#Style For Surgeons
onlymagpie · 2 months
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In which Milva asks Regis for a trim, and she finds out about the vampire-mirror phenomenon
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sweetmapple · 2 months
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Woaghhhhh Varre posting
*this man is the only exception to my “no mask removal” rule
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thechibilitwick · 2 months
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shidou rolls “worst joint ever” (asked to leave milgram)
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harryyskiwii · 1 year
Summary: You end up in hospital with suspected endometriosis and Harry is the doctor on hand to help you.
Pairing: Doctor!Harry x Reader
Word count: 2,988
A/N: this was a request from a follower who suffers with endometriosis, from researching this topic I've released what a horrible condition this is and I hope I've done it justice! Hope you enjoy. As always, feel free to send in any requests!
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Ever since you were 14 years old, you had suffered terribly with your periods. It would start with pain in your lower back, then the sickness would hit, then the intense cramping and your periods would be so heavy you had to change tampons every 30-60 minutes.
Despite multiple visit to the doctors, everyone assured you it was normal. You knew it wasn't normal, your friends never suffered as badly on their periods, they never had to cancel pains because of pain and they weren't sick because of stomach cramping.
It wasn't just when you were on your period you would have these symptoms. The back ache, the cramps were part of your daily life for most days of the month. Taking painkillers twice a day had become normal for you.
No doctor had ever taken you seriously, always claiming “it’s not uncommon for women to have cramps on their period” which enraged you more and more each time a doctor told you this.
You weren’t stupid, of course women suffered from cramps with their periods but your cramps were unlike anything you had read was normal. Your periods were more than just heavy, you would pass out on the first day you were on because of the amount of blood loss.
Despite previously advocating for yourself and asking for further tests as you'd always suspected it was endometriosis but your doctor refused as there 'wasn't enough evidence of the disease', funnily enough, your doctor was an old man in his 60's.
Tonight was one of those nights where you were having a severe flareup. You were doubled over in bed with pain, you had thrown up 3 times and your flow was the heaviest its been in a long time. You had already taken 4 ibuprofen over the course of 4 hours and it wasn't touching the pain.
You moved into the bathroom where you were you were sick another 2 times and you started to feel dizzy and lightheaded. This usually never ended well when you felt like this. You knew this wasn't good so you called your friend, Sophie to ask her to grab you some anti-sickness tablets from the shops and to come over to help you.
When she arrived, she only had to look at you to realise it was serious this time. "Y/N, we need to get you to the hospital"
"No Sophie I'll be fine I promise" you let out a scream in pain but you were not going to the hospital for another doctor to tell you it was "just period pains again".
"Y/N you can barely look at me or stand up without screaming in pain"
"Sophie please" you winced in pain as another shooting pain went up your abdomen. It felt like it was on fire.
"I'm really worried about you, if you won't go for you, go for me. I'll drive you. What if it's something serious?"
Another wave of nausea and intense pain made you give in and nod to her in agreement. She helped you get up and changed into leggings and a sports bra and into the car.
The sickness had stopped thankfully but the pain felt like it was intensifying with every minute that passed, so much so you were now in tears as Sophie drove to the hospital.
When you arrived, it was an agonising 2 hour wait in A&E until a nurse called your name. She asked questions about your symptoms and you explained you suspected you had endometriosis. She did some basic tests, gave you some more pain medication and left to get the doctor.
When the doctor came, he repeated the same questions, did an examination and ultrasound of your stomach and ordered you some stronger medication. "Your stomach feels completely normal, your blood pressure is high but that's most likely due to the pain and your temperature is raised slightly as is your heart rate. I'll give you some morphine through an IV which should help reduce the pain and some paracetamol for the high temperature. I've ruled out appendicitis, gallstones and a stomach ulcer so I'm going to ask the Consultant Gynaecologist to come and examine you further as it does sound like you're experiencing symptoms of endometriosis"
Finally someone who understood, but apparently it was a busy Thursday night in Gynaecology as it was 3 hours before anyone from that department came to see you.
"Hi, I'm Harry Styles I'm the consultant Gynaecologist this evening, Y/n isn't it?" a doctor in navy blue scrubs with tattoos down his right arm said to you, as he walked through the door with a clipboard.
The first thing you noticed about him was how attractive he was, and his hair. It was dark brown and was clipped back with a black claw clip, he had a slight moustache but you could tell it had recently been trimmed as it looked almost too neat but it made him even hotter. This was not the time or the place to be looking for your next boyfriend, the pain in your abdomen reminded you why you were here in the first place.
"oh hi, yeah I'm y/n. Nice to meet you Dr Styles"
He grabbed a seat and brought it next to you and sat down on it, well, more like straddled on it which made you feel some kind of way. "Please, call me Harry. Nice to meet you y/n, I hear you're not doing too well. What's been going on?"
