniker, he used to hate it when Osborn would call him that. Whatever happened to him that night… Whatever Osborn did to him… Otto had reclaimed that name. Made it his own. Took back every bit of power Osborn had taken from him.
… She wondered if he played music in his new lab… He had to have a new lab, right? Did he play music in it? Did his taste change?
… She wondered if he had a new assistant to spin around like they used to.
Thinking about the good times
Thinking about the rain
“Why do these things happen to me?” She grumbled to herself, her hair being flattened to her skull as rain pelts down upon her, falling into her face and covering her eyes. She quickly pushed her hair back, forcing it to smooth back on top of her head. She didn’t have an umbrella, she didn’t think she’d need one. Damn weather forecasters and their damn lies…
Thinking about how bad it feels
To be alone again
As she was soaked in the rain, she allowed her mind to drift. Usually, they drifted to her old calculations, formulas that ran back and forth through her mind. But this time… She dimly remembered the music that played in the lab. Otto’s ‘soft rock mix’ played in her mind’s ear, causing her to smile slightly. She missed those days. Just her and Otto, the music the only thing between them, soft laughter and sweet conversation…
I’m sorry things ain’t what
They used to be
His music taste must have changed, everything else about him did. Maybe he hired himself a new assistant, too. Did he lead when they danced? She used to lead, leading was never her forte. At least when it came to dancing. She didn’t mind it, though. So long as it was with Otto… She would dance with him forever…
I’m sorry for all the lies
I told you
She flushed, a memory coming to her. Oh, it was a little over a year ago now, one of their little… Impromptu dance sessions. He initiated it, this time. The song had ended in a flourish, and in a bold move, he dipped her, his hand cradling her back, the other holding hers. Their eyes locked, so close to each other. In her mind’s eye, she leaned upward, her lips meeting his, her eyes closing as she finally, finally, learned how his lips felt on hers. 
I’m sorry for all the things
I didn’t say
She should have told him. If she had just fucking told him how she felt, he probably would’ve hired her as his assistant… His new, evil assistant as he takes over New York, maybe the world… Would she have taken it…? Being a villainess… Even as an assistant, would she be considered one? She’s overthinking again, isn’t she?
I’m sorry if I took
Some things for granted
(Y/N) had definitely taken the easy contact with Otto for granted. She should have gotten his phone number, she could’ve been texting him. Who knows, maybe a kind word, or a friend on the outside would’ve made things… Different. Would he still be Doctor Octopus? (She still had to snort lightly at that, he hated that nickname so muuuuch). Or would he still be her Otto?
But more than anything else
She straightened as footsteps approached from her side, not wanting to look meek, or distracted. (She may hate herself for saying it, but that’s how she ended up getting mugged in the first place)
I’m sorry for myself
She smoothed back her hair again, and wiped her face, the rain pouring harder and faster.
For living without you
An umbrella came over her head suddenly.
She closed her eyes and sighed. “How much?” She asked blandly.
“Excuse me?” The stranger asked, a male voice sounding bemused.
“Look, I only have five bucks on me, man, and I ain’t giving you any extras.” She pulled a $5 note from her pocket.
“You think I want your money?”
“Acts of kindness aren’t free, man, I know that.” She turned to frown at the man, only to startle, her eyes widening. “Dr. Toomes?”
Adrian Toomes gave her an amused smile, his eyebrow arched. “Dr. (L/N), a pleasure as always.”
“The pleasure is mine, I’m sure.” He may have been Otto’s friend, but they two always got along well enough. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you…” She looked him up and down. “At least without the gear.”
He chuckled softly. “Yes, well, the new upgrades don’t like water all that much.” He did the same, looked her up and down. “Seems as though you do though, hm?”
She rolled her eyes, “Ha ha.” She couldn’t help a smile anyway. “Can’t exactly afford an umbrella nowadays.”
“Oh? What’s going on, Doctor?”
She sighed. “That. I’m not…” She hated talking about this. “I’m not…. A doctor… Anymore.”
His brow furrowed. “What do you mean?”
“... Osborn had my doctorate rescinded.” She growled, feeling her hackles rise. “The bastard fired me, ruined my livelihood, and, with a glowing exit survey, made getting a new job nigh impossible…”
“You poor thing.” He cooed. “Norman Osborn has been nothing but a nuisance for decades now.”
“Yeah, well…” She rolled her shoulders. “Promised myself if I ever find him in the streets, his ass is grass… Forgive my language, Doctor.”
“Oh, no, it’s completely understandable, dear. The man’s a prick.”
She snorted, her hand lifting to cover her face. “I concur.”
“So… Am I to be assuming you’re looking for work, then?” He asked, his brow lifting again, a little smirk on his lips.
She snorted lightly. “I mean… I have a job, Dr. Toomes. I work…” She sighed, and rubbed her face. “I’m a barista now.”
He snorted as well, far more condescendingly. “A barista? Dr. (L/N), how demeaning of you.”
“Like I said, Dr. Toomes.” She snapped a bit. “... I’m not… A doctor… anymore…”
“... Oh, yes, that’s right.” He offered her the umbrella handle. “Hold this for me for a moment, would you?”
She blinked, her brow still furrowed, irritation still prickling her skin… But she still took the handle. “Doctor?”
“One moment.” He reached into his inner coat pocket, and pulled out a folded document. “This is for you. A show of good faith from… My employer, I suppose.”
She blinked, and accepted it, handing him back the umbrella. She unfolded it, and read the text upon it.
And nearly dropped it in the puddle beneath her.
“Is… Is this…?”
“Yes, it is.” He nodded his head. “Doctor… (L/N).”
Her doctorate. There was indeed a ‘void’ stamped onto it, but another stamp and a few signatures overrode it. It was… It was reinstated…
“I can obtain a clean copy for you, if you wish. However, we had thought you would appreciate the amended one first.”
“... Dr. Toomes… H-How…” She lifted her head, and unshed tears were shining in her eyes. “How did you…?”
He chuckled. “Not I, my dear.” He pulled a card from his pocket as the bus finally approached. “Come to this address tomorrow night, 7 o’clock. My employer wishes to meet you.”
She took the card with a shaky hand. “R-Right…”
He gently nudged her into the bus. “See you soon, doctor.”
The doors of the bus shut behind her before she could respond.
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