You told him all your symptoms and how long they had been going on for, to which he wrote some things down. He looked concerned as you went through them, raising an eyebrow at the more worrying signs like the fainting spells and extreme heavy periods.
"Why haven't they sent you for further tests? "he asked once you had finished giving him your history. He looked concerned which gave you hope that he might actually be willing to help you.
"My doctor says it's normal, I've tried to push for more tests but he says all women get cramps on their period"
He rolled his eyes before realising you had seen him do it "Sorry that's unprofessional of me, it’s just frustrating when healthcare professional dismiss issues like this, but don't worry Y/N, we'll get to the bottom of it for you" he smiled reassuringly at you.
He seemed genuine, kind and empathetic, something while previous doctors haven't been to you.
"Do you mind if I do a quick exam? I know you're in pain right now so I'll be as gentle as I can" he asked and you nodded. He got up and sanitised his hands before asking you to lift up your top to reveal your stomach.
You felt a little anxious as he rubbed his hands together to spread the sanitiser on his hands "Sorry my hands might be cold" he smiled warmly to you which revealed his perfect white teeth that made you blush a little.
“I’m just going to lightly press on a few areas, let me know if anywhere is worse than others”
You winced in pain a few times as he was doing the exam, him apologising each time.
After the exam, he sat back down "I'd like to do a laparoscopy as soon as we can, it's small operation to look inside your tummy to determine what's going on. It's keyhole surgery so you wont have a a large scare. An ultrasound doesn't always pick up endometriosis as it can develop behind organs so in order for me to give you an accurate diagnosis, this would be the best way. Does that sound okay?"
"Y-yes, I guess so. Do you think it is?"
"It could be, it would explain your symptoms but as I say, I can't know for sure without having a look internally. Don't worry it won’t take long, maybe 30-45 minutes. I’ll have a good look and then depending on what I find, we can discuss the outcome once you come round. Does that sound okay?”
“Yeah that’s fine” you replied, you didn’t have much else to say, you were too overwhelmed with the whole situation.
"Good, I'll go and speak to the team and get you up to theatre within the hour. Someone will be in to talk you through everything. I know things are moving fast but I want to get to the bottom of this for you tonight" he put a hand on yours to reassure you and smiled.
He stood up to leave the room. “Do you have any questions for me?”
“What if I do have it? What happens then?” You asked.
“So as I mentioned we’ll do what’s called an exploratory laparoscopy first which is just to see what’s going on. This doesn’t involve the removal of cells or anything, however if we confirm it is endo you have, then we’ll make a plan on the best way to move forward. That might involve surgery, it might not. It just depends on what I find” he smiled at you reassuringly.
“Okay, thanks. That’s all I think” you told him.
“No problem y/n, I’ll let the team know to get you prepped and I’ll see you in a bit” Harry told you as he stepped out the room.
Sophie was holding your hand for support. You were so nervous. You had never been put under before and you weren’t sure what to expect.
“What if something happens Soph, like what if there’s a complication or something?” You turned to her, immediately panicking about going under general anaesthesia.
“you’ll be fine y/n, they’ll look after you really well and I’ll be here when you wake up. The doctor said it wouldn’t take long. It’ll just be like taking a nap” she said trying to convince you that everything would be alright. Which it would be, you trusted Dr Styles, you were just overthinking everything.
Over the next hour, various nurses came in to help you get prepped for surgery. With every passing moment, your heart rate was increasing with anxiety and before you knew it, it was time for the surgery. You said goodbye to Sophie and she wished you luck.
You were wheeled through to the theatre where you just about shit yourself with all the medical staff and equipment.
“Hey y/n, how you doing?” You heard the familiar doctors voice from before behind you.
You looked round to see Dr Styles now with a scrub cap and gown on, but still looking attractive.
“I-I’m okay” was all you managed to get out due to nerves.
“I know it’s scary being in here with everything going on but we’ll take good care of you, I promise” he smiled to you and you believed him. Just being in his presence made you feel safe.
You nodded your head and he smiled “Dr Styles you’re needed over here” a nurse called on him.
He looked back at you “I’ll let the nurses look after you now, I’ll see you when you’re awake okay? Trust me, you’ll be absolutely fine”
He smiled reassuringly to you and dashed off to wherever he needed to go and you were left feeling anxious again. The nurses helped get you ready for surgery and before you knew it, you were being put to sleep.
*A few hours later*
“Hey sweetie, you’re all done. How are you feeling?” A nurse asked you as you were coming round from the anaesthesia.
In all honesty you felt like you had been hit by a bus. You felt exhausted, nauseous and you were in pain again, which you were sure was from the surgery.
“Let me get you some water” she said, noticing your pale complexion.
You looked over and seen your friend Sophie sitting by your bedside holding your hand, she smiled at you. “You okay?” She asked and you nodded in response.
The nurse who had introduced herself as Annie handed you some water and you took a sip of it, mainly to satisfy her. You just wanted to sleep.
“Everything went well, are you in any pain and I can give you some more painkillers?”
You nodded and she gave you more medication through your IV to help.
You sat up in bed, with the help of Annie and Sophie and you felt a little better.
“D-do I have it?” You asked the nurse sheepishly.
“I’ll let the surgeon know you’re awake and he can come talk to you” was all she said with a smile before leaving the room.
You turned to Sophie “What do you think that means? Have they told you anything?”
“No they haven’t said anything to me, she probably just wants you to hear it from the doctor himself”
A few minutes later, you heard a knock on the door and seen Dr Styles popping his head in.
“Hey, can I come in?” He asked and you nodded.
“How are you feeling?” He asked closing the door for privacy behind him. He grabbed a chair and sat beside your bed with some paperwork in his hands.
“I’m okay, a little sore and tired” you told him.
“Have you had anything to help with the pain and nausea?” He asked, sounding concerned as he picked up your chart and started flicking through it.
“Yeah they’ve given me medication” his face softened into a small smile.
“Good, it should kick in soon. It’s good that you’re awake now, see I told you you would be okay!” he joked and you laughed slightly.
“I’ll get straight to it as I know you’ll be eager to hear how things went. So overall it went very smoothly, as I mentioned it was exploratory keyhole surgery just for us to have a look and see what’s going on.
When I first went in, everything looked absolutely normal which I thought might be the case because your ultra sound was clear. However, when I went a little deeper it was apparent that the cells that cause endometriosis were present behind your bladder” he paused to let you take the information in.
“The good news is, the cells have only regionalised in that one area so it's only affected the one area. It does mean you officially have a diagnoses of endometriosis and it now allows us to deal with it. How do you feel about that?” he asked.
“I’m- I can’t believe it” you stuttered, not quite believing that after all these years, someone had finally listened to you.
“I understand it’s overwhelming when you’ve been dealing with this for a number of years, it’s good news in a way because it means now you have some answers” Harry said to you.
“Yeah it is, I’m so pleased. Thank you so much for listening to me”
“It’s no trouble at all, I’m just doing my job, I’m happy to help” he smiled before continuing on.
“So the next step is to map out a sort of treatment plan, there is no direct cure for endometriosis as you may already know but there are things we can do that can relieve the symptoms. What I would highly recommend in your case is to have surgery in which we go in and remove the deposits of endometriosis. This would mean a few days recovery in hospital with continuous follow up appointments with myself for a few months but I’m almost certain that this would be the best chance for relieving your symptoms. Everyone is different but the surgery should stop your periods from being so heavy, help with the cramping and the general feeling of being unwell during your period. You don’t have to answer now, I’ve got some leaflets here on the surgery which you can read over and have a think about if it’s something you want to go ahead with or not”
“I want to do it. I’ve read online about the surgery and I want to have it” you said, not even having to think about it.
“I thought you might say that” he laughed “I legally need to explain the procedure, risks/benefits etc to you but after that if you’re happy to go ahead with it then so am I, I really think it’s your best chance”
“Yeah I want to go ahead” you confirmed.
“Okay, let me run through everything with you and then we can get a bit of a plan put together” Harry then spent the next 15 minutes explaining the ins and out and the procedure and making sure you understood the risks associated with it.
Once he was finished, he gave you some leaflets “have a read over these as well, mainly so that my arse doesn’t get kicked by management for not giving you them” he winked to you as he laid them on your bed.
“I’ll be back in to check on you in the morning and if everything looks good, you’ll be able to go home. If you need anything at all, press this button and the nurses will be able to help you. You look like you need a nap so I’m gonna go and leave you in peace. I’ll see you later”
You laughed at his comment “Thank you so much for your help, it truly means so much to me” you thanked him once again.
He smiled and winked at you before leaving the room. You blushed and felt butterflies in your stomach. Sophie winked at you once he was gone "only you would come into hospital and make a doctor wink at you" she joked and you laughed.
You couldn’t believe you had been diagnosed with endometriosis after years of advocating for yourself. It took just one understanding doctor like Harry to listen to you and help you get the diagnosis you needed and it helped that was really wasn't bad looking either.
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bleedeverywhere · 15 days
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what’s this guys effing problem
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simptasia · 10 months
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jate is fate
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marley-manson · 1 year
i’ve been seeing a lot of mash noir au stuff on my dash recently and it’s making me think, so consider the following:
mash noir canon divergence
hawkeye gets dishonourably or undesirably discharged, can’t be a doctor, can’t really get any kind of legitimate background-check style job, but an old friend from boston or new york is a private investigator and hires him on as a partner. still won’t carry a gun. maybe solves a few mystery novel style cases but the work mostly consists of photographing cheating husbands and pulling hookups by pretending his job is cooler than it is. then one day BJ or Trapper (or Margaret or Charles or Klinger...) tracks him down and comes to him with a problem.
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Op-Op Fruit By Destination Nowhere
Check Out My Instagram, Link In Bio!
Or Check My Redbubble For My Designs
Including this one, on shirts, hoodies, stickers and more!
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aint-love-heavy · 10 months
In 2011, The New York Times published an article about liposuction. It seems that women who have liposuction on their hips and thighs do grow back some of their fat, but they grow it back in different places. Basically, your thighs may stay thinner, but your upper arms will soon be fatter than they were before. It was a cute article. A bit of fluff, really. But unlike the majority of plastic surgeons, I'd guess, I'd just been reading the latest research on the evolution of adipose tissue--specifically female adipose tissue.
As it turns out, women's fat isn't the same as men's. Each fat deposit on our body is a little bit different, but women's hip, buttock, and upper thigh fat, or "gluteofemoral" fat, is chock-full of unusual lipids: long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, or LC-PUFAs. (Think omega-3. Think fish oil.) Our livers are bad at making these kids of fats from scratch, so we need to get most of them from our diet. And bodies that can become pregnant need them so they can make baby brains and retinas.
Most of the time, female gluteofemoral fat resists being metabolized. As many women know, these areas are the first places we gain weight and the last places we lose it. But in the last trimester of pregnancy--when the fetus ramps up its brain development and its own fat stores--the mother's body starts retrieving and dumping these special lipids by the boatload into the baby's body. This specialized hoovering of the mother's gluteofemoral fat stores continues throughout the first year of breast-feeding--the most important time, as it happens, for infant brain and eye development. Some evolutionary biologists now believe that women evolved to have fatty hips precisely because they're specialized to provide the building blocks for human babies' big brains. Since we can't get enough of those LC-PUFAs from our daily diet, women start storing them from childhood forward. Other primates don't seem to have this pattern.
Meanwhile, we found out just a few years ago--again, someone finally asked the question--that a human girl's hip fat may be one of the best predictors for when she'll get her first period. Not her skeletal growth, not her height, not even her day-to-day diet, but how much gluteofemoral fat she has. That's how important this fat is for reproduction. Our ovaries won't even kick in until we've stored up enough of this fat to form a decent baseline. When we lose too much weight, our periods stop. We also learned--again, this is recent research--that while taking supplements can up a breast-feeding woman's LC-PUFAs, the vast majority of what the baby's getting is coming from her body's fat stores--particularly her big fat butt. Most women's bodies begin preparing for pregnancy in childhood, not because it's a woman's destiny to be a mother, but because human pregnancy sucks, and our bodies have evolved ways to help us survive it.
But every year, nearly 190,000 women undergo liposuction in the United States alone. As reported in various medical journals since 2013, there seems to be something about the violent disruption of women's tissue during liposuction that prevents fat from recovering at the surgery site. I suspect that the new fat that accumulates on women's underarms post-liposuction is not the same kind of fat that was sucked from their thighs and buttocks. So I have to ask: With a violently disrupted store of LC-PUFAs, which may or may not be able to do quite what it did before, what happens if that body becomes pregnant?
[...] Meanwhile, women keep undergoing liposuction, and no one has the foggiest clue if it matters which long-evolved depot of fat they destroy. As with huge swaths of modern medical science, female patients and their doctors are basically crossing their fingers.
Cat Bohannon, Eve: How the Female Body Drove 200 Million Years of Human Evolution
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
mhm, definitely ...
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c'mere, you
my my- this is EXACTLY the revenge i was looking for!
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@bluepallilworld get that spine of yours checked out!! the doctor's here >;)c
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mercymermaid · 1 year
woah some more centaur redraws???
i literally only finished the second one (field scene) bc i’m procrastinating on my sad excuse of an ‘animatic’ (it’s a pmv i think)
new versions:
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old versions
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nonthreatening · 1 year
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theesorcista · 1 year
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Quick drawing of another oc. This one is more elevator related, his name is Dean. He was a surgeon but after accident he can't work as one anymore because of his injuries. Normally he tries not to scare anyone with his scars so he has that emo-like bangs to hide part of it but I thought that I'll give him nice hair clip this time cuz this old man deserves one <3
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casboobs · 2 years
dean did not have cosmetic surgery oh no he got cosmic surgery
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beckkeep · 1 year
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Dr. Raymond K. Arsenic Royal Doctor of Mysteel A perfectionist with an immaculate surgical record, Arsenic's serious nature keeps him strictly professional at all times. While he despises Flint for personal reasons, he actually gets along well with Riley.
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mutantenfisch · 2 years
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Asier Montoya, July 1930
I recently got Rebelle on sale and can finally learn to properly emulate traditional art digitally with it. Perfect for finally turning one of my story dreams into reality. :3
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